Combining Local Survey Data With Geodetic World: Presented by Andrej Mocicka
Combining Local Survey Data With Geodetic World: Presented by Andrej Mocicka
Combining Local Survey Data With Geodetic World: Presented by Andrej Mocicka
• The following will only be necessary if the projection used, does not use
WGS84 ellipsoid or you want to perform a Best Fit of your GNSS observations
to the local control.
– By creating a new project that uses a coordinate system with the same
ellipsoid as the GNSS data, typically WGS84. You would set the project in
geographical coordinates and then import the GNSS data via the Data
Conversions task. As the data is being imported it automatically converts
the geographical coordinates into grid coordinates for storage in the
– You can then transform the data onto MGA via a transformation task before
merging the data into you original MGA project.
– Once you have imported the GNSS data into you project, you will see your
control points as well as your detail survey data collected with your GNSS
Import GNSS Data
Transform WGS data to MGA
Importing Total Station Data
• The data collected with the total station can now be
downloaded, reformatted and reduced into the same project as
the GNSS data.
• Once all rotations and shifts have been completed on your title
you may wish to recompute the “Local (Title) Bearing Rotation”
as done previously so that the “Local Bearing” units accurately
reflect the title bearings.
Computing the Subdivision
• Once you have the Property Title entered
into the project, you can then compute the
subdivision in the normal manner.