Pondasi Calculation Kanopi C Dan D
Pondasi Calculation Kanopi C Dan D
Pondasi Calculation Kanopi C Dan D
The depth of the foundation, Df = 0.50 m
Foundation width x direction, Bx = 1.00 m
Foundation width y direction, By = 1.00 m
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Thick foundation, h= 0.40 m
Concrete Cover Thick h= 0.075 m
Column width x direction, bx = 0.45 m
Column width y direction, by = 0.45 m
The position of the column (in = 40, edge = 30, angle = 20) s = 40
Compressive strength of concrete, f c' = 14.5 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa
Unit Weight concrete, c = 24 kN/m3
Distance center to the outer side of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0815 m
Effective foot thick plate, d = h - d' = 0.319 m
Distance fields critical to the outside of the foot plate, ax = ( Bx - bx - d ) / 2 = 0.116 m
Soil pressure at the critical field shear direction x,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 43.154 kN/m2
Shear direction x, Vux = [ q x + ( qmax - qx ) / 2 - q ] * a x * By = 3.878 kN
The width of the shear field to review the direction of x, b = By = 1000 mm
Footplat effective thickness, d= 319 mm
The ratio of long side to the short side of the column, c = bx / by = 1.0000
Shear strength foot plate x direction, taken the smallest value of Vc obtained from the following equation
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10 -3 = 607.033 kN
Vc = [ s * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10 -3 = 1491.278 kN
Vc = 1 / 6 * √ fc' * b * d * 10 -3 = 202.344 kN
Taken, shear strength foot plate, Vc = 202.344 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, = 0.75
Shear strength foot plate, Vc = 151.758 kN
Conditions to be met,
Vc ≥ Vux
151.758 > 3.878 SAFE (OK)
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Distance center to the outer side of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0815 m
Effective foot thick plate, d = h - d' = 0.319 m
Distance fields critical to the outside of the foot plate, ay = ( By - by - d ) / 2 = 0.116 m
Soil pressure at the critical field shear direction y,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 43.154 kN/m2
Shear direction y, Vuy = [ q y + ( qmax - qy ) / 2 - q ] * a y * Bx = 3.878 kN
The width of the shear field to review the direction of y, b = Bx = 1000 mm
Distance center to the outer side of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0815 m
Effective foot thick plate, d = h - d' = 0.32 m
The width of the shear field puncher x direction, cx = b x + 2 * d = 0.769 m
The width of the shear field pons y direction, cy = b y + 2 * d = 0.769 m
Punch shear forces that occur,
Vup = ( Bx * By - cx * c y ) * [ ( q max + qmin ) / 2 - q ] = 8.720 kN
Wider field sliding punch, Ap = 2 * ( c x + cy ) * d = 0.979 m2
The width of the shear field pons, bp = 2 * ( c x + cy ) = 3.074 m
The ratio of the long side of an eye. the short side of the column, c = bx / by = 1.0000
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Punch shear stress, taken the smallest value of V cp is obtained from the following equation:
Vcp = [ 1 + 2 / c ] * √ fc' / 6 = 1.906 MPa
Vcp = [ s * d / b p + 2 ] * √ fc' / 12 = 1.952 MPa
Vcp = 1 / 3 * √ fc' = 1.271 MPa
The shear stress required pons, Vcp = 1.271 MPa
Punch shear strength reduction factor, = 0.75
Punch shear strength, * Vnp = * Ap * Vcp * 103 = 933.01 kN
Terms: * Vnp ≥ Vup
933.010 > 8.720 SAFE (OK)
* Vnp ≥ Pu
933.010 > 21.300 SAFE (OK)
Distance beyond the edge of the column to the foot plate, ax = ( Bx - bx ) / 2 = 0.275 m
Soil pressure at the edge of the column,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 38.759 kN/m2
Distance beyond the edge of the column to the foot plate, ay = ( By - by ) / 2 = 0.275 m
Soil pressure at the edge of the column,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 38.759 kN/m2
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