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Accreditation of chemical

engineering programmes
A guide for higher education providers
and assessors

Based on
IChemE accreditation guide


IChemE’s mission is to advance chemical engineering for societal benefit, worldwide. Through its conduct of higher
education programme accreditation, IChemE aims to recognise and share good practice in the education of chemical
engineers. At the same time, it seeks to promote development of the profession by encouraging innovation in chemical
engineering programme design and delivery.

IChemE’s accreditation guidelines derive from long experience in accrediting degree and diploma programmes across the
world, against discipline-based criteria. Accreditation serves two purposes: (i) recognition of programmes against IChemE
standards; and (ii) linkage to IChemE’s suite of professional engineering registrations.
Through the strengths of its standards and quality of its processes, IChemE is licensed by the UK Engineering Council, a
Signatory of the International Engineering Alliance, to accredit higher education degrees and other qualifications against
defined criteria set out in UK-SPEC . The accreditation process involves scrutiny of evidence provided by the higher
education institution and a visit to ensure that the programmes comply with the guidelines in this document. IChemE
accredited programmes are recognised through mutual recognition agreements worldwide.
IChemE would like to extend its sincere appreciation to the many people from industry and academia who have assisted
in its worldwide accreditation activities, and who have helped in preparing this revision of the guidelines.

Supplementary documents
Supplementary material available separately:
Assessment questionnaires/report forms; Credit analysis tool; SHE covering notes; SHE checklist; Assessor Code of
Conduct; Appeals procedure; Accreditation cost recovery.

The supplementary documents listed above are available at:


UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence, available from  http://www.engc.org.uk/ukspec.aspx
See also “The Accreditation of Higher Educational Programmes”, available from

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Corrected page numbering error.
V1.2 25 Nov 2015
Updated and moved document control table to record change history details.
References to Annexes I, II, etc, replaced with web link to supplementary
V1.1 15 Oct 2015 Supplementary documents section amended on page 2
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IChemE accreditation guide

1. Introduction 1–2
The value of accreditation; The IChemE accreditation process; The international perspective.

2. Accreditation Standards and the link to Professional Registration 3–5

Standards of accreditation award; Professional recognition as a Chartered Chemical Engineer or
Incorporated Chemical Engineer.

3. An accreditation philosophy based upon learning outcomes 6–8

Introduction; About learning outcomes; Scope of chemical engineering degree programmes; Entry
standards; General learning outcomes; Learning outcomes in a chemical engineering context;
Interpretation of Terms; Outcome levels; Complementary learning.

4. Design and assessment of programmes for accreditation 9 – 14

Guidance on duration and content of chemical engineering programmes; Distinguishing features of
accredited programmes; Taught delivery methods and departmental practice for student assessment;
Evidence of achievement of learning outcomes; Learning periods away from the home university;
Compensation strategy; Resources, including professional membership; Safety, health &
environment culture and practice; Ethics culture.

5. Overview of the accreditation process 15 – 17

Accreditation ethos; Principal stages of accreditation; Multiple campuses; Initial contact - new
programmes; Initial contact – existing programmes; Preparation by the department; IChemE
assessors and the visit; The accreditation decision and subsequent actions; Accreditation costs and
cost sharing.

6. Preparation for accreditation 18 – 19

Preparing the submission documentation; Preparing the department for the visit; Supporting the
assessors’ visit.

7. IChemE assessors and the visit 20 – 21

Visit planning; Selection of assessors; The role of IChemE’s assessors; The assessors’ report.

8. Accreditation outcomes 22 – 23
Accreditation decision process; Accreditation outcomes; After the accreditation decision; Obligations
and duties on departments; Endorsement logos; Appeals procedure.

9. Working with other accrediting bodies 24

Introduction; Operational arrangements; Decision-making for joint accreditations.

10. Further information about application 25

A Learning Outcomes at Levels B and F 27 – 32
B Learning Outcomes at Level D 33 – 37
C IChemE outcome level descriptors 38
D Typical schedule for an assessment visit 39
E Education & Accreditation Forum decision tree for accreditations 40
F Glossary of terms used in the guidelines 41 – 42

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1. Introduction
“Modern society relies on the work of chemical, biochemical and process engineers - they help manage
resources, protect the environment and control health and safety procedures, while developing the
processes that make the products we desire or depend on.
Chemical engineering is all about changing materials into useful products used every day in a safe and
cost effective way. For example petrol, plastics and synthetic fibres such as polyester and nylon, all
come from oil.
Chemical engineers understand how to alter the chemical, biochemical or physical state of a substance,
to create everything from face creams to fuels.” *
Chemical engineering continues to evolve rapidly as a profession. Nowhere is the need to take account of change more
important than in the education and academic formation of engineers. It is essential that new graduates have the skills to
perform in an ever-wider variety of roles and industries. Moreover, they must not only be equipped to contribute quickly
during their early careers, but also have a quality academic grounding in chemical engineering principles ‘to last a
lifetime’ and to enable them to contribute to solving the challenges such as identified in Chemical Engineering Matters†
Our aim, to recruit the brightest and most innovative people into the discipline of chemical engineering, challenges us to
provide them with an education that will stimulate and develop their talents. Higher education degree and diploma
programmes must communicate the relevance and excitement of our profession. IChemE responds to this challenge with
its accreditation activity, through which educators benefit from our knowledge of excellent global practice in chemical
engineering education. IChemE concentrates upon assessment of ‘learning outcomes’ (i.e. what is learnt by students)
rather than programme content (i.e. what is taught to students).
These guidelines summarise what IChemE requires of an accredited degree or diploma programme, with the intention of
leaving it to the university‡ to determine how the requirement is met.

1.1 The value of accreditation – why universities seek IChemE accreditation

Fundamentally, IChemE accreditation provides benchmarking of academic programmes against high, internationally
recognised standards. This is of increasing importance as the globalisation of engineering products and services
demands greater confidence by employers in the skills and professionalism of the engineers they recruit.
A department with successfully accredited programmes:
 Benefits from an intensive professional consultation on the programmes.
 Has demonstrated that their programmes are academically sound and industrially relevant.
 Will be able to promote the accreditation status of its degree and diploma programmes publicly.
 Benefits from academic exchange within the IChemE community of universities having accredited programmes.
 Gains access to an international chemical engineering teaching community with opportunities for sharing good
practice and progressing challenging issues.
 Is eligible to participate in prestigious awards programmes such as those focussing on excellence in teaching
and on design projects.
 Will be able to offer students exchanges with other accredited departments knowing that the student experience
will be of high quality and being able to ensure that such students’ academic formation meets IChemE’s
requirements for professional qualification.
Graduates, themselves, strongly benefit from attending accredited programmes as accreditation links closely to
professional qualification with IChemE (see Section 2.2). Our aim is to help chemical engineers who acquire sufficient
knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to seek recognition either as a Chartered Chemical Engineer
(MIChemE), the highest international qualification for professional chemical engineers, or as an Incorporated Chemical
Engineer (AMIChemE).


 Chemical Engineering Matters, 2nd Ed, IChemE 2014 

 Please note that the term “university” is used for convenience throughout these guidelines to represent all kinds of higher educational
establishment including polytechnics and colleges. Likewise, the term “department” is used generically for the academic unit responsible
for delivering the programmes under review.

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1.2 The IChemE accreditation process

IChemE accreditation is a high value, confidential, discipline-specific peer review by a small panel of experienced
professional chemical engineers drawn from industry and academe. It is a joint enterprise in which the IChemE panel
and the university department seek understanding through mutually respectful discussion of the available evidence. The
process is intended to benefit the university, students, employers, IChemE and the wider public.
The appointed assessment panel undertakes an in-depth review of chemical engineering programmes against the
criteria published in these guidelines. The panel reviews documentary material relating to the programmes and visits the
department for discussions with staff and students. The assessors produce a confidential written report for IChemE and
which is made available to the department. Individual comments will be non-attributable in the report. IChemE evaluates
the report to decide the accreditation status of the programmes reviewed.
IChemE’s accreditation process has many unique strengths which departments value:
 It is a rigorous process that uses panels of three experienced and trained chemical engineering professionals
from industry and academia to assess degree and diploma programmes. This provides greater depth and
penetration of the teaching programmes than can be achieved by typical alternative pan-engineering
accreditation processes.
 It is international in outlook and practice.
 It is recognised and respected worldwide. IChemE has accredited programmes across the world for over 50
years and currently accredits over 200 programmes across 13 countries.
 It is modern and innovative. Concepts of sustainability and ethics, appreciation of the bio interface, quality
delivery of transferable skills etc are therefore expected.
 It assesses programmes against the Learning Outcomes achieved by students, regardless of programme title
and programme duration.
 It is grounded in a philosophy of continuous improvement. IChemE expects diversity of provision and seeks to
stimulate improvement in chemical engineering education by encouraging new and innovative approaches.
IChemE accreditation requirements and outcome standards are explained in Sections 2-4 of the Guidelines. Full details
of the accreditation process are given in Sections 5-9.
1.3 The international perspective
IChemE has an international perspective on chemical engineering education, acquired over many years, and holds a
deep understanding of the different types of degree and diploma available to students in many countries.
On an international level, the nomenclature for awards and degree names can be especially confusing. The following
highlights some of the issues and defines IChemE’s approach for dealing with this.
Around the world, the terms ‘Bachelors’, ‘Masters’ and ‘Diploma’ are commonly used for degree award names. IChemE
appreciates that different countries may define these degrees in differing ways:
 Worldwide there are examples of 3, 4, 5 and even 6 year Bachelors programmes.
 Some countries offer programmes which integrate undergraduate and masters-level study into a single award
and different countries may call such integrated programmes Bachelors, Masters or Diploma.
 Some countries only offer integrated degrees, others offer some or all of the range of integrated, undergraduate,
postgraduate and sub-degree awards.
 A Diploma award may be equivalent to an integrated Masters in one country or a sub-degree award in another.
Similarly, IChemE recognises that degrees with various titles can fully meet the requirements for accreditation. Examples
which have achieved accreditation include Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Food Process Engineering
and Pharmaceutical Engineering.
IChemE will therefore, in its assessments, focus on the learning outcomes achieved through study for a
qualification and the taught content delivered.
To categorise our accreditation decisions IChemE pays no attention to programme name, title or duration but
adopts a simple convention of M-, B-, F- and D-Standard accreditations, as follows in Section 2.
IChemE completely respects the need for national-level accreditation systems and welcomes the fact that agreements,
such as the International Engineering Alliance’s Washington Accord, provide confidence in the quality of university
accreditation processes. The chemical engineering outcomes described in this guidance outline IChemE’s standards for
accreditation that directly link to professional registration with IChemE. It may be that some degree programmes meeting
generic attributes under the Washington Accord will not fully meet IChemE’s discipline-specific requirements. For
information on joint accreditation visits refer to Section 9.1.

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2. Accreditation Standards and the link to

Professional Registration
2.1 Standards of accreditation award
IChemE accredits academic programmes to four Standards. Each Standard is defined in terms of:
 a set of learning outcomes (Section 3)
 the level at which these learning outcomes are achieved (Appendix C).
The standards are defined and linked to IChemE membership requirements as follows:
Programmes underpinning registration for Chartered Chemical Engineer (MIChemE):
A combination of first and second cycle degrees under the Bologna process
 Recognising integrated degrees of the highest international standards that provide both the solid academic
foundation in chemical engineering of a first cycle degree at IChemE outcome Level B, and the advanced
chemical engineering knowledge and skills of a second cycle degree at IChemE outcome Level F .

An IChemE-accredited qualification at M-Standard meets in full the academic requirements for

Chartered Chemical Engineer.

A second cycle degree under the Bologna process
 Recognising postgraduate degrees, such as MSc, of the highest international standards that provide
advanced chemical engineering knowledge and skills at IChemE outcome Level F *.

An IChemE-accredited qualification at F-Standard combined with an IChemE-accredited qualification at

B-Standard meets in full the academic requirements for Chartered Chemical Engineer.

Programmes underpinning registration for Incorporated Chemical Engineer (AMIChemE):

A first cycle degree under the Bologna process
 Recognising first cycle degrees that provide a solid academic foundation in chemical engineering
knowledge and skills at IChemE outcome Level B *.

An IChemE-accredited qualification at B-Standard meets in full the academic requirements for

Incorporated Chemical Engineer.
An IChemE-accredited qualification at B-Standard may be supplemented by an IChemE-accredited qualification
at F-Standard to meet the academic requirements for Chartered Chemical Engineer.

Programmes underpinning registration for Engineering Technician (EngTech):

A higher education short cycle programme - within or linked to the first cycle under the Bologna process
 Recognising sub-degree programmes that provide a solid academic foundation in chemical engineering
knowledge and skills at IChemE outcome Level D *.

An IChemE-accredited qualification at D-Standard meets in full the academic requirements for

Engineering Technician.
An IChemE-accredited qualification at D-Standard may be supplemented by further learning to B-Standard to
meet the academic requirements for Incorporated Chemical Engineer.

 See Appendix C for the IChemE outcome level descriptors

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2.2 Professional recognition as a Chartered Chemical Engineer or Incorporated Chemical Engineer

Candidates applying for professional registration as a Chartered Chemical Engineer (MIChemE) or Incorporated
Chemical Engineer (AMIChemE) need to provide evidence of competency, through the application of knowledge and
understanding, and adequate demonstration of professional experience.
 Accredited degrees and diplomas provide graduates with a straightforward way of demonstrating their
achievement of the required level of knowledge and understanding, otherwise known as academic formation.
Accredited qualifications define the academic formation required for each level of professional membership; a
candidate’s actual formation may be attained in stages, which taken together match these qualifications.
 Engineers who do not have IChemE-accredited qualifications will need to undergo a full review of academic
formation as part of their application for professional registration.
Professional experience is gained in engineering practice, typically after obtaining the academic qualification.
Progression between the registration categories is possible and encouraged.
Full guidance on IChemE membership and registration requirements is given at www.icheme.org/membership
See also http://www.getchartered.org/

Chartered Chemical Engineer

The academic formation underpinning eligibility for Chartered Chemical Engineer is an IChemE-accredited ‘M-Standard’
degree or equivalent in chemical engineering.
Graduates with an M-Standard degree will have met the formal educational requirements for Chartered status
membership in full (Path 1 in Table 1 below).
Graduates with a B-Standard degree will normally need to provide evidence of further learning to the equivalent of an
M-Standard degree*. This further learning can be achieved through completion of a relevant postgraduate (second cycle)
qualification such as an MSc accredited at F-Standard (Path 2 in Table 1). The IChemE ‘Further Learning to Masters
Level’ process provides an alternative route (Path 3 in Table 1).
Graduates will also be required to demonstrate that they have acquired professional competency following a required
and sufficient period of relevant training and experience (initial professional development) post-graduation.
Chartered Chemical Engineers (MIChemE) are entitled to register for Chartered Engineer status within the jurisdiction of
the UK Engineering Council, and for comparable titles elsewhere, such as Registered Professional Engineer of
Queensland in Australia.
*Guidance on achieving Further Learning to Masters Level is available from IChemE.

Table 1: Academic formation for Chartered Chemical Engineer


1 M-Standard degree

2 B-Standard degree  F-Standard degree

Further learning to Masters

3 B-Standard degree 

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Incorporated Chemical Engineer

The academic formation underpinning eligibility for Incorporated Chemical Engineer is an IChemE-accredited B-Standard
degree or equivalent in chemical engineering.
Graduates with a B-Standard degree will have met the formal educational requirements for Incorporated status in full
(Path 1 in Table 2).
Graduates with a D-Standard qualification will normally need to provide evidence of further learning to the equivalent of a
B-Standard degree (Path 2 in Table 2). This further learning can be achieved through completion of relevant additional
academic studies or equivalent.
Graduates will also be required to demonstrate that they have acquired professional competency and commitment to high
standards following a period of relevant training and experience (initial professional development) post-graduation.
Incorporated Chemical Engineers (AMIChemE) are entitled to register for Incorporated Engineer status within the
jurisdiction of the UK Engineering Council and for comparable titles elsewhere, based upon comparative educational
standards and professional experience.

Table 2: Academic formation for Incorporated Chemical Engineer


1 B-Standard degree

Additional academic
D-Standard modules, or
2 
qualification further learning to

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3. An accreditation philosophy based upon

learning outcomes
3.1 Introduction

IChemE’s accreditation decisions result from an evidence-based assessment of the learning outcomes delivered by the
degree programme and the levels at which these are achieved.
IChemE considers that the quality of a degree or diploma programme is fundamentally dependent on students having a
high-quality learning experience which facilitates excellent attainment. This can only be evaluated through review of
evidence of student achievement. IChemE therefore believes that measurement of time spent (credit hours) on individual
programme or module elements, while providing guidance regarding extent of taught content, is not a definitive measure
of learning delivery. Likewise, IChemE believes it can reasonably be expected that cohorts of high entry-standard may,
given a stretching curriculum and a demanding, well-resourced teaching environment, be more likely to achieve higher
levels of learning outcomes.
IChemE’s accreditation philosophy therefore takes into account all factors that influence delivery of learning outcomes.

3.2 About learning outcomes

Learning outcomes define the capabilities of individuals obtaining a qualification. Programme designers typically express
them in the form of outcome statements.
A high-level outcome statement might be:
“Is able to solve open-ended chemical engineering problems, often on the basis of limited and possibly
contradictory information”.
Such an outcome statement can be supported by a cascade of lower-level statements specifying appropriate intellectual
abilities, practical skills, general transferable skills etc. This approach provides an effective framework giving both
guidance and flexibility to programme designers.
The learning outcomes of a chemical engineering programme will represent the important qualities that IChemE expects
the programme to develop in a student who will go on to practise as a chemical engineer. The high-level outcome
statements inform the definition of individual module/programme objectives within the degree or diploma. More guidance
on this is given later in this section to help those designing or accrediting programmes.

3.3 Scope of chemical engineering degree programmes

The learning outcomes specified in this guidance comprise a package which is distinctive to chemical engineering, and
which can be regarded as a minimum necessary requirement for IChemE accreditation.
It is not practical for any one programme to achieve all the learning outcomes that every chemical engineer might
conceivably need. However, an acceptable academic formation must prepare graduates for a range of employment roles.
Many degree and diploma programmes will broaden and deepen beyond the minimum requirements in many ways.
These could be from within the chemical engineering discipline or through further studies in science or engineering,
management, economics, languages or law etc. The quantity of such study will depend on the interests and previous
education of the students, as well as the length of the programme. Non-chemical engineering content is referred to as
‘complementary subject material’.
Continuously evolving technology and industrial practices mean that higher education programmes cannot equip
graduates with all the skills they will need to deploy over an entire career. There will thus always remain a need for
continuing professional development (CPD) throughout an engineer’s career. Degree and diploma programmes should
lay the foundations on which further education, training and professional development can build.

3.4 Entry standards

High quality chemical engineering degree and diploma programmes are demanding on students. While the IChemE
accreditation process places greatest emphasis on the outcomes of a programme of study, input standards to the
programme invariably remain an important factor. IChemE expects programme providers to maintain appropriate entry
The early part of a chemical engineering programme requires an appropriate and satisfactory standard of knowledge in
underpinning mathematics and sciences. IChemE will therefore assess entry standards for the local education system

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against defined international norms (e.g. as measured by International Baccalaureate, Senior Secondary Certificate of
Education, A-levels etc) and will expect the standards for entry to accredited chemical engineering programmes to be at a
appropriately high level.
For first degrees and diplomas, IChemE expects prospective students to hold secondary schooling qualifications in
underpinning mathematics and sciences above minimum threshold entry standards. Where these criteria are not
adequately met, IChemE may require that special measures are in place, such as a foundation year of preparatory study.
Such a measure would not be subject to the accreditation review. In other cases, clear evidence of supplementary
teaching within the programme will be required.
Many universities admit students directly to year 2 or later in a programme. Such arrangements are often through
articulation agreements with other colleges and universities. Departments need to provide evidence that all students meet
the overall programme outcomes, regardless of their point of entry.
Considerations comparable to those outlined above apply for entry to postgraduate programmes.

3.5 General learning outcomes

Students graduating from an accredited programme in chemical engineering at all levels must have the general abilities
listed below:
Knowledge and understanding: They must be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of essential facts,
concepts, theories and principles of chemical engineering and its underpinning mathematics and sciences. They must
have an appreciation of the wider engineering context. They must appreciate the social, environmental, legal, ethical,
safety, economic and commercial considerations affecting the exercise of their engineering judgement.
Intellectual abilities: They must be able to apply appropriate quantitative science and engineering tools to the analysis of
problems. They must be able to demonstrate creative and innovative ability in the synthesis of solutions and in
formulating designs. They must be able to comprehend the ‘broad picture’ and thus work with an appropriate level of
detail. They must be able to propose acceptable (safe, effective, ethical) solutions even when information is lacking.
Practical skills: They must possess relevant practical skills acquired through laboratory work, individual and group project
work, in design, and use of software resources. Evidence of group working and of participation in a major substantive
project is required.
General transferable skills: They must have developed and demonstrate ability to integrate transferable skills (such as
communications, time management, team working, inter-personal, effective use of IT including information retrieval skills)
that will be of value in a wide range of situations.

3.6. Learning outcomes in a chemical engineering context

Programmes seeking IChemE accreditation must clearly deliver learning outcomes in each of the following broad areas of
learning at the appropriate outcome level (Appendix C):
 Underpinning Mathematics, Science and Associated Engineering
 Core Chemical Engineering
 Chemical Engineering Practice
 Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design Projects
 Embedded Learning
 (F-Standard only) Advanced Chemical Engineering.
Full details of the learning outcomes in each category are given in Appendix A (for outcome Levels B and F) and Appendix
B (for outcome Level D).
The relationship between these learning areas, outcome levels and accreditation standards is shown in Table 3.

3.7 Interpretation of Terms

Within each broad area of learning, it is expected that students will have achieved a number of specific outcomes in terms
of ‘knowledge’, ‘understanding’, ‘skills’ and ‘awareness’. Advanced, Level F, outcomes may be indicated by descriptors
such as ‘complex’ or ‘complexity’.
Consistency in the interpretation of these terms by both assessors and departments will be assisted by the following
 Awareness is general familiarity.
 Knowledge is information that can be recalled.
 Understanding is the capacity to use concepts creatively, for example: in problem solving; in design; in
explanations and in diagnosis.

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 Skills are acquired and learned attributes that can be applied almost automatically.
 Complex implies engineering problems, processes or equipment which involve dealing simultaneously with a
sizeable number of factors which interact and require deep understanding, including knowledge at the forefront of
the discipline.
* rd
As in “The Accreditation of HE Programmes” in UK-SPEC 3 Ed 2014

3.8 Outcome levels

IChemE defines descriptors for each outcome level in terms of Knowledge, Understanding, Skills and Competence, as
shown in Appendix C. Each of the broad outcomes in Section 3.6 should be achieved at the level appropriate to the
accreditation standard of programme, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Relationship between learning areas, outcome levels and accreditation standards
Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
at Levels B & F at Level D
(Appendix A) (Appendix B)
Area of Learning
Outcome Outcome
Accreditation Accreditation
level level
Standard Standard
(Appendix C) (Appendix C)
Underpinning Mathematics, Science and
Associated Engineering
Core Chemical Engineering


Level B

Level D
Chemical Engineering Practice
Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design

Embedded learning
Complementary subjects
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Depth)

Further learning to
Level F

Advanced Chemical Engineering (Breadth)

B-Standard is needed for
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Practice)
Incorporated membership
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Design)

3.9 Complementary learning

IChemE expects students to also gain the benefits of a rounded education and allows programme designers to have the
flexibility to allow students to follow additional beneficial programmes such as languages, management related studies,
history and culture.
These complementary studies are not formally assessed by IChemE, but rigour in their teaching and assessment is

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4. Design and assessment of programmes for

4.1 Guidance on duration and content of chemical engineering programmes

4.1.1 Introduction
Decisions on whether a programme is accredited, and at what level, will be taken solely on the basis of evidence of
achievement of learning outcomes against defined standards. Accredited programmes may have various titles, content
or duration (depending, for example on entry level qualifications) and could be delivered in a wide variety of learning
environments and formats (e.g. full-time, part-time, industry-based, distance learning etc).
Although IChemE seeks to avoid prescription in these aspects, some broad guidance on content is useful for both
departments and assessors. However, it should be stressed that the metrics on duration and content given within this
section are for guidance. A significant difference from these metrics would not in itself preclude accreditation, but in such
cases the department would be expected to justify the differences and provide compelling evidence that the required
learning outcomes have been met.
In order to provide a common measure of content, and on the assumption that most programmes have a modular credit-
based structure, it has been assumed that a typical year of full-time study comprises the equivalent of 60 credits. It is
expected that departments will be able to convert their own measures of programme content to the IChemE credit
basis*. As a guide, one IChemE credit is equivalent to approximately 20 hours of student workload (combined teacher-
led and independent study). In cases where there are difficulties in interpretation IChemE will provide guidance.
IChemE considers the incorporation of professional engineering approaches and attitudes, through direct contact
between educators and students, to be a key component of an effective engineering education. The balance between
direct contact and other study activities will vary according to the nature of the module and to local teaching and learning
4.1.2 Minimum programme duration
An indication of the duration and academic credit is shown in Table 4. The indicated values apply to full-time study and
for degree entrants meeting IChemE’s baseline entry standards for underpinning mathematics and science (see Section
3.4). For part-time or other modes of study, the values should be adjusted in proportion to the amount of study in each
Programme duration to a particular accreditation standard will depend on the level of attainment at entry in relation to the
requirements of the chemical engineering curriculum. This will vary according to the local school and university
education system. However, IChemE stresses that output standards achieved are more important than length of study.

Table 4: Indicative programme duration and credit for full-time study

Programme Years of IChemE
type study credits

D-Standard 2 120

B-Standard 3 180

M-Standard 4 240

F-Standard 1.5 90

4.1.3 Minimum programme content

IChemE specifies that learning outcomes must be delivered across the broad areas of learning defined in Section 3.6 and
the supporting Appendices A and B.
In order to ensure that the Learning Outcomes are met adequately across the broad areas, IChemE provides guidance on
the minimum expected content for each area and for the programme as a whole. This content is specified in terms of
minimum credits, as shown in Table 5.

* NB: the IChemE credit value is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credit value.

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Frequently, programmes or suites of programmes include various routes and options. These can take a wide variety of
forms, including double degrees, joint Honours degrees, programmes with specialisms, programmes with optional
modules. In assessing compliance with the minimum requirements, IChemE will look to ensure that the minimum is met
for all possible variants which a student might select.
4.1.4 Allocation of Programme Content to Specific Areas
When assessing whether the minimum content has been met for each area of chemical engineering, IChemE will take a
holistic and balanced view of the content rather than ‘ticking-off’ individually each and every learning outcome statement.
Within the expected minimum of 85 IChemE credits in total for core chemical engineering, a detailed breakdown for each
sub-area is not specified although it is particularly important that the learning outcomes for Process Safety (Appendix
A2.6/B2.6) are met in full.
The allocation of the content of a degree programme to specific areas is, for some topics, a matter of judgement. For
(a) there is a possible overlap of content between ‘Core Chemical Engineering’, ‘Chemical Engineering Practice’ and
‘Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design Projects’;
(b) there is a possible overlap of content within Core Chemical Engineering between ‘Safety’ and ‘Sustainability,
Economics and Ethics’.
IChemE is generally content to leave this judgement to departments, subject only to clarity with respect to describing
which specific areas are included within which headings. The use of minimum total content alongside specified minima for
each category provides some latitude for allocation.
The credit analysis tool is available in the supplementary documents.

Table 5: Learning Outcome areas: minimum credit allocation guidance 1

Credit basis = 1 credit = 20h combined tutor-led and independent study
Minimum credit
Accreditation standard M-Standard B-Standard F-Standard D-Standard
Underpinning Mathematics, Science and Associated
2 Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate
Core Chemical Engineering ≥85 ≥85 60
Chemical Engineering Practice ≥10 ≥10 10
115 115
Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design
3 ≥10 ≥10 10
Embedded learning Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Depth) ≥10 ≥10
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Breadth) ≥10 ≥10
3 60 60
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Practice) ≥10 ≥10
Advanced Chemical Engineering (Design) ≥5 ≥5
Total minimum specified content 175 115 60 80
Complementary topics Balance Balance Balance Balance

Important notes:
1. Allocation: All credit counts are on an exclusive basis. Therefore total content of whole programmes or modules cannot be
accounted for twice nor appear under two categories of learning. If departments consider that it is appropriate for content of modules to
be allocated across categories of learning, this is acceptable, provided full explanation of rationale is provided to IChemE in the
Questionnaire (see supplementary documents http://www.icheme.org/membership/accreditation/supplementary-documents.aspx ).
2. Underpinning Mathematics, Science and Associated Engineering: The appropriate amount of underpinning material will vary
according to the entry achievement of students and the nature of the programme itself. In all cases, the underpinning material must
enable students to understand and achieve all of the chemical engineering outcomes. (Section 3.6, Appendix A1/B1)
3. Credit totals: Note that the required minimum totals for Level B topics and for Advanced Chemical Engineering are in each case
significantly greater than the sum of the component elements.
4. Embedded learning: – It is expected that modules throughout a programme include, illustrate and reinforce aspects of sustainability,
SHE and, where possible ethics, along with General Transferable Skills, as set out in Appendices A5 and B5. It is expected that a wide
variety of delivery methods is used throughout so that students acquire the range of interpersonal and management skills etc to equip
them to the modern engineering workplace. No credits should be allocated to the embedded learning section.
5. Complementary topics: Complementary topics must not be included in the credit assessment. (Section 3.9)
6. Multiple programmes and options: Where a choice is available to students, the “worst” case should be evaluated. (Section 4.1.3)

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4.2 Distinguishing features of accredited programmes

4.2.1 Distinguishing features of M-Standard programmes
Programmes accredited at M-Standard integrate the features of first and second cycle degrees (e.g. some Irish, New
Zealand and Australian BE degrees and UK Integrated Masters degrees). M-Standard programmes go beyond
B-Standard to provide a greater range and depth of specialist knowledge, within a research and industrial environment, as
well as a broader and more general academic base. Graduates will therefore have an ability to apply their knowledge and
skills to solving, from first principles, complex problems not typically encountered in a B-Standard programme. Such
programmes should provide both a foundation for leadership and a wider appreciation of the economic, legal, social,
ethical and environmental context of engineering.
Graduates from an M-Standard programme must achieve a systematic understanding of the learning outcomes in
Appendix A, including the outcomes at Level B and the advanced outcomes at Level F (see Appendix C). They must
acquire a coherent and detailed knowledge of the subject, most of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined
aspects of chemical engineering. Crucially, graduates will have the ability to integrate their knowledge and understanding
of mathematics; science; computer-based methods; design; the economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental
context; and engineering practice to solve a substantial range of chemical engineering problems, some of them complex
or novel. They will have acquired much of this ability through involvement in individual and group design work. Ideally
some of this work would have industrial involvement or be practice-based.
The Level F advanced outcomes will be achieved through a combination of ‘Depth’ and ‘Breadth’, as set out in Appendix
A6. They will also have achieved advanced outcomes in chemical engineering practice and in design (Appendix A3.3
and A4.3). In addition there may be study of complementary subjects – including other science/ technology, or other
non-chemical engineering subjects such as business or languages.
IChemE expects M-Standard degree programmes to have strong involvement and interaction with industry and to
provide greater industry-relevant exposure of students than B-Standard programmes.
Ideally, features which distinguish the Level F part of the programme will be integrated throughout the latter years of the
programme. Where appropriate, student progression to Level F should be conditional on a demonstration of good
academic performance. There should be appropriate and clear criteria to ensure this.
These programmes should also include a substantial open-ended activity which stretches and develops students’ problem
solving and creative thinking capacities. Examples include:
 Research linked to the department’s own postgraduate research programmes, or research undertaken at an
industrial research laboratory/institute (this could be conducted as an interdisciplinary project).
 Analysis of an industrial process, perhaps combining a period in industry with some analytical or theoretical
work at the university.
 A theoretical project including a literature review with subsequent data analysis/computer modelling.
4.2.2 Distinguishing features of B-Standard programmes
B-Standard degree programmes are also referred to as first cycle degrees (e.g. some Irish and Australian BE degrees
and UK Bachelors (Hons) degrees). B-Standard programmes develop the ability to apply a thorough understanding of
relevant science and mathematics to the analysis of chemical engineering problems and the design of technical
Graduates from B-Standard programmes must achieve a systematic understanding of the learning outcomes specified in
Appendix A1-A5 (excluding the advanced material in A3.3 and A4.3) at IChemE Level B, including acquisition of
coherent and detailed knowledge, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of defined aspects of chemical
engineering. Crucially, they will have the ability to integrate their knowledge and understanding of mathematics; science;
computer-based methods; design; the economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context; and engineering
practice to solve problems, some of a complex nature, in chemical engineering. They must have completed a
satisfactory design portfolio, supported by individual and group project work. In addition there may be study of
complementary subjects – including other science/technology, or other non-chemical engineering subjects such as
business or languages.
IChemE makes no specification regarding advanced chemical engineering content of these programmes and leaves
provision and inclusion of any such advanced content entirely at the discretion of the programme designers.
4.2.3 Distinguishing features of F-Standard programmes (typically MSc)
F-Standard programmes (2nd cycle degrees, typically MSc) in chemical engineering either provide a deeper
understanding of general chemical engineering or focus on a specific branch of the subject such as nuclear engineering
or biochemical engineering. To be accredited as F-Standard, the programme must clearly demonstrate delivery of
Level F advanced learning outcomes in Appendix A, beyond the attainments in a B-Standard chemical engineering

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The Level F advanced outcomes will be achieved through a combination of ‘Depth’ and ‘Breadth’, as set out in Appendix
A6. They will also have achieved advanced outcomes in chemical engineering practice and in design (Appendix A3.3 and
A4.3). In addition there may be study of complementary subjects – including other science/technology, or other non-
chemical engineering subjects such as business or languages.
4.2.4 Distinguishing features of D-Standard programmes
D-Standard programmes (e.g. Singapore Diploma and UK HND) have an emphasis on development and attainment of
the know-how necessary to apply technology to chemical engineering problems and processes, and to maintain and
manage current technology, sometimes within a multidisciplinary engineering environment.
Graduates from D-Standard programmes must achieve the learning outcomes at IChemE Level D, as described in
Appendix B. The breadth and depth of underpinning scientific and mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills will
be provided in the most appropriate manner to enable the application of engineering principles within existing technology
to future engineering problems and processes. Graduates are likely to have acquired some of this ability through
involvement in individual and/or group design projects.
Programmes will develop a knowledge and understanding of current engineering practice and processes, with less focus
on analysis than in B-Standard programmes, for example:
 greater exposure (where time allows) to ‘related technologies’ such as management and business issues, IT and
its application
 greater emphasis on aspects of plant operation, maintenance, reliability and process viability, capability and
Design will be a significant component, especially in integrating a range of knowledge and understanding to design
products, systems and processes to meet defined needs using current technology. An example might be practical
development of a major project which places emphasis on ‘practical process improvement’, ideally in conjunction with a
local employer.
4.3 Taught delivery methods and departmental practice for student assessment
4.3.1 Delivery methods
Various methods can be used to deliver a programme satisfying the learning outcomes, depending on the style of
teaching appropriate to the university and the students, the number of students taught and the varied nature of content.
IChemE encourages the use of diverse methods and innovation in teaching.
The choice of methods is at the discretion of the university. The methods used could include lectures; tutorials;
laboratory and workshop sessions; problem-centred learning; distance learning; and computer-aided learning. In
addition, programmes may incorporate industrial placements, or study at other universities at home or abroad.
Whilst much of the teaching will be done by university staff, the use of external lecturers and supervisors is encouraged,
where these can supply knowledge and experience not otherwise readily available. Examples might be in the
supervision of design work, the presentation of case studies, or in the lecturing of special topics.
4.3.2 Assessment
The purpose of assessment by a university is to confirm that individual students have attained the necessary learning
outcomes, and that this attainment is at the appropriate level for the degree being awarded. How individual modules are
assessed is for the university to decide but, within a programme, a variety of assessment forms is expected and may
include on-line quizzes and other innovative forms. For some parts of the programme, there should be an assessment of
a student’s oral presentation.
It is expected that the university will have its own formal procedures for assessment and maintain a robust quality
assurance process to ensure that outcome standards are consistent and fair. The procedures should include safeguards
against academic dishonesty (e.g. plagiarism and other forms of cheating).
4.4 Evidence of achievement of learning outcomes
IChemE will look for evidence that students have attained the learning outcomes in each of the areas outlined in
Section 3.
Typical examples of direct evidence include:
 examination papers, together with model answers and marked scripts
 project reports
 laboratory reports
 design project reports
 industrial placement reports
Typical examples of indirect evidence include:
 external examiner’s reports
 internal and external audits
 quality assurance reports external to the department

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4.5 Learning periods away from the home university

Many programmes contain an assessed period of learning away from the home university – either in industry or at
another university.
In cases where the assessed period away from the home university contributes to the overall degree award, and
hence to the learning outcomes relevant to accreditation, IChemE will look for strong, clear evidence of:
 defined learning outcomes for the period away
 suitability of the placement organisation
 rigorous standards of supervision
 rigorous assessment of the outcomes achieved by the student; and
 quality assurance of the overall system of student placements.
Where the assessed period away is spent in an industrial environment, examples of evidence might include:
 project work or dissertations
 presentations and posters
 academic programmes/modules undertaken during the period away (distance learning)
 continuing professional development programmes.
Where the assessed period away is spent at another university examples of evidence might include:
 programme of studies completed when at the partner university
 examples of assessed project work and/or examination papers.
In each case it is expected that the students would re-enter the degree programme at a more advanced stage than when
the period away began.

4.6 Compensation strategy

It must not be possible for any student to graduate without having successfully completed (in each of the IChemE
learning outcomes categories) the minimum credits stipulated as the threshold for the level of accreditation awarded.
In some assessment schemes it is possible for students to compensate for poor performance in one module by achieving
better marks in other modules. For example, a student scoring just below the pass mark in a particular module might be
excused the failure if their average performance for all modules in the same semester or year was above a particular
level, such as >10% above the normal pass mark. Because practices vary from university to university, it is necessary to
detail such compensation strategies at the appropriate point within the questionnaire submission. The department must
supply evidence that the learning outcomes have been met elsewhere in the programme by students compensated in this
way. Programmes allowing compensation may only be accredited if there is a maximum 10 IChemE credit compensation
in the final year.

4.7 Resources, including professional membership

It is expected that appropriate human and physical resources will be in place to support the delivery of the programme.
A department running an accredited degree must employ a sufficient number of full-time academic staff, including
professionally qualified chemical engineers, for students to have reasonable access to them for instruction and
IChemE holds the view that academic staff have a hugely important role in exemplifying professional behaviours to
students. It therefore expects that at least 50% of senior faculty (e.g. professors, associate professors, senior
lecturers) hold professional level registration, or are engaged in the application process, with a recognised
professional body for chemical engineering.
The IChemE degree programme questionnaire seeks details of staff resources and laboratory, information and learning
facilities. These will include the full-time equivalent (FTE) staff involved in the teaching programme and information on
typical sizes of laboratory and design groups. An opportunity to meet staff and to view the facilities is included in the
timetable for all accreditation visits.

4.8 Safety, health & environment culture and practice

In addition to formally taught process safety (Appendices A2.6 and B2.6), IChemE insists that students on accredited
degree programmes must be instilled with appropriate attitudes to safety, health & the environment (SHE). The
demonstration or otherwise of an adequate safety culture within a department will form part of the IChemE assessment.
Evidence of an effective Safety, Health and Environment (SH&E) culture includes:
 Leadership – Head of Department and Senior Management take an active part in SH&E.
 Visibility – clear and relevant signage and information; good standards of housekeeping in laboratories.
 Behaviour – staff, students and visitors behave in a careful, risk-averse manner; Personal Protective Equipment
is available and usage is enforced; there are systems for incident reporting, follow-up, feedback and
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 Legislative Compliance – there is a sound understanding of, and compliance with, applicable SH&E legislation.
 Risk Assessment and Management – Risk Assessment and Permit to Work systems are in place; those who use
them are fully conversant with their roles and responsibilities.
For further information on safety culture, see supplementary documents

4.9 Ethics culture

IChemE recognises that modern chemical engineering degrees need to include ethics as an integral component of the
curriculum. Codes of conduct, an important part of engineering ethics, are the framework for professional behaviour.
IChemE, like other professional engineering institutions, has a code of conduct specific to the chemical engineering
profession which its members are required to follow; comparable codes exist in other countries (e.g. Australia and
Ireland), though these are usually more general to the engineering profession as a whole. IChemE recognises that
different codes of conduct have many common features and expects all accredited programmes to develop a strong
ethos of professional behaviour and its implications.
Ethics learning outcomes should be related to the four basic principles outlined by the Engineering Council and the
Royal Academy of Engineering*:
 Accuracy and rigour (e.g., act with competence presenting and reviewing engineering competence; identify and
evaluate possible risks)
 Honesty and integrity (e.g., be aware of how own behaviour can affect others; prevent corrupt practices and
professional misconduct; declare conflict of interest)
 Respect for life, law and public good (e.g., take account of limited availability of human and natural resources;
hold paramount the health and safety of others)
 Responsible leadership (e.g., be aware of the issues that engineering raises for society; promote the public
awareness of engineering benefits and impact)
Awareness of engineering ethics guides students in preparation for their professional lives and helps them to identify
ethical issues and the practice in which they arise. Ethics also helps students to develop wider skills in communication,
reasoning and reflection, and the professional attitude to carry forward into their working life.

* Engineering Council and Royal Academy of Engineering, “Statement of Ethical Principles”,

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5. Overview of the accreditation process

5.1 Accreditation ethos
IChemE’s accreditation process is a cooperative activity intended to be of benefit to both the department and IChemE.
Besides the accreditation assessment by IChemE, departments benefit from an intensive professional consultation on
their programmes and gain access to an international chemical engineering teaching community with opportunities for
sharing good practice and progressing challenging issues. IChemE accreditation is a joint enterprise in which both
parties seek the truth through mutually respectful discussion of the available evidence.
5.1.1 Confidentiality and document ownership
The accreditation process is confidential between IChemE and the university department. IChemE will retain ownership
of all reports produced but will make these available to departments in confidence and where appropriate.

5.2 Principal stages of accreditation

The IChemE accreditation process has the following principal stages:
 Initial contact between the university department and IChemE
 Preparation by the department and submission to IChemE
 Appointment of assessors by IChemE
 Preparation and visit by the panel of assessors
 Report by the assessors to IChemE
 Decision by IChemE’s Education and Accreditation Forum
 Implementation of follow-up actions by the department
A timeline for the process is given in Table 6, with further details in the Sections which follow.

Table 6 Indicative timeline for accreditation

Time from
University department IChemE assessors

New programmes etc - initial contact

By -36
with IChemE*
New/revised programmes - design &
By -24

Collect supporting documents

-24 to -3 Contacted by IChemE re visit dates
Contacted by IChemE re visit dates

Submit IChemE questionnaire &

-3 Receive questionnaire & supporting documents
supporting documents
Study pre-visit documents
-3 to 0 Prepare for visit
Pre-visit clarifications with department

The visit (2 days)

+3 Prepare and agree report

+5 Comment on draft report

Lead assessor presents report for EAF decision.

By +12
IChemE informs department of outcome
+12 Follow-up if required (meet conditions
If required, review follow-up report etc
onwards etc)

*IChemE contact details are given at the end of this document.

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5.3 Multiple campuses

In accordance with IChemE’s Engineering Council Licence*, when a university offers multiple versions of a programme
in different locations, IChemE must visit each location for which programme accreditation is sought, even where the
programme is identical. An annual accreditation subscription will be applied, as in 5.9 below, for each campus visited.
Universities with multiple campuses should contact IChemE in good time to discuss the arrangements for the
accreditation process. As a guiding principle, the procedures set out in this document apply individually and separately
to each campus concerned.
5.4 Initial contact – new programmes
IChemE will work with departments new to IChemE accreditation, to explore the best approach to accredited status.
Where appropriate, this could include a preliminary ‘benchmarking’ assessment and/or the appointment of a mentor to
help the department develop to meet the accreditation requirements.
All departments planning to introduce new programmes for accreditation are recommended to contact IChemE at an
early stage.
5.5 Initial contact – existing programmes
Where a programme is already accredited, IChemE will contact the department in the penultimate year of accreditation
with a view to arranging a visit during the last accredited year, in order to maintain continuity of accreditation. Where a
department has several accredited programmes, IChemE will do its best to align the periods of accreditation.
In exceptional circumstances (e.g. a major disruptive event), a department can apply in writing to extend the
accreditation for a short period.
5.6 Preparation by the department
The department will need to make available documents of various kinds for review by the assessors. Since this includes
work done by students, preparation of these documents needs to be considered a long time (up to three years) ahead of
the visit. Closer to the visit, the department will be asked to submit a completed questionnaire and other relevant
documents to IChemE.
Further details are given in Section 6.
5.7 IChemE assessors and the visit
IChemE maintains a pool of trained assessors. A panel of three assessors comprising at least one academic and at
least one industrial person will be selected from the pool. Where feasible, the panel will include members from outside
the country of the department visited and with an understanding of the local education system. One of the panel will be
appointed as Lead Assessor. Occasionally, an observer may accompany the panel – often a potential addition to the
pool or a member of IChemE staff.
Where appropriate, it may be possible to combine the IChemE visit to coincide with another accrediting body. Further
details of joint accreditations are given in Section 9.
The assessor panel will receive the documents provided by the department to help them prepare the visit. The visit to
the department will normally occupy two working days and, during the visit, assessors will wish to meet staff,
representative students, recent graduates and, where feasible, industrial partners such as employers and advisory panel
Following the visit, the assessors will report their findings to IChemE. The report, excluding the recommendations of the
assessors, will be sent to the department for comment on any factual inaccuracies.
Further information on the appointment and role of the assessors is given in Section 7.
5.8 The accreditation decision and subsequent actions
The completed accreditation report will be considered by IChemE’s Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF) and a
decision on whether to accredit will be made. The EAF meets four times a year for this purpose. The department will be
notified of the outcome soon after.
Following a successful accreditation, the department will receive a certificate of accreditation. Any conditions set by EAF
must be met by the given date.
Further information on the decision and follow-up are given in Section 8.

 Engineering Council Registration Code of Practice, (2014) para 27, available from http://www.engc.org.uk

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5.9 Accreditation costs and cost sharing

The costs of accreditation include the cost of administration and some of the direct costs of travel and subsistence for
the accreditation assessors. IChemE seeks to share the direct costs with the universities undergoing assessment.
The international standard of IChemE accreditation is maintained through our use of a global pool of trained assessors.
All assessors are volunteer members of IChemE, working on a pro bono basis, so no fees are payable. All assessment
visits aim to include at least one assessor from outside of the region. Hence, the travel and subsistence costs incurred
by the assessors undertaking a visit vary substantially, depending on both the geographic region and where the
assessors are travelling from.
In order to provide a fair system of recovery of some direct costs of accreditation, IChemE introduced a fixed
subscription for university accreditation from January 2014. The annual subscription is payable by each department that
has accreditation and will cover all programmes accredited in one accreditation visit. There will be no additional charge
for the assessors’ travel and accommodation as this will all be covered by the annual accreditation subscription.
In order to meet full accreditation for programmes which are delivered at more than one campus all campuses are
required to have a separate accreditation visit. A separate annual accreditation subscription will be invoiced to each
campus visited.
For departments without accredited programmes or for new programmes, direct charges will, at the discretion of
IChemE, be made for benchmarking or other assessments.
For further information on costs, see supplementary documents:
http://www.icheme.org/membership/accreditation/supplementary-documents.aspx .

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6. Preparation for accreditation

6.1 Preparing the submission documentation
Once contact has been established between IChemE and the department regarding possible accreditation, the
department should in good time appoint a member of staff to be responsible for the whole process including the timely and
comprehensive submission of documentation ahead of the visit. Early on, a provisional visit period will be agreed, and the
visit date itself will be finalised somewhat later in the process, as set out in Section 7.1.
In good time before a visit is to take place, the department should ensure that the necessary evidential documents are
available. Since these will include examples of work completed by students (such as examination scripts and design
projects), some of this preparation needs to be made in previous academic years. Examples of a range of performance
(high, middle, threshold pass) need to be provided, together with a clear indication of the marking of such pieces of work.
As an example (and where this is not already the practice), departments should consider requiring students to submit
digital copies of major project reports, in order that these can be made available to accreditation assessors before the
Document preparation needs to be rigorous and it is advised that sufficient time is made available for this activity. IChemE
requires that document submissions are sent in digital form. Various digital forms are acceptable, provided that they are
well-structured, easily navigable, readily usable and can be accessed on commonly-used digital platforms. Forms which
have been found to work well include DropBox, dedicated university web- or VLE site and portable memory stick.
Whatever form is chosen, it must be convenient for assessors to download or transfer material so that they have
access offline (e.g. whilst travelling).
The submission comprises a completed degree programme questionnaire and supporting documentation, as
detailed in Table 7. The complete set of documents should be sent to IChemE three months before the visit.
IChemE will copy or otherwise make available the documents to the assessor panel. After the assessors have received
the advance documents, and prior to the visit, they may identify a need for further information. In such cases IChemE
will give the department as much notice as possible to provide this or, alternatively, make arrangements for this to be
available for review during the assessors’ visit.

Table 7: Documentation required from Department three months before the visit
Category Items required/description Notes
Degree or diploma The degree or diploma programme questionnaire is a Refer to IChemE’s separately
programme critical document and provides a structure for the available Supplementary
questionnaire department to collate all essential descriptive information Documents for the degree and
on the degree programme(s) comprehensively for diploma questionnaires
advance assessment by IChemE
Curriculum details Programme structure – e.g. list of modules, showing year Where available, the programme
of delivery, credit value, options etc handbook supplied to students
Descriptors of all modules, showing learning outcomes, may supply these details in a
teaching methods (e.g. lectures, practicals, projects), convenient form.
methods of assessment, etc
Briefs for major research/design projects including scope,
assessment criteria (individual/group) and marking
Staff details Brief CVs of academic staff including professional
Evidence of the Complete sets of examination question papers with Evidence should be a
learning outcomes marking schemes (past 2 years) representative cross-section
actually achieved by Major design project reports (3 examples each) (high, middle, threshold pass)
students. and drawn from all parts of the
Research and/or other (as appropriate) Level F project degree programme.
reports (3 examples each)
Evidence must include, in all
(Optional, as appropriate) External assessment cases, markers’ comments and
(Optional, as appropriate) Industrial project reports marks.

Important note: in preparing the above documents, the department must ensure that it is clear to IChemE which
programmes are being assessed and, where there are several programmes, indicate details of multiple/parallel content.

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6.2 Preparing the department for the visit

It is good practice for senior university staff to be briefed ahead of the visit. Likewise department staff, representative
recent graduates and students should also be briefed adequately to include the purpose, aims and possible outcomes
from the IChemE assessment.
During the visit, key staff are expected to be readily available to meet the assessors. This includes programme leaders,
advisors, laboratory managers, safety managers and others (e.g. senior management, library, QA or ICT staff) as
deemed appropriate by the department.

6.3 Supporting the assessors’ visit

The department should expect to provide additional supporting documentation for the assessors to examine in support of
their assessment. Such material should be made available during the visit and must include:
 additional student materials to demonstrate learning outcomes achieved, such as marked examination
scripts, laboratory reports, project reports
 evidence of academic quality assurance – e.g. external audit, academic review reports, External Examiner
Further information might also include:
 management structure
 industry involvement
 how sustainable development, ethics, safety etc are embedded in the programme.
A serviced meeting room should be prepared and made available to the assessors for their private reviews and
deliberations. This room must have Wi-Fi for the assessors and contain all supporting documentation provided to the
assessors for their perusal.

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7. IChemE assessors and the visit

7.1 Visit planning
Accreditation visits will include both a pre-meeting of the assessors on the evening before the visit and normally two full
days at the university (see Appendix D), though visits to universities seeking first accreditation may possibly take longer.
Forward planning of the IChemE visit calendar is important in order to ensure that assessors and resources are available.
At least eighteen months before the visit is due, IChemE staff will negotiate with the department a target 3-month period
during which the visit will take place. Nearer the time, where possible at least one year ahead, IChemE will liaise with the
department to agree the month of the visit. Following this, the assessor panel will be identified. At least six to nine months
before the visit, IChemE staff will liaise with the department to finalise a mutually convenient date for the visit during term-
time, with due regard to academic calendars and assessor availability. At this point they will also agree the structure of the
visit, and initiate logistical arrangements such as timings, accommodation, travel etc.
This process allows the department time to prepare a comprehensive submission and to plan its own arrangements
(Section 6). The preliminary documentation (Section 6.1) must be made available to IChemE at least three months before
the visit date.
IChemE staff will distribute the documentation supplied by the department to the assessors for review in advance of the
visit and will liaise regarding any further materials or arrangements required prior to the visit.
Refer to Appendix D for a typical visit schedule

7.2 Selection of assessors

IChemE maintains a pool of trained assessors who are all Chartered Chemical Engineers. The pool comprises both
academics and industrialists who have current knowledge of the accreditation process and requirements. Assessors are
appointed to the pool by nomination to and decision of the Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF).
Assessment panels, each comprising three assessors including the lead assessor, are approved by processes set by
EAF using the following criteria:
 all assessors will have received IChemE training
 no more than one assessor should be without previous visit experience
 panels will include assessors from our worldwide assessor pool with, where possible, one from outside the
country of the university and one with understanding of the local education system
 panels will always comprise at least one academic and at least one industrialist
 panels will, if possible, include members with specialist expertise appropriate to the programmes being
considered (e.g. biochemical engineering).
For re-accreditation visits, IChemE will, if appropriate and possible, strive to ensure that one assessor should have
been a member of the panel for the previous visit.
Departments do not have the right to select or approve the membership of the assessor panel. Should there be
exceptional circumstances that concern the department (for example a perceived conflict of interest with an assessor)
then these concerns should be communicated in writing at the earliest possible opportunity to the senior IChemE staff
responsible for accreditation and the Chair of Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF).

7.3 The role of IChemE’s assessors

Assessors act in a voluntary capacity on behalf of IChemE. They are required to work within IChemE’s code of conduct for
volunteer members on IChemE activities (see IChemE Supplementary Documents).
The assessors’ primary role is to seek evidence to verify that the target learning outcomes are being achieved by
assessing the scope and depth of the examinations, projects, laboratory work and other learning activities completed by
the students. The accreditation visit allows for time to view the resources that support this learning.
The general questions that underpin the work of the assessors include:
 are the entry qualification profiles of students satisfactory?
 are the learning outcomes clearly defined and are they appropriate?
 is the programme structure and content appropriate to deliver the learning outcomes?
 are the resources to support the delivery of the learning outcomes adequate?
 are the learning outcomes achieved to an appropriate level?

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Assessors frequently request to see additional materials during their visit. Departments are respectfully requested to be
prepared for, and accommodating of, reasonable requests.
At the end of the visit, assessors will give feedback on their principal findings, including recommendations for
improvement. They are, however, instructed not to tell the department their recommendation on the accreditation
outcome. The decision will be taken at the EAF meeting at which the assessors’ report (see 7.4) is discussed and
moderated. While assessors are required to make recommendations to EAF about the decision, these may be overridden
on examination by EAF to maintain consistency with IChemE criteria and with other accreditation decisions.

7.4 The assessors’ report

The assessors prepare a written report to IChemE’s Education and Accreditation Forum. The report is expected to be
submitted to IChemE within three weeks of the visit.
7.4.1 Purpose of the report
The primary purpose of the assessors’ report is to inform EAF of their findings and how learning outcomes have been
met. The assessors’ report includes a summary of general aspects of the visit, such as resources, safety culture and
discussions with staff and students, which impact upon the delivery of those learning outcomes.
In addition, the assessors will:
 identify and commend strengths and good features within the programme(s);
 identify areas where there may be scope to improve the programme(s);
 propose recommendations to the Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF) on the future accreditation
status of the programme(s) reviewed.
7.4.2 Checking factual accuracy
IChemE will send the assessors’ report, excluding the assessors’ accreditation recommendation, to the department for
comments on its factual accuracy prior to review by IChemE’s EAF.
7.4.3 Confidentiality and ownership
At all stages, the assessors’ report will remain confidential to and the property of IChemE. The report is made available
in confidence to departments for their information.
Refer to D-Standard in supplementary documents:

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8. Accreditation outcomes
8.1 Accreditation decision process
The Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF) exists to maintain standards and consistency of decision-making for
IChemE accreditation. EAF is comprised of experienced IChemE assessors who are collectively responsible for all
decisions on accreditation. Potential conflicts of interest are declared at the start of each EAF meeting and those
concerned are normally required to leave the meeting during the relevant discussion.
EAF will formally review the assessors’ report, together with the accreditation recommendation of the assessor panel for
final decision. EAF appoints from its membership a rapporteur for each accreditation visit. The rapporteur will raise (e.g.
by email) and resolve as many issues as possible concerning the report with the lead assessor prior to the EAF meeting,
so that these can be noted with minimal need for further discussion. EAF meetings include video/audio links, so that an
accreditation panel member (where possible the lead assessor) always be in attendance, in person or virtually, to
contribute to the decision-making process. At the EAF meeting, the visit report is introduced by the lead assessor (or other
panel member) and the rapporteur clarifies and highlights their findings. EAF resolves any outstanding issues by
discussion with the assessor and decides the outcome, usually by consensus.
Decisions of the EAF (which meets four times per year) are normally communicated to the department within two weeks of
the meeting. Occasionally, further information or clarification may need to be sought before a final accreditation decision is
made (normally at the subsequent meeting).

8.2 Accreditation outcomes

Decisions are based foremost on maintaining benchmark standards of academic formation. IChemE will seek to
help departments, providing advice and counsel to support continuous improvement of their programmes.
IChemE also seeks to commend and encourage the sharing of educational good practice amongst the
community of accredited departments worldwide.
8.2.1 Available decisions
Education and Accreditation Forum (EAF) will make one of the following possible decisions:
 Accredit/re-accredit the programme(s) without condition
 Accredit/re-accredit the programme(s) subject to conditions
Such accreditations will be dependent upon the department meeting requirements set by IChemE
following its review of the assessors’ report. See 8.2.2.
 To not accredit/re-accredit the programme(s)
In this instance IChemE will advise why the programme has failed to be accredited and will, upon request
and where appropriate, advise the department on available assistance.
Refer to Appendix E for an indication of how accreditation decisions are reached.
8.2.2 Conditions
IChemE may make accreditations subject to conditions. These are binding on the department and must be resolved within
the indicated timeframe for accreditation to be maintained and valid.
Any conditions will be programme specific. Examples have included further report submissions, changes to programme
modules, demonstration of stronger safety culture etc.
Fulfilling the conditions is the responsibility of the department. Reports on fulfilment must be made formally in
writing for EAF consideration and accreditation decision.
8.2.3 Period of accreditation
Accreditation may be granted for a period up to a maximum of five years. New accreditations will not normally exceed
three years.
Accreditation is effective from the date of entry of the first student cohort following the academic year that IChemE visits.
It is normally not possible for an accreditation award to be retrospective. However, for new programmes, accreditation
may be back-dated to allow cohorts already on the programme at the time it is accredited to benefit from the decision,
subject to a maximum total accreditation period of 5 years.
The period of accreditation may be reduced by the amount for any extension (see 5.5) granted to the previous

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Where conditions are made, the accreditation certificate will be to the end of the period set for them to be resolved. This is
to allow the certificate to be displayed publicly without showing any conditions. Once the conditions have been met, a new
certificate will be issued to reflect the full period of accreditation.
8.2.4 Recommendations to the department
In the majority of cases IChemE seeks to make recommendations to the department. These are not mandatory.
However, they are offered in the spirit of providing help and sharing of good practice in chemical engineering
education. Adoption by the department of these recommendations is encouraged and generally expected.

8.3 After the accreditation decision

Following an accreditation award, the department will be sent a decision letter and, separately, a certificate to formally
acknowledge the accredited status of the programme(s).
There will be ongoing contact between IChemE and the department in terms of accreditation policy developments during
the period of accreditation. IChemE’s qualifications department will liaise with the university department regarding policy
changes, student services, membership and related activities.

8.4 Obligations and duties on departments

It is a general condition of accreditation that departments must inform IChemE in a timely fashion of significant
changes to the curriculum or resources that impact upon the delivery or nature of the accredited programme. Changes
which must be notified include:
 changed learning outcomes
 changed programme title
 changed programme structure
 loss of key staff which could affect the integrity of the programme
 adverse impacts on resources, such as due to an upsurge in student numbers or the loss of staff or facilities.
Departments often need to make changes to a programme during the period of accreditation and IChemE understands
the need for this. Where the change is substantial, an interim accreditation visit may be required.
All departments with accredited programmes are encouraged to contribute to the development and implementation of
accreditation policy and to share good practice in chemical engineering education. For example, IChemE seeks to identify
senior and experienced academic staff from as wide a range of departments as possible, on an international basis, to join
the pool of accreditation assessors. In addition, it is considered to be normal practice that the department, with the help of
IChemE, encourages uptake of student membership of IChemE amongst the cohort. Further, the IChemE Education
Special Interest Group (EdSIG) exists to share good practice and debate current issues in chemical engineering
education. All chemical engineering departments are strongly encouraged to engage with EdSIG’s numerous events and

8.5 Endorsement logos

Our endorsement logos enable external universities and other organisations to demonstrate IChemE approval. They are
to be used only for the category accredited and must be used in compliance with IChemE guidance provided with the
logo. These logos will appear as an endorsement and can be used alongside the logo of the university on print and web

8.5 Appeals procedure

IChemE maintains an appeals procedure for universities who wish to appeal against irregularities in the process of
Appeals against accreditation decisions will be considered by a panel appointed by the IChemE Qualifications Committee.
Details are given in supplementary documents:

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9. Working with other accrediting bodies

9.1 Introduction
IChemE will normally agree to conduct an accreditation or benchmarking study by invitation of a university. Such
invitations usually arise because of recognition of the distinct value of discipline-specific, in-depth peer review of
chemical engineering teaching that IChemE provides.
IChemE completely respects the need for national-level accreditation systems and welcomes the fact that agreements,
such as the International Engineering Alliance’s Washington Accord, provide confidence in the quality of university
accreditation processes.
It is possible to combine an IChemE accreditation visit to coincide with another accrediting body. IChemE has
experience of visits to complement those of other national accrediting bodies either through joint visits or visits closely
following the schedules of the national body. Examples include coordination with Engineers Australia, UK Engineering
Accreditation Board and Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand.
Through flexibility and sharing in the use of documentation and by coordinating the visit programmes, it is possible to
reduce the workload for the university by a significant amount.

9.2 Operational arrangements

Joint accreditation is at the discretion of IChemE. It is essential that any department contemplating joint visits should
discuss the options with IChemE at the earliest possible opportunity to allow ample time for coordination between the
organisations concerned.
IChemE staff and the IChemE Lead assessor will liaise with representatives of the partner organisation(s) to optimise
the arrangements, especially requirements for and use of documentation. The two organisations will similarly liaise over
the visit schedule to ensure that each is able to satisfy its requirements, whilst minimising the need for separate
meetings and events.

9.3 Decision-making for joint accreditations

IChemE reserves the right to decide accreditation outcomes independently against the standards set out in these
guidelines. However, for joint accreditations, the Lead Assessor will liaise with their counterpart(s) in the partner
organisation(s) to align as far as possible the judgements made. Inevitably, there will be occasions where opinions
cannot be aligned and details of these will be brought to the attention of EAF through the assessors’ report.

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10. Further information about application

10.1 Applying for accreditation
Departments seeking new accreditation(s) can request this from IChemE at any time. IChemE will provide help and
guidance at any stage and, in particular, encourages departments to seek informal advice and guidance at an early
Departments that currently have accredited programmes will automatically receive a reminder from IChemE well before
the expiry date of the existing accreditation period, inviting the department to submit their programme(s) for

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List of appendices
A Learning Outcomes at Levels B and F 29 – 34
B Learning Outcomes at Level D 35 – 39
C IChemE outcome level descriptors 40
D Typical schedule for an assessment visit 41
E Education & Accreditation Forum decision tree for accreditations 42
F Glossary of terms used in the guidelines 43 – 44

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Appendix A

Learning outcomes at Levels B and F

A1 Underpinning mathematics, science (chemistry, physics, biology) and associated engineering


A1.1 Introduction
Students’ knowledge and understanding of mathematics, science and associated engineering disciplines should be of
appropriate depth and breadth to underpin their chemical engineering education, to enable appreciation of its scientific
and engineering context, and to support their understanding of future developments. It is expected that this underpinning
material should be taught in an engineering context and, where appropriate, a chemical engineering context.
The amount of underpinning mathematics and science will vary between programmes, particularly reflecting variations in
entry qualifications and/or structure of the earlier year(s) of the programmes. Departments will need to provide evidence
that students have achieved the levels in these topics to underpin all the other required Learning Outcomes in chemical

A1.2 Learning outcomes – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:

 Have a knowledge and understanding of mathematics necessary for the analysis of and to support applications
of key chemical engineering principles and processes.
 Have a knowledge and understanding of basic mathematical models relevant to chemical engineering.
 Have a knowledge and understanding of scientific principles, namely the relevant aspects of physics, chemistry,
biochemistry, biology and materials science, to enable the understanding of chemical engineering principles.
 Have a basic understanding of relevant elements from engineering disciplines commonly associated with
chemical engineering, such as electrical power and motors; microelectronics; mechanics of pressure vessels;
structural mechanics.

A2. Core Chemical Engineering

A2.1 Introduction
Core chemical engineering comprises the main principles and applications of chemical engineering. Students graduating
from an accredited programme will:

 Understand the principles of fluids and solids formation and processing.

 Be proficient in applying these principles to problems involving fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and
reaction engineering.
 Be able to apply the principles to the analysis of complex systems within a structured approach to safety, health
and sustainability.

It is desirable that throughout the programme the students should gain an understanding of the broad range of
applications of the principles and develop the ability to analyse, model quantitatively and synthesise at the appropriate
scale. The applications should include:

 Different types of process, including continuous and batch; chemical processes and bioprocesses.
 Different time scales: short and long periods; steady and unsteady state.
 Different physical scales: from molecular level to large scale continuous.

Students must acquire the knowledge and ability to handle broader implications of work as a chemical engineer. These
include sustainability aspects; process safety, health, environmental and other professional issues including ethics,
risk, commercial and economic considerations etc.
Important: The outcomes in this Section A2 are expressed for outcome Level B. Please see Section A6 for how
these are interpreted for Level F.

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A2.2 Fundamentals – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the principles of material and energy balances.
 Understand the thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids, solids and multiphase systems.
 Understand the principles of momentum, heat and mass transfer, and be able to apply them to problems
involving flowing fluids and multiple phases.
 Be able to apply thermodynamic analysis to processes with heat and work transfer.
 Understand the principles of equilibrium and chemical thermodynamics, and be able to apply them to phase
behaviour, and to systems with chemical reaction.
 Understand the principles of chemical reaction and reactor engineering.

A2.3 Mathematical Modelling and Quantitative Methods – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be familiar with, and able to apply, a range of appropriate tools such as dimensional analysis and mathematical
 Understand the role of empirical correlation and other approximate methods.
 Be competent in the use of numerical and computer methods, including industry-standard chemical engineering
software, for solving chemical engineering problems (detailed knowledge of computer coding is not required).

A2.4 Process and Product Technology – Level B

This is a broad heading that includes: the ‘unit operations’ of separation and mixing; particle technology; equipment
sizing and performance.
Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand and be able to apply methods to analyse the characteristics and performance of a range of typical
mixing, separation, and similar processing steps for fluids, particulates and multi-phases.
 Understand the principles on which processing equipment operates, and be able to apply methods to determine
equipment size and performance of common items such as reactors, exchangers and columns.
 Understand and be able to estimate the effect of processing steps upon the state of the material being
processed, and on the end product in terms of its composition, morphology and functionality.

A2.5 Systems – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the principles of batch and continuous operation and criteria for process selection.
 Understand the inter-dependence of elements of a complex system and be able to synthesise such systems by
integrating process steps into a sequence and applying analysis techniques such as balances (mass, energy)
and pinch.
 Understand system dynamics, be able to predict the response to changes in a dynamic system, and be able to
design and determine the characteristics and performance of measurement and control functions.

A2.6 Process Safety – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the inherent nature of safety and loss prevention, and the principal hazard sources in chemical and
related processes – including flammability, explosivity and toxicity (including biological hazards).
 Understand the principles of risk assessment and of safety management, and be able to apply techniques for the
assessment and abatement of process and product hazards.
 Understand methods of identifying process hazards (e.g. HAZOP), and of assessing environmental impact.
 Be aware of specialist aspects of safety and environmental issues, such as noise, hazardous area classification,
relief and blowdown, fault tree analysis,
 Have knowledge of the local legislative framework and how it is applied to the management of safety, health and
environment in practice and in the workplace, from the perspectives of all involved, including operators,
designers, contractors, researchers, visitors and the public.

A2.6.1 Safety Culture – Level B and Level F

In addition to the above ‘taught’ outcomes, it is expected that students’ learning and teaching will be undertaken in an
environment (Department, School, etc) where there is an obviously strong and effective safety culture and where the
students will learn by example.
Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective Safety, Health and
Environment (SH&E) culture includes:
 Leadership – Head of Department and Senior Management take an active part in SH&E.
 Visibility – clear and relevant signage and information; good standards of housekeeping in laboratories.

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 Behaviour – staff, students and visitors behave in a careful, risk averse manner; Personal Protective Equipment
is available and usage is enforced; there are systems for incident reporting, follow-up, feedback and
 Legislative Compliance – there is a sound understanding of, and compliance with, applicable SH&E legislation.
 Risk Assessment and Management – Risk Assessment and Permit to Work systems are in place; those who use
them are fully conversant with their roles and responsibilities.

A2.7 Sustainability and Economics, Ethics – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the principles of sustainability (environmental, social and economic) and be able to apply techniques
for analysing, throughout the lifecycle, the interaction of process, product and plant with the environment.
 Understand and be able to apply the main methods of minimizing the environmental impact on air, water, land,
and integrated eco-systems, including waste minimization at source and ‘end-of-pipe’ methods.
 Be able to apply the principles of process, plant and project economics.
 Understand the need for high ethical and professional standards and understand how they are applied to issues
facing engineers.

A2.7.1 Ethics Culture – Level B and Level F

Although ‘taught’ ethics is not excluded, it is not an essential requirement of an accredited degree. It is expected that the
‘taught’ outcomes in areas such as safety, sustainability and economics, together with the awareness of the code of
conduct and professionalism, will lead to an embedded ethics culture.

Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective ethics culture includes:
 how sustainability, economics, health and safety and professionalism are informed by and influence the ethical
reasoning and behaviour of the professional engineer.

A3. Chemical Engineering Practice

A3.1 Introduction

Chemical engineering practice is the practical application of chemical engineering skills, combining theory and
experience, together with the use of other relevant knowledge and skills.
Graduates of accredited programmes must understand the ways in which chemical engineering knowledge can be
applied in practice, such as in: operations and management; projects; providing services or consultancy; developing new
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation and practice of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
in their teaching and operations within laboratories, pilot plants and project work.
Typical learning outcomes include: possession of practical and laboratory skills relevant to chemical engineering;
knowledge of the characteristics of particular equipment, processes or products; the ability to deal with technical
uncertainty; appreciation of the sources and value of technical literature; awareness of the nature of intellectual property;
facility in the use of appropriate codes of practice and industry standards.
[Note that such areas of knowledge will be significantly developed after graduation, through learning and experience at
work, and the expected level of attainment from an undergraduate programme will naturally be that of a fresh graduate,
not that of an experienced engineer].

A3.2 Learning Outcomes – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Have a knowledge and understanding of laboratory practice, and able to operate bench- (or larger) scale
chemical engineering equipment.
 Be able to undertake well-planned experimental work and to interpret, analyse and report on experimental data.
 Be able to find and apply, with judgement, information from technical literature and other sources.
 Be aware of the importance of codes of practice and industry standards and have some experience in applying
 Be aware of quality assurance issues and their application to continuous improvement.
 Be aware of the range of applications of chemical engineering and the roles of chemical engineers.
 Be aware of the concept and implications of ‘professional’ (chartered) engineers and the role of Professional
Engineering Institutions.

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A3.3 Learning Outcomes – Level F

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the limitations of current practice.
 Be aware of research and developments in relevant technologies and their potential impact on current practice.
 Have undertaken research and/or development project work that provides opportunities for: application of
research methods; originality and experience in dealing with uncertainty and new concepts and/or applications.
 Have communicated the outcomes of the project work in a professional manner that may include: thesis;
publication; poster; presentation.

A4. Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design Projects

A4.1 Introduction

Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product or plant to meet an identified need.
Students must display competence in chemical engineering design, which requires bringing together technical and other
skills, the ability to define a problem and identify constraints, the employment of creativity and innovation. They must
understand the concept of ‘fitness for purpose’ and the importance of delivery.
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) within their
teaching of design and related project work.
Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product, or plant to meet an identified need. Design is
an essential component of all IChemE-accredited degrees and serves to:
 Develop an integrated approach to chemical engineering.
 Encourage the application of chemical engineering principles to problems of current and future industrial
relevance including sustainable development, safety, and environmental issues.
 Encourage students to develop and demonstrate creative and critical powers by requiring choices and decisions
to be made in areas of uncertainty.
 Encourage students to take a broad view when confronted with complexity arising from the interaction and
integration of the different parts of a process or system.
 Encourage the development of transferable skills such as communication and team working.
 Give students confidence in their ability to apply their technical knowledge to real problems.

IChemE is keen to encourage innovation and diversity in design and to encourage a wide range of applications, which
might include:
 Process design – synthesis of unit operations into a manufacturing process to meet a specification.
 Process troubleshooting/debottlenecking – analysis of problems for an existing process for which the solutions
require innovative process or equipment changes.
 Equipment design – the design of specific and complex equipment items to deliver a process or product
objective, e.g. extruder, distillation column, etc.
 Product design.
 Product troubleshooting – analysis of problems for an existing product for which innovative solutions are
 System design – where creativity, broad range thinking, and systems integration are needed to design a system
to meet a specification, e.g. manufacturing supply chain, effluent handling system, transportation system, safety
auditing system, recycling system, site utility system, product distribution system.

It is desirable that the learning outcomes for design are achieved throughout the programme: for example, by students
accumulating a portfolio of design work as they progress through the programme. This approach will develop students’
ability to handle a range of process, product and plant design problems, provide them with a wide variety of design
experience, and will encourage integration of design-related aspects into the taught programme.
In order to meet the learning outcomes associated with the systems approach, the design portfolio must include a major
design exercise which addresses the complexity issues arising from the interaction and integration of the different parts
of a process or system. It is expected that this major project will be undertaken by teams of students and that this will
contribute significantly to the development of the students’ transferable skills such as communication and team working.
While team-working in design and design projects is actively encouraged, IChemE expects that the assessment methods
will be effective in ensuring that each individual student, as well as the whole team, meets the required learning

A4.2 Learning Outcomes – Level B

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the importance of identifying the objectives and context of the design in terms of: the business
requirements; the technical requirements; sustainable development; safety, health and environmental issues;
appreciation of public perception and concerns.

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 Understand that design is an open-ended process, lacking a pre-determined solution, which requires: synthesis,
innovation and creativity; choices on the basis of incomplete and contradictory information; decision making;
working with constraints and multiple objectives; justification of the choices and decisions taken.
 Be able to deploy chemical engineering knowledge using rigorous calculation and results analysis to arrive at
and verify the realism of the chosen design.
 Be able to take a systems approach to design appreciating: complexity; interaction; integration.
 Be able to work in a team and understand and manage the processes of: peer challenge; planning, prioritising
and organising team activity; the discipline of mutual dependency.
 Be able to communicate effectively to: acquire input information; present the outcomes of the design clearly,
concisely and with the appropriate amount of detail, including flowsheets and stream data; explain and defend
chosen design options and decisions taken.

A4.3 Learning Outcomes at Level F

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Have a comprehensive understanding of design processes and methodologies and an ability to apply and adapt
them in unfamiliar situations.
 Be able to work with information that may be incomplete or uncertain, quantify the effect of this on the design
and, where appropriate, use theory or experimental research to mitigate deficiencies.
 Have the ability to generate an innovative design for processes, systems and products to fulfil new needs.
 Have achieved, within the design project(s) some of the ‘Depth’ and ‘Breadth’ Outcomes of Advanced Chemical
Engineering at Masters Level described in Section A6. For example:
o Detailed design of control systems based on process dynamics;
o Design and operation aspects of start-up and shut-down;
o Design of a process for a novel product for which data are unreliable or limited;
o Environmental impact and Life Cycle Analysis;
o Evaluation of financial and other risks.

A5. Embedded Learning

A5.1 Introduction

Chemical engineers must develop general skills that will be of value in a wide range of business situations. These
include development of abilities within problem solving, communication, effective working with others, effective use of IT,
persuasive report writing, information retrieval, presentation skills, project planning, self learning, performance
improvement, awareness of the benefits of continuing professional development etc.
IChemE expects degree programmes to be designed so that they provide the opportunity to acquire and develop these
skills and will seek to ensure demonstration and commitment to this objective.
Chemical engineers must develop a range of general ‘transferable’ (or ‘professional’) skills. IChemE expects degree
programmes to be designed so that the opportunity to acquire and develop these skills, in different ways and at different
levels, is embedded throughout the programme.
In order to encourage the embedding and integration of these skills throughout the programme, a minimum credit count
is not specified. However, IChemE expects that evidence will be provided to demonstrate where and how the learning
outcomes are met.
A5.2 Learning Outcomes
Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Have developed a wide range of problem-solving skills.
 Have developed a range of effective communication skills including written reports and presentations.
 Recognise the importance of working effectively with others and have acquired a range of experience in
achieving this.
 Recognise the importance of leadership skills and have had some opportunity to acquire these.
 Be effective users of IT.
 Recognise the importance of project planning and time management and have acquired a range of experience
in achieving these.
 Be able to reflect on their own work and implement strategies for personal improvement and professional
 Be aware of the benefits of continuing professional development and of personal development planning.

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A6. Advanced Chemical Engineering at Level F

Advanced Chemical Engineering outcomes at Level F will build on the Level B outcomes set out in A2 to A4.
Students graduating from an accredited programme with outcomes at Level F will, in addition:
 Have the ability to handle uncertainty and complexity.
 Have the ability to familiarize themselves with the new and unknown.
 Have the ability to develop innovative approaches.
 Have some understanding of the limits of available technology and of the potential of new and emerging
 Have a broader understanding of related subjects.

These outcomes can be achieved through a combination of ‘Depth’ and Breadth’:

A6.1 Achievement of Level F Depth learning outcomes

‘Depth’ requires knowledge and understanding beyond Level B, and the achievement of more challenging learning
outcomes, for subjects within Core Chemical Engineering. Such ‘Depth’ subjects will usually be characterized by having
clearly distinguishable pre-requisites from an earlier stage in the programme. ‘Depth’ subjects may also develop a
research strength or specialism of the department.
A6.2 Achievement of Level F Breadth learning outcomes

Chemical engineering is a broad, multi-faceted and expanding discipline. This provides opportunities for accredited
M- and F-Standard programmes to include subjects in addition to Core Chemical Engineering. IChemE welcomes this,
particularly where the Level F ‘Breadth’ subjects reflect a strength or specialism of the Department (either research
strengths and /or a focus on specific industry sectors). In distinction to ‘Depth’ subjects, ‘Breadth’ subjects will in general
not depend on specific pre-requisites from an earlier stage in the programme.
It is expected that such ‘Breadth’ subjects will be related to Chemical Engineering in its widest sense at Level F. Subjects
that are at an introductory level, or would be an introductory level in other programmes, would be unlikely to meet the
learning outcomes at Level F.
A6.3 Other Level F outcomes

Level F in chemical engineering practice and chemical engineering design should reflect the general advanced abilities
listed above. Specific Level F outcomes for these topics are given in Sections 3.3 and 4.3 above.
A7. Complementary Subjects
Accredited degree programmes may contain other subjects that are not directly related to chemical engineering, such as
languages, business and management related studies, history and culture, etc. IChemE recognises the benefits of a
rounded education in effectively preparing graduates for their careers. Complementary subjects are not formally
assessed by IChemE as for programme accreditation, but rigour in their teaching and assessment is expected.

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Appendix B
Learning Outcomes at Level D

B1 Underpinning mathematics, science (chemistry, physics, biology) and associated engineering


B1.1 Introduction
Students’ knowledge and understanding of mathematics, science and associated engineering disciplines should be of
appropriate depth and breadth to underpin their chemical engineering education, to enable appreciation of its scientific
and engineering context, and to support their understanding of future developments. It is expected that this underpinning
material should be taught in an engineering context and, where appropriate, a chemical engineering context.
The amount of underpinning mathematics and science will vary between programmes, particularly reflecting variations in
entry qualifications and/or structure of the earlier year(s) of the programmes. Departments will need to provide evidence
that students have achieved the levels in these topics to underpin all the other required Learning Outcomes in chemical

B1.2 Learning outcomes – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Have a knowledge and understanding of mathematics necessary to support applications of key chemical
engineering principles and processes.
 Be able to apply the basic mathematical models relevant to chemical engineering.
 Have a knowledge and understanding of the core scientific principles, namely the relevant aspects of physics,
chemistry, biochemistry, biology and materials science, to enable the understanding of chemical engineering
 Have a basic understanding of relevant elements from engineering disciplines commonly associated with
chemical engineering, such as electrical power and motors; microelectronics; mechanics of pressure vessels;
structural mechanics.

B2. Core Chemical Engineering

B2.1 Introduction
Core chemical engineering comprises the main principles and applications of chemical engineering. Students graduating
from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the principles of fluids and solids formation and processing.
 Be capable of applying these principles to problems involving fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer and reaction
 Be able to apply the principles to solve routine problems of complex systems within a structured approach to
safety, health and sustainability.

It is desirable that throughout the programme the students should gain experience of the broad range of applications of
the principles and appreciate the importance of analysing and modelling systems. The applications should include:
 Different types of process, including continuous and batch; chemical processes and bioprocesses.
 Different time scales: short and long periods; steady and unsteady state.
 Different physical scales: from molecular level to large scale continuous.

Students should have gained an insight into the requirement to handle broader implications of work as a chemical
engineer. These include sustainability aspects; process safety, health, environmental and other professional issues
including ethics, risk, commercial and economic considerations etc.

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B2.2 Fundamentals – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Understand the principles of material and energy balances.
 Be familiar with the thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids, solids and multiphase systems.
 Be familiar with the principles of momentum, heat and mass transfer, and be able to apply them to problems
involving flowing fluids and multiple phases.
 Be able to apply basic thermodynamic analysis to processes with heat and work transfer.
 Be familiar with and able to apply to routine problems the principles of equilibrium and chemical
 Be familiar with and able to apply to routine problems the principles of chemical reaction and reactor

B2.3 Mathematical Modelling and Quantitative Methods – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be aware of and able to apply routine tools for mathematical modelling.
 Be aware of empirical correlation and other approximate methods.
 Be aware of the importance of numerical and computer methods and able to use industry-standard chemical
engineering software for solving chemical engineering problems (detailed knowledge of computer coding is not

B2.4 Process and Product Technology – Level D

This is a broad heading that includes: the ‘unit operations’ of separation and mixing; particle technology; equipment
sizing and performance.
Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be familiar with and be able to apply methods to analyse the characteristics and performance of a range of
typical mixing, separation, and similar processing steps for fluids, particulates and multi-phases.
 Be familiar with the principles on which processing equipment operates, and be able to apply methods to
determine equipment size and performance of common items such as reactors, exchangers and columns.
 Be familiar with and be able to estimate the effect of processing steps upon the state of the material being
processed, and on the end product in terms of its composition, morphology and functionality.

B2.5 Systems – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be familiar with the principles of batch and continuous operation and criteria for process selection.
 Be able to integrate process steps into a sequence and apply analysis techniques such as balances (mass,
 Be aware of system dynamics, and be able to operate and modify performance of measurement and control

B2.6 Process Safety – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be familiar with the inherent nature of safety and loss prevention, and the principal hazard sources in chemical
and related processes – including flammability, explosivity and toxicity (including biological hazards).
 Be familiar with the principles of risk assessment and of safety management, and be able to apply techniques
for the assessment and abatement of process and product hazards.
 Be aware of the methods of identifying process hazards (e.g. HAZOP), and of assessing environmental impact.
 Be aware of specialist aspects of safety and environmental issues, such as noise, hazardous area classification,
relief and blowdown, fault tree analysis,
 Have broad knowledge of the local legislative framework and how it is applied to the management of safety,
health and environment in practice and in the workplace, from the perspectives of all involved, including
operators, designers, contractors, researchers, visitors and the public.

B2.6.1 Safety Culture – Level D

In addition to the above ‘taught’ outcomes, it is expected that students’ learning and teaching will be undertaken in an
environment (Department, School, etc) where there is an obviously strong and effective safety culture and where the
students will learn by example.

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Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective Safety, Health and
Environment (SH&E) culture includes:
 Leadership – Head of Department and Senior Management take an active part in SH&E.
 Visibility – clear and relevant signage and information; good standards of housekeeping in laboratories.
 Behaviour – staff, students and visitors behave in a careful, risk averse manner; Personal Protective Equipment
is available and usage is enforced; there are systems for incident reporting, follow-up, feedback and
 Legislative Compliance – there is a sound understanding of, and compliance with, applicable SH&E legislation.
 Risk Assessment and Management – Risk Assessment and Permit to Work systems are in place; those who
use them are fully conversant with their roles and responsibilities.

B2.7 Sustainability and Economics, Ethics – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be familiar with the principles of sustainability (environmental, social and economic) and appreciate when they
should be applied.
 Understand the main methods of minimizing the environmental impact on air, water, land, and integrated eco-
systems, including waste minimization at source and ‘end-of-pipe’ methods.
 Be aware of the principles of process, plant and project economics.
 Understand the need for high ethical and professional standards and understand how they are applied to issues
facing engineers.

B2.7.1 Ethics Culture – Level D

Although ‘taught’ ethics is not excluded, it is not an essential requirement of an accredited programme. It is expected that
the ‘taught’ outcomes in areas such as safety, sustainability and economics, together with the awareness of the code of
conduct and professionalism, will lead to an embedded ethics culture.

Thus, students graduating from an accredited programme will understand that: an effective ethics culture includes:
 how sustainability, economics, health and safety and professionalism are informed by and influence the ethical
reasoning and behaviour of the professional engineer

B3. Chemical Engineering Practice

B3.1 Introduction

Chemical engineering practice is the practical application of chemical engineering skills, combining theory and
experience, together with the use of other relevant knowledge and skills.
Graduates of accredited programmes must understand the ways in which chemical engineering knowledge can be
applied in practice, such as in: operations and management; projects; providing services or consultancy; developing new
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation and practice of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
in their teaching and operations within laboratories, pilot plants and project work.
Typical learning outcomes include: possession of practical and laboratory skills relevant to chemical engineering;
knowledge of the characteristics of particular equipment, processes or products; the ability to deal with technical
uncertainty; appreciation of the sources and value of technical literature; awareness of the nature of intellectual property;
facility in the use of appropriate codes of practice and industry standards.
[Note that such areas of knowledge will be significantly developed after graduation, through learning and experience at
work, and the expected level of attainment from an undergraduate programme will naturally be that of a fresh graduate,
not that of an experienced engineer].

B3.2 Learning Outcomes – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Have a knowledge and understanding of laboratory practice, and able to operate bench- (or larger) scale
chemical engineering equipment.
 Be able to undertake well-planned experimental work and to interpret, analyse and report on experimental data.
 Be able to find and apply, with judgement, information from technical literature and other sources.

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 Be aware of the importance of codes of practice and industry standards and have some experience in applying
 Be aware of quality assurance issues and their application to continuous improvement.
 Be aware of the range of applications of chemical engineering and the roles of chemical engineers.
 Be aware of the concept and implications of ‘professional’ (chartered and incorporated) engineers and the role of
Professional Engineering Institutions.

B4. Chemical Engineering Design Practice & Design Projects

B4.1 Introduction

Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product or plant to meet an identified need.
Students must display competence in chemical engineering design, which requires bringing together technical and other
skills, the ability to define a problem and identify constraints, the employment of creativity and innovation. They must
understand the concept of ‘fitness for purpose’ and the importance of delivery.
Departments should demonstrate high standards of appreciation of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) within their
teaching of design and related project work.
Chemical engineering design is the creation of a system, process, product, or plant to meet an identified need. Design is
an essential component of all IChemE-accredited degrees and serves to:
 Develop an integrated approach to chemical engineering.
 Encourage the application of chemical engineering principles to problems of current and future industrial
relevance including sustainable development, safety, and environmental issues.
 Encourage students to develop and demonstrate creative and critical powers by requiring choices and decisions
to be made in areas of uncertainty.
 Encourage students to take a broad view when confronted with complexity arising from the interaction and
integration of the different parts of a process or system.
 Encourage the development of transferable skills such as communication and team working.
 Give students confidence in their ability to apply their technical knowledge to real problems.

IChemE is keen to encourage innovation and diversity in design and to encourage a wide range of applications, which
might include:
 Process design – synthesis of unit operations into a manufacturing process to meet a specification.
 Process troubleshooting/debottlenecking – analysis of problems for an existing process for which the solutions
require innovative process or equipment changes.
 Equipment design – the design of specific and complex equipment items to deliver a process or product
objective, e.g. extruder, distillation column, etc.
 Product design.
 Product troubleshooting – analysis of problems for an existing product for which innovative solutions are
 System design – where creativity, broad range thinking, and systems integration are needed to design a system
to meet a specification, e.g. manufacturing supply chain, effluent handling system, transportation system, safety
auditing system, recycling system, site utility system, product distribution system.

It is desirable that the learning outcomes for design are achieved throughout the programme: for example, by students
accumulating a portfolio of design work as they progress through the programme. This approach will develop students’
ability to handle a range of process, product and plant design problems, provide them with a wide variety of design
experience, and will encourage integration of design-related aspects into the taught programme.
In order to meet the learning outcomes associated with the systems approach, the design portfolio must include a major
design exercise which addresses the complexity issues arising from the interaction and integration of the different parts
of a process or system. It is expected that this major project will be undertaken by teams of students and that this will
contribute significantly to the development of the students’ transferable skills such as communication and team working.
While team-working in design and design projects is actively encouraged, IChemE expects that the assessment methods
will be effective in ensuring that each individual student, as well as the whole team, meets the required learning outcomes.

B4.2 Learning Outcomes – Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Be aware of the importance of identifying the objectives and context of the design in terms of: the business
requirements; the technical requirements; sustainable development; safety, health and environmental issues;
appreciation of public perception and concerns.

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 Appreciate that design is an open-ended process, lacking a pre-determined solution, which requires: synthesis,
innovation and creativity; choices on the basis of incomplete and contradictory information; decision making;
working with constraints and multiple objectives; justification of the choices and decisions taken.
 Be able to deploy chemical engineering knowledge using rigorous calculation and results analysis to arrive at
and verify the realism of the chosen design.
 Be able to take a systems approach to design appreciating: complexity; interaction; integration.
 Be able to work in a team and understand and manage the processes of: peer challenge; planning, prioritising
and organising team activity; the discipline of mutual dependency.
 Be able to communicate effectively to: acquire input information; present the outcomes of the design clearly,
concisely and with the appropriate amount of detail, including flowsheets and stream data; explain and defend
chosen design options and decisions taken.

B5. Embedded Learning

B5.1 Introduction

Chemical engineers should develop general skills that will be of value in a wide range of business situations. These
include development of abilities within problem solving, communication, effective working with others, effective use of IT,
persuasive report writing, information retrieval, presentation skills, project operation, self learning, performance
improvement, awareness of the benefits of continuing professional development etc.
IChemE expects these programmes to be designed so that they provide the opportunity to acquire and develop these
skills and will seek to ensure demonstration and commitment to this objective.
Chemical engineers should develop a range of general ‘transferable’ (or ‘professional’) skills. IChemE expects these
programmes to be designed so that the opportunity to acquire and develop these skills, in different ways and at different
levels, is embedded throughout the programme.
In order to encourage the embedding and integration of these skills throughout the programme, a minimum credit count is
not specified. However, IChemE expects that evidence will be provided to demonstrate where and how the learning
outcomes are met.

B5.2 Learning Outcomes –Level D

Students graduating from an accredited programme will:
 Have developed an appreciation of problem-solving skills.
 Have developed effective communication skills including written reports and presentations.
 Recognise the importance of working effectively with others and have acquired a range of experience in
achieving this.
 Appreciate the importance of leadership skills and have had some opportunity to acquire these.
 Be effective users of IT.
 Recognise the importance of project operation and time management and have acquired a range of experience
in achieving these.
 Be able to reflect on their own work to generate strategies for personal improvement and professional
 Be aware of the benefits of continuing professional development and of personal development planning.

B6. Complementary Subjects

Accredited programmes may contain other subjects that are not directly related to chemical engineering, such as
languages, business and management related studies, history and culture, etc. IChemE recognises the benefits of a
rounded education in effectively preparing graduates for their careers. Complementary subjects are not formally
assessed by IChemE as for programme accreditation, but rigour in their teaching and assessment is expected.

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Appendix C

IChemE outcome level descriptors

IChemE defines three outcome levels based on European Qualifications Framework levels 5, 6 and 7*. Each of the levels
is defined by a set of descriptors for Knowledge, Understanding & Skills and Competence to be applied to the learning
outcomes at that level (given in Appendices A and B).

IChemE Level Level D Level B Level F

(EQF level 5) (EQF level 6) (EQF level 7)
Highly specialised
knowledge, some of which
Comprehensive, is at the forefront of
specialised, factual and knowledge in chemical
Advanced knowledge of engineering, as the basis
theoretical knowledge
chemical engineering, for original thinking and/or
Theoretical and/or factual within chemical
involving a critical research
knowledge engineering and an
understanding of theories
awareness of the Critical awareness of
and principles
boundaries of that knowledge issues in
knowledge chemical engineering and
its interface with different
Understanding and Skills
In this context, skill is Specialised problem-
described as Advanced skills,
A comprehensive range of solving skills required in
 cognitive (involving the use demonstrating mastery and
cognitive and practical research and/or innovation
of logical, intuitive and innovation, required to
skills required to develop in order to develop new
creative thinking), and solve complex and
creative solutions to knowledge and procedures
 practical (involving manual unpredictable problems in
abstract problems and to integrate knowledge
chemical engineering
dexterity and the use of from different fields
methods, materials, tools
and instruments)
Exercise management and Manage and transform
supervision in contexts of Manage complex technical study or work contexts that
Competence study or work activities or professional activities or are complex, unpredictable
In this context, competence is where there is projects, taking and require new strategic
described in terms of unpredictable change; responsibility for decision- approaches; take
responsibility and autonomy. review and develop making in unpredictable responsibility for
performance of self and study or work contexts contributing to professional
others knowledge and practice

* See: https://ec.europa.eu/ploteus/en/content/descriptors-page

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Appendix D

Typical schedule for an assessment visit

Day 0
19:00 Pre-visit meeting of assessors

Day 1
08:45 Assessors arrive at the department

09:00 Welcome to the department – introductions, orientation

09:15 Private panel review of materials

11:00 Meet with senior staff (as appropriate: Dean, Head of Department, Programme Directors etc) to discuss programme
philosophy and future plans

11:30 Meet with programme directors to discuss the degree programme questionnaire – entry standards and programme
structure, curriculum, learning outcomes (to be continued after lunch)

13:00 Working lunch with academic staff

14:00 Continued discussion of degree programme curriculum and specific learning outcomes

15:00 Discuss design content of degree programme(s)

15:30 Informal coffee break, possibly including technical and support staff

16:00 Discuss Level F (advanced) outcomes and other major projects

16:30 Review day 1 with programme directors (an opportunity to guide the programme and materials required for day 2)

17:00 Meet a representative group of students - including (if possible) some recent graduates – (no staff to be present)

18:00 Close of Day 1

Day 2
09:00 Visit teaching laboratories, computing facilities and other resources, e.g. library, project rooms etc

11:00 Private panel discussion/break

11:30 Discuss achievement of embedded learning outcomes

12:00 Discuss industrial/professional training aspects

13:00 Private panel lunch

14:00 Discuss assessment and quality assurance aspects

14:45 Private panel discussion

15:45 Final review and discussion with head of department and programme directors

16:30 Close

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Appendix E

Education & Accreditation Forum decision tree for



No = new programme Yes = existing accredited programme

Is this a re-accreditation?

N Have any students Y N Is the programme Y

graduated? accreditable?

Carry out pre- N Y N Y

Is the programme Implement de- Are there conditions to be
accreditable? accreditation protocol met?*

Accredit for up to 5 years

Make recommendations Accredit for up to 5 years (less any extension
for remedial action for (less any extension already granted) with
possible future retry already granted)* review of conditions after
6-18 months*

*NB When there are conditions, the accreditation

Advise department of N Y
Are there conditions to be certificate will initially be for the review period and
action needed to meet
met?* will be replaced once the conditions are met with
IChemE requirements
one for the whole period

Yes = addition to Yes = addition to

N Does the department existing portfolio N Does the department existing portfolio
already have IChemE already have IChemE
accredited programmes? accredited programmes?

Accredit for up to 3 years,

Accredit for up to 3 years
Accredit for up to 2 years, review conditions after 6-
Accredit for up to 3 years then review with view to
review of conditions after 18 months with view to
then revisit extending to next
6-18 months, then revisit* extending to next
scheduled visit
scheduled visit*

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Appendix F

Glossary of terms used in the guidelines

See cross-referenced sections for further details.
Where relevant, definitions have been adopted from the Engineering Council AHEP

Term Definition Section

Academic The educational process of obtaining the qualifications necessary for IChemE membership. 2.2
Accreditation The process of peer review of an academic programme against IChemE’s published
learning outcomes, as described in these guidelines.
Assessor A person appointed by IChemE who is trained in assessing the suitability of a programme 7.2
for accreditation
Awareness Learning Outcome descriptor for general familiarity (with the subject material) 3.7
B-Standard Accreditation level for first cycle degrees that provide a solid academic foundation in 2.1
chemical engineering knowledge and skills at IChemE outcome Level B.
Bologna A non-statutory inter-governmental agreement, creating a coherent and cohesive European
process Higher Education Area (EHEA) and a Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher
Education Area (FQ-EHEA) comprising first, second and third cycle degrees. The EHEA is a
means of promoting mutual recognition of qualifications, demonstrating transparency of
systems and easing the mobility of staff and students across higher education in Europe.
The UK has verified that its national frameworks for higher education qualifications in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland and in Scotland are compatible with the FQ-EHEA:
Bachelors and Bachelors (Hons) degrees as first cycle, the Integrated MEng and Masters
degree as second cycle. Other jurisdictions have also adopted or recognise the general
principles of the Bologna process.
Breadth ‘Breadth’ subjects will be related to Chemical Engineering in its widest sense and would be A6.2
at an appropriate advanced level, which do not depend on specific pre-requisites from an
earlier stage in the programme (see also Depth).
Chartered Professional title available to individuals who meet the required standard of competence 2.2
Chemical and commitment. See www.icheme.org/membership.aspx.
Compensation The system by which, in some assessment schemes, it is possible for students to 4.6
compensate for poor performance in one module by achieving better marks in other
Complementary Substantial topics in a programme which are additional to the IChemE accreditation learning 3.9
learning outcomes
Complex Learning Outcome descriptor for engineering problems, processes or equipment which 3.7
involve dealing simultaneously with a sizeable number of factors which interact and require
deep understanding, including knowledge at the forefront of the discipline
Condition (of Where continued accreditation is dependent upon the department meeting requirements set 8.2.2
accreditation) by IChemE. Conditions are binding on the department and must be resolved within the
indicated timeframe for accreditation to be maintained and valid.
Content The material taught in a programme, as opposed to the learning outcomes achieved. In 4.1
order to ensure that all required Learning Outcomes are met, IChemE provides guidance on
the minimum expected content for each area and for the programme as a whole, specified
in terms of minimum Credits.

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Term Definition Section

Credit A measure of the content of a programme. 1 Credit is equivalent to approximately 20 hours 4.1
student workload (combined Tutor-led and independent study).
Department The term “department” is used for convenience throughout these guidelines for the
academic unit (i.e. department, school, faculty etc) responsible for delivering the
programmes under review.
Depth Greater knowledge and understanding, and the achievement of more challenging learning A6.1
outcomes, for subjects within Core Chemical Engineering (see also Breadth). ‘Depth’
subjects will usually be characterized by having clearly distinguishable pre-requisites from
an earlier stage in the programme.
D-Standard Accreditation level for sub-degree programmes that provide a solid academic foundation in 2.1
chemical engineering knowledge and skills with learning outcomes at IChemE Level D
EAF Education and Accreditation Forum – IChemE’s committee with delegated decision-making
authority for all matters relating to the accreditation of university programmes.
Embedded Learning which is developed in the context of other activities (e.g. ethics and safety culture 4.2, A5,
learning developed in the context of general practical working). B5
Evidence Auditable material supporting the accreditation application, for example samples of marked 6.1
student work, information on programme structure, academic quality review reports etc
First cycle A programme at level 6 in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) – see
F-Standard Accreditation level for postgraduate degrees of the highest international standards that 2.1
provide advanced chemical engineering knowledge and skills at IChemE outcome level F.
Incorporated Professional title available to individuals who meet the required standard of competence 2.2
Chemical and commitment. See http://www.icheme.org/membership/associate.aspx
Integrated A programme which integrates outcome Levels B and F into a single award. 4.2.1
Knowledge Learning Outcome descriptor for information that can be recalled 3.7
Learning Also known as programme outcomes or programme learning outcomes. A statement of 3
outcome achievement expected of a graduate from an accredited programme.
M-Standard Accreditation standard for integrated degrees of the highest international standards that 2.1
provide both the solid academic foundation in chemical engineering of a first cycle degree
and the advanced chemical engineering knowledge and skills of a second cycle degree, at
IChemE outcome levels B and F.
Programme A set of courses of study that leads to the award of a degree or other higher education
Qualification The award made as a result of successful completion of a programme of study 2.1
Questionnaire The proforma used by IChemE to collect data about programmes to be assessed for I & III
Resources The staff, facilities, and learning materials supporting a programme of study. 4.7
Second cycle A programme at level 7 in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) – see
Skills Learning Outcome descriptor for acquired and learned attributes that can be applied almost 3.7
Understanding Learning Outcome descriptor for the capacity to use concepts creatively, for example: in 3.7
problem solving; in design; in explanations and in diagnosis.
University The term “university” is used for convenience throughout these guidelines to represent all
kinds of higher educational establishment including universities, polytechnics and colleges.

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Getting help
IChemE specialist staff will be happy to advise the departments on any aspect of the
accreditation process.
We recognise that each application is unique and will be pleased to help departments achieve ambitions for recognition
of their degree programmes. Questions on accreditation are best directed by email to accreditation@icheme.org

Departments can contact IChemE through a variety of channels:

In UK (Global headquarters):
Tel: +44 (0)1788 578214
Fax: +44 (0)1788 560833
Email: accreditation@icheme.org
Mail: Head of Education Affairs
Qualifications Department
The Institution of Chemical Engineers,
Davis Building, Railway Terrace,
Rugby CV21 3HQ UK

In Australia:
Tel: +61 (0) 3 9642 4494
Fax: +61 (0) 3 9642 4495
Email: austmembers@icheme.org
Mail: IChemE level 7, 455 Bourke Street,
Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia

In Malaysia:
Tel: +60 3 22831381
Fax: +60 3 22831382
Email Malaysianmembers@icheme.org
Mail: IChemE Unit A-27-3A, Level 27, Tower A
Menara UOA Bangsar
5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In New Zealand:
Tel: +64 (4) 473 4398
Email: nzmembers@icheme.org
Mail: IChemE in New Zealand
PO Box 5714 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145, New Zealand

In Singapore:
Tel: +65 6471 5043
Fax: +65 6377 0879
Email : singaporemembers@icheme.org
Mail: 4 Leng Kee Road, #04-02 SIS Building
Singapore 159088

IChemE is a registered charity in England and Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 039661)

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43 November 2015 V1.2

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IChemE offices
Start your professional development journey
Gain instant access to the exclusive member benefits
Be recognised and rewarded for your success
Global headquarters
UK – Rugby
Tel: +44 (0)1788 578214
Email: info@icheme.org
Find your nearest IChemE office:

Contact the membership
Tel: +61 (0)3 team:
9642 4494
members@icheme.org austmembers@icheme.org

IChemE is a registered charity in England and Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland (SC039661)
Tel: +603 2283 1381
Email: malaysianmembers@icheme.org

New Zealand
Tel: +64 (4)473 4398
Email: nzmembers@icheme.org

Tel: +65 6471 5043
Email: singaporemembers@icheme.org

UK – London
Tel: +44 (0)20 7927 8200
Email: info@icheme.org


IChemE is a registered charity in England and Wales, and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 039661)


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