The Lindenstrauss Maximal Inequality: Terence Tao
The Lindenstrauss Maximal Inequality: Terence Tao
The Lindenstrauss Maximal Inequality: Terence Tao
1. Introduction
and r ∈ R define Br∗ (x) := {y ∈ Y : Kr (x, y) ̸= 0}. Observe that Br (y), Br∗ (x) are
measurable for almost every x, y. We also define the dilated ball
∪ ∪
B≤r Br (y) := Br∗′ (x);
x∈Br (y) r ′ ∈R:r ′ ≤r
for almost every x, y and all r ∈ R. (We adopt the usual conventions that 1/0 =
+∞ and 1/ + ∞ = 0.) Then (1) holds with constant C = 1.
Proof We shall give a slight rearrangement of the usual Vitali-type covering lemma
argument, in order to motivate a variant of this theorem below.
Now let Σ ⊂ E be a subset of E such that the sets Br (y) for y ∈ Σ are disjoint, and
such that Σ is maximal with respect to set inclusion (such a set exists by Zorn’s
lemma); since all the sets Br (y) have positive measure we see that Σ is at most
countable. Summing the previous inequality over all y ∈ Σ we conclude
f (x) dµX (x) ≥ µY (E ′ ) (4)
where ∪
E ′ := ∗
B≤r Br (y)
and ∪
F := Br (y).
By the maximality of Σ, we see that for all y ′ ∈ E that Br (y) and Br (y ′ ) intersect
for some y ∈ Σ. In particular this implies that
E ⊂ E′.
µY ({y ∈ Y : TR f (y) > 1}) ≤ µY (E ′ ) + µY ({y ∈ Y \E ′ : TR\{r} f (y) > 1}.
Now from construction of E ′ we observe that for y ∈ Y \E ′ that
TR\{r} f (y) = TR\{r} (f 1X\F )(y)
and hence by induction hypothesis
µY ({y ∈ Y \E : TR\{r} f (y) > 1} ≤ f (x) dµX (x).
is weak-type (1, 1) with operator norm at most 1. In the case that d is an ultrametric
(so that d(x, x′ ) ≤ max(d(x, y), d(x′ , y)) for all x, x′ , y) we have B̃(x, r) = B(x, r);
this for instance gives the weak-type (1, 1) of the standard dyadic maximal operator
on cubes, with the usual constant of 1.
In the case where the set of radii R are lacunary, the replacement of the constraint
r′ ≤ r with r′ < r can be a significant saving, and in particular one can often
recover a doubling-type condition.
Theorem 1.2 (Lindenstrauss maximal inequality). Let (Kr )r∈R be a family of
non-negative kernels which obeys the bounds
Kr (x, y) ≤ ∗ B (y)) (6)
µY (B<r r
We remark that the hypothesis (7) is very natural, as it asserts that Tr is of strong-
type (1, 1) with operator norm at most 1. It is not hard to see that both (7) and (6)
are consequences of (2), so the Lindenstrauss maximal inequality is stronger than
the Hardy-Littlewood maximal inequality except for the small loss in the constant
C. One can optimise the constant 1−e2 −1 a little bit more but we will not attempt
to do so here.
We again induct on R, thus |R| ≥ 1 and we assume the claim has already been
proven for smaller |R|. We take r to be the largest value of R, and define the set
E by (3) as before. Thus
Kr (x, y)f (x) dµX (x) ≥ 1 (8)
for all y ∈ E. In particular this forces Br (y) to have positive measure.
We now deviate from the previous argument by selecting Σ randomly rather than
greedily. Indeed, we apply a Poisson process with intensity p(y) for every y ∈ E,
where p : E → R+ is a bounded strictly positive density function to be chosen later.
This creates a random subset1 Σ ⊂ E with∑ the property that for any non-negative
measurable w : E → R+ , the quantity y∈Σ w(y) is a Poisson random variable
with expectation E w(y)p(y) dµY (y). In particular (setting w = 1E ) we see that
Σ is almost surely finite.
and ∪
F := Br (y).
Observe that
µY ({TR f > 1}) ≤ µ(E) + µ(E ′ ) + µY ({y ̸∈ E ′ : TR\{r} f (y) > 1}).
1If E contains atoms, then Σ may contain multiplicity, i.e. it is a multiset rather than a set.
One way to create Σ is to let N be a Poisson random variable with expectation P := E p(y)dµY (y)
and then let Σ = {y1 , . . . , yN } where y1 , . . . , yN are iid elements of E chosen using the probability
distribution p(y)dµY (y)/P .
Meanwhile, we have
∫ ∫
E f (x) dx = [E1F (x)]f (x) dx.
Thus it will suffice to show that
∑ 1
E µY (B<r Br (y))Kr (x, y) ≤ E1F (x)
1 − e−1
On the other hand, observe that x ∈ F if and only if |Σ ∩ E ∩ Br∗ (x)| ≥ 1. But
|Σ ∩ Br∗ (x)| is a Poisson random variable with expectation α. Thus
E1F (x) = 1 − e−α .
The claim now follows from the elementary inequality
1 − e−α
min(1, α) ≤
1 − e−1
for all α > 0 (this follows from the concavity of 1 − e−x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, and the
monotonicity of 1 − e−x for x ≥ 1).
r ′ <r
for some A ≥ 1 and all 1 ≤ r ≤ n. Then by applying the above theorem to
X = Y = G, R := {1, . . . , n} and the kernels
Kr (x, y) := 1 −1
Aµ(Fr ) y x∈Fr
we conclude that the maximal operator
M f (y) := sup f (gy) dµ(g)
1≤r≤n µ(F r) Fr
is of weak-type (1, 1) with norm at most 1−e−1 A.
The inequality also shows that on a metric measure space X, the maximal operator
M̃ f (x) := sup f (y) dµ(y)
r∈R V (x) B(x,r)
is of weak-type (1, 1) with norm at most 1−e−1 , where V (x) is the quantity
V (x) := max(µ({x ∈ X : d(x , y) ≤ r for some r′ < r, y ∈ B(x, r)}),
′ ′ ′
sup µ(B(y, r))).
One can gauge the strength of these inequalities by looking at the usual Euclidean
Hardy-Littlewood inequality (with X = Rd ) in the high-dimensional limit. The
usual Hardy-Littlewood argument gives a weak-type (1,1) bound of 2d . If one
restricts the radii to powers of d, then the Lindenstrauss argument gives a weak-
type (1,1) bound of O(1); one can then refine this to powers of d1/d log d to get a
bound of O(d log d). But all balls are comparable in measure to a ball of radius
equal to a power of d1/d log d . We thus see that the full Hardy-Littlewood maximal
2It is also possible to tackle the non-unimodular case without difficulty.
inequality is also weak-type (1, 1) with a bound of O(d log d). This is not as strong
as the bound of O(d) established by Stein and Stömberg [2] but is not too far off.
The author thanks Zubin Guatam for explaining the argument of Lindenstrauss.
[1] E. Lindenstrauss, Pointwise Theorems for Amenable Groups, Invent. Math. 146 (2001), no.
2, 259–295.
[2] E. M. Stein, J. Strömberg, Behaviour of maximal functions in Rn for large n, Ark. Mat. 21
(1983), 259–269.