GPS Surveying Dr. Jayanta Kumar Ghosh Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Lecture - 07 GPS Positioning (Principle and Methods)

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GPS Surveying

Dr. Jayanta Kumar Ghosh

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Lecture – 07
GPS Positioning (Principle and Methods)

Welcome friends. This is the 7th class on GPS Surveying. Today I am going to talk on
GPS Positioning Principles and Methods. Their method of working GPS is very simple.
In spite of that the different types of GPS positioning are available and we do adopt in
the (Refer Time: 00:55) depending upon defined factors like what is the accuracy
requirement, what really we are going to do in the (Refer Time: 01:04), what type of
objects detail we like to cover etcetera.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:20)

So, we need to know GPS basic principle of working as well as the different matters that
is available which will be discussed in this class. This class we will talk on firstly
principle of GPS positioning and followed by different GPS positioning methods. Now
the methods are fundamentally may be divided into different categories, but in this
course I have divided it on the basis of the number of receiver, based on the moment of
the receiver, and also based on how the data will be processed.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:03)

Now, what is the three principle of working of GPS? The principle of working of GPS is
equivalent to what we learnt in our surveying course is resection.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:17)

Now what the method of resection? If in the method resection we find that if we know
the location of 3 objects, then form an unknown location if we can observe this and have
a line of observation then the intersection of these 3 lines of observation will provide us
the location of the point on which this unknown position is. In this way from 3 known
objects and its orientation we can get the location of the unknown point.
Now in case of GPS we also apply the same principle, but in GPS we positioning we
apply the method in analytical way. So, the basic principle of GPS positioning is
analytical resection method. Now in case of GPS whole form we get the three objects as
well as the direction of lines. In case of GPS it is the satellites whose positions we know
from; so in case of GPS let us say there are 4 satellites; 1, 2, 3, 4 which is being absorbed
from the surface of the earth and this is the point location whose position we want to
determine. So at this point what we do, we place a GPS receiver. This receiver receives
GPS signals from these satellites.

Now, as the GPS signal reaches to the receiver from satellites these signals contain
navigational data and these data we may use to find out the location of the satellites. So,
the satellite position gets known once the signal reaches receiver suppose the location of
satellite 1 is x 1, y 1, z 1. And also from time of transmission of signal from satellite to
the receiver the range between this satellite and the receiver at that instant of time is also
known. So ranges, that is the distance between the satellite and the receiver also known
once the signals gets received from the GPS satellites. Now, if x 1, y 1, z 1 is the location
of the satellite number 1 and x y z is the unknown position now from distance equation
we can write like this.

Similar to these for satellite number 2 we can write; in that way for 3 satellites we can
write 3 equations and we have 3 unknowns solving these we can get the unknown
location x y z. Now we know that in case of GPS it is not that 3 satellite signal, but
signal should be available from at least 4 satellites. The reason one is that. In satellites
the clocks or automatic standards use are of atomic standard and the time measurement
devices that is used in our receiver is quartz clock. So, there lies a lot of discrepancy in
measurement of time between the satellite system and the receiver system.

But one thing is that for all the satellites because it is being received by the same receiver
the discrepancy in measurement of time will be identical for all the signals coming from
all the satellites to the same receiver. So, you will have one more errors or unknowns that
are associated with a particular receiver that is called time error or time measurement
error or del t. So, that is taken is another parameter of measurement.

In case of GPS it is not the 3, but 4 parameters we need to measure. And so we need to
have at least 4 satellites from which signal has to arrive at the receiver to determine the
position, because time is the primary parameter to the measure. As we can see in case of
measurement of range it is the measurement of time which is required. So, the first
parameter we need to measure is the time which is including this error in time. All these
thing will be involved. And in case of GPS we say that it is at least 4 satellites. So, the
more numbers of satellites signals from the more numbers of satellites the better it will
be. So, this is in short about the basic principle of positioning of GPS.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:19)

Now we will like to discuss on methods of GPS positioning. Now we can see from our
principle of GPS that to carry out GPS serving we need to place our GPS server at any
position for which we need to determine the position. So, GPS serving basically consists
of replacing the GPS receiver. Now depending upon the field condition, depending upon
the objects to be delineated or positions of object depending upon that part of object
whose position object has to be determined, depending upon the accuracy requirement,
these methods vary.

Again these method will vary we how we place the receiver in the field.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:16)

There are different methods are available for GPS positioning and they may be classified
into different categories, but in my (Refer Time: 12:25) consider the all the methods
under 3 categories. Now first category I want to consider on the basis of numbers of
receivers that has been used in positioning. The second category I want to consider as
what is the way means whether it is in a static condition or in movement depending upon
the type of the movement of the receiver we can classify the positioning of the methods.
And third on who are depending upon the processing time.

Now, on the basis of number of receivers there are basically 2 types; one is at if we make
use of a single receiver that is called single point positioning or point positioning. And
the other type is called relative positioning where we can we do use more than one, that
means minimum two or it may be more than still two. Then, depending upon the
movement again there may be 2 types; one is called static positioning, where the
receivers will be in static condition. And another is called kinematic condition, where at
least one of the receivers should be in a movement condition. And then our static type of
again may be of 3 types; one is called absolute static positioning of GPS receiver, then
will call static method of solving, and the third one is called rapid static.

And under kinematic there may be 2 types; one is called single kinematic, where a single
receiver will be used and that will be in movement condition. And a relative kinematic
where there will be at least two receivers of which one will be in a static condition and
other will be in kinematic condition

And then under processing again there may be 2 types; one is called post processing.
That means, in this method of surveying the data that has been collected during
surveying will be possessed much after it has been collected. The other one is called real
time; that means, data will be processed simultaneously during it will be collected. Again
this post processing will be there are 3 types of post processing; that is one is called stop
and go, where the we will consecutively stop and take that reading and we will move
forward to the next point. Another is called kinematic and a kinematic on fly; KOF.

So, these are the 3 methods of surveying and under real time there are 2 types depending
upon holds what type of data it will be processed; one is called DGPS, differential
positioning. Another is called RTK; Real Time kinematic. Nowadays one special variety
of (Refer Time: 17:47) is also available and now it is called RTN; Real Time

So, this is in short the different types of search positioning methods that are available
nowadays. Now, let me go one by one.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:08)

That single point positioning method where the single receiver is being launched and the
signal will come from as many satellites in the (Refer Time: 18:17) from the receiver,
minimum for could be 4. And now these signal you can see here this in a single also
absolute also single, so we can say that single receiver may be in a state of static
condition that is called absolute static surveying. And if the single receiver is in
kinematic condition then it is called autonomous GPS surveying. Most of us who are
having our mobile with GPS generally we may use of our mobile for our navigation
purpose, specifically in a city area or in an area where you do not know to or to move
around. So, that is called Autonomous Positioning.

Now, these absolute again you can see that may be in a static means this is being used for
very precise positioning. Specifically for control point establishment we go for this. So,
the signal is also coming here and also coming here, this is called absolute positioning
for control point establishment and this for navigation purpose.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:56)

Next relative positioning, here also we can see that relative. In fact, this relative
positioning is widely prevalent among all this, mostly this is then all these are relative
positioning. Now what is relative positioning? In case of relative positioning there will
be at least 2 receivers of which one will be on a reference station means, a station point
whose location is known this is also called Control Point. And, other receiver will be
placed at point whose position is to be determined that is called Rover Stations or Rover
point, and the receiver is called rover receiver.
So, the condition is that the both reference and rover receivers should receive signals
from 4 identical satellites, at least from 4 identical satellites. This is the condition which
is to be prevailed for relative positioning, and the epoch of observation for the rover
receiver should be equal to that of reference receiver or more than it. That means, what is
epoch? Epoch means time interval in which the signal will be received. So, for
references suppose the epoch is 1 second or 1 second suppose then the epoch of rover
should be at least this could be one second or more that means 2 seconds 3 seconds

Now, suppose the epoch of reference is suppose 5 seconds then the epoch of rover
should be at least 5 seconds or more; that means, 10 seconds or something like that, it
cannot be less than 5 second. So, that is what is called epoch of the rover receiver should
be less equal to or more than what we have got the reference receiver. This is the very
important consideration.

First important consideration is that both reference and rover receivers should receive
signals from at least 4 identical satellites. Second condition important is that the epoch of
observation of the reference receiver should be less or equal to what it is available for the
rover receiver. Now after making the observation in a tips note we do classes the data
from both reference as well as receiver together, and during as we do process the data
together there is every possibility that the error in observation in the reference receiver
and the error in observation in the rover receiver will be more or less identical. So, when
we do process together then identical errors will cancel each other and that will lead as to
better positioning accuracy. That is what the idea behind in the repositioning.

And so for any accurate say GPS surveying always we go for relative positioning. And
relative positioning is widely prevalent among all the methods as I told you, so it is to be
understood nicely.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:22)

Next let us take into movement consideration. As I told you that receiver may be in a
static condition when it is not moving and kinematic condition when it is moving. And
again static condition it may be absolute, that means if we take a single receiver in a
static condition and taking observation that is called absolute positioning and that is used
when there is no reference available around, and while we up to start our work without
having any known position. In this case we need to take observation for long duration as
well as you should take the epoch of observation high like, 15 second, 20 second like

(Refer Slide Time: 25:16)

Next our relative static position, there is call relative static method. As I told you in
relative method there will be two or more of this; one will be at least reference and one
will be second or third fourth all will be rover. Because it is a static so all these receivers
will be in a static condition over the point for which I need to take the position. Later we
will download the data from both the receivers, all the receivers and will process together
and the position of the reference receiver is known with respect to that other location of
other receivers will be determined.

And for very accurate positioning we go for this, but in that case we should make use of
precise ephemerides. Now what are ephemerides? Is nothing but navigational data
precise ephemerides means precise navigational data which will be available in the
internet site after different suppose 3 days or 7 days or 15 days. So, if I take the precise
ephemerides after 15 days then that is the most accurate ephemerides or navigational
data about the satellites. If you make use of that to the relative static positioning then that
will lead us to most accurate positioning. And this of method and this epoch is used for
establishment of best control points or when the based on length very high.

So for long based on length or very precise control point positioning we do go for
relative positioning; for precise control points and long base lines. Now if the control
points are of less important means less accurate control point is need to be established of
the based on lengths of not that high, it means less than 10 kilometre or 20 kilometre; if
the baseline length is 10 less than 20 kilometre, then instead of relative static positioning
will go for rapid static positioning.

Now, rapid static positioning is same as relative static positioning, only thing is that in
case of rapid static method will do take observation for smaller duration as well as our
epoch interval also more. Sometimes we make use of lower quality of GPS receiver. So,
it is the receiver quality receiver. Quality means that quality of the data then your time of
observation or duration of observation, then epoch interval. These are the important
considerations about the accuracy. And then ephemerides used for processing, then
processing software. So, these are the things which need to be considered to arrive at
more accurate GPS position.

So, with this static is over now kinematic condition. Now let us go to kinematic method
of GPS serving. As I told you in this case at least one of the receivers will be in a
movement and already I have discussed about the single receiver kinematic positioning.
Now in case of relative kinematic positioning one of the receivers will be in a reference
station in a static condition and the other will be more than one may be walk as a rover
and will be in a kinematic condition.

Now, which is important is that actually this is the method which we again see available
with these methods, so will discuss on the post processing methods. Now depending
upon the processing time, when we pass that GPS data either immediately after the
collection of that data or afterwards that in the basis of that we do classify into post
processing. In post processing GPS data is get possessed well after its gets connected.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:03)

And this is the method which we generally used for most accurate purpose. As I told you
that relative static position that is also post processing type and in the relative kinematic
are post processing, relative post processing and relative kinematic. That means, is step
on the kinematic and kinematic on flag.

Now, in this case stop and let us discuss with this stop and go.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:40)

In the stop and go method of GPS surveying we need to place a reference in a static
manner and then the kinematic one first we should place at any point, it may be any point
but only thing is that it should be within the 2 kilometre from the reference station so that
both of them have the signal from at least 4 identical satellites; preferably it should be 5
and more. And then for few minutes, that means may be 5 to 15 minutes depending upon
the strength of the project nature of the project the they should take signal from identical
satellites having at least 5 identical satellites. That is this process is known as
initialization. Once it is being done then the rover receiver is kept points of whose
position which need to be determined.

Now, what you will do after initialization the receiver has to be kept on the first point.
Once it is taken to that point then we will make it placed on that point and data has to be
collected and once the data collection is over, then it will be making a stop and then we
have to take it second position that is stop and go; go means it will be removing from one
to other and stop during the stopping process it will take the observation at the station.

Now, the most important thing to be noted is that in this process we have to do
initialization process. Second point is that during whole of the surveying at least 4 or
preferably 5 or more satellites should be identical in nature for both the receiver. That
means, signals from 4, 5 or more satellites identical satellites should come in both
reference and rover receiver. And the epoch of observation of reference should be equal
to or less than the rover receiver.

And in case during this observation there is any loss of lock between these satellites; that
means, some common satellites are not coming, that means if there are less than 4
satellites which are not coming then we have to re initialize the process. And this method
of surveying is to be done when we are needed to capture data from point absorbs which
will be coming repeatedly in any area of survey.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:23)

Then in kinematic survey actually it is the same as; that means, here also we have to do
that initialization process as we did in stop and go method, but here after initialization
the receiver will be in continues kinematic mode. Generally for linear type of objects like
the corner of the roads or seashore like that we can go for kinematic surveying. Then
third one is that kinematic under fly in which (Refer Time: 35:01) will be done once you
will start the rover will start moving in a kinematic condition. Like this type of method is
applied for hydroelectric surveying. So, kinematic on fly is hydroelectric surveying. This
is for linear objects and this is for point objects; point object line object or linear object
and this is for hydroelectric surveying.

Another way it is which is now popular very much is the real time GPS surveying. Now
in case of real time surveying the errors are sent from reference to rover and rover makes
connections in real time and provides position in real time.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:01)

So, in this case there is an essential arrangement that is required to have; you can see
here that there is a reference receiver which is placed on a point whose position is known
and this is the rover receiver and this is a radio communication and this is connected with
a reference receiver.

So, the basic idea is that the errors that will be available in this will be also available
same as this rover receiver. Now as the point known, so as the signals are coming it will
compute the position of this. And already known position and computed position that is
the difference the difference is the error that error and some other parameters these radio
communication it will communicated to the rover. It is assumed that the error that is
available with the reference position is also will be same as that of rover and the rover
will complete this position and make this correction and give the position in real time.

So, this is the fundamentals and depending upon these errors may be computed from
court or from career. If the error messages is computed from court then it is called
DGPS; Differential GPS. And if the error messages are being prepare from career phase
then it is called Real Time Kinematic.

As you can see from this that the real time kinematic will provide us more accurate
position because these error messages are computed from the career phase of the signal.
And still more accurate method has come up that is called real time network. In this case
what happens there is more than one reference stations there are be network of reference

(Refer Slide Time: 38:16)

And from this reference station there will be a central server that the signal will be
coming and error messages will be produced there. And the rover position is there, it will
also provide this position data and all these thing for correction. And all these
information will go to the central server and central server will process all the data and it
will provide the real time correction message to the rover position. So, this is called real
time kinematic in network mode, and this perhaps the best most accurate real time

So, with this I like to conclude to this class.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:05)

However, before concluding let me summarize that it is the analytical research and
method which is being basics or which is the behind GPS positioning. For GPS
positioning we need at least 4 satellites and preferably 5. And based on different criteria
there are different methods that are available nowadays.

Of this the single, autonomous, kinematic mode is for our recognizing survey. We can go
for autonomous positioning method to establish our control point we should go for
relative static method. And if we want to long base line also we will go for relative static
method, but if you want to establish lower order control point or smaller base line we
will go for rapid static method.

If we want to go for positioning of point objects then we should go for stop and go
method. If we want to go for line objects like the road or rover line we should go for
kinematic method. And for land surveying work it is always advisable to go for post
processing mode of GPS surveying. And if we want to end up with the very accurate, we
should go for post processing GPS surveying method along with precise ephemerides.

Thank you very much. See you again in the next class. Next class will be on
demonstration of some of these methods that will be done in the field.

Thank you.

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