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The Kutai Basin formed in the middle Eocene as a result of extension linked to the opening of the Makassar Straits and
Philippine Sea. Seismic pro®les across the northern margin of the Kutai Basin show inverted middle Eocene half-graben oriented
NNE±SSW and N±S. Field observations, geophysical data and computer modelling elucidate the evolution of one such
inversion fold. NW±SE and NE±SW trending fractures and vein sets in the Cretaceous basement have been reactivated during
the Tertiary. Oset of middle Eocene carbonate horizons and rapid syn-tectonic thickening of Upper Oligocene sediments on
seismic sections indicate Late Oligocene extension on NW±SE trending en-echelon extensional faults. Early middle Miocene
(N7±N8) inversion was concentrated on east-facing half-graben and asymmetric inversion anticlines are found on both northern
and southern margins of the basin. Slicken-®bre measurements indicate a shortening direction oriented 2908±3108. NE±SW
faults were reactivated with a dominantly dextral transpressional sense of displacement. Faults oriented NW±SE were
reactivated with both sinistral and dextral senses of movement, leading to the oset of fold axes above basement faults. The
presence of dominantly WNW vergent thrusts indicates likely compression from the ESE. Initial extension during the middle
Eocene was accommodated on NNE±SSW, N±S and NE±SW trending faults. Renewed extension on NW±SE trending faults
during the late Oligocene occurred under a dierent kinematic regime, indicating a rotation of the extension direction by
between 458 and 908. Miocene collisions with the margins of northern and eastern Sundaland triggered the punctuated inversion
of the basin. Inversion was concentrated in the weak continental crust underlying both the Kutai Basin and various Tertiary
basins in Sulawesi whereas the stronger oceanic crust, or attenuated continental crust, underlying the Makassar Straits, acted as
a passive conduit for compressional stresses. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1367-9120/99 $ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 7 4 3 - 9 5 4 7 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 3 6 - 1
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
Fig. 1. Geological Map of the Kutai Basin and surrounding margins, showing diering basement geology and structures. Location shown inset (Modi®ed from Moss et al., 1997).
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156 139
Fig. 2. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of part of the northern margin of the Kutai Basin showing basement structures and inversion
structures within Tertiary cover. Interpretation shown below; for location see Fig. 1.
140 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
Fig. 3. En-echelon vein sets overprinting a crenulation cleavage, demonstrating two phases of tectonism in basement: (a) Interpretation of ®eld
outcrop, demonstrating orient orientation of shear couple and conjugate nature; (b) Photograph showing orientation of veinsets, pencil shown
centre right points north and is 10 cm in length. Also shows location of Fig. 3a; (c) Equal area stereonet projection summarises structural obser-
vations, key is shown right.
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156 141
resulted in a renewed interest in the onshore section of ment of ``Sundaland'' (the Schwaner Mountains)
the Kutai Basin (Fig. 2). (Moss, 1998). The continental basement consists of
This paper analyses the Paleogene and Neogene metamorphic, sedimentary, and granitic to gabbroic
evolution of the Kutai Basin using a combination of rocks of Permo-Carboniferous to Cretaceous age (van
geophysical and ®eld data to document the structural Bemmelen, 1949; van de Weerd et al., 1987; Pieters et
controls on the evolution of the basin and the conse- al., 1987). Oceanic rocks range from chert and associ-
quent implications for the regional stress regime. ated basinal sediments of Cretaceous to middle Eocene
Synthetic Aperture Radar data were used to interpret age (Pieters et al., 1987) to deformed basalts and tecto-
the basement fabric orientations and to interpret the nized harzburgites representing a range of diering en-
structures identi®ed in middle Eocene and younger vironments of formation (ocean ¯oor to remnant
basin-®ll. Interpretations were then extended to the ocean basin). Possible ophiolites have been identi®ed
sub-surface using gravity and seismic data. Isochron throughout Kalimantan (e.g. van de Weerd and
maps generated from the interpretation of regional Armin, 1992), but outcrop studies show these are typi-
seismic lines recorded across the northern margin of cally highly deformed and none contain a full ophioli-
the Kutai Basin were used to demonstrate spatial tic sequence.
changes in the location of middle Eocene and late Brittle-ductile shear zones are common on the north-
Oligocene depocentres. Section reconstructions of geo- ern margin, with dominant orientations NW±SE and
seismic lines were used to demonstrate the middle NE±SW. Many shear zones show several phases of
Eocene basin geometries. Field data gathered from movement evidenced by overprinting of quartz veins,
both basement and Tertiary rocks is used to re®ne in- and reactivation and breaching of shear bands. The
terpretations made from the geophysical data. The axes of chevron folded cherts are oriented NE±SW.
®nal part of this paper integrates the basin history into NW±SE aligned lineaments have previously been
the regional plate framework and discusses impli- identi®ed throughout Borneo, using remote sensing
cations for the evolution of the eastern margin of data, and have been used as evidence for a through-
Sundaland. going Trans-Kalimantan shear zone, connected to any
one of a number of major strike±slip faults (Wood,
1985; Hutchinson, 1989; Daly et al., 1991; Tate, 1992).
2. Basement geology and structure The connection of these structures to other regional
features and extension of Asian crustal blocks have
Tertiary rocks of the Kutai Basin rest with angular been disputed more recently by Cloke et al. (1997) and
unconformity upon a basement of Mesozoic and older Moss et al. (1997) who have shown that NW±SE linea-
strata. The Basement of Kalimantan is classi®ed as ments are in fact an inherited basement fabric and not
any strata older than the middle Eocene, and makes simply the result of Tertiary ``extrusion tectonics'' as
up predominantly the highlands of interior envisaged by Tapponnier et al. (1982) and Daines
Kalimantan with a few isolated inliers (Fig. 1). Apart (1985).
from the regional geological reviews by Van Bemmelen The southern margin of the basin consists of the
(1949), Cartier and Yeats (1973), Hutchinson (1989) NNE±SSW oriented Meratus Ophiolite Complex
and more lately by Moss et al. (1997), the greater part (Sikumbang, 1990), which has also previously been
of detailed work has been focused on small isolated classi®ed as melange (Hamilton, 1979; Hutchinson,
areas (Rose and Hartono, 1978; Pieters et al., 1987; 1989). The ophiolite has been proposed to be derived
Doutch, 1992; Lumadyo et al., 1993), particularly from a back-arc basin obducted onto the eastern mar-
areas of oil company interest (Gruneisen et al., 1983; gin of Sundaland during the early Cretaceous
Gardner et al., 1983; van de Weerd et al., 1987; Wain (Sikumbang, 1986) and subsequently uplifted in the
and Kardin, 1987; Wain and Berod, 1989) and of min- late Miocene (Rose and Hartano, 1978, van de Weerd
eral interest (Bergman et al., 1988; Simmons and et al., 1987; Hutchinson, 1989) or Plio-Pleistocene (van
Browne, 1990; van Leeuwen et al., 1990; Felderho Bemmelen, 1949). This complex on the southern mar-
et al., 1996). These reports give dierent names for gin of the basin is laterally oset along strike±slip
similar sedimentary and igneous formations and high- faults oriented NW±SE. This results in the juxtaposi-
light the diculty of correlation of formations due to tion of Aptian to Turonian age sedimentary rocks
their highly faulted and dismembered nature (Moss against island arc volcanics. Outcrops of gabbroic and
and Chambers, 1998). ultrabasic rocks on the northern margin of the Kutai
Basement consists of a number of rock types of Basin have led some authors to postulate that the
dierent ages exposed on the northern, western and Meratus Complex extends north beneath the Kutai
southern margins of the Kutai Basin (Fig. 1). To the Basin (Albrecht, 1946; Sikumbang, 1990). The simi-
north and west the basement consists of both forearc larity between the basement units of the northern mar-
and remnant ocean basin ®ll and the continental base- gin of the Kutai basin (e.g. Sungai Selec and Belayan
142 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
(Fig. 1) Cloke, 1997) and the Pre-Tertiary forming of orientations NW±SE and NE±SW (Cloke et al., 1997).
the Meratus Complex suggests that this is essentially Analysis of structures identi®ed on the northern mar-
continuous with the northern margin and was sub- gin is used here to demonstrate multiple deformational
sequently uplifted during middle Miocene inversion. episodes (Fig. 3a and b). Two orientations of cleavage
cut folded and foliated phyllites. In addition, semi-
brittle shear zones with accompanying quartz veins
3. Basement orientations identi®ed using synthetic and centimetre scale dextral oset faulting overprint
airborne radar (SAR) and from ®eld data both sets of cleavage. S1 axial planar cleavage is as-
sociated with fold axes oriented 1708 and plunging 298
The presence of a basement fabric inherited from towards 1608±1708 (Fig. 3c). S2 cleavage, associated
previous episodes of tectonism can exert considerable with the en-echelon conjugate sigmoidal quartz veins,
control on subsequent deformation. One method of is oriented 0948/428 and approximately bisects the
recognising this is by the use of remote sensing data. shear couple that generated the vein sets. One set of
Interpretations of the fracture orientation are then conjugate semi-brittle shear zones is aligned 1218 and
integrated with other data, for instance gravity and indicates a dextral sense of movement (Fig. 3a); the
magnetics, to distinguish between near surface and other set is aligned 0088 and indicates a sinistral sense
deep-seated structural features. of movement. The sense of movement on the shear
Basement in Borneo is distinguished on remote sen- zones suggests that they are unrelated to and post-date
sing data by its coarse re¯ective nature. It forms varie- the folds. Late stage overprinting of the en-echelon
gated highland areas with aligned valleys and hill vein system is indicated by dextral movement on verti-
crests (Fig. 2). Lineaments identi®ed in pre-rift base- cal fault zones oriented 0628 (Fig. 3).
ment and post-rift sedimentary sequences show dier- Joint analysis of data collected from the upper
ing orientations and abundances. Basement lineaments Sungai Mahakam (Fig. 4) subdivided into a high dip
are predominantly oriented NW±SE and NE±SW with (greater than 608) and low dip (less than 608) demon-
a more weakly developed NNE±SSW fabric (Fig. 2). strate two very dierent modal distributions. High dip
NW±SE lineaments consist of predominantly short joint data (Number = 24, Fig. 4a±c) exhibit a single
fractures cutting through basement strata. Our ®eld component mode oriented 1358, with minor trends
studies have identi®ed dominant fractures, duplex 0208 and 0508. Low dip joint data (Number = 13,
shear bands and S-C fabrics, with multiples phases of Fig. 4d±f) exhibit dual components oriented 0308 and
reactivation, oriented NW±SE which agrees with ear- 0508. The orientation of high dip data is an inherited
lier work by Wain and Berod (1989). fabric, whereas the 0308 and 0508 low dip implies the
NE±SW lineaments crosscut the NW±SE direction, existence of a compressional or transpressional stress
but a lack of identi®able oset features makes it im- regime (Wain and Berod, 1989) of later (middle
possible to establish sense and age of displacement. Miocene to present day) age. Low dip joints develop
The NE±SW orientation has previously been identi®ed orthogonal to the principal compressive direction,
in Sarawak by Tate (1992). Locally this trend re¯ects which is interpreted to have been oriented between
the faulted boundary between basement and Tertiary WNW±ESE to NNW±SSE. The implication of the
cover (Sabins, 1983; Felderho et al., 1996). Fractures two modal low dip orientations is discussed at a later
and tight chevron folds within basement cherts on the stage. Orientations identi®ed using ®eld data agree
northern margin of the basin parallel this structural broadly with the observations of Gruneisen et al.
grain. An additional trend oriented NNE±SSW is (1983), Wain and Berod (1989) and borehole breakout
weakly developed within the basement and forms con- studies in the Mahakam delta (Ferguson and McClay,
tinuous lineaments cross-cutting early structures. It is 1997; Busono and Syarifuddin, 1999).
most clearly developed within the volcanic plateaux of
the Plio-Pleistocene Metulang volcanics suggesting it is
a late formed trend (Pieters et al., 1987). Late 4. Basin architecture utilising gravity, seismic and
Cretaceous granitic dykes encountered on the Sungai remote sensing data
Tabang (Fig. 1) trending NW±SE, cross-cut highly
sheared basaltic rocks and are oset by cm-scale exten- In the Kutai Basin, seismic data have been inte-
sional faults aligned NNE±SSW (Moss et al., 1997). grated with interpretations of the surface structure de-
The paucity of features related to the NNE±SSW fab- rived from remote sensing, gravity data and geological
ric within the basement suggests this fabric may be the data recorded along seismic lines. The Palaeogene
result of later tectonic activity. basin architecture of the Kutai Basin is poorly under-
Field investigations have identi®ed numerous brittle- stood, due to the poor seismic resolution of syn-rift
ductile shear zones in the basement rocks on the sediments on the data, poor and remote exposure of
northern margin of the Kutai Basin, with dominant Eocene and Oligocene age sediments, Neogene inver-
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156 143
Fig. 4. Fracture orientations within basement, gathered from ®eldwork on the Upper Sungai Mahakam. (a) Great circles to high angle (>608)
joints; (b) Kamb contour plot of high angle (>608) joints; (c) Rose plot of high angle (>608) joints; (d) Great circles to low angle (<608) joints;
Kamb contour plot of low angle (<608) joints; (e) Rose plot of low angle (<608) joints.
144 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
sion and a lack of borehole data. This poor under- zone of late Oligocene age identi®ed on seismic data in
standing of the extensional basin architecture has led the sub-surface. This fault zone is orthogonal to the
to a number of models for basin evolution, such as a Eocene fabric and has importance for the stress regime
trans-tensional origin (Daines, 1985; Biantoro et al., during this period. Residual Bouguer Gravity data can
1992) or a ¯exural origin (van de Weerd and Armin, be used to show structures within the Tertiary cara-
1992; Bergman et al., 1996) that are not supported by pace and, although not shown on Fig. 5 for brevity,
direct data. In order to understand the basin evolution con®rms the presence of the KLGH as well as narrow
it is necessary to focus on the northern and southern linear zones of both NW±SE and NNE±SSW orien-
margins of the basin where Palaeogene sediments tations within the sedimentary cover. Positive Gravity
(Fig. 1) are exposed. anomalies observed on the northern margin of the
Kutai Basin (Fig. 5) correlate with asymmetrical sur-
face anticlines, established to be a result of Neogene
5. Gravity data inversion of middle Eocene half-graben. These positive
gravity anomalies are a combination of uplifted high
Density models were used to constrain seismic in- density syn-rift sediments and shallow basement rocks
terpretations of the structure of the northern margin (Cloke, 1997).
of the basin in areas of reduced seismic clarity and A regional density model created for a 2D cross-sec-
also to construct gravity maps for parts of the region. tion crossing from west of the KLGH (Fig. 5) across
The data oer the opportunity to interpret the struc- the Mahakam Delta to the thrust belt of West
ture of the basin in three dimensions. Bouguer gravity Sulawesi demonstrates that the KLGH can be success-
data across the Kutai Basin have previously been used fully modelled as folded high density (+2.57 mGal)
to show density models of structural pro®les across the Palaeogene strata (Chambers and Daley, 1995; Cloke,
basin and to postulate the location of structures within 1997). This fold developed as the result of inversion of
the basin (Sunaryo et al., 1988; Wain and Berod, 1989; a deeply buried Palaeogene half-graben. The narrow-
Chambers and Daley, 1995; Cloke, 1997). In addition, ness of the high is accentuated by the presence of low
the regional gravity signature has been used to demon- density (+2.15 mGal) syn-inversion synclines present
strate that the Kutai Basin has an extensional rather to the east and west of the high.
than a foreland origin (Moss et al., 1997). Gravity
models of seismic sections that intersect the Makassar
Straits suggest the presence of attenuated continental 6. Remote sensing data
crust and possible oceanic crust (Guntoro, 1995;
Cloke, 1997). Landsat (1993) TM scenes using bands 1, 4 and 7
The Bouguer gravity values of the basin are all (courtesy of LASMO PLC) have been processed to
slightly to moderately positive, with the exception of image the regional structure, and high resolution SAR
the prominent highs described below, which are images (courtesy of LASMO PLC) have been used to
strongly positive. Three positive gravity highs, oriented interpret the Tertiary basin ®ll of this section of the
NNE±SSW, are apparent in the regional Bouguer Kutai Basin (Fig. 2). The remote sensing data enable a
Gravity for part of East Kalimantan (Fig. 5). The regional interpretation of the Gongynyay and Gergaji
most prominent of these highs is the Kutai Lakes fold belt (Fig. 2) to be made. The importance of this is
Gravity High (KLGH) with an amplitude of about 40 to reconstruct the Paleogene basin architecture and
mGal (Fig. 5). The Kedang Kepala High has a understand the interaction between the various base-
broader anomaly of approximately 54 mGal and is ment fabric orientations and the extension direction.
situated to the north±northeast of the KLGH, oset We use a portion of processed ERS-1 data across the
by about 10 km in a right lateral sense by a NW±SE northern margin to demonstrate a number of struc-
oriented gravity low identi®ed as the Belayan Axis tural features (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 5). To the north, the Kedang Kapala High is o- The eastern portion of the data shows two west ver-
set from another positive anomaly by another linear gent asymmetric anticlines (Fig. 2) each of approxi-
gravity zone named the Kedang±Kepala Axis mately 70 km length, which form a prominent series of
(Sunaryo et al., 1988). The two main lows range in hills trending 0258 (Fig. 2). Both folds are dissimilar to
value from 0.43 to 21.02 mGal. Magnetic data cover- those encountered in the Neogene section of the Lower
ing the region also indicates an increase in depth to Kutai Basin (detachment foldsÐChambers and Daley,
magnetic basement from north to south across the 1995, or diapiric folds) in that they are not laterally
Kedang±Kepala Axis (Sunaryo et al., 1988). This grav- continuous, tight in geometry, or separated by broad
ity and magnetic anomaly corresponds with the synclines. In addition the anticlines shown in Fig. 2
Bengalon lineament (Moss and Chambers, 1998) vis- are doubly plunging (closing to NNE and SSW), re-
ible on SAR data and also a linked en-echelon fault semble a whaleback morphology and have linear wes-
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156 145
Fig. 5. Bouguer gravity data covering the Kutai Basin showing gravity anomalies within the basin. Colour scale shown bottom. Location on
Fig. 1.
146 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
Fig. 7. Isochron map of Eocene sequence derived from seismic grid on northern margin of the Kutai Basin. Colour scale shown top right, location shown Fig. 1.
148 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
mer depocentres trend NNE±SSW and the latter almost Eocene deltaic sequence is restricted to the axis of the
N±S. Gongnyay and Gergaji half-graben and abrupt thinning
The fault map for the Eocene was derived from takes place at the basin bounding faults to the west and
changes in isochron thickness. The orientations of faults more gradually to the east on to a ¯exural shoulder.
were then integrated with other observations (e.g. trend This asymmetrical style of sedimentary thickness vari-
of middle Eocene rhyolite dykes) to interpret the exten- ation is a common feature of the syn-rift in®ll of exten-
sion vector for the middle Eocene rifting on this margin sional half-graben in the East African rift (Rosendahl et
of the Kutai Basin. High angle reverse faults identi®ed al., 1986) or West Natuna Basin (Ginger et al., 1993).
on seismic sections and in remote sensing data were Further restoration to the syn-rift ®ll (rift initiation
assumed to be reactivated extensional faults. This phase of Phillips et al., 1997) demonstrates a single
assumption has been shown to be valid for similar tec- asymmetrical half-graben formed in the hanging-wall of
tonic con®gurations identi®ed throughout the Sunda the Gongnyay fault (Fig. 8d). Abrupt thinning of the
shelf (Letouzey et al., 1990). The overlap zone between syn-rift sequence takes place to the west at the basin
the Gongnyay and Gergaji half-graben is deformed by a bounding fault and more gradually at the eastern ¯ex-
series of NE±SW trending faults that are interpreted to ural margin.
be the result of the progressive rotation of the relay The fault pattern in the western portion of the data is
ramp between the two major faults (Peacock and constrained by only two seismic lines, but by combining
Sanderson, 1994). The ¯exural shoulder that forms the gravity (Fig. 5) and SAR data (Fig. 2) the pattern was
eastern margin of the graben is cut by a number of expanded away from this data. Seismic data show an
small scale faults, oriented NNE±SSW and arranged in anticline that lies above the thickest depocentre. This
a right-stepping en-echelon manner. anticline is observed at the surface and closes to the
The line interpretation (Fig. 8) shows two anticlines north and south of the line (Fig. 2). The eastern bound-
that are interpreted to lie above middle Eocene depo- ary of the anticline lies above the shoulder of the half-
centres identi®ed on the northern margin (location graben. In plan view the half-graben is bounded by a
shown Fig. 2). Both west-vergent anticlines are bounded series of left-stepping en-echelon faults that downthrow
by steep reverse faults. The footwall of the fault bound- to the west. The en-echelon nature of the fault segments
ing the Gongnyay half-graben forms a complex series of is interpreted from the gravity data (Fig. 5). These show
extensional faults (now reverse faults). Although the ob- a series of segmented en-echelon gravity highs. The
servations are limited to this inversion fold they can be half-graben bounding fault is interpreted to extend up
applied to other middle Eocene depocentres identi®ed to and penetrate the basement lying to the north
(Fig. 2). Previous interpretations, made without the
throughout the Kutai Basin.
bene®t of seismic data have interpreted this structure as
Restoration of the line interpretation shown in Fig. 8b
a strike-slip fault of unknown age with approximately
to the late Oligocene horizon shows the pre-inversion
20 km of dextral oset (Moriya and Nishidai, 1996).
structural architecture. Estimates for the amount of
eroded section and therefore the maximum depth of
burial were derived from Apatite Fission track (AFT)
results (peak temperature of 908 reached at 03 km 9. Late Oligocene basin architecture
depth prior to rapid denudation) and therefore uplift
(A. Carter, personal communication, 1997) at 23 Ma The period from the late Oligocene to the end of the
(Moss et al., 1998), vitrinite re¯ectance of middle Lower Miocene is an important but poorly understood
Eocene coal (%R0 = 1.1) layers and the measured dip stage in the history of the basin, and indeed of the
of outcrops. The restoration demonstrates signi®cant region as a whole. In this area of Kutai Basin, changes
thickening of middle Eocene syn-rift sediments across in basin architecture are related to late Oligocene exten-
major extensional faults and changes in Oligocene thick- sion on a set of faults orthogonal to those active during
ness across smaller faults. Similar changes in Eocene the middle Eocene (Moss and Chambers, 1998; Cloke
thickness across extensional faults have been observed 1997). In other sections of the basin the `late-Oligocene
by Satyana and Biantoro (1995), further to the east of unconformity' is related to renewed uplift of the basin
the area of study, and have also been interpreted on margin (Satyana and Biantoro, 1995; Moss et al., 1998)
proprietary seismic data across the Teweh High (Fig. 1) and compression and folding (van de Weerd et al.,
(now recognised as an inverted half-graben). 1987; Wain and Berod, 1989; van de Weerd and Armin,
Restoration to the middle Eocene deltaics (equivalent 1992).
to the rift climax phase of Phillips et al., 1997) demon- Interpretation of seismic sections and the location of
strates that the rift consists of two asymmetrical syn- particular sequences were used to build up an under-
thetic half-graben formed in the hanging-wall of the standing of the late Oligocene basin architecture on the
Gongnyay and Gergaji faults (Fig. 6c). The middle northern margin of the Kutai Basin. Changes in iso-
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
Fig. 8. Isochron map of Oligocene sequence derived from seismic grid on northern margin of the Kutai Basin. Colour scale shown top right, location shown Fig. 1.
150 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
chron thickness were also used to interpret the position inversion': i.e. the expulsion of the syn-rift sediments
of late Oligocene faults, the majority of which have not from the axis of the half-graben by the reverse reactiva-
been re-utilised as reverse faults during inversion, tion of the major `Eocene trending' extensional faults.
suggesting a directional control on inversion of faults The dating of the earliest inversion event is poorly con-
(Fig. 8). In addition, the orientations of faults, integrated trolled, with a number of timings proposed (N7±N8
with other observations (e.g. mineralised veins and dyke Cloke et al., 1997; 15.5±14.5 Ma Tanean et al., 1996;
orientations) were used to predict the rift kinematics for 11.8 Ma van de Weerd and Armin, 1992). The tran-
this period of minor extension on the northern margin of sition from a carbonate-dominated environment to a
the Kutai Basin. coal-dominated deltaic environment during the early
The isochron map (Fig. 8) shows the NW±SE align- middle Miocene (N7±N8) has been used by Cloke et al.
ment of the Oligocene depocentres. In the northern part (1997) to constrain the timing of inversion on the north-
of the map, a series of NW±SE trending en-echelon ern margin of the Kutai Basin. Further periods of
extensional faults, down-throwing to the north, form renewed inversion at 7.5, 5.5, and 3 Ma have been inter-
the southern margin of a late Oligocene basin. In the preted from the increase in volcanic fragments in sand-
southern part of the map a similar set of parallel en- stones forming the reservoirs to a number of oil ®elds
echelon faults, in this case down-throwing to the south, (Tanean et al., 1996) and freshwater ¯ushing of reser-
form the northern margin to a similar aged basin. voir rocks (Duval et al., 1992). Given the diachroneity
LANDSAT TM data shows a distinct surface lithologi- of inversion observed in other sedimentary basins it is
cal boundary along the southern fault zone between likely that the inversion has been caused by a number
karsti®ed carbonates and shales (Moriya and Nishidai, of punctuated compressive episodes rather than a single
1996) of late Oligocene±early Miocene (Moss and event (Chambers and Daley, 1995).
Chambers, 1998; Wilson et al., 1999) age, suggesting Field measurements of movement indicators (2908±
some degree of fault control on deposition. A thicken- 3108) in the northern section of the basin (Fig. 9) indi-
ing of the Oligocene sequence is also documented across cate compression tangential to the main Eocene NW±
the Bengalon lineament (Moss and Chambers, 1998). SE trending faults, but oblique to the re-activated NE±
Further to the east, an increase in depth to magnetic SW and NW±SE basement faults (Cloke et al., 1997)
basement southwards across the fault zone has also (Fig. 9). This agrees approximately with borehole
been observed (Sunaryo et al., 1988). Seismic data show breakout studies in the onshore section of the
no evidence for displacement on a single master fault, Mahakam Delta which suggest a present day stress
and in the southern section of the map faulting is regime oriented NNW±SSE (Ferguson and McClay,
spread over a wider zone, as a more complex system of 1997; Busono and Syarifuddin, 1999). Seismic sections
interconnecting en-echelon faults. Crustal ¯exure also across this northern margin (Fig. 6) show large anticli-
appears to play a role in the increasing depth to base- nes which have been heavily reverse faulted. These are
ment to the south. Gravity data show a Bouguer gravity asymmetric, with heavily faulted western limbs, steeper
minimum of 15 mGal (Fig. 5) aligned NW±SE associ- than eastern limbs, indicating western vergence of the
ated with this fault zone, whilst magnetic data shows an folds. Analogue modelling has shown the complications
increase in the depth to magnetic basement across the that develop with inversion of an existing extensional
fault zone (Sunaryo et al., 1988). The Adang Fault half-graben (McClay, 1989; McClay and Buchanan,
Zone bounding the Kutai Basin to the south (Fig. 1) is 1991; Eisenstadt and Withjack, 1995).
interpreted to have been active from this period Syn-inversion sedimentation shows a number of
onwards. Free-air gravity data (Cloke, 1997) suggest characteristic features. In this section of the basin it is
that the fault zone consists of a number of en-echelon recognised by a change from Lower Miocene deep
segments, rather than a linear fault zone as convention- water clastic turbidites, with carbonate deposition on
ally interpreted. highs, to a terrestrial-dominated marginal marine deltaic
environment (Carter, 1994) which may be identi®ed on
seismic sections onlapping onto the underlying structure
10. Middle Miocene to present day (Cloke, 1997). Recognition of the early-middle Miocene
(N7±N8) deltaic sequence (Fig. 6) as a syn-inversion
The present day structural architecture of the basin is sequence provides evidence for the earliest event.
the result of substantial modi®cation of the combined
Eocene and Oligocene basin architecture by compressive
forces from the Lower Miocene to the present day. The 11. Reconstruction of the basin history and the
precise orientation of this stress regime is still disputed importance of structural controls
and will be discussed later.
Both the southern (Teweh half-graben; Fig. 1) and Reconstruction of the pre-inversion structural archi-
northern margins (Fig. 2) display evidence of `basin tecture of the Kutai Basin demonstrates that middle
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156 151
Fig. 9. Slicken®bre directions for Miocene, Eocene and Oligocene thrusts, identi®ed on northern margin of the Kutai Basin, plotted on an Equal
area stereonet projection.
Eocene rifting led to the development of a number of identi®ed Permo-Triassic dykes trending N or NNW,
discrete asymmetrical half-graben that switched polarity approximately parallel to the boundaries of the Permo-
along strike (Fig. 10a). This polarity change was accom- Triassic basin (Faerseth, 1996). Rhyolite dykes ident-
modated either via hard linkage, as a result of reactiva- i®ed on the northern margin of the Kutai Basin (Fig. 2)
tion of the NW±SE basement fabric (Cloke et al., are parallel to the fault traces of the Gongnyay and
1997), or soft linkage. Both bounding faults were Gergaji faults (Fig. 10a). Similar dyke orientations have
oriented NNE±SSW and N±S, overlapped in an en- been observed elsewhere within the basin. These intru-
echelon manner (Figs. 7 and 10a) and were initially sep- sives indicate the palaeo-stress direction during the
arated by relay ramps (e.g. Gongnyay and Gergaji half- middle Eocene rift event and that the extension direc-
graben; Fig. 6). tion was orthogonal to the strike of the major faults,
The en-echelon and oset nature of fault segments is but slightly oblique to the NE±SW trending basement
a common feature of rifting of an oblique basement fabric. If this is correct, then the extension vector for
fabric and has been documented from the North Sea middle Eocene rifting trended approximately WNW±
and by analogue modelling of extension of an oblique ESE.
rift (McClay and White, 1996). In a moderately oblique Further extension during the period of rift climax
rift (608 angle between the trend of the rift zone and the (Phillips et al., 1997) resulted in progressive rotation of
extension direction), border faults are arranged in an the relay ramp separating the Gongnyay and Gergaji
en-echelon array and are shorter than those formed in half-graben and the development of faults trending
an orthogonal rift (McClay and White, 1996). The ana- NE±SW aided by the reactivation of the underlying
logue models suggest that the centre of the fault trace is NE±SW basement fabric. Continued fault movement
orthogonal to the extension direction. led to the breaching of the ramp and the formation of a
Dykes contemporaneous with extension have been continuous fault trace trending NNE±SSW with several
regarded as useful palaeostress indicators (Gough and NE±SW kinks (Fig. 2).
Gough, 1987), and in areas where the least principal The late Eocene and early Oligocene were a period of
stress (s 3) is horizontal, rising magma tends to produce thermal subsidence with minor reactivation or rejuvena-
dykes along sub-vertical, tensile fractures orthogonal to tion of tectonic activity on faults formed during the
s 3. Studies on the boundaries of the North Sea have middle Eocene. The rift topography was gradually
Fig. 10. Block diagrams illustrating relationship of basement fracture patterns to (a) middle Eocene (b) late Oligocene and (c) middle Miocene
basin architecture and illustrating relevant stress orientations. BRRÐBreached relay rampsÐactive in extension; NFÐNormal faultsÐactive in
extension and inversion; TFÐTransfer faultsÐactive in extension and inversion; HLÐHard linked fault system; SLÐSoft linked fault system;
DÐmiddle Eocene rhyolite dykes; VSÐVein system of late Oligocene age; EN-FÐ`en-echelon' fault system; RFÐReverse fault; IHGÐInverted
half-graben; SFÐSinistral strike±slip fault; DEFÐDextral `escape' fault; SDÐSemi-ductile shear bandsÐseveral movement phases; JLÐ
JointsÐlow angle (compressional), high angle (tensional); FAÐFold axis oriented NE±SW.
I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156 153
in®lled and covered by sedimentation. During the late is enigmatic. Possible interpretations include the col-
Oligocene the middle Eocene basin architecture was lision of continental fragments in the South China Sea
modi®ed by a renewed period of extension on the against north-western Borneo (van de Weerd and
northern margin of the Kutai basin. AFT results data Armin, 1992) and of the Banggai-Sula block with east
indicate tectonic uplift from 23 Ma onwards (Moss et Sulawesi (Daly et al., 1991), as well as the reversal of
al., 1998). Extension occurred on a set of faults orthog- movement on a pair of overlapping strike±slip faults
onal to those active during the middle Eocene (Fig. 9b). (Biantoro et al., 1992) and these are all reviewed in
In other sections of the basin the `late-Oligocene uncon- Moss et al. (1997). A combination of early collision to
formity' is related to renewed uplift of the basin margin the north and later collision in the east may provide an
(Satayana and Biantoro, 1995; Moss et al., 1998) and explanation for the series of punctuated inversion
compression and folding (van de Weerd et al., 1987; events.
Wain and Berod, 1989; van de Weerd and Armin, The degree of reactivation of previous extensional
1992). fault systems is dependent on the dip and direction of
The style of the en-echelon faults and the segmented dip of the basin bounding fault. It is apparent that east-
nature of the fault segments observed in the faulting of facing, NNE±SSW faults perpendicular, or at a high
the late Oligocene sequence is similar to that observed angle to the compression direction, are more strongly
within the Eocene sequence, and oblique extension of inverted than west facing faults (Figs. 2 and 10c) and
the underlying NW±SE basement fabric (Fig. 2) may this is also observed for detached inversion structures in
provide an explanation (Fig. 9b). Pervasive mineralised the Lower Kutai Basin (Ferguson and McClay, 1997).
veins, between 1 and 20 m across, host the Mt Muro Both low angle (258±408) and high angle reverse faults
gold deposit on the southern margin of the basin and are seen in the ®eld, but high angle faults are compara-
trend NNW±SSE. Simmons and Browne (1990) tively rare. This results from reverse movement at
suggested that this orientation was orthogonal to the depth, reactivating lower angle faults, but at higher
least kinematic stress indicator for extension in the structural levels the presence of an incompetent syn-rift
basin at this time. It is suggested here that the transition ®ll leads to the propagation of new reverse faults, that
from the middle Eocene fault population to the late ¯atten out at shallower levels, and folding of the syn-
Oligocene one may represent a change from slightly rift ®ll.
oblique WNW±ESE trending rifting (half-graben for- Inversion is also accompanied by reactivation of the
mation) to more oblique extension trending ENE± basement heterogeneities. NE±SW oriented, breached,
WSW on NW±SE en-echelon faults (Cloke, 1997). This relay ramps, developed during extension, were reacti-
change in kinematic regime is inferred to be the result vated with an oblique sense of slip (Figs. 2 and 10c).
of an anti- clockwise rotation in the extension direction Faults trending NE±SW developed as high angle trans-
by between 458 and 908 (Fig. 10b). pressive features with right-lateral displacement.
Conclusive evidence for compression and basin inver- Reverse faults are oset along zones trending NW±SE
sion is shown by late Miocene age growth synclines, (Figs. 2 and 10c) as a result of reactivation of NW±SE
and the thinning of strata onto anticlines within the fractures.
Lower Kutai Basin (Chambers and Daley, 1995). In summary, interpretation of the remote sensing
Inversion seems to have occurred in a series of pulses data and ®eld measurements has demonstrated the pre-
throughout the Late Oligocene to Pliocene (Chambers sence of asymmetrical anticlines. Seismic sections show
and Daley, 1995), and the locus of inversion appears to these to be developed above inverted half-graben. These
have migrated from west to east during this time period have a dierent mode of origin to the folds observed in
(Moss et al., 1997, 1998). The presence of a thick post- the Neogene sediments of the Lower Kutai Basin,
rift sequence and overpressured shale in the Lower although they both share the same fundamental control.
Kutai Basin obscures observation of inversion geome- The formation of inversion folds on the northern and
tries along the Neogene basin axis and has resulted in southern margins of the Kutai Basin is directly related
several proposed explanations for the compressional to basement movements and the reactivation of pre-
structures (Ott, 1987; van de Weerd et al., 1992; vious extensional faults; in contrast, fold formation in
Biantoro et al., 1992; Chambers and Daley, 1995; Moss the Lower Kutai Basin is detached from any basement
et al., 1997; Ferguson and McClay, 1997). block movements by the presence of a thick overpres-
Shortening directions resolved from slicken®bres as- sured shale sequence (Chambers and Daley, 1995;
sociate with Neogene age compressional features indi- Ferguson and McClay, 1997). Inversion of a previous
cate a predominantly 2908±3108 (Fig. 9) orientation, normal fault system is still postulated to have occurred
which agrees with borehole breakout studies in the at depth (Ferguson and McClay, 1997).
onshore Mahakam Delta (Ferguson and McClay, 1997; One explanation for the lack of compressional struc-
Busono and Syarifuddin, 1999). The cause of inversion tures within the Central Makassar Straits Basin (seismic
154 I.R. Cloke et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 17 (1999) 137±156
line CGG-104) is that the crust is oceanic in origin; dicular to the thrust front show that inversion of a pre-
however, the exact composition of the crust beneath the existing Mid-Eocene extensional basin architecture gen-
basin is still disputed (cf. Bergman et al., 1996). erated the present-day structures (Fig. 6). Restoration
Flexural modelling of free-air gravity pro®les over sedi- of the extensional architecture shows that a complex
mentary loads, such as deltas, are one method that may series of half-graben existed prior to inversion, with
be used to constrain crustal type (Watts, 1978). half-graben oriented NNE±SSW and N±S (Fig. 6).
Bergman et al. (1996) have suggested that the present Opposing polarity half-graben may have been joined by
day con®guration of the Makassar Straits was the result transfer faults oriented NW±SE (Fig. 10a). Half-graben
of loading of stretched continental crust, but the results with a synthetic polarity overlapped in an en-echelon
of ¯exural modelling of free-air gravity pro®les, calcu- manner and NE±SW fault kinks probably developed as
lated for values of elastic thicknesses appropriate for the result of a partitioning of strain within the overlap-
attenuated continental crust (Te = 5, 10), are unable to ping fault zones and the development of a breached
generate the observed free-air gravity anomaly recorded relay ramp (Fig. 7). The NNE±SSW faults are parallel
across the Mahakam Delta (Cloke, 1997). In contrast, to contemporaneous rhyolite dykes, which are indicative
¯exural modelling of the sedimentary load of the of the palaeo-stress directions during this period (Figs. 2
Neogene ®ll of the Mahakam Delta suggests that sedi- and 10a). Extension of an oblique basement fabric
ments 20 km landward of the present day shelf-break (NE±SW) is one mechanical method of generating the
have loaded lithosphere with a high elastic thickness structural architecture observed and this would indicate
(Te) corresponding to oceanic lithosphere of 47 Ma an extension direction WNW±ESE orthogonal to the
(Cloke, 1997). Landward of this point, the elastic thick- rhyolite dykes.
ness appears to be less (Te = 5), suggesting stretched A further phase of tectonic activity occurred during
continental crust. We therefore propose that the Central the late Oligocene, resulting in extension on a number
Makassar Straits is underlain by oceanic crust of middle of segmented fault systems on the northern margin of
Eocene age. Stretched continental crust is considerably the Kutai Basin. These are inferred to have reactivated
weaker than oceanic crust and would deform more a basement fabric trending NW±SE (Figs. 8 and 10b).
readily (basin inversion in the Kutai Basin of East The en-echelon nature of the faults and the presence of
Kalimantan and the Lariang Basin of West Sulawest). contemporaneous dykes oriented NNW±SSE, identi®ed
Compressional stresses from the eastern margin of on the southern margin of the Kutai Basin (Simmons
Sundaland would also be transmitted through the and Browne, 1990), suggest that the extension direction
Central Makassar Straits as it acted as a `passive con- was again oblique to a basement fabric trending NW±
duit' to the Kutai Basin (Cloke, 1997).
SE. This implies that the extension direction had
rotated anticlockwise by between 458 and 908 between
the middle Eocene and late Oligocene, and was there-
12. Conclusions fore aligned approximately ENE±WSW.
Collisions with the northern and eastern margins of
Interpretation of remote sensing data has shown pro- Sundaland from the early-middle Miocene (N7±N8) led
minent fractures/lineaments oriented both NW±SE and to the inversion of favourably aligned middle Eocene
NE±SW (Figs. 2±4) within basement rocks located on half-graben (Fig. 10c). The rigid oceanic crust under-
the margins of the Kutai Basin. These are an inherited lying the Makassar Strait acted as a `passive conduit'
basement fabric and not the result of Tertiary defor- for compressional forces from West Sulawesi. Inversion
mation, although they were reactivated at various stages was focused in areas of low strength (and therefore
throughout the Tertiary. Integration with regional weak) continental crust beneath the Kutai Basin and
Bouguer gravity data has extended these interpretations various basins in West Sulawesi. Contractional stresses
of the basement heterogeneities to the sub-surface and were oriented WNW±ESE, as shown by the movement
to the basin centre. Gravity data have identi®ed a series indicators (Fig. 9) and by borehole breakout studies
of linear NNE±SSW trending positive anomalies oset (Busono and Syarifuddin, 1999). NNE±SSW basin-
by NW±SE trending linear zones of low to negative bounding faults were reactivated in a pure reverse sense
gravity anomalies (Fig. 5). These represent prominent (Fig. 4). NW±SE transfer faults and late Oligocene en-
basement structures that have experienced a number of echelon faults were reactivated as strike-slip/transpres-
phases of tectonic activity, both extension and inver- sional features, osetting reverse faults and fold axes
sion. (Fig. 2). En-echelon folds formed in the cover above
Asymmetrical fold structures within Tertiary cover reactivated NW±SE trending basement faults. NE±SW
are oriented NNE±SSW an N±S, with kinks oriented breached relay ramps were reactivated in an oblique-slip
NE±SW (Fig. 3). Oset of fold axes occurs along fault manner and allowed ``escape'' of the basin ®ll (Fig. 10c).
zones oriented NW±SE (Fig. 2). Seismic lines perpen- Transpressional right-lateral faults oriented NE±SW
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