Tabla de Valores Hematologicos

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Table I-A.

Normal Hematologic Values

Test Units Dogs Cats
WBC 10 × 3/mm 6.0–17.0 5.5–19.5
RBC 10 × 6/mm 5.5–8.5 6.0–10
Hemoglobin g/dl 12.0–18.0 9.5–15
Hematocrit % 37.0–55.0 29–45
MCV fl 60.0–77.0 41.0–54
MCH pg 19.5–26 13.3–17.5
MCHC % 32.0–36.0 31–36
Platelet count (automated) 10 × 3/mm 200–500 150–600
Platelet count (manual) 10 × 3/mm3 164–510 230–680
Neutrophils % 60–77 35–75
Absolute 3000–11,500 2500–12,500
Bands % 0–3 0–3
Absolute 0–510 0–585
Lymphocytes % 12–30 20–55
Absolute 1000–4800 1500–7000
Monocytes % 3–10 1–4
Absolute 180–1350 0–850
Eosinophils % 2–10 2–12
Absolute 1000–1250 0–1500
Basophils % 0–1 0–1
Absolute 0–100 0–100
Reticulocyte count % 0.5–1.5 0.0–1.0
Corrected % 0.0–1.0 0.0–1.0
Absolute /mm 0—80000 0—50000
From Abbott Cell Dyne 3500; IDEXX Veterinary Services. It is important to realize that
normal values vary among individual laboratories.

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