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The setting is HarnWorld as published. All places, The player begins with a skill pyramid that peaks at
characters and situations are as described and defined +4. Skills conform to the descriptions in FATECore,
by Harn canon. Fanon is at GM discretion. Sample unless the entries below say not. Some skills are new, for
NPCs and a BESTIARY are included, as well as a system the Harn setting:
to resolve larger conflicts: LUST FOR BATTLE.  ATHLETICS
Character generation proceeds as in FATECore  CRAFTS
though there are some Harn-specific Skills and Extras.  DECEIVE
An alternative is to follow the HarnMaster process for
defining the character’s background, and using that to  EMPATHY
define aspects and any relationship between the  ENDURANCE
Each character has 5 Aspects: High Concept;  LARCENY
Trouble; and three others that are determined as in
FATECore. Some of the Harn-specific Extras require
the character to allocate some of Aspect slots to reflect  MISSILES
the Extra.  NOTICE
The character begins with one Stunt linked to one  RAPPORT
of their Skills, and a Refresh of 3. The character can  RIDE
then choose a 2nd & 3rd Stunt, each at the cost of 1
Refresh, which cannot go below 1.
Some Extras offer access to unique Stunts.  SCHOLAR
The character begins with 2 Physical and 2
Mental Stress Boxes, with additional boxes  SURVIVAL
dependent on skill choice.  WILL
Unlike FATECore, each character starts with
separate Physical and Mental Consequence slots. EXTRAS
These are re-christened to match the Harn setting as: Finally, there are five Harn-specific Extras, some of
MILD; SERIOUS; & GRIEVOUS. They can absorb which include novel Stunts or applications of Skills:
only half the damage compared to FATECore: 1, 2 & 3
points of damage, respectively, to reflect the less heroic,  RANK (incl. PRIVY PURSE)
more dangerous, nature of Harnic conflict.  SHEK-PVAR
The rules for the recovery from Consequences are  CLERICAL ORDER
as described in FATECore; the difficulty of treating them
remains 2, 4 and 6, respectively.  MILITARY ORDER
A single CRIPPLING Consequence, able to absorb  SHAMAN
up to 4 points of either physical or mental damage, is  PSIONICS
included. Rules for its recovery are as in FATECore.
Some of these Extras require the character to
FATE IN HARNWORLD allocate some of these Skill slots to special skills linked
to the Extra.
Rules for Natural Hazards, Brute Force & Ignorance,
Encumbrance, Lifting & Carrying, Fear, Extra Effort, and
Trangression & Atonement are included.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
This is about making and using connections with
ATHLETICS people and organisations. The longer a character lives
The Athletics skill represents general level of somewhere the easier this should be so the GM may
physical fitness, mobility and ability to dodge. apply bonuses where the character is well known.
Overcome: Athletics can overcome obstacles
o requiring jumping, running, climbing, swimming, o Overcome: Any obstacle related to finding
someone or something by asking on the street or
etc. Overcome actions with Athletics are used to move discovering and using information networks.
between zones in a conflict if there’s an aspect or other Contacts can be used in contests with people
obstacle in the way. A race or chase is an Athletics seeking to create social disadvantages against the
contest, until it turns into a contest of Endurance. It is character, provided an information network can be
also used when the objective is to stop others trying to brought to bear on the situation. It could also be used to
get past by moving about in front of them. keep someone from using Deceive or Contacts to
Create an Advantage: Leaping to higher ground,
c running fast enough to stay ahead of an opponent,
disappear; or to interfere with Investigate attempts.
Create an Advantage: Knowing the perfect
or performing dazzling acrobatic manoeuvres in order to c person to talk to is usually a way to create story
confound foes are potential advantages. details which can be represented by aspects such as
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
a The Best Smith in the Shire. Also, advantages that
represent what is being said about a particular
individual, object, or location. These aspects almost
dDefend: It is the default defence against Fight,
Melee, and Missile attacks. always deal with reputation more than fact, such as
Known as a Vicious Thug or Notorious Swindler.
Sample Athletics Stunts
Whether the person lives up to their reputation is
Sprinter: Move two zones for free instead of one in
anybody’s guess, though that doesn’t invalidate the
a conflict without rolling, provided there are no aspects
aspect – people often have misleading reputations.
restricting movement, or gain +2 in a sprint race.
Contacts could also be used to create aspects when
Body check: Use Athletics to charge an enemy at
planting information or getting information that might
least two zones away, and hit them for physical damage.
help in a later conflict.
Even if the opponent defends successfully, the character
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
can still move into their zone, so long as movement
would otherwise have been unrestricted by an aspect.
Head for heights: +2 to create advantages with
Athletics in any activity or chase across rooftops or a
dDefend: It isn’t an defence skill.
similarly precarious environment. Sample Contacts Stunts
Roll with the blow: When succeeding with style Ear to the ground: Whenever someone initiates a
on a defend action against an opponent’s Melee/Fight conflict in a locale where the character might have got a
attack, the character gains a scene aspect with a free tip off about it, they roll Contacts against a difficulty of 2.
invocation, as opposed to just a boost. Success and they automatically go first in the conflict
Cat’s grace: Use Athletics instead of Stealth when because they knew it was coming.
moving while trying to avoid detection. Rumourmonger: +2 to create an advantage when
planting vicious or untrue rumours about others.
Weight of reputation: If the character has an
appropriately sinister aspect then use Contacts instead
of Provoke to create advantages based on the fear
generated by that reputation or their shady associates.
Destroy reputation: Spend a Fate Point to use
Contacts instead of Provoke to inflict mental stress by
attacking social status/emotional health.
Friend in every port: Overcome 6 minus local
market size to find someone who owes a favour.
Success with style and they’ll take significant risks to
help the character.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Crafts measures practical ability and its level reflects Deceive is the skill used to lie and misdirect.
relative mastery. Apprentices are typically +1, Overcome: Deceive is used to bluff a way past
Journeymen +2 or +3, and Masters at least +3. o someone or to give a false impression. This often
Overcome: Crafts allows things to be built, broken happens in situations where the stakes aren’t high
o or fixed, presuming sufficient time and tools. Crafts enough for a contest, but a roll will determine if things
often comprises one part of a complex challenge. Often get complicated or not. More complicated confidence
time pressure characterises overcome actions with tricks might be a contest involving a layered series of
greater success allowing earlier completion. deceptions to achieve the goal. Deceive can also contest
Create an Advantage: Crafts can create an efforts made to discern true motives with the Empathy
c aspect on an object the character makes, and could skill, and throw off Investigate attempts with false
be declared long after it was made if it made narrative information.
sense. It can also be used in place of Notice in spotting Deceive is the skill used to determine if a disguise
some flaw in a made object. works, whether on the character or someone else,
Creating advantages can also take the form of quick though time &/or supplies may be needed to avoid a
and dirty sabotage or jury-rigging on mechanical objects penalty. Imitating someone of higher Rank will increase
in a scene. It might create a Makeshift Pulley to help the difficulty.
get over a wall, or throw something into the ballista to Deceive also enables characters to perform small
give it Prone to Jamming reducing its chance of hitting. tricks of sleight-of-hand and misdirection.
Only the Specialist stunt brings knowledge of the Create an Advantage: Deceive can obtain
theory behind a craft. c information from someone by making them believe
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill. the questioner is trustworthy. This is more likely to
a generate story details than an aspect, but if the
information represents a tangible advantage, it might
dDefend: It isn’t an attack skill. generate an aspect.
Deceive can create an aspect of a false impression
eSpecial: Crafts can treat physical consequences
by stitching wounds and setting bones, etc.
or cover story.
Deceive can apply to creating distractions,
Sample Crafts Stunts momentary bluffs, any other form of misdirection, or
Specialist: Choose a particular specialism from combat feints rendering an enemy Off-Balance.
among the many ‘practical’ guilds and unguilded trades Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
of Harn, including metalcrafter, mason, clothier, seaman, a
etc. The character gains a +2 to all Craft rolls relating to
that particular sphere of expertise. dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
Always making useful things: Whenever a
situation demands a certain object, tool or artefact, Sample Deceive Stunts
make an overcome roll to declare that it is on hand, or Lies upon lies: +2 to create a Deceive advantage
can be jury rigged from what’s available. Success with against someone who has already believed a lie during
style adds a boost to the item. this session.
Better than new!: Succeed with style on an Mind games: Use Deceive to make mental attacks
overcome action to repair something and gain an against an opponent, provided the character has some
aspect instead of just a boost. form of leverage in the form of an Aspect representing
Hogtie: Use Crafts to create a Hogtied (or similar) the opponent’s weakness.
advantage on someone, allowing the character to One person, many faces: Spend a Fate Point to
actively oppose any overcome rolls to escape the hogtie declare that they’ve met a person before but under a
with their Crafts, even if they’re not present. different name and identity. Add an aspect to represent
the cover story, and use Deceive in place of Rapport
whenever interacting with that person.
Master of disguise: Spend a Fate Point to use
found objects to create an ‘instant’ disguise aspect with
a free invoke.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Empathy involves knowing and being able to spot The Endurance skill represents the character’s
changes in a person’s mood or bearing. It’s the capacity to keep going in difficult circumstances.
emotional equivalent of the Notice skill. Overcome: Endurance can overcome any obstacle
Overcome: Empathy can be used to overcome o that is intended to present a challenge to the
o obstacles related to social difficulties. It can be character’s capacity to survive in uncomfortable of
used to sense the atmosphere in a scene, spot some challenging circumstances. This includes contests such
small tick or concealed intention, catch a change in as marathons, or other endurance-based challenges,
attitude or gain an insight into someone’s intent. including opposition to attempts to torture information
This is the skill used in a contest against Deceive, from a character. Endurance can provide active
allowing lies to be pierced to see the true intent or opposition to someone else’s action where it is the time
against those creating social advantages with Contacts. that the character can maintain their opposition that
Create an advantage: Empathy can read a matters.
c person’s emotional state and get a general sense of It is Endurance that allows a character to resist the
who they are, presuming there is some contact with impact of thirst or other environmental challenges. It
them. Often it is used to assess the aspects that are on includes the ability to stay awake when those around
another character’s sheet or, sometimes, to create new them are dropping with tiredness.
aspects, especially on an NPC. If the target is aware that Create an Advantage: Endurance creates
they are being read then they can contest with Deceive c advantages where the ability to maintain pressure
or Rapport. or resist tiredness longer than the opponent matters. It
Empathy can also discover what circumstances will might also be used to discover physical impairments of
allow mental attacks on someone, figuring out their an opponent such a Lacking Stamina.
weaknesses and breaking points. Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill. a
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
eSpecial: +1/+2 Endurance adds a 3-point stress
box. +3/+4 Endurance adds a 3- and a 4-point
eSpecial: Once per session Empathy can be used
to reduce a character’s mental consequence stress box. +5 Endurance adds these stress boxes PLUS
from grievous to serious (vs. +4), serious to minor (vs. an additional mild physical consequence slot.
+3), and minor to nothing at all (vs. +2). This requires Sample Endurance Stunts
at least half an hour of conversation and can’t be used Absorb the blow: Use Endurance to defend against
on the character themselves. Melee/Fight attacks though the character takes +1 Hit
Sample Empathy Stunts on a tie.
Good listener: natural practitioner of the ‘talking Hard as nails: Once per session spend a Fate Point
cure’: +2 treat mental consequences. to reduce the severity of a serious physical consequence
Nose for trouble: Use Empathy instead of Notice to mild, or remove a mild consequence all together.
to determine initiative in a conflict, provided the Is that your best?: Once per scene when the
character has already had a chance to observe or speak character takes physical damage, they may spend a Fate
to those involved during this scene. The GM may Point to immediately inflict an equal amount of mental
require an overcome roll if the character is making a damage on their attacker, to whom they appear
snap decision without ‘taking the temperature’ of the invulnerable (even though they aren’t).
Eye of truth: +2 to all Empathy rolls made to
discern or discover lies, whether they’re directed at the
character or someone else.
Discerning eye: +2 when creating advantages
based only on the ‘look’ of another character.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Fight covers all forms of unarmed close quarter Investigate is the skill used to find things out,
combat, including use of clubs, staves and other involving concentrated effort and in-depth scrutiny,
improvised weapons. while Notice is situational alertness and surface
Overcome: It might be used in a boxing or observation.
o wrestling demonstration, or to participate in some Overcome: Obstacles are usually things that are
kind of regulated bout or contest. o hard to uncover for some reason: analysing a scene
Create an Advantage: Any number of for clues; searching a cluttered room for an item;
c advantageous special moves can be created such pouring over an old tome to find a vital passage.
as a targeted strike or a positional advantage etc. Fight Racing against the clock to collect evidence before
could even be used to assess another fighter’s style, others arrive or disaster occurs is one way to use
spotting weaknesses to be exploited. Investigate in a challenge.
Attack: Fight can only attack opponents in the Create an Advantage: Investigate is one of the
a same Zone. c most versatile skills that can create an advantage,
Defend: Fight can be used in place of Athletics to because as long as there’s time, just about anything
d defend against Fight or Melee attacks, as well as about anyone, anything or anywhere, can be discovered.
almost any action in a close quarter struggle. It cannot Likewise, it provides a lot of power to declare aspects
defend against Missile attacks. about nearly anything that a character could reasonably
Special: The attacker adds +1 per point of SIZE unearth by, for example, looking for clues in a scene,
e difference to hit a larger target, and -1 per point examining records, verifying the truth of a piece of
of SIZE difference to hit a smaller target. information, conducting surveillance, and researching a
cover story.
Special: If the attacker hits they subtract 2 shifts
e of damage per point of SIZE difference against a a Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
larger target, and add 2 shifts of damage per point of
SIZE difference against a smaller target.
Special: If the attacker hits and their
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
e Weapon/Unarmed Impact exceeds the target’s Sample Investigate Stunts
Armour then +1 shift to damage. If less than the target’s The power of deduction: Once per scene the
Armour then -1 shift. character can spend a Fate Point (and a few minutes of
Sample Fight Stunts observation) to make an Investigate roll representing
Haymaker: Success with Style in a Fight attack their potent deductive faculties. They may discover or
creates the Dazed aspect on the target and grants a free create an aspect on either the scene or the target of the
invoke, instead of just a boost. observations for each shift, though only one may be
Bar-Fighter: Gain +2 to create advantages invoked for free.
involving improvised weapons, bottles, chairs etc. Attention to detail: Use Investigate instead of
Dirty-Fighter: Spend a Fate Point to increase the Empathy to defend against Deceive in contests. What
harm done by a successful attack so that any Stress is others discover through gut reactions and intuition can
converted to a Mild Consequence, Mild becomes serious be learned through careful observation of the attacker.
or serious becomes Grievous related to a very painful Eavesdropper: When using Investigate to create an
blow to kidneys or gonads, or an eye gouge etc. advantage by eavesdropping on a conversation, the
Grappler: Can spend a Fate Point to allow any character can discover or create one additional aspect
successful Fight attack to create the boost though this one doesn’t get an extra, free, invocation.
Incapacitated on an opponent with a single free invoke. Eye for detail: When using Investigate to create an
Counterstrike: If a character uses Fight to defend advantage by direct observation, the character can
against Melee/Fight and Succeeds with Style, they may discover or create one additional aspect though this one
apply +2 hits rather than take a boost. doesn’t get an extra, free, invocation.
Great Blow: Whenever a character uses Fight and
succeeds in an attack, they automatically inflict 2 extra
hits due to the power of the blow.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Larceny is the aptitude for stealing things, getting Melee skill covers armed close-quarter combat.
into places they shouldn’t, and anything else that’s Overcome: It might be used to display fighting
‘illegal’. o prowess in a demonstration, or to participate in
Overcome: Larceny allows the character to some kind of regulated bout or fencing contest.
o overcome any obstacle related to theft or Create an Advantage: Any number of special
infiltration. Bypassing locks and traps, pickpocketing c moves can be covered with advantages, such as a
and filching, covering their tracks, and other such targeted strike or disarming. Melee could even be used
activities all fall under this skill. to assess another fighter’s style, spotting weaknesses.
Create an Advantage: A character can case a
c location with Larceny, to determine how hard it a Attack: Physical attacks in the same zone, with
any weapon but improvised ones, use Melee.
will be to break into, and what kind of security to expect, Defend: Melee is used to defend against any other
as well as discovering any vulnerabilities it might have, d attack made with Melee/Fight. It cannot defend
or create vulnerabilities others could exploit. They can against Missile attacks.
also examine the work of other thieves to determine
Special: The attacker adds +1 per point of SIZE
how a particular heist was done, and create or discover
aspects related to whatever evidence was left behind.
e difference to hit a larger target, and -1 per point
of SIZE difference to hit a smaller target.
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
a e Special: If the attacker hits they subtract 2 shifts
of damage per point of SIZE difference against a
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill. larger target, and add 2 shifts of damage per point of
SIZE difference against a smaller target.
Sample Larceny Stunts e Special: If the attacker hits and their Weapon
Specialist: Choose an aspect of illegality such as Impact exceeds the target’s Armour then +1
pickpocket/cutpurse, breaking and entering, or trailing a shift to damage. If less than the target’s Armour then -1
target. Gain +2 on rolls relating to the specialism. shift.
To catch a thief: Spend a few minutes to enhance Sample Melee Stunts
the security of a door, secure a cupboard or chest, or Master of [Weapon]: Gain a +2 bonus to create an
even set a small and devious trap. Whenever someone advantage using Melee when fighting with the type of
tries to break through the enhancements put in place melee weapon mastered e.g. swords, maces, spears, etc.
their Larceny is resisted by the character’s Larceny skill, Heavy hitter: Success with Style generates an
even if the character isn’t there. aspect with a free invoke, instead of just a boost.
Connected: Use Larceny in place of Contacts to Two-weapons: When attacking with two weapons
overcome 6 minus local market size to find a local accept -2 to all Melee rolls but, when successful inflict
representative of the Lia-Kavair who owes a favour. +2 hits to the target.
Success with style and they’ll take risks too Hurled [Weapon]: Melee is used instead of
You’re never safe: The character can use Larceny Missiles to throw a melee weapon into adjacent zones.
to make mental attacks and create advantages against a Doing so puts the Disarmed aspect on the character, but
target by staging a robbery or infiltration in such a way no one gets to invoke it for free.
as to shatter their confidence in their precautions. Critical hit: Once per scene, when an opponent is
forced to take a consequence, the character can spend a
Fate Point to increase the severity of the consequence
from minor to serious, serious to grievous, or grievous to
grievous PLUS a second consequence, or be taken out.
Hidden weapon: Whenever hit with a Disarmed
aspect, spend a Fate Point to declare the presence of a
hidden dagger. The Disarmed aspect is ignored but the
opponent gets a boost instead, representing the
momentary distraction of drawing the dagger.
Counterstrike: If a character succeeds with style,
using Melee to defend against Melee/Fight they are
allowed to choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take
a boost.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Missiles covers use of all ranged weapons. Notice represents a character’s powers of
Overcome: Demonstrating ability in non-conflict observation and ability to pick out details at a glance.
o situations and missile contests. Notice is very rapid compared to Investigate: the details
Create an Advantage: Missiles can be used to are more superficial, but require less time to find.
c Overcome: Notice can be used in a contest
perform trick shots etc. It might even be possible to
disarm people or pin their sleeves to walls! It could lay
o against Stealth and in avoiding an ambush, or to
down heavy covering fire which might act as a defence discover an observer. It can also be used to notice
for allies or a way to provide opposition to an something in a scene, hear a faint sound, spot a
opponent’s movement. concealed weapon etc.
Create an Advantage: Notice creates aspects
a Attack: This skill makes physical attacks up to two
zones away, depending on the missile weapon
c based on direct observation: looking over a room
used. for details that stand out, finding an escape route in a
Defend: Missiles can’t be used to defend. debris-filled building, noticing someone in a crowd, etc.
d Notice could declare that something is spotted that
can be used as an advantage in a situation, such as a
eSpecial: The attacker adds +1 per point of SIZE
difference to hit a larger target, and -1 per point
convenient Escape Route or a Subtle Weakness in the
enemy’s line of defence. It could spot a puddle on the
of SIZE difference to hit a smaller target. floor next to an opponent in a barroom brawl that might
Special: If the attacker hits they subtract 2 shifts
e of damage per point of SIZE difference against a
become Slippery Floor.
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
larger target, and add 2 shifts of damage per point of a
SIZE difference against a smaller target.

e Special: If the attacker hits and the missile’s dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
Impact exceeds the target’s Armour then +1
shift to damage. If less than the target’s Armour then -1
eSpecial: Notice defines the order in which
characters act in a physical combat. If Notice
ties then use Athletics; if Athletics ties, then roll a die.
Sample Missiles Stunts
Master of [Weapon]: Gain a +2 bonus to create an Sample Notice Stunts
advantage using Missiles when fighting with the type of Danger sense: At the start of any physical conflict
missile weapon mastered e.g. bows, slings, javelins, that would normally be a surprise for the character, they
thrown axes, thrown knives etc. can make a free Notice roll to create an advantage based
Called shot: During a conflict, a character can on the fact that they aren’t as surprised as the enemy
spend a Fate Point and declare a specific condition that thinks they should be.
will be inflicted on a target. If the attack succeeds place Keen hearing: +2 on Notice rolls made to
the condition on them as a scene aspect, such as Shot in overcome based on hearing.
the Sword Arm, in addition to applying stress to them. Keen eyesight: +2 on Notice rolls made to
Critical hit: Once per scene, when an opponent is overcome based on visual perception.
forced to take a consequence, the character can spend a Reactive shot: Use Notice instead of Missiles to
Fate Point to increase the severity of the consequence make quick, reactive shots that don’t involve a lot of
from minor to serious, serious to grievous, or grievous to aiming. However, because they are knee-jerk reactions
grievous PLUS a second consequence, or be taken out. the target cannot be confirmed before taking the shot.
Fast hands: Use Missiles instead of Notice to deter- The character might be able to shoot at someone they
mine initiative in any physical conflict where shooting see moving in the bushes with this stunt, but they won’t
quickly would be useful. be able to tell if it’s friend or foe beforehand.
Arrow storm: Whenever a character uses a bow
and they succeed in a Missiles attack, they automatically
create a Fair (+2) opposition against movement in that
zone until their next turn because of all the arrows in

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
This is the ability to provoke fear, anger, shame, etc. Rapport is about influencing people and getting
in others, including using fear and the threat of violence them onto the character’s side. Unlike Deceive, it relies
to intimidate, dominate or manipulate them. It requires on honest appeals and natural charisma, but that doesn’t
some kind of justification that could come entirely from mean the target isn’t still being manipulated.
the situation; because of an aspect that’s appropriate; Overcome: Like Deceive and Provoke, Rapport
after creating an advantage with another skill (like o gets things out of people, e.g. convincing a guard
Rapport or Deceive); or learning a target’s aspects (using to ignore something, flattering a guildsman, winning
Empathy). Emotionless targets are immune, and it’s also over the tavern locals, or calming down an otherwise
hard to Provoke while bound and gagged! tense situation.
Overcome: Provoke is used to frighten someone
o into acting as desired.
Use Rapport in contests against Rapport or Deceive.
Talking their way out of situations or turning hostile
Create an Advantage: Use Provoke in a contest words against the opponents. As long as the situation is
c against Will to get information, in the form of an verbal in nature, it can be used against Provoke too.
aspect, or reveal a target’s aspect(s) by seeing how they Create an Advantage: Use Rapport to get
respond to Provoke. c information out of someone by seeming to be a
Also allows characters to unnerve an opponent in a trustworthy individual. While this will more often result
conflict, force them into a defensive posture, startle in story details, if the information has a tangible benefit
them, or otherwise use an intimidating presence to it might represent an aspect such as Talkative or
create an advantage. It allows particular threats or Helpful on the target.
circumstances to be created in the scene to enhance the Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
effect, like brandishing a weapon or reminding the target a
that they’re isolated.

a Attack: Provoke can cause mental stress when dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
used to attack the confidence and resolve of an
opponent. The relationship with the target and the Sample Rapport Stunts
situation determine whether or not Provoke can be used. I have studied you: +2 to Rapport rolls made
However, Provoke doesn’t require an Empathy roll to against a target that the character has been able to
know how to get to an opponent beforehand – negative prepare to meet.
emotion is a universal enough language that, in the right Haggle: +2 to the use of Privy Purse to buy things.
situation, a mental attack can be made. I know you: Once per scene, on meeting someone
Not all attacks with Provoke have to involve for the first time, make a Rapport roll against difficulty of
intimidation or domination – it could equally provoke 2 to declare that they are known and on good terms.
uncontrolled, negative emotional responses like anger or Add that aspect to the target but with no free invoke.
loss of composure. Orator: +2 to Rapport when seeking to sway a
Defend: It isn’t a defence skill. crowd through an inspiring speech. If there are named
d NPCs or PCs in the scene, then the roll is opposed.
Sample Provoke Stunts Braggart: Use Rapport instead of Provoke on first
Armour of fear: Use Provoke to defend against meeting someone to create an advantage based on the
Melee/Fight attacks, but only until receiving stress in a intimidating demeanour they display.
conflict, which demonstrates vulnerability. Court crony: Gain a +2 bonus to any attempt to
Torturer: +2 to Provoke attacks made to cause overcome obstacles using Rapport when they are at a
mental stress, provided the implements of torture are at noble function, such as a royal hunt or Baron’s tourney.
hand and could be used against the target.
Enough talk!: Use Provoke instead of Melee/Fight
to attack in the first round of a physical conflict.
Fear me!: Use Provoke to overcome in contests
that normally need Endurance, whenever the ability to
overawe an opponent with the force of their presence
alone would be a factor.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
This is the ability to ride a horse (or another Religion pervades all Lythian cultures and societies.
culturally appropriate animal), or drive wagons and Most folk share a common set of pantheistic beliefs.
carts. The GM may limit access to the skill to those of They largely agree on the same story of creation, accept
sufficient Rank. the existence of the deities, but mostly worship only one.
Overcome: Ride replaces Athletics when mounted A player character may indicate that religion is
o or when driving a wagon/cart. It is used to important to them by taking the Ritual skill. Ordained
successfully accomplish movement in the face of priests gain access to a special Stunt and should also
difficult circumstances, like rough terrain, small amounts take the Clerical Extra.
of clearance, or jumping etc. It is used in chases and The Ritual skill is about knowledge of a particular
races. church, theology or faith and must state which deity/
Create an Advantage: Most things that apply to church/theology it relates to. Theological scholars may
c Athletics also apply to Ride. Additionally Ride can take multiple specialisms in Scholar to reflect
be used to determine the best way to get somewhere scholarship about a number of churches and take Ritual
using an animal, and might reveal features of the route in only the religion they believe in. Ordained Priests
that get expressed as aspects, or declarations. It can make use of Ritual every day in marriage and death
deliver bursts of speed. rites, as well as to conduct church services.
Advantages created using Ride can mean getting Overcome: Use Ritual like Scholar, to overcome
good positioning, attempting difficult jumps or turns, or o any obstacle that requires some specific knowledge
putting an opponent at a disadvantage. to achieve a goal. This might include understanding a
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill (though the Charge! relevant religious text, remembering a parable, reading a
a Stunt makes it one). temple script or understanding the language used in
Defend: It is the default defence against Melee/ services. It could also be used in a theological debate or
d Fight or Missiles when mounted or driving. other contest of knowledge.
Create an Advantage: Ritual provides a lot of
Sample Ride Stunts c very flexible opportunities to create advantages,
Hard to shake: +2 to Ride whenever creating an
provided the subject in question falls within its limits. It
advantage during a pursuit of another rider/wagon.
can provide a story detail; some obscure piece of
Like the wind: +2 to Ride bonuses when using information that is uncovered at the right time. If that
overcome and speed matters above all else. information offers an edge in a future scene, it might
Charge!: Use Ride (and the mount) to attack take the form of an aspect.
another character by charging them. This includes Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
jousting. There’s inherent danger in taking this action. a
Unless the result is success with style, the mount gets a
scene aspect representing the damage done to it. Failure
or a Tie requires the mounts lowest consequence slot to
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
be filled instead! That could result in a fall and stress Sample Ritual Stunt
being applied to the character. Divine intervention: Any ordained priest must take
Animal ken: The character can use Ride as if it this as one of their ‘free’ Stunts, but a lay believer can
were Empathy when ‘communicating’ with domestic also take it so long as no other skill is higher than Ritual.
animals. It also allows Rapport or Provoke, but can only If that changes they must replace this stunt with another
communicate basic ideas and simple directions. Spend a one, until Ritual returns to primacy.
Fate Point to use this stunt on wild animals for the rest The character spends a Fate Point and makes a
of the scene. Ritual roll to Create an Advantage in keeping with the
The whistle: The character can spend a Fate Point tenets of their god (see below). This could be as simple
and whistle for their mount (which they have to have as a Laranian Bless the Faithful, or and Agrikan Burn
owned for a while) to arrive ‘just in time’. the Unbelievers. Alternatively, as gods often work in
mysterious ways, the priest could seek divine inspiration
to reveal a hidden Aspect when they need it.
Any free invokes can be passed to another character
to exploit. Equally another character of the same faith
could donate the Fate Point needed to power the Divine
Intervention in the first place.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
SCHOLAR knowledge and understanding of the world, as well as
The Scholar skill reflects knowledge of the world language use.
and intellectual capacity. Harnic Language Families & Scripts
Overcome: A character can use Scholar to Lakise is the principal script for speakers of Jarind
o overcome any obstacle that requires applying the languages, other than speakers of Jarinese who use
knowledge that they have to achieve a goal. They might Runic. Runic is also learned by speakers of Ivinian and
roll Scholar to decipher some ancient language on a Harbaalese, though Lakise is more popular among other
tomb wall, because the character might have learned speakers of Phari languages. Azeryani’s tend to write
something of it in their studies. Scholar is applicable using Ayaran, as do those peoples who were once part
whenever it is important to know if they can answer a of their Empire. While Ayaran is also the classical script
difficult question, and where some tension exists in not of the Korlic coast, the other speakers of the Numer
knowing the answer. family of languages write in Hekori.
Create an Advantage: Like Investigate, Scholar ‘Kantal’
c provides a lot of very flexible opportunities to The roots of the Chelembian ‘trade language’ are in
create advantages, provided the character can research Haarbaler, so Ivinians, Chelembians and characters from
the subject in question. More often than not, they’ll be Palithane and Trierzon add it to their language family.
using Scholar to get a story detail, some obscure bit of However, it has been enriched by a number of other
information that they uncover or know already, but if languages from across NW Lythia. It therefore allows
that information gives them an edge in a future scene, it communication (at +2 to difficulty and -2 Ranks of
might take the form of an aspect. Likewise, they can use sophistication) between any native speaker of a Jarind,
Scholar to create advantages based on any subject Pharic, Azeri, or Hepeka language.
matter the character might have studied, which also Sample Scholar Stunts
offers the GM an opportunity to encourage players to Specialist: Choose a specialism from among the
contribute details to the setting. many ‘academic’ guilded and unguilded professionas
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
a and trades, including litigant, cartographer, pilot,
military strategist, arcanist etc. The character gains a
+2 to all Scholar rolls relating to that particular sphere of
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill. expertise.
Physician: This stunt allows Scholar to be used to
eSpecial: Languages - Scholar determines the
range of languages spoken and character treat all physical and, at GM discretion, mental
literacy. All players begin able to speak their native consequences.
language with a degree of sophistication appropriate to I’ve read about that: Spend a Fate Point to use
their Rank. A character can make themselves Scholar in place of any other skill for one roll or
understood in any language from within the same exchange, provided they can justify having read about
language family but with +1 to difficulty rolls, if needed. the action they are attempting.
The sophistication in the related language is also judged Shield of reason: Use Scholar to defend against
as if they were -1 in Rank. Provoke attempts, provided the GM can be convinced
A character cannot make themselves understood in that rational thought and reason could overcome fear.
any language from outside their language family. A Mercantile genius: Use Scholar whenever the
Numec traveller could get by in Falani or Korlic, but not character creates an advantage that represents a return
in Harnic; managing with the odd word and gestures! on investments made, and invoke that aspect for free
Each level of Scholar grants th player a choice of one additional time.
either native speaker skill in a language from outside Linguist: Use of Scholar ignores the +1 to difficulty
the character’s language family or removes the penalty and -1 Ranks of sophistication penalty to speak any
to communication using other languages within the language within their language group.
language family or grants use of a script associated with
a language they know (usually starting with their native
A language can be picked up or improved by
immersion in the relevant culture, but only if the GM
agrees that the player can use a milestone to increase
Scholar. This reflects the fact that immersion broadens

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
The Stealth skill allows characters to avoid The Strength skill represents the character’s raw
detection, by hiding in place or moving about unseen. physical power.
Overcome: Use Stealth to get past any situation Overcome: Strength can overcome any obstacles
o that primarily depends on not being seen: sneaking o that require the application of brute force, such as
past sentries, hiding from a pursuer, avoiding leaving a blocking aspect on a zone, or other physical barrier,
evidence somewhere, etc. like prison bars or a locked door. Strength is used in
Stealth is the opposition in a contest when Notice is arm-wrestling matches and other similar contests of
being used to spot a character or to throw pursuers off physical prowess.
the scent in a pursuit or Investigation effort. Strength can provide active opposition to someone
Create an Advantage: Use Stealth to create else’s movement, provided it’s a small enough space
c aspects on a stealthy character, setting them up in that allows the character to block access. Also,
an ideal position for an attack or ambush in a conflict. interposing something heavy and bracing it to stop
That way, they can be Well-Hidden when the guards someone from sprinting past.
pass by, or Hard to Pin Down if fighting in the dark. Create an Advantage: Strength has a lot of
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
c potential in physical conflict for advantages,
a usually related to grappling and holding someone in
place, making them Pinned. It might also be used to
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill. discover physical impairments of an opponent such a
Weak Right Knee.
Sample Stealth Stunts Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
Lost in a crowd: +2 to any Stealth rolls made to a
lose themselves in a large crowd of people.
Vanish like Naveh: Once per scene the character dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
can spend a Fate Point to roll Stealth and ‘vanish’. When
‘vanished’, they can’t be targeted by attacks or attempts
to create advantages against them unless the attacker
eSpecial: Add Strength/2 (rounded up) shifts of
damage to any successful Melee/Fight attack.
first beats their Stealth roll with a Notice roll. The effect Sample Strength Stunts
ends when the character’s next turn starts, or if someone Grappler: +2 to Strength rolls made to create
beats their Stealth roll. advantages on an enemy by wrestling or grappling them.
Slippery target: Provided they’re in darkness or Take the blow: Use Strength to defend against
shadow, they can use Stealth to defend against Missile Melee/Fight attacks though the character takes +1
attacks from enemies that are at least one zone away. damage on a tie.
The hidden blade: A character can use Stealth to Is that your best?: Once per scene when the
make a physical attack provided the target isn’t already character takes physical harm, they may spend a Fate
aware of them or thinks they are unarmed. Point to immediately inflict an equal amount of mental
harm on their attacker.
Bellow: Once per scene the character may use
Strength instead of Provoke to make a mental attack.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Survival is the skill of living off the land, finding This represents a character’s mental fortitude, as
shelter, identifying useful (and dangerous) things in Endurance represents physical fortitude.
nature, and staying alive when far from civilization. Overcome: Use Will to overcome obstacles that
Overcome: Use this when trying to find a safe o require mental effort such as puzzles and riddles,
o place during a storm, gathering sufficient food to as well as any mentally absorbing task, like deciphering
feed the party, tracking a fugitive through the woods. a code. Use Will when it’s only a matter of time before a
Not getting lost is included as well as navigating from mental challenge is overcome, and Scholar if it takes
one place to another by the sun and stars. something more than brute mental force to get past it.
Racing to cross a wilderness before an opponent or Many of the obstacles that Will goes up against will be
competing for limited game would constitute contests. complex, to reflect the effort involved.
Risk from starvation or some natural disaster would Contests of Will might reflect challenging games
constitute a challenge. where it is important to concentrate or hold their nerve.
Create an Advantage: Advantages often come in Will is also be the opposition when certain Pvaric skills
c the form of preparations made beforehand, like are in use. It represents emotional control under
setting a snare or gathering firewood to ensure the hunt pressure
is easier or the fire keeps burning through the night. It Create an Advantage: A character uses Will to
also represents using knowledge of the land to identify c place aspects on themselves representing a state of
potential help or hazards in a scene. deep concentration or focus.
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill. Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
a a
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill. dDefend: Will is the skill used to defend against
mental attacks, from Provoke (or Deceive,
Rapport, or some Pvaric assaults). .
eSpecial: Survival could be used to treat certain
physical consequences so long as the GM agrees
e Special: The Will skill adds additional mental
Sample Survival Stunts stress boxes or consequence slots. +1/+2 adds a
Herblore: As long as the character is in a natural 3-point stress box. +3/+4 adds a 3-point and a 4-point
environment, they can use Survival instead of Scholar to stress box. +5 Endurance gives an additional mild
find a particularly useful plants or herbs. It also confers consequence slot in addition to the 4-point stress boxes.
knowledge of how to use plants to treat wounds or Sample Will Stunts
sickness, adding +2 to the rolls. Sleep later: Use Will instead of Endurance when-
Lodestone: The character never gets lost, even in ever trying to resist any effect having to do with fatigue,
the worst weather or unfamiliar surroundings. Their exhaustion, or sleep deprivation.
internal compass is always right and they always know Hard boiled: Once per session choose to ignore a
which way is north and the general direction of major mild or serious consequence for the duration of the
landmarks. If they ever find themselves in truly alien scene. It can’t be compelled against the character and
surroundings they are still always allowed to make a can’t be invoked by their enemies. At the end of the
Survival roll against a difficulty of 3 to know where they scene the character pays for it as, if it’s a mild
are in relation to known landmarks. consequence it becomes a serious consequence. If it was
Tracker: +2 to Survival rolls made to find and already serious, it becomes grievous.
follow tracks in natural environments. Indomitable: +2 to Will rolls made to defend
against Provoke attacks intending to inflict mental

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Clerical or Shek Pvar Rank
RANK EXTRA Irrespective of their birth, priests and mages gain a
Permission (and Cost) certain status based on their church or scholarly
All players begin with Rank 1 (a respectable serf or hierarchy, and its good (or bad) reputation. Unlike birth
freeman) unless they include reference to some other Rank Clerical and Shek Pvar Rank usually transcends
status in their High Concept. GMs/players may wish to boundaries, unless the character is so isolated from
use the Character section of Harnmaster to generate a civilisation that the locals recognise neither. At GM
back-ground. It is for the player and GM to agree details discretion a character of noble birth who enters as an
within the following framework for Starting Rank. acolyte or apprentice may sacrifice their noble Rank:
Starting Rank Acolyte/Mavari (Rank 0 or 1): Those being trained
Slave/Beggar/Outlaw (Rank 0): These characters towards the priesthood or apprenticed within a Chantry
have no personal wealth or sufficient personal status to gain some Rank by association.
raise any funds on their own. They live on what they are Priest/Satia-Mavari (Rank 1 or 2): Village priests
given, or steal, and are at the bottom of the social pile. and those undertaking most roles in a temple as well as
Outlaw leaders may have some status relative to other experienced, ‘travelling’, apprentices of the Art.
outlaws, but this is worth little in settled society. High Priest/Shenava (Rank 2 or 3): The senior
Serf (Rank 0 or 1): A peasant tied to the land or, at priests in a temple as well as some other roles in some
Rank 1, a member of a Reeve or Woodward clan etc. churches, or a Journeyman Mage.
Freeman/Tribesman (Rank 1 or 2): A member of Bishop/Viran (Rank 3 or 4): These priests hold
a tribe in good standing, a free farmer, or unguilded sway over large parts of most kingdoms while a Mage
tradesman. The latter are not as respectable as will be Master of their Art.
members of the Harnic Mangai, but fulfil necessary roles Primate/Pontiff/Grey Mage (Rank 4+): The
in any village or town. A village Beadle, a respected senior representative of their church in a region of
member of an unguilded trade, or accomplished western Lythia or across the continent, as well as a
tribesman might be Rank 2. Mage who has ‘taken the Grey’.
Guildsman/Tribal Elder (Rank 2 or 3): These are Local Favour/Disfavour: If a priest is a member
the most respected ‘commoners’ in civilised or tribal of a church known to be favoured by the Crown, or local
society. They are members in good standing of one of fief-holder, then Current Rank rises by +1 while in those
the Guilds recognised by the Mangai (where a respected lands. That is also true in realms where the Shek Pvar
guildsmaster would be Rank 3) or a tribal shaman, wise are encouraged or particularly respected.
woman or renowned hunter/warrior.
Similarly, representatives of proscribed churches or
Noble/Chief (Rank 3+): The lowest rank of the mages in lands where there is a risk of being taken as a
feudal nobility is the knight but the lord of a wealthy heretic, witch or renegade, will tend to keep their
manor might be 4. A baron could be 5 and an Earl 6, or identity, and often Rank, secret if they wish to avoid
more, depending on the fief and family connections. persecution &/or death. They suffer at least -1 to Rank
The rank of tribal chieftains and over-chiefs would unless disguised in which case they may default to their
depend on the size and dominance of their clan or tribe. birth Rank, or the Rank of the disguise they have
Current Rank adopted using Deceive.
It is Current Rank that will influence play and it ‘Improving’ Rank
depends on several factors: Current Rank may change during the game but the
Location Rank on which it is based will only change with a change
Rank depends on local reputation, and most people to the character’s High Concept.
never travel far from home. Current Rank depends on Benefits
how far the character is from the ‘home’ where their Subject to Current Rank a character’s High Concept
Rank was established. The GM has the final say, but: can be invoked to support social skill rolls where the
 ‘Far Overseas’ (-4 to Rank) relative Current Rank of those present might matter.
 ‘Overseas’ (-3 to Rank) This could include Rank 0 characters obtaining gossip
 Neighbouring Kingdom/Tribal range (-2) from beggars or Rank 2 characters commanding their
 Neighbouring Shire/Clan range (-1)
Current Rank also determines a character’s starting
 Within ‘home’ Shire/Clan range (0)
Privy Purse.
Cultural distance can be as costly as geographic!

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
The Privy Purse is an abstraction of a character’s
Item/Service (±1 Cost for high/low quality) Cost
wealth and can be used as a skill. However, unlike other
Armour Leather/Padded or equiv. (1) 2
skills it can change during play rather than just at a
Shields/Armour Ring Mail or equiv. (2) 3
Milestone. Every time it is used then its level may can absorb stress Chain Mail or equiv. (3) 4
decrease, so Privy Purse must be tracked separately by reducing their Plate Mail or equiv. (4) 5
from Current Rank once play begins. Privy Purse can protection until
Round/Kite Shield (+1) 2
also be used as an indicator of which items a character repaired.
Bucklers can’t. NB: Buckler +1 to Defend 1
already possesses. If Privy Purse exceeds the Cost of an
Club/Staff (1/1) 0
item by more than 1 then, at GM discretion, the player
Close combat 1-H Mace/2-H Club (2/2 ) 0
can declare that the character already has it.
Weapon Dagger/Knife (1/1) 1
Overcome: When a character doesn’t have the
o item then the GM can declare whether it is
Impact (when
used with
Short Sword/1-H Axe (2/1)
Broadsword/Long Sword (2/1)
available to buy or not. If local Market Size is equal to, Melee/Fight) 2-H Battle Axe (3/2) 2
or greater than, the Cost of an item/service, it will All are limited to 1-H Spear/Javelin (2/1) 1
usually be available for sale. If not then it isn’t available Zone 0 2-H Heavy Spear/Lance (3/1) 2
until next session, unless the character spends time and 2-H Sword (3/2) 3
effort locating it. To buy the item/service Privy Purse Thrown Stone 0(0) 0
must overcome a difficulty equal to the Cost of the item. Sling Shot 0(1) 0
Create an Advantage: Privy Purse can be used to Ranged Dagger/Knife/Hand Axe 1(0) 1
c create an advantage such as Generous or Well Weapon Bow 1(1) 1
Dressed in situations where money would Impact(Range Javelin 2(1) 1
in Zones) 1-H Spear 2(0) 1
d Attack & Defend: Privy Purse cannot be
Long Bow 2(2) 3
a used to Attack or Defend, though it can enhance Clothes
Crossbow 2(1)
both by creating advantages. +1 for cold Prosperous 2
Special: Whenever Privy Purse is used to
e Overcome or Create an Advantage the following
weather Expensive/Court Quality/Furs
Cup of Ale/Wine/Pottage
outcomes are applied instead of the usual ones: Good Meal/Meat & Fish 1
Food & Drink
 Fail: Succeed but reduce Privy Purse by Cost+1 Barrel of Ale 1
Grand Meal/Bottle of wine 2+
 Tie: Succeed but reduce Privy Purse by Cost
Flophouse/Common Room 0
 Succeed: Succeed with no change to Privy Single Room 1
Purse Rented Room per month in city 1+
 Succeed with Style: In addition to obtaining Rented house per month in city 2+
the item/service the character can negotiate a Beggar guide 0
Possession Aspect with the GM that’s noted on Service Guide/Messenger per task 1
the character sheet with one free invoke. +Craft or Servant per month 1
similar to Skilled Cook/Tutor per month 2
Improving Privy Purse reflect skill Entertainer(s) per day 1+
Privy Purse can never be increased by passing a Craftsman per commission/task 1+
milestone, only by obtaining valuable items and selling Riding Horse/Ox 2
them or, with GM agreement, increasing Current Rank. Cart (1-horse/ox) 2
The GM also determines if Privy Purse ever resets to its Wagon (2-horse/ox) 3
starting level when a character might have collected Warhorse 3+
‘ready-money’ from ‘home’, or obtained credit in their Military
Guard per month 1
current locale, perhaps through the use of Contacts. Force Man-at-Arms per month 2
Selling Things: the character will receive a value of 10 x Men-at-Arms per month 3+
Cost-1. To get a higher value they must find a more Item Aspects/Stunts
generous buyer through Contacts, &/or haggling. The GM (or Success with Style in making or buying
If the value obtained is less then, or equal to, an item) can imbue it with an appropriate aspect which
current Privy Purse, then Privy Purse does not change. can be invoked for the cost of a Fate Point. At GM
If the value obtained is greater than Privy discretion some items may give the PC access to a
Purse, then Privy Purse increases to match that value. specific stunt.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
SHEK PVAR EXTRA  Bring not the scorn of the ordinary folk upon thy
brothers, nor make with thine Art a place for
Permission thyself above them;
To gain access to the magic of the Shek-Pvar a  Spread not thy Lore, even among thy brothers,
character must use their High Concept to describe without the sanction of thy peers;
which of the six Convocations they belong to. Their
 Keep sacred and free from harm thy Chantry;
Rank is assumed to be that of an experienced Satia-
Mavari (travelling apprentice) on the verge of becoming  Succour not a renegade of the Art, but strike him
a Shenava (journeyman). If the mage wants to gain the down with thy power, else summon thy brothers
advantages of a Convocational Focus they must to thine aid;
describe it in a second Aspect.  Make tithe to thy Chantry a portion of thy arcane
treasure to thy brother’s benefit
Lyahvi is the magic of the insubstantial, invisible Benefits
and illusory. Lyahvians manipulate light to illuminate, Shek-Pvar characters gain the ability to manipulate
confuse, or hypnotize. The essence of Lyahvi is bright, the world around them through the use of 4 skills:
sterile, and unliving. Gems, mirrors, and other items Create/Make; Destroy/Disperse; Learn/Perceive; and
which reflect or refract can enhance their art. Diametric Conjure.
= Fyvria. The skills have a range of applications which vary
Peleahn is the most active, destructive, and least with convocation and can sometimes mimic the effects
thoughtful school of magic. The Peleahn manipulate of other skills. They are applied using, and limited by,
heat and fire, producing pyrotechnic effects. Peleahn the elements and essences that define the convocations:
have an affinity to fire pots, flint and steel, and other fire- Convocation Element Essence
making tools. Diametric = Odvishe. Light
Jmorvi have an affinity to metal and its minerals. Lyahvi Air Illusion
Their magic runs in a slower vein and includes the Ethereal
construction and manipulation of metallic locks, tools, Heat
Peleahn Fire Dryness
weapons, etc. Diametric = Savorya.
Fyvria is the magic of the green and growing, the Metals
pale and dying – essentially the cycles of growth and Jmorvi Mineral Minerals
decay that underlie the natural world. The base of Fyvria Artifice
is fertile earth where life swarms. Fyvrian mages prefer Growth
to use organic objects including petrified wood, bags of Fyvria Living Earth Death
earth, or even living plants and animals as foci. Decay
Diametric = Lyahvi. Cold
Odvishe Water Darkness
Odivshe is the magic of slow, cool darkness, the Moisture
opposite of fire and action. Odivshe mages study and None, but an Knowledge
manipulate water, snow, ice, darkness, and cold to Savorya affinity with Mind
achieve their ends. Diametric = Peleahn. Knowledge Spirits Meaning
Savorya deals in matters of the spirit including Starting skill levels for a Satia-Mavari or fresh
knowledge, thought and understanding, all of which, minted Shenava are:
they believe, stand above the other elements. They have Create Destroy Learn
an affinity with the Spirit World and can summon spirits Conjure
Make Disperse Perceive
to do their bidding. They often embody their art in Lyahvi +4 +3 +1 +2
illustrations, runes, or the written word. Diametric = Peleahn +4 +2 +1 +3
Jmorvi +4 +3 +2 +1
Cost Fyvria +4 +3 +1 +2
As well as the aspect slot the character must use up Odvishe +4 +3 +1 +2
four skill slots with which to accommodate the family of
Savorya +2 +3 +4 +1
Shek-Pvar skills used by mages to influence the
environment around them through the manipulation of -1 for a Mavari; +1 for an experienced Shenava or Viran.
complex magical forces. All should be +4/+5 if they are considering the Grey.
To ‘take the Grey’ all the must be at least +4. Having
The character also adopts the Code of the Shek Pvar
become a Grey Mage they suffer no diametric penalties.
which can be compelled against them:

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Create/Make Destroy/Disperse
This is the art of creating changes in the This skill also changes the environment around the
environment around the mage through the use of mage, but more destructively through the use of existing
existing sources of the convocation’s Element and sources of the convocation’s Element and Essences.
Essences. Overcome: Any competition between mages
Overcome: Any competition between mages o would constitute a contest where Destroy/
o would constitute a contest where Create/Make Disperse was used to overcome Create/Make.
was used to overcome Destroy/Disperse. Challenges would be applicable when Fyvria
Challenges would be applicable when Jmorvi are reduces the target’s resistance to infections, or the
seeking to make or enhance some artefact using Craft fertility of a place or person over time. A contest
(Metal) or Craft (Weapon) so long as they have time and between this skill and the target’s Craft(Metal) or
tools. Similarly, Fyvria could increase fertility (of a place (Weapon) would allow a Jmorvi to reduce the quality of
or living thing) through a series of challenges, though the resulting product. Savorya could use the skill in
how long that would take is up to the GM. contests against skills like Notice, Investigate, Provoke,
If the mage can overcome the level of success of an Deceive, Empathy or Rapport.
existing spell effect caste by another mage (or, if the GM If the mage can overcome the level of success of the
prefers, the skill level of the casting mage), then they can original spell (or, if the GM prefers, the skill level of the
use Overcome to maintain the life of the spell by its casting mage), then they can dispel an existing spell.
original duration. There is -2 to the roll when trying to There is -2 to the roll when trying to affect the spells of
affect the spells of the Diametric Convocation. the Diametric Convocation.
Create an Advantage: Lyahvi, Peleahn, or Create an Advantage: Lyahvi, Peleahn, or
c Odvishe can create advantages by changing the c Odvishe can create advantages by dispersing light,
environment through the creation of light or illusions; fire, heat, water, cold or shadows, or dispelling illusions.
fire or heat; and water, cold or shadows, respectively. Jmorvi could damage or weaken the metal
If Lyahvi are sufficiently skilled they can create a components of an artefact within the scene.
temporary ‘ethereal door’ through which to escape the Lyahvi can also can close an ‘ethereal door’ or
scene safely, or a ‘pocket’ in which to hide. ‘pocket’ before it would have closed naturally.
Peleahn can create an aspect that enhances Savorya, meanwhile, could cloud meaning, confuse
Athletics as they are inclined to action while Fyvria thinking and disperse ideas, conclusions or inspirations,
could create one that enhanced Endurance by or even the target’s ability to manipulate a weapon.
strengthening the tissues of the target. Plucking a memory or thought from the target’s mind
Savorya are most likely to influence the scene by would be an excellent way to reveal an aspect,
creating an aspect that helps a character understand mimicking some of the other ‘perception’ or ‘social’
something they had not previously realised or skills.
implanting a memory, which sets the target up for Fyvrians could open a way among dense
another skill, as could ‘provoking’ a reaction. undergrowth or other incarnations of the Convocation’s
Fyvrians could temporarily enhance the Essences, to reduce the barrier to movement they
development of their arms, muscles, bones etc. or the present. They might even create weakened sword arm
growth of local plants to impede progress. on an opponent.
Attack: Creating a sufficiently bright light, hot
a flame or a torrent of cold and ice can cause a Attack: Savorya can cause mental stress and
consequences by using this skill to directly attack
physical stress and consequences to a character. the mind of the target. Fyvria can use it to attack the
Though an extremely skilled Jmorvi could create a tissues of the target and cause physical stress and
weapon from thin air it is the skill with the weapon that consequences.
would be judged in any conflict, not the Pvaric skill. Defend: It isn’t a defence skill but advantages
d Defend: It isn’t an defence skill but some d could be invoked defensively.
advantages could be invoked defensively.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
This is the skill used by the mage to interrogate the Create/ Destroy/ Learn/
world and the objects and people in it. Make Disperse Perceive
Overcome: Any competition to discover Enhance Disperse
o something would constitute a contest. Mages can
Pierce an
use this skill to identify magical effects related to their Lyahvi Enhance
Illusion, Illusion,
convocation (but Diametric at -2) They use it in place of Visual
Open Ethereal Close Ethereal
Scholar when dealing with knowledge of their Perception
‘Door’ ‘Door’
convocation. See in Slow
Enhance Fire, Disperse Fire,
Lyahvi would use this action to see through an Motion,
Increase Heat, Disperse
illusion or otherwise enhance perception to reveal things Peleahn Spot Shortest
Enhance Heat,
that would not normally be seen or heard. They could Speed Slow Speed
Perceive Heat
also use it to reveal the presence of an otherwise hidden
Find Mineral
ethereal creature or feature. Peleahn might use this skill Enhance Weaken
or Metal,
in a contest with Stealth by looking for heat signatures. Mineral or Mineral or
Jmorvi Assess Value,
Metal or Metal or
Savorya could engage in a contest with Will to steal ‘Read’ an
Metal Object Metal Object
knowledge from a target’s mind. They could also use the Item
skill to overcome difficulties of communication when Enhance Reduce
people do not share a common language by lifting the Fertility, Fertility,
ideas direct from, and placing them in, people’s minds. Guide Guide Decay,
Fyvria Growth, Reduce
Create an Advantage: Lyahvi and Peleahn have Health,
c little use for this skill, though the Peleahn
predisposition towards action might allow them to pick Heal Tissue Tissue
out some pattern in the activity of others in the scene or Disperse
Enhance Find Water,
the swiftest route across a zone to their destination. Water,
Water, See in the
Equally Lyahvi might create an advantage based on Disperse
Odvishe Increase Cold, Dark,
clarity of perception in a confused scene. Cold,
Create Find Air in
Jmorvi use this skill to identify flaws in an artefact, Shadows Water
assess its value, or read something of its history from the Cloud the
imprints left by its maker or owners. They can also Read the
Enhance the Mind or
increase the chance of finding mineral deposits in the Mind,
Mind or Confuse
wilds, or particular metals in a more civilised Savorya Inspiration, Meaning,
environment, using this skill. Create a Disperse
Speak to
Memory Thought or
Fyvria can use an assessment of a living thing’s Spirit
health or fertility, the identity of an infection, or even
Maintain an
questions the newly dead. Dispel an
existing spell
Odvishe can find water in the way Jmorvi can find existing spell
effect beyond
so that its
minerals. They could also use this skill to find air in its normal
duration is
environments where it is scarce, perhaps even under duration. Identify
water. They can also use their affinity for darkness to ‘Charge’ some magical
(perhaps to
mitigate against an aspect that makes it difficult to see. enchanted effects in the
All item so that it scene (and
Savorya can use this skill to perceive otherwise Ward some
can be used perhaps their
invisible spirits and place aspects on them. They can location
later. convocation
also communicate with spirits which may not physically against magic
Create an of origin).
(a pre-set
manifest. item or scroll
dispel waiting
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill. in which a
a spell might be
to be

dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
The difficulty of a spell is based on the sum of Duration Roll Modifier
difficulties for: the Duration the effect is to last; its Area Instant - a single die roll +0J
of Effect; and, the Range of the casting. A full exchange around the table +1J
all exchanges until the current
Spell Duration Increments contest/challenge/combat is over
Difficulty The rest of this scene +3
Instant - the next relevant die roll +0 The rest of this scene and the whole of
A full exchange around the table +1 +4P
the next one
A contest-challenge-conflict in the scene +2 The rest of this session +5P
The rest of this scene +3 The rest of this session and the whole of
This scene and all the next one +4 the next one
The rest of this session +5 J
: Jmorvi -1 convocational modifier
This session and all the next one +6 P
: Peleahn -1 convocational modifier
A season +7
A year +8 Supporting Spell Casters
A few years +9 The Mage with the highest skill (or the most senior
A decade +10 Mage depending on etiquette) makes the Roll but every
A lifetime +11 other mage of the same convocation and has been given
Eternity (i.e. permanent) +12 time to understand the spell (perhaps by having a scroll
Spell Scale Increments or tome to refer to) adds +1 to the roll.
Difficulty Convocational Focus Aspect
Tiny - Thumb-sized +0 Spend a Fate Point to invoke the mage’s Focus
Very small - Fist-sized +1 Aspect and get +2 to roll.
Small - Dog-sized +2
Man-sized +3 Extra Magical Effort
Big - Horse-sized +4 A character can choose to take a Physical OR
Huge - Elephant/Room-sized +5 Mental Consequence when a Casting roll is insufficient.
Enormous - House-sized +6 The value of the Consequence is added to the roll.
Gigantic - Small Temple-sized +7
Vast - Keep-sized +8
Student of [Essence]: gain +2 when working with
Village-sized +9
Town-sized +10
the nominated Convocational Essence, except when
City-sized +11 Conjuring.
Spell Range Increments Cant: gain +2 to the roll when loudly shouting/
Usually requires line of sight Difficulty chanting, but accept a -1 modifier to the roll when
Same Zone as the caster +0 casting in whispers and -2 when remaining silent.
1 Zone away +1 Gesture: gain +2 to the roll when throwing their
2 Zones away +2 whole body into the ‘casting’ (including ‘ritual dance’!),
3 Zones away +3 but accept a -1 modifier to the roll when standing still/
The other side of a large building +4 avoiding movement.
The other side of a village +5
The other side of a town +6
The other side of a city +7 The mage takes 1 point of Mental Stress whenever
a spell is caste, and while the Casting Roll always
Target characteristics achieves an effect, there will sometimes be an extra cost:
+ Target’s Will if the spell is aimed at their mind.  Fail or Tie: Succeed but +1 extra Mental Stress per
+ Target’s Athletics if the spell could be dodged. shift of failure.
Discretion  Succeed: Succeed with 1 free Invoke.
Finally, the GM may alter difficulty up or down to  Succeed with Style: Succeed with 2 free Invokes.
reflect the effect desired or particular circumstances. EXTENDING DURATION
SPELL CASTING ROLL The duration can be extended the by the same time
The casting roll benefits from: Time Spent increment by doing nothing else and taking the same
Casting; Support from other mages; the use of a Stress again; doubling it for each extension after the first.
Convocational Focus; or a relevant Stunt.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
This is the skill used by the mage to conjure some of
their convocational element from the elemental planes Permission
or, in the case of Savoryans, an inhabitant of the Spirit To gain access to the power of a deity a character
World. These Conjurations are treated in the same way. must use their High Concept to describe themselves as
an ordained priest or priestess.
Overcome: is used to create a protective circle
o around the character, or a Conjuration, with They must also adopt at least one of the god’s
difficulty depending on time spent, size, and intended aspects (below) as their own.
duration, as for any Spell. Shifts of success represent the They can use additional aspects to describe any
difficulty an aggressive Conjuration would face in position of authority within the church if they wish,
breaching it. This skill also replaces Scholar for though a figure in the church hierarchy has less freedom
creatures of the appropriate plane or opportunity to pursue an adventurous life.
Create an Advantage: Conjuring is a specific Cost
c sort of advantage creation. The conjurer rolls In addition to the Aspect slot(s) above, the
against a difficulty equal to the Rank of the creature they character’s first Stunt has to be Divine Intervention.
seek to conjure. Benefits
Fail: the Conjuration appears, but is not bound to As well as having to take Divine Intervention as
serve. Rank +1 and +2 Conjurations tend to run away, their first Stunt, ordained members of a church or
while higher ranking creatures may turn on the conjuror. religious order gain access to some other, unique,
Tie: the Conjuration appears and will serve, but only Stunts. These unique Stunts cost the same as any other.
for the next exchange after which it disappears. Unless otherwise stated, or ruled by the GM, the
Succeed: It appears and is bound to the mage’s Stunt is:
service for the rest of the scene.  based on Ritual;
Succeed with style: At GM discretion it is bound  available once per session;
to the mage’s service for a number of scenes equal to
 active for the duration of the scene; and,
the number of shifts of success, or the end of the
Session.  can be ‘given’ to a member of the faithful
other than the cleric, at the cost of a Fate
The character's skill is the limit on the total Ranks of
Conjurations they can control at one time. A +4
conjuror could control 2 x +2 or 1 +4 Conjuration. A range of suggested Stunts can be found below, but
Lords or Princes among their kind (Rank +6 or greater) the GM may alter or replace them to better reflect their
can only usually be conjured if the character has vision of Harnic religions.
discovered their true name! Changing Churches
Mages can dismiss any creature they have conjured A character wishing to change church should first
at any time. An independent Conjuration, or one suffer divine consequences (See Sin & Atonement).
serving another mage, cannot be dismissed. It must be Only when their sin results in a Crippling Consequence
driven back whence it came using Destroy/Disperse. can they replace their High Concept with a new one
The Mage can us their actions to command any reflecting their fresh search for enlightenment. That
Conjuration serving them to Create Advantages based search is likely to include joining a new church as an
on their Skills, Stunts and Aspects. acolyte rather than instant ordination.
The Mage can also use the conjuration as a source
of their convocational element and apply their Create/
Make or Destroy/Disperse Learn/Perceive skills to it.
Attack: The mage can use their action to
a command a Conjuration to attack (see the Bestiary
for details of their characteristics). Multiple
Conjurations are treated as a Mob with the highest
Ranking creature attacking with +1 for each additional
Conjuration taking part in the attack.
Defend: Conjurations may be used to defend the
d mage who commands them to interpose
themselves between the mage and an attack.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
AGRIK The Order of the Kukshin
ASPECTS: Flaming Mace: Causes a blunt weapon being used by
 The Emperor of Flame; the priestess to burst into flame. Successful attacks
 Immortal Warlord of Balgashang; cause an additional +2 damage or create an advantage
based on the flames.
 Lord of the Four Horsemen;
Agrik’s Shield: +2 to Athletics (or whatever other skill
 Master of the V’hir;
the cleric is using) to defend in combat.
 Breeder of Plague, Squalor, and Decay;
The Order of Mamaka the Master of Steel
 The Reasonless Reaper;
Alchemical War: create an alchemical advantage from
 Tyrant of the Foul Chamber; commonly available materials.
 He Who Knows the 10,000 Ways. Iron Will: use Will as if it was Endurance.
Agrik is worshipped by dozens of clerical sects and Divine Torture: use Ritual in place of Provoke when
fighting orders many of which are endlessly squabbling. torturing someone and gains +2 to rolls.
His followers believe might is right. While this section
links particular Stunts to particular orders the GM need The Order of the Octagonal Pit
not follow that approach. Agrik’s Whip: +2 to attacks with a whip for the
duration of the current combat. Damage to a non-
The Order of the Eight Demons
human foe is applied as Mental Stress. Spend a Fate
The older priestesses have access to the Stunts of Point to have the whip do Mental Stress to a human.
Herpa the Mace as well as those below.
Rot: +1 to attacks with a whip for the duration of the
Painful Pleasure: use Rapport as if it was Provoke. In current combat, and any Consequence resulting from its
addition, when circumstances allow her to use her attack is ‘infected’; treated as one level more severe for
training in the seductive arts she can spend a Fate Point the purposes of recovery.
to gain +2 to the Rapport roll.
Strength of the V’hir: summon forth the fiery strength
The Order of the Pillar of Fire
of the V’hir, either into herself or another believer. This Healing Fire: the cleric may ignore the effect of any
allows them to ignore consequences as if they had the infection on recovery and speed recovery of a
Hard as Nails Endurance Stunt. Spending a Fate Point Consequence by adding +2 to the treatment roll. Spend
extends the effect to a second character. a Fate Point to instantly reduce the level of the
Consequence by one step with successful treatment.
The Order of the Fuming Gate
Pillar of Fire: Spend a Fate Point to create a ring of fire
Agrik’s Mace: Any blunt weapon wielded by the cleric around themselves as a barrier to those trying to attack
adds +2 damage to any successful Melee attack for the them. The fire does the cleric no harm but attacks those
duration of the current scene. trying to attack or move across it as if it was a Rank 4
The Fuming Gate: Spend a Fate Point to open a fire elemental (see Peleahn Conjure skill).
temporary gateway to the nearest Agrikan temple via
Agrik’s infernal realm. Spend a second Fate Point to
keep it open long enough for d6 others to follow the
priest. The cleric (and anyone else passing through the
gateway) must use Athletics to defend against burns as if
attacked once by a fire elemental of Level equal to the
number of people passing through the gate+1.
The Order of Herpa the Mace
Summon V’Hir: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to
use Ritual to summon a V’hir (with the same
characteristics as a Fire Elemental and Rank equal to the
difficulty overcome). See the Peleahn Conjure Fire
Elemental skill.
Signs & Portents: the cleric may use Ritual to Create
an Advantage based on a sign or portent within a scene.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
 The Empress of Opulence;  Master of Araka-Kalai;
 Queen of Pleasures and Self-Fulfilment;  Brooder in the Blasted Plains;
 Maker of Bargains;  The Serpent that Dwells Below;
 Guardian of the Treasure Hoards of Heaven;  Accursed Lord of the Barren Cycle;
 Enslaver of Hearts and Loins;  Prince of the Fatherless Multitude;
 Mistress of the Stolen Moment Forever Lost;  Craven Lord of Sterile Lands.
 Unchaste Lady of the Ten Forgotten Arts; Ilvir is the creator of the Ivashu and lives at Araka-
 Golden Temptress of the Crimson Chamber. Kalai. He has few followers, mostly in Orbaal or near his
The goddess of wealth and pleasure who demands home. Priests are individualistic, creative, and mystical
unswerving devotion from her adherents. Only women and this has generated dozens of orders and sects.
can enter her clergy. The Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright
The Order of the Silken Voice The Perfect Wheel: +2 to any Craft roll.
Listen to Me!: +2 to create an advantage based on the The Order of Meamyt the Hermit
increased suggestibility of a target in the same zone as Aid to the Hermit: the cleric may call forth simple
the priestess to reflect her whispered suggestion. Affect bread and water; enough to sustain him and a
additional targets by spending one Fate point per companion for one day. Spend a Fate point for each
additional target. additional companion.
Look at Me!: +2 to create an advantage based on
The Order of the Ochre Womb
distracting a target in the same zone as the priestess due
Call Ivashu: spend a Fate Point to call forth an Ivashu
to her aura of seductive beauty. Affect additional targets
to defend them. Typically this will be small Ivashu, such
by spending one Fate point per additional target in the
as a Vlasta, but success with style could generate
zone or spend one fate point to extend the effect on a
multiple Ivashu or a larger creature, such as a Nolah.
single target to a second zone, so long as they have a
clear view of the priestess. The Order of Pia-Gardith
The Handmaid’s Favour: the priestess may spend a Calm the Beast: call on Ilvir’s aid to calm the temper of
Fate Point to seek a favour from one of Halea’s a mundane beast or an Ivashu. Treat this as an
Handmaidens. Use the Ritual skill to create an overcome vs. Average (+2) with success calming the
advantage, for the rest of the scene, based on the aspect beast so it will harm no one for the duration of the
of one of the handmaidens: Abundance, Enterprise, scene. Success with style will, at the cleric’s choice,
Ecstasy, Feast, Harmony, Fortune, Wrath. The favour either extend the effect for the rest of the scenario, or
must be repaid by the priestess carrying the aspect allow them to command the beast to defend them to the
forward into successive scenes until the debt is paid. It death.
cannot be invoked in any successive scene but can be The Order of the Seaferer Ibenis
compelled once, for free, after which time it disappears. Call the Ferryman: spend a Fate Point to call forth one
of the spirits being carried to Ilvir for re-incarnation.
Treat as a Spirit Elemental conjured using the Savoryan
Conjure skill.
The Order Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam
Ilvir’s Favour: spend a Fate Point to either grow extra
muscles (adding +2 to Endurance or Melee rolls), or
lose weight and gain improved reactions (adding +2 to
Athletics or Missiles). Two Fate Point may be spent to
gain both advantages.
The Order Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed:
Rage of the Ivashu: the cleric may spend a Fate Point
and call forth a vengeful, merciless spirit of rage into
themselves, or more likely a target. An unwilling target
may resist with Will. The effect is the same as the
Endurance Stunt Hard as Nails.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
The Enclave of the Verdant Pool LARANI
Ilvir’s Craft: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to use ASPECTS:
Ritual once in the scene as if it was the Fyvrian
 Shieldmaiden of the Worthy Cause;
Create/Make skill. They could create an advantage or
overcome an obstacle by guiding the growth of any  Guardian of Dolithor;
living thing in the scene.  Protector of the Brave;
The Order of the Yellow Hand  the Unwilling Warrior;
Find the Way: spend a Fate Point to enhance vision to  Lady of Paladins.
reveal things that would not normally be seen because Larani is the goddess of chivalry and battle, favoured
of darkness or some other obstacle to vision. by the feudal nobility. Those who follow her are
expected to display courage, compassion, and honour.
The Orders of Hyvrik and of the Spear of
the Shattered Sorrow
The orders have access to the same Stunts:
Know your Place: the cleric may call on the goddess to
remind those in the scene of their position in the feudal
order. Use Ritual in place of Rapport to influence those
of non-noble rank in the scene.
Duty to the Weak: the cleric may call forth the essence
of the Knights of Tirith. Use Ritual to create an
advantage that could protect the weak or vulnerable in
the scene. That could include the cleric if the GM
agrees their situation is sufficiently dire.
Peace of Valamin: the cleric may call forth the essence
of Valamin and use Ritual in place of Empathy or

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
 Tormentor of the Unlamented Dead;  Lord of the Pitch Shadows;
 Master of the Principle of Evil;  Master of Deceit and Evil Dreams;
 Lord of the Gulmorvrin of the Black Pit;  Lord of the Last Illusion;
 Wielder of the Shadow of Incarnate Evil;  The Unseen Lifter of Lives;
 Master of Chaos;  Trancer the Cat, Wealth’s Worry;
 The Lord of Darkness.  The Merchant of Death.
Morgath is master of the undead, and despises all A god of darkness, best known as the bringer of
things fair and noble. His church is dour and ruthless, nightmares. He is worshipped by thieves and assassins
and infamous for its human sacrifice. Those blessed by and his fanatical clerics will commit suicide to prove
Morgath may wield the Shadow of Bukrai, their faith.
Shadow of Bukrai: spend a Fate Point to use Ritual to Summon Gytevsha: spend a Fate Point to use Ritual to
summon Bukrai to do their bidding. The difficulty is summon a Gytevsha to do their bidding. The difficulty is
equal to the Size of the Shadow (see Bestiary) equal to the Rank of the Gytevsha (see Bestiary). Only
If possession occurs, then the appropriate Rank +1 to +4 Gytevsha may be summoned, the higher
consequence slot is filled in with Possessed by the ranking demons serve only at Naveh’s personal servants.
Shadow. While possessed the target comes under the If possession occurs, then the appropriate
complete control of the Morgathian cleric. This lasts consequence slot is filled with Possessed by Naveh.
until the end of the scene if Mild, the session if Serious, While possessed the target comes under the complete
or the entire scenario if Grievous, unless the possessed control of the Navehan cleric. This lasts until the end of
character can be helped to recover from the the scene if Mild, the session if Serious, or the entire
Consequence sooner. scenario if Grievous, unless the possessed character can
While possessed the target is treated as a be helped to recover from the Consequence sooner.
Gulmorvin, with all ‘mental’ skills to +0; and all While possessed all Mental skills default to the Rank
‘physical’ skills reduced by +1. When the Shadow of the Gytevsha while physical skills are those of the
departs the target’s skills return to normal but the possessed character.
relevant consequence must become Memory of the Mouth of Falsehood: +2 to Deceive when used to tell
Shadow until cured as a normal mental consequence. lies.
Hunter of Sleep: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to
place the aspect Kept Awake by Nightmares on the
target during their next sleep. The aspect remains in
place for the rest of that session.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
 The Bringer of the Life Renewed;  King of the Icy Wind;
 Maker of Balms;  Lord of the Perilous Quest;
 Lady of Truth;  Wielder of the Blooded Axe;
 Ever-living Daughter of White Virtue;  Master of Frosty Climes;
 Guardian of the Meek;  The Grey Slayer.
 Lady of Industrious Labours & the Ripe Harvest; Sarajin demands honour and bravery from his
 Confidant of Lovers. adherents, who are mostly Ivinians. His sport is war and
he sometimes joins human battles where he inspires
This gentle goddess is worshipped by rural folk.
battle lust among the faithful.
Peoni’s clergy are divided into celibate male and female
orders; both of which maintain hospitals. Temples are Call to the Elkyri: spend a Fate Point to seek a favour
found where poverty and pain are common. from one of Sarajin’s fierce shieldmaidens. Use the
Ritual skill to create an advantage, for the rest of the
The Irreproachable Order & Balm of Joy scene, based on the aspect of one of the Elkyri:
Son of Tirrala: the priest may speed recovery of a
 Alaryr – Weather and the Sea;
minor or serious Consequence by adding +2 to the
 Bronwyne – Protection and success in battle;
treatment roll so long as it takes place within a scene of
 Deanaal – The Ljarl, oaths and oath breaking;
it being inflicted. Spend a Fate Point to instantly reduce
 Easlyn – Songs and poetry;
the level of the Consequence by one step with successful
treatment.  Eynwif – Health and healing;
 Freana – Love and forgiveness;
Shield of Belsirasin: use Ritual to attack and defend
 Gresalyne – Strength and will;
against elemental or other spirits in the same way as a
 Lynraal – Wrath and battle lust;
Shek-Pvar using Conjure.
 Maarne – Livestock and crops;
The Quality of Mercy: Once per scene, when an
 Sendryl – Crafts and fertility; and,
opponent of the cleric, or one of their allies, accepts a
 Ylina – Knowledge, lore and learning
Consequence as part of a concede, the cleric may lower
In return the cleric must take a Consequence,
that consequence by one step and gains a Fate Point in
Remember the Ljarl. The level of consequence is
judged by the GM from Mild for small favours to
Valon’s Balm: Spend a Fate Point to speed recovery of Grievous for great favours. The Consequence can never
a serious or grievous consequence by adding +2 to the be invoked to benefit the cleric, their friends or their
treatment roll whenever it was applied. Spend a Fate aims, but can be compelled against them for free!
Point to instantly reduce the level of the Consequence
Every time the Consequence is compelled its
by one step with successful treatment.
severity is reduced by one, so a Mild Consequence
The Winding Way: Gain a +2 bonus to Defend against disappears after a single compel. When the
Melee or Fight Attacks with a staff. consequence disappears the debt to the Elkyri has been
paid as the Ljarl requires.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
 Sage of the Gods;  Master of the Lords of Dream;
 Lord of Puzzles, Conundrums, and Mazes;  Bringer of Meritorious Dreams and Blessed
 Lord of Jesters; Forgetfulness;
 Mixer of Potions;  Lord of the Starlit and Thrice-blessed Realm;
 Knower of Many Things;  King of the Uttermost West;
 Keeper of the Var-Hyvrak;  Master of the Sundered Ones in Exile;
 The Lost Guide.  Spirit of the Mist;
Save K’nor seeks after enlightenment. His adherents  Never-changing Lord of the Azure Bowl.
believe that a stable and ordered society precludes evil The benign god of mystery, magic, and dreams. He
behaviour. is the special deity of elves and dwarves. Siem’s
The Order of Hyn-Aelori the Sage of Heaven worshippers favour a personal approach to the deity.
Keep Secrets: When any effort is made to find out what Enlightenment: the cleric gains +2 to create an
the cleric knows, by guile or torture, they resist with +2 advantage with Investigate or Scholar.
to Ritual. Summon Free Ilsiri: the cleric can call forth an Ilsiri
The Order of Rydequelyn the Fool from their home in some natural object within the scene.
Did you Know …: When seeking to confuse, mislead The spirit is bound to answer a single question about the
or entertain, the cleric uses +2 to Ritual. locale where they are summoned, but the GM can
determine how precise or clear their answer is.
The Order of Shea-Al-Aecor the Lost Guide. Summon Asiri: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to
Elementary: Once per scene the cleric can spend a summon an Asiri with the characteristics as an Air
Fate Point (and a few minutes of observation) to make a Elemental. They use Ritual as if it were the Lyahvian
Ritual roll in place of Investigate, to enhance their potent Conjure Air Elemental skill. The Rank summoned
deductive faculties. They may discover or create an reflects the difficulty to be overcome.
aspect for each shift on either the scene or the target of
Summon Elmithri: the cleric may spend a Fate Point
the observations, though only one may be invoked for
free. to summon an Elmithri into a body of water within the
scene using Ritual as if it were the Odvishan Conjure
Fire Elemental skill. The Elmithri has the same
characteristics as a Water Elemental. The Rank
summoned reflects the difficulty to be overcome and the
size of the body of water will limit the maximum Rank
that can be summoned.
Summon Aulamithri: the cleric may spend a Fate
Point to summon one of the spirits Siem uses to carry
dreams. Though they have the same characteristics as a
Spirit Elemental summoned with the Savoryan Conjure
Elemental skill they will only attack until they succeed.
Once they succeed in inflicting any hits the Cleric may
place an Aspect on the target reflecting the ‘dream’ the
spirit will have carried and placed in the target’s mind.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
MILITARY ORDER EXTRA surprise, or some other advantage, that renders the
attack unexpected.
The churches of Agrik and Larani maintain military
orders tasked to extend the reach of their faith by force. The Company of the Copper Hook
Kill the Bitches: +2 to attacks against declared or
believed Laranians. Spend a Fate Point to extend the
If the character is to be a sworn member of a
effect to any non-Agrikans.
military order then the player must use the character’s
High Concept to describe them as such. They may also Born to War: +2 to create advantages in a scene that
adopt one of their god’s aspects as their own, but this is reflect the order’s long decades of border war.
not compulsory. Like priests they may describe their The Red Shadows
rank within the order with additional aspects. Favoured of (name of Prince): the character is known
Cost to be favoured by one of Agrik’s sons. This makes them
The aspect slot is the only cost. resistant to mental/social damage due to rumours etc.
They may spend a Fate Point to reduce a mental
Benefits consequence based on social standing by one step.
Membership of a military order gains access to some Grievous becomes serious, serious becomes mild, mild
unique Stunts costing the same as any other Stunt. becomes 2 mental stress. They may not clear stress
Sin & Atonement boxes in this manner. If the next lower slot is already
If a member of a military order does adopt one of full, this stunt cannot be used.
their god’s Aspects as their own then the will suffer the Brand of a Prince: the warriors can draw their own
risks of Sin just as any priest. blood (and accept a mild consequence Self Inflicted
Wound), and spend a Fate Point to obtain a single use of
AGRIKAN FIGHTING ORDERS the Eight Demons stunt Strength of the V’hir.
The GM need not follow the suggestions below
Single Combat: the warrior may use Endurance,
The Cohorts of Gashang Provoke, Will or Melee to create an advantage that
Those warriors who were previously Red Shadows allows him to face a single opponent among many that
can access that order’s Stunts. Newer members have might otherwise overwhelm him.
access to:
The Warriors of Mameka
Break their Spirit: when inflicting physical harm,
Strength of Brothers: the warrior may share stress or
spend a Fate Point to inflict mental harm in the
consequences with a friendly character in the same
corresponding box on the opponent’s mental stress
zone. The Mamekan can either take stress and
consequences that should go to the other character, or
Braggart: use Provoke instead of Rapport on first the character can take the stress heading for the
meeting someone to create an advantage based on the Mamekan.
character’s reputation.
Pain Is My Blade: once per session, when the
The Companions of the Roving Doom character takes a physical consequence, they can
Brute Strength & Ignorance: Gain +2 to defend choose to make their next attack roll with a bonus equal
against Mental Attacks using Endurance. to the value of their highest physical consequence (+2,
+4, or +6). In doing so the consequence they took is
You Win or You Die: Gain +2 to create advantages
with Deceive when using dirty tricks in close combat. stepped up by one level (mild becomes serious, serious
becomes grievous, grievous becomes taken out).
The Crimson Dancer Mind is Body: the warrior may use Endurance as if it
Shades of the Flame: Once per scene the character was Will to resist attacks to cause mental harm.
can spend a Fate Point to roll Athletics and ‘vanish into
the shadows’, so long as there are shadows!. When
‘vanished’, they can’t be targeted by attacks or attempts
to create advantages against them unless the attacker
first beats their Athletics roll with a Notice roll. The
effect ends when the character’s next turn starts, or if
someone beats their Athletics roll.
Dance of Death: This martial art allows the Crimson
Dancer to make close combat attacks using Athletics. In
addition the attacks are at +2 if the character has

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
The Chequered Shield & the Lady of Despite their proselytising efforts the churches of
Western Lythia have had little impact on the traditional,
Paladins often animist, beliefs of most tribes. The gods pay little
Pure Knight: the character is known to be a true attention to the barbarian peoples, preferring the
embodiment of the chivalric ideal. This makes them worship that the ‘civilised’ churches harvest for them.
resistant to mental/social attacks due to rumours etc. in
The tribes have, therefore, come to rely on the Ilsiri,
locales where the Laranian Church is respected. They
nature spirits, and the greater denizen’s of the Spirit
may spend a Fate Point to reduce a mental consequence
World. They can be commanded, bargained with,
based on social standing by one step. Grievous becomes
tricked and bound to give the shaman access to their
serious, serious becomes mild, mild becomes 2 mental
power. Many tribes revere totem spirits, tribal heroes
stress. They may not clear stress boxes in this manner. If
&/or ‘demi-gods’ which exemplify particular
the next lower slot is already full, this stunt cannot be
characteristics valued by the tribe in its struggle to
survive and prosper. These can be called upon for help
Strength and Honour: the warrior may reduce the hits in return for ‘sacrifices’ of food, goods or even blood.
done to one opponent in order to create and advantage
Some charlatans use herbs, potions and a good line
that is feely invoked against another.
of patter, or even a psionic gift, to give the impression of
We Happy Few: If they succeed with style on a shamanic powers. These are best dealt with through the
Rapport roll to create a Rousing Speech aspect, choose use of a Deceive Stunt. This Extra assumes the
a number of characters equal to the Laranian’s Rapport character is an authentic shaman (though some have
to each receive a free invocation of that Aspect. different names); the chief animist of a tribe or clan.
Royal Patronage: warrior may use Wealth at +2 so They are skilled in calling on spirits, walking the ethereal
long as he publically declares his membership of the Spirit World, and binding spirits to their will.
order, which is well known to enjoy royal support in
western Harn.
To gain access to the power of the spirits a character
Pure Knight: the warrior may use Melee as if it was must use their High Concept to describe themselves as
Rapport when the context allows him to declare or a shaman of a particular tribe, totem, hero, or tribal god.
display the chivalric virtues of the order.
Field of Honour: the warrior may use Melee or
Cost (and Benefit)
Endurance to impress their enemies and demand that They may also devote other aspects to the fetishes
the matter be dealt with through single combat. If with which they begin the game, including sufficient
accepted then the objective is to force the opponent to descriptive detail to define the nature of the spirit bound
submit rather than to kill them. The knight can do this within each. At the start of the game each fetish
by converting hits into boosts, or ‘pulling’ blows to avoid represents a +1 spirit. See below for the limits on the
taking out the opponent. spirits a shaman may bind at one time.
In return the opponent is bound to concede prior to Finally the shaman must take the unique Shamanic
being taken out and they, and their allies, accept an Rites skill and Scholar. The first Stunt taken must be
outcome that favours the knight’s aims. the Scholar specialism for that tribe: Tribal Lore of …
Feudal Loyalty: +2 to create an advantage that helps STRAIN OF USING SHAMANIC RITES
protect any orderial or clerical superior. The shaman takes 1 point of Mental (e.g. headaches
or nervous exhaustion) or Physical (self-harm or physical
exhaustion) Stress (player choice), whenever they use
the Shamanic Rites skill. They may, though, be
subjected to more stress:
 ‘Succeed at Minor Cost’ OR ‘Opponent gains a
Boost’ = Succeed but take +1 extra Stress;
 ‘Succeed at Serious Cost’ OR ‘Benefit
opponent’ OR ‘Give a free invoke to
opponent’= Succeed but take +1 extra Stress per
point of failure!

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
This skill commands the often ubiquitous but lowest Crush Their Will: +2 to Attacks in the Spirit World.
ranking spirits, the Ilsiri, that are found everywhere. It is Shield of Will: +2 to Defend in the Spirit World.
also used to enter the Spirit World and communicate
What happened?: Use Shamanic Rites in place of
with, or subdue, greater spirits before binding them into
Investigate by asking the local spirits what they know.
Friend to [Totem]: Gain the Ride: Animal Ken stunt
Overcome: The shaman need only declare that
o they are using the skill to enter the Spirit World
in relation to the totemic animal or hero/god’s friend.
and their spirit leaves their body to enter the ethereal Power of [Totem]: gain one use of a relevant Totemic
plane at the start of the next exchange. Aspect as if it was the Shaman’s own. Requires Friend
to [Totem]. Spend a Fate Point to extend to the end of
Overcoming an encountered spirit’s Rank (+1 to +6)
the current scene.
gets its attention and the shaman can demand answers
to one Yes/No question for each Rank, as the GM Sample Totems Sample Totemic Aspects
agrees it could know the answer. Run all day
The character’s body is a Defenceless Target (with Wolf Keen nose
a free invoke by the attacker) while his spirit is in the Honour the pack
Spirit World. The shaman can Concede as soon as the Swift
attack is declared (but before the dice are rolled). They Eagle Sharp-eyed
then hide in the Spirit World, and take no actions, until Lone hunter
the end of the Scene. The GM exacts the usual cost Strong
(and awards the usual Fate Points) associated with Implacable
conceding. Alternatively, the shaman’s spirit can return Ponderous of thought and
to their body immediately after the blow is struck (and deed
take any damage), at which point the advantage Silent hunter
disappears and the shaman can act as normal. Dracofelas Death dealer
The skill is used instead of Scholar when dealing Arrogant lord of the forest
with knowledge of the Spirit World, or when competing Poison mouth
with another character in a contest of such knowledge. Snake Swift strike
Create an Advantage: The shaman can create a Untrustworthy
c situational advantage in their current Zone, so long Clever
as the GM agrees it would be possible through the Crow Mystical
intersession of one of the ubiquitous spirits found in Trickster
every scene, and invoke it once for free. The starting Wisdom
difficulty is, at GM discretion, the Rank of the Spirit. Owl Death from above
Invoking a Fetish, or a dominated human, costs a At home in the dark
Fate Point but gains +2 to the roll. At home in the dark
Attack: The skill can be used to cause Mental Bat Fear the light
a Stress to denizens of, or other travellers in, the Agile
Spirit World. While the target always chooses whether Cold and Unpredictable
or not to take a Consequence, the shaman may name Eder The Merciless Deep
the Consequence as Bound to me. Ethereal creatures Sea Creatures everywhere
are bound in a Fetish while travellers are bound in their Fore-knowledge
own body and to the service of the victor until either the Kemlar the Guide Mysticism
shaman frees them, or the Consequence ‘heals’ as Friend of the Owl
described in the rules. This represents the spirit Fertility
escaping the binding. Heneryne Protective
The shaman always has the opportunity to engage Friend of the Eagle
in Mental Combat with a spirits escaping a fetish in an Unpredictable Madness
effort to re-bind it, but not necessarily with a human Crador the Blind Spell-binding Storyteller
escaping domination – GM discretion applies in that Friend of the Bat
case. Skinchanger: Spend a Fate Point to physically (but not
Defend: This skill is used to defend against attacks mentally) transform into the totem animal for the rest of
d by denizens of, or travellers in, the Spirit World. the scene. Requires Power of [Totem]

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
The ability to curse a victim. Spend a Fate Point to
Permission create Hexed on the victim. If the invoker has nail
To gain access to the Psionics Extra the player parings a lock of hair, etc. then add a second free invoke.
must use one of their aspects to describe the talent. Sample Compel: spontaneously target a random
The GM may decide they have to use the High Concept character, or the psionic, instead.
(and therefore rule out the psionic mage or priest).
Medium Stunt
Cost The ability to perceive, communicate and, to an
As well as displacing other stunts the GM can extent, control a spirit. Spend a Fate Point to gain one
compel the Psionic Aspect as suggested below once per use of the Shamanic Rites skill (see Shaman Extra) to
session for free. Subsequent compels cost a Fate Point. Create an Advantage through the intercession of a spirit.
Benefits Sample Compel: spontaneously trigger and weaken the
The Will Stunts available to the Psionic are: boundary between the material and ethereal planes in
Clairvoyance Stunt the vicinity of the psionic. A situation aspect is placed
The ability to visualise events currently occurinh at on the scene that reflects this and could include the
a remote location. Spend a Fate Point while spontaneous appearance of an ethereal creature.
concentrating on a location (or person) in the same or Mental Bolt Stunt
adjacent zone and creating/discovering a situation The ability to project a blast of mental energy at
aspect based on what they perceive. Extend the range another mind. Spend a Fate Point to create an aspect
of by taking additional Mental Stress in line with the such as Blinded by the Pain on a victim they can see in
Spell Range costs (see Shek Pvar Extra). the same or adjacent zone.
Sample Compel: spontaneously broadcast one of the Sample Compel: spontaneously target a random
psionic’s aspects to the nearest person to the target of character or the psionic, instead.
the clairvoyance, with a free invoke.
Negation Stunt
Disembodiment Stunt The ability to create a shield against peionic,
The ability to detach the ethereal spirit from the spiritual or magical effects. Spend a Fate Point to create
body. Spend a Fate Point to gain access to one use of an aspect such as Protected by my Mind on the psionic
the Shamanic Rites skill to to enter the Spirit World (see and any other character in the same zone (with a free
Shaman Extra). Their spirit leaves their body to enter invoke against any magical, spiritual or psionic effect or
the ethereal plane at the start of the next exchange and creature). The effect is approximately spherical so any
use Overcome to gain answers from a spirit. enemies in the zone are also affected.
Sample Compel: spontaneously weaken the boundary Sample Compel: spontaneously negate a magical,
between the material and ethereal planes in the vicinity spiritual or psionic effect at an inconvenient time.
of the psionic. A situation aspect is placed on the scene
Prescience Talent
that reflects this and could include the spontaneous
The ability to determine the fate of a group, person
appearance of a spirit with a grudge against humanity.
or item. Spend a Fate Point to create a situation aspect
Healer Stunt on a person, group or object which implies fore
The ability to enhance the healing of another knowledge, even if it only becomes clear to the psionic
creature, not the healer themselves. Spend a Fate Point at the point the talent is used.
while touching the skin of the patient and immediately Sample Compel: spontaneously trigger and allow a
reduce the severity of a Consequence by one step (or random person in the current scene to gain an insight
remove a Mild Consequence). Even a Crippling into the psionic’s future in the form of a situation aspect
Consequence can be reduced to a Grievous one if the with a free invoke.
psionic acts in the same scene as the Consequence was
received and they succeed in a Will roll against a passive Psychometry Talent
opposition of +8! The ability to determine information about an
object, its history or a person who owns/owned it.
Sample Compel: spontaneously subject the psionic to a
Spend a Fate Point while holding the object to create a
situation aspect such as Overwhelmed by Other’s Pain,
situation aspect on the scene or the object or its owner,
with a free invoke.
with two free invokes; or two aspects with a single
invoke on each. The aspect(s) must relate to the objects
past, how it was used, when, by whom, &/or its owner.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Sample Compel: spontaneously broadcast one of the
psionic’s aspects (or location if appropriate) to the FATE IN HARNWORLD
nearest inconvenient person who gains a free invoke. NATURAL HAZARDS
Pyrokinesis Talent Hazards have two skills:
The ability to raise the temperature of a combustible  Danger is how difficult it is for a character to
object to flash point and start a fire. Spend a Fate Point oppose the effects of the hazard;
to create an aspect on the scene like those of a Peleahn  Scale represents how widespread the hazard is and
mage, with additional Mental Stress depending on the how difficult the it is to avoid its effects.
area of effect. Hazards come in several varieties but in each case
Sample Compel: spontaneously trigger the combustion the hazard description will describe the effect of failure:
of something useful at an inconvenient time. Simple Hazards: a single Overcome action against
Sensitivity Talent Scale to avoid or Danger to pass swiftly.
The ability to scan for magical, spiritual or magical Challenge Hazards: comprise multiple challenges
effects. Spend a Fate Point to detect the location or requiring more than one (and possibly different) skills/
nature of a magical/psionic/spiritual residue or effect in actions to successfully negotiate.
the scene. This takes the form of revealing a situation Contest Hazards: The character(s) compete with the
aspect on the scene/object with a free invoke. hazard, with three victories required to ‘win’.
Sample Compel: spontaneously broadcast the psionic’s Conflict Hazards: the hazard has a stress track and
presence to an inconvenient nemesis in the vicinity and may have Consequences. It seeks do the characters
possibly attract them … harm by Attacking using Danger or Scale, depending on
Telekinesis Talent the description.
The ability to move objects without touching them. Incremental Hazards: Any type of hazard that has to
Spend a Fate Point to move an object the psionic can be confronted at various intervals (every exchange,
see and keep it moving until the end of the exchange. hour, watch, day etc.), or due to the character’s actions,
The effect can be sustained by taking Mental Stress each or the adventure’s Plot Stress, or which gets more
subsequent exchange (Use the Spell Duration Difficulty challenging.
scale to judge). While it is not possible to accelerate Hazard Aspects: these operate as situation aspects
objects to dangerous speeds and control their direction special to the hazard and can be invoked to increases
it is possible to raise and drop them to create Falling their impact.
Sample Compel: spontaneously cause an object(s) in
Simple Hazard - Bog: Overcome Scale with Survival to
the scene to move in unpredictable directions and at
find a way around it, or Danger with Athletics (to pick a
potentially dangerous speeds!
way across it) or Endurance (to slog through it). Shifts of
Telepathy Talent failure convert into increments of time delayed.
The ability to transmit thoughts or emotions. Spend Simple Hazard - Rockfall: Overcome Danger with
a Fate Point to create an appropriate aspect on a target Athletics to avoid it. Shifts of failure convert into
within sight. Physical Stress that a Shield can absorb.
Sample Compel: spontaneously affect a random Incremental Simple Hazard – Drowning: Overcome
person, or the psionic, instead. +1 Danger (+1 per exchange in the water) using
Endurance. Shifts of failure convert into Physical Stress.
Incremental Simple Hazard - Falling: A pit trap
would have Scale dependent on the degree of
camouflage that would be Overcome by Notice to avoid.
Scale is +1 per 6’ fallen after the first 6’ (±1 or 2 if the
surface fallen onto is particularly hard/sharp/soft/
yielding). Overcome using Athletics. Shifts of failure
convert into Physical Stress that Armour &/or Shield
can absorb.
Incremental Simple Hazard - Desert: The desert has
high Scale and low Danger to start with, but each watch
the character spends without water increases Danger by
+1. Overcome Danger with Endurance. Shifts of failure

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
convert into Physical Stress (or Mental Stress if the GM In their turn characters may attack Danger with Provoke
accepts hallucinations as a possible Consequence). (I’ve been in worst places than this) or Deceive (You
Incremental Simple Hazard - Quicksand: Overcome don’t frighten me!). They could also create advantages
Scale with Strength to achieve 3 ‘victories’ in order to of morale using Rapport. If their Attacks succeed then
escape. Failure to win and the character disappears shifts of success convert into Stress applied to the
below the sand and must Overcome +1 Danger (+1 per forest’s stress track.
exchange in the sand) using Endurance. Shifts of failure Conflict Hazard - Disease(Infection): any character
convert into Physical Consequences. Overcome Scale coming into contact with the disease must Overcome +2
with Athletics to reach the surface again. The more you or Danger (depending on the disease) with Endurance,
struggle the worse it gets can be invoked to increase or take Physical Stress equal to the shifts of failure. Any
the challenge of quicksand. resulting Consequence becomes Infected with …
Challenge Hazard – Ice/Dust/Sand storm: Contest Hazard - Disease(Recovery/Impact): A
Overcome Scale with Survival to create the advantage victim must accumulate 3 Endurance victories over
Makeshift shelter but Overcome Danger with Danger to shake off the disease. Shifts of failure continue
Endurance to avoid Consequences equal to shifts of to inflict Physical Stress (and Consequences based on
failure. the disease).
Challenge Hazard – Extensive thorny thicket: Challenge Hazard - Disease(Containing Infection):
Assuming Survival failed to Overcome Scale to find a Overcome Danger with Scholar(Physician). Shifts of
way around it, then Overcome Danger with Athletics failure convert into zones of spread. Overcome Scale
and Strength to hack a way through it. Shifts of failure with Scholar(Physician) to understand the disease and
convert into increments of time delay. create a treatment.
Incremental Challenge Hazard - Singing sword in TIME INCREMENTS
a stone: Overcome Scale +1 per exchange exposed to Exchange: an instant to a few minutes; Scene: a few
the singing, with Will, or be forced to grip the hilt. mins; 15 mins; half an hour; an hour; Session: an hour; a
Overcome Scale (which continues to increase by +1 per Watch; half a day; a day; a few days; or a week;
exchange exposed) with Will to release the hilt one Scenario: a few days; few weeks; a month; to a season;
grasped. Each exchange that the hilt is held causes 1 Longer Increments of Time: half a year; a year; a few
point of Mental Stress, until Consequences cause the years; a decade; a lifetime; eternity.
character to fall unconscious. Overcome Scale with BRUTE FORCE & IGNORANCE [BF&I]
Strength (to pull the sword from the stone and stop it Sometimes obstacles do not yield to subtlety and
singing; teamwork bonuses apply), or with Athletics to require a different approach. Obstacles have one skill,
put enough distance between the character and the Strength, which also defines their Stress Track.
sword to avoid its effects. Obstacles also have Resistance which can, like Armour,
Contest Hazard - Reefs: Overcome Scale with Scholar make them more difficult to damage.
(Pilot) or Craft (Seaman) to avoid the reefs. Shifts of Attack the obstacle’s Strength using Strength
failure convert into incremental time delays. (teamwork bonus applies if other characters can access
Alternatively, Overcome Danger with the same skills to the obstacle). Shifts of success convert into Physical
achieve 3 ‘victories’ to pass through the reefs. Failure stress on the obstacle modified by the difference
and the Danger must be Overcome using the Strength of between Weapon Impact and the obstacle’s Resistance.
the character’s vessel (perhaps supported by character
Shifts of failure convert into Physical Stress damage
skills) to avoid running aground.
to the character, modified by the difference between
Conflict Hazard - Poison: Overcome Danger (which obstacle’s Strength and the character’s Armour. The
depends on the poison concerned) with Endurance. weapon used to make the Attack can be used to absorb
Shifts of failure convert to Physical Stress. This this Stress by reducing its Impact permanently.
continues until Endurance achieves 3 ‘victories’, at
Character’s can use Crafts to create advantages such
which point the poison ceases to have any effect.
as Leverage before making an Attack.
Conflict Hazard - Haunted forest: Scale defines the
Sample Obstacles Strength* Resistance*
number of stress boxes the forest has and the forest has
Interior wooden door +0 +1
Everyone feels the chill which can be invoked once for Exterior wooden door +2 +1
free against each character. After that invokes must be Iron bound door +4 +2
paid for. Each character must Defend against Danger Stone wall +6 +3
using Will with shifts of failure converted into Mental Metal bars +8 +3
Stress (as if the forest was using Provoke to instill fear). *±1 at GM discretion, depending on quality of construction.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
ENCUMBRANCE Transgression
The character sheet shows the number of ‘hands’ of If the player spends a Fate Point to avoid a compel
items that a character can carry on their back, belt and of the aspect they have adopted from those of their god,
in their hands. Once these slots are filled each extra or the Shek Pvar code, they take 1 Stress to their
item carried makes any rolls +1 more difficult. Transgression Stress Track. The GM may choose to
LIFTING AND CARRYING impose more than 1 point in extreme cases and can also
Overcome +2 per point of SIZE difference from the impose a point of Transgression Stress when the player
character using Strength to lift it, modified by the GM for benefits from the action of another that is antithetical to
particularly dense items. Teamwork bonuses apply, but their god/code.
shifts of failure convert to Physical Stress which is Unlike other Stress Tracks, Transgression does not
distributed between all the characters, starting with the clear at the end of a scene. After gaining 4 points of
lead character. Transgression the next point causes a Consequence.
Overcome +2 (+2 more per point of SIZE difference The player can choose whether it is physical or mental
from the character) using Endurance to carry it for a so long as it makes narrative sense and the GM agrees.
watch (modified by the GM for particularly dense items Agrik might impose a Raging Fever, Save K’nor might
or if forced marching). Teamwork bonuses apply, but apply Forgetful, for instance, while other Shek Pvar
shifts of failure convert to Physical Stress which is might judge the character Suspicious and then
distributed between all the characters trying, starting Dangerous.
with the lead character. Taking the consequence clears the track, which can
then refill until a second Consequence is taken, and so
FEAR on until the character is Crippled by the weight of their
Harn is a routinely dangerous, often cruel, place but
its inhabitants are not immune to what they encounter.
Whenever a PC encounters something TERRIBLE, The Code of the Shek Pvar
HORRIFIC or MONSTROUS for the first time, they  Bring not the scorn of the ordinary folk upon thy
must oppose a Mental Attack on their Will. The brothers, nor make with thine Art a place for
resulting Mental Stress is accumulated, and recovered thyself above them;
from, as normal. The Harnic Bestiary, below, includes  Spread not thy Lore, even among thy brothers,
reference to these aspects and other uses can be judged without the sanction of thy peers;
against these examples:  Keep sacred and free from harm thy Chantry;
TERRIBLE(+1): a mound of mutilated corpses; a  Succour not a renegade of the Art, but strike him
Terrible creature; or witness their first human sacrifice. down with thy power, else summon thy brothers
HORRIFIC(+2): one of the mutilated corpses is to thine aid;
someone they know; the creature has hold of someone  Make tithe to thy Chantry a portion of thy arcane
they know, or is HORRIFIC; or they recognise the treasure to thy brother’s benefit
sacrificial victim.
MONSTROUS(+3): They wake among the mutilated
The Consequences of Transgression cannot be
corpses, or are the subject of the sacrificial rite. The
treated, and do not recover, as other consequences do.
creature is MONSTROUS, or defies the laws of nature as
they understand them. This will usually include any Instead, whenever the character accepts compels
arcane summoning and the servants of any god – based on their god’s aspect/Pvaric code they
possibly even their own! immediately donate the Fate Point they earned to their
god/the fates, to buy off a point of the Consequence.
EXTRA EFFORT The change is immediate so the Knorran’s Forgetfulness
A character can choose to take a Physical (+3) could swiftly recover to Absentminded (+1) in only
Consequence when a roll is insufficient to succeed in a few scenes if compels came quickly enough.
some physical task. The value of the Consequence is
A Crippling Consequence does not recover in this
added to the roll.
way; it will have replaced the High Concept that defined
TRANSGRESSION & ATONEMENT the characters belief/philosophy. The High Concept
The Transgression Stress Track monitors the Priest of … might become … Heretic, or Defrocked
sins of a player character with the Clerical Extra or the Priest of …, while the Shek Pvar aspect becomes
drift towards renegade of a Shek Pvar. Renegade … etc. Only a very significant Milestone
The track comprises 4 x 1 Stress boxes: 1111. requiring time, effort and pain should recover the
character’s original status.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Nameless NPCs
Nameless NPCs can be: Average (a +1 skill); Fair (+2 & +1 skills); or Good (+3, +2 & +1 skills). The following
examples are a guide to the GM and provide possible foundations for Named NPCs.
The statistic blocks describe:
Other Aspect(s)
Skills (& Stunts) *All NPCs have a single stress track with 1 & 2 stress boxes. Additional
Weapon(s) boxes sre added of they have Endurance. The GM can give any NPCs a
Armour (& Shield) Mild, Serious & Grievious Consequence if desired, but their situation (and
Stress & Consequences* the plot) may mean they are reluctant to resort to them!

Average Nameless NPC: Rank- Fair Nameless NPC: Trained Good Nameless NPC: Tough
and-file order-takers, local professionals, journeymen, most opposition when leading groups of
conscripts, appretices and those men-at-arms or sharp-tongued NPCs, or a significant challenge if
new to their work or role: courtiers or talented thieves: appearing in numbers themsleves:

Manual Labourer Skilled Labourer; Well-known Office Holder; Respected
+1 Endurance +2 Endurance; +1 Crafts +3 Crafts (Specialism Stunt); +2
Contacts; +1 Endurance
Unarmed:0; 1-HImprovised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
123 123 123
Apprentice/Learning the trade Journeyman/Knows their Master/The best … in town;
business; Well-known Respected
+1 Crafts or Scholar +2 Crafts OR Scholar(Specialism +3 Crafts OR Scholar(Specialism
Stunt); +1 Contacts Stunt); +2 Contacts; +1 Rapport
Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12
Apprentice/Learning the game Journeyman/Knows the game; Master/The best … in town;
Well-known in certain circles Dangerous connections
+1 Deceive +2 Deceive; +1 Rapport +3 Deceive; +2 Rapport; +1
Unarmed:0 Unarmed:0 Dagger:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12
Apprentice/Learning the trade Journeyman/Knows the game; Master/The best … in town;
Well-known in certain circles Dangerous connections
+1 Larceny +2 Larceny; +1 Notice +3 Larceny; +2 Notice; +1 Contacts
Dagger:1 Dagger:1 Dagger:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Learning to survive Handy in a fight; Well-known in The most feared in town;
certain circles Dangerous connections
+1 Fight +2 Fight; +1 Strength(Damage+1) +3 Fight; +2 Strength(Damage+1);
+1 Contacts
Dagger:1 Dagger:0; 1-H Improvised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12
Acolyte Ordained; Well-known Office Holder; Respected OR
+1 Ritual +2 Ritual; +1 Contacts OR church +3 Ritual; +2 Contacts or church
related skill related skill; +1 Rapport OR Provoke
Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1 Unarmed:0; 1-H Improvised:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12
Runaway Peasant Locally known; Nose for risk Brigand Leader; Respected OR
+1 Notice +2 Notice; +1 Fight +3 Notice; +2 Fight; +1 Missiles
1-H Improvised:1 Club/Dagger: 1 Bow:1/1; Dagger/Club: 1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Leather:1
12 12 12
KNIGHT (Medium Foot/Horse)
Green but keen Experienced Knight; Warhorse Veteran Knight; Loyal warhorse
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Ride +3 Melee; +2 Ride; +1 Fight
Long Sword:2; Spear:2; Dagger:1 Long Sword:2; Spear:2(3 Mounted Long Sword:2; Spear:2(3 Mounted
charge); Dagger:1 charge); Dagger:1
Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Chain & Kite Sh:3+1
12 12 12
MAN-AT-ARMS (Light Foot)
Green and nervous Experienced; Dutiful OR Cynical Veteran sergeant; Survivor
+1 Missile +2 Missile; +1 Fight +3 Missile; +2 Fight; +1 Endurance
Bow:1(1); Dagger:0 Bow:1(1); Dagger:0 Bow:1(1); Dagger:0
Leather:1 Leather:1 Leather:1
12 12 123
MAN-AT-ARMS (Medium Foot)
Green and nervous Experienced; Dutiful OR Cynical Veteran sergeant; Survivor
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Strength (Damage+1) +3 Melee; +2 Strength (Damage +1);
+1 Endurance
Spear:2; Dagger:1 Spear:2; Dagger:1 Spear:2; Falchion:2 Dagger:1
Ring:2 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1
12 12 123

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Green but trained Experienced; Dutiful OR Cynical Veteran; Survivor
+1 Missiles +2 Missiles; +1 Melee +3 Missiles; +2 Melee; +1
Bow:1(1); Short Sword:1 Bow: 1(1); Short Sword:1 Bow: 1(1); Short Sword:1
Leather:1 & Buckler:+1 to Defend Leather:1 & Buckler:+1 to Defend Leather:1 & Buckler:+1 to Defend
12 12 123
Green but trained Experienced; Dutiful OR Cynical Veteran; Survivor
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Missiles +3 Melee; +2 Missiles; +1 Strength
(Damage +1)
Spear/Javelin:2(1); Short Sword:1 Spear/Javelin:2(1); Short Sword:1 Spear/Javelin:2(1); Short Sword:1
Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1
12 12 12
Green but trained Experienced; Warhorse Veteran; Loyal warhorse
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Ride +3 Melee; +2 Ride; +1 Provoke
Spear:2 (3 Mounted charge); Short Spear:2 (3 Mounted charge); Short Spear:2 (3 Mounted charge); Short
Sword:1 Sword:1 Sword:1
Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1 Ring & Kite Sh:2+1
12 12 12
Green and nervous Protect the town; Dutiful Once a man-at-arms; Dutiful
+1 Crafts +2 Crafts; +1 Melee +3 Melee; +2 Crafts; +1 Contacts
Spear:2; Club:1 Spear:2; Club:1 Spear:2; Dagger:1
Leather:1 Leather:1 Leather & Round Sh:1+2
12 12 12
RURAL MILITIA (Unarmoured Foot)
Green and nervous Protect the village; Dutiful Loyal to my Lord; Sacrifice
+1 Crafts +2 Crafts; +1 Fight +3 Crafts(Beadle Specialism); +2
Melee; +1 Contacts
1-H or 2-H Improvised:1 OR 2 1-H or 2-H Improvised:1 OR 2 Spear:2
Cloth:0 Cloth & Round Sh:0+2 Leather & Round Sh:1+2
12 12 12
Green but keen Experienced; Fierce Courage Veteran; Frightening when roused
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Missile +3 Melee; +2 Missile; +1Endurance
Spear:2 Spear:2; Handaxe:1(0) Spear:2; Handaxe:1(0)
Cloth:0 Cloth & Round Sh:0+2 Cloth & Round Sh:0+2
12 12 123
Green but in search of fame Experienced; Fierce honour Veteran; Protect my honour
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Endurance +3 Melee; +2 Endurance; +1
Strength (Damage+1)
Spear:2; Hand axe:1(0) Spear:2; Hand axe:1(0) Spear:2; Short Swd:1; Hand axe:1(0)
Leather & Round Sh:1+2 Ring & Round Sh:2+2 Ring & Round Sh:2+2
12 12 123

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Youth Experienced; Fierce Veteran; Cunning
+1 Missile +2 Missile; +1 Melee +3 Melee; +2 Missile; +1 Endurance
Bow:1(1); Dagger:1 Bow: 1(1); Dagger:1 Bow: 1(1); Dagger:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 123
Youth Experienced; Fierce Veteran; Cunning
+1 Melee +2 Melee; +1 Endurance +3 Melee; +2 Endurance; +1
Strength (Damage+1)
Sprear:2 Spear:2; Handaxe:1 Spear:2; Handaxe:1
Leather & Round Sh:1+2 Leather & Round Sh:1+2 Leather & Round Sh:1+2
12 123 123
Apprentice shaman Shaman of the (tribe/totem/god Shaman of the (tribe/totem/god
etc.); Fetish (appropriate +1 Spirit) etc.); Fetish (appropriate +1 Spirit)
+1 Scholar(Tribal Lore) +2 Shamanic Rites; +1 +3 Shamanic Rites; +2 Scholar
Scholar(Tribal lore) (Tribal lore); +1 Survival
Dagger:1 Dagger:1 Dagger:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12
‘Apprentice’ ‘Shaman’ of the (tribe/totem/god ‘Shaman’ of the (tribe/totem/god
etc.); Many prominent ‘Fetishes’ etc.); Many prominent ‘Fetishes’
+1 Deceive +2 Deceive; +1 Rapport(Orator) +3 Deceive; +2 Rapport (Orator);
+1 Survival
Dagger:1 Dagger:1 Dagger:1
Cloth:0 Cloth:0 Cloth:0
12 12 12

Named NPCs Significant Named NPCs

Named NPCs play a supporting role in scenes and These are the most significant characters that a PC
scenarios. They often have a distinguishing aspect that will encounter, with a full character sheet just like a PC.
sets them apart from the crowd, perhaps because of They can be peers of the PCs with the same skill
their relationship to a PC or NPC, a particular distribution and number of stunts as the PCs; improving
competence or unique ability, or simply the fact that as the PCs improve.
they tend to appear in the game a great deal. The ‘faces’
Alternatively they can be superior to the PCs who
assigned to particular locations are named NPCs, as are
remain static while the PCs grow to sufficient strength to
any characters who are named in one of the PCs’
oppose them. In this case their skill pyramid peaks at
aspects or with whom they have a relationship. While
least two higher than the PCs with more aspects and
they may not be central to resolving a scenario, they’re a
more stunts to reflect their superiority.
significant part of the session, either because they
provide aid, present a problem, or figure in a subplot. Friendly NPCs & Missing PCs
To make a Named NPC, start with an appropriate The GM can use their pool of scene Fate Points
Nameless NPCs but give them a unique High Concept compel any of their known Aspects (or roll to discofer
and a Trouble, and 2-3 other aspects. Also add two them). The Fate Point forms a ‘party pool’ accessible to
stunts, and turn the skill column into a pyramid peaking any PC.
at Good(+3). Also add Mild, Serious & Grievous Similalrly a PC can invoke any of their known
Consequences. Aspects by paying a Fate Point to the GM.
They support die rolls made by the GM or PC but do
not initiate skill rolls (or take harm) themselves

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
These suggestions are provided to flesh out Named Loyal to Lord, Arrogant, Cultured, Everything money
or Significant NPCs. can buy, Family Honour, Generous, Get out of my
way, Sheltered Upbringing
BARBARIAN WARRIOR (Rapport)Orator: +2 to Rapport when delivering an
Knows his Territory, Superstitious, Brutal (or Noble) inspiring speech in front of a crowd. (If there are named
Savage; Berserker Rage NPCs or PCs in the scene, they may be targeted
Notice(Keen Hearing): +2 on Notice rolls made to simultaneously with one roll rather than dividing up
overcome based on hearing. shifts.)
Notice(Keen Eyesight): as above for visual perception. Rapport(Braggart): Use Rapport instead of Provoke on
Survival(Tracker): +2 to Survival rolls made to find first meeting someone to create an advantage based on
and follow tracks in their range. intimidating demeanour.
Almost any other Survival Stunt Rapport(Court Crony): Gain a +2 bonus to any
attempt to overcome obstacles using Rapport when they
BARBARIAN SHAMAN/WISE WOMAN are at a noble function, such as a royal hunt, tourney or
Terrifying to all, , Superstitious , Gossip, I've got a
lotion for that, Never admit ignorance, Respected in
community, Thinks things through KNIGHT
Any Shamanic Rite Stunt Loyal to Lord, I have a cunning Plan, For Glory!,
Rapport(Braggart): Use Rapport instead of Provoke on Impoverished Noble, Oath to Lord, Knighted in the
first meeting someone to create an advantage based on Field
intimidating demeanour. Melee(Master of Swords): Gain a +2 bonus to create
Rapport(Orator): +2 to Rapport when delivering an an advantage using Melee with a sword.
inspiring speech in front of the tribe. Melee(Counterstrike): If a character succeeds with
Empathy(Eye of Truth): +2 to Empathy rolls to style, using Melee to defend they are allowed to choose
discern or discover lies. to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost.
Deceive(Mind Games): Use Deceive to make mental Melee(Critical Hit): Once per scene, when an
attacks provided they have the leverage of knowing an opponent is forced to take a consequence, spend a Fate
opponent’s weakness represented by an Aspect. Point to increase the severity from minor to serious,
serious to grievous or grievous to grievous PLUS a
IVINIAN WARRIOR second consequence; or be taken out.
Glory in Battle, Loot and Pillage, Brutal,
Superstitious, Loyal to … , Terrifying to all, Berserker MAN-AT-ARMS
Rage, Superstitious Loyal to Lord, Cynical, Dutiful, Just Following
Melee(Hurled Axe): Melee is used instead of Missiles Orders, Loves an Honest Fight, Thug, Will Do
to throw the Axe into an adjacent zone. Doing so puts Anything for Pay
the Disarmed aspect on the character, but no one gets Missiles(Arrow Storm): Whenever a character uses a
to invoke that for free. bow and they succeed in a Missiles attack, they
Melee(Master of the Axe): Gain a +2 bonus to create automatically create a Fair (+2) opposition against
an advantage using the Axe and Melee. movement in that zone until their next turn because of
Fight(almost any Stunt) all the arrows in flight.
Endurance(Bellow): Once per scene the character Melee(Counterstrike): If a character succeeds with
may use Endurance instead of Provoke to make a style, using Melee to defend against Melee, they are
mental attack. allowed to choose to inflict a 2-shift hit with their
Melee(Two Weapons): When attacking with two weapon rather than take a boost
weapons accept -2 to all Melee rolls but, when MILITIA
successful, inflict 2 extra shifts of damage to the target. Loyal to Locality, Local Concerns, Salt of the Earth, I
Endurance(Hard as Nails): Once per session spend a have a future! Improvised Weapons, Underfed
Fate Point to reduce the severity of a serious physical Crafts(Better than New!): Succeed with style on an
consequence to mild, or avoid a mild consequence Craft (overcome) action to repair something and gain a
altogether. scene aspect instead of just a boost.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Professional, Loyal to Self, Cynical, Dutiful, Just Career Criminal, Chequered Past, Heart of gold,
Following Orders, Loves an Honest Fight Hunted, Instinctive Liar, Thrill Seeker, Loyal,
Melee(Master of Spear & Shield): Gain a +2 bonus to Avaricious, Can't Resist Temptation, Impoverished,
create an advantage using Melee when fighting with a Ruthless, Nimble Fingers
spear & shield combination. Deceive(Mind Games): Use Deceive to make mental
Melee(Master of Sword & Buckler): Gain a +2 bonus attacks against an opponent, provided the character has
to create an advantage using Melee when fighting with a some form of leverage or ammunition in the form of an
sword and buckler combination. Aspect representing the opponent’s weakness.
Ride(Master of the Mounted Charge): Gain a +2 Melee(Hidden Weapon): Whenever hit with a
bonus to create an advantage using Ride during a Disarmed aspect, spend a Fate Point to declare the
Mounted Charge. presence of a hidden dagger. The Disarmed aspect is
ignored but the opponent gets a boost instead,
representing the distraction of drawing the dagger.
Greedy, Dedicated to Craft/Trade, Industrious,
Dirty-Fighting: Spend a Fate Point to add +2 shifts of
Loves Routine, Perfectionist, Respected in Community
damage done by a successful Fight attack due to a very
Crafts(Better than New!): Succeed with style on an
painful blow to kidneys or gonads, or an eye gouge etc.
overcome action to repair something and gain a scene
aspect instead of just a boost. Bar-fighter: Gain +2 to create advantages involving
improvised weapons such as bottles, chairs etc., and
Crafts(Always Making Useful Things): Make an
overcome roll with Craft to have a tool or artefact, or
Almost any other Larceny or Deceive Stunt
jury rig it.
Aspect assocaied with their god, Ascetic, Learned,
Avaricious, Eye for a Good Deal, Honest,
Loner, Pious, Corrupt
Unprincipled, Wheeler-dealer, Gotta haggle!
Ritual(Divine Intervention): Spend a Fate Point (or
Rapport(Haggle): use Rapport to buy things if Privy one from a character with the same faith) and use Ritual
Purse is no more than 2 below difficulty; Privy Purse to create an advantage in keeping with one of the god’s
may still change. aspects.Any invoke can be passed to another character.
Contacts(Ear to the Ground): roll Contacts against a
difficulty of 2 where they’ve built a network of contacts BEGGAR
to automatically go first in a social conflict initiated by Con Artist, Desperate, Diseased, Frightening,
someone else. Frightened
Empathy(Eye of Truth): +2 to all Empathy rolls to Danger Sense: At the start of any physical conflict that
spot lies, whether they’re directed at the character or would normally be a surprise for the character, they can
someone else. make a free Notice roll to create an advantage based on
the fact that they aren’t as surprised as the enemy thinks
Loyal to Self, Cynical, Just Following Orders, Will Contacts(Rumourmonger): +2 to create an advantage
Do Anything for Pay when planting rumours (likely vicious and untrue) about
Fight(Dirty-Fighting): Spend a Fate Point to increase someone else.
the harm done by a successful Fight attack so that Stress Rapport(Haggle): Provided Privy Purse is no more
points become a Mild Consequence, Mild becomes than 2 below the difficulty, use Rapport instead of Privy
serious or serious becomes Grievous related to a very Purse to buy things, though it may still change.
painful blow to kidneys or gonads, or an eye gouge etc.
Fight(Bar-fighter): Gain +2 to create advantages BRIGAND/OUTLAW
involving improvised weapons such as bottles, chairs Loyal to Gang, Former Soldier, FreedomFighter,
etc., and clubs. Impoverished, Ruthless
Athletics(Head for Heights): +2 to create advantages
with Athletics in any activity or chase across rooftops or
a similarly precarious environment.
Fight(Grappler): Spend a Fate Point to allow any
successful Fight attack to create the boost
Incapacitated on opponent and allow a free invoke.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Hopeless Romantic, Loves to be the centre of
attention, Voice like honey These interpretations of the creatures of Harn World
Deceive(Master of Disguise): Spend a Fate Point to use the following Statistic Block:
use a few things to create Disguised with a free invoke. NAME (HIGH CONCEPT & Nos. appearing)
Empathy(Good Listener): natural practitioner of the Number appearing is only a guide to GMs and should be
‘talking cure’ who can help others recover from social or interpreted based on the narrative. It can be invoked or
mental consequences. +2 to the Empathy roll. compelled to reflect the behaviour of a creature when
other aspects don’t apply.
SCHOLAR Trouble Aspect
Bookworm, I think it would be better if …, Mad A characteristic of the creature, or its behaviour, that
Genius, Oblivious, Obsessed may get it into difficulties (and perhaps advantage PCs).
Scholar(I’ve Read about That): Spend a Fate Point to Behaviour Aspect
use Scholar in place of any other skill for one roll or An aspect of the creature’s behaviour or way of life.
exchange, provided they can justify having read about Threat Reaction Aspect
the action they are attempting. A typical reaction to a threat from PCs (or other
Scholar(Shield of Reason): Use Scholar to defend creatures) along with any qualifying factors such as time
against Provoke attempts, provided the GM can be of year or presence of young etc.
convinced that rational thought and reason could Other Aspect(s)
overcome fear. These usually describe a natural ability of the creature if
Investigate(Attention to Detail): Use Investigate it is general enough to constitute an aspect.
instead of Empathy to defend against Deceive in SIZE
contests due to careful observation of the opponent. This is not an aspect but is used in combat encounters
Serf/Slave/Common Townsfolk as described under Fight, Melee and Missile where the
Loyal to Locality or Master, Downtrodden, creature is more or less than ‘Man-sized’:
Confidante, Discontent, Obsequious, Overworked Descriptor SIZE
Empathy(Nose for Trouble): Use Empathy instead of Tiny - Thumb-sized +0
Notice to determine initiative in a conflict, provided the Very small - Fist-sized +1
Small - Dog-sized +2
character has already had a chance to observe/speak to
Man-sized +3
those involved in the scene.
Big - Horse-sized +4
Rapport(Haggle): Provided Privy Purse is no more Huge - Elephant/Room-sized +5
than 2 below the difficulty, use Rapport instead of Privy Enormous - House-sized +6
Purse to buy things; Privy Purse may still change. Gigantic - Small Temple-sized +7
Rapport(Braggart): Use Rapport instead of Provoke on Vast - Keep-sized +8
first meeting someone to create an advantage based on Village-sized +9
intimidating demeanour Town-sized +10
City-sized +11
Loner, One with Nature, The Thrill of the Chase,
Aggressive ‘natural’ beasts often have a Fear rating of
Uncomfortable in Towns
+1, which increases for the larger &/or more ‘mythical’.
Survival(Tracker): +2 to Survival rolls to find and
Skill Column and (Stunts)
follow tracks in natural environs.
Most peak at +4 with Stunts used to define specific
Survival(Lodestone): never gets lost, whatever the modes of attack or other natural abilities.
weather or surroundings. They always know which way Attack Impact: Armour Protection:
is north and the general direction of landmarks. In truly These are used as described in Fight, Melee and Missile.
alien surroundings they can make a Survival roll vs. 3 to Stress and Consequences
know where they are in relation to known landmarks. The Stress Track usually peaks at SIZE supplemented by
Survival(Herb Lore): use Survival instead of Scholar to Endurance &/or Will. They all have Mild, Serious and
find a particularly useful plants or herbs in natural Grievous Conseqeunces, though narrative or context
environs. Add +2 to the healing rolls using plants/herbs may make them reluctant to use them.
to treat wounds/sickness.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Territorial in Spring; Intimidate if threatened or
AQUATIC – DARANOG (1) attack in defence of young; Ripping Claws
Stays close to Water; Swift strike from the water’s BIG(+4) & HORRIFIC(+2)
edge; Retreat to fight another day. +4 Fight (Roar: Use Fight to make Mental Attack
HUGE(+5) & TERRIBLE(+1)! against Will on anyone in the same Zone, once per
+4 Fight (Serpentine Crush: Can spend a Fate Point scene) & (Grappler: spend a Fate Point to allow any
to allow any successful Fight attack to create the boost successful Fight attack to create the boost
Incapacitated on an opponent with a free invoke.); +3 Incapacitated on an opponent) & (Bear Hug: +2 shifts
Stealth; +2 Notice; +1 Athletics (Swimmer: Move of damage on an Incapacitated opponent) & (Teeth &
two zones through water and attack, unless there is a Claws: Either +1 to attack a single target with teeth
movement restriction). AND claws, OR attack 2 targets at -1 each); +3
Bite: 5/1 (due to long neck); Constrict: 6/0 (if target is Endurance; +2 Athletics; +1 Notice.
Incapacitated) Glistening Green-Blue Scales: 3 Bite & Claws: 2 Thick Hide & Pelt: 2
12345 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
AQUATIC – WRECAN (1) Feels the heat; Fearless Hunter; White on White.
Ships look like other Wrecan; Territorial predator; BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
Hates other Wrecan; Can’t let go! +4 Fight; +3 Endurance; +2 Stealth; +1 Athletics
GIGANTIC(+7) & HORRIFIC(+2)! (Swimmer: Move two zones thorugh water and attack
+4 Fight (Jaws of the Wrecan): Spend a Fate Point in the same action if there are no restrictions to
after a successful Fight attack to create the advantage In movement.)
its Jaws on any vessel/creature up to its own size. On Bite & Claws: 2 Thick Hide & Pelt: 2
smaller creatures/objects, this becomes Swallowed! 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Successive successes generate Firmer Grip, and then
Sinking, as it drags the ship down. The Endurance of CAT – COUGAR (1)
Swallowed! characters is subject to automatice Attacks Nervous; Stalks its prey; Retreats; Grace & Power.
each exchange (Armour applied only for the first SMALL(+2)
exchange). They may also face the risk of suffocation. +4 Notice; +3 Stealth (Ambush: Use Stealth to Attack
Swallowed! Characters must Overcome +2 to Attack if target is unaware); +2 Athletics (Death from above:
the Wrecan which then defends using Endurance but +2 to Overcome or Create Advantage when above the
with no armour protection; +3 Endurance; +2 Notice; opponent); +1 Fight.
+1 Athletics (Swimmer: Move two zones through Bite:1 Hide:1
water and attack, unless there is a movement 12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Bite:6 Brown Wrinkly Hide:3 CAT – DRACOFELAS (1)
Arrogant ‘Lord of the Forest‘; Nocturnal Hunter by
1234567 Stealth; Frightened of nothing; Sabre-toothed.
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Serious2 Grievous3 BIG(+4)
+4 Fight; +3 Stealth (Cats Grace: Use Stealth to
climb and move among the trees) AND (Ambush: Use
Curious; Mildly Territorial Omnivore; Retreat unless
Stealth to Attack if target is unaware); +2 Notice; +1
young are threatened; Powerful Claws
Sabre toothed bite: 2 Thick Fur: 1
+4 Notice (Keen Sense of Smell: +2 on Notice rolls
made to overcome using good sense of smell.); +3 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Athletics (Climber: +2 to Athletics when climbing
trees); +2 Survival; +1 Fight
Claws: 1 Pelt: 1
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
The Herd comes first; Aggressive grazer; Enormous Arrogant Master of the high peaks; Cunning hunter;
horns; Potent sinews. Intimidate rather than fight.
HUGE(+5) BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
+4 Fight (Charge: Overcome +2 to move 1 zone and +4 Athletics (Glide attack: Use Athletics to move up
Attack as one action and, if Succeed with Style then +2 to 2 zones per 20’ of starting height and attack as a
Damage due to trampling); +3 Endurance (Too single action) AND Agile climber: +2 to climb);
stubborn to die: Once per scene spend a Fate Point to +3 Endurance; +2 Provoke (Roar!: Intimidate
ignore the damage from any single attack); +2 Provoke Attack on all creatures within 1 zone); +1 Fight
(Bellow: Use Provoke against every creature in the (Multiple Attacks: Either +1 to attack a single target
zone, plus 1 zone per Fate Point expended); +1 Notice with Beak and Talons, OR attack 2 targets at -1 each)
(Herd instinct: +1 to Notice for each adult present) Talons:2 & Beak:1 Hide:2
Hooves and Horns:5 Hide:2
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 CHIMERA – GRIFFON (1d6+3 FEMALES)
The pride comes first; Cunning pack hunter; Drive the
CATTLE - WISENT (1d6+6) prey.
The Herd comes first; Avoid confrontations; Heavily BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
muscled grazer +4 Notice; +3 Stealth; +2 Athletics (Glide attack:
BIG(+4) Use Athletics to move up to 2 zones per 20’ of starting
+4 Endurance (Hard to kill: Use Endurance to defend height and attack as a single action) AND (Agile
against physical attacks though the beast takes +1 extra climber: +2 to climb); +2 Fight (Multiple Attacks:
damage on a tie); +3 Fight (Charge: Overcome +2 to Either +1 to attack a single target with Beak and Talons,
move 1 zone and Attack as one action and, if Succeed OR attack 2 targets at -1 each)
with Style then +2 Damage due to trampling); +2 Talons:2 & Beak:1 Hide:2
Athletics; +1 Notice (Herd instinct: +1 to Notice for
each adult present).
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Hooves and Horns:4 Hide:2 DEER – RED DEER (1d3+1 x 1d6)
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 The Herd comes first; Placid grazer; Flee unless
Stupid & lightly boned; Territorial scavenger; +4 Notice; +3 Athletics (Charge: Overcome +2 to
Intimidate if threatened move 1 zone and Attack as one action and, if Succeed
BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)! with Style then +2 Damage due to trampling); +2
+4 Notice; +3 Athletics (Leap onto a target: Endurance; +1 Fight.
Succeed with style to leap 20’ into the air before Gore:1 Hide:1
swooping hooves first onto the target to do +2 shifts of
Damage) AND (Fly: Move 2 zones and attack as a single
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
action so long as there is no restriction); +2 Fight DEER – PERAN MOOSE (1d3)
(Multiple Attacks: Either +1 to attack a single target Fearless; Territorial forest grazer; Challenge the
with Beak AND Talons, OR attack 2 targets at -1 each); interloper
+1 Provoke HUGE(+5)
Talons:3 & Beak:2 Hide:2 +4 Strength; +3 Endurance (Hard to kill: Use
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Endurance to defend against physical attacks though the
beast takes +1 extra damage on a tie); +2 Fight; +1
Athletics (Charge: Overcome +2 to move 1 zone and
Attack as one action and, if Succeed with Style then +2
Damage due to trampling)
Gore:2 (+2 shifts of Damage) Hide:2
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Domesticated; Courageous friend to man; Bite before Stay close to Water; Territorial serpent; Very
bark. aggressive
SMALL(+2) BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
+4 Fight; +3 Athletics (Swift: Move two zones and +4 Notice; +3 Stealth (Prismatic Scales: Use Stealth
attack as a single action if no restriction to movement); instead of Athletics to defend against physical attacks);
+2 Notice; +1 Stealth +2 Fight (Grappler: spend a Fate Point to allow any
Bite:1 Hide:1 successful Fight attack to create the boost
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Incapacitated on an opponent as its tail coils around
them) AND ( Venom: spend a Fate Point following any
DOG – BLOODHOUND (varies) successful Fight attack to force the victim to take a
Domesticated; Tenacious friend to man; Bark before Consequence, Creeping Paralysis, insteaed of Stress.
bite. This requires an Endurance Overcome to reduce the
SMALL(+2) value of the Consequence until it’s gone); +1 Athletics
+4 Survival (Tracker: +2 to Survival rolls made to find (Swimmer: Move two zones for free in a conflict
and follow tracks in a natural environments); +3 Notice without rolling, instead of one, provided there are no
(Keen Sense of Smell: +2 to Notice using smell); +2 aspects restricting movement.)
Athletics; +1 Stealth Claws & Bite: 3 Glistening scales: 3
Bite:1 Hide:1 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
DRAGON – DRAGONET (1) Craven; Territorial stalker; Spit!
Prized as a familiar; Bat-winged serpent; Fight BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
another day; Psychic link +4 Athletics (Climber and Jumper: +2 when using
SMALL(+2) Athletics to climb or jump); +3 Fight (Acid Spray: once
+3 Athletics (Diving Attack: Move up to 2 zones, per session can ignore victim’s armour following a
Attack, and continue on for another zone) AND (Flyer: successful Fight attack or spend a Fate Point to attack a
Move two zones instead of one, provided there are no weapon or armour with an Overcome against the quality
aspects restricting movement); +2 Fight; +1 Notice of their crafting to make them permanently Weakened);
(Psychic Link: Spend a Fate Point to detect any +2 Endurance; +1 Stealth (Ambush: Spend a Fate
ethereal in the scene and communicate to a chosen Point to take the first action irrespective of normal turn
human) order).
Bite:1 Iridescent scales:1 Claws & Bite: 3 Glistening scales: 3
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Prized by scholars; Solitary cave dweller; Very Light boned; Soaring Terrtorial Hunter; Craven
aggressive BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)! +4 Athletics (Flyer: Move two zones instead of one
+4 Will (Gaze: +2 against target’s Will to create Frozen provided there are no restrictive aspects) AND (Diving
so long as the target is in the same zone. The effect can Attack: Use Athletics to move up to 2 zones, attack,
be sustained at the end of that, and subsequent, and continue into another zone); +3 Notice (Sharp
exchanges by spending a Fate Point); +3 Stealth; +2 eyed: +2 to Overcome using sight); +2 Fight ( Venom:
Fight (Venom: spend a Fate Point following any spend a Fate Point following any successful Fight attack
successful Fight attack to force the victim to take a to force the victim to take a Consequence, Creeping
Consequence, Creeping Paralysis, instead of Stress. Paralysis, insteaed of Stress. This requires an
This requires an Endurance Overcome to reduce to the Endurance Overcome to reduce the value of the
value of the Consequence until it’s gone); +1 Notice Consequence until it’s gone ) +1 Survival
Bite:2 Dull brown and black scales:3 Claws & Bite: 3 Glistening scales: 3
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
GIANT – HRU (5d6) GULMORVRIN (varies)
Stone in the sun; Sociable thinker; Fight Slow; Suscpetible to Light and Fire; Obedient to
ENORMOUS(+6) & TERRIBLE (+1) Master
+4 Notice (Foul Breath: Use Endurance to create HORRIFIC(+2)!
Retching on any opponent(s) in the same zone due to its +4 Fight (Touched by Bukrai: If any Physical Stress is
foul breath.); +3 Fight (Haymaker: Success with Style inflicted add a point of Mental Stress); +3 Endurance
in a Fight attack places Dazed on the target with a free +2 Strength; +1 Will (Hard boiled: Once per session
invoke) AND (Great Blow: Success in a Fight attack choose a mild or serious Consequence that can’t be
automatically inflicts 2 extra shifts of physical damage); compelled/invoked against it for the duration of the
+2 Scholar (Lore of the Mountains: gains a +2 to all scene. At the end of the scene the Consequence
Scholar rolls relating to the Mountains); +1 Athletics increases one level).
Fist:5 Stone!:6 Bludgeoning Fists:1 (+1 Damage) Leathery skin:1
123456 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Serious2 Grievous3 SNAKE – HARNIC ADDER (1d3)
GRAVE-WIGHT – MALE (1d6) Craven; Silent in the undergrowth; Dangerous when
Not Very Bright Follower of its Female; Long Limbed surprised!
Night Stalker; Attack! VERY SMALL(+1)
MAN-SIZED(+3) & HORRIFIC(+2)! +4 Notice; +3 Stealth; +2 Athetics; +1 Fight
+4 Athletics & +3 Fight (Rot: If an Attack causes a (Poison: Victim Overcomes +2 with Endurance or
physical Consequence it is Grave Rot which must be suffers 1 physical stress per exchange until treated)
treated successfully or it gets worse!) AND (Teeth & Bite:1 Skin:0 0
Claws: Either +1 to attack a single target with teeth TAWEDOG (1)
AND talons, OR attack 2 targets at -1 each); +3 Stealth; Shy, elusive and enigmatic ‘Old Ones of the Forest’;
+2 Strength (+1 Damage); +1 Endurance. Camouflage; Berserk blood lust
Talons:3/1 & Bite:2/0 Thick Hide & Pelt: 2 BIG(+4) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 +4 Notice; +3 Provoke (Presence: Use Provoke to
defend against Melee/Fight attacks, but only until
GRAVE-WIGHT – FEMALE (1/male group) receiving stress in a conflict, which demonstrates
Fat and Slow; Night Stalker; Cunning Deceiver vulnerability); +2 Athletics (Move through the
MAN-SIZED(+3) & HORRIFIC(+2)! canopy: +2 to Overcome obstacles among the forest
+4 Will (Influence: Passive Overcome vs. target Will canopy); +1 Survival (Ghost in the woods: +2 to
within 2 Zones to secretly create the advantage create advantages when tracking or being tracked).
Confused. Actively Overcome vs. target Will within 2 Clawed hand:3 or Tree bough:2 Hide:1
Zones to secretly create the advantage Panic. Either
advantage can only be invoked by the female and are 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
typically used to drive them from the Wights’ lair or WILD BOAR (1)
draw them deeper into danger); +3 Endurance; +2 Tenacious(or Stupid!); Ferociously Territorial;
Stealth; +1 Fight (Rot: If an Attack causes a physical Cunning
Consequence it is Grave Rot which must be treated MAN-SIZED(+3)
successfully or it gets worse!) +4 Fight; +3 Endurance; +2 Athletics (Charge:
Talons:2/0 & Bite:2/0 Thick Hide & Pelt: 2 Move two zones instead of one into contact, provided
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 there are no restrictive aspects); +1 Notice
Tusks:2 Thick Hide:1
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Depends on the pack; Intensely Territorial; Cunning
Hunter GARGU –ARAK (2d6) – Small Orc
SMALL(+2) Easily bullied; Nocturnal Predator; Avoids other
+4 Notice; +3 Survival; +2 Fight (Pack Hunter: +2 Gargun;
to create an advantage using Fight when there are 3+ SMALL(+2)
wolves in the scene); +1 Stealth +4 Stealth; +3 Missiles; +2 Fight; +1 Survival (Herb
Bite: 1 Thick Fur: 1 Lore: use Survival instead of Scholar to find plants
giving +2 to treat physical Consequences)
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Mankar:1 & Bow:1/1 Hide:1 & Buckler(+1 Defend)
Reckless; Intensely Territorial; Cunning Hunter
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
BIG(+4) GARGU –HYEKA (2d6) – Brown Orc
+4 Notice; +3 Endurance; +2 Fight (Pack Hunter: Confident miner; Nocturnal Predator; Metal Crafter
+2 to create an advantage using Fight when there are MAN-SIZED(+3)
3+ wolves in the scene) AND (Teeth & Claws: Either +4 Melee; +3 Notice; +2 Stealth; +1 Craft (Miner:
+1 to attack a single target with teeth AND claws, OR +2 to Craft rolls relating to mines and mining)
attack 2 targets at -1 each); +1 Stealth Mankar:1 & Javelin:2/1 Hide & Round Sh:1+1
Teeth:2 & Claws:1 Thick Fur: 1
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
GARGU –KYANI (1d6) – White Orc
YELGRI (2d6) Loyal to Tribe; Thoughtful Nocturnal Predator;
Light Boned; Skittish Hunter; Aggressive Honours Courage
+4 Athletics (Fly: Move 2 zones instead of one +4 Melee; +3 Notice (Danger Sense: a free Notice roll
provided there are no restrictive aspects); +3 Notice; to Create an Advantage as they are not as surprised as
+2 Fight (Diving Attack: Can dive three zones and the enemy expects); +2 Scholar (Wolf Ken: Use
Attack with Talons as one action provided there are no Scholar instead of Rapport/Provoke/Empathy to
restrictive aspects); +1 Melee ‘communicate’ basic ideas and simple directions to
Primitive Spear/Javelin:1/1 & Talons:1 Hide:2 dogs/wolves); +1 Endurance
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Mankar:1 & Javelin:2/1 Leather & Round Sh:1+1
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
GARGU –VIASAL (1d6) – Red Orc
Aggressive; Superstitious Nocturnal Cannibal
Predator; Hate Khanu
+4 Melee; +3 Stealth; +2 Athletics; +1 Notice
(Danger Sense: a free Notice roll to create an
advantage due to the fact that they’re not surprised by
enemy at the start of any ambush.)
Mang:2 & Spear:2 Ring & Round Sh:2+1
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
GARGU –KHANU (1d6) – Black Orc
Fearless; Murderous Nocturnal Predator; Battle Rage
+4 Melee; +3 Endurance; +2 Notice (Danger Sense:
a free Notice roll to create an advantage due to the fact
that they’re not surprised by enemy at the start of any
ambush); +1 Stealth
Mang:2 (+1 Damage) Ring & Round Sh:2+1
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Invulnerable to any physcal attacks other than those
Elementals can be summoned from the elemental
based on its own or the diametric element/essence:
dimensions that exist beyond the Spirit World. They
Earth or Fyvrian Magic.
vary in size from the Very Small (Size +1) to rare
Common Stunt: Charge! Spend a Fate Point (own or
Elemental Lords (Enormous: Size +6).
Conjuror‘s) to Move up to 2 Zones into contact, attack
INTELLIGENCE with a Buffet, and retreat 1 Zone, all as a single action.
Elementals up to Size +3 are no more intelligent
than dogs or well-trained horses, but the larger they get
Playful and dangerous living wind
the more intelligent they become. These Elementals
+1 Athletics
often have complex, individual personalities, and quirks.
VULNERABILITIES 1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Elementals are normally only vulnerable to attacks
using their own element, the element to which they are SMALL(+2)
diametrically opposed, or magic from a similar source. Playful and dangerous living wind
They also suffer if they are separated from their +2 Athletics, +1 Strength
natural element. They -1 to all rolls per zone away from Buffet:2 [+1Dam]
a source of their element (or in the case of fire 12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
elementals, fuel to feed on). This has most effect on
water and mineral elementals, and least on air MAN-SIZED(+3)
elementals. Fire elementals have to Overcome their Playful and dangerous living wind
own Rank to remain active in the same zone for more +3 Athletics, +2 Strength, +1 Fight
than 2 exchanges, as they use up fuel depending on their Buffet:3 [+1Dam]
own size; this is why they most often attack using their 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
fireball stunt as it allows them to pass through the
target’s zone and refuel in an adjacent one. BIG(+4)
Playful and dangerous living wind
Confined spaces are restrictive
+4 Athletics, +3 Strength, +2 Fight, +1 Deceive
Buffet:4 [+2Dam]
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Playful and dangerous living wind
Confined spaces are restrictive
Sound is Just Moving Air
+5 Athletics, +4 Strength, +3 Fight, +2 Deceive,
+1 Provoke
Buffet:5 [+2Dam]
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Playful and dangerous living wind
Confined spaces are restrictive
Sound is Just Moving Air
A Storm Incarnate
+6 Athletics, +5 Strength, +4 Fight, +3 Deceive,
+2 Provoke, +1 Will
Buffet:6 [+3Dam] 123456
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Invulnerable to any physcal attacks other than those Invulnerable to any physcal attacks other than those
based its own or the diametric element/essence: Air or based on its own or the diametric element/essence:
Lyahvian Magic. Water or Odivishan Magic.
Common Stunt: Restrain! Spend a Fate Point (own or Common Stunt: Fireball! Spend a Fate Point (own or
Conjuror‘s) to gain +2 active opposition to any Conjuror‘s) to Move up to 2 Zones into contact and
movement through the zone it occupies. Burn as a single action.
Deliberate and Dangerous Living Earth Swift and Aggressive Essence of Flame
+1 Strength +1 Fight
Batter and Bury:1[+1Dam] Burn:1
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Deliberate and Dangerous Living Earth Swift and Aggressive Essence of Flame
+2 Strength, +1 Fight +2 Fight, +1 Athletics
Batter and Bury:2[+1Dam] Burn:2
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Deliberate and Dangerous Living Earth
Swift and Aggressive Essence of Flame
+3 Strength, +2 Fight, +1 Athletics
+3 Fight, +2 Athletics, +1 Endurance
Batter and Bury:3[+2Dam]
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
BIG(+4) BIG(+4)
Deliberate and Dangerous Living Earth
Swift and Aggressive Essence of Flame
Stone is not Earth!
Hot Tempered Destroyer
+4 Strength, +3 Fight, +2 Athletics, +1 Will
+4 Fight, +3 Athletics, +2 Endurance, +1 Provoke
Batter and Bury:4[+2Dam]
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Deliberate and Dangerous Living Earth HUGE(+5)
Stone is not Earth! Swift and Aggressive Essence of Flame
Earth is my Water Hot Tempered Destroyer
+5 Strength, +4 Fight, +3 Athletics, +2 Will, +1 Fuel my Flame
Empathy +5 Fight, +4 Athletics, +3 Endurance, +2 Provoke,
Batter and Bury:5[+3Dam] +1 Deceive
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Burn:5

12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Deliberate and Dangerous Living Earth ENORMOUS(+6)
Stone is not Earth! Swift and Aggressive Essence of Flame
Earth is my Water Hot Tempered Destroyer
Plant Nurturer Fuel my Flame
+6 Strength, +5 Fight, +4 Athletics, +3 Will, +2 Beautiful when Tranquil
Empathy, +1 Deceive +6 Fight, +5 Athletics, +4 Endurance, +3 Provoke,
Batter and Bury:6[+3Dam] +2 Deceive, +1 Will
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Burn:6 123456
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Invulnerable to any physcal attacks other than those Invulnerable to any physcal attacks other than those
based on its own or the the diametric element/essence: based on its own or the diametric element/essence:
Fire or Peleahn Magic Earth or Fyvrian Magic.
Common Stunt: Ice Storm! Spend a Fate Point (own Common Stunt: Prismatic Flicker Spend a Fate Point
or Conjuror‘s) to cause +1 shift of damage when making (own or Conjuror‘s) to use Deceive instead of Athletics
a successful Fight attack.# to defend against physical attacks.
Pitiless Essence of Cold Playful and dangerous living light
+1 Fight +1 Deceive
Freeze:1 Dazzle:1
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Pitiless Essence of Cold Playful and dangerous living light
+2 Fight, +1 Endurance +2 Deceive, +1 Athletics
Freeze:2 Dazzle:2
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Pitiless Essence of Cold Playful and dangerous living light
+3 Fight, +2 Endurance, +1 Athletics +3 Deceive, +2 Athletics, +1 Fight
Freeze:3 Dazzle:3
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
BIG(+4) BIG(+4)
Pitiless Essence of Cold Playful and dangerous living light
Cold and Dark! Line of Sight
+4 Fight, +3 Endurance, +2 Athletics, +1 Provoke +4 Deceive, +3 Athletics, +2 Fight, +1 Provoke
Freeze:4 Dazzle:4
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
HUGE(+5) HUGE(+5)
Pitiless Essence of Cold Playful and dangerous living light
Cold and Dark! Line of Sight
Sensual Flow Coat of Many Colours
+5 Fight, +4 Endurance, +3 Athletics, +2 Provoke, +5 Deceive, +4 Athletics, +3 Fight, +2 Provoke, +1
+1 Will Will
Freeze:5 Dazzle:5
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Pitiless Essence of Cold Playful and dangerous living light
Cold and Dark! Line of Sight
Sensual Flow Coat of Many Colours
Tidal Wave! Awesome Presence
+6 Fight, +5 Endurance, +4 Athletics, +3 Provoke, +6 Deceive, +5 Athletics, +4 Fight, +3 Provoke, +2
+2 Will, +1 Strength Will, +1 Empathy
Freeze:6 123456 Dazzle:6 123456
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Invulnerable to any physcal attacks other than those Invulnerable to any physical attacks other than those
based on the its own or diametric element/essence: based on its own or the the diametric element/essence:
Spirit or Savoryan Magic. Some consider these refined Fire or Peleahn Magic. Shadow Elementals cannot
members of one of the Stone tribes as it has some cause physical stress, but attack with Provoke to
similarities to those cruder crreatures. Frighten. Shadow Elementals are sometimes mistaken
Common Stunt: Dismantle! Spend a Fate Point (own for the feared Shadow of Bukrai ...
or Conjuror‘s) to gain +2 to Create an Advantage due to Common Stunt: Shivers! Spend a Fate Point (own or
taking some constrcuted item apart. Conjuror‘s) to gain +1 to shifts of mental strss when
attacking using Provoke.
Sharp Edged Artificer VERY SMALL(+1)
+1 Craft Insidious Pool of Shadow
Stab:1 +1 Stealth
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Sharp Edged Artificer SMALL(+2)
+2 Craft, +1 Endurance Insidious Pool of Shadow
Stab:2 +2 Stealth, +1 Provoke
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Sharp Edged Artificer LARGE(+3)
+3 Craft, +2 Endurance, +1 Deceive Insidious Pool of Shadow
Stab:3 +3 Stealth, +2 Provoke, +1 Empathy
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Sharp Edged Artificer BIG(+4)
Fragile Fault Lines Under Pressure Insidious Pool of Shadow
+4 Craft, +3 Endurance, +2 Deceive, +1 Strength Silent and Cold!
Stab:4 +4 Stealth, +3 Provoke, +2 Empathy, +1 Will
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Sharp Edged Artificer HUGE(+5)
Fragile Fault Lines Under Pressure Insidious Pool of Shadow
Ingenuity is Fascinating Silent and Cold!
+5 Craft, +4 Endurance, +3 Deceive, +2 Strength, Hide in Plain Sight
+1 Will +5 Stealth, +4 Provoke, +3 Empathy, +2 Will, +1
Stab:5 Deceive
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Sharp Edged Artificer ENORMOUS(+6)
Fragile Fault Lines Under Pressure Insidious Pool of Shadow
Ingenuity is Fascinating Silent and Cold!
Metals can Flow Hide in Plain Sight
+6 Craft, +5 Endurance, +4 Deceive, +3 Strength, The Pit of Despair
+2 Will, +1 Scholar +6 Stealth, +5 Provoke, +4 Empathy, +3 Will, +2
Deceive, +1 Athletics
Stab:6 123456
Frighten:6 123456
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
All of the many mineral tribes are invulnerable to Invulnerable to anything but attacks based on its own or
anything but attacks based on its own or the diametric the the diametric element/essence: Fire or Peleahn
element/essence: Spirit or Savoryan Magic. Magic.
Common Stunt: Smash! Spend a Fate Point (own or Common Stunt: Fascinate! Spend a Fate Point (own
Conjuror‘s) to gain +1 Shift of damage against any or Conjuror‘s) to gain +2 to Create an Advantage using
Armour or Shield that is used to absorb damage, or any Rapport.
constructed item it attacks.
VERY SMALL(+1) Flirtatious but Irresistible Living Water
Blunt Destroyer +1 Athletics
+1 Fight Pummel and Drown:1
Crush:1 1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
SMALL(+2) Flirtatious but Irresistible Living Water
Blunt Destroyer +2 Athletics, +1 Rapport
+2 Fight, +1 Endurance Pummel and Drown:2
Crush:2 12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
LARGE(+3) Flirtatious but Irresistible Living Water
Blunt Destroyer +3 Athletics, +2 Rapport, +1 Empathy
+3 Fight, +2 Endurance, +1 Deceive Pummel and Drown:3
Crush:3 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
BIG(+4) Flirtatious but Irresistible Living Water
Blunt Destroyer Cold and Dark!
Fragile Fault Lines Under Pressure +4 Athletics, +3 Rapport, +2 Empathy, +1 Fight
+4 Fight, +3 Endurance, +2 Deceive, +1 Strength Pummel and Drown:4
Crush:4 [+1Dam] 1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
HUGE(+5) Flirtatious but Irresistible Living Water
Blunt Destroyer Cold and Dark!
Fragile Fault Lines Under Pressure Sensual Flow
Single Minded +5 Athletics, +4 Rapport, +3 Empathy, +2 Fight,
+5 Fight, +4 Endurance, +3 Deceive, +2 Strength, +1 Endurance
+1 Will Pummel and Drown:5
Crush:5 [+1Dam] 12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
ENORMOUS(+6) Flirtatious but Irresistible Living Water
Blunt Destroyer Cold and Dark!
Fragile Fault Lines Under Pressure Sensual Flow
Single Minded Tidal Wave!
Unstoppable +6 Athletics, +5 Rapport, +4 Empathy, +3 Fight,
+6 Fight, +5 Endurance, +4 Deceive, +3 Strength, +2 Endurance, +1 Deceive
+2 Will, +1 Scholar Pummel and Drown:6 123456
Crush:6 [+2Dam] 123456 Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03


The spirits of dangerous misty marshes & bogs.
Spirits can be summoned (see Shek Pvar and Predator in the Mist (Rank +2)
Shaman Extras) or encountered in nature. Rank reflects +2 Deceive (A Lantern in the Mist! Use Deceive to
their power as Size depends on their choice of create the advantage‚ This way, it’s a Lantern/Light,
manifestation which can be very varied. as apprporiate); +1Will
INTELLIGENCE 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Spirits of Rank 1-2 are usually as intelligent as a
child with Rank 3 having adult understanding. Those of SPIRIT OF NATURE - ASIRI
higher Rank may be far more intelligent and cunning! These ethereal Sprites often secret themselves in
inanimate objects and manifest as small humanoids with
SPIRIT VULNERABILITIES butterfly wings. In either form they can manipulate the
All spirits are vulnerable to mental, and immune to air around them.
physical, attacks, but their choice of manifestation may Air Sprite(Rank +3); Air is my tool
not be. Many spirits are sometimes very fond of some +3 Rapport (Charm: Use Rapport to Overcome the
object or places and threats to them can encourage the victim’s Will cause them to be Charmed, ignoring
spirit’s cooperation. If taken out the spirit either everything about them until the end of the next
disperses or retreats into its chosen object to recover. exchange); +2 Will (Magic of Air: +2 to use Will in
SPIRITS OF NATURE - ILSIRI place of Lyahvian Create/Make & Destroy/Disperse,
These are the ubiquitous spirits summoned using the BUT only on the Essence of Air. This causes no Stress
Shamanic Rites skill and rarely exceed Rank +3. The but costs cumulative Fate Point to extend range, area of
often manifest as tiny humanoids with insect wings effect or duration beyond the currrent exchange; +1
Minor Ilsiri (Rank+1) Buffet: 2
Essence of … (animal, plant or place)
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
+1 Will (Essence of the ...! +2 to either Overcome,
Create an Advantage, or Attack, depending on the SPIRIT OF NATURE - ELMITHRI
animal, plant or place.) AND (Mental Bolt: Use Will to These ethereal Sprites live in bodies of water and
make an Attack on Mental Stress) manifest as attractive women with fishtails; easily
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 mistaken for mermaids. In either ethereal or physical
form they can manipulate the water around them.
Major Ilsiri (Rank+2) Any Elmithri is fond of their pool and would have to
Essence of … (animal, plant or place) cease manifestation to leave it. However, it is quite
Proud, even Arrogant difficult to ‘attack’ a pool in order to threaten a water
+2 Will (Essence of the ...! +2 to either Overcome, sprite.
Create an Advantage, or Attack, depending on the Water Sprite(Rank +3); Water is my tool and my
animal, plant or place.) AND (Mental Bolt: Use Will to home
make an Attack on Mental Stress) +3 Rapport (Charm: Use Rapport to Overcome the
AND (Summon ...: Use Will to Create an Advantage in victim’s Will cause them to be Charmed, ignoring
the form of some creature associated with its nature); everything about them until the end of the next
+1 Provoke exchange); +2 Will (Magic of Water: +2 to use Will in
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 place of Odvishan Create/Make & Destroy/Disperse,
BUT only on the Essence of Water. This causes no
Potent Ilsiri (Rank+3) Stress but costs cumulative Fate Point to extend range,
Essence of … (animal, plant or place); Proud, even area of effect or duration beyond the currrent exchange;
Arrogant; This is my ... (animal, plant or place) +1 Provoke
+3 Will (Essence of the ...! +2 to either Overcome, Buffet: 2
Create an Advantage, or Attack.) AND (Summon ...:
Use Will to Create an Advantage in the form of some 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
creature associated with its nature); +2 Provoke; +1 in
a skill related to its essence ...
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Dryads live in ancient trees, emerging at night and These are among the most powerful nature spirits.
taking the form of a beautiful women. The Dryad’s tree They manifest, usually at night, as either a humanoid
is vulnerable to normal attacks, though it’s age and with the head of an animal, or a large example of the
stregnth will make it difficult to chop down. animal itself. In either case they are easily distinguished
Beautiful Tree Spirit (Rank +4) by their jet black colour and golden eyes.
Fascinating and Fascinated unless offended Seeker of secrets and teller of lies (Rank +5)
+4 Rapport (Charm: Use Rapport to Overcome a male Cunning trickster of travellers
Will to Charm them until the end of the next exchange. Other gods but Siem are false
Spend all her Fate Points at the beginning of each +5 Scholar (Specialist: +2 Local folklore), +4 Deceive
session to extend this effect to Enthralled until released (Liar: +2 when using Deceive to create an advantage by
by the Dryad, or her tree is killed, or a year and a day). telling a mortal lies); +3 Notice; +2 Will; +1 Notice
+3 Deceive; +2 Will; +1 Stealth Natural weapons and hide: see relevant beast
Unarmed: 0 12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
SPIRIT OF NATURE - GNOME Spirits that have been denied, or refused, their death
Gnomes live in old stumps and boulders and journey into their afterlife
manifest as small male humanoids. Sometimes Gnomes Sad and lonely apparition (Rank+3)
move into human homes when their boulder is broken Needs help to resolve ... (the issue/task etc.)
up to make building stone. These often adopt the Single minded
human inhabitants as Hearth Spirits. Gnomes living in +3 Will (Speak through the living: Use Will to
the stones of mines are called Kobolds by miners. Overcome the Will of a victim so that the ghost can
Grumpy but Industrious Spirit (Rank +3) control and speak through them until the end of te next
Timid exchange. Send a Fate Point to exted the effect for an
+3 Rapport (Animal Friends: Use Rapport to additonal exchange) AND (Ghastly Appearancce! Use
Overcome +2 and call on local animals to distract those Will to Overcome target’s Will to manifest in the
threatening them); +2 Missiles(Poison Dart: Spend a target’snond’s eye); +2 Provoke (Haunting: Use
Fate Point to cause the Consequence Deep Sleep Provoke to Create an Advantage such as Moaning or
instead of Stress); +1 Will Chills to frighten victims. Spend a Fate Point to have an
Crossbow: 0 area effect on anyone on the zone); +1 Deceive (Hide
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 in Plain Sight: while normally entriely ethereal the
ghoat can use Deceive to Overcme the will of a target to
make itself visible out of the corner of their eye)
Polrae live in ruins and caves preferring the dark to
the light. They manifest as a sinewy male humanoid 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
appearing to have been freshly dipped in blood. Lesser
nature spirits live in fear of the Polrae who may bully
These are the Spirits of people who die while
them into supporting its plots to wreak havoc on
holding a grudge some other person(s) so powerful
against that they refuse to give it up in favour of the
Murderous Spirit (Rank +4)
afterlife. They remain to persecute their grudge.
Aggressive and Cunning
+4 Stealth; +3 Melee(Master of the Polearm: +2 to Noisy and Violent Spirit (Rank+3); Rash; This is MY
Create Advantages using their bloodly polearm); +2 place
Will; +1 Strength +3 Provoke, +2 Will (Telekinesis: Use Will to Create
Polearm: 1 (+1 Damage) an Advantage by moving objects in the scene around or
knocking them over. Spend a Fate Point to use Will in
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 place of Missile to Attack a target using an otherwise
harmless object in the scene. The Poltergeist can
accepts penalties to the Attack to rasie the Impact of the
object above 0), +1 Empathy (Secret Fear: Use
Empathy to doscover a victom’s greatest fear)
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
These normally harmless Spirits servants of the god Essence of Knowledge
Siem are tasked to carry dreams into the material world. Jealous of what it knows
On the rare occasions they manifest they do so as tiny Essence of Understanding
humanoids with dark insect wings +5 Scholar; +4 Deceive; +3 Empathy; +2 Rapport;
Siem is my Master(Rank +2); Insidious Spirit of the +1 Contacts
Unconsious 12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
+2 Empathy (Bad Luck: Spend a Fate Point to create
Bad Luck on the victim using Empathy. The spirit then Font of all Knowledge (+6)
concedes, leaving the free invoke for someone else) Essence of Knowledge
AND (Dream Caster: Overcome the Will of a sleeping Jealous of what it knows
target to give them a specific memorable dream. Spend Essence of Understanding
a Fate Point to make it a Nightmare causing +1 Mental Thirst for Knowledge... and experience
Stress per shift of success), +1 Rapport +6 Scholar; +5 Deceive; +4 Empathy; +3 Rapport;
+2 Contacts; +1 Will
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
SPIRITS OF UNDERSTANDING Mild1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
These are conjured by Savoryan mages and are
invulnerable to any physical attacks unless based on the
diametric element/essence: Fire or Peleahn Magic.
Common Scholar Stunts: This demon servant of Naveh is sometimes sent to aide,
Overload: Use Scholar to make an Attack on Mental or chastise, a priest or some other unlucky mortal.
Stress by over stimulating the mind of the victim. Some Gytevsha are invulnerable to any physical or mental
Spirits of Knowledge are so jealous of mortal experience attacks other than those Blessed by, or using the
that they will seek to create the Grievous or Critical Aspects of, another god. It attacks the Will of a victim.
Consequence: Possessed! Common Stunt: Possess! The summoner must
overcome the Will of the Gytevsha using his own Will or
Eye of Knowledge: +2 to recognise and literally
Ritual in order to subdue and command it. Failure and
translation any script
the Gytevsha attacks its summoner with the possessed
Specialist: +2 in an a number of areas of scholarship body’s physical skills.
equal to Rank -1
Local Knowledge (+1) Dark Servant of Naveh
Essence of Knowledge +1 Provoke
+1 Scholar
Frighten:1 1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Scholar (+2) Dark Servant of Naveh
Essence of Knowledge +2 Provoke, +1 Will
+2 Scholar +1Deceive Frighten:2 12 Mild1Serious2 Grievous3
12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 RANK+3
Teacher (+3) Dark Servant of Naveh
Essence of Knowledge +3 Provoke, +2 Will, +1 Deceive
+3 Scholar; +2 Deceive; +1 Empathy Frighten:3 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 RANK+4
Dark Servant of Naveh
Master (+4) Merciless
Essence of Knowledge +4 Provoke, +3 Will, +2 Deceive, +1 Stealth
Jealous of what it knows
+4 Scholar; +3 Deceive; +2 Empathy; +1 Rapport Frighten:4 1234
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld


This is a horrific ethereal phenomenon which surrounds ADWELNA (1)
some artefacts sacred to Morgath, and his undead Patient
minions. The Shadow is only ever encountered as a Nocturnal; Slow; Acidic Saliva;
result of conjuration by a Morgathian cleric. HUGE(+5); HORRIFIC(+2)!
The Shadow is invulnerable to any physical or mental +4 Fight; +3 Endurance; +2 Notice; +1 Will (Hex:
attacks other than those Blessed by, or using the Spend a Fate Point to allow any successful passive
Aspects of, another god. Overcome against the targets Will to create the aspect
Though it causes mental stress it does so by making Confused.)
contact with the target’s skin using Fight. Tentacles: 3/1 Chitinous segments: 2
Common Stunt: Possess! The Morgathain cleric 12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
spends a Fate Point to define a Mental Consequence as
AKLASH (1d3+1)
Possessed by the Shadow (see Shadow Bestiary entry).
Bad Tempered
VERY SMALL (+1) Semi-intelligent;
Dark Pool of Morgath’s Will BIG(+4); TERRIBLE(+1)
+1 Fight +4 Endurance (The Choking Wind: Use Endurance
Feed:1 1 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 to create Retching on any one opponent per exchange
in the same zone due to its foul breath) AND
SMALL (+2) (Regenerate: Spend a Fate Point to clear a Stress Box);
Dark Pool of Morgath’s Will +3 Fight (Grappler: Spend a Fate Point to replace any
+2 Fight, +1 Provoke physical stress from a successful Fight attack with the
Feed:2 12 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 boost Incapacitated on an opponent.); +2 Strength; +1
Claws & Bite:3[+1Dam] Blubbery Skin:3
Dark Pool of Morgath’s Will
+3 Fight, +2 Provoke, +1 Will 123456 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Feed:3 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 ERGATH (1d3)
Cowardly; Semi-intelligent;
BIG (+4)
Dark Pool of Morgath’s Will
+4 Notice (Keen Senses: +2 on Notice rolls made to
Silent and Cold!
overcome using exceptional sense of smell, hearing and
+4 Fight, +3 Provoke, +2 Will, +1 Deceive
sight.); +3 Stealth; +2 Athletics (Swimmer: Move
Feed:4 1234 Mild1Serious2 Grievous3 two zones through water for free in a conflict without
HUGE (+5) rolling, instead of one, provided there are no aspects
Dark Pool of Morgath’s Will restricting movement.); +1 Fight
Silent and Cold! Claws Bite:3; Club:1 Thick Pelt:3
Hide in Plain Sight 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
+5 Fight, +4 Provoke, +3 Will, +2 Deceive, +1
Cowardly amphibian; Opposable Thumbs; Pungent
Feed:512345 Odour;
Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 MAN-SIZED(+3) & TERRIBLE(+1)!
+4 Athletics (Swimmer: Move two zones through
ENORMOUS (+6) water for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one,
Insidious Pool of Morgath’s Will
provided there are no aspects restricting movement.);
Silent and Cold!
+3 Fight (Paralytic Bite: Any Consequence inflicted
Hide in Plain Sight
by Fight must be Sluggish, as the paralytic saliva takes
The Pit of Despair
effect); +2 Notice; +1 Survival
+6 Fight, +5 Provoke, +4 Will, +3 Deceive, +2
Bite:1 Rubbery Hide:2
Empathy, +1 Athletics
Feed:6123456 123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3
Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
NOLAH (1) INSECTS – HORNETS (1 Small Swarm)
Hide and Lure; Flow into/through Small Spaces; Angry and irritable winged insects! There’s always
Quite Intelligent; Some Language; exposed skin!
MAN-SIZED(+3) &TERRIBLE(+1)! +4 Notice; +3 Athletics (Fly: Move two zones through
+4 Athletics (Swimmer: Move two zones through unobstructed air, instead of one); +2 Fight; +1
water for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one, Survival Stings:1 None:0
provided there are no aspects restricting movement.); INSECTS – FIGHTING ANTS (1 Big Swarm)
+3 Will (Charm: Spend a Fate Point to make a passive Strongly territorial crawlers! There’s always exposed
Overcome agaist any target in line of sight. Success skin! Immensely strong for their size
creates It’s this way on the target whihc is invoked for +4 Notice; +3 Strength (Irresistible wave:
free to brig the targte to the Nolah’s location and submit Overcome Size of opponent to move him 1 zone; +2
to being eaten!); +2 Notice; +1 Survival Fight; +1 Survival Bites:1 None:0
2-H Improvised/Rock:2 Moist Hairless Skin:2
IVASHU – HYGITH (1d3 Small Shoals)
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Swarm towards Blood! Tiny Razor toothed Aquatic;
SWARMS, SHOALS, PACKS +4 Notice; +3 Athletics (Swimmer: Move two zones
Individually, or in very small numbers, some creatures through unobstructed water, instead of one); +2 Fight
do not constitute a combat target but require an (Crimson Frenzy: Blood in the water confers +1d6 to
Overcome Action by an appporiate skill to avoid them any attack by the shoal); +1 Survival
(ATHLETICS); drive them off or kill them (STRENGTH); Bite:1 Articulated plates:1
or endure their attention (ENDURANCE or WILL). Only IVASHU – SCURGAH (1d3 Small Packs)
as a swarm, shoal or pack can they attack/be attacked. They’re in the trees! Silent Death from Above; Fragile
Swarms, Shoals and Packs can’t be damaged by attacks +4 Stealth (Silent Killer: Overcome target’s Notice to
that don’t have an area effect, nor can their movement create the Boost Surprised which must be immediately
be opposed: there are too many of them to try to make invoked I an attack.); +3 Notice (Keen Hearing: +2 on
them go anywhere they don’t want to go. Notice rolls made to overcome based on hearing); +2
Fight; +1 Athletics (Gliding Attack: Can glide three
zones for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one,
These are man-sized - a large swarm of bees; several
provided there are no aspects restricting movement.)
feral dogs, or more feral cats; or a pack of rats.
Bite/Claw:1 Leathery Skin:1
123 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 IVASHU – UMBARTHI (1d6 Big Packs)
BIG SWARM (Size +4) Mischievous Insane Babblers; They Know Many
These are about twice the size of an average human, or Things; Predictable Teleporting!
of a horse - a pack of several large wild cats; more rats +4 Athletics (Blink: Disappear in a puff of smoke when
than you’re likely to see in the same place or an hit, reappearing behind the attacker.); +3 Will (Keen
unnaturally large swarm of bees or other stinging Hearing: +2 on Notice rolls made to overcome based
insects. on hearing.); +2 Notice; +1 Scholar (Supernatural
1234 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Lore): +2 to all Scholar rolls relating to the
supernatural, though capturing and communicating with
HUGE SWARM (Size +5) the Umbarthi may be a challenge.)
These are about four times the size of an elephant - Bite/Scratch:0 Thin Skinned:0
these will be truly unnatural packs/swarms as creatures
rarely come together in such numbers nature.
IVASHU – VLASTA (1d3 Small Packs)
Voracious Carnivores; The Eye’s, Always the Eyes!;
12345 Mild1 Serious2 Grievous3 Light Boned but TERRIBLE(+1)!
Larger groupings are best represented by multiple Big or +3 Athletics; +2 Fight (Leaping Attack: leap two
Enormous swarms/shoals/packs. zones for free in a conflict instead of one, provided there
BATS – CRIBOG (1d3 Big Swarms) are no aspects restricting move.); +1 Notice
See Ancient Shades! There’s always exposed skin! Bite/Claw:1 Thin Skinned:0
+4 Notice; +3 Athletics (Fly: Move two zones through RATS (1d3 Small Packs)
unobstructed air, instead of one); +2 Fight; +1 Voracious Omnivores; Fearful Rustling in the Dark
Survival +3 Notice; +2 Provoke; +1 Fight
Bites & Scratches:1 None:0 Bite:1 Skin:0

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Unit Consequences
LUST FOR BATTLE! Unlike character consequences these can be
DEFINING AN ARMY ‘treated’ during the battle by any Named Character that
An army is made up of Units and at least one is attached to the unit, using their Command.
Leader. Each Unit represents 4-5 warriors, or a typical
Company/Squadron of 20 foot soldiers/10 cavalry, for
Units act in order of the Command of their Leader
larger engagements.
or their Quality (ties broken with a die roll). A led unit
Each army starts the battle with a pool of 1 Fate can defer its action to later in the turn if it wishes.
Point per Unit.
A unit can always move for free into an adjacent
DEFINING LEADERS unoccupied zone, as long as there is no hindering terrain
During the battle every Named Character (PC & or other obstacle. It can also take one action during its
NPC) gains a special, temporary, skill: Command. This turn, either before or after its move. A unit can
is equal to the highest of the character’s Provoke or sometimes gain a second action but no unit can take the
Rapport skill (or Scholar if the character has the same action twice in a turn, and attacking always ends a
specialist Military Strategist stunt). One Named unit’s turn. Hence, a unit can move one zone and
Character is the Army Leader. Other Named Characters attack, create an advantage and attack, and so on, but it
can become the Leader of individual Units by attaching can't attack twice, create an advantage twice, or attack
to them (see below). and then create an advantage or move.
DEFINING UNITS Unit Overcome Actions
Units have Skills, Aspects, and Consequences, and Starting difficulty is always +2.
Quality, but not Stunts or Stress boxes. Athletics: Overcome to move a foot unit into a zone
Unit Quality occupied by an enemy unit, or containing hindering
Average (+1) Quality Units: these are green units terrain or other obstacle, Aspect, or to move out of a
with one skill at +1 (and all others at +0); one Aspect; zone it is engaged in. Add +2 to difficulty for each of
but no Consequences – one hit takes them out. these present after the first, and +1 per enemy unit in
the zone after the first. Success with Style means the
Fair (+2) Quality Units: Trained warriors/men-at-
unit can move into a subsequent adjacent zone.
arms have a skill pyramid peaking at +2 (and all others
at +0); two Aspects; and one Mild(2) Consequence. Ride: As for Athletics but for moving a cavalry unit.
Good (+3) Quality Units: These veterans have a skill Notice: Overcome to identify a hidden terrain aspect in
pyramid peaking at +3 (and all others at +0); three an adjacent zone prior to declaring a move.
Aspects; and one Minor(2) and one Serious(4) Stealth: Overcome to move into an enemy occupied
Consequence. zone without immediately triggering combat, or
disengage from a combat it is already involved in.
Unit Aspects
Provoke: Overcome to move a unit into an enemy
A unit's Name is its High Concept, such as The Red
occupied zone but ignore any additional difficulty due to
Guard of Tharda; Knights of the Red Shadows; Aleath
extra enemy units, but not additional difficulty due to
Citizen Militia; The High Guard of Azadmere;
hindering terrain or obstacle aspects.
Sindarin Noble Cavalry etc. Other aspects defined by
the players, subject to GM agreement (see below). Unit Create Advantage Actions
Unit Skills Use the standard Create Advantage results, including
free invokes etc.
Athletics/Ride: Use to move foot/mounted units.
Athletics: Roll against the Athletics of an enemy foot
Crafts: Use to attack/defend during a siege. unit in the same zone (-2 if facing enemy cavalry) to
Provoke: Use to intimidate/provoke other Units. create a positional advantage relative to that, such as
Melee: Use to attack Units in the same zone, and defend Outflanked. If the unit has more allies than enemies it
against Melee attacks from other Units. can place the Surrounded aspect.
Missile: Use to attack Units in adjacent zones. Ride: As for Athletics but for cavalry seeking an
Notice: Use to scout ahead or spot infiltration. advantageous position (+2 if facing enemy foot).
Stealth: Use to set up ambushes or infiltrate. Provoke: Roll to create a situational aspect such as
Will: Use to defend against Missile attacks; the morale Frightened by our Power or Berserk Rage!.
of Units enables them to stand in place under fire. Missile: Roll to place an aspect such as Pinned Down!
on a unit in an adjacent zone.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Notice: Roll against +2 (+2 per existing terrain or  Use their action to ‘treat’ a unit’s consequence as in
obstacle aspect) to create a new aspect in an adjacent Fate Core but using their Command;
unoccupied zone.  Use their action to put a boost on their unit, such as
Stealth: Roll to add an aspect such as The Trap is Set! Charge or Hold the Line. This doesn't require a
to an adjacent zone, or Surprised! to an enemy unit. roll unless the unit has taken a consequence, in
Unit Attack/Defend Actions which case the character uses Command against a
difficulty equal to twice the total value of the unit’s
Each additional friendly unit in a zone modifies the
roll by +1; each enemy by -1.
Melee: Roll to attack, or defend against, enemy units in THE AFTERMATH of BATTLE
the same zone. Battle continues until one side:
Missile: Roll to attack Units in adjacent zones. Concedes,
Will: Roll to defend against Missile attacks; the morale The conceding army must Overcome +2 with the
of Units enables them to stand in place under fire. army leader’s Command. Each shift of success removes
a consequence (player choice irrespective of whether it
Unattached Named Characters act in the turn
Named characters who were not taken out before
sequence based on their Notice, and always act before
Units they tie with. the concession survive and any Consequences they took
are reduced by one step, with Minor being removed.
Unattached Characters can do anything they could
do in a normal scene, acting independently and or, Is Taken Out
spending their own Fate Points to interact with other The army has no chance to save stragglers or
unattached characters during the battle. They are not wounded. There is no Command roll to recover
limited by any of the rules limiting unit movement, consequences, which are permanent until the GM judges
treating zones on the battlefield as they would zones in sufficient time has passed to remove them.
any scene. They can also: Named characters survive but must live with any
 Attach themselves to any unit in the same zone for Consequences received.
 Spend an Action to attach themselves to any unit in DEFINING THE BATTLEFIELD
the same zone having already detached from A battlefield is made up of zones. A zone might be a
another unit that turn; hill, an open meadow, or an area of woodland, forest or
 Spend a Fate Point to give a leaderless unit in the marsh, etc. The actual dimensions of a zone is irrelevant
same zone a second action. as it is defined by its Aspect(s) not its area.
Number and Placement of Zones
ATTACHED CHARACTERS As a rule of thumb the number of zones equals the
Attached Named Characters act when the unit they total number of units engaged plus 4dF (minm of 4).
are attached to acts, though they can take their action at
The GM and players alternate rolls on a Terrain
any time during the unit’s turn.
Table, in order of Command, and place their Zone
The attached Character with the highest Command adjacent to an existing one.
is usually the unit’s Leader unless the GM rules
otherwise. If the unit Leader’s Command is greater Unit Starting Placement
than a skill possessed by their unit, then that skill gains a This might be determined by the scenario, GM
+1 bonus as long as the Leader remains attached. decision or by placing alternate units.
Attached characters are more constrained in what Sample Battlefield Aspects
they can do during their turn: They can: Weather is agreed in advance or based on rolls on the
 Detach from a unit becoming an unattached relevant Harn Weather Table.
character in the same zone for free; Sample Terrain Aspects
 Spend an Action to detach themselves from a unit in Fortifications will usually be the result of the campaign
the same zone having already attached to another but an army fighting from within fortifications gains the
unit that turn; Aspect and can invoke it once for free, to defend, or
 Donate their action to their unit, so it takes two compel it to restrict the garrison from sallying forth.
actions; Fieldworks can be thrown up prior to battle with GM
 Spend a Fate Point to invoke one of their aspects to agreement. Treat as fortifications without a free invoke.
help their unit;

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Buildings/Village - invoked to provide cover and the Peran: Broken Lands
making of fire weapons; compel to distract troops with 1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect
1 Rough Ground
Dense Forest – invoke to provide cover for an advance
2 Rough Ground
and achieve surprise; compel to make impassable.
3 Rough Ground
High ground – invoke to achieve momentum in a melee
or extra range for missiles; compel to exhaust troops 4 Rough Ground
marching up hill. 5 River/Stream
Marsh/Bog – invoke to provide a hidden approach; 6 Marsh/Bog
compel to delay a unit in the marsh.
Peran: Rayesha Foothills
Open Ground – invoke to add pace to a charge; compel
to reflect lack of cover.* 1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect
Open Woods – invoke to provide cover; compel to 1 High Ground
break up formations/slow advances. 2 High Ground
River/Stream – invoke to negate hot weather effects; 3 High Ground
compel to create a barrier to a move. 4 High Ground
Rough ground – invoke to benefit from cover; compel to 5 Rough Ground
break up formations/slow advances.
6 River/Stream
Trail – invoke to speed movement across the zone;
compel to confine troops to column of march.* Rethem: Hills
*All but Open Ground & Trail add +2 to difficulty to enter 1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect
Terrain Tables 1 Open Woods
Peran: Northern Coastal Plain 2 Open Woods
1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect 3 River/Stream
1 Dense Forest 4 Rough Ground
2 Dense Forest 5 High Ground
3 Dense Forest 6 High Ground
4 River/Stream
Rethem: Cultivated
5 High Ground
1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect
6 Marsh/Bog
1 Open Woods
Peran: Western Highlands 2 Open Ground
1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect 3 Open Ground
1 Dense Forest 4 River/Stream
2 Dense Forest 5 High Ground
3 River/Stream 6 Building/Village
4 Rough Ground
Rethem: Woodland
5 High Ground
1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect
6 High Ground
1 Open Woods
Peran: River Valleys 2 Open Woods
1d6 Zone Terrain Aspect 3 River/Stream
1 Open Woods 4 River/Stream
2 Open Woods 5 High Ground
3 River/Stream 6 Marsh/Bog
4 River/Stream
5 High Ground
6 Open Ground

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
SAMPLE FEUDAL UNITS Light Foot(LF) - Fair Foot Unit: Kuboran Women;
Unarmoured(UF) – Average Foot Unit: Peasant Protect the Hearth; Stealth+2, Athletics+1, Melee +1
Militia; Melee+1 (others +0); no Consequences. (others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence.
Unarmoured(UF/SB) – Average Shortbow Unit: Light Foot(LF) - Fair Foot Unit: Fierce Kuboran
Peasant Militia; Missile+1 (others +0); no Warband; TheForest is a Friend; Melee+2,
Consequences. Athletics+1, Stealth+1 (others +0); one Mild(2)
Light Foot(LF) - Fair Foot Unit: Trained Men-at- Consequence.
Arms; Loose Formation; Athletics+2, Melee+1, Will+1 Medium Horse(MH) - Fair Cavalry Unit: Chelni
(others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence. Horse-Archers; Skirmish; Missile+2; Ride+1, Will+1
Light Foot(LF/SB) - Fair Shortbow Unit: Trained (others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence.
Men-at-Arms; Skirmish!; Athletics+2, Missile+1; SAMPLE NON-HUMAN UNITS
Will+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence. Heavy Foot(HF) – Good Foot Unit: Azadmere High
Light Foot(LF/LB) - Fair Longbow Unit: Trained Guard; Plate Mail; 2-Handed Axe; Melee +3, Will+2,
Yeomanry; Cloth Yard Shafts; Missile +2, Athletics +1; Provoke+2; Athletics+1, Notice+1, Missile+1 (others
Will+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence. +0); one Mild(2) and one Serious(4) Consequence.
Medium Foot(MF) - Fair Foot Unit: Agrikan Heavy Foot(HF) – Good Foot Unit: Evael’s
Laumak; Shieldwall!; Melee+2; Athletics+1, Will+1 Protectors; The Power of the Hartbow; The Power of
(others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence. Shava; Missile +3, Will+2, Melee+2; Athletics+1,
Unarmoured Horse(UH) - Average Cavalry Unit: Notice+1, Stealth+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) and one
Scouts; Stealth+1 (others +0); no Consequences. Serious(4) Consequence.
Light Horse(LH) - Fair Cavalry Unit: Skirmishers; Heavy Horse(HH) – Good Cavalry Unit: Evael’s
Ride+1 (others +0); no Consequences. Ancient Nobility; Swift and Sure; Might is Right;
Medium Horse(MH) - Fair Cavalry Unit: Feudal Melee +3, Will+2; Ride+2, Stealth+1, Notice+1,
Knights; Charge!; Melee+2; Ride+1, Will+1 (all others Missile+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) and one Serious(4)
+0); one Mild(2) Consequence. Consequence.
Heavy Horse(HH) – Good Cavalry Unit: Akarata’s SAMPLE ENGAGEMENT
Guard; Big Men on Big Horses; Might is Right; Melee During the Agrikan retreat from Kustan in 718 the
+3, Provoke+2; Ride+2, Will+1, Notice+1, Missile+1 pursuing Kubora got over-confident!
(others +0); one Mild(2) and one Serious(4) The Agrikans
Consequence. 1 Units of Laumak (men-at-arms) escorting a unit of
SAMPLE REPUBLICAN UNITS Baggage which takes no part in the battle but acts as a
Light Foot(LF/LB) - Fair Longbow Unit: Loyal continuously active and invoked disadvantage to the
Legionary Bowmen; Emplace your Stakes!; Missile Laumak, adding +2 to all the difficulties they face,
+2, Athletics+1; Will+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) except when taking a Defend action: Medium
Consequence. Foot(MF) - Fair Foot Unit (+2 Quality): Agrikan
Laumak; Shieldwall!; Melee+2; Athletics+1, Will+1
Medium Foot(MF) - Fair Foot Unit: Stout-hearted
(others +0); one Mild(2) consequence.
Legionary ; Shieldwall!; Melee+2; Athletics+1, Will+1
(others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence. 2 Units of the Akarata’s Guard deployed as an after-
guard for the retreat down the Scarlet Ribbon: Heavy
Medium Horse(MH) - Fair Cavalry Unit: Well-
Horse(HH) – Good Cavalry Unit (+3 Quality):
drilled Legionary Cavalry; Hold the Line; Melee+2;
Akarata’s Guard; Big Men & Big Horses; Might is
Ride+1, Will+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) Consequence.
Right; Melee +3, Provoke+2; Ride+2, Will+1,
Heavy Foot(HF) – Good Foot Unit: The Red Guard Notice+1, Missile+1 (others +0); One Mild(2) and One
of Tharda; The Best of the Best; Many Emperors led Serious(4) Consequence.
the Guard; Melee+3, Will+2, Provoke+2; Athletics+1,
Their Meketa (Command is 4) can be attached to
Notice+1, Missile+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) and one
either Guard Unit when battle commences.
Serious(4) Consequence.
The Kubora
SAMPLE BARBARIAN UNITS 2 units of Warriors intent on taking the booty carried
Unarmoured(UF/SB) – Average Shortbow Unit: by the Baggage. To do so they must destroy or drive off
Kuboran Youths; Missile+1 (others +0); no the Laumak and hold the baggage for 2 turns after which
Consequences. they will scatter into the forest with whatever they can
carry: Light Foot(LF) - Fair Foot Unit (+2 Quality):

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
Fierce Kuboran Warband; Get the Booty!; Melee+2, are disengaging from the Kubora so an Overcome
Athletics+1, Stealth+1 (others +0); one Mild(2) Athletics+1 is required against normal difficulty +2 plus
Consequence. the difficulty the Baggage provides, +2: 4dF+1 vs. +4 =
Their Leader (Command is 4) can be attached to -1 vs 4 presents the Kubora with the boost Baggage
either unit when battle commences. bogged down with a free invoke.
Defining the Battlefield This ends the Escorts turn.
5 Units will be engaged so there are 5-4dF Zones: 6 The Guard* decides to take a hand and aims to
zones thunder down the hill into the flank of the Kubora.
Starting positions: Because the zone they are aiming for contain an
enemy they require a Ride Overcome (4dF+2) vs.
1 Difficulty +2, +2 for the Kubora in the target zone (+4):
Open 5 vs 4 = success and they sweep down the hill to contact
[Kubora & the Kubora.
The Commander decides to create an advantage for
2 3 4 the attack using his personal Action. He rolls his own
River Open Hill Provoke+3 to get a total of +5 vs. Kubora Unit Will+0 or
[Akarata’s [Baggage and [Akarata’s -2 for a total of +7!
Guard] Escort] Guard]*
This creates Fear the horsemen! with 2 free
invokes. He adds the first free invoke to the Guard*
5 6 Unit’s attack: 4dF+3+2 vs. 4dF+2: 8 vs. 3 = 5 which
Woods Open overflows the Kuborans’ Mild(+2) consequence and
takes out the unit. The Kubora are trampled underfoot
and the survivors scatter taking their Mild(2)
The turn sequence is: Guard with Commander; then Consequence of Shattered with them to any future
the other Guard; both Kuboran units and then the battle.
Baggage’s Laumak escort. Turn 2:
Fate Point Pools: Agrikans 3; Kubora 2. The sequence begins again and this time the
Turn 1: Agrikans take the initiative. The Guard* advances on
The Guard* Unit (*=with the Commander attached) the remaining Kuboran unit. Overcome with Ride+2 vs.
defers its action, and the other Guard Unit moves into +2 difficulty (1 enemy unit in open ground): 6 vs 2 =
the zone with the Baggage and its escort. This is a free Success with Style, so the Knights could sweep through
move as it is into an open terrain zone with only friends the zone into another one … but the Kubora are in the
present. way … attack: 4dF+3+2 (second free invoke of Fear the
Each Kuboran unit must use Athletics +1 to enter an horsemen! as the GM judges the Kubora will have been
occupied zone. Overcome +2, +1 for additional unit unnerved by seeing their friends scattered!) vs. 4dF+2:
now present (the Guard), for +3. Kubora roll 4dF+2 vs. +5 vs. +4 = 1 point of damage, so the Kubora must use
Agrikan 4dF+3: +2 vs +4. The overcome fails so the their Mild (+2) consequence to avoid being taken out.
first Kuboran unit is stuck in place. The unit with the They have survived the attack, though and stopped the
Leader attached (Kuboran*) gains an extra +1 due to his Guard* from thundering into any adjacent open zone.
Command exceeding their Athletics: 4dF+2+1 = +4 vs The next unit to act is either the Kubora, or the other
+4 doesn’t exceed so can’t move either. The Kuboran Guard unit. The Agrikans win the tie-break so the Guard
spends a Fate Point to invoke Booty! to add +2 to the advance to contact: Overcome with Ride+2 vs. +2
roll so his unit does advance after he encourages them. difficulty (1 enemy unit in open ground): +6, so success
Fate Point Pools: Agrikans 3; Kubora 1. with style, and they too could sweep on into another
zone if they can shatter the Kubora. Attack: 4dF+3 vs.
Having moved into the zone with the baggage the
4dF+2: 7 vs. 2 = 5 points of damage which takes this
Kuboran unit makes an Attack action with Melee +2 (-1
unit out too!
for additional enemy unit) vs. the Escort Melee +2. 3 vs.
3, so no harm to escort but attacker gains the boost The Agrikan player has destroyed both Kuboran
Momentum with a free invoke to use it. units and the baggage and its escort will make it a little
further down the Scarlet Ribbon towards safety!
This ends the Kuboran* unit’s turn so the Escort
tries to disengage and retreat into zone 6. Normally an
unoccupied open zone is a free move, but this time they

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03
Melderyn - Ikom Island
SAMPLE SETTING Isolated Ikoshire is left very much to itself. The
The initial stages of the campaign take place in manors of Zuden and Kisl owe fealty to the Baron of
Melderyn. The characters will move from place to place Glenoth, across the Ikom Channel. That irks the Sheriff,
in a series of related quests. Sir Balsen Torele. Green & Pleasant Land; Tensions
Current Issues among the Ruling Class.
Melderyn if widely known as the Wizards Isle, a Sheriff Balsen Torele: A quiet man in his mid-40’s
mysterious place where knowledge is valued and people who enjoys the local power that isolation brings him.
live peacefully and prosperously. The Shadowy Efficient Administrator; Ambitious; Wandering Eye.
Council of Eleven stand behind the throne and they Melderyn - Ikom Island - Chyrefal
have acted for centuries to control the flow of The shire moot of Ikoshire is a small but prosperous
knowledge between mainland Lythia and the island of port that welcomes visitors as long as they obey the rule
Harn. Growing economic forces are making it of law. It boasts a temple of Save K’nor and a widely
increasingly difficult for this isolationism to be respected Odvishan Chantry. Scholarly; Sprites and
maintained. The current issue is A Time of Change. Elementals.
Impending Issues The Whistle: a pleasant inn on the south end of the
There is no reason to believe that the several town kept by Lyman of Aleama. Its reasonable prices
centuries of peace and prosperity that Melderyn has and high quality attracts many locals and is a home
enjoyed are about to be threatened. Their neighbours away from home of many travellers. Melting Pot;
have a healthy respect for Melderyn’s potential military Perceptive Landlord.
power of the its assumed command of the arcane arts.
Melderyn - Glenoth
However, the Solara Crusade and the periodic Glenoth Island is located midway between the
expeditions against the Hodiri tribesmen from the islands of Ikom and Melderyn and the town is home to
Dyriamarch suggest that both secular and religious lords the scholarly Baron Soren Halwyn. He takes an interest
are looking outward. It is difficult to believe that the in the concentration of standing stones across his fief
Council of Eleven is not aware of these tendencies and and has good relations with the local Jmorvi Chantry.
this leads to the impending issue: A Secret Arcane Ancient Arcane Heritage; Target of Intrigue.
The Jmorvi Chantry: a busy chantry that appears
PLACES & FACES to operate openly and to the benefit of the locals. Best
Metalwork in the Kingdom; Everyone has some
Melderyn - Felshon Island secrets!
Home to wreckers preying on unsuspecting sea-
farers and undertaking some dark rites to appease the
Melderyn - Nurisel
local sea gods. This is where the characters are wrecked While Earl Sunoril is cold and formal the fief
and where some of them are rescued from the locals prospers under his insightful hand. Second only to
before escaping in a stolen fishing boat. Wreckers and Cherafir it boasts a prosperous maritime community and
Human Sacrifice; Best Left to Themselves. a Lyahvian Chantry. Strangers are Welcome; Pvaric
The Scarecrow: This tall silent man wears a sack
over his head with holes cut for his eyes and mouth. He Melderyn - Cherafir
speaks little but it might be possible to identify him from The Royal seat is renowned throughout western
his voice. He is the head of the wreckers who make a Lythia as a centre of scholastic activity and as the
living deceiving seafarers onto the rocks at the north of ‘wizard’s city’. Gateway to (and Gatekeepers of) the
Felshon Island. Mysterious Master Wrecker; Duty to World and The Alienage can be Threatening.
his People; Ruthless.
Sir Adrin Cael: The Caels have been Bailiff’s of
Felshon Hundred for generations. Their manor at Inorm
is no bigger than Celim, further up the coast, but the
seniority of the clan ensures that most trade to Chyrefal
runs through their dock. Sir Adrin is not a man of
action; he would much prefer to be in a warm Inn. He
has no inclination to listen to rumours about wreckers.
Short-sighted Bailiff of the Hundred; Enjoys the Good

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03 HârnWorld
3. The First Adventure
SAMPLE CHARACTER With the other player characters Garan was
GARAN’aqli UQUIT shipwrecked, coming ashore with little more than what
1. High Concept he stood up in and his beloved Thanath. Making their
Garan is a Lawata Numec, a member of the kel of way across the island to rescue the other survivors he
the Uquit, in the desert south of Isynen. As a member of was grateful that mighty Azay had been wise enough to
the noble warrior caste he was granted the title ’aqli leave him his sword.
Uquit on reaching maturity. In his training he quickly The Thanath of my Fathers
outstripped his instructors and led the kel in raids against Sample Invoke: When the quality of the blade or its
their neighbours. Soon he was the greatest warrior uniqueness is a factor.
among the Uquit so that, when the time came, he
Sample Compel: The sword is a concrete connection
inherited the kel’s Thanath. This sacred Taugari blade
to his culture and mission so it might force an action to
has been handed down through the kel’s greatest
protect or recover it.
warriors for generations.
Several years ago news reached the desert of a 4. Crossing Paths
foreigner from the North carrying a sword that rivalled His experience on Felshon Island demonstrated that
Taugari steel. The Taugari sent back an instruction: ‘The the foreigners Jehal and Reza were barely fit to be
sacred Kelazaydi tells us that the unbridled spread of allowed out alone. He may not be ‘aqli Uquit anymore,
knowledge once came near to destroying the world. Find this but they are certainly appropriate members of the
man and his blade and end the spread of his knowledge.’ Aqhed (slave) caste. He insists on calling them
Jehal’abd Uquit and Reza’abd Uquit. As such he is
Garan was one of five Lawata chosen for the quest.
now obliged to protect them whether they acknowledge
The tribe’s understanding of the world beyond Isynen
their position in his kel or not.
was limited but, through intermediaries, passage for the
questing warriors was arranged. Three were sent to Protect the kel of ’abd Uquit
mainland Lythia while Garan and another travelled to Sample Invoke: invoke this aspect in their defence.
Chelemby. From there his friend was to seek among the Sample Compel: his actions in their defence could be
Cheler before travelling to Ivinia. Garan was to go to compelled despite their inconvenience!
Harn. 5. Crossing Paths again
Knowing that they might spend many years among The other stranger, Gehl, is a different kettle of sand
unclean foreigners all put aside their coveted status as snakes. He is capable and practical and able to look after
respected members of their caste. Until he returns in himself. He stepped in several times to stop Garan
honour Garan will be ’aq Uquit. Only as a member of the doing something he shouldn’t following the shipwreck.
vassal caste can he travel among the muwathin – the
The Ivinian Trader is Wise
unclean – and preserve his kel’s honour.
Sample Invoke: to supplement some effort to
Questing Numec Warrior
understand a local situation when it’s reasonable that
Sample Invoke: Whenever a +2 might further the Gehl might signal the best course of action.
search for the northerner and his sword.
Sample Compel: it is possible that his trust in Gehl’s
Sample Compel: the merest hint could send him off in judgement might be transferred to another, less
a hurry or distract him from the task in hand. deserving, Ivinian (or trader).
2. Trouble 6. Skills
Not until he started his quest did Garan realise how Garan is a noble warrior who has to have the skills
different the world beyond the desert was. They speak to have earned his Thanath and the honour of the quest.
different tongues, eat tasteless food and have disgusting So: Melee (+4); Endurance and Athletics (+3); Notice,
table manners. Will and Ride (+2); and Stealth, Provoke, Survival &
Naïve Stranger in a Strange Land Missile (+1). Other skills at +0.
Sample Invoke: He is novel and unusual and that 7. Description
might be of interest to important or useful people. Garan is a typical Numec: olive skin, high cheek-
Sample Compel: whenever someone is gulling him, bones and a hooked nose. He is dressed in ankle length
making fun of him or otherwise caricaturing him, they robes layered against the cold and the turban-like hebr.
have his poor language skils and understanding of Garan uses layers of heavier, rougher, cloth in order to
cultural mores to work with! stay warm in the cold and damp of the north.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., Evil Hat Games 2016.03

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