Structural Style of The North Sumatra Basin Offsho

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Structural style of the North Sumatra basin, offshore Aceh

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The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 796 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/796/1/012038

Structural style of the North Sumatra basin, offshore Aceh

Muchlis1,2,*, Chris Elders1

School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin University
Departments of Earth Science and Engineering, Syiah Kuala University


Abstract. The Offshore North Sumatra Basin is an underexplored basin. Only a limited
amount of exploration has occurred in the past resulting in the discovery of one economic field
that is currently producing, a number of uneconomic discoveries and some unsuccessful wells.
This is reflected in limited geological studies of the area. This paper demonstrates the
importance of N-S trending faults associated with Basin formation in the Oligocene, continued
fault activity in the late Oligocene and both compressional and extensional reactivation in the

1. Introduction
The North Sumatra Basin (NSB) is located in the western part of Indonesia, part of Aceh and offshore
North Sumatra. The basin is bordered by Mergui Ridge to the west and Malacca Platform to the east.
To the south, it is bounded by the Barisan Mountains. To the north, it extends into Thailand offshore,
where it is known as the Mergui Basin (Figure1).
Exploration in offshore Aceh began in the 1970s. Most wells drilled targets on the crest of horst
structures. So far, only one field is in operation [1]. Other fields have not been developed because of
economic issues. Some wells did not encounter hydrocarbon.
The offshore NSB needs to be further studied to understand its petroleum potential. This paper
aims to introduce and discuss the structural evolution of the offshore area of Aceh Province, where
fewer structures have been drilled than in the onshore area.

2. Regional Geology

2.1. Tectonic Setting

The North Sumatra Basin is a Paleogene-Neogene basin with a complex tectonic history located in a
back-arc setting relative to the India-Sumatra subduction trench [2]. The initiation of the India-
Sumatra subduction began in Cretaceous [3]. The rate of subduction in Sumatra is between 6 to 7
cm/year [4]. The activity of the plates is indicated by the myriad of seismic shocks that occur along the
The Barisan Mountains separate the North Sumatra Basin from the India-Sumatra trench. They are
cut by the Sumatra Fault System (SFS). The dextral Sumatra dextral strike-slip Fault is associated with
the oblique subduction of the Indian oceanic plate beneath Sumatra. Several authors stated that the
initiation of the Sumatra Fault System and spreading in the Andaman Sea occurred at the same time
during the mid-Miocene [5]. Uplift of the Barisan Mountains occurred in the Pliocene [6]. This

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The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 796 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/796/1/012038

illustrates the importance of understanding the interaction between extension, compression and strike-
slip tectonics in the evolution of the North Sumatra Basin.

Figure 1. Location of North Sumatra Basin and its regional geology

2.2 Regional Stratigraphy

The North Sumatra Basin contains sedimentary rocks from late Eocene to Recent age. However, most
exploration wells only penetrated the crest of horst blocks and found Oligocene rocks deposited in the
basement. Thus, the age of the sedimentary sequences that filled the graben is less well constrained. A
summary of the stratigraphy of NSB is shown by figure 2 and is described as the following section.
The bottom part is the basement. Most of the wells drilled into basement rock in the NSB
encountered metamorphic rocks of Cretaceous age. According to Cameron et al. (1980) and Barber
(2000), the Cretaceous basement is categorized as the Woyla Group which outcrops along the western
margin of the Barisan Mountains. Then followed by Meucampli/Tampur Formation (Late Eocene).
Tampur Formation primarily consists of carbonate sediment and dolomites with cherts nodules. The
Tampur Formation was deposited under sub-littoral to marine conditions [7], in the eastern part of
basin high near the Asahan arch. Meanwhile, the Meucampli Formation consists of clastic sediments
that outcrop in the Northwest of Aceh. Next is Parapat Formation (Early Oligocene). The Parapat
Formation consists of conglomerate and sandstone. The sands came from local contributions from the
horst blocks. The sediments were deposited in fluvial, lacustrine and shallow marine environments
(Meckel, 2013). After that is Bampoo Fm (Late Oligocene). The Bampo Formation primarily consists
of poorly laminated, pyritic carbonaceous shale, with a minor amount of carbonaceous material. These
sediments were deposited during the transgression and deepening of the graben. The Bampo
Formation is the primary source rock that generated gas and is reported to be the source for the giant
onshore Arun field. In addition, this formation could be a candidate for unconventional gas plays in
the future. The Bampoo Formation is followed by Belumai/Peutu Formation (Early Miocene).
Sandstones are dominant in the Peutu Formation. Cameron et al. (1980) defined the sediments as the
Belumai Formation, consisting of fine- to medium-grained sandstones. Carbonate reefs of the Peutu

The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 796 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/796/1/012038

Formation are major producers of condensates and host the Arun field (Mobil). Then, Baong
Formation is deposited in Middle Miocene. The Baong Formation (Middle Miocene) primarily
contains massive dark grey, variably calcareous shale, rich in foraminifera, which indicates a neritic
marine depositional environment. Then, it is followed by Keutapang Formation (Late Miocene). The
Keutapang Formation comprises of fine-grain sandstones and shales with a thin layer of limestones
[9]. Seurula Formation is on top of Keutapang Formation. The Seurula Formation contains coarse-
grained sandstone and shales [9]. Finally, Julu Rayeuk Formation is on top of Seurula Formation. This
formation is dominated by sandstone sedimentary rocks which vary from fine to coarser grain from the
base to the top of the sequence [9].

Figure 2. Left is the general Stratigraphy chart of the North Sumatra Basin [10]. Right is top
formations from the Bayu Laut Dalam well which are tied to the seismic.

3. Data Set
More than 60 lines of 2D seismic data from offshore NSB are used to build a structure map. The
length of the line varies from 50 km to 180 km. The spacing line is 10kms. The record length of each
seismic line varies from 4000 milliseconds to 6000 milliseconds (ms) two-way time (TWT). Most
lines are oriented East-West and North-South. NE-SW and NW-SE oriented lines are also present. The
resolution of the image varies from poor to moderate. The seismic amplitudes are heterogeneous
varying between different surveys. The stratigraphy and geological structures of the offshore NSB
were interpreted and mapped using Petrel. There is one well, Bayu Laut Dalam (BLD) which tied into
the seismic and controlled the stratigraphic interpretation (figure 2). The well was spudded on a
basement high (horst) and contained recent to pre-Paleogene sediment. Eight horizons were
interpreted from the pre-Paleogene basement to younger sediments of Pliocene to recent. They are;
Basement, Parapat, Bampoo, Belumai, Baong, Lower Keutapang, Keutapang and Pliocene to younger.

The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 796 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/796/1/012038

4. Major Sequences
The interpreted horizons are categorized as pre-rift, early syn-rift, late syn-rift, and post-rift, syn-
inversion and post inversion (see Figure 3 & 4). Sedimentary rocks that filled at each stage represent
the dominant environmental and the basin setting at that time.

Figure 3. The seismic line from offshore of North Sumatra Basin (uninterpreted).

Figure 4. Seismic Interpretation from offshore of North Sumatra Basin. This is the longest seismic
line (180km) showing the regions of the offshore North Sumatra Basin. This section shows the
structural deformation in every sequence and also the distribution of sediments in the basin

4.1 Pre-rift (Basement)

The basement is characterized by a chaotic and dimmed reflector. There are several major faults that
cut through the basement. First, extensional faults that shape horst and grabens (Figure 4). The
displacement varies from 900 to 1450 meters. Dip angles are variable.

4.2 Early and Late Syn-Rift, Early to Late Oligocene (Parapat and Bampoo Formation)
This unit is characterized by parallel and continuous reflectors. In the upper part, it shows a high
amplitude, but the lower part shows medium to low amplitude. Early syn-rift is marked by thicker
Parapat sediments toward the major faults within the grabens than on the horst. The late syn-rift is
shown by the thicker Bampoo unit toward the major faults.

4.3 Post-Rift, Early to Middle Miocene (Belumai and Bampoo Formation)

This unit is characterized by moderate to high amplitude, continuous, and parallel reflectors. During
the deposition of this unit, there is less evidence of the deformation. The thickness of this sequence
varies from thinning at the edges and thicker in the depocenter.

The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 796 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/796/1/012038

4.4 Syn-Inversion, Late Miocene (Keutapang)

The syn-compressional sequence is described by a thinning sequence deposited on to the anticline
(very symmetrical) crest. Within the Keutapang, there are onlap features cutting the anticline
indicating the beginning of compression. The seismic is characterized by parallel and continuous
reflectors. Populations of minor faults are present within this sequence.

4.5 Post-Inversion ( Late Miocene to Recent)

The seismic characteristic of this unit is high amplitude, continuous and parallel reflectors. However,
in the lower slope area at the east, chaotic and transparent reflectors are identified. There are few
faults, although one major fault reactivated old structures during the Pliocene. It is located in the
eastern area of the Basin margin.

5. Structural style and timing

North-South trending faults define a series of elongated horsts and grabens. Faults show variable dip
and angle both to be East and West. Then, several minor faults are present within the graben that
terminate at the top of Oligocene time. Those, plus the syn-rift characteristics of Parapat formation
show that extension occurred during Oligocene. The fact that the timing of the extension is unclear as
the older sediments within the grabens have not been penetrated. During the late Oligocene, the basin
experienced extension for the second time, which caused some Major faults reactivated. It is shown by
the thickening of Bampoo formation within the grabens towards the faults. During this time, the fault
may increase the angle of rotation. It recreates the large displacement between the upthrown and
downthrown blocks. In some parts, the vertical displacement may exceed 1400 meters. The magnitude
of the grabens varies from 35 km to 10 km wide. The length also ranged from 70 km to 80 km.
Inversion structure present in the west part. This structure is defined by a symmetrical anticline above
the footwall. This structure formed during the late Miocene that we indicated by the thinning sequence
within the Keutapang Formation. Some minor faults also present during this age. During Pliocene,
older structures were reactivated by major normal faults. The reactivation is defined by different
thicknesses of the unit in the lower and upper parts that cut by the fault. The fault terminates within the
Pliocene sediment unit.
Graben6 Graben5 Graben4 Graben3 Graben2


Figure 5. Map of the basement high and low of Aceh offshore. This map shows major deformations
that occurred during Paleogene-Neogene. This map was done by Arc-Map software, whereas the input
from interpreted seismic horizons using Petrel.

The 9th AIC 2019 on Sciences & Engineering (9thAIC-SE) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 796 (2020) 012038 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/796/1/012038

6. Conclusion
The interpretation of 2D seismic lines has revealed the major structures in the offshore Aceh of North
Sumatra Basin. Mostly, those structures have oblique N-S orientation. These major faults controlled
the horsts and grabens development during early and late Oligocene under the extensional regime.
Then, fault activity continued both compressional and extensional reactivation in the Miocene and the
Pliocene. Offshore Aceh still attracts many companies to explore for oil and gas. As a result, the data
of this basin will increase and hopefully can be opened to academia in Aceh. By doing so, it is
expected that this work can be updated with details and more precise.

[1] McArthur A, Helm, R. 1982 Indonesia Petroleum Association. 11, 127-146
[2] Hall R. 2012 Tectonophysics. 570, 1-41.
[3] Morley C 2002 Tectonophysics. 347, 189-215
[4] Hamilton W 1973 United States Geological Survey Professional Paper. 1078
[5] Curray J, Moore D, Lawver L, Emmel, F, Raitt R, Henry M, Kieckhefer R 1979 American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoirs. 29,189-198.
[6] De Smet M, Barber A 2005 Geological Society London Memoirs. 31, 86-97.
[7] Cameron N R, Clarke M, Aldiss D, Aspden J, Djunuddin A 1980 Indonesia Petroleum
Association. 9, 149-187
[8] Barber A 2000 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 18, 713-738
[9] Mulhadiono P H, Soedaldjo P 1978 Indonesia Petroleum Association. 7, 107-132
[10] Anderson B, Bon J, Wahono H 1993 Indonesia Petroleum Association. 22, 169-189

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