Pipelaying and Installation
Pipelaying and Installation
Pipelaying and Installation
Management of a Subsea
Pipe-laying and Installation
Technical Report
Daniel Inemugha
15 January 2019
This report discusses the management of a subsea pipe-laying and installation project carried out by
Mississippi Offshore 150km off the coast of Nembe, South-South Nigeria. The installation work will
start from the wellhead/Christmas tree to a King Daniel FPSO. The purpose of the pipeline is for the
transport of crude oil at an approximate distance of 50km from the Atabala Field to the FPSO. The
field is located in about 2300m depth of water. The various phases, methods and activities involved in
the management of the subsea pipe-laying and installation project including the installation of the riser
is also discussed in this report. It is assumed that the initiation, planning and the award of contracts
phases has already been carried out. It is important to note that for the purpose of this report, all names
and numerical data involved in this project are fictitious and/or are based on intellectual guesses.
List of Figures
Figure 1 - S-Lay Configuration............................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2- S-Lay Vessel ........................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 - J-Lay Configuration ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 - J-Lay Vessel ........................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5-Reel Lay Configuration ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 6-Reel Lay Vessel........................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 7 - Bottom Tow Method .............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 8-Riser Installation .................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9- Crude Oil Properties .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10- Typical Offshore Pipeline construction Spread................................................................... 18
List of Tables
Table 1- Indicative construction schedule ............................................................................................ 16
Table 2 - Typical Offshore Construction Vessel Spread per Pipeline .................................................. 17
Table 3 - Material Consumption ........................................................................................................... 20
Table 4 - Estimated Fuel Consumption................................................................................................. 20
Table 5 - Estimated Water Consumption during Construction ............................................................. 21
Table of Contents
Summary .................................................................................................................................................. i
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables ......................................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter 1 - Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Structure of the Report ............................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 2 - Pipeline Lay Methods .......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 S-Lay Method ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 J-Lay Method ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Reel Lay ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Bottom Tow Method ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Conventionally Moored Lay Barges/Vessels ................................................................................ 9
Chapter 3 - The Installation Process ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Riser Installation ......................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4 - The Installation Project ...................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Project Description...................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Design Philosophy ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 Pipeline System Design Codes and Standards ..................................................................... 12
4.3 Pipeline Design Parameters and Crude Oil Properties ................................................................ 12
4.3.1 System Transport Capacity .................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Resource Efficiency .................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Pipeline Description .................................................................................................................... 13
Pipe Dimensional Data ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Buckle Arrestors ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.7 Welding ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.8 Corrosion Protection, Internal and External Coatings ................................................................ 14
4.9 Corrosion Protection System .................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 5 - Construction Phase............................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Indicative Construction Schedule ............................................................................................... 15
5.2 Logistics and Material Supply .................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Marshalling Yards ....................................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Construction Vessel Spread ........................................................................................................ 17
5.5 Surveying .................................................................................................................................... 19
5.5.1 Pre-Construction Surveys .................................................................................................... 19
5.5.2 Touch-Down Monitoring and As-Laid Surveys .................................................................. 19
5.5.3 As-Built Survey ................................................................................................................... 19
5.6 Pipeline Flood Protection during Installation ............................................................................. 19
5.7 Construction Material Use .......................................................................................................... 20
5.8 Use of Resources Materials..................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 6 - Pre-Commissioning Phase ................................................................................................. 21
Chapter 7 - Commissioning Phase ........................................................................................................ 21
Chapter 8 - Pipeline Design Safety and Risk Assessment .................................................................... 22
Chapter 9 - Labour ................................................................................................................................ 23
9.1 Construction Phase...................................................................................................................... 23
9.1.1 Hours of Working ................................................................................................................ 23
9.1.2 Worker Health and Safety .................................................................................................... 23
9.2 Operational Phase ....................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 10 Decommissioning ............................................................................................................... 24
10.1 Decommissioning of the Project ............................................................................................... 24
10.2 Decommissioning Planning ...................................................................................................... 25
10.3 Management of Change Process ............................................................................................... 25
Chapter 11 - Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 26
References ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Offshore pipeline installation involves all the activities carried out from the fabrication of the pipe
joints, bends and components through the preparation of the pipeline for commissioning. Joining of the
individual pipe joints into a continuous pipe string is the main activity during installation. This may
take place together with the installation on the seabed by lay-barge, or it may be carried out onshore in
preparation for installation by reeling, towing, pulling or directional drilling. To construct the complete
pipeline it may be necessary to perform offshore tie-ins to other pipe strings or to risers. In this report
the installation work will start from the wellhead/Christmas tree to an FPSO. The basis for the
installation activities is the route survey. Owing to installation deviations and seabed irregularities the
distance (chainage) measured along the pipeline will be slightly higher than the Kilometre Post (KP)
designation measured along the theoretical route, and given on the alignment sheets. Thus, to avoid
confusion if KP numbers are used to indicate chainage it should be highlighted. Also, seabed
intervention may be needed prior to or concurrent with the placement of the pipe string to avoid
overstressing or excessive displacements. Subsequently, post-trenching and/or backfilling may be
required to ensure pipeline hydrodynamic stability, upheaval buckling resistance, or mechanical
protection. Once the pipeline is in place on the seabed, the integrity is documented by internal gauging
and hydrostatic testing, which requires filling of the pipeline with water. The pipeline is then made
ready for service by removing and drying the test water, which in the case of gas pipelines includes
complete drying. (Braestrup, et al., 2005)
The installation Process and installation project involved in this project is discussed in Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 5 discusses the construction phase of the pipe-laying and installation project while Chapter 6
and 7 defined the pre-commission and commissioning phase respectively.
Pipeline design safety and risk assessment on the project was also carried out in chapter 8.
Chapter 9 looked at the labour involved during the construction and operational phases of the project.
Chapter 2 - Pipeline Lay Methods
Laying of subsea pipeline can pose a number of challenges, particularly if the water is deep. The
most common methods of pipeline lay installation methods are:
Shallow water depth ranges from shore to 500 feet. Intermediate water depth is assumed range from
500 feet to 1000 feet. Deepwater is water-depths greater than 1000 feet. Other methods that have been
used for pipeline installation are the towing methods consisting of:
Bottom tow
Off-bottom tow
Mid depth tow
Surface tow
Towing methods can be used for installing pipelines from shallow water depths to deep-water depths
depending on the design requirements. Buoyancy plays a major role in pipe-lay process, both in positive
and negative ways. In the water, the pipe weighs less if it is filled with air. This puts less stress on the
pipe-lay barge. But once in place on the sea bed, the pipe requires a downward force to remain stable.
This stability is provided by the weight of the hydrocarbons passing through the pipeline. However it
is important to note that gas does not weigh enough to keep the pipe from drifting across the seafloor.
In shallow-water concrete is usually poured over the pipe to keep it in place, while in deep-water
scenarios, the amount of insulation and the thickness required to ward of hydrostatic pressure is usually
enough to keep the line in place. (Guo, Song, Chacko, & Ghalambor, 2005)
Figure 1 - S-Lay Configuration
Figure 3 - J-Lay Configuration
Source- https://anakkelautan.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/34.jpg
Source- http://www.wermac.org/nordstream/ns_images/nordstream36.jpg
depths using a stinger and S-lay method. The station-keeping of vessels with horizontal reels can be by
anchors or DP. The vertical reel vessel can normally install pipelines from the intermediate water depths
to deep-water and station-keeping is always DP. The J-lay is used in deep-water. The pipe is unreeled,
straightened, de-ovalized, and connected to the wire rope from the seabed pre-installed hold back
anchor. The sag-bend stresses are controlled by the tensioning system on the reel vessel. The vessel
moves ahead while it slowly unreels the pipeli.ie from the drum. When the end of the pipeline on the
drum is unreeled, a .pull-head connected to a wire rope is attached. The end of the pipeline is lowered
to the seabed by paying out the A&R wire rope from the reel vessel slowly in a controlled method
always maintaining sufficient tension in the pipeline. A buoy is attached at the end of the A&R cable.
The reel vessel returns to the spool base to load more welded pipeline on the reel drum. On returning,
it pulls the end of the pipeline using the A&R cable, removes the pull-head, and welds it to the pipeline
on the drum. It then begins the unreeling process again. The main disadvantages of the reeling method
are: (Guo, Song, Chacko, & Ghalambor, 2005)
Source- http://www.tomarine.com/images/Reel-Lay-01.png
Figure 6-Reel Lay Vessel
Source- http://www.emas.com/images/uploads/bg/Lewek_Express.jpg
Source - https://std1.bebee.com/br/pb/94656/59f1c1cc/900
2.5 Conventionally Moored Lay Barges/Vessels
The term “conventionally moored” means that the location or position of the pipeline installation vessel
(lay barge) is maintained through anchors, associated anchor chains, and/or cables. Smaller lay barges,
in the 400-ft long by 100-ft wide size range, typically require 8 anchors weighing 30,000 lbs each; and
a larger barge operating in 1,000-ft of water typically requires 12 anchors (3 anchors per quarter), each
weighing 50,000 lbs or more. The relationship between the size of a vessel and the size of the anchors
required for holding the vessel on-station is not a function of the pipeline installation method being
used; it is a function of the size of the lay barge. In general, the larger the vessel (that is, the greater the
target area presented to wind, wave, and current forces, and the heavier the vessel), the higher the
holding requirements will be for the mooring system. The rated holding capacity of an anchor system
is dependent upon the weight and size of the anchor, and the tensile strength of the chain or cable that
secure the anchor to the vessel. The number of anchors used by a conventionally moored lay barge for
S-lay and J-lay operation is very similar: 8 to 12 anchors, depending on lay barge size. An important
factor to be considered when there is a choice to be made between a conventionally moored lay barge
and a lay barge that uses other means, such as dynamic positioning to remain on station is the matter of
handling the anchors. To deploy and recover the anchors of an S-lay barge operating in 1,000ft of water,
two anchor handling vessels with a power rating of 8,000-10,000 horsepower (HP) each would be
required, and there is a shortage of such vessels. On the other hand, a smaller lay barge operating in
shallower water requires only one 3,000-5,000 HP anchor-handling vessel. The number of anchor-
handling vessels associated with a J-lay barge would be essentially the same as for a similar size barge
using the S-lay method. The number of anchor relocations per mile of offshore pipeline constructed is
a function of the size of the lay barge, water depth, ocean floor conditions in the vicinity of the pipeline
installation, and the amount of anchor line that can be stored, deployed, and retrieved by the lay barge.
Assuming a lay barge is operating in 1,000ft of water and is following the accepted practice of deploying
an amount of anchor line equal to five times the water depth, the anchors would have to be relocated
after each 2,000ft of pipeline installed. The number of anchor relocations per mile of pipeline installed
by a conventionally moored lay barge would be similar for the S-lay and the J-lay methods. The
practical water depth limit for a large conventionally moored lay barge that uses the S-lay method is
about 1,000ft, based on a ratio of anchor line length to water depth of about 5 to 1. For pipelines
supporting deep-water production facilities, installation by conventionally moored lay barges will
probably be limited to those portions of the pipeline routes located in water depths less than 1,000ft.
(U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2001)
Chapter 3 - The Installation Process
The following is a general description of typical pipeline laying arrangements.
Offshore pipe-laying is accomplished by the sequential alignment, welding and lowering of pipe
segments from a pipe-laying vessel. Pipe-laying may be performed by the S-lay or J-lay technique; the
method to be employed is this project is the J-Lay Method. This is because the pipeline will be installed
in deep water. Line pipe sections are transported to the pipe-lay vessel by supply vessels, from which
they are lifted and stacked on board the pipe-lay vessel. Pipe sections are then transported using
conveyor systems to the pipe bevelling station where the pipes are made ready for welding. The
bevelling process produces scrap metal which will be required to be stored in containers for collection
and disposal onshore. The pipe segments are moved to the first welding station where they are clamped
and welded. The welded pipe segment is moved to the inspection station where the weld is subject to
Non Destructive Examination (NDE), performed by visual inspection and Automated Ultrasonic
Testing (AUT), to ensure the weld meets the required specification. Any welds not meeting the
specification are removed by cutting out the cylinder of pipe containing the weld. The pipe is then re-
welded and subject to another full NDE. Following successful weld testing, the pipe segments move
along to the coating stations. The number of coating stations depends on the pipe-lay vessel used. In the
coating stations, a field joint coating is applied to the welds for corrosion protection. The pipe-lay vessel
utilises dynamic positioning (DP), a computer controlled system that drives the vessel’s thrusters
(directional propellers) to maintain position or move the vessel forward. Once the pipe segments have
exited the pipe-lay vessel, the vessel stops forward motion, and work commences on welding the next
pipe segments together. During the pipe-lay process, a navigational Safety Exclusion Zone is proposed
of 2 km radius (1.1 nautical miles (NM)) centred on the pipe-lay vessel. The navigational Safety
Exclusion Zone will be agreed with the relevant maritime authorities who will, in turn, ensure that it is
communicated to vessels in passage in the vicinity of the pipe-lay vessel. The pipe-lay vessel will be
equipped with navigation lights, radar and radio communications. Due to the construction spread
advancing along the Pipeline route as the pipe is laid, regular consultation will be undertaken by the
contractor with the appropriate marine authorities to inform them of the location of the construction
spread. The marine authorities will then be responsible for informing marine traffic of the location of
the pipe-laying activities and the position of the associated navigational Safety Exclusion Zone. (South
Stream Offshore Pipeline, 2013)
The Single Line Offset Risers (SLOR’s) with Threaded and Coupled Connections will be used to
connect the pipelines from the wellhead to an FPSO.
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) are not generally used for installation of flowlines. Its
facilities are well suited for J-lay method.
SLOR lends itself to installation by MODU. Riser joints passed vertically into derrick being connected
at the drill floor. Buoyancy can most challenging aspect; achieved by keel hauling the buoyancy can
underneath the MODU and running the riser through the can (see Figure 8)
Riser string is landed on top of the buoyancy can. Riser system lowered on riser running string, riser
base landed and locked into foundation pile using an ROV. Flexible jumper is then installed
independently, at a later date if required.
Vertical stinger fitted beneath drill floor to control catenary curvature and maintain vertical alignment
at drill floor. SCR’s require a small top angle to ensure stability. For T&C connections makeup angles
greater than a few degrees are not acceptable. Clearance with moon-pool and pontoons must be
Chapter 4 - The Installation Project
Offshore pipe-laying and installation project are complex and expensive projects. They are made up of
complex tasks and activities carried out for the successful completion of the project. For this project,
the tasks and activities include route survey, design philosophy, pipeline design parameters and
hydrocarbon properties, vessel selection, fuel monitoring, pipeline description, construction schedule,
logistics and material supply, pipeline flood protection, pre-commissioning, commissioning and
operational phase.
Figure 9- Crude Oil Properties
The properties of the steel pipe are summarised in the table below
4.7 Welding
Line pipe sections will be welded to form the pipelines. Each weld will be subject to visual inspection
and non-destructive examination (NDE) to ensure it meets the required specification. The weld
specification will be agreed with the installation contractor in compliance with design standards prior
to construction and supported by an Engineering Critical Assessment. The weld specification will be
produced to complement the NDE procedures. Critical processes such as welding will be inspected by
the contractor’s quality assurance crew, and thereafter inspected by DNV and South Stream Transport.
Anti-Corrosion Coating
A three-Layer-Polypropylene (3LPP) external coating will be applied to protect the steel line pipe from
external corrosion. The 3LPP coating combines excellent mechanical properties and heat resistance (up
to 105ºC) with a high degree of resistance to chemical attack and cathodic disbondment. The external
coating is selected to provide additional mechanical strength for handling and high reliability protection
against a severe environment in combination with a long lifetime.
The selected field joint coating system is injection moulded polypropylene coating on top of a fusion
bonded epoxy layer. The field joint coating will consist of a heat shrink sleeve applied directly over the
joint. The thickness will be 6 mm minimum over the weld and 9 mm minimum on the pipe body.
4.9.3 Cathodic Protection
Cathodic protection will be provided by sacrificial anodes developed in accordance with the
recommended practice design code DNV-RP-F103. The anodes will consist of a zinc alloy half-shell
bracelet that will be attached to the pipeline at intervals of up to 300 m along each pipeline.
Chapter 2 - Pipeline Lay Methods). The construction schedule presented in Error! Reference source
not found. assumes a J-Lay method, in which the pipeline vessel moves more slowly than in S-Lay,
and is therefore a more conservative assumption in identifying and assessing environmental and social
effects. Error! Reference source not found. indicates the sequence of Pipeline construction. Pipelines
would be laid in an east to west direction, and from north to south.
Pre-Lay Survey
Pipe laying
5.4 Construction Vessel Spread
The number, types and technical specifications of vessels associated with the pipe-lay/installation, and
the associated requirements for the transport of personnel (via vessel or helicopter) will be determined
by the principal construction contractors. For the purposes of this Report, a typical array of construction
vessels, machinery and equipment has been assumed; details are provided in Table 2 and illustrated in
the schematic in Figure 10
General Mercury
Tug 1 As above 10,000 30 65
Support Bolt
pipe to Prince
Supply 4 As above 3500 50 60
pipe lay Harry
the sea
floor in
Survey front and Kingdom
2 As above 3700 50 55
Vessel behind the Atlantis
Multiservic Princess
Offshore Pipe Laying
Fast Supply Crew GSP
1 4 1500 65 60
Vessels Changes Mermaid
Crew Mighty
Helicopter 1 8 1000 8 60
Changes Eagle
of spare 1 8 Sea Eagle 6000 10 60
e vessel
Safety and required
Rescue Super
Rescue 1 in case of 10,000 20 60
Vessel Wolf
Operation emergenc
5.5 Surveying
A number of further surveys will be required before, during and after installation of the pipelines to
ensure they avoid any obstacles, are laid along the correct route and are laid without defect.
In the event that there is a loss of tension or loss of vessel position during pipe-laying causing the
Pipeline to become overstressed to the point where it ruptures and floods, then the flood prevention
device will detect the change in pressure, will activate and seal the Pipeline, thus preventing untreated
seawater from flooding the Pipeline. The damaged section of the Pipeline between the flood prevention
device and the pipe-lay vessel will then be removed and the undamaged pipeline section (protected by
the flood prevention device) will be recovered back to the pipe-lay vessel and pipe-laying will resume.
(South Stream Offshore Pipeline, 2013)
5.7 Construction Material Use
5.8 Use of Resources Materials
During construction of the Project, a variety of materials will be required. An estimate of the quantities
of the main materials to be consumed is shown in Table 3. Quantities are approximate and subject to
final optimisation.
Material Quantity
5.8.1 Fuel
Where possible, vessel bunkering will be undertaken at support ports in Lagos and Port Harcourt.
However, when this is not practicable (i.e., for vessels located continually at sea or at large distances
from the coast), the bunker will be pumped into the ships’ tanks by the bunkering tanker. All bunkering
activities will be undertaken in accordance with the relevant national and international codes. All
bunkering activities at sea will be undertaken by designated persons with appropriate training. Estimates
of the average daily fuel consumption during the Construction and Pre-Commissioning Phase are
provided in Table 4
Table 5 - Estimated Water Consumption during Construction
• Costly and time consuming effects of pipeline flooding and dewatering operations are
eliminated and any adverse environmental effects associated with the discharge of the test water
after the hydrotest test has been completed will be avoided;
• The construction schedule is shortened thereby reducing the duration of disturbance and
temporary land use requirements; and
• Absence of flooding, dewatering and hydrostatic testing minimises the volumes of water, fuel
and chemicals required and associated emissions and discharges to the environment.
Hydrotesting has been thoroughly investigated and discussed with DNV (DNV is contracted by
Mississippi Offshore for the Verification of Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) and pre-
qualification test of line pipe, buckle arrestors, coating and anodes for the Project) during the FEED
design stage in 2017. The hydrotest for the pipelines in more than 345 m water depth is allowed to be
waived according to DNV-OS-F101 (2010), Section B204. (South Stream Offshore Pipeline, 2013).
As a result of the receipt of the DNV waiver, the only pre-commissioning activities to be undertaken
for the Project pipelines are cleaning, gauging and drying. These activities are undertaken using pipeline
inspection gauges (PIGs). The cleaning, gauging and drying will be undertaken following completion
of the pipeline tie-ins between the wellhead and FPSO. Pipelines will be dried using Monoethylene
Glycol (MEG) deployed via the PIG trains. The water, MEG and debris arising from the pigging process
will be captured in temporary tanks located at the PIG launcher/receiver at the FPSO, to allow the debris
to separate from the water and MEG for local disposal. Following drying, the pipelines will be purged
with nitrogen prior to gas filling. Purging is to prevent the formation of a potentially explosive gas/air
mixture during gas filling.
Chapter 8 - Pipeline Design Safety and Risk Assessment
An integrated Health, Safety, Security and Environment – Integrated Management System (HSSE-IMS)
has been developed in accordance with Good International Industry Practise (GIIP) and in line with the
requirements of ISO 14001:2004 (environmental management system) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (health
& safety management system), as well as the Environmental and Social Management System
requirement of the Project standards (principally the Equator Principles (EPs) and the International
Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards). The main objective of the HSSE-IMS is to provide
a robust framework for meeting the Project’s Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE)
objectives during the entire Project lifecycle. The following section describes the approach to safety
issues, a key component of the HSSEIMS relating to the installation and operation of the Mississippi
Nembe Pipeline. Safety is a key priority for the Project during construction, installation and operation.
Accordingly, a Safety Management Plan will be prepared in order to reduce all risks to “as low as
reasonably practicable” (ALARP). Design hazards have been identified and assessed using
internationally recognized tools throughout the FEED process. These tools include:
HAZID is a tool for safety hazard analysis used at an early stage of the Project to inform the FEED
study. Risk workshops and HAZID studies have been held covering different aspects of the Project.
The risks that have been identified have been addressed through design measures aimed at reducing
either the likelihood or the consequences (or both) of the risks. Such measures have been developed
during FEED and will be further developed during the detailed design phase of the Project. The HAZID
is updated as the design evolves and develops, and when key design decisions are made and/or
technology is selected. The risks identified as a result of the workshops and studies have been assessed
qualitatively and this assessment will be followed by an overall risk assessment that will cover design,
construction, installation, operations and simultaneous operations (SIMOPS), as required. ENVIID is a
tool for environmental impact identification and analysis used at an early stage of the Project to inform
the FEED study. The ENVIID process aids the FEED study in identifying any significant impacts of
the Project and the associated design controls and mitigation measures to be implemented into the
design to remove or reduce the impact.
QRA is a tool for calculating the individual and societal/group risks from major accidents or adverse
events. QRA is used to establish the potential consequences of catastrophic events, such as fires,
explosions and gas releases. HAZOP is a tool for the identification of process hazards in the design and
operation of a facility or infrastructure. The HAZOP process comprises the systematic application of
combinations of parameters (e.g. flow, pressure, temperature) and guide words (e.g. no, more, less) to
produce deviations (no flow, less pressure) from the design intent or intended operational mode of the
installation. Credible causes of these deviations are identified for each process section (node) and
consequences of the deviations are assessed. The assessment consists of an examination of the pipeline
design to determine whether the safety measures included in the design are sufficient to ensure that the
pipelines are safe to operate, even under extreme or unusual conditions. HAZCON is a safety study to
identify and assess hazards before start of construction works. HAZCON 1 is generally carried out early
in the project, prior to construction, to identify major hazards to client and contractor personnel, site
visitors or the general public. HAZCON 2 is carried out to provide a detailed assessment of construction
hazards, based on a significant completion of engineering design, engineering drawings, construction
implementation plan, and details of the marine spread. Bowtie analysis is part of the identification and
management of key risks, and is used to identify risk controls, their effectiveness and corrective actions
required. Before defining where to focus effort within the analysis, key risk areas are identified via other
risk assessments and risk registers. The understanding of key risks highlights areas for which Bowtie
analysis will be developed. During the FEED process, design approaches and methods that minimise
risk to personnel (construction, installation and operations personnel) have been developed based on
the results of the various risk assessment studies. A FEED/Technical Risk Register is used to record all
significant design HSSE risks, as well as technical risks related to construction and operations identified
by the FEED study. The FEED/Technical Risk Register is established, managed and maintained by
South Stream Transport, utilising inputs related to FEED risks from the FEED contractor, and forms
part of the overall Project Risk Register.
Chapter 9 - Labour
9.1 Construction Phase
The number of workers that will be employed during the construction of the Project are not known at
this stage. This information will become available when the detailed design of the Project has been
completed. However, based on the anticipated construction vessel spread and deployment, the
workforce is expected to be up to approximately 900 during the peak of construction activity. The
majority of the construction work force required will be highly skilled and are anticipated to come from
outside Nigeria. Employees will work in rotations offshore and shift patterns, depending on their roles,
when offshore. The largest workforce will be based with the pipe-lay vessel. No onshore residential
accommodation will be provided by the Project. Employees are anticipated to commute between home
and the port from which they will be transferred to the Project, whichever is appropriate at the time.
• Fitness-to-work Assessment;
• Management procedures; and
• First aid and medical emergency response.
Chapter 10 - Decommissioning
The expected service lifetime of the Nembe Pipeline is 50 years. The decommissioning program will
be developed during the Operational Phase of the Project. It is likely that the technological options and
preferred methods for decommissioning of such crude oil transportation systems will be different in 50
years’ time. The status of the Pipeline at the time of decommissioning will also impact on the chosen
decommissioning methods. Under all circumstances, decommissioning activities will be undertaken in
accordance with the international and national legislation and regulations prevailing at that time, and in
liaison with the relevant regulatory authorities. A review, and relevant studies if necessary, will be
undertaken during the Operational Phase to confirm that the planned decommissioning activities are the
most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances. The review will outline management controls and
demonstrate that the decommissioning activities will not cause unacceptable environmental and social
impacts. The decommissioning activities will also require all relevant approvals and authorisations from
the Nigerian government departments responsible at the time.
Where it is proposed that a pipeline should be decommissioned by leaving it on the seabed for natural
degradation (referred to as in situ decommissioning), either wholly or in part, the decommissioning
program will be supported by a suitable study that addresses the degree of past and likely future burial
or exposure of the Pipeline and any potential effect on the marine environment and other users of the
sea. The study will include the survey history of the Pipeline, using appropriate data to confirm the
current status of the Pipeline, including the extent and depth of burial, trenching, spanning and exposure.
Determination of any potential effect on the marine environment at the time of decommissioning will
be based upon scientific evidence. The factors to be taken into account will include the effect on water
quality and geological and hydrographical characteristics, the presence of endangered or threatened
species, fishery resources and the potential for pollution or contamination by residual products from, or
deterioration of, the Pipeline. The above serves as an example of general principles that should be
applied during the decommissioning options decision-making process. It is foreseen that more directly
applicable international or national guidelines are likely to be developed before the end of the lifetime
of the Project (approximately 50 years) and that these will specify additional options that may need to
be considered.
• Assess their potential consequences with respect to environmental and social impact; and
• In cases where a significant impact is likely to arise as a consequence of the amendment or
change, to inform and consult with relevant parties on the nature of the impact and on proposed
mitigation measures, where practical and appropriate.
All design changes will be added to a register of changes, which will summarise the change, the
assessment, and the justification for Mississippi Offshore actions. The management of change process
will be incorporated into the HSSE management of change procedure, which is an integral part of the
Chapter 11 - Conclusion
This report discussed the phases, activities and methods involved in the management of a subsea pipe-
laying and installation project. The methods of pipe-laying discussed included the s-lay method, j-lay
method, reel lay and bottom tow method. The phases included the construction phase, pre-commission
phase, commission phase and decommission phase.
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