Bevel Gear Pair: Changed On 15.01.2024, 11:09:40 Changed by Yusuf
Bevel Gear Pair: Changed On 15.01.2024, 11:09:40 Changed by Yusuf
Bevel Gear Pair: Changed On 15.01.2024, 11:09:40 Changed by Yusuf
ForEveryOne (1113)
KISSsoft Release 2022 -SP3
1 Messages 3
2 Overview 3
3 Tooth geometry 3
4 Materials 4
4.1 Roughnesses 4
4.2 Lubrication 4
5 Tooth geometry 4
5.1 Reference profiles 4
5.2 Basic data 5
5.3 Angles and distances 6
5.4 Manufacturing 7
6 Equivalent spur gear 7
6.1 Equivalent spur gear in tooth center 7
6.2 Contact lines 8
7 General influence factors 8
7.1 Forces and circumferential speed 8
7.2 General 8
7.3 K factors 9
8 Calculation of tooth root strength (fracture) 9
9 Calculation of flank strength (pitting) 10
10 Scuffing load capacity according to ISO/TS 10300-20:2021 10
10.1 Flash temperature-criteria 10
11 Allowances for tooth thickness 11
11.1 Backlash 11
12 Toothing tolerances 11
13 Modifications and determination of the tooth form 11
13.1 Data for the tooth form calculation 12
14 Supplementary data 12
14.1 Input data for calculating the gear dimensions according to ISO 23509:2019 12
14.2 Gear power loss and coefficient of friction 12
14.3 Masses and moment of inertia 12
15 Service life, damage 12
15.1 Damage 13
16 Remarks 13
16.1 Conventions 13
16.2 Calculations and factors 13
1 Messages
2 Overview
3 Tooth geometry
V misalignment (or E misalignment) (µm) [ΔV] 0.000
H misalignment (or P misalignment) (µm) [ΔH] 0.000
J misalignment (or G misalignment) (µm) [ΔJ] 0.000
4 Materials
Gear 1
18CrNiMo7-6, Case hardening steel, case-hardened, ISO 6336-5 Figure 9/10 (MQ), Core hardness >=25HRC Jominy J=12mm<HRC28
Gear 2
18CrNiMo7-6, Case hardening steel, case-hardened, ISO 6336-5 Figure 9/10 (MQ), Core hardness >=25HRC Jominy J=12mm<HRC28
4.1 Roughnesses
4.2 Lubrication
5 Tooth geometry
Gear reference profile 2
Reference profile 1.25 / 0.30 / 1.0 ISO 53:1998 Profil B
Dedendum coefficient [hfP*] 1.250
Root radius factor [ρfP*] 0.300
[ρfPmax*] 0.472
Addendum coefficient [haP*] 1.000
Tip radius factor [ρaP*] 0.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000
Protuberance angle [αprP] 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000
Ramp angle [αKP] 0.000
not topping
Smallest radius of curvature, root rounding (mm) [ρmin.e/i] 0.954 / 0.955
Mean root diameter (mm) [dfm] 43.875 43.875
Inner pitch diameter (mm) [di] 33.136 33.136
Inner tip diameter (mm) [dai] 33.798 33.798
Inner root diameter (mm) [dfi] 32.307 32.307
5.4 Manufacturing
6.2 Contact lines
Forces if rotation goes in opposite direction (coast-sided):
Axial force (N) [Fa] 959.6 959.6
Radial force (N) [Fr] 145.6 145.6
Normal force (N) [Fnorm] 2837.8 2837.8
Axial force (%) [Fa/Ft] 35.985 35.985
Radial force (%) [Fr/Ft] 5.458 5.458
7.2 General
7.3 K factors
Safety for tooth root stress [SF=σFP/σF] 1.54 1.54
11 Allowances for tooth thickness
The following data apply on the middle of the facewidth (ISO 23509)
Tooth thickness, arc, middle (mm) [smn] 4.712 4.712
(mm) [smn.e/i] 4.698 / 4.678 4.698 / 4.678
Tooth thickness, arc, middle (mm) [smt] 4.712 4.712
(mm) [smt.e/i] 4.698 / 4.678 4.698 / 4.678
Tooth thickness in reference circle, chord (mm) [smnc] 4.712 4.712
(mm) [smnc.e/i] 4.698 / 4.678 4.698 / 4.678
Chordal height from dam (mm) [hamc] 3.019 3.019
Theoretical tooth thickness at tip, middle, AGMA 929 (mm) [tLNP/G] 2.422 2.422
The following indications are valid for the outer end of the facewidth:
Tooth thickness in reference circle, chord (mm) [senc] 5.955 5.955
(mm) [senc.e/i] 5.937 / 5.912 5.937 / 5.912
Chordal height from dae (mm) [haec] 3.814 3.814
11.1 Backlash
12 Toothing tolerances
13.1 Data for the tooth form calculation
14 Supplementary data
14.1 Input data for calculating the gear dimensions according to ISO 23509:2019
Moment of inertia
Approximate calculation with pitch cone (kg*m²) [J] 8.5026e-05 8.5026e-05
15.1 Damage
16 Remarks
16.1 Conventions
- Specifications with .e/i mean: Maximum value .e and Minimum value .i, taking all tolerances into account.
- Specifications with .m mean: Mean value within tolerance.
- The positive sign set for the apexes (tzF, tzR) means: apex before the center line, according to ISO 23509.