Screen Printing
Screen Printing
Screen Printing
DOI 10.1007/s00604-014-1181-1
Received: 21 November 2013 / Accepted: 24 January 2014 / Published online: 8 April 2014
# Springer-Verlag Wien 2014
Abstract Screen-printing is one of the most promising ap- most of the commercial point-of-care devices work using
proaches towards simple, rapid and inexpensive production of electrochemical sensors, as a whole or a basic part. Glucose
biosensors. Disposable biosensors based on screen printed biosensors used widely in glucometers are the important and
electrodes (SPEs) including microelectrodes and modified known examples of the electrochemical sensors. In recent
electrodes have led to new possibilities in the detection and years, screen printed electrodes (SPEs), with low cost and
quantitation of biomolecules, pesticides, antigens, DNA, mi- ease and speed of mass production using thick film technolo-
croorganisms and enzymes. SPE-based sensors are in tune gy have been extensively employed for developing novel
with the growing need for performing rapid and accurate in- (electrochemical) sensing platforms and improving their per-
situ analyses and for the development of portable devices. formances. The main advantage associated with the miniatur-
This review (with 226 refs.) first gives an introduction into ization of the electrochemical sensors is the reduction of
the topic and then is subdivided into sections (a) on DNA sample volume required, to as low as a few microliters, which
sensors (including methods for the detection of hybridization in turn helps in reducing the overall size of the diagnostic
and damage), (b) on aptasensors (for thrombin, OTA, immu- system into which the device will be integrated. The surface of
noglobulins and cancer biomarkers), (c) on immunosensors SPEs can be easily modified to fit multiple purposes related to
(for microorganisms, immunoglobulins, toxins, hormones, different analytes and to achieve a variety of improvements.
lactoferrin and biomarkers), (d) on enzymatic biosensors (for This versatility, its miniaturized size, and the possibility of
glucose, hydrogen peroxide, various pharmaceuticals, neuro- connecting it to portable instrumentation make possible highly
transmitters, amino acids, NADH, enzyme based sensors). specific on-site determination of target analytes. In addition,
SPEs avoid some of the common problems of classical solid
Keywords Screen printed electrodes . DNA sensor . electrodes, such as memory effects and tedious cleaning
Aptasensor . Immunosensor . Biosensor . Biomarker . processes.
Nanomaterials The certain kind of limitation appears to be content of
organic solvents in the buffer solutions used for the analyte
accumulation on the electrode surface using batch
voltammetric methods or in the mobile phase used in liquid
Introduction flow methods. Organic solvents can be responsible for the
dissolution of insulate inks and consequently the decrease of
The interest in the fabrication of biosensors with high sensi- limit of detection and sensitivity [1, 2]. Naturally, the compo-
tivity, selectivity and efficiency is rapidly growing. Biosensors sition of the mobile phase must be compatible with the mate-
have recently found extensive applications in diverse indus- rial of the detection cells housing SPEs in liquid flow methods
tries. Currently, many analytical instruments used in environ- so that their dissolution is prevented. Moreover, they are
mental, food, pharmaceutical or clinical laboratories and also insensitive to certain important analytes due to the low rate
of electron transfer. Thus, electroactive species in the samples
Z. Taleat : A. Khoshroo : M. Mazloum-Ardakani (*)
can easily interfere with SPCE-based biosensors [3].
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Yazd University,
Yazd 89195-741, I.R. Iran, Iran Screen-printed technology consists of layer-by-layer depo-
e-mail: sitions of ink upon a solid substrate, through the use of a
866 Z. Taleat et al.
screen or mesh, defining the geometry of the sensor. This of these materials, such as, Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, other metal
technology has advantages of design flexibility, process auto- nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene-
mation, good reproducibility, a wide choice of materials [4]. based inks are also used in their construction for the develop-
SPEs usually include a three electrode configuration (work- ment of biosensors with enhanced the immobilization efficien-
ing, counter and reference electrodes) printed on the various cy of biological molecules and accelerate the electron transfer
types of plastic or ceramic substrates, which is easily modifi- rate on electrode surface.
able with a great variety of commercial or self-made inks. The aim of this review is to summarize the applications of
During the printing process of SPEs, the pastes most com- SPEs for developing various biosensors from 2008 to 2013.
monly used are silver ink and carbon ink. Silver ink is printed We discuss: (i) DNA and aptasensors constructed based on
as a conductive track, whereas the working electrodes are SPEs. (ii) Electrochemical immunosensors. (iii) Enzyme
mostly printed using graphite inks, other materials such as based biosensors. The authors sincerely apologize to anybody
gold, platinum and silver based inks are also used in the who feels that some key papers have been left out because
preparation of SPEs. The composition of the various inks used only a fraction of relevant works could be covered here.
for printing on the electrodes determines the selectivity and
sensitivity required for each analysis. Some unknown ingre-
dients in these inks may induce unpredictable influences on
DNA sensors
the detection and analysis. Carbon inks consist of graphite
particles, polymeric binder and other additives which are
Nucleic acid detection is of considerable importance to clini-
utilized for dispersion, printing and adhesion tasks. Carbon
cal diagnosis, because DNA/RNA tests can reveal genetic
paste is a widespread material because it is relatively inexpen-
disorders or pathogen infection [14]. The development of
sive, easy to modify and chemically inert. The exact ink
inexpensive, easy to use, and rapid analytical measurement
formulation is regarded by the manufacturer as proprietary
devices has thus been the focus of intensive research efforts.
information and it has been shown that differences in ink
Advantages of electrochemical biosensing are exemplified in
composition e.g. type, size or loading of graphite particles
their application for the detection of nucleic acids. The elec-
and in the printing and curing conditions can strongly affect
trochemical DNA-based biosensors are known as experimen-
the electron transfer reactivity and the overall analytical per-
tally simple devices which require only small amount of
formance of the resulting carbon sensors [5–7]. Gold paste is
DNA. Successful electrochemical DNA biosensors rely on
also employed in SPEs but less so than carbon because of its
the ability to monitor the binding event due to the flow of
higher cost. However, the generation of self assembled mono-
electrons, and on the immobilization of the probe onto various
layers (SAMs) through strong Au–S bonds [8] is creating an
electrode surfaces. In recent years, an increasing effort has
increased interest for gold to be employed in SPEs. The
been expended in developing different biosensors for highly
screen-printed gold electrodes are applied as electrochemical
sensitive and selective DNA sensing using SPEs [14–19].
biosensors, including enzymatic, immune-, or genosensors
There are very few works related to the use of unmodified Detection of DNA hybridization
SPEs in the determination of interesting analytes [13]. The
extensive range of forms of modification of SPEs opens a Conventional methods for the analysis of specific gene se-
great field of applications for these electrodes. The bulk mod- quences are based on either direct sequencing or DNA hy-
ification of SPEs is very simple compared with ordinary bridization. Because of its simplicity, most of the traditional
glassy carbon electrodes, which needs several preparation techniques in molecular biology are based on hybridization.
and refreshment steps. Many kinds of modifiers of SPEs exist Most of the studies report using DNA sensors for detecting
for easily modified to fit multiple purposes related to different DNA hybridization [14, 17, 18]. The selective immobilization
analytes. These modifications give different properties to of oligonucleotides functionalized gold nanoparticles
SPEs making them suitable for diverse applications. The (AuNPs) probes on arrayed gold screen-printed electrodes
composition of the printing inks may be altered by the addi- (AuSPEs) have been described by Moreno et al. [20]. These
tion of very different substances such as metals, metal oxides, affinity modules were able to be selectively electrodeposited
enzymes, polymers, electrochemical mediators, complexing on specific positions of the arrayed SPEs. The hybridization
agents, etc. On the other hand, the possibility also exists of reaction of complementary oligonucleotides and PCR prod-
modifying the manufactured electrodes by means of deposit- ucts was investigated on the screen-printed gold microelec-
ing various substances on the surface of the electrodes such as trode surface with amperometric detection using horseradish
metal films, polymers, enzymes, etc. [4]. peroxidase (HRP) as an enzymatic reaction. With this system,
In addition, great advancement has been achieved in the non-specific interactions between the transduction layer and
fabrication of SPEs by using nano structures materials. Some the bioreceptor were avoided.
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 867
Compton and co-workers [27] introduced a methodology recognition layer has been recently reported and applied to
for indirect electrochemical detection of DNA through its co- the detection of damage to DNA by UV-C radiation and
adsorption with anthraquinone monosulphonate on both reactive oxygen species [30]. The biosensor was used with
MWCNT-SPEs and an edge-plane pyrolytic graphite elec- an interface between the SPCE and DNA formed by a com-
trode. The adsorption of the DNA to the electrode surface is posite of carboxylated single-walled CNTs and chitosan to
effectively irreversible (over the time-scale of the experiment) enhance the transducer conductivity. Three independent elec-
and the surface coverage can be indirectly measured through trochemical techniques were applied to characterize time
the quantity of co-adsorbed anthraquinone monosulphonate. changes of dsDNA structure successfully.
Through use of this methodology it was possible to obtain a Galandova et al. [31] have also shown that DNA sensors
LOD of the DNA solution phase concentration of 8.8 μM can be used to detect DNA damage after incubation with a
(equivalent to 5.9 μg mL−1). mutagen, quinazoline. A MWCNT-polyethylenimine (PEI)
polymer was deposited on a SPCE and calf thymus dsDNA
Ionic liquid modified SPEs adsorbed. DNA attached to the sensor facilitated detection of
the Ru(bpy)3 2+ redox indicator in solution so damage was
Ionic liquids (ILs), organic salts with a sufficiently low melt- indicated by a decrease in electrochemical signal. The inves-
ing point, have valuable physical-chemical properties such as tigation of the electrochemical response of DNA before and
negligible vapor pressure, high ionic conductivity, catalytic after the interaction with a DNA-targeted drug can provide an
activity, etc. Nowadays, Ionic liquids are of particular interest evidence for its interaction mechanism. A disposable electro-
for electrochemical sensors due to their excellent conductivity. chemical DNA biosensor was developed to detect of strong
The ability of ILs combining with carbon materials makes damage to DNA by the quinazoline derivative as a potential
them very attractive for the preparation of various electrodes. anticancer agent [32]. The quinazoline interaction with DNA
In 2010, a DNA sensor was developed based on SPEs doped was investigated on SPCEs without and with MWCNTs using
with ionic liquid [C12mim][PF6] and polyaniline nanotubes DNA-bound electrochemical indicators present in the solution
to perform a DNA chronocoulometric sensing on SPEs [28]. phase as well as by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
In order to improve the conductivity of sensor, chitosan and (EIS). It was found that the quinazoline derivative causes the
AuNPs were covered on the electrode surface. After hybrid- severe damage to DNA which leads to the loss of DNA from
izing with the catching probes immobilized on the sensor, the the electrode surface.
DNA target sequences were detected through
chronocoulometric interrogation of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ ions that
bound to the DNA strands via electrostatic interactions. The Aptasensors
target DNA quantitatively detected with the detection limit of
8.0×10−17 M. A new class of single-stranded DNA/RNA molecules,
The use of IL modified SPE for direct electrochemistry of aptamers, have recently attracted a considerable attention for
DNA pioneered by the Ping group [29], who employed an applications in medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring
ionic liquid n-octylpyridinum hexafluorophosphate (OPPF) [33] and biological analysis, due to their salient advantages,
modified graphite SPE for the electrochemical determination such as improved temperature stability and shelf life, ease in
of herring sperm double strand DNA. The presence of ionic conjugation to various molecules at desired locations without
OPPF could remarkably accelerate the electron transfer rate affecting the affinity, adaptability to various targets (including
and improve the stability of the SPE, which could be ascribed toxic or poorly immunogenic molecules), and inherent selec-
to the high conductivity and natural viscosity of OPPF. Two tivity aptamers can rival antibodies for molecular recognition
irreversible oxidation peaks corresponded to the oxidation of and detection. Many aptamer-based protocols have been pro-
guanine and adenine residues were obtained at OPPF-SPE. posed for electrochemical monitoring of DNA [34], small
Compared with the commercially available SPE, the modified molecules [35, 36] and proteins [37, 38]. The key issues with
electrode showed high electrocatalytic activity for the oxida- any electrochemical aptasensor include the enhancement of
tion of dsDNA (with a detection limit of 5 μg mL−1). aptamer immobilization amount [39, 40], improvement of the
catalytic capabilities and conductivity of the modified elec-
Detection of DNA damage trode. To solve these problems, various types of strategies
have been pursued. Modified SPEs are an excellent candidate
An interesting application of disposable SPE is the detection which has been widely used as the sensoring platform to
and evaluation of damage to DNA by various types of phys- fabricate new aptasensor in various applications. To enhance
ical and chemical agents from the environment. A simple the sensitivity of the aptasensors based on SPES,
electrochemical DNA biosensor composed of commercially nanomaterials and conducting polymer has also been used
available SPCE and low molecular weight dsDNA [41]. Mayer et al. [42] developed an impedimetric aptasensor
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 869
for the label-free detection of lysozyme, an enzyme that type complex was formed and anchored on a SPCE. The
hydrolyzes the polysaccharide walls of bacteria. Increased nanoparticle-based aptasensor yielded a linear current re-
concentrations of lysozyme in urine and serum are associated sponse to thrombin concentrations over a broad range of
with leukemia and renal diseases. An amino-modified version 0.5–100 pM with a detection limit of 0.07 pM. Recently,
of the DNA aptamer-recognizing lysozyme was covalently Merkoçi and co-workers [47] reported a novel aptamer-
immobilized on the surface of MWCNT–SPEs, which were based biosensor for diagnostic of thrombin-related diseases
employed for measurements and have improved properties in human blood using anodized alumina oxide filter mem-
compared with bare SPEs. The lysozyme detection limit was branes, containing pores of 200 nm in diameter, and screen-
calculated as 12.09 μg mL−1 (equal to 862 nM). printed carbon electrotransducers. The analytical signal, by
Kanamycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic used to treat differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) oxidation of [Fe(CN)6]4
wide variety of infections by inducing mistranslation and , was based on the blockage in the pores which affected the
indirectly inhibiting translocation during protein synthesis diffusion of [Fe(CN)6]4− to the SPCEs. The resulted biosens-
[43]. The residual amount of kanamycin found in the foodstuff ing system allowed detecting thrombin spiked in whole blood
may lead to antibiotic resistance from the pathogenic bacterial at very low levels (LOD 1.8 ng mL−1) which are within the
strains, which can endanger the consumer. Therefore, it is range of clinical analysis.
critical to develop sufficiently sensitive methods to detect
kanamycin residue for clinical diagnosis and food safety. OTA-aptasensors
Shim et al. [44] report on the highly sensitive label-free
detection of kanamycin with an aptamer sensor based on a Most of the aptamers are known to fold into their unique three-
conducting polymer/gold self-assembled nanocomposite dimensional conformation upon target binding. This change in
modified SPEs. A nanocomposite consisting of self- conformation provides a great flexibility to design simple and
assembled 2,5-di-(2-thienyl)-1H-pyrrole-1-(p benzoic acid) sensitive electrochemical aptasensors particularly for small
(DPB) on AuNPs was prepared on a disposable SPE through size target analyte such as ochratoxin A (OTA). OTA contam-
electropolymerization. To fabricate the probe, a DNA aptamer inates a variety of food commodities and has several toxico-
was selected for kanamycin through the in vitro SELEX logical effects. Several approaches for the construction of
process and then was covalently immobilized onto the poly- OTA aptasensors were recently presented.
DPB/AuNPs nanocomposite. The detection of kanamycin in A label free impedimetric OTA aptasensor based on the
PBS and milk sample using the probe was achieved by cyclic immobilization of azido-aptamer onto binary film via click
voltammetry (CV) and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). The chemistry was explored by Marty’s group [48]. It was expect-
calibration plot showed a linear range from 0.05 mM to ed that the controlled and uniform modified SPCE surface
9.0 mM kanamycin with a detection limit of 9.47±0.4 nM. would provide the systematic immobilization of aptamer, to
improve the system reproducibility and sensitivity. The re-
Thrombin-aptasensors ported work highlighted the interest of using two aryl diazo-
nium salts on same SPE surface together with click chemistry
To extend the application of aptamer in the detection of in the development of aptasensor. The increase in electron-
thrombin, Deng and co-workers [45] made use of the advan- transfer resistance (Ret) values due to the specific aptamer–
tages of aptamers together with quantum dots-coated silica OTA interaction was proportional to the concentration of OTA
nanospheres (QDs/Si) and AuSPEs to construct a novel in a range between 1.2 ng L−1 and 500 ng L−1, with a detection
thrombin electrochemical aptasensor. AuNPs were electrode- limit of 0.25 ng L−1. Hayat et al. [49] also introduced a novel
posited on the surface of SPE and then the sandwich format of strategy for the fabrication of electrochemical label free
Aptamer/thrombin/Aptamer–QDs/Si was fixed on the aptasensor for OTA using polyethylene glycol immobilized
AuNPs-AuSPE to fabricate the aptasensor. They pointed out on SPCE via electrochemical oxidation of its terminal amino-
that the combination of nanoparticles with the SPE is favor- group. The amino-aptamer was covalently linked to carboxy
able for amplifying electrochemical signals, and useful for end of immobilized polyethylene glycol to form two piece
large-scale fabrication of the electrochemical aptasensor. On macromolecules. The designed immobilized macromolecules
the basis of these, the aptasensor showed a good precision and resulted in the formation of long tunnels on SPCE surface,
high sensitivity for thrombin concentrations. while aptamer acted as gate of the tunnels. The aptamer gates
Another thrombin detection system was developed using were closed due to change in conformation of aptamer upon
HRP and amino-labeled aptamer linked to apoferritin via target analyte binding, decreasing the electrochemical signal.
glutaraldehyde at a high HRP/aptamer ratio [46]. Core/shell The decrease in electrochemical signal was used for the de-
Fe3O4/Au magnetic nanoparticles loading aptamer1 was used tection of target molecule (LOD 0.12 ng L−1). In a recent
as recognition elements, and apoferritin dually labeled with study, the development of a fully automated flow-based
Aptamer2 and HRP was used as a detection probe. Sandwich aptasensor for the detection of OTA employing direct and
870 Z. Taleat et al.
indirect competitive strategies was reported [50]. In both a new electrochemiluminescence (ECL) platform for ultrasen-
cases, they used SPCEs integrated into a central flow cell for sitive detection of K562 leukemia cells. The assay principle
on-line detection of OTA. A lower limit of detection for the ECL device is illustrated in Fig. 2. Two working
(0.05 μg L−1) was obtained with the indirect flow-based electrodes were used for one determination to obtain more
aptasensor. Finally, the flow-based aptasensor was validated exact results. The SPCE was modified with nanoporous gold
with real beer samples, and the good recovery values demon- to provide a good pathway of electron transfer and to enhance
strated the efficiency of the competitive aptasensor. the immobilized amount of aptamers. Then aptamers were
used for cell capture and the concanavalin A conjugated
Immunoglobulin-aptasensors ZnO@CQDs was used for selective recognition of the cell
surface carbohydrate. The method showed a good analytical
Human immunoglobulin E (IgE) is an important protein performance for the detection of K562cells with a detection
found in blood, where its concentration can be used as a limit of 46 cells mL−1.
marker for several allergic diseases through regular blood Mucin 1 (MUCl) is an integral membrane glycoprotein
tests. Because low concentrations of human IgE (reaching expressed by most if not all ‘wet’ epithelia, such as on
over 10 times the normal level) can be found in blood during bladder, breast, gastric, pancreas and ovary. In normal
the early stages of certain diseases [51], highly sensitive secretory epithelial cells, MUC1 is expressed at the apical
methods for its analysis are required. In 2013, Hsieh’s group plasma membrane. However, following malignant transfor-
[52] describe an ultrasensitive label-free aptamer-based elec- mation, MUC1 may be expressed at high levels on the
trochemical biosensor, featuring a highly specific anti-human entire membrane surface as well as in the cytoplasm. In
IgE aptamer as a capture probe, for human IgE detection. recent years, based on the discovery of DNA aptamers
Construction of the aptasensor began with the electrodeposi- targeting MUC1, a few aptamer-based sensors have been
tion of AuNPs onto a graphite-based SPE. After developed to detect MUC1-overexpressed breast cancer
immobilizing the thiol-capped anti-human IgE aptamer onto cells. Recently, Sandulescu et al. [56] describe two simple
the AuNPs-SPE through self-assembly, and treating with electrochemical assays based on a MUC1-binding aptamer
MCH, a designed complementary DNA featuring a immobilized on graphite and gold SPEs modified with
guanine-rich section in its sequence (cDNA G1) was AuNPs. Figure 3 illustrates the principle of approaches
employed as a detection probe to bind with the unbound for the detection of MUC1 on AuNPs-modified SPEs.
anti-human IgE aptamer. Finally, the redox current of meth- Loosely packed aptamer were self-assembled onto SPE
ylene blue was measured to determine the concentration of
human IgE in the sample with the LOD of 0.16 pM. The
fabricated aptasensor exhibited good selectivity toward hu-
man IgE even when human IgG, thrombin, and human serum
albumin were present at 100-fold concentrations.
An interesting strategy for the amplification of signal,
based on application of streptavidin functionalized silver
nanoparticle/graphene hybrid for the construction of an elec-
trochemical human IgE aptasensor, was recently introduced
by Xu et al. [53]. The thiol-capped IgE DNA aptamer was
used as capture probe, while the biotinylated goat anti-human
IgE antibody was used as detection probe. The amount of
silver nanoparticle/graphene loading on the surface of SPEs
was determined by the amount IgE, and was finally quantified
through square wave anodic stripping voltammetry
(SWASV), leading to a low detection limit.
Cancer biomarkers-aptasensors
Since each cancer cell line has the specific intra-or extracel- Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the assay procedure for the ECL
lular biomarkers, which distinguish it from normal cell lines, device. a SPCE: (a) silver ink, (b) PVC film, (c) insulating dielectric,
therefore, methods that can enable sensitive and selective (d) Ag/AgCl reference electrode, (e) carbon ink counter electrode, (f) two
carbon ink working electrodes; b NPG modified SPCE; c after immobi-
detection cancer cells through precise molecular recognition lization of aptamer; d capture with cells; e blocking with BSA; and f
of their biomarkers are highly desired [54]. Based on this immobilization with the ZnO@CQDs labeled ConA. Reproduced from
concept, Yu et al. [55] exploited modified SPCEs to develop [55] with permission from Elsevier
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 871
surface modified with AuNPs. The interaction between chip, and have a very low cost. They are also disposable
aptamer and MUC1 protein was investigated by CV, EIS devices, which are an important feature in the construction
and DPV techniques. The estimated detection limits of the of immunosensors. The disposability of the electrodes pro-
MUC1 protein were 3.6 ng mL−1 at AuNPs-modified vides a solution for problems like the electrode surface fouling
graphite SPE by EIS and 0.95 ng mL−1 at AuNPs- by products of redox processes and an unintentional adsorp-
modified gold SPE by DPV methods. tion that can arise by using solid electrode materials (e.g.
metal, amalgam, composite electrodes). Several SPE-
immunosensors have been developed more recently, for the
Immunosensors analysis of different substances such as enzymes, microorgan-
isms, antigens, biomarkers and receptors [59–65].
Immunoassay techniques are based on the ability of antibodies
to form complexes with the corresponding antigens. This Microorganisms
property of highly specific molecular recognition of antigens
by antibodies leads to high selectivity of assays based on The detection of pathogenic microorganism contamination of
immune principles. The principle of immunoassays was first food and water resources is an issue of great importance for
established by Yalow and Berson in 1959 [57]. Their work led ensuring food safety, security and public health [66]. In the
to the development of the widely used radioimmunoassay to last 20 years, Escherichia coli O157:H7 has been an important
examine the properties of insulin-binding antibodies in human Food borne pathogen in a variety of foods worldwide. The
serum, using samples obtained from subjects that had been monitoring of E. coli O157:H7 with conventional procedures
treated with insulin. Within unconnected work, Clark and could take 2–3 days. These methods are time-consuming,
Lyons in 1962 pioneered the concept of a biosensor [58]. which delays the introduction of remedial measures [67].
The original method involved immobilizing enzymes on the Therefore, a method for rapid detection of this pathogenic
surface of electrochemical sensors so as to exploit the selec- microorganism in food and water would aid the prevention
tivity of enzymes for analytical purposes. of infection, illness, and economic loss.
Immunosensors have a high potential for many applica- Chang et al. [67] presented a strategy for preparing a
tions because various compounds of interest can be detected at disposable amperometric immunosensor for E. coli O157:H7
a very high sensitivity. Immunosensors based on SPEs are based on AuNPs and ferrocenedicarboxylic acid (FeDC)-
especially attractive for point-of-care/on-site monitoring. The modified SPCEs. The immunosensor was prepared by
SPEs are mechanically robust electrochemical transducers that attaching the first E. coli O157:H7-specific antibody, E. coli
permit the miniaturization of sensors, making possible to O157:H7 intact cells and the second E. coli O157:H7-specific
integrate the reference and working electrodes in the same antibody conjugated with HRP on modified SPCE surface.
Hydrogen peroxide and FeDC were used as the substrate for Immunoglobulin
HRP and mediator and concentrations of E. coli O157:H7
from 102 to 107 cfu mL−1 could be detected. Self-assembled Immunoglobulins are immune proteins that bind to antigens.
monolayers- modified AuSPEs have been used by Pingarrons’ Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most abundant immunoglob-
group for detecting E. coli with two different immunosensor ulin, comprising over 75 % of serum immunoglobulins in
configurations [68]. In the first one, the immunosensing de- humans. The determination of IgG in the bioclinical field is
sign was based on the covalent immobilization of anti-E. coli very important owing to the anti-inflammatory action exerted
at AuSPEs using a homobifunctional cross-linker. The other by these proteins contained in serum and milk [72]. In a study
one was based on the immobilization of the thiolated antibody by Volpe et al. [73], with the final goal of making possible a
onto the electrode surface. The immunosensor exhibited a single-step magneto-immunosensor based on the use of SPEs
highly improved analytical performance with respect to con- coupled with the immunomagnetic beads, the immunological
ventional bacterial plate counting and other electrochemical interaction between IgG and its specific antibody (anti-IgG-
approaches, enabling, without preconcentration or pre- HRP) was considered with two approaches. The first one was
enrichment steps, the detection of 3.3 cfu mL−1 E. coli in river based on the enzyme-channeling principle which involved the
and tap water samples. use of a second enzyme, glucose oxidase (GOx), immobilized
The selective interaction of lectins with carbohydrate com- on the surface of the SPE modified with Prussian Blue. The
ponents from microorganisms’ surface was used as the recog- second, more direct, approach was performed without
nition principle for E. coli detection and identification [69]. GOx enzyme, had provided the possibility to demon-
The immobilization of biotinylated lectins– bacteria com- strate that the signal generated by HRP free in solution
plexes was performed onto AuSPEs and EIS measurements was negligible if compared to that of HRP concentrated
was employed for the direct label-free transduction of the on the sensor surface. Although both approaches
bacteria–lectin binding. The electron transfer resistance varied allowed one to obtain a typical sigmoidal binding curve
linearly with the logarithmic value of E. coli concentration (IgG/anti IgG-HRP), the second one turned out to be
over four orders of magnitude, 5.0 × 10 3 and 5.0 × easier and more practical.
107 cfu mL−1. The approach can be advantageously compared In a recent study by Tomassetti et al. [74] three
with conventional bacterial plate counting methods and other immunosensor methods (surface plasmon resonance (SPR),
electrochemical techniques, enabling the detection of 5.0× screen-printed and classical amperometric immunosensors)
103 cfu mL−1 E. coli within 1 h. for IgG determination was fabricated and the responses ob-
Another simple approach toward the determination of food tained using each device were compared. Experiments were
pathogenic bacteria namely E. coli, campylobacter and sal- performed on human serum, powdered milks for babies and
monella using an immunosensor based on immunosensitized particularly on several animal milks and comparison of the
MWCNT-polyallylamine SPE and nanocrystal antibody con- results obtained by the classical amperometric immuno-
jugates was introduced [70]. The immunosensor was fabricat- sensor, the screen-printed immunosensor and the SPR de-
ed by immobilizing the mixture of anti-E. coli, anti- vice showed that the lower detection limit for IgG determi-
campylobacter and anti-salmonella antibodies with a ratio of nation was of the order of 10−9 M in all cases, but that of the
1:1:1 on the surface of the modified SPE. The sandwich SPR method was slightly lower (i.e. 2×10−10 M) than those
immunoassay was performed with three antibodies conjugat- of the other two methods. The linearity range was about
ed with specific nanocrystal which has releasable metal ions three decades for the classic and screen-printed immuno-
for electrochemical measurements. SWASV was employed to sensors and about one and a half decades for the SPR
measure released metal ions from bound antibody nanocrystal immunodevice. A novel gold nanoprobe was prepared by
conjugates. Their results suggested that the assay could be Lai et al. [75] for the signal tracing of ultrasensitive nonen-
directly applied for food quality control applications. Recent- zymatic electrochemical immunoassay at a CNTs-based
ly, Lin et al. [71] demonstrated a multiplexed immunoassay disposable immunosensor. Using human IgG as a model
method for simultaneous detection of multiple food borne analyte, the method showed a wide linear range over three
bacterial pathogens in a single piece of 4-channel-SPCE. orders of magnitude with the detection limit down to
MWCNT/sodium alginate /carboxymethyl chitosan composite 6.9 pg mL−1.
films were coated on all the working electrodes to enhance the
sensitization of the electrode. The immunosensor array was Toxins
simple and efficiently fabricated by immobilization of HRP-
anti-E. sakazaki and HRP-anti-E.coli O157:H7. Under optimal Biomolecule immobilization on the electrode surface is a
conditions, the linear range of E. sakazakii and E. coli O157:H7 crucial step in assembling biosensors and immunosensors.
were from 104 to 1010 cfu mL−1, with a detection limit of Different physical and chemical strategies are followed for
4.57×103 cfu mL−1 and 3.27×103 cfu mL−1, respectively. the immobilization of molecular recognition agent.
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 873
peroxidase enzyme as marker to determine lactoferrin. Lastly, screen-printing carbon ink electrode (namely disposable elec-
their group tested the feasibility of constructing trochemical printed (DEP) chip) as the basis [96]. The carbon
immunosensors for lactoferrin determination based on SPR ink electrode of DEP chip was modified first by deposition of
transduction [86]. The data showed a linear range of about 3 polypyrrole–pyrole-2-carboxylic acid copolymer and then
and 2 decades, respectively, for the classical and screen- hCG antibody immobilization via the COOH groups of
printed immunosensors and about 2 and 1 decade for the pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid, which could serve as a linker for
SPR immunodevice working in flow or batch mode, respec- covalent biomolecular immobilization. The experimental re-
tively. These methods were applied to the determination of sults exposed that the designed immunosensor is more sensi-
lactoferrin concentration in infant powdered milk and in the tive than other previously reported immunosensors.
milk analysis of different animals.
Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
(Cancer) biomarkers
A common method to detect prostate cancer is to measure
The detection of cancer biomarkers has become a major focus levels of PSA in blood. The presence of a tumor can elevate
of cancer research, which holds promising future for early PSA levels, serving as a convenient blood test for cancer
detection, diagnosis, monitoring disease recurrence and ther- screening. Several biosensors are known for PSA detection.
apeutic treatment efficacy to improve long-term survival of Yu et al. [97] have prepared a novel SPE on sheets of vege-
cancer patients. Tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic table parchment for the determination of PSA in human serum
antigen, carcinoma antigen 125, prostate-specific antigen, samples. Vegetable parchment, also called plant-based parch-
CA 15–3 (MUC1) and human chorionic gonadotropin, have ment, was made by passing a waterleaf made of pulp fibers
been widely applied for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, into sulfuric acid. To enhance the conductivity and sensitivity
pancreatic cancer, epithelial ovarian tumors and hepatocellular of the immunosensor, graphene and AuNPs were used to
carcinoma, etc. [87]. In clinical assays, the conventional construct the immunosensor. With sandwich-type
methods of tumor markers detection in serum have some immunoreactions, the HRP-Ab/AuNPs were captured on
disadvantages, such as being environmentally unfriendly, immunosensor surface to catalyze the electroreduction pro-
time-consuming, having poor precision, and experience diffi- cess of H2O2, which could produce stronger electrochemical
culty in realizing automation. Therefore, there is an urgent signal. This method showed wide linear ranges over 6 orders
requirement for the development of a new immunoassay of magnitude with the minimum value down to 2 pg mL−1.
method with low-cost, high speed and real-time control in A voltammetric enzyme dual sensor for simultaneous de-
large scale disease screening [88]. Electrochemical devices termination of free and total prostate specific antigen (fPSA
seem to be excellent candidates for the rapid, highly sensitive, and tPSA) was described [98]. Antibodies specific for free and
easy-to-use and inexpensive diagnosis of diseases and for the total PSA immobilized on different SPEs–SPCEs, AuSPEs
detection of tumor markers of clinical interest. The first elec- and SPCEs modified with nanogold, in order to be able to
trochemical immunosensor for tumor marker detection was select one of the surfaces as the most adequate one to develop
developed in the late 1970s [89]. The device involved a the dual sensor. Screen-printed carbon electrodes modified
competitive assay of hCG in connection with a catalase label with nanogold were the SPEs with the best analytical charac-
and amperometric monitoring of the enzymatic reaction. teristics and led to the most repeatable bioelectrodes, so they
Thereafter, many immunosensors for cancer biomarkers were selected for the development of the dual sensor. In fact,
have been reported in the literature for cancer disease the integration of nanomaterials in immunosensors promotes
diagnosis [90–93]. Modified SPEs offer unprecedented increase of the electroactive area and the amount of
opportunities for high sensitivity immunosensors amena- immobilized molecules; in some cases, improving the electri-
ble to determination of different biomolecules and bio- cal transfer. The nanoparticles of different sizes and nature can
markers of diseases and have been employed recently for be easily functionalized offering reactive groups on the elec-
development of numerous biomarkers immunosensors trode surface, allowing a more stable and irreversible immo-
[94, 95]. bilization of enzymes, antigens, nucleic acid and antibodies,
greatly increasing the biosensor response [99].
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
hCG is glycoprotein composed of 244 amino acids with a
molecular mass of 36.7 kDa. It’s most important uses as a CEA, a kind of glycoprotein is found in many carcinomas
tumor marker are in gestational trophoblastic disease and such as colon cancer, lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, ovar-
germ cell tumors. A sensitive label-free impedimetric hCG- ian carcinoma oral and breast cancer [100]. It is one of the
immunosensor was constructed by using a commercial most investigated protein markers for lung cancer. Its level is
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 875
related to lung cancer in which CEA concentration is elevated 125 protein and a linear response, which matches the request
significantly in cancer cases than in healthy individuals. When of clinical needs, was achieved. This level of detection
the amount of CEA is higher than 3 ng mL-1, lung cancer may could be attributed to the sensitive electrochemical de-
occur. Ho te al. [101] reported on a sensitive electrochemical termination of silver ions and to the catalytic precipita-
immunoassay system for the detection of a CEA protein, using tion of a large number of silver ions on the AuNPs-
a carbon nanoparticle/ poly(ethylene imine)-modified screen- labeled antibody.
printed graphite electrode covered with anti-CEA antibodies.
This biosensor was based on a sandwich complex immunoas- C-reactive protein (CRP)
say, which they assembled from sequential layers of the anti-
CEA antibody (αCEA) on the surface electrode, the CEA CRP, an alpha globulin with a molecular mass of ∼110–
sample, and the CdS nanocrystal quantum dots sensitized with 140 kDa, is considered a nonspecific biomarker of inflamma-
αCEA (αCEA-CdS QD). By using SWASV to amplify the tion and infection that can be used as a predictive risk marker
signal current response obtained from the dissolved αCEA- of cardiovascular disease in asymptomatic individuals. Two
CdS QDs, the detection limit of 32 pg mL−1 (equivalent to strategies based on the use of SPEs are known for the deter-
160 fg in a 5 μL sample) was obtained. mination of CRP in blood serum. Kumar and Prasad [105]
A polyethyleneimine wrapped MWCNTs-SPE was used have used an imprinted polymer modified SPCE fabricated
by Viswanathan group for direct determination of CEA level adapting ‘grafting-to’ modification for the quantitative analy-
in human serum and saliva samples [102]. A sandwich immu- sis of CRP in human blood serum. To mimic the biological
noassay was performed with CEA and αCEA tagged ferro- binding between polymer and CRP, one of the monomers
cene carboxylic acid encapsulated liposomes (αCEA-FCL). (AEDP) was used in the place of natural binder. DMAA, a
The square wave voltammetry (SWV) was employed to ana- tertiary ammonium group containing monomer, was addition-
lyze faradic redox responses of the released FCL on the ally used to non-covalently interact with the negatively
electrode surface. The system showed good reproducibility charged CRP molecules. Both the monomers ensured a natu-
in human serum and saliva samples. Salivary testing is non- ral binding environment for CRP and thereby made the elec-
invasive, making it an attractive alternative to serum testing, trode highly specific. The LOD was found to be 0.04 μg mL−1
and the possibility of developing home testing kits would (S/N=3) in aqueous environment. In the second strategy,
further facilitate it as a diagnostic aid. Ju’s group took advan- Pingarrón et al. [106] reported an ultrasensitive
tage of SPCE system containing two independent working magnetoimmunosensor for the determination of human CRP
electrodes and modified them with anti-CEA and anti-AFP using MBs. They immobilized the capture antibody (antiCRP)
antibodies respectively [103]. For signal output, streptavidin onto activated carboxylic-modified MBs, then the antigen–
functionalized AgNP-enriched CNTs were designed as trace antibody reaction and incubation of the modified MBs with a
tags and were further enlarged by a subsequent AgNP- biotynilated antibody (biotin-antiCRP) was performed,
promoted deposition of silver from enhancer solution to ob- followed by an incubation step with a Streptavidin-HRP con-
tain simultaneous electrochemical-stripping signals of AgNPs jugate, to allow monitoring of the affinity reaction. The elec-
on the two working electrodes. Using CEA and α-fetoprotein trochemical detection of the enzyme reaction product was
as model analytes, the multiplexed immunoassay showed carried out at a disposable Au/SPE using TMB as electron
acceptable precision and wide linear ranges over four orders transfer mediator and H2O2 as the enzyme substrate. The
of magnitude with detection limits down to 0.093 and sensor showed an excellent analytical performance achieving
0.061 pg mL−1, respectively. a LOD of 0.021 ng mL−1 and a wide range of linearity
between 0.07 and 1000 ng mL−1.
Cancer antigen 125 (CA 125)
Cardiac troponins (I and T)
CA 125 is one of the most important cancer biomarkers,
which found on the surface of many ovarian cancer cells. Cardiac troponins (I and T) have been recommended as the
Normal blood levels are usually less than 35 UmL−1. More biomarkers of choice for the serological diagnosis and prog-
than 90 % of women have high levels of CA 125 when the nosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) because of their
cancer is advanced. Recently, two simple and sensitive ap- high sensitivity and specificity. In particular, the cardiac tro-
proaches for CA 125 detection by using antibody immobilized ponin T (cTnT) levels increase 2–4 h after the AMI symptoms
on poly-anthranilic acid modified graphite SPEs have been and could be elevated up to 14 days after the acute episode of
developed [104]. In both cases, graphite SPEs were used as myocardial damage. The development of highly sensitive
solid phase to build up a label free immunosensor and a troponin assays possible to measure levels of this marker
sandwich format with AuNPs silver enhancement. A high therefore presents great potential in earlier detection of AMI
sensitivity with a detection limit of 2 U mL−1 of human CA and in risk prediction in patients with acute coronary
876 Z. Taleat et al.
syndrome [107]. In the study by Dutra et al. [108], a modified analytical features especially concerning the ability to
SPE was manufactured using graphite–epoxy silver compos- show linear ranges within the biological levels of Myo
ite followed by streptavidin–microsphere integration and its and good selectivity against other concomitant proteins
binding to the biotinylated monoclonal antibody for the de- and seemed to be a powerful tool for screening Myo in
tection of cTnT. It was observed that the use of streptavidin patients with ischaemic episodes.
microspheres significantly increased the analytical sensitivity In order to create smart plastic antibody materials of
of the electrode in 8.5 times, showing a curve with a linear enhanced specific binding, the recent study by Sales
response range between 0.1 and 10 ng mL−1 of cTnT and a et al. [113] introduced for the first time charged mono-
detection limit of 0.2 ng mL−1. Their approach combines the mers on the binding sites combined with neutral mono-
advantages of SPEs with the stability of streptavidin–biotin mers in the rest of the polymeric matrix. This concept
interaction and the versatility to use conventional ampli- formed the basis for the design of Myo plastic antibo-
fiers for enzymatic reaction monitoring and shows great dies over the gold surface of commercial SPEs. The
promise for point-of-care quantitative testing of necrosis resulting biosensor was evaluated by several electro-
cardiac proteins. A novel detection for cardiac troponin I chemical techniques and further applied to the analysis
(cTnI) based on the deposition of citrate-capped AuNPs of biological samples.
on SPEs using an innovative one-step electrochemical
technique was demonstrated by Bhalla et al. [109]. cTnI Other biomolecules and proteins
was successfully detected in a label-free manner with a
LOD equal to 0.2 ng mL−1. This obtained result was one The SPEs have been also utilized for the determination
order of magnitude better than that obtained with ELISA of some other biomolecules such as D-Dimer in human
tests performed by using the same antibodies, with a serum [114], β-lactoglobulin as a milk allergenic pro-
detection limit of 4.3 ng mL−1. tein [115], anti-TG2 antibody in celiac disease [116],
and herbicide diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-
Myoglobin (Myo) dimethylurea] [117] .
Recently, improvements in immunosensor performance,
Myoglobin (Myo) is another cardiac biomarker of protein including enhanced sensitivity and reduced detection time,
nature that changes more rapidly after cardiac injury. were attributed to the use of magnetic beads [118], [119].
Myo, due to its small size (17.8 kDa), is quickly re- MBs allow easy separation and localization of target
leased into circulation with high sensitivity and high analytes by an external magnet, fast immunoreactions bet-
predictive value, and acts as a valuable early screening ween antigen and antibody, and low nonspecific binding
test for AMI. So far, different strategies for Myo detec- by surface modification. The development of a disposable
tion and quantification based on surface imprinting on carbon screen printed immunosensor based on MBs tech-
SPEs have been described in the literatures [110]. Sales nology for the early detection of the Asian rust disease
et al. [111] have modified AuSPE by merging molecular was described by Mendes et al. [120]. This disease is
imprinting and SAM techniques for fast screening Myo caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi fungal which is a viru-
in point-of-care. The imprinting effect was produced by lent pathogen that can quickly defoliate plants, reducing
growing a reticulated polymer of acrylamide and N,N′ production and quality, leading to serious economic losses
methylenebisacrylamide around the Myo template, cova- [121]. MBs modified with a protein G were employed as
lently attached to the biosensing surface. EIS and CV the platforms for the immobilization and immunoreaction
studies were carried out in all chemical modification process. The immunotest was the sandwich type, using a
steps to confirm the surface changes in the AuSPE. secondary antibody labeled with phosphatase alkaline en-
The analytical features of the resulting biosensor were zyme. The disposable immunosensor presented a detection
studied by different electrochemical techniques and the limit of 90 ng mL−1 and was applied for detection of the
limits of detection ranged from 0.13 to 8 μg mL−1. The Asian rust on the soybean leaf samples.
same group also described a new disposable biomedical An amperometric immunosensor for detection of
device for monitoring Myo in point-of-care, designed by chlorpyrifos-methyl has been developed by modification
coating the conductive working area of AuSPE with a of the SPCE with nanocomposites made by doping of
PVC-COOH film and assembling the molecularly bovine serum albumin conjugated chlorpyrifos-methyl an-
imprinted polymer (MIP) on top of it [112]. The MIP/ tigen and platinum colloid into silica sol–gel [122].
AuSPE characteristic towards the quantitative estimation Chlorpyrifos-methyl is a persistent insecticide and has
of the Myo concentration was investigated by EIS and been widely used for control of pest insects in farming,
SWV. Compared to other immunosensors made with grain storage, horticulture, forestry and public health ap-
natural antibodies, the MIP/AuSPE showed similar plications for more than 30 years. By combining dual
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 877
under physiological conditions were 0.025–30 and 0.01 mM, carbon electrodes. The porous structure of SPCEs facilitated
respectively. the direct electron transfer between the active sites of HRP and
In recent years, extensive efforts have been made to the electrodes due to large amounts of conductive sites avail-
achieve the direct electrochemistry of GOx for electrochemi- able on the surface for contacting with enzyme molecules. The
cal detection of glucose [140, 141]. Recently, the direct elec- resulting sensor was sensitive (143.3 mAM−1 cm−2) and could
trochemistry of GOx on modified SPCE with graphene-Poly detect 0.48 μM of H2O2. Another disposable H2O2biosensor
(3,4 ethylenedioxythiophene): poly-styrene-sulfonic acid based on the direct electron transfer of myoglobin was devel-
(PEDOT:PSS) matrix has been investigated [142]. GP- oped using mesopores KIT-6 modified SPE [147]. KIT-6 is a
PEDOT: PSS nanocomposite was synthesized by one-step new material which can absorb abundant of myoglobin mol-
electrolytic exfoliation method and drop-coated on SPCE. ecules and also increase the affinity of enzyme and substrate.
GOx enzyme was then immobilized on it by glutaraldehyde The modified electrode system showed an efficient perfor-
cross linking. The designated electrode exhibited a high am- mance to H2O2 detection. Recently, a new detection system
perometric sensitivity of 7.23 μA mM−1 for glucose determi- was developed using Fe3O4-Au magnetic nanoparticles coat-
nation, but had a relatively narrow linear dynamic range of ed HRP and graphene sheets -Nafion film modified SPCE
20–900 μM. [148]. To construct the H2O2 biosensor, graphene sheets -
Nafion solution was first dropped onto the surface of SPCE.
Hydrogen peroxide Subsequently, the biocomposites of Fe3O4-Au magnetic nano-
particles coated HRP were adsorbed on the surface with the
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been involved in several bio- aid of an external magnetic field. The practical analytical
logical events and intracellular pathways. It is not only a by- application of the biosensor was assessed by measurement
product of several highly selective oxidases, but also an es- of the real samples and the results were consistent with the
sential mediator in food, biology, medicine, industry and results obtained by KMnO4 titration method.
environmental analysis [143]. Therefore, sensitive and accu-
rate determination of H2O2 is becoming of practical impor- Pharmaceuticals
tance. Many techniques have been developed for the determi-
nation of H2O2. Among these procedures, electrochemical The determination of drugs in real samples such as urine and
biosensors based on SPEs are promising for the fabrication blood and other related samples is another issue which re-
of simple, portable and low-cost biosensors. Several biosen- quires careful investigation since they are often electroactive
sors have been developed for electrochemical [134–136, 144] species. Literature revealed that many disposable electro-
and electrochemiluminescence [145] detection of H2O2. chemical biosensors have been reported for the detection of
Lan et al. [146] presented a H2O2 biosensor based on the drugs using modified and unmodified SPEs. These biosensors
direct electron transfer of HRP on porous screen-printed were used for the determination of the quantity of codeine in
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 879
pharmaceutical commercial tablets and urine samples [149], and was successfully applied to the determination of colchi-
diazepam in beverages [150], Levetiracetam in pharmaceuti- cine in tablets, without the interference of the excipients.
cal drugs and spiked human plasma samples [151], Cocaine is one of the most known illicit drugs and one of
Pyrazinamide [152] and isoniazid [153, 154] in human urine the most trafficked and used. It is an alkaloid that acts as
samples, dapsone in human urine and pharmaceutical formu- analgesic and local anesthetic. It also stimulates the modula-
lation samples [155], silybin [156] and gemifloxacin [157] in tion of dopamine producing a sensation of euphoria which
pharmaceutical tablets. Table 2 gives an overview of the provokes addiction [160]. Although the trendiest analyses of
electrochemical biosensors based on SPEs for determination cocaine are based on chromatography and immunoassays
of these compounds in their related samples by different methods, electrochemical detection has been also reported.
techniques. In a study by Alonso-Lomillo’s group, a new electrochemical
In a study by Chai’s group [158], SPEs were modified with method for the determination of cocaine using SPEs modified
MWCNT and molecularly imprinted membranes using by the enzyme cytochrome P450 2B4 (CYP450) has been
ractopamine as the template were directly synthesized on the described [161]. Cocaine is one of the preferred substrates of
MWCNT modified SPEs using the in situ thermal polymeri- this enzyme. Chronoamperometric measurements was per-
zation techniques and then utilized for the quantification of formed under the optimum conditions and capability of de-
ractopamine in pig urine with the detection limit of 6 nM. tection of 23.05±3.53 nM (n=3, α = β=0.05) was obtained.
The electrochemical behavior of colchicines was investi- Similarly, this group developed another screen-printed cyto-
gated using graphite-based SPEs by Bodoki et al. [159]. chrome P450 2B4 based biosensor, for voltammetric detection
Colchicine is a protoalkaloid, used as a specific anti- of cocaine street samples [162].
inflammatory agent in acute attacks of gout by inhibiting the Fakhari and Rafiee [163] fabricated an electrochemical
migration of leucocytes to inflammatory areas, thus biosensor based on NiO nanoparticles modified nafion-
interrupting the inflammatory response that sustains the acute MWCNT-SPE for methods have been explored for the quan-
attack. The method was validated in the concentration range titative analysis of insulin. It serves as a predictor of diabetes
of 85–1200 ng mL−1 with limits of detection of 41 ng mL−1 of insulinoma and trauma and is used to control glucose levels
in blood within a narrow concentration range. The direct resultant sensors could detect NE at concentrations as low as
monitoring of insulin in a diabetic patient has a better prospect 100 pg mL−1 in rabbit whole blood. This high sensitivity
in clinical investigation rather to the glucose measurement. without a membrane such as Nafion was attributed to the
Modified SPEs with CNT-NiCoO2 was also prepared for trace molecular sieving capabilities of the mesopores and the large
level detection of insulin [164]. internal surface area of the mesoporous carbons.
A new rapid and convenient electrochemical method based
Neurotransmitters/Neurochemicals on a Nafion membrane-coated colloidal gold SPE was de-
scribed by Ding et al. [176] for the determination of serotonin
Neurotransmitters play a crucial role of endogenous primary (with a detection limit of 5.0 nM) in the presence of high
chemical messengers to transport information among biolog- concentration of DA, AA and uric acid (UA). SPE was used
ical cells in mammalian central nervous system and are indic- for the detection of serotonin in the platelet-rich plasma and
ative of health and disease [165]. Dopamine (DA) is an brain homogenate of the mice. The serotonin content in the
important neurotransmitter molecule belonging to a family peripheral blood of the mouse can reflect the content in the
of molecules called catecholamines. Deficits in brain dopa- brain, which suggests that the serotonin may be regarded as
mine cause Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and schizophre- peripheral biochemical markers for the mice depression
nia in humans [166]. Since dopamine (and the like catechol- model.
amines) is an easily oxidizable compound, electrochemical Besides neurotransmitters, many other compounds are
methods based on modified electrodes are an ideal choice for found in the brain. Some of these compounds are electroactive
its quantitative determination. Several examples are reported and act as interfering species for neurotransmitter detection.
in the literature regarding on the detection of DA and other Therefore, many studies have concentrated on detecting neu-
neurotransmitters in the presence of other species using dif- rotransmitters in the presence of ascorbic acid, uric acid, or
ferent modified electrodes [167–171]. metabolites. The use of the SPEs for simultaneous determina-
In 2010, Moreno’s group [172] investigated the tion of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid has been rarely
voltammetric behavior of dopamine on CNT-SPE with the reported, since the unmodified SPEs are unable to discrimi-
aim to propose a new methodology for its determination at nate signals of AA, DA and UA, While several studies has
low levels in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA). A linear detected these compounds using modified SPEs with
dependence between DA concentration and adsorptive strip- dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid–polyaniline nanoparticles
ping peak current was observed for the concentration range of [177], cellulose acetate and ionic liquid n-octylpyridinum
5.0×10−8 to 1.0×10−6 mol L−1 with a limit of detection of hexafluorophosphate [178], and iridium oxide [179]. Recent-
1.5×10−8 mol L−1. In a study by Merkoci et al. [173], a new ly, a novel SPE prepared from graphene and ionic liquid
way to entrap enzyme based on β -cyclodextrin doped screen-printing ink was presented by Ying et al.
electropolymerization onto SPE modified with MWCNT [180]. The basic characteristics of the screen-printed graphene
was introduced for DA quantification. The biosensor electrode were studied in details. The sensor showed excellent
displayed good reproducibility, repeatability, and prolonged electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of AA, DA, and UA.
life-time under cold storage conditions. Its limit of detection Three well-defined sharp and fully resolved anodic peaks
was 0 .48 ± 0.02 μA with sensitivity of 0 .0302 ± were found at the developed electrode. In the co-existence
0.0003 μA μM−1 that makes it comparable or even better than system of these three species, the linear dependence of peak
many other electrodes reported in the literature. Zen et al. current on the concentration was obtained in the ranges of
[174] utilized screen printing technology to print a thin layer 4.0–4500 μM, 0.5–2000 μM, and 0.8–2500 μM with the
of hydrophobic room temperature ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3- lowest detection limits of 0.95 μM, 0.12 μM, and 0.20 μM
methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, onto a disposable for the determination of AA, DA, and UA, respectively.
SPCE to improve the performance of DA in the presence of Another SPCE modified with polyacrylic acid-coated
high concentration of ascorbic acid. A linear calibration plot MWCNTs (PAA-MWCNTs) has been prepared for the simul-
up to 100 μM was obtained. The detection limit was calculat- taneous determination of norepinephrine, uric acid, and ascor-
ed as 0.26 μM. bic acid [181]. Using PAA, MWCNTs could be well dispersed
Norepinephrine (NE) and Serotonin are also neurotrans- and the electrode became negatively charged so that the
mitter molecules that have been target for detection with adsorption of AA could be inhibited owing to the electrostatic
screen printed-based electrodes. Norepinephrine was detected repulsion. This led to the decrease in the oxidation potential of
amperometrically using low-cost mesoporous carbon inks to AA and the significantly enhanced oxidation peak currents of
screen print single-use disposable electrodes [175]. To ensure NE and UA at the PAA-MWCNTs/SPCE. As compared to
NE can be effectively oxidized, an enzyme, SPCE, the system has found to be effective for the simulta-
phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase, with a cofactor to neous determination of NE, UA, and AA in their mixture
active the enzyme was used to catalyze the reaction. The solution.
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 881
Novel combinations of polymers with CNTs have been compared to the bare SPE. Zen and Liao [191] presented a
used to enhance the response of epinephrine and norepineph- new method for total plasma thiols (cysteine, homocysteine
rine. One such combination was MWCNT with a mixture of and glutathione) measurement using a disposable SPCE
poly(nordihydroguaiaretic acid) and chitosan onto SPCE coupled with a MnO2 reactor by flow injection analysis.
[182]. Epinephrine and norepinephrine were not discriminated MnO2 reactor was used to facilitate the oxidation of catechol
and the lowest concentrations studied were 30 μM and (electrochemical indicator) and eliminate the interference
780 μM, respectively. from ascorbic acid. A detection limit of 0.1, 0.25, 0.47 μM
A few papers have studied just uric acid and ascorbic acid were observed for cysteine, homocysteine and glutathione,
without also examining dopamine. One study [183] reports on respectively.
an uricase biosensor based on a SPE modified with Prussian Methionine is a source of sulphur in the body as it is the
Blue, coupled with a portable instrumentation, showing a precursor of other sulphur amino acids such as cysteine,
working range of 0.03–0.3 mM and a detection limit of taurine and glutathione. Banks et al. [192] reported for the
0.01 mM. A SPCE incorporating the electrocatalyst cobalt first time the direct oxidation of methionine at bare graphite
phthalocyanine (CoPC), has also been used for auric acid SPEs, allowing linear ranges over the range 0.05–5.0 mM
detection [184]. The sensor was the simplest reported UA with a detection limit of 95×10−6 mol L−1 possible in model
biosensor operated in the chronoamperometric mode and both solutions without any chemical or electrochemical pre-
prevented direct oxidation of UA and solved problems from treatments. The suitability of the use of SPEs for the measure-
potential interferences in urine. Ascorbic acid also detected by ment of the direct oxidation of methionine was demonstrated
disposable electrochemical biosensors based on SPEs, as a for the analysis of the content of this analyte in a pharmaceu-
low-cost and disposable point of-care devices for pre- tical product.
screening purposes [185, 186].
Amino acids
NADH plays a central role in mitochondrial respiratory me-
The detection of various kinds of amino acids is an tabolism, stimulating the energy production in all living cell
important issue in proteomics, properties of enzyme and (brain, heart and muscles), without this coenzyme all cell
hormone, disease diagnostics and food nutrients [187]. processes stop. NADH detection is of a great importance
They can be classified as α-, β- and γ-amino acid, etc. because it is produced in reactions catalyzed by more than
by the distance between the carboxylic acid group and the 250 dehydrogenases [193]. In 2008, an amperometric biosen-
amine group. Electrochemical detection of α-, β- and γ- sors based on NADH oxidase/FMN and Prussian Blue mod-
Amino acids using disposable copper nanoparticle electro- ified SPEs have been developed in order to improve the
deposited SPCEs was performed by a process which al- NADH detection [193]. As NADH oxidase is an FMN de-
ternated reductive deposition and oxidative treatment over pendent enzyme, an improvement of the enzyme/cofactor
six cycles (called the RO6 method) [188]. Such disposable immobilization procedure was necessary. The detection limit
RO6-CuNPs/SPEs have great potential for integrating was 2.6 μM NADH for FMN added in the reaction medium
HPLC or capillary electrophoresis systems to offer sensi- and 1.17 μM NADH, respectively when the cofactor was
tive detection for amino acids analysis in biomedical di- entrapped in sol–gel matrix. Doumèche et al. [194] investi-
agnostic and food industry applications. gated NADH oxidation on SPE modified with a new pheno-
Thiols are sulphur containing amino acids that build pro- thiazine diazonium salt. The amperometric response for
teins and are essential in the formation and growth of tissues. NADH oxidation showed a maximal current of 1.2 μA
Thiols such as reduced glutathione, 2-mercaptoethanol (2- ([NADH] =100 μM). The sensitive layer for the oxidation of
ME) and cysteine have been detected by electrochemical NADH was improved by electrografting the diazonium salt
sensors based on SPEs. Bedioui et al. [189] reported the with a potentiostatic method. Both the surface coverage and
electro-catalyzed oxidation of reduced glutathione and 2-ME the heterogeneous standard rate constant kh improved and
by cobalt phthalocyanine-containing SPCEs. They showed found to be 6.08±0.63×10−11 mol cm−2 and ~5.02 s−1, re-
electro-catalytic activity of these thiols depend on the method spectively. The amperometric response was also improved by
of electrode modification and the amount of catalyst incorpo- an 8 fold factor, reaching 9.87 μA ([NADH] =120 μM). A
rated in the ink used to fabricate the SPCEs. The electrocata- novel hybrid platform was constructed by Pingarrón’s group
lytic oxidation of cysteine at SPE modified with [ 1 9 5 ] b a s e d on e l e c t r o d e p o s i t i o n o f p o l y (3 , 4 -
electrogenerated poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) film ethylenedioxythiophene ) using the ionic liquid as the
(PEDOT) was investigated [190]. Cyclic voltammetric studies electropolymerization solvent onto AuNPs-modified SPCE.
showed that the electrode lowers the overpotentials and im- The prepared modified electrodes were utilized for detection
proves electrochemical behavior of cysteine oxidation, as of biomolecules such as NADH. The sensitivity achieved for
882 Z. Taleat et al.
NADH using amperometry was 88 mA M−1 cm−2 with a response current of direct bioelectrocatalysis for lactose more
linear calibration graph in the (1.0–100)×10−6 M concentra- than 5 times at an applied potential substantially lower than
tion range. that observed when enzyme was adsorbed directly on the SPE.
Another rapid and simple approach of lactose analysis pro-
Enzyme based sensors posed based on 3rd generation amperometric biosensors
employing cellobiose dehydrogenase immobilized on modi-
In enzyme-based biosensors, the biological element is the fied SPCEs and successfully applied for the determination of
enzyme which reacts selectively with its substrate. Enzymes lactose in dairy (milk with different percentages of fat, lactose-
have a high specificity and a very high affinity for specific free milk and yogurt) [199].
biomolecules. Some enzyme sensors detect electrons tunneled Lactate detection by biosensors is of increasing importance
from the enzyme directly to the electrode surface while others in clinical applications to provide rapid, point of care, serial
detect electroactive byproducts of enzymatic reactions. Exam- measurements for early diagnosis of disorders such as intra-
ples of common compounds detected by this approach include abdominal sepsis to reduce morbidity and mortality. In 2009,
fructose, galactose, lactose, lactate, OTA, triglyceride, choles- Hart et al. [200] demonstrated for the first time that screen-
terol, and alcohol. The first fructose sensor using a commer- printed carbon microband electrodes fabricated from water-
cial screen-printed ferrocyanide/carbon electrode was reported based ink can readily detect H2O2 and that the same ink, with
by the immobilization of enzyme d-fructose dehydrogenase the addition of lactate oxidase, can be used to construct
(FDH) on the electrode surface [196]. The sensor showed a microband biosensors to measure lactate. Their study provid-
good sensitivity to fructose with a limit of detection of ed a platform for monitoring cell metabolism in-vitro by
0.05 mM. measuring lactate electrochemically over a dynamic range of
Recently, development of a disposable amperometric bio- 1–10 mM via a microband biosensor. Hirst et al. [201] pre-
sensor for the measurement of circulating galactose in serum sented another method for the quantification of lactate using
was described by Hart et al. [197]. The biosensor comprised a pre-impregnated Prussian Blue SPCEs and polyethyleneimine
SPCE incorporating CoPC, which was covered by a polymer for lactate oxidase immobilization. The biosensor
permselective cellulose acetate membrane and a layer of was shown to give results for lactate in post operative patient
immobilized galactose oxidase (GALOX). When the biosen- drain fluid samples that was concordant with data from a
sor was used in conjunction with amperometry for the analysis colorimetric assay for lactate.
of serum, the precision values obtained on unspiked and The mycotoxin OTA, which is one of the most abundant
spiked serum were 1.10 % and 0.11 %, respectively. food-contaminating mycotoxins, have been determined using
In a study by Trashin et al. [198] modification of SPEs by HRP enzyme-biosensor based on SPEs by Alonso-Lomillo’s
polyaniline was performed to improve the electron exchange group [202]. An HRP containing ink has been directly screen-
between cellobiose dehydrogenase and the SPE surface to printed onto carbon electrodes. This immobilization proce-
develop a sensitive lactose biosensor. A layer of polymer in dure, which is known as automated immobilization, is partic-
its intermediate redox state has increased the maximum ularly interesting for mass production of disposable
Screen-printed electrodes for biosensing: a review (2008–2013) 883
biosensors. The same group also determined OTA using a respect to the use of AuNPs and 17.8 times larger with
SPCE-biosensor based on HRP immobilized by pyrrole respect to the case of simple bare electrodes.
electropolymerization [203]. The well-known mechanism of Alcohol is the most common poisonous substance related
these biosensors involve the oxidation of native HRP by H2O2 to clinical and forensic medicine, and it leads to a variety of
to an intermediate compound, which is subsequently reduced health damages and traffic accidents frequently. The common
by a substrate donor (OTA), regenerating the native enzyme. methods for alcohol determination are often time consuming
OTA concentration in a solution is related with the or require expensive instrumentation. The development of an
chronoamperometric current registered. The capability of de- inexpensive enzyme based electrode would be beneficial for
tection for this method was 0.1 ng mL−1 (α=0.05 and β< the detection of alcohols. Generally, two kinds of enzymes,
0.05). alcohol dehydrogenase and alcohol oxidase were immobilized
In the field of cholesterol sensing, recently a cholesterol for the construction of alcohol biosensors. An alcohol biosen-
biosensor with an improved sensitivity based on rhodium– sor was prepared by the combination of modified SPEs with
graphite SPE modified with MWCNT and cytochromes nano-materials and alcohol dehydrogenase to fabricate a novel
P450scc as catalytic enzyme was presented [204]. The sensi- detection strip [205]. The linear response range of the biosen-
tivity of the system was higher by orders of magnitude with sor was 2.0×10−4 to 25×10−3 mol L−1 and the detection limit
respect to other similar systems based on cholesterol oxidase was 5.0×10−5 mol L−1 (S/N=3). In the measurement of blood
and esterase. The electron transfer improvement attained samples, the biosensor had excellent detection performance
by the use of MWCNT in P450-based cholesterol biosen- for measuring blood alcohol concentration and showed a good
sors was demonstrated to be larger than 2.4 times with correlation with gas chromatography.
884 Z. Taleat et al.
Dual SPEs with two elliptic working electrodes are aimed paste or SPEs modified with phthalocyanines to the
at detecting two signals simultaneously, allowing differential analysis of biogenic amines and fish freshness assess-
measurement of two analytes in the solution. Disposable dual ment. An increase of the signals associated to biogenic
screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPdCEs) modified with amines was observed with increasing storage days.
Protein G, have been used for the simultaneous determination
of sulfonamides (SAs) and tetracyclines (TCs) antibiotics in
milk, at the low ppb concentration level [206]. The
immunoreactions involved competitive binding between Conclusion
SAs or TCs antibiotics and HRP-labeled specific tracers for
the binding sites of the capture antibodies immobilized on the Electrochemical sensors provide a crucial analytical tool as
working electrode surfaces. Quantification was achieved demand for sensitive, rapid, and selective determination of
through the electrochemical monitoring of the enzyme prod- analytes increases. Unlike spectroscopic and chromatographic
uct at the SPdCEs, using hydroquinone as electron transfer instruments, electrochemical sensors can be easily adapted for
mediator and H2O2 as the enzyme substrate. Figure 4 shows detecting a wide range of analytes, while remaining inexpen-
the scheme of the disposable dual immunosensor and the sive. The recent trend to replacement of conventional elec-
details of surface chemistry involved the modification of trodes by SPEs is making possible to explore other options in
SPdCE. The method showed very low limits of detection (in this field. Screening-printing technology can be easily applied
the low ppb level). The usefulness of the dual immunosensor to the mass production of inexpensive, reproducible and sen-
was demonstrated by analyzing spiked milk samples as well sitive disposable electrodes, and SPEs have been applied in
as a reference milk containing a certified oxytetracycline portable devices. Additionally, these sensors are capable of
content. Good recoveries were attained in an analysis time being incorporated into robust, portable, or miniaturized de-
of 30 min. vices, enabling tailoring for particular applications. SPEs are
Various types of biosensors based on immobilized enzymes gaining widespread applications in biomedical, environmental
with different modified SPEs and enzyme immobilization and industrial monitoring. The great versatility presented by
methods have also recently been demonstrated for determina- the SPEs is based on the wide range of ways in which the
tion of some compounds such as triglyceride [207], tyramine electrodes may be modified (directly modifying the composi-
[208], trehalose [209], gluconic acid [210], Glucose-6- tion of printing ink or just depositing the substances on the
phosphate (G6P) [211], organophosphorus insecticides surface) as demonstrated in the literature. The incorporation of
[212–214] and Phenobarbital [215]. Table 3 gives the type biomaterials into SPEs enables the sensitivity and selectivity
of electrodes and enzymes, detection limits and liner range for that are akin to nature. Major advancements in both biosensors
different enzyme based sensors. and immunosensors revolve around immobilization and inter-
face capabilities of the biological material with the SPEs. The
Other biomolecules use of nanomaterials and sandwich-type devices has provided
a means for increasing the signal response from these types of
Different modified SPEs biosensors, designed by several sensors. The ability to incorporate biomaterials with the po-
group, have been used for the determination of a variety of tential for direct electron transfer is another growing research
compounds, including phosphate ions in urine and pond water area in this field. Furthermore, nanoparticles-modified SPEs
[216–218], pathogens [219], bacterial toxins (Microcystin) in are already commercially available; so,it is avoided to waste
water [220], endotoxin analysis in cell culture medium [221], long time in the synthesis and stabilization of AuNPs on
and choline [222]. A study by Marty et al. [223] described the the electrode, in contrast to conventional electrodes. In
development of a superoxide biosensor based on the co- general, the field of SPEs, however, continues to grow
immobilization of cytochrome c and xanthine oxidase on a and find new areas for application. We believe that the
self-assembled monolayer-modified AuSPE and its later ap- field will focus on the incorporation and interaction of
plication to the determination of the antioxidant capacity of unique materials, both nano and biological, in the coming
pure substances and several orange juices. Another new elec- years. In this review, we have overviewed the recent
troanalytical method for the simultaneous detection and quan- developments in SPEs from their fundamental understand-
tification of the antioxidants tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) ing through to highly novel and innovative designs which
and butyl hydroxyanisole (BHA) in biodiesel was developed in part improved analytical performance towards target
using a voltammetric technique and MWCNT-SPEs [224]. analytes.
MWCNT-SPEs have been used also for determination of
arylsulphatase and phosphatase enzyme activities in ag-
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the Yazd University
ricultural soil [225]. Rodríguez-Méndez et al. have intro- Research Council, IUT Research Council and Excellence in Sensors for
duced [226] two multisensory systems based on carbon financial support of this research.
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