Definisi Ergonomi - Jack Roebijoso - PPSX

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(Human Factor)



What Is Ergonomics?

What are “Human Factors”?
Hum an Factors ( ergonomics) involves
helping people to work m ore efficiently
through design of their : Where ?
 Tools ( products) environment

 Work process
 Work environm ent
 Organizational structure
Tools Work
(Products) Process
What ? How ?
Ergonomics Defined

Bahasa Yunani : “Ergon = work, Nomos = law”

Ergonomics : Study of Work Laws

Istilah lain Ergonomi

“Human Engineering”, Human Factors
What Is Ergonomics?

Ergon – work Nomos

– laws of

Ergonomi adalah
aturan (tata cara)
kerja yang
batasan kemampuan

Ergonomics is the laws of work that

define the limits to human capability.
What Is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of

improving employee performance
and well-being in relation to the
» job tasks,
» equipment, and
» the environment.

Ergonomics is…
» a continuous improvement effort to
design the workplace for what
people do well, and design
against what people don’t do well.
What Is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is fitting the job to the person.
2 . Why is Ergonomic ?
“ Setiap
aktivitas atau pekerjaan yang
dilakukan, apabila t idak dilakukan
secara ergonom is akan m enyebabkan:
Ketidaknyamanan  “Musculo Skeletal Sindrom” /
Occupational Related Deases / Occ Deases
High cost
Perform ansi dan produktivitas
Penerapan ergonomi disegala bidang
adalah suatu keharusan
3 . Where is Ergonomic
applied ?
Penerapan Ergonom i :
Di rumah
Di jalan
Di tempat kerja
Di mana saja
4 . When is Ergonomic applied ?
 Kapan saj a semaksimal mungkin
 Pada saat bekerja
 Pada saat beraktivitas
 Atau pada saat beristirahat
5 . Who must apply Ergonomic ?
 Siapapun yang mengharapkan
kenyamanan, keselamatan dan
produktivitas kerja.
How is Ergonomic applied ?
 Penerapan harus tepat dan benar
agar tepat sasaran dan bermanfaat

Human Machine

Work Environment

Utmost Goal: “Humanization” of Work

Design with “E & E”: Ease and Efficiency

The Basics of Ergonomics
Definisi Ergonomic

 Ergonomic design is the application of human factors,

information to the design of tools, machines, systems,
tasks, jobs and environment for productive, safe,
comfortable and efective human function (Manuaba,1998).
 Ergonomics is the ability to apply information
regarding human characters, capacities and limitation
to the design of human task, machines system , living
spaces and environment so that people can live, work
and play safely, comfortable and efficiently ( Annis &
McConville, 1996)
 Ergonomi adalah ilmu, seni dan penerapan teknologi
untuk menyerasikan atau menyeimbangkan antara
fasilitas dengan kemampuan dan keterbatasan
manusia sehingga kualitas hidup bisa lebih baik .
Applications of Ergonomics
Occupational Ergonomics

 Optimize worker well- being

 Optimize productivity
 Minimize workplace stress factors
 Minimize medical/workers’
compensation costs

Increase Company Profitability

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