The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation To Learning Achievement of Akidah Akhlak Subject at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation To Learning Achievement of Akidah Akhlak Subject at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation To Learning Achievement of Akidah Akhlak Subject at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this reasearch was to how determine (1) The influence between emotional
intelligence to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class X Social Sciences Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1
Medan (2) The influence between achievement motivation to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class
X Social Sciences Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan (3) The influence between emotional intelligence and
achievement motivation to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class X Social Sciences Madrasah
Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan. This research is a quantitative research with correlation approach. The population of
this research were 102 students.The sample in this study were 81 students using the formula Krejcie & Morgan,
while the rest of the population of 21 students used as a sample test. Sampling in this research using
proportioned random sampling technique.The data collection instrument uses a Likert scale questionnaire. The
process of data analysis is done by stages of three processes, namely: (1) describe data of research variables; (2)
testing the requirements of the analysis; (3) test the research hypothesis. Statistical analysis was performed with
SPSS version 11,5 (Statistical Program for Social Science 11,5 for Windows). Based on the results of the
discussion of research data obtained the following conclusions: (1) There is a positive and significant influence
between emotional intelligence to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students of class X Social Sciences
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan with power value 0.370 or 37%. Therefor, good bad result of study of
Akidah Akhlak student is determined by good bad of emotional intelligence which owned by student. (2) There
is a positive and significant influence between achievement motivation to result of study of Akidah Akhlak
students class X Social Sciences of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan with power value 0,379 or 37,9%.
Therefore, good bad result of study of Akidah Akhlak student is determined by good bad of achievement
motivation which owned by student. (3) There is a positive and significant influence between emotional
intelligence and achievement motivation to result of study of Akidah Akhlak students class X Social Sciences of
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan with power value 0,465 or 46,5%. Therefore, good bad result of study of
Akidah Akhlak student is determined by good bad of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation.
According to the psychological view that each learner only learns 10% of the read, 20% of what is
heard, 30% of the views, 50% of what is heard and seen, 70 percent of what is said and done (Ramayulis,
2008:99). In fact, it is often found that students who can not achieve learning outcomes are equivalent to the
ability of intelligence when attending the learning process. There are students who have high intelligence skills
but obtain relatively low learning outcomes, but there are students who, despite their relatively low intelligence
ability, can achieve relatively high learning outcomes. Because different in terms of intelligence, then the
individual one with the other is not the same ability to solve a problem that faces.
Based on the reality and conditions that exist in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan despite having
teachers and students who excel. However, there are some problems that are found, such as: Problem of learning
result of Akidah Akhlak Subject, 30% is still under Minimum Criterion (KKM), while the KKM score that has
been set in MAN 1 Medan in the field of Akidah Akhlak is 82, the rest 70% achieved KKM. Students who fail
to achieve the KKM value at the time of repetition are given the task or making a paper to meet the standard.
The next problem is there are students who are not able to manage emotions such as telling a story at
the time of learning, so that the material conveyed by the teacher can not be understood, there are students who
interfere with their friends at the time of study, there are students who often out of the classroom if there is no
teacher. There are students who can not resist anger, fear, unease, noisy in class. Students who are smart usually
like to be alone, stingy to share knowledge with friends, do not care about his friend and less empathize with his
friend. Students usually prefer to do their own work and difficult to socialize with friends. However, on the
contrary this phenomenon is different from the average student. This is based on interviews that have been
conducted by researchers with some teachers of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan.
The following problems of achievement motivation include: students have low achievement
motivation, there are students who are not serious in learning, There are also students who are late to collect
tasks, there are students who are not disciplined for example late in attendance ceremony on Monday and late
about 10-15 minutes Enters the class after the break. There are students who roam in front of the class waiting
for the teacher to enter the class, from the delay of students entering the class is identified that the achievement
motivation of the students is still lacking because of lack of awareness and encouragement succeed from within
the student self. This is based on observations of researchers and interviews with teachers of Madrasah Aliyah
Negeri 1 Medan. Various problems above, the dominant problem arises is the problem of learning result of
Akidah Akhlak subject, students' emotional intelligence, student achievement motivation is still not good, the
way teachers teach, the economic condition of parents of students Included in the menu of foods that can affect
physical or physical health Students so that students are not susceptible to disease that will affect the time of
learning, as well as the utilization of facilities and infrastructure.
So also with student discipline and student achievement motivation in learning, if students are not
disciplined, not motivated and not eager in learning of course the learning result Akidah Akhlak can not be
maximal. The existence of a good motivation in learning will show good learning outcomes. Another supporting
factor is the way the teacher teaches, if the teacher uses a monotonous or no change of course students will feel
bored and no improvement to the learning outcomes. Conversely, if teachers teach in a dynamic way in
accordance with the material taught then students will be interested to learn with high spirit so that the results
will be maximized learning. The economic condition of the parents affects the student in learning. Students who
have elderly people whose economics are well sufficient must have sufficient needs including there are healthy
food menus that can affect physical or physical health of students so that students are not susceptible to disease
that will affect when learning and vice versa if students who do not have Parents who are economically well-off
certainly can not meet all the desired needs that will affect learning. Furthermore, facilities and infrastructure. If
facilities and infrastructure are less supportive then it could be the result of learning Akidah Akhlak subject is
also not maximal. Based on some of the above opinion when associated with the core problems that occurred in
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan, it can be questioned: is there any influence between emotional intelligence
on learning achievement of Akidah Akhlak, students class X of Social Sciences, and whether there is influence
on Achievement motivation toward learning result of Akidah akhlak subject student class X of Social Sciences
and whether there is influence between emotional intelligence and achievement motivation collectively to the
learning result of Akidah Akhlak subject student class X of Social Sciences of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1
1. Learning Achievement
Learning Achievement consist of two words "achievement " and "learning". Understanding the results
(product) shows on a acquisition due to an activity or process that resulted in functional changes in input, while
learning is behavioral changes in individuals accompanied the process experienced (Purwanto, 2014: 44).
According to Indonesian Dictionary (2008: 486) "result" is something held by business, income or acquisition.
While "learning" comes from the word "ajar" which means the instructions given to people to be known, so that
learning is interpreted trying to gain intelligence or knowledge. So the result of learning is the acquisition of
intelligence or knowledge of the business undertaken. Hilgard in Wina Sanjaya (2011: 112-113) suggests that
"learning is the process by which an activity originates from the changes by factors not attributable to training.
"Learning is the process of change through training activities or procedures both in the laboratory and in the
natural environment. Learning is not just gathering knowledge. Learning is a mental process that occurs within a
person, causing the emergence of behavioral changes.. Hilgard in wina Sanjaya (2011: 112-113) suggests that
"learning is the process by which an activity originates from the changes by factors not attributable to training.
"Learning is the process of change through training activities or procedures both in the laboratory and in the
natural environment. Learning is not just gathering knowledge. Learning is a mental process that occurs within
a person, causing the emergence of behavioral changes. According to Roger, learning is an internal process
that moves learners to use all their cognitive, affective and psychomotor potential to have various intellectual,
moral, and other skills (Abudin Nata, 2011: 101). According to Piaget, learning is a process of interaction of
learners with an environment that always changes and is done continuously (Abudin Nata; 2011: 99). Hamdani
expressed the opinions of Crow & Crow, Fontana and Witherington. Crow & Crow says that learning is an
effort to acquire new habits, knowledge, and attitudes. Fontana argues that learning (learning) is a relatively
fixed process of change in individual behavior as a result of experience. Witherington also suggests learning is a
change in the personality that expresses itself as a new pattern of reactions in the form of skills, attitudes, habits,
intelligence or an understanding (Hamdani: 2011: 21). Learning achievement can be interpreted as the
maximum results that have been achieved by students after experiencing the process of teaching and learning in
learning particular subject matter. Learning outcomes are not absolute values, but can be changes or
improvements in attitudes, habits, knowledge, tenacity, persistence, reasoning, discipline, skills and so on
leading to positive change. The learning outcomes show the true student's ability that has undergone a process of
transferring knowledge from someone who can be said to be mature or have insufficient knowledge. So with the
result of learning, one can know how far students can catch, understand, have certain subject matter (Purwanto;
2014: 42)..The results in the learning process were obtained from the assessment process. Evaluation of learning
outcomes essentially aims to measure the success of learning done by teachers and simultaneously measure the
success of learners in the mastery is something that is very important. With the assessment of teachers can do
reflection and evaluation of the quality of learning that has been done. Are methods, strategies, media, learning
models and other things done in the learning process is appropriate and effective or otherwise can be seen from
the results obtained by learners. Evaluation of the above functional learning results, must meet certain
conditions such as instruments or measuring instruments used must be valid and reliable. This means that in
terms of preparation has met the rules of writing questions, both from the aspects of construction, substance and
material. This will be discussed further in the next chapter. With valid and reliable assessment instruments, will
produce accurate and reliable level of competency control information of learners. Vice versa, if the instrument
used is not compiled with the rules of writing the instrument, then the data obtained is subjective and can not be
used as meaningful information.. The assessment instrument used by teachers to measure the level of
achievement of the competence of learners plays a very important role. This is when compared to a tree, the
assessment done by the teacher should not only measure the shade of leaves and twigs, but must be able to
measure the stems and roots of a tree. This means that the instruments used by teachers should stimulate the
ability to think high level, logic and analysis of learners. Thus, the assessment of teacher learning outcomes
reflects the competence of learners empirically (real). The assessment of the learning process uses an authentic
assessment approach that assesses students' readiness, process and learning outcomes as a whole. The
integration of the assessment of these three components will describe the capacity, style, and learning
achievement of the students or even able to generate instructional impacts and the impact of accompaniment
from learning. Authentic assessment results can be used by teachers to plan for remedial, enrichment, or
counseling programs. In addition, authentic assessment results can be used as an ingredient to improve the
learning process according to the standards of educational assessment. Evaluation of the learning process is
done during the learning process by using tools, questionnaires, observations, anecdotal notes and reflections
(Kunandar, 2014: 10-11).Based on the previous experts axiology of the results of learning in this study to
determine the success of learning by teachers and at the same time knowing the success of learners in teaching
learning poses. The assessment of learning outcomes done well can be known level of student progress,
shortcomings, advantages, and student positions in the group. On the other hand, a good learning outcome
assessment is a feed back for teachers / lecturers to evaluate the success rate of the teaching and learning
2. Emotional Intelligent
The term emotional intelligence was first raised in 1990 by psychologist Peter Salovery of Harvard
University and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire to describe the emotional qualities that seem
important to success. These qualities include (1) empathy, (2) expressing and understanding feelings, (3)
controlling anger, (4) independence, (5) adaptability, (6) discussions, (7) problem-solving abilities Personal, (8)
persistence, (9) solidarity, (10) friendliness, and (11) reverence (Hamzah B. Uno; 2006: 67). Based on the
opinions of previous experts, what is meant by emotional intelligence in this study is the ability to self-motivate
and the ability to manage emotions well to yourself and in relation to others.
Some theories that provide an explanation for the emergence of emotions and the classification of emotions are
as follows:
a. James-Lange Theory. This theory explains that perceptions of certain stimulus goals will be followed by the
body's response and appear. The experience that accompanies this response is called emotion. So according
to this theory the emotions arise after the response, such as sad arising from crying, happy arises because of
laughter, affection arising from associating and so forth.
b. Cannon Bord Theory. According to this theory the process of the occurrence of emotions through the
process as follows. At the time the individual receives the stimulus that induces the nerve impulse to (a) the
sensory region on the outer layer of the brain (cortex) to store the position, (b) the outer layer of the brain
(cortex) of the prefrontal lobe, giving individual consciousness to the stimulus which then forms perception,
(C) automatically the nervous system evokes the body's resonance from the emotional state.
It is Saleman's opinion in Goleman (2016: 55-57) that the characteristics of emotional intelligence are:
Recognizing emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing the emotions of others (empathy)
and fostering relationships. Daniel Goleman says that emotional intelligence does not mean giving freedom to
feelings for power but managing feelings in such a way as to be expressed precisely and effectively.
Emotional intelligence needs to be grown since childhood through a healthy emotional script. The goal
of teaching healthy emotion scripts is that these healthy emotional scripts can be child internalized from an early
age and carried on by the child in interacting with others when he grows up. There are several ways that parents
and teachers can do well to teach healthy emotional texts to children.
Emotional control will place a person in the development of good and dignified behavior. Emotions
that uphold the values of patience, sincerity and fortitude will be more beneficial than uncontrollable and
uncontrollable emotions. Emotional control will place a person in the development of good and dignified
behavior. Emotions that uphold the values of patience, sincerity and fortitude will be more beneficial than
uncontrollable and unrealistic emotions (Bukit; 2015: 147-148).
3. Achievement Motivation
Motivation comes from the Latin word, a motivator in English called motivation, is the formation of
the basic word motive (Indonesia: motive). Its meaning is encouragement, reason or desire to do something.
According to KBBI, motivation is an impulse arising in students consciously or unconsciously to perform an
action with a specific purpose (Ministry of National Education, 2008: 930). While achievement is the result that
has been achieved from something done. Thus, achievement motivation is the impulse that arises from one's self
to achieve the result of something done.
In psychology, motivation is interpreted as a term that refers to the impulse arising or done as an effort
to meet the needs of self and the purpose of behavior. Learners will be able to obtain maximum performance if
they have high motivation. They can even do something beyond the average ability, the achievements they get
beyond their peers.According to Weiner, as quoted by Sri Esti Wuryani (2002: 355) explains that students who
are motivated to perform will continue to perform longer tasks than underachieving students even after they
experience failure and correlate their failures with no or less effort In learning, in other words students who are
motivated to achieve achievement want and expect success, while students who are not motivated to perform
tend to fail in learning or difficult to achieve good performance.Achievement motivation owned by students is
influenced by several supporting factors. These factors must be well understood by students, in order to create a
positive influence, and become a driver for students.
According to Slameto (2010: 26), achievement motivation is influenced by three components, namely:
1. Cognitive impulse
Included in cognitive impulse is the need to know, to understand, and to solve problems. Cognitive impulse
arises in the process of interaction between students with tasks or problems.
2. Self-esteem
There are certain students who are diligent in learning to carry out tasks not primarily to acquire knowledge
or skills, but to gain status and dignity.
3. Affiliated needs
The need for affiliation is difficult to separate from self-esteem. There are students who try to master not a
lesson or study diligently to get the justification or acceptance from their friends or from others (boss) who
can give status to him. The student is happy when others show justification (self) to him, and therefore he is
keen to learn, do the tasks well, in order to obtain the justification.
Based on the opinion of experts, it can be concluded that the factors that influence achievement
motivation there are three namely cognitive impulse, self-esteem, and the need for affiliation. Cognitive impulse
is related to the students' desire to have competence in the subject they are engaged in and to accomplish the
tasks they face with the best results. Self-esteem is the student diligently learns, performs the tasks to obtain
status and self-esteem. The need for affiliation is that students learn diligently to gain acceptance from their
In an effort to know that someone has strong achievement motivation or not, it can be seen from
various indicators that influence it. These indicators in addition to helping students to know whether or not
strong motivation, can also be a determinant of the success of students in achieving the desired learning
outcomes. Opinions about indicators of achievement motivation are also strengthened by some experts who can
be a guide or benchmark for students to know the magnitude of motivation.
Students who are emotionally intelligent will improve mood and mind when learning. As a result, they
are able to conditioned diripada while following the learning process from beginning to end with effective, so
that the results obtained maximal learning. Unlike students who only have high knowledge but do not have
emotional intelligence, they are difficult to manage emotions at the time of learning, difficult to control
themselves, have no moral control, lack of a commendable character and less empathic (able to read the feelings
of others), so that learning outcomes Obtained not maximal. Therefore, emotional intelligence plays an
important role for students to obtain maximum learning results.
Emotional intelligence is the integration between the emotional element and the ratio in the overall
behavior of the individual that will control it towards a more meaningful in the process of survival. So than that,
both the poor results of learning Akidah Morals students are very dependent of emotional intelligence he has.
Achievement motivation is also a psychological factor that influences student learning outcomes.
Achievement motivation in this research is encouragement to do a task with the best based on the standard of
excellence in order to achieve learning achievement as high as possible. Thus, achievement motivation is not
just an incentive to do, but it refers to a measure of success based on an assessment of a person's task. Students
will be encouraged to study diligently in order to achieve the desired learning achievement.
In general, learners who have achievement motivation will continue to perform tasks longer than
students who lack achievement motivation, even after they experience failure, they will correlate the failure by
continuing to learn. In other words, students who have achievement motivation want and expect success, while
students who are not motivated to perform tend to experience failure in learning or difficult to achieve
achievement or a good learning results. So than that, the good result of learning Akidah Akhlak very dependent
from the motivation Achievers owned by students.
Many factors influence the learning result of Akidah Akhlak subject, some of which are emotional
intelligence and achievement motivation. If students have both of these factors in themselves and implemented
in the learning process of Akidah Akhlak, allowing students to obtain the maximum learning result of Akidah
Through the explanation that has been described previously,that the balance between emotional
intelligence and achievement motivation has influence in achieving maximum learning outcomes. In summary,
if learners have a high emotional intelligence then the learners will be eager, able to manage the emotions
themselves, able to empathize and able to interact with others well, and in addressing the failure of course not
stess. Furthermore, with the motivation of achievement of learners, have the impetus for competence in the
subject that keen on it, have the desire to complete the task faced with the best results, and dare to take risks for
the completion of the task, of course this has an influence on the achievement of learning outcomes maximum.
The data collection instrument is needed to obtain information and data in the field, the author uses
questionnaire data collection instrument with Likert scale technique. Likert scale is carried out by submitting a
number of written statements to respondents by providing an alternative answer to obtain information or data
from data sources or respondents.
Data analysis techniques are the means used to describe the descriptions or data obtained so that the
data can be understood not by people who collect data only, but also by others. Analytical techniques in this
study using descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics used to analyze correlation, regression and comparison /
komparatif.Teknik data analysis includes test requirements data analysis as a prerequisite the use of analysis
techniques and hypothesis testing.
Based on the results of simple linear regression calculation R value of 0.608 indicates that the value of
influence that occurs between the variable Predictors (independent variable) emotional intelligence (X 1) on the
dependent variable learning result Akidah Akhlak (Y). R Square value of 0.370 or 37% states that the value of
influence forces that occur between the two variables. This means, both the bad emotional intelligence that
students have a good or bad impact on the learning result Akidah Student Akhlak.Perutataan strengthened from
the value of R Square by 37% or 30 respondents. Based on the results of simple linear regression calculation R
value of 0.608 indicates that the value of influence that occurs between the variable Predictors (independent
variable) emotional intelligence (X1) on the dependent variable learning result Akidah Akhlak (Y). R Square
value of 0.370 or 37% states that the value of influence forces that occur between the two variables. This
means, both the bad emotional intelligence that students have a good or bad impact on the results of learning
Akidah Morals students. This statement is strengthened from the value of R Square by 37% or 30 respondents.
Result of multiple linear regression calculation obtained by coefficient of R together equal to 0,682
states that value of influence happened between variable Predictor (independent variable) emotional intelligence
(X1) and achievement motivation (X2) together to variable of learning result of Akidah Akhlak (independent
variable Y). R Square value of 0.465 or 46.5% states that the value of influence power. This means, both the bad
emotional intelligence and achievement motivation that students have a good or bad impact on the results of
learning Akidah Akhlak subject. The level of emotional intelligence possessed by learners has an impact or
contribution to learning achievement of Akidah Akhlak subject. This can be seen from the results of research
that the authors carry out that the influence of emotional intelligence (X 1) on learning outcomes Akidah Akhlak
(Y) is shown by the correlation of 0.608. Based on guidance in giving interpretation to correlation index
number. Then the number 0.608 is between the correlation value of 0.40 to 0.699 which means the influence
between emotional intelligence (X1) on the learning result of Akidah Akhlak (Y) has a moderate level of
influence. R Square value of 0.370 or 37% states that the value of influence forces that occur between the two
variables. This means, both the bad result of learning Akidah Akhlak of students is very dependent of good bad
emotional intelligence owned by students. This statement is corroborated from the R Square value of 37% or 30
respondents.. In addition, the results of statistical calculations on emotional intelligence variables class X
students Social Sciences Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan with very high category consists of 4 students (5%).
Students who answered the items of intentional emotional intelligence (X1) included in the high category were
11 students (14%), moderate category were 51 students (62%). Emotional Intelligence (X1) in low level
category were 11 respondents (14%) and low category were 4 students (5%). It can be concluded from the table
that the level of tendency of emotional intelligence (X 1) of students of class X- Social Sciences of Madrasah
Aliyah Negeri 1 Medan is in the medium category (62%).
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2208046269 67 | Page
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence And Achievement Motivation To Learning Achievement Of
This is reinforced by the theories put forward by Daniel Goleman, Salovey and Mayer, Lawrence
Shapiro, Robert K Cooper, and Ayman Sawaf, Howard Gardner, Dwi Sunar P, Muhammedi and Mohammad
Surya, the result of their opinion is known that emotional intelligence is the ability to motivate themselves
Alone and the ability to manage emotions well on oneself and in relation to others.
Level of achievement motivation owned by learners have an impact or contribution to learning
outcomes Akidah Morals students. This can be seen from the results of research that the authors carry out that
the influence of achievement motivation (X2) on the learning result Akidah Akhlak (Y) is shown by the
correlation number of 0.616.. Based on guidance in giving interpretation to correlation index number. Then the
number 0.616 is between the correlation value of 0.40 to 0.699 which means the influence of achievement
motivation (X2) on the learning result of Akidah Akhlak student (Y) has a moderate level of influence. While
the value of R Square of 0.379 or 37.9% states that the value of influence forces that occur between the two
variables. This means, both the poor result of learning Akidah Morals students are very dependent of good bad
achievement motivation owned by the students. This statement strengthened from the value of R Square by
37.9% or 31 respondents. In addition, the results of statistical calculations on the achievement motivation of
students who are included in the category very high as many as 2orang students (1%), Respondents who
answered about achievement motivation (X2) included in the high category as many as 14 students (17%),
moderate category as many as 48 students 59%), low category as many as 14 students (17%) and very low
category as many as 3 students (4%). Therefore, it can be concluded that the level of student achievement
motivation tendency is in the medium category.
This is reinforced by the theory proposed by Mc. Donald, Robbin, Hechause, McClelland, Sumadi
Suryabrata, Usman, Nana Syaodih, Sukmadinata and Purwantohasil from their opinion it is known that
achievement motivation is not merely an impulse to do, but it refers to a measure of success based on an
assessment of a person's task. Thus students will be compelled to study diligently in order to achieve the desired
learning outcomes. Therefore, learners with achievement motivation will continue to perform tasks longer than
students who lack achievement motivation, even after they experience failure, they will correlate the failure by
continuing to work in the learning process. Judging from the theory of Ahmad Susanto and Rusman about the
variables that affect student learning outcomes are emotional intelligence variables and motivation variables are
factors that affect the results of learning. This can be seen from the results of research that the authors carry out
that emotional intelligence (X1) and achievement motivation (X2) To the learning result of Akidah Akhlak (Y) is
shown with the correlation number of 0.682.Based guidelines in providing interpretation of the correlation index
number. Then the number 0.682 is between the correlation value of 0.40 to 0.699 which means the influence of
emotional intelligence (X1) and achievement motivation (X2) on the learning outcomes of AKidah Akhlak (Y)
has a moderate level of influence. With R Square value of 0.465 or 46.5% states that the value of influence
power. This means, both the bad result of learning Akidah Akhlak very dependent on both bad emotional
intelligence and student achievement motivation. This statement is corroborated from the R Square value of
46.5% or 38 respondents. This statement is also reinforced by research conducted previously by Fatimatun
Nurul Aini, researching about the Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation on Student
Achievement of Class VII at SMP N Pajangan Bantul Yogyakarta academic year 2015/2016. The results
showed that there is a positive influence of emotional intelligence and learning motivation with student
achievement by knowing the result of the calculation of Fcount = 20,308 with (p) 0,000 <0,05, which means the
better the influence of emotional intelligence on the students and the higher the motivation to learn to the
students Will improve student learning outcomes.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing that has been described in the previous discussion, then this
study can be summed up as follows either bad result of learning Akidah Akhlak subject is determined by both
bad emotional intelligence and achievement motivation students.
Emotional intelligence that students have contributed in improving learning outcomes Akidah Akhlak
subject. Thus, students need to make efforts to improve their emotional intelligence by learning to recognize
themselves, self-respect, self-emotion, boost self-potential and learn to be empathetic to friends, others and learn
to interact with others. If this can be done, it will produce students who are able to become leaders in their
classes, discussion leaders, learning leaders, be successful by managing their own emotional intelligence so that
the learning outcomes to be achieved will also be maximized. Achievement motivation owned by students
contribute in improving learning outcomes Akidah Akhlak subject. Thus, students need to make efforts to
continuously improve their achievement motivation, by applying responsibilities in learning, determining the
value to be achieved or setting a superior standard, persistent and diligent search for creative ways to complete
school tasks, diligently doing tasks, study Hard , Persistent, tenacious, do not retreat study time, assume that the
task is the most important thing to do. Task. Students who have high achievement motivation will produce
maximum learning result.
Emotional intelligence and achievement motivation owned by students contribute in improving student
learning outcomes. Thus, the head of the madrasah and teachers should work together to improve each other's
work. In relation to this research, the head of the madrasah should maximize activities that can improve students'
emotional intelligence such as modeling in enforcing rules and discipline in schools, applying worship such as
prayers Five times, which will be a solution that will fill the soul either consciously or unconsciously resulting
in noble character, providing a conducive environment and create a democratic learning climate, such as
improving facilities and learning infrastructure for students and the environment that provides a sense of
security and comfort For students in learning. Furthermore, teachers should also develop empathy, feel what is
being felt by learners, help learners find solutions in every problem it faces, involve learners optimally in
learning, both physically, socially, and emotionally as well as respond to each student's behavior Positively, and
avoiding a negative response. In addition to improving students' achievement motivation, the head of madrasah
and teachers give special awards for students who excel, so as to motivate students in carrying out a job.
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