Sa2019 Abstracts PDF
Sa2019 Abstracts PDF
Sa2019 Abstracts PDF
Zbornik sažetaka
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Zbornik sažetaka
ISSN 2459-5551
ii 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
pod pokroviteljstvom
Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske
Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske
Ministarstva zaštite okoliša i energetike Republike Hrvatske
a u suradnji s
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia iii
iv 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia v
Sekcije . Sessions
Session moderators
Session . Sekcija
Voditelj sekcije
Plenary Session
Plenarna izlaganja
Agroekonomika i agrosociologija
2 Željka Mesić
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
5 Milan Pospišil
Field Crop Production
7 Ante Ivanković
Animal Husbandry
Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo
8 Marko Karoglan
Viticulture and Enology
Poljoprivredna tehnika
10 Vanja Jurišić
Agricultural Engineering
vi 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
3 Zoran GRGIĆ
Hrvatska poljoprivreda i održiva bioekonomija
Croatia's agriculture and sustainable bio-economics
5 Moritz WAGNER
A sustainable biomass supply for the growing bioeconomy
13 Alicja AURIGA, Ana LATIN, Ivana KARIMOVIĆ, Matej SEDLAR, Lucija PREBEG, Dejana KRALJEVIĆ, Petra
Biofortifikacija kupusa (Brassica oleracea L.) selenom i cinkom
Biofortification of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) with selenium and zinc compounds
An innovative management system in protected areas for the purpose of sustainable tourism
Modeliranje transporta glifosata pri različitim agroekološkim uvjetima upotrebom lizimetara i kolona s tlom
Modeling glyphosate transport in soils under different agricultural conditions using lysimeter and soil column
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia vii
24 Dinka GRUBIŠIĆ, Maja ČAČIJA, Zrinka DRMIĆ, Martina MRGANIĆ, Darija LEMIĆ, Helena Virić GAŠPARIĆ,
Renata BAŽOK
Izolacija i identifikacija entomopatogenih nematoda na poljoprivrednim površinama u Hrvatskoj
Isolation and identification of entomopathogenic nematodes on agricultural land in Croatia
28 Radojko JAĆIMOVIĆ, Ljudmila BENEDIK, Marko ČERNE, Igor PALČIĆ, Igor PASKOVIĆ, Smiljana GORETA
Prednosti k0-INAA metode za karakterizaciju uzoraka tla
Advantages of the k0-INAA for characterization of soil samples
34 Jana KLANJAC, Paula ŽURGA, Valerija MAJETIĆ GERMEK, Mia BRKLJAČA, Branimir URLIĆ, Smiljana
Utjecaj mineralne ishrane borom na fenolni sastav lista masline
Boron mineral nutrition and its impact on olive leaf phenolics
36 Marija KRISTIĆ, Miroslav LISJAK, Marija ŠPOLJAREVIĆ, Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ, Andrijana REBEKIĆ
Sadržaj kloroplastnih pigmenata i fenola u soku pšenične trave (Triticum aestivum L.)
The content of chloroplastic pigments and phenols in a juice of wheat grass (Triticum aestivum L.)
38 Szabina KULCSÁR, Benjámin KÖVESI, Miklós MÉZES, Krisztián BALOGH, Erika ZÁNDOKI
Effect of multi-mycotoxin exposure of Fusarium mycotoxins on glutathione redox system in poultry
Utjecaj uzgoja ratarskih kultura na onečišćenje voda Biđ-bosutskoga polja
The influence of field crops cultivation on water pollution in Biđ-bosut field
41 Lucija PREBEG, Alicja AURIGA, Tomislav VINKOVIĆ, Marija ŠPOLJAREVIĆ, Darko KEROVEC, Franjo NEMET,
Biofortifikacija matovilca selenom pri uzgoju u kontejnerima
Selenium biofortification of lamb's lettuce grown in containers
43 Ivana RAJNOVIĆ, Martha-Helena RAMÍREZ-BAHENA, Fernando SÁNCHEZ JUANES, Sanja KAJIĆ, Álvaro
Bioraznolikost i simbiozna učinkovitost kvržičnih bakterija koje noduliraju grah
Biodiversity and symbiotic efficiency of common bean rhizobia
viii 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Slaven JURIĆ
Application of biopolymer microcapsules/ microspheres loaded with Trichoderma viride and calcium/copper
ions during a hydroponic cultivation of lettuce
48 Kristina VUGREK PETLJAK, Marina POPIJAČ, Tajana BAN ĆURIĆ, Antun ALEGRO, Dario HRUŠEVAR, Vedran
Očuvanje biološke raznolikosti, ekoloških funkcija i općekorisnih vrijednosti travnjaka Parka prirode
Conservation of biodiversity, ecological functions and general values of Medvednica Nature Park´s grasslands
50 Vladimir IVEZIĆ, Miro STOŠIĆ, Vladimir ZEBEC, Brigita POPOVIĆ, Josipa PUŠKARIĆ, Jelena ILIĆ, Jurica
Konsocijacija drvenastih vrsta i poljoprivrednih kultura kao inovativni pristup u agroekosustavima
Intercropping of wood species and agricultural crops as an innovative approach in agroecosystems
Sadržaj ukupnih topljivih šećera u kultivarima ječma tijekom razvoja
Changes of total soluble sugars content in barley cultivars during the growth
64 Lidija BEGOVIĆ, Selma MLINARIĆ, Ivan ABIČIĆ, Vlatko GALIĆ, Alojzije LALIĆ
Nakupljanje lignina i celuloze u različitim kultivarima ozimog ječma
Accumulation of lignin and cellulose in different winter barley cultivars
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia ix
66 Lidija BEGOVIĆ, Selma MLINARIĆ, Marin ŠKORO, Ivan ABIČIĆ, Vlatko GALIĆ, Alojzije LALIĆ
Nakupljanje i remobilizacije fruktana tijekom razvoja odabranih kultivara ozimog ječma
Fructan accumulation and remobilization in selected winter barley cultivars during development
Uspostavljanje kolekcije kultiviranog bilja u ZAGR Herbariju
Establishment of cultivated plant collection in ZAGR Herbarium
70 Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ, Vedran ORKIĆ, Sunčica GUBERAC, Miroslav LISJAK, Sonja PETROVIĆ, Andrijana REBEKIĆ
Optimalna priprema sjemena za uzgoj pšenične trave (Triticum aestivum L.)
The optimal preparation of seeds for cultivation of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.)
72 Sunčica GUBERAC, Sonja PETROVIĆ, Vedran ORKIĆ, Andrijana REBEKIĆ, Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ, Vlado GUBERAC,
Sonja VILA
TaCwi-A1 i TaSus2-2B geni u hrvatskom sortimentu ozime pšenice
TaCwi-A1 and TaSus2-2B genes in Croatian winter wheat varieties
Reakcija proteina pšenice na folijarnu gnojidbu ureom
Response of wheat proteins to foliar application of urea
76 Snežana V. JOVANOVIĆ, Goran TODOROVIĆ, Branka KRESOVIĆ, Miodrag TOLIMIR, Miloš CREVAR, Ratibor
Proportion of the medium large round seed fraction of maize inbred lines in dependence on the cytoplasm
77 Goran JUKIĆ, Ivan VARNICA, Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ, Ivica DELIĆ, Željka CEGUR
Kakvoća najzastupljenijih sorti soje u Republici Hrvatskoj
The quality of the most common soybeans variety in Republic of Croatia
79 Katarina JUKIĆ, Maja IŽAKOVIĆ, Ivica IKIĆ, Marko MARIČEVIĆ, Tihana MARČEK
Utjecaj tretmana plazme na genotipove ozime pšenice
Impact of plasma pre-treatment on winter wheat genotypes
83 Tatjana LEDENČAN, Vlatko GALIĆ, Andrija BRKIĆ, Antun JAMBROVIĆ, Domagoj ŠIMIĆ
Procjena otpornosti inbred linija kukuruza kokičara na fuzarijsku trulež klipa
Evaluation of Fusarium ear rot resistance in popcorn inbred lines
85 Ana LOVRIĆ, Hrvoje ŠARČEVIĆ, Marko MARIČEVIĆ, Ivica IKIĆ, Marko ČERNE, Marko IVIĆ, Ivana PLAVŠIN,
Relativna učinkovitost indirektne i direktne selekcije za prinos zrna pri niskoj i visokoj razini dušika kod ozime
Relative efficiency of indirect and direct selection for grain yield in low-N and high-N environments in winter
87 Anto MIJIĆ, Ivica LIOVIĆ, Aleksandra SUDARIĆ, Zvonimir ZDUNIĆ, Luka ANDRIĆ, Branimir ŠIMIĆ, Antonela
Razvoj uljnih hibrida suncokreta u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek
Development of sunflower oil hybrids at the Agricultural Institute Osijek
x 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
89 Ivana RUKAVINA, Zlatko ŠATOVIĆ, Edi MALETIĆ, Hrvoje ŠARČEVIĆ, Snježana BOLARIĆ, Zdravko
Nacionalna baza podataka biljnih genetskih izvora u Hrvatskoj
National Inventory of Plant Genetic Resources in Croatia
Usporedba metoda izmjere morfometrijskih svojstava zrna ozime pšenice
Comparison of measuring methods for morphometric traits of winter wheat kernel
93 Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ, Goran JUKIĆ, Ivan VARNICA, Branka RUSKAJ HRSAN, Ivica DELIĆ
Sjemenska proizvodnja soje u Republici Hrvatskoj
Soybean seed production in Republic of Croatia
95 Ivan VARNICA, Tihomir ČUPIĆ, Goran JUKIĆ, Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ, Ivica DELIĆ
Međuzavisnost komponenti prinosa i kvalitete zrna soje
The interdependence of yield components and the quality of soybean grain
100 Klaudija CAROVIĆ-STANKO, Martina GRDIŠA, Ivica BUDOR, Boris LAZAREVIĆ, Marko PETEK
Effect of amendments’ application on Lemon balm mineral content
Senzorska procjena različitih oparaka od aromatičnog bilja
Sensory evaluation of different infusions from aromatic herbs
105 Gvozden DUMIČIĆ, Josip TADIĆ, Mario CARIĆ, Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ, Ana SLATNAR, Branimir URLIĆ, Katja
Utjecaj koncentracije i sastava hranjive otopine na vegetativna svojstva presadnica cijepljene rajčice
Influence of nutrient solution concentration and composition on vegetative properties of tomato grafted
Kvaliteta glavice istarskog ljubičastog i žutog luka pri različitim razmacima sadnje
Istrian purple and yellow onion bulb quality at different plant spacing
109 Ines HAN DOVEDAN, Gabrijela BOŽIĆ, Miroslav POJE, Sandro BOGDANOVIĆ
Analiza mogućnosti primjene autohtonih trajnica u uređenju javnih površina
Analysis of possibilities of using autochthonous perennials in the design of public green areas
111 Lóránt HATVANI, András GEÖSEL, Ivana POTOČNIK, László MANCZINGER, Csaba VÁGVÖLGYI, László
Widening spectrum of fungal pathogens: increased threat to mushroom cultivation
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia xi
112 László KREDICS, Henrietta ALLAGA, Komal CHENTHAMARA, Rita BÜCHNER, Irina S. DRUZHININA, László
Carbon source utilization profiles of mushroom-pathogenic moulds
113 Katja ŽANIĆ, Branimir URLIĆ, Smiljana GORETA BAN, Gabriela VULETIN SELAK, Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ,
Utjecaj koncentracije dušika i cijepljenja na vegetativna i generativna svojstva rajčice
The effects of nitrogen rate and grafting on tomato vegetative and generative traits
116 Igor PASKOVIĆ, Smiljana GORETA BAN, Jana KLANJAC, Tomislav RADIĆ, Igor PALČIĆ, Marina LUKIĆ, Mia
BRKLJAČA, Paula ŽURGA, Branimir URLIĆ, Mario FRANIĆ, Barbara SOLDO, Dean BAN
Gnojidba i primjena arbuskularnih mikoriznih gljiva kao čimbenik prinosa i kvalitete ploda rajčice za preradu
Fertilization and arbuscular mycorrhizae application as yield and processing tomato fruit quality factor
Uloga fitohormona u toleranciji kupusnjača na abiotski stres
The role of plant hormones in abiotic stress tolerance of selected Brassicaceae
120 Marinko PETROVIĆ, Ksenija KARLOVIĆ, Dario KREMER, Marko RANDIĆ, Renata ERHATIĆ, Siniša SREČEC
Phytochemical characterization of bay laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) essential oils in Croatia
123 Luka JERONČIĆ, Lepomir ČOGA, Jana ŠIC ŽLABUR, Sanja RADMAN, Božidar BENKO, Nina TOTH
Dinamika rasta i prinos rige u plutajućem hidroponu pod utjecajem solnog stresa
Growth dynamics and yield of rocket in floating system as affected by salt stress
125 Péter URBÁN, Andrea VALASEK, Lóránt HATVANI, Csaba FEKETE, Komal CHENTHAMARA, Irina S.
Comparative genome analysis of Trichoderma species as agent of green mould on cultivated mushrooms
130 Ivanka GRGIĆ, Marijana GREC, Jelena PANAK BALENTIĆ, Veronika BARIŠIĆ, Jurislav BABIĆ, Antun
Modificiranje pšeničnog škroba primjenom visokonaponskog električnog pražnjenja
Modification of wheat starch by high voltage electric discharge
xii 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Utjecaj folijarne gnojidbe na urod zrna suncokreta
Influence of foliar fertilization on the sunflower grain yield
Biochemical profile of cultured and wild-caught turbot Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758) from northern
Adriatic Sea
Biochemical properties of Pecten jacobaeus (Linnaeus, 1758) tissues over yearly seasons
Fish sperm as in vitro toxicology test system
145 Réka BALOGH, Szilvia KESZTE, Csaba GUTI, Balázs CSORBAI, László ORBÁN, Béla URBÁNYI, Balázs
Applicability of an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) sex specific DNA marker
146 Réka BALOGH, Szilvia KESZTE, Csaba GUTI, Dóra Kánainé SIPOS, István LEHOCZKY, Levente VÁRKONYI,
Zoltán BOKOR, Gergely BERNÁTH, Béla URBÁNYI, Balázs KOVÁCS
A novel multiplex microsatellite set and its application on common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
147 Mateja BARANOVIĆ, Ivana BIRČIĆ, Jure BRČIĆ, Marina MAŠANOVIĆ, Luka MIMICA, Svjetlana
Preliminarni rezultati ispitivanja novog dizajna vrše za lov škampa
A new creel design for Nephrops fishery: preliminary results
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia xiii
Kvantificiranje zaglavljivanja u vršama za lov škampa (Nephrops norvegicus)
Quantifying sticking probability in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) creel fishery
153 Marica MAJA DRAŽIĆ, Gordana DUVNJAK, Miroslav KOBRA, Janja FILIPI
Svojstva zajednica sive pčele (Apis mellifera carnica) u field uvjetima tijekom dva desetljeća
Colony traits of Carniolan honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica) in field conditions over two
Rewilding u Hrvatskoj
Rewilding in Croatia
Transplantation of freshwater fish spermatogonia
161 Dean KONJEVIĆ, Nikica ŠPREM, Pave GANČEVIĆ, Damien BANULS, Miljenko BUJANIĆ, Franjo
Endoparaziti divokoze na području Gorskoga kotara – preliminarni rezultati
Endoparasites of chamois from the Gorski kotar region – preliminary results
163 Balázs KOVÁCS, Réka BALOGH, Szilvia KESZTE, Jelena LUJIĆ, Gábor SZILÁGYI, Milán VARJÚ, Bence
Development of an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) breeding system with molecular genetic support
Conservation of female genetic material in fish
165 Zoran MARINOVIĆ, Jelena LUJIĆ, Roman FRANĚK, Béla URBÁNYI, Michaela FUČÍKOVÁ, Vojtěch KAŠPAR,
Cryopreservation and transplantation of common carp germ cells
166 Daniel MATULIĆ, Katarina BENCETIĆ, Tina STUHNE, Iva RADIČEVIĆ, Jelena ŠURAN, Slavica ČOLAK, Tea
Dužinsko-maseni odnos i razina oksidativnog stresa hame (Argyrosomus regius) pri različitoj hranidbi
Length – weight relationship and oxidative stress of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) fed with different feed
170 Bernadett PATAKI, Tímea KOLLÁR, Zoran MARINOVIĆ, Jelena LUJIĆ, Gyöngyi GAZSI, Roberta IZABELLA
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) sperm cryopreservation
xiv 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Determinacija spola i morfološke osobine sivog puha (Glis glis) s područja Dalmatinske zagore
Determination of sex and morphological characteristics of edible dormouse (Glis glis) in the field of
Dalmatian hinterland
Genetic diversity of European Barbary sheep populations
Cryopreservation of eel gonadal tissue
175 Rubina TÜNDE SZABÓ, Mária KOVÁCS-WEBER, Benjámin KÖVESI, Krisztián BALOGH, Miklós MÉZES,
Mycotoxins induced DNA damage in common carp (Cyprinus carpio): investigations using LORDQ-PCR and
DNA repair gene expression analyses
178 Dalibor BEDEKOVIĆ, Zlatko JANJEČIĆ, Gordana DUVNJAK, Jasna PINTAR, Goran KIŠ, Ivica KOS
Proizvodni pokazatelji pijetlova pasmine kokoš hrvatica
Rooster production indicators of breed Hrvatica hen
Genetska struktura izvornih pasmina magaraca u Hrvatskoj
Genetic structure in Croatian autochthonous donkey breeds
184 Ivica KOS, Domagoj GORUP, Blanka SINČIĆ PULIĆ, Ana KAIĆ
Senzorni profili dimljenih pršuta iz pet proizvodnih sezona
Sensory profiles of smoked dry-cured ham from five production seasons
188 Polona MARGETA, Dubravko ŠKORPUT, Vladimir MARGETA, Kristina GVOZDANOVIĆ, Goran KUŠEC,
Autentifikacija proizvoda od Crne slavonske pasmine svinja pomoću mikrosatelitnih markera
Authentication of Crna slavonska pig breed products with microsatellite markers
190 Zvonimir GALINEC, Tina BOBIĆ, Pero MIJIĆ, Mirjana BABAN, Maja GREGIĆ
Osnovni muzni pokazatelji krava jersey pasmine
Basic milkability properties of the cows Jersey breed
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia xv
194 Danijela SAMAC, Đuro SENČIĆ, Zvonimir STEINER, Ivana KLARIĆ, Željka KLIR
Utjecaj probiotika na proizvodnost i zdravstveno stanje peradi i svinja
The influence of probiotics on the productivity and health of poultry and pigs
198 Antun KOSTELIĆ, Krešimir SALAJPAL, Boro MIOČ, Oliver MARTINIĆ, Mladen JARNJAK, Sofija DŽAKULA,
Utjecaj smještaja i hranidbe na zdravlje janjadi od poroda do odbića
The impact of housing and feeding on the health of lambs from birth to weaning
200 Franjo POLJAK, Jelena RAMLJAK, Ante IVANKOVIĆ, Željko GAGRO, Branko KOVAČIĆ
Utjecaj pasmine i spola na rezultate natjecanja u daljinskom jahanju
Effect of breed and sex on the results in endurance competition
202 Danijel KAROLYI, Zoran LUKOVIĆ, Krešimir SALAJPAL, Dubravko ŠKORPUT, Ivan VNUČEC, Kristina KLJAK,
Sastav masnih kiselina i oksidativna stabilnost mišićnog i masnog tkiva turopoljskih svinja iz uzgoja na
Fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of muscle and fat tissue of Turopolje pigs reared outdoors
204 Maja GREGIĆ, Mirna GAVRAN, Mirjana BABAN, Vesna GANTNER, Jelena KRISTIĆ, Tina BOBIĆ
Dodana ekonomska vrijednost mlijeka kopitara kroz prehrambene proizvode unutar EU-a
The added economic value of milk equine through food products within the European Union
209 Željko ANDABAKA, Domagoj STUPIĆ, Kristina NOVAK, Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ, Darko PREINER, Edi
Masovna pozitivna selekcija sorte Zlatarica vrgorska (Vitis vinifera L.)
Mass positive selection of Zlatarica vrgorska variety (Vitis vinifera L.)
Kemijska i senzorna karakterizacija vina ´Chardonnay´
Chemical and sensory characterization of Chardonnay wines
Usporedba krioprezervacijskih metoda u preživljavanju i regeneraciji sorte vinove loze "Portan" (Vitis vinifera L.)
Comparison of cryopreservation methods in survival and regrowth of grapevine variety "Portan" (Vitis vinifera L.)
xvi 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
220 Petra ŠTAMBUK, Iva ŠIKUTEN, Darko PREINER, Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ, Željko ANDABAKA, Domagoj
Usporedba in vitro i in vivo evaluacije osjetljivosti sorata vinove loze na plamenjaču (Plasmopara viticola)
Comparison of in vitro and in vivo evaluation of grapevine varieties to downy mildew susceptibility
(Plasmopara viticola)
222 Iva ŠIKUTEN, Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ, Petra ŠTAMBUK, Domagoj STUPIĆ, Željko ANDABAKA, Jasminka
Utjecaj rane defolijacije i prorjeđivanja grozdova na kvalitetu grožđa sorte 'Moslavac' (Vitis vinifera L.)
Effect of early defoliation and grape thinning on grape quality of cv. Moslavac (Vitis vinifera L.)
226 Darko CENBAUER, Robert BRKIĆ, Željka PRŠA, Edi MALETIĆ, Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ, Ivana TOMAZ,
Utjecaj podloge na aromatski profil grožđa sorte 'Graševina' (Vitis vinifera L.)
Influence of the rootstock on the aromatic profile in grapes of Graševina cv. (Vitis vinifera
228 Igor LUKIĆ, Ivana HORVAT
Differential affinity of bentonite towards pathogenesis-related proteins depending on the time of addition
during fermentation of Malvazija istarska grape must
Utjecaj folijarne gnojidbe na pH vrijednost mošta cv. Malvazije istarske (Vitis vinifera L.)
Effect of foliar fertilization on pH value of Istrian malvasia must (Vitis vinifera L.)
Marko KAROGLAN, Branimir OMAZIĆ, Željka PRŠA, Silvio ŠIMON
Vinogradarske zone u Republici Hrvatskoj
Vineyard zoning in Croatia
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia xvii
Session 9 | Pomology
238 Vanya AKOVA, Irina STANEVA, Marieta NESHEVA, Svetoslav MALCHEV, Viktorija NIKOLOVA, Valentina
Mineral content in the leaves of young plum trees grafted on ‘Docera 6’ rootstock
239 Vedran BAHUN, Barbara ANDJELIĆ, Mišel JELIĆ, Tomislav KOS, Kristijan FRANIN, Lucija ŠERIĆ JELASKA
Predatory arthropod in IPM and ecologically managed olive orchards: the impact on the strengths of trophic
242 Danijel ČIČEK, Predrag VUJEVIĆ, Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Tvrtko JELAČIĆ,
Očuvanje i identifikacija tradicionalnih sorti jabuka iz kolekcijskog nasada HCPHS u Donjoj Zelini
Conservation and identification of traditional cultivars of apples from the collection orchard of ccafra in
Donja Zelina
244 Lepomir ČOGA, Sanja SLUNJSKI, Vesna JURKIĆ, Tin PAKŠEC, Marko PETEK, Mihaela ŠATVAR
Primjena Holcim Agrocal proizvoda u kalcizaciji nasada jabuka
The application of Holcim Agrocal products in calcization of apple orchard
Fenolni spojevi lista masline pri sušenju raspršivanjem
Phenolic content of olive leaf extract in spray drying process
Usporedba kvalitete plodova jagode iz različitih sustava uzgoja
Comparison of strawberry fruit quality from different cultivation systems
250 Kristijan FRANIN, Matej RAŽNJEVIĆ, Šime MARCELIĆ, Branka MARIČIĆ, Tomislav KOS
Fauna člankonožaca (Arthopoda) u nasadu smokve (Ficus carica L.)
Arthopod fauna in the fig tree (Ficus carica L.) orchard
252 Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Tvrtko JELAČIĆ, Danijel ČIČEK, Predrag VUJEVIĆ
Kemijsko prorjeđivanje šljive 'Topstar plus' u tri različita vremena cvatnje
Chemical thinning of 'Topstar plus' plum at three diferent time of flowering
254 Tvrtko JELAČIĆ, Predrag VUJEVIĆ, Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Danijel ČIČEK
Utjecaj tipa tresača na učinkovitost berbe maslina
Influence of a canopy shaker type on olive harvest efficiency
xviii 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Utjecaj kalcija na morfometrijske i histološke promjene plodova trešnje 'Regina' i 'Sweetheart'
Effect of calcium on morphometric and histological changes of sweet cherry fruit 'Regina' and 'Sweetheart'
262 Šime MARCELIĆ, Kristijan FRANIN, Marina PAVLOVIĆ, Branka MARIČIĆ, Tomislav KOS, Ante DUJMOVIĆ,
Andrija FINKA
Utjecaj podloge 'Oblice' na vegetativni rast precijepljenih sorti maslina u Zadarskoj županiji
The effect of 'Oblica' rootstock on the vegetative growth of grafted olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) in the
Zadar County
266 Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Predrag VUJEVIĆ, Danijel ČIČEK, Tvrtko JELAČIĆ
Različitost morfoloških svojstava ploda primki jabuke u ex situ kolekciji banke biljnih gena Donja Zelina
Difference in morphological fruit characteristics of apple accessions from ex situ gene bank collection in
Donja Zelina
Effect of olive leaf addition during extraction on FAEE and waxes of cv. 'Buža' olive oil
Utjecaj reflektirajuće folije na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva plodova jabuke
Influence of reflective groundcover on apple fruits quality
271 Sanja SLUNJSKI, Lepomir ČOGA, Mihaela ŠATVAR, Zvonimir STIPIĆ, Ivana PULJAN
Mineralni sastav lista višnje 'Maraske' u dvije klimatski različite godine
Mineral composition of sour cherry cv. 'Maraska' leaf in the climatic two different years
273 Predrag VUJEVIĆ, Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Tvrtko JELAČIĆ, Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Danijel ČIČEK, Marin
Procjena i opis svojstava genotipova lijeske in situ u okviru programa banke biljnih gena
Evaluation and description of hazel gentopye characteristics in situ within the Plant Genetic Resources
Primjena laboratorijskih i terenskih metoda u procjeni hidrauličkih parametara i transportnih procesa u tlu
Use of different laboratory and field methods for estimation of soil hydraulical and transport processes
280 Ivan GREGIĆ, Robert SPAJIĆ, Davor KRALIK, Đurđica KOVAČIĆ, Daria JOVIČIĆ, Damljan SABLJIĆ
Evaluacija izlaznih kapaciteta gnojovke/digestata na umbilikalnom sustavu za aplikaciju
Evaluation of output capacities of manure/ digestate on the umbilical system for application
282 Ivan GREGIĆ, Robert SPAJIĆ, Davor KRALIK, Đurđica KOVAČIĆ, Daria JOVIČIĆ, Damljan SABLJIĆ
Prikaz dva modela aplikacije gnojovke/digestata na oranične površine
Overview of two models of manure/digestate application on arable land
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia xix
284 Vanja JURIŠIĆ, Mislav KONTEK, Tajana KRIČKA, Ana MATIN, Mateja GRUBOR, Nikola BILANDŽIJA
Novi genotipovi energetske kulture Miscanthus sinesis – karakterizacija biomase nakon žetve u
jesenskom roku
New Miscanthus sinesis genotypes – characterization of biomass harvested in autumn
286 Mislav KONTEK, Tajana KRIČKA, Mateja GRUBOR, Ana MATIN, Nikola BILANDŽIJA, Vanja JURIŠIĆ
Novi genotipovi roda Miscanthus - tehnologija podizanja nasada za potrebe prerade do bioproizvoda
New Miscanthus genotypes – technology of plantation establishment for conversion to bioproducts
The economic and environmental performance of miscanthus cultivated on marginal land for biogas
xx 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 0 Plenary session
Zbornik sažetaka
Plenarna izlaganja
Session 0. Plenary session
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Tradicionalna bioekonomija nije nova – poznata nam je kao poljoprivreda i šumarstvo ili
poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sustav. Trenutačni poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sustav nije održiv,
jer proizvodi otprilike 20-25% emisija stakleničkih plinova koje uzrokuju klimatske promjene;
uzrokovao je degradaciju tala u dijelu obrađenog zemljišta; troši oko 70 % vode koju ukupno
koristimo, pretjeruje s korištenjem mineralnih gnojiva i pesticida koji uzrokuju velika onečišćenje
rijeka, jezera i obalnih područja te je odgovoran za krčenje šuma, gubitak močvarnih područja
i biološke raznolikosti. Poljoprivreda budućnosti, kad već nije i sadašnjosti je ona koja mora
zadovoljavati potrebe postojećih i budućih generacija osiguravajući istovremeno profitabilnost,
zaštitu okoliša te socijalnu i ekonomsku jednakost. U RH nije ni održiva poljoprivreda iz
70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća uvedena kao efikasni sustav, što pokazuju podaci o slabom
korištenju resursa, smanjenju proizvodnje i tržnih proizvođača, ali i uvozu hrane te padu udjela
poljoprivrede u BDP - u. Zato će nam biti teže odrediti mjesto poljoprivrede u bioekonomiji i
bioekonomije u poljoprivredi i ruralnom razvoju. Održiva bioekonomija označava proizvodnju
iz obnovljivih bioloških resursa (iz tla i mora) te pretvorbu proizvoda i otpadnog materijala u
hranu, bioproizvode i bioenergiju. Ona obuhvaća poljoprivredu, šumarstvo, ribarstvo, proizvodnju
hrane i papira, dijelove kemijske i biotehnološke industrije te proizvodnje energije. Veća primjena
obnovljivih izvora više nije samo jedna od opcija, već je nužnost. Europa se pritom mora
transformirati iz društva razvijenog na fosilnim sirovinama u društvo na biotemeljima, a pogonska
sila tog procesa su istraživanje i inovacije, što daje dobru priliku akademskoj zajednici, pogotovo
nama iz biotehničkog područja. Proces prelaska ekonomije na bioekonomiju važan je kako za
okoliš, tako i za sigurnost hrane i energije, ali i za cjelokupnu konkurentnost E urope u budućnosti.
Potrebna je provedba multidisciplinarnih programa obrazovanja u cijeloj EU, što bi trebalo
rezultirati povećanjem mogućnosti i za visoko i za nisko kvalificiranu radnu snagu. U cijelom
procesu važna je uloga znanosti. Istraživanje i inovacije će imati važnu ulogu u razvoju tih
aktivnosti, podržati će ih nova zajednička poljoprivredna politika te kohezijska politika. Nužna
je potpora stvaranju novog, hibridnog sveučilišnog kurikuluma te razvoj interdisciplinarnih
kompetencija u širokom rasponu područja, uključujući znanosti o životu (life sciences), prirodne
znanosti, inženjerska znanja, poslovanje, gospodarstvo, obrazovanje i društvene znanosti. Europska
komisija u novoj strategiji razvoja bioekonomije naglašava kako može poticati istraživanja
u bioekonomiji, jačati financiranje, ali može također djelovati kao katalizator u olakšavanju
umrežavanja i razmjene najboljih praksi među zemljama članicama i regijama. Potrebno je
primjenjivati regionalni pristup s obzirom da bioekonomija može značajno doprinijeti budućem
razvoju ruralnih i obalnih područja. Jačanje bioekonomije, posebno u ruralnim i pogodnim
šumskim područjima EU, predstavlja snažan razvojni potencijal u pogledu rasta i radnih mjesta.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 3
Session 0. Plenary session
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
Traditional bio-economics is not new - we are known as agriculture and forestry or the agri-
food system. The current agri-food system is not sustainable because it produces about 20-25%
of greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change; caused the soil degradation in the part
of the treated soil; consumes about 70% of the total water we use, exaggerated by the use of
mineral fertilizers and pesticides that cause large pollution of rivers, lakes and coastal areas
and is responsible for forestry, wetland and biodiversity loss. Agriculture of the future, when it
is not yet present, is one that needs to meet the needs of existing and future generations while
ensuring profitability, environmental protection and social and economic equality. In the Republic
of Croatia, no sustainable agriculture from the 1970s was introduced as an efficient system,
showing poor resource use, reduced production and market producers, as well as food imports
and a fall in agricultural share in GDP. Therefore, it will be more difficult to determine the place
of agriculture in the biochemistry and bio-economics in agriculture and rural development.
Sustainable bioeconomics means production from renewable biological resources (from soil
and sea) and conversion of products and waste materials into food, bioproducts and bioenergy.
It covers agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and paper production, parts of the chemical and
biotechnology industry and energy production. The greater use of renewable sources is no longer
just one of the options but the necessity. Europe must be transformed from a society developed on
fossil raw materials into biotechnology society, and the driving forces of this process are research
and innovation, which gives a good opportunity to the academic community, especially from the
biotechnical field. The process of transitioning economics to biochemistry is important for the
environment as well as for food and energy security, but also for the overall competitiveness of
Europe in the future. Implementation of multidisciplinary education programs across the EU is
needed, which should result in increased opportunities for both high and low skilled workforce.
Throughout the process, the role of science is important. Research and innovation will play an
important role in the development of these activities, supported by a new common agricultural
policy and cohesion policy. It is necessary to support the creation of a new hybrid university
curriculum and the development of interdisciplinary competences in a wide range of areas
including life sciences, natural sciences, engineering knowledge, business, economics, education
and social sciences. The European Commission in its new strategy for the development of bio-
economics emphasizes that it can stimulate research in bio-economics, strengthen funding, but it
can also act as a catalyst to facilitate networking and exchange of best practices between member
states and regions. It is necessary to apply a regional approach as bioeconomics can significantly
contribute to the future development of rural and coastal areas. The expansion of bio-economics,
especially in rural and suitable forests in the EU, is a powerful developmental potential in terms of
growth and jobs.
4 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 0. Plenary session
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Science, Schloss Hohenheim 1, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Climate change and the ongoing depletion of fossil resources emphasize the need for a shift from
a fossil-based economy to a bioeconomy based on renewable resources. Demand for biomass
will increase significantly through the implementation of novel biobased value chains, including
biobased energy carriers, biobased materials and chemicals. However, as the debate about the
sustainability of first generation biofuels shows that the biobased alternatives are not per se more
environmentally friendly than their fossil-based counterparts. In addition, the growing demand
for biomass for energetic and material use bears the risk of competition with food production.
One solution for these problems could be the utilization of perennial crops, such as miscanthus or
switchgrass, which often have a better environmental performance in comparison to conventional
annual crops. In addition, perennial crops can be cultivated on marginal land, which is unsuitable
for the production of food crops. Therefore, an environmental sustainability of several perennial
crop-based value chains need to be assessed. Hereby strong focuses are the environmental hot
spots of cultivation and utilization of biomass, as well as potential improvement options. In
addition, the environmental performance of these value chains was compared to a fossil reference.
The results of these assessments showed, that there is a significant net benefit for the environment
in several impact categories when fossil-based products are substituted with biobased alternatives.
Key words: bioeconomy, sustainability, perennial crops, environmental performance, marginal land
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 5
Session 0. Plenary session
Organic farming (OF) become a regular part of agriculture, therefore the aims are to represent
the trends, practices and scientific backgrounds. The fact is that exist 178 countries, where organic
agriculture increased land from 11 million hectares in 1999 to 57.8 million hectares in 2016,
involved in total 2.7 million producers and more than 80 billion euros in market. The five largest
areas of organic land are in Australia, Argentina, China, United States of America and Spain. The
largest share of organic agricultural land in Europe (average 2.7%) reached Lichenstein, Austria
and Estonia, 37.7%, 21.9% and 18.9%, respectively in comparison with Croatia 6.0% and Slovenia
9.0%. The total year growth (2014/2015) of organic land in the world is aprox. 6.5 mio hectares
per year. Official agricultural practices follows International Federation of Organic Farming
Movements (IFOAM) principles and national regulations. OF in EU is covered with Council
Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and after 1.1. 2021will apply the new Council Reg. 848/2018.
The new regulation will bring 75 new definitions for all sectors; new rules for plant and animal
production, algaes, aquaculture, processed food, feed, wine and yeast; and the new rules for
production of game animals and rabbits. Additional to basic principles (no synthetic chemicals, no
GMO organisms, no industrial animal production, etc.) many interdisciplinary positive activities
(regulated and researched) are taken into account, like care for organic matter, biodiversity,
adoptions to climate changes, etc. According to activities of IFOAM the special attention was given
to further development, similar activities provide TP Organics –European technology platforms
for organic food and farming. During the last 10-year period an extensive data collection of OF
papers was published. The data shows that key words organic food contain 384,733 papers in Sci
Direct and 1791 in Sci (WoS), and OF 49,679 papers (incl. about 16 meta-analysis) and 2655 papers
(incl. about 70 meta-analysis), respectively. Special attention was done to quality of organic food,
cultivation practices and environmental impacts like biodiversity and foot prints. The data from
Univ. Maribor shows high percentage of organo-phosphorus insecticides in urine after digestion
conventional diet vs. organic food. Our data shows 4 to 6 times lower food prints in organic
cultivation systems of field crops and vegetables than in conventional system and many positive
effects on soil properties, and growth of crops in the fields using roller crimper in OF instead of
conventional tillage systems, especially in climate changing conditions. Special attention was took
into account of usable functional biodiversity with many positive effects on ecological services and
social situation of small farm holders.
Key words: organic farming, organic agriculture, organic food, biodiversity, ecological services
6 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 1 Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture
and Environment Protection
Zbornik sažetaka
Agroekologija, ekološka poljoprivreda
i zaštita okoliša
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Javna ustanova „Priroda“ već nekoliko godina provodi istraživanja travnjačke vegetacije na planini
Obruč. Obruč je botanički važno područje (IPA) uvršteno u mrežu Natura 2000. Utvrđeno je
da se ovdašnje zajednice mediteransko-montanih travnjaka mogu detaljnije raščlaniti - što je
bio glavni cilj istraživanja, pa se može izdvojiti nekoliko biljnih zajednica koje ranije nisu bile
poznate. Istraživanja prof. dr. Ive Horvata u sjeverozapadnim Dinaridima prepoznaju kompleks
mediteransko-montanih pašnjačkih zajednica izloženih buri s prevladavanjem trave uskolisne
šašike (Seslerietum juncifoliae s. lat.). Recentno istraživanje travnjaka provedeno u razdoblju od
2016. do 2018. godine u predjelu Brgudac/Zala/Vršine na južnim padinama Obruča uključivalo
je standardne fitocenološke metode (Braun-Blanquetov pristup). Rezultati ukazuju da se na 500
– 600 m nadmorske visine, na pretežno južnim ekspozicijama i na različitim nagibima terena te
na dolomitnoj geološkoj podlozi razrastaju i travnjaci iz istog vegetacijskog kompleksa u kojima,
međutim, prevladava crnkasta šiljevina (Schoenus nigricans L.). Prema utvrđenom flornom sastavu
travnjaci s crnkastom šiljevinom mogu se također detaljnije raščlaniti. Zbog smanjenog intenziteta
ispaše ovaca ove travnjačke zajednice na planini Obruč izložene su sekundarnoj sukcesiji. Najčešće
drvenaste vrste koje se naseljavaju u sastojine crnkaste šiljevine jesu Amelanchier ovalis Medik.,
Juniperus communis L., Fraxinus ornus L., Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. i Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold.
Opaženo je da busene crnkaste šiljevine povremeno pasu konji koji se u ovim predjelima drže u
slobodnoj ispaši.
Ključne riječi: travnjačka vegetacija, “Seslerietum juncifoliae“, planina Obruč, Schoenus nigricans,
sekundarna sukcesija
10 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Priroda Public Institution has carried out surveys of grassland vegetation on Mount Obruč for
several years. Mount Obruč is a botanically important area (IPA) included in the Natura 2000
network. Therefore, it is important to get to know the local vegetation in more detail, which is the
main aim of this paper. Previous research, carried out mainly by Professor Ivo Horvat in the north-
western Dinarides, recognised the complex of Mediterranean-mountain pasture communities
exposed to the bura wind, in which narrow-leaved moor grass (Seslerietum juncifoliae s.
lat.) predominates. Research was carried out in the period from 2016 to 2018 using standard
phytosociological methods (the Braun-Blanquet approach) on the southern slopes of Mount Obruč
(the Brgudac/Zala/Vršine area). The results show that at 500-600 metres above sea level, on mostly
southern exposures and on different inclines, as well as on dolomite geological bedrock, grasslands
from the same vegetation complex grow, though with black bog-rush (Schoenus nigricans L.)
predominating. On the basis of the determined floral composition, grasslands with black bog-
rush can also be broken down in more detail. Because of the reduced intensity of sheep grazing,
Seslerietum juncifoliae complex pastures on Mount Obruč are exposed to secondary succession.
The most common woody species that encroach on stands of black bog-rush are Amelanchier
ovalis Medik., Juniperus communis L., Fraxinus ornus L., Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. and Pinus nigra
J.F. Arnold. It has been noticed that tussocks of black bog-rush are occasionally grazed on by the
horses that are kept in the open air in these areas all year around.
Key words: grassland vegetation, Seslerietum juncifoliae, Mount Obruč, Schoenus nigricans,
secondary succession
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 11
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Groundwater represents more than 80 % of potable water consumption in Slovakia. Our biggest
reservoir of high quality potable groundwater is located on Žitný Island (Rye Island) in Slovak
republic. Not only this groundwater source, but also many other in Slovakia are situated in
locations with very good conditions for plant production. Protection of water in the Slovak
Republic is currently realized by these legislative defined zones: Water protection zones, Water
resources protective zone, Sensitive zones and Vulnerable zones.
According to low acreage of agricultural and arable land per person (about 0.40 and 0.25 ha), the
specific protective zones of water resources, which take almost 20 % territory of Slovak Republic,
could not be take away from agricultural activity.
This paper analyse methods of groundwater source protection zones utilization in Slovak republic
based on statistical evaluation of the retrospective modelling of the piston flow of infiltrating water
in the given soil profiles and under different crop covers.
Statistical evaluation of the retrospective modelling of the piston flow of infiltrating water in the
given soil profiles and under different crop covers can be used for:
1. more accurate localization of critical areas in the investigated protection zones in the term of
possible agrochemicals losses to the ground water for every grown crop-plant.
2. estimation of the investigated grown crops numerical order from the point of view their
influence on the input of the nutrients (agrochemicals) into the ground water
3. estimation of the „critical“ or „safe“ terms of agrochemicals application in the investigated
protection zones, as a function of the soil properties (in the event of their inhomogenity) and
the grown crops
4. estimation of the aplication dose of industrial fertilizers and manure
12 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Alicja AURIGA1, Ana LATIN2, Ivana KARIMOVIĆ2, Matej SEDLAR2, Lucija PREBEG2,
1West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland
2Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Nedostatak selena i cinka u prehrani značajno utječe na zdravlje ljudi. Negativni utjecaj nedostatka
i pothranjenost se mogu otkloniti povećanjem koncentracija i bioraspoloživosti mineralnih
elemenata (biofortifikacija) u biljnim prehrambenim proizvodima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je
odrediti utjecaj gnojidbe selenom i cinkom na koncentraciju oba elementa u listovima i glavici
kupusa. Pokus s biofortifkacijom proveden je na dva slavonska lokaliteta u istočnoj Hrvatskoj.
Mikroelementi su prije sadnje kupusa plitko uneseni na proizvodne površine u obliku vodenih
otopina natrij selenata (10 g Se ha-1 u obliku Na2SeO4) i cinkovog sulfata (2,5 kg Zn ha-1 u obliku
ZnSO4×H2O). Aplikacija selena rezultirala je statistički značajnim povećanjem koncentracije
Se u listovima i glavi kupusa. Koncentracije selena u listovima bile su osam puta veće, a u glavici
četiri puta veće nego u kontrolnim biljkama (642,4; 383,0 i 79,5 μg Se kg-1). Suprotno tome,
biofortifikacija cinkom imala je zanemariv utjecaj na koncentraciju cinka u ispitivanom biljnom
materijalu. Niti jedan tretman nije imao značajan utjecaj na prinos. Pokus je pokazao učinkovitost
aplikacije natrij selenata na obogaćivanje biljnog materijala selenom i opravdava praktične i
ekonomske aspekte biofortifikacije.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 13
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Alicja AURIGA1, Ana LATIN2, Ivana KARIMOVIĆ2, Matej SEDLAR2, Lucija PREBEG2,
1West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Słowackiego 17, 71-434 Szczecin, Poland
2Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek
Lack of selenium and zinc in a diet significantly affect human health. Negative influence of
deficiencies can be remedied through increasing the concentrations and bioavailability of mineral
elements (biofortification) in plant-food products. The aim of this study was to determine the
influence of selenium and zinc fertilisation on the concentration of both elements in cabbage leafs
and heads. The biofortification experiment was set in two different locations of Slavonia region in
east Croatia. Elements in form of aqueous solutions of sodium selenate (10 g Se ha-1 as Na2SeO4)
and zinc sulphate (2.5 kg Zn ha-1 as ZnSO4×H2O) were applied on the fields prior to the planting
of cabbage. Selenium treatment indicated statistically significant effect on the concentration of the
element in leaves and cabbage heads. The selenium concentrations in leafs were eight times higher
and in whole heads four times higher than in control plants (respectively 642.4, 383.0 and 79.5 µg
Se kg-1). On the contrary, zinc fortification reviled a negligible impact on the zinc concentration
in tested plant material. Both treatments did not have a significant effect on yield. The experiment
proved beneficial impact of selenium application on enriching the plant material in the element
and justified practical and economical aspects of the treatment implementation.
14 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Public Institution „Nature Park Medvednica“, Bliznec 70, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
The Project called Central Europe Eco-Tourism: tools for nature protection (CEETO) aims at
implementing an innovative system for tourism based on a participatory planning approach, to
improve and implement sustainable use of natural resources, especially monitoring tools focused
on sustainable tourism activities in different contexts.
The main goal of this paper is to present a project which aims to protect and enhance the natural
heritage of Protected Area (PA) and Natura 2000 Network by promoting an innovative sustainable
tourism planning model.
The project involves four phases: the diagnosis phase, the testing phase, the third phase is Creating
CEETO guidelines and the final phase, the CEETO Network.
Through the testing phase the plan is to improve monitoring program on the Sljeme ski slope area
at the Medvednica Nature Park. That will include determination of the state of environmental
indicators (hydrological, climatological, soil and edaphic) by analysis of snow, water, air and soil
as well as determination of the state of nature indicators (stream and wells fauna, meadow and
lichenes biodiversity and invertebrates).
The CEETO project will help to improve the managing capacities of managers of protected areas as
well as to raise awareness of the value managing tourism sustainably, of protecting Europe's natural
heritage whilst bringing social and economic benefits. It will provide a Network that will become
the instrument of future networking among PAs across Europe in order to develop common
initiatives and projects.
Key words: CEETO projects, Sljeme ski slope, enviromental indicators, nature indicators, network
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 15
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Proces biološke fiksacije dušika ima značajnu ulogu u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji.
Prvenstveno je značajan simbiozni odnos kvržičnih bakterija i mahunarki te se on nastoji
primjenjivati putem predsjetvene bakterizacije mahunarki. Uspješnost bakterizacije ovisi o
učinkovitosti sojeva kvržičnih bakterija, ali i o otpornosti sojeva na nepovoljne uvjete u tlu. Cilj
ovog istraživanja je utvrditi djelovanje različitih koncentracija fungicida i teških metala na rast
šesnaest sojeva kvržičnih bakterija vrste Sinorhizobium meliloti i Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.
viciae. Rast sojeva praćen je na YMA podlozi koja sadrži različite koncentracije kadmija, bakra,
mangana i cinka. Za ispitivanje utjecaja različitih koncentracija fungicida na bazi iprodiona,
mankozeba, kaptana i kombinacije mankozeb+zoksamid korištena je filter-disk metoda.
Rezultatima istraživanja potvrđeno je inhibitorno djelovanje fungicida mankozeba na rast svih
ispitivanih sojeva, ali i otpornost ispitivanih sojeva na fungicid na bazi iprodiona. Fungicid
mankozeb + zoksamid djelovao je inhibitorno na rast sojeva samo kod većih doza. Istraživani
sojevi R. l. bv. viciae i S.meliloti pokazali su dobar rast na svim apliciranim koncentracijama Mn
iona, ali su značajno osjetljivi na prisutnost kadmija i bakra. Većina ispitivanih sojeva nije osjetljiva
na niže koncentracije cinkovih iona. U nastavku istraživanja potrebno je provjeriti dobivene
rezultate u vegetacijskom i poljskom pokusu pri čemu bi se ispitivao utjecaj fungicida i teških
metala na nodulacijsku sposobnost i simbioznu učinkovitost sojeva.
Ključne riječi: predsjetvena bakterizacija, fungicidi, teški metali, sojevi R. leguminosarum bv.viciae,
sojevi S. meliloti
16 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The process of biological nitrogen fixation has important role in sustainable agriculture
production. In agriculture practice legume-rhizobia symbiosis is used throught pre-sowing legume
inoculation. Highly efficient rhizobial strain and also resistant to unfavorable soil conditions are
crucial for successful legume inoculation. In this study, the impact of different fungicide and heavy
metals concentration on growth of sixteen Sinorhizobium meliloti and Rhizobium leguminosarum
bv. viciae strains was analysed. The strains growth on YMA medium containing different
concentrations of cadmium, copper, manganese, zinc was determined. The effect of fungicide
iprodione, mancozeb, kaptan and a combination of mancozeb+zoxamide on strains growth was
analysed using filter-disc method. The results showed that fungicide mancozeb inhibited the
growth of all tested strains, but strains were also resisted to fungicide iprodion. The application
of higher concentration of fungicide mancozeb+zoxamide inhibited strain growth. All tested R.
leguminosarum bv. viciae i S.meliloti strains are manganese resistant and resulted in increased
bacterial growth at all manganese concentrations, but sensitive to copper and cadmium presence.
Most of tested strains was tolerant to lower zinc concentration. For future work it is necessary
to test nodulation and symbiotic efficiency of rhizobial strains after fungicide and haevy metal
treatment in pot and field conditions.
Key words: pre-sowing inoculation, fungicide, heavy metals, R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strains, S.
meliloti strains
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 17
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
S obzirom na mogućnost uzgoja rajčice u različitim proizvodnim područjima te samim tim i
u različitim agroekološkim uvjetima, cilj ovoga rada je utvrditi potrebu rajčice za vodom na
reprezentativnim lokalitetima u okviru Republike Hrvatske. Potreba rajčice za vodom je određena
pomoću računalnog programa „Hidrokalk“ (izvorna metoda Palmer W.C., 1965., korigirana
i kalibrirana prema Vidačeku Ž., 1981.), a relevantne podloge: vrijednost korisnih oborina
prosječne i sušne (75%-tne vjerojatnosti pojave oborina) godine prema metodi USBR (United
States Bureau of Reclamation, Smith M., 1992.) te referentna evapotranspiracija prema metodi
Penman-Monteith pomoću računalnog programa „Cropwat 8.0“. S obzirom na odabrane lokalitete
(Tovarnik, Jagodnjak, Donji Miholjac, Belica, Ćepić polje, Sinjsko te Vransko polje) korišteni su
meteorološki podaci Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda RH s najbližih meteoroloških postaja
za tridesetogodišnje razdoblje. Istraživana tla pripadaju uglavnom odjelu hidromorfnih tala,
izuzev lokaliteta Belica gdje su prisutna automorfna tla. S obzirom na relevantne podloge, može
se zaključiti da je potreba rajčice za vodom gotovo ujednačena na području Istočne Hrvatske i da
se kreće od 126,1-179,4 mm u prosječnoj do 272,5-309,6 mm u sušnoj godini. Najmanje potrebe
ima rajčica na lokalitetu Belica (62,9 mm u prosječnoj i 172,2 mm u sušnoj), gotovo ujednačene na
području Ćepić polja i Sinjskog polja (109,5-122,2 u prosječnoj i 207,1-231,4 mm u sušnoj godini).
Najveće su potrebe rajčice za vodom na području Vranskog polja, gotovo 300 mm u prosječnoj i
432,8 mm u sušnoj godini.
18 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Considering the possibility of growing tomatoes in different production areas and therefore in
different agroecological conditions, the aim of this paper is to determine the water needs for
tomatoes at representative sites within the Republic of Croatia. Water needs for tomatoes was
determined using the “Hidrokalk” computer program (the original method of Palmer WC, 1965,
corrected and calibrated according to Vidaček Ž., 1981), and the relevant layers: the value of
precipitation in average and dry year (75% probability of occurrence precipitation) according to
the USBR (United States Bureau of Reclamation, Smith M., 1992) and reference evapotranspiration
according to the Penman-Monteith method using the “Cropwat 8.0” computer program. Given
the selected sites (Tovarnik, Jagodnjak, Donji Miholjac, Belica, Ćepić polje, Sinjsko and Vransko
polje), the meteorological data from the nearest weather stations of the Croatian Meteorological
and Hydrological Service for the thirty year period were used. The investigated soils belong mainly
to the hydromorphic soil type, except for the Belica site where automorphic soils ere resent. Given
the relevant layers, it can be concluded that the water need for tomatoes was almost uniform in the
area of Eastern Croatia and ranged from 126.1-179.4 mm in average year to 272.5-309.6 mm in dry
year. The minimum requirement for water had tomatoes at the site Belica (62.9 mm in average year
and 172.2 mm in dry year), water needs were almost uniform in the area of Ćepić polje and Sinjsko
polje (109.5-122.2 in average year and 207.1-231.4 mm in dry year). The highest water needs of
tomatoes were determined in the area of Vransko polje, where water needs were almost 300 mm in
average year and 432.8 mm in dry year.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 19
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Postanak područja delte rijeke Neretve posljedica je različitih geoloških procesa kroz dugi
vremenski period: usijecanje doline rijeke Neretve u kršku podlogu tijekom razdoblja niže razine
mora, oscilacije razine mora koje su bile posebno naglašene u periodu kvartara, procesi trošenja
stijena drenažnog područja rijeke Neretve, transporta alumosilikatnog materijala rijekom i
sedimentacije. Sastav i tip sedimenta koji grade današnju deltnu ravnicu i prodeltu izravna su
posljedica tih procesa. Uz ove prirodne procese koji su se odvijali kroz stotine tisuća godina,
značajan utjecaj na značajke sedimenta i samu deltu Neretve u zadnjih nekoliko stotina godina
imaju i ljudi. U ovom radu predstavljeni su različiti antropogeni utjecaji i njihov intenzitet (hidro- i
agromelioracije, gradnja akumulacija i hidrotehničkih objekata na Neretvi, Trebišnjici i gornjim
horizontima, geokemijske promjene u tlu, salinizacija i porast morske razine), s ciljem procjene
kako će ljudski utjecaj u kombinaciji s onim prirodnim, utjecati na daljnje promjene (progradaciju/
degradaciju) deltnog područja. Rezultati istraživanja sedimentnih jezgri iz deltne ravnice rijeke
Neretve, pokazuju izrazitu promjenu u veličini zrna sedimenta. Šljunkoviti i pjeskoviti sedimenti
nalaze se u većim dubinama i odgovaraju aluvijalnim sedimentima pleistocenske starosti, na koje
su se kasnije tijekom holocena istaložili sitnozrnatiji transgresivni sedimenti (sitni pijesak, prah i
glina) u nekadašnjem krškom estuariju rijeke Neretve. Najplići dijelovi deltne ravnice predstavljaju
brzu progradaciju delte unutar estuarija Neretve u zadnjih 6000-7000 godina. Ipak, ta progradacija
je usporena djelovanjem čovjeka u zadnjih 100 godina.
20 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The development of the Neretva delta area is result of various geological processes during longer
period: incision of the Neretva River into karstic basement during periods of lower sea level, sea
level oscillations, which were particularly pronounced during Quaternary period, weathering
processes of the rocks in the drainage area of the Neretva River, transport of alumosilicate material
by the river and sedimentation. Composition and type of sediment, which filled recent delta plain
and prodelta, are direct consequence of these processes. However, beside these natural processes
that have been shaping Neretva River delta area during several hundreds of thousands years,
human influence has been important as well, in the last few hundred years. In this research, various
anthropogenic influences and their intensity have been presented (hydro- and agromelioration,
building of hydroacummulation on the Neretva River, Trebišnjica River and Upper Horizons,
geochemical changes in the soil, salinization and sea level rise), with the aim to establish and
estimate in which ways human influences, in combination with the natural processes, will affect
further changes (progradation/degradation) of the delta area. Results of grain size analyses in the
sediment cores from the Neretva River delta plain showed significant changes in grain size. Deeper
layers are composed of alluvial gravels and sands of Pleistocene age, atop which fine-grained
transgressive sediments were deposited (fine sand, silt and clay) in the former karstic estuary of
Neretva. The top layers of the delta plain represents fast progradation of the intra-estuarine Neretva
delta in the last 6000-7000. However, in the last hundred years this progradation has been slowed
down by human impact.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 21
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
1Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; (e-mail:
2Institut za medicinska istraživanja, Ksaverska cesta 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Primjena pesticida u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji može uzrokovati degradaciju kvalitete tla i
vodnih resursa ukoliko dođe do njihova procjeđivanja u dublje horizonte tla i vode. Glifosat je
herbicid koji se koristi za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih travnih i širokolisnih korova te višegodišnjih
korova. Iako glifosat ima veliku sposobnost adsorpcije u tlu, njegov transport do površinskih ili
podzemnih voda ipak je moguć. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi način transporta glifosata u tlu pri
različitim agroekološkim uvjetima. Poljski pokus je postavljen na dvije lokacije: Jazbina (brdsko
područje na teksturno teškom tlu) i Baštica (dolinsko područje na teksturno lakšem tlu). Na obje
lokacije su postavljeni senzori za praćenje vodne bilance tla, procjedni lizimetri i meteorološka
postaja te uzete kolone s tlom u neporušenom stanju. Na kolonama je u kontroliranim uvjetima
apliciran glifosat i vršeno ispiranje. Nakon prikupljenih podataka o toku vode i transportu
glifosata, provedeno je numeričko modeliranje pomoću HYDRUS 2D/3D programa. Očekivano,
visoki koeficijenti adsorpcije uslijed povećanog udjela gline i organske tvari uglavnom su limitirali
transport glifosata u dublje horizonte tla. Međutim, utvrđeno je i da su glavni procesi transporta
glifosata bili površinsko otjecanje (lokacija Jazbina) te preferencijalni tokovi (lokacija Baštica).
Rezultati upućuju da unatoč relativno visokoj adsorpciji u tlu, herbicidi predstavljaju potencijalnu
opasnost za kvalitetu vodnih resursa.
22 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25,10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
2Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Ksaverska cesta 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Use of pesticides in agricultural production can lead to soil and water quality degradation if their
leaching into deeper soil horizons or water occurs. Glyphosate is a herbicide used in control of
certain annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds. Although glyphosate adsorbs relatively
strongly in the soil, its transport and presence in surface and ground water has been observed.
Thus, the aim of research was to determine glyphosate soil transport in different agricultural
conditions. Field experiment was set on two locations: Jazbina (hillslope terrain with a heavy
soil texture) and Baštica (flat terrain with a light soil texture). On both locations, sensors for
determination of soil water balance, lysimeters and meteorological station were installed and
undisturbed soil columns are taken. Glyphosate was applied to soil columns after which columns
were irrigated with water. After collecting the soil water flow and glyphosate transport data,
numerical modeling with HYDRUS 2D/3D software was performed. As expected, relatively
high soil adsorption coefficients resulting from high soil clay and organic matter content limited
glyphosate transport into deeper soil horizons. However, data also confirmed that the main
glyphosate transport processes were surface runoff (for Jazbina location) and transport by soil
water preferential flow (for Baštica location). Thus, results suggest that even if highly adsorbed in
the soil, herbicides still pose a potential threat to water quality.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 23
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Dinka GRUBIŠIĆ, Maja ČAČIJA, Zrinka DRMIĆ, Martina MRGANIĆ, Darija LEMIĆ, Helena
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Entomopatogene nematode (EPN) zemljišne su nematode koje parazitiraju brojne kukce i
obećavajuća su alternativa kemijskim insekticidima. Do danas su izdvojene iz tala različitih
struktura i različitih staništa, uključujući pašnjake, šume i poljoprivredne usjeve. Različite
vrste i sojevi EPN pokazuju različitosti u preživljavanju, infektivnosti i reprodukciji, koje ih
čine više ili manje učinkovitima. Primjena endemskih EPN predstavlja manji rizik za neciljane
organizme u odnosu na introducirane vrste. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi postojanje
EPN na poljoprivrednim površinama u Hrvatskoj te izolirati endemske sojeve EPN, koji bi mogli
biti učinkovitiji u suzbijanju štetnika u odnosu na komercijalne vrste. Tijekom 2017. i 2018. g.
prikupljeno je 75 uzoraka tla iz 15 lokaliteta s područja 5 županija (Bjelovarsko – bilogorska, Grad
Zagreb, Koprivničko – križevačka, Virovitičko – podravska i Vukovarsko – srijemska), u usjevima
kukuruza, soje i krumpira, nasadima jabuke i lijeske te pašnjacima. Primjenom metoda „Galleria
bait“ i „White trap“ i molekularne dijagnostike, EPN iz roda Steinernema izdvojene su iz jednoga
uzorka tla, prikupljenoga u usjevu kukuruza u lokalitetu Karane (46°01'08.8"N 16°31'31.7"E) u
Koprivničko – križevačkoj županiji. Prema literaturnim podacima, EPN se utvrđuju u tek 3%
prikupljenih uzoraka tla. Kako bi se izolirao veći broj vrsta i endemskih sojeva EPN, intenzivirat će
se prikupljanje i analiza uzoraka tla.
24 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Dinka GRUBIŠIĆ, Maja ČAČIJA, Zrinka DRMIĆ, Martina MRGANIĆ, Darija LEMIĆ, Helena
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) represent a group of soil – inhabiting nematodes that
parasitize a wide range of insects. They are a promising alternative to chemical insecticides.
EPNs have been recovered from variety of soil textures and habitats, including pastures, forests
and crop fields. Various species and strains of EPNs exhibit differences in survival, infectivity
and reproduction that make them more or less efficacious. The use of endemic nematodes also
may present less risk to nontarget organisms than introduced species. The aim of this work was
to verify the occurrence of EPNs in agricultural land in Croatia and to isolate endemic EPNs,
which could be more effective in pest control than commercial strains. In 2017 and 2018, 75 soil
samples from 15 localities were collected in 5 Croatian counties (Bjelovarsko – bilogorska, Grad
Zagreb, Koprivničko – križevačka, Virovitičko – podravska and Vukovarsko – srijemska) from
corn, soya and potato crop, hazel and apple orchard and pasture. Using „Galleria bait method“ and
„White trap“ and molecular biology analysis, EPNs belonging to genus Steinernema were recovered
from one soil sample, taken in corn crop in the locality Karane (46°01'08.8"N 16°31'31.7"E) in
Koprivničko – križevačka county. According to literature data, EPNs are found to be present in
only 3% of the samples. In order to determine as many species and strains of EPNs as possible,
more samples need to be collected.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 25
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Zaštićeno područje Park prirode „Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje“ smješteno je u sjeverozapadnoj
Hrvatskoj, a obuhvaća površinu od oko 34 200 ha. Uslijed vegetacijske sukcesije i širenja invazivnih
biljaka dolazi do gubitka bioraznolikosti, a to je posljedica smanjenja čovjekovog utjecaja u
području zbog napuštanja tradicionalnog načina života i raseljavanja stanovništva. Tijekom tri
ljetne sezone (2016., 2017. i 2018.) na području Parka inventarizirane su invazivne strane biljne
vrste. Cilj istraživanja bio je zabilježiti prisutnost i udio invazivnih biljaka u ukupnoj flori područja,
što je jedan od zadataka iz Plana upravljanja Javne ustanove koja upravlja zaštićenim područjem.
Preliminarni podaci o prisutnosti invazivnih biljaka preuzeti su iz baze Flora Croatica Database.
Područje Parka prirode podijeljeno je u MTB (Meβtischblätter) mrežu s jedinicama površine od
1.5x1.45 km (MTB 1/64), slijedeći predloženi nacionalni standard. U analizu rasprostranjenosti
invazivne flore uključeno je 153 MTB 1/64 polja. Zabilježene biljne vrste određene su i analizirane
s obzirom na životni oblik, mehanizam rasprostiranja sjemena i korištenje zemljišta na kojem
su primijećene. Od ukupno 32 zabilježene svojte, na napuštenim poljoprivrednim površinama
najčešće su Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist
i Amaranthus retroflexus L. Najveći broj po MTB polju zabilježen je u naseljenim područjima
i kamenolomima, a najmanji na izoliranim šumskim travnjacima i travnjačkim površinama u
Ključne riječi: Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Conyza canadensis (L.)
Cronquist, Amaranthus retroflexus L., Park prirode „Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje“
26 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The protected area of Nature Park "Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje" is situated in the northwestern
Croatia, covering approximately 34 200 ha. There is a high probability of biodiversity loss under
the influence of succession and the spread of invasive plant species in the area, due to decreasing
anthropogenic influence, such as abandoning the rural way of life and emigration. During three
summer seasons (2016, 2017 and 2018) invasive alien plant species have been systematically
recorded in the area. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of invasive plant species
in total flora of the protected area, as one of the tasks assigned in the Nature Park Administration's
Management Plan. Preliminary data on the presence of the invasive plant species was taken
from the Flora Croatica Database. The entire area of the Nature Park was divided into a MTB
(Meβtischblätter) grid subdivided into 1.5x1.45 km units (MTB 1/64), according to the proposed
national standard. A total of 153 MTB units were included in the analysis of the distribution of
invasive flora. The determined species were analyzed with respect to their life form, the mechanism
of seed dispersal and the type of land use where the individual taxa appear. Out of total of 32
invasive plant species recorded, the most widespread species found on abandoned agricultural land
were Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist and
Amaranthus retroflexus L. The most of IAS per MTB 1/64 unit was found in populated areas and
quarries, while the least was recorded in isolated forest grasslands and grasslands in succession.
Key words: Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist,
Amaranthus retroflexus L., Nature Park "Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje"
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 27
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Radojko JAĆIMOVIĆ1, Ljudmila BENEDIK1, Marko ČERNE2, Igor PALČIĆ2, Igor PASKOVIĆ2,
Smiljana GORETA BAN2, Dean BAN2
1Institut "Jožef Stefan", Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija (e-mail:
2Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Hrvatska
U usporedbi s ostalim spektrometrijskim metodama, nuklearne analitičke metode mogu imati
nekoliko prednosti kod karakterizacije elementarnog sastava tla. U ovoj studiji je predstavljena
instrumentalna neutronska aktivacijska analiza (INAA) s aspekta njene osjetljivosti, prilagodljivosti
i visoke pouzdanosti. Neutronska aktivacijska analiza (NAA) je nuklearna analitička metoda koja
koristi specifične karakteristike nuklearnih reakcija te tako omogućuje istovremeno određivanje
brojnih elemenata u uzorku bez njegovog razaranja. NAA je jedna od najistaknutijih analitičkih
metoda kod određivanja rijetkih zemnih elemenata i aktinida u uzorcima tla zbog vrlo malih
interferencija matrice uzorka tijekom nuklearnih interakcija s uzorkom. Ideja o primjeni k0-
metode INAA (k0-INAA) u analitičke svrhe započela je u ranim 1970. godinama kada su apsolutni
nuklearni podaci zamijenjeni s k0-faktorima koji su bili određeni eksperimentalno. Navedena
analitička metoda koristi Au kao standard (u obliku Al-0.1%Au legure) koji je ozračen zajedno
sa uzorkom. Metoda k0-INAA je na Institutu "Jožef Stefan" uvedena i validirana sredinom 90-tih
godina te se od tada koristi kod rutinskih analiza makro- i mikro-elemenata u različitim uzorcima
iz okoliša korištenjem 250 kW TRIGA Mark II istraživačkog reaktora. Osim toga, k0-INAA
metoda je akreditirana i prema normi ISO/IEC 17025 za određivanje elementarnog sastava u
uzorcima iz okoliša. U ovom radu je k0-INAA metoda upotrijebljena u svrhu određivanja rijetkih
zemnih elemenata i aktinida u uzorcima tla s dodatkom komunalnog mulja. Rezultati pokazuju
da koncentracije La variraju od 17,4 do 59,7; Ce od 35,0 do 158,0; Nd od 17,1 do 54,8; Sm od 3,2
do 9,4; Eu od 0,7 do 2,0; Tb od 0,4 do 1,2 i Yb od 1,5 do 4,0 mg kg-1 suhe tvari. Koncentracije U
bile su u rasponu od 1,5 do 4,1 mg kg-1 suhe tvari a koncentracije Th u rasponu od 5,6 do 27,3
mg kg-1 suhe tvari. Sukladno s potvrdom o akreditaciji prema normi ISO/IEC 17025 izdanom od
strane Slovenske Akreditacije (br. LP-090) za k0-INAA metodu svi su navedeni rezultati unutar
raspona područja akreditacije, koji se za navedene elemente kreću od 0,005 mg kg-1 do 1000 mg
kg-1. Stoga možemo zaključiti da su glavne prednosti k0-INAA metode niska granica detekcije i
sastavljena standardna mjerna nesigurnost rezultata analize niža od 10%, što potvrđuje osjetljivost
i pouzdanost ove metode za karakterizaciju uzoraka tla.
Ključne riječi: Rijetki zemni elementi, Aktinidi, Tlo, k0-INAA, TRIGA reaktor
28 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Radojko JAĆIMOVIĆ1, Ljudmila BENEDIK1, Marko ČERNE2, Igor PALČIĆ2, Igor PASKOVIĆ2,
Smiljana GORETA BAN2, Dean BAN2
1Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (e-mail:
2Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia
For soil elemental characterization, nuclear analytical methods may have several advantages
compared to other spectrometric techniques. In this study, instrumental neutron activation
analysis (INAA) is presented in terms of its sensitivity, versatility and high reliability. Neutron
activation analysis (NAA) is a nuclear analytical technique that utilises the specific properties
of nuclear reactions, thereby enabling simultaneous determination of numerous elements in a
sample without its decomposition. Due to very small matrix interferences during neutron-sample
interactions, NAA is one the most prominent analytical technique for the determination of rare
earth elements and actinides in soil samples. The idea of using the k0-method of instrumental
neutron activation analysis (k0-INAA) for analytical purposes appeared in the early 1970s, where
the absolute nuclear data are replaced with k0-factors that are experimentally determined. It uses
Au as the standard (in form of an Al-0.1%Au alloy) irradiated together with a sample. The k0-
method at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) has been
introduced in the middle 1990s and validated, and since then it has been used for routine analyses
for determining micro and trace elements in different environmental samples using the 250 kW
TRIGA Mark II research rector. In addition, the k0-INAA technique has been accredited according
to the ISO/IEC 17025 for determining elemental composition in environmental samples since
2009. In this work, the k0-INAA technique was applied for the determination of rare earth elements
and actinides in samples of sewage sludge-amended soil. The results revealed that concentrations
of La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb and Yb varied from 17.4 to 59.7, 35.0 to 158.0, 17.1 to 54.8, 3.2 to 9.4, 0.7
to 2.0, 0.4 to 1.2 and 1.5 to 4.0 mg kg-1 dry weight, respectively. Concentrations of U and Th were
within limits from 1.5 to 4.1 and 5.6 to 27.3 mg kg-1 dry weight, respectively. According to ISO/IEC
17025 accreditation certificate LP-090 given by Slovenian Accreditation for the k0-INAA technique;
all results are inside the accreditation ranges, which for above mentioned elements varied from
0.005 mg/kg to 1000 mg/kg. In conclusion, the low limit of detection and the combined standard
uncertainty up to 10% of the measurement results confirmed the high sensitivity and reliability of
the k0-INAA for such applications.
Key words: Rare earth elements, Actinides, Soil, k0-INAA, TRIGA reactor
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 29
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj mrtvih organskih malčeva (neprerađena ovčja vuna
– OV i „filcana“ ekološka vuna – EV), crnog polietilenskog filma (PE) i nemalčiranog tla (NT)
na režim vlažnosti hortisola u vegetaciji salate maslenke (tip Batavia), u proljetnom roku uzgoja
(travanj-lipanj). Istraživanje je provedeno na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu 2017.
godine, a pokus je postavljen prema slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u tri ponavljanja. Uzorkovanje
tla (7 puta) obavljeno je dekadno sa dubina 0-10 cm i 10-20 cm, u 3 ponavljanja, a sadržaj vlage
u tlu određen je gravimetrijskom metodom. Trenutačna vlaga tla tijekom vegetacije salate nije se
spuštala ispod točke venuća (23,70 %vol). Na sadržaj trenutačne vlage u tlu statistički su značajno
utjecali: dani nakon presađivanja salate na otvoreno (DNS) i malč (M). S obzirom na DNS,
statistički najmanje vlage u tlu utvrđeno je kod 46 DNS (25,13 % vol u sloju 0-10 cm i 26,54% vol.
u sloju 10-20 cm), a značajno više kod 5 DNS (38,87 % vol u sloju 0-10 cm, odnosno 37,74 % vol.
u sloju 10-20 cm). S obzirom na M, na dubini 0-10 cm najviše vlage bilo je na PE (35,18 % vol), a
najmanje na NT (31,29 % vol), dok razlika između PE i OV (34,76 % vol.) nije bilo. Na dubini 10-
20 cm utvrđene su značajne razlike između PE (35,34% vol.) i OV (34,19 % vol) u odnosu na NT
(31,66% vol.), dok statistički značajna razlika između EV (33,51% vol) i NT nije utvrđena. Dakle, u
oba sloja tla trenutačna vlažnost se kretala slijedećim redom: PE > OV > EV > GT.
Od organskih malčeva primijenjenih u pokusu, OV se pokazala najboljom u čuvanju vlage tla, ali i
ekološki prihvatiljivijom u odnosu na PE.
Ključne riječi: ovčja vuna, polietilenski film, vrtno tlo, vlaga tla, lisnato povrće
30 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the dead organic mulch (loose sheep wool
-SW and nonwoven, ecological wool mat –EW), black polyethylene film (PE) and soil without
mulch (WM) on the Hortisol moisture regime in the cabbage lettuce vegetation (type Batavia),
during the spring cultivation period (April-June). The research was conducted on an experimental
field at Faculty of agriculture in Zagreb, in 2017. Trial was set up as random block design in three
replications. Soil sampling (7 times) was performed by decades with a depth of 0-10 cm and 10-20
cm in 3 replications and the soil moisture content was determined by gravimetric method. The
current soil moisture content during the lettuce vegetation did not drop below the wilting point
(23.70% vol). The current soil moisture content was significantly influenced by the days after the
transplantation of lettuce on the field (DAT) as well as type of mulch (M). With regard to DAT,
statistically the lowest value of soil moisture was found at 46 DAT (25.13% vol in 0-10 cm layer and
26.54% vol in layer 10-20 cm), and the significant higher value was recorded at 5 DAT (38.87 % vol
in layer 0-10 cm and 37.74% vol in layer 10-20 cm). With respect to M, at the depth of 0-10 cm the
highest moisture was at PE treatment (35.18% vol) and the lowest at WM (31.29% vol), while the
differences between PE and SW (34.76% vol.) treatments were not found. At 10-20 cm soil depth
significant differences in soil moisture were found between PE (35.34% vol.) and SW (34.19% vol)
treatments compared to WM (31.66% vol.), but statistically significant differences between EW
(33.51% vol) and NT were not determinated. Hence, in both soil layers the current soil moisture
content were found in following order: PE> SW> EW> WM.
Among all organic mulches which are used in this trial, SW was proved to be the best in soil
moisture conservation and also more ecologically acceptable than PE.
Key words: sheep wool, polyethylene film, hortisol, soil moisture, green vegetables
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 31
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The multifunctional role of the forest is reflected in the preservation of the environment and
biodiversity, the mitigation of the consequences of climate change, the preservation of the quality
and quantity of drinking water and soil, and it creates the preconditions for the development
of green economy. Demand for Forest Ecosystem Services (FES) is increasing, due to growing
populations and socio-economic changes. The aim of the research is to valorise the health function
of the FES and develop the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) methodology. Public Institution
Nature Park Medvednica conducts research as part of the project "Spurring INnovations for forest
eCosystem sERvices in Europe“. The research will be carried out for three years, in cooperation
with stakeholders, through workshops whereby stakeholders will be actively involved. On the
co-design workshop stakeholders have identified several mechanisms (One-time concession
permits, Donation boxes, Application model) that will be further improved and tested in the field.
Also the survey on the willingness to pay for FES is conducting. The results obtained by analyzed
questionnaires and compared with the already existing parameters will be the basis for developing
the PES methodology. This research should raise public awareness on the health benefits of FES
and FES in general. It is well known that the FES are ten times larger than the economic value of
the wood mass. Developed PES methodology will provide resources to maintain existing content
and infrastructure in Nature Park Medvednica and finance new ones.
Key words: stakeholder, forest, valorisation, health function, payment for ecosystem services (PES).
32 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Endophytic bacteria colonize the inside of the tissue without causing any negative effects. The
main aim of this study was to genotypically and phenotypically characterize endophytic bacteria
isolated from roots, stems and nodule of two soybean cultivars (AFZG Ana and Gabriela). A total
of 29 endophytes were isolated from three different tissues – root, nodule and stem. Genotypic
characterization included rrs genes sequencing. Five different genera of bacteria were identified:
Pseudomonas spp., Sphingomonas spp., Bradyrhizobium spp., Rhizobium spp., and Agrobacterium
spp. Most of the isolates were Gram negative, rod-shaped, without capability of capsule production.
The variability of the phenotypic characteristics of isolates was demonstrated, as well as the
resistance to adverse environmental conditions such as high temperature, increased salt content,
and low and high pH values. Most strains showed tolerance to the specific antibiotics. Most of the
catalase positive isolates belong to Bradyrhizobium or Rhizobium spp., while the catalase negative
isolates belong to the Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas and Agrobacterium spp. It was shown that 85%
of the tested isolates do not respond to the enzyme oxidase while those that react to the enzyme
belongs to the Pseudomonas spp. Further characterization of endophytes is needed to determine
their influence on plant growth.
Key words: endophytic bacteria, soybean (Glycine max L.), 16S rRNA gene sequencing, phenotypic
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 33
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Jana KLANJAC1, Paula ŽURGA2, Valerija MAJETIĆ GERMEK3, Mia BRKLJAČA4, Branimir
1Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Hrvatska e-mail: (
2Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije, Krešimirova 52a, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
3Sveučilište u Rijeci, Medicinski fakultet, Braće Branchetta 20/1, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
4Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za ekologiju, agronomiju i akvakulturu, , Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
5Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Hrvatska
Fenolni spojevi su glavni bioaktivni spojevi lista masline s dokazanim antikancerogenim,
protuupalnim i antimikrobnim djelovanjem. Iako je poznato da gnojidba utječe na sastav fenola,
tek je nekoliko istraživanja usmjereno na proučavanje utjecaja mineralne ishrane na sastav fenola
lista masline.
Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj gnojidbe borom (B) na fenolni sastav lista masline. Pokus je
postavljen u zaštićenom prostoru na jednogodišnjim sadnicama masline sorte Istarska bjelica.
U tri gnojidbena tretmana korištena je modificirana Hoglandova otopina s različitim molarnim
koncentracijama B (B0 (0 µM B), K (7.5 µM B) i B+ (30 µM B)). Nakon dva mjeseca tretman (B0)
pokazao je najveći utjecaj na sadržaj verbaskozida u listu masline u odnosu na ostale tretmane,
dok se ukupni fenoli nisu razlikovali između tretmana. Koncentracija cinka (Zn) i litija (Li) bila
je značajno veća u listu masline kod primjene standardne hranjive otopine (K) u odnosu na (B0) i
(B+) tretman. Koncentracija B u lišću bila je veća kod (K) i (B+) tretmana u odnosu na (B0), dok
je koncentracija B u korijenu bila značajno veća u (B+) tretmanu u odnosu na sve ostale tretmane.
Koncentracije P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, As, Cu, Pb, Al i Ba nisu se mijenjale pod utjecajem
primijenjenih tretmana.
Ključne riječi: cink, Hoglandova otopina, Istarska bjelica, Olea europaea L., verbaskozid
34 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Jana KLANJAC1, Paula ŽURGA2, Valerija MAJETIĆ GERMEK3, Mia BRKLJAČA4, Branimir
1Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia (
2Teaching Institute of Public Health Primorsko-goranska County, Krešimirova 52a, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
3University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine, , Braće Branchetta 20, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
4University of Zadar, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
5Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Croatia
Phenolic compounds are considered to be the main bioactive compounds in olive leaf and their
anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity are well documented. Although mineral
nutrition effect on plant phenolic compounds is well known, there are only few publications
focused on its impact on olive leaf phenolics.
Thus, the aim of this paper was to determine the impact of boron (B) fertilization on olive leaf
phenolic profile. One-year old Olea europaea L. cv. Istarska Bjelica seedlings were planted in the
greenhouse experiment with three different fertilization treatments. Each treatment was based on
the modified Hogland solution and different molar B concentrations (B0 (0 μM B), C (7.5 μM B)
and B+ (30 μM B)) were used. After two months the (B0) treatment had the highest impact on
verbascoside content in olive leaves compared to other applied treatments. The total phenols did
not differ between different B fertilization regimes. Zinc (Zn) and Lithium (Li) concentrations in
the olive leaf were significantly higher in the standard nutrient solution (C) compared to (B0) and
(B+) application. B concentration in olive leaves was higher in (C) and (B+) treatments related
to (B0), while B concentration in the olive roots was significantly highest in (B+) treatment.
Concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, As, Cu, Pb, Al and Ba were not modified under
different B treatments.
Key words: zinc, Hogland solution, Istarska bjelica, Olea europaea L., verbascoside
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 35
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Mladi izdanci pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) koji se mogu koristiti kao dodatak prehrani nazivaju
se pšeničnom travom. Sok klijanaca je bogat klorofilima, fenolima i ostalim antioksidativnim
komponentama, zbog čega se smatra funkcionalnom hranom. Klorofil predstavlja bogat
izvor bioraspoloživog magnezija koji je vezan na porfirinsku jezgru na sličan način kao što je
željezo vezano u hemskoj strukturi. Fenolni spojevi su sekundarni metaboliti biljaka velike
antioksidacijske aktivnosti. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi postoje li razlike u sadržaju kloroplastnih
pigmenata i fenola u soku pšenične trave kod pet hrvatskih, pet mađarskih i pet srpskih sorti,
uzgajanih u kontroliranim uvjetima. Veći omjer klorofila a/b je u prosjeku utvrđen kod hrvatskih
i mađarskih sorti u usporedbi sa srpskim sortama, a najveći prosječni sadržaj fenola je utvrđen u
skupini hrvatskih sorata. Kod svih petnaest ispitivanih sorata, utvrđen je najveći sadržaj klorofila
i karotenoida kod sorte Žitarka, a najveći sadržaj fenola kod sorte Srpanjka. Najviši sadržaj
klorofila i karotenoida u skupini mađarskih sorata je utvrđen kod sorte Csardas, a fenola kod sorte
MV Emese. U skupini srpskih sorata, sorta Pesma se isticala najvećim sadržajem kloroplastnih
pigmenata, dok je kod sorte Sremica utvrđen najviši sadržaj fenola. Dobiveni podatci pokazuju
da se već kod mladih klijanaca pšenične trave ističe sortna specifičnost u sadržaju kloroplastnih
pigmenata i fenola te je pravilan odabir sorte kod kućnog uzgoja ovog funkcionalnog dodatka
prehrani, jako bitan.
36 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Young seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that can be used as a dietary supplement, are called
wheat grass. Its juice is rich in chlorophylls, phenols and other antioxidant components, which
is why it is considered a functional food. Chlorophyll is a rich source of bioavailable magnesium
bounded to the porphyrin core in a similar way as iron is bounded to the hemium structure.
Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites of plants with high antioxidant activity. The
aim of the research was to determine whether there are differences in the content of chloroplast
pigments and phenols in wheat grass in five Croatian, five Hungarian and five Serbian cultivars,
grown under controlled conditions. The highest ratio of chlorophyll a/b is found in Croatian and
Hungarian cultivars in comparison to Serbian cultivars, and the highest average content of phenols
was found in the group of Croatian cultivars. In all fifteen examined cultivars, the highest content
of chlorophylls and carotenoids was found in the cultivar Žitarka, and the highest content of
phenols in the cultivar Srpanjka. The highest content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the group
of Hungarian cultivars was found in the Chardas cultivar, and phenols in the cultivar MV Emese.
In the group of Serbian cultivars, the Pesma cultivar was characterized by the highest content of
chloroplastic pigments, while the highest content of phenols was found in the Sremica cultivar. The
data obtained show that even in young seedlings of wheat, the specifity in chloroplastic pigments
and phenols content is highlited and the correct selection of cultivar for domestic growing of this
functional dietary supplement, is very important.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 37
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Szabina KULCSÁR1,2, Benjámin KÖVESI1, Miklós MÉZES1,2, Krisztián BALOGH1,2, Erika ZÁN-
1Szent István University, Department of Animal Nutrition, Páter Károly street 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
2MTA-University of Kaposvár-Szent István University, Páter Károly street 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
Fusarium mycotoxins - T-2 toxin, its active metabolite HT-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol (DON) and
fumonisin B1 are commonly found in feed commodities, which are known to initiate oxidative
stress which is neutralized by the glutathione system within the antioxidant defence system,
depending on the dose and duration of exposure.
In present study, the intracellular biochemical and gene expression changes were investigated in
case of multi-mycotoxin exposure, with attention to certain elements of the glutathione system.
In vivo study was performed in laying hen in a short-term (72 hours) feeding trial with medium
(T-2 toxin: 0,25mg/kg; DON: 5 mg/kg; fumonizin B1: 20 mg/kg) and high doses (T-2 toxin:
0,5mg/kg; DON: 10 mg/kg; fumonizin B1: 40 mg/kg) of multi-mycotoxin exposure. The amount
(reduced glutathione-GSH) and activity (glutathione peroxidase-GPx) of the glutathione system
was measured as antioxidant markers in the liver. Changes in gene expression of glutathione
peroxidase4 (GPx4), glutathione synthetase (GSS), and glutathione reductase (GSR) were also
The multi-mycotoxin exposure affected glutathione system, which was supported by the
significantly higher GSH concentration in the medium dose on the day 1 compared to the control.
GPx4 and GSS expression was elevated on day 1 in the same group and on day 2 in the high
dose group, but decreased later. GSR expression elevated on day 1 and decreased on day 2 in the
medium and high dose groups. In regard to the obtained results, the individual effects of the
Fusarium mycotoxins may be interfered by the composite toxicity of multi-mycotoxin exposure.
The research was supported by the NVKP_16-1-2016-0016 and EFOP-3.6.3-
VEKOP-16-2017-00008 co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund
38 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Istočna Slavonija i Zapadni Srijem spadaju u Istočno panonsku poljoprivrednu podregiju, a
tradicionalno se nazivaju i žitnica Hrvatske. Ovo područje odlikuje se plodnim tlima i (čistom)
vodom, ali intenzifikacija biljne i stočne proizvodnje, primjena agrokemikalija i napuštanje
plodoreda sve više utječe na onečišćenje voda u vodotocima i podzemnim izvorima pitke
vode. Istraživanja provedena u Biđ-bosutskom polju (2009-2013) imala su za cilj utvrditi stanje
površinskih, procjednih i podzemnih voda i intenzitet onečišćenja uzrokovanog gnojidbom
N i P kao najvažnijih hranjiva ratarskih kultura. Prema dobivenim rezultatima utvrđeno je da
je u vodotocima Biđ i Istočna Berava u znatnoj mjeri povećan sadržaj spojeva NH4-N i P te
je uz aktualni sustav gospodarenja, voda u njima izložena ozbiljnom riziku od eutrofikacije.
Srednje vrijednosti koncentracije ukupnoga N i P u perkolatu lizimetara povremeno su prelazile
maksimalno dopuštene koncentracije (MDK), od 11,3 mg N/l, odnosno 0,3 mg P/l. Valja također
naglasiti da je podzemna voda u solumu poljoprivrednih tala, prema utvrđenim vrijednostima i
kriterijima koji su propisani Uredbom o klasifikaciji voda (Narodne novine, br. 77/98. i 137/08.),
odgovarala III. kategoriji ekološke kakvoće. Rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja na području
Biđ-bosutskog polja pokazali su da plodored s visokom zastupljenošću okopavina te visokim
količinama dodanih gnojiva u neprimjereno vrijeme predstavlja opasnost ozbiljnog onečišćenja
vodnog blaga ovog područja dušikom i fosforom.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 39
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
University of Zagreb,Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
Eastern Slavonia and Western Srijem fall into the East Pannonian agricultural subregion, and
traditionally are called the granary of Croatia. This area is characterized by fertile soils and (pure)
water, but the intensification of plant and livestock production, the application of agrochemicals
and the abandonment of crops rotation are increasingly affecting water pollution in watercourses
and underground drinking water sources. The research was carried out in the Biđ-bosut field
(2009-2013) aimed to identifying the water status and the intensity of contamination caused by
fertilization of N and P as the most important crop nutrients. According to the results it was found
out that in the watercourses Biđ and East Berava the content of NH4-N and P compounds has been
considerably increased, and with the current management system, water is exposed to a serious
risk of eutrophication. Mean concentrations of total N and P in the lysimeter percolate periodically
exceeded the maximum allowed concentration (MAC) of 11.3 mg N/l or 0.3 mg P/l. It should
also be emphasized that groundwater in the agricultural soils, according to the values and criteria
laid down by the Water Classification Regulation (Official Gazette, No. 77/98 and No. 137/08),
corresponded to III. ecological quality category. The results of several years of research in the Biđ-
bosut field have shown that crop rotation with high amounts of fertilizers added in inappropriately
time presents a serious risk for contamination of water with nitrogen and phosphorus.
40 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
U mnogim područjima u svijetu koncentracija Se u tlu je mala, što utječe na razinu Se u krmi i
hrani te, posljedično, na zdravlje životinja i ljudi. U prethodnim su istraživanjima različiti autori
objavili da je prosječan dnevni unos Se u istočnoj Hrvatskoj vrlo nizak te da biofortifikacija
može ublažiti pothranjenost selenom. Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi uspješnost biofortifikacije
matovilca (Valerianella locusta L.) uzgajanog u kontejnerima dodavanjem Se u različite medije
za uzgoj. Pokus je proveden uzgojem matovilca u kontroliranim uvjetima u tri različita medija
(komercijalni medij na bazi bijelog treseta, vermikompost i 1:1 smjesa komercijalnog medija
i vermikomposta) u sjetvenim kontejnerima s volumenom 52 mL po sjetvenom mjestu.
Biofortifikacija Se provedena je dodavanjem 15 mL 40 µM otopine Na2SeO4 u medij 40 dana nakon
sjetve. Medij je značajno utjecao na prinos matovilca jer je najveći prinos ostvaren uzgojem na
komercijalnom mediju i na 1:1 smjesi s vermikompostom, a značajno niži uzgojem na čistom
vermikompostu. Biofortifikacija nije utjecaja na prinos. Utjecaj medija i biofortifikacije na
koncentracije Se bio je suprotan, nije utvrđen utjecaj medija, a aplikacija Se rezultirala je 173 puta
većom koncentracijom Se u matovilcu nego u kontrolnom tretmanu (1123,6 prema 6,5 µg Se kg-1
u svježoj tvari). Rezultati dokazuju veliki potencijal biofortifikacije jer je za preporučeni dnevni
unos selena (55 µg) dovoljno konzumirati 48,9 g svježeg biofortificiranog matovilca ili 8.461,5 g
matovilca bez biofortifikacije.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 41
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
In many areas of the world, the concentration of Se in soil is low, which affects level of Se in feed
and food plants and accordingly animal and human health. A very low average daily Se intake in
human nutrition was earlier reported for eastern Croatia, and biofortification could mitigate Se
malnutrition. The aim of this study was to analyze Se biofortification of lamb's lettuce (Valerianella
locusta L.) grown in containers by adding the Se in different growth medium. The experiment was
set with three different growth medium (commercial medium based on white peat, vermicompost
and 1:1 mixture) used for sowing (52 mL volume per plant). The Se biofortification was made
40 days after sowing by application 15 mL of 40 µM Na2SeO4 solution into growth medium. The
growth medium affected yield and the highest yield was achieved using commercial medium
or 1:1 mixture with vermicompost, but simple vermicompost resulted in singificantly lower
yield. The biofortification did not affected yield. The effect of medium and biofortification on Se
concentration was just opposite since there was no significant effect of medium, but Se application
in medium resulted in 173 times higher Se concentration in leaf of lamb's letucce than in control
plants (1123.6 vs. 6.5 µg Se kg-1 FW). The results prove high potential of biofortification since
for the recommended daily intake of Se (55 µg), it would be enough to consume 48.9 g of fresh
biofortified lamb's lettuce compared to 8461.5 g nonbiofortified lamb's lettuce.
42 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi genotipske, fenotipske i simbiozne značajke autohtonih
sojeva kvržičnih bakterija izoliranih iz 27 uzoraka tla sakupljenih na području sjeverozapadne
Identifikacija je izvršena pomoću metode MALDI-TOF MS, RAPD-PCR i filogenetske analize
rrs, recA, atpD i nodC gena. Fenotipska karakterizacija uključila je testiranje otpornosti na
visoke koncentracije NaCl-a, različitih vrijednosti pH i temperatura, otpornost na antibiotike
i iskorištavanje različitih izvora ugljika. U cilju utvrđivanja simbioznih svojstava odabranih 15
sojeva te njihove kompatibilnosti sa dvije tradicijske sorte graha postavljen je vegetacijski pokus u
Rezultati identifikacije pokuzuju da većina sojeva iz ovog istraživanja pripada vrstama R.
leguminosarum i R. hidalgonense, koja je nedavno otkrivena u Americi. Dva soja su identificirana
kao R. pisi dok nekoliko sojeva predstavlja potencijalnu novu vrstu. U vegetacijskom pokusu,
najučinkovitija su bila dva soja (23T i 16T) koja pripadaju vrsti R.leguminosarum. Osim što su
bili visoko učinkoviti u fiksaciji dušika, sojevi 1AT i 2Z (R. leguminosarum) pokazali su značajnu
otpornost na nepovoljne uvjete kao što su visoke koncentracije NaCl i visoke temperature. Stoga
bi ove sojeve trebalo uključiti u buduća istraživanja s ciljem odabira visokokvalitetnih sojeva za
primjenu u održivoj proizvodnji graha.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 43
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The main aim of the present study was to assess genotypic, phenotypic and symbiotic features of
indigenous common bean rhizobia isolated from 27 soil samples collected from the Northwestern
Identification was performed by MALDI-TOF MS, RAPD fingerprinting and phylogenetic analysis
of rrs, recA, atpD and nodC genes. Phenotypic characterization included testing the tolerance
to high NaCl levels, different pH and temperatures values, intristic antibiotic resistance and
assimilation of different carbon sources. Greenhouse experiment was setup in order to access
symbiotic features of 15 chosen strains and their compatibility with two traditional bean varieties.
The results of identification show that most of strains isolated in this study belong to the species
R. leguminosarum and R. hidalgonense, a species recently described in America. Two strains were
identified as R. pisi and several strains represent a potential new species.
In greenhouse experiment, the most efficient were two strains (23T and 16T) belonging to
R.leguminosarum species. Besides being highly efficient in symbiotic nitrogen fixation, strains 1AT
and 2Z (R. leguminosarum) showed significant tolerance to unfavourable conditions such as high
NaCl concentrations and high temperatures. Therefore, these strains should be included in further
investigation in order to select high quality strain for application as biofertilizer for sustainable
bean production.
Key words: symbiotic nitogen fixation, indigenous strains Rhizobium, common bean
44 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Tlo je polifazno i polidisperzno prirodno tijelo koje se sastoji od mineralne tvari i organske
komponente (kruta faza), te šupljika odnosno pora u kojima se nalazi voda (tekuća faza) ili zrak
(plinovita faza). Ukupni porozitet tla pokazuje samo ukupnu količinu pora u tlu, ali ne pokazuje
njihov međuodnos. Međuodnos pora s vodom (kapilarnih) i pora sa zrakom (nekapilarnih) se
naziva diferencijalna poroznost, a vrlo je važna za vodozračne odnose i plodnost tla. Ekološki
povoljna diferencijalna poroznost je 3:2 u korist kapilarnih pora. U istraživanju je određivana
diferencijalna poroznost eutričnog smeđeg (poljoprivredno tlo) i pseudoglejnog tla (šumsko
tlo) zapadno Panonske poljoprivredne podregije pomoću pF aparata (tlačnog ekstraktora, tlačne
membrane i kutije s pijeskom), kao i mehanički sastav tla svih horizonata u pet ponavljanja.
Mehanički sastav eutrično smeđeg tla je praškasta ilovača cijelom dubinom solumu sa
zastupljenošću brzodrenirajućih makropora od 3,6 do 5,0 % vol. i sporodrenirajućih makropora
3,5 do 3,9 % vol., zastupljenost srednjih mikropora ili pokretne kapilarne vode iznosi 31,1 do 33,8
% vol., dok je zastupljenost sitnih mikropora ili nepokretne kapilarne vode 12,8 do 19,6 % vol.
Pseudoglejno tlo ima praškastu do praškasto-ilovastu teksturu sa zastupljenošću brzo drenirajućih
makropora od 2,0 do 10,1 % vol. i sporo drenirajućih makropora 1,9 do 5,4 % vol., zastupljenost
srednjih mikropora je od 34,3 do 39,9 % vol. i sitnih mikropora 15,8 do 24,6 % vol.. Rezultati
istraživanja ukazuju da eutrično smeđe tlo ima povoljniju diferencijalnu poroznost u odnosu na
pseudoglejno tlo.
Ključne riječi: tlo, diferencijalna poroznost, pF aparati, kutija s pijeskom
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 45
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
The soil is a polyphasic and polydisperse natural body that consists of mineral matter and an
organic component (solid phase), as well as pores filled with water (liquid phase) or air (gas phase).
Total soil porosity shows only the quantity of pores in the soil, but not their interrelationship. The
interrelationship between pores with water (capillary) and pores with air (noncapillary) is called
differential porosity. Ecologically favorable differential porosity ratio is 3:2 in favor of capillary
pores. The study examined differential porosity of the eutric cambisol (agricultural soil) and
pseudogley soil (forest soil) of western Pannonian agricultural subregion using a pF apparatus
(pressure extractor and a membrane and a sandbox) as well as determined the mechanical
composition in all horizons of soil in five repetitions. Mechanical composition of the eutric
cambisol is silty clay soil in the whole solum with 3,6 to 5,0 % vol. of fast-draining macropores,
3,5 to 3,9 % vol. of slow-draining macropores, 31,1 to 33,8 % vol. of medium micropores (mobile
capillary water) and 12,8 to 19,6 % vol. of small micropores (immovable capillary water). The
pseudogley soil has silty to silty clay texture with 2,0 to 10,1 % vol. of fast-draining macropores, 1,9
to 5,4 % vol. of slow-draining macropores, 34,3 to 39,9 % vol. of medium micropores and 15,8 to
24,6 % vol. of small micropores. The results suggest that eutric cambisol has a favorable differential
porosity in relation to the pseudogley soil.
46 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Encapsulation of bioactive agents such as fungi and agrochemicals is a promising way for nutrients
delivery for a sustainable and safe plant production. Encapsulation of bioactive agents can slow and
control the release of active compounds, therefore more efficient use of agrochemicals with better
safety and environmental protection.
Trichoderma viride has shown the ability to enhance plant growth and its productivity. The
dual roles of antagonistic activity against plant pathogens and promotion of soil fertility make
Trichoderma species as a promising alternative to standard plant protection and nutrition
technologies. Based on our previous research, microparticles containing different combinations of
Ca2+or Cu2+ ions, T. viride, alginate, and additional chitosan coating were optimized and applied in
the hydroponic cultivation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Obtained ethanolic extracts of fresh lettuce
were analyzed in terms of biologically active compounds. Compared to the control, results revealed
a positive influence of microparticles on obtained biomass yield, rosette diameter, and height of
lettuce as well as the significant impact on bioactive compounds content and antioxidant activity of
ethanolic lettuce extracts.
Encapsulation of biological and chemical agents in biopolymeric microparticles has shown to be a
sustainable, environmentally friendly, rapid, convenient, economical and efficient delivery of active
agents for plant nutrition.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 47
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Kristina VUGREK PETLJAK1, Marina POPIJAČ1, Tajana BAN ĆURIĆ1, Antun ALEGRO2, Dario
1Javna ustanova “Park prirode Medvednica”, Bliznec 70, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
2Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Travnjaci se prostiru uglavnom rubnim dijelovima Parka prirode Medvednica gdje u dodiru s
vegetacijom šumskih rubova i šikara formiraju brojne ekotone. Iako prekrivaju površinu Parka
od samo 1,81%, značajno doprinose krajobraznoj raznolikosti područja, a važni su kao stanište
brojnih vrsta bitnih za zaštitu. Cilj prvotnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi tipove travnjaka i stupanj
njihova obrašćivanja unutar Parka. Istraživanje je provedeno 2010. godine na ukupno 49 lokaliteta
a uključivalo je izradu vegetacijskih snimki standardnom Braun-Blanquet metodom te podatke
o ekspoziciji, nagibu i načinu iskorištavanja staništa. Rezultati su utvrdili četiri osnovne grupe
travnjaka i tzv. visokih zeleni, a unutar svake grupe mogu se razlikovati po dvije zajednice i
nekoliko njihovih sukcesijskih stadija. Napuštanjem sela i tradicionalnog korištenja prostora poput
ispaše i košnje, započeo je razvoj sukcesijske vegetacije drvenastih i grmolikih vrsta čime dolazi
do promjene staništa. Kao najvredniji i najugroženiji pokazao se tip termofilnih suhih travnjaka
s uspravnim ovsikom na širem području Čučerja koji predstavlja jedino preostalo nalazište vrste
Anemone sylvestris u Hrvatskoj. Zbog svega navedenoga, djelatnici Javne ustanove zadnjih nekoliko
godina redovito obilaze i procjenjuju stanje flore i travnjačkih staništa. Nastavak istraživanja i
uvođenje monitoringa flore i ostalih sastavnica neophodno je za učinkovito planiranje upravljanja
travnjacima i uvođenje mjera aktivnog gospodarenja.
48 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Kristina VUGREK PETLJAK1, Marina POPIJAČ1, Tajana BAN ĆURIĆ1, Antun ALEGRO2, Dario
1Public Institution “Nature Park Medvednica”, Bliznec 70, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
2University of Zagreb, Faculty of science, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Grasslands stretch mainly along the edge parts of Medvednica Nature Park, where numerous
ecotones are formed in contact with forest edges and shrubs vegetation. Although covering
only 1.81% of the Park's surface, they contribute significantly to the landscape diversity and are
important as habitats of many species that are relevant for protection. The aim of the first research
was to determine the grassland types and their degree of overgrown within the Park. The survey
was carried out in 2010 on a total of 49 localities, including the vegetation images production using
the standard Braun-Blanquet method, as well as data on exposure, incline and habitat utilization.
The results identified four basic grassland groups and so-called high green, and within each group
two communities and several of their succession stages can be distinguished. By abandoning the
villages and traditional use of space such as grazing and mowing, the development of successive
vegetation of woody and bushy species has begun to change habitats. The most valuable and most
endangered is the thermophilic dry grassland type with upright bromegrass in the wider Čučerje
area as the only remaining finding site of Anemone sylvestris species in Croatia. Because all of
this, the employees of the Public Institution have regularly visited and evaluated the condition
of flora and grassland habitats in recent years. Further research and introduction of flora and
other components monitoring is essential for effective grassland management planning and the
introduction of active management measures.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 49
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Vladimir IVEZIĆ, Miro STOŠIĆ, Vladimir ZEBEC, Brigita POPOVIĆ, Josipa PUŠKARIĆ, Jelena
Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Konsocijacija podrazumijeva uzgoj više kultura na istoj površini u isto vrijeme. Kombiniranjem
trajnih nasada drvenastih kultura s poljoprivrednim kulturama na jednoj proizvodnoj površini
direktno utječemo na temperaturu, vlagu, insolaciju te strujanje vjetra unutar nasada (mikroklimu)
što za posljedicu ima veću otpornost biljaka na stresne uvijete kao što su klimatski ekstremi
(suša, poplava). Cilj istraživanja je ispitati utjecaj međuodnosa oraha i poljoprivrednih kultura na
prinose poljoprivrednih kultura unutar nasada. Pokus će biti proveden kroz pet godina, na dva
lokaliteta od kojih će se svaki sastojati od tri parcele s istim tipom tla i sa ujednačenom gnojidbom
na sve tri parcele na kojima se provodi ekološka poljoprivreda – kontrolna parcela sa usijanim
poljoprivrednim kulturama bez oraha, parcela s nasadom oraha gdje će između redova biti usijane
poljoprivredne kulture te trajni nasad oraha bez ratarskih kultura. U prvoj godini (2017/2018)
usijana je pšenica. Na kontrolnoj parceli prinos pšenice je bio 6.7 t/ha dok je prinos pšenice
usijane u orahe bio 6.0 t/ha, dakle za 11% niži. No s obzirom da je na parceli s orasima samo 75%
površine bilo usijano (25% površine su zauzimali orasi), možemo reći da je prinos po ha još i niži,
tj. 4.5 t/ha. Dakako ne smijemo zaboraviti na prinos oraha koji je bio jednak kao i u nasadu oraha
bez pšenice tako da možemo reći da je 4.5 t/ha pšenice samo dodatni prinos tj. dodatni izvor
zarade. Neophodna je provesti daljnju ekonomsku analizu kako bi se utvrdila isplativost ovakvih
50 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Section 1 . Agroecology, Ecological Agriculture and Environment Protection
Vladimir IVEZIĆ, Miro STOŠIĆ, Vladimir ZEBEC, Brigita POPOVIĆ, Josipa PUŠKARIĆ, Jelena
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek
Intercropping involves combining more plant species on the same parcel of land at the same time.
The main benefits of the intercropping are: better use of the production area, positive influence
on soil fertility, diversity of production in one vegetation, protection against plant disease, pests
and weeds, better use of nutrients and water in soil as well as increased biodiversity. The aim of
the research is to investigate the crop yields in such intercropped systems. The field trial will be
conducted during five years, at two locations in two Counties, each field trial will consist of three
parcels - control plot of agricultural crops without walnuts, walnut orchards with intercropped
agricultural crops and a permanent walnut orchard without intercropped agricultural crops. Crop
specie in the first year (2017/2018) was wheat. On the control plot the wheat yield was 6.7 t/ha,
intercropped with the walnuts the wheat yield was 6.0 t / ha, which is 11% lower than control.
However, given that only 75% of the intercropped area was covered with wheat (25% of the area
occupied the walnuts), we can say that yield is even lower, i.e. 4.5 t/ha. However, the intercropped
area in addition to wheat yield also has walnut yield which was the same as in walnut orchard
without wheat. Therefore, wheat yield is an additional source of profit. It is necessary to carry out
further economic analysis to determine the viability of such agroecosystems.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 51
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 2 Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Zbornik sažetaka
Agroekonomika i agrosociologija
Session 2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Cilj rada je istražiti povezanost konzumacije, navike i mjesta kupnje maslinova ulja i socio-
demografskih obilježja turista tijekom boravka u Hrvatskoj.
Istraživanje je provedeno od srpnja do rujna 2018. godine, upitnici su prikupljeni na uzorku
turista (N=421) tijekom boravka na sjevernom Jadranu. Podaci su obrađeni distribucijom,
frekvencijom i hi-kvadrat testom. Utvrđeno je da većina (82,7%) turista koji dolaze iz zemalja
proizvođača maslinova ulja (Italija, Slovenija) troše maslinovo ulje svakodnevno, dok turisti
iz zemalja ne proizvođača (Njemačka, Austrija, Belgija, Nizozemska) najčešće (44,4%) troše
maslinovo ulje nekoliko puta tjedno. U daljnju obradu podataka uzeti su odgovori ispitanika koji
kupuju maslinovo ulje tijekom boravka u Hrvatskoj (N=241). Maslinovo ulje znatno češće (88,2%)
kupuju u destinaciji turisti koji dolaze iz zemalja ne proizvođača maslinova ulja. Na mjesto kupnje
maslinovog ulja u destinaciji utječe status zaposlenosti ispitanika, pri čemu samozaposleni i
zaposleni najčešće izabiru supermarkete. Na obiteljskim gospodarstvima kupuju najčešće turisti sa
fakultetskim (32,8%) i višim obrazovanjem (29,7%). Ostale varijable ispitanika nisu signifikantne
prema mjestu kupnje maslinova ulja. U cilju unaprjeđenja plasmana maslinovog ulja na Hrvatskom
turističkom tržištu posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti turistima iz zemalja ne proizvođača maslinovog
54 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
The aim of the paper is to investigate the connection between consumption, habit and place of
olive oil purchase by tourists during their stay in Croatia. The survey was conducted from July
to September 2018. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire which was filled in by
tourists (N=421) during their vacation on the north Adriatic coast. The data processing included
distribution, frequency and hi-square test. Most of the tourists who (82.7%) are coming from olive
oil producers countries (Italy, Slovenia) consume olive oil on a daily basis, while tourists from
non-producers countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands) use olive oil (44.4%) several
times a week. In the further processing of the data, was taken the answers from the respondents
who indicated that they purchased olive oil during their stay in Croatia (N = 241). Tourists
(88.2%) who are coming from non-olive oil producers’ countries mostly buy olive oil during their
stay in Croatia. The place of purchase of olive oil is influenced by the employment status of the
respondents, self-employed and employed respondents most often choose supermarket. According
to the education level tourists who finished university (32.8%) and higher education (29.7%) most
frequently buy olive oil on the family farms. Other variables of the respondents are not significant
regard to place of purchase of olive oil, during their stay in Croatia. In order to improve the
placement of olive oil on the Croatian tourist market, special attention should be paid to tourists
from non-olive oil producers.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 55
Session 2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Jabuka je najzastupljenija voćna vrsta u našoj prehrani. Pri uzgoju jabuka važno je uzeti u obzir
sklonosti potrošača, njihovih motiva i navika konzumacije. Ponuda jabuka u Hrvatskoj nije
ujednačena, te se razlikuje kvalitetom, cijenom, načinom izlaganja i asortimanom. Sortiment
ponuđenih jabuka na hrvatskom tržištu ne odgovara preferencijama domaćih potrošača.
Prevladava Idared i Golden Delicious, dok su modernije sorte (Gala, Fuji, Braeburn, Pink Lady,
Granny Smith) slabije dostupne i zastupljene, iako potražnja za njima i na domaćem, a pogotovo
na inozemnom tržištu postoji. Cilj rada bio je na temelju senzorskog ispitivanja na uzorku od 100
potrošača istražiti jesu li prevladavajuće sorte jabuka u Hrvatskoj (Idared i Zlatni delišes) sorte koje
potrošači ocjenjuju kao najkvalitetnije, ili su to modernije sorte (Gala, Fuji i Braeburn). Potrošači
su organoleptička svojstva ocjenjivali na hedonističkoj skali od 1 do 9. Na temelju organoleptičkog
ispitivanja jabuke i statističke obrade podataka možemo zaključiti da je za vizualni izgled za tri
svojstva (oblik, krupnoća, ukupan vizualni izgled) najviše ocjene dobila sorta Zlatni delišes, a za
dva svojstva (boja ploda, boja mesa) sorta Braeburn. Ispitanici sortu Braeburn ocjenjuju kao sortu
najintenzivnijeg mirisa, teksture (gustoća, tekstura, hrskavost, sočnost, čvrstoća, čvrstoća kožice,
ugoda žvakanja), okusa (intenzitet okusa, aromu, tipičnost, kiselost/šećer) i općeg dojma. Daljnji
razvoj ovog sektora ovisit će o primjeni suvremenih metoda proizvodnje, udruživanju i educiranju
proizvođača, ali i prilagodbi potrošačkih preferencija i marketingu.
56 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Apple is the most comon fruit species in our diet. When growing apples, it is important to take
into account consumer preferences, their motivations and habits of consumption. The apple
supply is not continual and differs in quality, price, presentation and assortment. The variety of
apples offered on the Croatian market does not match the preferences of domestic consumers.
The Idared and Golden Delicious are dominated, while the more modern varieties (Gala, Fuji,
Braeburn, Pink Lady, Granny Smith) are less widely available and represented, although there
is a demand for them both domestically and on the foreign market. The aim of the paper was to
investigate according to sensory test on a sample of 100 consumers whether the predominant
apple cultivars in Croatia (Idared and Golden Delis) are the ones that consumers consider to be
the best in quality or these are more modern varieties (Gala, Fuji and Braeburn). Consumers
evaluated the organoleptic properties on the hedonistic scale from 1 to 9. On the basis of the
organoleptic examination of apples, we can conclude that the best evaluted variety of the three
visual features (shape, size, color, color of meat, total visual appearance) is Golden Delicious, and
in two properties (color of fruit, color of meat) the Braeburn variety is tbe best evaluated. Braeburn
was rated as the variety of the most intense smell, texture (density, texture, crustiness, tenderness,
firmness, skin firmness, chewing pleasure), taste (flavor intensity, aroma, typicality, acidity / sugar)
and the general impression. Further development of this sector will depend on the application of
modern production methods, the association and education of producers as well as adjustment of
consumer preferences and marketing.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 57
Session 2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Cilj rada je ocijeniti stupanj ekološke održivosti proizvodnje te istražiti povezanost socio-
ekonomskih obilježja gospodarstava na njihovo opredjeljenje za konvencionalni ili integrirani
sustav proizvodnje. Istraživanje je provedeno u 2017. godini metodom osobnog i on line
anketiranja 154 poljoprivredna gospodarstva u Istri. Podaci su obrađeni u SPSS softveru v21,
jednovarijantnom i dvovarijantnom analizom. Sustavom integrirane proizvodnje se bavi 52,6%
gospodarstava. Integrirani oblik proizvodnje je relativno zastupljeniji kod gospodarstava čiji
su nositelji u dobi od 41-70 godina (54,6%), ženskog spola (61,5%) te imaju završeno više ili
visoko obrazovanje (57,1%). Utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost između opredjeljenja
za integriranu poljoprivredu i činjenice da barem jedan član gospodarstva ima poljoprivredno
obrazovanje pri čemu se za takav sustav češće opredjeljuju gospodarstva bez poljoprivredne
naobrazbe (72,8%). Integriranom poljoprivredom se češće bave kućanstva koja od poljoprivrede
ostvaruju manji udio svog ukupnog dohotka. Indeks održivosti integriranih proizvođača
signifikantno je veći od indeksa održivosti konvencionalnih proizvođača. Međutim, grupiranjem
vrijednosti indeksa, oba sustava spadaju u grupu „niska održivost“. Utvrđena je signifikantna
povezanost između sustava proizvodnje i stupnja održivosti te obrazovanja i stupnja održivosti.
Kako bi se postigao viši stupanj ekološke održivosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje potrebno je
usvajanje agroekoloških praksi.
58 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 2. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
The aim of the study was to assess the degree of ecological sustainability of farms and to investigate
the socio-economic impact of farms on their decision to grow in the conventional or integrated
production system. The survey was conducted in 2017 by direct and online interviewing 154
households in Istria. The data were analyzed using SPSS software v21, descriptive statistics and
test of independence. The integrated production system is practiced by 52.6% farms. The system
is relatively more represented by farmers being 41-70 age old (54.6%), female (61.5%) and with
higher levels of education (57.1%). There is a statistically significant association between the
choice of practicing integrated farming and the fact that at least one of the farm members has an
agricultural education, whereby the integrated farming is more often practiced by farmers without
any agricultural education (72.8%). Integrated farming is commonly practiced by households
whose share of farm income is small in the total household income. Sustainability index of
integrated farms is significantly higher than of the conventional farms. However, by grouping index
values, both systems fall into the "low sustainability" group. Significant associations were found
between production systems (integrated and conventional) and the degree of sustainability, and the
education level and the degree of sustainability. In order to achieve a higher degree of ecological
sustainability in agricultural production, it is necessary to apply agroecological practices.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 59
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 3 Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Zbornik sažetaka
Genetika, oplemenjivanje bilja i sjemenarstvo
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Jasenka ANTUNOVIĆ DUNIĆ1, Selma MLINARIĆ1, Ivan ABIČIĆ2, Vlatko GALIĆ2, Alojzije
1Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Odjel za biologiju, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
2Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Biljke su tijekom rasta i razvoja često izložene različitim stresnim čimbenicima. Budući da je
ječam jedna od glavnih žitarica koja se koristi u ljudskoj i životinjskoj ishrani nužno je razumjeti
strategije prilagodbe na stres i kreirati tolerantne kultivare. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti
sadržaj ukupnih topljivih šećera (TSS) u listovima dvadeset kultivara ozimog ječma tijekom
razvoja u varijabilnim vremenskim uvjetima. Kultivari su rasli na eksperimentalnim poljima
Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. Uzorkovanja su izvršena tijekom tri fenološke faze. Prosječne
vrijednosti TSS izmjerene tijekom vlatanja, cvatnje i nalijevanja zrna su iznosile 37,18, 43,44
i 46,17 mg g-1 suhe tvari. Porast količine izmjerenih šećera može se povezati sa blagom sušom
koja je zabilježena tijekom cvatnje i nalijevanja zrna. U istraživanim kultivarima zabilježena je
različita akumulacija šećera. U pet kultivara ('Zlatko’, ‘Casanova’, ‘Maxim’, Osk.5.87/1-13 i ‘Lord’)
sadržaj šećera nije se mijenjao tijekom razvoja. U dva kultivara ('Barun' i 'Bravo') akumulacija
ukupnih šećera započela je u fazi nalijevanja zrna, dok je u ostalima akumulacija šećera zabilježena
već tijekom cvatnje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na prisutnost različitih mehanizama
prilagodbe na blagu sušu. Brojna dosadašnja istraživanja također su pokazala osjetljivost TSS
na stres izazvan sušom. Nadalje, razlike u sadržaju ukupnih topljivih šećera mogle bi se koristiti
tijekom selekcije kultivara tolerantnih na sušu.
Ključne riječi: Hordeum vulgare, ukupni topljivi šećeri, suša, razvojne faze
62 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Jasenka ANTUNOVIĆ DUNIĆ1, Selma MLINARIĆ1, Ivan ABIČIĆ2, Vlatko GALIĆ2, Alojzije
1Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of biology, Ulica cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
2Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Throughout the entire growth and development, plants are often exposed to various environmental
stressors. Since barley is one of the main cereals used for human and animal nutrition, it is
necessary to understand adaptive strategies and develop stress tolerant cultivars. The aim of this
study was to screen and evaluate twenty winter barley cultivars for their total soluble sugars (TSS)
content in leaves during the growth cycle in variable weather conditions. Samplings from the
experimental fields at Agricultural Institute Osijek were performed at three phenological stages.
The average values of TSS measured in tested cultivars in booting, flowering and grain filling stage
were 37.18, 43.44, and 46.17 mg g-1 dry weight. The increase of TSS content could be associated
with mild drought stress, recorded at flowering and grain filling stages. Different accumulation
pattern was observed in tested cultivars. No changes in accumulation of TSS in five varieties
during the growth (‘Zlatko’, ‘Casanova’, ‘Maxim’, Osk.5.87/1-13 and ‘Lord’) were observed. Two
cultivars (‘Barun’ and ‘Bravo’) accumulated TSS at the grain filling stage while the others showed
accumulation at the flowering stage. These results might indicate the occurrence of different
adaptive strategies to avoid mild drought. Numerous recent studies also showed high sensitivity of
TSS to drought stress. Furthermore, the differences in the TSS content among cultivars could be
used as a suitable selection indicator for drought tolerance.
Key words: Hordeum vulgare, total soluble sugars, drought stress, developmental stages
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 63
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Lidija BEGOVIĆ1, Selma MLINARIĆ1, Ivan ABIČIĆ2, Vlatko GALIĆ2, Alojzije LALIĆ2
1Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Odjel za Biologiju, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
2Poljoprivredni instiut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Sadržaj lignina i celuloze ovisi o brojnim čimbenicima uključujući genotip, razvojnu fazu te
čimbenike u okolišu. U ovom radu istraživane su promjene sadržaja lignina i celuloze u deset
kultivara ozimog ječma (Hordeum vulgare L.) oplemenjivačkog programa Poljoprivrednog instituta
Osijek tijekom jedne razvojne sezone. Biljni materijal, koji je uključivao stabljiku, uzorkovan je
u tri razvojne faze: vlatanje, cvatnja i nalijevanje zrna. U fazi vlatanja najmanji sadržaj lignina
izmjeren je u kultivaru 'Osk5.36/25-15' i iznosio je 36 mg g-1, a najveći sadržaj, 150 mg g-1 suhe
tvari (s.t), izmjeren je u kultivaru 'Osk.4.36/9-14'. Sadržaj celuloze kretao se od najmanje 41 %
u kultivaru 'Osk.4.37/14-14', do 59 % s.t. u kultivaru 'Panonac'. U fazi cvatnje sadržaj ukupnog
lignina i celuloze varirao je među kultivarima u odnosu na vlatanje. U pojedinim kultivarima
došlo je do smanjenja sadržaja lignina i celuloze. U fazi nalijevanja zrna sadržaj lignina i celuloze
porastao je u odnosu na cvatnju. Najveći sadržaj lignina iznosio je 157 mg g-1 kod kultivara
'Osk.4.37/14-14', a najmanji 133 mg g-1 s.t. kod kultivara 'Osk.5.36/25-15', dok je sadržaj celuloze
varirao od najmanje 36 % do najviše 52 % s.t. kod svih kultivara. Smanjenje ukupnog sadržaja
lignina u cvatnji može se pripisati pojavi blage suše. Porast lignina u fazi nalijevanja zrna posljedica
je razvojnih procesa vezanih za lignifikaciju stabljike, ali može također predstavljati i mehanizam
adaptacije pojedinih kultivara na uvjete blagog stresa.
64 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Lidija BEGOVIĆ1, Selma MLINARIĆ1, Ivan ABIČIĆ2, Vlatko GALIĆ2, Alojzije LALIĆ2
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Lignin and cellulose content depends on several factors including genotype, developmental
phase and environmental conditions. This paper investigates the changes of lignin and cellulose
content in ten winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars from Agricultural Institute Osijek
breeding program during one growing season. Plant material, which included stem, was sampled
at three developmental phases: booting, flowering and grain filling. At booting, the lowest lignin
content was measured in cultivar ‘Osk5.36/ 25-15’ (36 mg g-1 dry matter, DM) and the highest
content in cultivar ‘Osk.4.36/9-14’ (150 mg g-1 dry matter). Cellulose content ranged from 41%
in the ‘Osk.4.37/14-14’ and up to 59% DM in ‘Panonac’. At flowering total lignin content and
cellulose varied among the cultivars in comparison to the booting. In some cultivars, lignin and
cellulose content decreased. At grain filling lignin and cellulose content, increased compared to the
flowering. The highest lignin content was 157 mg g-1 in cultivar ‘Osk.4.37/14-14’, and the lowest
was 133 mg g-1 DM in ‘Osk.5.36/25-15’, while the cellulose content varied from 36% to 52% DM
considering all cultivars. Decrease of total lignin content at flowering can be attributed to the
appearance of mild drought. Increase of lignin content at grain filling stage is the consequence of
developmental processes related to the stem lignification but may also be adaptation mechanism of
certain cultivars to mild stress conditions.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 65
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Lidija BEGOVIĆ1, Selma MLINARIĆ1, Marin ŠKORO1, Ivan ABIČIĆ2, Vlatko GALIĆ2, Alojzije
1Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Odjel za biologiju, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
2Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Fruktani u biljkama predstavljaju rezervne ugljikohidrate koji se skladište u stabljici, lukovici
i korijenu, a imaju važnu ulogu u zaštiti biljke u stresnim uvjetima. U žitaricama, kao što je
ječam (Hordeum vulgare L.), fruktani se tijekom razvoja pohranjuju u stabljici i poslije cvatnje
se mobiliziraju u zrno te mogu značajno utjecati na prinos u normalnim, a posebno u stresnim
uvjetima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti sadržaj fruktana u stabljici 15 odabranih kultivara
ozimog ječma iz oplemenjivačkog programa Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. Uzorci su prikupljeni
u tri razvojne faze: vlatanje, cvatnja i nalijevanje zrna. Uočene su značajne varijacije sadržaja
fruktana u pojedinom kultivaru. Budući da nakupljane fruktana počinje u fazi cvatnje, tako je i
ovdje zamijećen značajni porast kod 14 kultivara, u odnosu na fazu vlatanja, osim kod kultivara
Osk.4.37/14-14. Značajni porast sadržaja fruktana, u odnosu na cvatnju, uočen je kod sedam
kultivara u fazi nalijevanja zrna, a najveći porast je kod kultivara Osk.5.36/25-15 (187 µg g-1 suhe
tvari, s.t.), 'Panonac' (121 µg g-1 s.t.), 'Titan' (177 µg g-1 s.t.) te 'Osvit' (138 µg g-1 s.t.) u odnosu na
cvatnju gdje je zabilježena prosječna vrijednost sadržaja fruktana ova četiri kultivara od 53 µg g-1
s.t. Budući da je došlo do pojave blage suše u fazi cvatnje koja se zadržala i u fazi nalijevanja zrna,
ovakav značajni porast sadržaja fruktana ukazuje na potencijalnu osjetljivost pojedinih kultivara na
stresne uvjete.
66 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Lidija BEGOVIĆ1, Selma MLINARIĆ1, Marin ŠKORO1, Ivan ABIČIĆ2, Vlatko GALIĆ2, Alojzije
1Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Biology, Cara Hadrijana 8/A, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
2Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 3 000 Osijek, Croatia
Within plants, fructans represent reserve carbohydrates that are stored in stems, bulbs and roots.
They play an important role protecting the plant in stressful conditions. In cereals, such as barley
(Hordeum vulgare L.), fructans are stored in the stem during growth and after flowering they are
mobilized into the grain. They have a significant effect on yield in normal and especially in stressful
conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the fructan content in the stem of selected
winter barley cultivars from the breeding program of the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Samples
were collected at three growth stages: booting, flowering and grain filling. Significant variations
in fructan content were observed in each cultivar. Since fructan accumulation begins at flowering,
there was significant increase in 14 cultivars compared booting, except in the cultivar Osk.4.37/14-
14. Significant increase of fructan content, in comparison to flowering, was observed in seven
cultivars at grain filling stage. The highest increase was observed in cultivars Osk.5.36/25-15 (187
µg g-1 dry matter, DM), ‘Panonac’ (121 µg g-1 DM), ‘Titan’ (177 µg g-1 DM) and ‘Osvit’ (138 µg g-1
DM) compared to flowering where the average fructan content of these four cultivars was 53 µg g-1
DM. Since the mild drought occurred during flowering stage and remained at grain filling stage,
this significant increase in fructan content indicates the potential sensitivity of some varieties to
stressful conditions.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 67
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Cilj ovog rada je analizirati kolekciju kultiviranih biljaka koje se nalaze u ZAGR Herbariju.
ZAGR je međunarodni akronim koji je dodijeljen Herbariju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta
u Zagrebu pri osnivanju 2013. godine. Procjenjuje se da ZAGR Herbarij sadrži preko 7500
primjeraka vaskularnih biljaka. Od 2014. godine herbarijska građa koja je pohranjena u ZAGR
Herbariju obuhvaća, pored samonikle vaskularne flore, također i kolekciju kultiviranih biljaka.
Osobitu vrijednost u kolekciji čine kultivirane vrste koje su zastupljene sa sortama. Analizom je
ustanovljeno da 148 herbarijskih primjeraka pripada kolekciji od 20 kultiviranih vrsta koje su
zastupljene sa sortama. Najviše sorata, njih po 10, imaju maslina i vinova loza. Voćarske kulture
poput jabuke, kruške, višnje, trešnje, breskve, oraha, borovnice, bijelog i crvenog ribiza, ogrozda
i aronije također su zastupljene u ZAGR Herbariju, ali s manjim brojem sorata. Sa sortama
su također zastupljene pšenica, ječam, grah, bosiljak, niska i visoka kadifica te facelija. Sorte
kultiviranih biljaka sakupljene su uglavnom na pokušalištima Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta
u Zagrebu (Maksimir i Jazbina), na pokušalištu Hrvatskog centra za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo
u Donjoj Zelini te na pokusnom imanju Instituta za poljoprivredu i turizam u Poreču. Kolekcija
kultiviranih biljaka dostupna je na Navedeni rezultati ukazuju da ZAGR
Herbarij pruža značajan izvor informacija o kultiviranim biljkama.
68 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
The aim of this paper is to analyse the collection of cultivated plants housed in ZAGR
Herbarium. ZAGR is an international acronym that was awarded to the Herbarium of the
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb in 2013 when it was founded. It is estimated that
ZAGR Herbarium contains over 7500 specimens of vascular plants. Since 2014, in addition to
autochthonous vascular flora, the herbarium material stored in ZAGR Herbarium also includes
a collection of cultivated plants. Cultivated species represented by cultivars are of special value in
the collection. An analysis showed that 148 herbarium specimens belong to the collection of 20
cultivated species represented by cultivars. Olive and grapevine have the most cultivars, that is
10 each. Fruit crops such as apple, pear, sour cherry, cherry, peach, walnut, blueberry, white and
red currant, gooseberry and aronia are also represented in ZAGR Herbarium, but with a smaller
number of cultivars. Wheat, barley, beans, basil, lacy phacelia, French marigold and Mexican
marigold are also represented by cultivars. Cultivars were collected mostly at the experiment
stations of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb (Maksimir and Jazbina), at the
experiment station of the Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Donja Zelina
and at the experimental estate of the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč. The collection
of cultivated plants is available at The above results indicate that ZAGR
Herbarium provides a significant source of information on cultivated plants.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 69
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ, Vedran ORKIĆ, Sunčica GUBERAC, Miroslav LISJAK, Sonja PETROVIĆ,
Andrijana REBEKIĆ
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Pšenična trava predstavlja mlade izdanke pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) koji se zbog svoje visoke
nutritivne vrijednosti koriste kao prirodni dodatak prehrani, najčešće u obliku svježeg soka.
Pšenična trava za pripremu svježeg soka uglavnom se uzgaja u kućnom uzgoju, prilikom kojega je
česta pojava plijesni, što takvu pšeničnu travu čini nepogodnom za konzumaciju.
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike između načina dezinfekcije sjemena (destilirana voda,
autoklavirana voda i 15 % NaClO) te vrste i načina dezinfekcije supstrata (bez supstrata, kvarcni
pijesak i Brill supstrat (dezinficiran i nedezinficiran)) na pojavu plijesni, broj i masu biljaka,
količinu soka te koncentraciju kloroplastnih pigmenata na dvije sorte pšenice ('Ilirija' i 'Katarina').
Za dezinfekciju sjemena i supstrata korištene su metode koje je moguće primijeniti u kućanstvu.
Neovisno o sorti i načinu dezinfekcije sjemena najveći razvoj plijesni te najniži broj i masa biljaka
uočeni su na tretmanima uzgoja bez supstrata. U obje sorte, najveća masa biljaka izmjerena je kod
biljaka kod kojih je sjeme bilo dezinficirano destiliranom vodom a uzgajano na dezinficiranom
Brill supstratu (23.77 ± 1.07 g i 17.73 ± 0.40 g kod ‘Ilirije’, odnosno ‘Katarine’). Masa biljaka i
količina soka su u pozitivnoj vezi (r = 0,98; p<0,01). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da su ispitivana
svojstva pod najvećim utjecajem sorte i vrste supstrata.
70 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ, Vedran ORKIĆ, Sunčica GUBERAC, Miroslav LISJAK, Sonja PETROVIĆ,
Andrijana REBEKIĆ
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Young wheat shoots (Triticum aestivum L.) are known as wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is used as a
natural food supplement most commonly in the form of fresh juice. A wheatgrass for preparation
of juice is mainly grown in a housholds, where mildew occurrence often makes such wheatgrass
unsuitable for consumption. The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in seed
disinfection (distilled water, autoclaved water and 15% NaClO) and the substrate (without
substrate, quartz sand and Brill substrate (disinfected and non-disinfected)) on the incidence of
mildew, the number of plants, plant weight, amount of juice and the concentration of chloroplast
pigments in two cultivars (‘Ilirija’ and ‘Katarina’). Disinfection of seeds and substrates are carried
out with methods that can be applied in the households.
The highest incidence of mildew, lowest number of plants and lowest plant weight were detected
in the wheatgrass cultivated without substrate, regardless of cultivar and disinfection. The highest
plant weight in both cultivars was obtained in plants grown from seeds disinfected with distilled
water on the disinfected Brill substrate (23.77 ± 1.07 g and 17.73 ± 0.40 g in ‘Ilirija’ and ‘Katarina’,
respectively). Plant weight and the amount of juice are correlated (r = 0.98, p < 0.01). The obtained
results indicate that examined traits are under strongest effect of cultivar and type of substrate for
plant growth.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 71
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Sunčica GUBERAC, Sonja PETROVIĆ, Vedran ORKIĆ, Andrijana REBEKIĆ, Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ,
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Masa 1000 zrna je, uz broj fertilnih klasova po jedinici površine i broj zrna po klasu, jedna od
glavnih komponenti prinosa pšenice. Saharozna sintetaza (SUS - Sucrose Synthase) je enzim koji
ima ključnu ulogu u pretvorbi saharoze u škrob, a koji čini najveći dio suhe tvari zrna te tako
direktno utječe na formiranje njegove mase. Invertaza stanične stijenke (CWI - Cell Wall Invertase)
je još jedan enzim povezan s masom 1000 zrna, a koji katalizira hidrolizu saharoze do glukoze i
fruktoze. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati alelnu kompoziciju TaCwi-A1 i TaSus2-2B lokusa na
uzorku od 50 hrvatskih kultivara ozime pšenice. Prisutnost TaCwi-A1a alela utvrđena je kod 90 %
ispitivanih kultivara pšenice, a TaCwi-A1b alela kod njih 14 %. Na TaSus2-2B lokusu utvrđena je
prisutnost Hap-L haplotipa kod 80 % ispitivanih kultivara pšenice, dok je Hap-H haplotip utvrđen
kod njih 6 %. Prosječna masa 1000 zrna kultivara s TaCwi-A1a alelom bila je 47,79 g, a onih s
TaCwi-A1b alelom 48,35 g. Kultivari s haplotipom Hap-L imali su prosječnu masu 1000 zrna 47,81
g, a oni s Hap-H haplotipom 49,93 g. Nisu utvrđene značajnije razlike u masi 1000 zrna s obzirom
na različite alelne kompozicije ispitivanih kultivara. To se može objasniti činjenicom da je masa
1000 zrna kompleksno svojstvo pod utjecajem većeg broja gena te nije moguće objasniti potpunu
fenotipsku varijancu na osnovu alelne kompozicije samo dva lokusa.
72 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Sunčica GUBERAC, Sonja PETROVIĆ, Vedran ORKIĆ, Andrijana REBEKIĆ, Sanja GRUBIŠIĆ,
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Thousand kernel weight (TKW), along with number of fertile spikes per unit area and number of
grains per spike, is one of the main wheat yield components. Sucrose synthase (SUS) is an enzyme
that has a key role in the conversion of sucrose to starch, which comprises the majority of the final
dry weight of the grain. Cell wall invertase (CWI) is also an enzyme associated with thousand
kernel weight, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose. The aim of this
study was to examine the allelic composition of TaCwi-A1 and TaSus2-2B loci among 50 Croatian
winter wheat varieties. The presence of TaCwi-A1a allele was determined in 90% of examined
wheat varieties, and TaCwi-A1b allele in 14% of examined varieties. At TaSus2-2B locus, presence
of Hap-L haplotype was determined in 80% of examined wheat varieties, while Hap-H haplotype
was determined in 6% of examined varieties. The average TKW of wheat varieties with TaCwi-A1a
allele was 47.79 g, and of those with TaCwi-A1b allele 48.35 g. Varieties with Hap-L haplotype
had an average TKW of 47.81 g, and those with Hap-H haplotype TKW of 49.93 g. No significant
differences in TKW were found regarding different allelic composition of examined varieties. This
can be explained by the fact that TKW is a complex trait controlled by a large number of genes, so
it is not possible to explain the complete phenotypic variance considering allelic composition of
only two loci.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 73
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Daniela HORVAT, Georg DREZNER, Gordana ŠIMIĆ, Marija KOVAČEVIĆ BABIĆ, Krešimir
Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Stvaranje kultivara pšenice visoke rodnosti i visokog udjela proteina može biti vrlo zahtjevno jer su
ova dva svojstva u obrnutoj korelaciji. Primjena folijarne gnojidbe ureom u kasnijim fazama rasta
pšenice najučinkovitija je metoda povećanja proteina. Cilj rada bio je procijeniti utjecaj N gnojidbe
na količinu i distribuciju proteina pšenice. U radu je analizirano 12 kultivara pšenice uzgojenih na
Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2016./2017. uz primjenu standardne
(115 kgN ha-1) i dodatne folijarne gnojidbe s 15 % ureom (12. svibnja 2017.). U cjelovitom zrnu
ukupni proteini analizirani su na Infratec 1241 uređaju a proteinske frakcije RP-HPLC metodom.
U prosjeku, dodatna folijarna gnojidba ureom povećala je udio proteina za 25,3 % (10,3 %
standardna gnojidba i 12,9 % urea), dok je količina topljivih albumina i globulina porasla za 14,5
%, glijadina (GLI) za 33,2 % i glutenina (GLU) za 15,6 %. Reakcije kultivara na folijarnu gnojidbu
su specifične. Najveće povećanje ukupnih proteina zabilježeno je kod kultivara 'Renata', 'Katarina',
'Felix' i 'Galloper'. Značajno povećenje ukupnih proteina rezultiralo je najvećim povećanjem GLU/
GLU omjera uslijed povećane sinteze monomernih GLI nakon gnojidbe ureom.
74 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Daniela HORVAT, Georg DREZNER, Gordana ŠIMIĆ, Marija KOVAČEVIĆ BABIĆ, Krešimir
Agricultural Institute Osijek, Juzno predgradje 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
Selecting wheat cultivars with both high yield and protein content may be difficult because these
two properties are inversely correlating. Application of foliar N late in the season is the most
efficient method of boosting grain protein. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of
N fertilization on content and distribution of wheat proteins. Twelve wheat cultivars (Triticum
aestivum L.) of the Agricultural Institute Osijek were grown during the season 2016/2017 at
standard N fertilization (115 kgN ha-1) and additional foliar fertilization with 15% urea (12 May,
2017). In whole grain protein content (P) was measured by NIT analyzer Infratec 1241, while
protein fractons were determined with RP-HPLC method. On average, protein content under
additional N supply was increased on average by 25.3% (10.3% standard fertilization vs. 12.9%
urea), while soluble albumins and globulins increased by 14.5%, gliadins (GLI) and glutenins
(GLU) by 33.2% and 15.6%, respectively. The response of cultivars to additional N fertilization
is specific, so the largest increase in P had cultivars ’Renata’, ’Katarina’, ’Felix’ and ’Galloper’. A
significant increase in total protein resulted in the highest increase in GLI/GLU ratio due to the
increased synthesis of monomeric GLI after fertilization with urea.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 75
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
The aim of the present study was to determine the proportion of the medium large round seed
fraction of the maize inbred lines depending on the cytoplasm type. The studies encompassed 12
inbred lines with different types of cytoplasm (cms-C, cms-S and fertile) that were tested in two
locations (Selection Field and Školsko dobro) during 2015 and 2016. The three-replicate trials were
set up according to randomised complete-block design within each type of cytoplasm. The analysis
of variance indicated that the cytoplasm type was a decisive factor in the expression of the seed
fraction - medium large round (MLR).. The highest, i.e. lowest value of this trait, on average, was
recorded in the inbred line L1 (47.9%), i.e. L7 (1.4%), respectively. The average percent of the MLR
seed fraction significantly varied (P≤5%) in respect of the observed cytoplasm type. The highest
and the lowest values of this trait were established in sterile cytoplasm cms-C (13.8%), and fertile
cytoplasm (12.8%), respectively. The medium values of the MLR seed fraction very significantly
(P≤1%) varied in dependence on the year and location of investigation. The greater proportion of
the MLR seed fraction was determined in maize inbred in 2015 (19.4%) than in 2016 (7.5%), as
well as in the location of Selection Field (14.4%) than in Školsko dobro (12.5%). The analysis of
obtained results point out to a significant effect of the cytoplasm type on the medium large round
seed fraction.
76 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Goran JUKIĆ1, Ivan VARNICA1, Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ1, Ivica DELIĆ2, Željka CEGUR2
1Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
2Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Vukovarska 78, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sortiment soje u Republici Hrvatskoj čine domaće i strane sorte u kojemu je tržišni udjel
domaćeg sortimenta zastupljen sa 61,0 %, a strani sa 39,0 %. Tijekom 2018. godine u Republici
Hrvatskoj proizvedeno je i deklarirano 9208 t sjemena 42 različite sorte soje. Površine pod
merkantilnom sojom u stalnom su porastu. U 2018. godini soja je posijana na ukupno 85.000 ha, a
za očekivati je zadržavanje ili blagi rast površina u narednim godinama, prvenstveno zbog visoke
i stabilne otkupne cijene. Pokus je postavljen 2018. po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu (RCBD)
u dvije repeticije, na površinama Zavoda za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo Hrvatskog centra za
poljoprivredu, hranu i selo u Osijeku (N45°31', E18°40') uz primjenu standardne agrotehnike
za soju. U pokus je uključeno 10 sorata koje su najzastupljenije u Republici Hrvatskoj, a koje
zauzimaju 73,70 % ukupnih površina zasijanih sojom. Na temelju dobivenih podataka utvrđene su
statistički opravdane razlike između sorata, za svojstvo sadržaja ulja i proteina. Najveći prosječni
sadržaj ulja ostvarile su sorte 'Sonja' (22,01 %), 'Lucija' (21,90 %) i 'Tena' (21,88 %) te između njih
nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. Sorte koje su imale najveći prosječni sadržaj proteina su 'Zlata'
(43,00 %) i 'Merkur' (42,18 %) između kojih također nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike.
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da između ispitivanih sorti postoje genetske različitosti koje su se
manifestirale u godini ispitivanja.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 77
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Goran JUKIĆ1, Ivan VARNICA1, Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ1, Ivica DELIĆ2, Željka CEGUR2
1Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
2Ministry of agriculture, Vukovarska 78, Zagreb, Croatia
The assortment of soybeans in the Republic of Croatia consists of domestic and foreign varieties,
where market share of domestic varieties is 61,0% and foreign varieties 39,0%. During 2018, a total
of 9.208 t of soybean seeds of 42 different varieties is produced and declared in the Republic of
Croatia. Areas under mercantile soybeans are steadily increasing. In 2018, soybeans were planted
on a total of 85.000 hectares, and it is expected to remain on that level or to grow slightly in the
coming years, primarily due to high and stable purchase price. The experiment consisted of ten
most representative varieties which occupy 73,70% of total areas under soybeans in the Republic
of Croatia was set up in 2018 by a Randomized Complete Block Design method (RCBD) in two
repetitions, at the Institute for Seeds and Seedlings, Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs in Osijek (N45°31', E18°40'), using standard agrotechnics for soybeans. Statistically
significant differences between varieties were determined for the traits of oil content and protein
content. The highest average oil yield achieved varieties 'Sonja' (22,01%), 'Lucija' (21,90%) and
'Tena' (21,88%), and there were no statistically significant differences among them. The varieties
that had the highest average content of protein were 'Zlata' (43,00%) and 'Mercury' (42,18%)
among which no statistically significant differences were found. The obtained results show that
genetic differences among varieties included in the study exist, and were manifesting in the year of
78 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Katarina JUKIĆ1, Maja IŽAKOVIĆ2, Ivica IKIĆ1, Marko MARIČEVIĆ1, Tihana MARČEK2
1Bc Institut za oplemenjivanje i proizvodnju bilja d.d., Dugoselska 7, 10370 Rugvica, Dugo Selo, Hrvatska
2Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet, F. Kuhača 20, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Jedna od mogućnosti povećanja prinosa zrna u uvjetima pod utjecajem abiotičkog stresa je
poboljšanje klijavosti sjemena. Korištenje kemijskih metoda koje se često koriste za tu svrhu,
zbog njihovog negativnog utjecaja na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš, treba koristiti u što manjoj mjeri.
Tretiranje sjemena plazmom je nova, fizikalna tehnologija u poljoprivrednoj praksi, koja može
poboljšati klijavost sjemena i rast klijanaca. Plazma je četvrto agregatno stanje u kojem su čestice
bez naboja. Plazma mijenja kemijska svojstva omotača zrna tako da zrno ima mogućnost dodatnog
upijanja vode. U ovom istraživanju ispitat će se učinak tekuće plazme primjenom nekoliko
različitih frekvencija tekuće plazme na genotipove ozime pšenice prije nego budu izloženi utjecaju
suše. Učinak plazme pratit će se određivanjem brzine klijavosti tretiranog sjemena, određivanjem
klijavosti (%), mjerenjem morfometrijskih parametara duljina izdanka i korijena tijekom nekoliko
dana u kontrolnim uvjetima i uvjetima smanjene količine vode. Suša će se izazvati primjenom
polietilenglikola (PEG) koji se koristi za indukciju osmotskog stresa u biljaka. Ovo istraživanje će
pružiti uvid u mogućnosti primjene neinvazivne metode tretiranja sjemena u ranoj razvojnoj fazi,
kao što je tretman plazmom, s ciljem poboljšanja tolerancije genotipova ozime pšenice na sušu.
Nadalje, rezultati ovog istraživanja koristit će i oplemenjivačima pšenice u selekciji genotipova
pšenice željenih svojstava.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 79
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Katarina JUKIĆ1, Maja IŽAKOVIĆ2, Ivica IKIĆ1, Marko MARIČEVIĆ1, Tihana MARČEK2
1Bc Institute for breeding and production of field crops, Dugoselska 7, 10370 Rugvica, Dugo Selo, Croatia
2Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology, F. Kuhača 20, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
One of the approaches to increase the crop yield under abiotic stresses is to improve the seed
germination. Chemical methods are often used for this purpose but due their negative impact on
human health and environment, their usage should be minimized as much as possible. Plasma
treatment is a new physical technology in agricultural practice, which can promote the seed
germination and growth of seedlings. Plasma is a fourth aggregate state with zero net electric
charge of particles. It changes the chemical properties of seed coat by creating a special wetting
ability. In this study, effect of liquid-plasma with several radiofrequency on wheat genotypes under
drought exposure will be tested. Before drought treatments seeds of two wheat genotypes will
be soaked in liquid-plasma medium for several minutes. The effect will be tracked by measuring
the germination rate, germination percentage, morphometric parameters such shoot and root
length during several days under control and restricted water regime. The drought will be applied
by using polyethylene glycol (PEG), a moisture deficit stress inducing media. This research will
provide a potential of non-invasive plasma method in improving the drought tolerance of winter
wheat genotypes in early developmental stage. Moreover, the results of this study may be beneficial
for the breeders in selection of genotypes with best traits.
80 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Krajnji cilj svakog oplemenjivačkog procesa je razvoj novih inbred linija i komercijalnih hibrida
kukuruza koji će zadovoljavati sve potrebe poljoprivrednih proizvođača. Da bismo to ostvarili
potrebno je svake godine testirati na tisuće novih hibridnih kombinacija na više lokacija, od kojih
se izdvoji samo nekoliko koje ćemo prijaviti u sortnu komisiju. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati nove
Bc hibride kukuruza na prinos zrna i sadržaj vode u zrnu u 2018. godini u sortnoj komisiji RH.
Pokusi su postavljeni na pet lokacija (Tovarnik, Beli Manastir, Osijek, Kutjevo i Šašinovec), u četiri
ponavljanja, gdje je svaki hibrid posijan u četiri reda, a srednja dva su se brala. Dužina reda je bila
8 m. U 2018. godini ukupno smo u FAO grupama 300-600 ispitivali osam Bc hibrida. U FAO 300
najrodniji je bio hibrid BCEH8355 s prosječnih 13 t ha-1, u FAO 400 BCEH8451 s 12,4 t ha-1, u FAO
500 oba hibrida Majstor i BC526 imali su prinos od 12,3 t ha-1, te u FAO 600 hibrid BCEH8671
ostvario je prosječni prinos od 13,3 t ha-1. Svi ispitivani hibridi imali su veće prinose i manji sadržaj
vode u zrnu u odnosu na prosjek dva standardna hibrida na svim lokacijama.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 81
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
The final goal of all maize breeding programs is to develop new inbred lines and new commercial
maize hybrids which can satisfied all customer demands. To succeed in that job it is necessary to
test a thousands of new hybrid combinations every year on several locations. From all of those
tested hybrids we choose just a few best combinations for official trials. The aim of this study is to
test our new maize hybrids for grain yield and moisture content in official trials in Croatia. Trials
were planted on five locations (Tovarnik, Beli Manastir, Osijek, Kutjevo i Šašinovec) in four reps,
where all hybrids were planted in four rows and the middle two were harvested. The length of the
row was 8 m. In 2018 we tested eight maize hybrids from FAO 300 to 600 group. In FAO 300 the
best yielding hybrid was BCEH8355 with average yield of 13 t ha-1, in FAO 400 BCEH8451 with
12,3 t ha-1, in FAO 500 both our hybrids Majstor and Bc526 yielded 12,3 t ha-1 and in FAO 600
hybrid BCEH8671 had average yield of 13,3 t ha-1. All our tested hybrids over yielded the check
hybrids with lower moisture content on all locations.
82 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Tatjana LEDENČAN, Vlatko GALIĆ, Andrija BRKIĆ, Antun JAMBROVIĆ, Domagoj ŠIMIĆ
Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Trulež klipa kukuruza kokičara uzrokuje veći broj Fusarium vrsta, a jedna od najučestalijih je F.
verticillioides. Patogen kontaminira zrno mikotoksinima što dovodi do gubitka prinosa i kvalitete.
Učinkovit način kontrole bolesti je oplemenjivanje na otpornost. Vizualna selekcija na niži intezitet
truleži klipa pretežito rezultira i nižim sadržajem toksina. Cilj ovoga rada bio je unutar elitne
germplazme kukuruza kokičara izdvojiti izvore otpornosti na fuzarijsku trulež klipa. Procijenjena
je otpornost 30 inbred linija u uvjetima prirodne i umjetne infekcije klipa. Umjetna infekcija
klipa rađena je injektiranjem suspenzije spora F. verticillioides kroz komušinu u zrno. U berbi je
procijenjen postotak zrna na klipu s vidljivim simptomima bolesti. Intenzitet truleži klipa je u
prirodnoj infekciji bio nizak (1,5 %) i kretao se između linija u rasponu od 0 % do 19,1 %. Umjetna
infekcija povećala je prosječnu trulež klipa na 16,9 % a intenzitet bolesti se kretao od 1.8 % do 52,8
%. Otpornost linija u prirodnoj infekciji bila je u korelaciji s otpornošću linija u umjetnoj infekciji
(r=0,62). Međutim, za neke je linije utvrđena visoka otpornost u prirodnoj ali niska otpornost u
umjetnoj infekciji, što potvrđuje da je za pouzdanu procjenu otpornosti potrebna umjetna infekcija
klipa. Linije s najvišom razinom otpornosti (OS19, OS618) ulaze u testkrižanja za dobivanje
komercijalnih hibrida i mogu se u oplemenjivanju kokičara koristiti kao izvor otpornosti na
fuzarijsku trulež klipa.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 83
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Tatjana LEDENČAN, Vlatko GALIĆ, Andrija BRKIĆ, Antun JAMBROVIĆ, Domagoj ŠIMIĆ
Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
A complex of Fusarium spp. causes ear rot diseases in popcorn, and one of the most common
is F. verticillioides. This pathogen causes losses in yield and quality, due to the contamination of
grain by mycotoxins. Higher resistance to visual disease severities mostly results in lower toxin
contamination. In order to identify sources of resistance to Fusarium ear rot in popcorn elite
germplasm, 30 inbred lines were evaluated in natural and artificial ears infection. Primary ears
were inoculated with F. verticillioides by injecting conidia suspension through the husk into the
kernel wounds. At harvest time ears were rated for Fusarium ear rot severity (% of kernels with
visible disease symptoms). Disease severity in natural infection was low. Inbreds had in average
1.5% of Fusarium ear rot and disease severity ranged from 0% to 19.1%. With kernel inoculations,
a general increase in disease severity occurred. Inbreds had in average 16.9% of Fusarium ear rot
and disease severity ranged from 1.8% to 52.8%. Inbreds resistance in natural infection correlated
significantly with resistance in artificial infection (r=0.62). However, some inbreds showed high
resistance in natural but low resistance in artificial infection which confirms that screening for
ear rot resistance should be in artificial infection. Inbreds with highest resistance (OS19, OS618)
are included in testcrosses for commercial hybrids and could be used as sources of resistance to
Fusarium ear rot in further breeding.
84 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Ana LOVRIĆ1, Hrvoje ŠARČEVIĆ1,2, Marko MARIČEVIĆ3, Ivica IKIĆ3, Marko ČERNE2,5,
Marko IVIĆ2,4, Ivana PLAVŠIN2,4, Krešimir DVOJKOVIĆ4, Bruno RAJKOVIĆ1,2, Dario
1Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
2Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za bioraznolikost i molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja (ZCI CroP-BioDiv), Sveučilište u Zagrebu,
Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
3Bc Institut za oplemenjivanje i proizvodnju bilja d.d, Dugoselska 7, Rugvica, 10370 Dugo Selo, Hrvatska
4Poljoprivredni Institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
5Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Hrvatska
Informacija o ponašanju genotipova pšenice pri različitim razinama dušika (N) može pomoći
u identifikaciji genotipova bolje prilagođenih niskim razinama N. Cilj rada bio je usporediti
učinkovitost selekcije kod niske i visoke razine N kako bi se poboljšao prinos zrna pšenice u
okolinama s niskim N. Šezdeset četiri genotipa ozime pšenice uzgajana su dvije godine na tri
lokacije u Hrvatskoj pri dvije razine N (niski N i visoki N) dajući ukupno 12 N-okolina (godina
× lokacija × razina dušika). Analiza varijance je pokazala značajne učinke genotipa, N-okolina i
interakcije genotip × N-okolina na prinos zrna. Procjena heritabilnosti za prinos zrna kroz okoline
bila je neznatno veća za niski N (0.79) nego za visoki N (0.72) i kretala se u rasponu od 0.42 do
0.89 u okolinama s niskim N te od 0.62 do 0.89 u okolinama s visokim N. Genetske korelacije
između 12 N-okolina za prinos zrna bile su u rasponu od 0.31 do 0.99. Relativna učinkovitost
indirektne selekcije spram direktne selekcije za svaki par okolina kretala se u rasponu od 0.27
do 1.45. Međutim, od 132 procjene relativne učinkovitosti indirektne selekcije spram direktne
selekcije, 121 procjena bila je ispod 1.0, što ukazuje da je indirektna selekcija u većini slučajeva
bila manje učinkovita od direktne selekcije. Rezultati ovoga rada ukazuju na potrebu uključivanja
selekcijskih okolina s niskom razinom N u programe oplemenjivanja koji su usmjereni na okoline s
niskom razinom N kako bi se maksimizirao odgovor na selekciju.
Ključne riječi: Triticum aestivum L., gnojidba dušikom, prinos zrna, genetske korelacije, odgovor na
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 85
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Ana LOVRIĆ1, Hrvoje ŠARČEVIĆ1,2, Marko MARIČEVIĆ3, Ivica IKIĆ3, Marko ČERNE2,5,
Marko IVIĆ2,4, Ivana PLAVŠIN2,4, Krešimir DVOJKOVIĆ4, Bruno RAJKOVIĆ1,2, Dario
1University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cetsa 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
2Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (CoE CroP-BioDiv), University of Zagreb, Faculty of
Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
3Bc Institute for Breeding and Production of Field Crops d.d., Dugoselska 7, Rugvica, 10370 Dugo Selo, Croatia
4Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
5Institute for Agriculture and Tourism Poreč, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia
Information on the performance of wheat genotypes under a range of nitrogen (N) levels can
help to identify genotypes better adapted to low N environments. The present study assesses the
efficiency of low N vs. high N selection environments to improve wheat grain yield for low-N
environments. Sixty-four winter wheat genotypes were grown for two years at three locations
in Croatia at two nitrogen levels (low N and high N) giving in total 12 N-environments (year ×
location × N level). Analysis of variance revealed significant effects of genotype, N-environment
and genotype × N-environment interaction for grain yield. The mean broad-sense heritability
estimate for grain yield across environments was slightly higher at high N (0.79) than at low N level
(0.72) ranging from 0.42 to 0.89 in low N and from 0.62 to 0.89 in high N-environments. Genetic
correlations between the 12 N-environments for grain yield were always positive ranging from 0.31
to 0.99. The relative efficiency of indirect selection to direct selection for each pair of environments
ranged from 0.27 to 1.45. However, out of 132 estimates of relative efficiency of indirect selection
to direct selection, 121 estimates were below 1.0, indicating that indirect selection in most situation
was less efficient than direct selection. Results of the present study suggest the need for including
low-N selection environments in breeding programs targeting low-N environments in order to
maximize response to selection.
Key words: Triticum aestivum L., nitrogen fertilization, grain yield, genetic correlations, response to
86 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Anto MIJIĆ, Ivica LIOVIĆ, Aleksandra SUDARIĆ, Zvonimir ZDUNIĆ, Luka ANDRIĆ, Branimir
Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Oplemenjivački rad na suncokretu u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek u kontinuitetu traje
40-tak godina, s primarnim ciljem stvaranja hibrida uljnog tipa. Za realizaciju tog cilja bilo je
neophodno stvaranje široke genetske osnove skupljanjem divergentnog materijala iz različitih
zemalja svijeta. Stvaranje samooplodnih linija je neophodan segment oplemenjivačkog procesa pri
čemu se najčešće koristi pedigree metoda. Stvorene linije se potom testiraju na opću i specifičnu
kombinatornu sposobnost za najvažnija agronomska svojstva, a najbolje od njih se koriste u
daljnjem procesu oplemenjivanja. Svake godine se stvori veliki broj novih hibridnih kombinacija
koje se testiraju u mreži mikro i makropokusa, a najbolje od njih se prijavljuju za priznavanje. Prvi
hibrid suncokreta Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek, 'Osječanin', priznat je 1985. godine. Nakon toga
priznato je još 13 hibrida od kojih su neki zauzimali značajno mjesto u strukturi sjetve u Republici
Hrvatskoj. Kontinuirani rad na genetskom unapređenju linija i hibrida suncokreta prepoznat je i
kroz novi hibrid 'Matej' koji je priznat 2016. godine. Hibrid 'Matej' odlikuje visoki potencijal uroda
zrna (preko 5,5 t ha-1), dobra stabilnost i adaptabilnost, tolerantnost na biotske i abiotske stresove
te visoki sadržaj ulja (preko 52 %). Osim hibrida priznatih u Republici Hrvatskoj, Poljoprivrednom
institutu Osijek su priznata četiri hibrida suncokreta i u inozemstvu.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 87
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Anto MIJIĆ, Ivica LIOVIĆ, Aleksandra SUDARIĆ, Zvonimir ZDUNIĆ, Luka ANDRIĆ, Branimir
Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
Sunflower breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek has forty years long tradition in
continuity with the primary goal of oil hybrids development. To achieve this goal, it was necessary
to create a broad genetic basis by collecting divergent material from different countries of the
world. Development of inbred lines is an essential segment of the breeding process where the
Pedigree method is the most commonly used. The created lines are then tested for general and
specific combinational ability for the most important agronomic properties, and the best lines
are used in the further breeding process. Every year a large number of hybrid combinations was
created, and tested in micro and macro experiments, and the best of them applies for recognition.
The first sunflower hybrid of the Agricultural Institute Osijek, ‘Osječanin’, was recognized in 1985.
Thereafter, 13 hybrids were recognized, some of them having a significant place in the sowing
structure in the Republic of Croatia. Continuous work on the genetic improvement of sunflower
lines and hybrids has also been recognized through the new hybrid ‘Matej’, which was recognized
in 2016. Hybrid ‘Matej’ has high grain yield potential (over 5.5 t ha-1), good stability and
adaptability, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses and high oil content (over 52%). In addition
to the hybrids recognized in the Republic of Croatia, the Agricultural Institute of Osijek has four
sunflower hybrids recognized abroad.
88 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Nacionalni program očuvanja i održive uporabe biljnih genetskih izvora za hranu i poljoprivredu
u Republici Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od 2017. do 2020. godine donešen je odlukom Vlade
R.Hrvatske od 26. siječnja 2017. Aktivnosti Nacionalnog programa usmjerene su prvenstveno
na domaće biljne genetske izvore (autohtone sorte i populacije, sorte stvorene oplemenjivanjem
u Republici Hrvatskoj) te u manjoj mjeri na sorte stranog podrijetla koje su udomaćene i imaju
dugu tradiciju uzgoja. Nacionalnim programom obuhvaćena je većina značajnih institucija u
Republici Hrvatskoj koje se na neki način bave biljnim genetskim izvorima (HCPHS – Zavod za
sjemnarstvo u rasadničarstvo te Zavod za voćarstvo i povrćarstvo; Agronomski fakultet, Zagreb;
Fakultet biotehničkih znanosti, Osijek; Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Split;
Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Poreč; Visoko gospodarski učilište, Križevci; Podravka d.d.,
Koprivnica; Poljoprivredni institut,Osijek; Bc Institut, Zagreb te Sveučilište u Dubrovniku, Zavod
za mediteranske kulture).
Kako bi podaci o čuvanim biljnim genetskim izvorima bili dostupni svim sudionicima
Nacionalnog programa, kao i široj javnosti, razvijen je informacijski sustav za biljne genetske
izvore kojeg predstavlja Hrvatska baza podataka biljnih genetskih izvora (Croatian Plant Genetic
Resources Database – CPGRD). Podatci o primkama koji se trebaju voditi u bazi uključuju
putovničke podatke, prikupljačke podatke, podatke o opisu i procjeni svojstava te o rukovanju
Podatci iz hrvatske Nacionalne inventarizacije dostupni su i u europskoj bazi EURISCO od 2009.
godine. Trenutno CPGRD broji 3 785 primki (žitarice i kukuruz – 378 primki, industrijsko bilje –
63 primke, povrće – 99 primki, krmno bilje – 197 primki, voćne kulture – 381 primku, vinova loza
– 147 primki te ljekovito i aromatično bilje 2 520 primki).
Ključne riječi: nacionalni program, biljni genetski izvori, baza podataka, primka
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 89
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
The National Program for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 to 2020 was enact by the
decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia of 26 January 2017. The activities of the
National Program are directed primarily at domestic plant genetic resources (autochthonous
varieties and populations, varieties created by breeding in the Republic of Croatia) and to a lesser
extent on varieties of foreign origin that are indigenous and have a long tradition of cultivation.
The National Program covers most significant institutions in the Republic of Croatia that are in
some way engaged in plant genetic resources (CCAFRA – Institute for Seed and Seedlings and
the Institute for Pomology and Vegetables; Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb; Faculty of Biotechnical
Sciences, Osijek; Institute for Adriatic Crops and Kars Reclamation, Split; Institute for Agriculture
and Tourism, Poreč, Higher Economic College, Križevci; Podravka d.d., Koprivnica; Agricultural
Institute, Osijek; Bc Institute, Zagreb and University of Dubrovnik, Institute for Mediterranean
In order to ensure that data on conserved plant genetic resources are available to all participants
in the National Program as well as to the wider public, an information system for plant genetic
resources was developed and it is presented as Croatian Plant Genetic Resources Database
(CPGRD). Data on accessions which should be in database include passport data, collection data,
descriptive data and estimation of characteristics as well as data on handling of accessions.
Data from the Croatian National Inventory are also available at the European database EURISCO
since 2009. At the moment, the CPGRD includes 3 785 accessions (Cereals and maize - 378
accessions, Industrial crops - 63 accessions, Vegetables - 99 accessions, Fodder crops - 197
accessions, Fruit crops - 381 accessions, Vitis - 147 accessions and Medicinal and aromatic plants –
2 520 accessions).
90 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Nikolina ŠIMIĆ, Sonja GRLJUŠIĆ, Luka ANDRIĆ, Ivica BERAKOVIĆ, Marko IVIĆ, Dario
Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Proučavanje morfoloških svojstava zrna ozime pšenice ima veliki značaj u procesu oplemenjivanja.
Pored najčešće procjenjivane mase sjemena, veličina i oblik zrna postaju sve značajnija svojstva od
interesa u oplemenjivačkim programima, jer su uz masu najvažnije odrednice prinosa i kvalitete
zrna. U novije se vrijeme analiza digitalnih zapisa pokazala vrlo učinkovitim alatom prikupljanja
podataka o morfološkim svojstvima zrna. Cilj rada je bio istražiti osnovna morfometrijska svojstva
sjemena (dužina, širina i površina) 20 sorti ozime pšenice Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek (uzorak
od 25 zrna/sorti) putem dvije metode: (I) fotografiranjem uzorka na polimeriziranoj crnoj glini uz
LED rasvjetu te obradom digitalnog zapisa pomoću javno dostupnog računalnog programa ImageJ
te (II) obradom istog uzorka zrna uređajem MARVIN (GTA Sensorik GmbH, Germany). Dobiveni
podaci dviju metoda su se u prosjeku razlikovali od 1,18 % za duljinu do 4,80 % za površinu
sjemena. Statistički značajne razlike nisu utvrđene za duljinu i širinu dok je statistički značajna
razlika (p=0,01) utvrđena za površinu zrna. Prosječno više vrijednosti za površinu i duljinu su
dobivene metodom I, a za širinu metodom II. Korelacije promatranih morfometrijskih svojstava
s masom tisuću zrna su za obje metode bile pozitivne značajne do vrlo značajne (I r=0,57**-
0,75**; II r=0,52*-0,70**). Rezultati ukazuju na učinkovitost i pouzdanost korištenja obje metode
u prikupljanju podataka o morfometrijskim svojstvima zrna pšenice, ali i zahtijevaju daljnja
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 91
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Nikolina ŠIMIĆ, Sonja GRLJUŠIĆ, Luka ANDRIĆ, Ivica BERAKOVIĆ, Marko IVIĆ, Dario
Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
Studying the morphological traits of winter wheat kernel is of great importance in the breeding
process. In addition to the most commonly studied seed mass, kernel size and shape become
more and more important traits of interest in breeding programs, because they are kernel yield
and quality determinants. Recently, the analysis of digital records has shown a very efficient data
gathering tool for morphological traits of kernel. The aim of the paper was to investigate the
basic morphometric traits of seeds (length, width and area) of 20 winter wheat varieties of the
Agricultural Institute Osijek (sample of 25 kernels/variety) by two methods: (I) photographing the
sample on a polymerized black clay with LED lighting and processing of digital records using freely
available software ImageJ and (II) treating the same kernel sample with the device MARVIN (GTA
Sensorik GmbH, Germany). The data obtained from the two methods differed on average from
1.18% for the length up to 4.80% for the seed area. Statistically significant differences were not
revealed for length and width while a statistically significant difference (p = 0.01) was determined
for the area of the kernel. Average higher values for area and length were obtained by method I and
for width by method II. Correlations between observed morphometric traits and thousand seed
weight were significantly and very significantly positive for both methods (I r=0.57**-0.75**; II
r=0.52*-0.70**). The results indicate the efficacy and reliability of using both methods in collecting
data on the morphometric traits of wheat, but also require further research.
92 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ1, Goran JUKIĆ1, Ivan VARNICA1, Branka RUSKAJ HRSAN1, Ivica DELIĆ2
1Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
²Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Vukovarska 78, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Soja je, nakon pšenice, najraširenija vrsta u proizvodnji sjemena u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sjemenska
proizvodnja soje u Republici Hrvatskoj u posljednjih 10 godina odvijala se na površinama od
2.809 ha (2010. godine) do 5.320 ha (2018. godine), s prosječnim prinosom sjemena 3.118 kg ha-
1. U Hrvatskom centru za poljoprivredu hranu i selo - Zavodu za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo
prijavljeno je za stručni nadzor sjemenske soje u 2018. godini 5.320 ha što je povećanje u odnosu
na 2017. godinu za 15 %, a u odnosu na desetogodišnji prosjek povećanje za 35 %. Prosječni
prinosi sjemena soje kretali su se od 2.438 kg ha-1 u 2012. godini do 4104 kg ha-1 u 2018. godini.
U desetogodišnjem razdoblju ukupno se sjemenarilo sa 82 sorte, od čega se 46 sorti odnosilo na
sorte hrvatskih oplemenjivača, a 36 sorti se odnosilo na sorte stranih oplemenjivača. U upisnik
dobavljača poljoprivrednog sjemena ukupno je upisano 986 subjekata, a proizvodnju sjemena soje
u proteklih deset godina prijavljivalo je od 43 do 99 proizvođača godišnje.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 93
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ1, Goran JUKIĆ1, Ivan VARNICA1, Branka RUSKAJ HRSAN1, Ivica DELIĆ2
1Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
² Ministry of agriculture, Vukovarska 78, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Soybean, after wheat, is the most common species in the production of seeds in the Republic of
Croatia. Soybean seed production in the Republic of Croatia in the last 10 years took place in
areas of 2.809 ha (2010 year) to 5.320 ha (2018 year), with an average seed yield 3.118 kg ha-1. The
Croatian Center for Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs - Institute for Seeds and Seedlings 5.320
ha were reported for supervision of seed soybeans in 2018., which is an increase of 15% in relation
to 2017, and increase of 35% comparing to the ten-year average. Average yields of soybean seeds
ranged from 2.438 kg ha-1 in 2012 to 4.104 kg ha-1 in 2018. In the ten year period, the seeds of
82 varieties were produced, out of which 46 varieties are varieties of Croatian breeders, and 36
varieties are varieties of foreign breeders. A total of 986 subjects have been entered in the register
of agricultural seed suppliers, and the production of soybean seeds have reported by 43 to 99
producers per year in the past ten years.
94 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Ivan VARNICA1, Tihomir ČUPIĆ2, Goran JUKIĆ1, Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ1, Ivica DELIĆ3
1Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
2Poljoprivredni institut Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
3Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, Vukovarska 78, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
U poljskim pokusima tijekom dvije godine je ispitivana varijabilnost i međuzavisnost osnovnih
komponenti prinosa i kvaliteta zrna soje. U istraživanja je bilo uključeno 74 kultivara soje različitih
grupa zriobe (000 do II) koje se koriste u komercijalnoj proizvodnji diljem Europe. Istraživanja
su rađena po biljkama te je utvrđena varijabilnost i prosječne vrijednosti za svojstva visine biljke,
broj mahuna, broj zrna masa zrna, zrna po mahuni, masa 1000 zrna, broj dana od nicanja do
cvatnje, broj dana od nicanja do zriobe te udio proteina i udio ulja. Analizom varijance utvrđene
su statistički opravdana razlike za sva istraživana svojstva između kultivara te kultivara i godina
na nivou značajnosti (p<0,01). Istraživanja su pokazala da su masa zrna po biljci i broj zrna po
biljci najviše varirali (10,70 i 9,67 %), dok je broj dana od nicanja do zriobe najmanje varirao
(0,13 %). Utjecaj okoline imao je najveći utjecaj na komponente prinosa dok je najmanje utjecao
na svojstva kvalitete zrna soje. Stoga se na osnovu analiziranih svojstava može pretpostaviti da
su rane komponente prinosa (broj mahuna i broj zrna po biljci) jače pod utjecajem okoline od
kasnih komponenti (broj zrna po mahuni i masa 1000 zrna) te svojstava kvalitete. Korelacije
između analiziranih svojstava ukazuju da se veći prinosi po biljci postižu sa većim brojem
mahuna i zrna po biljci. S povećanjem udjela ulja smanjuje se udio proteina u zrnu soje. Ostvareni
rezultati u značajnoj mjeri mogu poslužiti kao osnova za daljnji rad na unapređenju proizvodnje te
izbjegavanja stresnih uvjeta u kritičnim fazama razvoja različitim agrotehničkim zahvatima.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 95
Session 3. Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production
Ivan VARNICA1, Tihomir ČUPIĆ2, Goran JUKIĆ1, Krešimir ŠUNJIĆ1, Ivica DELIĆ3
1Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
2Agricultural Institute Osijek, Južno predgrađe 17, 31000 Osijek, Croatia,
3Ministry of Agriculture, Vukovarska 78, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Variability and interdependence of the main components of yield and quality of soybean grain
were studied in field trials over two years. The study included 74 soybean cultivars of different
maturity groups (000-II) used in the commercial production throughout Europe. Research was
done on plants, and the variability and average values for plant height, number of pods, number of
grain, grain weight, number of grain in pod, 1000 grains weight, number of days from emergence
to flowering, number of days from emergence to maturity and protein and oil content were
determined. Analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences for all studied traits
between cultivars and cultivars and years on the level of significance (p <0.01). Studies have shown
that the grain weight per plant and the number of grains per plant most varied (10.70 and 9.67%),
while the number of days from emergence to maturity varied the least (0.13%). The influence of
the environment had the strongest impact on the yield components, while it was least influencing
the properties of soybean grain quality. Therefore, on the basis of the analysed properties it can be
assumed that the early yield components (number of pods and number of grains per plant) are
more influenced by the environment from the late components (number of grains per pod and
1000 grains weight) and quality properties. The correlations between the analysed components
indicate that higher yields per plant are achieved with a greater number of pods and grains per
plant. Increasing the oil content reduces the share of protein in soybean grain. The results obtained
can significantly serve as a basis for further work on improving production and avoiding stress
conditions at critical phases of development with various agrotechnical interventions.
96 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 4 Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic
and Medicinal Plants
Zbornik sažetaka
Povrćarstvo, ukrasno, aromatično i ljekovito bilje
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the mint family Lamiaceae.
It has leaves with a mild lemon scent similar to mint. The leaves are used as a herb, in teas, and
also as a flavouring. Lemon balm tea, the essential oil, and the extract are used in traditional and
alternative medicine. Amendments can be used for foliar treatments of plants with purpose of
plant nutrition in order to improve growth and development of plant, and accordingly enhancing
the yield and quality. Therefore, the goal of present research was to determine the effect of foliar
treatments of biostimulants and amendments on mineral composition of lemon balm. A field trial
was set up in 2018 in Zagreb on 3-years-old lemon balm plantation according to the Complete
Random Block Design method with six treatments (EkoBooster 2, Lord Grow, Ecogreen, Kristalon
Green, Drin, Control). The highest mineral values are achieved by using Lord Grow treatment.
However, overall determined mineral values in the lemon balm leaves on dry matter basis are as
follows: 0.24-0.29 % P, 2.43-3.22 % K, 1.70-2.09 % Ca, 0.41-0.52 % Mg, 341-493 mg Fe/kg, 19.57-
25.19 mg Zn/kg, 48.5-99.5 mg Mn/kg and 10.33-14.50 mg Cu/kg.
100 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Cilj ovoga priopćenja je dati pregled o minimalnoj preradi krumpira počevši od osnovne definicije
minimalne prerade, značaja proizvoda, opisa procesa proizvodnje minimalno procesiranog
krumpira (MPK) i uvjeta čuvanja do poteškoća koje se javljaju i mogućih rješenja za prevladavanje
istih. Ubrzani tempo života u razvijenim zemljama utječe na porast ponude i potražnje polugotovih
i gotovih jela u koje se može ubrojiti i minimalno prerađeno voće i povrće (ViP). Ono se definira
kao oguljeno, narezano, 100% upotrebljivo, zapakirano, praktično i izvornog okusa i svježine.
Ponuda tih proizvoda je u razvijenim zemljama i Hrvatskoj u porastu. Taj rast na hrvatskom
tržištu nije jednak za sve vrste ViP, npr. MPK se nalazi u zanemarivim količinama. Proces
proizvodnje MPK u osnovi je jednostavan, tj. obuhvaća operacije primarne prerade i pakiranja, ali
takvi proizvodi skloni su brzom propadanju što otežava proizvodnju, kao i čuvanje, jer zahtjeva
održavanje hladnog lanca. S tim u vezi provode se mnoga znanstvena istraživanja u cilju odabira
adekvatne sorte najmanje sklone posmeđivanju, odabira sredstava protiv posmeđivanja, ambalaže
pogodne propusnosti te atmosfere koja će usporiti procese disanja i kvarenja i na taj način
omogućiti rok trajanja proizvoda za maloprodaju barem 7 dana, a i duže. Međutim, univerzalnog
rješenja nema, već se temeljem dosadašnjih saznanja za odabranu sortu trebaju dodatno utvrditi
uvjeti prerade i čuvanja koji bi doprinijeli maksimalnoj stabilnosti proizvoda.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 101
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
The aim of this communication is to provide an overview of potato minimally processing, starting
with the basic definition of minimal processing, product relevance, description of the minimally
processed potato (MPP) manufacturing, its storage conditions as well as the some difficulties and
possible solutions for overcoming them. The nowadays lifestyle in developed countries affects
the growing trend of supply and demand for semi-prepared and ready-to-eat meals, including
minimally processed fruit and vegetables (ViP). It is defined as cleaned, and 100% usable, packed,
convenient with authentic taste and freshness. The offer of such products in developed countries,
as well as in Croatia, is growing. Although, market growth in Croatia is not the same for all ViP
types, e.g. MPP is present in negligible quantities. Processing of MPP is basically simple, including
operations of primary processing, and packaging but the rapid perishability of such product makes
it difficult for production and requires storage with the cold chain maintenance. In this regard,
many scientific papers dealt with the appropriate cultivar selection that is least prone to browning,
as well as the selection of anti-browning agents, suitable package material and atmosphere that
will slow respiration and deterioration processes and in that way enable shelf life of a minimum 7
days or longer, if the product is intended for retail. However, there is no unique solution, but it is
necessary to establish optimal processing and storage conditions for selected cultivar according to
previous studies, that will contribute to greater product stability.
Key words: Solanum tuberosum, minimally processed potato, production, browning prevention,
102 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
U prošlosti i sadašnjosti čovjek je bio okružen i ovisan o ljekovitom bilju. Postepeno ga je
upoznavao i to prvo za liječenje, a kasnije i za ishranu. U preradi aromatičnog bilja uglavnom
se koriste samo oni dijelovi biljke (npr. plod, cvijet, list, stabljika, korijen, gomolj itd.) koji
sadrže aktivne tvari. Čaj se može prirediti kao oparak, uvarak, provarak i naljev. Uglavnom se
većina čajeva pripravlja kao oparak ili infuz. U općem dijelu rada su opisane biološke i kemijske
karakteristike aromatičnog bilja čiji su oparci korišteni za senzorsku procjenu, a to su: lavanda,
lipa, kamilica, paprena metvica (menta), komorač, kadulja i majčina dušica. U praktičnom dijelu
rada metodom senzorske procjene potrošača obavljena je procjena oparaka od gore navedenih
vrsta aromatičnog bilja (u filtar vrećicama á 20 g) tvrtke Franck d. o. o, što je ujedno i cilj ovoga
rada. Senzorska procjena je provedena tijekom druge polovice 2018. godine na uzorku od 20
studenata Veleučilišta „Marko Marulić“ u Kninu. Rezultati procjene su pokazali sljedeće: ispitanici
su ocjenom dovoljan ocijenili oparak od kadulje. Oparci od lavande, majčine dušice i lipe su
ocijenjeni ocjenom dobar, a oparke od: mente, kamilice i komorača ispitanici su ocijenili s
ocjenom vrlo dobar.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 103
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Both in the past and in the present humans have been surrounded and dependent on medicinal
herbs. They gradually gained a deeper insight into them, primarily for the purpose of curing and
subsequently also in order to use it as food. Normally only the parts of the plant that contain active
substances (e.g. fruit, flower, leaf, stem, root, tuber, etc.) are used in the processing of aromatic
plants. Tea can be prepared as an infusion, decoction, extraction through cooking and maceration.
Most teas are prepared as an infusion. The general part of the paper provides a description of
biological and chemical characteristics of aromatic plants whose infusion had been used for
sensory evaluation, such as: lavender, linden, chamomile, peppermint (mint), fennel, sage and
thyme. In the practical segment of the paper, the method of consumer sensory evaluation was
used to evaluate the infusions made from the previously mentioned species of aromatic plants
(in sachets á 20 g) produced by the company Franck d. o. o., which was simultaneously also the
objective of this paper. Sensory evaluation was conducted during the second half of 2018 on a
sample of 20 students attending Marko Marulić Polytechnic in Knin. According to the evaluation
results, sage infusion was graded as sufficient by the respondents. Infusions from lavender, thyme
and linden were graded as good, whereas infusions from mint, chamomile and fennel were graded
as very good by the respondents.
104 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Gvozden DUMIČIĆ1, Josip TADIĆ1, Mario CARIĆ2, Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ3, Ana SLATNAR3,
Branimir URLIĆ1, Katja ŽANIĆ1
1Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Hravtska (e-mail:
2Sveučilište u Splitu, Livanjska 5, 21000 Split, Hrvatska
3Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj koncentracije i sastava hranjive otopine (HO) na vegetativna
svojstva presadnica cijepljene rajčice. Pokus je postavljen sa presadnicama rajčice kultivar 'Belle
F1' necijepljen (B), cijepljen na vlastiti korijen (B/B) te podloge Arnold (B/A) i He-Man (B/H).
Hranjiva otopina (sastav: 1,25 mM NH4+, 12,71 mM NO3-, 1,25 mM H2PO4-, 8,75 mM K+, 2
mM Mg2+, 4,25 Ca2+, 1,75 mM SO42-, 15 μM Fe 2+, 10 μM Mn2+, 5 μM Zn2+, 0,5 μM Mo+, 0,75
μM Cu2+ i 30 µM B+) primijenjena je u tri koncentracije: EC 3 i EC 6 dSm-1 te EC 3 HO + 3 NaCl
(EC 6 NaCl) kod koje je u hranjivu otopinu EC 3 dodan NaCl do ciljanog EC-a. Visina (19,7 cm) i
broj listova (6,7 listova) manji su kod presadnica B u usporedbi sa ostalim podlogama. Presadnice
tretirane sa EC 3 dSm-1 značajno su većeg promjera stabljike od presadnica tretiranih sa EC 6
NaCl. Necijepljene presadnice značajno su manjeg promjera stabljike u usporedbi s cijepljenim
presadnicama. Najveći indeks koncentracije klorofila zabilježen je kod presadnica tretiranih sa EC
6 dSm-1. Površina listova presadnica bila je pod utjecajem oba faktora. Presadnice B/H ostvarile
su veću površinu listova od presadnica B bez obzira koja je HO primijenjena. Nadalje, najdeblji
listovi zabilježeni su na presadnicama tretiranim sa EC 6 NaCl (365 cm2g-1). Cijepljene presadnice
bolje izbjegavaju stres solima od necijepljenih, dok je tolerantnost prema vrsti soli u ovisnosti o
primijenjenoj podlozi.
Ključne riječi: električna provodljivost, natrijev klorid, rajčica cv. 'Belle F1', stres soli
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 105
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Gvozden DUMIČIĆ1, Josip TADIĆ1, Mario CARIĆ2, Dragan ŽNIDARČIČ3, Ana SLATNAR3,
Branimir URLIĆ1, Katja ŽANIĆ1
Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Croatia (e-mail:
University of Split, Livanjska 5, 21000 Split, Croatia
Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of nutrient solution concentrations and
composition (NS) on the vegetative properties of tomato transplants. The experiment was set up
with tomato, cultivar ‘Belle F1’, non-grafted (B), self-grafted (B/B) and grafted onto rootstock
Arnold (B/A) and He-Man (B/H). Nutrient solution for transplant production (composition: 1.25
mM NH4+, 12.71 mM NO3-, 1.25 mM H2PO4-, 8.75 mM K+, 2 mM Mg2+, 4.25 Ca2+, 1.75
mM SO42-, 15 μM Fe2+, 10 μM Mn2+, 5 μM Zn2+, 0.5 μM Mo+, 0.75 μM Cu2+ and 30 μM B+)
were applied in three concentrations: EC 3, EC 6 dSm-1 and EC 3 NS + 3 NaCl (EC 6 NaCl) in
which a NaCl solution was added to the EC 3 NS to achieve target EC (6 dSm-1). The height (19.7
cm) and leaves number (6.7 leaves) were lower in non-grafted transplants compared to grafted
ones. Transplants treated with EC 3 dSm-1 had significantly larger stem diameter than transplant
treated with EC 6 NaCl dSm-1. Non-grafted transplant had significantly smaller stem diameter
than grafted ones. The highest chlorophyll content index was recorded by transplant treated with
EC 6 dSm-1 (36.4). The transplants leaf area was influenced by both factors. Transplants B/H
had a larger leaf area than B transplants regardless of which NS were applied. The leaves thickest
were recorded on the transplants treated with EC 6 NaCl (365 cm2g-1). Grafted transplants better
alleviate salts stress than non-grafted transplants, while tolerance to the salt type depends on the
used rootstock.
Key words: electrical conductivity, grafting, sodium chloride, tomato cv. ‘Belle F1’, salts stress
106 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Mario FRANIĆ1,2, Dean BAN1,2, Josipa PREKOVIĆ1, Dragan ŽNIDARČIĆ3, Maja JUKIĆ ŠPIKA4,
Emil ZLATIĆ3, Smiljana GORETA BAN1,2
Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Hrvatska, (e-mail:
Centar izvrsnosti za bioraznolikost i molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja, Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Hrvatska
Luk (Allium cepa L.) je važan povrćarski usjev sa svjetskom proizvodnjom od 93 168 548 tona.
U Hrvatskoj je u 2016. proizvedeno preko 26 858 tona luka u glavicama sa prosječnim prinosom
koji prelazi 32 t ha-1. Ključna odluka koju uzgajivači luka moraju donijeti je utvrđivanje optimalne
gustoće sadnje koja određuje trošak, prinos i kvalitetu usjeva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio
procijeniti utjecaj različitih razmaka unutar i između reda na karakteristike glavice istarskog
ljubičastog i žutog luka. Poljski pokus je proveden tijekom dvije vegetacijske sezone. Pokus je
postavljen kao randomizirani blok dizajn sa dva faktora: 20, 30 i 50 cm razmaka između redova,
te 10, 15 i 20 cm razmaka unutar reda. Masa glavice istarskog ljubičastog i žutog luka povećala
se s povećanjem razmaka između redova, dok je razmak unutar reda imao značajan utjecaj samo
kod žutog luka. Utjecaj razmaka između redova imao je sličan učinak na visinu i promjer glavice
istarskog ljubičastog i žutog luka. Sadržaj flavonoida, antocijana i šećera je kod oba genotipa bio
pod manjim utjecajem razmaka unutar i između reda u odnosu na morfološke karakteristike
glavice. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je moguće prilagoditi gustoću sadnje istarskog ljubičastog i žutog
luka kako bi se proizvele glavice koje odgovaraju tržišnoj potražnji bez značajnih promjena u
kvaliteti glavice.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 107
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Mario FRANIĆ1,2, Dean BAN1,2, Josipa PREKOVIĆ1, Dragan ŽNIDARČIĆ3, Maja JUKIĆ ŠPIKA4,
Emil ZLATIĆ3, Smiljana GORETA BAN1,2
Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia (
Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Recalamation, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Croatia
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important vegetables crop with a worldwide production of 93 168
548 tons while in 2016 in Croatia 26 858 tons of dry bulb onion were harvested, with an average
yield exceeding 32 t ha-1. Critical decision that onion growers must address is optimization of plant
density which determines cost, plant yield and bulb quality. Objective of this study was to evaluate
the effects of different within and between row spacing’s on Istrian purple and yellow onion bulb
characteristics. The field experiment was conducted during two vegetative seasons and was set up
as a randomized block design with two factors: 20, 30 and 50 cm between row spacing and 10, 15
and 20 cm within row spacing. Bulb weight increased as between row spacing increased for Istrian
purple and red onion, while in row plant spacing had significant effect only for yellow onion. Row
spacing had similar effect on Istrian purple and yellow onion bulb height and diameter. Flavonoid,
anthocyanin and sugar content of both genotypes were less affected by different row spacing’s
than observed bulb morphological traits. These results suggest that it is possible to adjust planting
density of Istrian purple and yellow onion in order to obtain marketable bulbs without significant
changes in bulb quality.
108 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Cvjetne gredice imaju značajnu ulogu u uređenju javnih zelenih površina kao vizualno najuočljiviji
element dizajna. Primjena jednogodišnjih i dvogodišnjih cvjetnih vrsta te geofita na gredicama
predstavlja sve značajniji trošak u uređenju i održavanju zelenih javnih površina te se traže
jeftinija rješenja. Jedno od takvih svakako je primjena trajnica na način koji se devedesetih godina
prošlog stoljeća pojavio u Nizozemskoj i proširio se svijetom tzv. novi stil primjene trajnica („new
perennial style“) koji uključuje sadnju visokih trava i trajnica, od kojih su mnoge autohtone. Ovim
je načinom sadnje stvorena mogućnost jeftinijeg, ali i dovoljno atraktivnog uređenja cvjetnih
gredica na javnim površinama gradova. Cilj ovog rada je dobiti uvid u izbor biljnih vrsta koje se
primjenjuju u uređenju javnih površina u Zagrebu, Beču i Münchenu te izrada prijedloga primjene
autohtonih trajnica za uređenje gredica. Područje istraživanja Hugo Wolf Parka i Westparka je, na
temelju Hansenove podjele trajnica prema staništima, obuhvaćalo trajnice za sunčane položaje na
gredicama te kamenjare. Najčešće primijenjene vrste u Hugo Wolf parku su iz porodice Asteraceae,
a česti su i rodovi Geranium i Chrysopsis. U Westparku su najzastupljenije vrste rodova: Hosta,
Ajuga, Euphorbia, Geranium, Allium, Paeonia, Bergenia, Brunnera, Phlox i Veronica. Dok su u
Westparku i Hugo Wolf Parku brojne gredice s autohtonim trajnicama, u Zagrebu to nije slučaj jer
prevladavaju alohtone vrste.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 109
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Flower beds play a significant role in arranging public green areas as the most visible design
element. The application of annuals and biannuals combined with geophytes in the beds represents
a more significant expense in the design and maintenance of green public spaces and it is necessary
to look for cheaper but equally efficient solutions. One of these is certainly the application of
perennials in the way that appeared in the Netherlands in the nineties of the last century and
spread to the so called a ’new perennial style’ that includes planting tall grasses and perennials,
many of which are autochthonous. This way of planting has enabled the possibility of cheaper but
also attractive arrangement of flower beds on public areas of the cities. The aim of this paper is to
gain insight into the choice of plant species that are applied in the design of flower beds in public
green areas in Zagreb, Vienna and Munich and making proposals for the use of autochthonous
perennials for arranging beds. Based on Hansen's division of perennial habitats, the Hugo Wolf
Park and Westpark area are covered by the perennials of sunny plains on beds and rocks. The most
widely used species in the Hugo Wolf Park are from the Asteraceae family and the genera Geranium
and Chrysopsis. In Westpark species from the genera Hosta, Ajuga, Euphorbia, Geranium, Allium,
Paeonia, Bergenia, Brunnera, Phlox and Veronica prevail. While in Westpark and Hugo Wolf Park
there are numerous flower beds with autochthonous species, in Zagreb this is not the case, due to
allochthonous species prevail.
110 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
In 2004 Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum was detected at a Hungarian button mushroom
(Agaricus bisporus) farm with green mould, while in 2010 T. harzianum was identified in Croatia.
The same species was found to cause infections of shiitake in Hungary and Serbia. Recently
T. aggressivum f. aggressivum was detected, so far reported only in North America, causing
unexampled loss of A. bisporus crop in Hungary. Green mould infections of oyster mushroom
with T. pleuroti and T. pleuroticola in various countries were ascribed while in Croatia T. harzianum
was found in high proportion, and in Hungary the presence of T. aggressivum f. aggressivum was
discovered recently. At two Hungarian farms whitish mould infections, resulting in extreme
button mushroom yield losses, were attributed lately to T. decipiens, known in association only
with shiitake before. The cobweb disease of A. bisporus is caused by Cladobotryum mycophilum in
Hungary and Serbia, rather than C. dendroides. This research indicates that the spectrum of mould
species infecting mushrooms is widening, subjecting growers to an increasing challenge.
This research was supported by grant NKFI K-116475 (National Research, Development and
Innovation Office), as well as by the Hungarian Government and the European Union within the
frames of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme (GINOP-2.2.1-15-2016-00006).
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 111
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Moulds causes significant mushroom crop losses word-wide. For the development of efficient
control strategies, precise species identification and detailed characterization of the causal agents
are essential. In this research the capability of different moulds isolated from button mushroom
(Agaricus bisporus) farms (and identified by ITS sequence analysis) were tested to utilize a wide
range of carbon sources in plate assays and BIOLOG Phenotype Microarrays. Several different
sugars, amino and other acids inhibited mycelial growth of Trichoderma aggressivum isolates,
but the majority of them had strong negative effect also on A. bisporus. The only exception was
L-sorbose, which caused 61-100% growth inhibition of T. aggressivum, with only little negative
effect on A. bisporus (5% growth inhibition), suggesting that it might be a potential agent to control
green mould disease. No carbon source caused remarkable growth inhibition of Lecanicillium
fungicola strains without impairing button mushroom, although mycovirus-containing isolates
showed reduced growth in the presence of certain sugars, amino and other acids compared to
mycovirus-free strains.
This research was supported by grant NKFI K-116475 (National Research, Development and
Innovation Office), as well as by the Hungarian Government and the European Union within the
frames of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme (GINOP-2.2.1-15-2016-00006).
Key words: Agaricus bisporus, button mushroom, Trichoderma, Lecanicillium, carbon source
112 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Katja ŽANIĆ1, Branimir URLIĆ1, Smiljana GORETA BAN2, Gabriela VULETIN SELAK1,
Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Hrvatska
Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj smanjenja koncentracije dušika (N) u hranjivoj otopini te cijepljenja
na vegetativna i generativna svojstva rajčice kultivara 'Belle F1'. Biljke, necijepljene ili cijepljene
na podlogu Arnold, posađene su u blokove kamene vune, a potom tretirane s tri koncentracije N:
75, 140 i 205 mgL-1. Imale su po dvije formirane stabljike (glavni i postrani izboj) i po pet cvjetnih
etaža. Biljke tretirane sa 140 mgL-1 N su bile više i imale su više listova od biljaka uzgajanih na
205 mgL-1 N. Broj listova na postranom izboju bio je veći na cijepljenim nego na necijepljenim
biljkama. Promjer stabljike također je bio veći kod cijepljenih (1,29 cm) nego necijepljenih (1,06
cm) biljaka. Na vrijednost indeksa koncentracije klorofila (CCI) utjecali su N i cijepljenje. Kod
necijepljenih biljaka s povećanjem koncentracije N značajno je povećana vrijednost CCI, dok kod
cijepljenih biljaka koncentracija N nije utjecala na CCI. Na necijepljenim biljkama zabilježena je
ranija pojava prve cvjetne grane nego na cijepljenim. Biljke tretirane sa 75 mgL-1 N ostvarile su veći
rani prinos (1,25 t/0,1 ha) u usporedbi s ostala dva N tretmana, ali i značajno manju masu ploda
(231 g) u odnosu na biljke tretirane sa 140 mgL-1 N (316 g). Cijepljenje je značajno utjecalo na
vegetativni rast rajčice, ali ne i na sastavnice prinosa. Primjenom 75 mgL-1 N ostvaren je veći rani
prinos dok je ukupni prinos povećan za gotovo 20% primjenom 140 mgL-1 N.
Ključne riječi: indeks koncentracije klorofila, koncentracija N, podloga Arnold, prinos, rajčica
'Belle F1'
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 113
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Katja ŽANIĆ1, Branimir URLIĆ1, Smiljana GORETA BAN2, Gabriela VULETIN SELAK1,
Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Croatia (e-mail:
Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia
Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
The present study aimed to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) rate reduction in nutrient
solution and grafting on the vegetative and generative traits of tomato cv. ‘Belle F1’. Plants, non-
grafted or grafted onto the rootstock Arnold, were planted into rockwool slabs and then treated
with three rates of N: 75, 140 and 205 mgL-1. Two formed stems (main and lateral shoots) and
five inflorescences were tomato cultivation characteristics. Plants treated with 140 mgL-1 N were
higher and had more leaves than plants grown at 205 mgL-1 N. The leaf number of the lateral shoot
was greater on the grafted than on non-grafted plants. The stem diameter in grafted plants (1.29
cm) was also higher compared with non-grafted plants (1.06 cm). The value of the chlorophyll
concentration index (CCI) was influenced by N and grafting. An increase of N rate affected the
increase of CCI in non-grafted plants, while in the grafted plants N rate did not affect CCI. The
appearance of the first inflorescence was earlier recorded on non-grafted compared with grafted
plants. Plants treated with 75 mgL-1 N had higher early yield (1.25 t / 0.1 ha) compared with two
other N treatments. However, the fruit weight (231 g) on 75 mgL-1 N was lower compared with
plants treated with 140 mgL-1 N (316 g). Grafting influenced on tomato vegetative growth, but
not on yield components. The use of 75 mgL-1 N provided a higher early yield, while total yield
increased by almost 20% using 140 mgL-1 N.
Key words: chlorophyll concentration index, grafting, nitrogen rate, rootstock Arnold, tomato cv.
‘Belle F1’, yield
114 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
The study was set up to identify the effects of biodegradable agent MineralTM which is derived by
natural process from sea, on quality parameters of tomato fruits. The experiment was conducted at
the glasshouse on the laboratory field of the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. Three indeterminate
hybrid varieties of grafted tomato: 'Gardel F1', 'Belle F1' and 'Novosadski jabučar' were tested.
Plants were grown in two hydroponic systems: standard nutrient solution with Hoagland and
Arnon and nutrient solution with MineralTM. The average pH value in the standard solution
reached 6.2, and the value of EC reached 1.08 dS m-1. Equivalent values in the MineralTM solution
were 8.3 and 1.6 dS m-1. The plants that were irrigated with standard solution were statistically
heavier, wider and higher. On the other hand, plants that were fertilized with MineralTM had the
higher fruits number. In the case of tomatoes irrigated with MineralTM, there were statistically
higher contents of lutein, chlorophyll a and tocopherol. The level of chlorophyll b was the highest
in 'Belle F1' (82.5 µg/g) on standard solution, and the highest levels of lutein and β-karoten were
determined in 'Novosadski jabučar' also on standard solution. From these results it could be
concluded that the influence of MineralTM in comparison with the standard solution is negative
on the growth and development of plants, but that it has positive influence on the content of some
bioactive compounds.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 115
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Igor PASKOVIĆ1, Smiljana GORETA BAN1, Jana KLANJAC1, Tomislav RADIĆ2, Igor PALČIĆ1,
Marina LUKIĆ1, Mia BRKLJAČA3, Paula ŽURGA4, Branimir URLIĆ2, Mario FRANIĆ1, Barbara
Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Hrvatska
Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za ekologiju, agronomiju i akvakulturu, Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije, Krešimirova 52a, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
Sveučilište u Splitu, Prirodoslovn-matematički fakultet, Ruđera Boškovića 33, 21000 Split, Croatia
Industrijska rajčica ima visok afinitet prema simbiozi s arbuskularnim mikoriznim gljivama
(AMG). Primjena mikoriznih gljiva tijekom proizvodnje presadnica, može biti inovativno i
ekološki prihvatljivo rješenje za povećanje prinosa i kvalitete plodova industrijske rajčice. Cilj ovog
rada bio je istražiti utjecaj primjene AMG (Rhizophagus irregularis and Glomus mosseae) na prinos,
kvalitetu i sadržaj kalija (K) i kalcija (Ca) u plodu industrijske rajčice pri različitim gnojidbama.
Pokus je postavljen kao split-plot dizajn s dva glavna faktora, gnojidbom (kontrola, NPK, organska,
NPK+organska) i primjenom AMG (presadnice s ili bez primjene AMG-a) tijekom 2017. i 2018.
godine. Prinos rajčice bio je značajno veći kod primjene NPK, organske i NPK+organske gnojidbe
u odnosu na negnojenu kontrolu, dok primjena mikoriza nije imala utjecaja na prinos. Primjena
AMG značajno je utjecala na povećanje koncentracije K i Ca u plodu rajčice. Nije bilo značajnih
razlika između glavnih faktora i njihovih interakcija vezano uz kvalitetu ploda (likopen, suha tvar
po Brixu, ukupni fenoli). Ipak, interakcija glavnih faktora pokazala je značajan utjecaj na hlapive
spojeve arome što može imati pozitivan učinak na konzumiranje rajčice za preradu kao konzumne
Ključne riječi: Terra rossa, Lycopersicon esculentum, Rhizophagus irregularis, Glomus mosseae
116 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Igor PASKOVIĆ1, Smiljana GORETA BAN1, Jana KLANJAC1, Tomislav RADIĆ2, Igor PALČIĆ1,
Marina LUKIĆ1, Mia BRKLJAČA3, Paula ŽURGA4, Branimir URLIĆ2, Mario FRANIĆ1, Barbara
Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, (e-mail:
Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Put Duilova 11, 21000 Split, Croatia
University of Zadar, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, , Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Teaching Institute of Public Health Primorsko-goranska County, Krešimirova 52a, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
University of Split, Faculty of Science, Ruđera Boškovića 33, 21000 Split, Croatia
Processing tomato has a high affinity for the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF).
Mycorrhiza application, during seedlings production, may represent an innovative and sustainable
solution to increase processing tomato yield and fruit quality. The objective of this study was
to determine the effect of AMF (Rhizophagus irregularis and Glomus mosseae) application on
processing tomato yield, fruit quality and potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) content under different
fertilization regimes. Trial was set up as split plot design with two main factors, fertilization
(Control, NPK, Organic, NPK+Organic) and AMF application (seedlings with or without AMF
application) during 2017 and 2018. Tomato yield was significantly higher in NPK, Organic and
NPK+Organic treatment compared to unfertilized Control, with no impact of mycorrhizae
application. The AMF application had significantly increased fruit K and Ca concentration in
tomato fruit. No significant differences were detected between selected main factors and their
interactions regarding fruit quality parameters (lycopene, Brix, total phenols). Furthermore, main
factor interaction has shown significant impact on tomato volatile compounds, which may have
positive influence on consuming processing tomato as fresh tomato.
Key words: Terra rossa, Lycopersicon esculentum, Rhizophagus irregularis, Glomus mosseae
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 117
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Globalno zagrijavanje i klimatske promjene imaju negativan utjecaj na proizvodnju usjeva na
pogođenim područjima. Povećana slanost tla i suša su čimbenici abiotičkog stresa posebno
izraženi u mediteranskim, polusušnim i sušnim klimatskim uvjetima. Tolerancija kupusnjača
na čimbenike abiotičkog stresa regulirana je određenim biljnim hormonima kao što su salicilna
kiselina (SA), apscizinska kiselina (ABA), auksini (IAA), citokiniini (CS) i brassinosteroidi (BR).
Utjecaj solnog stresa i suše istražen je na odabranim kupusnjačama: kineskom kupusu (Brassica
rapa ssp. pekinensis), bijelom kupusu (B. oleracea var. capitata forma alba) i raštici (B. oleracea
var. acephala) s obzirom na ulogu biljnih hormona u toleranciji na abiotički stres. Na temelju
fizioloških i biokemijskih markera, u primijenjenim eksperimentalnim uvjetima, kineski kupus je
okarakteriziran kao osjetljiva vrsta, bijeli kupus kao umjereno tolerantna, a raštika tolerantna vrsta
na sušu i solni stres.
118 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Global warming and climate changes have enormous negative impact on crop production in
affected areas. Increased soil salinity and drought are abiotic stresses particularly pronounced
in Mediterranean, semi-arid, and arid climates. The abiotic stress tolerance of Brassica crops
correlated with certain changes in plant hormones such as salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA),
auxins (IAA), cytokinins (CS) and brassinosteroids (BR). The effect of salinity stress and drought
was evaluated on selected Brassica crops: Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis), white
cabbage (B. oleracea var. capitata forma alba) and kale (B. oleracea var. acephala) with particular
focus on the role of plant hormones in abiotic stress tolerance. Based on the physiological and
biochemical markers the Chinese cabbage exhibited the lowest tolerance, followed by the white
cabbage, while the kale appeared to be the most tolerant to drought and salinity stress in aplied
experimental conditions.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 119
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Within the research project entitled as “Taxonomy, Ecology and Utilization of Carob tree
(Ceratonia siliqua L.) and Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) in Croatia” acronym: TEUCLIC, grant
number: IP-11-2013-3304-TEUCLIC, financed by Croatian Science Foundation, a phytochemical
characterization of Bay laurel essential oils was studied in seven distinct populations of Croatian
Adriatic region, such as: Lovran, Cres, Split, Hvar, Mljet, Dugi Otok and Žirje. The results of gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses shows the highest content of 1,8-Cineole
within the analysed samples of all populations, and its content vary between maximally 58.13
to minimally 38.94 %. Than follows linalool whose content vary between maximally 18.33 to
minimally 1.99 %, terpinyl acetate, methyl eugenol, α-terpineol and terpinen-4-ol, β-pinen, etc.
On the other hand, the content of myrcene is lower than 1 % and varies from only 0.26 % to
maximally 0.69 %. Generally, the southern populations of Bay laurel have a higher content of the
same components of essential oils in the comparison with the northern populations. However, the
content of essential oils depends not just of geographic position of the population, but also of the
season and date of leaves sampling.
Key words: Bay laurel, Laurus nobilis, essential oils, phytochemical chracterization
120 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije klimatske promjene značajno utječu na
proizvodnju hrane širom svijeta, a taj trend se očekuje i u budućnosti. Jedan od primjera je i
povećana proizvodnja kupusnjača iz skupine Brassica oleracea var. acephala u SAD-u posljednjih
nekoliko godina. Kupusnače iz grupe acephala populariziraju se zbog svojih pozitivnih učinaka
na zdravlje ljudi zbog prisutnosti specijaliziranih metabolita, ponajviše iz skupine glukozinolata,
polifenola i karotenoida koji pak u biljci imaju važne uloge u interakciji biljaka i okoline. Cilj
ovog rada bio je odrediti sastav metabolita u raštici izloženoj niskim temperaturama kako bi se
objasnili mehanizmi otpornosti raštike na stres. Korištena su dva eksperimentalna postava: biljke
uzgojene in vitro i uzgojene u zemlji. Nakon izlaganja stresu niskim temperaturama (+8 °C i -8 °C)
određen je sastav specijaliziranih metabolita (iz skupine polifenola, glukozinolata te karotenoida)
u usporedbi s kontrolom. Kao marker stresa korišten je prolin koji je pokazao značajno više
vrijednosti kod biljaka izloženih hladnom stresu. Stres niskim temperaturama najviše je utjecao na
razinu glukozinolata čija uloga u stresu će se dalje detaljnije istraživati.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 121
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
According to World Health Organization, climate change has a major impact on food production
worldwide, and this trend will be even more pronounced in the future. One example is the
increased production of Brassica oleracea var acephala in the United States in recent years. In last
couple of years, vegetables from acephala group have been popularized as a food with positive
effects on human health due to the presence of specialized metabolites from the glucosinolates,
polyphenols and carotenoids groups, which in plants have important roles in interaction between
plants and the environment. The aim of present work was to determine the composition of the
metabolites in kale exposed to low temperatures in order to explain the mechanisms of stress
resistance. Two experimental setups were used: in vitro-grown plants and plants grown in soil.
After exposure to low temperature (+ 8 °C and -8 °C), the composition of specialized metabolites
(from polyphenols, glucosinolates and carotenoids groups) was compared with the control. The
levels of prolin significantly increase with the low temperature. Low temperature stress the most
influenced glucosinolate level whose role in low temperature stress would be studied in the future.
122 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Luka JERONČIĆ, Lepomir ČOGA, Jana ŠIC ŽLABUR, Sanja RADMAN, Božidar BENKO, Nina
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Primjenom suvremene opreme za upravljanje abiotskim čimbenicima u hidroponskom uzgoju
povrća u zaštićenim prostorima moguća je kontrola intenziteta stresa radi postizanja više
nutritivne vrijednosti uz zadržavanje prinosa na prihvatljivoj razini. Istraživanje utjecaja solnog
stresa u plutajućem hidroponu imalo je cilj utvrditi morfološka svojstva i prinos rige obzirom
na povišenu EC-vrijednost postignutu dodavanjem natrij klorida (NaCl) standardnoj hranjivoj
otopini (EC 3 dS∙m-1, bez NaCl). Testirane su tri koncentracije NaCl-a (2,92, 5,27 i 7,62 g∙L-1)
u hranjivim otopinama s EC-vrijednostima 5, 7 i 9 dS∙m-1. Najveći broj listova i masu rozete te
duljinu najduljeg lista (4,8, 1,11 g i 19,5 cm) imala je riga uzgajana u standardnoj hranjivoj otopini,
dok se povećanjem koncentracije NaCl-a njihove vrijednosti smanjuju do najmanjih (4,3, 0,83 g i
13,4 cm) pri EC 9 dS∙m-1. Zbog veće relativne stope rasta (RSR) duljine lista, rast listova pri svim
EC-vrijednostima hranjive otopine bio je brži na početku nego na kraju vegetacijskog razdoblja.
Najveću RSR duljine lista na početku i kraju vegetacijskog razdoblja (0,17 i 0,09 cm∙cm-1∙dan)
imala je riga u standardnoj hranjivoj otopini, a najmanju (0,05 i 0,01 cm∙cm-1∙dan) u hranjivoj
otopini najveće EC-vrijednosti (9 dS∙m-1). Relativno najveći prinos (2,77 kg∙m-2) utvrđen je
kod rige uzgajane bez dodatka NaCl-a, a najmanji (1,84 kg∙m-2) kod rige iz hranive otopine s
koncentracijom NaCl-a 5,27 g∙L-1 (EC 7 dS∙m-1).
Ključne riječi: Eruca sativa, natrij klorid, EC-vrijednost, relativna stopa rasta
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 123
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Luka JERONČIĆ, Lepomir ČOGA, Jana ŠIC ŽLABUR, Sanja RADMAN, Božidar BENKO, Nina
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
Using modern equipment for managing abiotic factors in hydroponic vegetable cultivation in
greenhouses, it is possible to control stress intensity to achieve higher nutritional value along
with the yield maintained at an acceptable level. The aim of salt stress effect in the floating system
was to determine the morphological properties and the yield of the rocket with respect to the
increased EC-value achieved by adding sodium chloride (NaCl) to the standard nutrient solution
(EC 3 dS∙m-1, without NaCl). Three concentrations of NaCl (2.92, 5.27 and 7.62 g L-1) were tested
in nutrient solutions with EC-values of 5, 7 and 9 dS∙m-1. The largest number of leaves and rosette
mass, also the length of the longest leaf (4.76, 1.11 and 19.5 cm) had rocket grown in standard
nutrient solution, while increasing NaCl concentration decreased these values to the lowest (4.28,
0.83 g 13.4 cm) at EC 9 dS∙m-1. Due to the higher relative growth rate (RSR) of the leaf length, leaf
growth was faster at the beginning than at the end of the vegetation period at all tested nutrient
solutions. The largest RSR of leaf length at the beginning and the end of the vegetation period (0.17
and 0.09 cm∙cm-1 day) had a rocket in the standard nutrient solution and the smallest RSR (0.05
and 0.01 cm cm-1∙day) was in the nutrient solution with the largest EC-values (9 dS∙m-1). Also, the
relatively highest yield (2.77 kg∙m-2) was determined on rocket grown without the additionally
NaCl and the lowest (1.84 kg∙m-2) at nutrient solution with NaCl concentration of 5.27 g∙L-1 (EC 7
124 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 4. Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
Certain species of the filamentous fungal genus Trichoderma - primarily T. pleuroti, T. pleuroticola
responsible for the green mould disease of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), as well as T.
aggressivum responsible for the green mould disease of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) - are
causing series losses in the mushroom industry worldwide. In this research the whole genomes of
these 3 species were sequenced and annotated to enable getting more insight into the development
of green mould diseases. Sequencing was performed on Ion PGMTM platform. Following the
assembly, genes were predicted using the Augustus software. Phylogenetic comparison was
performed by using 100 neutrally evolving genes from reference genomes of 13 Trichoderma
species and the 3 newly annotated Trichoderma gene sets. The phylogenetic analysis and the
genome features support the closest relationship between the green mould-causing species and
T. harzianum. The genomes contain numerous NRPS and PKS genes: among others, 14- and
18-residue peptaibol synthetases were characterized. Furthermore, the annotated genomes of
the 3 green mould-causing Trichoderma species revealed some important features regarding the
relationship between the species and their pathogenicities.
This reserach was supported by grant NKFI K-116475 (National Research, Development and
Innovation Office), as well as by the Hungarian Government and the European Union within the
frames of the Széchenyi 2020 Programme (GINOP-2.2.1-15-2016-00006).
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 125
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 5 Field Crop Production
Zbornik sažetaka
Session 5. Field Crop Production
Na području istočne Hrvatske najvažniji usjev za proizvodnju sijena jest lucerna (Medicago sativa
L.). Lucerna se tu u pravilu uzgaja kao čisti usjev, uz eventualno usijavanje talijanskog ljulja u
predzadnjoj godini korištenja lucerišta s ciljem kompenziranja prorijeđenog sklopa lucerišta.
Publikacije prethodnih istraživača izvan Hrvatske ukazuju da se smjese lucerne s travama brže
suše uz manje gubitke, da se sporije zakorovljuju i da daju niže prinose krme u odnosu na čiste
usjeve lucerne. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti proizvodnost i zakorovljenost čiste lucerne, smjesa
lucerne s travama i čistog usjeva esparzete (Onobrychis sativa L.) u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. U poljskom
pokusu u Tenji (2014.-2015.g.), suma prinosa prva dva otkosa čiste lucerne bila je slična sumama
prinosa kod smjesa lucerne s travama (oko 10 tST/ha), a esparzeta je dala značajno manju sumu
(4,7 tST/ha). Nakon prezimljenja, najmanja pojava korova ustanovljena je na smjesama lucerne
s klupčastom oštricom i smjesama s povećanim sklopom trava, dok je najveća pojava korova bila
u čistom usjevu esparzete. Unatoč pojavi korova nakon prezimljenja, u pokošenoj masi prvog i
drugog porasta lucerne i njenih smjesa s travama nije ustanovljena mjerljiva masa korova, dok je
u esparzeti ustanovljen udio korova u prinosu ST 50% u prvom otkosu i 31% u drugom otkosu.
Projekcija godišnjeg prinosa je pokazala da bi čisti usjev lucerne bio najproduktivnija varijanta.
128 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 5. Field Crop Production
In the area of eastern Croatia, the most important crop for hay production is lucerne (Medicago
sativa L.). It is usually grown as a pure crop, with the possible inclusion of italian ryegrass in the
last year of lucerne exploitation in order to compensate for the lucerne stand loss. The publications
of previous researchers outside Croatia suggest that lucerne-grass mixtures dry faster to hay with
fewer losses, come less weedy but yield lower yields compared to pure lucerne crops. The aim of
the study was to compare the productivity and weed infestation of pure lucerne, its mixtures with
grasses and pure sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) in eastern Croatia. In the field trial in Tenja (2014-
2015), the yield of the first two cuts of pure lucerne was similar to the yield of its mixtures with
grasses (about 10 tDM/ha), but the sainfoin gave a significantly smaller yield (4.7 tDM/ha). Upon
the overwintering, the smallest weed infestation was found in lucerne mixture with cocksfoot and
in mixtures with increased grass density, while the largest weed infestation was in pure sainfoin.
Despite the presence of weeds upon overwintering, there were not found measurable weed
weights in the 1st and 2nd cut of the lucerne and its mixtures, while the share of weeds in the yield
of sainfoin was 50% in the first cut and 31% in the second cut. The projection of annual yield has
shown that pure lucerne crops would be the most productive option.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 129
Session 5. Field Crop Production
Ivanka GRGIĆ, Marijana GREC, Jelena PANAK BALENTIĆ, Veronika BARIŠIĆ, Jurislav BABIĆ,
Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet, Kuhačeva 20, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Pšenični škrob tretiran je primjenom visokonaponskom električnog pražnjenja (HVED), Na2HPO4,
Na5P3O10 i kombinacijom HVED sa svakom kemijskom modifikacijom. Nativnom i modificiranim
škrobovima određena su svojstva želatinizacije (DSC), kapacitet bubrenja i indeks topljivosti te su
pomoću SEM-a snimljene slike površina granula.
Rezultati su pokazali da HVED nema utjecaj na svojstva želatinizacije kada se koristi pojedinačno,
ali utječe na svojstva želatinizacije kemijski modificiranih škrobova. Kapacitet bubrenja (KB)
i indeks topljivosti (IT) povećavali su se s povećanjem temperature zagrijavanja, s izraženijim
utjecajem temperature na HVED tretirani škrob u odnosu na nativni. Kemijske modifikacije
povećale su KB i IT, dok je HVED tretman smanjio ove parametre kod kemijski modificiranih
škrobova. SEM analiza pokazala je fizikalna oštećenja na površini granula uslijed HVED tretmana,
i pojedinačno i u kombinaciji s kemijskim modifikacijama.
Ključne riječi: škrob pšenice, visokonaponsko električno pražnjenje (HVED), Na2HPO4, Na5P3O10,
fizikalna svojstva
130 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 5. Field Crop Production
Ivanka GRGIĆ, Marijana GREC, Jelena PANAK BALENTIĆ, Veronika BARIŠIĆ, Jurislav BABIĆ,
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology, Kuhačeva 20, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Wheat starch was treated with high-voltage electric discharge (HVED), Na2HPO4, Na5P3O10, and
by combination of HVED with each chemical modification. Gelatinization properties (by DSC),
swelling power and solubility were determined and images of starch granules were scanned
by SEM. Results showed that HVED treatment did not influence gelatinization temperatures
and enthalpy, but it did influence gelatinization temperatures of chemically modified starches,
with more pronounced influence when used after chemical treatment. Swelling power (SP) and
solubility (SOL) increased with increase of heating temperatures, with more pronounced effect of
temperature on HVED treated starch in relation to native starch. Chemical modification increased
SP and SOL, whereas HVED reduced SP and SOL of chemically modified starches. SEM analysis
revealed physical damage of starch granules by HVED. HVED is promising tool in modification of
starches, both individually and in combination with chemical modifications.
Key words: wheat starch, high-voltage electric discharge (HVED), Na2HPO4, Na5P3O10, physical
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 131
Session 5. Field Crop Production
Folijarna gnojidba je dopunska gnojidba kojom se biljkama preko listova dodaju neophodna
hraniva. Poseban značaj folijarne gnojidbe je u nepovoljnim uvjetima proizvodnje kada biljna
hraniva nisu u pristupačnom obliku. S ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja različitih folijarnih gnojiva
na urod zrna, postavljen je poljski pokus u Osijeku prema slučajnom bloknom rasporedu, u tri
ponavljanja. U istraživanju su bila tri hibrida suncokreta Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek: Apolon,
Luka i Matej. U tri tretmana su korištena folijarna gnojiva: Novalon 12-48-6+TE (T1-1), Novalon
20-20-20+TE (T2-1) i Novalon 15-5-35+TE (T3-1). U sljedeća tri tretmana (T1-2, T2-2 i T3-2),
uz navedena folijarna gnojiva korišten je Bioplex, kompleksni biostimulator koji sadrži makro
i mikro elemente (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) i različite tvari koje stimuliraju fiziološke
procese u biljci. Statistički značajne razlike uroda zrna su utvrđene između hibrida (P<0,01),
tretmana (P<0,05) i njihove interakcije (P<0,01). Najveći urod zrna je imao hibrid Matej (5,079
t/ha), a zatim Luka i Apolon. U odnosu na kontrolu (bez folijarne gnojidbe), sva tri tretmana uz
dodatak Bioplexa (T1-2, T2-2 i T3-2) su imala veći urod zrna. Na osnovu rezultata preliminarnih
istraživanja, primjenom folijarnih gnojiva i Bioplexa moguće je povećati urod zrna suncokreta.
132 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 5. Field Crop Production
Foliar fertilization is a supplemental fertilization which implies adding of necessary nutrients to the
plants through the leaves. Particular importance of foliar fertilization is in unfavorable production
conditions when plant nutrients are not in accessible form. In order to determine influence of
different foliar fertilizers on grain yield, a field experiment was set up in Osijek according to
random block design, in three repetitions. The research included three sunflower hybrids created at
the Agricultural Institute Osijek: Apolon, Luka and Matej. In three treatments these foliar fertilizers
were used: Novalon 12-48-6 + TE (T1-1), Novalon 20-20-20 + TE (T2-1) and Novalon 15-5-35 +
TE (T3-1). In following three treatments (T1-2, T2-2 and T3-2), along with the mentioned foliar
fertilizers was used Bioplex, a complex biostimulator containing macro and micro elements (N, P,
K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) and different substances that stimulate physiological processes in the
plant. Statistically significant differences of grain yield were determined between hybrids (P <0.01),
treatments (P <0.05) and their interaction (P <0.01). Matej had the largest grain yield (5.079 t/ha),
followed by Luka and Apolon. Furthermore, all three treatments with addition of Bioplex (T1-2,
T2-2 and T3-2) had a higher grain yield than the control (without foliar fertilization). Based on the
preliminary research results, foliar fertilizers and Bioplex application can increase sunflower grain
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 133
Session 5. Field Crop Production
U proizvodnoj 2018. g. obrađeno je 153 lokacije s prosječno osam BC hibrida kukuruza po lokaciji.
Na većem broju lokacija u vrijeme optimalnog roka sjetve došlo je do isušivanja sjetvenog sloja tla
što je za posljedicu imalo nejednoliko nicanje i redukciju sklopa. Kultivacija i prihrana obavljeni
su u idealnim fazama što je pridonijelo snažnom razvoju kukuruza koji je u razvoju biljaka
bio u vidljivoj prednosti 15-tak dana od prosjeka u zadnjim godinama. Pred cvatnju i u cvatnji
zabilježeni su povoljni vremenski uvjeti što je rezultiralo potpunom oplodnjom. U kolovozu,
kukuruz je bio u odličnoj kondiciji i sa solidnim zalihama vode u tlu. Tijekom kolovoza zabilježen
duži period bez oborina, ali bez ekstremno visokih temperatura. Ovakvi uvjeti doveli su do bržeg
dozrijevanja kukuruza, te ranije berbe, nižeg sadržaja vode u zrnu i odličnih prinosa. Rezultati
obrađenih 1271 člana svih pokusa pokazuju prosječni prinos od 12,32 t/ha, prosječni sadržaj vode
u zrnu pri berbi od 17,02% uz ostvarenje prosječnog sklopa od 66.260 biljaka/ha. Vidljivo je da
vlage u berbi imaju pravilnu distribuciju rasta od ranijih prema kasnijim hibridima kukuruza. Što
se tiče prinosa zrna zabilježeni su rekordni prinosi u svim grupama dozrijevanja. Vidljivu prednost
po urodu pred hibridima u dugogodišnjoj proizvodnji ostvarili su BC hibridi FAO grupa 300, 400
i 500 (BC323, BC415, BC525) s ostvarenim prinosima: BC323 s 20,02 t/ha (Mursko Središće),
BC525 s 17,40 t/ha (Voloder) i BC415 sa 16,19 t/ha (Klisa).
134 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 5. Field Crop Production
During 2018, trials on 153 locations were processed with an average of eight BC hybrids per
location. On a large number of locations, at the time of optimum planting time, there was a
soil drainage which resulted by ununiform emergence and reduction in stands. Cultivation and
fertilization were carried out at the ideal stages, which contributed to the strong development of
maize, which plant development was in a visible advantage of 15 days from the average in the last
years. Before and during flowering, favourable weather conditions were recorded, which resulted
by complete fertilization. In August, the maize was in excellent condition and with solid water
reserves in the soil. During the August there was a longer period of rainfall, but without extreme
high temperatures. Such conditions have led to faster maize maturation, earlier harvest, lower grain
moisture content and excellent yields. The results of the processed 1271 entries of all trials show an
average yield of 12.32 t / ha, the average grain moisture at harvest of 17.02%, with an average plant
density of 66.260 plants / ha. It is evident that moisture during harvest has a proper distribution
of growth from earlier to later hybrids. Related to grain yields, record high yields were obtained in
all FAO groups. New BC hybrids FAO 300, 400 and 500 (BC323, BC415, BC525) archived higher
yield compared to the long-standing hybids. Obtained yields were as follows: BC323 20,02 t / ha
(Mursko Središće), BC525 17,40 t / ha (Voloder) and BC415 16,19 t / ha (Klisa).
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 135
Session 5. Field Crop Production
U radu se iznose rezultati primjene folijarnih gnojiva (Profert Mara, Megagreen i Zeogreen) na tri
sorte uljane repice u agroekološkim uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno
kroz poljski pokus postavljen na eutrično smeđem antropogeniziranom tlu u Zagrebu tijekom
2016./2017. godine prema split blok metodi u pet ponavljanja. Istraživano je pet tretmana prihrane:
1) Kontrola - KAN (54 kg ha-1 N u prvoj + 33,75 kg ha-1 N u drugoj prihrani; 2) KAN (54 kg ha-1
N u prvoj prihrani) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (prvo tretiranje) + Profert
Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (drugo tretiranje nakon 10 dana); 3) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1
+ Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (tretiranje u jesen) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (dva
tretiranja u razmaku od 10 dana u proljeće); 4) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1
(dva tretiranja u razmaku od 10 dana u proljeće); 5) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2,5 kg ha-1
(prvo tretiranje) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2,5 kg ha-1 (drugo tretiranje nakon 10 dana).
na tri sorte uljane repice (PT 234, PX 113 i Ametyst), uz prethodnu osnovnu gnojidbu na svim
varijantama s 800 kg ha-1 NPK 7:20:30.
Hibridne sorte PT 234 i PX 113 ostvarile su značajno veći prinos sjemena i ulja u odnosu na
linijsku sortu Ametyst. Folijarna primjena gnojiva Profert Mara, Megagreen i Zeogreen nije
rezultirala promjenom prinosa sjemena i ulja u odnosu na uobičajnu prihranu KAN-om (54
+ 33,75 kg ha-1 N). Međutim, folijarna primjena nekih kombinacija istraživanih gnojiva može
povećati prinos ulja kod sorte Ametyst, što je potrebno provjeriti kroz višegodišnja istraživanja.
136 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 5. Field Crop Production
The paper presents the results of the application of foliar fertilizers (Profert Mara, Megagreen and
Zeogreen) upon the three rapeseed varieties in agroecological conditions of northwestern Croatia.
The research was conducted through a field experiment which was set up on eutrophic brown
anthropogenised soil in Zagreb during 2016/2017 year according to split block method with five
replications. Five topdressing treatments were investigated: 1) Control - KAN (54 kg ha-1 N in the
first one + 33.75 kg ha-1 N in second topdressing; 2) KAN (54 kg ha-1 N in the first topdressing)
+ Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (first treatment) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 +
Zeogreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (second treatment after 10 days); 3) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5
kg ha-1 (treatment in autumn) + Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (two treatments at
intervals of 10 days in spring ); 4) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (two treatments
at intervals of 10 days in spring); 5) Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Megagreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (first treatment)
+ Profert Mara 10 l ha-1 + Zeogreen 2.5 kg ha-1 (second application after 10 days) at three varieties
of rapeseed (PT 234, PX 113 and Ametyst), with the previous basic fertilization in all variants with
800 kg ha-1 NPK 7:20:30.
The hybrid varieties PT 234 and PX 113 had a significantly higher seed and oil yield compared to
line cultivar Ametyst. Foliar application with fertilizers Profert Mara, Megagreen and Zeogreen did
not result with significant changes in the seed and oil yield compared to the regular topdressing
with KAN (54 + 33.75 kg ha-1 N). However, the foliar application of some combinations of
researched fertilizers can increase the oil yield of the cultivar Ametyst, which should be examined
through multi-year research.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 137
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 6 Fisheries, Game Management
and Beekeeping
Zbornik sažetaka
Ribarstvo, lovstvo i pčelarstvo
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Biochemical blood analysis provides significant information about the physiological status of
fish and their response depends on living conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the
variation of blood biochemical parameters of cultured and wild-caught turbot from the Adriatic
Sea in spring when the values of water temperature are the most favorable for this fish species.
The levels of total protein, triglycerides, bilirubin, creatine kinase, albumin and globulin were
significantly higher in the group of cultured turbot. The higher levels of measured parameters are
most likely consequence of high availability of feed and limitation within rearing space and density.
There were no significant differences in albumin/globulin ratio (A/G) between the two groups.
In addition, we measured changes in the activity of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase
(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) between the two groups. The concentration of SOD
was higher in the cultured group while the concentration of GSH-Px was higher in the wild-caught
group. Calcium and phosphorus concentrations were higher in wild-caught group. Glucose and
cholesterol were also higher in wild-caught turbot. In relation to the needs for further aquaculture
development of turbot, knowledge on biological responses of this species to environmental changes
are vital for understanding the correlation of living conditions to biochemical parameters which, in
this study, showed the significant difference between the two groups.
140 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Mediterranean scallop (Pecten jacobaeus L.) is commercially exploited in the Northern Adriatic.
The aim of this study was to determine the biochemical properties of the tissues (muscle, gills,
gonad and hepatopancreas) during yearly seasons defined by the sea temperature. Concentrations
of Ca, Mg, cholesterol (CHOL), glucose (GLU) and triglycerides (TRIG) were analyzed. The
concentration of measured properties varied between the investigated tissues and between seasons.
Ca and Mg levels were the highest in summer and winter in gonad (Ca, Mg) and hepatopancreas
(Ca). Tissue concentrations of CHOL, GLU and TRIG were not uniform in tissues or seasons:
levels of GLU were elevated in gonadal tissue in the summer and in hepatopancreas in the fall.
TRIG levels varied in gonad and hepatopancreas tissues in comparison to other tissues, while
CHOL was significantly higher in gonad (autumn) and hepatopancreas (winter). Scallops under
study have shown the maximum muscle energy reserves correlate with the maximum autumn
gonadosomatic index. Although their nutritional reserves, according to the literature, are primarily
stored in muscle and hepatopancreas, this study found that levels of CHOL, GLU and TRIG were
the highest in hepatopancreas and gonad. The study thus confirmed the influence of seasons on
the levels of biochemical properties which are relevant for ionic homeostasis, reproduction control,
catabolism of protein and energy reserves.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 141
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
In vitro test systems have been widely used in ecotoxicology in the last decades and fish sperm
can be a feasible in vitro model. Zebrafish and common carp are specified in OECD guidelines as
suitable model species in ecotoxicology, however, analysis of sperm is not mentioned in any of the
standard protocols. Our goal was to develop in vitro toxicology test system based on analysis of
zebrafish and common carp sperm.
Zebrafish sperm was stripped and pooled from different males, whereas in carp, individual samples
were used. The sperm was exposed to different heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu, Hg, As). The
exposure duration was 4 hours and the motility parameters were assessed every 30 minutes of
the exposure. Progressive motility of sperm proved to be the most sensitive to the in vitro toxic
exposure: it reacted with dose- and time-response in case of each examined heavy metals. Heavy
metals, except for As, affected the motility parameters in the same range of concentrations in
the two species. Fish sperm is a reliable in vitro toxicology model; it can be an accurate, fast
bioindicator of aquatic pollutions. Thereby its application should be considered with respect to
environmental and animal protection.
The work was supported by the Fisheries Operative Programme III. axis „European Fisheries
Fund for Renewable Fisheries" provided by the EU and Hungary as well as by the EFOP-3.6.3-
VEKOP-16-2017-00008 project co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund.
Key words: zebrafish, common carp, sperm, Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), heavy
142 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Prepelica pućpura (Coturnix coturnix L.) je najmanja europska vrsta selica iz porodice
(Phasianidae), koja od početka proljeća pa do kraja jeseni naseljava prostor Srednje i Jugoistočne
Europe te se smatra izrazito atraktivnom lovnom vrstom. Istraživanje je provedeno na području
Duvanjskog polja (jugozapadna Bosna i Hercegovina) te je odstrjelom u skupnim lovovima
prikupljeno 50 jedinki u razdoblju od 15.08. do 15.09. 2015. godine. Svakoj jedinki je temeljem
obojanosti perja utvrđen spol te izmjerena masa, a potom je izmjereno i 8 morfometrijskih mjera
(raspon krila, širina glave, duljina glave, duljina trupa, duljina krila, duljina repa, duljina kljuna i
duljina tarzusa) koje su statistički obrađene. Rezultati T-testa morfometrijskih mjera ukazuju na
nepostojanje statistički značajne razlike između spolova prepelice pućpure, što se podudara i sa
uspoređivanom znanstvenom i stručnom literaturom.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 143
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Common quail (Coturnix coturnix L.) is the smallest European migratory species from the
Phasianidae family, which from early spring to late autumn inhabits area of Central and Southeast
Europe and is considered extremely attractive hunting species. The research was conducted in the
area of Duvno field (southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina) where 50 individuals were harvested
and collected during group hunts in the period from 15.08. till 15.09. 2015. For each individual
sex was based on the colouring of feathers, mass and 8 morphometric measures (wingspan, head
width, head length, body length, wing length, tail length, beak length and the length of tarsus) were
measured and statistically processed. The results of the T-test of morphometric measures indicate
that there is no statistically significant difference between the sexes of the common quail, which
also coincides with the comparative scientific literature.
144 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Réka BALOGH¹, Szilvia KESZTE¹, Csaba GUTI¹, Balázs CSORBAI¹, László ORBÁN², Béla
¹Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary (email:
²University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Deák Ferenc St. 16, 8360 Keszthely, Hungary,
The applicability of an African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) sex specific DNA marker was
investigated. One F1 (179 individuals) and three F2 families (85, 92, and 89 individuals
respectively) were examined. All four F1 generations were produced by a single-pair cross, while
for the three F2 generations full-sib crossing was carried out. The P0 breeders were originated
from 5 different broodstocks. The F1 group was sexed by the molecular marker 3-5 weeks after
propagation and was subsequently reared in separated male and female groups. The phenotypic sex
was identified by aceto-carmine squash method at juvenile age. The three F2 families were bred in
mixed-sex groups and gender differentiation was performed according to the sexually dimorphic
traits on mature specimens. By comparing the phenotype with the data from molecular sexing, the
latter was found to predict phenotypic sex with 97.04 % accuracy. The recombination rate between
the sex determining locus and the sex specific marker was 1.176 %, 4.598 %, and 2.247 % in the
three F2 crosses and 3,352 % in the F1 family. The calculated average genetic distance between
the two loci is 2.955 cM, indicating strong linkage, and, thereby a widespread applicability of the
African catfish sex specific marker in aquaculture.
This work was supported by OTKA (105393), iFishIENCi (H2020-DT-BG-04-2018) and
GINOP-2.1.2-8-1-4-16-2017-00090 projects.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 145
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Réka BALOGH¹, Szilvia KESZTE¹, Csaba GUTI¹, Dóra Kánainé SIPOS¹, István LEHOCZKY²,
Levente VÁRKONYI¹, Zoltán BOKOR¹, Gergely BERNÁTH¹, Béla URBÁNYI¹, Balázs KOVÁCS¹
¹Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Pate Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
²Research Centre for Farm Animal Gene Conservation, Isaszegi St. 200, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
The need for a comparable genetic analysis of different common carp (Cyprinus carpio) stocks is
increasing nowadays due to high demand for genetic breeding. However, no proper, cost-efficient,
and rapidly applicable multiplex microsatellite set is available at the moment for automatic
evaluation of data, therefore, a new multiplex set was developed. Tetranucleotide microsatellites
were examined in the available common carp genome with in silico analysis. Primers were
designed for the flanking region of the detected 64000 microsatellites. The number of potential
markers was restricted to 54 by the annealing temperature, specificity, primer-dimer formation
and genomic location of the primers. The markers were optimized individually and their
polymorphism was checked by fragment analysis. Four different pentaplex sets were assembled
from the most congruous markers designed with four different fluorescent primers (PET, VIC,
NED, FAM) suitable for simultaneous fragment analysis. The applicability of this multiplex set
was studied on two Hungarian common carp populations, each with 16 specimens and data was
evaluated by the R software. According to the preliminary data, the allele number ranged from 2 to
15 with a mean of 4.25. The average richness of the alleles for each locus was 0.281 (Simpson Index,
1-D) with an evenness of 0.524. In conclusion, this novel multiplex microsatellite set is a powerful
tool for fast and cost-effective analysis of both natural and farmed populations of common carp.
The work was supported by the GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00004 and the EFOP-3.6.3-
VEKOP-16-2017-00008 projects. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the
European Social Fund.
146 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Gospodarski ribolov škampa Nephrops norvegicus obavlja se upotrebom pridnene povlačne
mreže koće i vrše. Većinski dio ulova ostvaruje koća, koja ribolov obavlja na otvorenom moru i
kanalskim područjima, dok vrša izlovljava manji dio i to isključivo u kanalskim područjima. Vrša
se po efikasnosti ne može uspoređivati s koćom, ali je interesantna zbog toga što, za razliku od
koće, izlovljava gotovo isključivo velikog škampa. Mogući razlog male lovnosti vrše, u usporedbi
s koćom, može biti taj što škamp teško pronalazi ulaz u vršu. U tu svrhu dizajnirana je vrša sa šest
vršnjaka te je njena lovnost uspoređena s komercijalnom vršom s dva vršnjaka u proljeće 2018.
godine na području Bračkog i Hvarskog kanala. Preliminarni rezultati pokazuju da standardna vrša
lovi prosječno 4,39 ± 2,88 jedinki po parangalu, dok vrša novog dizajna lovi prosječno 3,73 ± 2,71
jedinki po parangalu. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u ulovu između dva dizajna vrše.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 147
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) is commercially exploited by bottom trawls and creels. In
the Adriatic Sea, Norway lobster is predominantly caught by bottom trawls, both on the open sea
and in channel areas, while a smaller portion is caught by creels operating in the channel areas.
Although creels have low fishing efficiency compared to bottom trawls, their advantage is that
they catch almost exclusively large Norway lobster specimens, with higher market value. One
possible reason for the low fishing efficiency of the creels is that Norway lobster has difficulties
finding the entrance into the creel. In order to test this, a creel with six entrances was designed and
its catchability was compared with commercial creels in spring 2018 in Brač and Hvar Channels.
Preliminary results showed that the average number of Norway lobsters caught per longline with
the standard creel design was 4.39 ± 2.88, while the new creel design caught 3.73 ± 2.71 individuals
per longline. There was no significant difference in catchability between the two creel designs.
148 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
U Republici Hrvatskoj evidentirano je 7 autohtonih pasmina pasa od kojih se tri pasmine (posavski
gonič, istarski kratkodlaki gonič i istarski oštrodlaki gonič) koriste u lovu. U radu je analizirano
stanje uzgoja i naznačena obilježja hrvatskih lovačkih pasmina pasa u Republici Hrvatskoj
u proteklih 5 godina (2013. - 2017.). Podaci o uzgoju dobiveni su iz popisa prijavljenih legla
Hrvatskog kinološkog saveza. U svrhu analize, podaci su razvrstani prema godinama, regijama,
županijama, pasminama i spolu. U istraživanom razdoblju, ukupno je oštenjeno 9007 štenadi.
Analizom podataka uočen je pad broja uzgojenih štenaca svih triju pasmina u promatranom
razdoblju. Istarski kratkodlaki gonič bilježi pad broja uzgojenih štenaca za 5,5%, posavski gonič za
14,8%, dok je najveći pad zabilježen kod istarskog oštrodlakog goniča za čak 54%. Važnost uzgoja
ovih pasmina je višestruka, prvenstveno jer su hrvatska nacionalna baština, kinološko naslijeđe
i kulturno bogatstvo, a zbog svojih radnih osobina imaju vrlo veliku vrijednost u lovu. Zbog
svega navedenog, važno je pronaći načine i metode kojima bi se uzgajatelje potaklo na povećanje
uzgoja ovih pasmina u Hrvatskoj. Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka i analize rezultata moguće je
predložiti smjernice za unapređenje uzgoja i očuvanje hrvatskih autohtonih lovačkih pasmina pasa.
Zbog drastičnog opadanja broja uzgojenih štenaca istarskog oštrodlakog goniča u promatranom
razdoblju, poseban naglasak bi se trebao staviti na poticanje uzgoja ove pasmine.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 149
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
The Republic of Croatia has 7 autochthonous dog breeds , three of which (Posavatz Hound, Istrian
short-haired Hound and Istrian wire-haired Hound) are used for hunting. The paper analyzes
the state and characteristics of breeding of Croatian hound dogs in the Republic of Croatia over
the past 5 years (2013 - 2017), which will help to develop guidelines for further breeding and
preservation of the National Kinological Treasury. Breeding data were obtained from the list of
registered litter of the Croatian Keno Association. For the purposes of analysis, data are classified
by age, region, county, breed and sex. During the research period, 9007 puppies were delivered.
Based on data analysis it is observed that number of puppies are declining. The Istrian short-haired
puppies recorded a drop in the number of pups by 5.5%, Posavatz Hound by 14.8%, while the
largest decline was recorded for the Istrian wire-haired Hound as much as 54%. The importance
of breeding of these breeds is multifaceted. Primarily because of Croatian national heritage, and
then due to kinological heritage and cultural wealth. Because of their working characteristics, they
have a very high value in hunting as such. Because of all this, it is important to find instruments to
encourage breeders in Croatia to increase the breeding of these breeds in Croatia. Due to drastic
decline of Istrian wire-haired hound dog puppies within the analyzed period special emphasis
should be put on encouraging breeders of this breed.
150 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Zaglavljivanje (inćetavanje) riba u mrežni teg ribarskih alata može otežati obavljanje ribolova te
smanjiti njegovu učinkovitost, a time i ekonomsku isplativost. Vjerojatnost zaglavljivanja se do
sada nije službeno kvantificiralo tijekom određivanja selektivnosti ribolovnih alata. U ovoj studiji
razvijena je nova metoda određivanja selektivnosti koja uključuje i određivanje vjerojatnosti
zaglavljivanja te je upotrijebljena kod određivanja selektivnosti vrša za lov škampa (Nephrops
norvegicus) i vabića (Squilla mantis). Za razliku od standardnog pristupa koji uključuje određivanje
vjerojatnosti dvaju mogućih ishoda: jedinka je zadržana u vrši i jedinka je pobjegla iz vrše,
novom metodom određuje se vjerojatnost triju mogućih ishoda: jedinka je zadržana unutar vrše,
jedinka je zadržana zaglavljivanjem u oko vrše i jedinka je pobjegla iz vrše. Za vabića je određena
maksimalna vjerojatnost zaglavljivanja od 13,5% kod duljine karapaksa 32,5 mm. Za istu duljinu
karapaksa, 63,1% vabića ulovljeno je u vrši, dok je 23,4% jedinki pobjeglo iz vrše. Za škampa je
određena maksimalna vjerojatnost zaglavljivanja od 2% i to kod duljine karapaksa od 34,0 mm.
Novorazvijenu metodu moguće je prilagoditi te dalje istražiti njenu potencijalnu uporabu pri
određivanju selektivnosti lova drugih vrsta i alata.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 151
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Fish stuck in the fishing gear meshes can lead to operational problems in some fisheries, affecting
the economic gain. However, mesh sticking probability has never been formally quantified in
the estimation of fishing gear size selectivity. Unlike the standard methods used to estimate creel
size selectivity, the novel method developed enables separate quantification of the: probability of
retention inside the creel, probability of sticking in the creel meshes and probability of escapement
from the test creels. The novel method was applied to mantis shrimp (Squilla mantis) and
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in the creel fishery. The curve that described mesh sticking
probability was bell-shaped, with a maximum value for a specific carapace length and decreasing
probabilities for both smaller and larger individuals. For mantis shrimp, the maximum sticking
probability (13.5%) corresponded to 32.5 mm carapace length, while 63.1% of individuals of that
size were retained inside the creels and 23.4% escaped. For Norway lobster the maximum sticking
probability was 2.0%, corresponding to 34.0 mm carapace length. The novel method could be
adapted and further explored for its potential use in determining the fishing selectivity of other
species and tools.
152 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Selekcija pčela često se smatra jednim od najsloženijih postupaka u pčelarstvu, a dijelom
proizlazi iz složene biologije parenja te razvoja trutova partenogenezom, koji su posljedično
haploidi. Zajednice se u procesu selekcije ocjenjuju i odabiru u svakoj generaciji prema poželjnim
svojstvima, a najbolje se koriste za roditelje slijedeće generacije. Kontrolirani uzgoj matica sive
pčele (Apis mellifera carnica) primjenom metoda selekcije u Hrvatskoj započeo je u posljednjem
desetljeću XX stoljeća. Testiranje svojstava organizira se u odgovarajućim lokalnim uvjetima
distribucijom matica iz istog uzgoja na pčelinjake drugih uzgajivača matica ili pčelara koji su
prihvatili sudjelovanje u provedbi uzgojnog programa (field test). Zajednice s testnim maticama
ocjenjuju se na svojstva ponašanja (mirnoća na saću, obrambeno ponašanje, rojivost) te na prinos
meda. Za izračun su korišteni podaci za 1570 pčelinjih zajednica iz baze Hrvatske poljoprivredne
agencije, testiranih u razdoblju od 2000. do 2017. godine. Izračunati koeficijenti regresije (R2)
za mirnoću, obrambeno ponašanje i rojivost (0,07; 0,03 i 0,06) ukazuju na pozitivan utjecaj
selekcijskih postupaka na svojstva ponašanja, dok isti nije utvrđen za prinose meda (R2=0,002) u
praćenom razdoblju.
Ključne riječi: siva pčela, Apis mellifera carnica, field test, svojstva ponašanja, prinosi, trend
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 153
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Honey bee selection is often considered to be one of the most complicated procedures in
beekeeping, partly due to the complex mating biology and the parthenogenetic development of
drones, which are consequently haploids. Honeybee colonies are evaluated in the selection process
and selected in each generation according to desirable traits. The best are used for parents of the
next generation. Controlled breeding of Carniolan (Apis mellifera carnica) honey bee queens using
the selection methods in Croatia started in the last decade of the 20th century. Testing of colony
performance is implemented under representative local conditions. Test queens from each source
are distributed to test apiary of another queen breeder or beekeeper who accepted participation
in the implementation of the breeding program (field test). Honey bee queens are evaluated on
behavioural characteristics (calmness on the combs, defensive behaviour, swarming ability) and
honey yield. For the analysis were used data for 1570 honey bee colonies tested in the period from
2000 to 2017 from the Croatian Agricultural Agency database. Calculated regression coefficients
(R2) for calmness on the combs, defensive behaviour and swarming ability (0.07, 0.03 and 0.06)
indicate the positive effect of selection procedures on behavioural traits, while the effect was not
found for honey yields (R2 = 0.002) in the observed period.
Key words: Carniolan bees, Apis mellifera carnica, field test, behavioural traits, honey yields, trend
154 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Rewilding u Hrvatskoj
Rewilding se promovira kao ambiciozna nadogradnja trenutnim pristupima očuvanja prirode.
Povećano je zanimanje za rewilding u popularnim i znanstvenim krugovima, predmet je rasprava,
nadmašujući znanstvena istraživanja i konzervatorsku praksu. Pojam rewilding osmišljen je
sredinom 1990-ih od strane američkih konzervatorskih biologa. Predstavili su rewilding kao
znanstvenu strategiju, fokusiranu na osiguravanje i povezivanje velikih područja i ispuštanje
ciljanih divljih životinja kao što su vukovi. Uskoro se pojam rewilding povezuje s inicijativama
očuvanja koje eksplicitno nastoje vratiti nedostajuće ili nefunkcionalne procese ekosustava,
često kroz reintrodukciju „funkcionalnih“ vrsta. Projekti i istraživanja provode se diljem svijeta,
ponajviše u Europi i Sjevernoj Americi. Zajednički im je cilj održati ili povećati biološku
raznolikost, istovremeno smanjujući utjecaj prisutnih i prošlih ljudskih intervencija kroz obnovu
vrsta i ekoloških procesa. Projekt Rewilding Velebit provodi se na planini Velebit u Hrvatskoj od
2011. godine, u uskoj suradnji i partnerstvu s Rewilding Europe-om. Glavne aktivnosti su jačanje i
zaštita izvornih prirodnih procesa, kao što su prirodna obnova šuma i prirodna ispaša. Provodi se
unutar rewilding principa kako bi se smanjila fragmentacija staništa, s krajnjim ciljem postizanja
stanja ekosustava u kojem je pasivno upravljanje dostatno te je smanjena ljudska uključenost, uz
održavanje optimalne funkcionalnosti ekosustava i biološke raznolikosti.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 155
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Rewilding in Croatia
Rewilding is being promoted as an ambitious upgrade to current approaches to nature
conservation. Interest is growing in popular and scientific literatures, and rewilding is the subject
of significant comment and debate, outstripping scientific research and conservation practice.
The term rewilding was coined in the mid-1990's by a group of US conservation biologists. They
presented rewilding as the scientific strategy, focusing on securing and connecting large areas and
releasing functional species such as wolves. Soon, the term rewilding has been associated with
conservation initiatives that explicitly seek to restore missing or dysfunctional ecosystem processes,
often trough the reintroduction of “functional” species. Projects and research are found the
world over, with concentrations in Europe and North America. A common aim is to maintain, or
increase, biodiversity, while reducing the impact of present and past human interventions through
the restoration of species and ecological processes. Rewilding Velebit project is implemented on the
Velebit mountain in Croatia since 2011, in close cooperation and under partnership with Rewilding
Europe. Main activities are boosting and protection of the original natural processes, like natural
forest regeneration and natural grazing. Within the key rewilding cores and their linkage to reduce
the fragmentation of the habitat, with the ultimate goal of achieving the state of the ecosystem in
which passive management is sufficient and human involvement minimized, while maintaining
optimal functionality of ecosystems and biodiversity.
156 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
U službenom glasniku Republike Hrvatske “Narodnim novinama“ broj 99/2018 objavljen je novi
Zakon o lovstvu. Jedan od razloga donošenja novoga Zakona je usklađivanje s Direktivom o
očuvanju divljih ptica odnosno direktivama u području okoliša. Nadalje, s popisa divljači uklonjen
je mali indijski mungos (Herpestes ishneumonum L.) koji se smatra invazivnim na području
Europske unije. Donošenjem ovog Zakona mijenjaju se uvjeti kod davanja državnih lovišta u
koncesiju na rok do 30 godina, a a koja bi podrazumijevala samo veća i gospodarski perspektivnija
lovišta. Jedna od novih mjera propisuje da u državnom i privatnom lovištu lovnogospodarsku
osnovu odobrava nadležno Ministarstvo, a nadležna Županija odobrava osnovu za zajednička
lovišta. Ovim Zakonom u hrvatsko lovstvo se ponovo uvodi pojam „lovnika“ tj. osobe odgovorne
za provedbu lova. Nadalje, novim Zakonom vlasnicima privatnih zemljišta površine do 500
ha omogućuje se osnivanje privatnog lovišta na predmetnoj površini. Kao jedna od bitnijih
mjera koja se ovim Zakonom uređuje je sprječavanje šteta od divljači, kako na poljoprivrednim
površinama, tako i u prometu, pri čemu su ovi problemi jasnije i preciznije uređeni, a sve subjekte
u predmetnim postupcima nastojalo se staviti u ravnopravniji položaj s jasnije određenim
pravima i obvezama. Zakonodavac je ovim Zakonom nastojao unaprijediti uzgoj, zaštitu, lov i
korištenje divljači, prema načelu očuvanja i zaštite prirode s ciljem očuvanja i zaštite divljači i
njenih prirodnih staništa kao nacionalnog bogatstva. Isto tako, Zakonom se nastoji unaprijediti
lovstvo kao gospodarski značajnu djelatnost te značajnije povezati s djelatnostima u području
poljoprivrede, šumarstva, turizma, trgovine i dr.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 157
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
In the official gazete "Narodne novine" no. 99/2018 a new Hunting Law was published for the
Republic of Croatia. One of the reasons for the adoption of the new Act is alignment with the
Wild Birds Directive, directives on nature and environment. Furthermore, a small Indian mungos
(Herpestes ishneumon L.), which is considered invasive in the European Union, was removed
from the game list. By adopting this Law, the conditions for granting concessions to state hunting
grounds will be changed. Only larger and economically prospective hunting areas will be available
for 30 year concessions. What's new is that for the state and private hunting grounds the hunting
management plan will be approved by the competent Ministry and for the union hunting grounds
the hunting management plan will be approved by county authorities. This Law introduces the
concept of "a professional hunter", a person responsible for hunting. Furthermore, the new Act
allows owners of private land up to 500 hectares to set up a private hunting ground on the surface.
As one of the most important measures regulated by this Act is to prevent damaging game, both
in agricultural areas and in traffic where these problems are clarified and more precisely regulated,
and all subjects in the concerned proceedings were to be placed in a more equal position with more
specific rights and obligations. Through this Act, the legislator's intention is to improve breeding,
protection and hunting on the principle of preservation of game and its natural habitats as national
wealth. Likewise, the Act seeks to improve hunting as an economically significant activity and to
be more closely associated with activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, tourism, trade and
158 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
Four leading Hungarian research organizations have joined forces to apply for funding
for a consumer-driven development of the Hungarian aquaculture sector. The project
GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00025, entitled ”Market-driven innovative development of the genetic
resources and production technology of cultured fish species (wels catfish, common carp,
pikeperch)” with the acronym GOODFISH, was awarded in 2016 for 4 years by the Government
of Hungary and the European Regional Development Fund. The project includes several objectives
depending on the species involved. In the wels catfish, the objective is to develop a two-year
production cycle with the combination of intensive fingerling rearing in closed systems and
growout in ponds. This would also require the development of a specific catfish variety through
selection based on molecular markers. In the pikeperch, the objective is the development of a
commercial-scale larval and fingerling rearing technology, including broodstock management,
larval and fingerling rearing as well as weaning to formulated feeds. In both species, a live and
cryopreserved gene bank will be developed. The most extensive research is planned in the common
carp: development of a new carp variety adapted to intensive culture; development of monosex
female common carp stocks; immune system investigations; proteomic and gene expression
studies; the use of fermented avian manure for feeding; development of a veterinary e-tool as well
as economic studies are envisioned.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 159
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary (e-mail:
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Groblje 3, 1230 Domžale, Slovenia
Hoitsy & Rieger Kft., Erzsébet stny. 55, 3517 Miskolc, Hungary
Development of surrogate technologies including the isolation and transplantation of early-stage
germ cells offers new possibilities for the gene banking in aquaculture and conservation of genetic
resources of fish. The objective of a Slovenian-Hungarian bilateral project was to develop methods
for the cryopreservation and transplantation of freshwater fish spermatogonia. Experiments
were carried out on several fish species including zebrafish (Danio rerio), goldfish (Carassius
auratus), tench (Tinca tinca), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario),
marble trout (Salmo marmoratus), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and grayling (Thymallus
thymallus) as donors as well as zebrafish, common carp, rainbow trout and tiger trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis × Salmo trutta) as recipients. Spermatogonia were isolated following enzymatic digestion
of either freshly extracted or cryopreserved gonads. Isolated cells were transplanted into the
recipients using microinjection. Successful incorporation of germ cells into recipient gonads was
observed when brown trout and grayling were used as donors and rainbow trout as recipients.
Developing gonads derived from common carp spermatogonia transplanted into sterilized goldfish
recipients were detected. Finally, zebrafish offspring successfully hatched from fertilization with
donor-derived sperm stripped from recipient individuals and confirmed using protein fluorescence
as well as molecular markers.
160 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Divokoza (Rupicapra rupicapra) je zavičajna vrsta krupne dlakave divljači u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Prema novijim podatcima ova vrsta obitava u Hrvatskoj u dvije podvrste, alpska divokoza
(Rupicapra r. rupicapra) i balkanska divokoza (Rupicapra r. balcanica). Tijekom 2017. godine
prikupljeno je 12 uzoraka probavnog sustava divokoza podrijetlom iz Gorkoga kotara. Uzorci
su pregledani segmentalno (sirište, tanko crijevo, slijepo i debelo crijevo), otvoreni podužno
škarama te je sadržaj ispran vodom kroz dva sita različitih veličina otvora (0,5 i 0,2 mm). Uzorak
izmeta pregledan je metodama flotacije i sedimentacije, te IF na bičaša Giardia sp. Pretragom
crijeva utvrđena je prevalencija pozitivnih uzoraka od 83%. Od vrsta parazita utvrđeni su
oblići Haemonchus contortus (P=17%), Trichuris ovis (P=33%), Chabertia ovina (P=17%) i
Oesophagostomum venulosum (P=67%). Pregledom mezenterija utvrđeni su razvojni stadiji
trakavice Taenia hydatigena (Cysticercus tenuicollis) u prevalenciji od 33%. Parazitološkom
pretragom izmeta utvrđena je prevalencija od 90%, i to: larve porodice Protostrongylidae (P=60%),
jajašca oblića Nematodirus sp. (P=30%), Marshallagia marshalli (P=10%), Capillaria sp. (P=10%), T.
ovis (P=19%), jajašca Strongylida (P=20%) i kokcidije Eimeria sp. (P=20%). Utvrđeni parazitološki
nalaz sličan je nalazu u drugim državama, uz iznimku da u ovom istraživanju nisu pronađene
trakavice u crijevima. Zanimljivost istraživanja čini i nalaz Cysticercus tenuicollis, razvojnog stadija
trakavice Taenia hydatigena čiji su konačni nositelji razni mesojedi. Daljnja istraživanja neophodna
su kako b se stekao primjeren uvid u parazitofaunu divokoze na području Gorskoga kotara.
Istraživanje je potpomognuto sredstvima projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost: ‘’DNA kao dokaz o
distribuciji i vitalnosti ugrožene balkanske divokoze'’.
Ključne riječi: divokoza, paraziti probavnog sustava, Taenia hydatigena, Gorski kotar
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 161
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) is autochthonous large game species in Croatia. According to the
recent findings two subspecies of chamois are present in Croatia, Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r.
rupicapra) and Balkan chamois (Rupicapra r. balcanica). During the 2017 gastrointestinal tract of
12 animals originating from Gorski kotar area were collected. Samples were analysed according
to the segments: stomach, small intestine, caecum and large intestine, incised longitudinally and
content was washed under water through two sieves with different mesh size (0.5 and 0.2 mm).
Faecal samples were analysed using standard flotation and sedimentation methods, and IF method
for Giardia sp. Macroscopic analysis revealed 83% prevalence of positive samples. Determined
parasites were: Haemonchus contortus (P=17%), Trichuris ovis (P=33%), Chabertia ovina (P=17%)
and Oesophagostomum venulosum (P=67%). Omentum of 33% of animals harboured Cysticercus
tenuicollis, developmental stages of the tapeworm Taenia hydatigena. Coprological analysis revealed
90% prevalence of paraistes, including: Protostrongylus larvae (P=60%), and eggs of nematodes
Nematodirus sp. (P=30%), Marshallagia marshalli (P=10%), Capillaria sp. (P=10%) and T. ovis
(P=19%), strongylid eggs (P=20%) and Eimeria sp. oocysts (P=20%). Obtained results are similar
to those in other studies, with exception that no tapeworms were found in intestines. Interesting
finding is the presence of Cysticercus tenuicollis in 33% of samples, whose final hosts are various
carnivores. Further analysis are needed for proper insight into parasitic fauna of chamois in the
Gorski kotar region.
The research was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation grant: ‘’DNA kao dokaz o
distribuciji i vitalnosti ugrožene balkanske divokoze'’
162 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Balázs KOVÁCS1, Réka BALOGH1, Szilvia KESZTE1, Jelena LUJIĆ1, Gábor SZILÁGYI2, Milán
Szent István University Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
Győri Előre fishing cooperative, Arany J. St.22, 9062 Győr, Hungary
V-95.Ltd, Magyarország, Halastó puszta St. 0417/7 hrsz ,7500 Nagyatád, Hungary
The African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is one of the most important farmed fish species in
Hungary and is also farmed in many other countries. It was first introduced to the country in the
late 80s. Since then, broodstocks have not been selected purposefully and thus no distinct selected
strains are available. In order to take advantage of selection and genetic analyses, a breeding
program, in cooperation with producers, was started. As a first step, the genome of the African
catfish was sequenced. Four genomic libraries were produced (insert size 350 bp, 500 bp, 5000 bp;
8000 bp) and were sequenced with the Illumina HiSeq (2000/2500) system. The total coverage
was ~120x (136 billion bases). The sequence assembly was performed by Allpaths-lg, providing
data for more than 90% of the estimated genome size (8783 scaffolds, 1,07 Gbp, N50:848271).
The genome analysis was complemented with two transcriptome libraries. It was used to predict
about 15,129 transcripts. In addition, an SNP-based genetic map is under construction based on
ddRAD sequencing to build up a better genetic background for molecular genetic-based selection
of important traits. For the purpose of development of different lines of fish for better body
composition and better utilization of low fish meal feed, the plan is to start a broodstock selection
as a second step of the program.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 163
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Szent István University Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
Successful conservation of valuable genetic material is one of crucial goals of biology and
biotechnology. Cryobanking offers the possibility for storage of frozen biological material for an
indefinite period of time. In aquaculture practice, sperm cryopreservation is a common practice,
adopted for many fish species. Due to the complex structure of fish eggs and embryos, their
effective cryopreservation methodology has not yet been developed. In order to overcome the
problem of conservation of female genetic material in fish, the main focus of this research was
to develop protocols for cryopreservation of early-stage oocytes and oogonia. These cells have
smaller sizes and thus higher surface/volume ratio, small amounts or no yolk material at all, and
less complex structures when compared to mature eggs and therefore have better predispositions
for survival after cryopreservation. A three-year study included several freshwater fish species:
brown trout Salmo trutta, grayling Thymallus thymallus, European eel Anguilla anguilla and
common carp Cyprinus carpio. Ovarian tissue of these species was cryopreserved or vitrified using
various protocols in cryomedia of different compositions. This resulted in viability of cells post-
thawing/warming ranging from 20 % (brown trout ovary) to 80 % (European eel ovary). Methods
developed in this study enable successful conservation and further use of ovarian germline cells
through germ cell transplantation or in vitro maturation.
164 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Common carp Cyprinus carpio is one of the most cultured fish species in the world, however, data
regarding preservation of gonadal tissue and surrogate production is still missing. A protocol for
freezing common carp spermatogonia was developed through varying different factors along a
set of serial subsequent experiments. Among the six cryoprotectants tested, the best survival was
achieved with dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO). In the subsequent experiment, the highest survival was
obtained using 2 M Me2SO at a cooling rate of -1 ˚C/min. When testing different tissue sizes and
incubation times, the highest viability was observed when incubating 100 mg tissue fragments for
30 min. Finally, sugar supplementation did not yield significant differences. When testing different
equilibration (ES) and vitrification solutions (VS) used for needle-immersed vitrification, no
significant differences were observed between the tested groups. The functionality of cryopreserved
cells was tested by interspecific transplantation into sterilized goldfish recipients. The exogenous
origin of the gonads in goldfish recipients was confirmed by molecular markers and incorporation
rate was over 40% in both groups at 3 months post transplantation. Results of this study can serve
as an alternative way for long-term preservation of germplasm in carp which can be recovered in a
surrogate recipient.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 165
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Daniel MATULIĆ1, Katarina BENCETIĆ2, Tina STUHNE3, Iva RADIČEVIĆ4, Jelena ŠURAN5,
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
PP Orahovica, Pustara 1, 33513 Zdenci, Hrvatska
Frana Vrbanića 52, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Poljana Čička 126, 10410 Velika Gorica, Hrvatska
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Veterinarski fakultet, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Cromaris d.d., Gaženička cesta 4b, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti dužinsko-maseni odnos i koncentraciju malondialdehida (MDA)
kao bioindikatora oksidativnog stresa kod hame (Argyrosomus regius) pri različitoj hranidbi. Pokus
je proveden s tri hranidbene skupine: CF (SP=48,0; SM=16,0), EXF (SP=52,0; SM=21,0), NCF
(SP=56,0; SM=18,0) u dva ponavljanja (3x2) u morskim mrežnim kavezima dimenzija 9x5x5 m
(V=225 m³) na lokaciji otoka Bisage (44°01´28.6"S 15°13´11.2"I) tijekom razdoblja od 17 mjeseci
(srpanj 2016. – studeni 2017.). Ribe (n=60) su na početku pokusa bile ujednačenih masa i duljina a
tijekom pokusa su hranjene do sitosti. Na kraju pokusa, ribama su izmjerene totalne dužine i mase
(TL, W) a iz svake hranidbene skupine uzorkovano je mišićno tkivo riba te je pohranjeno na -80°C
do analize. Ribe hranjene EXF smjesom, imale su više vrijednosti završne mase i dužine tijela
u odnosu na ribe hranjene CF i NCF. Utvrđeni dužinsko-maseni odnosi i Fultonov kondicijski
faktor za pojedine tretmane bili su: W= 0,006 , K= 1,27 za hranidbenu skupinu CF, W=
0,550 K=1,19 za NCF i W= 0,015 , K=1,22 za EXF. Kod riba hranjenih EXF smjesom
utvrđena je značajno viša koncentracija malondialdehida (3,08 ± 1,41) µmol g-1 mišićnog tkiva
nego kod ostalih hranidbenih skupina što moguće indicira višu razinu lipidne peroksidacije u
tkivu. Riba hranidbene skupine CF imala je pozitivan alometrijski rast i najvišu kondiciju.
166 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Daniel MATULIĆ1, Katarina BENCETIĆ2, Tina STUHNE3, Iva RADIČEVIĆ4, Jelena ŠURAN5,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
PP Orahovica, Pustara 1, 33513 Zdenci, Croatia
Frana Vrbanića 52, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Poljana Čička 126, 10410 Velika Gorica, Croatia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary MedicineVeterinarski, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Cromaris d.d., Gaženička cesta 4b, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
The aim of the study was to evaluate the length – weight relationship and the level of oxidative
stress of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) fed with different feed mixtures. The experiment was
performed in three feeding groups CF (CP=48,0; CF =16,0), EXF (CP=52,0; CF =21,0), NCF
(CP=56,0; CF=18,0) with two repetitions (3x2) in marine net cages of 9x5x5 m (V = 225 m³) on
the island of Bisage (44° 01'28.6 "N 15° 13'11.2" E) over 17 months (July 2016 – November 2017).
At the beginning of the experiment, the fish (n=60) were equal masses and lengths (TL, W) and
during the trial were fed to satiety. At the end of the experiment, fish TL and W were measured
and muscle tissue from each feeding group were sampled and stored at -80°C until analysis. Fish
fed with EXF had higher final weight and total length compared with CF and NCF. Calculated
length – weight relationship was W= 0,006 for CF, W= 0,550 for NCF and W=
0,015 for EXF. Fish fed with EXF feed had significantly higher values of MDA (3,08 ± 1,41)
µM g-1 of muscle tissue than in other feeding groups possible indicating a higher level of lipid
peroxidation in the tissue. The fish of the feeding group CF had a positive allometric growth and
the best condition.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 167
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Temeljem analiziranih i obrađenih rezultata proizvodno-tehnološke dokumentacije na šest
velikih ribnjačarstva Republike Hrvatske (Donji Miholjac, Našička Breznica, Končanica, Poljana,
Orahovica i Crna Mlaka) u razdoblju 1993-2015. godine, prosječni godišnji mortalitet (gubici)
šarana (%) od nasada do izlova za jednogodišnju mlađ (od mladunaca ili mjesečnjaka do kraja
uzgojne sezone, Š0-Š1) u prosjeku iznosi oko 60 %. Preživljenje (opstanak) mlađi iznosi oko 40 %
od ukupnog broja nasađenih jedinki riba. Većina ribnjačarstava prakticira izravan nasad ličinki
u mladičnjake (od 142.000-356.000 kom/ha) a preživljenje (ŠL→Š1 ) se procjenjuje na prosječnih
5,5 % dok su gubici procijenjeni na 94,5 %. Pri proizvodnji dvogodišnjeg šarana (od kategorije
jednogodišnje mlađi do dvogodišnje mlađi, Š1-Š2), prosječni komadni gubici iznose 62,5 % dok
je preživljenje 37,5 % od ukupnog broja nasađenih riba. Pri proizvodnji konzumnog šarana tj. od
kategorije dvogodišnje mlađi (Š2) do konzumne ribe (Šk), prosječni komadni gubici iznose 44,5 % a
preživljenje je procijenjeno na 55,5 % u odnosu na broj nasađenih riba.
Ključne riječi: riba, šaranski ribnjaci, gubici, opstanak, štetnici i neprijatelji riba
168 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Average annual mortality and survival rates (%) of carp, from of stocking to harvesting, based on
the analyzed and processed results of production and technological documentation of six large fish
farms of the Republic of Croatia (Donji Miholjac, Našička Breznica, Končanica, Poljana, Orahovica
and Crna Mlaka) in the period of 1993-2015 are as follows: yearling carp: from fry or summerlings
to the end of the rearing season (Š0-Š1), mortality or losses are on average about 60%, and survival
is about 40% of the total number of stocked fish. Most fish farms directly stock larvae into grow-
out ponds (142,000-356,000 pcs/ha), and survival (ŠL→Š1 ) is estimated to be on average 5.5%, while
losses are estimated to be 94.5%, n the production of two-year-old fish (carp) from the stage of
yearling to two-year-old juveniles (Š1-Š2), average loss of individual fish is 62.5%, while survival
is 37.5% of the total number of stocked fish. In the production of marketable fish (carp) from the
stage of two-year-old fingerlings (Š2) to marketable fish (Šk), the average loss of individual fish is
44.5% and the survival is estimated to be 55.5% compared to the number of stocked fish
Keywords: fish, carp fish ponds, losses, survival, fish pests and predators
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 169
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Bernadett PATAKI, Tímea KOLLÁR, Zoran MARINOVIĆ, Jelena LUJIĆ, Gyöngyi GAZSI,
Szent István University Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary (e-mail:
The development of cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) sperm protocol was approached
by cold exposure of the individual males. The research hypothesis was that when individual
males are exposed to cold shock, the slowed metabolism can increase the survival of spermatozoa
during cryopreservation. Group A (n=7) was kept at 18°C, and group B (n=7) at 24°C for 48 hours.
The sperm was collected using abdominal massage. After collection, the cells were counted using
hemocytometer, and progressive motility (PM) of sperm was measured with CASA. The diluted
samples were loaded into 250-µl French staws and cooled from 4°C until -80°C at 10°C/min using a
programmable freezer. The samples were thawed in a 40°C water bath and the sperm parameters were
measured again. PM of fresh sperm was 65±16% in group A and 59±15% in group B. The cell number
was 8±1×106 spermatozoa/µl and 2±1×106 sp./µl in the two groups, respectively. The post thaw PM of
A was 16±10% and 15±10% in B. The number of the cells after thawing was 3±2×105 sp./µl in A and
2±2×105 sp./µl in B. No significant difference was found in PM or concentration of the two treated
groups, however, cryopreservation affected the motility and concentration significantly. The research
shows that the cooling of individuals does not result in higher cryosurvival of spermatozoa. The
work was supported by the projects NKFIH K129127 EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00008 co-
financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund.
170 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Sivi puh (Glis glis) je najveći pripadnik porodice puhova bez naglašenog spolnog dimorfizma. U
ovom istraživanju u lovnoj sezoni 2017./2018. na području Dalmatinske zagore uzorkovalo se 32
jedinke puha (18 ženki i 14 mužjaka). Ciljevi rada bili su prikazati osnovne morfološke osobine
sivog puha na području Dalmatinske zagore. Svakoj jedinki odredio se spol te su izmjereni
morfološki parametri (masa, duljina tijela, širina prednjih i stražnjih udova i duljina repa) a zatim
se odredila masa glave, repa, jetre, bubrega, srca i pluća (zajedno), punog probavila i randman.
Dobivene morfološke osobine proučavane su uz znanstvenu i stručnu literaturu te su obrazložene
njihove sličnosti i razlike. Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajnu razliku u duljini tijela bez
repa i masi repa mužjaka u odnosu na ženke. Spolni dimorfizam sivog puha nije jasno izražen,
iako su mužjaci u prosjeku nešto teži i veći, a ženke imaju veći raspon prednjih i stražnjih udova.
Spol jedinke je sa sigurnošću moguće utvrditi pregledom vanjskih spolnih organa. Duljine tijela
i ukupne mase puhova u Dalmatinskoj zagori, poklapaju se s populacijom na području Gorskog
Kotara. Izmjereni morfološki parametri uglavnom se podudaraju s rezultatima sličnih istraživanja.
Ključne riječi: Glis glis, Dalmatinska zagora, morfologija, spolni dimorfizam, populacija
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 171
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Edible dormouse (Glis glis) is the largest of all dormouse species, without pronounced sexual
dimorphism. During the hunting season of 2017/2018, 32 individuals (18 females and 14 males)
were collected in the Dalmatian hinterland area. The aim of this paper was to show the basic
morphological characteristics of the Edible dormouse in the Dalmatian hinterland area. Each
individual's gender was determined and morphological parameters were measured: weight (head,
tail, liver, kidney, heart, lung, digestive system and radman) and body length measurements
(front and back width of the puck and tail length). The obtained morphological characteristics
were compared with the scientific and professional literature and their similarities and differences
were explained. Statistically significant differences between males and females was found in body
length without the tail as well as tail mass, with males displaying greater values for both of these
features. Sexual dimorphism in this rodent is not pronounced, though on average males tend to
be larger and heavier than females, although females have a larger range of front and rear limbs.
Gender of an individual Edible dormouse can be safely determined by looking at the external sex
organs. Body length and total mass of Edible dormouse in Dalmatian hinterland is similar to the
population in the Gorski Kotar region. The measured morphological parameters generally coincide
with the results of similar studies.
Key words: Glis glis, Dalmatian hinterland, morphology, sexual dimorphism, population
172 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (EEZA-CSIC), Carretera de Sacramento s/n, La Cañada de San Urbano, Almería, Spain
Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) is a non-native ungulate from North Africa which has been
established in the wild beyond its natural range due to intentional introductions and illegal
releases. In Europe, four countries are inhabited with free-ranging Barbary sheep population:
Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy and Spain. While being threatened in their native area, the majority
of its exotic populations have showed high adaptability and formidable capacity to settle and
expand their ranges. Non-native species cause changes to the ecosystems in which they are
introduced. To understand their potential to establish and spread in the novel range, it is crucial to
study their genetic diversity and population genetic structure. Population genetic parameters affect
population viability and adaptive potential under environmental change. Here, we report the first
genetic study of European Barbary sheep populations. We used ten microsatellite loci previously
published to characterize and compare the genetic diversity and spatial pattern of genetic structure
among study populations. We aimed to understand how current levels of genetic diversity and
structuring vary among Barbary sheep populations that differ with regard to the time and source of
introduction. Our results present important knowledge about origins of these populations and are
the basis for further management.
Key words: non-native game species, microsatellite analysis, genetic diversity, spatial genetic
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 173
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
Szent István University Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
The European eel population status is endangered, and no improvement has been observed in the
last 20 years. This critical situation necessitates the development of conservation procedures that
extend beyond the current preservation and cryobanking practices. The aim of this research was
to develop a protocol for cryopreservation of eel gonadal tissue though three serial experiments.
In the first experiment, the effect of application of six different cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulfoxide
- Me2SO, ethylene glycol - EG, propylene glycol - PG, glycerol - Gly, methanol - MeOH, and
2-metoxyethanol - 2ME) on the germ cell survival was tested. Three cryoprotectants resulting
with the highest survival rate (Me2SO, EG and Gly in the case of ovaries and Me2SO, EG and
PG in the case of testes) were used for subsequent experiment and analysis of the effects of their
different molar concentrations (1 M, 1.5 M and 2 M) as well as sugar (glucose, sucrose, trehalose)
and protein (BSA and FBS) supplementation on the germline stem cell (GSC) survival. The final
results show that the best survival rate of both ovarian and testicular GSCs was achieved by using
1.5 M Me2SO. Varying protein and sugar supplementation did not have a significant effect on the
post-thaw cell survival. This study presents the first step and a possible onset of applying germ cell
manipulation technologies in the conservation of the European eel.
174 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 6. Fisheries, Game Management and Beekeeping
The purpose of our work was to investigate the DNA damaging effect of oral exposure of T-2 toxin
(4.11 mg kg-1), DON (5.96 mg kg-1), aflatoxin (A, 400µg kg-1) and sterigmatocystin (1 mg kg-1, S1;
2 mg kg-1, S2; and 4 mg kg-1, S4) on the expression of DNA repair genes. In the first experiment,
1-year-old common carps (n=114) were divided into groups (control, T-2 and DON) and were
treated for 3 weeks. Samples were collected weekly and analyzed using the LORDQ-PCR method.
In the case of T-2 and DON, the number of lesions were the highest in the first week (1.33±0.22;
1.87±0.42), then reduced gradually by the third week (0.68±0.05; 0.82±0.27). In the second
experiment the expression of four DNA repair genes (OGG1, GADD45AA, p53, HSP70) and a
control gene (40S) was analysed in common carp (n=96).The fish were treated by gavage once
in groups (control, A, S1, S2, S4), and liver samples were collected 8 and 16 hours post dosing.
The expression of the OGG1 gene slightly increased in the aflatoxin, S1 and S2 treated groups,
but decreased in the S4 group by the 8th hour. By the 16th hour, the OGG1 gene was upregulated,
except in the S2 group. The HSP70 gene was upregulated in the aflatoxin, S1 and S2 groups, and
strongly reduced in the S4 group compared to the other sterigmatocystin groups at the 8th hour.
At the 16th hour, HSP70 was upregulated in each group, with the S4 group showing the highest
expression. In conclusion, these mycotoxins have an impact on the DNA damage and also on the
expression of DNA repair genes in common carp. The work was supported by the EFOP-3.6.3-
VEKOP-16-2017-00008 grant.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 175
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 7 Animal Husbandry
Zbornik sažetaka
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Dalibor BEDEKOVIĆ1, Zlatko JANJEČIĆ1, Gordana DUVNJAK2, Jasna PINTAR1, Goran KIŠ1,
Ivica KOS1
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e‑mail:
Hrvatska poljoprivredna agencija, Ilica 101, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Kokoš hrvatica jedina je priznata izvorna pasmina kokoši u Hrvatskoj. Kombinirana je pasmina
te se osim za proizvodnju jaja može koristiti i za proizvodnju visokokvalitetnog mesa dobivenog
slobodnim uzgojem pijetlova. S obzirom da ozbiljnija istraživanja proizvodnih pokazatelja pijetlova
kokoši hrvatica dosad nisu provedena, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi količinu i konverziju
krmne smjese, mortalitet tijekom uzgoja kao i završnu tjelesnu masu te prinos mesa. Istraživanje
je provedeno na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, na četiri obiteljska gospodarstva u
razdoblju od kolovoza do prosinca 2017. godine. Pri tome je na svakom gospodarstvu po završetku
tople faze uzgoja, sa starošću pijetlova od 8 tjedana, izdvojeno po 20 pijetlova i smješteno u kućice
uz koje se nalazio ograđeni zatravljeni ispust. Hrana i voda bile su dostupne ad libitum cijelo
vrijeme uzgoja. Na kraju istraživanja, sa starošću pijetlova od 6 mjeseci izvršena je klaonička
obrada te rasjek trupova. Prosječna tjelesna masa pijetlova iznosila je 2267 g uz konverziju od 7,19
kg krmne smjese po kg prirasta. Randman klanja iznosio je 71,43 %, a udio prsa 23,02 %, zabataka
18,22 % i bataka 16,87 %. Napravljena je i kalkulacija ekonomske koristi metodom izračuna
pokrića varijabilnih troškova prema kojoj je po jednom pijetlu moguće ostvariti dobit od 32,75 kn.
Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da se radi o izvornoj pasmini te slobodnom sustavu držanja, ostvarena
je zadovoljavajuća dobit.
Ključne riječi: hrvatske izvorne pasmine, kokoš hrvatica, proizvodni pokazatelji, slobodni uzgoj
178 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Dalibor BEDEKOVIĆ1, Zlatko JANJEČIĆ1, Gordana DUVNJAK2, Jasna PINTAR1, Goran KIŠ1,
Ivica KOS1
1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e‑mail:
2Croatian Agricultural Agency, Ilica 101, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Hrvatica hen is the only native breed of chicken in Croatia. It is a combined breed and can be used
to produce high-quality meat and eggs obtained by free-range rearing system. Considering that
serious studies of production characteristics of roosters have not been carried out so far, the aim of
this study was to determine the amount of consumed feed mixture, feed conversion ratio, mortality
during the rearing as well as the final body weight and meat yield. The research was conducted in
the area of Split-Dalmatia
County, on four family farms in the period from August to December
2017. At each farm after the end of the warm phase of rearing, at the age of 8 weeks, 20 roosters
were separated and placed in poultry houses with grassy areas for grazing, enclosed by a fence.
Food and water were available ad libitum all the time of rearing. At the end of the research, the
roosters were slaughtered with the age of 6 months and weight of carcass parts was recorded. The
average body weight of the rooster was 2267 grams with the feed conversion ratio of 7.19. Carcass
percentage was 71.43 % and the shares of breasts, thighs and drumsticks in carcass were 23.02 %,
18.22 % and 16.87 % respectively. The economic benefit was also calculated using the cost-benefit
calculations method. Accordingly, it is possible to make a profit of 32.75 HRK per one rooster.
Taking into account a native breed and free-range rearing system, the achieved profit is satisfactory.
Key words: croatian native breed, hrvatica hen, production results, free range rearing
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 179
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj smanjenja udjela pigmenata u krmnim smjesama na prinos i
kvalitetu mesa brojlera. Istraživanje u trajanju od 40 dana provedeno je na 200 jednodnevnih pilića
Ross 308 koji su bili raspoređeni u 4 tretmana s 5 ponavljanja. Kontrolna skupina pilića (OM-100)
bila je hranjena s krmnom smjesom sa standardnim iznosom komercijalnih pigmenata. Udio
pigmenata u smjesama pokusnih skupina bio je 80% (OM-80), 60% (OM-60) i 40% (OM-40)
standardnog iznosa. Sve skupine pilića bile su hranjene s krmnim smjesama jednakog kemijskog
sastava. U svim krmnim smjesama su mikrominerali Zn, Cu, i Se bili dodani u organskoj formi.
Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da smanjenje udjela pigmenata nije utjecalo na klaoničke pokazatelje, pH
vrijednost i sposobnost zadržavanja vode prsnog mišića. Smanjenje udjela pigmenata u krmnim
smjesama odrazilo se na povećanje svjetline L* te smanjenje crvenila a*, žutila b* i zasićenosti
boje C* kože i prsnog mišića. Hedonističkim senzornim testom nisu utvrđene statistički značajne
razlike između tretmana, iako je tretman OM-60 imao najbolje ocjene. Rezultati dobiveni
primjenom Penalty analysis metode upućuju da je kod tretmana OM-100 i OM-80 došlo do
smanjenja dopadljivosti izgleda toplinski obrađenog prsnog mišića kada je boja bila jako izražena,
što možemo pripisati većem udjelu pigmenata. Stoga smatramo opravdanim smanjiti udjele
pigmenata u krmnim smjesama pilića, što bi se moglo odraziti i na ekonomsku bilancu uzgoja.
Ključne riječi: brojler, pigmenti, senzorna svojstva, organski minerali, Penalty analysis
180 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of pigment share reduction in feed mixture
on broiler yield and meat quality. The study was conducted on 200 Ross 308 chicks that were
distributed in 4 treatments with 5 repetitions and fed for 40 days. The control group of chickens
(OM-100) was fed with a feed mixture with a standard amount of commercial pigments. Pigment
content in trial feed mixtures was 80% (OM-80), 60% (OM-60) and 40% (OM-40) of standard
amount. All groups of chickens were fed with feed mixtures of the same chemical composition. In
all feed mixtures microminerals Zn, Cu, were added in an organic form. It was found that pigment
share reduction did not affect slaughter traits, pH value and water holding capacity of breast
muscle. Reduction in pigment share in feed mixtures reflected in an increase in brightness L* and
reduction in redness a*, yellowness b* and color saturation C* of skin and breast muscle color.
Hedonistic sensory test did not establish statistically significant differences between treatments,
although OM-60 treatment had the best scores. The results obtained using Penalty analysis method
suggest that OM-100 and OM-80 treatments have decreased in appearance liking of heat-treated
breast muscle when color was very expressed, what can be attributed to the higher pigment
content. Therefore, we consider it justifiable to reduce the proportion of pigments in chicken feed
mixtures, which could also be reflected in the economic outcome of breeding.
Key words: broiler, pigments, sensory properties, organic minerals, Penalty analysis
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 181
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Hrvatska poljoprivredna agencija, Ilica 101, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska, (e-mail:
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti genetsku varijabilnost kod hrvatskih izvornih pasmina
magaraca koristeći informacije iz rodoslovlja. Podatci o rodoslovlju uključuju 975, 3718 i 190
životinja istarske (ISM), primorsko-dinarske (PDM) i sjeverno-jadranske (SJM) pasmine. Za opis
genetske varijabilnosti populacije analizirani su sljedeći parametri: koeficijent uzgoja srodstvu,
ekvivalentni broj generacija, efektivni broj osnivača i prednika. Navedeni parametri procijenjeni
su koristeći program Endog V4.8. Broj životinja uzgojenih u srodstvu iznosio je 104 (ISM),
163 (PDM) i 9 (SJM). Prosječna razina uzgoja u srodstvu iznosila je 1,8% (ISM), 0,8% (PDM) i
1,1% (SJM). Maksimalni uzgoj u srodstvu od 37,5% uočen je kod PDM. Maksimalne vrijednosti
ekvivalentnog broja generacija iznosile su 1,9 (ISM), 1,6 (PDM) i 1,8 (SJM). Efektivan broj
osnivača iznosio je 61 (ISM), 259 (PDM) i 31 (SJM). Efektivan broj prednika blago je niži od broja
osnivača, iznoseći 56 (ISM), 253 (PDM) i 25 (SJM). Prvih je 19 (ISM), 115 (PDM) i 10 (SJM)
prednika objasnilo 50% ukupne genetske varijabilnosti. S obzirom na to da pouzdanost procjene
parametara ovisi o pravilnoj evidenciji na terenu, budući rad bi trebao biti usmjeren na povećanje
kvalitete podataka o rodoslovlju kao i uključivanje procjena baziranih na molekularnim podacima.
Ključne riječi: analiza rodoslovlja, izvorne pasmine magaraca, uzgoj u srodstvu, efektivni broj
182 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Croatian Agricultural Agency, Ilica 101, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, (
The objective of the study was to estimate genetic variability in Croatian autochthonous donkey
breeds using pedigree information. Pedigree data included 975, 3.781, and 190 animals of Istrian
(ISD), Littoral-Dinaric (LDD) and North-Adriatic (NAD) donkey breed. For the description of
genetic variability, the following parameters were analysed: inbreeding coefficient, equivalent
number of generations, number of founders and ancestors. Parameters were estimated using Endog
V4.8 software. Number of inbred animals was 104 (ISD), 163 (LDD) and 9 (NAD), while average
inbreeding was 1.8% (ISD), 0.8% (LDD), and 1.1% (NAD). Maximum inbreeding was 37.5%
detected in LDD. Maximum values obtained for an equivalent number of known generations were
1.9 (ISD), 1.6 (LDD), and 1.8 (NAD). Effective number of founders was 61 (ISD), 259 (LDD) and
31 (NAD). The effective number of ancestors was slightly lower than effective number of founders
as follows: 56 (ISD), 253 (LDD), and 25 (NAD). Number of ancestors explaining 50% variability
in the gene pool was 19 in ISD, 115 in LDD, and 10 in NAD. Since the reliability of estimated
parameters depends on the proper recording of pedigree in the field, the future work should be
done to increase the quality of pedigree data and to include estimates based on molecular data.
Key words: pedigree analysis, autochthonous donkey breeds, inbreeding, effective number of
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 183
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Tradicionalna proizvodnja dimljenih pršuta usklađena je s godišnjim dobima tijekom kojih
su optimalno iskorišteni povoljni vremenski uvjeti za svaku fazu proizvodnje. S obzirom
na varijabilnost karakteristika butova i uvjeta proizvodnje tijekom godina, očekuje se da će
proizvodna sezona utjecati na senzorni profil. Stoga je cilj rada bio utvrditi razlike u senzornim
profilima između proizvodnih sezona i ustanoviti najprimjerenija svojstva za opisivanje pršuta.
U istraživanju su korišteni podaci senzornih analiza 73 dimljena pršuta tijekom pet uzastopnih
proizvodnih sezona od 2011. do 2015. godine. Senzorni profili su se sastojali od 18 svojstava i
dobiveni su kvantitativnom deskriptivnom analizom pomoću 14 educiranih senzornih analitičara.
Senzorne analize pršuta provedene su u kontroliranim uvjetima u listopadu svake sukcesivne
godine. Statističkom obradom pomoću neparametrijskih testova utvrđeno je da se deset od 18
svojstava značajno razlikovalo između proizvodnih sezona (P<0,05). Primjenom analize glavnih
komponenti objašnjeno je 45,53% ukupne varijance s prve dvije glavne komponente. Najveći
doprinos u karakterizaciji glavnih komponenti imala su svojstva ujednačenost boje, vlažnost
površine, mramoriranost, intenzitet dima, slatki i slani okus, topivost, arome po maslacu,
biokemijske arome i postojanost arome. Razdvajanje proizvodnih sezona prema glavnim
komponentama nije bilo u potpunosti izraženo, ali je bilo moguće opisati specifična obilježja
pojedinih proizvodnih sezona. Na temelju rezultata možemo zaključiti da su senzorni profili bili
značajno različiti i specifični za opisivanje pršuta iz pojedine proizvodne sezone.
184 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
The traditional production of smoked dry-cured ham is aligned with the annual seasons, during
which optimal weather conditions are optimally utilized for each stage of production. Given the
variability of raw ham characteristics and production conditions over the years, it is expected
that the production season will affect the sensory profiles. Therefore, the aim of this paper was
to determine the differences in sensory profiles between production seasons and to establish the
most suitable sensory traits for dry-cured ham characterization. In this study, sensory analysis
data of 73 smoked ham during five consecutive production seasons from 2011 to 2015 were used.
Sensory profiles consisted of 18 traits and were obtained by quantitative descriptive analysis using
14 educated sensory analysts. Sensory analyzes were carried out under controlled conditions in
October each successive year. Statistical analysis by nonparametric tests showed that ten out of
18 traits differed significantly between production seasons (P<0.05). The principal component
analysis explained 45.53% of the total variance with the first two principal components. Important
contribution to the characterization of the principal components had color uniformity, surface
moisture, marbling, smoke intensity, sweet and salty taste, solubility, butter flavor, biochemical
aromas and after-taste. Separation of production seasons by principal components was not fully
expressed but it was possible to describe the characteristics of each production seasons. It can be
concluded that sensory profiles were significantly different and specific for describing smoked dry-
cured hams from particular production season.
Key words: dry cured ham, smoked, sensory traits, principal components
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 185
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
U posljednjih 10 godina došlo je do značajnog povećanja populacije Crne slavonske svinje.
Prema podatcima Hrvatske poljoprivredne agencije, u 2017. godini u Hrvatskoj je pod matičnom
evidencijom bilo 1.930 krmača i 242 nerasta ove pasmine. Nažalost, uzgojno-selekcijski postupci
koji se trenutno provode od strane nadležnih institucija nisu u službi očuvanja, stabiliziranja i
unapređenja pasmine. Manjkavosti u sustavu kontrole proizvodnosti rezultiraju činjenicom da je
gotovo 50% populacije Crne slavonske svinje izvan kontrole proizvodnosti (obveza prijave samo
jednog legla godišnje). Nadalje, sustav označavanja (ušne markice) nije prilagođen specifičnim
uvjetima držanja ove pasmine (držanje na otvorenom i ispustima), što dovodi do čestog gubitka
identifikacijskih oznaka, kao i brisanja identifikacijskog broja s ušnih markica. Veliki problem
predstavlja i činjenica da se godišnje ocijeni i u matičnu evidenciju uvede gotovo jednaki broj
rasplodnih nerasta kao i krmača, a preko 70% umatičenih nerasta pripada istoj liniji. No, najveći
problem predstavlja izostanak genomskih metoda u provedbi uzgojno-selekcijskog programa
koji se temelji isključivo na ocjeni i procjeni fenotipskih svojstava, što je rezultiralo visokim
stupnjem uzgoja u srodstvu koji u značajnoj mjeri ugrožava opstojnost pasmine. Prvi i nužni
korak u očuvanju i unapređenju Crne slavonske svinje treba biti provjera rodovnika molekularno-
genetskim metodama i genotipizacija svih rasplodnih grla, kao osnova uzgojno-selekcijskog
186 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
In the last 10 years there has been a significant increase in the population of Black Slavonian (Crna
Slavonska) pigs. According to the Croatian Agricultural Agency data, in 2017 Croatia had 1,930
sows and 242 boars of this breed. Unfortunately, breeding-selection procedures currently carried
out by competent institutions are not in the service of preservation, stabilization and breeding of
the breed. The deficiencies in the productivity control system result in the fact that almost 50%
of the Black Slavonian pig population is out of control of productivity (only one litter annually
applies). Furthermore, the identification system (ear tags) is not tailored to the specific conditions
of keeping this breed (outdoor and outlet), which leads to frequent loss of identification marks, as
well as deleting the identification number of the ear tags. A big problem is the fact that the annually
is introduced in the herd book almost the same number of breeding boars as sows, and more than
70% of introduced boars belong to the same line. However, the biggest problem is the absence of
genomic methods in the breeding selection program based solely on the evaluation and assessment
of phenotypic traits, resulting in a high degree of inbreeding that significantly compromises the
survival of the breed. The first and necessary step in the conservation and improvement of the
Black Slavonian pigs should be the genetic testing of pedigree by molecular genetic methods and
the genotyping of all breeding animals as the basis of breeding selection program.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 187
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
"Brendiranje" crne slavonske (CS) pasmine svinja u zadnjem desetljeću dovelo je do povećanog
interesa potrošača za kupnjom mesnih proizvoda od CS. U prošloj godini u pojedinim trgovačkim
lancima pojavili su se mesni proizvodi deklarirani kao proizvodi od CS.
Da bi se utvrdila njihova autentičnost, izolirana je DNK iz 20 mesnih proizvoda (11 iz različitih
trgovačkih lanaca i 9 od lokalnih proizvođača) i genotipizirana s 25 mikrosatelitskih markera
(MS) s ISAG / FAO popisa preporuka, grupiranih u 3 multipleks PCR reakcije. Genotipovi
mesnih proizvoda uspoređeni su s genotipovima 70 crnih slavonskih svinja CS), 19 landrasa, 14
velikih jorkšira, 9 duroka, 14 pietrena, 15 PIC i 10 Topigs svinja, genotipiziranih s istim setom MS
markera. Analiza strukture populacije provedena je pomoću programa Structure, a vizualizacija
rezultata Structure programa provedena je pomoću Clumpak programa.Među 11 analiziranih
mesnih proizvoda iz trgovačkih lanaca, samo su dva uzorka bila povezana s CS pasminom, dok
su ostali pokazali mješavinu različitih komercijalnih pasmina svinja. Situacija je bila bolja u
mesnim proizvodima domaćih proizvođača, gdje je kod 3 uzorka dokazano miješanje CS pasmine
s komercijalnim pasminama svinja, dok su ostali proizvodi bili od čiste CS. Može se zaključiti da
je popularizacija i širenje mesnih proizvoda od CS pasmine bez odgovarajuće kontrole omogućila
pojavu neautentičnih proizvoda na tržištu.
Ključne riječi: Crna slavonska pasmina svinja, autentifikacija mesnih proizvoda, mikrosatelitni
188 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
“Branding” of the Crna slavonska (Black Slavonian, BS) pig breed in the last decade has led to
the increased interest among consumers for buying meat products of BS breed. In the past year
meat products, declared as BS pig breed products, appeared in certain chain stores. In order to
determine their authenticity, DNA was isolated from 20 meat products (11 from different chain
stores and 9 from local producers) and genotyped with 25 microsatellite (MS) markers from the
ISAG/FAO recommendation list, grouped into 3 multiplex PCR reactions. The genotypes of meat
products were compared to the genotypes of 70 BS pigs, 19 Landrace, 14 Large White, 9 Duroc,
14 Pietrain, 15 PIC and 10 Topigs pigs, assessed with the same set of MS markers. The analysis of
the population structure was performed with the Structure program, and the visualization of the
Structure results was conducted in Clumpak software. Among 11 analyzed meat products from
chain stores, only two samples clustered together with BS breed, while other showed admixture of
different commercial pig breeds. The situation was better in meat products from local producers,
where 3 samples showed slight admixture of BS breed with commercial pig breeds, while others
were pure BS. The conclusion is that popularization and expansion of BS breed meat products
without appropriate control has enabled appearance of inauthentic products on the market.
Key words: Crna slavonska pig breed, meat products authentication, microsatellite markers
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 189
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Zvonimir GALINEC, Tina BOBIĆ, Pero MIJIĆ, Mirjana BABAN, Maja GREGIĆ
Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Cilj rada bio je izmjeriti i prikazati osnovna muzna svojstva krava jersey pasmine na primjeru
jedne suvremene govedarske farme za proizvodnju mlijeka. Za mjerenje muznih svojstava koristio
se mjerni uređaj LactoCorder, a mjerili su se slijedeći parametri: količina mlijeka po mužnji
(KMM), prosječni (PPM) i maksimalni protok mlijeka (MPM), te trajanje glavne (GFM) i cijele
mužnje (TM). Krave jersey pasmine imale su prosječnu količinu mlijeka po mužnji 11,99 kg, dok
su PPM i MPM mlijeka u prosijeku iznosili 2,01 odnosno 3,09 kg/min. Trajanje GFM i TM u
prosjeku su iznosili 5,99 odnosno 10,13 minuta. Utvrđena je nešto veća zastupljenost poželjnijih
krivulja protoka mlijeka (pravokutna i stepenasta) u iznosu od 58 %, dok su manje poželjne
krivulje bile zastupljene sa 42 % (bimodalna i neodređena). Sa stajališta dobre muznosti, krave
jersey pasmine iz ovoga istraživanja imaju nešto niži prosječni protok mlijeka, a samim tim i duže
trajanje mužnje. Uočena je velika zastupljenost bimodalnih krivulja, koje ukazuju na moguću
neusklađenost muznog uređaja (sisne čaše) sa dimenzijama vimena krava jersey pasmine. Na
osnovu dobivenih rezultata nužna su daljnja istraživanja muznosti krava ove novije pasmine za
proizvodnju mlijeka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nadalje, nužna je određena korekcija na muznim
uređajima kako bi se poboljšao tijek mužnje a samim tim i kvaliteta mužnje krava jersey pasmine.
190 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Zvonimir GALINEC, Tina BOBIĆ, Pero MIJIĆ, Mirjana BABAN, Maja GREGIĆ
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
The aim of the study was to measure and show the basic milkability traits of the cows’ jersey breed
from the one modern dairy farm. The LactoCorder measuring device was used to measure the
milkability traits, and the following parameters were measured: milk yield per milking (MYM),
average (AMF) and maximum milk flow (MMF), as well as duration of the main (MMD) and
whole milking (MD). The cows of the jersey breed had an average milk yield of 11.99 kg while
the AMF and MMF on average were 2.01 or 3.09 kg/min. The average duration of MMD and
MD were 5.99 and 10.13 minutes, respectively. There was a somewhat greater representation of
the more desirable milk flow curves (rectangular and stepped) in the amount of 58%, while the
less desirable curves were represented by 42% (bimodal and unspecified). In addition, there is
a great representation of the bimodal curve, indicating the possible incompatibilities of milking
device (teat cup) with dimensions of the udder Jersey breed. Based on the obtained results, further
research on the milkability for cow's of this new breed for milk production in the Republic of
Croatia, is necessary. Furthermore, it is necessary to a certain correction of the milking device to
improve the flow of milking and therefore the quality of milking for cows of Jersey breed.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 191
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Hrvatski posavac izvorna je pasmina konja koja zadnja dva desetljeća bilježi blagi rast i čija
brojnost populacije trenutno iznosi oko 4.870 grla. Sustavno praćenje i briga o uzgoju započinje
devedesetih godina XX. stoljeća kroz in situ zaštitu i očuvanjem genetske raznolikosti. Cilj
istraživanja je procjena genetske raznolikosti linija hrvatskog posavca. Od 50 pastuha sakupljena je
dlaka iz koje je izolirana DNA. Analizom 15 mikrosatelitnih markera determinirano je ukupno 109
alelnih varijanti. Utvrđen broj alela po lokusu iznosio je od 5 (HTG7) do 11 (ASB17) s prosječnom
vrijednosti 7,27 alela po lokusu. Polimorfna informativnosti markera (PIC) za sve lokuse iznosila
je 0,67. Vrijednosti promatrane (HO) i očekivane heterozigotnost (HE) bile su u rasponu od 0,300
do 0,940 i od 0,274 do 0,843, sa srednjom vrijednosti od 0,742 (HO) i 0,713 (HE). Koeficijent
uzgoja u srodstvu (FIS, -0.043) upućuje na višak heterozigotnih jedinki koji nije bio značajan. Od
Hardy-Weinbergove ravnoteže značajno su odstupala samo dva lokusa (p<0,05). Analiza glavnih
koordinata upućuje da je znatan dio genetske varijabilnosti sadržan unutar populacije te da ne
postoje zasebni klasteri unutar populacije. Rezultati upućuju da je unutar linija hrvatskog posavca
očuvan znatan udio genetske raznolikosti. Dobiveni rezultati olakšati će provođenje uzgojnog
programa hrvatskog posavca te tako doprinijeti očuvanju genetskog identiteta i raznolikosti
Ključne riječi: hrvatski posavac, linije pastuha, genetska raznolikost, program očuvanja
192 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Croatian Posavina horse is the native horse breed of horses which population number slightly
increasing in the last two decades and nowadays counts about 4,870 heads. Systematic monitoring
and care about breed begins in the nineties of the twentieth century, relying on the in situ
protection and maintaining genetic diversity. This study aimed at screening genetic diversity and
differentiation in sires of Croatian Posavina horse. A total of 50 hair samples were collected and
genomic DNA was extracted. The 15 microsatellites were examined and a total of 109 alleles was
identified. The number of alleles at a single locus ranged from 5 (HTG7) to 11 (ASB17) with the
mean of 7.27 alleles per locus. The mean of polymorphism information content (PIC) value for
all loci was 0.67. The observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.300 to 0.940 and from
0.274 to 0.843, with an overall mean of 0.742 (HO) and 0.713 (HE) respectively. The inbreeding
estimates (FIS) of -0.043 indicate excess of heterozigotes which was not significant. Only two
microsatellite loci exhibited significant (p<0.05) departures from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium.
Principal coordinate analyses showed that the important amount of genetic variation was within
population and without clustering. The results indicate that the certain amount of genetic diversity
is maintained in sire lines of Posavina horse. These results will facilitate breeding programs for
Croatian Posavina horse and contribute to conservation of genetic identity and diversity.
Key words: Croatian Posavina horse, sire line, genetic diversity, conservation program
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 193
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Danijela SAMAC, Đuro SENČIĆ, Zvonimir STEINER, Ivana KLARIĆ, Željka KLIR
Sveučilište J.J. Strosmayer u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Probiotici su definicijom živi mikroorganizmi koji pozitivno utječu na zdravlje domaćina, ako ih
se unosi u optimalnim količinama. Oni pozitivno utječu na održanje mikrobiološke i imunološke
ravnoteže u crijevima, a samim time i na zdravstveno stanje, dobrobit i proizvodne pokazatelje
životinja. Probiotici se sastoje od jednog ili više sojeva, istih ili različitih bakterija, čije je djelovanje
povoljno za organizam. Najčešće korišteni probiotici su različite vrste roda Bifidobacterium,
Lactobacillus i Strepococcus. Dodavanjem probiotika u odgovarajućoj količini u krmnu smjesu,
štiti se organizam životinja od utjecaja patogenih mikroorganizama, što ima pozitivan učinak na
njihovo zdravlje. Osim pozitivnog zdravstvenog učinka, probiotici imaju pozitivno djelovanje i
na proizvodne parametre kod životinja, i to prvenstveno, kroz utrošak i konverziju hrane, bolji
prirast, poboljšanje tjelesne mase, randman te kakvoću trupova i mesa, primjerice, leglo prasadi
kojoj su dodavao probiotik imalo su za 0,7% više odbijene prasadi po leglu, stopa mortaliteta bila
je niža za 42%, a masa prije odbića veća za 5% nego kod kontrolne skupine. Upotreba probiotika
koji je sadržavao Lactobacillus acidophilus, inaktivirani pekarski kvasac, vitamin C i laktozu kod
brojlera na kraju tova od 42 dana, rezultirala je povećanjem prosječne tjelesne mase i prirasta te
boljom konverzijom hrane. Cilj ovoga preglednog rada je prikazati utjecaj dodatka probiotika na
proizvodno i zdravstveno stanje peradi i svinja.
194 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Danijela SAMAC, Đuro SENČIĆ, Zvonimir STEINER, Ivana KLARIĆ, Željka KLIR
Josip Juraj Strosmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
According to a definition, probiotics are live microorganisms that, taken in optimum quantities,
have a positive effect on the health of their hosts. They help maintain microbiological and
immunological balance in bowels, thus improving health condition, welfare and production
indicators of animals. Probiotics comprise one or more strains of the same or different bacteria,
whose effect is beneficial to the organism. The most frequently used probiotics are various
species of the genera Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Strepococcus. If an adequate quantity of
probiotics is added to the feed, animal organisms are protected against the impact of pathogenic
microorganisms, thus improving the health of animals. In addition to this positive effect on animal
health, probiotics also have a positive impact on production parameters in animals, primarily in
terms of feed consumption and conversion, better weight gain, improved body weight, dressing
percentage and the quality of carcass and meat. For example, when probiotics were added to
the piglet feed, the percentage of weaned piglets per litter increased by 0.7%, the mortality rate
decreased by 42% and body weight prior to weaning was 5% higher than in the control group.
Use of probiotics that contained Lactobacillus acidophilus, inactivated baker's yeast, vitamin C
and lactose at the end of the 42-day fattening cycle for broilers resulted in increased average body
weight and weight gain as well as better feed conversion. The aim of this review article is to present
the impact of probiotics on the production and health of poultry and pigs.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 195
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Istraživanje je provedeno s po 24 svinje iz otvorenoga (ekstenzivnoga) i poluotvorenoga
(poluintenzivnoga) sustava, od kojih su 12 muških kastrata i 12 nazimica. Svinje u oba sustava
bile su tovljene do 100 kg i 130 kg tjelesne mase. Svinje iz otvorenoga sustava hranjene su na
pašnjaku i na strništima, uz minimalno prihranjivanje kukuruzom tijekom zime, kada nema
zelene mase. Svinje iz poluotvorenoga sustava hranjene su po volji obrokom kombiniranog od
krmne smjese i zelene lucerne. Krmna smjesa u prvoj fazi tova (do 60 kg tjelesne mase) imala je
14 % sirovih proteina i 13,37 MJ ME/kg, a u drugoj fazi tova (60 – 130 kg tjelesne mase) imala je
12 % sirovih proteina i 13,34 MJ ME/kg. Disekcija ohlađenih (+4°C) desnih svinjskih polovica
obavljena je prema modificiranoj metodi Weniger i sur. (1963). Kvaliteta mesa (Muscullus
longissimus dorsi) istražena je u pogledu pH vrijednosti, sposobnosti vezanja vode i boje. Mesnatost
svinjskih polovica bila je veća kod svinja manjih tjelesnih masa (100 kg) u odnosu na svinje većih
tjelesnih masa (130 kg) u oba sustava držanja, ali su te razlike bile značajne (p<0,05) samo u
poluotvorenome sustavu. Svinje iz otvorenoga sustava imale su mesnatije polovice u odnosu na
svinje iz poluotvorenoga sustava i pri manjim (100 kg) i pri većim (130 kg) tjelesnim masama,
ali ne i statistički značajno (p>0,05) (49,23 % i 44,99 % : 46,56 % i 42,82 %). Utvrđen je značajan
utjecaj sustava držanja i tjelesne mase svinja na neke pokazatelje kvalitete mesa. Meso svinja manje
tjelesne mase iz otvorenog sustava imalo je značajno više (p<0,01) sirovih proteina od mesa od
svinja istih tjelesnih masa u poluotvorenom sustavu.
Ključne riječi: crne slavonske svinje, tjelesna masa, sustav držanja, mesnatost, kvaliteta mesa
196 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
The research was carried out on 24 pigs kept in the open (extensive) and 24 pigs kept in the semi-
opened (semi-intensive) keeping system. In each group there were 12 barrows and 12 gilts. Pigs in
both systems were fattened up to 100 kg and 130 kg body weight. The pigs from the open system
were grazing on pastures and stubble-fields, with minimum addition of corn during winter, when
there is no green forage, whereas the pigs kept in the semi-opened system were fed ad libitum with
a combination of feed mixture and green alfalfa. The feed mixture used in the first fattening phase
(up to 60 kg body weight) contained 14% crude protein and 13.37 MJ ME/kg, and in the second
phase (60 - 130kg body weight) it contained 12 % crude protein and 13.34 MJ ME/kg. Dissection
of cooled (+4°C) right half-carcasses was carried out according to modified Weniger et al. method
(1963). Meat quality (Muscullus longissimus dorsi) was examined in terms of the pH value, water
binding capacity and colour. Meatiness of half-carcasses in both production systems was higher
in pigs of lower body weight (100 kg), compared to pigs of higher body weight (130 kg). However,
these differences were significant (p<0.05) only in the pigs kept in the semi-opened system. Pigs
from the opened system had meatier carcasses in relation to pigs from the semi-opened system
both at lower (100 kg) and higher (130 kg) body weights, but it was not statistically significant
(p>0.05) (49.23% and 44.99% : 46.56% and 42.82%). A significant influence of the keeping system
and body weight was detected for some indicators of meat quality. Meat of pigs of lower body
weight from the open system had a significantly higher (p<0.01) level of crude protein than meat of
pigs kept in the semi-open system at the same body weight.
Key words: Black Slavonian pigs, body weight, production system, meatiness, meat quality
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 197
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Posljednjih godina u Hrvatskoj se bilježi stalni rast otkupne cijene svježeg sirovog ovčjeg mlijeka.
U intenzivnoj proizvodnji ovčjeg mlijeka janjad se rano odvaja od majki i hrani pomoću automata
za mlijeko. Uslijed nepravilnog korištenje automata, i mliječne zamjene, može doći do poremećaja
u zdravlju janjadi. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj takovog načina hranidbe na zdravlje
janjadi. Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi mliječnih ovaca na populaciji od 500 janjadi hranjenoj
mliječnom zamjenom pomoću automata za mlijeko. Zdravlje janjadi praćeno je od razdoblja
odvajanja od majki do odbića. U jednom boksu držana je grupa od trideset janjadi, Na zidu
boksa nalazile su se tri gumene sise povezane cijevima sa automatom za napajanje. Janjadi je od
sedmog dana ponuđena voda i gotova krmna smjesa. U istraživanju je pored utvrđivanja uzroka
pojave bolesti i uginuća janjadi provedena detaljna analiza tehnologije uzgoja s ciljem utvrđivanja
pogrešaka. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno uginuće 67 janjadi. Kliničkim pregledom, razudbom i
koprološkom pretragom utvrđeno je da je janjad najčešće ugibala od enterotoksemije, kokcidioze
i pastereloze. Pojava bolesti bila je posljedica neprovođenja preventivnih zahvata tijekom zadnje
trećine gravidnosti ovaca, zatim napajanjem hladnom mliječnom zamjenom te promjenom tri
dobavljača mliječne zamjene u razdoblju od mjesec dana. Utvrđeno je da je upala pluća posljedica
loših mikroklimatskih uvjeta u staji. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se većina problema
kod hranidbe janjadi pomoću automata za mlijeko može spriječiti preventivnim zahvatima u
gravidnosti ovaca npr. vakcinacija protiv enterotoksemije, boljom higijenom smještaja i napajanja
te pravilnim korištenjem automata.
198 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
During the last few years in Croatia, a constant growth of redemption prices for raw sheep milk
has been noted. In intensive production of sheep milk the lambs are weaned quite early and are
fed using automatic milk feeders. Improper use of the automatic feeders and milk supplement
can lead to disorders in lamb health. The objective of this research was to establish the effect of
this method of feeding on lamb health. The research was conducted on a farm of sheep used for
milk with 500 lambs fed with milk supplement using an automatic milk feeder. The health of the
lambs was monitored since separation from the ewe to weaning. A group of 30 lambs were kept
in one pen. There were 3 rubber teats on the wall of the pen connected via hoses to an automatic
feeder. The lambs were offered water and compound feed. Apart from determining the cause
of disease and death of lambs, a detailed analysis of breeding technology was also conducted
in order to determine mistakes being made. The study established the death of 67 lambs. By a
clinical examination, necropsy and coprological examination it was determined that the lambs
died of enterotoxaemia, coccidiosis and pasterosis. The diseases occurred due to lack of preventive
procedures during the last third of gestation, feeding cold milk supplement and due to changing
three suppliers of milk supplement in one month. It was determined the pneumonia was caused
by poor microclimate conditions in the barn. The results of the research point to the fact that
most problems in feeding lambs with an automatic milk feeder can be prevented by implementing
preventive procedures during gestation, i.e. vaccinate for enterotoxaemia, keeping the pens clean
and proper use of automatic feeders.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 199
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Franjo POLJAK1, Jelena RAMLJAK2, Ante IVANKOVIĆ2, Željko GAGRO3, Branko KOVAČIĆ4
Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Centar za kontrolu kvalitete stočarskih proizvoda, Poljana Križevačka 158, Križevci,
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Hrvatski konjički savez, Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Hrvatska udruga uzgajivača gidran pasmine konja, Franje Vidovića bb, 43240 Čazma, Hrvatska
Daljinsko jahanje je konjička disciplina koja zadnjih desetljeća dobiva na značajnosti. Sklonost
jahača prema daljinskom jahanju potaknuta je atraktivnošću natjecateljskih staza, pogodnošću
različitih pasmina za natjecanja te individualnost u pripremi natjecateljskih konja. Premda se u
daljinskom jahanju koristi više pasmina oba spola, nedovoljno su istražene različitosti između
pasmina i spolova naspram natjecateljskih plasmana. Provedeno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 657
natjecateljska rezultata na održana 42 daljinska natjecanja u razdoblju 2011.-2016. godine.
Istraživanje je obuhvatilo osam pasmina konja oba spola. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da
su obzirom na plasmane najbolje rezultate postigli konji pasmina gidran, araber i arapski
punokrvnjak (2,53; 2,67; 2,85). Najbolje prosječne brzine kretanja konja zapažene su kod arapskog
punokrvnjaka, arapskog konja i toplokrvnjaka (14,06; 14,05; 14,05) dok je hrvatski toplokrvnjak
postizao najmanje prosječne brzine kretanja (13,33 km/h; p<0,05). Utjecaj spola na natjecateljske
plasmane te prosječnu brzinu kretanja konja na stazi je značajan (p<0,001). Muška grla (pastusi
i kastrati) ostvarivali su povoljnije natjecateljske rezultate i nešto veću prosječnu brzinu kretanja
(+0,68 km/h; p<0,001). Utjecaj spola jahača na natjecateljski plasman i prosječnu brzinu kretanja
na stazi nije imao značajnost. Opažanja temeljena na provedenom istraživanju daju smjernice
uzgoja konja za daljinsko jahanje.
200 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Franjo POLJAK1, Jelena RAMLJAK2, Ante IVANKOVIĆ2, Željko GAGRO3, Branko KOVAČIĆ4
Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Center for quality control of livestock products, Poljana Križevačka 158, Križevci,
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
Croatian Equestrian Federation, Trg Krešimira Ćosića 11, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Croatian Association of Gidran horse breeders, Franje Vidovića bb, 43240 Čazma, Croatia
Endurance is equestrian discipline that over last decades gains attention. Tendency of rider towards
endurance riding was initiate by the attractiveness of the race tracks, the suitability of different
horse breeds for competition, and the individual approach in horse training. Although different
horse breeds of both sexes are used in endurance, the differences between breeds and sex versus
placements are insufficiently explored. The conducted survey included 657 competition results
from 42 endurance competition in the period between 2011-2016. The study included eight breeds
of both sexes. Results indicate that Gidran, Araber, and Purebred Arab achieve the best results in
terms of placement (2.53, 2.67, and 2.85). The best average speed were observed in Purebred Arab,
Arabian Bred and Warmbloods (14.06, 14.05, 14.05) while Croatian Warmblood has minimum
average speed (13.33 km/h, p<0.05). Effect of sex on placement and average speed on track is
significant (p<0.001). Male individuals (stallions and geldings) achieved more favorable results
in competition and slightly higher average speed (+0.68 km/h, p<0.001). Influence of the rider
gender on the placement and on the average speed was not significant. Observations based on this
research provide breeding guidelines for the endurance horses.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 201
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Turopoljska svinja (TS) je ugrožena hrvatska autohtona pasmina svinja koja se tipično uzgaja u
otvorenom proizvodnom sustavu povezanom s lokalnim hrastovim šumama i plavnim livadama
na području Turopolja i Lonjskog polja u središnjoj Hrvatskoj. Trenutno, unatoč državnoj potpori,
populaciju TS čini samo 124 krmače i 17 nerasta, pa je za održiviji način očuvanja pasminu nužno
bolje gospodarski iskoristiti i znanstveno istražiti. Cilj ovog rada bio je stoga utvrditi sastav masnih
kiselina (MK) i oksidativnu stabilnost mišićnog i masnog tkiva TS iz otvorenog uzgoja. Uzorci
m.longissimus dorsi -a (MLD) i leđne slanine (LS) 20 tovljenika (nazimice i kastrati, prosječne
žive mase 94,8±11,55 kg i dobi 18,5±1,4 mjeseci) uzeti su 24 h post mortem u razini zadnjeg
rebra i pohranjeni smrznuti (-20 °C) do analiza. Oksidativna stabilnost MLD i LS procijenjena
je određivanjem reaktivnih supstanci 2-tiobarbiturne kiseline (TBARS test) izraženih u mg
malondialdehida (MDA) po kg tkiva, u odmrznutim uzorcima nakon 0, 3 i 6 dana pohrane na
4 °C. Sastav MK određen je plinskom kromatografijom (Agilent 6890 GC, USA) nakon in situ
transeterifikacije lipida. Prosječni sadržaji (g/100g ukupnih MK) zasićenih, mono-nezasićenih
i poli-nezasićenih MK (ZMK, MNMK i PNMK) u MLD i LS iznosili su redom: 37,19 i 39,33,
47,38 i 46,75 te 15,43 i 13,92, uz sadržaj n-6 i n-3 PNMK: 14,30 i 12,81, odnosno 1,07 i 1,04.
Oksidacija lipida (mg MDA/kg) u MLD i LS tijekom pohrane na hladnom je generalno rasla te bila
podjednaka u oba tkiva 0. dana (0,04 i 0,03) i 3. dana (0,06 i 0,05), ali jače razvijena u LS 6. dana
pohrane (0.13 i 0,22). Rad je dio projekta TREASURE financiranog u okviru programa Europske
unije za istraživanja i inovacije Obzor 2020, br. potpore 634476.
Ključne riječi: turopoljska svinja, mišićno tkivo, masno tkivo, masne kiseline, oksidacija lipida
202 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Turopolje pig (TP) is an endangered Croatian autochthonous breed typically reared in an outdoor
production system linked to local oak forests and marsh meadows in Turopolje region in Central
Croatia. Currently, despite the state support, TP breed is still untapped, with a population of only
124 sows and 17 boars. Hence, to preserve TP in a more sustainable way, the breed needs to be
better economically used and scientifically explored. This work aimed therefore to determine the
fatty acid (FA) composition and oxidative stability of muscle and fat tissue of TP reared outdoors.
The samples of m.longissimus dorsi (MLD) and back fat (BF) of 20 TP (barrows and gilts, weighted
94.8±11.55 kg and aged 18.5±1.4 months) were taken 24 h post mortem at the level of last rib and
stored frozen (-20 ºC) until analyses. Oxidative stability was measured in defrosted MLD and BF
samples after 0, 3 and 6 days of cold storage at 4 °C, by assaying the 2‑thiobarbituric acid-reactive
substances (TBARS test), expressed as mg of malonaldehyde (MDA) per kg of tissue. The FA
composition of MLD and BF samples was determined by using gas chromatography (Agilent 6890
GC, USA) following in situ transesterification of lipids. The average contents (g/100g of total FA)
of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FA (SFA, MUFA and PUFA) in MLD and BF
were 37.19 and 39.33, 47.38 and 46.75 and 15.43 and 13.92, respectively. The PUFA n-6 and n-3
contents were 14.30 and 12.81 in MLD and 1.07 and 1.04 in BF. Lipid oxidation (mg of MDA/kg)
in MLD and BF generally increased during cold storage with similar progress in both tissues at day
0 (0.04 and 0.03) and day 3 (0.06 and 0.05), but with the higher development in BF at day 6 (0.13
and 0.22). Work is part of the TREASURE project funded under European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme, grant no. 634476.
Key words: Turopolje pig, muscle tissue, fat tissue, fatty acids, lipid oxidation
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 203
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Maja GREGIĆ, Mirna GAVRAN, Mirjana BABAN, Vesna GANTNER, Jelena KRISTIĆ, Tina
Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti, V. Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska
Cilj rada je istražiti ponudu tržišta prehrambenih proizvoda od kobiljeg mlijeka na području
Europske unije. Proizvodnju kobiljeg mlijeka u Europi prvi su se prihvatili Nijemci, Talijani i
Francuzi, a potom se ona proširila i na Nizozemsku, Belgiju te Norvešku. Godišnja proizvodnja u
EU iznosi oko 1.000 tona, te se kobilje mlijeko prodaje najviše u Rusiji i Francuskoj. Poljoprivredna
gospodarstva i farme u zapadnoj Europi prepoznale su potencijale kobiljeg mlijeka te se usmjerile
na ovu vrstu proizvodnje. Danas oni nude raznovrsne proizvode na tržištu, a također i turističke
usluge na svojim farmama. Održivo poslovanje zabilježeno je na farmama usmjerenim na
proizvodnju mlijeka kobile. Proizvodnja kobiljeg mlijeka može doprinijeti očuvanju pasmina
konja i osigurati značajan broj radnih mjesta. Na taj način moguće je postići osim direktnih
gospodarskih efekata, socio-ekonomske efekte koji su vidljivi u očuvanosti kulturnog krajolika i
genetske raznolikosti. Osim svježeg mlijeka, moguće su razne prerade u fermentirane proizvode
poput kumisa, jogurte, proizvodnja sira, čokolade ili kozmetičke proizvode poput sapuna,
losiona, šampona. Potrošače treba upoznati i informirati o svojstvima mlijeka kopitara, njihovim
pozitivnim učincima na zdravlje te širokim i raznolikim asortimanom proizvoda. Moguće ih je
ponuditi na tržištu kako bi ostvarili potražnju, a samim time i proizvodnju mlijeka, poboljšanje
same situacije u konjogojstvu te revitalizaciju autohtonih pasmina.
204 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 7. Animal Husbandry
Maja GREGIĆ, Mirna GAVRAN, Mirjana BABAN, Vesna GANTNER, Jelena KRISTIĆ, Tina
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences, Vladimira Preloga 1, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
The aim of this paper was to investigate the market offer for mare’s milk-based food products
in the EU. The production of mare’s milk in Europe was first accepted by Germans, Italians and
French, and then spread to the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway. The annual production of mare’s
milk in the EU amounts to about 1,000 tons, and the mare's milk is sold mostly in Russia and
France. In Western Europe have recognized the potential of mare's milk and, therefore, focused
on this type of production. Today they offer a variety of products on the market, as well as tourist
services on their farms. Furthermore, sustainable business was recorded on farms focused on milk
production. The production of mare's milk can contribute to the conservation of breeds of horses
and, on the other hand, this production provides a significant number of jobs. In this way it is
possible to achieve, in addition to the direct economic effects, socio-economic effects visible in the
preservation of cultural landscapes and genetic diversity. Besides fresh milk, various food products
are also possible, such as kumis, yogurt, cheese, chocolate or cosmetic products such as soaps,
shampoos. The consumers need to be inform about the properties of equine milk, their health
benefits and a wide and diverse range of products That can be offered to the market in order to
accomplish the demand, and therefore production of milk, improvement of the situation in horse
breeding and revitalization of autochthonous breeds.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 205
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 8 Viticulture and Enology
Zbornik sažetaka
Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Zlatarica vrgorska je hrvatska autohtona sorta koja se uzgaja na području vinogorja Vrgorac
i Neretva. Klonska selekcija Zlatarice vrgorske počela je 2018. godine provedbom masovne
pozitivne selekcije na području vinogorja Vrgorac. Masovna pozitivna selekcija je provedena na
10 lokacija unutar vinogorja te su ukupno izdvojena 124 matična trsa. Masovna pozitivna selekcija
obuhvatila je vizualnu ocjenu zdrastvenog stanja i ampelografsku evaluaciju (morfološke, fenološke
i gospodarske kakakteristike). Na svakom matičnom trsu utvrđeni su broj grozdova i prirod (kg/
trs) te osnovni kemijski pokazatelji kakvoće mošta (sadržaj šećera, ukupna kiselost, pH vrijednost).
Srednje vrijednosti za sadržaj šećera u moštu kretale su se od 43,67 do 96,67 0Oe, dok je interval
sadržaja ukupne kiselosti iznosio od 2,75 do 7,25 g/l. Raspon srednjih vrijednosti pH vrijednosti
mošta iznosio je od 3,2 do 3,78. Utvrđene srednje vrijednosti priroda matičnih trsova kretale
su se u rasponu od 0,18 do 17,98 kg/trs, a raspon srednjih vrijednosti broja grozdova po trsu je
iznosio od 2 do 53 grozda. Rezultati su pokazali značajnu varijabilnost utvrđenih kvantitavnih
i kvalitativnih svojstava. Spomenuto ukazuje na značajnu unutarsortnu varijabilnost populacije
sorte Zlatarica vrgorska što je iznimno važno za nastavak postupka selekcije zdravstvenom i
individualnom klonskom selekcijom.
Ključne riječi: vinova loza, Vrgorac, Zlatarica vrgorska, evaluacija, klonska selekcija
208 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Zlatarica vrgorska is Croatian autochthonous grapevine variety mostly grown in vineyard area
Vrgorac and Neretva. Clonal selection of Zlatarica vrgorska started in 2018 with mass positive
selection in Vrgorac vineyard area. Mass positive selection was done in 10 locations within
vineyard area. During the mass positive selection, 124 candidate clones were singled out. Visual
evaluation of sanitary status and ampelographic evaluation of phenological, morphological and
economical characteristics was carried out on mother vines. The procedure included an analysis
of a number of clusters per vine, grape yield and must quality (sugar content, must acidity and
pH value). Mean values for the sugar content in must was between 43,67 to 96,67 0Oe, while the
interval of the must acidity mounted from 2,75 to 7,25 g/l. Interval of mean pH values of must
was between 3,2 and 3,78. Determined mean values of grape yields were in an interval from 0,18
to 17,98 kg/vine, while the interval of the mean values of number of clusters per vine mounted
from 2 to 53 clusters. The results showed a significant variability of the observed mother vines
characteristics. Results show a great intravarietal variability of Zlatarica vrgorska variety population
which is of an exceptional value for further process of sanitary and individual clonal selection.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 209
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Tijekom berbe 2017. proizvedena su četiri vina ´Chardonnay´ uz upotrebu različitih komercijalno
dostupnih sojeva Saccharomyces cerevisiae kvasaca te je uspoređen njihov aromatski profil.
Primjenom ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi te vezanim sustavom plinska kromatografija- spektrometar
masa, u vinima je identificirano oko 80 hlapljivih spojeva. Analizirani spojevi, podijeljeni u
8 kemijskih grupa, značajno su utjecali na senzorni profil vina i njihovu različitost. Rezultati
su pokazali značajan i pozitivan utjecaj korištenih sojeva kvasaca na neke grupe spojeva koji
doprinose kakvoći vina, poput etil estera, izoamil i izobutil acetata, nekih viših alkohola te
monoterpena (linalol, citronelol i geraniol). Određena je i aktivna mirisna vrijednost pojedinih
aromatskih spojeva (OAV) koji su prema sličnosti deskriptora grupirani u aromatske serije poput
voćne, cvjetne, začinske i maslačne, što je omogućilo i opisno definiranje aromatskog profila
svakog vina.
210 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
During the vintage 2017. four wines obtained by fermenting Chardonnay musts with commercial
starter cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains were compared in terms of their volatile
aroma compounds composition. An easy handle methodology, Solid Phase Extraction Gas
Chromatography Mass Spectrometry-based, enabled the identification of almost 80 volatile
compounds. These aroma compounds, arranged in eight chemical groups strongly influenced the
sensory profile of each wine allowing their differentiation. The results revealed marked influence
and positive contribution of yeast strains that were used on several wine quality contributors such
as ethyl esters, isoamyl and isobutyl acetate, some higher alcohols and monoterpenes like linalool,
citronellol and geraniol. Odor activity value of aroma compounds (OAV) was determined and
by grouping the once with similar descriptors into aromatic series such as fruity, floral, spicy and
buttery a descriptive organoleptic profile of each wine was established.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 211
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Plavac mali najvažnija je autohtona crna sorta Hrvatske. Zbog iznimno visokog sadržaja
polifenolnih spojeva u grožđu odavna je predmet različitih znanstvenih istraživanja. Poznato je
da uz brojne čimbenike na sadržaj ukupnih polifenola u vinu Plavca malog najznačajnije utječe
duljina trajanja maceracije masulja, odnosno intenzitet oslobađanja polifenola iz sjemenki. U ovom
istraživanju primjenjena su tri različita vremenska intervala trajanja maceracije, prvi standardni
interval od 8 dana kao kontrolna varijanta, drugi interval u trajanju od tri tjedna te treći interval
u trajanju od sedam tjedana. Pri tome je iz dva uzorka masulja prije početka vrenja odvojeno
cca 80-85% sjemenki uz trajanje maceracije također od tri, odnosno sedam tjedana. Rezultati
fizikalno kemijske analize pokusnih vina u varijantama sa svim sjemenkama u masulju, pokazali
su pravilnost povećanja sadržaja ukupnih polifenola produljenjem trajanja maceracije, dok se kod
sadržaja ukupnih antocijana ta pravilnost potpuno gubi. U varijantama sa izdvojenim sjemenkama
duljina trajanja maceracije nema utjecaja na sadržaj ukupnih polifenola kao niti na sadržaj ukupnih
antocijana. Senzorička evaluacija pokusnih vina metodom rangiranja, pokazala je superiornost
uzoraka varijanti sa odvajanjem sjemenki pri čemu je varijanta sedam tjedana maceracije u 55%
slučajeva bila prvorangirana, a varijanta tri tjedna maceracije u 45% slučajeva. Najslabije rangirana,
u 90% slučajeva bila je varijanta sedam tjedana maceracije sa svim sjemenkama, dok su se
kontrolna varijanta i varijanta tri tjedna maceracije sa svim sjemenkama gotovo podjednako puta
našle na trećem, odnosno četvrtom mjestu.
212 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Plavac mali is the most important indigenous red variety in Croatia.The issue of the very high
content of polyphenol compounds in grape has long been a subject of various researches. It is
known that, with many other factors, the most direct and most significant influence on the content
of polyphenol compounds in the wine Plavac mali depends on the lenght of the maceration of marc
or, most importantly, the intensity of the release of polyphenols from grape seeds. The first is the
usual, standard interval of eight days which is used as a control variable, the second of three weeks
and the third interval of seven weeks. During this time, approximately 80-85% of grape seeds were
removed from two samples of marc before fermentation with the duration of maceration being
three and seven weeks. The results of the physical and chemical analysis of test wines with all of
the grape seeds in marc showed a regularity in the increase of the overall content of polyphenols
the longer the maceration process lasted. When it comes to the overall content of anthocyanins,
that regularity is completely lost. In samples with extracted grape seeds , the lenght of maceration
has no influence on the overall content of polyphenols and anthocyanins. The sensory evaluation
of test wines using the method of ranking showed an superiority of samples with the grape seeds
extracted during which the sample with seven weeks of maceration was ranked best in 55% of the
cases and the sample with three weeks of maceration in 45% of the cases. The worst ranked sample,
in 90% of the cases, was the one with seven weeks of maceration with all of the grape seeds present.
The control variable and the sample with three weeks of maceration and all of the grape seeds
present were almost evenly ranked third and fourth.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 213
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Vinova loza je jedna od gospodarski najvažnijih poljoprivrednih kultura u svijetu te se zbog toga
posvećuje velika pažnja njenom razmnožavanju i dugoročnom očuvanju. Krioprezervacija je in
vitro metoda pohrane biljnog materijala u tekućem dušiku pri niskim temperaturama (-196ºC)
koje svojim inhibirajućim djelovanjem uvjetuju zaustavljanje metaboličkih funkcija biološkog
materijala te tako omogućuju njegovu dugoročnu pohranu. Bogati i raznoliki sortiment vinove loze
uvjetovao je različite reakcije pojedinih sorata na utjecaje uzrokovane procesima krioprezervacije, a
uspješnost metode ovisi i o primjeni odgovarajuće tehnike za određenu sortu. U ovom istraživanju
testiraju se dvije nove tehnike V-cryo-plate i D-cryo-plate, bazirane na vitrifikaciji i dehidraciji,
primjenom aluminijskih kriopločica. Istraživanje je provedeno na sorti "Portan" (Vitis vinifera L.)
kao referentnoj sorti za in vitro uvjete, a dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s rezultatima standardne
tehnike za krioprezervaciju vinove loze (D-V (droplet-vitrifikacija).
214 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Grapevine is a worldknown crop plant and the great effort has been done in its propagation and
a long-term storage. Cryopreservation in vitro is a method of plant material storage in liquid
nitrogen (-196ºC) where exposing plant material to these low temperatures inhibit all metabolic
functions, thus enabling long-term storage. Distinctive and numerous grapevine varieties caused
different reactions response to the effects caused by cryopreservation processes, and the success of
the method also depends on the application of the appropriate technique for a particular variety. In
this study, two new cryopreservation techniques were tested V-cryo-plate and D-cryo-plate, based
on vitrification and dehydration, using aluminium cryo-plates. The study was made on "Portan"
variety (Vitis vinifera L.), as a referent variety for in vitro conditions, and obtained results were
compared with results made with standard grapevine cryopreservation technique (D-V (droplet-
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 215
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Sorte vinove loze korištene u proizvodnji vinjaka vrhunske kvalitete, određene su specifičnim
karakteristikama kao što su visoka ukupna kiselost, nizak sadržaj šećera i nizak pH. U kategoriju
navedenih sorata može se svrstati nekoliko hrvatskih autohtonih sorata, kojima pripadaju
'Kraljevina' i 'Ranfol'. Posjedovanjem navedenih karakteristika, može ih se nazvati potencijalno
prikladnim sortama za proizvodnju rakija od vina, osobito vinjaka. Cilj ovog rada je evaluacija
karakteristika vinskih destilata od sorata 'Kraljevina' i 'Ranfol' i procjena njihove prikladnosti
za proizvodnju rakija od vina i vinjaka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Berba i alkoholna fermentacija
provedeni su na vinogradarsko-vinarskom pokušalištu „Jazbina“, a destilacija u laboratoriju
Zavoda za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo Agronomskog fakulteta u 2017. godini. Provedena je analiza
kemijskog sastava vina te analiza kemijskog sastava srednjeg toka destilata prema propisanim
metodama O.I.V.-a. Određivanje hlapivih spojeva kao viših alkohola, estera, metanola i
acetaldehida provedeno je metodom plinske kromatografije s plameno-ionizacijskim detektorom.
Prema osnovnim kemijskim parametrima određenim u srednjem toku destilata zaključak je kako
sorte 'Kraljevina' i 'Ranfol' sadrže potrebne karakteristike koje ih čine prikladnim za proizvodnju
vinjaka. Zadani cilj te dobiveni rezultati su vrlo načajni za poticanje šire uporabe navedenih sorata
za ovu namjenu.
216 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
The grapevine varieties used in the production of high quality brandy, are determined by
specific characteristics such as high total acidity, low sugar content and low pH. Several Croatian
autochthonous varieties, like 'Kraljevina' and 'Ranfol', can be classified in the mentioned
category. These varieties can be called potentially suitable for the production of wine brandies.
The main aim of this research is to evaluate the characteristics of wine distillates obtained by
‘Kraljevina’ and ‘Ranfol’ varieties and to estimate their suitability for the production of wine
brandies in Republic of Croatia. Grape harvest and alcoholic fermentation were carried out on
the experimental vineyard "Jazbina", and distillation in the laboratory of the Department for
Viticulture and Oenology of the Faculty of Agriculture in 2017. The chemical analysis of the wine,
and analysis of the chemical composition of ‘the heart’ of distillates were performed according to
O.I.V. methods. Determination of the volatile compounds of distillates like higher alcohols, esters,
methanol and acetaldehyde was performed by gas chromatographic method with flame ionization
detector. Conclusion is that the grapevine varieties 'Kraljevina' and 'Ranfol' contain the necessary
characteristics that make them suitable for the production of wine brandies, according to the
chemical parameters determined in ‘the heart’ of the distillates. The given goal and obtained results
have great importance to encourage the widespread use of these varieties for this purpose.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 217
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Regija primorska Hrvatska kao i ZOI Hrvatsko primorje bogato je autohtonim sortama vinove
loze. Mnoge od njih su gotovo nestale, kao što su i autohtone sorte Kastavštine čijom kupažom
nastaje Kastafska Belica. Stoga je provedena ukupna karakterizacija vina Kastafska Belica, pri
čemu su se analizirali standardni fizikalno-kemijski parametri: alkoholna jakost, reducirajući
šećeri, pepeo, pH vrijednost, ukupna kiselost, hlapive kiseline, slobodni sumporni dioksid,
ukupni sumporni dioksid te je dodatno određen i sadržaj fenolnih komponenti tekućinskom
kromatografijom spregnutom s tandem masenim detektorom (LC-MS/MS). Potvrda standardnih
fizikalno-kemijskih parametara provedena je uz pomoć Fourier-transform infracrvene
spektroskopije (FTIR). Analizirano je ukupno 13 uzoraka vina Kastafska Belica. Sva analizirana
vina prema fizikalno-kemijskim parametrima udovoljavaju zahtjevima za kvalitetno vino
proizvedeno u ZOI Hrvatsko primorje. Rezultati FTIR analize, koja je služila kao potvrdna metoda
za analizu standardnih fizikalno-kemijski parametara, pokazali su varijacije među vinima za
mjerene parametre, ali na neznatnoj razini. Nadalje, analiza fenolnog sastava vina je pokazala širok
spektar detektiranih fenolnih komponenti gdje su najzastupljeniji fenoli bili flavonoidi iz flavan-
3-ol skupine. U nekim je uzorcima detektirana oksidacija vina popraćena smanjenom količinom
fenolnih komponenti. Dobiveni ukupni rezultati pokazuju visok potencijal vina Kastafska Belica,
ali i daju temelj za daljnje analize i unapređenje procesa proizvodnje.
218 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Coastal region of Croatia is rich in autochthonous grape varieties. Many of them have almost
been extincted such as for example the autochthonous varieties of Kastav, used for the production
of the Kastafska Belica wine. Therefore, we decided to characterize the Kastafska Belica wine by
assessing the standard physicochemical profile parameters: alcohol content, reducing sugars, ashes,
pH value, total acidity, volatile acidity, free sulfur dioxide and total sulfur dioxide. Additionally,
we determined phenolic components in wine by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass
detector (LC-MS/MS). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed as a
confirmation method for the determination of standard physicochemical parameters. A total of 13
Kastafska Belica wines samples were analyzed. All analyzed wines met the requirements for quality
wine produced in the ZOI Croatian coastal region according to the measured physico-chemical
parameters. The results of FTIR analyzes have shown an inter-wine variability for measured
parameters, but at negligible level. Furthermore, the phenolic composition of wines showed a wide
spectrum of phenolic components detected, where the most prominent phenols were flavonoids
from the flavan-3-ol group. In some samples the oxidation was detected as well substantiated by
reduced amounts of phenolic components. The overall results obtained show a high potential
of Kastafska Belica wine and provide a basis for additional analyzes and improvement of the
production process.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 219
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
U svijetu se provode brojni oplemenjivački programi vinove loze s ciljem dobivanja sorata otpornih
na gljivične bolesti. Osnova su često autohtone sorte da bi se što više sačuvala prepoznatljivost
određenog područja. Hrvatska broji više od stotinu autohtonih sorata međutim ne postoje
istraživanja o njihovoj osjetljivosti na plamenjaču što je preduvjet za daljnje oplemenjivanje. Cilj
ovog istraživanja je usporediti dvije najraširenije metode koje se koriste u procjeni osjetljivosti
sorata vinove loze: in vivo (poljski pokus) i in vitro korištenjem metode lisnih diskova. Istraživanje
je provedeno na devet genotipova: sedam autohtonih sorata, 'Cabernet sauvignon' i Vitis riparia.
In vivo simptomi bolesti praćeni su nakon cvatnje u četiri navrata s vremenskim razmakom od
dva tjedna, a kod lisnih diskova evaluacija je provedena u jednom terminu na listovima različite
starosti (1.-7. list od vrha mladice). Utvrđene su značajne razlike u osjetljivosti između ispitivanih
genotipova korištenjem obje metode. Korištenjem metode in vivo utvrđene su značajne razlike
između sorata vinove loze u početnim terminima, dok su kasnije razlike smanjene što upućuje na
utjecaj genotipa na različitu brzinu razvoja bolesti. Kod in vitro metode uz razliku u genotipovima
utvrđena je značajna razlika osjetljivosti listova različite starosti. Najviša razina povezanosti
rezultata dviju metoda (r>0,5) utvrđena je između trećeg termina in vivo te 3. do 6. lista (od vrha
mladice) u in vitro uvjetima.
220 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Numerous grapevine breeding programs are carried out in the world with the aim of getting
varieties resistant to fungal diseases. The basics are often native varieties in order to preserve the
authenticity of a certain area. Croatia counts more than a hundred native varieties but there is no
research on their downy mildew susceptibility, which is essential for further breeding. The aim
of this study is to compare the two most widely used methods for estimating the susceptibility
of grapevine varieties: in vivo (field trial) and in vitro using the leaf disk assay. The research was
conducted on nine genotypes: seven native varieties, Cabernet Sauvignon and Vitis riparia. In
vivo disease symptoms were monitored after flowering four times in two-week intervals, and the
leaf disks were evaluated once on the leaves of different developmental stages (from the 1st to 7th
leaf from the shoot tip). Significant differences in susceptibility between the examined genotypes
were found using both methods. By using the in vivo method significant differences were noticed
during the initial terms, while the differences were reduced later on suggesting that the rate of
disease development is peculiar to the genotype. In vitro method showed, together with differences
between the genotypes, significant differences between the leaves of different developmental stages.
The highest level of correlation between the results of these two methods (r>0,5) was determined
between the third term in vivo and the 3rd to the 6th leaf (from the shoot tip) in in vitro conditions.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 221
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za bioraznolikost i molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb,
Sorta 'Moslavac' smatra se hrvatskom autohtonom sortom. Zbog tanke kožice, meke bobice,
bujnosti, sorta je osjetljiva na sivu plijesan, pa bi ju trebalo uzgajati na prikladnim vinogradarski
položajima, a ampelotehničkim zahvatima kontrolirati prinos i mikroklimu trsa. Cilj ovoga rada
je utvrditi utjecaj ampelotehničkih zahvata, rane defolijacije i prorjeđivanja grozdova, na kvalitetu
grožđa sorte 'Moslavac'. Istraživanje je provedeno u pokusnom nasadu u Svetom Urbanu (podregija
Zagorje- Međimurje) sa dvije varijante, kontrola u kojoj nisu provedeni ampelotehnički zahvati,
te varijanta sa provedenim zahvatima rane defolijacije i redukcije prinosa. Oba ampelotehnička
zahvata provedena su istovremeno, neposredno nakon cvatnje. Zahvatom defolijacije uklonjeni su
listovi u zoni grozdova, a prorjeđivanjem grozdova prinos je reduciran na jedan grozd po mladici.
Nakon šare praćena je dinamika dozrijevanja, mjerenjem ukupne kiselosti i sadržaja šećera, a u
punoj zrelosti određen je prinos i sadržaj pojedinačnih organskih kiselina. Utvrđen je značajno
viši sadržaj šećera kod varijante sa ranom defolijacijom i prorjeđivanjem grozdova, a ujedno kod
navedene varijante nije bilo prisutnih simptoma sive plijesni. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika u
ukupnoj kiselosti, kao ni sadržaju pojedinačnih organskih kiselina. Iz dobivenih rezultata može se
zaključiti kako rana defolijacija i prorjeđivanje grozdova najviše utječu na dinamiku nakupljanja
šećera, dok na ukupnu kiselost nemaju značajnijeg utjecaja.
222 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Cultivar Moslavac is considered as Croatian native cultivar. Because of its thin skin, soft berries
and high vigour, the cultivar is susceptible to Botrytis, thus it should be planted on suitable
vineyard sites and the canopy management operations should be used to control yield and vine
microclimate. The aim of this work is to determine the effect of canopy management operations,
early defoliation and grape thinning, on grape quality of cultivar Moslavac. The research was
conducted in experimental vineyard in Sveti Urban (region Zagorje- Međimurje) with two
treatments, control with none canopy management operations conducted and treatment with
conducted early defoliation and grape thinning. Both operations were carried out at the same time,
just after flowering. The defoliation was carried out removing all leaves in the fruiting zone, while
grape thinning was carried out leaving just one grape bunch per shoot. After vérasion the ripening
was monitored by measuring content of sugar and total acidity, while in full ripeness the yield
and organic acids were determined. The higher content of sugars was determined at the treatment
with early defoliation and grape thinning. Furthermore, the mentioned treatment did not show
symptoms of Botrytis. There was no significant difference between treatments considering total
acidity and the content of organic acids. It can be concluded that early defoliation and grape
thinning had the greatest impact on sugar accumulation and very small impact on total acidity.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 223
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Oznake kakvoće hrvatskih vina „kvalitetno“ i „vrhunsko“ utemeljene su na fizikalno kemijskim i
senzornim parametrima i ulaskom Hrvatske u EU postale su tzv. tradicionalni izrazi. Deklariranje
tradicionalnih izraza na etiketi nije obvezno, ali je i dalje regulirano na vrlo precizan način.
Obzirom da su izrazi kvalitetno i vrhunsko dio tradicije deklariranja vina, stare preko pedeset
godina, neupitan je interes struke o njihovoj važnosti u deklariranju i izboru vina na tržištu.
Hrvatski vinari koriste pravo dragovoljnog označavanja tradicionalnih izraza što posljedično
zahtijeva dodatno educiranje potrošača, obzirom na različite načine prezentiranja vina i kakvoće.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti informacije o utjecaju deklariranih oznaka na izbor vina, s
naglaskom na tradicionalne izraze, te stavove potrošača u odnosu na kakvoću vina i deklariranje.
U istraživanju, provedenom online upitnikom, sudjelovalo je preko 250 sudionika, potrošača i
proizvođača vina. Provedena je i analiza medija, s ključnim riječima kvalitetno vino i vrhunsko
vino. Većina proizvođača zadovoljna je tradicijom i korištenjem tradicionalnih izraza. Čimbenici
izbora vina na tržištu rangirani su sukladno socioekonomskoj pripadnosti anketiranih sudionika.
Udio anketiranih potrošača koji razumiju deklarirane izraze značajan je, ali su u konačnom izboru
ograničeni cijenom vina. Prezentiranje vina kroz medije, tradicionalnim izrazima kvalitetno i
vrhunsko, neupitan je izvor dobrobiti za proizvođače. Deklariranje tradicionalnih izraza predstavlja
komunikaciju koju potrošači prihvaćaju s povjerenjem.
224 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Quality labels of Croatian wines „quality“ and „top quality“ are based on chemical and sensory
parameters and became so called traditional terms after Croatia's join to the EU. Declaring
of traditional terms on the label is not mandatory, but is still regulated in a very precise way.
Considering the tradition of quality labeling longer than fifty years, the interest of professionals in
relation to importance of those terms in the market is unquestionable. Croatian winemakers use
the right of voluntary labeling of traditional terms, so this requires additional consumer education
because of different ways of presenting wine and quality.
The aim of this research was to obtain information how the choice of wine was influenced by
the declared terms, with emphasis on traditional terms, and consumer attitudes in terms of wine
quality and declaration too. The research was conducted with online questionnaire. More than
250 participants, consumers and winemakers completed the questionnaire. Media research, with
key words „quality“ wine and „top quality“ wine, was also carried out. The most of producers
are satisfied with tradition and traditional terms in wine labeling. Wine market choice factors
were ranked according to the socioeconomic affiliation of participants in research. The share of
respondents who understand the declared terms is significant, but they are limited by the price
of the wine. Presenting wine through the media with traditional terms quality and top quality
is an unquestionable source of wellbeing for the producers. Declaring traditional terms is the
communication in which consumers are confident.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 225
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Darko CENBAUER1, Robert BRKIĆ1, Željka PRŠA4, Edi MALETIĆ2,3, Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ2,
Ivana TOMAZ2, Domagoj STUPIĆ2, Željko ANDABAKA2, Darko PREINER2,3
Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za bioraznolikost i molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb,
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet, Horvatovac 95, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Graševina je najvažnija sorta vinove loze u Hrvatskoj sa udjelom od 23% u ukupnim površinama
pod vinogradima. U proizvodnim nasadima kontinentalne Hrvatske ova sorta se najčešće uzgaja
na dvije podloge: Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia Kober 5BB i Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia SO4.
Navedene podloge svojim karakteristikama bitno utječu na bujnost, prinos i kvalitetu grožđa sorata
vinove loze, dok njihov utjecaj na primarne arome u grožđu nije značajno istraživan, posebno u
kontekstu predmetne sorte. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj dviju podloga (Kober 5BB i SO4)
na sadržaj aromatskih spojeva u grožđu sorte 'Graševina'. Istraživanje je provedeno u pokusnom
nasadu klonskih kandidata cv. Graševina izdvojenih u postupku individualne klonske selekcije
cijepljenih na dvije podloge Kober 5BB i SO4 kroz dvije godine 2015. i 2016. Pokusni nasad
nalazi se na lokaciji Radovanci (vinogorje Kutjevo). Provedena je analiza sastava i koncetracije
aromatskih spojeva odgovornih za primarnu sortnu aromu lociranih u kožici grožđa putem
vezanog sustava plinska kromatografija-spektrometrija masa (GC-MS). Utvrđeno je kako u profilu
aromatskih spojeva u grožđu predmetne sorte dominiraju aldehidi, masne kiseline, esteri, alkoholi,
te terpeni koji su posebno značajni kao nosioci primarne arome vina. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj
podloge na sve istraživane grupe aromatskih spojeva.
Ključne riječi: grožđe, klonska selekcija, aromatski spojevi, primarne arome, GC-MS
226 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Darko CENBAUER1, Robert BRKIĆ1, Željka PRŠA4, Edi MALETIĆ2,3, Zvjezdana MARKOVIĆ2,
Ivana TOMAZ2, Domagoj STUPIĆ2, Željko ANDABAKA2, Darko PREINER2,3
Croatian Agency for Agriculture an Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Center of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Horvatovac 95, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Graševina is the most important grape variety in Croatia, with the 23% of the total area under
vineyards. In the vineyards of continental Croatia it is usually grown on two Vitis berlandieri x Vitis
riparia rootstocks Kober 5BB and SO4. These two rootstocks have a significant influence on the
vine vigor, yield and grape quality of vine varieties, while their influence on the primary aroma in
grapes has not been significantly researched, especially in the context of the Graševina variety. The
aim of this paper was to determine the influence of two rootstocks (Kober 5BB and SO4) on the
content of aromatic compounds in grapes of the Graševina variety. The research was conducted
in the experimental vineyard of clonal candidates cv. Graševina selected in the individual clone
selection procedure grafted on two rootstock Kober 5BB and SO4 during two harvest years 2015
and 2016. Experimental vineyard is located at Radovanci (Kutjevo wine region). Analysis of
content and concentration of aromatic compounds responsible for the varietal aroma profile that
are located in grape skin was done by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-
MS). It has been found that in the profile of aromatic compounds in grape of the subject variety are
dominated by aldehydes, fatty acids, esters, alcohols and terpenes which are particularly important
as carriers of varietal aroma. Significant influence of the rootstock on all the investigated groups of
aromatic compounds was determined.
Key words: grape, clonal selection, aromatic compounds, varietal aroma, GC-MS
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 227
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
The grape pathogenesis-related thaumatin-like proteins (TLP) and chitinases are the major soluble
proteins in grape juice and are considered responsible for haze formation in white wines. Bentonite
is still the most efficient and cost-effective agent for their removal. In this work, the differential
affinity of bentonite towards pathogenesis-related proteins was investigated, with respect to the
time of addition at various stages of fermentation of Malvazija istarska (Vitis vinifera L.) must in
order to possibly reduce the total dosage required. Five treatments were established, with an initial
bentonite dose of 100 g/hL added in clear must (MU), at the beginning (BE), in the middle (MD),
and at the end of fermentation (EN), while control (CO) received no bentonite. After fermentation,
protein-stable wines were obtained by additional bentonite fining. Proteins were determined by
reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). Four TLPs and two
chitinases were tentatively identified. All the treatments reduced both groups of proteins. MD and
especially EN treatments were characterised by the highest affinity of bentonite towards particular
TLP proteins, while the time of bentonite addition did not influence the removal of chitinases. MD
and EN turned out to be the most effective among the treatments and reduced the required total
bentonite amount for 19 and 21 %, respectively.
This work has been supported by Croatian Science Foundation under the project UIP-2014-09-
228 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Pjenušci Peršurić d.o.o., Pršurići 5a, 52463 Višnjan, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Veleučilište u Rijeci, Poljoprivredni odjel Poreč, Trpimirova 2, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska
Malvazija istarska (Vitis vinifera L.) smatra se autohtonom istarskom sortom i jedna je od
najznačajnijih bijelih sorata u Hrvatskoj. Potražnja za vinima ove sorte sve više raste, jer su
njezinu kvalitetu prepoznali mnogi potrošači kako Hrvatske, tako i cijeloga svijeta. Domaći
porizvođači u Istri sve češće biraju ovu sortu i kao bazu za proizvodnju pjenušavih vina, koja su
izuzetno popularna tokom turističke sezone. No, kako Istru karakterizira mediteranska klima, a
najzastupljenije tlo je crvenica, vina od Malvazije istarske najčešće imaju povišenu pH vrijednost.
Jedan od razloga je i previsoka količina kalija u tlu koji negativno utječe na pH vrijednost mošta.
Kako je pH vrijednost važan parametar u proizvodnji baznog vina i poželjno je da bude što
niži, pretpostavlja se da bi ga se moglo smanjiti folijarnom primjenom Mg zbog međusobnog
antagonističkog odnosa ta dva iona. Ukupna kiselost i pH međusobno su povezani, a direktno
utječu na svježinu i potencijal starenja baznoga vina i pjenušaca. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio
utvrditi utječe li folijarni tretman s Mg na pH vrijednost u moštu. Dvogodišnji pokus postavljen
je 2013. i 2014. godine, s četiri gnojidbena tretmana u tri ponavljanja (NPK, NPK + Agromag (6%
MgO), NPK + Agromag + Fosforo(30% P205) i NPK + Agromag + Fosforo + Bio Prot). Značajni
utjecaj postignut je sa tretmanima NPK + Agromag + Fosforo i NPK + Agromag + Fosforo + Bio
Prot. Sveukupno određena pH vrijednost u moštu bila je od 3,00 do 3,23.
Ključne riječi: folijarna gnojidba, pH vrijednost, Malvazija istarska (Vitis vinifera L.), bazna vina,
pjenušava vina
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 229
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Pjenušci Peršurić d.o.o., Pršurići 5a, HR-52463 Višnjan, Croatia (e-mail:
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetosimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Polytechnic of Rijeka, Agricultural Section Poreč, Trpimirova 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Istrian Malvasia (Vitis vinifera L.) is considered an autochthonous Istrian variety and is one of
the most important white varieties in Croatia. The demand for wine from this variety is growing
because its quality is recognized by many consumers in Croatia and around the world. Because of
this, domestic producers in Istria increasingly choose this variety and as a base for sparkling wines,
which is extremely popular during the tourist season. Mediterranean climate is characteristic for
Istria, and the most common ground is red soil, so wines of Istrian Malvasia generally have an
elevated pH value. One reason is the excessive amount of potassium that negatively affects the pH
value. Since pH value is an important parameter in the production of base wine and is desirable to
be as low as possible, it is assumed that it could be reduced by foliar application of Mg due to the
mutual antagonistic relationship of the two ions. pH value directly affects total acidity, along with
freshness and potential of aging of base wine and sparkling wine. Therefore, the aim of this reserch
was to determine whether foliar treatment with Mg affects pH value in must. Two-year trial (2013
and 2014) was set up in Višnjan with four treatmans in three repetition (NPK, NPK + Agromag
(6% MgO), NPK + Agromag + Fosforo (30% P205) and NPK + Agromag + Fosforo + Bio Prot
). The measured pH ranges from 3.00 to 3.23, and the lowest pH value was achieved with NPK +
Agromag + Fosforo treatment.
Key words: foliar fertilization, pH value, Istrian Malvasia (Vitis vinifera L.), base wine, sparkling
230 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Ivan PRŠA1, Robert BRKIĆ1, Višnja VUČETIĆ2, Jasminka KAROGLAN KONTIĆ4, Maja
Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, Grič 3, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet, Horvatovac 102a, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo među najvažnijim su poljoprivrednim i gospodarskim djelatnostima
u Hrvatskoj. Vinova loza (Vitis vinifera L.) klimatski je osjetljiva kultura, jer na njen rast i razvoj
uvelike utječu prevladavajući atmosferski uvjeti. Optimalni klimatski uvjeti za rast vinove loze
ograničeni su zemljopisno, te se uobičajeno smatra da su najpogodnija područja za njezin uzgoj
između 30° i 50° paralele sjeverne i južne geografske širine. Gledajući kroz sektor vinogradarstva
i vinarstva, agroklimatski indeksi su metode kojima se određuju zemljopisna područja i njihova
pogodnost za uzgoj određene sorte vinove loze, a pomoću njih se izrađuju karte vinogradarskih
područja. Utjecaj klime na vinogradarsko zoniranje procijenjen je na temelju projekcija vrijednosti
agroklimatskih indeksa poput Huglinovog indeksa, indeksa sume efektivnih temperatura prema
Winkleru, indeksa hladnih noći i indeksa prosječne temperature zraka u vegetaciji. U Hrvatskoj
je prva podjela na vinogradarske zone vezana uz izradu regionalizacije vinogradarskih područja
početkom 70-tih godina 20. stoljeća. Tadašnja podjela vinogradarskih zona napravljena je sukladno
međunarodnim standardima i preporukama OIV-a te Lisabonskom sporazumu iz 1958. godine,
a prema kojima su „zone proizvodnje rezultat prirodnih čimbenika i pri čemu klimatske prilike
igraju prvenstvenu ulogu“. Prema sumi efektivnih temperatura, današnja vinorodna područja
u Europi podijeljena su na klimatske zone: A,B,C I, C II, C IIIa i C IIIb. Ulaskom Hrvatske u
Europsku uniju, vinogradarske zone u Hrvatskoj podijeljene su na B,C I i C II zonu. Rezultati
najnovijih istraživanja te izračuni modela za projekciju buduće klime ukazuju na prisutnost
klimatskih promjena i značajan porast temperature zraka, što podupire hipotezu o nužnosti
revidiranja svih vinogradarskih zona u Hrvatskoj.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 231
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Ivan PRŠA1, Robert BRKIĆ1, Višnja VUČETIĆ2, Jasminka KAROGLAN KONTIĆ4, Maja
Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
Meteorological and Hydrological service of Agriculture, Grič 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Horvatovac 102a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Viticulture and enology are among the most important agricultural and economic activities
in Croatia. Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) are a climate sensitive crops, because its growth and
development are greatly influenced by the prevailing atmospheric conditions. The optimum
climatic conditions for grapevine production are geographically limited, with commonly
considered suitable areas for its production being between 30 ° and 50 ° of the north and south
latitudes. In the viticulture and winemaking sector, agro-climatic indices are methods used to
determine the geographical areas and their suitability for cultivating a particular grape variety, and
are also commonly used to create maps of vineyard areas. The influence of climate on vineyard
zoning was assessed on the basis of calculated values of agroclimate indexes such as Huglin's index,
index sum of the effective temperatures according to Winkler, cold night index and the average
air temperature index in the vegetation. In Croatia, the first division of vineyard zones was done
as part of the regionalization of wine-growing areas in the 1970s. The division of wine-growing
zones was done according to the international standards and recommendations of the OIV and
the 1958 Lisbon Agreement. According to them, "production zones are a result of natural factors,
with climatic conditions playing a prime role". According to the sum of the effective temperatures,
todays vineyards in Europe are divided into climatic zones: A, B, CI, C II, C IIIa and C IIIb.
When Croatia joined the European Union the vineyards in Croatia were divided into B, C I and
C II zones. The results of the latest research and the calculations of the model for future climate
projection indicate the presence of climate change and a significant increase in air temperature,
supporting the hypothesis of the need to revise all the vineyard zones in Croatia.
232 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
Autentičnost vina stalno je područje interesa različitih znanstvenih disciplina čiji je zajednički cilj
osigurati povjerenje u proizvod i sigurnost u deklarirane informacije. Najvažniji čimbenici koji
definiraju autentičnost vina su sortnost, berba i zemljopisno područje proizvodnje grožđa. Tijekom
godina razvijene su brojne tehnike za dokazivanje autentičnosti, a uspješnost njihove primjene
ovisi prvenstveno o kemijskim parametrima koji ne podliježu promjenama tijekom proizvodnje
ili ih je teško krivotvoriti. U utvrđivanju autentičnosti sortnog sastava i zemljopisnog podrijetla
vina koriste se analize profila različitih grupa kemijskih spojeva i brojne analitičke tehnike,
poput hlapivih spojeva i plinske kromatografije s masenim detektorom (GC-MS), polifenolnog,
amino kiselinskog i proteinskog sastava i tekućinske kromatografije visoke učinkovitosti s
masenim detektorom (HPLC-MS), mineralnog profila i induktivno spregnute plazme s masenim
detektorom (ICP-MS), stabilnih izotopa i nuklearne magnetske rezonance (NMR) i masenog
spektrometra za određivanje izotopnog omjera (IRMS), te multifaktorijalnih statističkih metoda
Upravo kombiniranje rezultata specifičnih analitičkih tehnika s multivarijatnom statističkom
analizom obećavajući je alat za razlikovanje vina u odnosu na sortu, berbu ili zemljopisno
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 233
Session 8. Viticulture and Enology
The authenticity of wine is permanent field of interest of different sciences, which common goal is
to ensure product confidence and safety in the declared information. The most important factors
defining the authenticity of wine are grape variety, vintage and geographical origin of grape
production. Numerous techniques have been developed to assess the authenticity over the time,
and the success of their use depends primarily on the chemical parameters and compounds that do
not undergo changes during the production process or are difficult to falsify. The modern analytical
techniques and analysis of the profiles of various groups of chemical compounds are used as a
markers in determination of the authenticity of the variety and the geographical origin of wine,
such as volatile compounds and gas cromatography GC, poliphenolic, amino acid and protein
profile with different high performance liquid chromatography HPLC, elemental composition with
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ICP-MS, stabile isotopes fingerprints with nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy NMR and isotope ratio mass spectrometry IRMS, and also
multivariate analysis (chemometrics, PCA, DA, CA, CLA) in interpretation of analytical data. The
results of specific analytical techniques combined with multivariate statistical analysis is promising
tool for differentiating wines in regards to variety, vintage or geographic origin.
234 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 9 Pomology
Zbornik sažetaka
Session 9. Pomology
An experimental orchard of plum (Prunus domestica L.) trees was planted in the autumn of 2016
at the Fruit Growing Institute - Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Objects of the present study were two plum
cultivars – ‘Jojo’ and ‘Topgigant Plus’ grafted on the clonal rootstock ‘Docera 6’. The observations
were conducted during the period 2017 - 2018. As a standard for comparison, the same cultivars
grafted on the rootstock Prunus cerasifera L. were used. Increasing amounts of ammonium nitrate
(NH4NO3) - 260 kg hа-1, 330 kg hа-1 and 400 kg hа-1 were applied twice, in each experimental year.
The aim of this research was to describe the dependence between the level of mineral nutrition
and the main nutrients content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe) in the leaves of the tested plum rootstock
combinations. The results obtained showed that the fertilization rate did not significantly affect the
nitrogen content in the leaves of the plum trees in all rootstock combinations. The values for the
nitrogen content in the leaves varied in range - 1.95 % - 2.49 %. The results regarding the content
of the other elements did not show a clear tendency. The nutrients content in leaves was affected by
the rootstock. The K content in the leaves was approximately twice higher for the trees grafted on
‘Docera 6’. This was observed for both tested cultivars. For the elements Mg and Fe a reverse trend
was observed. Their content was higher in the leaves of the grafted on P. cerasifera rootstock. The
results of these initial investigations give a good base for further studies.
Key words: plum, rootstock, nitrogen fertilization, leaf analysis, mineral elements
238 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Vedran BAHUN1, Barbara ANDJELIĆ1, Mišel JELIĆ1, Tomislav KOS2, Kristijan FRANIN2, Lucija
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Roosevelt square 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zadar, Department for ecology, agronomy and aquaculture, Square of prince Višeslav 6, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Understanding how changes in soil fauna diversity can affect ecosystem functions, with special
concern on the trophic network interactions, is among key questions in ecology. Predatory
arthropods that occupy higher trophic levels can be negatively affected by pesticides used in
the field, directly or/and through reduction of prey. Our aim is to determine predator and prey
diversity and abundance in two olive orchards characterized by different type of agricultural
management (IPM or ecological) and to analyze predation in both field types. In order to see the
differences in trophic interactions among invertebrate fauna (mollusks, earthworms, arthropods),
complex sampling has been carried out through vegetation season in 2018. Extensive DNA
barcoding of predators and potential prey will be provided, after which complex trophic network
will be created using acquired metagenomic data. Biodiversity study has shown that the main
predators in soil through late spring and summer were ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
and spiders (Arachnida: Aranea). On the other hand, in canopy layer dominant predators were
spiders and harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones). The dominant prey were springtails (Collembola),
Diptera, ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and mites (Arachnida: Acarina). Differences in
predatory fauna between study sites and impact of management type on predators’ diversity in the
field will be discussed with the purpose of improving biocontrol potential by predation.
Keywords: predatory arthropods, agricultural management type, olive orchard, trophic network
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 239
Session 9. Pomology
Jabukov savijač (Cydia pomonella L.) najvažniji je štetnik jabuke protiv kojega se godišnje
primjenjuje između 8 i 10 tretiranja insekticidima. Obzirom na negativne učinke insekticida na
okoliš i korisne organizme nastoji se smanjiti unos insekticida. Budući se smanjuje broj aktivnih
tvari s dozvolom za primjenu, nastoji se u zaštitu jabuke uvesti druge mjere zaštite kao što su
biološke i biokemijske. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinkovitost metode konfuzije jabukova
savijača kao osnovnu mjeru u odnosu na kemijsku zaštitu i učinkovitost metode konfuzije s
dodatnim manjim brojem zaštita insekticidima u odnosu na kemijsku zaštitu. U dvogodišnjem
istraživanju postavljeni su pokusi u voćnjaku Agromeđimurje d.d. Nadelišće tijekom 2017. i 2018.
godine. Za konfuziju su korišteni raspršivači feromona Isomate C TT u dozi od 500 raspršivača
po ha. Pokusne površine su iznosile 2ha u 2017. i 3ha u 2018. godini. U prvoj godini istraživanja
u zaštiti od jabukova savijača primijenjena je samo konfuzija, a u drugoj godini uz konfuziju i 3
tretiranja insekticidima početkom vegetacije da bi se smanjila prezimljena populacija.
U prvoj godini istraživanja na konfuziji u berbi bilo je u prosjeku 5,5% napadnutih plodova, a na
standardu uz 6 primjena insekticida 1,25%, u drugoj godini je postotak napadnutih plodova bio
jednak od 0,5%. Može se zaključiti da je moguće zaštititi nasad jabuke od jabukova savijača ovom
metodom uz dodatna 2 do 3 tretiranja insekticidima.
240 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
The codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) is the most important apple pest and is controlled by using
insecticides 8 to 10 times a year. Due to the negative effects of insecticides on the environment
and beneficial organisms it is adventageous to reduce its use in pest control. Since the number
of permitted active substances decreases over time, other protective measures, such as biological
and biochemical, are introduced in apple protection practice. The aim of the research was to
determine the effectiveness of mating disruption as a basic protection method in relation to the
chemical protection and the efficiency of mating disruption with an additional chemical control
treatments in relation to the chemical control treatments. In a two-year study, experiments were
conducted in the orchard of Agromeđimurje d.d. Nadelišće during the vegetation season of 2017
and 2018. Isomate C TT pheromone sprayers were used for disruption at a dose of 500 sprays per
ha. Experimental plot of 2ha was set up in 2017 and 3ha experimental plot was set up in 2018. In
the first year of research only mating disruption was applied for control of codling moth, and in
the second year three additional insecticide treatments along with mating disruption were applied
at the beginning of vegetation in order to reduce the overwintering pest population. In the first
year of research at harvest time, there was an average of 5.5% damaged fruits on mating disruption
plot and 1.25% damaged fruits on standard control plot (with 6 insecticide applications). In the
second year of research the percentage of damaged fruits was equal (0.5%) on both plots. We can
conclude that it is possible to protect the apple orchard of codling moth using mating disruption
with additional 2 to 3 insecticide aplications during the season.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 241
Session 9. Pomology
Hrvatska je zemlja s vrlo dugom tradicijom proizvodnje voća u kojoj autohtone i udomaćene sorte
zauzimaju važno mjesto. Zavod za voćarstvo i povrćarstvo Hrvatskog centra za poljoprivredu,
hranu i selo se 2014. uključio u Nacionalni program očuvanja i održive uporabe biljnih genetskih
izvora za hranu i poljoprivredu u RH s ciljem inventarizacije i prikupljanja biljnih genetskih
izvora i izgradnju kapaciteta za njihovo čuvanje, održavanje, regeneraciju, opis i procjenu
svojstava primki. Tijekom 2016. i 2017. godine prikupljeni su uzorci lišća 145 genotipova jabuke
iz kolekcijskog nasada u Donjoj Zelini za potrebe molekularne identifikacije sorti koja je izvršena
upotrebom 12 mikrosatelitskih (SSR) biljega (CH04c07, CH01h10, CH01h01, Hi02c07, CH01f02,
CH01f03b, GD12, GD147, CH04e05, CH02d08, CH02c11, CH02c09, europski standardni set
dogovoren na razini ECPGR) u DNA Fingerprinting Service, NIAB EMR, UK. Podaci su dobiveni
upotrebom Applied Biosystems 3110 Prism Genetic Analyzer i analizirani pomoću GENESCAN
i GENOTYPER softverske aplikacije. Svi analizirani uzorci su uredno očitani i uspoređeni
međusobno s više od 2000 genotipova jabuke iz baze genotipova koja je formirana iz tri
kolekcijska nasada: National Fruit Collection, Tamar Valley Group i Irish Seed Savers Association.
Na temelju dobivenih rezultata za 22 genotipa potvrđen je identitet, kod 19 genotipova utvrđeno
je pravo ime sorte, za 54 genotipova utvrđeno je da su jedinstveni, 45 genotipova su bili duplikati,
a za pet genotipova je utvrđeno da se ne radi o tradicionalnim sortama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja
dali su jasniju sliku stanja tradicionalnog sortimenta jabuke u RH.
Ključne riječi: jabuka, tradicionalne sorte, kolekcijski nasad, molekularna identifikacija
242 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Croatia is a country with long tradition of fruit production in which autochthonous and
domesticated cultivars are prominent. Institute of Pomology and Vegetable Crops of the Croatian
Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has been involved in the National Programme
for Preservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in the
Republic of Croatia since 2014, with the aim to make an inventory off and collect plant genetic
resources as well as to build capacity for preservation, maintenance, regeneration, description and
evaluation of accessions. Leaf samples of 145 apple genotypes from the collection orchard in Donja
Zelina for molecular identification of varieties were collected in 2016 and 2017, and DNA analysis,
using 12 microsatellite (SSR) markers (CH04c07, CH01h10, CH01h01, Hi02c07, CH01f02,
CH01f03b, GD12, GD147, CH04e05, CH02d08, CH02c11, CH02c09, the European standard set,
agreed by ECPGR) was performed in the DNA Fingerprintig Service, NIAB EMR, UK. Data was
generated using Applied Biosystems 3110 Prism Genetic Analyzer and with GENESCAN and
GENOTYPER software applications were used to collect and analyse data. All of the samples
gave a clear fingerprint and were compared to each other and against the 2000 apple genotype
samples made up of accessions from the National Fruit Collection, Tamar Valley Group and Irish
Seed Savers Association. Based on obtained results identity was confirmed for 22 genotypes, true
name of the variety was determined in 19 genotypes, 54 genotypes were found to be unique,
45 genotypes were duplicates and five genotypes were identified not to be a traditional variety.
The results of this study gave a clearer picture of the state of the traditional apple cultivars in the
Republic of Croatia.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 243
Session 9. Pomology
Lepomir ČOGA, Sanja SLUNJSKI, Vesna JURKIĆ, Tin PAKŠEC, Marko PETEK, Mihaela
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi učinkovitost Holcim Agrocal proizvoda Agrocal
(Ca+Mg) i Agrocal (Ca) u neutralizaciji štetne kiselosti tla te njihovu učinkovitost na prirod i
kvalitetu ploda jabuka, sorte 'Idared'. Poljski pokus postavljen je u razdoblju 2013.-2015. godine,
na pseudoglejnom tipu tla, po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu sa 7 varijanti u 3 ponavljanja, na
lokaciji Carevo selo, općina Barilović (Hrvatska). Prosječni uzorci tla uzeti su 5 puta iz sloja
0-30 i 30-60 cm (prvo uzorkovanje 13.12.2013. godine, prije tretmana, drugo u svibnju, treće
u kolovozu, četvrto u listopadu 2014., a peto uzorkovanje u veljači 2015. godine), uzorci lišća 3
puta (u cvatnji, u fazi veličine plodova 4-5 cm i u berbi), te uzorci ploda u berbi u 2014. godini.
Mineralni sastav ploda utvrđen je u neoguljenim plodovima. Pozitivan učinak na povećanje pH
vrijednosti tla utvrđen je kod oba Holcim Agrocal proizvoda, s time da su nešto veća povećanja
utvrđena kod varijanti tretiranih s Agrocal (Ca) u odnosu na Agrocal (Ca+Mg). U odnosu na
mineralni sastav lista, Agrocal proizvodi imali su značajno jači utjecaj na mineralni sastav i
kvalitetu ploda. Povećanje koncentracije kalcija u svježem mesu neoguljenog ploda, u odnosu na
kontrolnu varijantu, kretalo se u rasponu od 29,8-37,3 % (3,0 t/ha Agrocala) do 92,6-137,8 % (9,0
t/ha Agrocala). Temeljem utvrđenog blaga prednost daje se proizvodu Agrocal (Ca+Mg) jer se radi
o materijalu koji obogaćuje tlo kalcijem i magnezijem i rezultira povoljnijim odnosom kalcija i
magnezija u plodu.
Ključne riječi: kiselost tla, kvaliteta ploda, mineralni sastav, vapneni materijali
244 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Lepomir ČOGA, Sanja SLUNJSKI, Vesna JURKIĆ, Tin PAKŠEC, Marko PETEK, Mihaela
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
The goal of this research was to determine the efficiency of Holcim Agrocal products, Agrocal
(Ca+Mg) and Agrocal (Ca), for the neutralization of the harmful soil acidity and its efficiency on
the yield and quality of the 'Idared' apple fruit. The field trial was set up in the time frame from
2013 to 2015, on a pseudogley soil in randomized block design with 7 treatments in 3 repetitions,
at location Carevo selo, municipality Barilovic, Croatia. The average soil samples were taken 5
times in 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depth (first soil sampling was carried out on 13 Dec 2013, before
soil treatment; second soil sampling was in May, third in August, fourth in October 2014, and fifth
in February 2015), while leaf samples were taken 3 times (in flowering, in phase of fruit size of 4-5
cm and in harvest) and fruit samples in harvest in 2014. The mineral content of fruit was analysed
in unpeeled samples. A positive effect on soil pH was determined for both Holcim Agrocal
products, among which Agrocal (Ca) resulted in higher pH values in contrast to Agrocal (Ca+Mg).
With respect to the mineral content of leaves, both Agrocal products proved to have significant
effect on the mineral content and fruit quality. The increase of the calcium concentration in the
fresh unpeeled fruit, in contrast to the control treatment, is in a range from 29.8-37.8% (3 t/
ha Agrocal) to 92.6-137.8% (9 t/ha Agrocal). Based on field experiments, Agrocal (Ca+Mg) is
favourable product as it enriches the soil both with calcium and magnesium and results in desired
ratio of calcium and magnesium in fruit.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 245
Session 9. Pomology
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prehrambeno – biotehnološki fakultet, Pierottijeva ulica 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Mini mljekara Veronika, Put Matije Gupca 5, 49216 Desinić, Hrvatska
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj maltodekstrina, inulina, arapske gume i različitih
kombinacija ovih spojeva (odnos 1:1), kao nosača u procesu sušenja raspršivanjem ekstrakta
lista masline. Kako bi se utvrdila optimalna temperatura (120, 150, 180 °C) i optimalan
omjer uzorka i nosača (3:1, 5:1) za svaki nosač, provedeno je sušenje raspršivanjem modelnih
otopina galne kiseline te su u tu svrhu određeni prinos praha i učinkovitost zadržavanja fenola
(spektrofotometrijsko određivanje pomoću Folin–Ciocalteu reagensa). Optimalna temperatura
za sušenje uzoraka s gumom arabikom je 180 °C, dok je 150 °C optimalna temperatura za sušenje
uz primjenu svih ostalih nosača. Optimalan omjer uzorka i nosača uzoraka s gumom arabikom
te uzoraka s inulinom je 3:1, dok je za primjenu ostalih nosača optimalan omjer 5:1. Navedeni
parametri zatim su korišteni za sušenje ekstrakta lista masline dobivenog ubrzanom ekstrakcijom
otapalima uz povišeni tlak (PLE) te su provedene analize fizikalnih svojstava dobivenih prahova
(vrijeme rehidratacije i nasipna gustoća). Upotrebom kombinacije maltodekstrina i arapske gume
postignut je najveći prinos praha (56,5 %), najveća učinkovitost zadržavanja fenola (54,48 %) i
dobra fizikalna svojstva praha. Međutim, najbolja fizikalna svojstva praha postignuta su upotrebom
kombinacije inulina i arapske gume. Koncentracije ukupnih fenola u dobivenim prahovima
povećane su više od tri puta u odnosu na prah lista masline prije ekstrakcije i sušenja.
Ključne riječi: sušenje raspršivanjem, list masline, polifenoli, inkapsulacija, modelne otopine
246 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Pierottijeva street 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Mini mljekara Veronika, Put Matije Gupca 5, 49216 Desinić, Croatia
The aim of this research is to evaluate the influence of maltodextrin, inulin, gum arabic and
different mixtures of these components (ratio 1:1), as carrier in spray drying of olive leaf extract.
To define optimal temperature (120, 150, 180 °C) and sample to solvent ratio (3:1, 5:1) for each
carrier, there was carried out drying by spraying of gallic acid model solutions and total phenolic
content (spectrophotometric method with Folin-Ciocalteu's reagent) of the encapsulated powders
were determined for that purpose. Optimal temperature for samples with gum arabic was 180
°C, while for all other samples it was 150 °C. In addition, optimal sample to solvent ratio for
samples with inulin, as well as gum arabic, was 3:1 while for all other samples it was 5:1. These
obtained parameters were used for spray drying of the olive leaf extract obtained by pressurized
liquid extraction (PLE) and conducted analyses of physical properties of the obtained powders
(dissolution test, bulk density) were also performed. Mixture of maltodextrin and gum arabic
resulted with the highest powder yield (56,5 %), the highest polyphenol retention (54,48 %) and
good physical properties. However, the best physical properties were obtained in powder with
mixture of inulin and gum arabic. Phenolic content in the obtained powders have increased more
than three times compared to the olive leaf powder before extraction and drying.
Keywords: spray drying, olive leaf, phenolic content, encapsulation, model solutions
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 247
Session 9. Pomology
Tijekom 2018. godine izvršena je analiza kvalitete svježe ubranih plodova jagode stalnorađajuće
sorte 'Murano' i jednorodne sorte 'Joly' uzgojenih na tri različite lokacije u Zagrebačkoj županiji.
Uspoređivana su dva sustava uzgoja (hidroponski u supstratu i uzgoj u tlu). Istraživani su fizikalni
parametri ploda masa (g), tvrdoća (kg/cm2) i boja ploda, a od kemijskih parametara topljiva suha
tvar (oBrix) i ukupne kiseline (g/L). Iako postavljena hipoteza daje prednost hidroponskom sustavu
uzgoja, najbolje odnose parametara kvalitete ploda pokazali su plodovi stalnorađajuće sorte
neutralnog dana 'Murano' iz sustava uzgoja u tlu. U obje berbe, sorta 'Murano' iz sustava uzgoja u
tlu imala je najmanju masu ploda (19,48 g) i najtvrđe plodove (0,57 kg/cm2) te je ovime dokazana
negativna korelacija parametara mase i tvrdoće ploda jagode opisana ranije u literaturi. Isti plodovi
su pokazali najviše vrijednosti omjera topljive suhe tvari i ukupnih kiselina (1,78) u drugoj berbi
dok su u prvoj berbi jedino signifikantno niže vrijednosti spomenutog parametra zabilježene kod
plodova sorte 'Murano' iz hidroponskog sustava uzgoja (0,93).
Ključne riječi: Fragaria x ananassa Duch., stalnorađajuće sorte, jednorodne sorte, hidroponski
248 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
During 2018 was examined fresh fruit quality of of day-neutral strawberry 'Murano' and short-day
strawberry 'Joly' from three different locations in Zagreb County. Two types of cultivation systems
were compared and those were hydroponics and conventional soil-based cultivation system.
Examined physical parameters were weight (g), firmness (kg/cm2) and colour of the fruit and
chemical parameters were total soluble solids (oBrix) and total titratable acidity (g/L). Although
the set hypothesis puts a preference on the hydroponic cultivation system, the best correlation of
fruit quality parameters was observed in fruits of day-neutral strawberry ‘Murano’ from soil-based
cultivation system.
Fruit of day-neutral strawberry ‘Murano’ from soil-based cultivation system had the lowest weight
value (19,48 g) and highest fruit firmness (0,57 kg/cm2) which proves the negative correlation of
these two parameters mentioned in the literature. Same fruits had the highest value of soluble
solids and total acidity ratio (1,78) in the second harvest, while in the first harvest only fruits of the
strawberry ‘Murano’ grown in the hydroponics system had significantly lower values (0,93) of the
mentioned parameter.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 249
Session 9. Pomology
Kristijan FRANIN, Matej RAŽNJEVIĆ, Šime MARCELIĆ, Branka MARIČIĆ, Tomislav KOS
Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za ekologiju, agronomiju i akvakulturu, Mihovila Pavlinovića 1, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
Smokva (Ficus carica L.) je mediteranska voćna vrsta koja ima dugu tradiciju uzgoja na području
Ravnih kotara. U fauni smokve zastupljene su neke štetne ali i brojne vrste korisnih člankonožaca.
Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti sveukupnu faunu člankonožaca smokve u zakorovljenom i
pokošenom (malčiranom) nasadu. Istraživanje je provedeno u voćnjaku sa integriranim sustavom
proizvodnje. Zastupljene sorte su: 'Zamorčica', 'Petrovača bijela' i 'Bjelica'. Uzorkovanje faune je
obavljeno metodom otresanja grana, korištenjem žutih ljepljivih ploča, te lovnih posuda (pitfall
trap). Otresanje je provedeno dva puta mjesečno, lovne posude su pregledavane tri puta mjesečno,
a žute ploče jednom tjedno. Istraživanje je provedeno od početka svibnja do kraja kolovoza 2017.
godine. Determinacijom je određen ukupan broj člankonožaca pojedinog reda, kao i udio štetne,
korisne i neutralne faune. Tijekom ovog istraživanja sakupljeno je sveukupno 11 337 jedinki iz 10
redova, od toga 6 359 jedinki u zakorovljenom i 4 978 u pokošenom dijelu voćnjaka. Najbrojniji
redovi bili su: Hemiptera (Homoptera) sa 64,65 % udjela u cjelokupnoj fauni, zatim Diptera (15,51
%), Hymenoptera (15,42 %) i Coleoptera (2,12 %). Udio štetne faune u zakorovljenom dijelu je
iznosio 63,57 %, korisne 18,88 % i neutralne 17,97 %. Dok je u pokošenom dijelu udio štetne faune
iznosio je 67,57 %, korisne 18,15 % i neutralne 17,97 %. Ovim istraživanjem nije uočena razlika u
sastavu faune člankonožaca između zakorovljene i pokošene (malčirane) površine voćnjaka.
250 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Kristijan FRANIN, Matej RAŽNJEVIĆ, Šime MARCELIĆ, Branka MARIČIĆ, Tomislav KOS
University of Zadar, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, Mihovila Pavlinovića 1, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
The Common Fig (Ficus carica L.) is a Mediterranean fruit crop that has a long history of
cultivation in the Ravni kotari area. In fig tree fauna there are some harmful but also many species
of beneficial arthropods. The main aim of this research was to determine the overall arthropod
fauna in weedy and mowed (mulched) fig orchard. The research was carried out in the orchard
with an integrated system of production. Presented varieties were: 'Zamorčica', 'Petrovača bijela' i
'Bjelica'. The sampling was done by a mechanical knock-down method, using yellow sticky traps
and pitfall traps. Mechanical knock-down sampling was performed twice a month, pitfall traps
were examined three times a month, and yellow sticky traps once a week. This study was conducted
from the beginning of May till the end of August 2017. The total number of individuals of each
order was determined, as well as the proportion of harmful, beneficial and neutral fauna. During
this research a total of 11 337 individuals belonging to 10 orders were collected, 6 359 individuals
in weedy and 4 978 in mowed (mulched) orchard. The most abundant taxonomic groups were:
Hemiptera (Homoptera) (64.65 %), Diptera (15.51 %), Hymenoptera (15.42 %) and Coleoptera
(2.12 %). In a weedy orchard, 63.57 % belonged to harmful fauna, 18.15 % to useful fauna and
neutral 17.97 %. Until in mowed part of orchard percentage of harmful fauna was 67.57 %, useful
18.15 % and neutral 17.97 %. In this research, there was no difference in the composition of the
arthropod fauna between weedy and mowed (mulched) common fig orchard.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 251
Session 9. Pomology
Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Tvrtko JELAČIĆ, Danijel ČIČEK, Predrag
Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (
Period cvatnje šljiva traje od sedam do četrnaest dana, ovisno o vremenskim uvjetima. Cilj
istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojem vremenu cvatnje primjena amonij tiosulfata (ATS) ima najbolji
učinak prorjeđivanja. Pokus je proveden na sorti 'Topstar plus' u proljeće 2018. godine u pokusnom
voćnjaku Zavoda za voćarstvo i povrćarstvo u Donoj Zelini. Tretiranja su obavljena 13.4. u fenofazi
BBCH 63 (30 % otvorenih cvjetova), 16.4. u BBCH 65 (50 % otvorenih cvjetova), te 18.4. u BBCH
67 (većina latica otpalo), u koncentraciji od 1,5 % ATS - a. Mjerena su svojstva: prirod po stablu,
masa i veličina, topljiva suha tvar i tvrdoća ploda. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni analizom
varijance i LSD testom.
Prirod po stablu kretao se od 33,9 kg/stablu (BBCH 63) do 53,4 kg/stablu (BBCH 65), i svi
tretmani su se značajno razlikovali. Masa ploda iznosila je od 35,18 g (BBCH 67) do 49,04 g
(BBCH 63). Značajno najmanja masa ploda utvrđena je za tretmane BBCH 67 i kontrolu, BBCH 65
imao je srednju (43,48 g), a BBCH 63 značajno najveću (49,04 g) masu ploda. Tvrdoća je iznosila
od 510 g/cm2 (BBCH 67) do 886,67 g/cm2 (BBCH 65), a topljiva suha tvar od 14,17 °Brix - a
(BBCH 63) do 15,93 °Brix – a (kontrola). Tretmani se u ovim svojstvima nisu značajno razlikovali.
Najbolji učinak prorjeđivanja bio je u fenofazi BBCH 65 (50 % otvorenih cvjetova - puna cvatnja),
u fenofazi BBCH 63 (30 % otvorenih cvjetova) prorjeđivanje je bilo preveliko, dok je u fenofazi
BBCH 67 (kraj cvatnje) učinak prorjeđivanja izostao.
252 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Tvrtko JELAČIĆ, Danijel ČIČEK, Predrag
Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (e-mail:
Flowering time in plums lasts from 7 to 14 days, depending to the weather conditions. The aim of
this study was to estimate best effect of application of ammonium thiosulfate depending to the time
of flowering. Trail was conducted on variety 'Topstar plus' in the spring of 2018 in experimental
orchard of the Institute of Pomology and Vegetable Growing in Donja Zelina. Treatments were
performed in 13.4. at phenophase BBCH 63 (30 % flowers open), in 16.4. at BBCH 65 (50 %
flowers open), and in 18.4. at BBCH 67 (majority of petals fallen). Concentration of ATS was 1,5
%. Following characteristics were measured: yield per tree, weight, size, firmness and soluble solids
content of fruit. Data were statistically processed by variance analysis and LSD test. Yield per tree
ranged from 33,9 kg/tree (BBCH 63) to 53,4 kg/tree (BBCH 65), all treatments were significantly
different. Fruit weight ranged from 35,18 g (BBCH 67) to 49,04 g (BBCH 63). Fruit weight was
significantly lowest at treatments BBCH 67 and control and significantly biggest at treatment
BBCH 63. Fruit firmness ranged from 510 g/cm2 (BBCH 67) to 886,67 g/cm2 (BBCH 65), and
soluble solids content from 14,17 °Brix (BBCH 63) to 15,93 °Brix (control). The treatments in these
characteristics weren't significantly different.
Best thinning effect was at phenophase BBCH 65 (50 % flowers open), in phenophase BBCH 63 (30
% flowers open) thinning was excessively, while in the phenophase BBCH 67 (majority of petals
fallen) thinning effect failed.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 253
Session 9. Pomology
U uzgoju maslina berba je jedna od najvažnijih tehnoloških mjera u masliniku koja može utjecati
na kvalitetu ulja. Masline se mogu brati ručno, uz pomoć različitih češljeva, raznim mehaničkim
pomagalima te tresačima. Istraživanje je provedeno 2018. godine, u nasadu maslina zasađenih u
super gustom sklopu (3,7 x 1,35 m) na pokušalištu Kaštel Štafilić Zavoda za voćarstvo i povrćarstvo
HCPHS-a. Tijekom berbe korišteni su različiti tipovi tresači: pneumatski tresač s različitim
izvedbama glave (valovitim - Mambo light i ravnim zubima - Mambo speed), te električni tresač
(Falcon). Učinak rada tresača uspoređen je s ručnom berbom pomoću češljeva. Pokus je proveden
na četiri sorte maslina: 'Cipressino', 'Tosca', 'Arbequina' i 'Koroneiki'. U provedenom istraživanju
pračen je učinak berbe pojedinog tresača u jednoj minuti, prosječni utrošak vremena berbe po
stablu za svaku pojedinu vrstu tresača, prosječnu količinu otresenog lišća, prosječni broj otpalih
grančica (≥ 15 cm), te je izvršena procjena zaostalih plodova na stablu nakon berbe. Na svim
sortama najučinkovitiji tresač pokazao se Mambo light koji je u jednoj minuti otresao najviše
plodova ('Tosca' – 1613 g, 'Cipressino' - 1828 g, 'Arbequina' - 1311 g i 'Koroneiki' - 1115 g).
Najmanja količina otresenog lišća utvrđena je kod ručne berbe maslina kod svih sorti osim kod
sorte 'Koroneiki', gdje je prilikom upotrebe tresača Falcon otreseno najmanje lišća. Najmanji broj
otrgnutih grančica utvrđen je kod Falcon tresača a najveći kod Mambo speed tresača za sve sorte u
254 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
In olive production harvesting is one the most important technological measures that can affect
olive oil quality. Olive harvesting can be done by hand, by different harvesting rakes, by different
mechanical tools as well as by harvest shakers. Research were carried out during 2018. Season in
olive corps planted in super dens growing system (3.7 x 1.35 m) planted in experimental orchard
Kaštel Štafilić of the Institute of Pomology and Vegetable Crops of CCAFRA. During harvest
were used different type of shakers: Pneumatic shaker with different head types (wavy - Mambo
light and flat teeth - Mambo speed), as well as electrical shaker (Falcon). Work efficiency was
compared to hand harvesting with harvesting rakes. Trial was implemented on four olive cultivars:
‘Cipressino’, ‘Tosca’, ‘Arbequina’ and ‘Koroneiki’. Following parameters were measured in this trial –
yield efficiency of individual shakers during one-minute, average time needed to harvest a tree for
each cultivar, average amount of shaken down leaves, time used to harvest a tree for each type of a
shaker, average amount of leaves that were shaken down, average number of fallen twigs (≥ 15 cm),
as well as estimation of fruits that remained on a tree after harvesting. The most efficient harvester
on all cultivars was Mambo light which has harvested most of the fruits in one minute (Tosca –
1613 g, Cipressino -1828 g, Arbequina - 1311 g and Koroneiki - 1115 g). The smallest amount of
shaken down leaves was determined at hand harvesting for all cultivars except for cv ‘Koroneiki’
for which Falcon shaker has shaken down the least amount of leaves. The smallest amount of fallen
twigs was determined for Falcon shaker and highest for Mambo speed shaker for all cultivar in this
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 255
Session 9. Pomology
Šipak je visoko vrijedna voćna vrsta koja se u priobalju Hrvatske tradicionalno uzgaja kao grm
ili ukrasno stablo u vrtovima i okućnicama, a ima i veliki neiskorišteni potencijal plantažnog
uzgoja. Podložna je napadu brojnih fitopatogenih gljiva koje uzrokuju različite bolesti od kojih
se najvažnijima smatraju bolesti ploda, a u novije vrijeme i bolesti drva šipka. Simptomi bolesti
drva šipka uključuju pucanje kore, nekrozu drva, rak rane, kloroze lišća, sušenje izboja, grana te
čitavih stabala, a kao mogući uzročnici navode se gljive iz rodova Ceratocystis, Coniella i Cytospora.
Tijekom 2017. godine, navedeni simptomi uočeni su na više lokaliteta na području Dalmacije,
stoga je cilj istraživanja bio utvrditi poveznicu navedenih simptoma s fitopatogenim gljivama.
Sakupljeni su uzorci drva simptomatskih biljaka različitih sorti, iz kojih su izolirane gljive. Izolati
gljiva identificirani su na temelju fenotipskih obilježja na hranjivoj podlozi PDA, a dio izolata
dodatno je identificiran analizom molekularnih markera ITS i EF1-α. U svim analiziranim
uzorcima drva utvrđena je prisutnost gljive Cytospora punicae, poznatog uzročnika raka i sušenja
šipka u svijetu, a Penicillium sp. i Alternaria sp. bile su prisutne u tek manjem broju uzoraka.
Zaključeno je da je C. punicae vjerojatni uzročnik sušenja šipka u Dalmaciji što će biti potrebno
dodatno provjeriti testovima patogenosti. Ovo je prvi nalaz C. punicae na šipku u Hrvatskoj.
256 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Pomegranate is a fruit species of high value which is traditionally grown as a fruit or ornamental tree
in gardens in the Croatian coastal area and has a large unused potential for commercial cultivation.
It is susceptible to a number of phytopathogenic fungi that cause various diseases, with fruit, and
more recently wood diseases, being considered as most important. Symptoms of pomegranate wood
diseases include scarring of bark, wood necrosis, cankers, chlorotic leaves, dieback of shoots,
branches and whole trees, while fungi from genera Ceratocystis, Coniella and Cytospora are reported
as possible causal agents. During 2017, these symptoms were observed on several sites in Dalmatia,
so the aim of this study was to determine a link between observed symptoms and phytopathogenic
fungi. Wood samples from symptomatic plants of different varieties were collected from which fungi
were isolated on PDA media and tentatively identified on the basis of morphology. Part of the
isolates were further identified based on analysis of molecular markers ITS and EF1-α. In all
analyzed samples, the presence of fungus Cytospora punicae, a known cause of dieback of
pomegranate, was determined, while Penicillium sp. and Alternaria sp. were present in small number
of samples. It is concluded that C. punicae is a probable cause of pomegranate dieback in Dalmatia,
which will have to be further tested by pathogenicity trials. This is the first report of C. punicae on
pomegranate in Croatia.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 257
Session 9. Pomology
Tomislav KOS1, Šime MARCELIĆ1, Kristijan FRANIN1, Zoran ŠIKIĆ1, Ana GAŠPAROVIĆ
Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za ekologiju, agronomiju i akvakulturu, Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
Syngenta Agro d.o.o., Samoborska cesta 147, 10090 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Zadarska županija, Božidara Petranovića 8, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
Maslina (Olea europea L.) je gospodarski značajna kultura mediteranskog podneblja. Maslinina
muha (Bactrocera (Daculus) oleae (Gmelin, 1790)) s obzirom na vremenske prilike uzrokuje
gospodarske štete na pojedinim lokalitetima. Štete je moguće predvidjeti pravovremenom
prognozom leta odraslih oblika postavljanjem feromonskih klopki i žutih ljepljivih ploča.
Pojavnost šteta je usko vezana uz temperature i količinu te raspored oborina na pojedinim
lokacijama. Zadarska županija je u sklopu projekta PESCAR (Interreg-IPA-CBC (HR-BA-ME277)
na deset lokaliteta postavila mrežu agrometeoroloških postaja u svrhu razvoja infrastrukture
da maslinari uspješnije suzbijaju štetnike i smanjuju upotrebu pesticida. Cilj rada je usporediti
datume pojavnosti i dinamiku leta s podacima o srednjoj dnevnoj temperaturi i količini oborina
na pojedinim lokalitetima. Svrha rada je razvijati model učinkovitije prognoze i doprinjeti
integriranoj proizvodnji maslina preporučujući tretiranja insekticidima temeljem agrometeorloških
podataka. Redovitim praćenjem leta muhe i agrometeoroloških podataka uočeno je da pojavnost
i dinamika populacije maslinine muhe nije jednaka na cijelom području Zadarske županije.
Usporedbom agrometeoroloških podataka s dinamikom populacije na pojedinim lokalitetima
započeta je razrada modela koji predviđa datum pojavnosti i rast populacije maslinine muhe.
Preliminarni rezultati su raspravljeni s literaturom, a uspješnost modela će rasti s višegodišnjim
mjerenjima i usporedbama pojavnosti, leta i agrometeoroloških podataka.
Ključne riječi: agrometeorloške postaje, Bactrocera oleae, dinamika populacije, Olea europea,
Zadarska županija.
258 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Tomislav KOS1, Šime MARCELIĆ1, Kristijan FRANIN1, Zoran ŠIKIĆ1, Ana GAŠPAROVIĆ
University of Zadar, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, Square of prince Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Syngenta Agro d.o.o., Samoborska cesta 147, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia
Zadarska county, Božidara Petranovića street 8, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Olive (Olea europea L.) is an economically significant Mediterranean culture. Olive fly (Bactrocera
(Daculus) oleae (Gmelin, 1790)) with regard to weather conditions cause economic damage on
certain localities. Damage can be predicted by weather forecasting of adult flight, than by placing
pheromone and yellow sticky traps. The appearence of damage is closely related to the amount and
distribution of precipitation at certain locations. The Zadar County within the PESCAR project
(Interreg-IPA-CBC (HR-BA-ME277)) has set up on 10 sites a network of agro-meteorological
stations for the purpose of infrastructure development to protect the olives from pests and
reduce the use of pesticides. The aim of this paper is to compare the dates of occurrence and
flight and olive fly population dynamics data on average daily temperature and rainfall in some
localities. The purpose of this paper is to develop a model for more efficient prognosis and to
contribute to integrated olive production, recommending the treatment of insecticides based on
agrometeorological data. Regular monitoring of flight and agrometeorological data it has been
recognized that occurrence and dynamic of olive fly population is different on the area of the Zadar
Country.By comparing agrometeorological data with the dynamics of the population in some
localities, a model has been elaborated which foresees the date of appearance and the growth of
the olive fly population. With multi-year measurements and comparisons of occurrence, flight and
agrometeorological data, precision of model will raise.
Key words: agro-meteorological stations, Bactrocera oleae, population dynamics, Olea europea,
Zadar County.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 259
Session 9. Pomology
U suvremenom uzgoju trešnje jedan od vodećih problema je pucanja plodova u vrijeme
dozrijevanja. Na pucanje plodova utječu brojni čimbenici kao što su genom kultivara, količina i
raspored oborina te vlaga u tlu. Folijarna primjena količine kalcija može smanjiti postotak pucanja,
ali različito utjecati na plodove trešnje. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj broja tretiranja
kalcijem (tretman 1 – T1 tretiranje dva puta 2%-tnom otopinom kalcija; tretman 2 – T2 tretiranje
šest puta 2%-tnom otopinom kalcija i kontrola – K bez tretiranja kalcijem) na morfometrijske i
histološke promjene plodova trešnje ‘Regina’ i ‘Sweetheart’. Kod kultivara 'Regina' nije utvrđena
značajna razlika u masi i dimenzijama ploda između plodova kontrole i T1, dok je T2 utjecao
na povećanje mase i dimenzija ploda kod oba istraživana kultivara. T1 je kod kultivara 'Regina'
utjecao na povećanje duljine peteljke i duljine stanice egzokarpa, a kod kultivara 'Sweetheart' na
povećanje debljine kutikule i širine stanice egzokarpa. Kod oba istraživana kultivara pod utjecajem
T1 utvrđeno je povećanje debljine stanične stjenke i površine stanice egzokarpa u odnosu na
kontrolu, dok je pod utjecajem T2 utvrđena najmanja debljina kutikule ploda, debljina stanične
stjenke te duljina i površina stanice egzokarpa. Rezultati ukazuju da je T2 pozitivno djelovao
na morfometrijske ali ne i na histološke promjene, dok se manji broj tretiranja (T1) pokazao
učinkovitijim, što znači da učinkovitost tretiranja kalcijem značajno ovisi i o broju tretiranja.
260 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Fruit cracking is one of the main problems in modern sweet cherry cultivation. Fruit cracking is
influenced by numerous factors such as cultivar genome, amount and distribution of precipitation
and soil moisture. Foliar calcium application can reduce fruit cracking, but also can have a different
effect on sweet cherry fruits. Aim of the research was to determine effects of the number of
calcium treatments (treatment 1 – T1 two 2% calcium solution spraying; treatment 2 – T2 six 2%
calcium solution spraying; control – K without calcium solution spraying) on morphometrical and
histological changes in a sweet cherry fruits 'Regina' and 'Sweetheart'. In cultivar ' Regina' hasn't
been determined significant difference in fuirt mass and dimensions between control and T1, while
T2 had increased fruit mass and dimensions on both cultivars. On cultivar 'Regina' T1 had affected
the increase of the lenght of the penducle and exocarp cell lenght and on cultivar 'Sweetheart'
cuticle thickness and exocarp cell width was increased. On both cultivars T1 had effect on increase
of cell wall thickness and exocarp cell surface compared to the control, while under the effect of T2
was determined lowest thickness of fruit cuticle, cell wall thickness and exocarp cell surface. The
results indicate that T2 had a positive effect on morphometric, but not on a histological changes,
while a smaller number of treatments (T1) proved to be more effective, meaning that the efficiency
of calcium treatment also depends significantly on the number of treatments.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 261
Session 9. Pomology
Šime MARCELIĆ, Kristijan FRANIN, Marina PAVLOVIĆ, Branka MARIČIĆ, Tomislav KOS,
Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za ekologiju, agronomiju i akvakulturu, Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Hrvatska
Cijepljenje je dugo poznati način vegetativnoga razmnožavanja koji se prvenstveno koristi
u proizvodnji voćnog sadnog materijala, dok je precjepljivanje maslina (Olea europaea L.)
pomotehnički zahvat kojim se na već razvijenim stablima maslina cijepi nova sorta. Jedan dio
maslinka u Zadarskoj županiji podignut je na područjima gdje se javljaju nepovoljni agroekološki
uvjeti za uzgoja sorte 'Oblica'. Precjepljivanjem se uvode sorte koje su prikladnije za te uvjete
uzgoja. Cilj ovog rad je kroz mjerenje parametara vegetativnog rasta (duljina i broja izbojaka i
broja listova) istražiti kako se vegetativno razvijaju cijepljene sorte maslina na podlozi 'Oblice'.
Cijepljeno je sedam domaćih sorti maslina: 'Buža', 'Drobnica', 'Istarska Bjelica', 'Krvavica'
'Lastovka', 'Levantinka' 'Masnača' i dvije introducirane sorte 'Pendolino' i 'Picholine'. Rezultati
jednogodišnjeg istraživanja pokazali su da je najveću srednju vrijednost broja izbojaka imala
sorta 'Lastovka'. Prema srednjoj vrijednosti duljine izbojaka te srednje vrijednosti broja listova
najveći prirast imala je sorta 'Pendolino'. Najmanju srednju vrijednost za broj i duljinu izbojaka
kao i broj listova imala je sorta 'Krvavica'. Zaključak je izveden na temelju istraživanja gdje se sve
sorte vegetativno ne razvijaju jednako nakon precjepljivanja te da su potrebna daljina istraživanja
u različitim agroekološkim uvjetima. Potrebno je i detaljnije opisati razvoj precijepljenih sorti
maslina na već razvijenim stablima sorte 'Oblice'.
Ključne riječi: cijepljenje, podloge, sorte masline, vegetativni prirast, Zadarska županija
262 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Šime MARCELIĆ, Kristijan FRANIN, Marina PAVLOVIĆ, Branka MARIČIĆ, Tomislav KOS,
University of Zadar, Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture, Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Grafting is an vegetative propagation technique that has been used for the production of fruit
propagating material, while olive tree (Olea europaea L.) grafting is a pomotechnical measure
involving grafting of the new cultivar onto the mature stock. Some olive tree groves in the Zadar
county are located in the areas exposed to adverse agro-ecological conditions for the growth of
the 'Oblica'. Grafting has been used to develop cultivars that would be better fitted for this type of
conditions. The aim of the field study was to monitor the vegetative growth parametres (the length
and the number of shoots and the number of flowers) and research development of vegetative
growth on grafted olives with 'Oblica' rootstock. Seven local olive tree varieties were grafted:
'Buža', 'Drobnica', 'Istarska Bjelica', 'Krvavica', 'Lastovka', 'Levantinka', and 'Masnača', alongside
two introduced varieties: 'Pendolino' and 'Picholine'. The field study carried out over the period of
one year showed the highest mean value for shoots in the 'Lastovka' cultivar. The highest growth
measured by the mean value of shoot length and the number of leaves was demonstrated by the
'Pendolino' cultivar. The lowest mean values for the number of shoots and the length of leaves
were measured in the 'Krvavica' cultivar. This experiment demonstrates that not all varieties react
equally well to grafting and that further studies involving various agro-ecological environments.
It is required to collect detailed information on the growth of olive cultivars grafted on mature
'Oblica' rootstock.
Key words: grafting, olive cultivars, rootstock, vegetative growth, Zadar County
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 263
Session 9. Pomology
Obzirom na njenu visoku nutritivnu i farmaceutsku vrijednost sibirska borovnica (Lonicera
caerulea L. var. kamtschatica) je jedna od najatraktivnijih jagodastih voćnih vrsta. Borovnice
se tradicionalno razmnožavaju reznicima što je vrlo sporo te zahtjeva intenzivan ljudski rad.
Alternativan sustav razmnožavanja u odnosu na tradicionalno razmnožavanje reznicima može biti
mikropropagacija. Cilj istraživanja bio je razviti protokol za uspješnu mikropropagaciju kultivara
sibirske borovnice: 'Balalaika', 'Kalinka' i 'Polar Jewel'. Istraživanje je provedeno u laboratoriju
za kulturu biljnoga tkiva na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek, tijekom 2017. godine. Istraživan
je utjecaj medija MS (Murashige and Skoog) i DKW (Driver and Kuniyuki Walnut) s različitim
vrstama i koncentracijama biljnih hormona na multiplikaciju i in vitro ukorjenjivanje. Najviša
stopa multiplikacije je postignuta na DKW mediju sa 4 mg/l 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) i 1
mg/l indol 3-maslačne kiseline (IBA) kod kultivara 'Balalaika' i 'Polar Jewel', dok je kod kultivara
'Kalinka' najviša multiplikacija postignuta na DKW mediju sa 2 mg/l 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP)
i 0,5 mg/l indol 3-maslačne kiseline (IBA). Najbolje ukorjenjivanje mikro izdanaka postignuto je
na DKW mediju sa 1 mg/l indol 3-maslačne kiseline (IBA). Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju
mogu se iskoristiti za brzo razmnožavanje odabranih kultivara, za komercijalnu proizvodnju
sibirske borovnice.
264 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Considering her high nutritional and pharmaceutical value Siberian blueberry (Lonicera
caerulea L. var. kamtschatica) is one of the most attractive types of berry fruit. Blueberries are
traditionally propagated by stem cuttings which is slow and labor intensive method. Alternative
propagation system to the classical, traditional method of propagation by cuttings, could be a
micropropagation. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient protocol for micropropagation
of Lonicera kamtchatica: 'Balalaika', 'Kalinka' i 'Polar Jewel'. The experiment was conducted at
plant tissue culture laboratory, Agricultural institute Osijek, during 2017. We investigated the
effects of two basal nutrient media, MS (Murashige and Skoog) and DKW (Driver and Kuniyuki
Walnut) with different type and concentration of plant hormones, on shoot multiplication and in
vitro rooting. The highest multiplication rate was obtained on DKW medium supplemented with
4 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and 1 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for cultivars 'Balalaika'
and 'Polar Jewel', while of cultivar 'Kalinka' with DKW medium and 2 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine
(BA) and 0,5 ml/l indole-3- butyric acid (IBA).The best microshoot rooting rates were achieved
on DKW basal nutrient medium with 1 mg /l indol-3- butyric acid (IBA). The results obtained
in this study could be used for rapid propagation of selected cultivars, for commercial blueberry
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 265
Session 9. Pomology
Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Predrag VUJEVIĆ, Danijel ČIČEK, Tvrtko
Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Hrvatska (e-mail:
U periodu od 2015. – 2018. godine u sklopu Nacionalnog programa očuvanja i održive uporabe
biljnih genetskih izvora za hranu i poljoprivredu u Republici Hrvatskoj, prikupljeno je i posađeno
89 primki jabuke (Malus domestica Borkh.) u ex-situ kolekciji kontinentalnih voćnih vrsta na
pokušalištu Donja Zelina Hrvatskog centra za poljoprivredu, hranu i selo. Za primke koje su nakon
ulaska u rod dale dovoljno plodova za mjerenja započeta su morfološka i pomološka mjerenja
i opažanja sukladno tehničkim protokolima za provođenje DUS ispitivanja jabuke CPVO/TP-
014/2 (2006) Ureda EU za zaštitu novih biljnih sorti (Community Plant Variety Office - CPVO)
te Malus deskriptorima (Pomefruit C&E projekt, 2017/2018) Europskog zajedničkog programa
za biljne genetske izvore (European Cooperative for Genetic Resources - ECPGR). Tijekom 2018.
vegetacijske godine obavljena su morfološka opažanja i mjerenja ploda na 50 primki jabuke iz ex
situ kolekcije. Plodovi su opisani pomoću 32 kvantitativna i 6 pseudokvantitativnih svojstava, te s
četiri senzorna deskriptora. Primke su pokazale značajnu varijabilnost te visok stupanj morfološke
raznolikosti za većinu promatranih svojstava. Najveće razlike su utvrđene za svojstva veličine,
visine i promjera ploda, te svojstva vezana za obojenost ploda (relativna površina pod dopunskom
bojom, nijansa te intenzitet dopunske boje) kao i za svojstvo tvrdoće ploda. Najmanje razlike su
utvrđene za svojstva boje mesa ploda te širinu i dubinu okca.
Ključne riječi: biljni genetski izvori, primka, jabuka, deskriptori, DUS ispitivanje
266 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Bernardica MILINOVIĆ, Dunja HALAPIJA KAZIJA, Predrag VUJEVIĆ, Danijel ČIČEK, Tvrtko
Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek, Croatia (
In a period from 2015 – 2018 within the National Programme for Conservation and Sustainable
Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Republic of Croatia, in total
of 89 apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) accessions was collected and planted in ex situ collection
of continental fruit crops in Experimental orchard Donja Zelina of the Croatian Centre for
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Accessions that have yielded enough fruits needed to perform
necessary descriptions, morphological and pomological measurements and observations according
to technical protocols for DUS testing of apple CPVO/TP-014/2 (2006) of the Community Plant
Variety Office (CPVO) as well as Malus descriptors (Pomefruit C&E project, 2017/2018) of
the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) started. During
2018 vegetation year fruit morphological observations and measurements were performed on
50 apple accessions from ex situ collection. Fruits were described using 32 quantitative and 6
pseudo-quantitative characteristics as well as four sensory descriptors. Accessions have displayed
significant variability and high percentage of morphological diversity for majority of measured
characteristics. The highest differences were determined for following DUS characteristics - fruit
size, fruit height and fruit circumference and for characteristics related to fruit skin colouring
(relative area, hue and intensity of over colour) as well as for fruit firmness characteristic. Minimal
differences were determined for following characteristics fruit flesh colour as well as for width and
depth of fruit eye basin.
Key words: plant genetic resources, accession, apple, DUS testing, descriptors
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 267
Session 9. Pomology
Institut of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia (
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of leaf addition during the extraction on the fatty
acid ethyl esters (FAEE) and wax composition of olive oil. 'Buža' cultivar from olive were harvested
and the fresh leaves of the same cultivar were added at different rates (0% - control and 2.5%) prior
to oil extraction. Oil samples were processed using a laboratory scale olive mill and the experiment
was done in triplicates. FAEE and waxes were determined according to the method described in
EEC regulation (Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2569/91) using a gas chromatograph with a
flame ionization detector. The results obtained from this study suggested that the addition of olive
leaf during olive oil extraction induces a slight increase in C16 and C18 ethyl esters, and therefore
in the FAEE parameter, but oils still fulfilled the demands of the current EU legislation required for
extra virgin olive oil. Leaf addition had a slight influence on the content of individual waxes (C40
and C46) but had no influence on the total waxes. The addition of leaves at the rate of 2.5% during
oil extraction did not compromised 'Buža' olive oil quality with respect to the FAEE parameter,
nor its authenticity with respect to the waxes content.
The work of doctoral student Anja Novoselić has been supported in part by the “Young researchers'
career development project – training of doctoral students” (DOK-2018-01-4693) of the Croatian
Science Foundation funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
Key words: Olive oil, Olive leaf addition, Extraction process, FAEE, Waxes
268 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva značajan su čimbenik u procjeni kvalitete i tržišne vrijednosti plodova
jabuke. U intenzivnoj proizvodnji jabuke teži se primjeni novijih tehnologija u cilju poboljšanja
kvalitete ploda. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj reflektirajuće folije Lumilys™ na fizikalno - kemijska
svojstva plodova jabuka 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince' i 'Jonagold Novajo®'. Reflektirajuća folija
postavljena je u nasadu između redova istraživanih sorata četiri do šest tjedana prije berbe, a
kontrolu su činili redovi bez folije. Plodovi su ubrani u optimalnom roku berbe i potom su izvršene
analize boje, mase i dimenzija plodova, tvrdoća, indeks razgradnje škroba, udio topljive suhe
tvari i ukupnih kiselina. Analizom kromatskih vrijednosti utvrđeno je da su plodovi sa stabala
gdje je unutar redova bila postavljena reflektirajuća folija imali veći intenzitet crvene boje, a manji
intenzitet zelene boje prema CIE L*a*b sustavu boja. Reflektirajuća folija je pozitivno utjecala na
masu i dimenzije ploda kod obje istraživane sorte, dok su značajno veća tvrdoća, udio topljive suhe
tvari i najmanji indeks razgradnje škroba utvrđeni kod plodova 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince'. Plodovi
sorte 'Jonagold Novajo® imali su značajno manju tvrdoću u odnosu na kontrolu. Nije utvrđena
značajna razlika u udjelu ukupnih kiselina između istraživanih sorata. Reflektirajuća folija
Lumilys™ pokazala je pozitivan utjecaj na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva plodova istraživanih sorata
što upućuje na njen potencijal u postizanju standarda kvalitete plodova jabuka.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 269
Session 9. Pomology
Physico-chemical characteristics are a significant factor in assessing the quality and market value of
apple fruit. In intensive apple production, new technologies are being applied to improve the fruit
quality. The aim of this work was to determine influence of the reflective groundcover Lumilys™
on physico-chemical characteristics of apple fruits cv. 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince' i 'Jonagold
Novajo®'. Reflective groundcover was placed in the plantation between the rows of the examined
cultivars, four to six weeks before harvest, and the control was made of non - groundcover rows.
The fruits were harvested in the optimal harvesting time and then analyzed by color, mass and size
of fruits, firmness, starch degradation index, the soluble solids content and total acids. By analysis
of chromatic values it was found that the products of trees where reflective groundcover was placed
within rows had a higher intensity of red color and lower intensity of green color by the CIE L*a*b
color system. Reflective groundcover has had positive effect on the mass and size of the fruit in
both examined cultivars, while significantly higher firmness, the proportion of soluble solids
content and lowest starch degradation index were found in the fruits 'Wilton's ®Red Jonaprince'.
The fruits of the 'Jonagold Novajo®' cultivar had a significantly lower firmness in regards to control.
There was no significant difference in the part of total acids between the examined cultivars.
Reflective groundcover Lumilys™ has showed positive effect on physico - chemical characteristics
of the fruits of the tested cultivars, which indicates it's potential in achieving apple fruits quality
270 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
Sanja SLUNJSKI, Lepomir ČOGA, Mihaela ŠATVAR, Zvonimir STIPIĆ, Ivana PULJAN
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail: sslunjski@agr,hr)
Višnja 'Maraska' (Prunus cerasus var. marasca) u Dalmaciji se uzgaja više od pet stoljeća.
Antioksidacijska, antimikrobna, antikancerogena i ina svojstva višnje 'Maraske' svrstavaju je u
kategoriju „funkcionalne hrane“, koja ima terapeutski utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Obzirom da
je harmonična ishranjenost osnovni preduvjet za veće iskorištenje biološkog potencijala višnje
'Maraske' kao i za osiguranje kvalitete ploda, provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi
mineralni sastav lista u dvije klimatski različite godine (2012 i 2013). Ukupna količina oborina
u 2012. godini bila je značajno niža od količine oborina utvrđenih u 2013. godini, dok razlike u
srednjim mjesečnim temperaturama nisu bile velike. Opskrbljenost lista višnje 'Maraske' makro
i mikroelementima značajno se razlikovala ovisno o godini istraživanja, fizikalno-kemijskim
svojstvima tla i ekspoziciji voćnjaka. Za razliku od dušika i kalcija (optimalna opskrbljenost),
opskrbljenost lista kalijem bila je značajno niža 2012. godine. Ovo se može dovesti u vezu s
nepovoljnim klimatskim prilikama u vegetacijskom razdoblju i jakom fiksacijskom sposobnosti
crvenica. U tim uvjetima u značajnoj mjeri narušen je odnos K:Ca i Ca:Mg, jer uslijed visokih
temperatura i nedostatka vlage dolazi do ubrzanog procesa starenja, odnosno prisilne zriobe.
Temeljem utvrđenog može se zaključiti da je održavanje optimalne vlažnosti tla uz odgovarajuću
relativnu vlažnost zraka ključni faktor za uspješnu proizvodnju višnje 'Maraske'.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 271
Session 9. Pomology
Sanja SLUNJSKI, Lepomir ČOGA, Mihaela ŠATVAR, Zvonimir STIPIĆ, Ivana PULJAN
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (email:
Sour cherry 'Maraska' (Prunus cerasus var. marasca) in Dalmatia has been grown for more than
five centuries. Antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancerogenic and other properties are classified
'Maraska' as "functional food", which have a therapeutic influence on human health. Considering
that harmonic nutrition is a basic precondition for greater utilization of biological potential
of 'Maraska' cherry as well as to ensure quality of the fruit, conducted research was aimed to
determine the mineral composition of 'Maraska' leaf in the two climatic different years (2012 and
2013). The total amount of precipitation in 2012 was significantly lower compared to those in 2013,
while the differences in average monthly temperatures values were not notably. Determined leaves
macro and microelements content were significantly different depending on the year of research,
the physico-chemical properties of the soil and the exposure of the orchard. Unlike nitrogen
and calcium (optimal supply), leaf potassium supply was significantly lower in 2012. That can be
attributed to the unfavorable climatic conditions during the growing season and a strong fixation
ability of soil. Due to high temperatures and lack of moisture, the K:Ca and Ca:Mg ratio was
disrupted and rapidly aging process or forced maturation occured under such conditions. Based
on the established, it can be concluded that maintaining of optimum soil humidity with adequate
relative air humidity is a key factor for successful production of 'Maraska' sour cherry.
Key words: climatic conditions, mineral composition of leaves, sour cherry 'Marasca'
272 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 9. Pomology
U sklopu Nacionalnog programa očuvanja i održive uporabe biljnih genetskih izvora za hranu i
poljoprivredu u RH uključene su i primke lijeska (Corylus spp.) koje su zasađene u ex situ kolekciji
pokusnog voćnjaka HCPHS u Donjoj Zelini. U kolekciji se nalaze i primke autohtonih genotipova
lijeske 'Istarski duguljasti' i 'Istarski okruglasti' koje vode porijeklo iz Istre i predstavljaju značajan
izvor genetske varijabilnosti unutar populacije lijeske. Zbog velikog doprinosa i značaja očuvanja
vrijednih genetskih resursa potrebno je determinirati i sačuvati naše autohtone genotipove
lijeske. Obilaskom terena locirana su stabla kandidati in situ te su provedena opažanja, mjerenja i
analize za potrebe opisa primki. Tijekom istraživanja utvrđena je morfološka raznolikost unutar
populacije lijeske. U analizi autentičnosti korištena su svojstva navedena u vodiču UPOV-a
TG/71/3 za provođenje testova različitosti, ujednačenosti i postojanosti (DUS ispitivanje) za
lijesku, s naglaskom na morfološka i pomološka svojstva. Da bi se utvrdile razlike na temelju
morfometrijskih svojstava, izvršena je analiza prikupljenog biljnog materijala novim sofisticiranim
tehnologijama pomoću WinFOLIATM i WinSEEDLETM sustava. Analiza pomoću ovih
tehnologija pokazuje veću pouzdanost i predstavlja značajan napredak za točniju karakterizaciju
primki voćnih vrsta. Utvrđena je značajna varijabilnost između primki te visok stupanj morfološke
raznolikosti za većinu istraživanih svojstava. Nastavno na utvrđenu varijabilnost među primkama
in situ, dobiveni rezultati upućuju na potrebu kolekcioniranja primki kako bi se potvrdila
varijabilnost u istovjetnim uvjetima.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 273
Session 9. Pomology
Within the National Programme for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture in the Republic of Croatia, hazel (Corylus spp.) accessions are included
in ex situ collection of the CCAFRA Experimental orchard in Donja Zelina. Collection includes
accessions of indigenous hazel cultivars 'Istarski duguljasti' and 'Istarski okruglasti' originating
from Istria and represent significant sources of genetic variability within the hazel population.
Due to their contribution to and significance in preservation of valuable genetic resources there is
a need to identify and retain our indigenous hazel genotypes. In situ candidate trees were located
during field excursions and necessary observations, measurements and analysis were performed
in order to describe accessions. Morphological diversity within hazel population was determined
during the research. In authenticity analysis characteristics from UPOV guideline TG/71/3 for
the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS test) for hazel with emphasis
on morphological and pomological characteristics. In order to determine differences based
on morphometric characteristics, analysis of collected plant material was conducted by using
new sophisticated technologies WinFOLIATM and WinSEEDLETM software. Analysis done
by these technologies displays higher reliability and represents significant progress in accurate
characterization of fruit crop accessions. Significant variability between accession and high degree
of morphological diversity for majority of researched characteristics was determined. Following the
determined variability between accessions in situ, obtained results emphasize the need to collect
accessions in order to confirm the variability in identical conditions.
274 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
20 19 as
Symposium on
Book of Abstracts
Session 10 Agricultural Engineering
Zbornik sažetaka
Poljoprivredna tehnika
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Praćenje transporta tvari u tlu (npr. pesticida, nutrijenata) je važna komponenta u istraživanjima
onečišćenja (agro)ekosustava. Agrokemikalije primijenjene u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji mogu se
procijediti do vodnih resursa kao posljedica neadekvatne primjene ili uslijed djelovanja okolišnih
uvjeta (propusniji tipovi tala, oborine velikog intenziteta). U svrhu praćenja transportnih procesa
u tlu primjenjuju se različite laboratorijske i terenske metode. Za procjenu toka vode i transporta
tvari u tlu nužno je poznavanje hidrauličkih parametara tla. Evaporacijska metoda omogućuje
određivanje retencijskih krivulja tla na neporušenim uzorcima tla (volumena 250 cm3) uz pomoć
tenziometara i gravimetrijskog određivanja količine vode. Korištenjem kolona s tlom (neporušeno
stanje) također je moguće u kontroliranim uvjetima pratiti transport i ispiranje tvari. Navedena
metoda omogućuje primjenu više vrsta senzora, kontrolu intenziteta oborina i mogućnost
aplikacije različitih doza istraživane tvari. Najefikasnija terenska metoda praćenja transportnih
procesa u tlu je korištenje lizimetara, koji omogućuju praćenje transporta tvari u stvarnim
agroekološkim uvjetima uz mogućnost kontinuiranog motrenja vodne bilance, evapotranspiracije
i kakvoće procjednih voda. Predstavljene metode omogućuju kvalitetnu podlogu za procjenu
opasnosti od onečišćenja vodnih resursa agrokemikalijama te za primjenu predikcijskih
numeričkih modela u istraživanjima njihova transporta u agroekosustavu.
Ključne riječi: monitoring, vodni resursi, metodologija praćenja pronosa tvari, hidraulika
278 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
Monitoring of solute transport in soil (e.g. pesticides, nutrients) is an important aspect in
research of (agro)ecosystem pollution. Agrochemicals used in agricultural production can leach
to underground and surface waters, usually if inadequately used or because of the influence
of certain environmental conditions (e.g. soils with light texture, high intensity precipitation).
Different laboratory and field methods are used in monitoring of solute transport processes in
soil. For the estimation of soil water flow and solute transport processes, it is an imperative to
assess soil hydraulic parameters. Evaporation method is used for the determination of retention
curves in undisturbed soil samples (volume of 250 cm3) by using tensiometers and gravimetric
method. Undisturbed soil columns can also be used for the monitoring of solute soil transport and
leaching. Soil columns support the usage of different sensors, enable the control of precipitation
intensity and allow the application of solute in different doses. So far, the most efficient method for
monitoring soil transport processes is the use of lysimeters, which allows investigation of solute soil
transport in real agroecological conditions and also a continuous monitoring of soil water balance,
evapotranspiration and leachate quality. Presented methods are a prerequisite for the estimations
of water resources pollution by agrochemicals, as well as for the application of predictive numerical
Key words: monitoring, water resources, soil substances transport methodology, hydraulics
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 279
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Ivan GREGIĆ1, Robert SPAJIĆ1, Davor KRALIK1, Đurđica KOVAČIĆ1, Daria JOVIČIĆ1,
Damljan SABLJIĆ2
1Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Vladimira Preloga 1, Osijek, Hrvatska
2Fakultet strojarstva, računarstva i elektrotehnike, Sveučilište u Mostaru, Matice Hrvatske bb, Mostar, BiH
Intenzivna proizvodnja gnojovke/digestata predstavlja izazov za većinu proizvođača zbog
zadovoljavanja agrotehničkih rokova sjetve i žetve ratarskih kultura. Kratak rok za aplikaciju
zahtijeva dobru organizaciju i planiranje aplikacije gnojovke/digestata što podrazumijeva
evaluaciju izlaznih kapaciteta. Korištenjem Hazen-Williamsove jednadžbe i programa MS Excel,
napravljena je evaluacija izlaznih kapaciteta gnojovke/digestata na umbilikalnom sustavu za
aplikaciju ovisno o duljini transportnog crijeva od skladišnog kapaciteta gnojovke/digestata do
točke aplikacije na oraničnoj površini. Evaluacija je rađena na temelju sustava s 2 pogonske jedinice
s dizelskim motorom tipa JD 6090HF485 te pumpama tipa Cornell 61017MP i Cornell 6819MP.
Evaluacija podrazumijeva izračun izlaznog kapaciteta sustava koji koristi transportno crijevo
promjera 203 mm različitih duljina od 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 7 km. Sve opcije sustava podrazumijevaju i
korištenje 0,4 kilometra radnog crijeva promjera 140 mm. Evaluacija pokazuje da navedeni sustav
ostvaruje najveći kapacitet aplikacije od 465 m3/h na udaljenosti od 2 km, odnosno najmanji
kapacitet aplikacije od 308 m3/h na udaljenosti od 7 km. Sustav na 5 km udaljenosti ostvaruje
izlazni kapacitet od 354 m3/h što uz projiciranih 12 sati rada/dan i proizvodnju gnojovke/digestata
od 100.000 m3 god. omogućuje završetak aplikacije ukupne projicirane jednogodišnje proizvodnje
za 30 dana, 12-14 dana prije proljetne sjetve i 16-18 dana prije jesenske sjetve.
Ključne riječi: evaluacija izlaznog kapaciteta, gnojovka, digestat, umbilikalni sustav za aplikaciju
280 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Ivan GREGIC1, Robert SPAJIC1, Davor KRALIK1, Djurdjica KOVACIC1, Daria JOVICIC1,
Damljan SABLJIC2
Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, Osijek, Croatia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electro Techniques, University of Mostar, Matice Hrvatske bb, Mostar, BiH
Intensive manure/digestate production is a challenge for most producers because of the
agrotechnical deadlines of sowing and crop harvesting. A short application window requires good
organization and planning of manure/digestate application, which implies the evaluation of output
capacities. Using Hazen-Williams equations and MS Excel, manure/digestate output [m3/h] was
evaluated on the umbilical application system depending on the length of the transport hose from
the manure/digestate storage capacity to the point of application on the arable land. Evaluation
was based on a system using two pump units, using JD 6090HF485 diesel engines and Cornell
61017MP and Cornell 6819MP pumps. Evaluation includes calculation of the output capacities of
the system using a 203 mm diameter transport hose with different lengths of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 km.
All system options also include the usage of 0.4 kilometers of working hose with 140 mm diameter.
The evaluation shows that the system achieves the highest manure/digestate application capacity of
465 m3/h on the distance of 2 km, while the lowest application capacity of 308 m3/h is achieved on
the 7 km distance. The system at a distance of 5 km achieves an output capacity of 354 m3/h which,
with projected 12 working hours per day and production of manure/digestate of 100,000 m3 per
year, allows completion of the application of the projected one-year production in 30 days, 12-14
days before spring sowing and 16-18 days before autumn sowing.
Keywords: evaluation of output capacities, manure, digestate, umbilical system for application
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 281
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Ivan GREGIĆ1, Robert SPAJIĆ1, Davor KRALIK1, Đurđica KOVAČIĆ1, Daria JOVIČIĆ1,
Damljan SABLJIĆ2
Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Vladimira Preloga 1, Osijek, Hrvatska
Fakultet strojarstva, računarstva i elektrotehnike, Sveučilište u Mostaru, Matice Hrvatske bb, Mostar, BiH
Jedan od najvećih izazova u sektorima intenzivne stočarske proizvodnje i proizvodnje energije iz
bioplinskih postrojenja je upravljanje nusproizvodima tih industrija, gnojovkom i digestatom. Cilj
ovog rada je prikaz dva modela aplikacije gnojovke/digestata na oranične površine, površinska
aplikacija cisternama, odnosno model injektiranja umbilikalnim sustavom. Aplikacija cisternama
uključuje prijevoz gnojovke/digestata sistemskim vozilom s ugrađenim spremnikom ili
traktorom koji vuče cisternu sa spremnikom kao priključno vozilo. Aplikacija cisternom vrši se
rasprostiranjem gnojovke/digestata po površini tla, dok se sustavom inkorporiranja gnojovke/
digestata na dubinu od 6-15 cm, oruđem za plitku obradu tla, rasprostiranje gnojovke i digestata
obavlja u tlo. Uglavnom se inkorporiranje obavlja sustavom diskova. Umbilikalnim sustavom
gnojovka/digestat se transportiraju od skladišnog kapaciteta do oranične površine sustavom
pumpi i crijeva, a aplikacija se vrši injektiranjem gnojovke/digestata na dubinu od 15–40 cm,
traktorom koji nosi ili vuče aplikator. Injektiranjem se postiže značajno smanjenje gubitka dušika
prilikom aplikacije, 0-5%, u odnosu na rasprostiranje i inkorporiranje, 60-80%. Kapacitetom
i kontinuiranom aplikacijom, injektiranje gnojovke/digestata umbilikalnim sustavom pruža
i dodatne prednosti koje se očituju kroz znatno smanjenje zbijanja tla, znatno kraće vrijeme
aplikacije i znatno manje financijske izdatke.
282 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Ivan GREGIC1, Robert SPAJIC1, Davor KRALIK1, Djurdjica KOVACIC1, Daria JOVICIC1,
Damljan SABLJIC2
Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 1, Osijek, Croatia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electro Techniques, University of Mostar, Matice Hrvatske bb, Mostar, BiH
One of the greatest challenges in sectors of intensive livestock production and energy production
from biogas plants is the management of by-products, manure and digestate. Aim of this paper
was to present two models of manure/digestate application on arable land, surface application
with tanks and injection with umbilical system, respectively. Application using tanks implies
transportation of the manure/digestate using system vehicles with a built-in tank or using tractors
pulling tank trailers. Application with tanks is carried out by spreading the manure/digestate on
the soil surface, while the incorporation system of manure/digestate at a depth of 6-15 cm, with a
tool for shallow soil treatment, the spreading of manure and digestate is carried out into soil. With
the umbilical system, manure/digestate are being transported from the storage capacity to the
arable land using a hose system with pumps, while the application is carried out by injecting the
manure/digestate at a depth of 15-40 cm with a tractor that is carrying or pulling the applicator.
Injection results in a significant reduction of N losses during application compared to spreading
and incorporation, 0-5% and 60-80%, respectively. With capacity and continuous application,
injecting the manure/digestate with umbilical system provides additional benefits such as
significant reduction in soil compaction, significantly shorter application time, and significantly
lower financial costs.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 283
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Vanja JURIŠIĆ, Mislav KONTEK, Tajana KRIČKA, Ana MATIN, Mateja GRUBOR, Nikola
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Posljednjih godina, intenzivno se istražuje mogućnost korištenja višegodišnjih trava kao sirovina za
proizvodnju energije, a jedna od njih je trava Miscanthus. Na temelju znanja stečenih u prethodnim
EU projektima, u okviru projekta GRACE razvijeni su novi genotipovi Miscanthus-a, koji bolje
podnose uzgoj na marginalnim tlima. Stoga je AFZ u proljeće 2018. godine na eksperimentalnom
polju Šašinovečki lug, uspostavio nasad (100 m2 x 4 ponavljanja) s 13 različitih novih hibrida
Miscanthus-a (8 M. sinensis hibrida i 5 M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis), uz M. x giganteus kao
kontrolni uzorak. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kvalitetu biomase požete u jesen prve
vegetacijske sezone. U tu svrhu uzeto je u obzir 8 hibrida M. sinensis za analizu. S obzirom na rani
rok žetve, sadržaj vode u biomasi bio je nešto veći, s vrijednostima od 65,00 %-70,14 %. Utvrđeno
je da je sadržaj pepela u rasponu od 4,54 %-6,00 %, sadržaj hlapive tvari kreće se u rasponu od
67,94 %-80,08 %, a Cfix od 7,52 %-11,66 %. Nadalje, utvrđena je ogrjevna vrijednost u rasponu od
18,69 MJ/kg-21,57 MJ/kg. Imajući na umu vrijeme žetve, bilo je za očekivati veći sadržaj vode, ali
i pepela. Međutim, drugi parametri ukazuju na to da je istraživana biomasa prihvatljiva za proces
izravnog izgaranja, stoga je potrebno nastaviti pratiti njihovu kvalitetu, imajući u vidu kasnije
rokove žetve.
Ključne riječi: Miscanthus sinesis, novi genotipovi, karakterizacija biomase, jesenska žetva
Ovo istraživanje financirala je Europska komisija i Bio-based Industries konzorcija putem Obzor
2020 BBI-DEMO projekta br. 745012 „GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for
biorEfineries - GRACE”.
284 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Vanja JURIŠIĆ, Mislav KONTEK, Tajana KRIČKA, Ana MATIN, Mateja GRUBOR, Nikola
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
In the last decade, several perennial grasses have been studied as feedstock for energy production
due to high lignocellulosic production, and one of them being Miscanthus. Based on the knowledge
gained by the previous EU projects, new Miscanthus varieties were developed within the project
GRACE, with better performance under marginal conditions. Hence, in spring 2018, FAZ has
established a Plot scale (PS) trial (100 m2 x 4 reps) on its Experimental field Šašinovečki lug,
with 13 different Miscanthus hybrids (8 M. sinensis hybrids, and 5 M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis
hybrids), and M. x giganteus as control. The objective of this study was to determine the quality
of biomass, harvested in autumn of the first vegetation season. For this purpose, 8 M. sinensis
hybrids were taken into account for the analyses. Considering the early harvest, moisture content
was somewhat higher, with values from 65.00 %-70.14 %. Ash content was found to be in the
range from 4.54 %-6.00 %, with volatile matter ranging from 67.94 %-80.08 %, and Cfix from 7.52
%-11.66 %. Calorific value was found to be in the range from 18.69 MJ/kg-21.57 MJ/kg.Having
in mind an early harvest date, it was expected that the moisture content would be somewhat
higher, as well as the ash content. However, other parameters, along with calorific value define the
investigated biomass as acceptable when considering it for direct combustion process, and should
be further monitored, having in mind alternative harvest times.
Key words: Miscanthus sinesis, new genotypes, biomass characterization, autumn harvest
The research was financed by the European commission and Bio-based Industries consortium via
H2020 BBI-DEMO project No. 745012 „GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for
biorEfineries - GRACE”.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 285
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Mislav KONTEK, Tajana KRIČKA, Mateja GRUBOR, Ana MATIN, Nikola BILANDŽIJA, Vanja
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska (e-mail:
Energetska kultura Miscanthus x giganteus trenutno je jedna od kultura u EU čiji je uzgoj
namijenjen proizvodnji biogoriva i bioproizvoda, no kao takva ima određenih nedostataka s
aspekta otpornosti i produktivnosti uzgoja na tako širokom geografskom području. Razvoj
novih genotipova ključan je za prevladavanje tih nedostataka. U ovome radu, prikazan je proces
uspostave pokusnog nasada - od izolacije sjemenog sadnog materijala do određivanja primitka
novih genotipova roda Miscanthus (genotipovi M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis i M. sacchariflorus x
M. sinensis). Podizanje pokusnog nasada prilagođeno je zahtjevima sadnog materijala, površine
te komercijalno dostupnoj opremi. Rezultati korištenih tehnologija predstavljaju prilagodljivost
sadnog materijala novih genotipova, kako na agroklimatološke uvjete pokusnog polja, tako i na
prilagođene tehnologije uzgoja. Genotipovi M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis pokazali su veći primitak
te samim time bolju prilagodljivost uzgoju na odabranim tlima i u danim agroklimatološkim
uvjetima, u odnosu na genotipove M. sinensis x M. sinensis. Prikazana tehnologija podizanja
pokusnog nasada pokazala se zadovoljavajućom, no potrebno je unaprijediti određene korake
tijekom same izvedbe.
Ovo istraživanje financirala je Europska komisija i Bio-based Industries konzorcija putem Obzor
2020 BBI-DEMO projekta br. 745012 „GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for
biorEfineries - GRACE”.
286 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Mislav KONTEK, Tajana KRIČKA, Mateja GRUBOR, Ana MATIN, Nikola BILANDŽIJA, Vanja
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (e-mail:
Currently, energy crop Miscanthus x giganteus is one of the crops which cultivation is dedicated
to the production of biofuels and bioproducts in EU; however, it has certain disadvantages in
terms of resistance and growth productivity in such a wide geographical area. Development of
new genotypes is essential to overcome these shortcomings. This work presents a complete trial
plantation establishment - from seeds’ isolation to survival rate determination of new Miscanthus
genotypes (M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis genotypes). Trial
plantation establishment was adapted to planting material and soil requirements, and commercially
available equipment. The results of used technologies represent the new genotypes planting
materials’ adaptability, both to agro-climatic conditions of the experimental field and to the
customized planting technologies themselves. M. sacchariflorus x M. sinensis genotypes showed
higher survival rate and thus better adaptability to selected soils and agro-climatological conditions
compared to M. sinensis x M. sinensis genotypes. Presented establishment technology has been
satisfactory, but certain steps need to be improved during the performance itself.
The research was financed by the European commission and Bio-based Industries consortium via
H2020 BBI-DEMO project No. 745012 „GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for
biorEfineries - GRACE”.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 287
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Direktiva o obnovljivoj energiji (RED II), objavljena u srpnju 2018., propisala je ciljeve za primjenu
obnovljivih izvora energije, kojima obvezuje dobavljače goriva da postignu 14 % energije iz
obnovljivih udjela u svom portfelju. Cilj za plasiranje naprednih biogoriva postavljen je na 0,2 %
energije u 2022., 1 % energije u 2025. i 3,5 % energije u 2030., a sadržaj energije se broji dvostruko
prema ukupnom cilju za napredna biogoriva. INA, kao distributer goriva, ima obvezu namješavati
biogoriva te pridonositi ispunjenju propisanih ciljeva te stoga razmatra mogućnost proizvodnje
naprednog bioetanola.
Cilj ovog rada je dati uvid u trenutno stanje i mogućnosti proizvodnje naprednog bioetanola u
Hrvatskoj, s fokusom na razvoj lanca opskrbe sirovinom. Poljoprivredni ostaci, kao što su razni
tipovi slame i kukuruzovina, zajedno s energetskom biljkom Miscanthus x giganteus, razmatraju se
kao obećavajuća sirovina za proizvodnju naprednog bioetanola. Rad će također dati uvid u projekt
GRACE, financiran od strane Europske komisije i BBI, trajanja pet godina. Cilj ovog projekta
je demonstrirati uzgoj Miscanthusa na tri skale testiranja te njihovu prikladnost za uzgoj na
marginalnom, kontaminiranom i neiskorištenom tlu. Zaključci ovog projekta pomoći će razvoju
komercijalnog opskrbnog lanca energetskih kultura te uvesti Miscanthus u poljoprivredu u širem
rasponu. Trenutno ne postoji komercijalna proizvodnja Miscanthus-a, niti proizvodnja naprednih
biogoriva u RH.
288 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Renewable energy directive (RED) II, published in July 2018 has defined a new set of goals for
renewable energy application. RED II obliges fuel suppliers to achieve 14 % of renewable energy
share in their fuel portfolio. Target for advanced biofuels is set as 0.2 % of energy in 2022, 1 % of
energy in 2025 and 3.5 % of energy in 2030, while energy content counts double towards overall
advanced target. INA, as a fuel distributor, has obligation to blend biofuels to contribute to
prescribed targets, so production of advanced bioethanol is being considered as an option.
Aim of this paper is to present current status and possibilities for advanced bioethanol production
in Croatia, with focus on feedstock supply chain development. Agricultural residues, such as
various types of straw and corn stover, together with energy crop Miscanthus x giganteus are
being monitored as most promising feedstock for advanced bioethanol production in Croatia.
Paper will also give more insight on running EU BBI funded GRACE project. The objective of
this five year project is to demonstrate the up scaling of crop production of Miscanthus and its
suitability for marginal, contaminated and unused land. Conclusions of this research project will
help in developing commercially viable energy crops cultivation and supply chain, and introduce
Miscanthus to Croatian agriculture on broader range as a feedstock for advanced biofuels
production, which is non-existent in Croatia at this moment.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 289
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Saznanja o dostupnosti biomase za napredna biogoriva u Hrvatskoj su značajna s aspekta uvida u
mogućnosti njihove proizvodnje. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio analizirati dostupnost biomase
kukuruza, pšenice, ječma, raži, soje, uljane repice i suncokreta, temeljem podataka iz zahtjeva za
potporu koje poljoprivrednici podnose na godišnjoj razini. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene četiri
proizvodne godine (2016.-2018.). U radu su obrađeni podaci o konvencionalnoj proizvodnji, ali i
ekološkoj proizvodnji promatranih kultura, koja je količinski značajno niža. Najveće proizvodne
površine zauzima kukuruz, zatim pšenica i soja. Ječam i uljana repica uzgajaju se u sličnom obimu
površina ovisno o pojedinoj godini, dok su površine pod suncokretom i raži najmanje. Prostorna
distribucija površina pod promatranim kulturama ukazuje da su najveće površine smještene na
istoku Hrvatske što izravno upućuje na to da je opravdano proizvodnju naprednih biogoriva
organizirati na tome području. Površine na kojima se uzgajaju istraživane kulture zauzimaju 57,9 %
ukupnih poljoprivrednih površina u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji što ukazuje na visoku vrijednost
biomase koja je dostupna i može se koristiti za proizvodnju naprednih biogoriva.
290 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Knowledge of biomass availability for advanced biofuels in Croatia is significant from their
production potential point of view. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the
availability of biomass of maize, wheat, barley, rye, soybean, rapeseed and sunflower, based on the
data from support requests submitted by farmers on an annual basis. The study has covered four
production years (2016-2018), and deals with conventional production and ecological production
of observed crops, the latter being significantly lower in quantity. As expected, maize occupies
the largest production area, followed by wheat and soybeans. Barley and rapeseed are grown on a
similar production area, depending on the particular year, whereas the production areas covered
by sunflower and rye are the smallest. The spatial distribution of area under the observed crops
indicates that the largest production areas are located in the eastern part of Croatia, which directly
indicates that it is justified to organize the production of advanced biofuels in that specific area.
Production areas covered by crops analyzed in this study account for 57.9 % of total agricultural
land in conventional production, which indicates the high availability of biomass for production of
advanced biofuels.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 291
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
EU je prepoznala potrebu za edukacijom vezanom uz gospodarenja otpadom te u sklopu Erasmus+
projekta "Waste Education Initiative" financira razvoj obrazovnih programa u ovom području.
Glavna smjernica je činjenica da se djeca trebaju obrazovati u ranoj fazi, kako bi bili osviješteni
o pravilnom načinu gospodarenja otpadom. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi voljnost nastavnika
osnovnih škola Zagreba za dodatno angažiranje u obrazovanju o gospodarenju otpadom. Anketni
upitnik proveden je od 19. rujna do 19. listopada 2018. Pristiglo je ukupno 117 odgovora i to
profesora biologije, kemije i fizike ili koordinatora eko škola.
Naime, 73,5 % sudionika ankete su nastavnici u eko školama. Prema nastavnom programu
potrebno je educirati djecu o obnovljivoj energiji i gospodarenju otpadom, općenito. 48,7% učitelja
ima neke materijale osigurane od strane stručne ustanove. Vanjski stručnjaci za otpad posjetili
su 46,2 % škola. Kod većine škola postoji organizirano odvojeno prikupljanje otpada (67,5%).
Kako bi se poboljšala organizacija odvojenog prikupljanja otpada, nastavnici trebaju dodatnu
materijalnu (76,1 %) i financijsku potporu (39,3 %). Smatraju da veća osviještenost o ovoj temi
(75,2 %), odgovorno postupanje s otpadom u domu učenika (69,2 %) i osiguranje prikladnih
spremnika (66,7 %) mogu poboljšati upravljanje otpadom u njihovoj školi. Učitelji vjeruju (77,8
%) da će nakon obrazovanja, u budućnosti, djeca imati veće razumijevanje o potrebi preuzimanja
odgovornosti za upravljanje otpadom.
292 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Project “Waste Education Initiative” is EU coordinated effort to identify the current state of waste
education in the school curriculum. As future EU citizens, school children should be educated
at an early stage, to make adults aware of proper waste disposal. The aim of this research was to
determine the willingness of primary school teachers from the city of Zagreb for additional engage
in waste management educating. A questionnaire was conducted from September to October 19th,
2018. There were 117 responses mostly professors of biology, chemistry and physics or eco school
Namely, 73.5 % of the participants in the survey are teachers in eco schools. According to the
curriculum they need to educate children about renewable energy and waste management in
general. 48.7 % of teachers have some materials provided by a professional institution. External
waste experts visited 46.2 % of schools. Most schools already have organized separate waste
collection (67.5 %). To improve organization of separate waste collection, teachers need additional
materials (76.1 %) and financial support (39.3 %). They think that more awareness of the topic
(75.2 %), responsible handling of waste at student’s home (69.2 %) and provision of appropriate
containers (66.7 %) can improve waste management at their school. Teachers believe (77.8 %)
that after education, schoolchildren will have an increased understanding of the need to take
responsibility for waste management in the future.
The research was financed by the ERASMUS+ programme, project “Waste Education Initiative”.
54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia 293
Session 10. Agricultural Engineering
Moritz WAGNER1, Anja MANGOLD1, Jan LASK1, Eckart PETIG2, Andreas KIESEL1, Iris
University of Hohenheim, Institute of Crop Science, Schloss Hohenheim 1, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany
University of Hohenheim,, Institute of Farm Management, Schloss Hohenheim 1, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany
In the last years there is a growing interest in alternative biogas crops, such as miscanthus. One
important reason for that is their better environmental performance compared to conventional
annual biogas crops such as maize. In addition, miscanthus can be grown on marginal land, where
no feed and food crops are cultivated. However, one drawback of the cultivation on marginal land
is significantly lower biomass yield compared to quality agricultural land. This raises the question
if it makes sense from an economic and environmental point of view to cultivate miscanthus on
marginal land as a biogas substrate.
In order to assess the environmental and economic performance of miscanthus cultivated on
marginal land for biogas production a LCA and complementary LCC analysis was conducted.
The functional unit chosen was 1 GJ of electricity (GJel.). To include the substitution of a fossil
reference a system expansion approach was applied.
The electricity generated by the combustion of miscanthus-based biogas in a CHP has compared
to the fossil reference considerably lower impacts on the environment in most of the categories
assessed. In addition the costs of miscanthus-based biogas generation and utilisation are
considerably lower than those of maize.
This results clearly show that it can make economic and environmental sense to cultivate
miscanthus on marginal land as a biogas substrate. Hereby the economic sustainability is limited
by the biomass yield. In contrast to this, the study showed no clear thresholds limiting the
environmental performance.
Key words: Life-Cycle Assessment, Life-Cycle Costs, miscanthus, marginal land, biogas
294 54th Croatian & 14th International Symposium on Agriculture | February 17 -22, 2019, Vodice, Croatia
ISSN 2459-5551
Agroecology, Organic Agriculture
and Environment Protection
Agroekologija, ekološka poljoprivreda i zaštita
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology