Expert System Design For Fault Diagnosis in Diesel Engines

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Expert System design for Fault Diagnosis in

Diesel Engines
Ileana. Concho, Mary. Vergara, Francklin. Rivas-Echeverría, Fernando. Chica and Nestor. Rivera

maintenance of diesel engines using a CMMS with a

Abstract— In this work it’s presented the design and Condition-Based Maintenance system (CBM) and one of the
development of a Diagnosis Expert System for Hyundai Diesel most used AI techniques for diagnosis that are Expert Systems
Engines CRDi 2.0, that has been created based on the expertise (ES). That allows for both detection and diagnosis of the
handle by two experts that can give an accurate fault diagnosis for
condition of the engine, orienting the best possible decision-
this kind of engine, considering the causes and can give the
appropriate actions to be taken. This system is feed with data making.
obtained by Condition Based Maintenance techniques, which allows Today it can be found different investigations that deal with
incorporating a failure isolation and identification procedure based the use of ES for diagnosis, in which some consider their
on the data. The Expert System is developed using HTML code, and application with the CBM and the CMMS. However, most of
a Hyundai Diesel Engines CRDi 2.0 database is created including the research are very general and do not specify the application
relevant information concerning: engine specifications, operating
of CBM and ES within a CMMS for diesel engines, or are
values, faults, causes and recommended procedures for each
situation. Finally, the structure of the developed system is presented, proposals that have failed to be implemented. Thus, one of the
considering that it uses Condition Based Maintenance data and is research that highlight is Ballester et al [1], in which they
embedded in a Computerized Maintenance Management System. propose within a CMMS a fault diagnosis of a transportation
fleet through an ES with data obtained from the application of
Keywords— CMMS, Condition Based Maintenance Diagnosis, predictive techniques such as oil, vibration and thermography
Failure, Diesel Engine, Expert System. analysis. Similarly, Bangemann et al [2] develop the
PROTEUS integrated platform for general application,
I. INTRODUCTION consisting of a CMMS and a Diagnosis ES, which supports the

T HE demand for diesel engines in the automotive area has

caused that companies that perform maintenance to these
engines require innovative computational tools to optimize the
maintenance decision-making taking into account values
measured by sensors to diagnose equipment status. In addition,
Levrat and Iung [3] develop the TELMA platform of general
maintenance management, and to diagnose faults considering application, which among its systems has a CMMS and an
the condition of the engines in this area. Considering this, online expert interface to help decision-making in
currently have been developed new programs for integrating maintenance. In the same direction, Szanto and Nagy [4]
different technologies, such as Computerized Maintenance present the BDES program that integrates different ES
Management Systems (CMMS) and techniques of Artificial dedicated to CBM techniques in rotating machines of a
Intelligence (AI), which focus in a generalized way in engines refinery, which are ExpertALERT for vibration,
maintenance without considering diagnostic techniques of the ThermoALERT for thermography, LeakageALERT for leak
equipment condition. This is why it is very important to detection, OilALERT for oil analysis and FerroALERT for
generate an integrated program that focuses on the ferrographic analysis, and which have an interface that
connects to a CMMS through a diagnostic module. Also,
Ileana. Concho is with the Postgrado en Ingeniería de Mantenimiento Simeon et al [5] present the SIMPREBAL program that has an
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida. VENEZUELA (e- ES for Diagnosis and uses CBM in a hydroelectric plant,
which uses equipment evaluation documents, machine failure
Mary Vergara is with the Postgrado en Ingeniería de Mantenimiento
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida. VENEZUELA. modes and maintenance expert knowledge. Similarly, Liu et al
Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica Automotriz. Universidad Politécnica [6] describe the application of the CBM through an intelligent
Salesiana, Cuenca. ECUADOR and Programa Prometeo, Secretaría de diagnostic ES for a hydraulic generator unit, using different
Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Quito, ECUADOR
(e-mail: parameters measured by sensors so that the ES compares the
Francklin Rivas-Echeverría is with the Laboratorio de Sistemas parameters and gives the diagnosis of the condition. In
Inteligentes, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, VENEZUELA. Escuela de addition, Singh et al [7] propose to integrate a CMMS with
Ingeniería Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador-sede Ibarra. Ibarra,
ECUADOR and Programa Prometeo, Secretaría de Educación Superior,
Condition Monitoring (CM), where is considered the diagnosis
Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, Quito, ECUADOR (corresponding autor, with an ES that analyzes measurements from the CM system
phone: +584147427277; e-mail: and with that diagnose faults in the machine. Likewise, McKee
Fernando. Chica and Nestor. Rivera are with the Escuela de Ingeniería
Mecánica Automotriz. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca.
et al [8] performed a review of all the systems used to
ECUADOR (e-mail:, diagnose and predict failures in centrifugal pumps where they

ISSN: 2074-1308 127


emphasize ES, especially one that develops a database with one of great importance is the diesel engine. So having a tool
symptoms and possible causes that presents the equipment, so that facilitates and accelerates the detection and diagnosis of
that the user selects the symptoms and the ES determines the their condition greatly helps in the optimal maintenance and
cause. Additionally, Sisteplant [9] presents the PRISMA 3 therefore in the proper functioning of the processes in which it
GMAO platform of general application, composed of several is involved. This is why a Diagnosis ES for Hyundai Diesel
modules where it highlights the Knowledge Management, Engines CRDi 2.0 integrated with CBM techniques is
where it has an ES of fault diagnosis with decision rules. developed.
Similarly, Invensys Systems [10] develops the Avantis
A. Organization of the information of diagnosis expert
Condition Manager program, which is an intelligent real-time
condition management program of general application that
collects and analyzes real-time diagnostics from all plan The Diagnosis ES for Hyundai Diesel Engines CRDi 2.0 is
production assets. This program integrates different techniques developed with information from two experts in the field and
such as CBM, Multi-Variable ES with rules-based engine, information that is entered from the analysis performed on the
Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/CMMS, Enterprise engine, which are related to the application of CBM
Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence systems. techniques, for the respective diagnosis. This information is
More recently, Villa et al [11] propose a SCADA ES to model internally organized around three main structural components:
failure modes of a ropeway for massive transportation, where Knowledge Base, Database of Facts and Inference Engine. Fig.
sensors are used to measure real-time information that feeds 1 shows the main components and other components that form
the Fuzzy ES that is combined with CBM techniques to the internal structure of the ES developed.
facilitate the operation, maintenance and safety of the cable
car. In addition, Akinluli et al [12] developed a Fault
Diagnosis ES for excavators, which has a simple structure that
can diagnose faults occurring in these machines taking into
account their different symptoms, so that this system
contributes in repair and maintenance of these excavators.
Furthermore, Galar et al [13] propose a hybrid model-based
maintenance decision system, which uses a data-driven model
to find and confirm the physical damage of an asset, taking
into account historical data from CM measurements with
Fuzzy ES and work orders taken from a CMMS that manages
the maintenance of these assets. The operating conditions in
this model are related to the accumulation of degradation in a
system with consideration of aspects driven by context.
Considering that faults diagnosis in diesel engines is a critical
part in maintaining them and that there are no tools that
facilitate the diagnosis, in this work is developed a Diagnosis
ES for Hyundai Diesel Engines CRDi 2.0, which in
combination with CBM techniques it joins a CMMS for diesel
engines in the automotive area.


Fig. 1. Structure of the Diagnosis ES for Hyundai Diesel Engines
There are different tools for fault diagnosis of an equipment, CRDi 2.0.
however some of the most widely used are those related to AI
systems [14], among which can be found fuzzy logic systems, Knowledge Base stores information that is related to the
neural network systems and ES. Of all these AI systems, one specific and procedural knowledge extracted from the two
of the most successful in terms of fault diagnosis are ES, since experts in the field of diesel engines, such as failures, possible
they incorporate all the knowledge that can have one or more causes and actions or recommendations. This information is
experts in diagnosis, so that using their expertise the ES can represented in the ES by production rules A → B (IF-THEN),
help in the detection and diagnosis of faults. If it is also i.e. the fact A (faults) and rule (CBM condition for the
considered external data such as those obtained with CBM existence of a fault), the fact B is inferred (causes, alerts,
techniques, a detection and diagnosis is obtained that facilitate actions or recommendations). Figure 2 shows an example of
decision-making in the maintenance of equipment [15]. the representation by production rules of the ES, where
Within the fields of application of ES, a very important one condition 1 and condition 2 of CBM values are met to obtain
the Alert Level 1 with its respective Fault 2. Then, having
is the diagnosis of the condition of equipment, among which
Fault 2 is obtained the possible causes 1, 2 and 3 with its

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recommendations, so that the user selects Cause 2 and the ES Failure Modes, Possible Causes, Recommendations or
gives the Recommendation 2. Corrective Actions, and Recommended CBM Techniques.

Fig. 2. Example of representation of information in the Knowledge


In the case of Database of Facts, data obtained from the

CBM analysis applied to the engine are entered, data related to
variables of vibration, noise, temperature and oil condition,
and which allow the diagnosis of the condition of the engine
when compared with values extracted from the experts.
Moreover, the Inference Engine processes the information
from the Knowledge Base and Database of Facts to deduce
sequentially which is the engine failure, taking into account the
Fig. 3. Content of the Diagnosis ES for Hyundai Diesel Engines
rules proposed in the ES. The Inference Engine is forward
CRDi 2.0.
chaining, since initially data obtained from CBM are used to
diagnose the failure and then the maintenance actions, which is
Technical Specifications of the Diesel Engine is part of the
the goal of the ES.
Knowledge Based System, since the stored information is
In Fig. 1, components of Diagnosis ES that allows to
extracted from the engine manufacturer's manual and is
interact with information are also observed, such as Interface,
validated by two experts in the field. It is described all
User and Database Manager. The Interface is where the user
technical information of the engine, such as engine type,
interacts with the Diagnosis ES, which in this case is a web site
displacement, bore, stroke, max torque, max power, cycle,
programmed in HTML code. On the other hand, the User of
cylinder number, number of valves, cylinder arrangement,
Diagnosis ES is the maintenance personnel of diesel engines,
firing order, compression ratio, aspiration, alternator, starter
such as engineers, technicians, assistants and mechanics.
motor, timing train, weight dry and dimensions. The Technical
Moreover, the Database Manager is the person who handles
Specifications of Hyundai Diesel Engine CRDi 2.0 are shown
the internal databases of ES and is the responsible for making
in Table 1.
the internal and external necessary changes to the system.
In the Diesel Engine Structure section, each of the diesel
engine systems and each of its components with their
B. Architecture of diagnosis expert system respective specifications are described, which is part of the
The Diagnosis ES developed for Hyundai Diesel Engines Knowledge Based System. The systems described in this
CRDi 2.0 is a system that combines functional content and section are basic engine parts, distribution system, cooling
structural content. Functional content is composed of system, lubrication system, intake system, exhaust system, fuel
information about failures extracted of the two experts on the injection system and starting system. This section is additional
subject and that is properly the ES. Structural content information in the ES for the user who does not know the
corresponds to the engine information extracted from its complete structure of the engine.
manual but validated by experts, and which composes a On the other hand, in the Normal Operation Values section
Knowledge Based System. This means that the ES is are stored all values of normal operation of engine components
structured with information needed to diagnose the fault, and systems, which are presented by experts and are related to
causes and maintenance activities, and with information of the variables of vibration, noise, temperature and oil. In the case
specifications and structures of the engine. of vibration and noise, the values of normal operating
According to the above, the Diagnosis ES has an condition and fault condition of the engine are obtained
architecture composed of eight sections as shown in Figure 3, through statistical data that characterizes the signals at
which are Technical Specifications of Diesel Engine, Diesel different engine speeds (820 rpm, 1660 rpm and 2500 rpm).
Engine Structure, Normal Operating Values, Alert Level, These statistical data are concerned with mean, variance,
standard deviation, median, maximum, minimum, power,

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energy, kurtosis factor, asymmetry, RMS value, crest factor

and power in the frequency range. In the case of temperature,
the values of normal operating condition and fault condition of
the engine are obtained through thermal signatures plotted on Table 2. Values of Normal Operating Condition and Fault Condition
graphs for different engine speeds (820 rpm, 1660 rpm and of Diesel Engine.
2500 rpm). On the other hand, in the case of oil, the values for
normal operating condition and fault condition of the engine Values of Normal Operating Condition and
are obtained taking into account the study of parameters such Fault Condition of Diesel Engine
as viscosity, total base number (TBN), detergency, flash point,
water, fuel dilution, carbonaceous matter and parts per million Mean
of silicon, chromium, aluminum, copper, iron, nickel, lead and Variance
tin. All these are the different kind of data of normal and fault Standard Deviation
condition that are compared inside the Diagnosis ES to Median
diagnose the current engine condition, and that are
summarized in Table 2.
Speeds: Minimum
Vibrations and 820 rpm, Power
Table 1. Technical Specifications of Hyundai Diesel Engine CRDi Noise Data 1660 rpm,
2.0 (D4EA). [16] 2500 rpm.
Kurtosis Factor
Technical Specifications RMS Value
Engine type Diesel Engine Crest Factor
Displacement 1991 cm3 Power in the
Bore x Stroke 83 mm x 92 mm Frequency Range
Max Torque 285 N.m/1950 rpm
Temperature 820 rpm,
92 Kw/4000 rpm (125 Thermal Signatures
Max Power Data 1660 rpm,
Hp/4000 rpm) 2500 rpm.
Cycle 4
Cylinder Number 4
Total Base Number (TBN)
Number of Valves 16
In line Flash Point
Firing Order 1-3-4-2 Water
Compression Ratio 17.7:1 Fuel Dilution
Aspiration VGT Carbonaceous Matter
Alternator 12 V - 120 A Oil Data Silicon
Starter Motor 12 V – 2.0 Kw Chromium
Timing Train Belt Aluminum
Weight Dry 201.4 Kg Parts per Copper
Length 504 mm Million of Iron
Dimensions Width 669 mm Nickel
Height 671 mm Lead

The Alert Level section is similar to the previous one, only

in this is stored all the information from the experts regarding In the case of Failure Modes section, they are stored all faults
the alert levels that can produce the diagnosis of the condition provided by the two experts that could contain Hyundai Diesel
by comparing the tabulated values of ES with measured CBM Engines CRDi 2.0 in each of their systems. Each failure that is
values of the vibration, noise, oil and temperature. According described in this section is related to the variables CBM
to the result of comparison between the tabulated values and mentioned.
MBC values, an alert level is generated in the ES. This alert
level is between 1 and 4, where 1 means that there is an engine
failure and 4 that the engine is operating normally. These alert
levels are shown in Table 3.

ISSN: 2074-1308 130


Table 3. Levels of Alert. C. Information acquisition of the diagnosis expert systeml

The ES presents a compilation of information provided by
Alert Meaning of the the experts Fernando Chica and Nestor Rivera, with a wide
Action to Take
Level Alert Level
experience in the field of faults, causes and recommended
The values are Diagnose the failure maintenance actions in Hyundai Diesel Engines Common Rail
considered and apply the Direct Injection (CRDi) of 2.0-liter, engines used in Hyundai
1 unacceptable, recommended
cars, models Santa Fe, Elantra and Trajet. The information
occurrence of engine actions according to
failure. the cause. provided by both experts is obtained through interviews and
surveys, and is composed of technical specifications, engine
Take preventive
The values indicate normal operation values, failures in each of the systems and
actions to avoid
2 risk of engine
occurrence of components, possible causes of faults, procedures and
failure. recommended CBM techniques.
The values show an Inspect for any
Additionally, the system developed contains the
3 incipient fault in the alteration of normal specifications and structure of the diesel engine, information
engine. values. extracted from the manuals of the manufacturer and validated
by both experts. Some of this information comes from Diesel
The values are Do nothing, store Engine D4EA Shop Manual [16], from which the
4 within the normal data, the equipment
engine operation. works properly.
specifications and the most explanatory images of the engine
structure are extracted.

Then there is the section of Possible Causes, where they D. Interface of the diagnosis expert system
have different causes related to each failure that occurs in the The Interface of Diagnosis ES is developed in HTML
engine, which are extracted from the knowledge of experts in 5 code, and is composed of five sections that are Homepage,
the field. For each cause presented, it has a number of Diesel Engine, Diesel Engine Structure, Condition Detection,
maintenance actions recommended by experts in the and Troubleshooting. Below are some views of the Diagnosis
Recommendations or Corrective Actions section. In addition, ES developed, where can be observed each section in the
for each cause also they have recommendations for CBM interface of the ES [17].
techniques that should be used to detect the cause of the In Fig. 5, the Homepage section with a brief description of
failure, which are within the Recommended CBM Techniques the Diagnosis ES for Hyundai Diesel Engines CRDi 2.0 can be
section, where it says which of the CBM analysis should be observed. In this section, the user can find an introduction to
performed for optimal data. the program with an explanation of what to find in each part of
Fig. 4 shows the complete architecture of the Diagnosis ES the Diagnosis ES.
for Hyundai Diesel Engine CRDi 2.0 described.

Fig. 4. Architecture of the Diagnosis ES.

Fig. 5. Homepage of the Diagnosis ES.

ISSN: 2074-1308 131


Fig. 6 shows the Diesel Engine section interface, where can

be found a detailed description and technical specifications of
Hyundai Diesel Engines CRDi 2.0. In addition, it can be found
a brief description of the engine systems.

Fig. 8. Basic Engine Parts of Hyundai Diesel Engines CRDi 2.0 in

the Diagnosis ES.

The Condition Detection section of the Diagnosis ES is

shown in Fig. 9. In this section, the user can find the place
Fig. 6. Diesel Engine Section of the Diagnosis ES. where it can be enter data of the results of each CBM
technique, techniques of vibration analysis, noise analysis,
In Fig. 7, the Diesel Engine Structure section with the link temperature analysis and oil analysis. When the user fills in the
of each engine system can be observed. This section contains form in this section and sends it, the ES shows as a response an
all the information about the systems of Hyundai Diesel alert level that describes what is happening to the diesel
Engine CRDi 2.0, such as technical specifications and engine. Also, the alert level shows the next steps that the user
diagrams of the components. The user can use this section to must follow to solve the problem. In this section is where the
learn or remember the structure of the engine that needs to be normal operation values are compared with CBM values
diagnosed and repaired. Fig. 8 shows an example of one of the obtained from the diesel engine.
systems of Hyundai Diesel Engine CRDi 2.0, where the
general information of the system and then the description of
each component is presented.

Fig. 9. Condition Detection Section of the Diagnosis ES.

Fig. 7. Diesel Engine Structure Section of the Diagnosis ES.

A representation of a diesel engine failure with their
possible causes in the Troubleshooting section is shown in Fig.
10. The user can find a brief description about the failure and a

ISSN: 2074-1308 132


list of links that shows each possible cause of this failure. Fig. III. DIAGNOSIS EXPERT SYSTEM INTEGRATED TO A CMMS
11 presents an example of one of the possible causes of the FOR DIESEL ENGINES
failure, where the user can find recommendations and The Diagnosis ES developed for Hyundai Diesel Engines
corrective actions. As shown in Fig. 11, the Diagnosis ES CRDi 2.0 is integrated within a module of a CMMS for
presents in this section the procedures, personnel and materials maintenance of diesel engines in the automotive area
needed to perform the maintenance activities. At the end of represented in Fig.12. This ES together with CBM analyzes
this part of Troubleshooting section, the ES presents performed to the engine are recorded in the Detection and
Recommended CBM Techniques for each cause of each Diagnosis Management Module, which interacts with other
failure of the Hyundai Diesel Engine CRDi 2.0. modules related to the maintenance management of diesel
engines, and which is structured as shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 10. Diesel Engine Troubleshooting Section of the Diagnosis ES.

Fig. 12. CMMS for Diesel Engines.

Fig. 11. Example of a Possible Cause in the Troubleshooting section Fig. 13. Scheme of the Detection and Diagnosis Management
of the Diagnosis ES. Module of the CMMS for Diesel Engines.

As shown in Fig. 13, the module comprises six

submodules, including the submodule Diagnosis ES that is

ISSN: 2074-1308 133


where are stored all ES related to diesel engines, including the

ES described above, so that users can consult whenever
required to know the status of an engine. Another submodule
is the Alert Levels, which stores each alert level that generates
the ES according to the engine condition detected, considering
a work order emitted by the CMMS for Predictive
Maintenance. There are also four submodules designed to
store information about CBM analysis performed to the
engine, and that are the results of analysis by Vibrations,
Noise, Temperature and Oil. The Diagnosis ES feeds on the
information stored in these submodules to diagnose engine
The interaction of Diagnosis ES with CBM and the CMMS
is shown in Figure 14, which shows that CMMS generate
through a work order a request of performing predictive
maintenance activities. According to these activities, data
measurements of vibration, noise and temperature through
sensors in the diesel engine is performed, and in the case of
oil, several samples for analysis are taken. These
measurements and samples from the engine are then analyzed
by CBM techniques and the results of these analyzes are stored
in the respective submodules of Detection and Diagnosis
Management Module in the CMMS. Next, the CBM results are
entered in Diagnosis ES to be compared with the normal
operating values to detect and diagnose the engine condition,
so that with the result of the comparison the ES triggers a
Level Alert, which in the case that involves a failure, also
gives the fault that occurs, the possible causes and
recommendations. All responses generated by the ES are
converted into actions in the CMMS, actions that generate a
work order related to recommended maintenance activities.

Fig. 14. Interaction diagram of Diagnosis ES with CBM techniques

and CMMS for Diesel Engines.

Considering the above, Figure 15 shows a process flow Fig. 15. Diagram of process of interaction between Diagnosis ES, the
diagram describing the integrated behavior between Diagnosis CBM and CMMS for Diesel Engines.
ES, CBM and CMMS for diesel engines. In this diagram is
considered as an initial step the creation of a predictive
maintenance work order in the CMMS, whether the IV. ANALYSIS
maintenance activity has been scheduled or maintenance The developed system is simple to use because it provides
personnel has requested the activity because the engine has a the user with important information about Hyundai Diesel
possible fault or any irregular situation. Engine CRDi 2.0 through a friendly interface, so that at a

ISSN: 2074-1308 134


critical moment of the engine, the system can help solve the [10] Invensys Systems Inc. [online], Avantis Condition Manager (2014),
problem quickly and effectively.
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In addition, this Diagnosis ES has the originality to come [11] L., Villa, O. Quintero, L. Castañeda, G. Mejíac, Fuzzy Inference System
structured so that it can be easily integrated into a CMMS for for Modelling Failure Modes in a Ropeway for Massive
diesel engines that take into account the CBM techniques for Transportation, 2015 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
the detection and diagnosis of engine failures. This ES through and Industrial Engineering (AIIE 2015), Phuket, Thailand, 2015, pp.
a CMMS helps decision making in terms of maintenance [12] O. Akinluli, V. Bagolun, T. Azeez, Development of an Expert System
activities for this engine according to the different alert levels for the Repair and Maintenance of Bulldozer’s Work Equipment
that can present considering the behavior of the engine Failure, ISSN: 2229-5518, International Journal of Scientific &
variables measured by CBM techniques with respect to data Engineering Research, Vol. 6, No. 6, 2015, pp. 1692-1704.
[13] D. Galar, A. Thaduri, M. Catelani, L. Ciani, Context Awareness for
tabulated in the Diagnosis ES. Maintenance Decision Making: A Diagnosis and Prognosis Approach,
Measurement, Elsevier, Vol. 67, 2015, pp. 137-150.
V. CONCLUSION [14] J. Aguilar, F. Rivas, Introducción a las Técnicas de Computación
Inteligente, 1st Edition, Meritec Editorial, Mérida, Venezuela 2001.
A Diagnosis ES that uses CBM techniques to guide [15] B. Tormos, Diagnóstico de Motores Diésel Mediante el Análisis de
maintenance optimally and that is embedded within a CMMS Aceite Usado, en Sistema de Diagnóstico Automático de Motores
for diesel engines has been created. Basado en el Análisis de Aceite, 1st Edition, Reverté Editorial,
Barcelona, España, 2005, pp. 315-351.
The ES developed for fault diagnosis facilitates the work [16] Hyundai, Diesel Engine D4EA. Bosch Common Rail, Shop Manual
of monitoring and diagnosis of Hyundai Diesel Engine CRDi Supplement., Korea, 2000.
2.0, and guides the decision-making about their maintenance. [17] Concho, I., Vergara, M., Rivas, F., Chica, F. and Rivera, N., An Expert
System Application for Diesel Engines Diagnosis, 6th European
The Diagnosis ES presented, being integrated with CBM Conference of Computer Science (ECCS '15), Rome, Italy. 2015, pp.
techniques and a CMMS for diesel engines, takes maintenance 195-201.
management and in turn to asset management to another level
that considers a holistic view of the condition of the diesel
engine. Ileana Concho Ríos. Mechanical Engineer from
Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (2012), Graduate Student of Maintenance
Engineering at Universidad de Los Andes,
Authors want to thanks the support given to this project by Mérida, Venezuela (2015). Currently working as a
the Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Maintenance Engineer at Laboratorios Valmorca,
Mérida, Venezuela (2015 to present). With
Innovación of Ecuador and Prometeo Program. experience in conducting research projects
focused on different topics of mechanical and
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Coordinator for the ULA's Intelligent Systems Laboratory. More than 230

ISSN: 2074-1308 135


scientific articles in journals, books, and international conference

proceedings. Author of four books. Awarded by Halliburton for contributions
and dedication to the development of petroleum technology. Recognition
awarded by Revista Gerente as one of the 100 most successful Managers in

Fernando Chica is with the Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica Automotriz.

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca. ECUADOR

Nestor Rivera is with the Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica Automotriz.

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca. ECUADOR

ISSN: 2074-1308 136

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