Kiss Soft
Kiss Soft
Kiss Soft
Name : 40n
Changed by: Santosh Reddy on: 06.02.2019 at: 21:44:13
Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:
Gear 1: (Eigene Eingabe) custom 465, Stainless steel, alloyed, through hardened
Gear 2: (Eigene Eingabe) CUSTOM 465, Case-carburized steel, case-hardened
Notice for gear 1:
This type of material is not covered in the method for calculating strength.
The material will be considered as through hardened steel. The results should be verified by tests..
------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Surface hardness HRC 50 HRC 50
Material quality according to ISO 6336:2006 Normal (Life factors ZNT and YNT >=0.85)
Fatigue strength. tooth root stress (N/mm²) [σFlim] 360.00 360.00
Fatigue strength for Hertzian pressure (N/mm²) [σHlim] 1330.00 1330.00
Tensile strength (N/mm²) [σB] 1750.00 1750.00
Yield point (N/mm²) [σS] 1640.00 1640.00
Young's modulus (N/mm²) [E] 206000 206000
Poisson's ratio [ν] 0.300 0.300
Roughness average value DS, flank (µm) [RAH] 1.40 1.40
Roughness average value DS, root (µm) [RAF] 1.40 1.40
Mean roughness height, Rz, flank (µm) [RZH] 10.00 10.00
Mean roughness height, Rz, root (µm) [RZF] 10.00 10.00
Specific density at 15 °C (kg/dm³) [roOil] 0.895
Oil temperature (°C) [TS] 70.000
Max. sliding velocity at tip (m/s) [vga] 0.720 0.555
Specific sliding at the tip [zetaa] 0.617 0.724
Specific sliding at the root [zetaf] -2.630 -1.611
Mean specific sliding [zetam] 0.664
Sliding factor on tip [Kga] 0.393 0.303
Sliding factor on root [Kgf] -0.303 -0.393
Pitch on reference circle (mm) [pt] 1.571
Base pitch (mm) [pbt] 1.476
Transverse pitch on contact-path (mm) [pet] 1.476
Length of path of contact (mm) [ga, e/i] 2.607 ( 2.702 / 2.399)
Length T1-A, T2-A (mm) [T1A, T2A] 0.575( 0.481/ 0.745) 6.265( 6.265/ 6.188)
Length T1-B (mm) [T1B, T2B] 1.707( 1.707/ 1.668) 5.134( 5.040/ 5.265)
Length T1-C (mm) [T1C, T2C] 1.710( 1.687/ 1.733) 5.130( 5.060/ 5.200)
Length T1-D (mm) [T1D, T2D] 2.051( 1.957/ 2.221) 4.789( 4.789/ 4.712)
Length T1-E (mm) [T1E, T2E] 3.183( 3.183/ 3.144) 3.658( 3.563/ 3.789)
Length T1-T2 (mm) [T1T2] 6.840 ( 6.746 / 6.933)
Diameter of single contact point B (mm) [d-B] 9.998( 9.998/ 9.972) 30.002( 29.938/ 30.093)
Diameter of single contact point D (mm) [d-D] 10.254( 10.180/ 10.394) 29.773( 29.773/ 29.724)
Addendum contact ratio [eps] 0.998( 1.014/ 0.956) 0.769( 0.817/ 0.670)
Minimal length of contact line (mm) [Lmin] 5.000
Bearing distance l of pinion shaft (mm) [l] 10.000
Distance s of pinion shaft (mm) [s] 3.000
Outside diameter of pinion shaft (mm) [dsh] 5.000
Load in accordance with Figure 13, ISO 6336-1:2006 [-] 2
0:a), 1:b), 2:c), 3:d), 4:e)
Coefficient K' according to Figure 13, ISO 6336-1:2006 [K'] 1.33
Without support effect
Tooth trace deviation (active) (µm) [Fby] 5.23
from deformation of shaft (µm) [fsh*B1] 4.38
(fsh (µm) = 4.38, B1= 1.00, fHb5 (µm) = 4.50)
Tooth without tooth trace modification
Position of Contact pattern: favorable
from production tolerances (µm) [fma*B2] 17.69
(B2= 1.00)
Tooth trace deviation, theoretical (µm) [Fbx] 6.50
Running-in value (µm) [yb] 1.27
Therefore small errors can be found in the following factors..
Notch sensitivity factor [YdrelT] 0.986 0.964
Surface factor [YRrelT] 1.001 1.001
size factor (Tooth root) [YX] 1.000 1.000
Finite life factor [YNT] 1.285 1.356
[YdrelT*YRrelT*YX*YNT] 1.268 1.308
Alternating bending factor (mean stress influence coefficient) [YM] 1.000 1.000
Stress correction factor [Yst] 2.00
Yst*sigFlim (N/mm²) [sigFE] 720.00 720.00
Permissible tooth root stress (N/mm²) [sigFP=sigFG/SFmin] 1522.07 1569.44
Limit strength tooth root (N/mm²) [sigFG] 913.24 941.66
Required safety [SFmin] 0.60 0.60
Safety for tooth root stress [SF=sigFG/sigF] 0.79 0.82
Transmittable power (kW) [kWRating] 0.96 1.00
Relevant tip relief (µm) [Ca] 2.70 2.70
Optimal tip relief (µm) [Ceff] 8.56
Ca taken as optimal in the calculation (0=no, 1=yes) 0 0
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 5.000
Applicable circumferential force/facewidth (N/mm) [wBt] 192.032
Kbg = 1.000, wBt*Kbg = 192.032
Angle factor [Xalfbet] 0.978
(ε1:0.998, ε2:0.769)
Flash temperature-criteria
Lubricant factor [XL] 0.830
Tooth mass temperature (°C) [theMi] 81.57
(theMi = theoil + XS*0.47*Xmp*theflm)
Average flash temperature (°C) [theflm] 24.62
Scuffing temperature (°C) [theS] 348.80
Coordinate gamma (point of highest temp.) [Gamma] -0.664
[Gamma.A]=-0.664 [Gamma.E]=0.861
Highest contact temp. (°C) [theB] 121.97
Flash factor (°K*N^-.75*s^.5*m^-.5*mm) [XM] 50.058
Approach factor [XJ] 1.010
Load sharing factor [XGam] 0.400
Dynamic viscosity (mPa*s) [etaM] 41.90 ( 70.0 °C)
Coefficient of friction [mym] 0.124
Required safety [SBmin] 1.000
Safety factor for scuffing (flash temperature) [SB] 5.365
Integral temperature-criteria
Lubricant factor [XL] 1.000
Tooth mass temperature (°C) [theMC] 85.21
(theMC = theoil + XS*0.70*theflaint)
Mean flash temperature (°C) [theflaint] 21.72
Integral scuffing temperature (°C) [theSint] 360.78
Flash factor (°K*N^-.75*s^.5*m^-.5*mm) [XM] 50.058
Running-in factor (well run in) [XE] 1.000
Contact ratio factor [Xeps] 0.222
Dynamic viscosity (mPa*s) [etaOil] 41.90 ( 70.0 °C)
Mean coefficient of friction [mym] 0.219
Geometry factor [XBE] 0.375
Meshing factor [XQ] 1.000
Tip relief factor [XCa] 1.353
Integral tooth flank temperature (°C) [theint] 117.79
Required safety [SSmin] 0.900
Safety factor for scuffing (intg.-temp.) [SSint] 3.063
Safety referring to transmittable torque [SSL] 6.084
Theoretical diameter of ball/pin (mm) [DM] 0.921 0.833
Effective diameter of ball/pin (mm) [DMeff] 1.000 0.895
Radial single-ball measurement backlash free (mm) [MrK] 5.908 15.549
Radial single-ball measurement (mm) [MrK.e/i] 5.879 / 5.860 15.499 / 15.466
Diameter of contact point (mm) [dMMr.m] 10.292 29.770
Diametral measurement over two balls without clearance (mm) [MdK] 11.815 31.099
Diametral two ball measure (mm) [MdK.e/i] 11.758 / 11.719 30.997 / 30.931
Diametral measurement over pins without clearance (mm) [MdR] 11.815 31.099
Measurement over pins according to DIN 3960 (mm) [MdR.e/i] 11.758 / 11.719 30.997 / 30.931
Measurement over 3 pins (axial) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk3A.e/i] 11.758 / 11.719 30.997 / 30.931
Maximal possible centre distance (eps_a=1.0) [aMAX] 20.415
Mass (g) [m] 3.11 26.85
Total mass (g) [m] 29.96
Moment of inertia (system with reference to the drive):
calculation without consideration of the exact tooth shape
single gears ((da+df)/2...di) (kg*m²) [TraeghMom] 3.921e-008 2.931e-006
System ((da+df)/2...di) (kg*m²) [TraeghMom] 3.648e-007
Torsional stiffness at entry with driven force fixed:
Torsional stiffness (MNm/rad) [cr] 0.002
Torsion when subjected to nominal torque (°) [delcr] 0.066
Mean coeff. of friction (acc. Niemann) [mum] 0.200
Wear sliding coef. by Niemann [zetw] 1.172
Gear power loss (W) [PVZ] 25.177
(Meshing efficiency (%) [etaz] 96.565)
Sound pressure level (according to Masuda) [dB(A)] 40.4
Damage calculated on the basis of the required service life [H] ( 3.0 h)
F1% F2% H1% H2%
3.68 0.91 3.34 1.10
Calculation of the factors required to define reliability R(t) according to B. Bertsche with Weibull distribution:
R(t) = 100 * Exp(-((t*fac - t0)/(T - t0))^b) %; t (h)
Gear fac b t0 T R(H)%
1 Tooth root 210000 1.7 1.652e+007 2.539e+007 100.00
1 Tooth flank 210000 1.3 1.702e+007 8.111e+007 100.00
2 Tooth root 70000 1.7 2.222e+007 3.415e+007 100.00
2 Tooth flank 70000 1.3 1.713e+007 8.163e+007 100.00
Reliability of the configuration for required service life (%) 100.00 (Bertsche)
- Specifications with [.e/i] imply: Maximum [e] and Minimal value [i] with
consideration of all tolerances
Specifications with [.m] imply: Mean value within tolerance
- For the backlash tolerance, the center distance tolerances and the tooth thickness
deviation are taken into account. Shown is the maximal and the minimal backlash corresponding
the largest resp. the smallest allowances
The calculation is done for the operating pitch circle.
- Details of calculation method:
cg according to method B
KV according to method B
KHb, KFb according method C
fma following equation (64), fsh following (57/58), Fbx following (52/53/57)
KHa, KFa according to method B
- The logarithmically interpolated value taken from the values for the fatigue strength and
the static strength, based on the number of load cycles, is used for coefficients ZL, ZV, ZR, ZW, ZX, YdrelT, YRrelT and YX..