Cov Letter 2 EOT
Cov Letter 2 EOT
Cov Letter 2 EOT
The Chief Engineer (R&B)
Buildings & Rural roads,
(Through proper channel)
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.NO.79/201314 DT 25.02.2014.
2) CE/R&B/Buildings & Rural Roads, Hyd Memo.No.RDF(13TH FC)PY
road 11/DCE(B)/EE(B)/DEE2(RR)/AEE4 (RR)/2012 dt.08.06.15.
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complete the work within 6 months i.e., up to 24.08.2014. But the work got delayed
due to Material & Labour problem and also due to heavy rains.
I have completed the WMM work in sanctioned reaches for the above work
and I have completed the BT work in WMM reaches.
The work contract is revoked vide reference 2nd cited, hence I request the Chief
Engineer (R&B) Buildings & Rural roads, Hyderabad to kindly grant EOT for the
above work up to 15.06.2015 without imposing liquidated damages to complete the
work in all respects.
Yours Faithfully,
The Chief Engineer (R&B)
Buildings & Rural roads,
(Through proper channel)
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.No.57/201314 Dt:09/01/2014.
2) C.E., (R&B) Bldgs, & R.R., Hyd., Memo No.EDF(13 th FC)/PY
Road /DCE(B)/EE(B)/DEE2(RR)/AEE4(RR)/2012, Dt:08/06/2015.
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complete the work within 6 months i.e., up to 24.08.2014. But the work got delayed
due to Material & Labour problem and also due to heavy rains.
I have completed the WMM work in sanctioned reaches for the above work
and I have completed the BT work in WMM reaches.
The work contract is revoked vide reference 2nd cited, hence I request the Chief
Engineer (R&B) Buildings & Rural roads, Hyderabad to kindly grant EOT for the
above work up to 15.06.2015 without imposing liquidated damages to complete the
work in all respects.
Yours Faithfully,
The EngineerInChief,
State roads & CRN,
Errumanzil, Hyderabad.
(Through proper channel)
Sub: Widening of Single lane road to Double lane road to connecting Mandal
Head Quarters to District Head Quarters for Nellikondi – Allipur road
from km.0/0 to 15/0 in Mahabubnagar District – Extension of Time –
Requested – Regarding.
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.No.86/201516 Dt:04/01/2016.
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complete the work within 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2017. The work is in progress.
But the work got delayed due to several problems like Non availability of Sand,
Labour problem, Land Acquisition problem and Shifting of poles and could not be
completed with in the Agrement period.
In view of the above circumstances I request the EngineerIn chief (R&B)
State roads & CRN, Hyderabad to kindly grant EOT for the above work for a period
complete the work in all respects.
Yours Faithfully,
Special Class Contractor.
The EngineerInChief,
State roads & CRN,
Errumanzil, Hyderabad.
(Through proper channel)
Sub: Widening of Single lane road to Double lane road to connecting Mandal
Head Quarters to District Head Quarters on TunkimetlaNarayanpet road
from km.56/0 to 67/137 in Mahabubnagar District – Extension of Time –
Requested – Regarding.
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.No.87/201516 Dt:04/01/2016.
*** ** ***
complete the work within 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2017. The work is in progress.
But the work got delayed due to several problems like Non availability of Sand,
Labour problem, alignment of Ghat Section, Land Acquisition problem and Shifting
of poles and could not be completed with in the Agrement period.
In view of the above circumstances I request the EngineerIn chief (R&B)
State roads & CRN, Hyderabad to kindly grant EOT for the above work for a period
complete the work in all respects.
Yours Faithfully,
Special Class Contractor.
From, TO,
Sri.K.Sardar Singh, B.Tech., District (R&B) Officer,
Dy.Executive Engineer, (R&B) Mahabubnagar District.
SubDivn, Kodangal.
Dt. 02.01.2017 .
Sub: Widening of Single lane road to Double lane road to connecting Mandal Head
Quarters to District Head Quarters on TunkimetlaNarayanpet road from
km.56/0 to 67/137 in Mahabubnagar District – Extension of Time – Requested
– Regarding.
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.No.87/201516 Dt:04/01/2016.
2) Representation of Sri.P.Ramesh, Spl.Class contrator Dt. 28.12.2016.
I submit that the above work was let out to Sri.P.Ramesh, Spl. Class contractor,
vide reference 1st cited, to complete the work within 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2017. The
work is in progress and the Contractor could not complete the work within the Agreement
The Contractor has requested vide reference 2nd cited, to Grant EOT for the above
work for a period of 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2018 stating that the work got delayed due
to problems like Non availability of Sand, Labour problem, alignment of Ghats Section,
Land Acquisition problem and Shifting of poles.
In this regard I submit the EOT proposals to Grant EOT for the above work for a
period of 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2018 without imposing liquidated damages.
This is submitted for favour of further disposal.
Yours Faithfully,
Dy.Executive Engineer,
(R&B)SubDivn, Kodangal.
From, TO,
Sri.N.Balaswamy B.E., The Superintending Engineer,
Executive Engineer, (R&B) (R&B) Circle::Mahabubnagar
Division:: Mahabubnagar.
Lr.No.DB / D2/ /R&B/Kodangal/ EOT
Dt. .01.2017 .
Sub: Widening of Single lane road to Double lane road to connecting Mandal Head
Quarters to District Head Quarters on TunkimetlaNarayanpet road from
km.56/0 to 67/137 in Mahabubnagar District – Extension of Time – Requested
– Regarding.
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.No.87/201516 Dt:04/01/2016.
2) Representation of Sri.P.Ramesh, Spl.Class contrator Dt. 28.12.2016.
I submit that the above work was let out to Sri.P.Ramesh, Spl. Class contractor,
vide reference 1st cited, to complete the work within 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2017. The
work is in progress and the Contractor could not complete the work within the Agreement
The Contractor has requested vide reference 2nd cited, to Grant EOT for the above
work for a period of 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2018 stating that the work got delayed due
to problems like Non availability of Sand, Labour problem, alignment of Ghats Section,
Land Acquisition problem and Shifting of poles.
In this regard I submit the EOT proposals to Grant EOT for the above work for a
period of 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2018 without imposing liquidated damages.
This is submitted for favour of further disposal.
Yours Faithfully,
Executive Engineer(R&B),
Division :: Mahabubnagar
From, TO,
Sri. , B.Tech., District (R&B) Officer,
Dy.Executive Engineer, (R&B) Mahabubnagar District.
SubDivn, Makthal.
Dt. . .201 .
Sub: Widening of Single lane road to Double lane road to connecting Mandal
Head Quarters to District Head Quarters for Nellikondi – Allipur road
from km.0/0 to 15/0 in Mahabubnagar District – Extension of Time –
Requested – Regarding.
Ref: 1) SE/R&B/MBNR AB.No.86/201516 Dt:04/01/2016.
2) Representation of Sri.P.Ramesh, Spl.Class contrator Dt. .12.2016.
I submit that the above work was let out to Sri.P.Ramesh, Spl.Class contrator, vide
reference 1st cited, to complete the work within 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2017. The work
is in progress and the Contrator could not complete the work with in the Agrement period.
The Contractor has requested vide reference 2nd cited, to Grant EOT for the above
work for a period of 12 momths i.e., up to 03.01.2018 stating that the work got delayed due
to problems like Non availability of Sand, Labour problem, Land Acquisition problem and
Shifting of poles.
In this regard I submit the EOT proposals to Grant EOT for the above work for a
period of 12 months i.e., up to 03.01.2018 without imposing liquidated damages.
This is submited for favour of further disposal.
Yours Faithfully,
Dy.Executive Engineer,
(R&B)SubDivn, Makthal.