036 ColumnComparisonGuide
036 ColumnComparisonGuide
036 ColumnComparisonGuide
C18 Columns (ODS)
Guides for selecting C18 packing materials
YMC offers 15 types of ODS columns, each with unique separation characteristics. The proper selection of packing material is
therefore a key factor in the establishment of efficient separation conditions. Selection of packing materials without sufficient
consideration of the separation characteristics may result in an expense of much time and effort in separating a target material. YMC-
Triart C18 is suitable as a first choice column with excellent durability.
YMC-Triart C18
General organic compounds Meteoric Core C18
YMC-Triart C18
Basic compounds YMC-Triart C18 ExRS
YMC-Triart C18
Coordination compounds YMC-Triart C18 ExRS
YMC-Triart C18
Sugars and glycosides Hydrosphere C18
YMC-Triart C18
High molecular Hydrophilic compounds, high molecular
Meteoric Core C18 BIO
weight compounds weight peptides and oligonucleic acids YMC-Pack ODS-A (Wide-Pore)
YMC-Triart C18
Alkaline mobile phase YMC-Triart C18 ExRS
YMC-Pack PolymerC18
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
Standard ODS column Low carbon ODS column, High carbon ODS column,
with high versatility useful for separation of useful for separation of highly
hydrophilic compounds hydrophobic compounds
YMC-Pack Pro C18 Hydrosphere C18 YMC-Pack Pro C18 RS
YMC-Pack Pro C18 is a high performance Hydrosphere C18 is an ODS column YMC-Pack Pro C18 RS is a high
monofunctional ODS column providing designed to maintain maximum carbon trifunctional ODS bonding,
standard hydrophobicity, high resolution, hydrophilicity without activating the characterized by high resolution and
high durability and excellent reproducibility. silica surface. It can be used with high durability. It is applicable to a
It is highly versatile in almost all fields, 100% water mobile phase, a problematic wide range of compounds. The
including pharmaceutical products, mobile phase for conventional ODS separation of compounds with relatively
agricultural chemicals, foods, and natural columns. Hydrosphere C18 is useful for high hydrophobicity and those that differ
products. separating hydrophilic compounds. only slightly in hydrophobicity, such as
structural isomers, is outstanding. It
also has excellent resistance to acid
and alkali, making it useful under
demanding separation conditions.
Pro C18 Hydrosphere C18 Pro C18 RS
Particle size (μm) 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 2,3,5 3,5
Pore size (Å) 120 120 80
Specific surface area (m2/g) 330 330 510
Carbon content 16% 12% 22%
Bonding monofunctional monofunctional trifunctional
Usable pH range 2.0~8.0 2.0~8.0 1.0~10.0
Characteristics Standard type Separation for hydrophilic compounds High carbon ODS
Three kinds of ODS, each with different separation characteristics
The three kinds of ODS columns in the Pro series each have unique carbon content and separation characteristics, including
hydrophobicity, shape recognition ability, and hydrogen-bonding capacity. Selection according to the analyte and mobile phase
of Pro C18 with standard hydrophobicity, Pro C18 RS with high hydrophobicity, or Hydrosphere C18 with low hydrophobicity, facilitates
method development.
1 3
1 1
2 5 3
4 2
4 5
1. Uracil
Column size : 150 X 4.6 mmI.D.
2. n-Butylbenzene
Eluent : methanol/water (80/20)
3. o-Terphenyl
Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min
4. n-Amylbenzene
Temperature : 37°C
5. Triphenylene
Detection : UV at 254 nm
0 0 (N070608E)
0 1 2 3 min 0 1 2 3 min
0 1 2 3 min 0 1 2 3 min
Cephalosporin antibiotics
YMC-UltraHT series can be used for fast analysis with conventional 1. Cephalexin
LC system, as its pressure is lower than commercial sub-2 μm columns. Column : YMC-UltraHT Pro C18
2. Cefaclor
Considering the extra column band broadening, the column of 3.0 mml.D. is Eluent : acetonitrile/20 mM KH2PO4
3. Cephaloglycin
more applicable for conventional LC system than the column of 2.0 mml.D.. (10/90)
4. Cephaloridine
Temperature : 37°C
Detection : UV at 260 nm
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
A three-lot comparison is shown on the left.
Test ATest A Test B
Test B Excellent reproducibility is achieved in
separating hydrophilic, basic and acidic
1. Uracil 1. Caffeine
compounds, as well as hydrophobic
2. 4-n-Butoxybenzoic acid 2. Pyridine
3. Ethylbenzene 3. Phenol compounds.
4. n-Propylbenzene
Lot C Lot C
Lot B Lot B
Lot A Lot A
0 5 10 15 min 0 4 8 min
Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
Advanced packing technology results in high
150 X 4.6 mml.D. theoretical plate number column efficiency. All packed columns are
24000 inspected and controlled according to the
strictest quality control criteria for column
Theoretical plate number
performance ever, including theoretical plate
number testing.
20 40 60 80 100
Column No.
This report describes basic physical properties of silica The Column Test Report shows the theoretical plate number
gel, including particle size, pore size and metal content, and tailing factor to indicate column performance. For
carbon loading after modification, and the specifications convenience in deterioration evaluation, this report includes all
and results of separation characteristics tests. analytical conditions including sample concentration as well.
Ultra-Fast LC column
YMC-UltraHT is a C18 bonded-phase based on highly efficient 2 μm spherical silica particles. YMC-UltraHT series columns
are specifically designed for high-speed and high throughput analysis in various fields such as pharmaceuticals, foods, and
environmentals. YMC-UltraHT has two products. Pro C18 as our standard ODS, and Hydrosphere C18 for hydrophilic
compounds. Both of them show the same selectivity and superior peak shapes as 3 μm and 5 μm Pro series, allowing for an easy
method transfer from conventional HPLC to ultra-fast HPLC without changing elution conditions.
0.015 60
HETP (mm/plates)
YMC 3 µm
Brand L1 1.8 µm 40 YMC 2 µm
YMC 2 µm 30 pressure range
for conventional LC YMC 3 µm
0.005 20
Brand I7 1.7 µm
10 YMC 5 µm
0.000 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Interstitial linear velocity (mm/sec) Interstitial linear velocity (mm/sec)
Pro C18 Hydrosphere C18
Particle size (μm) 2
Pore size (Å) 120
Specific surface area (m /g) 330
Carbon content 16% 12%
Bonding monofunctional
Usable pH range 2.0~8.0
Characteristics Standard type For polar analytes
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
Analytical columns
3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 4, 5 4, 5
Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
3 3
1 1
1 2 1 2
2 2
6 6 6 6 6 6
F040119B F040119B F030130C F030130C F040130E F040130E
YMC-Pack Pro C18 is a high performance ODS column providing standard hydrophobicity, high resolution, high durability and excellent reproducibility.
This column is highly appropriate for basic compounds that often elute with poor peak shapes on competitive columns.
Application (A990121B)
1. Oxytocin
2. Met-Enkephalin
3. Leu-Enkephalin
3 4. Angiotensin I
4 5. α-Mating factor
1 6. Insulin
0 5 10 15 20 min
Analytical columns
Hydrosphere C18
Strong retention of hydrophilic compounds Utilizes highly pure silica gel base Pore size : 120 Å
Can be used with 100% water mobile phase Carbon content : 12%
Superior separation of basic compounds Usable pH range : 2.0~8.0
Excellent reproducibility USP L1
Hydrophilic ODS
Hydrosphere C18 is designed to maintain adequate hydrophilicity on the packing surface for superior separation of hydrophilic compounds.
Hydrophilic compounds are retained with much greater affinity than with conventional ODS columns, permitting the product to be used
with 100% water mobile phase, a problematic mobile phase for conventional ODS columns. Hydrosphere C18 is useful for separating a wide
range of compounds, including nucleic acids and their derivatives, organic acids, saccharides, glycosides and peptides.
1. Lactic acid
Column : 150 X 4.6 mmI.D.
0 5 10 min 0 5 10 min 2. Acetic acid
A000310E A000615A Eluent : 20 mM NaH2PO4-H3PO4 (pH 2.8)
3. Citric acid
Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min
4. Fumaric acid
0 5 10 0 5 10
Temperature : 30°C
min min 5. Succinic acid
A000310E A000615A Detection : UV at 210 nm
Reproducibility of retention time when used with 100% water mobile phase
0 10 20 min
S0515A S0518H S0518F
compared. The retention times of
adenine after standing decreased
After standing
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
Analytical columns
Nicardipine hydrochloride
nicardipine hydrochloride,
a compound with relatively
high hydrophobicity, is
shown left. The main
Rs=3.31 Rs=2.10 Rs=2.48 peak and the degradation
products are separated
poorly on competitive
columns. Even if Pro C18
or Hydrosphere C18 is
used, baseline resolution
is difficult. On the other
hand, Pro C18 RS,
superior in hydrophobicity
and the ability to discern
structural differences, can
0 10 20 30 min 0 10 20 min 0 10 20 min
F030120B-2 F030120D-2 F030121A-2 separate the main peak
and degradation products
Brand I4 Brand D4 Brand I1 completely. As seen
here, Pro C18 RS shows
excellent selectivity when
components can elute
very close together in the
Rs=1.55 Rs=1.14 Rs=0.93 separation of compounds
with high hydrophobicity.
CH2 Column : 150 X 4.6 mmI.D. 5 μm
H3COOC COOCH2CH2N Eluent : 20 mM KH2PO4-K2HPO4 (pH 6.9)/methanol (25/75)
Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min
NO2 .HCl Temperature : 37°C
Detection : UV at 254 nm
Nicardipine HCl
Analytical columns
Conventional ODS column Pore size : 120, 200, 300 Å
Currently in use worldwide Carbon content : 17%, 12%, 7%
Usable pH range : 2.0~7.5
Standard ODS
YMC-Pack ODS-A has a highly endcapped surface structure and appropriate hydrophobicity for separation of a wide range of
compounds. It is produced under strict quality control with respect to 50 or more parameters in order to ensure stable quality. This
product is highly regarded as the standard YMC-Pack packing material in various countries around the world.
control of variables.
In addition to measurement of the physical properties, a wide
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lot Number
Analytical columns
Similar to ODS-A in selectivity Pore size : 120 Å
Excellent reproducibility Carbon content : 17%
Useful for quality control purposes Usable pH range : 2.0~7.5
8 compounds.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lot Number
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
Analytical columns
Useful for separation of hydrophilic compounds Pore size : 120, 200 Å
Can be used with 100% water mobile phase Carbon content : 14%, 10%
Different selectivity from conventional ODS Usable pH range : 2.0~7.5
Hydrophilic ODS
YMC-Pack ODS-AQ has moderate hydrophobicity and hydrogen-bonding capacity. It shows different retention behavior from
that of YMC-Pack ODS-A, for samples with relatively high hydrophilicity. It is useful in fields including carbohydrate chemistry for
oligosaccharides and glycosides, pharmacognosy and natural product chemistry.
1. Maltoundecaose (G11)
2. Maltododecaose (G12)
3. Maltotridecaose (G13)
Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
4. Maltotetradecaose (G14)
5. Maltopentadecaose (G15)
Column : YMC-Pack ODS-AQ (5 μm, 120 Å)
G15 150 X 4.6 mmI.D.
Eluent : methanol/water (5/995)
Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min
Temperature : 37°C
10 20 30 min Detection : RI, 8×10-6RIU/FS
Analytical columns
ODS with residual silanol groups Pore size : 120 Å
Utilizes secondary interaction caused by silanol groups Carbon content : 17%
Usable pH range : 2.0~7.5
Non-endcapped ODS
YMC-Pack ODS-AL uses not only hydrophobic interaction but also secondary interaction caused by silanol groups that affect
separation. This results in a different selectivity from conventional ODS columns. When ionic interaction is utilized, it is preferable to
use a buffer in the mobile phase to achieve reproducibility of chromatograms.
Disinfectants The figure shows separation of disinfectants
under the conditions described in the Japanese
1. COOH 2. COOH Pharmacopoeia. The object is to select the
OH column permitting the elution of benzoic acid,
3 Benzoic acid Salicylic acid salicylic acid and theophylline, in this order,
insuring complete separation of these peaks.
1 3. O 4. With ODS-AQ, separation of salicylic acid and
N OH theophylline is incomplete. By contrast, ODS-
1 O N N AL provides excellent separation. Thus, ODS-
2 CH 3 AL may provide excellent separation when the
Theophylline (I.S.) Phenol separation conditions cannot be optimized on
other ODS columns.
Column : YMC-Pack ODS-AL and ODS-AQ (5 μm, 120 Å)
150 X 4.6 mmI.D.
Eluent : 100 mM KH2PO4-Na2HPO4 (pH 7.0)/methanol (75/25)
Flow rate : 0.8 mL/min
Temperature : 30°C
0 5 10 15 20 min 0 5 10 15 20 min Detection : UV at 270 nm
(Conditions described in Japanese Pharmacopoeia 16th ed.)
Analytical columns
Analytical columns
YMC-Pack PolymerC18
Utilizes polymer base which is not affected by silanol Usable pH range : 2.0~13.0
Different separation characteristics from silica-based ODS
Excellent pH stability
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
* Guard cartridge holder required, part no. XPGCH-Q1 for 2.1 - 4.0 mmI.D. and XPCHSPW1 for 10 mmI.D.
※ See P.120, 121 for preparative columns other than those listed above.
Ordering Information -Columns-
Phase Column I.D. Column length (mm) Guard cartridges
dimension (mm)
50 75 100 150 250 I.D. (mm) 10 mm length
2.0 AA12S03-0502WT AA12S03-L502WT AA12S03-1002WT AA12S03-1502WT — 2.1 AA12S03-01Q1GC
120 Å 3.0 AA12S03-0503WT — AA12S03-1003WT AA12S03-1503WT — 3.0 AA12S03-0103GC
3 μm 4.6 -— AA12S03-L546WT AA12S03-1046WT AA12S03-1546WT —
4.0 AA12S03-0104GC
6.0 -— — AA12S03-1006WT AA12S03-1506WT —
2.0 — AA12S05-L502WT — AA12S05-1502WT AA12S05-2502WT 2.1 AA12S05-01Q1GC
3.0 — — — AA12S05-1503WT AA12S05-2503WT 3.0 AA12S05-0103GC
120 Å
4.6 — AA12S05-L546WT AA12S05-1046WT AA12S05-1546WT AA12S05-2546WT
5 μm 4.0 AA12S05-0104GC
6.0 — — AA12S05-1006WT AA12S05-1506WT AA12S05-2506WT
10 — — — AA12S05-1510WT AA12S05-2510WT 10 AA12S05-0110CC
2.0 — AA30S05-L502WT — AA30S05-1502WT AA30S05-2502WT 2.1 AA30S05-01Q1GC
300 Å 4.6 — AA30S05-L546WT AA30S05-1046WT AA30S05-1546WT AA30S05-2546WT
4.0 AA30S05-0104GC
5 μm 6.0 — — AA30S05-1006WT AA30S05-1506WT AA30S05-2506WT
10 — — — AA30S05-1510WT AA30S05-2510WT 10 AA30S05-0110CC
Phase Column I.D. Column length (mm) Guard cartridges
dimension (mm)
50 75 100 150 250 I.D. (mm) 10 mm length
Phase Column I.D. Column length (mm) Guard cartridges
dimension (mm)
50 75 100 150 250 I.D. (mm) 10 mm length
2.0 AQ12S03-0502WT AQ12S03-L502WT AQ12S03-1002WT AQ12S03-1502WT — 2.1 AQ12S03-01Q1GC
120 Å 3.0 AQ12S03-0503WT — AQ12S03-1003WT AQ12S03-1503WT — 3.0 AQ12S03-0103GC
3 μm 4.6 — — AQ12S03-1046WT AQ12S03-1546WT —
4.0 AQ12S03-0104GC
6.0 — — AQ12S03-1006WT AQ12S03-1506WT —
2.0 — AQ12S05-L502WT — AQ12S05-1502WT AQ12S05-2502WT 2.1 AQ12S05-01Q1GC
3.0 — — — AQ12S05-1503WT AQ12S05-2503WT 3.0 AQ12S05-0103GC
120 Å
4.6 — AQ12S05-L546WT AQ12S05-1046WT AQ12S05-1546WT AQ12S05-2546WT
5 μm 4.0 AQ12S05-0104GC
6.0 — — AQ12S05-1006WT AQ12S05-1506WT AQ12S05-2506WT
10 — — — AQ12S05-1510WT AQ12S05-2510WT 10 AQ12S05-0110CC
Phase Column I.D. Column length (mm) Guard cartridges
dimension (mm)
50 75 100 150 250 I.D. (mm) 10 mm length
2.0 — — — AL12S05-1502WT AL12S05-2502WT 2.1 AL12S05-01Q1GC
120 Å 4.6 — AL12S05-L546WT AL12S05-1046WT AL12S05-1546WT AL12S05-2546WT
4.0 AL12S05-0104GC
5 μm 6.0 — — AL12S05-1006WT AL12S05-1506WT AL12S05-2506WT
10 — — — AL12S05-1510WT AL12S05-2510WT 10 AL12S05-0110CC
* Guard cartridge holder required, part no. XPGCH-Q1 for 2.1 - 4.0 mmI.D. and XPCHSPW1 for 10 mmI.D.
※ See P.120, 121 for preparative columns other than those listed above.
06 Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
Phase Column I.D. Column length (mm) Guard cartridges
dimension (mm)
75 100 150 250 I.D. (mm) 10 mm length
2.0 JH08S04-L502WT JH08S04-1002WT JH08S04-1502WT JH08S04-2502WT 2.1 JH08S04-01Q1GC
ODS-H80 3.0 — — JH08S04-1503WT JH08S04-2503WT 3.0 JH08S04-0103GC
80 Å 4.6 JH08S04-L546WT — JH08S04-1546WT JH08S04-2546WT
4 μm 4.0 JH08S04-0104GC
6.0 — — JH08S04-1506WT JH08S04-2506WT
10 — — JH08S04-1510WT JH08S04-2510WT 10 JH08S04-0110CC
2.0 JM08S04-L502WT JM08S04-1002WT JM08S04-1502WT JM08S04-2502WT 2.1 JM08S04-01Q1GC
ODS-M80 3.0 — — JM08S04-1503WT JM08S04-2503WT 3.0 JM08S04-0103GC
80 Å 4.6 JM08S04-L546WT — JM08S04-1546WT JM08S04-2546WT
4 μm 4.0 JM08S04-0104GC
6.0 — — JM08S04-1506WT JM08S04-2506WT
10 — — JM08S04-1510WT JM08S04-2510WT 10 JM08S04-0110CC
2.0 JL08S04-L502WT JL08S04-1002WT JL08S04-1502WT JL08S04-2502WT 2.1 JL08S04-01Q1GC
ODS-L80 3.0 — — JL08S04-1503WT JL08S04-2503WT 3.0 JL08S04-0103GC
80 Å 4.6 JL08S04-L546WT — JL08S04-1546WT JL08S04-2546WT
4 μm 4.0 JL08S04-0104GC
6.0 — — JL08S04-1506WT JL08S04-2506WT
10 — — JL08S04-1510WT JL08S04-2510WT 10 JL08S04-0110CC
YMC-Pack PolymerC18
Reversed-Phase C18 Columns (ODS)
* Guard cartridge holder required, part no. XPGCH-Q1 for 2.1 - 4.0 mmI.D. and XPCHSPW1 for 10 mmI.D.
※ See P.121 for preparative columns other than those listed above.