Study Guide The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night
Study Guide The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night
Study Guide The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night
Chapter Questions:
Chapter 2:
1. We meet our unnamed narrator in this first chapter [entitled chapter two].
What are your feelings about him—and why?
2. Clearly this is a mystery story—someone killed Wellington—describe how
Wellington died.
Chapter 3:
1. Christopher John Francis Boone says, “I know all the countries of the world
and their capital cities and every prime number up to 7,057” [2]. Why does
he introduce himself in this way?
2. Who is Siobhan? We aren’t told, but what can you guess?
Chapter 5:
1. Christopher says, “I like dogs. You always know what a dog is thinking” [3].
Why does he find people so confusing?
2. Mrs. Shears finds Christopher with Wellington, the dead dog—and she thinks
Christopher killed Wellington. What does Christopher do when Mrs. Shears
Chapter 7:
1. Why does Christopher like murder mystery novels?
2. Why does Christopher seem to like dogs more than people?
Chapter 11:
1. What happens when the police arrive?
2. How does Christopher describe his mind? Why?
Chapter 13: Why does Christopher say “this will not be a funny book”? [8] Is
Christopher wrong?
Chapter 19: What does Christopher reveal about himself through his explanation of
prime numbers?
Chapter 23: What can you tell about Christopher by the way he describes the items
he carries around?
Chapter 29: This chapter begins with the quote “I find people confusing” [14].
What are the two reasons why Christopher feels this way?
Chapter 31: What do we learn about Mr. Boone, when he arrives at the police
Chapter 37: What does Christopher explain about lying? What does it reveal?
Chapter 41: Does Mr. Boone agree that “dogs are important, too”? [20]
Vocabulary: SNOOKEN [21]
Chapter 43: Why does Christopher like it when his father explains his mom’s illness
while “looking through the window”? [22]
Chapter 47:
1. Who suggested that Christopher start writing his story?
2. Explain Christopher’s theory of good and bad days—and what it reveals
about him.
Chapter 53: What does Christopher remember about his mother’s death, two years
Chapter 59:
1. Christopher further explains why people are so confusing to him—what does
he say?
2. How do Siobhan’s explanations help Christopher?
3. What does Christopher see in Mrs. Shears’s shed? Why is this important?
Chapter 67:
1. What happens with Mr. Thompson—explain Christopher’s questions?
2. What happens with Mrs. Alexander?
3. Why is Mr. Shears Christopher’s “Prime Suspect”? [42]
4. We find out in this chapter that Christopher is 15—how is like, and unlike,
other teenagers?
Chapter 71:
1. Describe the meeting between Mr. Boone and Mrs. Gascoyne [the
2. What are Christopher’s plans for the future?
Chapter 73:
1. Christopher lists his "Behavioral Problems." Why? What does this reveal about
2. What do the footnotes to his "Behavioral Problems" indicate about Christopher?
Chapter 79:
1. Describe Christopher's concept of a "white lie." Do you agree?
2. How does Mr. Boone treat Christopher? Is he a good parent?
Chapter 83: Even in the very short chapters, like chapter 83, revel a lot about
Christopher. Describe Christopher's desire to be an astronaut--and what you learn
about him as a result of his description.
Chapter 89:
1. Describe Christopher's relationship to Siobhan as revealed by this chapter.
2. Christopher has very specific things that upset him. Why does he have two
"Black Day[s]" in this chapter? Why does he behave as he does on these black
Chapter 97:
1. Does Mrs. Alexander do the right thing when she tells Christopher what
happened between his mother and Mr. Shears?
2. How does Christopher react? Why?
Chapter 101:
1. Mr. Jeavons says Christopher likes maths because it was a "safe" subject, that
math problems are "straightforward," but Christopher disagrees--and he gives a
lengthy description as to why he disagrees [complete with illustrations!]. Describe
what this reveals. Do you agree? Is math "straightforward"?
Chapter 103:
1. Rhodri is a man who works for Mr. Boone, but they are also friends. How does
Rhodri react toward Christopher? How does he make Christopher feel?
2. Why does Christopher think the cloud he sees could be "an alien spaceship" [69]?
Chapter 107:
1. Why does Christopher select The Hound of the Baskervilles as his favorite book?
2. What are "Red Herrings" in a mystery story? [71]
Chapter 109: Is Siobhan worried about Christopher after reading his book?
Chapter 113:
1. Why does Christopher say his memory is "like a film" [76]? Does his description
make sense?
2. Describe how Mrs. Boone reacts when Christopher gets upset when she went
swimming. What does this illustrate about their relationship? Is she a good mother,
in your opinion?
Chapter 127:
1. Christopher likes to watch his "Blue Planet" videos and he imagines he is living in
an underwater world where he is the only person and he "can never be found" [80].
Why does this image comfort him?
2. Why does Mr. Boone get so angry with Christopher? Is his reaction normal, in
your opinion?
3. How does Christopher react when his father grabs his arm? Why?
Chapter 131:
1. In this chapter Christopher lists the yellow things and the brown things that he
doesn't like. What is your reaction to these lists? Do these lists help readers to
make sense of Christopher?
2. How does Siobhan reveal her loyalty to Christopher? How does she try to
support him?
Chapter 137:
1. Describe the visit that Christopher takes with his father to Twycross Zoo.
2. How does Mr. Boone illustrate his feelings for Christopher? Does Mr. Boone love
his son?
3. How does Christopher define love? Do you agree with this description?
Chapter 139:
1. Christopher says "sometimes people want to be stupid and they do not want to
know the truth" [90]. Is this true? Can you give an example to support your
Chapter 149: Christopher finds several letters when he is looking for his book.
Describe the letters and Christopher's reaction to them.
Chapter 151:
1. Christopher believes that, eventually, everything will be explained by science. Do
you agree? Why--or why not?
Chapter 163:
1. Why has Christopher suddenly started talking about the human mind and
computers [in the middle of his revelation that his mother is alive]? The previous
chapter describes Christopher finding out, and then he starts comparing the mind to
a computer. Why?
Chapter 167:
1. In this chapter Christopher continues his explanation of the situation between
him and his father. What happens?
2. How does Christopher calm himself?
3. What does Mr. Boone reveal about Wellington's murder? Does this change your
opinion of Mr. Boone? Why or why not?
4. This chapter ends with Christopher wondering what to do. What do you think he
will do?
Chapter 173:
1. Why does Christopher describe the stars in this chapter?
2. Why does he end the chapter with the statement "And that is the truth" [126]?
Chapter 181:
1. Why does Christopher begin this chapter with the line "I see everything" [140]?
Does his explanation make sense to you? Does it help to describe Christopher's
2. Christopher includes two lists in this chapter--why?
Chapter 191:
1. Describe the illustrations in this chapter. How do they compare to ones in
previous chapters?
2. What happens between Christopher and the policeman?
3. Why is it so difficult for Christopher to buy a train ticket?
Chapter 193:
1. Why does Christopher dislike vacations?
2. Why does he like timetables? How would you feel, living your life according to a
rigid timetable—would you find it comforting (as Christopher does), or would it
frustrate you?
Chapter 197:
1. What happens when the policeman tries to help Christopher when they are
on the train?
2. How does Christopher try to calm himself when he climbs onto the bathroom
3. How does the policeman lose Christopher?
Chapter 199:
1. What are Christopher’s feelings about God?
2. In Christopher’s opinion, are humans the best animals?
Chapter 211:
1. Why does Christopher list the street signs in this chapter? Why do the signs
change? What effect do the signs have on him?
2. What happens when a man tries to help Christopher, who is obviously lost?
Chapter 229:
1. Describe Christopher’s favorite dream. Why does it make him so happy?
2. What is your favorite dream? Why does it make you happy?
In the spaces below, write at least ten words from the text and define them.
Obviously, choose ones that you find challenging. In addition, write the part of
speech, and sentence in which it appears so that context is clear.