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TASK 3 - BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan

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TASK 3 - BSBMGT 517 manage and operational plan


BBQfun monitor and review operational performance

1. Prepare a plan for monitoring performance from the start of implementation to the end of
the financial year. You may use the action plan template (provided in Appendix 2) or create
your own plan. Ensure you include plans for monitoring and/or documenting:

a. budgetary and financial performance

Riz Mehra, Chief Financial Officer is responsible for preparing quarterly financial
statements and overall budgeting. Riz is also responsible for overseeing budgets for cost
centres and individual projects.

b. productivity performance
Sam Lee, Marketing Manager is responsible for the management of all aspects activities of
Kim Chen, Operations General Manage is responsible for the day-to-day running of the
company and responsible for sponsoring projects that affect operations of the organisation
as a whole.

c. employee performance in line with performance management policy

BBQfun have been hired as an external consultant to manage operational planning
activities for BBQfun’s e-commerce strategy.
Les Goodale, Human Resources (HR) Manager will need to coach an underperforming
employee in accordance with the BBQfun performance management policy

d. milestone achievement and performance against targets

The Sales and Marketing Manager has been tracking progress against the following by key
performance indicators (KPIs).

e. dates for monitoring activities in line with scenario

It is now 1 January 2017. e-Commerce operations are expected to be underway by 1
October 2017.

f. resources for monitoring

All resourcing should have been acquired and operations undertaken in accordance with
relevant external standards, such as legislation and codes of practice, and internal
standards, such as organizational policies and procedures and performance targets.

g. progress reporting at the end of each quarter to the Operations General Manager
Financial reporting is completed by the CFO at the end of each quarter of the financial year.
Employee performance is gathered by store managers, sales and marketing managers
(online staff) and compiled by the HR Manager at the end of each quarter.
h. regular performance management of online staff and lodgement of records with the HR
Performance management is a process by which HR managers and employees work together to
plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the
organization. More than just an annual performance review, performance management is the
continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and
feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals.

Appendix 2: Action Plan Template

Milestone: Action and/or Date Person responsible Budget or resources

1. Identify plant and 15/09/2017 Sam Lee Delivery trucks:
equipment Marketing Manager $50,000×6=$300,000
Promotional costs 20/09/2017 Sam Lee $300,000
Marketing Manager
Website developers 22/09/2017 Sam Lee $100,000
Marketing Manager
Training staff 1/10/2017 Les Goodale $24,000
Human Resources
Recruitment 7/10/2017 Les Goodale $30,000
Human Resources
Management change 10/10/2017 Kim Chen $27,000
leadership training Operations General
Warehouse and office 15/10/2017 Kim Chen $50,000
reconfiguration Operations General
4 online staff as additional 15/10/2017 Les Goodale $480,000
staff Human Resources
4 warehouse staff as 15/10/2017 Les Goodale $480,000
additional staff Human Resources
6 delivery drivers as 15/10/2017 Les Goodale $720,000
additional staff Human Resources
2. Evaluate tenders and 16/10/2017 Sam Lee $100,000
measure supplier Marketing Manager
performance through
maintenance, features,
future-proofing and quality.
3.Placing order and 17/10/2017 Sam Lee
following up Marketing Manager
2. Identify areas of employee underperformance, determine possible remedial actions and
prepare to performance manage underperforming employees. Refer to, follow, or adapt,
existing contingency plan for underperforming employees (developed in Assessment Task 1).

Contingency plan template

Contingency Plan

Company name: BBQfun

Name of person developing the plan: Violeta
Who was consulted as part of this plan?
Name: Pat Mifsud Position: CEO

Risk identified: High risk of employee underperformance

Strategies/activities to minimise the risk By when By whom

 A good leader always follows up with employees. 1/10/2017 Les Goodale
Give that person as much feedback as possible.

 Setting goals for employees to work towards 1/10/2017 Kim Chen

 Providing opportunities for further training or 1/10/2017 Les Goodale


 Set more training and work shop cover all 2/10/2017 Les Goodale
required skills in order to improve their skills and
 Encouraged and incentivize staff to follow 2/10/2017 Les Goodale
performance in all areas relevant to operational
and strategic goal.

1. Follow your contingency plan and the BBQfun performance management policy to coach and
performance manage an underperforming employee. Arrange with your assessor to role-play
the coaching session. You may wish to use the performance management plan template and
coaching plan template (provided in Appendices 3 and 4 of this task) to prepare for the
coaching session. Make sure you begin a coaching session with an explanation of your role as
a coach in supporting the employee to meet BBQfun’s organisational goals.
Appendix 3: Performance management plan template

Name/position: Manager: Review period:

Kim Chen Lee Goodale 1 January 2017
Operational General Human Resource Manager
Reference from Key result area Indicator of By when Status
operational plan success/performance report
10 % of Quality of Target = 1% error 31/10/2017 complete
information or online sales and
order mistakes service
Average time to Speed of service Target < 10 minutes 31/10/2017 complete
completion = 20 (online)
Budget: 10% Financial Target = $30,000 sales 31/10/2017 Outstanding
Online sales and
Training hours 0 Professional Participate in 2 hours 31/10/2017 complete
Hours (No development of sales training per
Training at all) month
100% of stuff are able
to succeed
Engaging with Staff team Driver attendance or 31/10/2017 complete
customers leader is routine training and
through exceptional team briefings is at
marketing, motivator 100%
research and Staff
personalized morale is high
Manager’s comments: Signature: Kim Chen
Action needs to be taken Date: 31/10/2017

Staff member’s comments: Signature: VHOY

Immediate action need to be taken. Date: 31/10/2017
Appendix 4: Coaching plan template

Employee: VHOY

Coach/Manager: Kim Chen

Date of session: 1 -7 January 2017


Goal What is the aim of this discussion?

What would you like to happen?

What result are you trying to achieve?

Reality What is happening now? Can you please be as precise as possible?

Have you already taken any steps towards your goal?

How would you describe what you did?

Options Who else might be able to help?

What could you do to change the situation?

Please tell me what possibilities for action you see.

Will What resources can help you?

Is there anything missing?

Is there anything else you wish to talking about these ?

3. Analyse operational performance as described in scenario, and produce an operational plan

status report based on the information provided in Appendix 1. You may wish to use the
Operational Status Report template (provided in Appendix 5). You will also need to include in
your report:

a. a description of budgetary and financial performance

 A budget is the financial description of an action plan outlining how you will use your
money, based on knowledge and assumptions against which you will measure your
actual performance. It is important to be honest about what you can manage in
income and expenditure, so that you develop a realistic budget that helps you
weather the unexpected throughout the year.
 Riz Mehra, Chief Financial Officer is responsible for preparing quarterly financial
statements and overall budgeting. Riz is also responsible for overseeing budgets for
cost centres and individual projects.
b. a description of productivity performance

 To economists, productivity is the efficiency with which firms, organizations, industry,

and the economy as a whole, convert inputs (labor, capital, and raw materials) into
output. Productivity grows when output grows faster than inputs, which makes the
existing inputs more productively efficient. Productivity does not reflect how much
we value the outputs — it only measures how efficiently we use our resources to
produce them.
 Sam Lee, Marketing Manager is responsible for the management of all aspects
activities of marketing.
 Kim Chen, Operations General Manage is responsible for the day-to-day running of
the company and responsible for sponsoring projects that affect operations of the
organisation as a whole.

c. an analysis of milestone achievement and performance against targets

 The Sales and Marketing Manager has been tracking progress against the following by
key performance indicators (KPIs).

d. three recommendations for operational improvement.

 Training staff to understand CRM systems, ordering processes and product line.
 Driver team leader is to motivator.
 Promote a culture of open communication.
Appendix 5: Operational Plan Status Report template

BBQfun operation plan status report Date: 1 Jan 2017

Plan goal Implement e-commerce strategy Department Operations

Plan  Redevelop website and Person responsible Project Officer

objective/s acquire physical resources
 Recruit and train staff
 Achieve profit targets
 Adhere to budget
 Adhere to timelines

Key performance indicators Current status Comments

(Red, Green,
Amber )
1. Quality of online sales and Red  Staff not familiar with product
service line, even after training.
a. % of information or order  Staff does not understand CRM
mistakes = 10% systems and ordering processes.
(Target: 1%)  Staff does not understand product
line. Unable to locate information.
 Poor communication lines.
 No job aids or support from
 No ongoing performance
management as per company
 Low staff morale: complaints of
back pain and distractions in
2. Speed of service (online) Red  Many customers abort interaction
a. Average time to due to length of time for order
completion: 20 minutes completion.
(Target:<10 minutes)  Some extra time taken because of
lack of skills and knowledge.
 Sometime taken because of poor
website maintenance and
occasional downtime.
3. Speed of delivery Green  Driver team leader is exceptional
a. Average time to delivery: motivator.
2days  Driver morale is high.
(Target: 3 days)  Driver attendance of routine
training and team briefings 100%.
4. Online sales and revenue = Amber  Some lack of sales may be due to
$250,000 (Target: 300,000) poor customer service.
a. Profit = $40,000
($ Target: 80,000)
 Sales may pick up as awareness of
online option through marketing
actions increases.
5. Budget: 10% overrun Amber  Cost overrun due to:
o Wastage from order mistakes
and over-stocking due to
misuse of system.
o Overtime due to overly long
customer interactions.
6. Timeline: 1 October Green  Implementation on track
implementation o E-commerce underway.

Key action update

Key action Accomplishments Comments

1. Redevelop website and  Redevelopment complete Well done team!
acquire physical resources on time and on budget.
 Delivery trucks and
forklifts acquired and
operational on time.
2. Recruit and train staff  Recruitment complete on Well done team!
 Training complete on

Risk update

Risk Contingency Comments

1. The training program has BBQfun should provide staff Action needs to be taken
not been adequate to training for existing staff or hire immediately.
cover required skills and new staff that cover required
knowledge. Training has skills and knowledge.
been too short and
insufficient to be effective.
2. Staffs are unable to BBQfun may transfer staff to Action needs to be taken
perform roles due to lack of the different department if the immediately.
support in job roles and staff is underperformance in
ongoing training, coaching. the specific job.

3. Website downtime Provide alternative ways for Action needs to be taken

contributes to increased service and sales such as immediately.
service and sales contact email, phone call or fax.
4. Sales continue to perform Set up marketing campaigns in Action needs to be taken
under target. order to increase sales immediately.
Sales may need to be more
closely monitored

General comments

Customer needs and changing market conditions/competition may need to be reassessed and

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