JTS Standard Vertical Turbine Pumps en E00727 6 2010
JTS Standard Vertical Turbine Pumps en E00727 6 2010
JTS Standard Vertical Turbine Pumps en E00727 6 2010
Sulzer Pumps has a long history of Sulzer Pumps Houston manufacturing site
providing innovative pumping solu-
tions to business partners in the
following industries:
• Oil and Gas
• Hydrocarbon Processing
• Pulp and Paper
• Power Generation
• General Industry
• Chemical Process Industry
• Water and Wastewater
The vertical turbine pump is ideal Vertical turbine pumps are also
for agricultural pumping, municipal used in inline applications such as
and plant water supply, drainage, pipelines, booster and low-NPSH
flood control, pipeline pumping, systems.
power plant service, petrochemical
applications, high pressure pump- Advantages of JTS
ing and other industrial uses of all • Minimum use of floor space
types. • The NPSH available can be the
lowest level to satisfy the NPSH
Vertical turbine pumps are typically requirements of the pump.
used wherever a liquid needs to • No priming required, the pump
be pumped upward from ground bowl assembly is submerged in
water tables (deep well pumps), the fluid being pumped.
manmade underground storage • The vertical turbine is highly ver-
(caverns) or open bodies of liq- satile and adaptable in terms of
uid such as oceans, rivers, lakes, both location and pump length.
cooling ponds, tanks and sumps.
Extensive Product Range
The JTS bowls are made in cast request for the 510 mm (20”) bowl
iron. They are threaded for 180 mm sizes as required by application.
and 200 mm (7” and 8”) sizes and The standard cast iron discharge
flanged for 230 mm (9”) and larger. head is available in six sizes up to
The hydraulic profiles are designed 355 mm (14”). Discharge heads
using CFD technology which of 410 mm (16”) and larger will be
ensures high efficiency and reli- fabricated. Each standardized dis-
able operation. The bowl interiors charge head utilizes a stuffing box
are coated with either a glass or that is designed to accommodate
porcelain based enamel depend- both gland packing and various
ing on size. The JTS impellers are mechanical seals.
offered with two grades of stainless
steel for either abrasive or corro- Optional features available for
sive applications. Dual replaceable JTS pumps include stainless steel
nickel aluminium bronze/aluminium impeller (410 or 316), enclosed line
bronze wear rings are standard shaft, fabricated discharge head,
on all JTS bowls and impellers. All flanged column assemblies, cast
bowls are machined, as a stan- iron sole plates, and basket strain-
dard, with an o-ring groove that is ers. Thrust bearings are available JTS assembly at Sulzer Pumps Houston
utilized for higher pressure ap- as a pre-configured option to fit
plications. Special interfaces are each discharge head in accor-
designed to accommodate both dance to pump thrust and motor
US customary and metric column thrust capabilities.
assemblies and line shafts. A low
NPSH inducer stage is available on
JTS Design Features and Benefits
Shaft Seal
A packed stuffing box is provided
for reliable sealing and simple
maintenance. Optional cartridge Upper Head Shaft
type mechanical seal available. Provided for ease of installation and
adjustable pump setting with verti-
cal hollow shaft motor.
Column Adapter
The adapter provides true con-
nectivity of the column pipe to
the bowls to suit various threaded
column sizes.
Impellers are closed, made of stain-
less steel for versatility, supplied Bowls
with a replaceable wear ring as Cast iron bowl interiors are coated
standard. Collet construction (460 as a standard to reduce friction and
mm / 18” pumps) or key and split increase efficiency. Bowls are sup-
ring (510 mm / 20” pumps). plied with a replaceable wear ring.
Bowl Bearings
Bowls are fitted with a single
Pump Shaft bronze bearing or dual bronze and
The pump shaft design is modular rubber bearings.
or “size driven” by the number of
stages. Shafts are sized individu- Suction Bell
ally for each installation. The pump All suction bell sizes include
shaft is precision machined and anti-vortex ribs and a tail bearing
sized for application thrust and bushing. Bells are supplied with
torque. The shaft is provided with a a replaceable wear ring. These
turndown to match line shaft diam- combined features make the pump
eter as necessary. flush more efficient.
JTS Optional Features and Benefits
Driver Stand
Optional feature required with the thrust
bearing and some vertical solid shaft/
drive coupling combinations.
Sole plate
Cast iron sole plates are available
in pre-determined sizes to fit each
discharge head.
JTS Performance Ranges
1000 50 Hz
Head (m)
10 100 1000 10000
Capacity (m3/h)
1000 60 Hz
Head (ft)
10 100 1000 10000
Capacity (USgpm)
Operating Data
JTS operating data
Pump sizes (bowl diameter) 180 to 510 mm 7 to 20 inches
Capacities 20 to 1,500 m /h
100 to 8,000 USgpm
Heads up to 300 m up to 1,000 feet
Pressures up to 36 bar up to 524 psi
Temperatures -15° C to 85° C 5° F to 185° F
Maintaining and Improving Pump Performance
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