Rizal-Group 3 Integrating Project

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Baang, Fe Z.

Babac, Victoria R.

Daroy, Rachel

Lianza, Jose N.

Lingcong, Renante


The presentation utilizes a game. Before it was conceptualized, college students of today or
the so called ‘millennial’ are asked what activity or activities they usually do enjoy doing. One of them
answered that she usually find ‘card against humanity’ interesting to play. She said that a player would
pick up a card with a question then, the player who has the funniest answer wins. It was also observed,
every time we pass by the Ateneo Bookstore, a lot of students sitting on the floor are playing cards. This
gives us an idea and a confirmation of the activity for this project. Instead of the usual and common
card, we use colored paper (since we don’t know where to buy cards anyway) to make it attractive to
the young learners. Instead of questions, statements are utilized to encourage learners to freely give
their answers. It is a common fact in psychology that young generations would participate if the
questions or statements or are interesting and if the teacher, aside from knowledgeable of the subject
matter, is approachable and a good facilitator of the activities inside the classroom.

This strategy adheres on the principle of learning by doing. Any game develops mental faculties
and at the same time physical ability of the young people particularly, since they have a lot of energy
and time to cultivate their skills, knowledge and abilities. Aside from that, this kind of activity enhances
the ability of the young learners to follow rules and regulations, which is very important to imbibe for
them to be a law abiding citizen of a community, and society in general.

Moreover, this strategy also employs the principle of Multiple Intelligences where not only one
intelligence is developed but collective intelligences are cultured, polished and refined. Young people
of today or ‘millennial’ are ‘wired’ differently in their brain functioning. With the invention of the
technology and prevalence utilization of the internet, millennial students are technology savvy; they are
exposed to a load of information that have color, movement and even sound. That’s why our group
thought of this activity that is having audio, visual, tactile and kinesthetic (AVKT) characteristics. Some
misconceptions on the notions about Rizal can be taught in this manner which makes learning fun and

In addition, the presenters portray some of the characters found and not mentioned by Rizal in
his novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. One presenter will wear an attire that depicts the
character of Father Salvi, while one will represent the ‘wife’ of Dr. Jose Rizal, Josephine Bracken. The
other two presenters will portray the characters of the ‘Muslims’ in Mindanao such as Tausug,
Maranao, Maguindanao and others who are part of the ethnic cultural groups not represented in the
books of Rizal. This was done to show visually; appealing to the senses of the young learners some of
the characters on the said books, and some who were not indicated or acknowledged by Rizal
(Muslims, Negritoes, Itneg and etc.). This makes the learning of the concept exciting and interesting.


The group did a brainstorming and conceptualized the presentation. Materials needed were
identified. Planning on how to present the project was done. Statements were formulated. Purchasing
the materials followed. Lay-outing and designing commenced. To add color to the presentation, the
group decided to dress in a manner that portrays characters in the Philippine setting that also relate to

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