Ipem International School & College: Class - Pre-Nursery Syllabus For The Year 2018 - 19 (1 Term)

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Syllabus for the Year 2018 –19 (1st Term)
English Oral Singing and recognition of Alphabets A to Z with Pictures and Objects

Pattern Writing I, ―, +, / , \ , Λ, С, Ͻ, О
Pattern Writing Book Pages 6 to 40

Math Oral Daily oral Drill 1 to 20 Numbers, 1 to 10 identification and counting with objects

Math Writing I, ―, +, / , \ , Λ, С, Ͻ, О
1. Aquatic Animals 2. Body Parts 3. Colours 4. Domestic Animals 5. Wild Animals
6. My Family (Family Tree)
Environmental Studies Pages 1 to 16

Conversation Myself

Art Stage 1 – Pages 4 to 17, Stage 2 – Pages 4 to 17

Art Book Pages 1 to 11

1. Early to Bed 2. Rain on the green grass 3. Johnny-Johnny
4. Jingle Bells Jingle Bells 5. Twinkle-Twinkle little star 6. Golden Rules
English Rhymes
7. Cobbler, Cobbler Mend My Shoe 8. Hush A Bye 9. Hickory, Dickory, Dock
10. Knock At The Door 11. Mary Had A Little Lamb 12. The Moon
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Hindi Rhymes
7. 8. 9.


Syllabus for the Year 2018 –19 (2nd Term)
English Oral Singing and recognition of Alphabets A to Z with Pictures and Objects

English Writing Alphabets : T, I , / L, F / E, H

Pattern Writing Book Pages 41 to 80

Daily oral Drill 1 to 30 Numbers, 1 to 20 identification of numbers and counting
with objects 1 to 30
Math Writing 1, 7 / 2, 3 / 6, 9

E.V.S. 1. Fruits 2. Good Habits 3. Insects 4. Juices and Drinks 5. Our Helpers

Environmental Studies Pages 17 to 32

Conversation My Self and my Family

Art Stage 1 – Pages 18 to 36, Stage 2 – Pages 18 to 34

Art Book Pages 12 to 22

1. Humpty Dumpty 2. Good Night, Sleep Light 3. Chubby Cheeks 4. Ten Little
English Rhymes Fingers 5. Clap your hands 6. Butterfly 7. Number Rhymes 8. Eena Meena
9. Are you sleeping
1. 2. 3. 4.
Hindi Rhymes
5. 6. 7. 8.
Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19 (1st Term)
English Oral All in one : A to Z recognition of Alphabets with Objects
Written English Practice A :- Pgs. 1 to 61, {L, T, I, E, F, H, A, N, M, V, W, K, X, Y, Z}
Workbook All in one :- {L, T, I, E, F, H, A, N, M, V, W, K, X, Y, Z}
Topics See the Picture and Write First Alphabet, Match the Alphabet to Alphabet,
Match the Alphabet to the Picture, Circle the correct Alphabet, Dictation
Conversation Question & Answer According to the sheet pasted in School Diary
Rhymes Smile (1) -: 2 to 9
Numbers Oral 1 to 10 Identification
Written Maths Practice – A : Pages 4 to 47 {Numbers 1 to 10}
Work Book All in One : - Numbers 1 to 10
Topics Match Number to Number, Count and Write, Count and Circle the correct
Number, Big and Small, 1 to 10 in Sequence
Hindi Oral All in One :- with Objects
Written Hindi Practice 1 : Pgs. 4 to 39 { }
Work Book All in One :- { }

Rhymes (1) :- 2 to 9
E.V.S. Oral All in One {Mini Album} :– Pages 2 to 13, Question / Answer according to
sheet pasted in school diary
Colouring Art & Craft Zone A :- Pages 1 to 15
My Book of Patterns Pages 1 to 45


Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19 (2nd Term)
English Oral All in one :- A to Z recognition of Alphabets with Objects
Written English Practice : A :- Pgs. 62 to 104, {U, B, D, P, R, C, G, S, O, Q, J}
Workbook All in one :- {U, B, D, P, R, C, G, S, O, Q, J}
Topics Match the Alphabet to Alphabet, Match the Alphabet to the Picture, See the
Picture and Write First Alphabet, Fill in the Missing Alphabet, A to Z in
Sequence, Dictation
Conversation Question & Answer According to the sheet pasted in School Diary
Rhymes Smile (1) :- 10 to 16
Numbers Oral 1 to 50 Identification
Written Maths Practice – A :- Pgs 48 to 88 {Numbers 11 to 20}
Work Book All in One :- Numbers 11 to 20
Topics Match Number to Number, Count and Write, Count and Circle the correct
Number, Fill in the Missing Number, What comes After, 11 to 20 in Sequence
Hindi Oral All in One :- with Objects
Written Hindi Practice 1:- Pages 40 to 72 { }
Work Book All in One :- { }

Rhymes (1) :- 10 to 16
E.V.S. Oral All in One {Mini Album}:– Pages 14 to 24, Question / Answer according to
sheet pasted in school diary
Colouring Art & Craft Zone A :- Pages 16 to 30
My Book of Patterns Pages 46 to 80
Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19 (1st Term)
A to Z, a to z, a to z, Pairing Aa to Zz, Match alphabet with Picture, Circle the
English Copy Correct Alphabet, Write the First Alphabet of the Picture, Change into Capital /
Small, 2 Letter Words, Dictation, Missing Alphabets
English Practice Book 2 Page no. 4 to 21, 26 to 37
Learning in Steps Page no. 4 to 38
Rain, Come Little Children, One Two, Washing Day, Chubby Cheeks,
What I can do, Jack and Jill, Ding Dong Bell
Numbers 1 to 50, Number names 1 to 10, Count & Match, Missing Numbers 1 to
50, What comes After, Before and Between, Count and Circle, Reverse Counting
Math Copy
10 to 0, Count and Draw, Shapes (Draw and colour the following shapes Circle,
Triangle, Square, Rectangle)
Math Practice Book 2 Page no. 6 to 29, 32 to 61, 64 to 73
Little Learners
Pages 2 to 54
Numbers 1 – 100
Learning in Steps Pages 88 to 91, 113 to 116
Hindi Copy
Hindi Practice Book 2 Pages 4 to 77
Learning in Steps Pages 52 to 69
Hindi Varn Abhyas Pages 2 to 31
Hindi Rhymes
Parts of our Body, Birds, National Animal, National Bird, National Flag, Fruits,
EVS/G.K. Copy (Oral)
Vegetables, Flowers
Smile and Learn Book My Body, Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Birds
Learning in Steps Pages 124, 126, 127
Conversation Topics My Self, My School, My Class, Days of the Week, My Body Parts
Art & Craft Zone Book B Pages 1 to 15
Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19 (2nd Term)
Vowels, Consonants, 3 & 4 letter Words, Name the Pictures, Join the Letters,
English Copy Draw the pictures, Circle the Correct Word, Match Word with Picture, Use of
This/That, Use of A/An, Rhyming Words, Dictation
English Practice Book 2 Pages 22 to 25, 38 to 120
Learning in Steps Pages 39 to 50
Word Sound Stage 2 Reading Book - Pages 8 to 83, 87, 91
Pussy Cat Pussy Cat, Hop A Little, Humpty Dumpty, Days of the Months, Baa!
Baa! Black Sheep, Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, Traffic Lights, Hot Cross Buns
Numbers 51 to 100, Number Names 11 to 20, Reverse Counting 20 to 0,
What comes After, Before and Between, Complete the line, Match number with
Math Copy
number name, Draw and colour the following shapes (Semi Circle, Oval, Star,
Math Practice Book 2 Pages 74 to 91, 94 to 118, 120
Little Learners
Pages 57 to 63, 66, 72
Numbers 1 – 100
Learning in Steps Pages 92 to 112, 117, 118

Hindi Copy

Hindi Practice Book 2 Pages 78 to 128

Learning in Steps Pages 70 to 78, 84, 86
Hindi Varn Abhyas Pages 32 to 56
Hindi Rhymes
Animals (Pet, Wild, Domestic & Sea), Land Transport, Insects, Our Helpers,
EVS/GK Copy (Oral)
Shapes and Colours
Colours, My Clothes, My Classroom, My Home, Land Transport, They Help us,
Smile and Learn (Book) Animals (Wild & Water) Insects, Festivals, Good Manners and Habits,
Learning in Steps Pages 120 to 123, 125, 128
Conversation Topics Good Manners, Cleanliness, People who help us, Family Tree, Month of the year
Art & Craft Zone Book B Pages 16 to 30
Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19 (1st Term)
3 Letter Words (Sound of a,e,i,o,u), 4 Letter Words, Name the Pictures, Use of
English Copy A/An, Circle the correct word, Concept of This/That, These/Those, He/She,
Opposites, Rhyming Words, Dictation Words
After a Bath, Peter the clown, Ten little Fingers, Golden rules, Tooth Brush,
Book Smile (Rhymes) Higgledy Piggledy, Little Jack horner, Tea-Pot, Five Little Soldiers, Two Little
Conversation Copy My Self, My School, Good Manners
Creative Eng. Course Book Pages 5 to 29
Story Telling-Smile Rhymes Thirsty Crow (Page 23)
Step by Step Cursive Writing Pages 1 – 30
Smile & Learn English
Pages 1 – 36. 49, 50, 61 – 66, 69 – 80
(Tiny Tots)
Learning in Step 2(a) Pages 4 – 54
Maths Copy Numbers 1 – 300, Number name 1 – 50, Before, After, Between, Reverse
counting (50 – 0), Match number with number names, Increasing, decreasing
orders, Put sign <, > or =, Addition by object counting, Addition one digit,
Subtraction one digit, Shapes , , , , Table of 1
Maths Practice 3 Pages 4 – 49, 58, 59, 66, 67, 74, 75, 82, 83, 90 – 101
Smile & Learn Skill Sheet Pages 1 – 18, 21 – 60
Steps in Learning 2a Pages 90 – 103, 109 – 116
EVS Copy Work Body parts and its functions, Sense organs, Fruits, Vegetables, Birds, Electrical
Appliances, Different Professionals (Our helpers)
About Me and My Family, My Sense Organs, (Pg 3-6), Uniforms, They Help Us,
Smile and Learn (EVS Book)
Electrical Appliances, Fruits And Vegetables, Seasons (Pg 45 – 50), Birds
Learning in Steps 2a Pages 120 – 128
G.K. My Clothes, My Food, Around my house, An intelligent machine and wonder
Book Smile and Learn (EVS) machine, Games, Animals and young ones, Our needs – Water, Days of The
G.K. Copy Pair words, Public places, Fun places, Days of the week, Colours
Art / Craft Copy A Hut, A Tree, A Flag, A Bat and A Ball, A Boat
Art & Craft Zone (C) Book Pages 1 – 15
Hindi Copy Work

( )
Shabdh Gyan Book Pages 2 to 48

Muskaan ( )
Shabdh Abhyaas Pages 2 – 30,
Learning in steps 2a Pages 56 – 67
Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19 (2nd Term)
English Copy 4 and 5 Letter words, Concept of in/on/under, Use of is/am/are, Rearrange the
jumble words, One and Many (Singular/Plural), Genders (Opposites), Action
words, Rhyming Words, Dictation Words, Make Sentences.
Book Smile (Rhymes) Mary had a little lamb, little miss muffet, Little girl, Mickey mouse, Rat-tat-tat, One
two three, Ten little firemen, Here is the family, Pretending, Sounds of animals,
Days of the week and months of the year
Conversation Copy My class, Cleanliness, Good habits
Creative Eng. Course Book Pages 30 – 35, 39 – 43, 46, 50 – 53, 55, 59
Story Telling (Smile Rhymes) Fox and Grapes (page 24)
Step by step Cursive Writing Pages 31 – 54
Smil & Learn Eng. (Tiny Tots) Pages 37 – 48, 51 – 60, 67, 68
Maths Copy Numbers 301 – 500, Number Names 51 – 100, Before, After, Between, Reverse
Counting (100 – 50), Match Number with Number Names, Complete the line,
Addition and Subtraction 2 Digit, Tables Of 2, 3 (Oral), Shapes , , ,
Maths Practice 3 Pages 50 – 57, 60 – 65, 68 – 73, 76 – 81, 84 – 89, 102 – 120
Smile and Learn Skill Sheet Pages 61 – 96
Steps in Learning 2a Pages 104 – 108, 117 – 118
EVS Copy Work Means of Transport, Water Animals, Domestic / Pet and Wild Animals, Festivals,
Living and Non - Living Things, Flowers, Insects
Smile and Learn EVS Domestic ad Wild Animals, Water Animals, Insects, Air Transport, Means of
Transport, Water Transport
Art & Craft Zone Pages 16 – 30
Art / Craft Copy A Fish, A Joker, A Kite, The Moon and the Stars, A Christmas Tree, A Softy
GK – Copy National Festivals, Our Country (W/s) National Leaders, Months of the Year,
Healthy and Unhealthy Food
GK - Book Smile & Learn Animals Homes, Our Needs – Air, Months of the Year, National Symbols, Good
(EVS) Habits, Cleanliness, Safety Habits
Hindi Copy

Muskaan ( )
Shabdh Abhyaas Pages 31 – 48
Learning in steps 2a Pages 68 – 88
Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 19
English Language
Unit Test-1 Ch-1. Noun, Ch-2. Gender
1st Term Ch-1. Noun, Ch-2. Gender Ch-3 Singular & Plural, Ch-4. Use of ‘This’ & ‘These’
Ch-5. Punctuation
Picture Composition : a) My Tooth Brush (b) Rainbow
Essay : a) My School b) Christmas
Unit Test-2 Ch-6. The Verb Ch-7. Use of ‘A’ and ‘An’
2nd Term Ch-6. The Verb Ch-7. Use of ‘A’ and ‘An’ Ch-8. The Adjective, Ch-9. Opposites
Ch-11. The Preposition,
Picture Composition : a) My Pet Dog b) Clock
Essay : a) My Mother b) My Best Friend
English Literature
Unit Test-1 Ch-2. The Hare and the Tortoise
1st Term Ch-2. The Hare and the Tortoise Ch-3. Noddy Meets Big Ears Ch-5. The Donkey and
his Masters Ch-7. Tommy’s Five Senses (Poem)
Reading : Ch-8. Pinocchio
Unit Test-2 Ch-6. The Sheep pig
2nd Term Ch-6. The Sheep pig Ch-9. Fantastic Mr Fox Ch-10. I have a little frog (Poem)
Ch-12. The fox and the crow
Reading : Ch-11. The Ant and the Grasshopper
Eng. Conversation
1st Term Ch-1. Mastro Cherry Finds A Piece of Wood Ch-2. Mastro Cherry Gives the piece of
wood to Geppetto Ch-3. The Marionette and his pranks Ch-4. Pinocchio Burns his
feet Ch-5. Geppetto Makes Pinocchio A new pair of feet
2nd Term Ch-6. The Marionettes and the fire - Eater Ch-7. The wicked Cat and the fox
Ch-8. The blue fairy with Azure Hair Ch-9 Pinocchio Robbed and then punished
Ch-10. Pinocchio Goes to the aid of his father
Unit Test-1 Ch-1. Number & Number Names upto 100
1st Term Ch-1. Number & Number Names upto 100 Ch-2. Addition (with Zero and One Digit)
Ch-4. Subtraction (with Zero and One Digit), Tables 2 to 6
Unit Test-2 Ch-1. Number and Number Names 101 to 200
2nd Term Ch-1. Number and Number Names 101 to 200 Ch-3. More about Addition (with Two
Digit) Ch-4. Subtraction (with Two Digit) Ch-6. Geometrical Shapes
Ch-10. Time, Multiplication (with Zero and One Digit), Tables 7 - 12
Unit Test-1 Ch-5. My family
1st Term Ch-5. My family Ch-6. My friends and Neighbours Ch-7. Festivals are fun
Ch-8. The food we eat Ch-10. Water to use Ch-12. Types of Houses
Ch-14. Clothing Ch-15. Air
Unit Test-2 Ch-16. Clean safe and healthy Ch-17. My neighbourhood
2nd Term Ch-16. Clean safe and healthy Ch-17. My neighbourhood Ch-18. People who help us
Ch-19. Plants around us Ch-20. Amazing world of Animals Ch-21. Means of
Transport Ch-23. Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars
Unit Test-1 Ch-1. Computer – A Machine
1st Term Ch-1. Computer – A Machine Ch-2. Uses of Computers Ch-3. Parts of a Computer
Ch-4. Using Computers – Do’s & Don’ts
Unit Test-2 Ch-5. Using a Mouse
2nd Term Ch-5. Using a Mouse Ch-6. Computer Keyboard Ch-7. Storage Devices
Unit Test-1 [kaM 1 & vk ls Å dh ek=k (Ch-2 to Ch-4) Hkk"kk (Ch-1)
1st Term [kaM 1 & vk ls insu j dh ek=k ds 'kCn (Ch-2 to Ch-8)
[kaM 2 & Ch-1. izkFkZuk ¼dfork½ Ch-2. es<d dh lh[k Ch-4. le>nkj fpaVw Ch-6. Bhd le;
ij ¼dfork½] Hkk"kk (Ch-1) o.kZekyk (Ch-2) laKk (Ch-4)
fp= ys[ku & isM+] fuca/k & gksyh
Reading : (Ch-3) vkvks isM+ yxk,a
Unit Test-2 [kaM 2 & Ch-7. jksVh dk c¡Vokjk Ch-5. fyax
2nd Term [kaM 2 & Ch-7. jksVh dk c¡Vokjk] Ch-8. nknk th dk xk¡o Ch-10. Ykkyph ccyw
Ch-11. ,d nks ¼dfork½
Ch-5. fyax Ch-6. opu Ch-11. foykse 'kCn] fp= ys[ku & lsc] fuca/k & xk;
Reading : (Ch-9) j{kk ca/ku
Hindi conversation
1st Term Topic : gekjk Hkkstu
2nd Term Topic : [ksy
G.K. Our Surroundings, Find Me, Animals And Their Food, Our Body, National Symbols,
1st Term Land Of Paradise 1 and 2, Our Country
2nd Term Etiquettes, Women Power in India, Special Places, Health Tips, Months, Public
Discipline/Civic Life
Moral Science Our Beautiful World, My Parents, My Teacher, My Self, Helping The Needy
1st Term Lord’s Prayer
2nd Term Little Boy Raja, The Little Lamb, The Ant and the Dove, The Loving Cat, Our
Motherland, The Pledge
Art & Craft zone Class work pages :– 1 to 15
book Drawing copy :– Draw and colour : A tree, A kite, A ball, A softy
1st Term Craft :– Page 8 Hut (Pencil Shave Pasting), Page 10 Sheep (Cotton Impression),
Page 12 Balloon (Glitter Pasting), Page 13 Birds (Toothbrush Spray)
2nd Term Class work pages :– 16 to 30
Drawing copy :– Draw and colour : A Fish, An Apple, A Mango, An Orange
Craft :– Page 14 Undersea world, Page 19 Birds Pattern making, Page 23 Cat Paper
craft, Page 25 Butterflies Pattern making
Class – 2 Syllabus Year 2018 – 2019

UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (Ch-5) 2. Opposite (Ch-12)

1 Term :- 1. Noun (Ch-1) 2. Gender (Ch-2) 3. Singular & Plural (Ch-3) 4. Punctuation
(Ch-4) 5. Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (Ch-5) 6.Use of ‘is’ & ‘are’ (Ch-7) 7. The Sentence (Ch-13)
8. Opposites (Ch-12) 9. Picture Composition 10. Essay
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Use of ‘that’ and ‘those’ (Ch-8) 2. Pronoun (Ch-9) 3. Opposites (Ch-12)
2 Term :- 1. Verb (Ch-6) 2. Use of ‘that’ and ‘those’ (Ch-8) 3. Pronoun (Ch-9) 4. The
Adjective (Ch-10) 5. Prepositions (Ch-11) 6. Opposites (Ch-12) 7. Correct Use of Word in
Paragraph (Ch-14) 8. Picture Composition 9. Essay
Chapters included from 1 Term – 1. Gender (Ch-2) 2. Singular & Plural (Ch-3)
UNIT TEST 1 – Noddy’s Unlucky Day (Ch-2)
1 Term:- 1. A Caring Heart (Poem) (Ch-1) 2. Noddy’s Unlucky Day (Ch-2) 3. The Apple
ENGLISH Tree (Ch-3) 4. The Rainbow Poem (Ch-4) 5. The Cap Seller And the Monkeys (Ch-6)
LITERATURE UNIT TEST 2 – 1. The Tales of Peter Rabbit (Ch-8)
2 Term:- 1. The boy Who Never told A Lie Poem (Ch-7) 2.The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Ch-8)
3. The Wise Sage (Ch-9) 4.Forgive me Lord Poem (Ch-10) 5. The Trick That Did Not Work (Ch-11)
MATHS UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Numbers (Unit 1) 2. Tables Upto 10
1 Term :- 1. Numbers (Unit 1) 2. Addition (Unit 2) 3. Subtraction (Unit 3) 4. Multiplication
(Unit 4) 5. Time (Unit 11) 6.Tables Upto 15
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Money (Unit 6) 2.Geometrical Shapes (Unit 7)
2 Term:- 1. Division (Unit 5) 2. Money (Unit 6) 3. Geometrical Shapes (Unit 7)
4. Measurement of Length (Unit 8) 5. Measurement of Mass-weight (Unit 9) 6.Tables upto 20
Chapter included from 1 term – 1. Addition (Unit 2) 2. Subtraction (Unit 3)
UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Our food (Ch-4)
1 Term:- 1. Our food (Ch-4) 2. Need of Water (Ch-5) 3. Pure Water (Ch-6) 4. The
houses (Ch-7) 5. Care of my house (Ch-8)
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Clothing (Ch-9)
2nd Term:- 1. Clothing (Ch-9) 2. Air (Ch-10) 3. Keeping Safe and Healthy (Ch-12)
4. Plants and their parts (Ch-14) 5. Animals (Ch-16)
UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Computer – An Electronic Device (Ch-1)
1 Term:- 1. Computer An Electronic Device (Ch-1) 2. Role of Computers (Ch-2) 3. Input
and Output devices (Ch-3) 4. Keyboard – Special Keys (Ch-4) * Practicals Ch. Based *
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Mouse - An input device (Ch-5)
2 Term :- 1.Mouse - An input device (Ch-5) 2. Introduction to Paint (Ch-6) 3. File
Management an introduction (Ch-7) * Practicals Ch. based *
1 Term :- 1. Natural World (Page-6) 2. Weather Events (Page-11) 3. Inventions (Page-16)
4. Do and Share (Hygiene) 5. Festivals of India (Page-25) 6. National Tricolour (Page-29)
GK nd
2 Term:- 1. India (Superlatives) (Page 30) 2. You Love Us (Page 39) 3. Do and Share
(Etiquettes) 4. Do and Share (Healthy Tips) 5. Word Puzzle (Page 56) 6. Number Quiz (Page 57)
1 Term:- 1. King Midas (Ch-2) 2. The Story of Aruni (Ch-3) 3. Chaotic Morning (Ch-4)
4. The Helpful Little Boy (Ch-6) Let Us Pray Pg. 5 (Book)
2 Term:- 1. Cats And The Monkey (Ch-7) 2. Work Is Worship (Ch-8) 3. The Punctual Fox
(Ch-10) 4. The Boy Who Saved His Sister (Ch-11)
ART & 1 Term :- Art & Craft Zone (BK) Pg. No.- 1,3,5,15,23,13. Craft :- Pg 8,38.
CRAFT 2 Term :- Art & Craft Zone (BK) Pg. No.- 2,4,10,22,24,26. Craft:- 20,35.

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :
LITERATURE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :
LANGUAGE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :
CLASS -3 Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 2019

ENGLISH (Unit Test-1) - (1) Punctuation (2) Noun (a) Common Noun and Proper Noun (b) Collective Noun
LANGUAGE 1 Term- 1. Punctuation 2. Noun a).Common Noun and Proper Noun, b). Collective Noun
3. Gender 4. Singular and Plural 5. Opposites 6. Essay 7. Articles 8. Contraction (Short Forms)
9. Use of ‘is’ and ‘are’ 10. Picture Composition
(Unit Test-2) - 1. Opposites 2. Use of ‘was’ and ‘were’ (Pg41-43) 3. Use of ‘has’ and ‘have’ & ‘had’
(Pg 44 - 46)
2 Term- 1. Opposites 2. Use of ‘was’ and ‘were’ (Pg 41-43) 3. Use of ‘has’ and ‘have’ & ‘had’ (Pg
44 - 46) 4. Use of ‘do’, ‘does’ & ‘did’ (Pg 47-49) 5. Verb (Pg 31-36) 6. Essay 7. Pronoun 8. Adjective
9. Preposition 10.Conjunction 11. Picture Composition 12. Letter Writing
Chapters included from 1 Term: Opposites and Articles.

ENGLISH (Unit Test-1) 1. Dorothy’s Journey To The City of OZ. (Ch-5)

Literature 1 Term –1. Dorothy’s Journey To The City of OZ. (Ch-5) 2. The Months (Poem) (Ch-1) 3.The
Blue Umbrella (Ch-2) 4.Heidi’s First Day with Grandfather Alm (Ch-6) 5. Bed’s Best (Poem) (Ch-7)
6. Matilda (Ch-9)
(Unit Test-2) Tom and the Dragonfly (Ch-11)
2 Term- 1. Tom and the Dragonfly (Ch-11) 2.The Band (Poem) (Ch-10) 3. Grandfather’s Private
Zoo (Ch-12)4. The Selfish Giant (Ch-14) 5. The Land of Story Books (Poem) (Ch-13) 6. Noah’s Ark

MATHS (Unit Test-1) Ch.1. Numbers upto 9999

1 Term - Ch.1. Numbers upto 9999 Ch.2. Addition Ch.3. Subtraction Ch.4. Multiplication
Ch.5. Division
(Unit Test-2) Ch.6. Money
2 Term - Ch.6. Money Ch.7. Geometrical Shapes Ch.8. Measurement of Length.
Ch.9. Measurement of Capacity
Ch.10. Measurement of Mass Chapters Combined
Ch.11. Measurement of Time

SCIENCE (Unit Test-1) Ch.1. Living Things And Non – Living Things.
1 Term – Ch.1. Living Things And Non Living Things Ch.2. Our Body Ch.4. Birds Ch.6. Plants In
the Surroundings Ch.7. Food we Get From Plants
Diagram: - 1. Two Living Things and Two Non – Living Things 2. Parts of a Plant 3.Strucuture of a
(Unit Test-2) Ch-11 The Sun
2 Term- Ch.11. The Sun Ch.8. States of Matter – Solids, Liquids and Gases Ch.9. Properties of
Water Ch.10.Water as a Resource Ch.12. Health and Cleanliness.
Diagram: - 1. Water cycle 2.Germination of a Seed. 3. Photosynthesis

SOCIAL STUDIES (Unit Test-1) Ch.3. Changes in the Transport System

1 Term- Ch.3 Changes in the Transport System Ch.5. People who Help Us. Ch.6. Caring for
Others Ch.7. Safety Rules at Home, School and on the Road. Ch.8. First Aid
Map Work: Political map of India (Neighbouring seven countries of India)
(Unit Test-2) Ch13. Our Festivals
2 Term- Ch13. Our Festivals Ch.9. Understanding Indian Heritage Ch.10. Our Rich Heritage:
Buildings and Monuments Ch.12. National Symbols Ch.14. The Earth and the Solar System.
Map Work: Political map of India (10 States)

COMPUTER (Unit Test-1) - Ch-1 A Computer System

1 Term – Ch-1- A Computer System Ch-2- GUI Operating System an Introduction Ch-3- More on
Ms Window 7 Ch-4- Word Processor – An introduction (Practical Chapter based)
(Unit Test-2) - Ch-5- The internet – An introduction
2 Term- Ch-5- The internet – An introduction Ch-6- More on internet Ch-7- Fun with Paint
Ch.8. File Management Organization of folders (Practical based Chapter)
GENERAL 1 Term –1. Life Component – Air (Pg 7) 2. Our Dependence on Animals (Pg 11)
KNOWLEDGE 3. Superlatives (Pg 16) 4. Pollution (Pg 18) 5. Famous Indians – 1 (Pg 27) 6. Superlatives (India)
(Pg 30) 7. Country, Capital, Currency (Pg 35)
2 Term –1. Famous World Sites (Pg 36) 2. Country and Language (Pg 37) 3. Musical Instruments
(Pg 40) 4. Cartoons (Pg 43) 5. Women Power in India (Pg 47) 6. National Sports (Pg 53)
7. Similies and Proverbs (Pg 56)
MORAL SCIENCE 1 Term- 1. God made Everyone Equal 2. Mother’s Love 3. No – One is watching 4. Florence
Nightingale 5. Two Friends and a Bear 6. Lord’s Prayer
2 Term- 1. Truth Always Wins 2. The Grand Master 3. Do not Make Enemies 4. Limping His Way
Across 5. From Rags to Riches 6. Pledge
ART 1 Term- Page No:1,2,3,4,9,Flower Pot, Scenery, Save the Earth, Pencil Shading, Craft Work
2 Term- Page No. 10,14,18,19,20, Rangoli, Birthday Scene, Cartoon Character, Pencil Shading,
Craft Work.

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

HINDI Unit Test 2 :

LITERATURE 2nd term :
Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :
Class – 4 - Syllabus Year 2018 – 2019
UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Noun 2. Number
1 Term :- 1. Noun 2. Number 3. Gender 4. Verbs 5. Adverbs 6. Pronoun
7. Conjunction 8. Antonyms 9. Synonyms 10. Homonyms 11. Similes
12. One word Substitution 13. Idioms 14. Essay – 2 15. Comprehension Passages – 2 16. Letter
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Articles 2. Adjectives
2 Term :- 1. Articles 2. Adjectives 3. Prepositions 4. The use of ‘can’ ‘could’ & ‘may’
5. Contractions 6. Converting sentences into questions 7. Subject & Predicate 8. The Sentence
9. Punctuation 10. Antonyms 11. Synonyms 12. Homonyms 13. Similes 14. One word Substitution
15. Idioms 16. Essays-2 17. Comprehension Passages – 2 18. Letter Writing-2.
Chapters included from 1 Term :- 1. Pronouns 2. Conjunctions
UNIT TEST 1 – Ch-1: Black Beauty’s First Home.
1 Term :- 1. Ch-1: Black Beauty’s First Home. 2. Poem: Mr. Nobody 3. Ch-4: Robin Hood And His
Band of Merry Men 4. Ch-5: Lucy Finds the Magic Wardrobe 5. Poem: Don’t Give Up
6. Ch-7: The Chocolate Room.
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Ch-8 :Harry Visits Mr.Ollivander
2 Term :- 1. Ch-8 :Harry Visits Mr.Ollivander 2. Poem: From A Railway Carriage.
3. Ch-10: The New Friend 4.Ch-11: Helen Keller 5. Poem: Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face
6. Ch-14: Pandora’s Box

MATHS Unit Test 1 : Ch-1: Numbers upto 999999

1 Term : 1. Ch-1: Numbers upto 999999 2. Ch-2: Roman Numerals 3. Ch-4: Addition
4. Ch-5: Subtraction 5. Ch-6: Multiplication 6. Ch-7: Division 7. Ch-8: Multiples & Factors, (Multiples,
Properties of Multiples, Even & Odd Numbers, Common Multiples, Lowest Common Multiples, LCM by
Long Division Method).
Unit Test 2 : Ch-12: Time
2 term : 1. Ch-12: Time 2. Ch-8: Multiples and Factors 3. Ch-3 : Fraction
4. Ch-9: Geometrical Shapes 5. Ch-10: Perimeter & Area 6. Ch-11: Measurement of length, Mass &

Unit Test 1 : Ch-1: Food

1 Term : 1. Ch-1: Food 2. Ch-2: Our Teeth 3. Ch-3: The Digestive System
4. Ch-4: Adaptation in Animals 5. Ch-5: Adaptations in Plants
File Work- Show adaptation in Plants and Animals Living in the following Habitats- Hilly Areas, Plains,
Deserts, Water
SCIENCE Unit Test 2 : Ch-6: Plants in the surroundings and Environment.
2 term : 1. Ch-6: Plants in the surroundings and Environment 2. Ch-7: Air
3. Ch-8: Materials and Solutions 4. Ch-9: Light 5. Ch-11: Push and Pull
Charts:- a) Digestive System, b) Excretory System, c) Air Pollution, d) Purification of water, e) Land

Unit Test 1 : Ch-5: Motions of the Earth.

1 Term : 1. Ch-5: Motions of the Earth 2. Ch-4: Responsibilities of a Good Citizen
3. Ch-6: The Four Domains of the Earth 4. Ch-7: Major Landforms 5. Ch-8: Maps: Our Guides
Map Work : Page 46 (Physical Divisions of India)
Charts Topics :- Pg 28 Day & Night & the Circle of illumination, Pg 30 Revolution of the Earth & The
Phenomenon of Seasons, Pg: 31. Position of the Earth on 21 June & 22nd December,
Pg: 37. Various Layers in Atmosphere.
Unit Test 2 : Ch-12: Northern Mountains- The Himalayan Region
2 term : 1. Ch-12: Northern Mountains – The Himalayan Region 2. Ch-13: The Northern Plains
3. Ch-14: The Great Indian Desert 4. Ch-15: The Peninsular Plateaus
5. Ch-17: Unity in Diversity. Map Work: Rivers of India.
Models:- 1 The Four Domains of Earth, 2 Major Landforms of Earth, 3 Solar System, 4 Model of an
Oasis, 5 Any one Historical Monument of India.
Unit Test 1 : Ch-1 : Computers – Storage and Memory device. .
1 Term : 1. Ch-1 : Computers – Storage and Memory device 2.Ch-2: GUI Operating System –
Desktop Management 3. Ch-3: Tools of Word Processor 4. Ch-4: More on Word Processor
COMPUTER Practical - Chapter Based.
Unit Test 2 : Ch-5: The Internet – Web Browser
2 term : 1. Ch-5: The Internet – Web Browser 2. Ch-6: Presentation Software – An Introduction
3. Ch-8: Features of File Management. Practical - Chapter Based.
1 Term :
Art & Craft Zone
Pg:- 1, 4, 6, 11, 19, 20
Craft:- Pg 17,34
2 term :
Art & Craft Zone
Pg:- 2, 5, 9, 12, 13, 23
Craft:- Pg 22, 36
1 Term : 1. Ch-2: Spare the Rod Spoil the Child 2. Ch-3: The Shy Boy 3. Ch-5: The Greedy King
4. Ch-7: Travelling without Reservation 5. Ch-8: An Innocent is Punished
2 term : 1. Ch-10: The Marble 2. Ch-11: Somebody’s Mother 3. Ch-12: Donkey and the Master
4. Ch-13: Angulimal 5. Ch-14: The Genius.
1 Term : (1). Pg-6: Enrich your knowledge (2). Pg-7: Symbolic Birds (3). Pg-8: The Professional
Persons (4). Pg-11: Find Me, Save Me (5).Pg-13: Scientific Facts
(6). Pg-14: Great Scientists (7). Pg-15: Save our Planet (8). Pg-18: Scientific Instruments
GK 2 term : (1). Pg-27: Festivals of India (2). Pg-28: Indian Dances (3). Pg-29: Awards and Honours
(4). Pg-33: People of Today (5). Pg-34: Superlatives (6). Pg-43: Epithets
(7). Pg-46: Old is Gold (8). Pg-51: Women Power in India
Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

LITERATURE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :
LANGUAGE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :
Class – 5 Syllabus Year 2018 – 2019

UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Noun 2. Number

1 Term :- 1. Noun 2. Genders 3. Number 4. Verb 5. Simple Present, Past & Future Tense
6. Adverb 7. Pronoun 8. Punctuation 9. Antonyms 10. Synonyms 11. Homonyms
12. Similes 13. Idioms 14. One Word Substitution 15. Two Essays 16. Two Letters
17. Two Comprehension Passages
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Adjective 2. Degree of Comparison
2 Term:- 1. Adjective 2. Degree of Comparison 3. Preposition 4.Present, Past & Future Continuous
& Perfect Tense 5. Conjunction
6. Articles 7.Antonyms 8. Synonyms 9. Homonyms 10. Similes 11. Idioms 12. One Word Substitution
13. Punctuation 14. The Sentence 15. Subject & Predicate 16. Two Essays (a) One Known Topic (b)
One Unknown Topic 17. Two Letters 18.Two Comprehension Passages 19. Syllabus to be included
from 1st Term (a) Simple Present, Past & Future Tense.(b) Pronoun

UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Kabuliwallah

1 Term :- 1. Stopping By the woods on a Snowy Evening (POEM) 2. Kabuliwallah 3.Gulliver in Lilliput
4. The World is mine (Poem) 5. The Flight to Neverland 6.Christmas
UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Robinson Crusoe
2 Term:- 1. Anne Frank : The Diary of a young Girl 2.A Teacher for All Seasons (Poem)
3. Robinson Crusoe 4. The Umbrella Man. 5.A Place For Me (Poem) 6. The Secret Garden.

UNIT TEST 1 – Ch.3 Operations on Large Numbers

Half Yearly Exam :- Ch.2 Roman Numerals Ch.3 Operations on Large Numbers Ch.4 Fractions
Ch.5 Decimals Ch.6 HCF and LCM Ch.8 Angles and Triangles.
MATHS UNIT TEST 2 – Ch.10 Measurement of Length, Mass & Capacity
Final Term :- Ch.7 Integers Ch.10 Measurement of Length, Mass & Capacity Ch.11 Perimeter and
Area Ch.13 Time Ch.14 Percentage Ch.15 Data Handling

SCIENCE UNIT TEST 1 – Ch.1 The Circulatory System.

1 Term :- Ch.1 The Circulatory System Ch.2 The Skeleton Ch.3 Food and Health Ch.4 Pollination
Ch.5 Plant Reproduction
CHARTS :- Types of joint Pg 27 Types of Pollination Pg 38 Parts of flower Pg 43 Types of Lever
Pg 103
UNIT TEST 2 – Ch.6 Solids, Liquids and Gases
FinalTerm :- Ch.6 Solids, Liquids and Gases Ch.7 Interdependence in Living beings – Plants and
Animals Ch.9 Work and Energy Ch.10 Light and Shadow Ch.11 Simple Machines
PROJECT:- 1. 3D Chart on Interdependence of plants and animals Pg 68
2. File to show sources of nutrients. Eg. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, Vitamins (stick 5 photos and write
few lines on its benefit) Pg 29.

UNIT TEST 1 – Ch.2 The Stone Age.

Half Yearly Exam :- Ch.2 The Stone Age. Ch.5 Fundamental Rights & Duties Ch.6 Our Government
Ch.7 Latitudes & Longitudes Ch.8 Weather and Climate
CHARTS: (1) Tools of New Stone Age Pg 8, (2) Land Breeze Pg 47, (3) Sea Breeze Pg 47,
(4) Conservation of water Pg 105, (5) Conservation of Forest Pg 107.
SOCIAL UNIT TEST 2 – Ch.9 India – Location and Extent
STUDIES Final Term :- Ch.9 India – Location and Extent Ch.12 Natural Vegetation Ch.13 Our Environment
Ch.16 Natural Resources Ch.17 Agriculture in India
MODELS:- (1) Evolution of Wheel Pg 9, (2) Means of Transport Pg 15 , (3) Indus Valley Seal
Pg 21, (4) Wind Mill Pg 104.
PROJECT FILES:- (1) Monuments of India, (2) Evolution of man.

UNIT TEST 1 – Ch.1 Evolution Of Computers

1 Term :- Ch.1 Evolution Of Computers Ch.2 Computer Software Ch.3 Word Processor Practical –
Chapter based
COMPUTER UNIT TEST 2 – Ch.4 More on Word Processor
Final Term :- Ch.4 More on Word Processor Ch.5 Presentation Software Ch.7 Internet Services
Practical – Chapter based
1 Term :- (1) Enrich your Knowledge (Pg-6) (2) The Professionals (Pg-8) (3) The World of Science
(Pg-17) (4) Diseases (Pg-19) (5) Indian Pride (Pg-27) (6) Foundation of Great Work (Pg-32) (7)
Famous Indians (Pg-33) (8) Industries (Pg-37)
GK Final Term :- (1) River Side Cities (Pg-44) (2) Musical Instruments (Pg-46) (3) Books & Authors (Pg-
48) (4) Modern Authors (Pg-49) (5) Indian Women Power (Pg-53) (6) International Women Power
(Pg-54) (7) Sports Term (Pg-56) (8) Different Sports (Pg-60)
1 Term :- Ch.1 Let Us Pray Ch.2 The Father’s Love Ch.3 A Bag of Cotton Ch. 5 Patient Devotee
Ch.7 The Story of Two Friends
School Song
Final Term :- Ch.8 Ramakant A Changed Man Ch.10 The Fox And The Goat Ch.11 The Ass’s Brains
Ch.13 Knowing Rights Requires Wisdom Ch.14 Colonel Moscardo
1 Term :- (ART)
Pg. No. – 1,4 10, 3, 11, 20
(1) Pg.No 27, 31
2 Term :- (ART)
Pg. No. – 5, 17, 18, 25, 37,38
Pg 29, 32.
Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

LITERATURE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

HINDI Unit Test 2 :

LANGUAGE 2nd term :
Class – 6 - Syllabus Year 2018 – 2019

UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Noun 2. Pronoun 3. The Verb 4. Antonyms (1 to 55) 5. Synonym (1 to 49)
1 Term :- 1. Nouns 2. Pronoun 3. The Verb 4. Antonyms (1 to 55) 5. Synonyms (1 to 49)
6. The Adverb 7. The Adjective 8. Comparison of Adjectives 9. Articles 10. Conjunction
11. Homonyms (1 to 15) 12. Similes (1 to 24) 13. Tenses 14. Essay 15. Letter
16. Comprehension Passage
ENGLISH UNIT TEST 2 – 1. Prepositions 2. Active & Passive Voice 3. Words denoting collection (1 to 20)
LANGUAGE 4. One word substitution (1 to 20)
2 Term :- 1. Prepositions 2. Active & Passive Voice 3. Words denoting collection (1 to 20) 4. One
word substitution (1 to 20) 5. The Sentence 6. Subject and Predicate 7. Subject – Verb Agreement
8. Proverbs (1 to 10) 9. Idioms (1 to 20) 10. Essay 11. Letter 12. Comprehension Passage
NOTE:- Chapters to be included from 1 Term. 1. Tense 2. Articles

UNIT TEST 1 – Swami and Friends.

1 Term :- 1. Swami and Friends. 2. Today I Wrote This Poem 3. The Open Window 4. Where
the Mind is Without Fear 5. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Ch. 1 to 10)
UNIT TEST 2 – Mowgli – The Wolf Child
2 Term :- 1. Mowgli – The Wolf Child 2. In the Bazaars of Hyderabad 3. Tom Sawyer’s Loose
Tooth 4. Daffodils 5. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – (Ch. 11 to 20)

UNIT TEST 1 – Ch 1. Number System Ch 2. Operations on whole numbers Ch 3. Integers

1 Term :- Ch 3. Integers Ch 4. Fractions (Ex. 4A to 4G) Ch 5. Decimal Fractions
Ch 12. Fundamental Concepts of Algebra Ch 14. Fundamental Geometrical Concepts
Ch 15. Angles Ch 17. Quadrilaterals Ch 18. Circle Ch 19. Polygons Ch 22. Geometrical
MATHS UNIT TEST 2 – Ch 8. Ratio and Proportion Ch 10. Percentage Ch 13. Simple Equations
Ch 26. Mean and Median
2 Term :- Ch 6. Playing with Numbers Ch 7. Sets Ch 8. Ratio and Proportion Ch 9. Unitary
Method Ch 10. Percentage Ch 11. Speed, Time and Distance Ch 13. Simple Equations
Ch 16. Triangles Ch 23. Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures Ch 24. Data Handling
Ch 25. Graphical Representation of Data Ch 26. Mean and Median

UNIT TEST 1 – Theme 2. Physical Quantities and Measurements (Unit 1 and 2)

1 Term :- Theme 2. Physical Quantities and Measurements Theme 3. Force Theme 5. Light
UNIT TEST 2 – Theme 4. Energy
2 Term :- Theme 2. Physical Quantities and Measurements – Unit 2 and 3 Theme 4. Energy
Theme 6. Magnetism

UNIT TEST 1 – Theme 1. Introduction to Chemistry – (Unit 1 and 2)

1 Term :- Theme 1. Introduction to Chemistry Theme 2. Elements Compound and Mixture
Theme 3. Matter
2 Term :- Theme 4. Water Theme 5. Air and Atmosphere Theme 2. Elements Compound and

UNIT TEST 1 – 1. Life on earth (Characteristics of the Living).

1 Term :- 1. Life on earth (Characteristics of the Living) 2. The Flower 3. The Cell 4. Digestive
UNIT TEST 2 – 5. Respiratory System
2 Term :- 5. Respiratory System 6. Health and Hygiene 7. Adaptation

UNIT TEST 1 – HISTORY : History An Introduction

1 Term :- HISTORY: History An Introduction, Early Man, Indus Valley Civilisation, Vedic Civilisation
CIVICS : Local Self Government (Rural)
HISTORY & NOTE:- Charts assigned to be submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get zero.
CIVICS UNIT TEST 2 – HISTORY : Mahavira & Buddha CIVICS : Local Self Government (Urban)
2 Term :- HISTORY : Mahavira & Buddha, Mauryan Empire, The Golden Age of the Guptas
CIVICS : 1. Local Self Government (Urban) 2. Local Self Government (Rural)
NOTE:- One Model to be prepared during winter break and submitted in January 2019.

UNIT TEST 1 – Ch-1 – Map Reading, Ch-2 - Landforms

1 Term :- Ch-1 – Map Reading, Ch-2 – Landforms, Ch-3 – Agriculture, Ch-4 – North America
Ch-5 – Map Work – North America
NOTE:- Charts assigned to be submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get zero.
UNIT TEST 2 – Ch-1 – Diagramatic Representation, Ch-2 - Water Bodies
2 Term :- Ch-1 – Diagramatic Representation, Ch-2 – Water Bodies, Ch-3 – Minerals,
Ch-4 – South America 5. Map work: South America
NOTE:- One Model to be prepared during winter break and submitted in January 2019.

UNIT TEST 1 – Ch-1 – Types of Computers Ch-2. Computer Languages

1 Term :- Ch-1 – Types of Computers, Ch-2 – Computer Languages, Ch-3 – File Management
Organisation of Data, Ch-4 – Creating Tables in MS-Word, Ch-5 – Modifying a Table, Ch-7 –
Viewing and Organizing Slides. Practical Chapter Based.
UNIT TEST 2 – Ch-8 – Animating Presentation. Ch-10. Introduction to HTML
2 Term :- Ch-8 – Animating Presentation, Ch-10 – Introduction to HTML, Ch-12 – Internet,
Ch-13 – E-mail and other Internet Services, Ch-14 – Google Drive, Ch-15 – E-Commerce, Blogging
and Podcasting - Practical Chapter Based.
1 Term :- 1. Life Under Water – Pg.6 2. Inventions – Pg.16 3. Instruments – Pg.17
4. Mughal Period – Pg. 27 5. The Indian Sub Continent – Pg.36 6. Book of Authors – Pg.45
7. Indian Women Power – Pg. 51 8. Cricketology – Pg.60
GK 2 Term :- 1. Unique Nature – Pg.11 2. Scientific Facts – Pg.20 3. Men of Science – Pg.21
4. Early Civilisation – Pg.29 5.Temples of India – Pg.39 6. Language and Literature – Pg.46
7. International Women Power – Pg.52 8. Famous Quotations – Pg.66
1 Term :- 1. A Student Prayer – Pg.5 2.The Third Brothers Share – Pg.10 3. Conquering the
Handicap – Pg.15 4. Training Camps – Pg.19 5. Within a Silent World – Pg.25
6. The Convicts Friend – Pg.31 7. The Disloyal King – Pg.36
2 Term :- 1. The Memorable Ashram - Pg.40 2. Mother Teresa – Pg.45
3. The Quest of Man – Pg.49 4. The President – 53 5. Fear of a snake bite – Pg.57
6. The Little Master – Pg.62 7. The Battle – Pg.67
1 Term :- Pages – 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 19, 21, 25, 29, 31
Crafts: 37, 47
ART & CRAFT 2 Term :- Pages – 9, 11, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 45, 49, 53
Crafts: 14, Page 12 for Girls, Page 13 for Boys

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :
LITERATURE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :
LANGUAGE Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

SANSKRIT Unit Test 2 :

2nd term :

NOTE: Two craft items and charts given by the teachers are to be submitted by 20th July, 2018, failing
which the students will be given zero (0).
CLASS - 7 Syllabus for the Year 2018 – 2019

ENGLISH Unit Test 1-1.Noun 2. Pronoun 3.Synonyms (1-30) 4. One word substitution (1-20)
LANGUAGE 1 Term 1 - Noun- Collective, Abstract, 2. Pronoun- Relative, Reflexive, Emphatic. 3. Articles
4. Adjectives, 5. Comparison of Adjectives, 6. Tenses, 7. Types of Sentences, 8. Active and
Passive Voice, 9. Proverbs (1-20), 10. Idioms (1-20), 11. Synonyms (1-30), 12, One word
substitution, 13. Essay, 14. Letter, 15. Comprehension.
Unit Test 2 -1. Preposition, 2. Conjunction, 3. Similes (1-30) 4. Words denoting collection (1-30)
2 Term - 1.Preposition, 2. Conjunction, 3. Adverb, 4. Direct and Indirect Speech,
5. Similes (31-60), 6. Words denoting collection (31-60) 7. Antonyms (Pg 140,141),
8. Proverbs (1-20) 9. Idioms (1-20), 10. Essay, 11. Letter, 12.Comprehension.
NOTE:- Chapters to be included from 1 Term. 1. Tenses 2. Articles

ENGLISH Unit Test 1- The False Gems

LITERATURE 1 Term - 1. The False Gems, 2. Casabianca (Poem), 3. A Day’s Wait, 4. The Road Not Taken
(Poem), 5.The Hound of Baskervilles (Ch 1 - 8)
Unit Test 2- The Mystery of the Perfect Maid
2 Term- The Mystery of the Perfect Maid, 2. All the World’s A stage (Poem), 3. The Three
Questions, 4. A letter To A Teacher (Poem), 5. The Hound of Baskervilles (Ch 9-16)

MATHS Unit Test 1- Ch.2. Rational Numbers Ch.3. Fractions Ch.5. Exponents
1 Term - Ch.2. Rational Numbers Ch.3. Fractions Ch.5. Exponents Ch.1. Integers Ch.6. Sets
Ch.8. Unitary Method Ch.9. Percentage Ch.10. Profit and Loss Ch.13. Algebraic Expressions
Ch.16. Fundamental Geometrical Concepts Ch.17. Lines and Angles Ch.18. Properties of
Triangles Ch.21. Congruency Ch.14. Linear Equation Ch.24. Data Handling
Unit Test 2- Ch.4. Decimals (Except Ex: 4A & 4B) Ch.7. Ratio & Proportion Ch.12. Speed, Distance
and Time
2 Term - Ch.4. Decimals Ch.7. Ratio & Proportion Ch.11. Simple Interest Ch.12. Speed,
Distance and Time Ch.15. Inequalities Ch.19. Symmetry Ch.22. Constructions
Ch.23. Mensuration Ch.20. Representing 3D in 2D (only symbols) Ch.25. Probability.
NOTE:- These chapters of Half Yearly to be included in Finals Ch.5. Exponents
Ch.13. Alg. Exp. Ch.18. Properties of triangles Ch.14. Linear Equation
Ch.24. Data Handling

COMPUTER Unit Test 1 - Ch-1 External Hardware Devices, Ch-2 Internal Hardware Devices
1 Term – Ch-1- External Hardware Devices, Ch-2- Internal Hardware Devices,
Ch-4- Computer Viruses and their effects, Ch-5- Computer Crime Ethics and security,
Ch-6 Introduction to Ms-Excel, Ch-7- Editing a worksheet, (Practical Chapter Based)
Unit Test 2- Ch-8- Introduction to Ms- Access, Ch-9- Tables in Access
Final Examination - Ch-8- Introduction to Ms- Access, Ch-9- Tables in Access Ch-10- Working with
Queries, Forms and Reports Ch-11- More on HTML Ch-12- Tables in HTML (Practical based Chapter)

GENERAL 1 Term – Ch.1. Useful Plants Ch.2. The Earth facts Ch.3. More about solar system
KNOWLEDGE Ch.4. Inventions Ch.5. Diagno – Tech’s Ch.6. Re- Knowing India 1 Ch.7. Re- Knowing India 2
Ch.8. Indian women Power.
2 Term – Ch.1. Neo Science Ch.2. Father’s in scientific field Ch.3. Human Body (Facts)
Ch.4. Re-knowing India - 4 Ch.5. Re-knowing India - 5 Ch.6. International Women power
Ch.7. One-word Substitutions Ch.8. Proverbs

MORAL 1 Term- Ch.1. Gift of Peace Ch.2. Nobody’s Mother Ch.4. Examine yourself
SCIENCE Ch.5. The Golden Necklace Ch.6. The key in the Coat Pocket Ch.7.Taming the wild Horse
2 Term- Ch.8. The Tree that Never stopped Giving Ch.9. The Three Dolls,
Ch.10. The Revenge Ch.11. A Cure for Ravi Ch.12. Homi Jehangir Bhabha,
Ch.14. A Tribute to His Old school.

ART 1 Term- Page No: 1, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 24.
Crafts – 26, 53.
2 Term- Page No. 6, 7, 29, 36, 39, 40, 43, 45, 50, 51
Crafts – 10, 32

HINDI LANG Unit Test 1 :

1 term :

Unit Test 2 :
2 term :

HINDI LIT. Unit Test 1 :

1 term :
Unit Test 2 :
2 term :
Sanskrit Unit Test 1 :
1 term :

Unit Test 2 :
2 term :

Unit Test 1- Ch.1. Physical quantities and measurements.

Physics Half Yearly Exam- Ch.1 Physical quantities and measurements. Ch.2. Forced and Pressure: Motion
Ch.3. Energy Ch.4. Light Energy.
Unit Test 2 - Ch.5. Heat
Final Exam - Ch.4. Light Energy Ch.5. Heat Ch.6. Sound Ch.7. electricity and Magnetism.

Chemistry Unit Test 1- Theme1 - Matter and its composition

1 Term- Theme1: Matter and its composition Theme2: Physical and chemical changes.
Theme3: Elements, Compounds and Mixture Theme4: Atomic structure
Unit Test 2- Theme4: Atomic Structure, Theme5: Language of Chemistry.
2 Term- 5. Language of Chemistry, Theme6. Metals and non metals, Theme7. Air and atmosphere
nd st
Note:- 2 Term exam will include “Theme4: Atomic structure” from 1 Term.

Biology First Unit Test - 1. Tissue

First Term Exam- 1. Tissue 2. Kingdom Classification 3. Photosynthesis 4. Respiration
Second Unit Test- 6. Nervous System
Second Term Exam – 5. Excretory System 6. Nervous System 7. Allergy
Note: Ch1. Tissue nd
Ch2. Kingdom Classification Included in the 2 Term Exam.

History Civics Unit Test 1- History – Turkish Invaders. Civics- The Constitution of India
1 Term-History – The Turkish Invaders, The Delhi Sultanate, Vijaynagar and the Bahamani Kingdom.
Civics – The Constitution of India, Fundamental Rights and Duties.
Note: Charts assigned to be submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get zero.
Unit Test 2- History – Foundation of the Mughal Empire, Civics- Directive Principles of State Policies.
2 Term- History – Foundation of the Mughal Empire, Akbar the Great, Jahangir, Shahjahan, The Sufi
and the Bhakti movement. Civics- Directive Principles of State Policies, Fundamental Rights & Duties.
Note:- One Model to be prepared during winter break and submitted in Jan., 2019

Geography Unit Test 1-1. Representation of Geographical features. 2. Industries.

1 Term- 1. Representation of Geographical features. 2. Industries. 3. Atmosphere 4. Europe-
Location, Political Division & Physical Features. 5. Map Work – Europe
Note:- Charts assigned to be submitted by 20 July, failing which student will get zero.
Unit Test 2- 1. Weather & Climate. 2. Energy and Power Resources.
2 Term- 1. Weather and Climate. 2. Energy and Power Resources. 3. Weathering and Soil Formation.
4. Africa- Location, Political Divisions and Physical Features. 5. Map Work – Africa
Note:- One MODEL to be prepared during Winter break and submitted in January 2019.

NOTE:- Two craft item and charts given by the teachers are to be submitted by 20 July 2018, Failing which the
students will be given zero (0)
Syllabus for the Year 2018 - 2019
ENGLISH (Unit Test-1) –1. Pronouns 2. Articles 3. Antonyms (Pg164-1 to 42) 4. One word substitution
LANGUAGE (Pg-160-161; 1 to 25)
1 Term- 1. Pronouns 2. Articles 3. Antonyms(Pg164-165 1 to 94) 4.One word substitution
(Pg-160,161,162; 1 to 50) 5. Adjectives, 6.Transformation of Sentences, 7.The Verb 8.The Adverb,
9. Tenses, 10. Active and Passive Voice, 11. Proverbs & Idioms (1 to 20 - each), 12.Essay,
13. Letter,14. Comprehension Passage.
(Unit Test-2) – 1. Prepositions, 2. Tenses, 3. Agreement of the verb with the subject, 4. Synonyms
(Pg- 170- 171; 1 to 30), 5. Words denoting collection (Pg -186-187).
2 Term- 1.Preposition, 2. Agreement of the verb with the subject, 3. Synonyms ( 1 to 59), 4. Words
denoting collection (Pg- 186-189), 5. Direct and Indirect Speech, 6. Similes (Pg181-184; 1 to 80),
7. Conjunctions, 8. Proverbs and Idioms (21 to 40 each), 9. Essay, 10. Letter, 11. Comprehension
NOTE: All the chapters of the First Term will be included in the Final Examination.
ENGLISH (Unit Test-1) Scout saves the day
Literature 1 Term – 1. Scout saves the day, 2. Friends and flatterers (Poem), 3.The Pearl, 4. When I’m an old
lady (Poem), 5. Seeta’s marriage, A tale of two cities – Ch – 1 to 7.
(Unit Test-2) The boy in striped pyjamas
2 Term- 1.The boy in striped pyjamas, 2. If (Poem), 3. Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the
speckled band, 4.The slave’s dream (Poem) A tale of two cities – Ch – 8 to 14.
MATHS (Unit Test-1) Ch.2. Exponents & Powers, Ch.6. Percentage, Ch.9. Ratio & Proportion,
1 Term – Ch.1. Rational number, Ch.2. Exponents & Powers, Ch.5. Sets, Ch.6. Percentage,
Ch.9. Ratio & Proportion, Ch.10. Direct & Inverse Variation, Ch.7. Profit Loss, Discount & Tax, Ch.8.
Compound Interest, Ch.12. Fundamental concepts & operation on Alg. Exp., Ch.13. Alg. Identities,
Ch.17. Quadrilaterals. Ch.15. Linear equations, Ch.19. Geometrical constructions, Ch.22. Co -
ordinats System & Graph, Ch.23. Perimeter & Area.
(Unit Test-2) Ch.3. Square, Square roots, Cube & Cube roots, Ch.4. Playing with number, Ch.14.
2 Term - Ch.8. Square, Square roots, Cube & Cube roots, Ch.4. Playing with numbers, Ch.11.
Time & Work, Ch.14. Factorisation, Ch.16. linear Inequations, Ch.20. Symmetry, Ch.24. Volume &
Surface Area, Ch.26. Graphical representation of Statistical data, Ch.21. Circles, Ch.18. 3D Solids,
Ch.25. Statistics, Ch.27. Probability.
NOTE: These chapters of Half Yearly to be included in Finals.
1. Ch.22- Co-ordinates System & Graph. 2. Ch. 15- Linear equations. 3. Ch. 19. Geometrical
COMPUTER (Unit Test-1) – Ch.1. Operating System and Graphical User Interface,
1 Term – Ch.1. Operating System and Graphical User Interface, Ch.2. Spreadsheet – Ranges and
Functions Ch.3. Charts in Ms- Excel, Ch.7. Networks, Ch.8. More on Networks.
(Practical Chapter Based) PROJECT – Computer Network
(Unit Test-2) – 1. Number System, 2. Ch.4. Algorithms and FlowCharts.
(Final Examination) – 1.Ch.1. Number System, 2.Ch.4. Algonthms and FlowCharts
3. Ch.5. Program Coding 4. Java Programing (Practical Chapter based)
GENERAL 1 Term – 1. Animal Life, 2. Nature Scan, 3. Wild animals, 4.More about Solar System, 5. Solid
KNOWLEDGE Mathematics, 6. Chemo-Man, 7. Reknowing India-3, 8. Law of the Land, 9. Government Schemes in
India, 10. World of Writers, 11. Characters and Authors, 12. Music.
2 Term – 1. Tech - Word, 2. Great Indians, 3. World History, 4. Women Power in India and the
World, 5. Nobel Prize Awarded Women, 6. Brave Women of India, 7. Chess, 8. Indian Sports Stars,
9. Sports Round – Up, 10. English Versions, 11. Immortal Quotes, 12. Places.
MORAL 1 Term- 1. No Dead End, 2. Dispelling Darkness, 3. How Do I Look, 4. The Beggar’s Gift,5. Say It
SCIENCE Now ,6. Admit your Faults.
2 Term- 1. Jenny, 2. Minister Saab’s Son, 3. Shibi Rana’s Sacrifice, 4. Swami Vivekananda, 5.
Gautama Buddha,6. Indira Gandhi.
ART & 1 Term- Page No:1,7,9,13,17,23,29,31,35,49. Craft – 5,37.
CRAFT 2 Term- Page No. 17,22,25,39,41,42,43,45,47,53 Craft – 14,33
HINDI LANG Unit Test 1 :
1st term :

Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

HINDI LIT. Unit Test 1 :

1st term :

Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :

Sanskrit Unit Test 1 :

1st term :

Unit Test 2 :
2nd term :
Physics (Unit Test-1) Ch.5. Light.
1 Term- Ch.5 Light. Ch.6. Heat Ch.7. Sound Ch.1. Matter Ch.2. Physical quantities &
PROJECT- Ray diagrams for formation of different images, Definitions, Uses of mirrors.
(Unit Test-2) Ch.8. Electricity.
2 Term - Ch.8. Electricity Ch.3. Force & Pressure Ch.4. Energy
NOTE: Entire syllabus to be included in Finals.
Chemistry (Unit Test-1) Ch.4. Atomic Structure.
1 Term – Ch.1. Matter, Ch.2. Physical and chemical changes, Ch.4. Atomic Structure, Ch.7.
PROJECT- Methods for the preparation of hydrogen, properties and its uses.
(Unit Test-2) Ch.5. Language of Chemistry. Ch.6. Chemical Reactions.
2 Term – Ch.3. Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Ch.5. Language of Chemistry Ch.6.Chemical
Reactions, Ch.8. Water Ch.9. Carbon and its Compounds.
NOTE: Entire syllabus to be included in Finals
Biology (Unit Test-1) 1. Transport of food and minerals in plants.
1 Term- 1. Transport of food and minerals in plants 2. Reproduction in Plants and Animals (Unit 1
and 2) 3. Ecosystem 4. Endocrine System 5. Nervous System.
POJECT FILE TOPIC- Food Production
(Unit Test-2) 6. Circulatory System
2 Term – 6. Circulatory System 7. Health and Hygiene 8. Food Production
NOTE: Entire Syllabus will be included in Final Exam (From Ch-1-8)

History (Unit Test-1) Civics – The Union Legislature.

st th
Civics 1 Term- History – A Period of Transition, India in the 18 Century,Traders and Rulers – I, Traders
and Rulers-II, Impact of British Rule in India,. Civics- The Union Legislature, The Executive.
Note: Charts assigned to be Submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get zero..
(Unit Test-2) History – The Great uprising of 1857, Civics- The Judiciary.
2 Term- History – The Great uprising of 1857, Great Reformers & Reform Movements, Struggle
for freedom I, Struggle for freedom II. Civics- The Judiciary, The United Nations.
Note: One Model to be prepared during winter break and submitted in January.
Geography (Unit Test-1)1. Population Dynamics, 2. Migration.
1 Term- 1. Population Dynamics, 2. Migration, 3. Representation of Geographical features,
4. Asia – Location and Physical features, 5. Asia- Climate and Natural Vegetation. 6. Map Work –
Note: Charts assigned to be submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get zero.
(Unit Test-2) 1. Natural and Man – Made Disaster. 2. Urbanisation.
2 Term- 1. Natural and Man – Made Disaster. 2. Urbanisation. 3. India- Geographical features. 4.
India- Climate Flora & Fauna, 5. India- Human Resources, 6.Map Work- India
NOTE: One Model to be prepared during winter break and submitted in January.
Note: Two Craft items and all the project files given by the teachers are to be submitted by
20 July 2018. Failing which the Students will be given Zero.
Class – 9 Syllabus Year 2018 – 2019

FIRST & SECOND TERM : 1. Transformation of Sentences 2. Joining Sentences without using
‘and’, ‘but’ or ‘so’ 3. Conjunctions 4. Prepositions 5. Articles 6. Tenses and Verbs (Subject –
Verb Agreement) 7. Letter – formal and informal 8. Notice 9. E-mail 10. Essays 11. Aural and
Oral Exercises 12. Word meaning and spellings 13. Comprehension passages
NOTE : Assessments – Aural, Oral & Written per Term.
ASSESSMENT 1 : Drama : Act I Scene (i) Poem : The Heart of the Tree Short Stories : Hearts
and Hands
1st TERM : Drama : Act I Scene (i) to Act II Scene (i) Poems : 1. The Heart of the Tree
2. The Cold Within 3. Television Short Stories : 1. Hearts and Hands 2. A Horse and Two Goats
3. A Face In the Dark
ASSESSMENT 2 : Drama : Act II, Scene (ii) & (iii) Poem : Nine Gold Medals Short Stories : The
Little Match Girl
2nd TERM : Drama : Act II Scene (ii) to Act III Scene (iii) Poems : 1. Nine Gold Medals
2. Daffodils 3. Abou Ben Adhem Short Stories : 1. An Angel In Disguise
2. The Little Match Girl 3. All Summer In A Day
NOTE : All the chapters of the 1st Term will be included in the Final Examination.
PROJECT & TEST 1 : 1. Compound Interest 2. Expansions 3. Factorisation
1st TERM : 1. Rational and Irrational Numbers 2. Compound Interest 3. Expansions
4. Factorisation 5. Simultaneous Linear Equations 6. Indices 7. Logarithm 8. Triangles
9. Mid Point Theorem and Intercept Theorem 10. Pythagoras Theorem 11. Circumference and
Area of a Circles 12. Perimeter and Area of Plane figures 13. Co-ordinate Geometry
MATHS PROJECT & TEST 2 : 1. Chord Properties of a Circle 2. Frequency Distribution 3. Mean & Median
of Ungrouped Data and Frequency Polygon
2nd TERM : 1. Quadrilaterals 2. Area of Parallelograms and Triangles 3. Chord Properties of a
Circle 4. Arc Properties of circle 5. Frequency Distribution 6. Mean & Median of ungrouped Data
and Frequency Polygon 7. Volume and Surface Area of Solids 8. Trigonometrical Ratios.
NOTE: Full year course in Final Exam
PROJECT & PRACTICAL 1 : Ch-1 – Measurement and Experimentation Ch-2 – Motion in one
Dimension Ch-3 – Laws of Motion
1st TERM : Ch-1 – Measurement and Experimentation Ch-2 – Motion in one Dimension
Ch-3 – Laws of Motion Ch-4 – Pressure in Fluids and Atmospheric Pressure
Ch-5 – Upthrust in Fluids, Archimede’s Principles & Floatation Ch-6– Heat and Energy
PHYSICS Practical Exam 1 : Practical Exams on all the Experiments done in 1st Term.
PROJECT & PRACTICAL 2 : Ch-7 – Reflection of Light Ch-8 – Propagation of sound waves
2nd TERM : Ch-7 – Reflection of Light Ch-8 – Propagation of sound waves
Ch-9 – Current Electricity Ch-10 – Magnetism
Practical Exam 2 : Practical Exams on all the Experiments done in 2nd Term.
NOTE:- Entire year syllabus will be included in Finals.
PROJECT & PRACTICAL 1 : Ch-1 – The language of Chemistry Ch-2 – Chemical changes and
reactions Ch-3 – Water
1st TERM : Ch-1 – The language of Chemistry Ch-2 – Chemical changes and reactions
Ch-3 – Water Ch- 8– Atmospheric Pollution
Practical Exam 1 : Practical Exam on all the Experiments of 1st Term.
CHEMISTRY PROJECT & PRACTICAL 2 : Ch-4 – Atomic structure and Chemical Bonding Ch-5 - The Periodic
2nd TERM : Ch-4 – Atomic structure and Chemical Bonding Ch-5 - The Periodic Table
Ch-6 - Study of the first element – Hydrogen Ch-7 – Study of gas laws Ch-9 – Practical Work
Practical Exam 2 :Practical Exam on all the Experiments of 2nd Term.
NOTE:- Entire Syllabus will be included in Final Exams.
BIOLOGY PROJECT & PRACTICAL 1 : Ch-2 . Cell : The unit of life Ch-3. Tissues : Plant and animal tissues
1st TERM : Ch-4. The Flower Ch-5. Pollination and fertilization Ch-6. Seeds – Structure and
germination Ch-7. Respiration in plants Ch-8. Five Kingdom classification Ch-9. Economic
Importance of Bacteria & Fungi Ch-10. Nutrition Ch-11. Digestive System Ch-12. Skeleton –
Movement and Locomotion
Practical Exam 1 : Practical Examination based on the Experiments of 1st Term.
PROJECT & PRACTICAL 2 : Ch-13. Skin Ch-14. Respiratory System Ch-15. Hygiene
2nd TERM : Ch-16. Disease Ch-17. Aids to health Ch-18. Health Organisations Ch-19. Waste
generation and management
Practical Exam 2 : Practical Examination based on the Experiments of 2nd Term.
NOTE:- Entire Syllabus will be included in Final Exams.
PROJECT & TEST 1: CIVICS : 1. Our Constitution 2. Basic Features of the Constitution
3. Fundamental Rights & Duties 4. Directive Principles of State Policy
1st TERM:
HISTORY: 1. The Mauryan Age 2. The Sangam Age 3. The Age of the Guptas 4. Medieval India
– The Delhi Sultanate 5. The Mughal Empire 6. The Industrial Revolution 7. The First War of
CIVICS : 1. Our Constitution 2. Basic Features of the Constitution 3. Fundamental Rights &
Duties 4. Directive Principles of State Policy 5. Elections
NOTE:- Charts assigned are to be submitted by 20th July, failing which students will get zero.
CIVICS : 1. Local Self – Government – Rural 2. Local Self – Government – Urban
2nd TERM:
HISTORY: 1. Factors promoting the Growth of Nationalism and Foundation of the Indian National
Congress 2. Programme and Achievements of the Early Nationalists 3. The Rise of Assertive
4. Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi and Boycott Movement 5. Formation of the Muslim League
6. The National Movement (During the First World War)
CIVICS : 1. Local Self – Government (Rural) 2. Local Self – Government – (Urban)
NOTE:- A model to be prepared during winter vacation and submitted in January.
NOTE: Full year course in the Final Exams.
PROJECT & TEST 1: 1. Earth’s structure 2. Landforms of the Earth
1st TERM: 1. Earth’s structure 2. Landforms of the Earth 3.Latitudes and Longitudes
4. Rotation and Revolution 5. Rocks and Rock Cycle 6. Volcanoes 7. Earthquakes 8.
Weathering and Denudation 9. Tides and Ocean Currents 10. Map work : World
NOTE:- Charts assigned to be submitted by 20th July, failing which students will get zero.
1. Natural Regions of the World 2. Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere 3. Insolation
2nd TERM: 1. Natural Regions of the World 2. Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere
3. Insolation 4. Atmospheric Pressure & Winds 5. Humidity 6. Pollution - Types & Sources
7. Effects of Pollution 8. Map work : World
NOTE:- A model to be prepared during winter vacation and submitted in January.
NOTE: Full year course in the Final Exams.
PROJECT & TEST 1: Ch-2. Our Environmental Problem Ch-3. Resource Depletion
Ch-4. Waste generation
1st TERM: Ch-1. Introduction – Our environment Ch-2. Our Environmental Problem
Ch-3. Resource Depletion Ch-4. Waste Generation Ch-5. Basic Ecology Ch-8. Conservation
of ecosystem
PROJECT & TEST 2: Ch-6. Types of Ecosystem Ch-7. Ecological Niche and Succession
Ch-9. Dynamics and Development
2nd TERM: Ch-6. Types of Ecosystem Ch-7. Ecological Niche and Succession
Ch-9. Dynamics and Development Ch-10. Agriculture and food crisis
NOTE:- Entire Syllabus will be included in Final Exams.
PROJECT & TEST 1: 1. Commercial and Non-commercial Activities 2. Business Activities
3. Sole Proprietorship and Hindu Undivided Family Business
1st TERM: 1. Commercial and Non-commercial Activities 2. Business Activities 3. Sole
Proprietorship and Hindu Undivided Family Business 4. Profit and Non-Profit Organisations
5. Classification of Commercial Organisations 6. Partnership 7. Joint Stock Company
8. Cooperative Society 9. Public Sector Enterprises 10. Marketing and Sales 11. Finance and
Accounts 12. Human Resources 13. Production 14. Purchasing and Stores 15. General
Administration, Legal Compliance & MIS Departments
PROJECT & TEST 2: Accounting Books and Statements.
2nd TERM: 1. Accounting Books and Statements 2, Meaning, Objectives and Terminology of
Accounting 3. Basic Accounting Principles and concepts 4. Communication in Commercial
Organisations 5. Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication 6. Different Methods of Communication
7. Banking 8. Trade
NOTE: 1. 1st Term Syllabus included in Finals.
2. Project/(Unit Test 1 & Unit Test 2) – 20 marks each
PROJECT & TEST 1: 1. Introduction to Economics 2. Basic Concepts of Economics
1st TERM: 1. Introduction to Economics 2. Basic Concepts of Economics 3. Types of Economies
4. Basic Problems of An Economy 5. Major Reforms and Emerging Trends in the Indian Economy
PROJECT & TEST 2: Primary Sector : Agriculture 2. Tertiary Sector
2nd TERM: 1. Introduction to Economics 2. Basic Concepts of Economics 3. Types of Economies
4. Basic Problems of An Economy 5. Major Reforms and Emerging Trends in the Indian Economy
6. Primary Sector : Agriculture 7. Tertiary Sector 8. Secondary Sector : Industry 9. Poverty in India
10. Problem of Unemployment in India
NOTE: 1st Term course is included in final examination.
2. Project/(Unit Test 1 & Unit Test 2) – 20 marks each
Test &
Assessment 1 :
1st Term :

Test &
Assessment 2 :
2nd Term :
1st Assessment
2nd Assessment

NOTE:- Two craft items and all the project files to be submitted by 20th July, 2018, failing which the students
will be given zero.
Class – 10 Syllabus Year 2018 – 2019

FIRST & SECOND TERM : 1. Essays – Narrative, Descriptive, Reflective, Expository,

Argumentative, Short Story, Picture Composition 2. Letter – Formal and Informal 3. Email and
Notice 4. Comprehension passages 5. Grammar - Transformation of Sentences, Joining
ENGLISH sentences without using ‘and’, ‘but’ or ‘so’, Conjunctions, Prepositions, Articles, Tenses and Verbs
LANGUAGE (Subject – Verb agreement). 6. Aural and Oral Exercises. 7. Word meanings and spellings.
NOTE: ONE ICSE (Previous Years) question paper to be solved every month.
FIRST assessment (Aural, Oral and Written) to be conducted in July. SECOND assessment to
be conducted in November.


DRAMA : Act I Scene I to Act V Scene I
SHORT STORIES : Ch. 1 to 10
POETRY : Ch. 1 to 10
NOTE: First assessment to be conducted in July. Second assessment to be conducted in November.
ENGLISH ASSESSMENT: One long answer from any poem. One long answer from The Merchant of Venice.
LITERATURE One long answer from Treasure Trove of S. Stories.
NOTE – Questions to be based on character / thematic analysis, Socio – economic, cultural, historical
– Summary / paraphrase / appreciation of literary qualities.
– Identifying with a character
– Alternative outcomes or endings.

PROJECT- 1 1.Linear Inequation 2.Quadratic Equation 3.Similarity of triangles

1 TERM: 1.Value added tax 2.Banking 3.Shares and Dividend 4.Linear Inequation
5.Quadratic Equation 6.Problems on Quadratic Equations 7.Ratio and Proportion 8.Reminder
Theorem and Factor Theorem 9.Matrices 10.Arithmetic Progression 11.Geometric Progression
12.Reflection 13.Section and Midpoint Formula 14.Equation of Straight lines. 15.Similarity (As a
MATHS size Transformation) 16.Similarity of triangles 17.Loci 18.Angle and Cyclic Properties of a
Circle 19.Tangent Properties of a Circles 20.Volume and Surface Area of Solids
PROJECT- 2 1.Co-ordinate Geometry 2.Trigonometry
2 Term: 1. Graphical Representation of Statistical Data 2.Measures of Central Tendency
3.Median, Quartiles and Mode 4.Trigonometrical Identities 5. Height and Distance
6.Construction 7.Probability

PROJECT & PRACTICAL 1: Ch1 – Force Ch2 – Work, Energy & Power Ch3– Machines
Ch4 – Refraction of Light at Plane Surfaces Ch5 – Refraction through a Lens Ch6– Spectrum
1 TERM: Ch1 – Force Ch2 – Work, Energy & Power Ch3– Machines Ch4 – Refraction of
PHYSICS Light at Plane Surfaces Ch5 – Refraction through a Lens Ch6– Spectrum Ch7 – Sound
Ch8 – Current Electricity Ch9 – Household Circuits
2 TERM: Ch10 – Electromagnetism Ch11- Calorimetry Ch12 – Radioactivity
NOTE: Entire Syllabus included in Prelims & Project Practical 2.

PROJECT & PRACTICAL 1: Ch1. Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties Ch2. Chemical
Bonding Ch3. Study of Acids, Bases and Salts Ch4. Analytical Chemistry
CHEMISTRY 1 TERM: Ch5. Mole concept and Stoichiometry Ch6. Electrolysis Ch9. Organic Chemistry - 1
Ch10. Organic Chemistry - 11
2 TERM: Ch7. Metallurgy Ch8. Study of Compounds Ch11. Practical Chemistry
NOTE: Entire Syllabus will come in the Prelims and Project / Practical 2

PROJECT & PRACTICAL 1: Ch3. Genetics – Some Basic fundamentals Ch4. Absorption by
Roots – The processes involved Ch5. Transpiration Ch6. Photosynthesis
1 TERM: Ch7. Chemical Coordination in Plants Ch8. The Circulatory System Ch9. The Excretory
BIOLOGY System Ch10. The Nervous system Ch11. Sense Organs
2 TERM: Ch12. The Endocrine System Ch13. The Reproductive System Ch14. Human
Evolution Ch15. Population – The increasing numbers and rising problems Ch16. Pollution – A
rising environmental problem Ch17. Structure of Chromosomes cell cycle and cell division.
NOTE: Entire syllabus will come in the Prelims and Project / Practical 2

PROJECT & TEST1: CIVICS – 1. The Union Legislature 2. The Union Executive
HISTORY: 3. The First War of Independence 4. Factors promoting the Growth of Nationalism and
Foundation of the Indian National Congress
1 TERM: CIVICS – 1. The Union Legislature 2. The Union Executive
HISTORY: 3. The First War of Independence 4. Factors promoting the Growth of Nationalism and
Foundation of the Indian National Congress 5. Programme and Achievements of the Early
Nationalists 6. The Rise of Assertive / Radical Nationalism 7. Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi and
Boycott Movements 8. Formation of the Muslim League 9. The National Movement (During the 1
HISTORY & CIVICS World War) 10. Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement 11. The National Movement
(1935-42) 12. The Last Phase – Independence of Partition of India 13. The First World War
(1914-18) 14. Rise of Dictatorship: Fascism and Nazism 15. The Second World War (1939-45)
NOTE: Charts assigned are to be submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get Zero
2 TERM: CIVICS: 16. The Union Judiciary: The Supreme Court 17. State Judiciary: The High
Courts 18. Subordinate Courts
HISTORY: 19. The United Nations 20. Major Agencies of the UNO 21. The Non-Aligned Movement
NOTE: Full Year course in the Prelims & Project 2.
NOTE: A model to be prepared during winter vacation and submitted in January.
PROJECT – I 1. Soil Resources in India 2. Natural Vegetation 3. Water Resources 4. Map Work
1 TERM: 1. Climate of India 2. Soil Resources in India 3. Natural Vegetation 4. Water
Resources 5. Mineral & Energy Resources – I & II 6. Agriculture in India – I, II, III & IV 7. Survey
Maps 8. Map Work – India
GEOGRAPHY NOTE: Charts assigned are to be submitted by 20 July, failing which students will get zero.
2 Term: 1. Manufacturing Industries in India I & II 2. Transport 3. Waste Management
4. Survey Maps 5. Map Work – India
NOTE: One Model to be prepared during Winter Vacation and submitted in January. Entire
Syllabus to be included in PRELIMS & PROJECT – II

1 TERM : Ch1. Caring for our soil Ch2. Fuel wood Crisis Ch3. Waste Generation and
Treatment Ch4. Caring for our air Ch5. Legislation as a means to reduce air pollution
ENVIRONMENTAL Ch6. Caring for our water
APPLICATIONS PROJECT AND TEST I : Ch1. Caring for our soil Ch4. Caring for our air Ch6. Caring for our water
2 TERM : Ch7. Resource Use Ch8. Evolving sustainable paradigm Ch9. Eco friendly
technologies Ch10. Initiatives I can take
NOTE: Entire syllabus to be included in Prelims and Project II.


1 TERM : 1. Stakeholders in Commercial Organisations 2. Marketing & Sales
3. Advertising and Sales Promotion 4. Consumer Protection 5. E-Commerce 6. Capital and
COMMERCIAL Revenue Expenditure / Income 7. Fundamental Concepts of Cost 8. Budgeting
STUDIES 9. Sources of Finance 10. Recruitment, Selection and Training 11. Industrial Relations, Trade
Union and Social Security 12. Logistics and Insurance
2 TERM: 1. Final Accounts of a Sole Proprietorship 2. Banking 3. Striving for a Better
NOTE: Entire Syllabus in Prelims & Project 2 (VIVA)

PROJECT I : Meaning and Functions of Money

1 TERM: 1. Factors of Production 2. Elementary Theory of Demand 3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Theory of Supply 5. Meaning and Scope of Public Finance 6. Public Revenue 7. Public
Expenditure 8. Public Debt 9. Meaning and Functions of Money 10. Inflation 11. Commercial
2 TERM: 1. Factors of Production 2. Elementary Theory of Demand 3. Elasticity of Demand
4. Theory of Supply 5. Meaning and Scope of Public Finance 6. Public Revenue 7. Public
Expenditure 8. Public Debt 9. Meaning and Functions of Money 10. Inflation 11. Commercial
Bank 12. Central Banking 13. Consumer Awareness
NOTE: Entire syllabus to be included in Prelims & Project 2.

Half Yearly:

1st Assessment written (Project-1)

2nd Assessment written & Oral (Project-2)
HINDI 1st Assessment

2nd Assessment

Oral 2nd project

NOTE:- Two Craft items and all the project files to be submitted by 20 July, 2018, failing which the students will be
given zero.
CLASS -11 Syllabus for the Year 2018 - 2019
Half Yearly & Final Examination: Essay Writing -(Composition) – Descriptive, Narrative, Argumentative, Expository,
Reflective, Short Story.
Directed Writing- Article writing, book, film, cultural programme review, speech writing, report writing, personal profile,
Proposal Writing- based on a given situation or purpose.
Grammar- Transformation of sentences, Prepositions, Tenses and Verbs, Subject – Verb agreement, Phrasal verbs,
Voice change, Direct/ Indirect Speech, Synthesis of sentences.
Comprehension passages – similar words, sentence making, answering questions, point – making, summary writing.
1- Unit Test- Comprehension Passages &, Directed (Report) writing.
2- Unit Test- Comprehension Passages & Proposal Writing.
st nd
NOTE: The entire syllabus is included in the 1 & 2 Term Exams.
ENGLISH Literature:
1 -Unit Test :
Candida: Act- I(Drama), 1)The Darkling Thrush (Poem) , 1)Salvatore (Short Story)
Half Yearly Examination:
Candida: Act –I(Drama) , (Poems) 1)The Darkling Thrush, 4)The Gift of India, 2)Birches,(Short Stories): i)Salvatore,
2)Fritz, 3)Quality
2- Unit Test:
Candida: Act –II(Drama), (Poem) 3)The Dolphins, (Story Story) 6)The Chinese Statue
Final Examination:
Candida: Acts I and II(Drama), Poems: 3)The Dolphins, 5) Crossing the Bar, 7) Desiderata., Short Stories: 5)The Story
of an Hour, 4) To Build a Fire. 6)The Chinese Statue.
NOTE: Candida Act I & II as well as all the Half Yearly chapters will be included in the Final Examination.
1- Unit Test: 1. Complex Numbers 2. Quadratic Equations 3. Inequalities
1- Term: 1.Sets 2.Relations and Functions 3.Angles and Arc Lengths 4. Trigonometrical Functions 5. Trigonometric
Equations 6. Compound and Multiple Angles 7. Properties of triangles 8. Complex Numbers 9. Quadratic Equations
10. Inequalities 11. Parobola 12. Ellipse 13. Hyperbola 14. Statistics (Continued from ch. 30) 15. Correlation Analysis
16. Index Numbers and Moving Averages.
2- Unit Test: 1. Binomial Theorem 2.Sequence and Series 3. Differentiation
2-Term: 4. Mathematical Induction 1. Permutations and Combinations. 2. Binomial Theorem 3.Sequence and Series
5. Basic concept of points and their Co-ordinates 6. The Straight line 7.Circles 8. Limits 9.Differentiation 10. Measures
of Central Tendency 11.Measures of Dispersion 12. Probability 13. Points and their Co-ordinates in 3 Dimensions
14. Moving Average.
NOTE: Full year course in Final Exam
1-Term: 1. Number system & Conversions 2. Binary calculations 3. Programming based on 2-D Array 4. Data
structure -1 – Stack & Queue 5. Introduction of propositional Logic 6. Boolean Laws 7. Evaluation of Boolean
expressions 8. Programming based on methods.
Practical Exam – 1: 1. Program based on 2-D Array
2-Term: Boolean Algebra 2. Computer hardware- Logic gates, Adders, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer.
Practical Exam-2: 1. Program based on method.
NOTE: Practical Exams will be held before half yearly and final exams also.
Final examination question paper will include whole year syllabus.
Project and Test-1: Ch-1 Physical World Ch-2 Units and measurement , Error Analysis Ch-3. Dimensional Analysis,
Ch-4 Motion in a straight Line Ch-5 Motion in a plane Ch-7 Friction.
Half Yearly Exam: Ch-1 Physical World Ch-2 Units and measurement, Error Analysis Ch-3 Dimensional Analysis,
Ch-4 Motion in a straight line Ch-5 Motion in a plane Ch-7 Friction Ch-13 Elasticity Ch-14 Fluid Pressure Ch-15 Flow
of Liquids Ch-16 Surface Tension Ch-25 Waves Ch-26 Wave Motion Ch-27 Superposition of waves-1 Interference and
beats Ch-28 Superposition of wave-2 Standing waves vibration of Air columns Ch-29 Vibrations of stretched strings
Ch-30 Doppler effect.
Project and Test-2 : Ch-17 Thermal Properties of matter Ch-18 Heat Transfer Ch-19 thermodynamics,
Ch-20 Isothermal and Adiabatic Process Ch-21 Heat Engine: second Law of thermodynamics Ch-24 Behaviour of
Perfect gas & kinetic theory of Gases.
Final Examination: Ch1- Ch30. (Entire Syllabus)
Project and Test-1: Ch-1. Some basic concepts of chemistry Ch-2. Structure of Atom Ch-8. Redox Reactions,
Ch-13. Hydrocarbons
Half Yearly: Ch-1. Some basic concepts of chemistry Ch-2. Structure of Atom Ch-8. Redox Reactions,
Ch-13. Hydrocarbons Ch-3. Classification of elements, Periodicity in properties Ch-4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular
Project & Test-2: Ch-5. States of Matter Ch-10. S-block elements Ch-12. Organic chemistry: some basic principles
and techniques.
Final Term: Ch-5. States of Matter Ch-10. S-block elements Ch-12. Organic chemistry: some basic principles and
techniques. Ch-6.Chemical thermodynamics Ch-7. Equilibrium Ch-9.Hydrogen Ch-11.Some p- block elements,
Ch-14. Environmental chemistry.
PROJECT WORK: Chemical equilibrium, biomolecules, electrochemical cell. Final Examination (Entire Syllabus)
Unit –I Ch.2 Systematics and five kingdoms of life Ch.3 Tools for study of Taxonomy Ch.4 kingdom Monera Ch.5
Kingdom Ch.23 Photosynthesis in higher plants Ch.26 Digestion and Absorption Ch.27 Breathing and Exchange of
Half Yearly- Ch.7 Plant kingdom Ch.9 Morphology of root, stem and leaf Ch.13 Animal Tissues Ch.15 Cell theory and
cell as a unit of life Ch.16 Cell membrane Ch.21 Transport in plants Ch.22 Mineral nutrition Ch.28 Body fluids and
circulation Ch.29 Excretory products and their elimination.
Note- In Half Yearly Exams = Unit- I + Half Yearly
Unit –II Ch.8 Animal Kingdom Ch.12 Plant Tissue-Anatomy of different parts of following plants Ch.18 Biomolecules
Ch.25 Plant growth and Development Ch.31 Neural Control and Coordination Ch.32 Chemical Coordination and
Integration Ch.19 Enzymes
Final Exams- Ch.14 Morphology and Anatomy of Cockroach Ch.20 Cell Division Ch.24 Respiration in Plants Ch.30
Locomotion and Movements Ch.6 Kingdom Fungi Ch.11 Importan families of Angiosperms Ch.10 Inflorescence, flower,
fruit and seed.
Note- In the final exams all the chapters are included from Unit Test-I, Half Yearly and Unit Test-II.
Note- Project on 1. Plant Physiology 2. Human Physiology
Project and Test-1: 1. Definition of Economics, 2. Basic concept of Economics, 3. Basic Problems of an Economy,
1- Term: 1. Definition of Economics, 2. Basic Concepts of Economics, 3. Basic Problems of an Economy 4. Types of
Economies, 5. Solution to the Basic Economic Problems under Different Economic Systems, 6. The State of Indian
Economy on the Eve of Independence, 7. Economic growth & Development, 8. Parameters (indicators) of
Development, 9.Sustainable Development, 10. Planning and Economic Development in India, 11.Structural Changes in
the Indian Economy after Liberalisation.
Project and Test-2: 1. Collection, organisation and Presentation of Data, 2. Measures of Central Value.
2- Term: 1. Definition of Economics, 2. Basic Concepts of Economics, 3. Basic Problems of an Economy
4. Types of Economies, 5. Solution to the Basic Economic Problems under Different Economic Systems, 6. The State of
Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence, 7. Economic Growth & Development, 8. Parameters (indicators) of
Development, 9.Sustainable Development, 10. Planning and Economic Development in India, 11.Structural Changes in
the Indian Economy after Liberalisation.12. Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data, 13. Measures of Central
Value. 14. Definition, Scope, Importance & Limitations of Statistics, 15. Measure of Dispersion, 16. Correlation,
17. Index Numbers, 18. The Problem of Poverty in India, 19. Profile of Indian Agriculture/ Rural Development,
20. Human capital formation in India, 21. Employment and Unemployment in India –Problems and Policies.
22. Comparitive study of Indian and Chinese Economies,
NOTE: 1 Term course is included in Final Examination.
Unit Test 1 :

1st Term :

Unit Test 2 :

2nd Term :

Project and Test-1: 1. Meaning and objectives of Accounting 2. Books of Original Entry : Journal 3. Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles.
1- Term: 1. Accounting Equation 2. Basic Accounting Terms 3. Accounting Standards and IFRS 4.Ledger 5.Trial
Balance 6. Bases of Accounting 7. Double Entry System 8. Provision & Reserve 9. Bills of Exchange.
Project and Test-2: 1. Cash Book, 2. Special purpose subsidiary books, 3.Bank Reconciliation Statement, 4. Errors &
rectification, 5. Capital& Reserve
2- Term: 1. Depreciation 2.Final Accounts - without adjustments 3. Final Accounts- with adjustments,
4. Accounts for incomplete records 5. Accounts of not for profit organisation 6. Introduction to the use of computers in
Accounting 7. Computerised Accounting System
NOTE: Full course in final examination.
Project and Test-1: Classification of Human Activities, Nature & Objectives of Business, Classification of Business
Activities, Introduction to business organisation, Sole Trader
1- Term: Partnership, Joint Stock Company, Types of Companies, Formation of Company, Public Enterprises, Public
Utilities and Public Private Partnership, Cooperative organisation, Social responsibilities of Business and Business
ethics, E-business and outsourcing, Stock Exchange
Project and Test-2: Wholesale Trade, Retail Trade, Procedure and documents used in home trade, Chamber of
2- Term: Nature and scope of foreign trade, Export Trade, Import Trade, W.T.O., Business risk & insurance, Types of
NOTE: Full course in Final Examination.
NOTE : Two Craft items and all the project files are to be submitted by 20 July, 2018, failing which the students will be
given zero.
CLASS -12 Syllabus for the Year 2018 - 2019
ENGLISH Essay writing: Descriptive, Narrative, Argumentative, Expository, Reflective, Picture
LANGUAGE Composition, Short story.
Directed writing: Article writing, Book / Film /cultural programme review, Speech writing, Report
writing, Personal profile.
Proposal writing: Based on a given situation or purpose.
Grammar: Transformation of Sentences, Prepositions, Tenses and Verbs, Subject - Verb
agreement, Phrasal Verbs, Voice change, Direct / Indirect Speech, Synthesis of Sentences.
Comprehension Passages: Similar words, sentence making, answering questions, point- making,
summary writing.
Practise of past I.S.C. question papers & Test papers.
st nd
NOTE: The entire syllabus is included in the 1 & 2 Term Exams.
ENGLISH Half Yearly & Final (Prelims) Examination: Candida- Acts I, II and III. Short Stories- Ch- 1 to
Literature 10
Poetry- Ch- 1 to 10.
MATHS 1- Term: 1. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 2. Matrices 3. Determinant 4.Vectors
5.Application of Calculus in Commerse 6. Three Dimensional Geometry 7. The Plane 8.Linear
9. Continuity and Differentiability of functions 10. Differentiation 11. Indeterminate forms of limits
12. Mean Value Theorem 13. Application of Derivatives 14. Maxima Minima 15. Indefinite
Integral-1 16. Indefinite Integral-2 17. Indefinite Integral-3 18. Definite Integral.
II-Term: 1. Application of Integrals (Area of curve) 2. Differential Equation 3.Probability 4.
Baye’s Theorem 5. Theoretical Probability Distribution 6. Linear Programming 7.Relations 8.
Functions 9. Binary Operations.
NOTE: Prelims: Entire Syllabus
COMPUTER 1-Term:1. String Programming based on method. 2. Data structure- (i) Linked List (ii) Binary tree
SCIENCE 3. Boolean Algebra 4. Class used as defined function & Constructor 5. Advance Java
Programming, 6. Inheritence 7. Polymorphism 8. Computational Complexity and Big- O notation.
NOTE: Half yearly and Prelim Exam question paper will include the entire syllabus of class
XI and XII as per council’s pattern.
NOTE: Practical exams will be held twice during the session.
PHYSICS Term -1 :Ch-1 Electric Charges and fields Ch-2 Gauss Theorem Ch-3 Electric Potential and
Potential Energy Ch-4 Capacitors and Dielectrics Ch-5 Electric resistance and ohm’s Law Ch-6
DC circuit and measurements Ch-7 Moving charges and magnetic Ch-8 Torque on a current loop,
Ch-9 magnetic field and Earth magnetism Ch-10 Magnetic classification of substances Ch-11
Electromagnetic Induction Ch-12 Alternating current Ch-13 Electromagnetic waves Ch-14
Spherical mirror Ch-15 Refraction of Light at Plane interface Ch-16 Refraction of Light at spherical
surface Ch-17 Refraction and Dispersion of Light Ch-18 Optical Instruments Ch-19 Wave Nature
of Light Huygen’s Principle Ch-20 Interference of Light Ch-21 Diffraction of Light Ch-22 Polarisation
of Light Ch-23 Photo electric effect Ch24 Matter Waves Ch-25 X-rays,
Ch-35 Communication system.
Term-2 : Ch-26 Atom, origin of spectra: Bohr’s theory of Hydrogen Atom Ch-27 Nuclear Structure,
Ch-28 Radioactivity Ch-29 Mass Energy equivalence: Nuclear Binding energy Ch-30 Nuclear
Fission and Nuclear fusion: Source of energy Ch-31 Semiconductor electronics Ch-32 Junction
Diodes Ch-33 Junction Transistors Ch-34 Logic Gates.
Final Examination:(Preliminary Exam)- Ch1- Ch35.(Entire Syllabus)
CHEMISTRY First-Term- Ch-1 Solid State Ch-2 Solutions Ch-3 Electrochemistry Ch-6 General Principles And
Process of Isolation of Elements Ch-7 P-Block Elements Ch-10 Haloalkanes And Haloalkenes,
Ch-11 Alcohols, Phenols And Ethers Ch-14 Biomolecules Ch-15 Polymers Ch-16 Chemistry in
Everyday Life,
Term -2 - Ch-4 Chemicals Kinetics Ch-5 Surface Chemistry Ch-8 d- and f- block Elements,
Ch-9 Co-ordination Compounds Ch-12 Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids Ch-13 Organic
Compound Containing Nitrogen
Project- Polymers, Biomolecules, Chemical Bonding, thermodynamics.
NOTE: Entire syllabus will be included in the Prelims.
BIOLOGY Term-I: Ch-1 Reproduction in Organisms Ch-2 Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
Ch-3 Human reproduction Ch-4 Reproductive Health Ch-5 Elements of Heredity and Variation
Ch-6 Genes and Chromosomes Ch-7 Mutations Ch-8 Genetic material, Genetic code and Protein
synthesis Ch-9 Gene expression and its regulation Ch-10 Origin of Life,
Ch-11 Evidences of biological evolution Ch-12 Theories and Mechanism of evolution
Ch-13 Human evolution Ch-14 Basic concept of Immunology Ch-15 Common Human Diseases,
Ch-16 Adolescence: Drug and alcohol abuse Ch-17 Improvement in food production Ch-18
Apiculture and Animal Husbandry,
Term 2: Ch-1 Microbes in Human welfare Ch-2 Principles and process of Biotechnology Ch-3
Biotechnology and its applications Ch-4 Biosafety issues
Ch-5 Organisms and their environment Ch-6 Population interactions Ch-7Concept of population
growth Ch-8 ecosystem Ch-9 Biodiversity and its conservation Ch-10 Environmental Issues
NOTE: Entire syllabus will be included in the Prelims.
PROJECT WORK: Biodiversity and its conservation, Biotechnology and its applications,
Microbes in human welfare.
ECONOMICS 1- Term: 1. Demand and Law of Demand 2. Theory of Consumer Behaviour 3. Elasticity of
Demand 4. Supply: Law of Supply and Price Elasticity of supply 5. Market Mechanism 6.Laws of
Returns- Returns to a Factor and Returns to Scale 7. Cost and Revenue Analysis 8. Forms of
Market 9. Producer’s Equilibrium 10.Determination of Equilibrium Price and Output under Perfect
Competition 11. Theory of Income and Employment 12. Money: Meaning and Functions 13.Banks:
Commercial Bank and Central Bank.
Project Topic: 1. Money- Meaning & Functions 2. Commercial banks.
NOTE: Project files to be submitted by 20 July, 2018.
NOTE: VIVA (20 marks)
2- Term:1.Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate 2. Fiscal Policy 3. Government Budget
4. National Income & Circular Flow of Income 5. National Income Aggregates 6. Methods of
measuring National Income.
NOTE: Entire syllabus included in Prelims and Viva.

HINDI Half Yearly Exam :

ACCOUNTANCY 1- Term: Accounting for Partnership firms (fundamentals), Goodwill concept and valuation,
Admission of a partner, Retirement or death of a partner, Dissolution of partnership firm, Company
Accounts - Issue of Shares (till topic - forfeiture of shares issued at par)
Project Topic: 1. Partnership, 2. Cash Flow Statement.
NOTE: Project files to be submitted by 20 July, 2018.
NOTE: VIVA (20 marks)
2- Term: Company Accounts -Issue of Shares (from forfeiture of shares issued at premium to end
of chapter), Company Accounts -Issue of Debentures, Company Accounts -Redemption of
Debentures, Financial Statements of Companies, Tools for Financial Analysis : Comparative
Statements, Common Size Statements, Cash Flow Statement, Ratio Analysis
NOTE: Entire syllabus included in Prelims and Viva.
COMMERCE 1- Term: Business Environment, Capital -Fixed and working, Sources of finance for Joint Stock
Company, Banking -Latest trends, Management- Meaning, nature & importance, Principles of
Management, Functions of Management & Coordination, Planning, Organising, Staffing
Project Topic: 1. Procedure to open saving bank A/C in Commercial Bank 2. Recruitment &
NOTE: Project files to be submitted by 20 July, 2018.
2- Term: Directing, Controlling, Marketing - Concept & functions, Marketing Mix, Consumer
NOTE: Entire syllabus included in Prelims and Viva.
NOTE Two Craft items and all the project files are to be submitted by 20 ,July, 2018, failing which the
students will be given zero.

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