Machine Learning With Artificial Neural Networks

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Machine Learning

Neural Networks

Anuj Saxena
Software Consultant
Knoldus Software LLP
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Artificial Intelligence: Brief History
• Machine Learning – what and why?
• ANN - Introduction
• Activation Function
• Train & Error
• Gradient Descent
• Importance of layers
• Back propogation
• Cons
• Demo
Machine learning
● Machine learning is the subfield of computer
science that gives computers the ability to
learn without being programmed.
Machine Learning techniques
● Decision tree
● Random Forests
● K means Clustering
● Naive Bayes Classifier
● Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neural
How the brain works
At granular level

What is perceptron
● A perceptron is an artificial unit that mimics a
biological neuron.
● Using multiple perceptrons we create an
Artificial Neural Network.
● In an ANN, each single unit in every layer
(except input layer) is a perceptron.
A simple neural network
A bit simpler
Self Drive Car: ALVINN
● Stands for Autonomous Land Vehicle
In a Neural Network
● Steering a vehicle
● Taking input from
a 30X32 sensor
● Hence, 30X32 units
in input layer
● These inputs are provided
to our neural net and the
output tells us which neuron
to fire from all output neurons
(where each neuron defines
a direction)
Activation Function
● The activation function is the last step of
processing in a perceptron.
● It takes the summation of multiplication of the
inputs and their corrosponding weights
Need for activation
• Consider the following

• Here value of Y ranges from -inf to +inf

• Hence how to decide whether the neuron should be
fired(activated) or not??
• So we got some activation functions with us
• Step Function
• Linear Function
• Sigmoid Function
Step function
• A threshold based activation function
• “activated” if Y > threshold else not
• In this picture
output is 1 ( activated) when
value > 0 (threshold)
and outputs a 0 ( not activated) otherwise

• Drawbacks:
• Can work wrong if using more that two classes (if more than one neuron outputs
• Multiple layer not supported
Linear Function
● Y = c * (summation + bias)
where summation = sum(input*weight)
● A linear function in form of
y = mx
● Not binary in nature
● Drawbacks
– Unbounded
– Can not use multiple layers with this too
● Looks smooth
● Like step function
● Most widely used
● Benefits
– Nonlinear
– Bounded values
Sigmoid contd.
● As we are working in bounded outputs, our activation
functions have a range(0, 1)
i.e. our activations are bounded
● Although bounded but not binary in nature
● i.e. we can take the max ( or softmax) in case of more than
one neurons activated.
● As it is non linear in nature hence we can use mutiple layers to
What is bias?
● The main function of a bias is to provide every node with a
trainable constant value (in addition to the normal inputs
that the node receives)
● Lets consider a simple network with 1 input and 1 output

● The output of the network is computed by multiplying the

input (x) by the weight (w0) and passing the result through
some kind of activation function (e.g. a sigmoid function.)
● If we change the values
of w0 the graph
fluctuates like this
● Changing the weight
w0 essentially changes
the "steepness" of
the sigmoid
● But what if you wanted
the network to output 0
when input (x) is 2?
● changing the steepness
of the sigmoid won't
really work we need to
shift the entire curve
to the right.
● Now consider this network with added bias
● The output of the network becomes sig(w0*x +
● Here the value of the bias is taken as 1.0
● Now the graph moves
something like this with
the change in bias
● Having a weight of -5
for w1 shifts the curve
to the right,
which allows us to
have a network that
outputs 0 when x is 2.
Train & Error
● We now know that our perceptrons depend on its
weight vector to provide an output.
● In the training phase we shift the weights for each
input until we get our desired output
● In simple cases and less number of inputs we can
manually change our weights till the limit our
training data satisfies the outputs
● But what if the inputs are very large and training
data is really big too (a real time scenario)
● Finding error implies that if we have set our weights in
our ANN model and now we want to check if they are
correct or not?
● An ideal case can not be found when there is no error in
the weight vector. So there will always be some error in
our model.
● i.e. Error = (expected output – gained output)
● Here comes the tolerance(how much error is acceptable)
● i.e. till when we need to update the weights
Minimizing Error through Gradient
● What is gradient??
Ans: An increase or decrease in the magnitude of a property observed in
passing from one point or moment to another
In mathematics, the gradient is a multi-variable generalization of the

● Error = -Y

● Squared error function E(w) = 1/2

● Gradient

● Weight update: where

Issue with gradient descent
● Gradient descent works fine only with single
layer models (why???)
● But for multilayer???
● Here comes the back propogation
● Problems that require two hidden layers are
rarely encountered as neural networks with two
hidden layers can represent functions with any
kind of shape.
● Currently no theoretical reason to use neural
networks with any more than two hidden layers.
● Most problem can be solved using only one
hidden layer.
● The number of neurons in a hidden layer:
Back Propogation
● We can find error in weights between hidden layer and the
output layer
● Problem is finding the error in weights between input layer and
hidden layer (and between one hidden layer to another hidden
layer in case of multiple hidden layers)
● For that we have back propogation
● In back propogation we find the error at the output layer and
then use that error to calculate error at the hidden layer.
Algorithm contd.
Output layer
Hidden Layer
Weight Change
● Google’s Photos app mistakenly tagged two
black people in a photograph as “gorillas.”
● Flickr’s smart new image recognition tool,
powered by Yahoo’s neural network, also
tagged a black man as an “ape.”
● Machine Learning – Tom Mitchell

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