John Lennon Reading Pairwork Simple Past - 1

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John Lеnnom Reward Е|ementаry

Resourсe Pасk

Iohn Lеnnon was born in (1) 19 and livеd with his aunt and unсle in Liverpool.
Whеn hе was 12 he lеarnеd to play thе (3) but his ambition
wasn't to be a musiсian _ he wanted to bе a millionairе! He was (5)
yеars old when his mothеr died in a сar aссidеnt.

As a teеnagеr, hе сrеatеd his first group and thеy were сalled the Quarrymen. Hе met
(7) in 1955 and thеy startеd the Bеatles in 1960.
(e) beсame thеir manaser in 1961.

John marriеd Cynthia in \962 and thеy had a son сalled

(11) . Latеr. John and Cvnthia
-J ^-*^^^*
divorсеd and
in Novеmbеr |966 John met Yokо ono in an art gallеry in Lоndon.

He met (13) iп 1967

and started dоing meditation. In thе same yеar, Brian Еpstein died.

on Marсh 20Ih |969' John and Yokо (15)

and thе following year John left the Bеatles and сrеated thе Plastiс ono band.

Thеy had thеir flrst hit with .Imaginе' in (17) 19 .

- a son сalled
In\9.75' John and Yoko wеnt to Nеw York and had

John Lennon was shot outside his homе in New

York on Dесember 8th 1980.






(1 1)





@ Mасmi|Iаn Pub|ishers Limited 1997.

Use Workshеets 2]а аnd 21b for

AстlvlтY PRoсEDURЕ
Paiгwork: геading, wгiting, spеaking 1 Tеll thе studеnts that thеy arс going to rсad somе
infoгmation aboutJohn Lеnnon,s tifе. Мakе surе thе
AIM studсnts knоw whoJohn Lсnnon was and that hе diеd
Tо wгitе and ask quеstions to obиin infoгmation in oгdсr to somе timс ago. Point out that thсrе is somе information
сomplеtе a llfе history. missing ftom thе tеxt that you arс going tо givе thеm.

GRAMMAR AND FUNстloNs 2 Dividе thе sfudеnts into Gгoup A and Group B. Givе onе
Past simplе сopy of woгkshесt 2\a to еaсh studеnt in Group A antt
WЙ- quсstions onс сopy of workshееt 2lb to еaсh studеnt in Group B.

з Ask thс studеnts to work with a par.tnеr from thе samе

voсABULARY group for thе flfst part ofthе aсtivity. Ехplain thаt thеге
Lifе history arе somе dеиils missing fгom thеir tеxt аnd that thеy
should wгitе down thе quеstions thеy nееd to ask to
PREPARAтIoN obиin thе missing iлfoгmation. All thе studеnts must wгitе
Мakе onе сopy of !Иorkshееts 21a and2|b for еaсh pair of thе quеstiоns down in thс spaсеs providеd on thеir
studеnts in thе сlass. workshсеt.
Foг ехamplе:
тlME Sfudеnt A: (\) whrn шаsJohn Lennon born?
50 to 60 minutеs (3) whаt did hе leаrn to plау?

studеnt B: (2) where did he liue шith his аunt аnd

(4) whаt did hе Laаnt to be? or whаt шаs
his аmbition?

Vhilс thе studrnts arе doing this, bе on hand to answеr

quеstions and offеr hеlp.

4 whсn thr sfudеnts havе finishеd writing quсstions, ask

thеm to work with a partnег frоm thе othеr group. Sшdеnt
A and studеnt B shorrld norм sit faсing onс anothеr and
tаkе it in fums to ask and answrf quеstions in numегiсal
ordеr to flnd out thс infoгmation missing from thеir own
tехt. Thеy should wгitе thе infoгmation in thе blanks on
thеir woгkshееt.

5 Whеn thсyhavе finishеd сxсhanging information, thе

pairs of studеnts сomparе thсir сomplеtеd tеxts, vrhiсh
should bе idеntiсal.

@ Maсmi|lаn Pub|ishers Limited 1997

John Lеnnon Reward Еlementаry
Resourсe Paсk

John Lennon was bогn in l941 and livеd with his aunt and unсle in
(z) . When he was 12 hе learned to play thе harmoniсa but his ambition
wasn't to bе a musiсian - he wantеd to bе a (4) ! Hе was
eighteen yеars old when his mothеr diеd in a сar aссidеnt.

As a tееnageц hе сreatеd his first group and thеy wеrе сallеd (6)
Hе mеt Paul MсCartney in 1955 and thеy (8)
1960. Brian Еpstein beсame their manager in 196T.

John marriеd (10) in |962 and thеy had a son

сallеd Julian. Lateц John and Cynthia divorсеd and in November 1966
John met (12) in an art gallеry in Londоn.

He met Maharishi Mahеsh Yоsi in 1967 and started doing meditation.

In the same year, (14) diеd.

on Marсh 20th |969, John and Yokо got married and the fоllоwing year John
lеft the Beatles and сrеatеd (16)
They had thеir flrst hit with .Imaginе' tn |97|.

In |9,75, John and Yoko wеnt tо (18)

and had a son сalled Sean.

John Lennon was shot outsidе his homе in

New Yоrk on











o Mасmil|an Pub|ishers Limited 1997 PHoToсoPIAвLЕ

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