Guidelines For PG Thesis
Guidelines For PG Thesis
Guidelines For PG Thesis
3.2 Acknowledgement
A short acknowledgement, signed with date and place
by the student, should be next to the title sheet. Efforts and
contribution of all concerned may be acknowledged.
However, it should not be too lengthy and should avoid
unnecessary thanks giving. Financial assistance received
by the student from any financing institute/agency should
be duly acknowledged.
3.3 Certificates
Each thesis will have two certificates from advisor and
advisory committee one each (see Specimens 2 and 3)
be listed, wherever necessary, in the table of contents and
appropriate page references be given. This should be
followed by the list of illustrations and tables along with
page number in pencil. However, permanent page number
will be given in finally bound copies.
4. Literature Cited
Standard style of quoting references should be used in
the text and under the heading “Literature Cited”
The references should be arranged strictly
alphabetically. The items of information of different types
of publications should be given as follows:
B. Simple Book: Name(s) of author(s). Year of publication.
Title of the book. Volume No. (in case of multivolume
book), Edition No. (if it is later than I edition). Place of
Publication, Publisher’s name. Pagination (when a
particular page of the book is cited then ‘p’ should be
mentioned before page number cited; ‘p’ following the
page number means total number of pages contained in
the document).
F. Thesis: Name of author. Year of submission. Title of
the thesis. The word Thesis, Name of the degree. Name
of the University, Place, Pagination. (as indicated in B.)
5. Submission of Thesis
A student registered in a semester can submit the thesis
on any day during office hours prior to the commencement
of the next semester. Students who fail to submit the thesis
before the commencement of the next semester, must
necessarily register and pay all University dues.
The student will present thesis seminar (non-gradial)
before submission of thesis both at Master’s and Doctoral
levels with mandatory submission of satisfactory report
by the advisory committee to the Dean, PGS/Registrar.
Temporary bound copies (three in case of Master’s
and four in case of Ph.D.) of the thesis should be
submitted to the College of Post-Graduate Studies. One
copy shall be sent to concerned department and two/
three copies will be sent to the office of the Registrar
for onward transmission to the External Examiner(s)
and Advisor concerned.
A candidate for Doctorate degree shall be required to
submit at least one research paper for publication in reputed
Journal of research before submitting the thesis. The student
will have to submit a certificate from the advisor to this
effect alongwith the copy of the paper(s). In case of candidate
for Master’s degree, it will be desirable to submit the
manuscript of research paper(s) to the advisor before
submitting the thesis to the office of the Dean, Post Graduate
Studies. Before the student leaves the University campus,
after temporary submission of the thesis, he/she should leave
his/her address alongwith contact number and e-mail address
with the Advisor, Dean, PGS and Registrar, and also inform
them of any change in address to facilitate communication
with him/her about his/her thesis viva-voce examination.
6. Abstract
Every student, in addition to the thesis, must also submit
an abstract in English as well as in Hindi of about 300
words (10 copies for Ph.D. and 6 copies for Master’s
degree) on white bond paper measuring 22 cm x 28 cm
(A4 size) as per directions for typing the thesis. The abstract
should be signed by the student and his advisor (see
Specimen 5).
7. Panel of Examiners
The Advisor, in consultation with the Head of the
Department, will suggest a panel of three examiners for
masters and four in case of Ph.D. at least one month before
the student is ready to submit the thesis to the Dean, PGS
who, at his discretion, will obtain consent from one
examiner for Master’s and two examiners for Ph.D. from
the panel. Once the consent is obtained, Dean, PGS will
advise the Registrar to appoint the examiner(s) for
evaluation of the thesis and for the conduct of the viva-
voce examination. In case of Ph.D. thesis after getting the
satisfactory reports, Dean, P.G.S. will advise Registrar for
inviting one examiner for Ph.D. viva-voce examination of
the student.
9. Final Submission of Thesis
Master’s thesis will be bound in bottle green hard cover
and Ph.D. in maroon red cover.
Each student will incorporate all the correction(s) and
modifications as suggested by the External Examiner(s)
and others in his/her thesis and then submit one copy of
the hard bound thesis to the office of the Dean, PGS after
successful completion of viva-voce examination alongwith
correction slip through Head of the Department from the
Advisor mentioning that all corrections have been
incorporated and the final withdrawal form from the
University. This copy will forwarded to University library.
Other documents to be submitted with the final thesis are
as follows:
Specimen 1
oryzae pv. oryzae, THE PATHOGEN OF BACTERIAL
Submitted to the
Shailesh Pandey
M.Sc. Ag. (Plant Pathology)
Doctor of Philosophy
(Plant Pathology)
August, 2010
Specimen 2
Month , Year Signature
Advisory Committee
Specimen 3
We, the undersigned, member of Advisory
Committee of Mr./Ms ..................................Id. No….……
(name of the student)
a candidate for the degree of ……………………………
with major in……………………………………… agree
that the thesis entitled ……………………………………
……………………………………… may be submitted
(title of the thesis)
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree.
A. Journal Article
1. Babu, E. and Singh, V.C. 1992. Tridimefon ameliorated
cadmium toxicity in wheat seedling. Indian J. Plant
Physiol. 35: 195 – 207
B. Simple Book
1. Ou, S.H. 1985 Turng, D. 1965. Rice Diseases. Kew,
Commonwealth Mycological Institute. 368 p.
2. Tung, D. 1965. Handbook of Diet Therapy. 4th ed.
Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 525 p.
2. Tung, D. 1971. Recent advances in numerical analysis
of structural eigen value problem. In : Tokyo
Seminar on Finite Element Analysis, Tokyo,
November 5-7, 1973. Theory and Practice in Finite
Structural Analysis: Proceedings. Tokyo, University
of Tokyo. pp. 247-271.
E. Thesis
1. Roumen, E.C. 1991. Partial resistance in rice to blast
and how to select for it. Thesis, Ph.D. Agriculture
University, Wageningen 108 p.
2. Turna, H.S. 1989. Evaluation of elite tomato (Lycopersicum
esculentum Mill.) lines for growth, yield and ketchup
processing. Thesis, M.Sc. G.B. Pant University of
Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. 84p.
G. Government Publication
1. India. Ministry of Food and Agricultural Expert
Committee on the Preventionof Slaughter of
Cattle in India. 1955. Report. New Delhi, Manager
of Publications. 250p.
2. India. Ministry of Finance. Bureau of Direct
Taxation. Committee on Agricultural Wealth
and Income. 1972. Report of committee on
agriculture wealth and income. New Delhi,
Manager of Publications. 178p.
Signature Signature
(Name of Advisor) (Name of Author)
Specimen 6
(to be filled in quadruplicate)
The viva-voce examination of Mr./Ms. ………………………
(name of student)
Id. No. ………………. a candidate for the degree of …………...
with major in ………………………..………………………. was
conducted by the undersigned on ……………… at ………… and
(date) (time)
we are of the opinion that:
a. The performance of the above student at viva-voce examination
has been Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory*
b. The thesis entitled..…….................…….................. be/be not*
(title of thesis)
accepted for the said degree
Signature of External Examiner
Date : …………………………
Signature Signature Signature
(Name) (Name) (Name)
Member Member Member
Countersigned Countersigned
Head of Department Dean Dean, PGS
College of ………
*strike off which is not applicable. Cutting must be signed by the external
examiner with date
For use of Registrar’s office
No. R/Exam/ Date : ……………
March, 2012
Prepared by : Dr. B.K. Kumbhar, Dean
Dr. Anil Kumar, Joint Co-ordinator
Post Graduate Studies
Printed by : Manager
University Press, G.B. Pant University of
Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145
Phone No. 05944-233305 (O)
March, 2012