Null Form Estimates For The Cone: Tao/preprints
Null Form Estimates For The Cone: Tao/preprints
Null Form Estimates For The Cone: Tao/preprints∼tao/preprints
• Consider waves
∂ 2u
− ∆u = 0
in Rn with initial data in a Sobolev space H s ×H s−1.
• Q1. Can we control u in some spacetime Lebesgue
norm Lpx,t?
• Q2. Can we control bilinear expressions of u, e.g.
|ut|2 − |∇u|2 in Lpx,t?
• Question 1 is useful in controlling the non-linear ef-
fects of the semi-linear wave equation 2u = |u|p,
while Question 2 addresses the non-linear effects of
equations such as the wave map equation
2u = −uQ(u, u)
Q(u, v) = utvt − ∇u · ∇v.
• Q is known as a null form, because Q(u, v) vanishes
when u = v is a travelling wave.
• The estimates in Q1 are known as generalized Strichartz
estimates, and have been completely classified (around
the early 90s, with the final endpoint result obtained
last year).
• The estimates in Q2 are known as null form esti-
mates. Although we do not yet have a complete clas-
sification, there has been much recent progress, and
many near-sharp results have been obtained, at least
in the pure spacetime-norm case. (We do not con-
sider mixed space-time norm estimates in this talk).
Fourier transform
• Waves can be studied using the space-time Fourier
transform. With the notation of the previous slide,
we have
u=[ F dσ
where dσ is induced surface measure on the double
light cone Γ+ ∪ Γ−, with
Γ± = {(ξ, τ ) ∈ Rn+1 : τ = ±|ξ|}
and F is a function on Γ+ ∪Γ− satisfying the weighted
L2 estimate
|F (ξ, ±|ξ|)|2|ξ|2s dξ . 1
• By dyadic decomposition we can reduce to when F
is supported on
Γ0 = {(ξ, τ ) ∈ Rn+1 : τ = |ξ|, 1 ≤ |ξ| ≤ 2}.
In this case all spacetime derivatives are essentially
irrelevant, and Q1 reduces to
F dσ∥Lpx,t . ∥F ∥2
Bilinear estimates
• We now consider the question of obtaining control on
the bilinear expression ∥Q(u, v)∥Lp(x,t) for waves u,
v and suitable Sobolev control on the initial data.
• We can write u = [
F dσ and v = [
• As a model case, we that F and G are supported on
Γ0 [This is not the most typical case]. The estimate
then simplifies to
∥Q([ F dσ, [
Gdσ)∥p . ∥F ∥2∥G∥2.
• To understand Q, suppose first that u, v are travel-
ling waves
u = cei(x·ξ+t|ξ|), v = c′ei(x·η+t|η|)
with |ξ|, |η| ∼ 1. Since
ut = |ξ|u, vt = |η|v, ∇u = ξu, ∇v = ηv
we have
Q(u, v) = (|ξ||η| − ξ · η)uv ∼ ∠(ξ, η)2uv.
• Thus Q is only large when ∠(ξ, η) ∼ 1, in which
case Q(u, v) is like uv. We are thus led to study the
∥F[ [2∥p . ∥F ∥2∥G∥2
dσ1Gdσ (∗)
where dσ1 and dσ2 are surface measure on disjoint
sectors in Γ0 of angular width ∼ 1 and separation
∼ 1; if one can establish this estimate, one has a
good chance of proving null form estimates for this
value of p.
• From Strichartz and Hölder’s inequality, (*) holds for
p ≥ (n + 1)/(n − 1). However, one does not expect
this to be sharp, because the Knapp examples on dσ1
and dσ2 are so different:
• Klainerman and Machedon observed that (*) also
holds for p = 2. This is because we can use Plancherel
to rewrite (*) as
∥(F dσ1) ∗ (Gdσ2)∥2 . ∥F ∥2∥G∥2
and use a Cauchy-Schwarz argument, exploiting the
transversality between dσ1 and dσ2 via the estimate
∥dσ1 ∗ dσ2∥∞ . 1
Red and blue waves
Spatial localization
• Following standard techniques, we prove the global
spacetime estimate by first proving local spacetime
• Let p0 = (n + 3)/(n + 1), and for all R ≫ 1 let A(R)
be the best constant such that
∥uv∥Lp0 (Q) ≤ A(R)E(u)1/2E(v)1/2
for all red and blue waves u and v, and all spacetime
cubes Q of side-length R.
• Wolff showed that A(R) = O(Rε) for all ε > 0;
a technical argument of Bourgain then shows that
(∗) holds for all p > p0. Wolff’s estimate can be
tightened to A(R) = O(1), which yields the endpoint
p = p0 .
• One new innovation in Wolff’s argument is that bounds
on A(R) are obtained inductively, by first proving
A(R) . (log R)C A(R1−ε) + RCε,
The endpoint argument is similar but is based on the
more precise inequality
A(R) ≤ (1 − ε)A(R/2) + C.
Frequency localization
• On the other hand, from the definition of energy we
∥u∥L2(Q) ≤ R1/2E(u)1/2
so by Hölder we have
∥uv∥L1(Q) ≤ RE(u)1/2E(v)1/2.
Interpolating between the L1 and L2 estimate we get
∥uv∥Lp0 (Q) ≤ E(u)1/2E(v)1/2;
note that 1 < p0 < 2 for all dimensions n.
General frequencies
• Wolff’s argument then proceeds by analyzing the ge-
ometry of the tubes T , locating those slightly smaller
cubes (of side-length R1−ε) where the tubes T are
concentrating in a “bush”:
The endpoint case - an incomplete sketch
directions, to obtain
∥uv∥Lp(Q\Qr ) ≤ εA(R) + C