Calculation of A Cylindrical Spur Gear Pair: Important Hint: at Least One Warning Has Occurred During The Calculation
Calculation of A Cylindrical Spur Gear Pair: Important Hint: at Least One Warning Has Occurred During The Calculation
Calculation of A Cylindrical Spur Gear Pair: Important Hint: at Least One Warning Has Occurred During The Calculation
Changed by: Santosh Reddy on: 11.06.2019 at: 22:19:31
Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:
Gear 1: (Eigene Eingabe) CUSTOM 465, Through hardened steel, alloyed, through hardened
Gear 2: (Eigene Eingabe) CUSTOM 465, Through hardened steel, alloyed, through hardened
------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Surface hardness HRC 50 HRC 50
(lb/in²), (N/mm²) (lb/in²), (N/mm²)
Allowable bending stress number [sat] 52214, 360.00 43946, 303.00
Allowable contact stress number [sac] 192900, 1330.00 192900, 1330.00
Tensile strength (N/mm²) [σB] 17100.00 1741.00
Yield point (N/mm²) [σS] 1640.00 1640.00
Young's modulus (N/mm²) [E] 206000 206000
Poisson's ratio [ν] 0.300 0.300
Roughness average value DS, flank (µm) [RAH] 0.60 0.60
Roughness average value DS, root (µm) [RAF] 3.00 3.00
Mean roughness height, Rz, flank (µm) [RZH] 4.80 4.80
Mean roughness height, Rz, root (µm) [RZF] 20.00 20.00
Lubricant base Synthetic oil based on Polyglycol
Kinem. viscosity base oil at 40 °C (mm²/s) [nu40] 120.00
Kinem. viscosity base oil at 100 °C (mm²/s) [nu100] 20.00
FZG-Test A/8.3/90 step [FZGtestA] 13
Specific density at 15 °C (kg/dm³) [roOil] 0.990
Grease temperature (°C) [TS] 70.000
(mm) [sFan.e/i] 0.466 / 0.409 0.892 / 0.840
Normal space width at root circle (mm) [efn] 0.000 0.886
(mm) [efn.e/i] 0.000 / 0.000 0.889 / 0.898
Max. sliding velocity at tip (m/s) [vga] 0.074 0.052
Specific sliding at the tip [zetaa] 0.575 0.660
Specific sliding at the root [zetaf] -1.937 -1.355
Mean specific sliding [zetam] 0.610
Sliding factor on tip [Kga] 0.430 0.303
Sliding factor on root [Kgf] -0.303 -0.430
Pitch on reference circle (mm) [pt] 3.990
Base pitch (mm) [pbt] 3.749
Transverse pitch on contact-path (mm) [pet] 3.749
Length of path of contact (mm) [ga, e/i] 5.380 ( 5.430 / 5.311)
Length T1-A, T2-A (mm) [T1A, T2A] 1.426( 1.376/ 1.487) 17.350( 17.350/ 17.339)
Length T1-B (mm) [T1B, T2B] 3.056( 3.056/ 3.048) 15.720( 15.670/ 15.778)
Length T1-C (mm) [T1C, T2C] 3.651( 3.641/ 3.661) 15.125( 15.085/ 15.165)
Length T1-D (mm) [T1D, T2D] 5.175( 5.125/ 5.236) 13.601( 13.601/ 13.590)
Length T1-E (mm) [T1E, T2E] 6.805( 6.805/ 6.797) 11.971( 11.921/ 12.029)
Length T1-T2 (mm) [T1T2] 18.776 ( 18.726 / 18.826)
Diameter of single contact point B (mm) [d-B] 17.791( 17.791/ 17.785) 76.023( 75.982/ 76.071)
Diameter of single contact point D (mm) [d-D] 19.654( 19.601/ 19.718) 74.371( 74.371/ 74.363)
Addendum contact ratio [eps] 0.841( 0.844/ 0.837) 0.594( 0.604/ 0.580)
Minimal length of contact line (mm) [Lmin] 11.000
(for general applications)
Surface condition factor [Cf,ZR] 1.00 1.00
Hardness ratio factor [CH,ZW] 1.00 1.00
Temperature factor [KT,YT] 1.00 1.00
Reliability factor ( 99.00 %) [KR,YZ] 1.00
(lb/in²), (N/mm²) (lb/in²), (N/mm²)
Allowable contact stress number [sac,sigHP] 192900, 1330.00 192900, 1330.00
Effective allow. c.s.n. (lb/in²) [saceff,sigHPeff] 283949, 1957.76 283949, 1957.76
Pitting resistance power rating (hp) [Pacu] 0.54( 0.40 kW) 0.54( 0.40 kW)
Note: Pitting resistance power ratings calculated with Ko=1, KR=1, SHmin=1
Contact load factor (lb/in²) (N/mm²) [K] 2854.5, 19.681
Allowable contact load factor (lb/in²) [Kac] 1680.0, 11.583 1680.0, 11.583
Note: Kac calculated with CG = 0.806 SHmin=1
Required safety factor [SHmin] 0.93 0.93
Safety factor (Pitting) [saceff/sc] 0.77 0.77
Transmittable power including SHmin (hp) [Pacu/SHmin^2] 0.63( 0.47 kW) 0.63( 0.47 kW)
Note: Transmittable power including SHmin calculated with Ko=1, KR=1
Service factor for tooth root [KSF] 1.55 1.52
Service factor for pitting [CSF] 0.74 0.74
Service factor for gear set [SF] 0.74
Note: Service factors calculated with Ko=1, KR=1, SFmin=1, SHmin=1
Transmittable power including required service factors KSFmin, CSFmin (hp) 0.63( 0.47 kW)
KSFmin = 0.89, CSFmin = 0.86
Results from AGMA 925-A03 (Details see in the specific calculation sheet)
Probability of wear (%) [Pwear] 70.765
(Probability of wear acc. to Dowson and Toyoda)
Probability of scuffing (%) [Pscuff] 5% or lower
Measurement over 3 pins (axial) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk3A.e/i] 23.238 / 23.172 78.881 / 78.782
Maximum value for deviation error of axis (µm) [fSigbet] 11.00 (Fb= 11.00)
Maximum value for inclination error of axes (µm) [fSigdel] 22.00
Damage calculated on the basis of the required service life [H] ( 0.5 h)
F1% F2% H1% H2%
10.71 12.02 9999.99 9999.99
Calculation of the factors required to define reliability R(t) according to B. Bertsche with Weibull distribution:
R(t) = 100 * Exp(-((t*fac - t0)/(T - t0))^b) %; t (h)
Gear fac b t0 T R(H)%
1 Tooth root 10800 1.7 4.867e+004 7.48e+004 100.00
1 Tooth flank 10800 1.3 0 0 0.00
2 Tooth root 2607 1.7 1.047e+004 1.609e+004 100.00
2 Tooth flank 2607 1.3 0 0 0.00
Reliability of the configuration for required service life (%) 0.00 (Bertsche)
- Symbols used in []: [xx,yy] xx as used in AGMA 2001-D04, yy as used in AGMA 2101-D04
- Specifications with [.e/i] imply: Maximum [e] and Minimal value [i] with
consideration of all tolerances
Specifications with [.m] imply: Mean value within tolerance
- For the backlash tolerance, the center distance tolerances and the tooth thickness
deviation are taken into account. Shown is the maximal and the minimal backlash corresponding
the largest resp. the smallest allowances
The calculation is done for the operating pitch circle.
sateff = sat*KL/KT/KR*Kwb/SF (SF = 1.0)
LACR = Spur gear or helical gear with eps.b < 1.0
PSTC = Point of Single Tooth Contact