Accession Turkey UE
Accession Turkey UE
Accession Turkey UE
EU average Turkey
Opened chapters: 13
Closed chapters: 1
Turkey's application to accede to the European Union was made on 14 April 1987. Turkey has been an associate
member of the European Union (EU) and its predecessors since 1963.[3] After the ten founding members, Turkey
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 2
was one of the first countries to become a member of the Council of Europe in 1949, and was also a founding
member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1961[4] and the Organization
for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in 1973. The country has also been an associate member of the
Western European Union since 1992, and is a part of the "Western Europe" branch of the Western European and
Others Group (WEOG) at the United Nations. Turkey signed a Customs Union agreement with the EU in 1995 and
was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership on 12 December 1999, at the Helsinki summit of the
European Council. Negotiations were started on 3 October 2005, and the process, should it be in Turkey's favour, is
likely to take at least a decade to complete.[5] The membership bid has become a major controversy of the ongoing
enlargement of the European Union.[6]
After the Ottoman Empire's collapse following World War I, Turkish revolutionaries led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
emerged victorious in the Turkish War of Independence, establishing the modern Turkish Republic as it exists today.
Atatürk, then Prime Minister and later President of Turkey, implemented a series of reforms, including secularization
and industrialization, intended to modernize the country.[7] During World War II, Turkey remained neutral until
February 1945, when it joined the Allies. The country took part in the Marshall Plan of 1947, became a member of
the Council of Europe in 1949,[8] and a member of NATO in 1952.[9] During the Cold War, Turkey allied itself with
the United States and Western Europe.
The country first applied for associate membership in the European Economic Community in 1959, and on 12
September 1963 signed the "Agreement Creating An Association Between The Republic of Turkey and the European
Economic Community", also known as the Ankara Agreement. This agreement came into effect the following year
on 12 December 1964. The Ankara Agreement sought to integrate Turkey into a customs union with the EEC whilst
acknowledging the final goal of membership.[7] In November 1970, a further protocol called the "Additional
Protocol" established a timetable for the abolition of tariffs and quotas on goods traded between Turkey and the
On 14 April 1987, Turkey submitted its application for formal membership into the European Community. The
European Commission responded in December 1989 by confirming Ankara’s eventual membership but also by
deferring the matter to more favorable times, citing Turkey’s economic and political situation, as well its poor
relations with Greece and the conflict with Cyprus as creating an unfavorable environment with which to begin
negotiations.[10] This position was confirmed again in the Luxembourg European Council of 1997 in which
accession talks were started with central and eastern European states and Cyprus, but not Turkey. During the 1990s,
Turkey proceeded with a closer integration with the European Union by agreeing to a customs union in 1995.
Moreover, the Helsinki European Council of 1999 proved a milestone as the EU recognised Turkey as a candidate on
equal footing with other potential candidates.
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 3
The next significant step in Turkey–EU relations came with the December 2002 Copenhagen European Council.[11]
According to it, "the EU would open negotiations with Turkey 'without delay' if the European Council in December
2004, on the basis of a report and a recommendation from the Commission, decides that Turkey fulfills the
Copenhagen political criteria."[11]
The European Commission recommended that the negotiations should begin in 2005, but also added various
precautionary measures. The EU leaders agreed on 16 December 2004 to start accession negotiations with Turkey
from 3 October 2005.[12] Despite an offer from the Austrian People's Party and the German Christian Democratic
Union of a privileged partnership status, a less than full membership, EU accession negotiations were officially
Turkey's accession talks have since been stalled by a number of domestic and external problems. Both Austria and
France have said they would hold a referendum on Turkey's accession. In the case of France, a change in its
Constitution was made to impose such a referendum.[14] The issue of Cyprus continues to be a major obstacle to
negotiations.[15] European officials have commented on the slowdown in Turkish reforms which, combined with the
Cyprus problem, led the EU’s Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn in March 2007 to warn of an impeding ‘train
crash’ in the negotiations.[16] Due to these setbacks, negotiations again came to a halt in December 2006, with the
EU freezing talks in 8 of the 35 key areas under negotiation.[17]
The earliest date that Turkey could enter the EU is 2013, the date when the next financial perspectives (the EU's six
year budgetary perspectives) will come into force. Ankara is currently aiming to comply with EU law by this
date,[18] but Brussels has refused to back 2013 as a deadline.[19] In 2006 European Commission President José
Manuel Barroso said that the accession process will take at least until 2021.[20]
31 July 1959 – Turkey applies for associate membership in
the European Economic Community.
12 September 1963 – Association Agreement signed,
acknowledging the final goal of membership.
1 December 1964 – Association Agreement comes into
23 November 1970 – Protocol signed providing a timetable
for the abolition of tariffs and quotas on goods.
Turkey joined the Council of Europe in 1949 and is
1980 – Freeze in relations following the 1980 Turkish coup regarded as a founding member of the organization.
1983 – Relations fully restored following elections.
14 April 1987 – Application for formal membership into the European Community.
18 December 1989 – European Commission refuses to immediately begin accession negotiations, citing
Turkey’s economic and political situation, poor relations with Greece and their conflict with Cyprus, but
overall reaffirming eventual membership as the goal.
6 March 1995 – European Union-Turkey Customs Union is formed.
12 December 1999 – European Council recognises Turkey as a candidate on equal footing with other
potential candidates.
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 4
12 December 2002 – European Council states that "the EU would open negotiations with Turkey 'without
delay' if Turkey fulfills the Copenhagen criteria."
24 April 2004 – Turkey & Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus back the Annan Plan for Cyprus.
17 December 2004 – European Union agrees to start negotiations.
3 October 2005 – Opening of 6 chapters of the Acquis: Right of Establishment & Freedom To Provide
Services, Company Law, Financial Services, Information Society & Media, Statistics, and Financial Control.
12 June 2006 – Chapter on Science & Research opened and closed.
11 December 2006 – Continued dispute over Cyprus prompts the EU to freeze talks on 8 chapters and state
that no chapters would be closed until a resolution is found.[21]
29 March 2007 – Chapter on Enterprise & Industrial Policy opened.[22]
25 June 2007 – Chapter on Statistics & Financial Control opened, but the opening of the chapter on Economic
& Monetary Policy was blocked by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.[23]
20 December 2007 – Chapters on Health & Consumer Protection and Trans-European Networks are
17 June 2008 – Chapters on Company Law and Intellectual Property Law are opened.[25]
19 December 2008 – Chapters on Economic & Monetary Policy and Information Society & Media are
30 June 2009 – Chapter on Taxation is opened.[27]
8 December 2009 – Chapter on Environment is opened.[28]
30 June 2010 – Chapter on Food Safety, Veterinary & Phytosanitary Policy is opened.
Negotiation progress
Acquis chapter EC Assessment Screening Screening Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
At Start Started Completed Frozen Unfrozen Opened Closed
12. Food Safety, Veterinary & Very hard to 9.3.2006 28.4.2006 – – 30.6.2010 –
Phytosanitary Policy adopt
[1] The World Bank: World Development Indicators Database – Gross Domestic Product in 2009 (PPP). (http:/ / siteresources. worldbank. org/
DATASTATISTICS/ Resources/ GDP_PPP. pdf) Last revised on 27 September 2010.
[2] http:/ / www. abgs. gov. tr/ ?p=1& l=2
[3] "EU-Turkey relations" (http:/ / www. euractiv. com/ en/ enlargement/ eu-turkey-relations/ article-129678). European Information on
Enlargement & Neighbours. 2004-09-23. . Retrieved 2008-08-26.
[4] In 1948, Turkey became one of the original 18 members of 'Organization for European Economic Co-operation' OEEC (http:/ / www. oecd.
org/ document/ 48/ 0,2340,fr_2649_201185_1876917_1_1_1_1,00. html) which became OECD in 1961 OECD convention (http:/ / www.
oecd. org/ document/ 7/ 0,3343,en_2649_34483_1915847_1_1_1_1,00. html)
[5] "Interview with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on BBC Sunday AM" (http:/ / ec. europa. eu/ commission_barroso/
president/ pdf/ interview_20061015_en. pdf) (PDF). European Commission. 2006-10-15. . Retrieved 2006-12-17.
[6] "Fifty Years On, Turkey Still Pines to Become European" (http:/ / www. time. com/ time/ world/ article/ 0,8599,1920882,00. html). TIME.
September 8, 2009. . Retrieved 2009-09-08.
[7] "Turkey and EU" (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20070927211417/ http:/ / www. turkishembassy. org/ index. php?option=com_content&
task=view& id=57& Itemid=235). Embassy of the Republic of Turkey (Washington, DC). Archived from the original (http:/ / www.
turkishembassy. org/ index. php?option=com_content& task=view& id=57& Itemid=235) on 2007-09-27. . Retrieved 2007-07-04.
[8] "Turkey and the Council of Europe" (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20061207073323/ http:/ / www. coe. int/ T/ E/ Com/ About_Coe/
Member_states/ e_tu. asp#TopOfPage). Council of Europe. 2006-10-27. Archived from the original (http:/ / www. coe. int/ T/ E/ Com/
About_Coe/ Member_states/ e_tu. asp#TopOfPage) on 2006-12-07. . Retrieved 2006-10-30.
[9] "Greece and Turkey accede to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization" (http:/ / www. nato. int/ multi/ photos/ 1952/ m520218a. htm). NATO
Media Library. NATO. 1952-02-18. . Retrieved 2006-10-30.
[10] "About Turkey and the EU" (http:/ / www. turkishembassylondon. org/ canon/ aboutturkey_eu. htm). Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in
London. . Retrieved 2007-07-04.
[11] European Council: EU would open accession negotiations with Turkey (http:/ / www. consilium. europa. eu/ ueDocs/ cms_Data/ docs/
pressData/ en/ ec/ 73842. pdf)
[12] Independent Commission on Turkey (http:/ / www. independentcommissiononturkey. org/ oped_20050831. html)
[13] Today's Zaman: Turkey Starts Full Membership Negotiations with EU (http:/ / www. todayszaman. com/ tz-web/ detaylar. do?load=detay&
[14] Turkey, with eye on EU, says determined to reform (http:/ / www. eubusiness. com/ news-eu/ 1239805023. 06), EUbusiness, 2009-03-15
[15] EUobserver: Cyprus threatens to block EU deal on Turkey talks (http:/ / euobserver. com/ 9/ 23008)
[16] "The ins and outs: The EU's most effective foreign-policy instrument has been enlargement. But how far can it go?" (http:/ / www.
economist. com/ research/ articlesBySubject/ displaystory. cfm?subjectid=682266& story_id=8808134). The Economist. 2007-03-17. .
Retrieved 2007-07-04.
[17] The Independent: EU freezes talks on Turkey membership (http:/ / www. independent. co. uk/ news/ world/ europe/
eu-freezes-talks-on-turkey-membership-428085. html)
[18] Kubosova, Lucia (2007-03-30). "Turkey targets 2013 for EU legal compliance" (http:/ / euobserver. com/ 9/ 23813). EUobserver. .
Retrieved 2008-08-26.
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 7
[19] Kubosova, Lucia (2007-04-17). "Brussels declines to endorse 2013 date for Turkey's EU entry" (http:/ / euobserver. com/ 9/ 23881).
EUobserver. . Retrieved 2008-08-26.
[20] "Interview with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on BBC Sunday AM" (http:/ / ec. europa. eu/ commission_barroso/
president/ pdf/ interview_20061015_en. pdf) (PDF). . Retrieved 2007-04-13.
[21] EU resumes Turkey accession talks (http:/ / news. bbc. co. uk/ 1/ hi/ world/ europe/ 6503869. stm), BBC News, 2007-03-29. Retrieved
[22] EU-Turkey to re-start entry talks (http:/ / www. eupolitix. com/ latestnews/ news-article/ newsarticle/
eu-turkeynbspto-re-startnbspentry-talks/ ),, 2007-03-29. Retrieved 2007-03-29.
[23] Turkish Entry Into Europe Slowed by Sarkozy Move (http:/ / www. nytimes. com/ 2007/ 06/ 25/ world/ europe/ 25cnd-turkey. html), New
York Times, 2007-06-25. Retrieved 2007-06-25.
[24] Defying France, EU opens two more chapters for accession (http:/ / www. todayszaman. com/ tz-web/ detaylar. do?load=detay&
link=129820), Zaman, 2007-12-20. Retrieved 2007-12-20.
[25] (http:/ / www. europa-eu-un. org/ articles/ fr/ article_7959_fr. htm)
[26] European Union expands entry talks with Turkey (http:/ / www. iht. com/ articles/ ap/ 2008/ 12/ 19/ europe/ EU-EU-Turkey. php),
International Herald Tribune, 2008-12-19. Retrieved 2008-12-19.
[27] (http:/ / euobserver. com/ 15/ 28397)
[28] (http:/ / euobserver. com/ 9/ 29116)
[29] Some of the chapters do not proceed to the next stage in the process, because they are blocked by Cyprus.
[30] http:/ / euobserver. com/ 9/ 29116
[31] Excluding Chapters 34 (Institutions) and 35 (Other Issues) since these are not legislation chapters.
[32] http:/ / ec. europa. eu/ enlargement/ pdf/ enlargement_process/ accession_process/ how_does_a_country_join_the_eu/
negotiations_croatia_turkey/ overview_negotiations_tr_en. pdf
EU member states must unanimously agree on Turkey's membership for the Turkish accession to be successful. A
number of nations may oppose it; notably Austria, which historically served as a bulwark for Christian Europe
against the Ottoman Empire whose armies twice laid siege to Vienna in 1529 and 1683; and France, where some are
anxious at the prospect of a new wave of Muslim immigrants, given the country's already large Muslim community.
Negotiations to remove the French constitutional requirement for a compulsory referendum on all EU accessions
after Croatia resulted in a new proposal to require a compulsory referendum on the accession of any country with a
population of more than 5% of the EU's total population; this clause would mainly apply to Turkey and Ukraine.[10]
The French Senate, however, blocked the change in the French constitution, in order to maintain good relations with
Bosphorus Bridge connecting Europe and Asia, with the skyline of Levent financial district in Istanbul, as seen from
Çamlıca Hill.
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 9
Turkey has the world's 15th largest
GDP-PPP[1] and 17th largest Nominal
GDP.[1] The country is a founding member
of the OECD and the G-20 major
Levent financial district in Istanbul, the largest city and economic capital of
Turkey, and the former capital of the Roman (330–395), Byzantine (395–1204 and
1261–1453), Latin (1204–1261) and Ottoman (1453–1922) Empires.
The opening of talks regarding the Economic and Monetary Policy acquis chapter of Turkey's accession bid was
expected to begin in June 2007, but were stalled by France.[16]
As of 2005, the population of Turkey stood at 71.5 million with a
yearly growth rate of 1.5%.[17] [18] The Turkish population is relatively
young, with 25.5% falling within the 0–15 age bracket.[19]
Turkey's large population would alter the balance of power in the
representative European institutions. Upon joining the EU, Turkey's 72
million inhabitants would bestow it the second largest number of
MEPs in the European Parliament.[20] Demographic projections
indicate that Turkey would surpass Germany in the number of seats by
İstiklal Avenue in Istanbul's cosmopolitan
Beyoğlu district is visited by an average of 3
million people on weekend days.
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 10
The island of Cyprus was divided when, on 20 July 1974, Turkey occupied a third of the island in response to an
Athens-engineered coup aimed at annexing Cyprus to Greece. Since then, Turkey has refused to acknowledge the
Republic of Cyprus (an EU member since 2004) as the sole authority on the island, and recognizes the self-declared
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus since its establishment in 1983. The Turkish invasion in 1974 and the resulting
movement of refugees along both sides of the Green Line; and the establishment of the self-declared Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1983 form the core issues which surround the ongoing Cyprus dispute.
Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots backed the 2004 Annan Plan for
Cyprus aimed at the reunification of the island, but the plan was
subsequently rejected by Greek Cypriots on the grounds that it did not
meet their needs. According to Greek Cypriots, the latest proposal
included maintained residence rights for the many Anatolian Turks
who moved to Cyprus after the invasion (and their descendants who
were born on the island after 1974), while the Greek Cypriots who lost
their property after the Turkish invasion would be granted only a The self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern
restricted right of return to the north following the island's proposed Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey since its
establishment in 1983.
reunification. Although the outcome received much criticism in the EU
as well, the Republic of Cyprus was admitted into the EU a week after
the referendum.
The Turkish government has refused to officially recognise the Republic of Cyprus until the removal of the political
and economic blockade on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Turkey's non-recognition of the Republic of
Cyprus has led to complications within the Customs Union. Under the customs agreements which Turkey had
already signed as a precondition to start EU membership negotiations in 2005, it is obliged to open its ports to
Cypriot planes and vessels, but Turkey refuses to do this.[21] It refuses to do so until the 27-nation bloc fulfils its
pledge to ease the international isolation of the breakaway and internationally unrecognised Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus.[22]
Turkey’s refusal to implement a trade pact between Turkey and the EU that requires the Turkish Government allow
Greek Cypriot vessels to use its air and sea ports has prompted the EU to freeze eight chapters in Turkey’s accession
In November 2009, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek said that should Turkey be forced to choose
between supporting either EU membership or Turkish Cypriots, "[then] Turkey’s choice will forever be to stand next
to the Turkish Cypriots. Everybody should understand this." [21]
The issue of Turkish membership, has been contentious in Greece, opinion polls suggest only 25% of Greeks believe
Turkey has a place in the European Union.[23] However the former Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis
declared his support, "full compliance, full accession" in December 2006.[24] In 2005 the European Commission
referred to relations between Turkey and Greece as "continuing to develop positively"[25] while also citing a key
barrier to progress being Turkey's ongoing claim of casus belli over a dispute about territorial waters boundaries.[25]
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 11
Turkey has a secular constitution, with no official state religion.[26]
Nominally, though, 99% of the Turkish population is Muslim[27] [28] of
whom over 70% belong to the Sunni branch of Islam. A sizeable
minority, about over 25% of the Muslim population, is affiliated with
the Shi'a Alevi branch.[29] The Christians (Eastern Orthodox, Catholic,
Gregorian, Syriac, Protestant) and Jews (Sephardic, Ashkenazi) were
formerly sizable religious minorities in the country. Turkey would be
the first Muslim-majority country to join the European Union, although
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are also
Originally a church, later a mosque, and now a
Muslim-majority, and have been recognized as potential candidate
museum, the 6th century Hagia Sophia built by
countries.[30] Justinian was the largest ever cathedral building
in the world for a thousand years, until the
Official population census polls in Turkey do not include information
completion of the Seville Cathedral in Spain.
regarding a person's religious belief or ethnic background due to the
regulations set by the Turkish constitution, which defines all citizens of
the Republic of Turkey as Turkish in terms of nationality, regardless of faith or race.[31]
There is a strong tradition of secularism in Turkey. The state has no official religion nor promotes any, and actively
monitors the area between the religions.[32] The constitution recognizes the freedom of religion for individuals,
whereas religious communities are placed under the protection of the state; but the constitution explicitly states that
they cannot become involved in the political process (by forming a religious party, for instance) or establish
faith-based schools. No party can claim that it represents a form of religious belief; nevertheless, religious
sensibilities are generally represented through conservative parties.[32] Turkey prohibits by law the wearing of
religious headcover and theo-political symbolic garments for both sexes in government buildings, schools, and
universities;[33] the law was upheld by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights as "legitimate"
in the Leyla Şahin v. Turkey case on 10 November 2005.[34]
Article 301
Article 301 states that "a person who publicly insults the Turkish nation, the State of the Republic of Turkey, or the
Grand National Assembly of Turkey, shall be punishable by imprisonment of between six months and two years" and
also that "expressions of thought intended to criticise shall not constitute a crime."
The EU was especially critical of this law during the September 2005 trial of novelist Orhan Pamuk over comments
that recognized the deaths of thirty thousand Kurds and a million Armenians. Enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn
and members of the European Parliament called the case "regrettable", "most unfortunate", and "unacceptable".[35]
After the case was dropped three months later, Turkey's Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül indicated that Turkey may
abandon or modify Article 301, stating that "there may be need for a new law".[36] In September 2006, the European
Parliament called for the abolition of laws, such as Article 301, "which threaten European free speech norms".[37] On
April 30, 2008, the law was reformed.[38] According to the reform, it is now a crime to explicitly insult the "Turkish
nation" rather than "Turkishness"; opening court cases based on Article 301 require the approval of the Justice
Minister; and the maximum punishment has been reduced to two years in jail.[38]
Kemal Kerinçsiz, an ultra-nationalist lawyer, and other members of Büyük Hukukçular Birliği (Great Jurists Union)
headed by Kerinçsiz, have been "behind nearly all of [Article 301] trials."[39] In January 2008, Kerinçsiz was
arrested for participating in an ultra-nationalist underground organization, Ergenekon, allegedly behind the attacks
on the Turkish Council of State and Cumhuriyet newspaper,[40] the assassination of several Christian missionaries
and Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink,[41] as well as allegedly plotting the assassination of Nobel laureate
Orhan Pamuk.[42] [43]
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 12
Women's rights
Turkey gave women the right to vote in 1930 for municipal
elections. In 1934 this right was expanded for the national
elections, while women were also given the right for
becoming elected as MPs in the Turkish Parliament, or for
being appointed as Ministers, Prime Minister, Speaker of the
Parliament and President of the Republic. In 1993 Tansu
Çiller became the first female Prime Minister of Turkey.
Public reactions
In the EU
Public opinion in EU countries generally opposes Turkish membership, though with varying degrees of intensity.
The Eurobarometer September–October 2006 survey [46] shows that 59% of EU-27 citizens are against Turkey
joining the EU, while only about 28% are in favour. Nearly all citizens (about 9 in 10) expressed concerns about
human rights as the leading cause. In the earlier March–May 2006 Eurobarometer, citizens from the new member
states were more in favour of Turkey joining (44% in favour) than the old EU-15 (38% in favour). At the time of the
survey, the country whose population most strongly opposed Turkish membership was Austria (con: 81%), while
Romania was most in favour of the accession (pro: 66%). On a wider political scope, the highest support comes from
the Turkish Cypriot Community (pro: 67%) (which is not recognised as sovereign state and is de facto not EU
territory and out of the European institutions). These communities are even more in favour of the accession than the
Turkish populace itself (pro: 54%).[47] Opposition in Denmark to Turkish membership was polled at 60% in October
2007, despite the Danish government's support for Turkey's EU bid.[48]
In Turkey
The opening of membership talks with the EU in December 2004 was celebrated by Turkey with much fanfare,[49]
but the Turkish populace has become increasingly sceptical as negotiations are delayed based on what it views as
lukewarm support for its accession to the EU and alleged double standards in its negotiations particularly with regard
to the French and Austrian referendums. A mid-2006 Eurobarometer survey revealed that 43% of Turkish citizens
view the EU positively; just 35% trust the EU, 45% support enlargement and just 29% support an EU
Moreover, Turks are divided on whether to join at all. A 2007 poll put Turkish support for accession to the EU at
41.9% (up from 32% in 2006), with 27.7% opposed and 24.0% indifferent.[51] A 2009 poll showed that support for
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 13
accession had risen to 48%, even as negative views of the EU had risen from 28% to 32%.[52]
In 2010, despite the government accelerating its quest to join the bloc, public opinion changed with just 38 percent in
favour, against 73 percent in 2004. This was read in line with Turkey’s increasing economic prosperity and a
growing role as a regional power-broker.[53] Twenty percent of Turks also favoured closer ties with other Muslim
countries instead, a doubling in just one year.
along Syria's shores, it is hard not to consider that Turkey is in Europe," Mr Bildt said, referring to Mr Sarkozy's
repeated statements that Turkey is not a European country and does not belong to Europe.[63] In the Le Figaro
interview, Mr Bildt said: "My vision of Europe is not as defensive as I observe it with other people."[63] The
French president's trip to Sweden was cancelled the day after the interview was published.[63] "Nicolas Sarkozy
cancelled his visit because of the Carl Bildt interview," one French minister told Le Monde.[63] "The president
wanted to avoid a clash on Turkey and did not want that his visit to Sweden interferes with the elections [five
days later]."[63]
• On June 28, 2007, Portuguese State Secretary for European Affairs Manuel Lobo Antunes affirmed that "Turkey
should join the EU once it has successfully completed membership talks, which are likely to run for at least a
decade."[64] "We think it is important and fundamental that Turkey joins the European Union once it fulfils all the
conditions and all the criteria," he said, adding that "Portugal aims in the next six months to 'put the process on
• European Commission President José Manuel Barroso said that Turkey is not ready to join the EU "tomorrow nor
the day after tomorrow", but its membership negotiations should continue. He also called on France and other
member states to honour the decision to continue accession talks, describing it as a matter of credibility for the
• The EU Progress Report from 9 November 2005 stated that:
"On 29 July 2005, Turkey signed the Additional Protocol adapting the EC Turkey Association
Agreement to the accession of 10 new countries on 1 May 2004. At the same time, Turkey issued a
declaration stating that signature of the Additional Protocol did not amount to recognition of the
Republic of Cyprus. On 21 September, the EU adopted a counter-declaration indicating that Turkey’s
declaration was unilateral, did not form part of the Protocol and had no legal effect on Turkey’s
obligations under the Protocol. The EU declaration stressed that recognition of all Member States was a
necessary component of the accession process. It also underlined the need for supporting the efforts of
the Secretary General of the UN to bring about a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem
which would contribute to peace, stability and harmonious relations in the region."[66]
• In November 2006, the European Commission members decided to suspend parts of the talks with Turkey
regarding accession, as Turkish officials said that they will not open Turkish ports to traffic from Republic of
Cyprus until the EU eases its embargo on Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus.[67]
• In November 2009 Greek President Karolos Papoulias stated that he would not support Turkey's accession "as
long as Ankara behaves as an occupying force in Cyprus."[68]
See also
• Foreign relations of the European Union
• France–Turkey relations
• Germany–Turkey relations
• Greece–Turkey relations
• Cyprus dispute
• Independent Commission on Turkey
Accession of Turkey to the European Union 15
[1] Stratfor: "Turkey and Russia on the Rise", by Reva Bhalla, Lauren Goodrich and Peter Zeihan. (http:/ / www. stratfor. com/ weekly/
20090317_turkey_and_russia_rise) March 17, 2009.
[2] Stratfor: "The Geopolitics of Turkey", by George Friedman. (http:/ / www. stratfor. com/ products/ premium/ read_article. php?id=293204)
July 31, 2007.
[3] Öymen, Onur (1999-06-29). "Turkey" (http:/ / web. archive. org/ web/ 20080609183316/ http:/ / www. nato. int/ turkey/ turkey2. htm). My
Country & NATO. NATO. Archived from the original (http:/ / www. nato. int/ turkey/ turkey2. htm) on 2008-06-09. . Retrieved 2008-08-26.
[4] "Who is losing Turkey?" (http:/ / www. economist. com/ world/ europe/ displaystory. cfm?story_id=7971046). Economist. 2006-09-28. .
Retrieved 2008-08-26.
[5] Mango, Andrew (2000). Ataturk. Overlook. ISBN 1-5856-7011-1.
[6] Shaw, Stanford Jay; Kural Shaw, Ezel (1977). History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey. Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 0-5212-9163-1.
[7] Ekman, Ivar (2006-12-11). "Top Swedish official backs Turkey for EU" (http:/ / www. iht. com/ articles/ 2006/ 12/ 11/ news/ sweden. php).
International Herald Tribune. . Retrieved 2007-07-03.
[8] "Britain's Queen Elizabeth's visit to Turkey continues" (http:/ / www. hurriyet. com. tr/ english/ turkey/ 8927125. asp?gid=231& sz=72094).
Hürriyet. . Retrieved 2008-08-26.
[9] "Turkey has no place in EU: Sarkozy" (http:/ / www. turkishpress. com/ news. asp?id=159133). . Retrieved 2007-04-13.
[10] - French Parliament strikes blow to Turkish EU bid | EU - European Information on Enlargement & Neighbours (http:/ /
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External links
• Republic of Turkey Secretariat General for EU Affairs (
• Myths and Facts about Enlargement (
htm), European Commission.
• Turkey: key documents (
htm), European Commission.
Article Sources and Contributors 18
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