Prac Unit Overview
Prac Unit Overview
Prac Unit Overview
Unit Description:
This unit will focus on the sport of Oz-Tag through a game sense approach within a movement setting. Throughout this unit students will practise and learn
to perform movement skills with both accuracy and consistency in a range of movement settings focusing on the game of Oz-Tag. This will be supported
through opportunities for students to build understanding of the game and its characteristics of play such as; decision making, skills, and strategies and
tactics, through both individual and team situations.
Learn About’s/Learn To’s Teaching & Learning strategies Resources/Equip needed (overview)
Students learn about: Lesson 1:
• types of movement skills Students will establish the concept of what Principles of play are and what - Oz-Tag footballs
– fundamental
the principles of play specifically for Oz tag are. They will gain an
– specialized
understanding of the rules and important elements of the game. Students - Whistle
– locomotor and non-locomotor will learn the basic skills needed for the game of Oz-Tag through
– manipulative
participation in a range of skill movement activities. - Notepad & pens
Lesson 5:
Students will understand the aspects of competition and allow them to
adapt prior unit learning in through a competitive round robin World Cup
tournament. They will understand to work as a team, understand the
importance of officials and their roles, and sportsmanship.
Year 7 – Oz-Tag
Teacher’ s name: Ms. Wheatley Stage /Year/Class: Stage 4, Yr. 7 PE 6
Warm up – Tagging Students will learn about agility, dodging, tagging & 2 different coloured
Students will be given 2 tags each. The aim of the game is to try and collect as many awareness. Oz-Tags
tags as possible before times up in the allocated area.
• Conclusion
What skills did you use throughout each game?
The skills performed in todays lesson, could they be transferred into other sports?
What sports might they be?
Year 7 – Oz-Tag
Teacher’ s name: Ms. Wheatley Stage /Year/Class: Stage 4, Yr. 7 PE 6
KTP: Cones
• Body Decision-making is key element in this
Rob the nest game.
- 4 teams positioned at each corner of a square grid Focus on agility, awareness, light on your 8 x Footballs
- Aim is to steal as many balls from the centre circle as possible feet, reaction time.
- 1 team member is allowed to go out at a time Look for space; be aware of people around
you. Use running skills such as dodge, twist
and swivel used in Oz-Tag.
Learning and Teaching Strategies Key Teaching Points Equipment/ Resources
• Conclusion
What skills did you use throughout each game?
The skills performed in todays lesson, could they be transferred into other sports?
What sports might they be?
Year 7 – Oz-Tag
Teacher’ s name: Ms. Wheatley Stage /Year/Class: Stage 4, Yr. 7 PE 6
Strand/s: Lesson number: 3 of 5 – Oz-Tag
2 Movement Skill & Performance
Knowledge/Understanding Outcomes: Skills/Values:
4.4 A student demonstrates and refines movement skills in a range of contexts and 4.11 Communicating
environments. 4.12 Decision Making 4.14 Moving
Students will Learn About Students will Learn to
• types of movement skills • practise and refine fundamental and specialized movement skills in predictable
– fundamental
and dynamic learning environments
– locomotor and non-locomotor
• participate in a variety of movement activities to demonstrate and enhance body
• aspects of movement skill development control, body awareness, object manipulation, anticipation and timing
– body control and awareness
– anticipation and timing
• Introduction
Reiterate importance of decision-making in game situations. Discuss importance of Check for correct uniform, absences and injuries. Whistle
working as a team through communication and team strategies.
X x x x x x x x x BR x x x
Warm up: Stuck in the Mud (modified) ____________________ Oz-Tags
One student is the ball runner (BR).
All student line up at one end of the court including the ball runner, whilst the 2
taggers begin in the middle. Students run to the other side, if tagged the ball runner Tagger, Tagger
must ‘play the ball’ to their peer to release them. Braids
If ball runner is tagged they must pass the ball to another player as they are now
stuck. ____________________
Dodge the taggers, use the correct play the ball, Cones
attack the gaps.
• Body
Get students to select one colour tag (green tags or
Activity: Hoop Ball
pink tags) to help distinguish teams for later. 6 x Footballs
- 25m by 30m field with scattered hoops on the field
-2 teams (spread out on the field)
- Each team will receive a ball, however teams can have possession of 2 balls if the
opposition loses it
4 x Hoops
- Carry the ball or pass to a player inside a hoop = 1 point
Learning and Teaching Strategies Key Teaching Points Equipment/ Resources
Hoop Ball activity continued… Agility, awareness, light on your feet, reaction time.
- To stop the other team scoring they must tag the person with the ball. If this is done Look for space; be aware of people around you.
the ball is given to the other side Use running skills such as dodge, twist and swivel
- Highest score wins used in Oz-Tag.
• Conclusion
Where did you need to apply decision-making and communication throughout the
What happened when you did and didn’t apply them?
Did team strategies throughout assist in your teams success?
Year 7 – Oz-Tag
Teacher’ s name: Ms. Wheatley Stage /Year/Class: Stage 4, Yr. 7 PE 6
• Introduction .
Allow students to grab tags while you are setting up the field. Remind them to grab
matching coloured tags.
Warm up: Colour v Colour Students are to be a metre distance away from their
- Teams line up back-to-back 1m apart pair.
- E.g. when orange is called, all students with green tags must chase their partner KTP: Oz-Tags
with an orange tag to attempt to get them before they reach the line (15-20m away). Agility, awareness, light on your feet, reaction time.
Anyone who makes it to the end without being tagged gets a point for their team.
Repeat a 5-7 times. Braids
2 x Oz-Tag Footballs
• Body
Activity: Tag Gauntlet
Draw and pass & reaction time. Notepad & pen
Students participate in a continual tag gauntlet game. Reiterate skills and rules learnt
in this activity in a previous lesson.
When progression is added, students are given 5-
- Mark out area as diagram suggests
10min to come up with strategies and tactics for
- 2 teams (attackers v defenders), teams will take turns performing both roles attacking and defending before starting each game.
Learning and Teaching Strategies Key Teaching Points Equipment/ Resources
• Conclusion
Organise World Cup Round Robin tournament teams
Ask students what skills they have learnt, the strategies and tactics they implemented
for next lesson and explain how it will work so time is
as a team and individual, and what principles of play they used to maintain and gain
not wasted next lesson.
possession throughout previous lessons and todays lesson.
Write down each teams country and who is in that
Tell students to remember those for our round robin World Cup tournament next
team so you have a record for next lesson.
Year 7 – Oz-Tag
Teacher’ s name: Ms. Wheatley Stage /Year/Class: Stage 4, Yr. 7 PE 6
• Introduction
Reflect on past lessons.
Warm up: Dynamic and Static stretching Students recognise importance of warming up
- Students are shown different types of dynamic and static stretching techniques before physical activity
performed before competition or physical activity 2 different coloured Oz-
- Dynamic – jog around court, high knees, butt kicks, side-to-side, lunges etc. Tags
- Stretches – quads, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, calves etc. Students who are not in uniform or are injured can
assist in duties such as scorekeeper, assistant
referee, etc. Braids
• Body
World Cup Tournament: Round Robin KTP:
- 3-4 teams (depending on numbers) Agility, awareness, light on your feet, reaction time. Cones
- 1-2 games at a time Look for gaps to run in between. Use running skills
- Each team will play one another, which will then lead into the finals such as dodge, twist and swivel.
Draw and pass, speed up forward before passing, 2 x Footballs
Rewards will be given to best and fairest players (sportsmanship), player of the pass backwards and hands out ready to catch.
tournament, play of the tournament and winning team. Communicate with team players.
Notepad & pen
Learning and Teaching Strategies Key Teaching Points Equipment/ Resources
• Conclusion
What skills did you use throughout each game?
What team strategies and tactics did you implement?
Did you use the same strategy and tactics for each team or did you need to modify