A Hasty Interpolation: Terence Tao
A Hasty Interpolation: Terence Tao
A Hasty Interpolation: Terence Tao
1. Introduction
Let f0 , . . . , fn−1 be functions on a measure space X which are orthogonal. From
Pythagoras’ theorem we have
∥f0 + . . . + fn−1 ∥2 = ( ∥fk ∥22 )1/2
for all 1 < p < 2. However, such estimates are false, even when n = 2. An example
f0 = χ[−N 2 ,0] + N χ[0,1] , f1 = χ[−N 2 ,0] − N χ[0,1] ;
we have
∥f0 + f1 ∥p = 2N 2/p , (∥f0 ∥pp + ∥f1 ∥pp )1/p = 21/p (N 2 + N p )1/p ,
and so the right-hand side of (1) is larger than the left for sufficiently large N . By
iterating this example, e.g. using the four functions fi ⊗ fj for i, j = 0, 1, we can
make the ratio between the two sides of (1) arbitrarily large.
A similar naive interpolation would yield
′ ′
∥f0 + . . . + fn−1 ∥p ≤ ( ∥fk ∥pp )1/p (2)
for 2 < p < ∞, but this is also false using the same example:
′ ′ ′
∥f0 + f1 ∥p = 2N 2/p , (∥f0 ∥pp + ∥f1 ∥pp )1/p = 21/p (N 2 + N p )1/p ,
for sufficiently small N .
The problem with both of these “interpolations” is that the inequality
∥f0 + . . . + fn−1 ∥2 ≤ ( ∥fk ∥22 )1/2
does not hold for all fj ranging over Banach spaces, but is subject to a constraint
which is not amenable to interpolation.
However, substitutes exist when the orthogonality is made more robust. For
instance, both (1) and (2) hold under the additional assumption that the |fj | are
constant multiples of characteristic functions (why?). Also, we have
Lemma 1.1. [1] Let Rk be a collection of rectangles in frequency space such that
the dilates 2Rk are almost disjoint, and suppose that fk are a collection of functions
whose Fourier transforms are supported on Rk . Then for all 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ we have
∑ ∗ ∗ ∑ ∑
( ∥fk ∥pp )1/p . ∥ fk ∥p . ( ∥fk ∥pp∗ )1/p∗ ,
k k k
where p∗ = min(p, p′ ), p∗ = max(p, p′ ).
[1] T. Tao, A. Vargas, A bilinear approach to cone multipliers II. Applications, to appear, GAFA.