Lesson Plan2

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Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Day:4 Month: 11 Year:

Date: Name of Student: Mrym Mohammed
Time: 11:00Am
length of
Name of School: Al Hanan school
class: 1 hour
to: 11:45Am
Name of MST: Zainab Grade: Kg 2 No. Ss:

Details about the book that the Name of book: Unit: page(s)
MST uses: Math book Math book Number 10 55, 56

PURPOSE – Why am I teaching this lesson? What do I want the students to know/to be able to do by the end of the
lesson that they could not do before?


Students will be able to ….

 student will be able to identify the number 10

 student will be able to read and write the number 10

 student will be able to count till 10

LANGUAGE – What is the language I hope to teach? Specifically – what do I want the students to be able to say or write
or read or listen to? Is it new language, or am I revising something I or my MST has already presented and practiced, or
is it a mixture?

- It’s a new Math lesson

- Student will be able to count till number 10 and identify the number
When is number 10 comes ?

SKILLS – Which skill(s) am I teaching and what aspect of that / those skill(s) will I focus on?

listening , writing and speaking

RESOURCES –– What resources do I need to create the context and provide practice so the students can do what they
need to do to develop? - Include realia, books, handouts, multimedia, songs, games, etc.

flash cards, power point .white board and markers.

ACTIVITIES – What activities can I design that use the resources and are appropriate in the context? Are my activities
authentic and purposeful?

bracelet for girls ( counting how many will add to the bracelet )

sun for boys ( stick 10 triangles to create a sun )

Purpose / objective of the

Activity Time Interaction Teacher (activity + exact Student (what they do + language MCT comments
instructions you intend to give) you expect them to use) activity

T asks the students to set St will listen to the teacher

Engage T-s on the circle. and set.

T brings out the flash cards Sts that the teachers choose
that contains the numbers comes to the board and order To make them feel
they already took and they the numbers . excited
re-order it .

T asks the students to Sts are all counting with the

count the numbers teacher .
T brings out the new
number . Sts guesses the number .
To practice their minds
T asks them to repeat the and let them think
new number .

T stick the new number in

the board and count again Sts identify the number 10
till 10 . and count again till 10 .

T starts the lesson .


T start the lesson with a

Building Knowledge power point slides that
contains activities about
the number 10 . To gain their attention
Sts participate with the when they participate .
T-S T choose random sts to activities .
come in the board and
participate .

‘’activity time
Transition 3


T explains the activity St listen and understand the

and model it. activity.
Ensure the
understanding of the
T choose the first group S who are meant to stay will
who will work and excuse stay and the others plays on
the others . the corners .

The ones who finish their
activity can go and play .
T-S Sts are doing their activity
S-S and leave after . To make sure they
understood the lesson
and end it nicely

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