Maximum Mark: 50: University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Checkpoint
Maximum Mark: 50: University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Checkpoint
Maximum Mark: 50: University of Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Checkpoint
Cambridge Checkpoint
ENGLISH 1111/02
Paper 2 For Examination from 2012
1 hour 10 minutes
Section A: Reading
Question 1
(a) 1 Will
Total 2
Question 2
Phrase Quotation
He enjoys reading. ‘Will put aside his book’ The mark for Phrase
can be awarded
He is thoughtful / ‘Will put aside his book’ even if the
sensitive to others’ ‘Will paused, frowning’ Quotation is missing
feelings / atmospheres. ‘‘Hey’, Will said, disturbed.’ or incorrect.
‘He pulled up his legs to make room.’
‘It would have been too much like a The mark for
reminder.’ Quotation cannot be
awarded if it does
He has a good ‘they scuffled together, grinning,’ not match the
2 relationship with his Phrase given.
brother James.
Total 2
Question 3
Total 2
Question 4
Total 2
Question 5
Total 2
Question 6
Total 3
Question 7
Total 3
Question 8
Total 4
The atmosphere and Ideas are organised Fluent, wide range of Uses a range of Vocabulary is Virtual correctness
setting are clearly into a planned and sentence structures, punctuation correctly adventurous, precise over a range of
changed by the coherent story, some used for effect. and with confidence. and used effectively vocabulary used
weather. including an effective to create a strong including more
opening and Some control of Secure use of image. complex and difficult
Character satisfying conclusion. complex sentences commas to mark words.
development is more and the position of clauses.
complex and Well crafted clauses to focus
believable. paragraphs contribute attention
to controlling the pace
The reader’s of the story.
response to different
parts of the story is
well controlled.
6/7 5 5 5 4 4
The changes in Ideas are developed Uses a wide range of Uses full stops Some evidence of an A few spelling errors,
setting and from a sensible sentence structures correctly. Some range emerging vocabulary mostly of more
atmosphere are not opening but may not with some of punctuation as and efficiency in the difficult words.
always convincing but reach an effective confidence. needed, used choice of words to
do evoke a response conclusion. correctly. convey detail.
from the reader.
Within paragraphs, General range limited.
Development of the sequences of events
character[s] is shown are developed around
through actions and a main sentence or
reactions. theme.
4/5 4 4 4 3 3
A plain story which The opening, Limited or partially A number of errors Vocabulary generally A number of errors
focuses on either development and effective use of including occasional used accurately; OR spells a simple
character or action conclusion of the complex structures. full stop (evidence of consists of vocabulary correctly.
but has little sense of story are logically Mostly simple or comma splicing). straightforward words
atmosphere. related and mostly compound structures with occasional
well paced. based on a variety of evidence of careful
Some awareness of connectives including choice.
audience Paragraphs are used –and, but, so,
but are not because
consistently helpful.
2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2 2
The story has an Ideas are grouped Sentence structure Sentences rarely Uses a simple Many errors including
attempt at a simple together, although often grammatically correctly marked. vocabulary accurately a range of simple
plot with some paragraphs may not incorrect. Generally a very but may make errors words.
reference to weather be shown. erratic use of over more complex
conditions. punctuation marks. words.
There is an
occasional awareness
of audience.
1 1 1 1 1 1