Division-Level Committee Annual Work Plan Template
Division-Level Committee Annual Work Plan Template
Division-Level Committee Annual Work Plan Template
Visit http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/committees to find your charge.
Committee Name:
Committee leadership
Visit http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/committees to find your committee roster. Click
the Next Year link to next year’s roster information.
Current Chair:
Incoming Chair:
Incoming Vice-chair:
Staff Liaison:
Submission information
Year-end Committee Report
This report will be included in the Committee’s official record of activities maintained by the ACRL staff.
What were the major projects/activities accomplished by your committee in the 2011-2012 membership
A brief bulleted list is suggested here; reference 2011-2012 work plan projects
What do you wish someone had told you before starting work on this committee?
2012-2013 Committee Work Plan
Note: Each activity/project should be reported using the grid below. Copy and paste the grid as many times as needed to detail each
activity/project. Plans should be Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely or SMART). Deadlines and an overview
of the work plan process are posted at http://connect.ala.org/node/175502.
Activity/Project Name and brief description: A brief, straightforward, descriptive name is preferred.
Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your
project to the Plan.
continuous project assigned in charge
short-term project that will be completed this membership year
multi-year project continuing past this membership year (expected completion date: __________) Note: Multi-year
strategic goal area projects are tracked in a multi-year planning grid. Expect your staff liaison to follow-up with questions to add this
project to ACRL’s multi-year planning grid which is reviewed by the Board at its fall Strategic Planning Session and referenced for
budget preparation.
Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. (add rows as needed)
Assessment: How will success be measured? (e.g., what indicators will be used, what tools will be used to collect data,
and what targets will indicate success)?
Assess the impact of the entire project rather than the specific actions listed above. A sentence or brief paragraph is
*If resources are required beyond the $150 division-level committee basic services funding, please work with your Board Liaison and
Staff Liaison to prepare a Board Action Form requesting additional funds.