Integrated Design of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Encrypter and Decrypter

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Integrated Design of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Encrypter

and Decrypter

Chih-Chung Lu and Shau-Yin Tseng

Internet Platform Application Department,
Computer & Communications Research Laboratories,
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC

This paper proposed a method to integrate the AES encrypter and the AES decrypter into a full
functional AES crypto-engine. This method can make it a very low-complexity architecture,
especially in saving the hardware resource in implementing the AES (Inv)SubBytes module and
(Inv)Mixcolumns module, etc. Most designed modules can be used for both AES encryption and
decryption. Besides, the architecture can still deliver a high data rate in both en/decryption
operations. The proposed architecture is suited for hardware-critical applications, such as smart
card, PDA, and mobile phone, etc.

1. Introduction
In January 1997, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the
initiation of an effort to develop the AES and made a formal call for algorithms on September 12,
1997. After reviewed the results of this preliminary research, the algorithms MARS, RC6TM,
Rijndael [1], Serpent and Twofish were selected as finalist [2]. And further reviewed public
analysis of the finalist, NIST has decided to propose Rijndael as the Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES). It is expected to replace the DES and Triple DES so as to fulfil the stricter data
security requirement because of its enhanced security levels [3].
Besides, an ASIC solution of AES is also required, because it can be more secure and consumes
less power than that implemented by software. In this paper, a 21 cycle AES-128 assembled
en/decrypter is presented. We also present some techniques to modify its hardware architecture
and reduce its hardware complexity. By comparing it with other designs, we can find that it yields
a very low-complexity hardware that can be used for both AES encryption and AES decryption.
In next section, we will briefly introduce the AES system. Subsequently, in section 3, the design
optimizations of AES operations will be proposed. The designed AES overall architecture was
proposed in section 4. Finally, the simulation results and performance report will be discussed in
section 5 and conclude it in section 6.

2. AES system
An AES system [4] is a symmetric-key system in which the sender and receiver of a message
share a single, common key, which is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. The data length of

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
a key or message may be chosen to be any of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The AES
encryption/decryption algorithms are shown in Table 1. The AES encryption algorithm has five
main operations, namely, AddRoundKey, SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and KeyExpansion.
The operations in decryption are basically the inverse of the operations in encryption. Besides,
the number of rounds of the looping is set to Nr-1 in which Nr is specified according to the AES

Table 1. AES en/decryption algorithm.

AES Encryption AES Decryption
AddRoundKey InvAddRoundKey
for round=1 to Nr-1 for round=1 to Nr-1
SubBytes InvShiftRows
ShiftRows InvSubBytes
MixColumes InvAddRoundKey
AddRoundKey InvMixColumes
end for end for
SubBytes InvShiftRows
ShiftRows InvSubBytes
AddRoundKey InvAddRoundKey

3. Design Optimization of AES main operations

In some applications, i.e. smart cards, cellular phones, and PDA’s, etc. hardware complexity is
a very important issue that directly affects to its cost and power consumption. Thus, it is
necessary to optimize these AES main operations both in encryption and decryption.

3.1 Combination of SubBytes and InvSubBytes

We know that there are two large tables defined in AES standard [4]. One is for S-box
operation, and another is for inverse S-box operation. The first table, S-box table, was used in two
functions, i.e. SubBytes and KeyExpansion. And the inverse S-box table was used in function
InvSubBytes. We know that these two tables are not the same, thus we must build two different
ROMs(256*8bit) to store the table as illustrated in Figure 1 to realize the S-box and inverse
S-box operations. Moreover, for a parallel architecture of AES design, it usually needs several
tables. For example, in a high-speed design of 128-bit AES, we usually need total 20 S-box
modules and 16 inverse S-box modules. In which, there are 16 S-box modules used in
implementation of function SubBytes. Four S-box modules are used in implementation of
function KeyExpansion. And 16 inverse S-box modules are used in implementation of function
InvSubBytes. In this case, a substantial amount of hardware resource will be occupied if
SubBytes and InvSubBytes use respective tables in encryption and decryption. It is desirable to
obtain a simplified way so as to reduce the hardware complexity.

addr ROM Sbox addr ROM iSbox

data (Table) data (Table)

Fig. 1. The S-box ROM and inverse S-box ROM.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
As described in standard, the operation of the S-box can be expressed as

y = M * multiplicative_inverse(x) + c, (1)

M= 00011111
and c=[0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1] (2)

Since the multiplicative inverse (multiplicative_inverse) is a complicated function, the mostly

used approach to S-box is to use look-up table to obtain y from x. The inverse equation of Eq.1
can be obtained as

x = multiplicative_inverse-1(M-1*(y+c)). (3)

Since multiplicative_inverse-1 () is equivalent to multiplicative_inverse(), the Eq.3 can be

expressed as

x = multiplicative_inverse(M-1* (y+c)). (4)

Finally, we must find M-1, the finite field inverse matrix of the matrix M. By the finite field
inverse matrix operation, we calculated the inverse of matrix M, named M’, and determined it as

M' = M-1 = 01001010
. (5)

Thus, Eq.3 can be expressed as

x = multiplicative_inverse(M’*(y+c)). (6)

By examine Eq. 1 and Eq. 6, a common look-up table, i.e., multiplicative_inverse(), is

employed so the S-box and inverse S-box can be integrated to reduce the hardware requirement
for SubBytes and InvSubBytes. Figure 2 shows an integrated SubBytes/InvSubBytes module
(inverse-optional S-box module), capable of use in encryption and decryption of AES.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
out=(in+c)*M-1 Inv Multipli- out=in*M+c
cative Table
0 1
in 1 addr data 0 out


Fig. 2. Final architecture of the inverse-optional S-box module.

The inverse-optional S-box module performs the functions of both S-box and inverse S-box
with only one look-up table so that the amount of hardware for implementation of SubBytes and
InvSubBytes has a significant decrease of 57%, as compared with the original hardware
requirement without the functional integration.

Table 2. Comparisons of S-box’s under 0.25µ VLSI technology.

Module Gate count
inverse S-box 694
S-box 690
inverse-optional S-box 789

3.2 MixColumns and InvMixColumns

In the operation of MixColumns and InvMixColumns, two main operations are defined by the
following two equations

outx = [2 3 1 1]*[a b c d]T (9)


outy= [E B D 9]*[a b c d]T (10)

In common realization of these two equations, it takes 2 Xtime (AES byte double [x]) and 4
additions in calculating Eq. 11; 12 Xtime and 9 additions in calculating Eq. 12, respectively. In
our design, we ungroup these two equations and express it as

outx = 2(a + b) + b + (c + d) (11)


outy = 4(2(a + b) + 2(c + d) + (a + c))+ 2(a + b) + b + (c + d). (12)

The operations for obtaining the results of Eq.8 and Eq.9 are listed in Table 3. Execution of the
first five steps listed results in outx, and then executing the five steps after obtaining outx results
in outy. Accordingly, in implementation, the hardware for the first five steps can be used for
obtaining both results of the equations above. As shown in Figure 3, the new architecture
(Byte_MixColumn module) needs only 8 additions and 4 Xtime operations with comparing to
original operation. It reduces the hardware complexity and saves operation resource.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Table 3: Ungroup operation of Eq. 11 and Eq. 12.
Step Operation
1 w1 = a + b
2 w2 = a + c
3 w3 = c + d
4 w4 = 2 * w1
5 w5 = 2 * w3
6 w6 = w2 + w4 + w5
7 w7 = 2 * w6
8 w8 = 2 * w7
9 outx = b + w3 + w4
10 outy = w8 + outx

w1 w4 w6 w7 w8 outy
a Xt Xt Xt

b outx
w2 outx=[2 3 1 1]*[a b c d] T
outy=[E B D 9]*[a b c d] T
w3 w5
d Xt in[7:0] Xt out[7:0]
Xt Block(AES Xtime):

Fig. 3. Block diagram of Byte_MixColumn

Moreover, to realize the overall inverse-optional MixColumns module, we first must integrate
4 Byte_MixColumn module to a new one named Word_MixColumn as illustrate in Figure 4. We
then integrate 4 Word_MixColumn modules to create the 128 bits MixColumns module. That is
the parallel inverse-optional (block) MixColumns module as illustrated in Figure 5. The
inverse-optional MixColumns module performs the functions of both MixColumns and inverse
MixColumns with partial shared hardware and saving hardware resource.


a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d
Byte_MixC Byte_MixC Byte_MixC Byte_MixC
x y x y x y x y



Fig. 4. Block diagram of Word_MixColumn

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
in[127:0] outx
in outy

in outy

in outy
Word_MixC 1
outx 0 out[127:0]
in outy

Fig. 5. Parallel Inverse-optional (Block) MixColumns

3.3 KeyExpansion, InvKeyExpansion

As described in AES standard, the function KeyExpansion performs many XOR operations.
We assemble the architecture of KeyExpansion and InvKeyExpansion, and the result was shown
in Figure 6. A port ec was used as inverse switch. The operations of this module were shown in
Figure 7. The input sub key is denoted by sub_key(i). While we want to get the next sub key,
sub_key(i+1), we set ec port high and the result can be obtained from the output port. Otherwise,
while we want to get the previous sub key, sub_key(i-1), from the output port, we can set the ec
port low.

0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0

out (i)Xt Rcon

Fig. 6. Architecture of inverse-optional KeyExpansion.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
Model 1 : KE
sub_key(i) in out sub_key(i+1)
1 ec

Model 2 : KE
sub_key(i) inout sub_key(i-1)
0 ec

Fig. 7. Operation models of inverse-optional KeyExpansion module

4. Architectures of AES round module

We combine the AES encryption algorithm and decryption algorithm listed in Table 1, and the
result was shown in Table 4. The corresponding hardware architecture was shown in Figure 8.
There is a control signal “ec” used as a switch for encryption/decryption selection. As illustrated
in Table 4, while in decryption operation, the ec signal will be set low. We first must calculate the
last sub_key for reverse operation. And then, we start the AES round operation to get encryption
result. While in encryption process, the “ec” signal will be set high. We skip the key reverse
process and directly start the AES round operation to get encryption result. The hardware
implementation of this function was shown in Figure 8.

Table 4. Combination of AES encryption and decryption algorithm

Control: ec=1 for encryption,
ec=0 for decryption
if (ec==0) //inverse key
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
for (i=0;i<=round;i++)
{ addroundkey;
if (i==10) break;
if (ec==1)
{ Inv_Opt_subbytes(ec);
if (i<9) Inv_Opt_mixcolumns(ec);
} else
{ if (i>0) Inv_Opt_mixcolumns(ec);
} }

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE

Mixcolumns SubBytes




Fig. 8. Modified inverse-optional AES algorithm.

Figure 9 shows the overall architecture of our AES hardware design. In this design, there are
total 3 128-bits registers used in our design, i.e. the data registers, key registers and the key
backup registers. The data register is for data storage, and the other two registers are for key
storage. We can easily start next en/decryption operation by select a right sub key from these two
key registers and get a desired middle sub key by KeyExpansion module. In each round operation,
the required sub key and data will be transfer into the Round module and the result of each round
will write back to data register. Finally, the en/decryption result can be read from the data register.

din outRound in
Data Reg. key
ec count

Key Reg.
in out
Key Bak. Reg.

Fig. 9. Overall architecture of our AES hardware design.

5. Performance
In our design, the simulation results show that the critical path was less than 10ns using TSMC
0.25µ technology at SLOW case. The operation clock frequency can be 100Mhz. It takes 21 clock
cycles to complete an AES-128 en/decryption. The throughput is about 609Mbit/sec. The
integrated design of AES-128 encryption and decryption results in a simply hardware of 31957
gate counts. It shows that the proposed design can deliver very high data rate.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE
6. Conclusions
We have shown that the AES encrypter and decrypter are efficiently integrated. The overall
architecture is low-complexity and is suited for smart card or other hardware critical applications.
Besides, it can still deliver a high data rate in both en/decryption operations. The advantages of
our design are listed in the following:

Combination of SubBytes and InvSubBytes module: We solve the dual lookup table
problem using inverse finite field matrix and replace them with a new multiplicative inverse
lookup table. Thus, the new inverse-optional SubBytes module utilizes less hardware resource
with comparing to original dual lookup table architecture. Hardware complexity is reduced to
57% of original.

Optimization of MixColumns operation for both decryption and encryption: Ungrouping

the equations so that there are five steps can be used for both MixColumn and InvMixColumn
operation. Hardware complexity can be reduced by more than 50% of original.

High-utilized design: The encryption and decryption share most part of the hardware circuit.
However, overall hardware complexity is reduced to 68% of other designs that perform
encryption and decryption using different modules and ROMs [5][6][7][8].

[1] J. Daemen, V. RijnMen, “The Rijndael Block Cipher,” AES proposal, First AES Candidate Conference (AES1),
Aug. 20-22, 1998.
[2] T. Ichikawa, T. Kasuya, M. Matsui, “Hardware Evaluation of the AES finalists,” The Third Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES3) Candidata Conference, April, 13-14, 2000.
[3] E. Barker, L. Bassham, W. burr, M. Dworkin, J. Foti, J. Nechvatal, and E. Roback, “Report on the Development of
the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).” Available at
[4] “Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)” Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197, Nov. 26, 2001.
[5] K. Gai, P. Chodowiec, “Comparison of the hardware Performance of the AES Candidates using Reconfigurable
Hardware.” The Third Advanced Encryption Standard (AES3) Candidata Conference, 13-14 April 2000.
[6] A. Dandalis, V.L. Prasanna, J.D.P. Rolim, “Acomparative Study of performance of AES Candidates Using FPGAs.”
The Thied Advanced Encryption Standard of AES Candidate Conference, 13-14 April 2000.
[7] A.J. Elbirt, W. Yip, B. Chetwynd, C. Paar, “An FPGA Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the AES
Block Cipher Candidate Algorithm Finalists.” The Thied Advanced Encryption Standard of AES Candidate Conference,
13-14 April 2000.
[8] M. Mcloone, J.V McCanny, “High Performance Single-Chip FPGA Rijndael Algorithm Implementation.”
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, May
14-16, 2001.

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP’02)
1063-6862/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE

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