200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball
200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball
200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball
engineering programmes
A guide for higher education providers
and assessors
Based on
IChemE accreditation guide
IChemE’s mission is to advance chemical engineering for societal benefit, worldwide. Through its conduct of higher
education programme accreditation, IChemE aims to recognise and share good practice in the education of chemical
engineers. At the same time, it seeks to promote development of the profession by encouraging innovation in chemical
engineering programme design and delivery.
IChemE’s accreditation guidelines derive from long experience in accrediting degree and diploma programmes across the
world, against discipline-based criteria. Accreditation serves two purposes: (i) recognition of programmes against IChemE
standards; and (ii) linkage to IChemE’s suite of professional engineering registrations.
Through the strengths of its standards and quality of its processes, IChemE is licensed by the UK Engineering Council, a
Signatory of the International Engineering Alliance, to accredit higher education degrees and other qualifications against
defined criteria set out in UK-SPEC . The accreditation process involves scrutiny of evidence provided by the higher
education institution and a visit to ensure that the programmes comply with the guidelines in this document. IChemE
accredited programmes are recognised through mutual recognition agreements worldwide.
IChemE would like to extend its sincere appreciation to the many people from industry and academia who have assisted
in its worldwide accreditation activities, and who have helped in preparing this revision of the guidelines.
Supplementary documents
Supplementary material available separately:
Assessment questionnaires/report forms; Credit analysis tool; SHE covering notes; SHE checklist; Assessor Code of
Conduct; Appeals procedure; Accreditation cost recovery.
UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence, available from http://www.engc.org.uk/ukspec.aspx
See also “The Accreditation of Higher Educational Programmes”, available from
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i November 2015 V1.2
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Document control
Version No. Date issued Changes
Text amendment on page 10 (before Table 5).
Added ‘uncontrolled’ caveat to footer.
Corrected page numbering error.
V1.2 25 Nov 2015
Updated and moved document control table to record change history details.
References to Annexes I, II, etc, replaced with web link to supplementary
V1.1 15 Oct 2015 Supplementary documents section amended on page 2
V1.0 Sep 2015 Final revision, inc App B
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ii November 2015 V1.2
IChemE accreditation guide
1. Introduction 1–2
The value of accreditation; The IChemE accreditation process; The international perspective.
8. Accreditation outcomes 22 – 23
Accreditation decision process; Accreditation outcomes; After the accreditation decision; Obligations
and duties on departments; Endorsement logos; Appeals procedure.
A Learning Outcomes at Levels B and F 27 – 32
B Learning Outcomes at Level D 33 – 37
C IChemE outcome level descriptors 38
D Typical schedule for an assessment visit 39
E Education & Accreditation Forum decision tree for accreditations 40
F Glossary of terms used in the guidelines 41 – 42
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iii November 2015 V1.2
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1. Introduction
“Modern society relies on the work of chemical, biochemical and process engineers - they help manage
resources, protect the environment and control health and safety procedures, while developing the
processes that make the products we desire or depend on.
Chemical engineering is all about changing materials into useful products used every day in a safe and
cost effective way. For example petrol, plastics and synthetic fibres such as polyester and nylon, all
come from oil.
Chemical engineers understand how to alter the chemical, biochemical or physical state of a substance,
to create everything from face creams to fuels.” *
Chemical engineering continues to evolve rapidly as a profession. Nowhere is the need to take account of change more
important than in the education and academic formation of engineers. It is essential that new graduates have the skills to
perform in an ever-wider variety of roles and industries. Moreover, they must not only be equipped to contribute quickly
during their early careers, but also have a quality academic grounding in chemical engineering principles ‘to last a
lifetime’ and to enable them to contribute to solving the challenges such as identified in Chemical Engineering Matters†
Our aim, to recruit the brightest and most innovative people into the discipline of chemical engineering, challenges us to
provide them with an education that will stimulate and develop their talents. Higher education degree and diploma
programmes must communicate the relevance and excitement of our profession. IChemE responds to this challenge with
its accreditation activity, through which educators benefit from our knowledge of excellent global practice in chemical
engineering education. IChemE concentrates upon assessment of ‘learning outcomes’ (i.e. what is learnt by students)
rather than programme content (i.e. what is taught to students).
These guidelines summarise what IChemE requires of an accredited degree or diploma programme, with the intention of
leaving it to the university‡ to determine how the requirement is met.
Chemical Engineering Matters, 2nd Ed, IChemE 2014
Please note that the term “university” is used for convenience throughout these guidelines to represent all kinds of higher educational
establishment including polytechnics and colleges. Likewise, the term “department” is used generically for the academic unit responsible
for delivering the programmes under review.
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2 November 2015 V1.2
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A second cycle degree under the Bologna process
Recognising postgraduate degrees, such as MSc, of the highest international standards that provide
advanced chemical engineering knowledge and skills at IChemE outcome Level F *.
See Appendix C for the IChemE outcome level descriptors
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3 November 2015 V1.2
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1 M-Standard degree
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4 November 2015 V1.2
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1 B-Standard degree
Additional academic
D-Standard modules, or
qualification further learning to
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5 November 2015 V1.2
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IChemE accreditation guide
IChemE’s accreditation decisions result from an evidence-based assessment of the learning outcomes delivered by the
degree programme and the levels at which these are achieved.
IChemE considers that the quality of a degree or diploma programme is fundamentally dependent on students having a
high-quality learning experience which facilitates excellent attainment. This can only be evaluated through review of
evidence of student achievement. IChemE therefore believes that measurement of time spent (credit hours) on individual
programme or module elements, while providing guidance regarding extent of taught content, is not a definitive measure
of learning delivery. Likewise, IChemE believes it can reasonably be expected that cohorts of high entry-standard may,
given a stretching curriculum and a demanding, well-resourced teaching environment, be more likely to achieve higher
levels of learning outcomes.
IChemE’s accreditation philosophy therefore takes into account all factors that influence delivery of learning outcomes.
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6 November 2015 V1.2
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against defined international norms (e.g. as measured by International Baccalaureate, Senior Secondary Certificate of
Education, A-levels etc) and will expect the standards for entry to accredited chemical engineering programmes to be at a
appropriately high level.
For first degrees and diplomas, IChemE expects prospective students to hold secondary schooling qualifications in
underpinning mathematics and sciences above minimum threshold entry standards. Where these criteria are not
adequately met, IChemE may require that special measures are in place, such as a foundation year of preparatory study.
Such a measure would not be subject to the accreditation review. In other cases, clear evidence of supplementary
teaching within the programme will be required.
Many universities admit students directly to year 2 or later in a programme. Such arrangements are often through
articulation agreements with other colleges and universities. Departments need to provide evidence that all students meet
the overall programme outcomes, regardless of their point of entry.
Considerations comparable to those outlined above apply for entry to postgraduate programmes.
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7 November 2015 V1.2
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Skills are acquired and learned attributes that can be applied almost automatically.
Complex implies engineering problems, processes or equipment which involve dealing simultaneously with a
sizeable number of factors which interact and require deep understanding, including knowledge at the forefront of
the discipline.
* rd
As in “The Accreditation of HE Programmes” in UK-SPEC 3 Ed 2014
Table 3: Relationship between learning areas, outcome levels and accreditation standards
Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
at Levels B & F at Level D
(Appendix A) (Appendix B)
Area of Learning
Outcome Outcome
Accreditation Accreditation
level level
Standard Standard
(Appendix C) (Appendix C)
Underpinning Mathematics, Science and
Associated Engineering
Core Chemical Engineering
Level B
Level D
Chemical Engineering Practice
Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design
Embedded learning
Complementary subjects
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Depth)
Further learning to
Level F
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8 November 2015 V1.2
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IChemE accreditation guide
4.1.1 Introduction
Decisions on whether a programme is accredited, and at what level, will be taken solely on the basis of evidence of
achievement of learning outcomes against defined standards. Accredited programmes may have various titles, content
or duration (depending, for example on entry level qualifications) and could be delivered in a wide variety of learning
environments and formats (e.g. full-time, part-time, industry-based, distance learning etc).
Although IChemE seeks to avoid prescription in these aspects, some broad guidance on content is useful for both
departments and assessors. However, it should be stressed that the metrics on duration and content given within this
section are for guidance. A significant difference from these metrics would not in itself preclude accreditation, but in such
cases the department would be expected to justify the differences and provide compelling evidence that the required
learning outcomes have been met.
In order to provide a common measure of content, and on the assumption that most programmes have a modular credit-
based structure, it has been assumed that a typical year of full-time study comprises the equivalent of 60 credits. It is
expected that departments will be able to convert their own measures of programme content to the IChemE credit
basis*. As a guide, one IChemE credit is equivalent to approximately 20 hours of student workload (combined teacher-
led and independent study). In cases where there are difficulties in interpretation IChemE will provide guidance.
IChemE considers the incorporation of professional engineering approaches and attitudes, through direct contact
between educators and students, to be a key component of an effective engineering education. The balance between
direct contact and other study activities will vary according to the nature of the module and to local teaching and learning
4.1.2 Minimum programme duration
An indication of the duration and academic credit is shown in Table 4. The indicated values apply to full-time study and
for degree entrants meeting IChemE’s baseline entry standards for underpinning mathematics and science (see Section
3.4). For part-time or other modes of study, the values should be adjusted in proportion to the amount of study in each
Programme duration to a particular accreditation standard will depend on the level of attainment at entry in relation to the
requirements of the chemical engineering curriculum. This will vary according to the local school and university
education system. However, IChemE stresses that output standards achieved are more important than length of study.
D-Standard 2 120
B-Standard 3 180
M-Standard 4 240
F-Standard 1.5 90
* NB: the IChemE credit value is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credit value.
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Frequently, programmes or suites of programmes include various routes and options. These can take a wide variety of
forms, including double degrees, joint Honours degrees, programmes with specialisms, programmes with optional
modules. In assessing compliance with the minimum requirements, IChemE will look to ensure that the minimum is met
for all possible variants which a student might select.
4.1.4 Allocation of Programme Content to Specific Areas
When assessing whether the minimum content has been met for each area of chemical engineering, IChemE will take a
holistic and balanced view of the content rather than ‘ticking-off’ individually each and every learning outcome statement.
Within the expected minimum of 85 IChemE credits in total for core chemical engineering, a detailed breakdown for each
sub-area is not specified although it is particularly important that the learning outcomes for Process Safety (Appendix
A2.6/B2.6) are met in full.
The allocation of the content of a degree programme to specific areas is, for some topics, a matter of judgement. For
(a) there is a possible overlap of content between ‘Core Chemical Engineering’, ‘Chemical Engineering Practice’ and
‘Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design Projects’;
(b) there is a possible overlap of content within Core Chemical Engineering between ‘Safety’ and ‘Sustainability,
Economics and Ethics’.
IChemE is generally content to leave this judgement to departments, subject only to clarity with respect to describing
which specific areas are included within which headings. The use of minimum total content alongside specified minima for
each category provides some latitude for allocation.
The credit analysis tool is available in the supplementary documents.
Important notes:
1. Allocation: All credit counts are on an exclusive basis. Therefore total content of whole programmes or modules cannot be
accounted for twice nor appear under two categories of learning. If departments consider that it is appropriate for content of modules to
be allocated across categories of learning, this is acceptable, provided full explanation of rationale is provided to IChemE in the
Questionnaire (see supplementary documents http://www.icheme.org/membership/accreditation/supplementary-documents.aspx ).
2. Underpinning Mathematics, Science and Associated Engineering: The appropriate amount of underpinning material will vary
according to the entry achievement of students and the nature of the programme itself. In all cases, the underpinning material must
enable students to understand and achieve all of the chemical engineering outcomes. (Section 3.6, Appendix A1/B1)
3. Credit totals: Note that the required minimum totals for Level B topics and for Advanced Chemical Engineering are in each case
significantly greater than the sum of the component elements.
4. Embedded learning: – It is expected that modules throughout a programme include, illustrate and reinforce aspects of sustainability,
SHE and, where possible ethics, along with General Transferable Skills, as set out in Appendices A5 and B5. It is expected that a wide
variety of delivery methods is used throughout so that students acquire the range of interpersonal and management skills etc to equip
them to the modern engineering workplace. No credits should be allocated to the embedded learning section.
5. Complementary topics: Complementary topics must not be included in the credit assessment. (Section 3.9)
6. Multiple programmes and options: Where a choice is available to students, the “worst” case should be evaluated. (Section 4.1.3)
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11 November 2015 V1.2
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The Level F advanced outcomes will be achieved through a combination of ‘Depth’ and ‘Breadth’, as set out in Appendix
A6. They will also have achieved advanced outcomes in chemical engineering practice and in design (Appendix A3.3 and
A4.3). In addition there may be study of complementary subjects – including other science/technology, or other non-
chemical engineering subjects such as business or languages.
4.2.4 Distinguishing features of D-Standard programmes
D-Standard programmes (e.g. Singapore Diploma and UK HND) have an emphasis on development and attainment of
the know-how necessary to apply technology to chemical engineering problems and processes, and to maintain and
manage current technology, sometimes within a multidisciplinary engineering environment.
Graduates from D-Standard programmes must achieve the learning outcomes at IChemE Level D, as described in
Appendix B. The breadth and depth of underpinning scientific and mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills will
be provided in the most appropriate manner to enable the application of engineering principles within existing technology
to future engineering problems and processes. Graduates are likely to have acquired some of this ability through
involvement in individual and/or group design projects.
Programmes will develop a knowledge and understanding of current engineering practice and processes, with less focus
on analysis than in B-Standard programmes, for example:
greater exposure (where time allows) to ‘related technologies’ such as management and business issues, IT and
its application
greater emphasis on aspects of plant operation, maintenance, reliability and process viability, capability and
Design will be a significant component, especially in integrating a range of knowledge and understanding to design
products, systems and processes to meet defined needs using current technology. An example might be practical
development of a major project which places emphasis on ‘practical process improvement’, ideally in conjunction with a
local employer.
4.3 Taught delivery methods and departmental practice for student assessment
4.3.1 Delivery methods
Various methods can be used to deliver a programme satisfying the learning outcomes, depending on the style of
teaching appropriate to the university and the students, the number of students taught and the varied nature of content.
IChemE encourages the use of diverse methods and innovation in teaching.
The choice of methods is at the discretion of the university. The methods used could include lectures; tutorials;
laboratory and workshop sessions; problem-centred learning; distance learning; and computer-aided learning. In
addition, programmes may incorporate industrial placements, or study at other universities at home or abroad.
Whilst much of the teaching will be done by university staff, the use of external lecturers and supervisors is encouraged,
where these can supply knowledge and experience not otherwise readily available. Examples might be in the
supervision of design work, the presentation of case studies, or in the lecturing of special topics.
4.3.2 Assessment
The purpose of assessment by a university is to confirm that individual students have attained the necessary learning
outcomes, and that this attainment is at the appropriate level for the degree being awarded. How individual modules are
assessed is for the university to decide but, within a programme, a variety of assessment forms is expected and may
include on-line quizzes and other innovative forms. For some parts of the programme, there should be an assessment of
a student’s oral presentation.
It is expected that the university will have its own formal procedures for assessment and maintain a robust quality
assurance process to ensure that outcome standards are consistent and fair. The procedures should include safeguards
against academic dishonesty (e.g. plagiarism and other forms of cheating).
4.4 Evidence of achievement of learning outcomes
IChemE will look for evidence that students have attained the learning outcomes in each of the areas outlined in
Section 3.
Typical examples of direct evidence include:
examination papers, together with model answers and marked scripts
project reports
laboratory reports
design project reports
industrial placement reports
Typical examples of indirect evidence include:
external examiner’s reports
internal and external audits
quality assurance reports external to the department
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12 November 2015 V1.2
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Legislative Compliance – there is a sound understanding of, and compliance with, applicable SH&E legislation.
Risk Assessment and Management – Risk Assessment and Permit to Work systems are in place; those who use
them are fully conversant with their roles and responsibilities.
For further information on safety culture, see supplementary documents
* Engineering Council and Royal Academy of Engineering, “Statement of Ethical Principles”,
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Engineering Council Registration Code of Practice, (2014) para 27, available from http://www.engc.org.uk
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17 November 2015 V1.2
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Table 7: Documentation required from Department three months before the visit
Category Items required/description Notes
Degree or diploma The degree or diploma programme questionnaire is a Refer to IChemE’s separately
programme critical document and provides a structure for the available Supplementary
questionnaire department to collate all essential descriptive information Documents for the degree and
on the degree programme(s) comprehensively for diploma questionnaires
advance assessment by IChemE
Curriculum details Programme structure – e.g. list of modules, showing year Where available, the programme
of delivery, credit value, options etc handbook supplied to students
Descriptors of all modules, showing learning outcomes, may supply these details in a
teaching methods (e.g. lectures, practicals, projects), convenient form.
methods of assessment, etc
Briefs for major research/design projects including scope,
assessment criteria (individual/group) and marking
Staff details Brief CVs of academic staff including professional
Evidence of the Complete sets of examination question papers with Evidence should be a
learning outcomes marking schemes (past 2 years) representative cross-section
actually achieved by Major design project reports (3 examples each) (high, middle, threshold pass)
students. and drawn from all parts of the
Research and/or other (as appropriate) Level F project degree programme.
reports (3 examples each)
Evidence must include, in all
(Optional, as appropriate) External assessment cases, markers’ comments and
(Optional, as appropriate) Industrial project reports marks.
Important note: in preparing the above documents, the department must ensure that it is clear to IChemE which
programmes are being assessed and, where there are several programmes, indicate details of multiple/parallel content.
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20 November 2015 V1.2
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Assessors frequently request to see additional materials during their visit. Departments are respectfully requested to be
prepared for, and accommodating of, reasonable requests.
At the end of the visit, assessors will give feedback on their principal findings, including recommendations for
improvement. They are, however, instructed not to tell the department their recommendation on the accreditation
outcome. The decision will be taken at the EAF meeting at which the assessors’ report (see 7.4) is discussed and
moderated. While assessors are required to make recommendations to EAF about the decision, these may be overridden
on examination by EAF to maintain consistency with IChemE criteria and with other accreditation decisions.
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8. Accreditation outcomes
8.1 Accreditation decision process
The Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF) exists to maintain standards and consistency of decision-making for
IChemE accreditation. EAF is comprised of experienced IChemE assessors who are collectively responsible for all
decisions on accreditation. Potential conflicts of interest are declared at the start of each EAF meeting and those
concerned are normally required to leave the meeting during the relevant discussion.
EAF will formally review the assessors’ report, together with the accreditation recommendation of the assessor panel for
final decision. EAF appoints from its membership a rapporteur for each accreditation visit. The rapporteur will raise (e.g.
by email) and resolve as many issues as possible concerning the report with the lead assessor prior to the EAF meeting,
so that these can be noted with minimal need for further discussion. EAF meetings include video/audio links, so that an
accreditation panel member (where possible the lead assessor) always be in attendance, in person or virtually, to
contribute to the decision-making process. At the EAF meeting, the visit report is introduced by the lead assessor (or other
panel member) and the rapporteur clarifies and highlights their findings. EAF resolves any outstanding issues by
discussion with the assessor and decides the outcome, usually by consensus.
Decisions of the EAF (which meets four times per year) are normally communicated to the department within two weeks of
the meeting. Occasionally, further information or clarification may need to be sought before a final accreditation decision is
made (normally at the subsequent meeting).
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22 November 2015 V1.2
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Where conditions are made, the accreditation certificate will be to the end of the period set for them to be resolved. This is
to allow the certificate to be displayed publicly without showing any conditions. Once the conditions have been met, a new
certificate will be issued to reflect the full period of accreditation.
8.2.4 Recommendations to the department
In the majority of cases IChemE seeks to make recommendations to the department. These are not mandatory.
However, they are offered in the spirit of providing help and sharing of good practice in chemical engineering
education. Adoption by the department of these recommendations is encouraged and generally expected.
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List of appendices
A Learning Outcomes at Levels B and F 29 – 34
B Learning Outcomes at Level D 35 – 39
C IChemE outcome level descriptors 40
D Typical schedule for an assessment visit 41
E Education & Accreditation Forum decision tree for accreditations 42
F Glossary of terms used in the guidelines 43 – 44
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Appendix A
A1.1 Introduction
Students’ knowledge and understanding of mathematics, science and associated engineering disciplines should be of
appropriate depth and breadth to underpin their chemical engineering education, to enable appreciation of its scientific
and engineering context, and to support their understanding of future developments. It is expected that this underpinning
material should be taught in an engineering context and, where appropriate, a chemical engineering context.
The amount of underpinning mathematics and science will vary between programmes, particularly reflecting variations in
entry qualifications and/or structure of the earlier year(s) of the programmes. Departments will need to provide evidence
that students have achieved the levels in these topics to underpin all the other required Learning Outcomes in chemical
Have a knowledge and understanding of mathematics necessary for the analysis of and to support applications
of key chemical engineering principles and processes.
Have a knowledge and understanding of basic mathematical models relevant to chemical engineering.
Have a knowledge and understanding of scientific principles, namely the relevant aspects of physics, chemistry,
biochemistry, biology and materials science, to enable the understanding of chemical engineering principles.
Have a basic understanding of relevant elements from engineering disciplines commonly associated with
chemical engineering, such as electrical power and motors; microelectronics; mechanics of pressure vessels;
structural mechanics.
A2.1 Introduction
Core chemical engineering comprises the main principles and applications of chemical engineering. Students graduating
from an accredited programme will:
It is desirable that throughout the programme the students should gain an understanding of the broad range of
applications of the principles and develop the ability to analyse, model quantitatively and synthesise at the appropriate
scale. The applications should include:
Different types of process, including continuous and batch; chemical processes and bioprocesses.
Different time scales: short and long periods; steady and unsteady state.
Different physical scales: from molecular level to large scale continuous.
Students must acquire the knowledge and ability to handle broader implications of work as a chemical engineer. These
include sustainability aspects; process safety, health, environmental and other professional issues including ethics,
risk, commercial and economic considerations etc.
Important: The outcomes in this Section A2 are expressed for outcome Level B. Please see Section A6 for how
these are interpreted for Level F.
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This is a broad heading that includes: the ‘unit operations’ of separation and mixing; particle technology; equipment
sizing and performance.
Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
Understand and be able to apply methods to analyse the characteristics and performance of a range of typical
mixing, separation, and similar processing steps for fluids, particulates and multi-phases.
Understand the principles on which processing equipment operates, and be able to apply methods to determine
equipment size and performance of common items such as reactors, exchangers and columns.
Understand and be able to estimate the effect of processing steps upon the state of the material being
processed, and on the end product in terms of its composition, morphology and functionality.
In addition to the above ‘taught’ outcomes, it is expected that students’ learning and teaching will be undertaken in an
environment (Department, School, etc) where there is an obviously strong and effective safety culture and where the
students will learn by example.
Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective Safety, Health and
Environment (SH&E) culture includes:
Leadership – Head of Department and Senior Management take an active part in SH&E.
Visibility – clear and relevant signage and information; good standards of housekeeping in laboratories.
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Behaviour – staff, students and visitors behave in a careful, risk averse manner; Personal Protective Equipment
is available and usage is enforced; there are systems for incident reporting, follow-up, feedback and
Legislative Compliance – there is a sound understanding of, and compliance with, applicable SH&E legislation.
Risk Assessment and Management – Risk Assessment and Permit to Work systems are in place; those who use
them are fully conversant with their roles and responsibilities.
Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective ethics culture includes:
how sustainability, economics, health and safety and professionalism are informed by and influence the ethical
reasoning and behaviour of the professional engineer.
A3.1 Introduction
Chemical engineering practice is the practical application of chemical engineering skills, combining theory and
experience, together with the use of other relevant knowledge and skills.
Graduates of accredited programmes must understand the ways in which chemical engineering knowledge can be
applied in practice, such as in: operations and management; projects; providing services or consultancy; developing new
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation and practice of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
in their teaching and operations within laboratories, pilot plants and project work.
Typical learning outcomes include: possession of practical and laboratory skills relevant to chemical engineering;
knowledge of the characteristics of particular equipment, processes or products; the ability to deal with technical
uncertainty; appreciation of the sources and value of technical literature; awareness of the nature of intellectual property;
facility in the use of appropriate codes of practice and industry standards.
[Note that such areas of knowledge will be significantly developed after graduation, through learning and experience at
work, and the expected level of attainment from an undergraduate programme will naturally be that of a fresh graduate,
not that of an experienced engineer].
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IChemE accreditation guide
A4.1 Introduction
Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product or plant to meet an identified need.
Students must display competence in chemical engineering design, which requires bringing together technical and other
skills, the ability to define a problem and identify constraints, the employment of creativity and innovation. They must
understand the concept of ‘fitness for purpose’ and the importance of delivery.
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) within their
teaching of design and related project work.
Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product, or plant to meet an identified need. Design is
an essential component of all IChemE-accredited degrees and serves to:
Develop an integrated approach to chemical engineering.
Encourage the application of chemical engineering principles to problems of current and future industrial
relevance including sustainable development, safety, and environmental issues.
Encourage students to develop and demonstrate creative and critical powers by requiring choices and decisions
to be made in areas of uncertainty.
Encourage students to take a broad view when confronted with complexity arising from the interaction and
integration of the different parts of a process or system.
Encourage the development of transferable skills such as communication and team working.
Give students confidence in their ability to apply their technical knowledge to real problems.
IChemE is keen to encourage innovation and diversity in design and to encourage a wide range of applications, which
might include:
Process design – synthesis of unit operations into a manufacturing process to meet a specification.
Process troubleshooting/debottlenecking – analysis of problems for an existing process for which the solutions
require innovative process or equipment changes.
Equipment design – the design of specific and complex equipment items to deliver a process or product
objective, e.g. extruder, distillation column, etc.
Product design.
Product troubleshooting – analysis of problems for an existing product for which innovative solutions are
System design – where creativity, broad range thinking, and systems integration are needed to design a system
to meet a specification, e.g. manufacturing supply chain, effluent handling system, transportation system, safety
auditing system, recycling system, site utility system, product distribution system.
It is desirable that the learning outcomes for design are achieved throughout the programme: for example, by students
accumulating a portfolio of design work as they progress through the programme. This approach will develop students’
ability to handle a range of process, product and plant design problems, provide them with a wide variety of design
experience, and will encourage integration of design-related aspects into the taught programme.
In order to meet the learning outcomes associated with the systems approach, the design portfolio must include a major
design exercise which addresses the complexity issues arising from the interaction and integration of the different parts
of a process or system. It is expected that this major project will be undertaken by teams of students and that this will
contribute significantly to the development of the students’ transferable skills such as communication and team working.
While team-working in design and design projects is actively encouraged, IChemE expects that the assessment methods
will be effective in ensuring that each individual student, as well as the whole team, meets the required learning
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IChemE accreditation guide
Understand that design is an open-ended process, lacking a pre-determined solution, which requires: synthesis,
innovation and creativity; choices on the basis of incomplete and contradictory information; decision making;
working with constraints and multiple objectives; justification of the choices and decisions taken.
Be able to deploy chemical engineering knowledge using rigorous calculation and results analysis to arrive at
and verify the realism of the chosen design.
Be able to take a systems approach to design appreciating: complexity; interaction; integration.
Be able to work in a team and understand and manage the processes of: peer challenge; planning, prioritising
and organising team activity; the discipline of mutual dependency.
Be able to communicate effectively to: acquire input information; present the outcomes of the design clearly,
concisely and with the appropriate amount of detail, including flowsheets and stream data; explain and defend
chosen design options and decisions taken.
A5.1 Introduction
Chemical engineers must develop general skills that will be of value in a wide range of business situations. These
include development of abilities within problem solving, communication, effective working with others, effective use of IT,
persuasive report writing, information retrieval, presentation skills, project planning, self learning, performance
improvement, awareness of the benefits of continuing professional development etc.
IChemE expects degree programmes to be designed so that they provide the opportunity to acquire and develop these
skills and will seek to ensure demonstration and commitment to this objective.
Chemical engineers must develop a range of general ‘transferable’ (or ‘professional’) skills. IChemE expects degree
programmes to be designed so that the opportunity to acquire and develop these skills, in different ways and at different
levels, is embedded throughout the programme.
In order to encourage the embedding and integration of these skills throughout the programme, a minimum credit count
is not specified. However, IChemE expects that evidence will be provided to demonstrate where and how the learning
outcomes are met.
A5.2 Learning Outcomes
Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
Have developed a wide range of problem-solving skills.
Have developed a range of effective communication skills including written reports and presentations.
Recognise the importance of working effectively with others and have acquired a range of experience in
achieving this.
Recognise the importance of leadership skills and have had some opportunity to acquire these.
Be effective users of IT.
Recognise the importance of project planning and time management and have acquired a range of experience
in achieving these.
Be able to reflect on their own work and implement strategies for personal improvement and professional
Be aware of the benefits of continuing professional development and of personal development planning.
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31 November 2015 V1.2
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IChemE accreditation guide
‘Depth’ requires knowledge and understanding beyond Level B, and the achievement of more challenging learning
outcomes, for subjects within Core Chemical Engineering. Such ‘Depth’ subjects will usually be characterized by having
clearly distinguishable pre-requisites from an earlier stage in the programme. ‘Depth’ subjects may also develop a
research strength or specialism of the department.
A6.2 Achievement of Level F Breadth learning outcomes
Chemical engineering is a broad, multi-faceted and expanding discipline. This provides opportunities for accredited
M- and F-Standard programmes to include subjects in addition to Core Chemical Engineering. IChemE welcomes this,
particularly where the Level F ‘Breadth’ subjects reflect a strength or specialism of the Department (either research
strengths and /or a focus on specific industry sectors). In distinction to ‘Depth’ subjects, ‘Breadth’ subjects will in general
not depend on specific pre-requisites from an earlier stage in the programme.
It is expected that such ‘Breadth’ subjects will be related to Chemical Engineering in its widest sense at Level F. Subjects
that are at an introductory level, or would be an introductory level in other programmes, would be unlikely to meet the
learning outcomes at Level F.
A6.3 Other Level F outcomes
Level F in chemical engineering practice and chemical engineering design should reflect the general advanced abilities
listed above. Specific Level F outcomes for these topics are given in Sections 3.3 and 4.3 above.
A7. Complementary Subjects
Accredited degree programmes may contain other subjects that are not directly related to chemical engineering, such as
languages, business and management related studies, history and culture, etc. IChemE recognises the benefits of a
rounded education in effectively preparing graduates for their careers. Complementary subjects are not formally
assessed by IChemE as for programme accreditation, but rigour in their teaching and assessment is expected.
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IChemE accreditation guide
Appendix B
Learning Outcomes at Level D
B1.1 Introduction
Students’ knowledge and understanding of mathematics, science and associated engineering disciplines should be of
appropriate depth and breadth to underpin their chemical engineering education, to enable appreciation of its scientific
and engineering context, and to support their understanding of future developments. It is expected that this underpinning
material should be taught in an engineering context and, where appropriate, a chemical engineering context.
The amount of underpinning mathematics and science will vary between programmes, particularly reflecting variations in
entry qualifications and/or structure of the earlier year(s) of the programmes. Departments will need to provide evidence
that students have achieved the levels in these topics to underpin all the other required Learning Outcomes in chemical
B2.1 Introduction
Core chemical engineering comprises the main principles and applications of chemical engineering. Students graduating
from an accredited programme will:
Understand the principles of fluids and solids formation and processing.
Be capable of applying these principles to problems involving fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and reaction
Be able to apply the principles to solve routine problems of complex systems within a structured approach to
safety, health and sustainability.
It is desirable that throughout the programme the students should gain experience of the broad range of applications of
the principles and appreciate the importance of analysing and modelling systems. The applications should include:
Different types of process, including continuous and batch; chemical processes and bioprocesses.
Different time scales: short and long periods; steady and unsteady state.
Different physical scales: from molecular level to large scale continuous.
Students should have gained an insight into the requirement to handle broader implications of work as a chemical
engineer. These include sustainability aspects; process safety, health, environmental and other professional issues
including ethics, risk, commercial and economic considerations etc.
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This is a broad heading that includes: the ‘unit operations’ of separation and mixing; particle technology; equipment
sizing and performance.
Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
Be familiar with and be able to apply methods to analyse the characteristics and performance of a range of
typical mixing, separation, and similar processing steps for fluids, particulates and multi-phases.
Be familiar with the principles on which processing equipment operates, and be able to apply methods to
determine equipment size and performance of common items such as reactors, exchangers and columns.
Be familiar with and be able to estimate the effect of processing steps upon the state of the material being
processed, and on the end product in terms of its composition, morphology and functionality.
In addition to the above ‘taught’ outcomes, it is expected that students’ learning and teaching will be undertaken in an
environment (Department, School, etc) where there is an obviously strong and effective safety culture and where the
students will learn by example.
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IChemE accreditation guide
Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective Safety, Health and
Environment (SH&E) culture includes:
Leadership – Head of Department and Senior Management take an active part in SH&E.
Visibility – clear and relevant signage and information; good standards of housekeeping in laboratories.
Behaviour – staff, students and visitors behave in a careful, risk averse manner; Personal Protective Equipment
is available and usage is enforced; there are systems for incident reporting, follow-up, feedback and
Legislative Compliance – there is a sound understanding of, and compliance with, applicable SH&E legislation.
Risk Assessment and Management – Risk Assessment and Permit to Work systems are in place; those who
use them are fully conversant with their roles and responsibilities.
Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective ethics culture includes:
how sustainability, economics, health and safety and professionalism are informed by and influence the ethical
reasoning and behaviour of the professional engineer
B3.1 Introduction
Chemical engineering practice is the practical application of chemical engineering skills, combining theory and
experience, together with the use of other relevant knowledge and skills.
Graduates of accredited programmes must understand the ways in which chemical engineering knowledge can be
applied in practice, such as in: operations and management; projects; providing services or consultancy; developing new
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation and practice of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
in their teaching and operations within laboratories, pilot plants and project work.
Typical learning outcomes include: possession of practical and laboratory skills relevant to chemical engineering;
knowledge of the characteristics of particular equipment, processes or products; the ability to deal with technical
uncertainty; appreciation of the sources and value of technical literature; awareness of the nature of intellectual property;
facility in the use of appropriate codes of practice and industry standards.
[Note that such areas of knowledge will be significantly developed after graduation, through learning and experience at
work, and the expected level of attainment from an undergraduate programme will naturally be that of a fresh graduate,
not that of an experienced engineer].
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IChemE accreditation guide
Be aware of the importance of codes of practice and industry standards and have some experience in applying
Be aware of quality assurance issues and their application to continuous improvement.
Be aware of the range of applications of chemical engineering and the roles of chemical engineers.
Be aware of the concept and implications of ‘professional’ (chartered and incorporated) engineers and the role of
Professional Engineering Institutions.
B4.1 Introduction
Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product or plant to meet an identified need.
Students must display competence in chemical engineering design, which requires bringing together technical and other
skills, the ability to define a problem and identify constraints, the employment of creativity and innovation. They must
understand the concept of ‘fitness for purpose’ and the importance of delivery.
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) within their
teaching of design and related project work.
Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product, or plant to meet an identified need. Design is
an essential component of all IChemE-accredited degrees and serves to:
Develop an integrated approach to chemical engineering.
Encourage the application of chemical engineering principles to problems of current and future industrial
relevance including sustainable development, safety, and environmental issues.
Encourage students to develop and demonstrate creative and critical powers by requiring choices and decisions
to be made in areas of uncertainty.
Encourage students to take a broad view when confronted with complexity arising from the interaction and
integration of the different parts of a process or system.
Encourage the development of transferable skills such as communication and team working.
Give students confidence in their ability to apply their technical knowledge to real problems.
IChemE is keen to encourage innovation and diversity in design and to encourage a wide range of applications, which
might include:
Process design – synthesis of unit operations into a manufacturing process to meet a specification.
Process troubleshooting/debottlenecking – analysis of problems for an existing process for which the solutions
require innovative process or equipment changes.
Equipment design – the design of specific and complex equipment items to deliver a process or product
objective, e.g. extruder, distillation column, etc.
Product design.
Product troubleshooting – analysis of problems for an existing product for which innovative solutions are
System design – where creativity, broad range thinking, and systems integration are needed to design a system
to meet a specification, e.g. manufacturing supply chain, effluent handling system, transportation system, safety
auditing system, recycling system, site utility system, product distribution system.
It is desirable that the learning outcomes for design are achieved throughout the programme: for example, by students
accumulating a portfolio of design work as they progress through the programme. This approach will develop students’
ability to handle a range of process, product and plant design problems, provide them with a wide variety of design
experience, and will encourage integration of design-related aspects into the taught programme.
In order to meet the learning outcomes associated with the systems approach, the design portfolio must include a major
design exercise which addresses the complexity issues arising from the interaction and integration of the different parts
of a process or system. It is expected that this major project will be undertaken by teams of students and that this will
contribute significantly to the development of the students’ transferable skills such as communication and team working.
While team-working in design and design projects is actively encouraged, IChemE expects that the assessment methods
will be effective in ensuring that each individual student, as well as the whole team, meets the required learning outcomes.
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IChemE accreditation guide
Appreciate that design is an open-ended process, lacking a pre-determined solution, which requires: synthesis,
innovation and creativity; choices on the basis of incomplete and contradictory information; decision making;
working with constraints and multiple objectives; justification of the choices and decisions taken.
Be able to deploy chemical engineering knowledge using rigorous calculation and results analysis to arrive at
and verify the realism of the chosen design.
Be able to take a systems approach to design appreciating: complexity; interaction; integration.
Be able to work in a team and understand and manage the processes of: peer challenge; planning, prioritising
and organising team activity; the discipline of mutual dependency.
Be able to communicate effectively to: acquire input information; present the outcomes of the design clearly,
concisely and with the appropriate amount of detail, including flowsheets and stream data; explain and defend
chosen design options and decisions taken.
B5.1 Introduction
Chemical engineers should develop general skills that will be of value in a wide range of business situations. These
include development of abilities within problem solving, communication, effective working with others, effective use of IT,
persuasive report writing, information retrieval, presentation skills, project operation, self learning, performance
improvement, awareness of the benefits of continuing professional development etc.
IChemE expects these programmes to be designed so that they provide the opportunity to acquire and develop these
skills and will seek to ensure demonstration and commitment to this objective.
Chemical engineers should develop a range of general ‘transferable’ (or ‘professional’) skills. IChemE expects these
programmes to be designed so that the opportunity to acquire and develop these skills, in different ways and at different
levels, is embedded throughout the programme.
In order to encourage the embedding and integration of these skills throughout the programme, a minimum credit count is
not specified. However, IChemE expects that evidence will be provided to demonstrate where and how the learning
outcomes are met.
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IChemE accreditation guide
Appendix C
* See: https://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/en/content/descriptors-page
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IChemE accreditation guide
Appendix D
Day 0
19:00 Pre-visit meeting of assessors
Day 1
08:45 Assessors arrive at the department
11:00 Meet with senior staff (as appropriate: Dean, Head of Department, Programme Directors etc) to discuss programme
philosophy and future plans
11:30 Meet with programme directors to discuss the degree programme questionnaire – entry standards and programme
structure, curriculum, learning outcomes (to be continued after lunch)
14:00 Continued discussion of degree programme curriculum and specific learning outcomes
15:30 Informal coffee break, possibly including technical and support staff
16:30 Review day 1 with programme directors (an opportunity to guide the programme and materials required for day 2)
17:00 Meet a representative group of students - including (if possible) some recent graduates – (no staff to be present)
Day 2
09:00 Visit teaching laboratories, computing facilities and other resources, e.g. library, project rooms etc
15:45 Final review and discussion with head of department and programme directors
16:30 Close
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Appendix E
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Appendix F
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IChemE accreditation guide
Getting help
IChemE specialist staff will be happy to advise the departments on any aspect of the
accreditation process.
We recognise that each application is unique and will be pleased to help departments achieve ambitions for recognition
of their degree programmes. Questions on accreditation are best directed by email to accreditation@icheme.org
In Australia:
Tel: +61 (0) 3 9642 4494
Fax: +61 (0) 3 9642 4495
Email: austmembers@icheme.org
Mail: IChemE level 7, 455 Bourke Street,
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia
In Malaysia:
Tel: +60 3 22831381
Fax: +60 3 22831382
Email Malaysianmembers@icheme.org
Mail: IChemE Unit A-27-3A, Level 27, Tower A
Menara UOA Bangsar
5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
In New Zealand:
Tel: +64 (4) 473 4398
Email: nzmembers@icheme.org
Mail: IChemE in New Zealand
PO Box 5714 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145, New Zealand
In Singapore:
Tel: +65 6471 5043
Fax: +65 6377 0879
Email : singaporemembers@icheme.org
Mail: 4 Leng Kee Road, #04-02 SIS Building
Singapore 159088
IChemE is a registered charity in England and Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 039661)
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IChemE is a registered charity in England and Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland (SC039661)
Tel: +603 2283 1381
Email: malaysianmembers@icheme.org
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Tel: +64 (4)473 4398
Email: nzmembers@icheme.org
Tel: +65 6471 5043
Email: singaporemembers@icheme.org
UK – London
Tel: +44 (0)20 7927 8200
Email: info@icheme.org
IChemE is a registered charity in England and Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 039661)