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Section 4006 Charging System

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Description Page

Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Tightening Torques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Description and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Fault Finding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Removal, Installation and Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Alternator Type
Polarity Negative Ground
Nominal Voltage 12.0 v
Maximum Rev/Min. 18,000
Maximum Output 120 Amps
Regulator Controlled Voltage 13.6 – 14.4 v
Rotor Field Winding Resistance 2.6 Ω
Stator Field Winding Resistance 0.075 Ω
New Brush Length 20.0 mm
Minimum Brush Length 5.0 mm
Brush Spring Pressure 1.3 – 2.7 N (4.7 – 9.8 oz)

lbf.ft Nm
Alternator Through Bolts 4.0 5.5
Pulley Retaining Nut 52.0 70.0
Rectifier Attaching Screws 3.0 4.0
Regulator and Brushbox Screws 2.0 2.7
Terminal Nuts 2.0 2.7
Mounting Bolt 16.0 23.0
Adjusting Bolt 8.0 12.0

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Description and Operation

Denso A127 type alternators are fitted to all models.
Used in the 120 Amp form with an internal cooling
fan. The alternator is mounted high at the front of the
engine and is driven from a crankshaft pulley via a
‘poly vee’ drive belt. The alternators feature integral

120 Amp Alternator

1. Earth (Ground) Connection
2. Engine Speed Sensor Connection (W Terminal)
3. Warning Lamp (D+ terminal)
4. Output Connection (B+ Terminal)
5. Protective Terminal Sleeve

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Alternator Charging Circuit
G1 To Starter Motor S1 Ignition Switch
G2 Alternator MF1 Maxi–Fuse 1
M1 Starter Motor MF2 Maxi–Fuse 2
K1 Ignition Relay FL1 & FL2 Fuse Links
K2 Start Relay F9 Fuse 9–10A

Alternator Operation This direct current is fed back to supplement the

With reference to Figure 2. current flowing through the rotor field winding.
When the key start switch is turned on a small current This action results in an ever increasing magnetic
flows from the battery through the rotor field wiring. influence of the rotor along with an associated rapid
The circuit is made via the charge indicator warning rise in generated output current and voltage.
lamp, alternator terminal ‘D+’ the rotor field winding, During the rise in generated output voltage (reflected
the alternator regulator and ground. at the ‘D+’ terminal) the brilliance of the warning lamp
At this stage the warning light is illuminated and the is reduced and when the voltage at the ‘D+’ terminal
rotor partially magnetised. equates to that at the battery side of the warning light
the lamp is extinquished.
When the engine is started and the partially
magnetised rotor revolves within the stator windings The voltage continues to rise until the predetermined
a 3–phase alternating current is generated. A regulated voltage level is reached.
constant portion of the generated current is In the event of drive belt breakage the voltage will not
converted to direct current by the three field diodes build up within the alternator and so the charge
incorporated in the rectifier pack. indicator light will remain on to indicate failure.

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4 3
TA6010093A TA6010093B
Fan Belt Tensioner
A. Fan Belt Less Air Conditioning B. Fan Belt With Air Conditioning

1. Water Pump Pulley 5. Tensioner Attaching Bolt

2. Air Conditioning Compressor (optional) 6. 1/2 inch Square Drive Hole
3. Crankshaft Pulley 7. Alternator
4. Tensioner Pulley 8. Idler Pulley


Service Precautions Preliminary Checks

To avoid damage to the components of the alternator Prior to electrical testing thoroughly inspect the
charging system, service precautions must be charging and electrical system.
observed as follows: Check all leads and connections for continuity and
• NEVER make or break any of the charging circuit tightness.
connections, including the battery, when the
engine is running. 1. Check the battery
• NEVER short any of the charging components to Using a hydrometer check the individual battery
ground. cells. The battery should be at least 70% charged
• ALWAYS disconnect the battery ground cable and in good condition.
(negative) when charging the battery on the
tractor using a battery charger. 2. Check the drive belt
• ALWAYS observe correct polarity when Inspect the alternator drive belt and pulley, ensuring
installing the battery or using a slave battery to that both are clean, free from oil and grease and in
start the engine. good condition.
CONNECT POSITIVE TO POSITIVE AND The alternator drive belt is automatically tensioned
NEGATIVE TO NEGATIVE by a spring tensioner mounted at the front of the
engine, shown in Figure 3. If the the belt tension is
suspect, check the tensioner assembly as follows:

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Fan Belt Tensioner Removal 3. Check the Warning Lamp

1. The fan belt should be removed in the following Turn on the key start switch and check that the
manner. Place a lever with 1/2 inch square drive warning lamp is fully illuminated.
attachment into the 1/2 inch square hole of the If the warning lamp is not fully illuminated check the
tensioner arm and rotate the lever clockwise. bulb. If the bulb is not the cause of the fault carry out
Remove the fan belt from the pulley and allow the the Alternator wiring connections test as detailed
tensioner to return to its untensioned position under ‘initial tests’ in this section.
once the belt has been removed.
If the warning lamp is illuminated start the engine and
2. Remove the tensioner from the pump by run above idling speed. The lamp should go out.
loosening and removing the centre attaching
If the lamp does not go out, stop the engine and
bolt, item 6 Figure 3.
remove the wire from the D+ terminal. If the lamp
now goes out a faulty alternator component is
Inspection and Repair indicated. Conduct the ‘Alternator components tests’
1. Checking of the tensioner assembly operation as detailed in this section.
should be carried out, with the tensioner If the warning lamp remains illuminated, check for a
assembly still attached to the front plate fuel short circuit to earth (ground) between the ‘D+’ cable
injection pump gear cover. To check the spring end and the warning lamp.
load, place a ‘‘break back” torque bar pre–set to,
52 – 63 lbf. ft (70 – 85 Nm) (7.1 – 8.7 kgf.m),
into the pulley arm 1/2 inch squre drive hole.
Raise the lever up through an arc of 20° The initial tests may be performed without removing
maximum. If the torque bar does not ‘‘break” any of the charging circuit components from the
within the range a new tensioner assembly is tractor and enable the following items to be checked:
required. • Alternator wire connections
2. Ensure the tensioner pulley rotates freely by • Alternator charging current and controlled
hand. If not replace with new parts. voltage
• Alternator charging circuit volt drops
Re–Assembly • Alternator maximum output performance
1. Fit a new pulley to the assembly if required, and
torque the attaching bolt to, 34.5 – 44 lbf.ft (46.5 Test equipment required:
– 60 Nm), (4.7 – 6.1 kgf.m)
• Voltmeter (0–30 volts moving coil type
2. To re–assemble the arm assembly, position the
tensioner on to the front plate fuel injection pump • Millivoltmeter (0–1 volt)
gear cover, fit the mounting bolt through the • Ammeter (0–110 Amperes moving coil type)
assembly, and torque the bolt to, 34.5 – • 1.5 Ohm 110 Amperes variable load resistor
44 lbf.ft (46.5 – 60 Nm), (4.7 – 6.1 kgf.m). NOTE: Most commercial test equipment
3. Refitment of the fan belt is the reverse of the incorporates several testing devices within a single
removal procedure, but ensure the ‘‘Poly V’’ belt, unit . Use such equipment in accordance with the
is positioned correctly onto all of the pulleys. manufacturers instructions.

6 – 66000 – 06 – 2002

1. Alternator Wiring Connections Test

With reference to Figure 4. 4
1. Disconnect the battery
+ V –
2. Disconnect the B+(2) and D+(3) terminals from
the alternator.
3. Reconnect the battery and turn the key start on 3
but do not start the engine. Connect a
voltmeter(4) between each terminal and earth
(ground), (1). Battery voltage should be
If battery voltage is not registered a continuity fault
in the external cable circuitry must be traced and 2
remedied, refer to the circuit diagram shown in
Figure 2.
4. Connect the D+ terminal, warning lamp
(brown/yellow) wire, to earth (ground). The
warning lamp should illuminate.
5. Disconnect the battery and reconnect the
removed alternator cable connections to the
NOTE: If the warning lamp fails to illuminate when
the cable is reconnected to the alternator, a fault is
indicated in the alternator regulator or rotor circuits.
Ensure that the D+ terminal is clean and then
conduct the alternator component tests as detailed
in this section.

2. Charging Current And Controlled Voltage

With reference to Figure 5.
1. Ensure all tractor electrical components are 4
switched off and the key start switch is in the ‘off’
2. Disconnect the battery negative terminal and
disconnect the B+ terminal(4) of the alternator. 1
3. Connect an ammeter(1), between the removed
(brown) cable(3) and the B+ alternator terminal. – + – +
4. Connect a voltmeter(2) between the alternator 2
B+ terminal and earth (ground) V A
5. Reconnect the battery. Start and run the engine 5
at 2000 rev/min. and observe the ammeter and
voltmeter readings.
The voltmeter should register in excess of battery
voltage and when the ammeter reading falls below
10 Amperes the voltmeter reading should stabilise
at 13.6–14.4 volts.
If the voltmeter reading exceeds 14.4 volts the
alternator regulator must be replaced as described in
this section. (when a new regulator has been
installed conduct tests 4 and 5).

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If the voltmeter reading is below 13.6 volts a faulty

alternator component or a high resistance fault in the
external connections of the charging system is
If the ammeter registers zero amperes a faulty
alternator component is indicated. Turn off the
engine and conduct the ‘alternator component tests’
as detailed in this chapter.

3. Charging Circuit Volt Drop Tests

(a) Insulated–Side Volt Drop Tests 4
With reference to Figure 6.
Ensure the key start switch is in the ‘off’ position. – +
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable and 5
disconnect the B+ cable(1) from the alternator 1
2. Connect a millivoltmeter(4) between the battery
positive terminal and the B+ cable(5). (Positive – 2
side to cable). – +
3. Securely connect an ammeter(2) between the A
B+ terminal of the alternator and the B+ cable 3 Figure 1
(negative side to cable)
4. Reconnect the battery negative cable and 6
connect a variable load resistor(3), with the slider
in the minimum current draw position (maximum
resistance), across the battery terminals.
5. Start the engine and increase the speed to 2000
6. Slowly increase the current loading of the
resistor (decrease resistance) until the ammeter
registers 100 or 120 Amperes depending on
alternator type.
7. Observe the millivoltmeter reading which should
not exceed 400 millivolts.
If the reading is in excess of 400 millivolts, a high
resistance fault is indicated in the external circuitry.
If the required alternator output cannot be achieved
and the millivoltmeter reading is less than 400
millivolts, then a faulty alternator component is
indicated. Conduct the‘ alternator component tests’
as detailed in this section.
8. Stop the engine.

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(b) Ground–Side Volt Drop Test

With reference to Figure 7.
1. Ensure the key start switch is in the ‘off’ position. – +
2. The circuit is the same as that used in the
previous test except for the millivoltmeter(4) 5
which is now connected between the battery 4 1
negative terminal and the alternator frame
(negative side to frame).
– 2
NOTE: Ensure the variable load resistor(3) is in the – +
minimum current draw position (maximum
resistance). A
3. Start the engine and increase the speed to
4. Slowly increase the current loading of the
resistor (decrease resistance) until the ammeter
(2) registers 100 or 120 Amperes depending on
alternator type.
5. Observe the voltmeter reading which should not
exceed 200 millivolts.
If the reading is in excess of 200 millivolts a high
resistance fault is indicated in the external circuitry.
If the required alternator output cannot be achieved
and the millivoltmeter reading is less than 200
millivolts then a faulty alternator component is
indicated. Conduct the alternator component tests
as detailed in this section.
6. Stop the engine.

4. Alternator Maximum Output Performance

With reference to Figure 8. 4
1. Ensure the key start switch is in the ‘off’ position.
– +
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable and 5
disconnect the B+ cable (5) from the alternator. V
3. Securely connect an ammeter(2) between the
B+ terminal(1) of the alternator and the B+ cable
– 2
(negative side to cable). – +
4. Connect a voltmeter(4) between the alternator A
B+ terminal and earth (ground). 3 Figure 2
5. Reconnect the battery, start and increase the
engine speed to 2000 rev/min. 8
6. Slowly increase the the current loading of the
resistor(3) (decrease resistance) until the
ammeter registers either 100 or 120 Amperes
depending on alternator type.
7. Observe the voltmeter reading which should not
fall below 13.6 volts
If the reading falls below 13.6 volts a faulty alternator
component is indicated. Conduct the ‘alternator
component tests’ as detailed in this section.

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The component tests which should only be
conducted if the INITIAL TESTS have indicated a
faulty alternator component, will enable the following
items to be checked:
• Regulator
• Rotor Field Winding Continuity
• Brushes and Springs and Rotor Slip Rings
NOTE: The component tests detailed previously
may be performed with the alternator installed on the
tractor. Testing of the other alternator components
will necessitate removal of the alternator from the
tractor. Refer to the ‘Overhaul’ section of this
IMPORTANT: Prior to removal of the alternator
cables from the alternator ensure that the key start
switch is in the ‘off’ position and the battery negative
cable is disconnected.
Test equipment required:
• 12 volt battery
• Multimeter
• 2.2 Watt Test Lamp

1. Regulator and Rotor Field Circuit Test

With reference to Figure 9 –
1. Disconnect all of the alternator cables.
2. Connect a 12 volt battery and a 2.2 Watt test
lamp(2) in series between the D+(1) and the
alternator frame (negative side to frame).
3. The test lamp should illuminate.
If the test lamp is not illuminated a fault is indicated
in the rotor circuit. Check brushes, slip rings and
continuity of rotor field windings.
If examination indicates these parts to be 1
satisfactory the regulator may be suspect.

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2. Rotor Field Winding Continuity Test

With reference to Figure 10
1. Remove the regulator and brushbox assembly
as described in this chapter.
2. Connect an ohmmeter(3) between the two slip
rings(2). The resistance should read 2.6 ohms at
If the resistance is outside of the specification renew
the rotor(1) as detailed in the following overhaul

3. Brushes–and–Springs and Rotor Slip Rings
1. Remove the regulator and brushbox assembly
as described in this Chapter.
2. Ensure the brushes and slip rings are clean and
check for freedom of movement of the brushes
in the brushbox moulding.
3. Check the brush spring pressure with a push
type spring gauge and record the spring
pressure when the brush end face is flush with
the moulding. Install a new regulator and
brushbox assembly if the pressure is less than
If the visible length of the brushes(1) in the free
position is less than 0.25 in. (5mm) this is a probable 11
cause of open circuit in the field circuit and the
regulator and brushbox assembly should be
renewed, Figure 11.
NOTE: The brushes are an integral part of the
regulator and brushbox assembly and cannot be
replaced as individual items.


Alternator Removal
With reference to Figure 12
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Disconnect the four cables from the rear of the
3. Remove the alternator drive belt in the following
manner. Place a lever with socket attachment,
onto the tensioner retaining bolt and gently lever
the tensioner up, Figure 3. Remove the fan belt
from the pulley, and allow the tensioner to return
to its untensioned position once the belt has been 12
4. Remove the alternator arm(2) and the lower
mounting through bolts and remove the
alternator(1) from the engine bracket(3).

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Alternator Components
1. Shield 6. Bearing retainer Plate
2. Pulley Retaining Nut 7. Rotor Assembly
3. Pulley 8. End Cover
4. Stator and Housing Assembly 9. Regulator and Brushbox Assembly
5. Bearing 10. Rectifier and Housing Assembly

Disassembly – 120 Amp Alternator 4. Remove the three nuts securing the two halves
With reference to Figure 13 of the outer casing. Mark each half of the casing
to aid reassembly and carefully pull the casing
1. Remove the three nuts securing the plastic end
apart, it may be necessary to gently tap the
casing on the mounting lugs.
2. Remove the nut securing the blue wire to the
5. Remove the nut securing the pulley to the rotor
warning lamp terminal and disconnect the wire.
shaft and withdraw the rotor from the casing.
Remove the two bolts and two nuts securing the
regulator and brushbox assembly, withdraw the 6. It is not necessary to remove the rectifier from the
assembly from the alternator. casing as these are serviced as one unit.
3. Using a suitable soldering iron, unsolder the six
wires from the stator to rectifier.

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Rectifier Assembly – Diode Testing
With reference to Figure 14.
1. Test each of the nine diodes separately, using a
multimeter with a diode check facility or a
multimeter set on the resistance scale.
2. Connect one test lead onto the lower plate(3) and
the other to the diode pin(1).
On a multimeter(2) with the diode check facility,
note if a reading of 0.49 (volts) is shown. Reverse
the test lead connections. The meter should
indicate 0.49 (volts) during one half of the test
and 0 volts with the leads reversed. Repeat this
test on all nine diodes. If any one diode fails this
test it will be necessary to replace the rectifier
and housing assembly.
3. Where only an ohmmeter is available repeat the
above test observing the following results, 0
ohms with leads in one direction and when the
test leads are reversed a reading of between
900–1000KΩ, again if any one diode fails this
test it will be necessary to replace the rectifier
and housing assembly.

Rectifier Insulation
With reference to Figure 15.
1. Check the insulation of the rectifier to the casing.
With an ohmmeter (2), connect the test leads
between the alternator casing(3) and the positive
plate of the diodes(1). An infinity reading should
be displayed, therefore indicating an open
circuit. If a resistance of any kind is indicated, i.e,
a short circuit, the rectifier and housing assembly
should be replaced.

Stator Test – Winding Continuity
With reference to Figure 16.
1. Connect the ohmmeter (2) test leads between
the pairs of wires, A, B and C. There should be
a small resistance of 0.1Ω, between each pair of
wires. If a resistance higher than this is
registered it will indicate a possible break within
the winding, i.e, an open circuit. A lower reading,
for example 0.0Ω will indicate a short circuit
within the winding. If any one of the three pairs of
wires fail the test a new stator(1) and housing
assembly will be required.


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Stator Test – Insulation

With reference to Figure 17.
1. Check the insulation of each pair of windings to
each other and then each pair to the alternator
casing. There should be no continuity between
the three pairs of windings and no continuity to
the casing. If any ohmmeter(2) reading other
than open circuit is indicated in any test it will be
necessary to replace the stator(1) and housing

Rotor Test
Prior to performing component tests on the rotor the
following slip ring inspection should be carried out.
1. Ensure the slip rings are clean and smooth. If
necessary the slip rings may be cleaned with a
petrol moistened cloth. If the slip rings are burnt
and require re–finishing use very fine glass paper
(not emery cloth) and wipe clean.
NOTE: Ensure the re–finishing glass paper is
sufficiently fine to produce a highly polished slip ring
surface otherwise excessive brush wear will occur.
2. If the slip rings are excessively worn a new rotor
must be installed.

Rotor Field winding Continuity

with reference to Figure 18
1. Connect an ohmmeter(3) between the two slip
rings(2). The resistance should read 2.6 ohms at
If the resistance is outside of the specification renew
the rotor(1).

Rotor Field Winding Insulation
With reference to Figure 19.
1. Using an ohmmeter(3) test between each of the
slip rings(2) and the rotor poles(1). An infinity
reading should be indicated in each case. If any
resistance reading is indicated the rotor
assembly must be replaced.


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1. Inspect the rotor poles and stator for signs of
rubbing. Areas of rubbing indicates possible
worn bearings, misaligned housings or a bent
rotor assembly shaft.
NOTE: The end bearing of the stator and housing
assembly is retained by a plate which must be
removed prior to bearing removal.

1. Re–assembly of the alternator follows the
disassembly procedure in reverse.

1. Installation of the alternator is the removal
procedure in reverse.
On installation observe the following:
• Ensure the battery ground (negative) cable is
disconnected from the battery when installing the
• Adjust the alternator drive belt as previously
described in this Chapter.

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