Student Internship Evaluation Form: Career Resource Center Department of Mechanical Engineering
Student Internship Evaluation Form: Career Resource Center Department of Mechanical Engineering
Student Internship Evaluation Form: Career Resource Center Department of Mechanical Engineering
Please evaluate the student’s performance and conduct during Internship training by encircling the appropriate
number on the scale of 0 to 10, (10 being outstanding).
Remarks: _________________________________________
Designation: __________________ Signature: ____________________
Mechanical Engineering Department, UET, Peshawar, Pakistan Ph: 92-91-9216499 Fax: 92-91-9216663
The Chairman,
Mechanical Engineering Department.
I shall be obliged If you please cooperate with the educational policy of University of
Engineering and Technology Peshawar and assist us by taking the following student as apprentice
for practical training in your works/firm/factory during Summer vacations.
The student will abide by the factory rules and regulations. Further it will help the student
very much if you are able to pay the student stipend on work charge basis.
After the completion of internship, kindly fill the Evaluation form (copy attached) and issue
him a certificate to that effect.
Incharge Career Resource Center
Mechanical Engineering Department
(Career Resource Center)