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Combining Local Survey Data With Geodetic World: Presented by Andrej Mocicka

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Combining Local Survey Data

with Geodetic World

Presented by Andrej Mocicka

Presentation Summary

• Understanding the Basics

• The “Real World” Scenario

• How to bring in all the Data and work in a single


• Review with Questions and Answers

The Fundamentals
What is:
– a ground distance?
– an ellipsoid distance?
– a grid distance?
– a local distance?
– a plane bearing?
– a Grid bearing?
– a local bearing?
– Sea Level Correction?
– Projection Point & Line Scale Factors?
– Combined Scale Factor?
GNSS Measurements
• GNSS units basic measure and recording of points is
in Geographical Coordinates - Latitudes and
Longitudes (angular measurements) which is based
on the WGS84 ellipsoid.

• As measurements and computations are more

difficult to work with in the angular mode, most
people convert these measurements to Rectangular
Coordinates, where points are computed, displayed
and recorded in a linear form of, easting (X-axis) and
northing (Y-axis) coordinates.
Total Station Measurements
Ground distances are:
measured distances between two points
by either a Total Station or Steel Band.
Grid distances are: measured
distances that have had Slope, MSL,
Geoid Separation and Scale Factor
corrections applied as follows:

1.Slope Correction = Horizontal Ground

2.MSL Correction = Geoid Distance
3.Geoid Separation = Ellipsoidal Distance
4.Scale Factor = Grid Distance The relationship of ground, ellipsoid and grid distances
Real World” Scenario
You have been engaged develop a large property into
allotments suitable for residential housing development.

This will involve a control survey, detail survey as well as

a title re-establishment survey of the property on MGA.

The size, terrain and vegetation found on the property is

such that you decide that a combination of GNSS and
total station surveying equipment will be used to
efficiently complete the various parts of the project.

The final subdivision plans must be produced showing

title dimensions, while the submission of the sub-division
information to the appropriate referral authorities must be
supplied based on the MGA projection.
The GNSS Survey
• In the field your survey team first used their GNSS
equipment to establish control points throughout
the property that are connected to the MGA
coordinate system. These points will be used as
control for subsequent re-establishment, detail
and subdivision stakeout surveys.

• While establishing control points across the site

with the GNSS equipment, the survey team will
also decide to collect as much data as possible for
the detail and re-establishment surveys.
The Total Station Survey
• Your survey team use their total station equipment to
setup over suitable control points (established
previously via GNSS) and place additional control
points where vegetation or obstructions would not
allow GNSS to be used.

• They then completed the detail and re-establishment

surveys using their total station equipment.
The Office Procedure
In the office we create a new project that uses the required
MGA map projection.
– Import the GNSS,
– Import the total station data,
– Enter the title information (using local (title) bearings. and distances.)
– Compute the subdivision (using local (`title) bearings and distances.)
– Output the results with:
• local (title) dimensions for Plans of Subdivision (POS),

• Projection coordinates for GIS systems,

• Ground dimensions for set out,

Create MGA Project
Importing the GNSS Data
• Most GNSS equipment stores point data in WGS84 geographical
– (They usually have the ability to capture the points in a grid coordinate system of
your choice , which in this case is MGA. )
• Assuming the GNSS equipment is capable of providing MGA
coordinates then there should be no need to transform the coordinates
when you bring them into your system.
– ( Assuming the new project you created is based on the MGA coordinate
– (If not on MGA we will discuss this process next.)

• Normally a survey team can collect detail information as part of

their GNSS survey.
– (If this has occurred it is best to bring the GNSS data in where it can be
automatically reduced into a topological database.)
LISCAD Feature
– (This is achieved in LISCAD via the Field Transfer task, where LISCAD can not only
automatically attribute all objects it can interpret any operation coding that the team may have
used in the field.)
– (If not you can simply import the data via the Data Conversions task.)
Field Operation Codes
Field Operation Codes perform simple tasks such as:
•Field Measurements
– Measured Offsets
– Move a Point along a Line
– Create a circle with a radius point
•Extended String & Point Functions
– Repeat Point
– Close Current String
– Description
•Dimension Codes
– Orientating and sizing symbols
•Field template
•Creating parallel templates
•String Extensions
– and many more
Reduce GNSS Data
via Field Transfer
View of Reduced GNSS Data
Importing the GNSS Data Cont…
• Should your GNSS equipment not provide for MGA coordinates then you may
need to transform the coordinate data onto MGA before importing the data into
the MGA based project.

• The following will only be necessary if the projection used, does not use
WGS84 ellipsoid or you want to perform a Best Fit of your GNSS observations
to the local control.

– By creating a new project that uses a coordinate system with the same
ellipsoid as the GNSS data, typically WGS84. You would set the project in
geographical coordinates and then import the GNSS data via the Data
Conversions task. As the data is being imported it automatically converts
the geographical coordinates into grid coordinates for storage in the

– You can then transform the data onto MGA via a transformation task before
merging the data into you original MGA project.

– Once you have imported the GNSS data into you project, you will see your
control points as well as your detail survey data collected with your GNSS
Import GNSS Data
Transform WGS data to MGA
Importing Total Station Data
• The data collected with the total station can now be
downloaded, reformatted and reduced into the same project as
the GNSS data.

– This is all done via the Field Transfer task.

• During the reduction process it is important that you ensure

that the appropriate corrections are applied to the measured
total station data.
– This is done via the “Corrections” button on the “Reduce Field
File” dialog box.
– Ensure “Grid” option is selected for the ‘Direction” and that
“Ground” option is selected for the “Distance”.
– This will ensure that the distances are reduced correctly to full
geodetic precision (Corrections for Sea Level, Geoid Separation
and Scale Factor)
Download Total Station Data
Reduce Total Station Data
Set Corrections
All Field Data now in Project
Single Project
• We can now View and Report on Ground
and Projection Dimensions
Working with Cadastral Data
• Before entering the properties title dimensions,
identify at least two points from the re-establishment
survey that are identifiable points on the title that will
be your datum points.

• Set the project to work in “Grid” distance and

“Plane” bearing via the “Units Configuration” dialog
– Then examine the bearing and distance between the two
identified points in the project and note down the plane
bearing and grid distance.
Create Title Plan in Project
Examine Title Bearing and Distances
Enter Title Dimensions
• On the title, examine or compute the title bearing
and distance between those same two points.

• The difference between the plane bearing and the

title bearing is the value you need to enter into the
“Local Bearing Rotation” field in the “Configure
Units” dialog box. (Local = Title)

• Calculate the “Local Distance” scale factor by

taking the “Grid” distance and dividing the “Title’
distance into it. This is the value you need to enter
into the “Local Scale Factor” field in the “Configure
Units” dialog box.
Set the project to Local (Title)
Entering Title Dimensions
• With the project now set to work in “Local (Title) Bearing” and
“Distance” units, you can enter the title information.
– Typically using the “Line by Traversing” computation method.
– As you enter the title bearings and distances, information is
automatically rotated from the title bearings to plane bearings and
scales the title distances to grid distances before computing the
coordinates for your title boundary points in the MGA coordinate

• Naturally, you may want to perform some additional rotations

and shifts to your title once you see how it fits the other

• Once all rotations and shifts have been completed on your title
you may wish to recompute the “Local (Title) Bearing Rotation”
as done previously so that the “Local Bearing” units accurately
reflect the title bearings.
Computing the Subdivision
• Once you have the Property Title entered
into the project, you can then compute the
subdivision in the normal manner.

• Remember, ensure that the project is set to

“Local Bearing” and “Local Distance” so
that the bearings and distances entered
when computing the new allotments are
title bearings and distances.
Subdivision design
• With all data stored in the project as MGA
coordinates, you can export the data to other
software systems in that coordinate system (GIS).

• You can upload the coordinates to either your total

station or GNSS for set out purposes.

• To create CAD drawings of the subdivision that

show title bearings and distances, you only need to
ensure that the project is set to “Local Bearing” and
“Local Distance” when you create the CAD file.
Thank You


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