Main2018 11 27465542
Main2018 11 27465542
Main2018 11 27465542
Kiwis spin
out of
Qatar seen playing a key role
on Yasir’s
in China’s Belt and Road plan 10-wicket day
Q since
AT 19
he R
A 78
TUESDAY Vol. XXXIX No. 11015
November 27, 2018
Rabia I 19, 1440 AH
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan co-chairing the Qatar-Turkey Supreme Strategic Erdogan in Istanbul yesterday. The two leaders reviewed areas of co-operation, mainly in politics, trade,
Committee meeting in Istanbul yesterday. economy, investment and culture. Page 2
urther strengthening bilateral signing the joint statement issued by Turkish people, expressed his deep Turkey stood with the truth and now for co-operation and brotherly relationships between the two countries are opened,
ties, Qatar and Turkey yester- the fourth meeting of Qatar-Turkey thanks for Qatar’s solidarity and its Qatar has proved to the world that it in a way that achieves the goals of our two peoples and serves causes of the region
day signed an agreement and a Supreme Strategic Committee. strong stand in support of Turkey. was right and that the accusations regarding security and stability.
number of memorandums of under- Earlier, His Highness the Amir The Turkish president said the bi- against it were false.
standing in the presence of His High- and Turkish president co-chaired lateral meeting with His Highness the His Highness the Amir added that
ness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Ha- the fourth meeting of Qatar-Turkey Amir was very fruitful, noting it dis- the support for Turkey is the support The meeting was attended by mem- seen off at Istanbul’s Ataturk Inter-
mad al-Thani and Turkish President Supreme Strategic Committee. At cussed the level of relations between of all Qatar and the people of Qatar. bers of the official delegation accom- national Airport by Turkish Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Vahdettin Pa- the outset of the meeting, President the two countries and means of bol- “We are advocates of peace and we do panying the Amir, and a number of of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu,
vilion in Istanbul. Erdogan welcomed His Highness the stering the strategic co-operation and not want problems, but be assured, Mr ministers and senior officials from the Qatar’s ambassador to Turkey Salem
This followed the fourth meeting of Amir and the accompanying delega- expanding its horizons, stressing the President, that if Turkey needs any- Turkish side. Mubarak Shafi al-Shafi, Turkey’s am-
Qatar-Turkey Supreme Strategic Com- tion, and expressed pleasure for the convergence of views on issues related thing in the future we will always stand During the bilateral meeting which bassador to Qatar Fikret Ozer and the
mittee. An MoU was signed between visit which comes in the framework to regional developments. with our friends and brothers.” was held prior to the fourth meeting Qatar embassy staff.
Qatar Civil Aviation Authority and of the Supreme Strategic Commit- His Highness the Amir expressed His Highness the Amir underlined of Qatar-Turkey Supreme Strategic His Highness the Amir sent a cable
Turkey’s Directorate General of Civil tee. thanks and gratitude to the Turkish that Turkey will do the same thing and Committee, the Amir and the Turkish to Erdogan to express deep thanks and
Aviation. Another was for the Cultural The Turkish president praised the president for the warm hospitality, ex- will always support Qatar. president reviewed areas of joint co- appreciation for the warm welcome
Year 2019-2020 with regard to co-op- level of relations and co-operation be- pressing pleasure to visit Turkey for the His Highness the Amir noted that he operation, mainly in the fields of poli- and hospitality accorded to him during
eration in the field of culture between tween the two countries which coin- fourth meeting of Qatar-Turkey Su- discussed with the Turkish president tics, trade, economy, investment and the visit.
the two countries. cides with the commemoration of the preme Strategic Committee, which he during the meeting a number of issues, culture. His Highness the Amir expressed his
Two co-operation protocols were 45th anniversary of the establishment described as a strong model of fraternal including the development of the eco- The two sides also discussed the lat- deep satisfaction with the positive and
also signed. The first is on co-opera- of diplomatic relations. He underlined relations. nomic and trade relations and other est developments in the region, and constructive outcome of the meeting,
tion and training in the field of elec- that Turkey and Qatar have supported Responding to the Turkish presi- fields. exchanged views on issues of mutual which will contribute to strengthening
tronic warfare, and the second on the one another in hard times, and proved dent’s thanks for Qatar for its support, Talks covered the strategic co-oper- concern. His Highness the Amir also and developing the strong relations be-
exchange of members of the armed to be true friends on many occasions, His Highness the Amir said that it was ation relations between the two coun- attended the dinner banquet hosted by tween the two brotherly countries and
forces. especially in hard days, referring to the duty of Qatar by virtue of brother- tries in various fields. The two sides the Turkish president at Vahdettin Pa- his best wishes of the best of health and
A trade and economic partnership Turkey’s efforts to lift the unjust siege hood, affirming that Qatar will never also exchanged views and consulted on vilion. wellness for the president and further
agreement too was signed aimed at lib- on Qatar, and Qatar’s great support to forget the support of the Turkish presi- the most important issues on the re- His Highness the Amir Sheikh progress and prosperity for the Turkish
eralising trade in goods and services, Turkey during the failed coup in June dent personally to Qatar in the crisis gional and international arenas. Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani was later people.
Qatar condemns
explosion in Somalia
Qatar has expressed its strong
condemnation and denunciation of NTC launches Qatar’s first Police search villa outside
the explosion in a religious centre in
Istanbul in Khashoggi case
the city of Galkayo in Somalia, killing
a cleric and nine of his followers. The
Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated
Qatar’s firm stance rejecting
violence and terrorism regardless of
global destination campaign z One of the ‘killers’ had spoken to owner
their motives and causes. Page 10 By Joey Aguilar of the villa a day before the murder: Turkey
Staff Reporter
about the destruction or disappear-
Nasa’s InSight lander Reuters
ance of the body parts, the prosecu-
Yalova, Turkey
touches down on Mars
he National Tourism Council tor’s office said.
Nasa’s $993mn Mars InSight lander (NTC) launched yesterday Qa- Police used sniffer dogs to search
has successfully touched down on tar’s first globally-co-ordinated urkish police searched a re- the garden of the villa and the nearby
the Red Planet to listen for quakes promotion campaign aimed at posi- mote villa in a coastal area wooded area, according to Reuters
and study how rocky planets tioning the country as an attractive southeast of Istanbul yester- cameramen at the scene. Officials told
formed, the US space agency said destination, targeting 225mn interna- day as part of the investigation into Reuters last month that Khashoggi’s
yesterday. “Touchdown confirmed,” tional travellers across 15 markets. the killing last month of Saudi jour- killers may have dumped his remains at
a mission control operator said. HE the Prime Minister and Interior nalist Jamal Khashoggi, officials said. a rural location near Yalova, which is a
Minister and NTC’s chairman of the Authorities believe that one of the 90-km drive southeast of Istanbul.
board Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister and NTC’s chairman of the board Saudi agents allegedly involved in They had halted the search yester-
US warns Russia on Khalifa al-Thani led the inauguration Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani officially launches Qatar’s first global the murder at the kingdom’s Istanbul day evening.
actions in Ukraine of the tourism initiative at a special destination campaign under the tagline ‘Qatar. Qurated for you.’ consulate, Mansour Othman Aba- Authorities have previously carried
The United States yesterday warned ceremony, in the presence of diplo- hussain, called the villa’s owner a day out inspections at the kingdom’s consu-
Russia that “outlaw actions” like mats, dignitaries and guests. screens, in airports around the world, and mind’ destination through captivating before the killing, the Istanbul chief late and the consul general’s residence in
the seizure of Ukrainian ships in The campaign, ‘Qatar. Qurated for you’, eventually here in Qatar where the world visuals, offering glimpses of its authen- prosecutor’s office said. Istanbul as part of an investigation into
the Sea of Azov are preventing focuses on providing unique and bespoke is welcomed to experience our authentic tic tourism offerings. The owner of the property is a the killing of the journalist, a Washington
normal relations from developing experiences for various types of visitors, heritage and forward-looking vision,” NTC “This process is representative of our Saudi national, Mohamed Ahmed Post columnist and a prominent critic of
between Washington and Moscow. which include ‘exclusivity thrivers’ (luxury official Hassan al-Ibrahim said. ethos as an industry, which is deeply Alfaozan, who had the codename the Saudi government.
US ambassador Nikki Haley told travellers), wander lusters, ‘together again’ He noted that NTC reviewed and rooted in the spirit of collaboration “Ghozan”, it said. Two officials told Khashoggi’s killing has strained
an emergency meeting of the UN (families), ‘mostly’ business, value con- considered inputs from its public and and partnership to deliver exceptional Reuters that Alfaozan had purchased Saudi Arabia’s ties with the West and
Security Council that outlaw actions scious, and ‘authentic immersers’. private sector partners (local and inter- experiences at every touch point of the the property, near Yalova on the Sea battered the image overseas of its de
like this one continue to make that “We look forward to bringing the spirit national) in developing the campaign visitor’s journey,” al-Ibrahim stressed. of Marmara, around three years ago. facto leader, Crown Prince Mohamed
impossible. Page 16 of Qurated to life, on people’s television – designed to make Qatar ‘a top-of- To Page 2 The phone call was believed to be bin Salman (MbS). To Page 16
Gulf Times
2 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani being received by Turkish President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan at Vahdettin Pavilion in Istanbul yesterday.
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan witness the signing of agreements His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani reviews a guard of honour upon arrival in
between the governments of Qatar and Turkey in Istanbul yesterday. Istanbul airport yesterday.
PM holds talks with FIA president
Council discusses
draft General State
Budget for 2019
he Advisory Council held for his wise guidance and lated to the 2022 World Cup, as aspirations of its people, he noted.
its weekly session yes- policies which enabled the well as develop infrastructure The Advisory Council Speaker
terday under the chair- country to occupy this pres- in the economic, industrial and said that we take pride in our HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani
manship of HE the Speaker tigious position and enjoy logistical areas, improve busi- leadership and our loyal peo- met yesterday morning with International Automobile Federation (FIA) president Jean Todt, on
Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid a strong economy capable ness environment, enhance the ple that our country is achiev- the sidelines of the International Traffic Safety Conference at Sheraton Hotel Doha. During the
al-Mahmoud. of growing at high rates and role of the private sector, sup- ing all these achievements and meeting, bilateral relations were reviewed, especially in the field of traffic safety, in addition to
In a meeting attended by gaining the confidence of port food security projects, al- moving towards the future with discussing a number of topics on the agenda of the conference.
HE the Minister of Finance Ali global financial institutions. locate sufficient resources over confidence, determination and
Sherif al-Emadi, Public Works He added that it is a source five years to develop an integrat- stability despite the unjust siege
Authority (Ashghal) President of satisfaction that the direc- ed infrastructure for citizens’ imposed on it.
Dr Saad bin Ahmed al-Mohan- tives and visions of His High- lands, and continue work to in- He thanked the Minister of Fi-
nadi, and a number of senior of-
ficials at the Ministry of Finance,
ness the Amir are embodied in
the draft budget as well as in
crease the efficiency of public
nance and the Ashghal President
and the accompanying team for Minister meets FIA president
the Council discussed the draft its objectives, foundations and He added that in light of these attending the Council’s meeting
General State Budget for the fis- philosophy. foundations and goals, the draft and responding to the queries of
cal year 2019 and the draft law HE al-Mahmoud affirmed budget meets expectations its members.
approving it. that the foundations on which and is in line with the require- After the extensive and objec-
The Minister of Finance the draft budget is based were ments of the stage. It opens the tive discussions, the Advisory
explained the government’s welcome, praised and support- horizons for further develop- Council praised the draft Gen-
view on the draft budget and ed by the Council, adding that ment and construction in vari- eral State Budget for the fiscal
answered the questions and they aimed to provide the nec- ous fields of development and year 2019, and lauded the ef-
queries raised by the members. essary allocations for the Qatar services to increase our econ- forts of the government and its
At the beginning of the dis- National Vision 2030 plans and omy strength and durability, plans and programmes within
cussion of the draft budget, projects, continue to increase to preserve the country’s sov- the framework of the National
the Speaker thanked His non-oil revenues and provide ereignty, free will and its inde- Development Strategy 2018-
Highness the Amir Sheikh financial allocations to complete pendent national decision, and 2022 and Qatar National Vision
Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani major projects and projects re- to achieve the ambitions and 2030. (QNA)
he Ministry of Education tutions to consecrate the princi- of theatrical performances in its annual calendar of theatrical future of motorsports and ways to develop it, especially in Qatar and the Middle East, in addition
and Higher Education has ple of consultation between the co-operation with the centre events throughout the year and will to reviewing future projects between FIA and Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation. They also
urged students to benefit members of the theatre family for theatre affairs. provide the appropriate conditions reviewed ways to attract youth to motorsport, which is a key area where young people express
from the digital lessons offered and enhance the spirit of team- They also agreed on extend- to facilitate the work of theatre their talents within the existing regulatory framework, which ensures the safety of practitioners.
by the electronic department, to work to present a distinguished ing the theatrical season to ac- groups and the work of the theatre The two sides also discussed means of enhancing traffic safety through exchanging experiences.
support and enrich the sources theatrical season this year. commodate the various plays evaluation committee. (QNA)
of learning.
The digital lessons cover all
subjects between the third grade
of the needed grade and finally amad Medical Corporation because the signs and symptoms can tients could also experience impaired those with chronic illnesses, such as
to the playlist of the subject re- (HMC) warned the public about be easy to miss. “Many people with vision, confusion, and loss of co-ordi- pulmonary, respiratory, or cardiovas-
quired. The YouTube channel is the dangers of carbon monox- mild carbon monoxide poisoning think nation,” added Dr al-Essai. cular problems and anaemia.
continuously updated with new ide poisoning from burning coal and they have food poisoning or the flu and The HMC consultant said last win- Dr al-Essai recommends the follow-
lessons. firewood indoor for heating. dismiss the symptoms. Symptoms of ter a number of patients were treated ing tips to prevent carbon monoxide
This aims to provide all stu- Last winter between 70 and 100 carbon monoxide poisoning can start at HMC Emergency Departments for positioning, including; never use a gas-
dents with a series of digital patients were treated each month to appear within five to 20 minutes of serious burns sustained due to using powered generator indoors, including
educational tutorials linked to at HMC’s Emergency Departments exposure but notes that lower concen- small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, inside a camper or tent, ensure bat-
Qatar’s curriculum standards for carbon monoxide (CO) poison- trations may lead to a delay in the onset fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces as tery-operated electronic heating ap-
from 3rd to 12th grade, to raise ing. In advance of the cooler tem- of symptoms,” he said. heating sources. He said there were also pliances are approved; approved appli-
the level of academic achieve- peratures setting in, HMC is warn- He urges anyone who develops fatalities as a result of carbon monoxide ances will include an approval number
ment and ensure that they meet ing residents about the dangers of symptoms of carbon monoxide poi- poisoning. or mark, never burn charcoal or wood
the subject goals. It also comes burning charcoal and wood inside soning, which can include a headache, “Sadly there have been deaths as a indoors, unless it is in an approved in-
as part of the ministry’s efforts to their homes. dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, carbon monoxide poisoning. These door wood-burning appliance, never
provide learning sources that are “During the colder months, we weakness, and confusion, to get into preventable poisonings were the result use a gas range or oven for heating as
diverse and attractive to students see an increase in the number of pa- When charcoal and wood burn without the fresh air immediately and seek of smoke inhalation from the burning using a gas range or oven for heating
and to enable self-learning. tients with carbon monoxide posi- oxygen, they produce fossil fuels that emergency medical help. of coal and wood in enclosed areas. It is can cause a build-up of carbon monox-
The digital lessons have been tioning. Many people seek ways to release carbon monoxide. “Most of the patients we receive at essential that we raise awareness about ide inside your home, cabin, or camper,
launched three years ago and cur- keep their homes warm and some the Emergency Department show flu- the dangers of this practice and the im- never burn charcoal indoors, and never
rently has nearly 3mn views and resort to burning coal or wood in- it and being poisoned. This can hap- like symptoms such as headaches, diz- portance of only using approved heat- use a portable gas camp stove indoors
more than 22,000 subscribers. side. When charcoal and wood burn pen very quickly and is extremely ziness, disorientation, nausea, and fa- ing appliances,” said Dr al-Essai. as using a gas camp stove indoors can
Students may use this link without oxygen, they produce fossil dangerous,” said Dr Galal Saleh al- tigue. Some may also experience chest While anyone is at risk for carbon cause carbon monoxide to build up in-
to access the lessons: https:// fuels that release carbon monoxide – Essai, an Accident and Emergency pain, especially those with coronary monoxide positioning, some popula- side your home, cabin, or camper. He a colourless, tasteless, and odourless Consultant at HMC. heart disease. If carbon monoxide has tion groups are particularly vulnerable, advised keeping warm by wearing lay-
UCeW65lIctwlk85F4Mghe-eg gas. Carbon monoxide is very hard Dr al-Essai explains that carbon been inhaled in a high concentration, as including pregnant women, newborns, ers of warm clothing and drinking hot
(QNA) to detect, leading to people inhaling monoxide poisoning is so dangerous is the case in the incidence of fire, pa- and young children, elderly people, and fluids. (QNA)
Qeeri receives scientific delegation from Japan French universities and top
Q institutes to take part in expo
atar Environment and
Energy Research In-
stitute (Qeeri), part of
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
(HBKU), recently welcomed
high-ranking delegates from rench universities and take part in the expo: Campus discuss with them about the
Japan’s scientific community. higher education in- France, the French agency for opportunities of studying in
They were accompanied by Japa- stitutes, as well as the promotion of the French higher France,” he said.
nese ambassador Seiichi Otsuka. French agency Campus France, education system, internation- Ali Zainal, Permanent Del-
Touring Qeeri’s state-of-the- will be exhibitors at Univer- al student services and inter- egate of Qatar to Unesco, will
art facilities were Prof Teruo Kishi, sity Expo Qatar, which begins national mobility; HEC Paris give a presentation on stud-
science and technology adviser to tomorrow. in Qatar; Toulouse Business ies in France from 11.15am to
the Minister for Foreign Affairs of The event, held under the School; CESI, the engineer- 11.45am tomorrow.
Japan; Prof Yoshio Bando, execu- patronage of HE the Minister of ing school; and Azurlingua, the France is the fourth des-
tive adviser for Materials Nanoar- Education and Higher Educa- French foreign language school. tination in the world for in-
chitectonics at the National Insti- tion Dr Mohamed Abdul Wa- Franck Gellet, French ambassa- ternational students, with 73
tute of Material Sciences; Masahiro hed Ali al-Hammadi, will take dor to Qatar, will attend the open- universities, 225 engineering
Takemura, director for Structural place until Thursday at Qatar ing of University Expo Qatar. schools, 220 business schools,
Materials for Innovation, Japan The Japanese delegation with Qeeri officials. National Convention Centre. “France welcomes many in- 120 art schools, 20 architecture
Science and Technology Agency; University Expo Qatar will ternational students and we schools and 3,000 other spe-
and Kana Asano, science and tech- vice president for Research, director at Qeeri; and manage- ing groundbreaking research and gather more than 50 universi- are very pleased that for this cialised institutions (hotels and
nology researcher, Ministry for Development and Innovation ment and staff of the research providing robust data that may ties from 15 countries. It is open important event, University restaurants, health, journalism
Foreign Affairs of Japan. at Qatar Foundation and vice institute. Qeeri aims to tackle influence policy making for fu- to students, parents, school Expo Qatar, students and par- schools, fashion, design, etc),
During their visit, delegates president for research at HBKU; the grand challenges of the Qa- ture sustainability environment, counsellers and career advisers. ents will have the opportunity the French embassy has said in
met with Dr Richard O’Kennedy, Dr Marc Vermeersch, executive tar and the region by conduct- energy and water security. Five French institutions will to meet French institutions and a statement.
Gulf Times
4 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Traffic safety
plan aims to
curb accidents
By Ramesh Mathew
HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani and other dignitaries at the opening of the
International Traffic Safety Conference yesterday. PICTURES: Shaji Kayamkulam
E the Minister of Trans- and Communications has been
port and Communica- working round the clock to de-
tions Jassim Seif Ahmed veloping a well organised trans-
al-Sulaiti said yesterday that the port system in the country.
Ministry of Transport and Com- “Our National Traffic Safety
munications (MoTC) has begun Office is working together with
implementing its five-year traf- the UN’s ambassador of Traf-
fic safety plan, covering many fic Safety to develop and launch
aspects, to curb accidents and meticulous plans as part of our
deaths and injuries resulting National Traffic Safety Strategy.”
from accidents. HE al-Sulaiti also highlighted
Speaking at the opening ses- the launch of the Qatar Road De-
sion at the International Traf- sign Guide, Qatar Traffic Control
fic Safety Conference, he said Guide and the comprehensive
the plan focuses on decreasing plan for pedestrian crossings.
deaths by 50% to finally achieve QU president Dr Hassan Rashid al-Derham addressing the opening QU president Dr Hassan
the zero accidents vision. session. Rashid al-Derham said the con-
There is also emphasis on build- ference is part of the framework
ing highly-efficient road networks achievements of Qatar, the min- tion of all stadiums for the 2022 of the State’s interest in devel-
including second generation intel- ister said it is a matter of utmost FIFA World Cup is in full swing. oping transport and enhancing
ligent strategy for transport which satisfaction that the National “An ambitious plan is also un- traffic safety, under the direct
reduces traffic congestion and Traffic Safety Committee has derway to link land, air and sea supervision of HE the Prime
accidents and meets the develop- achieved results much beyond its transport.” Minister and Interior Minister.
ment requirements of the State earlier expectations. Acknowledging the role be- “QU, represented by the Qa-
and the society. “Qatar has taken some re- ing played by the National Traffic tar Transportation and Traffic
HE the Prime Minister and In- markable steps in the infrastruc- Safety Office in the last five years Safety Centre, is one of the stake
terior Minister Sheikh Abdullah ture development and a number since its establishment, he said it holders in the implementation of
bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani of world class expressways have has helped to develop a clear traf- the decade-long National Traffic
was present at the opening ses- already been completed and fic safety strategy at the national Safety Strategy (2013-2022) and
sion of the conference organised more are under construction. level besides covering such areas is responsible for the implemen-
jointly by the Ministry of Inte- The work of the Doha Metro is as sustainable development, na- tation of 13 action plans at the
rior and Qatar University (QU). in a very advanced stage,” he said tional economy and security. state level,” he added. HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani inaugurated
While complimenting the while informing that construc- The minister said while ex- the Traffic Exhibition accompanying the conference.
Research sheds light on seat belt, child seat usage Official calls for action to
T reduce traffic congestion
here are high levels of According to the survey, 97% those who do own seats, only
awareness when it comes of participants think that seat 84% ‘always’ use them.
to protective powers of seat belts protect drivers, front-row Asked about the reasons for
belt but usage levels are particu- passengers and children. How- non-ownership of child car seats,
larly low among back-seat pas- ever, this value drops to 79% with the factors cited are as follows: he Ministry of Interior’s He said the target for 2022 is areas and municipal areas iden-
sengers, a new survey has found. regard to back-seat passengers. ‘My kids don’t like to be strapped General Directorate of 130 and the pedestrian mortality tified by officials concerned.
Besides the use of seat belts, In terms of the actual use in child seats or booster cushions’ Traffic Director General should be reduced significantly Speaking on the sidelines of the
the study also “uncovers the root of seat belts, 76% ‘always’ use - 38%; ‘Too expensive’ - 37%; ‘I and the National Traffic Safety from the present 32% to 17% and conference, NTSC Secretary-Gen-
causes for non-use and non- them while driving, with 72% as don’t know which child seat or Committee (NTSC) vice-chair- serious injuries to 400 in four eral Brigadier Mohamed Abdul-
ownership of child car seats”, QIC front-seat passengers. Only 5% booster cushion to buy for my man Major General Mohamed years from now when the coun- lah al-Malki said over the last five
Group has said in a statement. ‘always’ use seat belts while in Ahmed Jarboey, senior claims kid’ - 23%; and ‘Passengers hold- Saad al-Kharji has called for try hosts the 2022 FIFA World years Qatar has achieved significant
The research was commis- the back seat. manager, QIC Insured. ing kids is as safe as child seats or more efforts on the part of resi- Cup. Road traffic deaths in Qatar achievements in road safety owing
sioned by QIC Insured and Road- “Drivers are like the captains booster cushions’ - 13%; and ‘I am dents to reduce road traffic ac- stood at 159 in 2017. to the development of advanced road
Safety and conducted by YouGov of aircraft and they must care back seat, I feel safe enough without a safe driver and will not be in- cidents (RTAs). “Actions need to be accelerated networks that meet highest safety
in September with a representa- about the safety of their pas- a seat belt’ - 63%; ‘It is not needed to volved in an accident’ - 13%. While addressing the inaugural to achieve the UN’s Sustainable standards. He said such develop-
tive sample of 169 residents. sengers. Hence, they have to ask wear seat belts on short trips’ - 35%; Ahmed Jarboey, senior claims session of the International Traf- Development Goals endorsed by ments would contribute to the crea-
The use of seat belts increases everyone in the vehicle to buckle ‘I am a safe driver and will not be in- manager at QIC Insured, said: fic Safety Conference yesterday, Qatar by reducing traffic conges- tion of an environment conducive to
the chances of saving lives by up, but only 51% of Qatar’s driv- volved in an accident; hence I don’t “Despite many technological de- Major General al-Kharji said that tion annually by 5%,” he said. an integrated transport system.
45% to 80% depending on the ers are such responsible drivers,” need seat belts’ - 12%; and ‘Seat belts velopments, the seat belt remains the first phase of the National It could be achieved by proper Irrespective of a 5% increase
accident’s impact, the location according to the study. crinkle my clothes’ - 9%. the single-most important device Traffic Safety Strategy (2013-17) urban planning, development in number of vehicles in 2017
of a person within the vehicle According to the survey, the main With regard to the use of child to save passengers in an accident. was successful, but there still is of effective road and transport compared to 2016, accidents
(front/back) and the size/weight reasons cited by respondents for not car seats, 32% of Qatar’s parents We have conducted the same sur- need to reduce the mortality rate networks and improving traffic with injuries declined by 1.3%,
(adult, child, baby) of the pas- using/not asking others to use seat said they did not own a proper vey throughout the GCC to show in the RTAs by at least 10 per year safety and addressing causes of as 6,140 cases were recorded in
senger, the statement notes. belts are as follows: ‘When I sit on the child seat, the survey found. Of our commitment to road safety.” compared to the figures of 2017. traffic accidents in the five traffic 2016 and only 6,061 last year.
UN envoy urges
new approach
nited Nations secre-
tary-general’s Spe-
cial Envoy for Road
Traffic Safety Jean Todt has
said almost 90% of the road
accidents are happening in
middle or low income coun-
tries across the world.
“There is greater neces-
sity of increasing invest-
ments and developing a new
approach to seriously deal
with the critical issue,” he Jean Todt addressing the
urged while explaining that conference yesterday.
more than a million road
accidents are happening ongoing efforts and hoped
every day across the world. the country would be suc-
Todt was addressing the cessful in eliminating road
International Traffic Safety traffic deaths completely
Conference,which began by 2050. Todt said there is
yesterday in Doha. greater need to develop a
While highlighting the comprehensive infrastruc-
necessity of improving road ture suitable for the require-
traffic safety, Todt said the ments of pedestrians, chil-
national goals of Qatar are dren and the elderly to allow
consistent with the UN’s such segments the freedom
general goals and it is heart- of moving away from
ening that the country is vehicles.
putting in place stringent “We must abide by the
traffic laws to reduce traffic traffic rules and ethical code
accidents remarkably by the of work, and this is the re-
turn of the decade. sponsibility of one and all,”
The official lauded Qatar’s he added.
Focus on food
fying rounds that saw participation The 13 finalist teams had a unique op- tions and technologies related to dig-
from 10 countries in the Middle East. portunity to learn from Huawei’s lead- ital transformation.
Their prizes were awarded at the ICT ing global ICT on an all-expense paid The finalists competed in day-long
Talent Cultivation and Award Cer- trip to Huawei’s headquarters in China. finals, participated in a technology
emony in Shenzhen. The first prize went to Iraq, the sec- workshop by global ICT experts.
In all, 14,748 students across the ond to two teams from Lebanon and “Building a pool of high quality ICT
Middle East applied for the competi- Bahrain while the third prize went to talent is a critical success factor for
security at QU
tion, from which 4,915 were selected three teams from Jordan, Saudi Arabia governments aiming to transition to
to take part in the preliminary rounds. and Pakistan. The remaining seven knowledge-based economies. As one of
Of these, 214 students passed on to teams won the Excellence Prize to ac- the world’s leading innovators, knowl-
the final round, and 39 in total from 13 knowledge their great participation. edge-transfer has always a core pillar of
teams travelled to China to compete Six tutors and 11 academic institu- the Huawei ethos,” said Charles Yang,
internationally. tions received the Excellent Tutor and president, Huawei Middle East.
atar turned the threat posed by interest of Qatar, the region and the
the unjust blockade into an op- world in the development of food pro-
portunity and made significant duction technologies. The embargo
strides in food security, it was high- imposed on Qatar has increased the
lighted at the 12th Qatar University need for food security in the country
(QU) Life Sciences Symposium that through sustainable local food produc-
concluded yesterday. tion and the strengthening of strategic
The two-day event, themed ‘Food reserves and economic reforms,” Dr al-
Systems and Technology: Advancing Kuwari added.
Food Production’, was hosted by the Dr Hamadou added: “This event
Department of Biological and Envi- flourishes while Qatar is under a
ronmental Sciences (DBES) at QU’s blockade imposed unilaterally by the
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). neighbouring countries, which made
The symposium, which was organ- Dr Rashid al-Kuwari Qatar adapt to and establish new
ised in collaboration with the Minis- sources as well as alternative and
try of Municipality and Environment, within and outside Qatar, and featured more sustainable supply routes for
aimed to create a transdisciplinary posters presented by students. basic goods such as food and medi-
framework for knowledge, skills and Dr al-Kuwari said of the event: “This cine. The negative impacts of the
exploration in food systems and tech- symposium is one of many initiatives unjust blockade imposed by the four
nologies and provide opportunities for to support Qatar National Vision 2030 Arab states on Qatar were temporary
applied, problem-based learning in as food security, sustainable food prac- and the economy managed to contain
food systems, QU said in a statement. tices and food systems are areas of in- these impacts and come out of it very
The opening session was attended creasing importance to Qatar and fall quickly.
by CAS dean Dr Rashid al-Kuwari, under the ‘economic and social’ pillar “Qatar turned this threat into an
DBES head Dr Radhouane Ben Hama- of Qatar National Vision 2030. It also opportunity and, in the field of food
dou as well as CAS faculty, staff and reflects QU’s interest in scientific re- security, new farms and food produc-
students. search as the nucleus of Qatar’s future tion and post-processing units just
The symposium featured four ses- development and prosperity. bloomed to cover part of the local
sions: ‘Food Security: Challenges and “Over the past years, the Life Sci- needs for food commodities. It is nev-
Policies’, ‘Food Production Systems: ences Symposium has discussed many ertheless time to turn these initiatives
Technologies and Innovation’, ‘Food topics related to the health of the indi- into a sustainable framework joining
Biotechnology’ and finally, ‘Food Safe- vidual and the environment, the ma- policies to integrated initiatives for in-
ty and Quality’. rine environment, biotechnology, en- ternational trading (with sustainable
The sessions included the presen- vironmental pollution and others.” partnerships), local food production
tation of more than 15 research papers “The importance of the QU Life and strengthening of strategic reserves
from universities and institutions Sciences Symposium stems from the in the country.”
Changes to policy on
student assessment
QNA less, whether used in cheating or attempted charge of the conduct of the tests, where legal
Doha or not; if he obtained any equipment or action will be taken against anyone found to
any means that lead to the dissemination, be involved in any acts that interfere with the
broadcasting or promotion of the test ques- conduct of tests or abuse of the educational
E the Minister of Education and tions or answers; or if he participated in any system in Qatar.
Higher Education Dr Mohamed Ab- social networking sites, in a group of con- Al-Harqan further underlined that the de-
dul Wahed Ali al-Hammadi has is- stituent groups for the purpose of cheating cision is in the interest of the students.
sued a decision amending some provisions or disrupting the general system of exami- He noted that the ministry has made all
of ministerial decision No. 22 of 2015 on stu- nation. possible efforts to provide the necessary sup-
dent assessment policies. The test of the student in all subjects port for them to raise the level of their aca-
The amendments include the addition of will be cancelled and he will be considered demic achievement.
two articles to the student assessment poli- to have “failed” in his class, given the word He urged all students, whether in day
cy for grades 4 through 11, as well as the ad- “cancelled”, and deprived of study in the schools or adult education schools, to make
dition of two articles to the policy for Grade same academic year and the following year every effort to memorise lessons, adhere to
12, approved by the decision. if he photographed, published, broadcast or test controls and rely on themselves.
The policy amendment issued for grades promoted by any means the questions or an- Meanwhile, he called on parents to urge
4 to 11 abolishes the student’s test in all swers of any test related to different stages their children to make efforts to achieve suc-
subjects, and stipulates that the student is of education, with the intention of cheating cess and excellence, educate them to be care-
considered to have “failed” in his class, is or disrupting the general system of exams ful, to abide by the instructions for tests, and
given the word “cancelled”, and is deprived or abusing the educational system, whether to not take any digital devices, whether wired
of study in the same academic year in the this act occurred before or during the ex- or wireless, to the test committees or par-
following cases: amination committee, or occurred inside or ticipate in groups on social networking sites HE the Minister of Education and Higher
If any of the mobile devices or other outside the test hall. with an intention of disrupting the order of Education Dr Mohamed Abdul Wahed Ali
means of communication or reception, The decision also stipulates that the stu- the tests. al-Hammadi
whether wired or wireless, were obtained dent’s employer would be informed of the
in the examination committee and while in violation and the actions taken, if the stu-
session, whether they were used in cheating dent is an employee.
or attempted or not. The decision also forbids school person-
If the student obtained in the exami- nel from participating in the tests and from
nation committee and while in session any any prescribed remuneration for any of
equipment or any means that lead to the these works if they printed, photocopied,
dissemination, broadcasting or promotion published, broadcasted or promoted by any
of the test questions or answers. means the questions or answers of tests re-
If the student participated in any social lated to the various stages of education with
networking sites, in a group of constituent the intention of cheating or disrupting the
groups for the purpose of cheating or dis- general system of tests or abusing the edu-
rupting the general system of examination. cational system, whether the act occurred
The student’s test in all subjects will be before or during the examination commit-
cancelled and he will be considered to have tee, or occurred inside or outside the exam
“failed” in his class, given the word “can- hall, or caused, because of negligence, any
celled”, and deprived of study in the same of the actions mentioned in the previous
academic year and the following year if the item, or helped the students to cheat by any
student photographed, published, broad- means.
cast or promoted by any means the ques- Director of Evaluation Authority at the
tions or answers of any exam related to Ministry of Education and Higher Educa-
different stages of education, with the in- tion, Khalid Abdullah al-Harqan, said that
tention of cheating or disrupting the gen- the ministerial decision was issued in the
eral system of examination or abusing of interest of the public interest and that it
the educational system, whether this act strengthens the controls set by the minis-
occurred before or during the examination try to conduct the tests, in order to ensure
committee, or occurred inside or outside the justice and equal opportunities among stu-
examination hall. dents.
With regard to the 12th grade assessment He stressed that the ministry has the
policy, as included in the decision, the stu- mechanisms and procedures necessary to
dent’s test in all subjects will be cancelled implement the decision accurately, where
and he will be considered to have “failed” all students are inspected through electron-
in his class, given the word “cancelled”, and ic gates and hand inspection devices, and
deprived of study in the same academic year, through co-ordination with the competent
if the student obtained in the examination authorities in the state.
committee and while in session any of the He added that the amendments included
mobile phones or other means of communi- in the ministerial decision did not neglect
cation or reception, whether wired or wire- the accountability of school personnel in
atar Airways announced Three extra weekly flights will tional bazaars, we are thrilled to the expansion of our network in flight departing from Isfahan operates daily flights from Doha. aircraft via its hub, Hamad In-
yesterday that it will ex- be introduced to the Shiraz serv- announce Isfahan as Qatar Air- this thriving market to provide at 5.10am, arriving at Doha at Passengers travelling in Busi- ternational Airport, to more than
pand its operations in Iran ice on Mondays, Wednesdays ways’ fourth-service gateway greater connectivity to both busi- 6.25am. ness Class on the new twice- 160 destinations worldwide. The
with the launch of a new twice- and Saturdays, taking the route into Iran. ness and leisure passengers alike.” Qatar Airways has operated weekly service to Isfahan on airline was named ‘World’s Best
weekly direct service to Isfahan to daily operation from January “Isfahan is a city that is not Standing at the foothills of flights to Tehran since 2004 and, board the Airbus A320 can look Business Class’ by the 2018 World
International Airport, from Feb- 2, 2019. only steeped in history, but one the Zagros mountain range, the with the introduction of the two forward to relaxing and enjoy- Airline Awards, managed by in-
ruary 4, 2019, as well as introduc- The airline will also introduce that has also emerged in recent beautiful, ancient city of Isfahan extra flights, the airline will oper- ing the five-star food and bev- ternational air transport rating
ing increased services to Shiraz two extra flights on the Tehran years to combine its rich cultural is a Unesco World Heritage Site, ate a total of 20 weekly non-stop erage service, which is served organisation Skytrax.
and Tehran, from early January route, with the addition of an heritage with modernity, making famed for its stunning mosques flights from Doha. ‘dine-on-demand’. In addition to It was also named ‘Best Busi-
2019. extra flight on Wednesdays from it one of Iran’s most fascinating, and palaces, magnificent public The southern city of Shiraz first this, the airline’s award-winning ness Class Seat’, ‘Best Airline in
Isfahan will become the air- January 2, 2019 and Fridays from colourful and lively places for in- squares, atmospheric traditional welcomed Qatar Airways flights in-flight entertainment system, the Middle East’, and ‘World’s
line’s fourth non-stop gateway to January 4, 2019, taking the route ternational visitors. “We are also tea houses, tranquil gardens and in 2011 and, with the introduction Oryx One, is available to all pas- Best First Class Airline Lounge’.
Iran, joining Tehran, Shiraz and to a triple-daily operation every delighted to announce that we are exquisite historic hand-painted of three extra flights on Mon- sengers, offering up to 4,000 en- As part of its continued expan-
Mashad, with the service operat- day except on Tuesdays, when the increasing our weekly services to tiling at every turn. days, Wednesdays and Saturdays tertainment options from the lat- sion plans, Qatar Airways plans to
ing from Doha each Monday and service runs twice-daily. both Shiraz and Tehran in Janu- The newly-introduced flights from January 2, 2019, will become est blockbuster movies, TV box launch an array of new destina-
Friday by an Airbus A320 aircraft, Qatar Airways Group chief ary. to Isfahan will operate every a daily service operating from sets, music and games. tions over the coming months,
featuring 12 seats in Business executive Akbar al-Baker said: “These latest launches are fur- Monday and Friday departing Doha. In addition to this, the air- As the national carrier, Qa- including Mombasa, Kenya;
Class and 132 seats in Economy “With its incredible, age-old ther evidence of Qatar Airways’ from Doha at 1.45am, arriving at line’s Mashad route, which com- tar Airways currently operates a Gothenburg, Sweden; and Da
Class. architecture and bustling tradi- commitment to Iran, as well as Isfahan at 4am; with the return menced in 2006, also currently modern fleet of more than 200 Nang, Vietnam.
QR3bn disbursed through Lexus hosts media test-drive for latest models
bdullah Abdulghani &
s much as QR3bn has opportunity to test-drive the
been paid to employees latest models of Lexus vehicles,
via the Ooredoo Money with a special focus on hybrid
Payroll service since its launch models, AAB said in a state-
in 2015, the telecommunications ment.
provider announced yesterday. efiting from the service. The ciencies, and above all improving AAB is the sole distribu-
“Every month the Ooredoo smart payment method, which the lives of workers. Interested tor for the Lexus brand in Qa-
Money Payroll service is used is compatible with Qatar’s Wage employers can begin registration tar. Journalists gathered at the
to pay over QR115,000,000 to Protection System, offers a sim- for Ooredoo Money Payroll serv- Lexus showroom, where they
employees across Qatar, directly ple access to financial services ice by e-mailing: mobilemoney- were welcomed by R K Muru-
into their Ooredoo Money Wallet for users unable to access a local gan, AAB acting CEO, and Firas The participants at the Lexus showroom.
which can be accessed through bank account, such as interna- Once registered, customers Mufti, senior marketing man-
their phone from anywhere,” it tional and local transfers, mobile can benefit from all the services ager. The AAB team explained to Sharq Village & Spa for the sation and performance,” the elements introduced in Lexus
was explained in a statement. top-up, international airtime of Ooredoo Money instantly by many of the new features and fun day activities. While driv- statement noted. vehicles, as well as the level of
The Ooredoo Money Payroll top-up as well as an ATM card using Ooredoo Money App or advanced technology of new ing the cars, each journalist was At the end of the event, which stability and superior control
service was the region’s first that can be used across Qatar simply by dialling *140#, any- Lexus vehicles that were to be accompanied by a Lexus staff lasted more than seven hours, along with the powerful per-
payroll service via mobile and and anywhere in the world. where anytime. driven by journalists accompa- member to explain the most the media guests compared the formance and calm interior
offers a secure and convenient The service is also designed to The Ooredoo Money app is nied by the AAB team. important technologies that vehicles and were able to high- while driving.
alternative to carrying cash. achieve Qatar’s vision of Digitisa- available in seven languages The driving experience start- have been introduced and how light some of their experiences The driving event included
Ooredoo Money Payroll serv- tion and help businesses to reduce (English, Arabic, Hindi, Ma- ed from the Lexus showroom they could be of use to make the driving the models. Some of vehicles such as the Lexus LS
ice is seeing huge demand with accounting and administration layalam, Bengali, Tagalog and and headed towards Doha Fes- experience of driving a Lexus a the positive comments revolved Hybrid, ES Hybrid, LC Hybrid,
over 150,000 employees ben- costs, improving business effi- Nepali). tival City and then proceeded rewarding one – “full of sen- around the safety and security RX Hybrid and CT Hybrid.
Iran quake injures more than 700, Rouhani orders relief effort
Reuters of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake was felt in at least seven prov- “Rouhani has ordered officials were no fatalities. TV aired foot- 700 of them have been treated IRNA said another two earth-
Dubai on Iran’s western border with inces of Iran, but most strongly to do whatever is necessary to age of damaged houses in the and released...some 18 peo- quakes measuring 5.2 and
Iraq that injured more than 700 in Kermanshah, where last year provide help for the victims of town of Sarpol-e Zahab in Ker- ple have been hospitalised,” 4.6 on the Richter scale had
people, most suffering minor more than 600 people were the earthquake,” TV reported. manshah where some people Houshang Bazvand, governor jolted Sarpol-e Zahab yes-
ranian President Hassan wounds, state television report- killed and thousands injured in The head of Iran’s Red Cres- remain homeless following last of the western province of Ker- terday morning following
Rouhani said no effort should ed yesterday. the country’s deadliest earth- cent Society, Mahmoud Moha- year’s 7.3 magnitude quake. manshah, told state TV. Sunday’s earthquake and 161
be spared to help victims The Sunday night earthquake quake in more than a decade. madi Nasab, told TV that there “We have had 729 injured, Iran’s state news agency aftershocks.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 9
UN envoy meets
officials to lay
groundwork for
Yemen peace talks
Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi speaks in Brussels, yesterday.
rebels and the Saudi-backed government. ran’s nuclear chief warned programme, despite Washing- EU official. “The prospects
The visit comes as a tenuous calm settles the European Union yes- ton’s pull-out and the its sanc- are pretty grim.”
over Yemen’s rebel-held port city of Hodei- terday of “ominous” con- tions that aim to force the rest No EU country has yet
dah, a vital lifeline for imports and aid that sequences if it did not follow of the world to stop buying Ira- agreed to host the SPV and
had seen fierce clashes in a renewed offensive through with action to keep the nian oil. progress in creating it is likely
by a Saudi-led military coalition. economic benefits of the 2015 Striving to circumvent to be slow, despite the po-
Under heavy international pressure, the nuclear agreement alive. those sanctions, EU nations litical will in Paris, Berlin and
Yemeni government and the coalition have Ali Akbar Salehi said the Eu- plan to facilitate non-dollar London.
largely suspended their five-month-old bat- ropean Union was “doing its transactions with Iran. “This is a hugely complex
tle to seize Hodeidah. best” after the United States A so-called Special Purpose and unique undertaking,
Griffiths, who is spearheading efforts to pulled out of the deal and re- Vehicle (SPV) would act as a technical work has been ad-
hold peace talks in Sweden in December, met imposed sanctions on Iranian barter system offsetting Ira- vancing,” Europe’s Climate
Yemen’s Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ah- oil exports this month, even nian exports with purchases and Energy Commissioner
mar and Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani as the bloc’s efforts to salvage of EU goods. Miguel Arias Canete said at a
in the Saudi capital, the Yemeni state-run trade ties have floundered. Speaking on the sidelines joint briefing with Salehi.
news agency Saba said. The Yemeni lead- But Salehi, the head of Iran’s of talks on civilian nuclear “Nobody should have any
ers discussed with Griffiths arrangements Atomic Energy Organisation, co-operation, EU diplomats doubt on the level of politi-
for the upcoming negotiations and possible told reporters in Brussels: admitted they could only do cal ambition and determina-
“confidence building measures” to test the “If words are not turned into so much to urge firms to brave tion by the member states
“rebels’ seriousness” about peace efforts, deeds, is very omi- the risk of US penalties and do involved, in particular France,
Saba reported. A Yemeni child receives a polio vaccination during an immunisation campaign at a health nous, the situation would be business with Iran. Germany and the United
The UN envoy, who visited Hodeidah last centre on the outskirts of the capital Sanaa, yesterday. unpredictable.” “What we are doing now is Kingdom to swiftly opera-
week to assess the humanitarian situation, The EU and other remaining a lot of symbolism,” said one tionalise the SPV.”
was also expected to meet with Yemen’s Loyalists did not confirm the attack. But turn to Sanaa or secure the evacuation of
internationally recognised President Abd- pro-government military officials said yes- wounded rebels to Oman.
Rabbu Mansour Hadi, a Saudi government terday that their operations in the east and Previous talks broke down in 2016, when
source said. south of the Red Sea city had been suspend- 108 days of negotiations in Kuwait failed to
Fighting in the Red Sea city intensified in
early November as coalition-backed loyalist
forces attempted to enter the city, but calm
Both warring sides have expressed sup-
port for the UN envoy’s current effort to hold
yield a deal and left rebel delegates stranded
in Oman for three months.
The heads of the UN’s humanitarian and
Palestinian shot dead in West Bank
returned after Griffiths arrived in Yemen on talks, which marks the biggest push for a children’s agencies have said the recent de-
Wednesday. peace deal in Yemen in two years. escalation in fighting in Hodeidah is provid- Reuters Palestinians, many of them individuals with-
Griffiths has urged the warring parties to But in a sign of lingering distrust, coali- ing a desperately needed respite to hundreds Beit Ummar, West Bank out known associations with fighter groups, car-
“keep the peace” in Hodeidah. tion spokesman Turki al-Maliki told report- of thousands of civilians. ried out a wave of car-ramming attacks in the
While the loyalist advance there has largely ers in Riyadh yesterday that efforts to hold According to the World Health Organisa- West Bank in late 2015 and in 2016, but the fre-
stalled, minor clashes have continued. the Sweden talks were progressing “despite tion, nearly 10,000 people have been killed Palestinian was shot dead while carrying quency of such incidents has since decreased.
Military officials quoted by Saba on Sun- Houthi efforts to obstruct them”. since the Saudi-led intervention began, out a car-ramming attack yesterday that There was no claim of responsibility for yes-
day evening said the loyalists had foiled a President Hadi — whose UN-recognised though some rights groups estimate the toll injured three Israeli soldiers in the occu- terday’s incident, which drew praise from the
Houthi “infiltration attempt” into a camp in government was pushed out of Sanaa by could be five times higher. pied West Bank, the Israeli military said. Hamas group as “a response to crimes carried out
Hays, a district about 100 kilometres south rebels who overran the capital in 2014 — has Humanitarian organisations are desperate The military said one of the soldiers sustained by the occupation”, a term it uses to refer to Israel.
of Hodeidah. The rebels said they had deto- said he backs peace efforts but has vowed to to see the current peace push translate into a moderate injuries and the other two were slightly Israel captured the West Bank in a 1967 Mid-
nated an explosive device near the eastern “liberate” Hodeidah. more permanent halt to the conflict. hurt when the Palestinian crashed his vehicle dle East war. Palestinians seek to establish a state
entrance of Hodeidah, “destroying a (pro- In September, a previous round of UN-led UN agencies say 14mn Yemenis are at risk into them along a West Bank road north of the there and in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, with East
government) military vehicle...killing and peace talks faltered when the Houthis refused of starvation and the closure of Hodeidah city of Hebron. Jerusalem as its capital.
wounding soldiers inside”, Houthi-run Al- to travel to Geneva, accusing the world body port would further exacerbate the humani- Another soldier then shot and killed the fight- Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in
Masirah TV reported yesterday. of failing to guarantee their delegation’s re- tarian crisis. er, the military said. 2014.
Israeli minister
to attend Bahrain
Rebels hand four-year-old Chemical weapons Death toll
An Israeli cabinet minister said
yesterday he had been invited to girl to her Belgian mother agency to investigate soars after
attend a conference next year in
Bahrain, in what he described as
part of Israel’s emerging relations AFP
alleged Aleppo attack massive IS
with some countries that do not
formally recognise it, Reuters
reported. Israel’s diplomatic push in
Bab al-Hawa
The Hague/Geneva
since 2013, while the per-
petrators of six others have
the Gulf, where it sees some states rebel administration in not been sufficiently iden-
as its natural allies against regional Syria’s last major insur- tified. World Health Or- AFP
powerhouse Iran, has become in- gent stronghold of Idlib he global chemical ganisation spokesman Ta- Beirut
creasingly public after years of cov- handed over a four-year-old weapons agency will rik Jasarevic said the WHO
ert contacts. Shared worries about girl to her Belgian mother yes- investigate an alleged had “received unconfirmed
Iran or needs in terms of security, terday after a custody dispute gas attack in Syria’s Aleppo reports of patients arriv- S-backed fighters in
agriculture and water have thawed following her father’s death. on Saturday that reportedly ing in health facilities in Syria suffered record
hostility toward Israel among some An AFP journalist saw the wounded up to 100 people, Aleppo with symptoms that fatalities in an assault
Arab governments. After a surprise tiny girl named Yasmine, the head of the agency said may be consistent with ex- by the Islamic State group, a
trip to Oman last month, Israeli dressed in a bright pink coat yesterday. posure to chemical agents”. war monitor said yesterday,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- and clutching a gift-wrapped The Syrian government, Under new powers granted as holdout militants kept up a
yahu on Sunday hosted a first visit teddy bear, being led to the which accused rebels of fir- in June, the OPCW will be fierce defence of their last Syr-
by Chadian President Idriss Deby. Turkish border to meet her ing chlorine, asked the Or- able not only to determine ian redoubt.
“I myself received a personal invita- mother. ganisation for the Prohibi- whether a chemical weap- It said a total of more than
tion to Bahrain,” Israeli Economy Her handover was over- tion of Chemical Weapons ons attack occurred but 200 people have been killed
Minister Eli Cohen said in a radio seen by the civilian branch of (OPCW) to send a fact-find- also to assign blame. since around 500 IS fighters
interview. the powerful Hayat Tahrir al- ing mission to the city, Fern- That responsibility had burst out of the fog shrouding
Sham (HTS) alliance, which is Members of the civilian branch of the powerful Hayat Tahrir ando Arias, the OPCW’s new fallen to a joint UN-OPCW the area in eastern Syria near
led by the jihadists of Syria’s al-Sham (HTS) alliance, which is led by the militants of Syria’s head, said. mission until Russia blocked the border with Iraq to launch
LEGAL former Al Qaeda affiliate. former Al Qaeda affiliate, escort four-year-old girl named Yasmine Arias said the OPCW had a UN Security Council reso- their deadly assault on Friday.
UAE releases “Yasmine was handed over near the Bab al-Hawa crossing with Turkey, yesterday. asked the United Nations lution to extend its mandate According to the Syrian Ob-
today to her Belgian mother department of security to a year ago.Past investiga- servatory for Human Rights, 92
British academic Hajer after the dispute was bearded man, who brought the truce deal between regime ally say whether it was safe to tions by the joint mission of the dead were fighters from
solved between those who were wide-eyed child into a press Russia and rebel backer Turkey. deploy a team to Aleppo, found that Syrian govern- the Syrian Democratic Forces
The United Arab Emirates yesterday her guardians here and her conference to have her photo Thousands of foreign fight- where government forces ment forces had used chlo- (SDF), the Kurdish-led ground
pardoned and released a British mother,” Fawaz Hilal, head of taken. ers are present in the region, two years ago ousted rebels rine and sarin several times units that have spearheaded the
academic jailed for life on spying the administration, said. The officials did not say where they are members of from the last pocket of terri- in the civil war, while the US-backed fight against IS in
charges, granting a request for “There was communication whether the child’s father was HTS but also other militant tory that they controlled. radical militant group Is- Syria.
clemency after showing a video with the Turkish side to hand a fighter, or to what armed groups. UN war crimes investi- lamic State was found to At least 61 militants and 51
of him purportedly confessing over the girl to her mother who group he might have belonged. Some of them have band- gators, who have a stand- have used sulphur mustard civilians, mostly their relatives,
to membership of the UK’s MI6 was in Turkey,” he said. There was no immediate in- ed together to create what is ing mandate to examine all gas once. also died in the violence which
intelligence service. The case has Ibrahim Shasho, another formation from the Belgian or known as the “French battal- human rights violations Other rebel groups have saw US-led coalition air strikes
strained ties between the long-time al- member of the rebel admin- Turkish authorities. ion”, which is close to Hurras committed in Syria, are also not been found in formal help the SDF recover positions
lies, leading London to issue a forceful istration, said the mother HTS controls more than half al-Deen, according to the Syr- collecting information and reports to have used banned it had briefly lost.
diplomatic response after last week’s “filed a petition for custody of of the Idlib region, but other ian Observatory for Human asking sources for any evi- toxic munitions. The militants used suicide
verdict was handed down. The UAE her daughter after her father militants including the Al- Rights. dence, a UN official in Ge- A health official in Aleppo bombers, suicide commandos
president issued the pardon as part of died”. The father’s “friends” Qaeda-linked Hurras al-Deen In February, two Canadians neva said. said victims had suffered and sleeper cells in the coun-
a mass clemency of more than 700 had looked after Yasmine since group are also present in the — a man and a woman — were “Once they have some- breathing difficulties, eye in- tryside around their bastion of
prisoners to mark the country’s Na- his death and insisted she re- northwestern region bordering released to Turkish authori- thing concrete and credible flammation and other symp- Hajin to inflict maximum dam-
tional Day, according to a statement main in their care, Shasho said, Turkey. ties after being held by HTS for that meets their standard of toms that suggested the use age, it said.
on state news agency WAM. The without providing any further Turkey-backed rebels hold several weeks. proof, they will be able to of chlorine gas. “It’s the largest number of
pardon was effective immediately details on their identity. most of the rest of the region. Jolly Bimbachi and a male report publicly,” he said. Chlorine is a widely avail- SDF fighters killed (by IS) in a
and Matthew Hedges, will be allowed “The (HTS) judiciary looked Idlib has since September friend had crossed into Syria The panel has attributed able industrial chemical, but single battle since it was found-
to leave the country “once formalities into the case and found in fa- been protected from a mas- from Lebanon, searching for 33 documented chemical its use as a weapon is banned ed” in 2015, said Observatory
are completed,” the statement said. vour of the mother,” added the sive regime assault by a fragile her two sons, she said. attacks to the government internationally. chief Rami Abdel Rahman.
Gulf Times
10 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Lion poachers arrested Floods ravage rice crop Main Togo opposition Ramaphosa signs minimum Kenya charges 3 Chinese
from South Africa farm in Niger’s Diffa region coalition boycotts vote wage bill into the law rail workers with bribery
Eight suspects will appear before a South African Floods destroyed more than 400 hectares of rice The main opposition coalition in Togo said yesterday South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa has Prosecutors in Kenya yesterday charged three Chinese
court to face charges of illegal possession of game in Niger’s southeastern Diffa region, already beset it will boycott December 20 general elections and signed into law the national minimum wage bill, men with trying to bribe detectives investigating fraud
products including lion parts and a tiger’s carcass, by deadly attacks by Boko Haram militancy, the call for further protests over what it alleged was his office said yesterday, part of efforts by the involving ticket sales on a $3.2bn railway built by a
police said yesterday. Police found lion bones, local governor said. Nearly 3,000 tonnes of rice a “fraudulent” poll. “We’re not going to give our government to tackle wage inequality in Africa’s Chinese company. The charges are the latest in a series
lion meat, a tiger skin, gas cylinders, gas burners, worth 717mn CFA francs ($1.13mn) have been lost blessing to this masquerade being prepared,” a most industrialised economy. The National of high profile corruption prosecutions and come
containers, a saw, knives and other equipment as a result, Governor Mahamadou Bakabe said coordinator in the coalition, Brigitte Adjamagbo- Minimum Wage Act sets South Africa’s minimum at a time of growing complaints about immigrants
when they intercepted the suspects’ two vehicles on state television late Sunday. Grain deficits this Johnson, told local radio. Togo’s Constitutional Court wage at 20 rand ($1.45) an hour, equal to 3,500 rand from China, a country that has played a key role in
headed to an unused farm in the North West year have already threatened food security for has validated ballots for 12 parties — but not any for per month. The law will come into force on a date improving Kenya’s infrastructure in recent years.
province on Sunday. “As far as how many (lions), thousands of small farmers in Diffa, according the 14-party opposition coalition that has staged to be determined by Ramaphosa, the presidency The three were arrested on Saturday in Mombasa
from our side there’s been no definite number to the government. The UN Office for the Co- protests in the former French colony over the past said. Supporters of the minimum wage say it will for attempting to bribe investigators with amounts
really...but its quite a few of them,” Captain ordination of Humanitarian Affairs said last month year. Ballots for 17 independent candidates have also reduce inequality and stimulate economic growth totalling 900,000 Kenyan shillings ($8,800). The
Tlangelani Rikhotso told AFP. Of the eight that flooding had claimed 45 lives since June. The been approved. Adjamagbo-Johnson vowed “we as workers spend more. But critics say it could men “jointly offered a financial advantage as an
suspects, aged between 22 and 60, two are South rains destroyed nearly 17,400 homes and killed will do everything so that the elections don’t happen lead to increased unemployment because some inducement to influence an ongoing criminal
African and six are Vietnamese nationals. more than 33,000 heads of livestock, it said. — we never want fraudulent elections in Togo.” employers won’t be able to afford higher wage bills. investigation in their favour,” the charge sheet said.
Reuters he Democratic Republic of Congo yes-
Mogadishu terday accused Washington of sparking
“needless fear” after the US embassy
in Kinshasa warned of a “possible terror-
hebaab gunmen and a suicide ist threat” against its mission in the country
car bomber yesterday struck ahead of a key election.
a religious centre in central “You have to distrust information coming
Somalia, killing a cleric and at least from people who want to spread needless fear
14 of his followers, a police officer and uncertainty among the Congolese a few
said. days before elections,” government spokes-
The Islamist militant group had man Lambert Mende told AFP.
accused the cleric of insulting the The conflict-prone central African country
Prophet, which he denied. heads to the polls on December 23 to elect a
The group was forced from successor to longtime President Joseph Ka-
Mogadishu in 2011 and most towns bila as well as lawmakers for national and
and cities but it retains a strong pres- provincial parliaments.
ence outside the capital and launches “Now that the holding of three elections on
frequent bombings and other attacks December 23, 2018, is a certainty, those who
in a campaign to topple the federal have no control over the electoral process in
government. the DRC are trying to distract the Congolese,”
“The (security) operation is now said Mende, who is also the country’s com-
over. Shebaab killed 15 people includ- munications minister.
ing the cleric, his wife, his followers The embassy on Saturday cited “credible
and his guards,” Captain Nur Mo- and specific information of a possible terror-
hamed, a police officer, told Reuters ist threat against US government facilities in
from Galkayo by phone. “Three mili- Kinshasa”, which were closed yesterday.
tants who stormed the centre were Relations between Kinshasa and the West
also shot dead.” have been strained under Kabila, and DRC’s
The group took responsibility for electoral commission Ceni said yesterday
the attack and put the number of that no EU or US observers would be invited
dead at 26. to oversee the poll.
It said some soldiers who respond- “There will be no invitations for EU ob-
ed to the first attack also died as they servers or from the Carter Center,” a Ceni of-
tried to remove a second car bomb. ficial said, referring to former US president
“We killed 26 people including the Jimmy Carter’s organisation which has mon-
owner of the centre, his followers, his itored dozens of elections around the world.
bodyguards and soldiers,” Abdiasis He said an “unprofessional” assessment
Abu Musab, Shebaab’s military op- by the Carter Center of the DR Congo’s 2011
eration spokesman, said. elections “almost provoked a war.”
“The owner of the centre was the The EU for its part fell out of favour with
man who abused the Prophet. The People gather by the site of a blast after a car bomb detonated at a busy market in Mogadishu yesterday. Kinshasa when it froze the assets of 15 Con-
soldiers that died tried to drive a golese officials after Kabila extended his
second car bomb that was left by the had insulted the Prophet, an accusa- pirates, street boys and jobless men elder Ismail Abdirahman told Reuters. capital, police and witnesses said. mandate beyond its official December 2016
armed Mujahideen.” tion denied at the time by Abdiweli. and they became his followers. Shebaab controls small sections on “A parked car laden with explo- expiry date.
Residents of Galkayo and a re- Abdirashid Hashi, the governor of “He used to tell teenagers: “If you Mudug region, but it does not include sives exploded in front of shops. So The official said Ceni had invited observers
gional official said Abdiweli may have Mudug region, told Reuters that She- were a pirate, or a bandit, stop it and Galkayo. far we know three people died,” Major from various African organisations including
also been targeted because his centre baab had threatened Abdiweli on nu- come and dance, eat food and sleep In a separate attack yesterday in Mohamed Hussein, a police officer, the African Union, asking rhetorically: “Are
hosts mostly youths who play music merous occasions. here. God will forgive your sins. Some Mogadishu, at least three people died told Reuters. elections valid only if the EU and the Carter
and dance. An elder in Galkayo said Abdiweli other ignorant teenagers thought he when a car bomb exploded in front of “Death toll may rise because there Center are on hand?”
Shebaab said last year the cleric had provided free boarding to former was as saint...and so joined him,” local shops in the Wadajir district of the are many shops there.” Last month the Congolese authorities said
the vote, for which campaigning ends on De-
cember 21, would go ahead without help from
the international community.
Cop shoots wife, her brother dead in South Africa courtroom A police statement meanwhile said all
measures would be taken to ensure candidates’
security, with a 25-strong special police de-
AFP The incident in South Africa’s spokeswoman Colonel Thembeka has been taken to hospital where he is paper said visibly shaken court staff, tail already drawn up for opposition hopefuls
Johannesburg southeastern port city of Durban oc- Mbele told AFP, adding that the in a critical condition,” she said. including clerks and interpreters, Martin Fayulu, Gabriel Mokia, Jean-Philibert
curred on the eighth floor of the re- hearing had been about to resume Mbele confirmed the suspect was were escorted from the building. Mabaya, Yves Mpunga and Noel Tshany.
gional magistrate court building as after the break. an off-duty police officer. Security is usually tight at South The statement added that arrangements
n off-duty policeman yester- the court heard the annulment case The two victims suffered several Local reports said that the two vic- African courts where visitors and for others would be made by Thursday, with-
day opened fire inside a divorce between the couple. gunshot wounds, she said. tims were in the court’s public gallery workers pass through metal detectors out mentioning by name Felix Tshisekedi,
court in South Africa, killing “At around 11am...the suspect The suspect, 32, turned the gun on when the shooter tried to talk to them and bags are X-rayed. son of historical opposition leader Etienne
his estranged wife and her brother shot at the wife and her brother himself but survived. before opening fire. Police officers are allowed to go in Tshisekedi, the late founder of the Union for
during a tea break in legal proceedings. and both died at the scene,” police “He tried to commit suicide and South Africa’s TimesLive online with their firearms if they are on duty. Democracy and Social Progress.
Nigeria mulls arming highway police – but would guns and traffic chaos mix?
By Joel Olatunde Agoi, AFP Nevertheless, industry sources aggravate tensions, as security drivers already have a lot to deal
Lagos said an armoury had been built forces deal with threats from with. They include over-zealous
for the agency in the capital, Boko Haram jihadists or violence traffic police with sticks and spike
Abuja, should the green light be between herders and farmers. strips to burst tyres, officers from
rom dealing with daily given. The gun is seen as the ultimate the FRSC and its local equivalent the
traffic snarls and potholes Last year, the lower chamber of symbol of power in Nigeria and Lagos State Traffic Management.
to unruly drivers in rick- parliament, House of Represent- there have been well-document- Add in the so-called “area
ety vehicles with expired docu- atives passed a resolution urg- ed cases of human rights abuses, boys” or gangs who run the bus
ments, Nigeria’s highway patrol ing the government to procure including torture and extra-judi- stops and depots for the battered
officers have a lot on their plate. weapons for the road marshals. cial killings. yellow minibuses or danfos, driv-
At the same time, they have to Nigeria, Africa’s most popu- Recently, a police special an- ing often resembles a city-wide
face the risks from armed robbers lous country of more than 180mn ti-robbery squad was forced to shakedown for cash.
who attack unsuspecting road us- people, returned to civilian rule change its name following public “Without weapons, the FRSC
ers idling in monster traffic jams. in 1999 after decades of military outrage at atrocities by its offic- is already a fearsome unit,” said
But an increase in crime on rule. ers against civilians. Olufemi Oluwaseye, a communi-
the roads has sparked fresh de- Politicians having replaced “Allowing the FRSC to bear cations student who is a regular
bate over whether members of generals are in charge of the arms is tantamount to militaris- user of public transport.
the Federal Road Safety Corps country. ing the polity and unnecessary “They (the FRSC) have this
(FRSC) should be allowed to car- But uniforms are still every- proliferation of arms,” said Don unique way of instilling disci-
ry firearms. where — and many of those who Okereke, a security consultant. pline, even if temporary, into even
The chief marshal of the FRSC, wear them are armed. “There are too many outfits the harshest drivers,” he said.
Boboye Oyeyemi, has said some They include the army, navy carrying arms in the country The argument that they need
70 operatives were either shot and air force, the police, cus- such that people continue to live arms to defend themselves does
dead by robbers or knocked down toms, immigration and prison under constant fear. This is not not fly, he said.
by hit-and-run drivers in 2016. service, officers from the anti- healthy for the civil society.” “We know the argument from
Those deaths would have been drug agency and the civil defence Okereke said there would be government would be that the
prevented if his operatives had corps. more killing of innocent people privilege won’t be abused or that
guns, he claimed. Some believe adding to the list in what the police claimed was the lives of the FRSC officers on
FRSC spokesman Bisi Kazeem is a recipe for disaster — particu- due to “accidental discharge” if Motorists wait in a traffic jam under banners bearing a portrait of President Muhammadu Buhari in Lagos. duty are always at risk without
said officials were legally entitled larly for anyone dealing with Ni- the FRSC is armed. weapons,” he said.
to do so. “The provision is there geria’s hot-headed and frequent- A retired FRSC commander, we should not encourage any- tives to use their guns against state governorship and local as- “But the issue is that we would
in the FRSC Act but the govern- ly frustrated motorists under the who asked not to be identified, thing that can heat up the polity,” their opponents, he added. sembly polls held two weeks later. only be creating more power-
ment has to approve and gazette tropical sun. agreed. he added. Nigerians go to the polls on Feb- On the roads of Lagos, Nigeria’s drunk officers and civilians, un-
it before it can be implemented,” Opponents believe it will fur- “The timing is wrong. Now Unscrupulous politicians ruary 16 next year to elect a new biggest city where traffic is a con- fortunately, would be at the re-
he told AFP. ther militarise the country and that elections are approaching could pay corrupt FRSC opera- president and parliament, with stant headache and tempers flare, ceiving end.”
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 11
Senior House
Agents tear gas migrants Democrats tap
the brakes on
trying to breach border
Trump probes
fter capturing the US House of Repre-
resident Donald Trump said sentatives with a campaign that spoke
yesterday that Mexico should of holding President Donald Trump ac-
send Central American mi- countable, some powerful House Democrats
grants seeking asylum in the United are now urging restraint and a focus on policy,
States back to their home countries, at least at the outset.
a day after US authorities shut the An aggressive examination of the president
country’s busiest southern border is still needed, senior lawmakers and aides told
crossing and fired tear gas into the Reuters.
crowd. But Democratic leaders are trying to chart
US officials reopened the crossing a measured path forward from early Janu-
at the San Ysidro port of entry be- ary when they will take over the House from
tween the US city of San Diego and Trump’s Republicans.
the Mexican city of Tijuana on Sun- That path will seek to avoid igniting political
day after closing it for several hours. battles, for now, over matters such as Russian
Sunday’s incident, which took meddling in the 2016 US presidential election,
place after a group of people rushed as well as possible collusion between Moscow
at the border fencing, was the latest and the Trump campaign and obstruction of
chapter in a weeks-long saga that has justice.
pitted Trump’s hardline stance on Many Democrats want to probe these vola-
immigration against a group of thou- tile topics, using subpoenas to get at docu-
sands of migrants who have made ments and testimony they say Republicans
their way north through Mexico from have ignored for two years, lawmakers and
violent and impoverished Central aides said.
American countries. They also said they want to dig into Trump’s
As news pictures showing chil- property holdings, son-in-law Jared Kush-
dren fleeing tear gas prompted sharp ner’s businesses and daughter Ivanka Trump’s
criticism from some lawmakers and use of private emails for official business.
rights advocates, US government But the investigative hard-chargers do not
agencies defended the response. US soldiers and border patrols fire tear gas towards migrants from the US side of the border fence between Mexico and the United States in Tijuana on Sunday. appear to be prevailing in shaping the Demo-
Rodney Scott, chief US Border crats’ early 2019 agenda.
Patrol agent in San Diego, said yes- If they enter the United States, le- Mexico has been in negotiations whether those throwing objects at Democrats take control of the US That is because other Democrats — includ-
terday authorities had arrested 42 gally or illegally, they have a right to with the United States over a possible US agents were part of the caravan, House of Representatives in January ing key committee leaders — want to focus
people. seek asylum. plan to keep migrants in Mexico while MSNBC reported. following their election gains. on immigration, rising student loan debt,
The vast majority of those assem- Trump has said the migrants their asylum claims are processed. Democrats and other critics called Democrats in Congress want more high-cost prescription drugs and the federal
bled at the border were economic should not easily enter the country US lawmakers returned to Wash- the Trump administration’s use of comprehensive immigration reform in response to hurricane disasters, especially in
migrants who would not qualify for and yesterday again threatened to ington yesterday after the Thanks- tear gas toward the migrants an over- addition to additional border security, Puerto Rico.
asylum, he told CNN, adding that shut down the US-Mexico border, giving holiday break and face a reaction, and blamed the adminis- but strongly oppose Trump’s wall. The Democrats’ agenda will solidify in six to
there were few women and children. which stretches 3,200km. deadline to approve funding for the tration for rejecting efforts to address “The time is long overdue for Con- eight weeks.
“What I saw on the border yes- Although Sunday’s incident took federal government before some larger immigration issues. gress and this president to say we When it does, it will greatly shape the rela-
terday was not people walking up to place at a part of the border where funding runs out on December 7. “Tear gassing families seems un- need comprehensive immigration re- tionship for the next two years between Capitol
Border Patrol agents and asking to there is already a physical barrier, Trump has repeatedly threatened necessary,” Lee Gelernt, the deputy form,” US Senator Bernie Sanders, an Hill and Trump, who has not yet dealt with a
claim asylum,” Scott said. Trump again urged Congress to fund to shut down the federal government director of the ACLU Immigrants’ independent who caucuses with the chamber of Congress under opposition control.
US Customs and Border Protec- his long-promised border wall, as unless Congress pays for the wall. Rights Project, told CNN. Democrats, told CBS This Morning. Voters handed a House majority to Demo-
tion officers “were struck by projec- well as reiterating his unsubstanti- Some 7,400 of the migrants are For weeks before the November US authorities need to “minimise crats in the November 6 elections.
tiles thrown by caravan members” ated assertion that there are many now gathered in the Mexican border 6 congressional elections, Trump the level of force that is being used,” With that comes more resources for investi-
and “perpetrators will be prosecut- criminals among the migrants. state of Baja California, in the cities raised the alarm about the migrant he added. gations, but some members of key committees
ed,” Homeland Security Secretary “Mexico should move the flag of Tijuana and Mexicali, and tensions caravans and ordered some 5,800 US Senator Angus King, another in- said they are concerned that rushing to wield
Kirstjen Nielson said on Twitter waving Migrants, many of whom are had been rising in recent days amid a troops to the border to support bor- dependent, told the Hugh Hewitt that power could turn off voters.
Sunday night. stone cold criminals, back to their series of daily protests. der patrol agents. syndicated radio programme yes- Representative Jerrold Nadler, likely chair-
The migrants, mostly Hondurans, countries. Do it by plane, do it by On Sunday in Tijuana, hundreds of Critics said this was aimed largely terday the wall did not appear to be man of the House Judiciary Committee, is
have travelled to the border in large bus, do it anyway you want, but they caravan members including women at bringing the immigration issue to a high priority for Republicans or discouraging talk of an immediate push to im-
groups, or caravans and now number are NOT coming into the USA. We and children protested peacefully. the fore with his core supporters. Democrats in Congress. peach Trump.
more than 8,000. will close the Border permanently if Mexican authorities intervened, The president now has just a few Republican US Senator Joni Ernst Other Democrats are doing the same.
Many of the thousands who have need be. Congress, fund the WALL!” prompting a rush toward the border weeks left to push his fellow Repub- told CNN on Sunday she did not At the House Intelligence Committee,
gathered in Tijuana have said they Trump tweeted. by some people, before US agents licans, who currently control both want a government shutdown but members are debating whether to reopen
will wait there until they can seek Mexican government officials has fired tear gas. chambers of Congress, to make good that “we’re seeing results” from the panel’s 2016 Russian election-meddling
asylum. no immediate response. It was not immediately clear on funding the proposed wall before Trump’s efforts on asylum seekers. probe, said sources who requested anonymity.
Representative Adam Schiff, on track to be-
come the panel’s chairman, is leading a faction
that wants to hold off on reopening the Rus-
sian inquiry, said sources.
any holiday travellers to 30cm across those areas. revisit all those leads, while at the same time
in the United States Oravec said Kansas and Chi- actively examining whether Russians were
were stuck at airports cago were likely to see “high im- money laundering through the Trump Organi-
on the final day of Thanksgiving pact” blizzard conditions. zation, gaining any leverage over the presi-
weekend after more than 1,240 More than 1,240 fights headed dent.”
flights were cancelled because of to or from the United States were Republicans have already begun criticising
a blizzard that swept across the cancelled by Sunday evening, ac- Democrats, even before their first investiga-
Midwest, according to weather cording to tion is launched, embracing the term “presi-
officials. Most of the cancellations were dential harassment” that Trump likes to use.
Blizzard warnings were issued of flights departing or arriving Democratic committee member Carolyn
in areas stretching across north- at Chicago O’Hare International Maloney said she was pushing Cummings to
east Kansas to Chicago, with Airport and Chicago Midway probe the administration’s decision to add a
snow already falling in some re- Airport, which combined saw a question about citizenship to the US Census.
gions including Kansas, central total of about 900 flights can- Matt Cartwright, another Oversight Demo-
Missouri, southeast Nebraska celled. crat, said, “I’m against weaponising the com-
and southern Iowa, said Bob At Kansas City International mittee, however, I don’t want to defang the
Oravec, meteorologist for the Airport, nearly 200 flights were committee by the same token...Our committee
National Weather Service. cancelled. A woman shovels snow around her stuck car during a snowstorm in Arlington Heights, Illinois. should be more than a political loudspeaker.”
French-language univer- three other universities, English- country, how much they look to December 1. Court challenge of a parking ernment is closely allied with the He noted that demographic
sity cancelled by Ontario’s speaking universities.” the federal government to try “We feel betrayed,” said Carol ticket issued only in English as federal opposition Conservatives trends point to Toronto, Cana-
government this month Ford insisted that budget con- and stick up for them, regardless Jolin of the lobby group As- a means to restore French lan- and their leader Andrew Scheer. da’s largest metropolis, becom-
has kindled the passions of Can- straints were behind the decision of what the provinces do,” Prime semblee de la Francophonie de guage rights in that province, “This decision is unaccept- ing the nation’s biggest franco-
ada’s francophone minority, who which will save Ontario C$80mn Minister Justin Trudeau said. l’Ontario. and a 1990s battle against budget able,” Joly said, demanding that phone cluster outside of Quebec
are set to replay their historical (US$60mn) over seven years. “And we will certainly be en- Ford had pledged during the cuts to keep open Ontario’s only Ford back down and “that An- within a few years.
rights struggle. But it has rattled Ontario’s gaged with the provincial govern- June election support for the francophone hospital, Montfort drew Scheer denounce it too.” If 100,000 francophone students
In addition to nixing the pro- 600,000 francophones, who ment to try to ensure they do this.” new university that was to enrol in Ottawa. Scheer, however, distanced in Ontario — along with 200,000
posed university that was to open represent about 4% of Ontario’s His father, the late prime min- 3,000, Jolin told AFP. French language rights were laid himself from Ford on the issue. enrolled in French immersion pro-
in Toronto in 2020, the province population. ister Pierre Trudeau, enshrined “Everything was going pretty out in the 1982 Charter of Rights “We are a bilingual country grammes — cannot continue their
with the largest francophone mi- The move also drew criticism bilingual language rights in the well for francophones in Canada and Freedoms, and other laws. with many francophones out- post-graduate education in the
nority in the country — outside and calls to reverse course from Constitution. in recent years,” he said. “But New Brunswick went the fur- side of Quebec and the federal language of Moliere, the commu-
of Quebec — also cut funding for the federal government and oth- Justin Trudeau’s languages we’re worried now about a back- thest, making French one of its government must work with the nity will decline, Jolin said.
francophone theatre troupes. ers including the government of minister, Melanie Joly, an- sliding.” two official languages in 1969. provinces to ensure that all Ca- “It’ll contribute to the assimi-
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Quebec, where francophones are nounced C$5mn for a “court The late 1960s and the two But the province suffered a re- nadians have the same rights and lation of our young people,” he
the brother of Toronto’s late the majority. challenges programme” which decades that followed had lapse in September when a fringe access to services and programs,” said. “If they study in English
crack-smoking mayor, respond- Canada’s nearly 8mn franco- provides financial assistance for marked a turning point for Cana- party that campaigned on slashing the Conservative leader said dur- and then go on to work in Eng-
ed to a barrage of criticism, say- phones represent 20% of its pop- important court cases that ad- dian francophones in their fight “costly” French services emerged ing a Quebec tour. lish, French will stop being a part
ing the move “has nothing to do ulation, but most are in Quebec. vance constitutional rights. to have their rights to an educa- as a potential kingmaker in an elec- Jolin held out hope that a ne- of their life.”
Gulf Times
12 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Reuters cials had spend the first week in transit corridor across Asia and uch of Vietnam’s larg-
New Delhi office trying to reconcile loans into Europe. est city was underwa-
that the previous government But of late it has faced criti- ter early yesterday in
took for these projects and the cism that many of its massive the wake of a storm which has
aldives’ new finance sovereign guarantees that it projects costing millions of left one person dead.
minister said yester- gave for them. dollars are pushing the smaller Tropical storm Usagi
day that China is ex- “We believe that most of countries into debt. dropped 444mm of rain on the
ecuting infrastructure projects these projects are at inflated India, which has been tradi- region in the 36-hour period to
at vastly higher prices than prices, and so we are looking at tional partner for most of the 7am (0000 GMT), the Central
originally proposed but the is- them,” Ameer said. South Asian countries, has in Steering Committee for Dis-
land nation cannot get out of its But he said the government addition viewed the expansive aster Control and Prevention
commitments now. could not go back on the con- Chinese diplomacy as aimed at said.
President Ibrahim Mo- tracts because many of these, securing an outpost in some of At least 40 major roads
hamed Solih’s administration, including the bridge, were al- the island nations such as Sri are still underwater from the
which took office this month, ready completed. Lanka and the Maldives. storm, which was downgrad-
is reviewing contracts award- “We cannot do much in terms Maldives’ foreign minister ed to a tropical depression
ed by his predecessor Abdulla of renegotiation but going for- Abdulla Shahid said he had as- before it hit Hanoi on Sun-
Yameen. Most went to Chinese ward our objective would be sured Indian leaders that his day, the Vnexpress news site
firms and are feared to have left to reduce the cost of our infra- country wanted the best of ties reported.
the country in debt. structure projects,” he said. with its immediate neighbours Flooding had caused traffic
During a five-year build- One of the projects was a and would return to an “India chaos across the city by early
ing spree, China built a sea hospital in Male awarded to First” policy. yesterday.
bridge connecting the capi- China which had already run up Prime Minister Narendra Schools have shut down city-
tal city of Male to the main a cost $140mn, far more than Modi attended Solih’s inau- wide, affecting some 1.7mn stu-
airport on another island a rival offer of $54mn that was guration and said India stood dents, and international flights
and is developing the air- originally made, Ameer said. ready to help the country tide have been cancelled.
port itself as well as build- China has built ports, bridg- over its financial difficulties. No deaths have been reported
ing mass housing on land es and highways in countries China has rejected allegations from the flooding, although the
reclaimed from the sea. stretching from Bangladesh, it was driving the Maldives to steering committee said that
But Finance Minister Ibrahim Nepal, Sri Lanka, and its ally debt and said it hopes the new a man died Sunday after a tree
Ameer told reporters during a Pakistan as part of its Belt and government will continue with Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, right, meeting with her Maldives counterpart Abdulla Shahid in fell on him while he was riding a
visit to New Delhi that his offi- Road Initiative for a trade and policies to attract investment. New Delhi yesterday. motorbike.
ohingya refugees from in a statement, adding that while Rohingya and other minorities Bangladeshi authorities could citizenship and the ability to go
Myanmar in camps in the term was banned in Myan- not considered members of one share the data with Myanmar, back to their original villages and
Bangladesh began a pro- mar, it should not be banned in of Myanmar’s “national races”. which could use the informa- lands are met.
Mohamed Nasheed waves as he addresses the country after test yesterday, demanding that Bangladesh. The Myanmar government tion against them. The refugees say they had to
returning from exile in Male last month. Bangladesh recognise their More than 700,000 Mus- refuses even to use the word Bangladeshi authorities were flee from their homes after My-
ethnicity as Rohingya and that lim Rohingya fled a sweeping “Rohingya”, as that would imply not immediately reachable for anmar soldiers and Buddhist
officials and aid agencies stop army crackdown in mostly a distinct identify, instead call- comment. civilians massacred families,
sharing their family information Buddhist Myanmar’s Rakhine ing them “Bengali”. Firas al-Khateeb, a UNHCR burned villages and carried out
he Maldives top court ponents but since he departed
overturned a terror- office political prisoners have
ism conviction yester-
day against the country’s first
democratically elected leader
Mohamed Nasheed, who fled
into exile after being sen-
been freed and opponents
abroad have returned.
Nasheed, the leader of the
opposition Maldivian Demo-
cratic Party, was expected to
Star cricketer defends
tenced to 13 years behind bars.
The Supreme Court said
Nasheed was wrongfully
charged and should not have
been convicted in the 2015 tri-
contest the September poll
but was barred on account of
his terrorism conviction.
His party’s nominee, Ib-
rahim Mohamed Solih, ran
move to politics
al described by the United Na- and unexpectedly defeated AFP Asian nation of 165mn, which a parliamentary seat from his
tions as politically motivated. Yameen despite curbs on op- Dhaka this year witnessed major ral- home town Narail in southwest
Nasheed went into exile a position campaigning. lies against the Awami League, Bangladesh.
year later while abroad seek- Nasheed risked arrest if he which has jailed opponents and A cricketer moving into poli-
ing medical treatment, and was ever returned to the Maldives angladesh cricket super- stifled dissent. tics is nothing new in South
branded a fugitive from justice. while Yameen remained in star Mashrafe Mortaza “I believe that every con- Asia, where star players com-
“President Nasheed’s en- power. has defended his decision scious, worthy and honest Bang- mand god-like devotion from
tire trial was a politically- Nasheed was elected presi- to enter politics as the “need of ladeshi should enter politics,” millions of fans.
motivated sham,” his lawyer, dent in the Maldives first-ever the hour” after angering some Mashrafe said late Sunday in his It is however rare for a current
Hisaan Hussein, said after his democratic poll in 2008, oust- fans by contesting upcoming first public remarks since an- player to make the change.
conviction was quashed. ing an authoritarian president elections. nouncing his candidacy. Mashrafe is expected to skip-
“It is appalling that an in- who had ruled the honeymoon Mashrafe, who enjoys rockstar “Maybe many can’t find the per Bangladesh in a three-match
nocent man was unjustly islands for 30 years. status in cricket-mad Bangla- courage for different reasons and ODI series against the West
forced to spend a year in jail, But he was toppled in what desh, divided opinion when he mental limitations. I thought Indies on home soil starting
35 months in exile, and was he called a coup in 2012, and announced he would run in the that it was important to break December 9. Mashrafe Mortaza ... new career
prevented from standing for found guilty of terrorism three December 30 polls on an Awami this mental barrier. So, I myself The fast bowler said his po-
political office.” years later. League ticket. took the initiative to fulfil my litical ambitions called at a time for me in the next four and half Mashrafe, who has undergone
The opposition icon only His appeal against his 13- A photograph of the 35-year- desire,” he said in a Facebook when he is contemplating his fu- years after the World Cup. So I more than half a dozen knee sur-
returned to the Maldives this year jail sentence had lan- old alongside party leader and post. ture, with speculation he could made an assessment of the time. geries, has already retired from
month after his political rival guished before the courts for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Earlier, the Awami League retire from international cricket I listened to the need of the hour. Twenty20 international cricket
Abdulla Yameen, who ruled years before Yameen’s defeat dominated headlines for days. confirmed the one-day inter- after next year’s World Cup. Because I believe, work should be and has not played a Test match
the Maldives with an iron fist and the case reopened. But it split fans in the South national captain would contest “I don’t know what is waiting done in due time,” he said. since 2009.
Ousted PM’s party vows to take over state finances allegedly stabbing ex-girlfriend
A former Cambodian monk
has been jailed while awaiting
which he carried inside his robe,
while the pair were discussing
trial after he was arrested, their breakup on Saturday, local
AFP The UNP says that as Sri Lan- remesinghe nor Rajapakse are rectly have control over gov- The political crisis wors- defrocked and charged over police told the Times.
Colombo ka does not have a recognised prime minister. ernment spending through the ened Sunday when Sirisena the weekend for allegedly She was taken to hospital with
government all spending pow- Wickremesinghe, who occu- legislature.” announced that he will never attempting to kill his ex- serious injuries.
ers should revert to parliament, pies the prime minister’s resi- Rajapakse has lost two no- reinstate Wickremesinghe as girlfriend, local media reported He faces up to 10 years in
ri Lanka’s ousted prime where the UNP and its allies have dence, and Rajapakse, who has confidence motions and two prime minister even if he has a yesterday. prison if convicted.
minister Ranil Wickremes- a majority. the premier’s offices, have both other votes in parliament but parliamentary majority. A court in northwestern Buddhist monks are not
inghe initiated moves yes- Sirisena set off the consti- refused to back down. still insists he is in charge. “We warn the president to Banteay Meanchey province permitted to marry or have
terday to take control of state fi- tutional crisis on October 26 UNP spokesman Champika Ranawaka said the fifth mo- respect the majority of MPs and charged Toan Savorn, 52, on romantic relationships.
nances as a power struggle with by sacking Wickremesinghe, Ranawaka said a majority in the tion against Rajapakse on Fri- recognise Hon. Wickremesin- Sunday for the attempted The former couple reportedly
the country’s president entered a naming the country’s former 225-member legislature would day would seek to stop him from ghe,” Ranawaka said. “He must murder of his 46-year-old planned to marry after Savorn
second month. strongman president Mahi- vote on Friday to freeze spending spending state funds. realise he can’t pick (and) choose girlfriend after she left him for left the monkhood.
Wickremesinghe’s United nda Rajapakse as prime min- by Rajapakse’s disputed min- “We are informing the Treas- a PM like shopping at a super- another man, the Khmer Times Police said that the ex-monk
National Party (UNP) said it ister, and seeking to dissolve isterial team. The UNP and its ury that they cannot release market.” reported. gave Phalla money he collected
would call a parliamentary parliament. allies have 122 MPs. any money for the purported Sri Lanka’s power vacuum is Savorn, formerly of from alms to help her open a
vote this week to block spend- But the Supreme Court and “In the absence of a govern- government. It will be the par- so acute that no budget for 2019 Chamsathea Veas pagoda in money exchange and electronic
ing by the new administra- legislators have blocked Sirisena ment, all financial control trans- liament which will exercise its has been passed. Government Banteay Meanchey, allegedly payment franchise in Poipet
tion installed by President and the parliament’s speaker fers to parliament,” Ranawaka powers of finance directly from finances will stall on January 1 stabbed Seng Phalla, a City, a casino town near the
Maithripala Sirisena. has declared that neither Wick- told reporters. “We will di- Friday,” Ranawaka said. |unless a vote is taken. businesswoman, with a chisel, border with Thailand. (DPA)
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 13
hina yesterday said that it ing home to compel their father, terday defended the decision. While China is known to bar start his second year at George- executive at the Bank of Commu- have been unable to leave China
has barred three reported a former executive at a Chinese “As we understand it from the naturalised foreign citizens who town University while his sister, nications, Liu is accused of help- since June 2018 due to an exit ban.
US citizens– a woman state-owned bank, to return to relevant authorities, these people are former Chinese nationals from Cynthia, 27, was heading back to ing to carry out one of the coun- “US officials, including the Sec-
and her two grown children – China to face criminal charges, you have mentioned all have legal leaving, it is rare that one of those work with consulting firm McK- try’s biggest bank frauds, in which retary of State, regularly raise the
from leaving the country because according to the Times. Their and valid identity documents as being held was born in the United insey & Company, according to $1.4bn in illegal loans were issued issue of exit bans with the Chinese
they are suspected of “economic mother is allegedly being held in a Chinese citizens,” Chinese foreign States. The US State Department the Times. to property developers. He fled government.”
crimes”. According to the New secret site known as a “black jail”, ministry spokesman Geng Sh- issued a travel advisory in January, They have unsuccessfully tried China in 2007 and his children say The official added: “We rou-
York Times, Chinese-born moth- the Times reported. The siblings uang told a regular press briefing. warning its citizens about the use to leave three times and have been he is estranged from the family, tinely call for a more transparent
er Sandra Han and her children, told American officials and fam- “They are suspected of having of “exit bans” to compel Ameri- moving between cities and living cutting off ties in 2012. process and fair treatment for US
Cynthia and Victor Liu, were pre- ily associates that they were pre- committed economic crimes and can nationals to resolve disputes with an uncle, the paper reported. The US State Department said citizens.”
Royal visit
hinese state media heaped China policies “measured”. Close
pressure on Taiwan Tsai aide Chen Chu, secretary
President Tsai Ing-wen general of the presidential office,
yesterday after her ruling pro- said there were “no excuses” for
independence party suffered the poor performance and that
heavy defeats at local elections they had to think deeply.
at the weekend, as party officials “We must accept this les-
sought to work out what went son from the people,” she wrote
wrong. on her Facebook page, without
Tsai, who faces presidential putting forward any solutions.
elections in a little over a year, Senior DPP member and legis-
resigned last week as chair- lator Lo Chih-cheng told Reuters
woman of the Democratic Pro- the party had failed to please an-
gressive Party (DPP) after losing yone with its moderate approach
key battleground cities in may- Tsai Ing-wen to both China and domestic is-
oral polls to the China-friendly sues, and the DPP needed a re-
Kuomintang. The DPP now only tling down Taiwan’s dwindling been warmly received, and that think and maybe a more radical
controls six cities and counties to band of diplomatic allies. In the contact is now likely to increase. agenda to reach its core support-
the Kuomintang’s 15. run-up to the election, Tsai had Hung Mong-kai, a Kuomintang ers. “The party is in turmoil,”
Han Kuo-yu, the warned against Chinese efforts spokesman, said he was “cer- Lo said, suggesting one way to
Kuomintang’s mayor-elect in the to interfere and that people must tain” there would now be more please people would be to snatch
southern port city of Kaohsiung stand up for democracy. The of- interaction with China. back some of the smaller coun-
and the most high profile of the ficial China Daily said in an edi- Chiu Chui-cheng, deputy tries with which China has ties.
party’s winners, said he would torial Tsai had ignored Beijing’s minister of Taiwan’s Mainland “We’ve been pushed into a
open the door to contacts with “co-operative stance” and forced Affairs Council, told Reuters the corner, without fighting back.
China. Beijing has refused to deal relations into a deadlock, and government had always wel- And that again disappointed our
with Tsai’s administration since that “her separatist stance has comed exchanges with China, supporters,” he said. Still, Tai-
she took office in 2016, accusing lost her the support of the people but Beijing’s “political precon- wan’s stock market was cheered
her of pushing for the island’s on the island”. ditions” had hindered such con- by the Kuomintang’s gains, on
formal independence. That is a “Cross-Straits communica- tacts. “We are always positive expectations of better ties with
red line for China, which consid- tion and co-operation between on city-to-city exchanges with China, closing up more than one
ers the proudly democratic island local governments are expected mainland China, but it’s them percent. The Taiwan dollar also
sacred Chinese territory. to be strengthened as a result of who set a limit: they treat blue strengthened.
Tsai has said she wants to the election, which will bring and green differently,” he said, China has done little to hide its
maintain the status quo with more opportunities and help referring to the colours repre- glee at the DPP’s poor showing.
China but will defend Taiwan’s deepen mutual understanding,” senting the Kuomintang and One source with ties to China’s
security and democracy, espe- it wrote. The Kuomintang has DPP. leadership, asked how Beijing felt Jordanian King Abdullah II, Queen Rania al-Yassin are greeted by Japan’s Emperor Akihito and
cially in the face of ramped up sent delegations to China since Another state-run Chinese about the outcome, told Reuters Empress Michiko upon their arrival at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
Chinese pressure such as whit- Tsai took office, where they have paper, the widely read tabloid the simply: “They’re really happy.”
p to 145 pilot whales ager on Stewart Island. “It’s highly stressful for the
have died in a mass “The remote location, lack whales, but they’ll be using Reuters Newspoll showed support of just coup in August. Morrison struck
stranding in a remote of nearby personnel and the suitable padding to protect Sydney 35% for the government, just one a deal with an independent law-
part of New Zealand, with au- whales’ deteriorating condi- them,” he told Fairfax Me- percentage point above its record maker to continue ruling in mi-
thorities saying yesterday they tion meant the most humane dia. They were to be kept in a low. With such a heavy loss on the nority but the government faces
made the “heart-breaking” thing to do was to euthanise. stream overnight and refloated ustralian Prime Minister horizon, liberal and more con- an anxious final two-week parlia-
decision to euthanise dozens “However, it’s always a heart- at high tide next morning. Scott Morrison held an servative elements of Morrison’s mentary session for the year.
that lay stricken on the shore. breaking decision to make.” There were two other whale emergency meeting with party clashed publicly over the The numerical disadvantage
The stranding was discov- It was one of four strandings strandings over the weekend in members of his embattled Lib- need to change policy. Tim Wil- forced Morrison’s government
ered by a hiker late Saturday on discovered on New Zealand New Zealand, where beachings eral party yesterday as his minor- son, a backbench lawmaker from into an immediate and embar-
Stewart Island, 30km off the shores over the weekend which are relatively common with the ity government stared down the Victoria, said the state result rassing climb-down over the
southern coast of the South stretched DOC resources. In conservation department re- barrel at a heavy election defeat showed voters wanted the gov- setting up of an anti-corruption
Island. the far north of New Zealand, sponding to an average 85 in- within the next six months. ernment to move away from fossil body. It had rejected Labor’s calls
Half of the whales were al- eight pygmy killer whales were cidents a year, mostly of single Morrison met lawmakers from fuels such as coal. for such an organisation, but
ready dead and due to the con- transported by truck to the animals. Victoria, Australia’s second- Former prime minister Tony sided with the opposition when
dition of the remaining whales east coast from the west where A sperm whale which most populous state, where Australian PM Scott Morrison Abbott dismissed the suggestion, it became obvious it would lose a
and the remote, difficult-to- sea conditions were too rough beached in Doubtless Bay died voters overwhelmingly turned arguing for stronger conservative vote on the floor.
access location, the decision to refloat them. overnight on Saturday, while against the Liberals in a state in Canberra. The meeting came policies. The split came as Morri- Labor could also seek a parlia-
was made to euthanise the re- Two of the pod had to be the body of a dead female pyg- election on Saturday, stoking just hours after Australia’s pre- son faced a hostile parliament for mentary vote to demand Home
mainder. euthanised, but Daren Grov- my sperm whale was found at panic within the Liberal-Nation- eminent opinion poll showed the the first time since his govern- Affairs Minister Peter Dutton be
“Sadly, the likelihood of er of the marine conserva- Ohiwa on the west coast of the al coalition. government on course for a heavy ment was confirmed in minor- referred to Australia’s High Court
being able to successfully re- tion group Project Jonah said North Island. Australian Treasurer Josh defeat by the Labor opposition at ity. Morrison lost his one-seat for a ruling on whether he is eligi-
Frydenberg, who is from Victo- the next national election, which parliamentary majority earlier in ble to remain as a sitting member.
ria, said the meeting was pro- is due by May. November when an independent Dutton, who has financial inter-
ductive but declined to specify A Newspoll for The Austral- candidate won a by-election for ests in daycare centres that re-
Ancient Chinese painting auctioned for almost $60mn what was said. “We had a good, ian newspaper showed Morri- the affluent Sydney seat held by ceive government funding, risks
honest discussion about lessons son’s government was on course former prime minister Malcolm falling foul of Australia’s consti-
A nearly 1,000-year-old ink most expensive item ever sold very few, probably only two or to be learned from the state cam- to lose 21 seats in the 150-seat Turnbull, who quit politics after tution, which bans lawmakers
painting by one of China’s in Christie’s Asia, it said. three. They are extremely rare,” paign,” Frydenberg told reporters lower house of parliament. The he was ousted in a party-room from benefiting from state funds.
greatest literati masters Su Shi, also known as Su Jonathan Stone, deputy chair-
Su Shi fetched US$59.5mn Dongpo, is one of the most man for Christie’s Asian art
(HK$463,600,000) at auction, important cultural figures in department, said in an earlier Uber driver found guilty over passenger’s death in Sydney
Christie’s said yesterday. The Chinese history and was an preview. In 2010, “Dizhuming”,
auction house has described esteemed scholar, poet, prose- a Chinese calligraphy scroll An Uber driver whose passenger Islam accelerated after dropping than he admitted,” Ryan said. time.” He will be sentenced at
the Song Dynasty artwork writer, painter, calligrapher and by Huang Tingjian — Su Shi’s died after exiting a vehicle and him off around dawn in June Islam had worked for 21 hours a later date. Islam, who is from
created by Su as “one of the statesman. The 185.5cm-long student— sold for $64mn at being hit by a bus at a Sydney in- 2017. During yesterday’s verdict, before the incident and despite Bangladesh, had started work-
world’s rarest Chinese paint- scroll is inscribed with cal- Poly Auction in Beijing. tersection has been found guilty Downing Centre Local Court indicating he had seven hours ing for Uber just three weeks
ings”. Entitled “Wood and ligraphy and the poems of four Hong Kong’s auction houses of negligent driving occasioning magistrate Mary Ryan said the of sleep it was not continuous prior to the death. The incident
Rock”, the ink-on-paper hand- important literati of the 11th have seen frenzied bidding death, local media reported. driver “did not keep a proper rest, she said, before finding the forced the ride-sharing company
scroll depicts a dragon-like old century in China, and also ex- among Asian buyers in recent Nazrul Islam, 32, had denied re- lookout” when the passenger driver guilty. The magistrate said to review its policy and last year
tree with withered branches hibits the seals of 41 collectors. years, with sales of diamonds, sponsibility for the instant death opened the door, Australian while Islam was of good char- implement an automated log-off
and a sharp rock resting at “The number of the works paintings and ancient ceram- of Englishman Samuel Thomas. Associated Press reported. The acter with no criminal record, period of six hours for drivers
its root. The painting was the securely attributed to him are ics shattering world records. The 30-year-old was killed after “only explanation is that Mr “people of good character also who have been on the road for
being caught off balance when Islam was much more fatigued do commit offences for the first 12 hours straight.
Gulf Times
14 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Flood threat may see people being moved to new areas: Gove
Guardian News and Media become manifest in the UK. both flood prevention and re- Gove said: “We need our com- new wetland habitats for birds. selves better from the increasing taskforce will also be set up, in-
London “It will not always be possible sponse.” munities and infrastructure to Next year, Defra will publish a flood risk. volving farmers, conservation-
to prevent every flood,” he told Defra is spending £2.6bn on be better prepared for floods long-term policy statement on In a wide-ranging speech, the ists and academics.
an audience of department for flood defences between 2015 and coastal change, so that they flooding and coastal erosion and secretary of state also promised Farmers will be central to
eople may have to be environment, food and rural af- and 2021, and aims to protect recover more quickly from the the Environment Agency will is- new domestic policies aimed at many parts of the climate strate-
moved away from high- fairs (Defra) stakeholders. “We 300,000 homes from flooding damage and disruption and, sue a new 50-year flood strategy, reducing greenhouse gas emis- gy, with Gove promising reforms
risk areas as climate cannot build defences to protect by that date. The Met Office said where necessary, to help people which Gove said should “explore sions, using resources more ef- around how fertilisers are used
change makes flooding more every single building or rein- the UK could expect warmer and and communities move out of new philosophies”, going beyond ficiently and tackling waste, and a new emissions reduction
likely and more severe in the UK, force every retreating coastline. wetter winters as a result of cli- harm’s way.” traditional flood defences such planting more trees and restor- plan for agriculture, at the same
the government has said. We will be looking at ways we mate change. New flood protection meas- as sea and river walls and other ing peatlands. time as encouraging farmers to
Announcing the biggest re- can encourage every local area The Environment Agency is ures will include natural de- “hard” barriers. Next year an England Peat grow more food. Farmers would
view of climate change in Britain to strive for greater overall resil- preparing for 4C of warming in fences such as planting trees, Gove said the new data in the Strategy will be published, set- be supported by the government
for nearly a decade, the Environ- ience that takes into account all planning the UK’s flood defences, restoring heathland and in- UK Climate Projections report, ting out how the condition of the in reducing the emissions from
ment Secretary, Michael Gove, the different levers from land- though the Paris agreement aims stalling “leaky dams”, as well compiled by Defra and the Met country’s peatlands – only 13% their land and activities, Gove
said flooding was one of the key use planning to better water to limit warming to no more than as in some cases allowing wa- Office, would help communities of which are in near natural con- said, but he did not specify what
ways in which changes would storage upstream, and tackles 2C above pre-industrial levels. ter to breach sea walls to create and businesses to protect them- dition – will be improved. A new form this support would take.
Labour to block
People’s Vote
taking part
in TV debate
Guardian News and Media prime minister is finally agreeing
London to turn up to a debate, the argu-
ment for the people to be given
the final say on Brexit must be
abour will not allow a rep- heard loud and clear in that dis-
resentative of the People’s cussion,” said the Best for Britain
Vote campaign to take part chief executive, Eloise Todd.
in any televised Brexit debate in- One Downing Street source said
volving Theresa May and Jeremy formal talks with broadcasters had
Corbyn, with the party instead yet to begin, with questions around
pushing for a format that would scheduling still to be decided. The
allow the opposition leader to BBC is the most likely home for
criticise the prime minister’s a debate, but Sky News, Channel
domestic policies. 4 and Channel 5 are among those
May’s team has proposed hold- who are thought to have expressed Leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom (left), Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond (centre), Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson (second right) and Secretary
ing a live primetime TV debate an interest in giving a platform to of State for Exiting the European Union Stephen Barclay (right) listen as Prime Minister Theresa May gives a statement to the House of Commons in London yesterday.
ahead of a crunch parliamentary the prime minister.
vote next month on Britain’s exit Discussion about the format
from the EU, prompting a discus- of leaders’ debates has become
sion over the debate format and a cornerstone of British poli-
volved if Labour cannot agree However, Downing Street’s rime Minister Theresa available,” May told the House to reopen the Brexit negotiations ative lawmaker Mark Francois waters after Brexit. These remarks
terms with a broadcaster and No desire for a peak slot may come May yesterday warned of Commons. “We can back if parliament votes it down. said, adding he agreed with the deepened worries that Britain will
10 in the next fortnight. against the brutal reality of TV Britain would be thrust this deal, deliver on the vote of Her plan faces opposition Sun newspaper’s verdict that the be forced into a so-called back-
Sources aware of Labour’s schedules. The prime minister’s into the unknown if the parlia- the referendum and move on to from both eurosceptics and eu- deal was “a surrender”. stop to avoid a return of controls
plans emphasised the party team want the largest possible au- ment rejects the Brexit deal she building a brighter future or this rophiles among her party’s 314 “Prime Minister I plead with on the border between Northern
would only be willing to con- dience for such a debate, but the has negotiated with the Euro- House can choose to reject this lawmakers and around 313 law- you, the House of Commons has Ireland and the Irish republic.
sider a debate that pitched the only logistically possible Sunday pean Union, as lawmakers from deal and go back to square one.” makers from opposition parties. never ever surrendered to any- “The EU have maintained
two main party leaders against night that could work is December all sides lined up to criticise the “No-one knows what would The 10 lawmakers of the body and it won’t start now.” throughout this process that
each other, leaving no space for 9, which could bring its own prob- agreement. happen if this deal doesn’t pass. Democratic Unionist Party, the Asked if May was confident they wanted to link overall access
an proponent of a second ref- lems if they wish to appear on one Under the deal secured with It would open the door to more Northern Irish group that props of getting a deal through parlia- to markets to access to fisheries.
erendum. Labour believes this of the biggest terrestrial channels. EU leaders on Sunday, Brit- division and more uncertainty, up May’s minority government, ment, her spokesman told re- They failed in the Withdrawal
format would also allow Corbyn That evening, BBC One is set ain will leave the bloc in March with all the risks that will entail.” said at the weekend they will porters: “Yes.” Agreement, and they failed again
to get May to broaden the debate to show Countryfile, the season with continued close trade ties, Parliament will vote on the vote against the deal. May said her deal was in the in the Political Declaration,” May
beyond Brexit and hold her to ac- finales of Doctor Who and David but the odds now look stacked deal on December 11 after a total May needs to win a simple national interest, but opposition said.
count on issues such as austerity. Attenborough’s Dynasties, plus against May getting it approved of five days of debate, May’s of- majority in parliament — 320 Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn “It is no surprise some are al-
Anti-Brexit groups called on Strictly Come Dancing and a by a divided parliament. fice said. votes if all active lawmakers turn said ploughing on with a deal ready trying to lay down markers
broadcasters to insist on includ- new drama by Jimmy McGovern. As May tried to win over her May has warned lawmakers out and vote — but former whips, that did not have the support of again for the future relationship,
ing a supporter of a second ref- Meanwhile, ITV will be showing critics, lawmakers from both her that if they reject it, Britain could who have long studied parlia- parliament was “an act of na- but they should be getting used
erendum. the final of I’m a Celebrity … Get own Conservatives and opposi- face leaving the EU without a mentary arithmetic, say the tional self-harm”. to the answer by now: it is not
“While it is welcome that the Me Out of Here. tion parties attacked the deal, deal — something businesses say prime minister may end up need- May also sought to reassure going to happen.”
decades of under-investment lighthouses at the entrance to uropean Union judges by bringing about a distinct
and played a key role in the result Whitehaven harbour. dismissed a case brought change in their legal position,”
ore than two dozen of the Brexit referendum. A further £50,000 will go on by a World War II veteran it said.
coastal communities in Jake Berry, the coastal com- the refurbishment of grade II and other Britons living on the Julien Fouchet, a French
England are to receive munities minister, on a visit esplanade shelters in Weymouth continent against the Brexit lawyer acting for the plain-
regeneration funding to preserve to the Withernsea Pier Tow- while the same amount will pay negotiation, ruling yesterday tiffs, said they would appeal to
historical landmarks and help ers project in the East Riding of for a new foot and cycle bridge that their rights as EU citizens the Court of Justice, the EU’s
boost local economies. Yorkshire, said: “From White- across the Arnside viaduct along had not yet been infringed. top court. “Unacceptable,” he
They include six heritage sites haven to Weymouth, we’re sav- the route from Morecambe to Harry Shindler, a 97-year- tweeted. “The fight goes on.”
that have been classified as “at ing some of the nation’s most Barrow. old living in Italy, was among Shindler had taken a de-
risk” by Historic England, rang- cherished coastal heritage assets Deborah Lamb of Historic 13 expatriates who complained mand that all expatriates be
ing from a former ice factory in and landmarks from falling into England said: “Restoring local to the EU’s General Court that given a vote in the referendum
Grimsby to a miners’ chapel in disrepair. The coastal commu- gems can attract investment and Brexit would deprive them of to London’s High Court.
Cornwall and an historic artil- nities fund also helps regener- help to tackle the deprivation EU citizenship, and that the Judges there ruled two
lery fort in Essex. ate our coastal communities and that is a problem in a number of decision last year by the bloc’s months before the vote that
The total £1mn payment from support them to grow by bring- our coastal areas. There are great council of member states to this would be too difficult for
the Coastal Revival Fund will ing these sites back to life and examples of restoration projects accept notification of Brit- the authorities.
help to prevent the seaside sites making them the focal points of in our seaside towns, often ain’s withdrawal next March Campaigners say millions of
– which also include piers, lidos their communities once more. bringing together the private, breached their rights because British citizens fall foul of a law
and promenades – from falling “It’s all part of our plan to in- public, voluntary and social en- they had been denied a vote in depriving them of a vote after
into disrepair and bring iconic vest nearly a quarter of a billion terprise sectors. This funding the 2016 referendum. 15 years abroad.
buildings back into use. pounds in our seaside areas by will inspire more.” The court yesterday dis- Under Article 50 of the EU
Northwood House Rotunda on 2020, providing thousands of Other projects to receive missed the action as inadmis- treaty, Prime Minister Theresa
the Isle of Wight, a grade II listed jobs, training places and oppor- funding include a 1900 model sible because the council’s May notified the European
building, and the 19th century tunities up and down the Great boating lake in Southwold and a move to start talks with Lon- Council on March 29, 2017,
Rock Gardens in Ramsgate will British coast.” historic vessel in Hull, as well as Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visits the Loanhead don did not in itself carry any that Britain would leave the
also receive grants from the de- The fund has paid out almost feasibility reports into desalting Centre in Edinburgh. Sturgeon visited the centre to highlight definite consequences for their bloc, setting in motion a two-
partment for communities fund. £5mn in grants since 2015 for a lake near Blackpool so it can be funding which will allow a full set of Muriel Spark novels to be rights. year countdown that will see
Ministers have been under repairs and restoration. Other used for sailing and other water- distributed to every public library in Scotland. “The decision of the coun- Britain leave in four months’
pressure to invest in so-called grants include almost £40,000 sports. cil authorising the opening of time.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 15
edicated shelf-edge labels UHT milk in their shopping, for involving Sainsbury’s sister com- nent scheme will be the largest of to remind customers during their “It’s been brilliant to work with excited to see how it can ben-
alerting shoppers to food donation after checkout. pany and retailer Argos, shoppers its kind in the country. shopping and signpost appro- NCS graduates to permanently efit food banks and their clients
and drink items that are The supermarket is expanding will also be able to donate new The eye-catching labels were priate items. After successfully roll out their label initiative to all across the UK.”
most useful to food banks are to its year-round food collection toys in store until December 16. the brainchild of a group of teen- pitching the idea to the manager our stores and help reach our tar- Among the hundreds of Sains-
be introduced by a major super- scheme to encourage more suit- The Help Brighten a Million agers working on a summer so- of Sainsbury’s Exeter branch, the get of 1mn donations.” bury’s charity partners are the
market for the first time after a able – and long-lasting – dona- Christmases campaign is being cial project in Exeter who noticed labels were implemented in store Mark Richardson, the manager UK’s biggest food bank network
trial led to a three-fold rise in do- tions to help feed those dealing launched during the festive season that customers only spotted food and donations tripled as a result. of Exeter food bank, added: “The the Trussell Trust – which oper-
nations. with hunger or in need. It has when it aims to attract at least 1mn bank donation baskets after fin- “We’re excited to be working result of this initiative just goes ates 428 food banks – the Salva-
From Friday, customers visit- teamed up with hundreds of donations of foods and toys. But ishing their shopping. together to expand Sainsbury’s to show that sometimes you just tion Army, the Felix Project and
ing more than 1,400 branches charity partners across the UK as demand for donated or surplus As part of a National Citizen food donation programme and to need a new mind on an old prob- City Harvest.
ore than 1,000 people
have died in just three
years after problems
with faulty medical implants, an
investigation has found.
UK regulators received 62,000
‘adverse incident’ reports be-
tween 2015 and 2018 linked to
components such as pacemakers,
artificial hips, breast implants and
mortgages qualified professionals. which is why the key test of af-
Daily Mail
contraceptives. London Sainsbury’s and Virgin offer fordability takes account of out-
A third of the incidents had up to five times people’s income. goings as well as income.”
serious repercussions for the pa- Most other banks have a maxi- In its recent Financial Stabil-
tient, and 1,004 resulted in death. irst-time buyers are sad- mum loan-to-income ratio of ity Report, the Bank of England
Experts have long warned that dling themselves with between 4.0 and 4.75, according said: “Banks’ risk appetite in
medical devices are poorly regulat- record levels of debt as to financial data site Moneyfacts. mortgage lending has increased
ed, particularly when compared to banks launch super-sized mort- A spokesman for debt charity over the past few years, possibly
pharmaceuticals. Professor Derek gages for up to six times people’s StepChange said: “Super-sized in response to weak demand.”
Alderson, president of the Royal salaries. mortgages reflect the real prob- However, it added: “In the past
College of Surgeons, said the find- Britons buying their first home lem, which is the cost of housing few months, the trend to looser
ings “underline the need for drastic now borrow an average of 3.68 and the difficulty of accessing it lending standards has shown
regulatory changes”. times their annual income – the affordably as a result. some signs of reversing.”
He said many devices are in- highest since records began in Earlier this year, it said there
serted without proper evidence the 1970s. Some banks are lending were ‘pockets of risk’ in the
they work or are safe. In the summer of 2007, the as much as six times economy, including “risks re-
“In contrast to drugs, many lead-up to the financial crisis, borrowers’ salaries – rates lating to household indebted-
surgical innovations are intro- people typically borrowed 3.39 branded ‘irresponsible’ ness and mortgage underwriting
duced without clinical trial data times their salary. and ‘alarming’ before the standards”.
or centrally held evidence,” he told A quarter of mortgages are housing crash a decade Its data reveals first-time buy-
The Guardian. now for 4.5 times someone’s sal- ago ers now typically borrow £145,000.
There have already been a ary or higher, compared to a fifth This is almost a quarter – or
number of high-profile safety just three years ago, according to “The more borrowing you £28,000 – more than just five years
scares over medical implants. Bank of England data. have relative to your income, the ago. At the same time, deals where
The new figures have been un- Some banks are lending as higher the risk you face if either buyers need less than a 10% deposit
covered by the International Con- much as six times borrowers’ the cost of your borrowing rises have risen by 50% since 2013.
sortium of Investigative Journalists, salaries – rates branded ‘irre- or your income falls.” Chris Hunter, of Darlington
a 252-strong team including staff sponsible’ and ‘alarming’ before Since 2014, banks have had to Building Society, said: “We will be
from the British Medical Journal. the housing crash a decade ago. analyse everything from spend- individually underwriting every
In some instances, patients Families are already a record ing habits and utility bills to case. This is not a computer saying
were given faulty pacemakers even £25bn in the red – equivalent to career prospects to determine yes or no. We will not lend to any-
though manufacturers were aware more than a fifth of the annual whether you can afford a loan. one who cannot afford it.”
of problems. Regulators are also NHS budget. They are also banned from Santander said it only offered
said to have approved spinal disc With house prices soaring by a offering more than 15% of new higher loan-to-income ratios to
replacements that disintegrated. third in just five years, to an aver- lending at or above 4.5 times’ “a select few customers and, as
One shocking case centred on a age of £233,000, mortgages are income. But the Bank of England always, on the basis of afford-
wireless pacemaker. Maureen Mc- helping to push up debts to levels has noticed lenders are offering ability and credit scoring”.
Cleave, 82, from Essex, became the never seen before. growing numbers of loans just A spokesman for UK Finance,
first person to be given the implant, This week, Darlington Building below this threshold. which represents lenders, said:
because of an irregular heartbeat. Society launched a mortgage of- David Hollingworth, of L&C “High loan-to-income mortgag-
She told the BBC she was ‘over fering professionals up to six times Mortgages, said: “Given the high es are only likely to be available
the moon’ to be the first to receive their salary. It last offered loans for house prices and demanding to those who have good pros-
the implant. up to six times’ income in 2007, deposit sums required as a con- pects for wage increases, such
Three years after it was fitted, just before the housing crash. sequence, it’s no surprise that as those in certain professional
its battery failed and surgeons Barclays and Santander are first-time buyers may be tempt- roles. Before they are able to offer
could not get it out. She now has a also offering loans of up to 5.5 ed to push their mortgage bor- any mortgage, lenders must un-
traditional pacemaker keeping her times income to high earners, rowing to the limits. dertake a strict affordability as-
alive – but the wireless version is Prince Harry arrives at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka, Zambia, yesterday. while Clydesdale Bank offers “It’s crucial that the mortgage sessment in accordance with the
still sitting inside her heart. the same rate for some newly- doesn’t stretch borrowers too far rules outlined by the regulator.”
He said: “We recognise that Radio presenter Jon Gaunt, he sister of a 16-year- arrive and who told her and her
partnerships – and the oppor- who put his type 2 diabetes into old boy who was fatally mother about what had hap-
ritain’s biggest diabetes tunities they present both to remission by cutting out sugar, stabbed in Coventry on pened. “All we want to do now
charity has come under influence industry, and to am- described the deal as ‘blood Saturday night has said he was is find out who took Jaydon’s
fire for signing a £500,000 plify our work – are one of the money’, adding: “This is a com- killed because of his postcode. life, so we can seek justice,” she
contract with the makers of Tan- key ways for us to make change pany that still pushes sugary Jaydon Washington James was wrote.
go and Pepsi. happen.” products. Diabetes UK has lost with friends just before mid- At a press conference yester-
The three-year partnership He insisted the new deal is “in all credibility by doing this.” night when they were attacked day, chief superintendent Mike
between Diabetes UK and fizzy line” with the charity’s funding The charity was originally in Wood End, in the north of the O’Hara, of West Midlands po-
drinks firm Britvic will fund the policy, written just five months founded as The Diabetic Asso- city. Two of his friends sustained lice, said detectives were pursu-
charity’s schools, education and ago, which states: “No com- ciation in 1934 by HG Wells, who serious injuries and remain in ing several lines of inquiry.
awards programmes. mercial partnership will be en- had the disease. Last year it had hospital. “Clearly the death of anyone
Doctors and campaigners de- tered into with a company whose an income of £40mn, of which Writing on Facebook, Jayda is horrendous and tragic, but
scribed the deal as “appalling”. product or service is considered £29mn came from public dona- James said of her brother: “He the death of a child just makes it
Diabetes UK has long warned to be detrimental to people living tions and legacies. didn’t fight, he wasn’t part of a even more emotional,” he said.
that sugary food and drink is with or at risk of diabetes.” The deal with Britvic specifi- ‘gang’, he was friends with eve- “We’ve got a number of options
fuelling Britain’s diabetes epi- It rules out working with to- cally relates to type 1 diabetes ryone and tried to keep the peace which we are investigating. I’m
demic. Just last week the charity bacco firms, and insists that – an autoimmune disease which whenever he could. Jaydon was not going to join in conjecture
released figures showing 7,000 deals with food and drinks com- has no link to obesity or diet. It stabbed to death because of his into whether it is gang-related
under-25s are being treated for panies “will be subject to a full will fund Diabetes UK’s schools postcode, because he was a Wood or not.”
type 2 diabetes – 10 times more risk assessment”. programme, which provides in- End boy. I can’t believe someone In 2015, Wood End was ranked
than previously thought. How- Dr Simon Tobin, a GP from formation packs to help schools took my brother’s life simply be- the eight most deprived area in
ever, it said it was ‘thrilled’ by the Merseyside, told The Sunday look after pupils with type 1 Irish rugby player Rory Best poses with his medal after cause of the neighbourhood he England by Oxford Consultants
partnership with Britvic. Times: “I’ve been diabetic lead at diabetes. As part of the partner- being appointed an Officer of the Order of the British lived in.” for Social Inclusion (OCSI), in a
The charity’s chief executive, my practice for 25 years. I cannot ship, Diabetes UK will also help Empire (OBE) at an investiture ceremony at Buckingham She described Jaydon as “the report commissioned by the de-
Chris Askew, defended the deal, recommend my patients are sup- Britvic’s 2,000 staff ‘understand Palace, London, for services to rugby. sweetest, funniest, most kind- partment for communities and
stressing that his organisation ported by Diabetes UK. How can how to live healthy lives’. hearted boy” and thanked peo- local government.
Gulf Times
16 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Kyiv moves
to declare
martial law
Russia-Ukraine tensions soar cow of a “new phase of aggres- Ukraine’s Western allies ac-
A Ukrainian serviceman watches activists digging trenches on the coast of the Sea of Azov, near the Ukrainian city of Mariupol.
troops” after Moscow always in- which oversees border forces, detained, and Peskov said a Crimea, annexed by Moscow in
after sea confrontation sion”. cused Russia of using force with- sisted its forces were not directly confirmed weapons had been criminal investigation had been 2014.
The incident has raised fears of out justification in the naval con- involved in Ukraine. fired and the vessels seized, ac- opened. Kyiv has accused Moscow of
AFP a wider military escalation. frontation, while Kyiv urged its Moscow blamed Kyiv for the cusing the Ukrainian ships of “I condemn Russian use of blocking access for Ukrainian
Kyiv The UN Security Council met partners to impose further sanc- incident, with Kremlin spokes- “violating the Russian border”. force in Azov Sea. Russian au- ships though the strait, the only
in an emergency session, where tions on Moscow. man Dmitry Peskov saying: “The Ukraine’s interior minister thorities must return Ukrain- way in and out of the Sea of Azov
US ambassador Nikki Haley “These were planned acts of Russian side acted strictly within released a video on Twitter ap- ian sailors, vessels & refrain from to the Black Sea.
yiv and Moscow faced warned Russia against “outlaw aggression by the Russian Fed- both domestic and international parently from aboard one of the further provocations,” EU Presi- In recent months both sides
their worst crisis in years actions”. eration against Ukraine,” Foreign law.” Russian ships, showing the tug- dent Donald Tusk tweeted. had deployed more naval and
yesterday as Ukraine and The confrontation is a danger- Minister Pavlo Klimkin told re- The crisis unfolded as two boat being chased down and the France also called on Russia border vessels to the area.
its Western allies demanded the ous development in the conflict porters in Kyiv. “We will demand small Ukrainian warships and a collision, interspersed with com- to release the sailors and ships, “The incident marks a sig-
release of three ships fired on and pitting Ukraine against Moscow (at the Security Council) the im- tugboat were heading through mands and swearing in Russian. with the foreign ministry saying nificant escalation of the conflict
seized by Russia near Crimea. and Russian-backed rebels in the mediate release of our sailors and the Kerch Strait, a waterway that Russian television networks “nothing appears to justify the between Russia and Ukraine,” re-
Russian forces boarded and east of the country. the liberation of our ships.” gives access to the Sea of Azov showed a similar video, but with use of force” by Russia. search firm Eurasia Group said.
captured the ships on Sunday, More than 10,000 people have In a televised address to the from the Black Sea and which is the voices removed and without German Foreign Minister “Western governments will side
with Moscow accusing the ves- been killed since the Moscow- nation, Poroshenko accused used by both Ukraine and Russia. the moment of collision. Heiko Maas said any Russian with Ukraine against Russia over
sels of illegally entering Russian backed insurgency broke out in Russia of taking the two coun- Ukraine said a Russian border Ukraine said six of its service- “blockade” of the Sea of Azov the incident ... making new sanc-
waters off the coast of Crimea in April 2014 following Russia’s an- tries’ long-running conflict to guard vessel rammed the tugboat men were injured in the incident, was “unacceptable” and pro- tions against Russia likely.”
the Sea of Azov. nexation of Crimea from Ukraine. another level. and then fired on the ships. two seriously. posed French-German media- Protesters gathered in sev-
Ukraine’s military was on high The United States and EU have “(Russia) entered a new phase It said the Kerch Strait was The FSB said only three had tion to resolve the crisis. eral Ukrainian cities to denounce
alert and parliament was meet- already imposed sanctions on of aggression,” Poroshenko said, blocked by a tanker and that Rus- suffered non-life threatening in- Tensions have been build- Russia’s actions, with several
ing to vote on a request to impose Russia over the conflict and yes- adding that the incident showed sian military aircraft were flying juries. ing over the Kerch Strait, where hundred far-right activists
martial law from President Petro terday European capitals rallied “the arrogant and open partici- over the area. Russian officials said 24 Russia has built a new bridge marching to parliament in Kyiv
Poroshenko who accused Mos- behind Kyiv. pation of regular units of Russian Russia’s FSB security service, Ukrainian servicemen had been that gives it a land connection to and setting off flares.
Hospital halts
stool study after
Macron heeds fuel tax anger Russia sues Google
over search results
donor deluge
A Paris hospital which made a
public appeal for stool samples
Paris ussia has launched a works to store Russian users’ donors and halt the study
civil case against Goog- personal data on servers within because it had gotten out of
le, accusing it of fail- the country. control,” professor Harry Sokol,
rench President Em- ing to comply with a legal re- At the moment, the only the gastroenterologist leading
manuel Macron, caught quirement to remove certain tools Russia has to enforce the study at the Saint-Antoine
off guard by violent dem- entries from its search results, its data rules are fines that hospital, told AFP.
onstrations against diesel tax the country’s communications typically only come to a few Originally donors were sought
hikes, warned his cabinet yes- watchdog said yesterday. thousand dollars, or blocking via posters at the hospital and
terday that the protests threat- If found guilty, the US In- the offending online services, at medical schools, offering
ened to tarnish France’s image ternet giant could be fined up which is an option fraught with compensation of €50 ($57) if
and he said the government to 700,000 roubles ($10,450), technical difficulties. accepted.
needed to listen to voter anger. the watchdog, Roscomnadzor, Three sources familiar with “Someone took a picture and it
The 10 days of unrest, which said. the matter told Reuters yester- spread rapidly on the Internet
on Saturday left some Paris- It said that Google had not day that Russia planned to im- and social media, because the
ian boulevards transformed joined a state registry that lists pose stiffer fines on technology message had been altered:
into battlefields, hit Macron as banned websites that Moscow firms that fail to comply with People thought it meant: Give us
he sought to counter a sharp believes contain illegal infor- Russian laws. your stools, we’ll give you €50,”
decline in popularity, and have mation and was therefore in The plans for harsher fines Sokol said.
again exposed him to charges of breach of the law. are contained in a consulta- The telephone hotline and e-mail
being out of touch with voters. A final decision in the case tion document prepared by the for potential donors was quickly
However, the French leader will be made in December, the administration of President overwhelmed.
has shown no signs of revers- watchdog said. Vladimir Putin and sent to in- Doctors worldwide are studying
ing the diesel tax hikes, which Google declined to com- dustry players for feedback. faecal transplants, which aim
he says are needed to help spur a ment. The legislation, if it goes to treat a range of chronic gut
switch to greener energy, though Over the past five years, Rus- ahead, would hit global tech diseases by introducing stool
he is now indicating a willing- sia has introduced tougher In- giants such as Facebook and bacteria from a healthy person
ness to soften the blow for mo- ternet laws that require search Google. into affected patients to help
torists on modest incomes. replenish a normal bacterial
Police on Saturday fired tear balance.
gas, water cannons and rubber
pellets at thousands of protest-
ers who trashed restaurants and
shop-fronts and set wheelie
This picture taken on Sunday near the Arc de Triomphe on Paris’s Champs-Elysees avenue shows
broken barriers a day after a rally by yellow vest (Gilets jaunes) protesters.
Police search villa outside Helicopter crash in
Istanbul kills four
bins ablaze on Paris’s upmarket
Champs Elysees boulevard, a anger,” he said. “That means a avert the wave of unrest. who has been at the forefront of Istanbul in Khashoggi case
major tourist magnet. new method, and that is part of The weekend’s violence the protests in the southwestern Four Turkish soldiers were killed
“We shouldn’t underestimate what will be discussed tomor- also exposed tensions within city of Toulouse, told BFM TV. From Page 1 killing was ordered by the high- and another wounded yesterday
the impact of these images of row, but not a change of direc- the amorphous “yellow vests” He said hardliners on both the Saudi Arabia has said the est level of Saudi leadership but when a military helicopter
the Champs-Elysees (...) with tion.” movement, so-called because right and left were hijacking the prince had no prior knowledge probably not from King Salman, crashed in a residential area
battle scenes that were broad- Protesters will be looking for the protesters don the high- movement, which mushroomed of the murder. After offering putting the spotlight instead on in Istanbul during a training
cast by the media in France and concrete answers from Macron visibility jackets that all motor- via social media, and that he was numerous contradictory ex- the 33-year-old crown prince. exercise, officials said.
abroad,” government spokes- when he and his ecology minis- ists in France must carry in their quitting. planations, Riyadh later said US President Donald Trump The helicopter went down in the
man Benjamin Griveaux said, ter unveil a new long-term en- vehicles. Other protesters denounced Khashoggi had been killed and said last week Washington Sancaktepe district of Istanbul,
recounting the president’s ergy strategy today. Yesterday they strove to Cauchy’s own right-wing con- his body dismembered when would remain a “steadfast on the eastern edge of the
words. Macron has doubled down maintain a united front, forming victions and said he was acting negotiations to persuade him partner” of Saudi Arabia de- city’s Asian side, in an area of
Now in their second week, the in his defence of the diesel tax, a committee tasked with secur- in his own interests. to return to Saudi Arabia failed. spite saying that Prince Mo- apartment buildings.
“yellow vest” protesters have aware that the French treasury is ing a meeting with the presi- Despite Saturday’s violence Turkey’s President Recep hamed may have known about It had been carrying out a
blocked roads across the coun- hungry for the revenues the levy dent. in Paris, there are signs the pro- Tayyip Erdogan has said the the plan to murder Khashoggi. training exercise at the nearby
try, at times impeding access to generates and that unwinding Government spokesman tests are weakening and becom- Samandira air base, Istanbul
fuel depots, out-of-town shop- the tax would damage his green Griveaux said an encounter ing less effective. Governor Ali Yerlikaya told the
ping malls and factories. credentials. would take place if they came Shopping malls saw a 15% fall Austrian rail strike hits 100,000 passengers Anadolu news agency.
“Behind this anger there is He has already earmarked forward with concrete propos- in consumer footfall on Satur- Defence Minister Hulusi Akar,
obviously something deeper some €500mn to help poorer als. day compared with the same Trains stopped running across Wedged between eight who visited the scene, said an
that we must respond to, be- citizens buy less-polluting ve- But some in the movement day last year, according to the Austria yesterday as last- countries including Italy, investigation was underway.
cause this anger, these anxieties hicles as he sought to answer said divisions were coming to CNCC umbrella group of shop- minute pay negotiations failed Germany, Switzerland, Hungary Four soldiers were killed and one
have existed for a long time,” criticism that his reforms have the fore. ping centres. to avert a planned two-hour and the Czech Republic, was in intensive care, he said.
Griveaux said. eaten into household spending. “The ‘yellow vests’ are clearly Last week the impact was strike, disrupting travel for Austria is an important hub for There were no reports of civilian
“France expects answers to its However, it was not enough to splintering,” Benjamin Cauchy, worse, with a 45% decline. 100,000 travellers in Europe. European rail travel. casualties.
Last Emperor director Bertolucci dies at 77 Salvini leads mafia villa demolition
AFP He had gained notoriety nese emperor won a total of nine Reuters The villa property will be con- group – which is involved in
Rome for his 1972 erotic drama Last Oscars, all of those for which it Rome verted into a children’s play- loan sharking, extortion, and the
Tango In Paris starring Marlon was nominated. ground, Salvini said. drugs trade – were arrested in
Brando and Maria Schneider. He won an honorary Palme Just last week, eight other vil- raids on gaudy properties which
talian film director Bernardo The filmmaker died at his d’Or for his life’s work at the taly’s Interior Minister Mat- las belonging to the Casamonica were filled with gilded mirrors,
Bertolucci, whose films in- home in Rome early yesterday, 2011 Cannes Film Festival. teo Salvini personally began mob family clan were confis- marbled sculptures of animals
clude Last Tango In Paris his press office Punto e Virgola Former festival president the demolition yesterday of a cated. and extravagant, regal furniture.
and 1900, died yesterday. said in an e-mail. Gilles Jacob said he was sad- villa illegally built in Rome by the Speaking to dozens of report- Salvini has promised to take a
Considered one of the giants He was 77. dened by the death of “the last city’s most infamous mafia clan. ers and cameras, Salvini prom- hard line against organised crime
of world cinema, Bertolucci was He had been wheelchair- emperor of Italian cinema, the Wearing a white hard hat, Sal- ised that he will chase criminals and irregular immigration since
the only Italian ever to win the bound for several years because lord of all epics and all esca- vini, who heads the League party, “neighbourhood by neighbour- taking over the ministry in June,
Oscar for best film, snapping up of back problems. pades”. boarded a digger and knocked a hood, street by street, villa by and he has railed against Roma
Bertolucci: had been the award in 1988 for The Last Bertolucci’s biographical “The party is over: it takes chunk from the roof of the villa villa and shop by shop”. camps for years, promising to
wheelchair-bound for years Emperor. masterpiece about the last Chi- two to tango,” Jacob told AFP. before the army took over. In July, 33 members of the bulldoze them.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 17
rights organisation urged of Bengal – to try to convert the “wiped out” if any outside dis- to visitors to protect the tribe. tinelese.” creating a situation where more arrested.
police yesterday to call tribe to Christianity. eases were introduced. “We are in constant touch A group of anthropologists, harm is caused,” they said. Separately, Andaman and
off efforts to recover the Police are working with an- “The risk of a deadly epidemic with anthropologists and psy- journalists and activists said in Chau, who described him- Nicobar authorities issued a
body of an American missionary thropologists and psychologists of flu, measles or other outside chologists,” said Dependra a joint statement that continu- self in social media posts as an statement yesterday reiterat-
believed to have been killed by an to see if a plan can be forged to disease is very real, and increases Pathak, director general of po- ing with the efforts to recover adventurer and explorer, made ing that the island remained off
isolated tribe on a remote island recover the body of Chau, an of- with every such contact,” they lice in the Andaman and Nicobar Chau’s body could lead to fur- several trips to the island by ca- limits to foreigners as well as In-
due to the risk of introducing ficer said yesterday. said. The Sentinelese, generally islands. ther violence and “completely noe on November 15. dians after some media reported
them to diseases. But Survival International, considered the last pre-Neolith- “If they suggest any method- unwarranted loss of life”. He told fishermen who took relaxations of restrictions for
John Allen Chau, 26, is be- a body that campaigns for the ic tribe in the world, have vio- ology to interact without dis- “The rights and the desires him to the island a day later he visitors.
Row mars
IANS enable people to pray at the Siokh
Dera Baba Nanak, Punjab shrine in Pakistan, leaders of the
Akali Dal and its ally Bharatiya Ja-
nata Party on one side and Pun-
massive political slug- jab’s ruling Congress on the other
fest was played out yes- not only indulged in running each
terday in full public view, other down and claiming credit
shoving protocol to the side in for getting the project cleared but
the presence of Vice President even raised slogans against each
M Venkaiah Naidu, as politi- other in the presence of the vice
cal leaders from opposing sides president.
in Punjab bared it at what was Harsimrat Badal, in her ad-
meant to be solemn celebration dress at the function, took a dig
related to the Kartarpur Sahib at the Congress leaders over the Divya Salaskar, daughter of slain policeman Vijay Salaskar, pays respects at the Police Memorial, during an event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 2008 Mumbai
gurdwara corridor project. 1984 anti-Sikh riots. terror attacks yesterday.
Naidu and Punjab Chief Min- There was immediate sloga-
ister Amarinder Singh laid the neering against her by Congress
digital foundation stone of a leaders and activists.
stone where the names of Chief turbed and shouted at officers. ndia yesterday paid tribute nels around the world, the – including its famous dome. serve to get their honour and him under house arrest for dif-
Minister Amarinder Singh, Pun- He later told a TV channel: to the more than 160 people bloody events – widely known Dramatic scenes of comman- tribute,” he said. ferent periods.
jab minister Vijay Singla and his “I will not boycott the function killed in a 2008 terror attack as 26/11 – have been compared dos battling the heavily armed Kasab, the gunman caught He was most recently re-
own were put on the foundation but I will boycott the founda- in Mumbai, the 10th anniversa- in India to New York’s suffering gunmen, and guests tried to es- at the railway station, was ex- leased in November 2017.
stone along with the names of tion stone itself. I cannot see my ry of an assault that raised fears on September 11, 2001. cape from windows down bed- ecuted by India in 2012 after US Secretary of State Michael
the Badals. name and those of my ministe- of war with Pakistan. The co-ordinated attacks on sheet ropes were beamed around being found guilty of charges Pompeo called on Pakistan
Officials of the National High- rial colleagues along with the Senior politicians laid the city of nearly 20mn people the world on live television. including murder and waging to uphold their UN Security
way Authority of India (NHAI), Badals.” wreathes and paid tribute to the hit luxury hotels, the main rail- Security forces only retook war against India. Council obligations to imple-
sensing that the situation could He said “the Badals have no victims at a Martyrs’ Memorial way station, a restaurant popu- control of the hotel on the India has blamed militants ment sanctions against those
get unpleasant in the presence of contribution in getting the Kar- in Mumbai, while other events lar with tourists and a Jewish morning of November 29. linked to the Pakistan-based responsible for this attack, in-
dignitaries, removed the foun- tarpur corridor project cleared. were held at some of the sites of centre. More than 30 people also died Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) group cluding LeT and its affiliates.
dation stone and replaced it with They ruled Punjab from 1997 the three-day attack, which be- Residents and railway offi- at the Oberoi and Trident hotels for the attacks and said the gun- “It is an affront to the fami-
the digital one. to 2002 and again for 10 years gan on November 26, 2008. cials also paid their respects at in a 42-hour siege involving men were Pakistani. lies of the victims that, after ten
The foundation on the screen (2007-17). Did they come here Six Americans were among Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus shootings, explosions and hos- Pakistan condemned the at- years, those who planned the
carried the names of Naidu, to offer prayers while in power? the 166 people killed by 10 train station where Mohamed tage-taking. tack, denied involvement of Mumbai attack have still not been
Punjab Governor V P Singh Bad- They are only trying to take gunmen who infiltrated the fi- Kasab, the only gunman caught Six hostages – including a rab- any of its agencies and offered convicted for their involvement,”
nore, Amarinder Singh and Road credit (for the Kartarpur cor- nancial hub by boat and spent alive, and another attacker bi and his pregnant wife – were to co-operate with India in the Pompeo said in a statement.
Transport and Highways Minis- ridor) just because they have an three days spraying bullets and killed almost 60 people and killed at Nariman House, a Jewish investigation. The US State Department
ter Nitin Gadkari. alliance with the BJP,” the min- throwing grenades around vari- wounded at least 100 others. cultural and religious centre. Nevertheless, tension soared also announced a reward of up
Though the ceremony was to ister said. ous city landmarks. The Taj Mahal Palace and The current rabbi, Israel Ko- between the nuclear-armed to $5mn for any information
celebrate the approval of the gov- Randhawa blamed the NHAI “A grateful nation bows to Tower Hotel held a private serv- zlovsky, unveiled a new memo- neighbours after the attacks. leading to arrests or convictions
ernments of India and Pakistan to officers for the foundation stone our brave police and security ice to remember the 31 people rial listing the names of all those India and the United States of those involved in the execu-
allow the Kartarpur corridor to controversy. forces who valiantly fought the who died there. who died in the 26/11 attacks. accused Hafiz Saeed, who tion of the 2008 Mumbai attack.
sions about pricing for advance the airlines are levying these an- resident Ram Nath Kovind constructively reimagine and
seat selection. This segmenta- cillary charges to try and make up yesterday said safeguard- reinterpret it,” he said.
he central government tion helps us to serve different for the higher operational costs. ing and strengthening the The constitution is the mod-
yesterday said it was ex- customer segments as per their However, travellers looking for constitution was a shared respon- ern scripture of independent
amining the issue of some requirements. This is to further extra comfort and avoiding the sibility of the judiciary, the execu- India and is more than just a col-
airlines charging a fee for ad- clarify that IndiGo custom- airport queues may not get dis- tive and the legislature in partner- lection of articles and clauses,
vance seat selection through web ers will NOT compulsorily have couraged by these charges.” ship with the people of India. Kovind said.
check-in. to pay for the seats. The pric- Aviation expert Kinjal Kirit Addressing a function to mark “For us Indians, it is an inspi-
“MoCA (Ministry of Civil Avia- ing is only for advance selection Shah said in a bid to survive in the the Constitution Day, Kovind rational and living document, an
tion) has noted that airlines are of seats. When the customer current environment of escalat- touched upon social justice, tech- ideal of the society we are and
now charging for web check-in checks in at the airport, the seats ing costs and flat yields, airlines nology and plugging of fund leak- the even better society we are
for all seats,” the ministry tweeted. would be assigned for free. Ad- are resorting to several measures ages by linking Aadhaar with the striving to be,” he said.
“We are reviewing these fees to vance selection for a small fee for enhancing their revenues and delivery of social welfare schemes. The president said the people
see whether they fall within the helps consumers reserve the seat rationalising their costs. He also expressed concern over of India were the “ultimate cus-
unbundled pricing framework.” of their choice on their flight.” “Over the past few years, the disruptions in parliament, de- todians” of the constitution and
The ministry’s decision comes Sharat Dhall of industry players are increas- scribing them as unfortunate. it was in them that sovereignty
in the wake of some passen- said: “Web check-in provides ingly resorting to sale of ancil- “Dr Ambedkar and his col- vests and it’s in their name that
ger carriers starting to charge a convenience to travellers allow- lary services, similar to those leagues in the Constituent As- the constitution was adopted.
fee for all seat selections done ing them to opt for preferential in developed countries, so as to sembly were remarkably gen- “The constitution empowers
through web check-in. seats. However, making all seats improve yields.” erous in their approach. They the citizen, but the citizen too
Earlier, only a section of seats chargeable will deter individu- Shah said that most Indian allowed for flexibility in amend- empowers the constitution – by
was subjected to advance selec- als from web check-in prior to airlines still earn less than 10% ing the constitution and were following it, by adhering to it, by
tion fees. their departure, resulting in of their revenues from ancillary accommodative of various protecting it, and by persevering
On its part, IndiGo said there longer airport queues both at services, as against much higher streams of thought. to make it more meaningful with
was no change in the airline’s the boarding desk as well as self share of revenues (10-20%) in President Ram Nath Kovind and Chief Justice of India Ranjan “They trusted the wisdom of words and deeds. The constitu-
web check-in practice. check-in kiosks. developed markets, particularly Gogoi attend the inauguration of Constitution Day celebrations future generations to expand tion is nobody’s preserve – and it
“Keeping in mind consumer “With a hike in taxes on ATF Europe and the US. in New Delhi yesterday. the frontiers of freedom and lib- is everybody’s preserve,” he said.
Gulf Times
18 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
No homework for classes CPM suspends Kerala Train 18 successfully runs Eight Maoists killed in Kalinga Sena withdraws
1 and 2, says ministry MLA for ‘misbehaviour’ at 115kmph during trials Chhattisgarh gunfight threat to throw ink at SRK
The central government has asked states The Kerala unit of the Communist Party of India The Research Designs and Standards Organisation Eight Maoists were killed and one was injured The Kalinga Sena yesterday withdrew its threat
and Union Territories to ensure that there is (Marxist) yesterday suspended party legislator P yesterday said the trial run of indigenously yesterday in a gunfight with security forces in of throwing ink at Bollywood star Shah Rukh
no homework for students of Classes 1 and 2 K Sasi for misbehaving with a woman member, developed engineless train Train 18 was Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district, police said. A joint Khan during his visit to Odisha for participating
and that the guidelines capping the weight of a statement said. The decision was taken after successfully conducted at a speed of 115kmph team of paramilitary forces and police went in the opening ceremony of the Men’s Hockey
school bags for classes 1 to 10 are adhered to. a meeting examined a detailed probe report on tracks in Moradabad division of Northern inside the core area of the People’s Liberation World Cup today. The fringe group took the
The guidelines said school bags for students in submitted by a party committee consisting of Law Railway. RDSO’s executive director M Z Khan said Guerrilla Army (PLGA) – an armed wing of the decision following an appeal from Hockey India
Class 1 and 2 should not weigh more than 1.5kg. Minister A K Balan and Kannur Lok Sabha member the train will now be sent to Kota division in West banned Communist Party of India-Maoist – as president Mohamed Mushtaque Ahmad. “We
The weight should be 2 to 3kg for Classes 3 to 5, P K Sreemathi. The statement said the Shornur Central Railways for validating its performance at part of an operation against the rebels. It started have decided to withdraw our pledge following
4kg for Classes 4 and 5, 4.5kg for Classes 8 and legislator had not behaved befitting his stature and its designed speed of 160kmph. The official said around 10.30am in a forested stretch near Sakler the request by Hockey India president. Since it
9 and 5kg for Class 10. The Human Resource position while speaking to the woman. The woman the performance of the newly-built train has been village. Over 150 leftwing extremists clashed is an international event and Shah Rukh Khan
Development Ministry has said schools should member had to write to party general secretary satisfactory and that the trials are progressing with troopers of the Central Reserve Police Force is a promoter, we don’t want to protest, as that
not ask the students to bring any additional Sitaram Yechury after her August complaint to the as per the schedule. Khan said the railways will (CRPF) and the District Reserve Group of the would give a bad name to Odisha,” Kalinga Sena
books or materials that could increase their state leadership did not yield action. In November, be initiating the process for obtaining necessary Chhattisgarh police, an official said. “Security chief Hemant Rath said. He, however, said that
burden of weight. The government also said she wrote to Yechury that she had lost faith in the approvals from authorities for induction of Train 18 forces of different units went inside the PLGA’s the people of Odisha had not forgiven Khan for
that Classes 1 and 2 students should be taught state leadership as even three months after the into commercial service after completion of the trials core area from different directions,” CRPF insulting their sentiments and distorting history
only one language and maths and Classes 3 and incident there had been no action against Sasi. in Kota. Built by the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Deputy Inspector General M Dinakaran said. All in his film Asoka that was released 17 years ago.
4 only language, environmental studies, and The action came just a day ahead of the Kerala Chennai, the train will promote ‘Make in India’, and is eight bodies were recovered while the injured The Kalinga Sena had demanded an apology
maths. Assembly session. capable of running at a speed of 160kmph. PLGA member was taken into custody. from Khan.
for assembly
polls in MP,
Mizoram ends
IANS Madhya Pradesh – 2,63,01,300 Madhya Pradesh Congress
New Delhi men, 2,41,30,390 women and chief Kamal Nath, former federal
Telangana Congress chief Uttam Kumar Reddy, Telangana Jana Samithi chief M Kodandaram, Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader L Ramana and 1,389 comprising the third gen- minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and
CPI state secretary Palla Venkat Reddy release the Congress manifesto ahead of Telanagana assembly elections in Hyderabad, yesterday. der – will decide the fate of 2,907 several top leaders of the party
high-decibel campaign, candidates. camped in various parts of the
often marked by bitter There are 62,172 voters who state and held many election ral-
personal attacks, ended can exercise their franchise lies and road shows.
ongress president Ra- ing will not only bolster the gather further momentum with farmers in Punjab and Kar- campaign in Madhya Pradesh There are 1,102 independent In the last assembly poll, of
hul Gandhi and Telugu alliance’s campaign but will be Prime Minister Narendra Modi nataka elections loan waivers was spearheaded by political candidates in the fray. the total 230 seats, the BJP won
Desam Party leader and significant for national politics. scheduled to address two elec- and we waived farmers’ loan heavyweights, including Prime The prime minister, who ad- 165, Congress 58, BSP four and
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minis- Vikramarka said the meet- tion rallies in the state today. there,” Gandhi said adding that Minister Narendra Modi, BJP dressed three election rallies independents three.
ter N Chandrababu Naidu will ing would send a message to the Modi will address the first he doesn’t make false promises president Amit Shah and Chief in Rajasthan yesterday, did not In Mizoram, a total of 209
share dais at their first public whole country. meeting at Nizamabad at 11am and unlike the prime minister. Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, campaign in Madhya Pradesh on candidates are in the battle.
meeting at Khammam tomor- The Congress is leading the will then reach Mahabubnagar to He also ridiculed the planned who is straining every nerve to the last day. The ruling Congress has field-
row to campaign for “grand ‘grand alliance’ in Telangana address another meeting in the af- bullet train. He said the Indian secure a fourth term while the He, however, addressed two ed 40 candidates while opposi-
alliance” candidates in Telan- which includes the TDP, the ternoon, state BJP leaders said. Railways had an annual budget rival campaign was led by Con- election rallies in the state on tion parties in the state, the BJP
gana’s assembly elections. Communist Party of India (CPI) These meetings are expected of Rs1 lakh crore and transport- gress president Rahul Gandhi Sunday. and Mizo National Front (MNF),
This is the first time two top and the Telangana Jana Samithi to intensify the campaign of the ed millions of people but the and other senior party leaders In his campaign, Modi attacked are contesting in 39 and 40 as-
leaders of the Congress and (TJS). BJP for the elections. cost of a bullet train that will who addressed several rallies to the Congress on corruption, dy- sembly constituencies respec-
TDP will be sharing the stage TDP’s Telangana unit chief L According to BJP’s Telangana carry around 2,000-3,000 peo- woo the voters. nasty politics and several other is- tively.
at an election rally since they Ramna and leaders of CPI and unit president K Laxman, Modi ple to Mumbai a day was almost However, in the battle for sues and also gave accounts of the Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla
agreed to work together to form TJS shared dais with Congress will again campaign in Telan- the same. supremacy in the election to achievements of the state and the is contesting from two seats –
an alliance of non-Bharatiya leaders Sonia Gandhi and Ra- gana on December 3. He was addressing an elec- 40-member Mizoram Assembly, central governments. Serchhip and Champhai South.
Janata Party groups at the na- hul Gandhi at a public meeting He will address a public tion rally in Jalore in Rajasthan. the fight is largely between the Besides addressing several Mizoram is the last bastion of
tional level. at Medchal near Hyderabad on meeting in Hyderabad. “And the profit of this train Congress and the Mizo National rallies, Shah on the last day held Congress in the northeast as is
In a dramatic shift of TDP’s Friday. BJP president Amit Shah on will be passed onto industrial- Front led by former chief min- a road show in Indore. the only state in that part of the
stand towards Congress, Naidu For the Khammam public Sunday addressed four public ist Adani and not to the poor of ister Zoramthanga. The BJP and Chouhan toured extensively in country where BJP has no pres-
met Gandhi this month and meeting, the Congress has also meetings in different parts of the nation. It should be named others are also in the race. the state and sought votes in the ence.
they agreed to bury the past and invited CPI general secretary S the state. He is scheduled to ad- Adani railways.” Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla name of development. The state is being ruled by the
work together to unite opposi- Sudhakar Reddy and TJS leader dress more meetings tomorrow Gandhi also questioned rea- of the Congress is seeking a hat- On his part, Gandhi attacked Congress since 2008.
tion parties. M Kodandaram. and on December 2. sons for removing the chief of trick of wins this time and claims the prime minister and his gov- Around 770,000lakh voters
Congress Party’s Telangana Elections for 119-member The party is contesting all 119 the Central Bureau of Inves- there is no incumbency against ernment on issues of corruption, will decide the fate of 209 can-
unit working president Mallu assembly will be held on De- assembly seats on its own. tigation at the stroke of mid- his government. unemployment, farmers’ plight didates.
Bhatti Vikramarka and TDP cember 7. Also yesterday, Gandhi night. It was because he was in- Voting in both the states will and the promises made by Modi in Counting of votes in both
leader Nama Nageswara Rao The Congress has fielded promised to waive off farmers’ vestigating the Rafale deal with be held tomorrow. the 2014 Lok Sabha elections and states will be held on the De-
yesterday visited the Govern- candidates in 94 constituencies loans in 10 days if the Congress France, Gandhi said. Over 50mn registered voters in by Chouhan in the 2013 elections. cember 11.
necessary steps to bring the po- legislators and the assembly who housands of people, in- 15km route and hundreds of po-
lice in Delhi under the control of were charged with the responsi- cluding celebrities and lice were deployed en route, the
he Delhi Assembly yes- the elected government of Delhi bility of looking after the overall political leaders, bid an cortege moved slowly as hun-
terday demanded that the and to make it accountable to well-being of the people. emotional farewell to iconic dreds of thousands thronged
national capital’s police the legislative assembly as in The elected government, Jain Kannada actor M H Ambareesh the route for a final glimpse of
be brought under the elected the case with any other state in added, was not in a position to re- at a state funeral yesterday. the popular actor, draped in tri-
government and to make the India, by way of amending the move deficiencies in the service of Ambareesh, 66, popularly colour with the famous Mysuru
force accountable to the legisla- constitution and relevant laws,” people on account of certain limita- known as a ‘rebel star’, died on ‘peta’ (headgear) crowning his
ture like in other states. Jain said in the assembly. tions imposed by the constitution Saturday night following a car- head.
Delhi Home Minister Saty- He said that Delhi had became which kept “police out of the pur- diac arrest. Kannada stars Srinath, Jai
endar Jain moved a resolution totally “unsafe for its inhabitants”. view of the elected government”. His only son Abhishek lit the Jagadish, Shiva Rajkumar,
which was passed during a spe- “The elected chief minister He also said that it was neces- funeral pyre after the state re- Puneeth Rajkumar, Upendra and
cial session of the assembly. and ministers can be attacked sary for the elected government to serve police gave a gun salute Jaggesh, Telugu actor Mohan
The resolution demanded that in their own office and at pub- have certain degree of control over and a police band sounded the Babu and multi-lingual actress
“necessary steps be initiated by the lic events hosted by the elected law enforcing agencies to ensure bugle at the state-run Kanteer- Jaya Prada were among the many
Government of India to devolve government. Those who attack that decisions taken by it in public ava Studio in Bengaluru’s north- from film world who attended
certain powers to the elected gov- the CM have the audacity to file interest were implemented. west suburb. the funeral.
ernment so that it is in a position complaint against the elected Kejriwal, supporting the The funeral site of the former Congress general secretary K
to have control over Delhi police in CM and pressure Delhi police resolution, added that, “due to Lok Sabha member from Con- C Venugopal, Karnataka Chief
implementing its decisions.” to register FIR against the chief subversive, disruptive and an- gress and ex-federal minister is Minister H D Kumaraswamy,
The demand came after Chief minister.” ti-people instructions given to located adjacent to the memorial Deputy Chief Minister G Para-
Minister Arvind Kejriwal was at- He also said that in spite of Delhi police by union govern- of Kannada matinee idol Rajku- meshwara, many cabinet minis-
tacked with chilli powder at the police officials being the wit- ment through Lt Governor, the mar, who passed away in April ters, including D K Shivakumar
Delhi Secretariat last week, with nesses to such attacks, the po- elected government is not in a 2006. and H D Revanna, Congress state
the ruling Aam Aadmi Party lice force “tries to hush them up position to enlist any support The funeral was delayed by president Dinesh Gundu Rao,
(AAP) blaming the Bharatiya Ja- with grossly illogical arguments from Delhi police even in en- two hours as the flower-be- Bstate unit president B Y Yeddy-
nata Party and Delhi police for which have turned the Delhi po- forcing central laws such as Es- decked cortege, carrying the urappa and other political lead-
the incident. lice sadly in to a butt of ridicule”. sential Services Maintenance Ambareesh’s body being taken to the Kanteerva Studio in body in a glass casket, took more ers and lawmakers were present
“The Union government must The minister also said that Act when needed.” Bengaluru yesterday. than three hours to reach the at the funeral.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 19
naccompanied minors dent Donald Trump are camped Josue, a 15-year-old Hondu- he was well enough, authorities er murder rate than the Central Activists fear the Central group. To manage flows of asy-
and other vulnerable out with blankets and little food ran in Tijuana, said that dur- deported him, he said. American cities from which the Americans could be stranded for a lum claimants, Mexican and US
migrants risk falling vic- in an overcrowded stadium in ing a previous attempt to cross Reuters was not able to inde- migrants are escaping. long time in the city, where some authorities have in recent years
tim to crime in the Mexican bor- Tijuana, whose mayor has de- into the US last year he was pendently corroborate details of Juan Manuel Gastelum, Ti- protests against the presence of maintained a waiting list.
der city of Tijuana, where thou- clared a “humanitarian crisis.” kidnapped and badly beaten his story. Mexico’s immigration juana’s mayor, said late Thurs- the caravan have broken out. Lawyers and human rights
sands of Central Americans Among the Central Ameri- in Mexico by drug traffickers institute did not immediately re- day that the city was facing a In May, citing a lack of group Amnesty International
from caravans may be stuck for cans, many of whom are Hon- claiming to be from the notori- spond to a request for comment humanitarian crisis and that processing space at the same have said such measures slow
months as authorities tighten durans fleeing violence and pov- ous Zetas gang. about the case. supporting the migrants was crossing, US immigration offi- the process.
he head of Russian oil has delayed millions of barrels in
company Rosneft, Igor crude since August.
Sechin, flew to Caracas Sechin handed Maduro
this week to meet Venezuelan graphics about oil shipments to
President Nicolas Maduro and Russian entities compared with
complain over delayed oil ship- China, the two sources said.
ments designed to repay loans, Top financier China, which
two sources briefed on the con- has ploughed more than $50bn
versation said. into Venezuela, also gets reim-
The visit, which was not bursed in oil.
publicly disclosed, is one of the According to Reuters calcula-
clearest signs of strain between tions based on PDVSA data, the
crisis-stricken Venezuela and its Caracas-based company deliv-
key financier Russia. ered around 463,500bpd to Chi- Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest to demand work and aid from the government, ahead of the G20 Summit which will be held on November 30, in Buenos
Over the last few years, Moscow nese firms between January and Aires, Argentina, yesterday.
has become Venezuela’s lender August, a roughly 60% compli-
of last resort, with the Russian ance rate.
government and Rosneft handing That compares with around
Venezuela at least $17bn in loans 176,680bpd to Russian entities,
and credit lines since 2006, ac- or a 40% compliance rate.
Rosneft and PDVSA did not
with them,” said one source with tional mishaps, such as refining rgentina is on the verge abroad, the agreement would to Argentina. fresh beef to Argentina was in It’s a delicate time for the
knowledge of the talks. outages and delayed cleaning of signing a deal with allow Argentina to show other The US department of ag- 1999, according to Argentina’s world food system.
“They’re running around in of tanker hulls, and financial the US that would al- prospective buyers that its meat riculture and US Trade Rep- official statistics agency. Traditional trade routes of
PDVSA because of this,” added disputes with service providers low two-way trade of fresh beef is healthy enough to enter a resentative’s Office in Wash- Once one of the world’s top grains and oilseeds have been
the source, asking to remain owed money by PDVSA. for the first time in nearly two country with some of the world’s ington, and the US embassy in five beef suppliers, Argentina interrupted by a trade war be-
anonymous because he was not This April, Rosneft and PD- decades, the South American toughest sanitary protocols. Buenos Aires did not respond to was hobbled under the anti- tween Washington and Bei-
authorised to speak to media. VSA signed a refinancing agree- country’s International Trade The deal would also open a requests for comment. farm policies of the country’s jing. The world’s two biggest
The country’s oil production has ment designed to allow the Ven- Secretary, Marisa Bircher, said. new market for the US cattle Bircher said Argentina previous president, Cristina economies are now looking for
fallen to just 1.17mn barrels-per- ezuelan company to catch up on The agreement, expected to sector, although demand for US stopped exporting beef to the Fernandez. The country fell off new commercial partnerships
day, a 37% drop in the last year, ac- delayed loan payments by deliv- be signed within days, would beef is low in Argentina. US about 17 years ago due to US the top 10 list of beef exporters to strengthen their positions to
cording to reports from secondary ering more crude to Rosneft. simultaneously open beef im- The country is famous for concerns about Argentine cattle during her eight-year presi- bolster their positions in their
sources to Opec, leaving it strug- Under the refinancing, PD- ports to both countries, Bircher its quality steaks, some tender being contaminated by foot- dency. trade war.
gling to ship Russian entities the VSA has to provide Rosneft with said in an interview. enough to be cut with a spoon and-mouth disease. It is back in the top 10, ac- A US beef deal with Argentina
roughly 380,000bpd it has agreed some 380,000bpd, up from “We are negotiating the reo- as demonstrated with a flour- “We have eliminated that cording to USDA data and could provide a glimmer of good
to send, according to PDVSA doc- around 310,000 bpd, according pening to happen over the days ish by waiters in the iconic steak through a vaccine programme could get into the top five next news for US farmers after weeks
uments seen by Reuters. to Reuters calculations. ahead,” she said. “All the tech- houses of Buenos Aires. in our livestock sector,” she said. year thanks to the free market of bearish trade war headlines.
Waters concert
Venezuela reaches $1.4bn Chile sends planeload
of Haitians home
deal to hold on to Citgo Reuters of a programme labelled as
Santiago “humanitarian flights” by the
Reuters Part of the payment was month to investors who hold government of centre-right
Caracas made in bonds issued by Ven- bonds secured by Citgo shares. President Sebastian Pinera but
ezuela and its state oil com- Venezuela expropriated a hile yesterday returned criticised by migrant groups as
pany, PDVSA, according to a Crystallex gold mining project in a second planeload of “forced deportations.”
ash-strapped Venezuela Venezuelan finance industry 2011, which led to the 2016 arbi- Haitian immigrants to The policy is aimed at Hai-
settled a $1.2bn arbitra- source with knowledge of the tration award. their native country and will tians who have struggled
tion claim that will pre- issue. Crystallex and Venezuela make use of the return flight to find work in one of Latin
vent a creditor from stripping Venezuela agreed to pay the reached an agreement last year, from the Caribbean island to America’s richest economies,
away its crown jewel foreign remainder in instalments by but Caracas failed to maintain bring home Chileans stranded in some cases lured to the An-
asset, the US-based Citgo Pe- early 2021. payments after transferring in crisis-stricken Venezuela. dean nation by people traffick-
troleum Corporation refining If Venezuela fails to post col- $75mn. After dropping off nearly ers with false promises.
business, according to Canadian lateral by January 10 for the re- As Venezuela’s debt defaults 180 Haitian citizens in the Earlier this month, 176 Hai-
court documents. maining payments, Crystallex have piled up and US sanctions Haitian capital of Port-au- tians returned to Haiti aboard
The deal with Crystallex In- can restart legal proceedings. have isolated the country, credi- Prince, the Chilean air force another Chilean air force flight.
ternational suspends the Ca- A US judge in Delaware was tors have closed in on overseas plane will stop in Caracas to The cost-free return trip requires
nadian mining company’s push scheduled to hear on December assets of PDVSA. pick up nearly 100 Chileans those leaving to sign a declara-
for a court-ordered auction of 20 Crystallex’s arguments for a ConocoPhillips said in Oc- and fly them back to Santia- tion that they will not return for
control of Citgo as a way of col- court-ordered auction of control tober it had received $345mn in go, Interior Minister Andres nine years, and asks they take
lecting on an arbitration award of Citgo. the third quarter from PDVSA as Chadwick told reporters. immediate family with them.
against Venezuela that has The company’s three US re- part of a four-year deal to settle Oil-rich Venezuela’s econ- The policy has generated
grown to more than $1.4bn with fineries are a key destination for a $2bn arbitration award stem- omy has sunk into crisis un- controversy among some
interest. Venezuela’s crude exports, and ming from the loss of assets dur- der President Nicolas Maduro migrant groups, rights cam-
Citgo is based in Houston, Citgo has been valued in the bil- ing a 2007 nationalisation drive. with as many as 1.9mn Ven- paigners and academics.
Texas. lions of dollars. Rusoro Mining reached a set- ezuelans having emigrated Haiti is one of the world’s
Venezuela completed an ini- Venezuela has managed to tlement with Venezuela in Oc- since 2015, according to the poorest countries, blighted by
tial payment of $425mn, mostly protect Citgo even though the tober. United Nations. natural disasters, political up-
in the form of “liquid securities,” country has been crippled by an The Canadian mining com- “This will be a humanitarian heaval and poor security.
on November 23, according to economic crisis and US sanc- pany began pursuing Citgo this flight on the way there, and on Chile’s government has said
a filing in the Ontario Court of tions, and has halted payments year to collect on a $1.3bn arbi- British musician Roger Waters performs on stage during a the way back,” Chadwick said. that there are approximately
Justice, where Crystallex sought on tens of billions of dollars of tration award over the nation- concert in San Jose, Costa Rica. Waters is one of the co-founders A total of 1,600 Haitians 112,000 Haitians in Chile, or
protection from creditors in debt. alisation of its gold assets in the and principal songwriters of the rock band Pink Floyd. have signed up for the flights about 10% of the total immi-
2011. Caracas made payments last country. back to Haiti from Chile, part grant population.
Gulf Times
20 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
furious opposition in par- government, Asad Umar, who He has stopped the process of taken a U-turn on his promise to “The main achievement of the
liament, a bailout pack- is now the finance minister, had the formation of parliamentary not seek loans from abroad, hav- PTI government in its 100 days is
age from Saudi Arabia, promised that the government committees due to the opposi- ing sought aid from Saudi Arabia, to give an NRO to Aleema Khan,”
Tehreek-e-Labbaik (TLP) pro- would create 10mn jobs, revive tion’s threat to boycott all panels China, and the UAE. said both PML-N spokesperson
tests, “U-turns”, re-emergence manufacturing, rapidly grow the if the ruling party does not offer Defending his actions, the Marriyum Aurangzeb and PPP
of religious militant atacks, peace small and medium enterprises the PAC chairmanship to Oppo- prime minister, during a recent information secretary Dr Nafee-
overtures to India, and its much- sector, facilitate private sector sition Leader and Pakistan Mus- talk with media reporters, said sa Shah in their separate state-
hyped austerity drive amid eco- to build 5mn houses, reform tax lim League – Nawaz (PML-N) that taking U-turns was a sign of ments.
nomic upheaval were some of the administration, and transform president Shehbaz Sharif as per leadership. The National Reconciliation
main features of the Pakistan Te- state- owned-enterprises. “parliamentary tradition”. This statement provided an- Ordinance (NRO) grants amnesty
hreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government Later, speaking at the first for- Due to having no legislative other opportunity to his critics to individuals accused of crimes. Chaudhry: no scandal had Aurangzeb: Every word said
during its first 100 days. mal press conference after the work to do, almost all previous to target him, forcing a number “When will Imran Khan tweet surfaced during the first 100 (by the PTI-led government) in
While opposition parties are elections and before assuming sittings of the lower house of the of PTI stalwarts and loyalists to about Aleema Khan’s illegal as- days, making the PTI these 100 days was a lie, every
terming the 100-day perform- the charge as finance minister, parliament witnessed debates defend their leader, offering dif- sets? When will the money looted government the country’s ‘first promise a farce, and every claim
ance of the government as “un- Umar had said that offering any and speeches on petty matters ferent interpretations of Khan’s by Aleema Khan be brought back clean government’. a hopeless failure.
impressive, ridiculous and full of relief or subsidy to the people with members continuing their statement. to the country by the PM who
lies and U-turns”, the ruling par- during first 100 days was like giv- corruption tirade against each The government also had to used to shout claims of bring- icised and pressured for favours,” The minister accused the op-
ty leaders are touting the period ing lollipops. other, causing uproars and even face the challenge of handling ing every penny of looted public she alleged. position of making the parlia-
of “remarkable achievements”, He said that the first 100 days scuffles that resulted in a ban on protests by the religio-political money and evaded tax back to Similarly, the PPP’s Shah said ment “non-functional” by turn-
saying that the country has been would also not see a decision that the entry of Information Minis- groups, including the Tehreek-e- Pakistan?” Aurangzeb asked. that the first 100 days of the PTI ing the PAC chairman issue into a
put on the right track. would change the destiny of the ter Fawad Chaudhry to the up- Labbaik (TLP), in the aftermath “From the miracle of the PM’s government had set an example controversy.
Months before the July 25 nation, but a clear direction on per house of the parliament by of the Supreme Court’s verdict in visit to Saudi Arabia on a camel of “bad governance”. He, however, said the govern-
general elections, PTI chairman what “we promised and where Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani, Aasia Bibi case. to the millions of jobs and houses On the other hand, Informa- ment had already formed a par-
Imran Khan unveiled his party’s we are headed for stock-taking”. due to former’s refusal to tender The government’s decision to built on Google, (and) the illegal tion Minister Chaudhry said liamentary committee on alleged
ambitious “agenda”, outlining The opposition parties allege an apology for making “personal strike a deal with the protest- occupation of the PM on govern- theirs was the only government polls rigging, besides initiating
the party’s commitments for that the government has totally attacks” on opposition leaders on ers, who had used abusive and ment land in Banigala, those who which had set targets for first 100 steps for reviewing the account-
starting work within the first 100 failed to deliver at almost all the the floor of the parliament. seditious language against state vowed committing suicide in- days. ability act.
days of forming government. fronts, particularly economy and While mentioning the U-turns institutions, drew the ire of the stead of borrowing went begging He said that no scandal had He admitted that the prime
The salient features of the law and order situation. taken by the government, the opposition as well as on social from country to country, expos- surfaced during the first 100 minister could not give much
agenda were expeditious merger According to the opposition, opposition parties – mainly the media. ing the government’s revolution- days, making it the “first clean time to the parliament because
of the Federally Administered the government has not done its PML-N and the Pakistan Peoples The PML-N and the PPP, in ary economic turnaround policy,” government” of the country. he had to undertake foreign visits
Tribal Areas (Fata) with Khyber homework properly. Party (PPP) – remind the PTI separate statements, termed “the she said, adding that “the gov- Responding to the opposition’s due to the “economic mess” in-
Pakhtunkhwa, the bifurcation of The delay in the formation of that after the first cabinet meet- 100 days of the PTI government a ernment has nothing to show for allegations regarding the prime herited by the government.
Punjab, and reconciliation with committees of the National As- ing, the information minister had tale of 100 U-turns and 100 lies”, these 100 days other than their minister’s sister, Chaudhry said Chaudhry said that the prime
estranged Baloch leaders. sembly (NA) has almost made the declared that the prime minister and criticises it for hike in prices incompetence and inability”. that Aleema Khan had nothing minister would take the nation
The 100-day agenda also con- parliament non-functional. would not undertake any foreign of oil, gas, and electricity. “Every word said in these 100 to do with the government or into confidence over the govern-
tained a plan for introducing a NA Speaker Asad Qaiser, who visit in the first three months and Instead of talking about gov- days was a lie, every promise a the PTI, and that if the opposi- ment’s achievements, in a func-
development package for Karachi has been struggling to run the would only travel in commercial ernment policies, the main focus farce, and every claim a hopeless tion believed she had committed tion to be held at the Convention
and a programme for alleviation house smoothly, is on a tight flights, but he had already under- of the main opposition parties, failure, during which merit was some offence, they could take le- Centre in Islamabad on Thursday
of poverty, besides a number of rope because of the ongoing tus- taken the visits of Saudi Arabia, however, remained Aleema Khan, murdered and bureaucracy polit- gal action against her. (November 29).
s the World Bank once participants were unanimous ecutives’ jurisdiction, limits of
again extended the dead- that there were some lacunas in the project steering committee,
line for Dasu hydropower the process initiated in the past award of compensation to the af-
project funds utilisation, the to acquire land for the project. fectees etc.
government of Pakistan has fi- “However, the teams noted “The situation is improving
nally managed to convince most their current demands and asked gradually, as the teams have suc-
of the project affectees to sur- them to submit in writing on ceeded in convincing many af-
render their lands to facilitate stamp papers with the undertak- fectees. You can say that there
the launch of main civil works ing that they wouldn’t demand are positive signs related to land
without further delay, it has been more in future,” a senior official acquisition,” added the official
learnt. said. who requested anonymity.
Officials privy to the develop- He added that a majority of the Another official said that the
ment said that a majority of the landowners handed over the af- Water and Power Development
landowners gave an undertaking fidavits to the committee mem- Authority (Wapda) needed a total
Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa are seen with other officials during their visit to Miran to a Hazara division commis- bers. of 9,875 acres for the project.
Shah, the administrative capital of North Waziristan, yesterday to get an update on the security situation. The prime minister was sioner-led committee that they The official explained that a Of this, he said, it urgently re-
briefed about the ongoing stability operations, socio-economic development projects, and the rehabilitation of the Temporary would not demand an increase comprehensive report would be quired 1,987 acres for civil works
Displaced Persons, a tweet from the military’s media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said. Khan later visited the Ghulam Khan in compensation amount and for submitted to a steering commit- and a colony, while the remain-
Terminal to check on the progress on border fencing. He later addressed a jirga (assembly of leaders) of local elders at Miran Shah, the change of land category in future. tee that would finally forward the ing 7,888 acres were needed for
ISPR said. Located on the Indus River, document to the federal govern- the reservoir and other purposes.
some 240km upstream from ment. He said that 740 acres of the
Tarbela dam, in the Kohistan It would be up to the fed- total 1,987-acre priority land had
area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, eral government to accept the been acquired last year, and the
the 4,320MW Dasu hydropower demands, approve and release latest development meant that
project is being funded by the funds in this regard. most of the remaining 1,247 acres
he National Account- Shahzad Saleem handed over thority (Rs9.3mn) in a ceremony Rs1.5bn had been returned to “During ongoing extensive ef- However, it may take another According to a World Bank re-
ability Bureau’s (NAB) cheques to the representatives held at the bureau. the affectees of different scams forts, the teams formed by the month to file the report as it is port, only 5.6% of the allocation
chapter in Lahore has re- of the Lahore Parking Company Saleem said that the Lahore or deposited with the national committee held a series of meet- currently looking into legal is- has been disbursed.
turned Rs167.2mn ($1.29mn) to (for Rs71.337mn), a private bank NAB had recovered Rs4.14bn exchequer.
and arrested a person involved has been nominated by the IACP, the world’s As Humphrey scholar, he partnered with the he Chinese deputy head of blogging site Twitter, saying that On November 23, security
in illegal business of currency largest and most influential professional district probation department to implement mission in Pakistan, Lijian China Overseas Port Holding is forces averted an attack on the
exchange/hundi hawala. association for the police leaders. rehabilitation practices for the prisoners released Zhao, has announced that raising funds in the Free Eco- Chinese consulate located in the
According to a FIA spokesman, This award programme is designed to recognise on probation and parole. Chinese nationals are raising nomic Zone in Gwadar. upscale Clifton neighbourhood
during search, Rs900,000, prize 40 law enforcement professionals under the age Mukhtar has implemented a number of police funds for the families of the two Senior officials of the company of Karachi.
bonds of Rs679,000, $400, 3,600 of 40 from around the world who demonstrate welfare projects to reduce stress, improve police officers who died foiling will also take part in the fund- Four people, including two
Indian rupees, 1,500 Saudi riyals, leadership and exemplify commitment to their mental health, and build resiliency among a militant attack on the Chinese raising process, he added. police officials, were killed before
receipts and other documents profession. Punjab’s officers. consulate in Karachi, Express “Pakistan’s friendship to Chi- the three attackers were taken
related to the illegal hundi hawala With more than 30,000 members in 150 Mukhtar empowered women police officers News reported. nese is deeply rooted and gener- down by security forces.
business were seized. countries, the US-based IACP is a recognised by posting them as assistant station clerks, a The Chinese diplomat also ated from heart. To protect us, Diplomatic staff inside the
A case has been registered leader in global policing. managerial position in police stations, for the shared that the Chinese firm be- they left their lives behind. Chi- consulate were unharmed in the
against the accused. The IACP arranges an annual police conference first time in the district police. hind Beijing’s investment in the nese enthusiasm for donation attack.
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 21
Experts defuse bomb
resident Rodrigo Duterte’s Lorenzana stressed. response to the massacre of “I think he has not read the roadsides of other IEDs. Local
order to deploy additional He also allayed fears that the nine sugarcane workers in memorandum. The memo- Islamic State-inspired militants,
police and military troops memorandum would be a prel- Sagay City and the ambush of randum precisely and ex- particularly the Bangsamoro
to Samar, Bicol and Negros will ude to nationwide martial law. the police-escorted convoy pressly says that we should Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF)
not be expanded to other re- “The people have nothing of Food and Drug Adminis- respect the rights of the in- are known for their practice
gions, Defence Secretary Delfin to fear since there is no mar- tration Chief Nela Charade dividual. That Memoran- of planting two or three more
Lorenzana said yesterday. tial law (nationwide). There is Puno in Camarines Sur. dum 32 was done pursuant IEDs not too far from the
Lorenzana said the places no martial law indicated in the Malacanang yesterday said to the constitutional duty of primary bomb they detonate
under Memorandum Order 32 order, this is just to heighten the order of President Du- the president to protect and when a passenger or a military
were areas prone to attacks by our efforts in maintaining terte to deploy more soldiers preserve the people,” Panelo vehicle comes close. The IED
the communist New People’s the peace and order in (those) and policemen to Samar, Ne- said. that villagers found along a
Army (NPA). places, especially in the coun- gros Oriental, Negros Occi- “There were series of acts portion of the Cotabato-Isulan
“No need (for expansion). tryside,” Lorenzana said. dental and the Bicol Region committed against civilians, Highway in Daiwan, Barangay
Those are only areas where the Col. Noel Detoyato, Armed was not meant to weaken the against soldiers and police- Tanuel, Datu Odin Sinsuat, was
NPA are strong,” he said in an Forces public affairs chief, said opposition months before the men in those areas and there- fashioned from an 81-millimetre
interview with radio station critics of Memorandum Order Delfin Lorenzana: allaying fears 2019 mid-term elections. fore there is a need to deploy mortar round rigged with a
dzRH. 32 were siding with lawless In a news briefing, Palace troops, as well as PNP forces blasting cap that can be deto-
The Defence chief also groups. activities of the enemies. You additional law enforcers,” he spokesman Salvador Pan- in that area to secure the peo- nated from a distance using a
warned the NPA could inter- “This memorandum is in- know, the lawless elements said in a radio interview. elo denied the claim of Bayan ple, for their own safety and mobile phone.
fere in the May 2019 elections. tended to freely check all the are scared with the presence of Detoyato and Lorenzana Muna chairman Neri Col- peace of the area,” he added.
bout 500 Filipino truck around 500 Filipino truck to other truck companies to Manila Times Skills Development Author-
drivers in Europe may drivers all over Europe,” Ar- Europe notably Kurt Beier ity (Tesda) and replaced him
be victims of unfair riola told the committee on in Denmark; Andersen Euro with the head of the Maritime
labour practices but some of labour chaired by Sen. Joel Handel in Warsaw, Poland etained Senator Leila de Industry Authority (Marina),
those who had been rescued Villanueva. and Hoekman Logistics Lima yesterday called retired AFP chief Rey Leonardo
have refused to go home, an The panel has invited of- which is Dutch company op- for a Senate inquiry into Guerrero.
official from the Department ficials from DFA, Philippine erating in the Netherlands,” President Rodrigo Duterte’s The Palace later backtracked
of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Overseas Employment Ad- she said. move ordering the military to and said the “takeover” of the
yesterday. ministration (POEA), and “The drivers are legally temporarily take over the Bureau military merely meant that
Undersecretary Sarah Overseas Workers Welfare working in Denmark so it’s of Customs (BoC) to stamp out heads of offices and sections
Lou Arriola, head of the Of- Administration (OWWA) to not a police case. The police corruption. within the bureau would be
fice of the Undersecretary shed light on the reported have visited the company In filing Senate Resolution placed on floating status and
for Migrant Workers Affairs plight of some Filipino truck but has not found any illegal (SR) 949, De Lima expressed the military would be on hand
(OUMWA), stressed this dur- drivers in Denmark. so far. The Filipinos do not concern over the adverse effect to assist the agency.
ing the Senate public hearing Asked by Villanueva want to go home,” Arriola of appointing military person- De Lima said Duterte should
on the alleged “social dump- whether the Filipinos were said. nel on the regular functions of follow the Constitution, which
ing” of 22 truck drivers in all victims of alleged social She added, “We talked to the agency. “The militarisation provides that military officers
Padborg, Germany. dumping, she said, “Actually, them but they prefer to talk of the BoC may impede the op- in active service cannot be ap-
Arriola said that the issue the thing is most of them who to the unions who are re- erations of the BoC and as a re- pointed to civilian positions in
did not only involve just one are recruited here in the Phil- negotiating their contracts. sult, may gravely affect collec- the government, especially be-
country, Denmark. “In fact, ippines are by United Prime They would like to stay and tion of revenues, the lifeblood cause there is no “state of law-
we have four posts in Europe Mover. It’s a POEA-licensed continue working there. of government,” she said. lessness” in the BoC.
that are involved now in try- (firm).” They are asking assistance The senator noted that the “The operationalisation of
ing to look into this case: “But some of them came to have better living condi- functions of the BoC, under the military takeover of the
Warsaw, Poland, Hague, from Saudi Arabia. So they tions, and to have the terms Republic Act 10863, include BoC threatens to violate the
Netherland, Oslo, Norway were all over the place. (The) of their employment con- “assessment and collection of provisions of the Constitution
because it has jurisdiction United Prime Mover sends tracts renegotiated.” customs revenues from im- on the proscription against the
ported goods and other dues, assumption by active military
fees, charges, fines and penal- De Lima: expressing concern officers of civilian functions
ties; border control to prevent and civilian offices, aside from
entry of smuggled goods; and In October, Duterte ordered declaration of a state of law- other basic principles of a re-
prevention and suppression of the Armed Forces of the Philip- lessness in the country.” publican and democratic gov-
enator Grace Poe yester- policy that says unless neces- 1974; violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt otherwise ordered by a court of competent
day urged the Bureau of sary, they shouldn’t come in Practices Act; syndicated illegal recruitment jurisdiction for purposes allowed under
Immigration to raise “red here under false pretenses,” he House of Representatives approved as defined and punished under the Migrant Section 3 of this Act.”
flags” on any work permit ap- Poe: opposing work permit said Poe, chairman of the on third reading a bill that would ex- Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995; Under RA 4200, authorities are allowed —
plication from Chinese who Committee on Public Services. pand the coverage of the anti-wiretap- violation of the Anti-Money Laundering Act provided that there is a written court order
initially entered as tourists. rive here, they seek a change in “Otherwise we will be en- ping law or Republic Act (RA) 4200. of 2001. — to wiretap in cases involving treason, es-
Poe stressed this yesterday their status, shouldn’t that be a couraging more influx of that Voting 216-0-0, lawmakers approved yes- The bill also provides that it shall be pionage, sedition, rebellion, and kidnapping.
during the public hearing on red flag already?” Poe asked the kind of situation here and we terday the House Bill 8378 or an act amend- “unlawful for public telecommunication Violators of the measure will be punished
the reported influx of Chinese concerned agencies. don’t have the expertise to ac- ing Republic Act (RA) 4200 which prohibits entities and other similar enterprises en- by imprisonment from six months to six
nationals working in online Sen. Joel Villanueva, chair- tually evaluate,” she said. and penalises wire tapping and other related gaged in the business of voice and data years without the benefit of probation and
gaming, construction, food, man of the Committee on La- Poe added, “Obviously, they violations of the privacy of communication transmission through wire, radio, digital or with the accessory penalty of perpetual ab-
and business process outsourc- bour, had invited officials from were trying to fool us. They said and for other purposes. electronic means, to retain for more than solute disqualification from public office if
ing (BPO) sectors. the Department of Labour they are tourists but it turned The measure now covers violations of the one year records of voice and data, which the offender is a public official. If the offender
“It should be like this, if they (DoLE), Department of For- out they have plans to work Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of are not the subject of any pending case, is an alien, he shall be subject to deportation
apply for tourist visa, they ar- eign Affairs (DFA), Bureau of here.” 2002; coup d’etat, conspiracy and proposal including information on the identity of proceedings after the service of sentence.
cting Chief Justice Antonio Car- Beijing refuses to recognise the ruling (in the South China Sea) were not part of “deepen political mutual trust” amid
pio yesterday urged Filipinos to of The Hague-based tribunal, which in- Chinese territory,” Carpio said. “differences” that needed to be handled
assert the country’s sovereignty validated China’s historical claims to the National humiliation maps were pro- “properly” through consultations and
over the West Philippine Sea (South area. duced for mass education in China to dialogue.
China Sea), pointing out that the Chi- China’s narrative means China and “mourn the loss of national territories” He said the West Philippine Sea should
nese narrative on the disputed territory the Philippines share a common border since the early 20th century. be a “sea of friendship and co-opera-
is “totally false.” that lies just 64 kilometres off the coast China’s nine-dash-line map dating tion” that would create a bond of friend-
During the West Philippine Sea forum of Balabac Island in Palawan, the south- to 1947 is the first to claim the Spratlys. ship between China and the Philippines.
at the House of Representatives, Carpio ernmost island in Palawan; 70km off Scarborough Shoal appeared on the map Vice President Maria Leonor “Leni”
said the Chinese claims stretching sup- of Bolinao in Pangasinan, and 44km off without an exclusive name, unlike all Robredo and some lawmakers have
posedly to more than 2,000 years ago Y’ami Island in Batanes, he said. other features drawn as part of China. called for a protest against China after a
could be easily disproven by old maps. The Philippine team submitted over The Philippines in reality owns most Filipino TV news crew aired a documen-
Carpio, who joined the Philippine legal 170 ancient maps — the highest number of the features in the Spratlys, Carpio tary showing a Chinese Coast Guard pre-
team that secured a victory against Chi- of ancient maps ever submitted to an in- said. It named Scarborough Shoal “Pa- venting it from filming and conducting
na from a United Nations (UN)-backed ternational tribunal — including Chinese nacot” as early as 1734, he said. an interview in the disputed area.
arbitration tribunal in 2016, noted that maps from the Song to the Qing dynas- Carpio called on the public to “help GMA News’ “Reporter’s Notebook”
China’s nine-dash-line map, encom- ties, Philippine and Southeast Asian the Philippines, among other claim- team accompanied a group of Filipino
passing an area in which it supposedly maps, and European maps of Asia — to ant countries, to explain to the Chinese fishermen to Panatag Shoal on Novem-
“enjoys sovereign rights and jurisdiction prove that China “never owned or con- people that China has no historic claim ber 8. Carpio: call to assert sovereign rights
Gulf Times
22 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah
Faisal Abdulhameed al-Mudahka
Deputy Managing Editor
K T Chacko
Real Madrid need
Ramos as a player,
not as a brawler
An hour after the final whistle had sounded on Real
Madrid’s 3-0 humiliation by Eibar on Saturday, Sergio
Ramos began to let rip.
Deep in the belly of the tiny 7,083-capacity Ipurua
stadium, Ramos said his side’s attitude had been off, their
intensity lacking. “When you don’t match your opponent,
you become a vulgar team,” he said.
It was not the result Real wanted before they travel to
Roma in the Champions League today, when the winner is
likely to go through top of Group G.
‘When you rescue a trafficked
child it’s like saving a life’
Then Ramos moved onto the anti-doping allegations
published on Friday by German magazine Der Spiegel.
The most damaging among them claimed Ramos tested
positive for dexamethasone after the 2017 Champions
League final and failed to declare it, as is required according
to World Anti-Doping Authority regulations. By Amrit Dhillon platform one, has dialled up his father or an uncaring stepmother had They tell me they have come to see
Responding for the first time, Ramos said: “You can tell a New Delhi antennae.“Once you know the signs, driven the child away, or children on a the Taj Mahal, not knowing it is in
lie many times over but it is still a lie.” it’s not hard to detect trafficked lark that had gone wrong. another city, or say they have come to
The issue may have been exceptional but the sharpness of children. It’s just that earlier we weren’t But even the latter, if seen looking Delhi to celebrate Diwali, not knowing
alf a million passengers pass paying attention. Earlier, I had no idea confused and lost, are vulnerable to it’s the wrong month,” says Ajish.
tongue and apparent readiness for confrontation has become through Old Delhi railway the problem was so serious,” he says. being preyed on by begging gangs and From the station, the children are
a vivid part of Ramos’ football persona. station each day. In 2016, a total of 8,132 cases of traffickers, and may never make it taken to a nearby shelter where, after
In September, Antoine Griezmann was in the firing line Some of those hurrying human trafficking were reported across home. getting plenty of food, seeing the safe
when Ramos used a Champions League press conference to out of its arched facade are children India, an 18% jump from the 6,877 One of Ajish’s jobs is to train railway environment, and watching other
slap down the Frenchman’s pinings for the Ballon d’Or. who will be sold to sweatshops or cases reported in 2015, according to the staff on how to deal with children at the rescued children being well-treated,
brothels by their adult companions. National Crime Records Bureau. station. they begin to let down their guard.
“Ignorance is bold,” Ramos said, poker-faced. As the trains roll in – about 250 Apart from the staff, the public had to It requires a gentle, delicate approach That’s when the patient approach
More recently, he turned Antonio Conte from favourite of them a day – and people fill the be sensitised too. that cannot be rushed. of Ajish and his colleagues pays off.
to no-hoper in the running to replace Julen Lopetegui as concourse, Ajish has just minutes to Trains and platforms were adorned Not only do you need detective skills “Usually, when one child, an older
Real coach. “Respect is earned, not imposed”, Ramos said, spot trafficked children before they with 200,000 posters advertising the to get to the truth, says Ajish, you need child, decides to trust us and tell us the
supposedly a dig at Conte, leave the station and melt into the Childline Helpline number. patience to wait until a child feels at real story, that’s when the others also
throng outside. The railways added the number to ease and is ready to reveal the truth. decide it’s safe to do so,” he says.
The pugnacious a renowned disciplinarian.
This pugnacious Ramos
Amazingly, this small window of labels on packaged water bottles and
disposable tea cups.
“You have to sift through the lies the Once at a shelter, the children are
evaluated by a government child welfare
opportunity is all he and his team at children tell. The uncle has told them
Ramos off the off the pitch chimes so the Childline India Foundation need And announcements asking
passengers to be vigilant about
that he is a good guy helping the child committee to decide the next steps.
The primary objective in most cases
perfectly with his demonic to rescue 90-100 children from the and the parents. Then we appear on the
pitch chimes so reputation on it and so it clutches of traffickers each month. abducted or trafficked children are now
made on the PA systems of major trains
scene as the good guys saying the uncle is to reunite the children with their
Today, Ajish has his sights set on the is a bad guy. That’s very confusing for
perfectly with seems possible that one
of the game’s most reviled
Kalka Mail from Calcutta, which glides and stations.
“The response has been amazing.
the child. It takes days for them to trust If parents sold them to traffickers
out of poverty, Childline, through local
into platform 11. us enough to open up,” he says.
his demonic characters has begun to A passenger has called Childline We get hundreds of calls a day from
passengers suspicious of something.
A few days earlier, six boys who had NGOs, takes the children back home
revel in the noise that from the train to say that four boys in been told they would be trained as but follows up after the reunion.
reputation on it surrounds him. his compartment look out of place and Often we get calls from disgruntled
members of the trafficking gang who
electricians sat in the Childline office They counsel parents on why they
acted wrongly and warn them that
unhappy. looking dazed, refusing soft drinks and
He is loved by Real When the Childline team based at weren’t paid their share and are calling biscuits, and struggling to hold back doing so again will invite punishment.
Madrid, their captain and winner of four Champions League the station board the train and find to inform on the others,” says Heenu their tears. The Childline team have to be
titles, as well as another four in La Liga. He is liked too at the the boys, they approach the “uncle” Singh, regional head of Childline. Their handler was arrested after Ajish one step ahead of the traffickers,
Benito Villamarin, where Real Betis fans still appreciate him travelling with them. Childline kiosks were set up at 83 boarded the Avadh Assam Express from anticipating their latest tricks.
for leaving their rivals, Sevilla. He pushes his way through the crowd stations deemed high-risk on the basis Guwahati, almost 2,000km from Delhi. For example, to avoid detection they
and flees. of their location. A porter called Ajish when he saw one have started getting off at a smaller
But there are few stadiums where the sound of screeching “Uncle [the trafficker] told my They are manned 24/7 by a team of a of the boys crying. station, just before Old Delhi, and then
whistles are not heard as soon as Ramos leaves an opposition parents I am going to get a good job dozen staff. Ajish and his team rushed over and taking a bus to their destination.
striker in a heap. and free jeans,” says 10-year-old Anil Night trains are used regularly by boarded the train while telling the “Earlier they used to travel in the
Lionel Messi knows the feeling. In 2010, Ramos lashed him Paswan, “and enough money to send traffickers trying to avoid detection. Railway Protection Force to remain on general compartment where you don’t
to the ground with a swinging left boot and in 2017, clattered money home to my parents every By March, another 75 stations will the platform. have to show your ID to the ticket
month. They can buy food for my have Childline kiosks on platforms. Although they have been trained collector. That’s the obvious place
him again, sliding in as Barca threatened a counter-attack. brothers and sisters with that money.” “We still have a long way to go. Out by Childline too, their uniforms can for us to look. But now they often buy
Both times, Ramos was sent off, two of his 19 La Liga red Ajish hears a similar story every day. of a total of some 8,000 stations, about frighten children. the more expensive tickets for better
cards, the most of any player still playing by quite a distance. The reality is that “Uncle” was 1,000 are the risky ones: the major Ajish recalls the difficulty he had with compartments to escape suspicion,”
There would be more if referees had interpreted differently planning to sell him to an employer who junctions for the main cities where a trafficked girl, aged about 13, who was says ticket collector Bhagwat Prasad
all flailing arms, charging shoulders and misplaced feet too would make him slave 12-14 hours a day children are taken. We know which going to be sold either to a placement Sharma.
in filthy conditions at a roadside food stations are on the trafficking belt,” says agency as a maid, or to a brothel. For Ajish, the impact of what they do
ambiguous to be deemed deliberate. Pandiri. lies in the stark contrast in the figures.
stall, factory, or garment sweatshop. She lied about her name and age for
Mohamed Salah missed most of the World Cup finals Indian railways carry 25mn He is pleased with results to date. three days. Before 2015, the Railway Protection
after one such tussle in the Champions League final. More passengers daily. More than 48,000 children have been The trafficker had told her that if she Force used to rescue about two or three
than 530,000 Liverpool fans signed a petition demanding But they are also a fulcrum for human rescued since 2015. spoke the truth to anyone, her parents children a month at the station.
retrospective action against Ramos. trafficking. Howrah station in Calcutta alone would be tortured and she would be Now the figure is about 100.
Three years ago, the Childline rescues roughly 150 children a month. thrown into jail. “When you rescue them, you have a
Ramos admitted on Saturday he had been aware for Childline estimates that about 40%
Foundation – set up under the auspices “Some are tutored in advance and say feeling of saving a child’s whole life –
months of the anti-doping allegations and it is possible of the Ministry for Women and Child of these children were going to be the man with them is their real uncle. their education, their health and family
angst has taken its toll. Development – started collaborating trafficked; the rest were runaways from Others are taken aback and get life – and of course their childhood,” he
It is also true the 32-year-old has often underperformed at with Indian Railways with the aim of troubled homes, where an alcoholic confused. says. – Guardian News and Media
this stage of the season, only to become faultless around the rescuing children in transit.
time the trophies are handed out in May. That meant training railway staff,
who are the first to set eyes on the
With a new coach, the Champions League group stage children and most likely to detect
getting tight and six points to make up in La Liga, Madrid something amiss.
could do with that upswing to come early. “We began training the entire railway
They need Ramos now more than ever, not the brawler or system – the porters (who board the
the bravado, but the player. train as it arrives), ticket collectors,
catering staff, platform staff, platform
vendors, sweepers. All of them are
taught to be alert, to look out for telltale
To Advertise signs. That’s the only way to intercept
children en route, to catch them before it’s too late,” says Dr Anjaiah Pandiri,
Display executive director of the foundation.
Railway personnel are trained to look
44466621 44418811 out for children who appear distressed
or confused; children dressed more
Classified shabbily than the adults accompanying
44466609 44418811 them, or speaking a different dialect;
children who give limited, repetitive,
Subscription or evasive answers about where they
are going; and any kind of mismatch between the children and the adults
with them.
Neeraj Kapoor, who runs a kiosk
© 2018 Gulf Times. All rights reserved selling books and newspapers on Ajish at the Childline India office at Old Delhi railway station. Photograph: Amrit Dhillon
Gulf Times
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 23
Brexit and the global economy today’s disruptive politics are fuelled be much harder to maintain global
By Mohamed A El-Erian
Washington, DC by economic disappointment and norms and standards, let alone pursue
frustration, identity is the tip of the international policy harmonisation
spear. It has exposed and deepened and co-ordination.
he singular issue of Brexit political and social divisions that are as Tax and regulatory arbitrage are
has consumed the United uncomfortable as they are intractable. likely to become increasingly common
Kingdom for two-and- Experts also predicted that the UK as well. And economic policymaking
a-half years. The “if,” economy would suffer an immediate will become a tool for addressing
“how,” and “when” of the country’s and significant fall in output following national security concerns (real or
withdrawal from the European Union, the 2016 referendum. In the event, imagined). How this approach will
after decades of membership, has they misunderstood the dynamics affect existing geopolitical and military
understandably dominated news of what economists call a “sudden arrangements remains to be seen.
coverage, and sidelined almost every stop” – that is, abrupt, catastrophic Lastly, there will also be a change in
other policy debate. Lost in the mix, dysfunction in a key sector of the how countries seek to structure their
for example, has been any serious economy. A perfect example is the economies. In the past, Britain and
discussion of how the UK should boost 2008 global financial crisis, when other countries prided themselves as
productivity and competitiveness at a financial markets seized up as a result “small open economies” that could
time of global economic and financial of operational dislocations and a loss leverage their domestic advantages
fluidity. of mutual confidence in the payments through shrewd and efficient links with
At the same time, the rest of and settlement system. Europe and the rest of the world. But
the world’s interest in Brexit has Brexit was different. Because now, being a large and relatively closed
understandably waned. The UK’s you cannot replace something with economy might start to seem more
negotiations with the EU dragged on nothing, there was no immediate break attractive. And for countries that do
through multiple déjà vu moments, in British-EU trade. In the absence of not have that option – such as smaller
and the consensus is that the economic clarity on what type of Brexit would economies in East Asia – tightly
fallout will be felt far more acutely ultimately materialise, the economic knit regional blocs might provide a
in Britain than in the EU, let alone in relationship simply continued “as serviceable alternative.
countries elsewhere. is,” and an immediate disruption was The messiness of British party politics
Still, the rest of the world is facing averted. has made the Brexit process look like
profound challenges of its own. It turns out that when making a domestic dispute that is sometimes
Political and economic systems are macroeconomic and market inscrutable to the rest of the world.
undergoing far-reaching structural projections for Brexit so far, “short But Brexit holds important lessons
changes, many of them driven by versus long” has been more important for and about the global economy.
technology, trade, climate change, than “soft versus hard” (with “hard” Gone are the days when accelerating
high inequality, and mounting political referring to the UK’s full, and most economic and financial globalisation and
anger. In addressing these issues, likely disorderly, withdrawal from the correlated growth patterns went almost
policymakers around the world would European single market and customs unquestioned. We are also in an era of
do well to heed the lessons of the UK’s union). The question is not whether considerable technological and political
Brexit experience. the UK will face a considerable fluidity. The outlooks for growth and
When Britons voted by a margin economic reckoning, but when. FILE PHOTO: Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May attends a news conference after an extraordinary EU leaders summit to liquidity will likely become even more
of 51.9% to 48.1% to leave the EU, Nonetheless, the UK economy is finalise and formalise the Brexit agreement in Brussels, Belgium November 25, 2018. uncertain and divergent than they
the decision came as a shock to already experiencing slow-moving already are. – Project Syndicate
experts, pundits, and Conservative structural change. There is evidence with UK-based operations have begun Minister Theresa May manages to economy if this continues: namely,
and Labour Party leaders alike. They of falling foreign investment and to trigger their Brexit contingency get her proposed exit deal through less efficient economic interactions, zMohamed A El-Erian, Chief Economic
had underappreciated the role of this is contributing to the economy’s plans after a prolonged period of Parliament. less resilience, more complicated Adviser at Allianz, was Chairman of
“identity” as a driving force behind disappointing level of investment waiting, planning, and more waiting. The Brexit process thus showcases cross-border financial flows, and US President Barack Obama’s Global
the June 2016 referendum. But now, overall. Moreover, this trend is In addition to shifting investments the risks associated with economic less agility. In this context, costly Development Council and is the author
voters’ deeply held ideas about accentuating the challenges associated out of the UK, firms will also start to and political fragmentation, and self-insurance will come to replace of The Only Game in Town: Central
identity, whether real or perceived, with weak productivity growth. relocate jobs. And this process will provides a preview of what awaits some of the current system’s pooled- Banks, Instability, and Avoiding the
can no longer be dismissed. Though There are also signs that companies likely accelerate even if British Prime an increasingly fractured global insurance mechanisms. And it will Next Collapse.
n the last two years, a consensus dependability has declined sharply Minimum Temperature : 190c
has emerged among foreign around the world. THURSDAY
policy experts that Donald Trump Yet at home, Americans remain Maximum Temperature : 250c
is singlehandedly demolishing remarkably steadfast in their Minimum Temperature : 190c
America’s global standing. support for multilateral institutions, Fisherman's forecast
By starting trade wars, withdrawing alliances, and the role of the US
from multilateral accords, treating as a global leader. So the question WARNING
Inshore : Nil
friends like enemies and dictators is whether the US can return to
like friends, Trump seems to be business-as-usual and regain its Offshore : Expected strong wind
violating all the rules. He prefers previous international status after and high sea
unilateral action, holds a narrow view Trump leaves office. WEATHER
Inshore : Mild daytime with
of American economic and national Rather than assume that it can, the scattered clouds and
security, and has little interest in the time has come to start auditing the relatively cold by night.
vast web of international institutions, damage inflicted by Trump and closely
Offshore : Partly cloudy
norms, and rules of law that the analyse the domestic and international
United States helped build and has forces that are reshaping America’s WIND
supported since 1945. role in the world. Inshore : Northwesterly-Norther-
ly10-18 KT Gusting 22
But Trump is less the architect of Americans do not have the luxury KT
the major geopolitical shifts we are of waiting until the current political Offshrore : Northwesterly15-25 KT
witnessing than he is an avatar for paroxysm passes to begin considering Gusting to 30 KT at
domestic and international forces how the US can craft a credible and
that will almost certainly outlast his US President Donald Trump waves as he walks on South Lawn of the White sustainable foreign policy in a hyper- Visibility : 4-8 KM
presidency. House upon his return to Washington, US, after the Thanksgiving Holiday in partisan environment, and how it can
Florida, on November 25. Offshore : 4-7/10 FT
Domestically, income inequality do more with less.
and fears inspired by globalisation Americans must start crafting a new Around the region
and automation have increased over to foreign policy issues, where world’s most powerful country for foreign policy that reflects twenty- Weather
Americans’ skepticism toward trade bipartisanship has proved most decades, it will find it increasingly first century interests, objectives, tomorrow
today Max/min Max/min
and immigration. resilient. difficult to achieve longstanding and constraints – and that recognises Sunny
Baghdad P Cloudy 19/11 21/10
Political polarisation has divided Internationally, China’s rapid ascent foreign policy objectives in the Asia Trump for what he is: a symptom Sunny
Kuwait City Sunny 21/13 22/13
Congress, the media, and citizens implies America’s relative decline. Pacific region. of deep processes that he probably P Cloudy
Manama Sunny 23/19 24/19
into hostile camps, and could spill Even though the US will remain the Both there and in Europe, US allies understands only dimly, at best. Sunny
Muscat P Cloudy 27/22 26/21
Tehran Sunny 12/04 Sunny 13/06
Live issues
Toddlers may sleep better in cribs until age 3
By Carolyn Crist temper tantrums and self-regulating during the night and resisting less at in developing a protocol that helps
Reuters Health behaviours. bedtime. families make the crib-to-bed
“At this age, parents and caregivers “What stuck out to us was how transition, since it could cause some
are the ones paying attention to, and remarkably consistent the benefits sleep problems that didn’t exist Around the world
arents who wait to start the being affected by, their toddlers’ were at each toddler age group,” previously. Weather Weather
crib-to-bed transition until sleep,” Williamson told Reuters Health Williamson said. “This is what we see “Some strategies that already exist today Max/min tomorrow Max/min
toddlers are 3 years old may by phone. “It’s important to record a clinically as well.” for helping kids to stay in bed, such as Athens S Showers 20/14 S Showers 18/10
find that both they and their caregiver’s report as much as objective In future studies, Williamson and role-playing games, could also prepare Beirut M Sunny 23/17 M Sunny 24/18
children get better sleep, researchers measures of sleep.” the research team will use the app to children for that transition,” said Sarah Bangkok M Cloudy 30/23 M Cloudy 30/24
say. Williamson and colleagues collected investigate how parents start the crib- Honaker, a sleep psychologist at Riley Berlin M Cloudy 02/-3 P Cloudy 03/-2
In a survey of parents and data from 1,983 caregivers with to-bed transition and what motivates Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, Cairo P Cloudy 27/13 M Sunny 28/15
caregivers across five countries, toddlers aged between 18 and 36 them. In some cases, parents with Indiana, who wasn’t involved in the Cape Town Cloudy 18/13 Cloudy 18/13
those who delayed the transition months living in Australia, Canada, another baby on the way begin to study. Colombo S T Storms 31/23 S T Storms 30/23
from crib to bed longer were more New Zealand, the UK and the US. The move their toddler to a bed so they Sleep experts and paediatricians Dhaka Sunny 31/18 Sunny 30/18
likely to report less resistance at data was submitted by caregivers using can use the crib again. Others start the tend to recommend an adjustable crib Hong Kong Rain 23/19 Showers 23/21
bedtime, fewer night awakenings and the Johnson’s Bedtime baby sleep app, transition because their toddler climbs that transitions lower to the ground Istanbul P Cloudy 18/14 Rain 16/09
longer sleep duration for children, a free smartphone application offered out of the crib or seems physically too as the child ages, Honaker said. This Jakarta S T Storms 32/25 S T Storms 31/26
the study authors report in the by Johnson & Johnson. J&J Consumer big to stay in the current crib. helps the toddler get comfortable with Karachi P Cloudy 31/18 Sunny 31/19
journal Sleep Medicine. Inc also funded the study. “Adults tend to see cribs as cages, a sleeping arrangement that feels more London Rain 09/08 Showers 14/11
“Research during the last decade The research team found that rates but that’s not how children see like a bed and reduces injuries and Manila M Sunny 32/24 P Cloudy 32/25
has shown how important healthy of crib-sleeping decreased steadily them,” said Lisa Meltzer, a paediatric falls if the child tries to climb out of Moscow S Showers -3/-6 P Cloudy -4/-8
sleep is across the lifespan, but with age, with 63% of toddlers psychologist at National Jewish Health the crib. New Delhi Fog 27/15 Fog 27/13
especially during childhood,” said sleeping in a crib from ages 18 to 24 in Denver, Colorado, who wasn’t “A 3-year-old is more likely to New York M Sunny 08/02 Cloudy 08/03
lead study author Ariel Williamson of months, as compared to 34% still in a involved in the study. have the cognitive development to Paris Showers 08/06 Showers 11/08
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in crib at 24 to 30 months and 13% from “Children like small spaces as they remember the rules of staying in bed,” Sao Paulo P Cloudy 23/16 P Cloudy 25/16
Pennsylvania. 30 to 36 months. feel safe and comfortable with them,” she said in a phone interview. “Buying Seoul P Cloudy 13/-2 P Cloudy 09/-3
In previous studies, Williamson Crib sleeping was associated with she said by e-mail. “If you watch a crib with an adjustable mattress can Singapore S T Storms 30/26 T Storm 30/25
and colleagues have found that going to bed earlier, falling asleep young children play, they like to play prevent parents from having to make a Sydney P Cloudy 21/17 Rain 19/16
toddlers deprived of sleep tend to sooner, waking up less often during under the table or in large boxes.” transition that their child may not be Tokyo Cloudy 18/10 Cloudy 16/09
have a more difficult time with tasks, the night, sleeping for longer stretches Other researchers are interested developmentally ready to make.”
Gulf Times
24 Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Some of the guests at the event. Dr Khalid al-Ali formally opens City College yesterday. PICTURES: Jayan Orma
City College marks official unveiling Ministry of Education and Higher to vocational higher education tionally and nationally recognised evening programmes, City Col- tial entry for its students to pursue environment. There is a unique
By Joseph Varghese
Staff Reporter Education, announced the open- offering internationally accred- courses are academically rigorous lege also caters to employees who their Honours degree in the UK. bond between the students and
ing. ited business programmes. The and also rooted firmly in employ- wish to pursue their studies while They also have the choice to join the lecturers at City College, who
Dignitaries including Dr Hessa college admitted its first batch of ability and business competency, working, and has close links with more than 339 other universities take real interest in students and
ity College, a Qatari higher al-Jaber, prominent Qatari busi- students in September 2018, and and tailored to the Qatar business major companies in Qatar. worldwide. City College promises care about us doing as well as we
education institution, was nesswoman Aisha Alfardan, Qatar runs three intakes a year (in Sep- world and of course to the global City College designs tailor- students its own degrees in the can to reach our potential.”
officially opened at a spe- Foundation’s Community Devel- tember, January and April). economy. Our students study for made, internationally-accredited near future. City College courses are devel-
cial ceremony yesterday at the opment president Machaille al- Nicholas Evans, director of a UK Honours degree but only education programmes for all in- Representing City College stu- oped by the Business and Tech-
college premises at Barwa Com- Naimi, and Qatar Career Devel- education, City College, high- spend one year abroad, so get to dustries and sectors and for both dents, Nasser al-Noaimi, said, nology in Education Council, UK
mercial Avenue. Dr Khalid al-Ali, opment Centre director Abdulla lighted the aim of the College to take advantage of the security and government and private entities. “City College appealed to me due and approved by Pearson Educa-
assistant undersecretary for edu- al-Mansoori were present. foster national sustainability and familiarity of their home life here Through its partnership with to its practical teaching meth- tion and offers the same business
cation, and director, Higher Edu- City College provides a learn- to contribute directly to national in Qatar,” noted Evans. the University of Portsmouth, odology and the supportive stu- programmes as its international
cation Institutions Affairs at the er-centric and practical approach growth in Qatar. “Our interna- Through its part-time and City College also offers preferen- dent-centred bespoke learning partner.
GCC strategy for vocational we have formed a GCC strategy Dr al-Ali was speaking to the highly-skilled professionals. We areas,” explained Dr al-Ali. vocational training colleges in This is an area we need to ex-
training will be introduced for vocational training. It needs media on the sidelines of the of- are trying hard to prepare such He also highlighted the unique Qatar. “We do have several files pand and attract more students
soon, a top official at the to be reviewed one more time ficial opening of City College, skilled workers for the market features of vocational learning for such colleges, for example a to meet the demand of the coun-
Ministry of Education and Higher before implementation and will one of the newest vocational in Qatar. We have several such encouraging private investors in German University file is on our try based on our vision,’ added Dr
Education disclosed yesterday. be launched thereafter,” said Dr training colleges in Qatar of- schools including City College Qatar to contribute to the quality desk to review and there are sev- al-Ali.