Geophysical Analysis To Investigate Ungaran'S Schematic Geothermal System
Geophysical Analysis To Investigate Ungaran'S Schematic Geothermal System
Geophysical Analysis To Investigate Ungaran'S Schematic Geothermal System
Cendrawasih Hall - Jakarta Convention Center Indonesia, September 5th - 8th, 2018
Geophysics is used to determine the image below The occurrence of geothermal energy source in
the surface of the earth by using a physical Indonesia and its characteristics described by
approach. This research uses two geophysical Budihardi (1998) as follows. There are three plates
methods namely gravity method that utilizes the interact to each other in Indonesia, the Pacific
specific gravity as its parameter and geomagnetic Plate, the Indian-Australian Plate and the Eurasian
method that utilizes suseptibility as its parameter. Plate. The collision between these three tectonic
The target of this research is to determine the plates has provided a very important role in the
zonation of the heat source, the structure that formation of geothermal energy sources in
controls the out flow of manifestation, and the Indonesia.
schematic model of geothermal system of Mount
Ungaran. This research takes place in the area of Geophysical studies are used to get the subsurface
Mount Ungaran, Gedongsongo area, Ungaran, imaging of the earth by using a physical approach.
Central Java. The research of prospecting Geophysical methods used in this research are
Ungaran’s potential has been done in July 26th – gravity method, geomagnetic method. The gravity
August 1st 2017. Geophysical instruments used in method is a geophysical method which utilizes the
this research are gravitymeter Lacoste & Romberg density as its parameter, geomagnetic method is a
G118 and GPS Geodetic Trimble for gravity geophysical method which utilizes susceptibility as
method, and Proton Precision Magnetometer its parameter. From the magnetic method can
(PPM) G-856 for geomagnetic methods. describes the area affected by the heat source
Acquisition for Gravity method using looping underneath the surface and also gravity and
method, and for geomagnetic method using base magnetic method can provide a better imaging of
rover method. Magnetic research area is around 3,5 the structures in the area of Mount Ungaran.
km x 4 km and Gravity research area is around 2
km x 3,8 km. This research aims to determine the condition of
heat source and structures within the area using
From the research conducted, the indication of the geophysical data to strengthen the schematic model
existence heat source is in the northern of the of geothermal system of Mount Ungaran.
research area based on high anomalous values
(24.3 mGal - 24.7 mGal) on gravity method, and
low anomalous values (-552.6 nT - 189.4 nT) on
2. GEOLOGY in the area around Ungaran, the rest orientation has
directed north-south direction.
Magmatism in Java and Sumatra are the result of
the Kenozoic subduction to the north of the Indo -
Australia Plate and to the west of the Pacific Plate
under the Eurasian Plate moving about 6 cm / year.
The magmatic arc system is divided into two
segments, the Sunda Arc and the Banda Arc
(Hamilton, 1979).
Figure 4: Schematic Model of Ungaran’s
Geothermal System (Phuong et al, 2005)
Gravity Method
The Gravity Method is an exploratory method that
measures the gravitational field in point groups at
different locations within a given area. The purpose
of this exploration is to associate variations of mass
distribution differences as well as rock types. The
main purpose of detailed study of gravity data is to
provide a better understanding of the geologic
Figure 3: Local Geology Map of Ungaran undercoat. This method is classified as passive, in
(Miharna et al., 2017) the sense that there is no need to put energy into the
soil to get data as a general measurement.
Ungaran’s Geothermal Prospect
The geothermal prospect area of Ungaran is a Newton's Gravity Law
system dominated by hot springs associated with Newton's law of gravity states that the force
quarter volcanic activity (Budiardjo et al. 1997). (in Newton) between two mass points 𝑚1 and 𝑚2
Gedongsongo is the main area of geothermal equal to 𝐺𝑚1 𝑚2 /𝑟 2 where r represents the distance
manifestations. Gedongsongo area has a lithology between the mass and 𝐺 = 6.673 ×
of quaternary volcanic andesite rocks of Mountain 10−11 𝑚3 𝑘𝑔−1 𝑠 −2 . The Force that exist applied
Ungaran. The geothermal reservoir in this area is along the distance that connecting the two masses.
covered by caprock in the form of quarter volcanic The masa 𝑚2 is in the force field (gravitational
impermeable rocks formed on post-caldera. The field) cause by 𝑚1 . Because ‘Force = mass ×
reservoir in this area has a composition of high- acceleration’, the acceleration of 𝑚2 is 𝐺𝑚1 /𝑟 2 . It
temperature sodium chloride water, which is stored can be said that this is evidence that the
in the pre-caldera quarter volcanic rock fracture. acceleration of any mass point due to the influence
The rocks that has the role of being the heat source of 𝑚1 will be 𝐺𝑚1 /𝑟 2 on 𝑚1 (D.S. Parasnis
of Ungaran are in the form of andesite and dioritic 1997)[9].
intrusive rock body. This intrusive rock heats up
the reservoir system above it, to a temperature ± 𝑚1 𝑚2
𝐹=𝐺 𝑟̂ (1)
220 ° C, based on the calculations using 𝑟2
geothermometer measurements of the
Gedongsongo fumarole manifestations. The Newton's law of motion states that force is the
shallow depth of the reservoir at the Ungaran’s magnitude of the multiplication of mass and its
geothermal prospect area is approximately ± 2000 acceleration.
m (Phuong et al. 2005). Ungaran’s geothermal
prospect manifestations in the surface are fumarole, 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑔 (2)
hot springs, and hydrothermal alteration (Phuong et
al, 2005). The temperature of these manifestations Equations (1) and (2) are combined to be obtained
ranges from ± 36-38 ° C for the hot springs, while as follows:
for fumaroles the temperatures ranges ± 80 ° C. 𝑀
Fumarole manifestation can only be found in 𝑔=𝐺 2 (3)
Gedongsongo area, while the hot springs, can be Information:
found in several places, which are Banaran, F = force (N)
Kendalisono, Diwak and Kaliulo. G = universal gravitational constant = 6.67 x
10-11 Nm2 / kg2
M = mass of object M (kg) Where M is the magnetic moment per volume unit
m = mass of m (kg) (A.m2/m3), k is susceptibility and H is magnetic
R = distance between centers of mass of field strength (A/m). A number of magnetic objects
objects (m) can be views as a collection of magnetic objects. If
g = acceleration (m / s2) the magnetic object is placed in the outer fields, the
object becomes magnetized due to induction. Thus,
A mass point placed on a plane will be in the the intensity of magnetism can be defined as the
gravitational field of the plane and will accelerate if level of ability to rectify the magnetic moments in
the mass is free to move. The total force on the the external magnetic field, can also be expresses
mass to the plane where the mass is in any desired as follows:
direction can be calculated by applying Newton's
law. We can define the gravitational potential of ⃗⃗⃗
𝑀 𝑚𝑙𝑟⃗
𝐼⃗ = = (8)
the point of mass m with distance r to that point as 𝑉 𝑉
Geomagnetic Method
Figure 8: Residual Map
Based on 3D modelling of the gravity method
(Figure 13), the geometric shapes of the rock body
which indicated to be the heat induced rock from
the heat source underneath. Based on the inversion
result, the geometry is obtained with a density of
2.6 g/cc to 2.8 g/cc. From the obtained values and
the existing geological data, the rocks are indicated
as andesite rocks. Moreover, because the andesite
itself is a volcanic material from the main channel
of andesitic magma of Ungaran volcano. Hot
rock’s peak induced from the underneath heat
sources are located at a depth of 600 meters below
the surface.
Figure 15: Upward Continuation Map Slice of on geophysical data field measurement and
Gravity Method. processing which has been collected in this study.
From the west-east map slice (Figure 15) can be
seen the existence areas of heat-induced rocks, as REFERENCES
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geothermal system consists of a heat source of
andesite intrusion from the main channel of the
andesitic magma in Mount Ungaran. While the
reservoir is indicated in the form of pyroclastic
materials and clastic sediments results from
volcanic activity of Mountain Ungaran. The cap
rock is indicated to have come from hydrothermal
alteration. From the results obtained, the schematic
model of geothermal system expressed by Phuong
becomes a schematic model that accurately
describes the Ungaran’s geothermal system based