What Is Good Mathematics?: Terence Tao
What Is Good Mathematics?: Terence Tao
What Is Good Mathematics?: Terence Tao
(xvi) Creative mathematics (e.g. a radically new and original technique, viewpoint,
or species of result);
(xvii) Useful mathematics (e.g. a lemma or method which will be used repeatedly in
future work on the subject);
(xviii) Strong mathematics (e.g. a sharp result that matches the known counterex-
amples, or a result which deduces an unexpectedly strong conclusion from a
seemingly weak hypothesis);
(xix) Deep mathematics (e.g. a result which is manifestly non-trivial, for instance by
capturing a subtle phenomenon beyond the reach of more elementary tools);
(xx) Intuitive mathematics (e.g. an argument which is natural and easily visualis-
(xxi) etc., etc.
As the above list demonstrates, the concept of mathematical quality is a high-
dimensional one, and lacks an obvious canonical total ordering1. I believe this is because
mathematics is itself complex and high-dimensional, and evolves in unexpected and
adaptive ways; each of the above qualities represents a different way in which we as a
community improve our understanding and usage of the subject. There does not appear
to be universal agreement as to the relative importance of each of the above qualities.
This is partly due to strategic considerations; a field of mathematics at a given stage of
development may be more receptive to one approach to mathematics than another. It
is also partly due to cultural considerations; any given field or school of mathematics
tends to attract like-minded mathematicians who prefer similar approaches to a subject.
It also reflects the diversity of mathematical ability; different mathematicians tend to
excel in different mathematical styles, and are thus well suited for different types of
mathematical challenges. (See also [11] for some related discussion.)
I believe that this diverse and multifaceted nature of “good mathematics” is very
healthy for mathematics as a whole, as it it allows us to pursue many different ap-
proaches to the subject, and exploit many different types of mathematical talent, to-
wards our common goal of greater mathematical progress and understanding. While
each one of the above attributes is generally accepted to be a desirable trait to have in
mathematics, it can become detrimental to a field to pursue only one or two of them
at the expense of all the others. Consider for instance the following hypothetical (and
somewhat exaggerated) scenarios:
• A field which becomes increasingly ornate and baroque, in which individual
results are generalised and refined for their own sake, but the subject as a
whole drifts aimlessly without any definite direction or sense of progress;
• A field which becomes filled with many astounding conjectures, but with no
hope of rigorous progress on any of them;
• A field which now consists primarily of using ad hoc methods to solve a collection
of unrelated problems, which have no unifying theme, connections, or purpose;
• A field which has become overly dry and theoretical, continually recasting and
unifying previous results in increasingly technical formal frameworks, but not
generating any exciting new breakthroughs as a consequence; or
In particular, it is worth pointing out that mathematical rigour, while highly important, is only
one component of what determines a quality piece of mathematics.
• A field which reveres classical results, and continually presents shorter, simpler,
and more elegant proofs of these results, but which does not generate any truly
original and new results beyond the classical literature.
In each of these cases, the field of mathematics exhibits much activity and progress in the
short term, but risks a loss of relevance and a failure to attract younger mathematicians
to the subject in the longer term. Fortunately, it is hard for a field to stagnate in this
manner when it is constantly being challenged and revitalised by its connections to
other fields of mathematics (or to related sciences), and by exposure to (and respect
for) multiple cultures of “good mathematics”. These self-correcting mechanisms help
to keep mathematics balanced, unified, productive, and vibrant.
Let us turn now to the other question posed above, namely whether we should try
to pin down a definition of “good mathematics” at all. In doing so, we run the risk
of arrogance and hubris; in particular, we might fail to recognise exotic examples of
genuine mathematical progress because they fall outside mainstream definitions of “good
mathematics”. On the other hand, there is a risk also in the opposite position - that all
approaches to mathematics are equally suitable and deserving of equal resources2 for any
given mathematical field of study, or that all contributions to mathematics are equally
important; such positions may be admirable for their political correctness, but they sap
mathematics of its sense of direction and purpose, and can also lead to a sub-optimal
allocation of mathematical resources. The true situation lies somewhere in between; for
each area of mathematics, the existing body of results, folklore, intuition and experience
(or lack thereof) will indicate which types of approaches are likely to be fruitful and
thus deserve the majority of resources, and which ones are more speculative and which
might warrant inspection by only a handful of independently minded mathematicians,
just to cover all bases. For example, in mature and well-developed fields, it may make
sense to pursue systematic programs and develop general theories in a rigorous manner,
conservatively following tried-and-true methods and established intuition, whereas in
newer and less settled fields, a greater emphasis might be placed on making and solving
conjectures, experimenting with different approaches, and relying to some extent on
non-rigorous heuristics and analogies. It thus makes sense from a strategic point of
view to have at least a partial (but evolving) consensus within each field as to what
qualities of mathematical progress one should prize the most, so that one can develop
and advance the field as effectively as possible at each stage of its development. For
instance, one field may be in great need of solutions to pressing problems; another field
may be crying out for a theoretical framework to organise the clutter of existing results,
or a grand program or series of conjectures to stimulate new results; other fields would
greatly benefit from new, simpler, and more conceptual proofs of key theorems; yet
more fields may require good publicity, and lucid introductions to the subject, in order
to attract more activity and interest. Thus the determination of what would constitute
good mathematics for a field can and should depend highly on the state of the field
itself. It should also be a determination which is continually updated and debated,
both within a field and by external observers to that field; as mentioned earlier, it is
quite possible for a consensus on how a field should progress to lead to imbalances within
that field, if they are not detected and corrected in time.
2Examples of scarce resources include money, time, attention, talent, and pages in top journals.
It may seem from the above discussion that the problem of evaluating mathematical
quality, while important, is a hopelessly complicated one, especially since many good
mathematical achievements may score highly on some of the qualities listed above but
not on others. However, there is the remarkable phenomenon3 that good mathematics
in one of the above senses tends to beget more good mathematics in many of the other
senses as well, leading to the tentative conjecture that perhaps there is, after all, a
universal notion of good quality mathematics, and all the specific metrics listed above
represent different routes to uncover new mathematics, or different stages or aspects of
the evolution of a mathematical story.
of the Erdős-Turán conjectures (in which polynomially sparse sets were conjectured to
have many progressions), and as a consequence also ruled out a significant class of el-
ementary approaches to these problems (e.g. those based on inequalities such as the
Cauchy-Schwarz or Hölder inequalities). While these examples did not fully settle the
problem, they did indicate that the Erdős-Turán conjectures, if true, would necessarily
have a non-trivial (and thus presumably interesting) proof.
The next major advance was by Roth, who applied the Hardy-Littlewood circle method 5
together with a new method (the density increment argument) in a beautifully elegant
manner to establish Roth’s theorem: every set of integers of positive density contained
infinitely many progressions of length three. It was then natural to try to extend Roth’s
methods to progressions of longer length; Roth and many others tried to do so for many
years, but without full success; the reason for the obstruction here was not fully ap-
preciated until the work of Gowers much later. It took the formidable genius of Endré
Szemerédi, who returned to purely combinatorial methods (in particular, pushing the
density increment argument to remarkable new levels of technical sophistication) to ex-
tend Roth’s theorem first to progressions of length four6, and then to progressions of
arbitrary length, thus establishing his famous theorem. Szemerédi’s proof was a techni-
cal tour de force, and introduced many new ideas and techniques, the most important
of which was a new way to look at extremely large graphs, namely to approximate
them by bounded complexity models. This result, the celebrated and useful Szemerédi
regularity lemma, is notable on many levels. As mentioned above, it gave a radically
new insight regarding the structure of large graphs (which in modern language is now
regarded as a structure theorem as well as a compactness theorem for such graphs); it
gave a new proof method (the energy increment method ) which will become crucial later
in this story; and it also generated an incredibly large number of unexpected applica-
tions, from graph theory to property testing to additive combinatorics; the full story of
this regularity lemma is unfortunately too lengthy to be described here.
While Szemerédi’s accomplishment is undoubtedly a highlight of this particular story,
it was by no means the last word on the matter. Szemerédi’s proof of his theorem, while
elementary, was remarkably intricate, and not easily comprehended. It also did not fully
resolve the original questions motivating Erdős and Turán, as the proof itself used van
der Waerden’s theorem at two key junctures and so did not give any improved quantita-
tive bound on that theorem. Furstenberg then had the mathematical taste to seek out
a radically different (and highly non-elementary7) proof, based on an insightful analogy
between combinatorial number theory and ergodic theory which he soon formalised as
the very useful Furstenberg correspondence principle. From this principle8 one readily
concludes that Szemerédi’s theorem is equivalent to a multiple recurrence theorem for
measure-preserving systems. It then became natural to prove this theorem (now known
5Again, the history of the circle method is another great story which we cannot detail here. Suffice
to say though that this method, in modern language, is part of the now standard insight that Fourier
analysis is an important tool for tackling problems in additive combinatorics.
6Shortly afterward, Roth [27] was able to combine some of Szemerédi’s ideas with his own Fourier
analytic method to create a hybrid proof of Szemerédi’s theorem for progressions of length four.
For instance, some versions of Furstenberg’s argument rely heavily on the axiom of choice, though
it is possible to also recast the argument in a choice-free manner.
There is also a similar correspondence principle which identifies van der Waerden’s theorem with a
multiple recurrence theorem for topological dynamical systems. This leads to the fascinating story of
topological dynamics, which we unfortunately have no space to describe here.
as the Furstenberg recurrence theorem) directly by methods from ergodic theory, in par-
ticular by exploiting the various classifications and structural decompositions (e.g. the
ergodic decomposition) available for such systems. Indeed, Furstenberg soon established
the Furstenberg structure theorem, which described any measure preserving system as
a weakly mixing extension of a tower of compact extensions of a trivial system, and
based on this theorem and several additional arguments (including a variant of the van
der Waerden argument) was able to establish the multiple recurrence theorem, and thus
give a new proof of Szemerédi’s theorem. It is also worth mentioning that Furstenberg
also produced an excellent book [5] on this and related topics, which systematically
formalised the basic theory while also contributing greatly to the growth and further
development of this area.
Furstenberg and his coauthors then realised that this new method was potentially
very powerful, and could be used to establish many more types of recurrence theo-
rems, which (via the correspondence principle) then would yield a number of highly
non-trivial combinatorial theorems. Pursuing this vision, Furstenberg, Katznelson, and
others obtained many variants and generalisations of Szemerédi’s theorem, obtaining
for instance variants in higher dimensions and even establishing a density version of
the Hales-Jewett [17] theorem (a very powerful and abstract generalisation of the van
der Waerden theorem). Many of the results obtained by these infinitary ergodic theory
techniques are not known, even today, to have any “elementary” proof, thus testifying to
the power of this method. Furthermore, as a valuable byproduct of these efforts, a much
deeper understanding of the structural classification of measure-preserving systems was
obtained. In particular, it was realised that for many classes of recurrence problem,
the asymptotic recurrence properties of an arbitrary system are almost completely con-
trolled by a special factor of that system, known as the (minimal) characteristic factor
of that system9. Determining the precise nature of this characteristic factor for var-
ious types of recurrence then became a major focus of study, as it was realised that
this would lead to more precise information on the limiting behaviour (in particular,
it would show that certain asymptotic expressions related to multiple recurrence actu-
ally converged to a limit, which was a question left open from Furstenberg’s original
arguments). Counterexamples of Furstenberg and Weiss, as well as results of Conze
and Lesigne, eventually led to the conclusion that these characteristic factors should be
describable by a very special (and algebraic) type of measure-preserving system, namely
a nilsystem associated with nilpotent groups; these conclusions culminated in precise
and rigorous
descriptions of these factors inziegler
a technically impressive paper of Host and
Kra [19] (and subsequently also by Ziegler [37]), which among other things settled the
question mentioned earlier concerning convergence of the asymptotic multiple recur-
rence averages. The central role of these characteristic factors illustrated quite starkly
the presence of a dichotomy between structure (as represented here by nilsystems), and
randomness (which is captured by a certain technical type of “mixing” property), and
to the insight that it is this dichotomy which in fact underlies and powers Szemerédi’s
theorem and its relatives. Another feature of the Host-Kra analysis worth mention-
ing is the prominent appearance of averages associated to “cubes” or “parallelopipeds”,
which turn out to be more tractable to analyse for a number of reasons than the multiple
recurrence averages associated to arithmetic progressions.
9An early example of this is von Neumann’s mean ergodic theorem, in which the factor of shift-
invariant functions controls the limiting behaviour of simple averages of shifts.
notion of uniformity (very closely related to the cube averages of Host and Kra, and
also to certain notions of hypergraph regularity) which sufficed. The remaining task
was to establish a quantitative and rigorous form of the dichotomy. This turned out
to be surprisingly difficult (mainly due to the limited utility of the Fourier transform
in this setting), and in many ways analogous to the efforts of Host-Kra and Ziegler
to endow characteristic factors with the algebraic structure of nilsystems. However, by
combining Fourier analytic tools with major results from additive combinatorics such as
Freiman’s theorem and the Balog-Szemerédi theorem (the history of these being also an
interesting story in its own right, see e.g. [33]), together with several new combinatorial
and probabilistic methods, Gowers was able to achieve this in a remarkable tour de
force, and in particular obtained remarkably strong quantitative bounds on Szemerédi’s
theorem and van der Waerden’s theorem11.
To summarise so far, four parallel proofs of Szemerédi’s theorem have been achieved;
one by direct combinatorics, one by ergodic theory, one by hypergraph theory, and one
by Fourier analysis and additive combinatorics. Even with so many proofs, there was
still a sense that our understanding of this result was still incomplete; for instance, none
of the approaches were powerful enough to detect progressions in the primes, mainly be-
cause of the sparsity of the prime sequence. (The Fourier method, or more precisely the
Hardy-Littlewood-Vinogradov circle method, canvan-der-corput
be used however to establish infinitely
many progressions of length three in the primes [34], and with substantially more effort
can also partially address progressions of length four [18].) However, by using ideas
from restriction theory in harmonic
analysis (which is another fascinating story that we
will not discuss here), Green [14] was able to treat the primes “as if” they were dense,
and in particular obtain an analogue of Roth’s theorem for dense subsets of primes.
This opened up the intruiging possibility of a relative Szemerédi theorem, allowing one
to detect arithmetic progressions in dense subsets of other sets than the integers, for
instance dense subsets of primes. Indeed, a prototypical such relative Roth theorem for
dense subsets
of quite sparse random sets had already appeared in the graph theory
literature [20].
In joint work12 with Ben Green, we began the task of trying to relativise Gowers’
Fourier analytic and combinatorial arguments to such contexts as dense subsets of sparse
random or “pseudorandom” sets. After much effort (inspired in part by the hypergraph
theory, which was well adapted to count patterns
in sparse sets, and also in part by an
“arithmetic regularity lemma” of Green [15] that adapted the regularity lemma ideas
from graph theory to additive contexts) we were eventually able (in an unpublished
work) to detect progressions of length four in such sets. At this point we realised the
analogies between the regularity lemma approach we were using, and the characteris-
tic factor constructions in Host-Kra, and by substituting13 in those constructions (in
11It shelah
is worth noting also the brilliantly creative proof of van der Waerden’s theorem by Shelah [29],
which held the previous record for the best constants for this theorem; the ideas of Shelah’s proof have
not yet been successfully integrated into the rest of the subject, but I expect that this will happen in
the future.
12Incidentally, I was initially attracted to these problems by their intersection with another great
mathematical story, that of the Kakeya conjecture, which we again do not have space to discuss here.
It is however related in a somewhat surprising fashion with the story of restriction theory mentioned
13This was a little tricky for a number of reasons, most notably that the ergodic theory constructions
were infinitary in nature, whereas to deal with the primes it was necessary to work in a finitary context.
3. Conclusion
As we can see from the above case study, the very best examples of good mathematics
do not merely fulfil one or more of the criteria of mathematical quality listed at the
beginning of this article, but are more importantly part of a greater mathematical
story, which then unfurls to generate many further pieces of good mathematics of many
different types. Indeed, one can view the history of entire fields of mathematics as being
primarily generated by a handful of these great stories, their evolution through time,
and their interaction with each other. I would thus conclude that good mathematics is
not merely measured by one or more of the “local” qualities listed previously (though
these are certainly important, and worth pursuing and debating), but also depends on
the more “global” question of how it fits in with other pieces of good mathematics,
either by building upon earlier achievements or encouraging the development of future
breakthroughs. Of course, without the benefit of hindsight it is difficult to predict with
Fortunately I had already attempted to finitise the ergodic approach to Szemerédi’s theorem [32]; while
that attempt was incomplete at the time, it turned out to have enough substance to be helpful for the
application to the primes.
At the time of our paper, the construction we used was from a paper of Goldston and Yıldırım
that was retracted
pintz for an unrelated error, which they eventually repaired with some clever new ideas
from Pintz [8]. This supports a point made earlier, that it is not absolutely necessary for a piece of
mathematics to be absolutely correct in every detail in order to be of value to future (rigorous) work.
15Once again, the story of prime gaps is an interesting one which we will be unable to pursue here.
certainty what types of mathematics will have such a property. There does however seem
to be some undefinable sense that a certain piece of mathematics is “on to something”,
that it is a piece of a larger puzzle waiting to be explored further. And it seems to me
that it is the pursuit of such intangible promises of future potential are least as important
an aspect of mathematical progress than the more concrete and obvious aspects of
mathematical quality listed previously. Thus I believe that good mathematics is more
than simply the process of solving problems, building theories, and making arguments
shorter, stronger, clearer, more elegant, or more rigorous, though these are of course
all admirable goals; while achieving all of these tasks (and debating which ones should
have higher priority within any given field), we should also be aware of any possible
larger context that one’s results could be placed in, as this may well lead to the greatest
long-term benefit for the result, for the field, and for mathematics as a whole.
4. Acknowledgements
I thank Laura Kim for reading and commenting on an early draft of this manuscript.
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