10 Draft Tobacco Cessation Questionnaire
10 Draft Tobacco Cessation Questionnaire
10 Draft Tobacco Cessation Questionnaire
Smoking Cessation Pre‐Class Questionnaire
1. About how long have you used tobacco? ________year(s) ________months
2. What kind of tobacco products do you use?
Smokeless Tobacco (Snuff or Chew)
Other (please describe): ___________________
3. How many cigarettes do you usually smoke per day? (1 pack = 20 cigarettes) ___cigarettes
4. How much smokeless tobacco (snuff/chew) do you usually use per day? ____dips
5. How soon after you wake up do you use tobacco?
Within 30 minutes After 30 minutes
6. How many people in your household use tobacco? ________ people
7. How many times have you tried to quit using tobacco in the past? _______times
8. What is the longest time that you have gone without using tobacco?
_______year(s) ______month(s) ______day(s) _____hour(s)
9. If you have tried to quit tobacco in the past, what helped you?
Acupuncture Helped Didn’t Help
Nicotine Patch Helped Didn’t Help
Nicotine Gum Helped Didn’t Help
Nicotine Nasal Spray Helped Didn’t Help
Zyban or Wellbutrin Helped Didn’t Help
Hypnosis Helped Didn’t Help
Cessation Program Helped Didn’t Help
Individual Counseling Helped Didn’t Help
Group Counseling Helped Didn’t Help
"Cold Turkey" Helped Didn’t Help
Exercise Helped Didn’t Help
Changing Habits Helped Didn’t Help
Willpower Helped Didn’t Help
Nothing Helped Didn’t Help
Other: _____________________ Helped Didn’t Help
10. Do you want to quit using tobacco? Yes No Unsure
11. What is the ONE MOST IMPORTANT reason you want to quit using tobacco? (Check ONE)
Health Money Family Work Smells Bad Social Acceptability
Other (please describe) __________________________________________________
12. How would you rate your motivation today to stop using tobacco?
Not motivated at all Somewhat motivated Very motivated
13. Are you in recovery from alcohol or drug problem? Yes No
a. If yes, how long have you been clean and sober? ____years ____months ____days
14. How did you learn about this class?
Friend Family Member Co‐Worker Ad in paper Flyer Internet Doctor
Other: __________________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone : ______________________________ Work Phone:_______________________________
Cell Phone: __________________________Email: ___________________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________________ Gender: Male Female Transgender
Please select the race/ethnic identity which best describes you (choose one):
Asian: Chinese/Japanese
Pacific Islander: Vietnamese, Samoan, Filipino, etc.
East Indian
Black/African American
Native American
What is the highest grade of school that you have completed?
Eighth grade or less
Some high school
Finished high school or GED
Some college
Associate’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree
Advanced College Degree (e.g., Masters, Doctorates)
Smoking Cessation Post‐Class Questionnaire
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________
1) Do you want to quit using tobacco? Yes No Unsure
2) What is the ONE MOST IMPORTANT reason you want to quit using tobacco? (Check ONE)
Health Money Family Work Smells Bad Social Acceptability
Other (please describe) __________________________________________________
3) How would you rate your motivation today to stop using tobacco?
Not motivated at all Somewhat motivated Very motivated
4) How much has your motivation to stop using tobacco changed as a result of this class?
Not at all Little Somewhat Much A Great Deal
5) What is ONE thing that you learned today that will help you quit using tobacco?
6) What was the MOST USEFUL part of this class?
7) How could this class be better?
8) Would you recommend this class to a friend or co‐worker who is trying to quit using
tobacco? Yes No Unsure
9) Please place an “X” in the box that most closely represents your opinion.
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree nor Agree
8a. The material was easy to understand.
8b. I increased my knowledge about
quitting tobacco.
8c. I am more motivated to quit using
8d. I learned new tools to help me quit
using tobacco.
8e. I will use new ideas to quit using
8f. Overall, the class was helpful.
Smoking Cessation Post‐Class Questionnaire
10) Please place an “X” in the box that most closely represents your opinion of the class
leader’s abilities.
Class leader’s ability to… Very Poor Good Very Excellent
Poor Good
9a. Explain new concepts.
9b. Gain participation from everyone.
9c. Be sensitive to different cultures.
9d. Understand needs of a diverse group.
9e. Communicate effectively.
9f. Respond to group’s needs and concerns.
11) Is there anything else you would like to share?
Smoking Cessation Follow‐Up Survey
Client Name: _______________________________________________
Follow‐Up Period: 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months
Are you currently using tobacco? Yes No
1. About how long has it been since you 1. After your attempt(s) to quit, what
COMPLETELY stopped using tobacco? were the reasons you started to smoke
___days ___weeks ___months again? ___________________________
___years _________________________________
2. Have you used tobacco at all since 2. How much tobacco do you use per
taking the tobacco cessation class? day? ______cigarettes ______dips
Yes No Don’t Know
a. If yes, how many times? _____ 3. Do you use less tobacco since you took
the tobacco cessation class?
3. What have you done since the class Yes No Don’t Know
that has helped you to quit using
tobacco? ______________________ 4. Have you tried quitting again since the
______________________________ tobacco cessation class?
______________________________ Yes No Don’t Know
4. What helped you the MOST to quit 5. Have you done anything since the class
using tobacco? _________________ to help you to quit using tobacco?
______________________________ Yes No Don’t Know
______________________________ a. If yes, what? ___________________
5. Did the class help you quit using
tobacco? Yes No Don’t Know 6. Are you interested in attending
another tobacco cessation class?
Yes No Don’t Know
7. Is there any way we can help you try to
quit again?
Yes No Don’t Know
a. If yes, what? ___________________
Final Question to All Respondents: Would you recommend this cessation class to a friend or
co‐worker who is trying to quit using tobacco? Yes No Unsure