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History of Art Course Outline

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Course Outline (Spring-2018)

Class: BS Media-4 (A)

Course: MD 2318 History of Commercial Arts
Instructor: Ayesha Siddiqua

Class details

Class Timing and

12-3, Media Lab

Session Day(s) Monday

Credit Hours: 3/class hours(per week) | /lab hours(per week)


Consultation Time Monday, 3-3:30

Email ayeshasiddiqua05@gmail.com

Contact # 051-4863363

Course Description

The course gives the student an understanding of the History of Commercial Arts. It attempts to
explore the history and dynamics of each genre.

Course Objective

1- To equip students with the comprehension of the concept of commercial arts. 2-To develop an
understanding regarding the history and dynamics of individual genres of commercial arts

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students must be able to do basic execution of some of the important genres
of commercial arts.

Teaching and Learning Methodology

interactive and discussion oriented

Materials and Supplies

case studies, lectures and reference readings

Expected Class Conduct

interactive and respectful

Course Plan

Week Chapters Session Topic Assesments %

1 Meaning and history of Commercial Arts N/A

2 Exploring the history of genres in detail N/A

History and dynamics of creating unexpected commercial

3 N/A

Assignment -
4 case studies of advertising

5 History and dynamics of commercial design N/A

6 History and dynamics of music videos in detail N/A

7 presentation Presentation

8 mid term Project

9 history and dynamics of photography N/A

10 history and dynamics of fashion design N/A

11 Textual Approaches to Fashion, costume ans Narrative N/A

Assignment -
12 History and dynamics of set design for different mediums

13 History and dynamics of cinema N/A

14 brain storming and idea development for final project Media Project

15 final project finalization N/A

Text Book

Beyond the Brillo Box: The visual arts in historical perspective, C. Danto, 1st Edition, ,2000.

Refrence Books

Course Pre-Requisites

Marks Distribution

Total Total Marks Total Marks For D Grade

Marks Head
Frequency Exempted /Frequency /Head Holder(s)

Assignment 2 0 10 20 Included

Project 1 0 30 30 Included

Presentation 1 0 10 10 Included

Final Presentation 1 0 10 10 Included

Media Project 1 0 30 30 Included

Total Marks 100 100 (For DGs)

Attendance Policy

Prompt arrival and regular attendance are extremely important. For Academic policy refer to student
handbook for policies on late entry, maximum absences allowed, leave application etc.

Students with Physical or Educational Challenges

Students with educational and/or physical challenges are entitled to extra attention and time from the
instructor. Therefore students are advised to notify the course instructor at the beginning of the
course. Special arrangement may also be made on prior request based on specific challenges.

Academic Integrity

This course seeks to empower students for independent learning, resourcefulness, clear thinking, and
perception. All submitted work and activities should be genuine reflections of individual achievement
from which the student should derive personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Plagiarism
and cheating subvert these goals and will be treated according to the policy stated in the Student
Handbook. The instructor reserves the right to utilize electronic means to help prevent plagiarism.

Comments and/or Suggestions

Students and Instructors may contact the Institutional Research Department if there is a need to make
suggestions or comments that can help further improve the course. A link is also provided on your
ZABDESK account for frequent and trouble-free feedback. The Institutional Research Department would
like to hear your feedback about the following:

Students Instructors

 Availability of teaching material

 Course Content/ thoroughness
 Facilities/Internet/Administrative Support
 Lecture Delivery/Supplementary Material
 Labs: Software/Hardware/Technical
 Facilities/Labs/Software/Hardware
 Availability and quality of Teaching
 Course alignment with learning outcomes
 Any other comments/feedback  Any other comments/feedback

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