A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Two Wheelers

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A study on customer satisfaction towards two wheelers

Demographic information :
Name : _______________________________ contact no : _____________________________
City :_______________________ gender : male [ ] female [ ]
age : below 20 yrs [ ] 20 – 30 years [ ] 30 – 40 years [ ] above 40 years [ ]
education : illiterate [ ] primary [ ] high school [ ] graduate [ ] post graduate [ ]
doctorate [ ] if other _________________________
occupation : ____________________________ income per month : less than 15000 [ ]
15000 – 30000 [ ] 30000 – 45000 [ ] 45000 & above [ ] unemployed [ ]

Q1) which two wheeler you own currently ?

a) Geared bike b) gearless motorbike
c) gearless moppets ( Honda , scooty , bike )

Q2) Average distance covered in a month ?

a) 0 – 100 kms b) 100 – 200 kms c)200 – 300 kms
d) 300 – 400 kms

Q3) what price your bike belongs to ?

a) Less than 30000 b)30000 – 40000 c)40000 – 50000 d)above 50000

Q4) what is the engine capacity of your bike ?

a)less than 100 cc b) 100cc to 125cc c) 125cc to 150 cc d) 150cc to 180cc
e) 180 cc to 200 above

Q5) which was the last bike used by you ?

a)hero Honda b)bajaj discover c)tvs apache d)honda bikes
e)if others ___________________

Q6) you have collected information above the particulars brand from which source ?
a)news paper b)tv or radio c)family or friends d)others _________________

Q7) Experience with your bike

a)worse b)not satisfied c)good d) satisfied
Q8) features you want to prefer in the bikes ?
1) Tyre - a) broad b)narrow
2) Ignition - a) self start b)kick start
3) Breaks - a) disk breaks b) normal

Q9)For what purpose you want to have bike ?

a) Status b)utility (usage) c)business d) for long journey e)style
f) if others _____________________

Q10) what kind of two wheeler would you buy in future ?

a) Motor bike b)scooter
c)electric bike d)cant say
e)not interested
Q11) how long your using your current vehicle ?
a)less than 1 year b)1 year – 2 years c)2 – 5 years d)5 – 10 years
e) above 10 years

Q12) why do you prefer the particular brand bike ?

a)price b)promotion c)appearance d)technical features
e) if others _________________

Q13) are you satisfied with this vehicle ?

a) Yes b)no
If no (reason) ________________________________

Q14) how often would you take your bike for servicing ?
a) Monthly once b)1 to 6 months c)yearly once d)above 1 year

Q15) what do you like in this bike ?

a) Style b)feature c)dream bike d) if others _____________________

your opinion towards developing your bike feature


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date :
thank you …….

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