TP Task 2

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TP Task Two – Active Learning Environments

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Planning activities that allow students to clarify, question, apply, and consolidate new
What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the
inquiry cycle?

An active learning environment is to support student’s interaction, participation and

accommodate. Active learning environment could encourage student collaboration and peer

teaching. This also may improve their self-esteem and self-confidence. Inquiry cycle is

related to active learning students because students will be able to ask, investigate, create,

discuss and reflect so, this will develop their abilities in the classroom environment.

Reference Grabinger, S., Dunlap, J. C., & Duffield, J. A. (2011). Rich environments
for active learning in action: Problem-based learning. Research in
Learning Technology, 5(2) doi:10.3402/rlt.v5i2.10558

Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions:

What was the prior
What was the impact of the
What was the activity? learning to this
activity i.e. no. of ss engaged?
Math lesson (multiplication) Teaching student’s  Students were well
Using mini white boards for each
multiplication engaged during this
student and the teacher was using
numbers with 3 activity because they were
PowerPoint to present different
equations digits. sharing answers with each
Students were solving the
equations in their boards and
then they all showed teacher  Support communication

their answers. skills of students in the

Interaction between teacher
and student
Moral education lesson Students at this  Students were well
(Respect) lesson was learning prepared at this lesson,
Teacher created a lesson by about why respect is they were sharing their
using only discussion strategy important and how opinion and stories that
(interactive between teacher and could it affect to they faced in their live.
students) other people in our  Students were interested to
Think Pair Share environment such as talk about respect and how
home and school could it help improving
Science lesson (solar system) Students were  During this activity
Teacher bought 5 big posters of a learning about the students were engaged and
sun and she give it to each group. benefits of using well prepared.
Students should write in the sun solar system.  Students were answering
how could It affect and help the the questions that the
earth. teacher was asking.
Group work activities  Students were interested
because they used hands on

CONCEPT ROLE IN One Reference from 2015 forward that

ACTIVE shows what the concept is AND how it works
LEARNING in Active Learning
STUDENT  Promote peer
 provide students
with more
knowledge and
INQUIRY CYCLE  It presents some
of the aspects of number-1-2012/research-into-practice/234-thinking-
inquiry that need through-the-inquiry-cycle-for-young-learners-.html
support in a
CONCEPT ROLE IN One Reference from 2015 forward that
ACTIVE shows what the concept is AND how it works
LEARNING in Active Learning

PROCESS SKILLS  Guides students

to follow specific source/content/1/Science%20Process%20Skills.pdf
 Prove them with
knowledge and
HANDS-ON  Improve
MINDS-ON students’
skills and give
the ability to
remember to
CONSTRUCTIVISM  world, gaining
problem-solving eaching/ict/theory/constructivism.shtml
skills and ability
to do a critical
analysis of a
given set of data.

PROBLEM  Promote students

SOLVING understanding -solving.html
 Influences
attitudes and

BLOOM’S  Ensures

TAXONOMY instruction and guides/course-design/blooms-educational-objectives
 Improve students
critical thinking
and develop their
CONCEPT ROLE IN One Reference from 2015 forward that
ACTIVE shows what the concept is AND how it works
LEARNING in Active Learning
GUIDING  Give students the essential-questions/
QUESTIONS chance to be
engaged in the
 Students will be
able to talk, share
and explain.

SEQUENCING OF  Provide students

ACTIVITIES with more
knowledge and
tasks to do
 assist students
remember a
 help students
learn the names
of the steps in a
process and the
tools used
 encourage
students to use
the language
associated with a
 Increase their
work in class
ASSESSMENT  Check students
understanding d=10645
 Make sure they
are ready to go to
the next stage.

Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened? How could the
activity be improved to further increase student engagement?
I think that using group work activities as a student-centered learning is the most effective

lesson because students were engaged and active in the classroom also, it promote peer
communication and provide students with more knowledge and skills. Their level was

showing a difference while they are working in groups. However, using hands on material

also an affective activity because its students kinaesthetic skills and give the ability to

remember to lesson and memorize it which is was shown during the assessment part

Record and reflect on the safety components of at least 3 lessons taught whilst on TP.:
 Using sharp
material such as
 Using electricity
 Watching hands
without scoping
the water all
What safety issues were taken into consideration?
around the class
 First aid kit is
available in the
 Avoid antiseptic
from eye and
Yes, students are aware
about the safety roles

Were the students made aware of them? How? because they should read
it daily before we start the
Some students were using

Did any safety issues arise in the lesson that were not planned for? scissors without teacher
Yes, in the classroom
there are signage shows
Is there signage in the classroom regarding safety?
the safety roles in the
classroom and there a first
air kit available in the
teacher desk for example:
 Please wash only
food equipment
 Keep electrical
cords away from
 Be careful when
cutting. (scissors)

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