ENGG 325 - Electric Circuits and Systems Final Examination: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 Time: 3:30 - 6:30 PM

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ENGG 325 - Electric Circuits and Systems

Final Examination

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Time: 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Location: EN E328


• Time allowed is 3 hours.

• The examination is closed-book. One double-sided 8.5x11-inch formula sheet

may be used in the examination.

• Calculators are permitted.

• The maximum number of marks is 100, as indicated. The final examination

counts toward 50% of the final grade. Please attempt all questions.

• Please use a pen or heavy pencil to ensure legibility.

• If you use more than one examination booklet, please make sure that your name
and ID number are on each.

• Where appropriate, marks will be awarded for proper and well-reasoned expla-
ENGG 325 Final Examination - Spring 2004 Page 2 of 6

1. Using the method of your choice, determine the power in the dependent source.

17.5 Ω
5Ω 2.5 Ω

+ vx _

7.5 Ω

125 V 0.2 vx

50 V +

Fig. P1. Find the power in the dependent source

[14 marks.]

2. Find the Thévenin equivalent of the circuit given in Fig. P2.

(a) Determine the Thévenin phasor voltage Vt and the Thévenin impedance
Zt . [14 marks.]
(b) Assuming that the frequency of operation is 1000 Hz, give a series connec-
tion of two circuit elements, and their values, that has the impedance Zt
from part (a). [4 marks.]

600 Ω j150 Ω −j150 Ω


75 0o 0.02 Vo 40 Ω Vo

Fig. P2. Find the Thévenin equivalent circuit

[18 marks total.]

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3. For the resistor-capacitor circuit shown in Fig. P3, assume that the switch has
been open for a long time, allowing the circuit to reach DC steady-state. The
switch is then closed at time t = 0.

(a) Determine and sketch vc (t) across the capacitor for t ≥ 0.

[12 marks.]
(b) Determine the power p(t) in the capacitor for t ≥ 0. [3 marks.]
(c) Determine how much energy is gained or lost in the capacitor from time
t = 0 to time t → ∞. [3 marks.]

t=0 + vc (t) _

500 µ A 0.4 µ F

20KΩ 5KΩ 10KΩ

10 V 5KΩ

Fig. P3. Solve for vc (t), power, and energy

[18 marks total.]

ENGG 325 Final Examination - Spring 2004 Page 4 of 6

4. The circuit in Fig. P4 is the equivalent circuit of a simple inverting amplifier

that employs an op-amp purchased in bulk from Smiling Irving’s Discount Elec-
tronics Superstore. Recall that, in the case of an ideal op-amp, the output of
the circuit would be given by
vo = − × 0.5V = −5V. (1)
Assuming that the op-amp’s actual open-loop gain for this equivalent circuit
has a rather low value of A = 1000, determine vo .

R f =10KΩ

R 1=1KΩ 100 Ω

+ +
+ + −Avx
0.5 V vx vo
− _ R L=1KΩ
_ _

Fig. P4. Solve for vo (t)

[14 marks.]
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5. Consider the diode circuit in Fig. P5a.

(a) First, assume that both diodes are ideal. Diode D2 is known to be forward-
biased. Determine whether D1 is forward- or reverse-biased in this circuit.
[6 marks.]
(b) Now, assume that both diodes obey the piecewise-linear model shown in
Fig. P5b. For whatever biasing conditions that you determined in part
(a), appropriately use this model to determine the diode voltages vD1 , vD2 ,
and currents iD1 , iD2 . [14 marks.]

+15 V
i D1
vD1 D1 1.5K Ω
2.2K Ω

1KΩ vD2 D2

i D2

−15 V

Fig. P5a. Determine how D1 is biased; find diode voltages, and currents



−2V vD
1V 2V


Fig. P5b. Piecewise-linear diode model

[20 marks total.]

ENGG 325 Final Examination - Spring 2004 Page 6 of 6

6. One of many common applications of operational amplifiers is to build circuits

that emulate the behaviour of certain circuit elements that are either difficult
to implement or that simply don’t exist. One such example is shown in Fig. P6.
The shaded area is a circuit that emulates the behaviour of a single equivalent
resistance, but it is a negative resistance. Thus, the overall circuit in Fig. P6 is
a resistive voltage divider consisting of a series connection of one positive-valued
resistor (5KΩ) and one negative-valued resistor (shaded area).

(a) Assuming that the op-amp is ideal in Fig. P6, determine the voltage v1
across the 5KΩ resistor. [12 marks.]
(b) Using your answer to part (a), what is the value of the equivalent (negative)
resistance of the shaded area. [4 marks.]


+ v1 _ Negative

2.2K Ω

+ −
− 2.2K Ω


Fig. P6. Determine v1 and equivalent resistance of shaded area

[16 marks total.]

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