Final Thesis - Elaine
Final Thesis - Elaine
Final Thesis - Elaine
Factors affecting the Repetition Rate of Grade 8 students in Math in Las Piñas
National High School
Noche, Ferrand Chester
Juanta, Angeline
Artugue, Romeranzf Nikole
Pasilong, David Mattew
Salvador, John Michael
Maria Francel B. Improgo
An Action Research
Presented to
Las Piñas North National High School
Aurora Drive, Vergonville Subd., Las Piñas City
As of S.Y 2018-2019 the total population of grade 8 students are 793 and 51 of them
repeated. The practice of class repetition as a means of improving academic achievement
is rooted in the Behaviorist and Cognitive principles of learning which holds that
knowledge or behavior acquired must be perfected before any new information could be
meaningfully absorbed (Mergel 1989). But class repetition is a contentious issue among
educationists. While some argue that class repetition is effective for improving the
academic achievement and emotional adjustment of students (Chansky, 1984; Chase,
1968), others maintain that it is a waste of time and valuable resources (Haddad, 1979;
Kenny, 1985). At the extreme end of the argument, some surveys on the psychological
effect of class repetition report that it could be emotionally damaging and stressful
(Yamamoto, 1980) and repeaters could develop poor self-concept which in effect
decreases learning (Haddad, 1979).
A high repetition rate indicates that a large number of pupils have not reached the level
of learning achievement expected of them. Some strategies for reducing repetition are
targeted at the children and their home environment; others are more closely related to
the school, the content, and the teaching methods; and still others have to do with the
overall policy and system.
Large numbers of pupils repeat their grades every year, and these repetition rates are
considered good indicators of an educational system's effectiveness.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that affects the repetition rate of
grade 8 students in Las Piñas North National High School. The following guide
questions are expected to be answered:
Students: They will able to find their weakness and strengths so they’re able to study
more efficiently
Teachers: They are able to improve their teaching methods
Parents: They will know how to guide their children in terms of their studies.
Review of Related Literature
Based on the analysis and discussion of the results of research conducted can be
concluded that percentage of students’ ability to understanding problem reached 84.62%
and classified in the category good, the percentage of problem solving ability of students
to planning 61.54% and classified in the category good enough. The percentage of
problem solving ability of students to performing the plan 39.74% and classified into
categories very less, the percentage of the student’s ability to confirmation the answer
the results obtained 32.05% and classified in the category very less, while the average
percentage reached 54.48% and classified in the not enough category. This indicates that
students have difficulty in solving problems obtained, based on interviews with teachers
in the field of mathematics studies such as:
(1) Students have difficulty solving mathematical problems in reading text or questions,
(2) Students always misinterpret the problem,
(3) If students do not understand the problem then they will guess the answer from the
(4) The students do not want to find out the solution of the problem given, (5) the students
have difficulty in understanding the problem so cannot interpret it into symbol form.
(i) Concepts of higher order than those which a person already has cannot
be communicated to him by definitions but only by arranging for him to encounter
a suitable collection of examples.
(ii) Since, in mathematics, these examples are almost invariably other
concepts, it must first be ensured that these are already formed in the mind of the
learner. Nevertheless, whether the best way of communicating the meanings of
technical terms and concepts is (in the teacher’s opinion) by using suitable
examples and/or giving formal definitions ways of enabling students to remember
these meanings should be sought. Dickson, Brown, and Gibson (1984) have
suggested that the onus should be on the teacher to repeat definitions, discuss
them and index them in some meaningful way. Similarly, as Krulik (1980) has
suggested, students can also be encouraged and guided on how to compile their
own ‘dictionaries’ using illustrative sentences and examples. This approach can
also assist students to:
a) Identify words that have similar mathematical meanings.
b) Discriminate between words that have:
- Multiple mathematical meanings.
- Mathematical meanings, which are different from their colloquial
This is in line with the strong activity message adopted by Cockroft (1982)
where we find that, for most children, practical work provides the most effective
means by which the understanding of mathematics can develop'. Related to (b)
above, Durkin and Shire, (1991) have suggested that, in preparing materials for
use in mathematics teaching (from lesson plans to textbooks), it is advisable to
consider whether any words might have a different meaning for the pupil from that
intended or assumed in this specialist context. If teachers and authors are aware
of the potential confusions that some words can cause, appropriate instruction can
be planned. For example, textbooks with a glossary of mathematical terms at the
end of each topic would be very useful to learners.
5. In order for the suggestions proposed above to be successfully implemented, it
will be necessary for students to be actively involved in the learning activities, with the
teacher playing the role of a guide and a facilitator of learning. Copeland, (1984) who
reported that the first condition or the implementation of an appropriate educational
program would be one, which would allow and encourage that every new truth to be
learned be worked out or rediscovered by the student and not simply imparted has also
made this observation to him via an explanation. Teachers should therefore understand
that learners are likely at first to use new terms incorrectly but as they are made aware of
this, they acquire the capacity to use them appropriately.
This meta-analysis highlighted the need for more empirical research on mathematics
video games in order to deepen our understanding of how video games can enhance
mathematics learning. Our initial intention was to examine various factors that could affect
the relationship among mathematics game-based learning and academic achievement,
including student individual differences, video game design characteristics, and attributes
of video game-based interventions. However, most of the identified mathematics video
game studies only provided partial information about the video games and game-based
instructional interventions, thus limiting our ability to examine systematically the effects of
several moderator variables. To advance research on mathematics game-based learning,
we urge authors to include more detailed descriptions of research procedures and
assessment instruments, as well as information about learning game(s) and expected
learning outcomes. For example, it is important to report how the employed game(s) align
with the classroom curriculum, the amount of video game training that teachers received,
teacher familiarity with the game(s), how the video game intervention was implemented
and who implemented it, the duration and frequency of video game interventions, and
specific skills and knowledge promoted in the game. With regard to future meta-analysis
research on mathematics video games, there is a need to examine how video games
facilitate acquisition of mathematics skills and concepts within different mathematical
domains (e.g., geometry, arithmetic, algebra). Examining how video games facilitate
acquisition of various skills can advance our understanding of how to select an optimal
video game for enhanced learning of specific mathematics concepts and skills. Thus,
future research should attempt to examine whether mathematics learning-tasks can
explain the relationships between video gaming and student achievement. Clark et al.
(2016) emphasized the importance of studying the relationships among game design and
learning outcomes. This is certainly true for mathematics video game research. We
should devote more attention to connecting game design characteristics with specific
learning outcomes across various mathematical domains. However, current literature
reviews suggest that this type of research investigation can be a challenging task. Earlier
research on educational video games usually employed a single video game for an
instructional intervention, which allowed for a focus on game design and its impact on
learning and engagement. However, technological advances in digital video games
created new opportunities and expectations for teaching and learning. More recent
studies implemented mathematics game-based learning using a series of video games
or multiple video-gaming apps that utilized various game designs and genres and were
played in the same game sessions, thus making the task of examining the role of game
design quite difficult, if not impossible. Last, studying the impact of game-based
intervention attributes on student achievement can improve the quality of video game
research in general and mathematics video gaming in particular (de Boer et al., 2014).
This area of research is limited within the game-based learning literature. Identifying
specific attributes of game-based interventions and examining relationships among these
attributes and learning outcomes would be an important contribution to the literature on
video games.
(Tokac U., Novak E., & Thompson C.G. (2019), Effects of game‐based learning on
students' mathematics achievement: A meta-analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted
Factors Affecting the Mathematics Problem Solving Skills of Filipino Pupils
February 2018
On the light of the findings established, the following are the conclusions formulated:
1. The proficiency level of the pupils in terms mastery of basic skills was on the Nearly-
Mastered Level.
2. The attitude level of the pupils towards mathematics was fair.
3. The parents' profile in terms or parental involvement was fair.
4. The pupils' problem solving skills was on the Nearly-Mastered Level.
5. There was a significant relationship between the pupils' mastery of basic skills and their
problem solving skills.
6. There was a significant relationship between the pupils' attitude towards mathematics
and their problem solving skills.
7. There was a significant relationship between parental involvement and the pupils'
problem solving skills.
From the field survey and statistical analysis of collected data, it was found that the
students and teachers have been facing many problems of geometry teaching and
learning in the mathematics class of secondary level. Different types of internal and
external forces play role to continue the problems. Based on analysis and interpretation
of data, stated below are the findings:
This study has shown how in-service secondary mathematics teachers can experience
the benefits and challenges of using a problem-solving approach to their teaching. In spite
of the limitations of this case study, the researcher was able to note some small changes
in the attitude of teachers towards a problem-solving approach. If this positive attitude
can be developed and extended to the mathematics classroom, mathematics may not be
the ‘dreaded’ subject it is perceived to be at the moment.
However, it must also be noted that the use of a problem-solving approach by teachers
is a long-term investment and cannot be achieved overnight. It may take a gradual
approach to convince teachers that their present, traditional methods are less relevant
and effective in relation to the needs of modern societies. To convince the majority of
teachers of such a view, opportunities may be created where they successfully
experience the actual methods used to enhance problem solving. Teachers also need to
challenge and critically reflect on their own teaching methods more frequently.
The researcher finally contends that series of regular workshops, contact teaching blocks
and classroom support visits for BEd in-service teachers, based on constructivist learning
models and a problem-solving approach in mathematics teaching, may be a way to
improve the quality and results of school mathematics in future. This may only materialize
if universities, teachers and school authorities can synergistically muster their efforts and
resources to achieve such an outcome.
Many students struggle with math at some point. It’s not uncommon to hear students
complain that they hate math because “it’s too hard.” But why do so many students seem
to share this opinion? What makes math so difficult for students to learn?
We’re here to help answer those questions. Read on to find out why so many students
struggle to succeed in math class.
Dyscalculia is a learning difficulty that causes students to struggle with formulas, shapes,
and number-related concepts. This makes it difficult for them to understand and process
math problems. These students usually fall far behind their peers in math and have trouble
with number-related problems that don’t improve with ongoing practice.
Students with math anxiety don’t simply dislike math—for them, math causes debilitating
feelings of fear and failure that hurt their ability to perform. The pressure and lack of
confidence these students feel when faced with math causes their brain to freeze and
forget even the things they do know.
Math challenges are not always a result of a learning difficulty. For many students who
struggle with math, it is simply because they do not have the proper foundation needed
for success. These students may have fallen behind in a unit or moved on to advanced
material before they were ready, leading to falling grades.
Math is a cumulative subject—everything builds on what came before. Your child needs
to know the basics before he or she can move on to new topics. If your child starts to fall
behind in one area, it can be very difficult to make sense of advanced concepts he or she
learns without that foundational knowledge.
BECOME A MASTER OF MATH mastering math can take a lot of effort, but with the
proper skills and ongoing practice, it does not have to be difficult! Learn more about our
math tutoring programs and find out how we can help your child become a master of
math—and even have fun while doing it.
This chapter provides description on the following methods the researchers used in
conducting the study.
B. Study Population/Sampling
This study was conducted in Las Piñas North National High School. The total
Population of the study is 793. The respondents are purposively selected from
grade 8. The sample of the study is shown in table below.
C. Research Instrument
D. Data gathering
The following procedures are done during the collection of data as shown in Table 2.
E. Data Analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (version 21; SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL USA) software considering 95% confidence interval in all collected
data. The use of cross tabulations enabled data was visually displayed,
comprehended and examined.
To come up with valid and objective answers to the research problems
stated, the following statistical tools and techniques were used.
1. Frequency and Percentage. These were used to describe the regularity and
rate of the demographic profile of the participants of the study.
2. Weighted Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the assessment
of the participants on their perception in terms of students, parents, teachers and
community. This was also used to determine the weighted average of the
responses in each indicators.
3. Ranking. This was used to determine the ranking of the different indicators
considered in assessing the perception on each of the participants. The highest
weighted was ranked 5.
4. Standard Deviation. This was used to determine how tightly all the entries
in each respective group were clustered around their respective means/weighted
5. One-way Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA). This was used to
determine if there is a significant difference between the demographic profile and
student’s perception on repetition in terms of students, teacher, parents and
6. Norms for Interpretation. To properly and comprehensively interpret and analyze
the results of the computations, the following were used:
The study took into consideration all ethical issues that are critical for conducting research. These
included first, the researcher had not been association with information that respondents provided which
were not related to research topic. Secondly the permission letter from the Division of City Schools Las
Piñas authority was solicited aid provided to researcher. Thirdly, the researcher made sure that the
respondent’s privacy and confidentiality of the information provided were observed, these encouraged
This part contains the different tables that present the results, analyses and
interpretations of data gathered and organized in the study conducted and aimed to
provide a valid and reliable assessment on the factors affecting the repetition rate of grade
8 students in Las Pinas North National High School. It also discusses the implications of
1. How the demographic profile of the student respondents may be described in terms of:
1.1. age;
1.2. gender;
1.4 residence;
1.6 section;
1.7.1 Mother,
1.7.2 Father.
Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Profile Frequency Percentage (%)
13 years old 1 5
14 years old 9 47
15 years old 3 16
16 years old 4 21
17 years old 2 11
Female 7 37
Male 12 63
Living with:
Parents 15 79
Siblings 1 5
Grandparents 1 5
Relatives 2 11
Residential 9 47
Village 7 37
Slum area 3 16
State of Living
Above Average 1 5
Average 13 69
Below Average 5 26
Caladium 1 5
Delphinium 1 5
Eranthenum 0 000
Fuschia 1 5
Geranium 0 000
Hyacinth 1 5
Iris 1 5
Jasmine 0 000
Kenedia 0 000
Lavender 0 000
Marigold 6 30
Nemesia 8 40
2 11
9 47
High school
8 42
2 11
10 53
High school
7 36
3.32 1 Often
Q3 3.26 2
Q4 2.95 3
Q5 2.58 5
Average 2.948
Table 2.1 shows the means and ranks of the responses on the questions that
regards to the students’ perception on repetition upon themselves.
The analysis resulted into the rankings of the responses in each questions, where
Q2 ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.32; Q3 ranked second with a weighted mean
of 3.26; Q4 ranked third with a weighted mean of 2.95; Q1 ranked fourth with a weighted
mean of 2.63; and lastly, Q5 ranked last with a weighted mean of 2.58
The results presents that Q2 is the most common perception of the students onto
their selves regarding the repetition which is described as “often”. On the contrary, other
questions are described to as “sometimes”.
1.95 4 Never
Q8 2.11 3
Q9 2.42 2
Q10 1.58 5
Average 2.276
Table 2.2 shows the means and ranks of the responses on the questions that
regards to the students’ perception on repetition upon their community.
The analysis resulted into the rankings of the responses in each questions, where
Q6 ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.32; Q9 ranked second with a weighted mean
of 2.42; Q8 ranked third with a weighted mean of 2.11; Q7 ranked fourth with a weighted
mean of 1.95; and lastly, Q10 ranked last with a weighted mean of 1.58
The results presents that Q6 is the most common perception of the students onto
their community regarding the repetition which is described as “often”. On the contrary,
other questions are described to as “sometimes” (Q8 and Q9) and “never” (Q7 and Q10).
Table 2.3 Student’s perception on repetition in terms of Teacher
Rank Description
Q11 3.63 1
2.37 5 Sometimes
Q13 3.58 2
Q14 3.53 3
Q15 2.95 4
Average 3.212
Table 2.3 shows the means and ranks of the responses on the questions that
regards to the students’ perception on repetition upon their teachers.
The analysis resulted into the rankings of the responses in each questions, where
Q11 ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.63; Q13 ranked second with a weighted mean
of 3.58; Q14 ranked third with a weighted mean of 3.53; Q15 ranked fourth with a
weighted mean of 2.95; and lastly, Q12 ranked last with a weighted mean of 2.37.
The results presents that Q11 is the most common perception of the students onto
their teachers regarding the repetition which is described as “often”, followed by Q13 and
Q14 which has the same description. On the contrary, other questions are described to
as “sometimes”.
Table 2.4 Student’s perception on repetition in terms of Parents
Rank Description
Q16 2.89 3
2.05 4 Sometimes
Q18 1.79 5
Q19 3.47 1
Q20 3.26 2
Average 2.692
Table 2.4 shows the means and ranks of the responses on the questions that
regards to the students’ perception on repetition upon their parents.
The analysis resulted into the rankings of the responses in each questions, where
Q19 ranked first with a weighted mean of 3.47; Q20 ranked second with a weighted mean
of 3.26; Q16 ranked third with a weighted mean of 2.89; Q17 ranked fourth with a
weighted mean of 2.05; and lastly, Q18 ranked last with a weighted mean of 1.79.
The results presents that Q19 is the most common perception of the students onto
their parents regarding the repetition which is described as “often. On the contrary, other
questions are described to as “sometimes” (Q16, Q17 and Q20) and “never” (Q18).
3. Is there significant difference between the demographic profile and student’s
perception on repetition in terms of students, teacher, parents and community?
Living with 0.339 .948
1.254 .410
Live in Significant
Economic Status 1.711 .263
Educational Attainment of Mother 1.426 .345
Educational Attainment of Father 1.298 .393
Table 3 shows the result in a test conducted using One Way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) to determine whether there were significant differences between the
demographic profile and the perception of students in terms of students, teacher, parents
and community. As result shown, there were no significant differences observed. The
computed F-value is 2.900 (Critical Value = 3.13) with asymptotic significance equal to
0.065 tested at the degrees of freedom of 3/50 and at a level of significance of 0.05. This
suggests that regardless of any category in their demographic profile, all respondents
manifests the same degree of perception regarding the repetition of students in math. The
null hypothesis of the study that there were no significant differences between the
demographic profile of the students as to their perception on repetition in terms of
students, teacher, parents and community.