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Institutional Support


Conference Scope

Structural engineering experts in strengthening and repair of structures need to have a

comprehensive knowledge over a set of issues: the materials used (masonry, adobe, timber, steel,
concrete and others); the geometric properties of the structures; the available surveying
techniques for determining the physical and mechanical properties of the materials; the behaviour
of the structural elements and the types of validated strengthening and repair techniques
available for the different types of constructions. The advances in structural expertise, over the
last years, have revealed a substantial appeal from the intervenient and their roles in the
construction industry and the appearance of new materials and construction techniques. Recent
construction market forecasts show a considerable growth in the investment on the strengthening
and repair activity (EuroConstruct Statistics). CINPAR 2018 international conference is an
opportunity for the participants to acquire knowledge on new materials, techniques and
construction technologies, and to exchange personal experiences on strengthening and repair of
structures .

Principal Aims

• Present and discuss the surveying and diagnosis techniques for material characterization;
• Present and discuss frequent construction defects;
• Identify and analyse the main causes of defects, which knowledge is crucial for a successful
repair action;
• Present materials used to repair and strengthen existing structures;
• Present and discuss techniques to repair and strengthen existing structures;
• Promote the communication and sharing of knowledge among different professionals working
in this field;
• Identify, discuss and encourage future research directions for the strengthening and repair of

For the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to welcome invited‐speakers, authors and other
CONSTRUCTIONS REPAIR and to the city of Florence. We hope that you will profit from the
scientific program, from the interaction with colleagues and that you will enjoy the charming city
of Florence.


International Organization Committee CORREIA, José (INEGI, PORTUGAL)

Francisco Carvalho (UVA, BRAZIL), President DELGADO, João (FEUP, PORTUGAL)
Humberto Varum (FEUP, PORTUGAL), Vice-President DESTEFANI, André (IFF, BRAZIL)
Esequiel Mesquita (NUTEC/FAS, BRAZIL), General GEIMBA, Maryangela (ITA, BRAZIL)
Secretary GIRARDI, Maria (CNR – ISTI, Pisa), Italy
Gibson Meira (IFPB, BRAZIL), Vice General Secretary GIURIANI, Ezio (Brescia), Italy
Maria Soledad (PUC, CHILE), Director of Institutional IVORRA, Salvador (EPS, SPAIN)
Relations JURINA, Lorenzo (Pol. Milan), Italy
Angel Oshiro (UTN, ARGENTINA), Vice Director of LAGOMARSINO, Sergio (Genoa), Italy
Institutional Relation: LATERZA, Michelangelo (Basilicata), Italy
Maria Positiere (UTN, ARGENTINA), Director of LORENZINI, Soledad (PUC, CHILE)
Research and Development: LUCA , César De (IDD, BRAZIL)
Eduardo Ballan (UCJC, SPAIN), Vice Director Research LUCCHESI, Massimiliano (UNIFI, ITALY)
and Development: MARINHO, Jefferson (URCA/iTec, BRAZIL)
Alexandre Bertini (UFC, BRAZIL), Technical Director MARTINI, Rachel (CEFETE, BRAZIL)
Local Organization Committee MEDEIROS JUNIOR, Ronaldo (UFPR, BRAZIL)
Gianni Bartoli (UNIFI, ITALY), President MESQUITA, Esequiel (NUTEC/FAS, BRAZIL)
Michele Betti (UNIFI, ITALY), President MILANI, Gabriele (Pol. Milan), Italy
Barbara Pintucchi (UNIFI, ITALY), Vice-President MONTI, Giorgio (Rome), Italy
Mario Fagone (UNIFI, ITALY), Secretary MOREIRA, Kelvya (UVA, BRAZIL)
Chiara Bernardini (UNIFI, ITALY) OLIVEIRA, Fabiana (USP, BRA)
Alberto Ciavattone (UNIFI, ITALY) PAZINI, Enio (UFG, BRAZIL)
Luca Facchini (UNIFI, ITALY) PORTO, Francesca Da (Padua), Italy
Antonino Maria Marra (UNIFI, ITALY) POSSAN, Edna (UNILA, BRAZIL)
Maurizio Orlando (UNIFI, ITALY) RAGGIOTTI, Belén (UTN - ARG)
Luca Pigolotti (UNIFI, ITALY) RIVA, Paolo (Bergamo), Italy
Gloria Terenzi (UNIFI, ITALY) ROHDEN, Abrahão (FURB, BRAZIL
SASTRE, Maria (UNSa, Argentina)
Scientific Committee SILVESTRI, Stefano (Bologna), Italy
ADAM, Jose (ICITECH, SPAIN) SPACONE, Enrico (Chieti‐Pescara), Italy
ASCIONE, Luigi (Salerno), Italy SPINELLI, Paolo (UNIFI, ITALY)
BORRI, Antonio (Perugia, Italy)
CARDOSO, Héctor (UNSa, Argentina)
CLEMENTI, Francesco (Parma), Italy


Opening Lecture
Wednesday, June 20, 10:00-11:00

Prof. Francesco Paolo Di Teodoro

La cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore: la costruzione, le fratture e l’inattuato
progetto di cerchiatura di fine Seicento (In Italian with English translation)
[The Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore: construction, crack pattern and
the unrealized late-seventeenth-century project for its hooping]

Keynote lecture 1
Wednesday, June 20, 11:30-12:15

Prof. Pablo Eugenio Maturana Barahona

Estructuras Dañadas por Sismo: Experiencia en Chile, Catastro de Daños y
Reparación (In Spanish with English translation)
[Structures damaged by earthquake: experience in Chile, damage
cadastre and repair]

Keynote lecture 2
Wednesday, June 20, 12:15-13:00

Prof. Grazia Tucci

Geomatics for structural assessment and surface diagnostic of

cultural heritage

Keynote lecture 3
Wednesday, June 20, 14:30-15:15

Prof. Petr Štěpánek

Long term strength of GFRP reinforcement by temperature, alkaline

and cyclic loading

Keynote lecture 4
Thursday, June 21, 08:45-09:30

Prof. Esequiel Mesquita

Learnings from portuguese-brazilian heritage constructions


Keynote lecture 5
Thursday, June 21, 11:40-12:25

Prof. Siro Casolo

A specific out-of plane model for the nonlinear dynamical analysis of

masonry façades and estimation of cumulated seismic damage

Keynote lecture 6
Thursday, June 21, 14:30-15:15

Prof. Enio Pazini

Paradigm changes in diagnosis and rehabilitation of concrete


Keynote lecture 7
Friday, June 22, 08:45-09:30

Prof. Humberto Varum

Structural behaviour and seismic retrofitting of existing adobe


Keynote lecture 8
Friday, June 22, 11:40-12:25

Prof. Alessandra Marini

Life cycle perspective in the renovation of existing RC buildings


Centro Didattico Morgagni

Viale Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 40

Firenze (Italy)


Viale Giovanni Battista Morgagni


Centro Didattico Morgagni

Viale Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 40

Firenze (Italy)

(ground floor)

(first floor) B C G

A Room 1, Plenary lectures (room Auditorium)

B Room 2, (room 103)
C Room 3, (room 102)
D Conference Desk, Lunch, Coffee‐break
F Cloakroom (room 106)
G Slide preview room (room 101)


Wednesday - June 20, 2018

09:00-09:30 Registration

09:30-10:00 Opening Session - Room 1

Opening Lecture - Room 1

Prof. Francesco Paolo Di Teodoro
11:00-11:30 coffee break
Keynote Lecture 1 - Room 1
Prof. Pablo Eugenio Maturana Barahona

Keynote Lecture 2 - Room 1

Prof. Grazia Tucci
13:00-14:30 lunch
Keynote Lecture 3 - Room 1 - [Chair: Jose M. Adam]
Prof. Petr Štěpánek

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3

T1 - Defects [ENG] T4.5 Restoration T4.2 Seismic analysis

16:15-16:45 coffee break

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T3.2 Masonry panels T4.2 Seismic analysis T4.5 Restoration
[ENG] / Strengthening [POR]


Thursday - June 21, 2018

Keynote Lecture 4 - Room 1 - [Chair: Maria Girardi]

Prof. Esequiel Mesquita

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T2.2 T4.3 Sensitivity / T4.5 Restoration
Strengthening Identification [POR]
11:10-11:40 coffee break
Keynote Lecture 5 - Room 1 - [Chair: Claudio Borri]
Prof. Siro Casolo

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T4.2 Seismic T2 Materials T1 Defects [POR]
analysis / [POR]
13:25-14:30 lunch
Keynote Lecture 6 - Room 1 - [Chair: Paolo Spinelli]
Prof. Enio Pazini

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T4.2 Seismic T1 Defects [POR] T4.5 Restoration
analysis / [POR]
16:15-16:45 coffee break

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T3.1 Masonry T4.2 Seismic T2.1 Mechanical
arches / Vaults analysis / characterization
[ENG] Strengthening [POR]

Social Dinner (20:00)


Friday - June 22, 2018

Keynote Lecture 7 - Room 1 - [Chair: Siro Casolo]

Prof. Humberto Varum

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T2.1 Mechanical T4.2 Seismic T1 Defects [POR]
characterization analysis /
[ENG] Strengthening
11:10-11:40 coffee break
Keynote Lecture 8 - Room 1 - [Chair: Esequiel Mesquita]
Prof. Alessandra Marini

Parallel Session - Parallel Session - Parallel Session -

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
T4.5 Restoration T4.5 Restoration T4.2 Seismic
[POR] [ENG] analysis /

Closing Session - Room 1

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 20

Wednesday, June 20, from 15:15 to 16:15

Room 1 - [ENG] - T1 Defects

Chair: Jose M. Adam
15:15 Employment of optical fibers for RC bond-slip Esequiel Mesquita, Paulo Antunes, Nélia Alberto,
characterization Carlos Marques, José Melo, Paulo S. André,
António Arêde and Humberto Varum
15:35 Carbonated structures in Paraguay: Durability Pablo Benitez, Fernanda Rodrigues, Sergio
strategies for maintenance planning Gavilán, Humberto Varum and Anibal Costa
15:55 Monotonic and low-cycle fatigue properties of Giuseppe Loporcaro, Alberto Cuevas, Stefano
earthquake-damaged New Zealand steel Pampanin and Milo Kral
reinforcing bars. The experience of the
Christchurch 2010/2011 earthquakes

Room 2 - [ENG] - T4.5 Restoration

Chair: Pietro Croce
15:15 Energy retrofit solutions for heritage buildings Fabiana Silvero, Sergio Montelpare, Fernanda
located in hot-humid climates Rodrigues, Enrico Spacone and Humberto Varum
15:35 Detection of precipitation infiltration in buildings Joaquin Humberto Aquino Rocha, Cynthia Firmino
by infrared thermography: a case study Dos Santos and Yêda Vieira Póvoas
15:55 Evaluation of the infrared thermography Joaquin Humberto Aquino Rocha, Cynthia Firmino
technique for capillarity moisture detection in Dos Santos and Yêda Vieira Póvoas

Room 3 - W.P.3p [POR] - T4.2 Seismic analysis

Chair: Francisco Carvalho
15:15 Sismicidade Brasileira: registros sísmicos indicam Paulo Miranda, Humberto Varum and Nelson Vila
a configuração de um novo mapa Pouca
15:35 Análise de Segurança, Desempenho e Márcio Buzar, José De Paula, Marcos Ritter,
Reabilitação da Estrutura do Edifício Residencial Stefano Galimi, Francisco Castro Jr. and Leonardo
QRSW, 08 Bloco B, Setor Sudoeste, Brasília-DF Inojosa
15:55 Análise de Incidências Patológicas, Desempenho e Leonardo Inojosa, Márcio Buzar, Marcos de
Reabilitação da Estrutura do edifício Gregorio, Stefano Galimi and José Humberto De
administrativo do Superior Tribunal de Justiça - Paula
STJ, Brasília-DF

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 20

Wednesday, June 20, from 16:45 to 18:25

Room 1 - [ENG] - T3.2 Masonry panels

Chair: Giuseppe Loporcaro
16:45 In-situ experimental tests on masonry panels Francesca Giulia Carozzi, Tommaso D'Antino and
strengthened with Textile Reinforced Mortar Carlo Poggi
17:05 Shear modulus of masonry walls: a critical review Pietro Croce, Maria Luisa Beconcini, Paolo
Formichi, Paolo Cioni, Filippo Landi, Caterina
Mochi, Francesco De Lellis, Elisabetta Mariotti
and Isabelle Serra
17:25 Masonry micromodels using high order 3D J. Ignacio Gisbert, David Bru, Antonio
elements Gonzalez and Salvador Ivorra
17:45 Nonlinear modelling of the in-plane-out-of-plane Fabio Mazza and Angelo Donnici
interaction in the seismic analysis of masonry
infills in r.c. framed buildings
18:05 Behaviour of in-plane loaded masonry panels Michela Monaco, Bruno Calderoni, Antonino
Iannuzzo and Antono Gesualdo

Room 2 - [ENG] - T4.2 Seismic analysis / Strengthening

Chair: Francesco Clementi
16:45 Effects of nonlinear modelling of the base- Fabio Mazza and Rodolfo Labernarda
isolation system on the seismic analysis of r.c.
17:05 Verification of an Energy-Based Design Procedure Gloria Terenzi, Iacopo Costoli, Stefano Sorace and
for Seismic Retrofit of a School Building Paolo Spinelli
17:25 Seismic structural upgrade of historical buildings Giorgio Frunzio and Luciana Di Gennaro
through wooden deckings strengthening: the case
of study of Palazzo Ducale in Parete, Italy
17:45 An overview of assessment and retrofit of Antonio Bossio, Gian Piero Lignola and Andrea
corroded RC structures Prota

Room 3 - [POR] – T4.5 Restoration

Chair: Esequiel Mesquita
16:45 Recuperação de um sistema de revestimento de Marilia Gabriella Matos de Oliveira, Luiz Antonio
fachada em um edifício residencial na cidade do Araujo Coelho De Alencar, Amanda Gabriela Dias
Recife Maranhão, Fuad Carlos Zarzar Júnior and Angelo
Just da Costa E Silva
17:05 Manifestações patológicas em fachadas com Maria Silva Freitas and Jefferson Luiz Alves
calcário laminado: estudo de caso em edificações Marinho
da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte – CE
17:25 Projeto de intervenção em patrimônio histórico: Mikhael Ferreira Da Silva Santos, Cláudio V.
antiga fábrica têxtil do município de Caxias, Ferreira, Wdyelle Elcine de Carvalho Matos, Luís
Maranhão, Brasil Gustavo Bonora V. Ferreira, Fernanda Duarte de
Sousa and Amanda A. Silva Rodrigues de Sousa
17:45 Levantamento e análise das manifestações Catarina de Nazaré Pereira Pinheiro, Adriene
patológicas no prédio da Igreja Nossa Senhora Rodrigues Barbosa and Victória Dias Reis
das Mercês, localizado em Belém-PA
18:05 Manifestaciones patológicas en viviendas de Fernando Sánchez Rodriguez, Alexandre Bertini,
interés social en Fortaleza, Brasil Francisco Carvalho, Levi Teixeira, Felipe Amon
Silva Gomes and Fernando Sánchez García

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 21

Thursday, June 21, from 09:30 to 11:10

Room 1 - [ENG] - T2.2 Strengthening

Chair: Maria Girardi
09:30 New Italian Guidelines for Design of Externally Luigi Ascione, Francesca Giulia Carozzi, Tommaso
Bonded Fabric-reinforced Cementitious Matrix D'Antino and Carlo Poggi
(FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening of
Masonry and Concrete Structures
09:50 On the effectiveness of CFRP reinforcement of Mario Fagone and Giovanna Ranocchiai
masonry panels loaded by out-of-plane actions
10:10 The influence of the joint thickness on the Mario Fagone, Tommaso Rotunno, Ernesto
adhesion between CFRP reinforcements and Grande, Elisa Bertolesi and Gabriele Milani
masonry arches
10:30 Fatigue behaviour of composite timber-concrete Pietro Croce, Maria Luisa Beconcini, Paolo
beams Formichi, Filippo Landi and Daniele Cardella
10:50 Damaged RC beams strengthened with GFRP Roberto Capozucca, Erica Magagnini and Maria
Vittoria Vecchietti

Room 2 - [ENG] - T4.3 Sensitivity / Identification

Chair: Giovanna Ranocchiai
09:30 Influence of mechanical parameters on non-linear Pietro Croce, Maria Luisa Beconcini, Paolo
static analysis of masonry buildings: a relevant Formichi, Paolo Cioni, Filippo Landi, Caterina
case-study Mochi and Riccardo Giuri
09:50 Modal parameters identification with Valentina Gazzani, Marina Poiani, Francesco
environmental tests and advanced numerical Clementi, Gabriele Milani and Stefano Lenci
analyses for masonry bell towers: a meaningful
case study
10:10 Model parameter estimation using Bayesian and Anna De Falco, Maria Girardi, Daniele Pellegrini,
deterministic approaches: the case study of the Giacomo Sevieri and Leonardo Robol
Maddalena Bridge
10:30 Frequency vs time domain identification of Giacomo Zini, Michele Betti, Gianni Bartoli,
heritage structures Sandro Chiostrini

Room 3 - [POR] – T4.5 Restoration

Chair: Thiago Silva
09:30 Manifestações patologicas em Ponte Metálica de Amanda Aryda Silva Rodrigues de Sousa, Patricia
Caxias, no estado do Maranhão, Brasil da Silva Lima, Cláudio Vidrih Ferreira, Valney
Moura Silva, Luiz Fernando Costa and Mikhael
Ferreira da Silva Santos
09:50 Manifestações Patológicas Presentes na João Victor Da Cunha Oliveira, Leila Soares Viegas
Estrutura, Alvenaria e Fachada do Edifício João Barreto Chagas, Eduardo Da Cruz Teixeira and
Marques de Almeida Frankslale Fabian Diniz De Andrade Meira
10:10 Mapeamento Patológico das Fachadas dos João Victor Da Cunha Oliveira, Leila Soares Viegas
Prédios Corporativos de Uso Misto da UFCG Barreto Chagas and Frankslale Fabian Diniz De
Campus Campina Grande Andrade Meira
10:30 Estudo de caso das patologias de hospital em Victória Reis, Felipe Oliveira, Catarina Pinheiro,
Belém-Pa Adriene Barbosa and Wilton Macieira
10:50 Análise Estrutural e de incidências patológicas no Marco Bessa, Leonardo Inojosa, Lenildo Silva and
Autódromo Internacional da Capital Federal do Márcio Buzar
Brasil, Brasília-DF

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 21

Thursday, June 21, from 12:25 to 13:25

Room 1 - [ENG] - T4.2 Seismic analysis / Strengthening

Chair: Carlo Poggi
12:25 Iconic crumbling of the clock tower in Amatrice Marina Poiani, Valentina Gazzani, Francesco
after 2016 center Italy seismic sequence: Clementi, Gabriele Milani, Marco Valente and
advanced numerical insight Stefano Lenci
12:45 The Bartolomeo Ammannati’s Fountain: an Giada Cerri, Giacomo Pirazzoli, Giorgio Verdiani,
artifact in progress Marco Tanganelli, Vieri Cardinali and Stefania Viti
13:05 Public Housing in Florence: Seismic Assessment of Marco Tanganelli, Tommaso Rotunno, Vieri
Masonry buildings Cardinali and Stefania Viti

Room 2 - [POR] - T2 Materials

Chair: Francisco Carvalho
12:25 Evaluation of steel slag of Companhia Siderúrgica Stefanie A. Campos, Maria Fabiola Rafael and
do Pecém replacing fine aggregate on mortars Antônio Eduardo Cabral
12:45 Behavior of concrete reinforced with Felipe A. Amancio, Maria Fabíola C. Rafael,
polypropylene fiber exposed to high Alisson R. O. Dias and Antonio Eduardo Bezerra
temperatures Cabral
13:05 Study of propagation of ultrasonic pulses in Alisson R. O. Dias, Felipe A. Amancio, Maria
concrete exposed at high temperatures Fabíola C. Rafael and Antônio E. B. Cabral

Room 3 - [POR] - T1 Defects

Chair: Fabiana Oliveira
12:25 Soluções de Reparo de Manifestações Patológicas Marcus Vinícius Fernandes Grossi
Decorrentes de Condensação de Vapor D’água
12:45 Análise das manifestações patológicas em Jose Lois Carballal Junior , Thais Simoni Batista,
edificações com até cinco anos de idade, Luiz Bernhoeft and Arnaldo Carneiro
executada na região metropolitana do Recife
13:05 Mapa de danos de edifícios modernos: proposta Geovanna Brasil Carvalho and Vanda Zanoni
para representação gráfica do estado de
conservação de fachadas em concreto aparente

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 21

Thursday, June 21, from 15:15 to 16:15

Room 1 - [ENG] - T4.2 Seismic analysis / Strengthening

Chair: Alessandra Marini
15:15 Numerical model and consolidation interventions Lorenzo Jurina
of Palazzo della Ragione in Milan
15:35 Numerical study on the reduction of the seismic Ingrid Boem and Natalino Gattesco
vulnerability of historical industrial buildings with
wide timber roofs
15:55 Seismic vulnerability of historic masonry Andrea Borghini, Sonia Boschi, Barbara Pintucchi
buildings: a case study in the center of Lucca and Nicola Zani

Room 2 - [POR] - T1 Defects

Chair: Maria Positiere
15:15 Damages in weld joint of water elevated reservoir Hizadora Constanza Medina D'Ambros, Thiago
steel structures Dias De Araújo Silva, Esequiel Fernandes Teixeira
Mesquita and Renato Ferreira Barros
15:35 Recovery of Cracks in Concrete Railroad Sleepers: Iara Melo Da Silva, Luciano De Oliveira, Conceição
Procedure and Case Study De Maria Pinheiro Correia and Kelvyane Meneses
Sousa Rafful
15:55 Behavior of galvanized reinforcements in Gibson R. Meira, Taíssa G. Cândido, Mariane R.
carbonated and non- carbonated media Carvalho, Pablo R. R Ferreira and Carla C. Araújo

Room 3 - [POR] - T4.5 Restoration

Chair: Gibson Meira
15:15 Inspección y diagnóstico de la Catedral de Potosí, Jahdiel Villafuerte, Michele D'Amato,
Bolivia Michelangelo Laterza, Gunnady Caro, Julio Ruiz
and Gonzalo Salazar
15:35 Análise dos traços de argamassas de duas Abrahão Bernardo Rohden and Priscila Kollross
construções antigas localizadas em Santa Catarina
- Brasil
15:55 Manifestações Patológicas na Madeira: Estudo de Isabela Cavalcanti de Souza and Edna Moura
caso da Fortaleza dos Reis Magos em Natal/RN Pinto
16:15 Intervenções Ocorridas no Teatro São João no Eder Paulus Moraes Eder Guerra and José
Contexto do Sítio Histórico de Sobral Leonézio Lopes de Vasconcelos Filho

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 21

Thursday, June 21, from 16:45 to 18:25

Room 1 - [ENG] - T3.2 Masonry arches / Vaults

Chair: Maurizio Orlando
16:45 Experimental and numerical study on a real-scale Pedro A. Calderón, Benjamín Torres, Juan J.
masonry cross-vault subjected to settlement in Moragues and Jose M. Adam
one of its support
17:05 Effect of geometry parameters on the seismic Cyrille Denis Tetougueni, Alex Zilio, Paolo
capacity of masonry arches Zampieri and Carlo Pellegrino
17:25 Failure analysis of masonry arch with no- Paolo Zampieri, Nicolò Simoncello, Cyrille Denise
horizontal support settlement Tetougueni and Carlo Pellegrino

Room 2 - [ENG] - T4.2 Seismic analysis / Strengthening

Chair: Andrea Vignoli
16:45 Identification of fault-inducing phenomena in an Paola Condoleo and Alberto Taliercio
old masonry building
17:05 Understanding crack patterns in masonry Patrick Bamonte and Alberto Taliercio
17:25 Analysis of the restoration and consolidation of Luigi Guerriero, Margherita Cicala, Nicola
the late Baroque church of the Holy Spirit in Chiacchio and Mariella Tomeo
17:45 The Corpus Domini Bell Tower: Conservation and Mariateresa Guadagnuolo, Mariano Nuzzo and
Safety Giuseppe Faella

Room 3 - [POR] – T4.5 Mechanical characterization

Chair: Maria Soledad Gomez
16:45 Análise da estanqueidade de painéis de Cross Gabriela Lotufo Oliveira, Fabiana Lopes De
Laminated Timber (CLT) para uso externo em Oliveira and Sergio Brazolin
fachadas de edificações
17:05 Agregados alternativos para composição do Maria Silva Freitas and Jefferson Luiz Alves
concreto: um estudo da viabilidade Marinho
17:25 Explorando morteros sustentables Nicolás Isamitt Letelier, Sebastián Fierro
Sepúlveda, Pablo Maturana Barahona and Maria
Soledad Gomez Lorenzini
17:45 Características Mecânicas de Concreto Paulo S.T. Miranda, Leonardo T. Souza, Jailson S.
Autoadensável Produzido com Pó de Pedra Gonçalves and Iaritissa S. Carneiro
18:05 Influência da cura à 50°C nas propriedades Wesley Fêu dos Santos, Marcos Alyssandro
mecânicas do concreto autoadensável contendo Soares dos Anjos and Maria das Vitórias Vieira
adições de metacaulim e fíler calcário Almeida de Sá

DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 22

Friday, June 22, from 09:30 to 11:10

Room 1 - [ENG] - T2.1 Mechanical characterization

Chair: Siro Casolo
09:30 Calibration of a Visual Method for the Analysis of Antonio Borri, Marco Corradi, Alessandro De
the Mechanical Properties of Historic Masonry Maria and Romina Sisti
09:50 Mechanical characterization of concrete: the case Maria Teresa Cristofaro, Angelo D'Ambrisi, Mario
of a school building located in Tuscany De Stefano, Raffaele Nudo and Marco Tanganelli
10:10 On the anchoring of timber shear walls to Roberto Scotta, Davide Trutalli, Luca Marchi and
foundations: available strategies to prevent wood Luca Pozza
deterioration and on-site installation problems
10:30 Wood preservation for preventing Gabriela Lotufo Oliveira, Fabiana Lopes De
biodeterioration of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Oliveira and Sérgio Brazolin
panels assembled in tropical locations
10:50 Use of silica fume and nano-silica in mortars Jefferson Jacob, Amadeu Mascelani, Ricardo
attacked by acids present in pig manure Steinmetz, Filipe Antônio Dalla Costa and Osmar
Antonio Dalla Costa

Room 2 - [ENG] - T4.2 Seismic analysis / Strengthening

Chair: Massimiliano Lucchesi
09:30 Application of low-invasive techniques and Elena Casprini, Chiara Passoni, Jacopo Zanni,
incremental seismic rehabilitation to increase the Andrea Belleri, Alessandra Marini, Paolo Riva and
feasibility and cost-effectiveness of seismic Simone Labò
09:50 Development and characterization of a system for Valentina Pertile, Lorenzo De Stefani and Roberto
the seismic and energy retrofit of existing Scotta
10:10 Rehabilitation and seismic upgrading of the Nicola Croce, Pietro Croce, Raffaele Taccola and
masonry arch bridge over the Magra river in Marino Pelusi
10:30 The masonry vaults of the cellars in the system of Massimiliano Lucchesi, Barbara Pintucchi and
ditches in Livorno Nicola Zani
10:50 Mechanical behavior of TRM plates David Bru, Valentina Serrecchia, F. Javier Baeza,
Salvatore Quaranta, Stefano Silvestri and
Salvador Ivorra

Room 3 - [POR] – T1 Defects

Chair: Maria Positiere
09:30 Manifestações patológicas por corrosão de Maria De Lourdes De Oliveira and Marcus
armaduras em edificações de Nova Venécia-ES Antonius da Costa Nunes
09:50 Manifestações patológicas encontradas nos Caio Vieira Bandeira de Mello, Amâncio Da Cruz
abrigos de paradas de ônibus em concreto Filgueira Filho, Rafael Filgueira Amaral, Artur Silva
armado na cidade do Recife and Eliana Cristina Barreto Monteiro
10:10 Estudo do ataque químico por sulfatos em Amanda Gabriela Dias Maranhão, Luiz Antônio
estruturas cimentícias Araújo Coelho De Alencar, Fuad Carlos Zarzar
Júnior and Angelo Just Da Costa E Silva
10:30 Desempenho de Concretos Autoadensáveis com Larissa C. A. Mello, Jônatas M. Souza, Manoel L.
Resíduo da Extração de Scheelita Submetidos a Queiroz Neto, Isabela C. De Souza, Marcos A. S.
Altas Temperaturas Anjos and Maria Das Vitórias V. A. Sá
10:50 Efeito dos Íons Cloreto na Resistividade Elétrica Gustavo José Lauer Coppio, Julia Wippich
Superficial do Concreto – Monitoramento até a Lencioni, Luciana De Simone Cividanes, Paulo
idade de 63 dias Paiva Oliveira Leite Dyer and Maryangela de Lima
DETAILED PROGRAMME - Parallel sessions June 22

Friday, June 22, from 12:25 to 13:25

Room 1 - [POR] - T4.5 Restoration

Chair: Francisco Carvalho
12:25 Natural zeolite, a pozzolan for structural concrete Barbara Belen Raggiotti, Maria Josefina
Positieri and Angel Oshiro
12:45 Estudo da utilização de residuos de rochas Felipe Cavalcante, Matheus de Sousa, Kaique
ornamentais em pastas autoadensáveis Amaral, Davi Gomes, Francisco de Carvalho and
Esequiel Mesquita
13:05 Evaluación de la influencia de la incorporación de Ana Giselle Cressa, Alejandro Nicolas Losa, Carlos
residuos de neumáticos inservibles como Baronetto and María Josefina Positieri
agregado en hormigones.

Room 2 - [ENG] - T4.5 Restoration

Chair: Esequiel Mesquita
12:25 Time marks: an assessment of the conservation Luiza Segabinazzi Pacheco, Mateus Rosada,
status of Tafona Farm main house from damage Luciani Neves Lens, Bruna Fuzzer de Andrade,
maps Cristina Storck, Leonardo Da Silva Peres, Luiza
Wollmann, Nadiane Dias Joris, Quetilan Rodrigues
Domingues and Rhaíssa Mix Porto
12:45 Inventory process of Tafona’s Farm in Cachoeira Bruna F. de Andrade, Luiza Segabinazzi Pacheco,
do Sul, RS, Brazil Mateus Rosada, Luciani N. Lens, Ana Rita P.
Wollman, Marcele Marin, Luiza Wollman, Ramão
Machado and Carlos Gonçalves
13:05 Pathological Manifestation and Restoration Catarina De Nazaré Pereira Pinheiro, Adriene
Procedures Analysis of the Historic Building Rodrigues Barbosa and Victoria Dias Reis
“Biblioteca Arquivo Público do Pará”, located in

Room 3 - [POR] - T4.2 Seismic analysis / Strengthening

Chair: Jeferson Marinho
12:25 Spray dryer ash da usina termelétrica do Pecém Raphael Arlego and Antonio Eduardo Bezerra
como substituição à cal em argamassas para Cabral
revestimentos externos
12:45 Efeitos na estrutura interna devidos ao Artur Silva, Amâncio Filgueira Filho, Fuad Zarzar
confinamento em peças constituídas de materiais Júnior and Romilde Oliveira
13:05 Análise estrutural e de Patologias da Biblioteca da Marco Bessa, Leonardo Inojosa, José De Paula,
Faculdade de Medicina do Distrito Federal Carlos Feijão, Ronaldo de Almeida and Márcio


Alla Torre De' Rossi

Borgo S. Jacopo, 3/R, 50125 - Firenze (Italy)

Thursday, June, 21, h. 20.00



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