A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Two Wheelers
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Two Wheelers
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Two Wheelers
Demographic information :
Name : _______________________________ contact no : _____________________________
City :_______________________ gender : male [ ] female [ ]
age : below 20 yrs [ ] 20 – 30 years [ ] 30 – 40 years [ ] above 40 years [ ]
education : illiterate [ ] primary [ ] high school [ ] graduate [ ] post graduate [ ]
doctorate [ ] if other _________________________
occupation : ____________________________ income per month : less than 15000 [ ]
15000 – 30000 [ ] 30000 – 45000 [ ] 45000 & above [ ] unemployed [ ]
Q6) you have collected information above the particulars brand from which source ?
a)news paper b)tv or radio c)family or friends d)others _________________
Q14) how often would you take your bike for servicing ?
a) Monthly once b)1 to 6 months c)yearly once d)above 1 year
signature :
date :
thank you …….