b) Summer sluggers
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Summer Sluggers
Hourly Revenues ¥3,000 ¥3,000 ¥3,000 ¥3,000
Hourly Costs ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500
Hourly Margin ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500
# of Annual Hours 4 4 4 4
Annual Margin ¥ ¥6,000 ¥6,000 ¥6,000 ¥6,000
Survival Rate 100.0% 50.0% 25.0% 12.5%
Customer Acquisition Cost ¥10,000
Annual Profit (¥4,000) ¥3,000 ¥1,500 ¥750
NPV of Annual Profit (¥4,000) ¥2,727 ¥1,240 ¥563
Cumulative Profit to Date (¥4,000) (¥1,000) ¥500 ¥1,250
NPV of Cumulative Profit to Date (¥4,000) (¥1,273) (¥33) ¥530
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Elite Ballplayers (Print Ad)
Hourly Revenues ¥7,500 ¥7,500 ¥7,500 ¥7,500 ¥7,500
Hourly Costs ¥6,000 ¥6,000 ¥6,000 ¥6,000 ¥6,000
Hourly Margin ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500 ¥1,500
# of Annual Hours 20 20 20 20 20
Annual Margin ¥ ¥30,000 ¥30,000 ¥30,000 ¥30,000 ¥30,000
Survival Rate 100.0% 60.0% 30.0% 15.0% 7.5%
Customer Acquisition Cost ¥60,000
Annual Profit (¥30,000) ¥18,000 ¥9,000 ¥4,500 ¥2,250
NPV of Annual Profit (¥30,000) ¥16,364 ¥7,438 ¥3,381 ¥1,537
Cumulative Profit to Date (¥30,000) (¥12,000) (¥3,000) ¥1,500 ¥3,750
NPV of Cumulative Profit to Date (¥30,000) (¥13,636) (¥6,198) (¥2,817) (¥1,281)
These are basically formula calculations. The key to these and any other numbers is to answer the
question: "Now that I know these calculations, what do they mean and how do they describe the
strategy I should implement to optimize my business?" What will be the competitive response? How
can I separate my customer experience and increase its value over my competition?
For the two page write ups from everyone, the idea would be to give me your thoughts on the market
segments of greatest value to Maru based on the math you did and then any thoughts you have on : 1)
Which is the most attractive segment for MBC to go after and why? 2) Should Maru pursue the Chiyoda
ward sponsorhip? 3) What do you think about the suggestion by Maru's brother concerning the Elite
Ballplayers as a focus for her business? Other thoughts?
1) The most attractive customer segment to MBC is the Elite Ballplayer (Party) segment. This
segment provides the highest amount of profits, the second-quickest break-even prospect, and
the highest LTV when compared to all of the other segments
MBC should throw the gala event because it will nearly triple the customer segment’s lifetime
value due to the lower acquisition cost, caused by the higher response rate for this marketing
2) No MBC Should not pursue Chiyoda ward and should continue their representation with Minato
ward as the NPV for Minato ward is greater than Chiyoda ward. NPV(Minato) =
5712yenNPV(Chiyoda) = 4722 yen
As the Customer Life Time Value decreased to 4614 from 5557 it is not suggested to pursue the
Chiyoda sponsorship. The below table explains the same
3) Sa
Maru’s brother suggested she focus on the Elite Ballplayers segment, targeting it by offering a 500
discount on all future purchases to elite ballplayers who purchase at least twenty batting cage hours in
year 1. (assume all elite ballplayer customers book exactly 20 hours each year) although this will
decrease the amount MBC can bill Elite ballplayers from (7,500 to 7,000 per hour from year 2 onward),
Maru believes it will increase the retention rate of these customers to 75% immediately. Should MBC
offer this promotion? Explain your reasoning. Ans) It is prudent to consider this option as the Customer
Life Time Value increases by 7,000 and it would result in a Customer Life Time Value of 22,656.
In order to decide between sponsoring the Minato and Chiyoda little leaguers, MBC should consider the
customer lifetime value that each ward could bring to the firm as wellas the size of the segments. When
analyzing up to and including the year in which the NPV of annual profits fall below ¥100, we can see
that Minato little leaguers are worth ¥4,983.33 (see table in 3a), while Chiyoda little leaguers bring in
¥4,195.33 (below)
However, because Chiyoda little league has twice as many members, MBC can assume that they
will acquire twice as many little leaguers if they target the Chiyoda ward. In conclusion, MBC should
target the Chiyoda ward because these customers will bring in a greater total revenue.