Bachelor Business Administration Program

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Work-integrated Education - Rules and Guidelines Declaration Form

As a student of NTT Institute of International Education (NIIE) of Nguyen Tat

Thanh University, I agree to observe the Work-integrated Education rules and
regulations stated below. I acknowledge that as a trainee under the Work-
integrated Education Placement programme, I am not only representing myself,
but also NIIE, Nguyen Tat Thanh University and shall therefore abide by the
programme guidelines.

1. Once I have confirmed the placement offer, I cannot accept another

placement offer without prior approval by the School. If there is any
violation, the second placement will not be treated as an acceptable

2. I shall respect, abide by, and be responsible for what I have agreed to in
the signed agreement between the training organization and myself. I
must think very carefully before accepting any kind of placement offer
with regard to the nature of training, venue of training, duration of
training and other terms and conditions stated in the training agreement.

3. I need to inform the School once I have confirmed my placement.

4. To be responsible, professional, ethical, and to avoid any embarrassment

to the University, any change or resignation from my confirmed
placement must have approval of the School. If I change or resign from
my placement without the School’s approval, I will receive a FAIL
grade and must re-take the placement.

5. I have read the Work-integrated Education Placement Handbook and

accept the student responsibilities and guidelines stipulated in the

Signature: _______________________________

Name of Student: ______________________________________________________

Student number: _______________________Class ID: ________________________

Date: ____________________

**Students have to pass a copy of this document to the school and the Workplace supervisor

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